I have to admit, I always considered Rush Limbaugh to be somewhat of a joke. A blowhard and entertainer who mastered the art of political entertainment. I know he has his loyal devotees, but I always thought those people were on the fringes of society to begin with. Most people, I thought, just listened to him to be entertained and to enjoy his truculent exchanges with his political foes.
But now.....I don't know Rush, if this is all a game for you, maybe it's time you came clean. Hell you made enough money. Just go on down to DR and have fun with your under aged friends (allegedly, supposedly, and all that stuff) and call it a day. I mean this is getting dangerous.
I think you have fired up the base enough. To them, this is not just entertainment and political theater. To them, this is about the Kenyan and his ultra liberal buddies taking their beloved country. Rush, I don't think they can tell the difference between reality and entertainment, but I think you already know that.
Even for you, the Nazi stuff was over the top. You and Beck with all this Nazi talk is starting to scare us normal thinking folks. ("Killing the elderly and the newborn"? Are you serious?) Quite a few of the people on the right side of the political spectrum are just looking for the slightest reason to snap, and the events of the last few days have convinced me that it doesn't take too much to send them over the edge. But I am starting to think that Rush knows that, too.
Rush went as far as to compare the Obama health care logo to a Nazi symbol, and he suggested that it was intentional.
Don't laugh. This is how Rush compares the dems to Nazis:
"Well, the Nazis were against big business -- they hated big business. And of course we all know that they were opposed to Jewish capitalism. They were insanely, irrationally against pollution. They were for two years mandatory voluntary service to Germany. They had a whole bunch of make-work projects to keep people working, one of which was the Autobahn. They were against cruelty and vivisection of animals, but in the radical sense of devaluing human life, they banned smoking. They were totally against that. They were for abortion and euthanasia of the undesirables, as we all know, and they were for cradle-to-grave nationalized healthcare."
How can lunatics on the right ignore these dog whistles? They can't. And I am starting to believe that Rush and company doesn't want them to. All this can't be just about health insurance reform? I wonder what it could be? Hmmmmmmmm.
Seriously folks, I wonder if Rush and company realize that the product of Kanya (That's Kansas and Kenya, get it?) is receiving up to 30 death threats a day now? That's up almost 400% from previous presidents.
Ahh what was I thinking? Of course he does.
field--anything happens to Obama and all fucking HELL will break loose. I'm dead serious. I can't even imagine how lost we would be, then.
I know I can't put my head in the sand but I don't even want to think about this. For the first time, you've really scared me. I don't feel so well.
I'm with RT on this one. All hell will break loose if something happens to Obama.
Did you see what happened in Tampa? Check out Talking Points Memo's front page. It's become violent.
I do believe Limbaugh, Beck and other know just what they are doing. Their words are like bullets. They should be arrested and charged for provoking a riot. They are dangerous instigators and bullies.
By using the swatiska it creates more hatred and paranoia among the masses.
I do pray the Lord keeps Pres. Obama safe.
Field, great post, but I think Mr. Limbaugh is well beyond "dog whistles"...
[quote]To them, this is about the Kenyan and his ultra liberal buddies taking their beloved country. [/quote]
Filled Negro:
You are one interesting dude, to say the least.
How is this "All About The Black Guy" on this issue (and taxes) yet we don't have any more Anti-Bush-War Protests, DESPITE the two wars still continuing?
Here is what is happening in the wake of the Anti-America American left having ended their protests:
Where is the consistency of the claims about your "humanitarianism"?
Here is what I don't understand about you and others, Filled Negro. During the past 50 years you all took over the cities, unifying your LABOR POWER with your POLITICAL POWER. You took over the schools, promising better education now that people who "care" (or is the new word EMPATHY?) took over.
Fast forward and we see dysfunctional cities where the PROMISES about the glories of Progressivism and Quasi-Socialism ran aground.
Ironically, after having failed to deliver per your control over these places - now YOU ARE seeking to EXPAND to the National Level.
You see, Filled Negro - I knew that this was OBAMA. This is why I not only "DID NOT" vote for him but "COULD NOT VOTE FOR HIM". Obama is at the national level the instantiation of what has destroyed the economic and social order at the LOCAL LEVEL.
It is PERVERSE OF YOU TO FOCUS on the protesters; claiming that THEY FEAR that OBAMA IS GOING TO "take their country."
Filled Negro beyond the slimy scales on your back as a defense attorney has to be a rational mind. Let is SHIFT THE ARGUMENT and put YOU ON TRIAL.
The question YOU need to be asking is: "After observing the results of your machine at the LOCAL LEVEL in the places you have most power......WHO IN THEIR RIGHT DAMNED MIND would yield their care to YOUR style of economics, academics, social order and civil libertarianism?
Most movements build upon their LOCAL SUCCESS and then grow, convincing people via their EFFECTIVENESS that their way is better.
The Progressive-Fundamentalist, instead grows via attrition. They exploit PEOPLE'S GRIEVANCES. They make promises about the post-dated check that ultimately bounces when the day comes where it must be chased.
Is it Philly?
Is it Baltimore?
Is it Newark?
Is it Camden?
Is it DC?
Is it Rochester?
Is it Buffalo?
Is it New Haven?
Is it Milwaukee?
Is it Cleveland?
Is it Akron?
Is it Cincinnati?
Is it Detroit?
Is it Flint?
Is it Chicago?
Is it Memphis?
Is it East St Louis?
Is it Atlanta?
Is it Miami?
Where is this fantasy land upon which YOUR FORCES hope to get the golden rings upon their ultimate victory over the evil conservatives? Those same forces who LEAVE YOU ALL BY YOUR DAMNED SELF for you to PROSPER and yet YOU FOLLOW AFTER THEM, seeking to take over THEIR SPACE as a means of securing YOUR OWN standard of living?
Progressivism is NOT ORGANIC.
It is PARASITIC, Filled Negro.
You don't BUILD UP STRONG AND INDEPENDENT PEOPLE via building up their culture. You build up STRONG CENTRAL GOVERNMENTS with the hope that IT WILL distribute entitlement to the Serfs that increasingly look that way, after their character of independence is destroyed.
These people who are protesting are protesting against YOUR PERVERTED THOUGHTS. They are like those in the Zombie movies seeking to avoid YOUR BITE, lest they become one of you.
I have just one question, Filled Negro?
Aside from the PROGRESSIVE TAKING OF LAND.....WHERE IS THE PROGRESS FOR THE PEOPLE that you can point to that was:
*Did not violate the ECONOMIC RIGHTS and INDEPENDENCE of those who lived within?
[quote]Seriously folks, I wonder if Rush and company realize that the product of Kanya (That's Kansas and Kenya, get it?) is receiving up to 30 death threats a day now? That's up almost 400% from previous presidents. [/quote]
Filled Negro:
We are to look past A GENRE OF MUSIC which EXPLICITLY articulates:
* The lyricist threats to KILL ANY BLACK MAN who dares step to him, shooting him with his GAT. (See here: Top 6 RAP GROUP/GANG:
* Call Black Women out of their names as they make the case that they like money and materialism to get them into the bed.
YET, Filled Negro wants us to believe that RUSH LIMBAUGH is provoking people to KILL VIA HIS WORDS.
Filled Negro - I have NEVER heard any news reports of DRIVE BY KILLERS who had executed their Pirate attack and then later stopped by the police only to find a CD CHANGER FULL OF "Rush Limbaugh's Greatest Hits".
I HAVE SEEN plenty of them with a car blasting HIP HOP MUSIC!!!!
Filled Negro I realize that your antics plays well among your fans. At this point you are crossing the line in that you can't even be INTELLECTUALLY HONEST.
You have a FREAKING MURDER COUNT for Philly on your "Right Side Strip Of Shame" and yet you want your peeps to focus on the WORDS OF RUSH LIMBAUGH but not the Drug Thug Rappers who young Black people ACTUALLY LISTEN TO?
Find me an inner city 17 year old that listens to Rush Limbaugh and is carrying out the murder and mayhem?
You are a sellout to your ideology and your partisan loyalties.
This is your damned problem.
You haven't said a word about racist instigators who could possibly start a racial war...who are advocating assassination of our President.
Why do you remain silent and oblivious to that?
Typo to "CT"...I meant "CF".
It's amazing. The fellowship of the whiners are getting relentless. Do these people realize they are following Jaba the hut?? Their racism and hatred leads them blind.
They won't stop until... I don't even want to think about it. Yeah, I doubt history has ever seen such hatred and venom directed towards any other President.
Anyhooo.... stepping away from the unamed crazy.......
The fact is the majority of the people in this country wants health care reform. I was pleased to read today that the Unions are organizing to challenge the crazies at all future town meetings. I live in a Union city and when the Unions get together here to challenge something... well all I can say is.. Crazies better watch their asses cuz the Unions DO NOT PLAY!!!
All I can say is I am popping the pop corn as I write cuz I can't wait to see that show!
Lets see field.Wednesday's ratings show Glenn Beck got better demo ratings than Wolf,Chris,and HLN prime combined.
Also glenn had no problems getting more sponsers.
So ya'll is nazi like tactics ain't workin'.
Maybe the Rev Al can take a bus full of paid protesters FOX NEWS studios.That work so well the last time that was tried.
Oh, Rush, Rush, Rush,
Although there were socialistic nazis who hated big business, Hitler was not one of them. When he came to power he largely left the business community alone. In fact, big business found it could make tons of money help building the Nazi war machine, and later the gas chambers.
The Nazi regime transferred public ownership and public services to the private sector. In doing so, they went against the mainstream trends in the Western capitalist countries, none of which systematically reprivatized firms during the 1930s. Privatization in Nazi Germany was also unique in transferring to private hands the delivery of public services previously provided by government.
The Nazis did build the Autobahn yes, but a Republican (Eisenhower) built the American freeway system. Th Soviet Union had universal healthcare as well... and I thought they just were calling Obama a socialist/communist? You can't have it both ways.
Jody said...
Anyhooo.... stepping away from the unamed crazy.......
The fact is the majority of the people in this country wants health care reform. I was pleased to read today that the Unions are organizing to challenge the crazies at all future town meetings. I live in a Union city and when the Unions get together here to challenge something... well all I can say is.. Crazies better watch their asses cuz the Unions DO NOT PLAY!!!
The Democrats are calling on Union thugs to come and beat up people who demand that Democrats read and understand the bills they sign?
Who are the Democrats gonna call next ?? The KKK???
Will ya'll be calling Senator Robert Byrd and Senator Ernest Hollings back to service? Ya'll negros better watch!!
I would be willing to wager that most of the Rush/ Beck followers are Southern Whites over 50. If so that says a lot about what their gripe really is and it 'ain't' taxes, birth certificates nor health-care for the masses.
"I live in a Union city and when the Unions get together here to challenge something... well all I can say is.. Crazies better watch their asses cuz the Unions DO NOT PLAY!!!"
Jody, please tell me that it is true. That the unions are going to go against those screaming swastika totin racists!
Please say it is so.
Mr.R. said:
"The Democrats are calling on Union thugs to come and beat up people who demand that Democrats read and understand the bills they sign?"
Bullshit. The SELF AVOWED GOAL of those disrupting these town hall meetings is to disrupt them And the Democrats didn't call for anything. The callout came from the Unions cuz you see Mr. R. there are alot of folks who think a townhall meeting should be a place where EVERYONE has a say....
I know that the righties aren't used to this because when your boy was in power, NO OPPOSITION WAS EVER ALLOWED IN THE SAME ROOM.
Monie said...
I would be willing to wager that most of the Rush/ Beck followers are Southern Whites over 50. If
how much are you willing to wager??I would love to take your money.
Anon... article about the Unions here:
Unions To Take On Conservative Groups Health Care Town Halls
The nation's largest federation of labor organizations has promised to directly engage with boisterous conservative protesters at Democratic town halls during the August recess.
In a memo sent out on Thursday, AFL-CIO President John Sweeney outlined the blueprint for how the union conglomerate would step up recess activities on health care reform and other topics pertinent to the labor community. The document makes clear that Obama allies view the town hall forums as ground zero of the health care debate. It also uses the specter of the infamous 2000 recount "Brooks Brothers" protest to rally its members to the administration's side.
"The principal battleground in the campaign will be town hall meetings and other gatherings with members of Congress in their home districts," reads the memo. "We want your help to organize major union participation to counter the right-wing "Tea-Party Patriots" who will try to disrupt those meetings, as they've been trying to do to meetings for the last month. ...
(Remember the hooligans - many of them Republican Congressional staff - who harassed Florida vote counters in 2000? We can't let that happen again!)."
A showdown between unions and grassroots conservative organizations could make for an August full of fireworks, with even more dysfunctional town hall meetings. The AFL-CIO is planning to target 50 "high priority districts," in addition to organizing telephone town hall gatherings.
But while the union conglomerate seems poised to flex its political muscle on Obama's behalf, it may find some friction on the policy front. Detailed in Sweeney's memo are certain legislative priorities that are clearly at odds with what seems likely to be produced in the Senate Finance Committee's compromise bill.
Sweeney describes it as a "requirement that ALL employers 'pay or play,'" that the final bill have "a robust public health insurance plan to compete with private insurers and drive down health costs," and that the legislation contain "relief for company/union funds providing pre-Medicare retiree coverage, and no taxation of health benefits!"
The AFL-CIO also promises to "Redouble our efforts on Capitol Hill against taxation of benefits OF ANY KIND, for including ALL businesses in the requirement to provide coverage, and for a robust public health insurance plan option."
According to reports on Thursday, the Senate Finance Committee is considering compromise legislation that will contain no public option for insurance and would tax health-care benefits of the most generous plans.
UPDATE: AFL-CIO Secretary Treasurer Richard Trumka sends out a scathing statement about the town halls, hitting on Sweeney's themes and calling the events corporate funded.
Every American has the inalienable right to participate in our democratic process. Our politics is passionate, heartfelt and often loud -- as was the founding of our nation. But that is not what the corporate-funded mobs are engaging in when they show up to disrupt town halls held by members of Congress.
Major health care reform is closer than ever to passage and it is no secret that special interests want to weaken or block it. These mobs are not there to participate. As their own strategy memo states, they have been sent by their corporate and lobbyist bankrollers to disrupt, heckle and block meaningful debate. This is a desperation move, meant to slow the momentum for change.
Mob rule is not democracy. People have a democratic right to express themselves and our elected leaders have a right to hear from their constituents -- not organized thugs whose sole purpose is to shut down the conversation and attempt to scare our leaders into inaction
We call on the insurance companies, the lobbyists and the Republican leaders who are cheering them on to halt these 'Brooks Brothers Riot' tactics. Health care is a crucial issue and everyone - on all sides of the issue - deserves to be heard.
Jody said...
Mr.R. said:
"The Democrats are calling on Union thugs to come and beat up people who demand that Democrats read and understand the bills they sign?"
Bullshit. The SELF AVOWED GOAL of those disrupting these town hall meetings is to disrupt them And the Democrats didn't call for anything. The callout came from the Unions cuz you see Mr. R. there are alot of folks who think a townhall meeting should be a place where EVERYONE has a say....
The unions are going to use their "Sopranos" like tatics to scare people who want to have a voice.
Field I post here all the time, and l am glad to see all of this RACIST stuff coming to the forefront, it need's too!
We all knew this was not about the Health Care Bill! as African American's we should know by now, how RACISM look's! and if we don't, we better LEARN and learn fast!
Now my job is to WATCH and PRAY!! so I knew this stuff was going to happpen! sorry but, I am not SHOCKED!!
field why not show all the face's of BLACK CONSERVATIVE'S/ they are all on TV in agreement with those so called Protester's/ no, these people are a pack of WOLVE'S going after their Prey!! and the Prey is the President!
Race Traitoress, the President is not our Savior, he is not Jesus, but he doe's walk in the attribute's of Christ, so we need to look at him as a mere Man, he is doing the best he can as a man!
Now I am not Preaching but, I can say that, I have witnessed the hand of God on the President's life! each time the Adversary think's he has a grip on the President, God will bring him out another way!
Those older White Racist need to get somewhere and sit down!!! before God take away their income and they in up in a SHELTER or on the STREET'S!!
I am going to stay on the topic at hand. Field brings up a value point in his post. This is not about healthcare with the protesters, it is more about them unwilling accept that Obama is president and a black man. The birthers with not being "one of us", or the deathers with the government to kill grandma and grandpa, adding sex change and abortions to healthcare reform. These people are threatened that the dynamics of the country is changing and it is leaving them behind before ever really becoming a part of it.
I am not shocked by this happening from the documentary America Right Wronged, but here is the irony, these people are not in a position of power and being led by the nose of those who are, and those of the power that are not going to give minions anything or if they do it will not amount to anything. The minions do not understand that will always be the low man on the totem pole, and do not even realize it.
Amen Prophetess Wallace!
Preach it! BTW, I've been trying to get in touch with you to give you my phone number.
Of course field fails to mention Democrats have beeen calling Bush a nazi and hitler for the last 8 years.
So we're just following you on the left.
Hennasplace, I will put my jugular at risk by saying, I don't agree with any type of "handout" for sex change coverage (no I'm not homophobic). I could more understand Gastro bypass, organ transplants etc.. Those are more life threatening, and they more call for urgency.
ok.. back to the topic.
"I would be willing to wager that most of the Rush/ Beck followers are Southern Whites over 50."
Well...there is the [un]Consrtructive One. I don't think he fits the bill. Or maybe he does, I never met the guy.
"Those same forces who LEAVE YOU ALL BY YOUR DAMNED SELF for you to PROSPER and yet YOU FOLLOW AFTER THEM, seeking to take over THEIR SPACE as a means of securing YOUR OWN standard of living?"'
That quote says all we need to know about you [un]constructive...I don't know about you, but am not chasing a damn thing. I am not trying to take "their space" (Is that the WSZ?) My standard of living is just fine thank you very much.
But keep chasing, and let me know how that works out for you.
BTW, [un]constructive one, everyone of those cities you named is in these divided states of A-merry-ca. And the last time I checked,REAL money for things like schools, law enforcement, and various small business programs, comes from Washington. Care for me to remind you what your party has done with billions of billions of dollars over the past eight years? I will tell you: Protect us from a false enemy. Yes, the former dictator with the bushy (no pun intended) mustache. Can you imagine what all that money could have done for those cities you mentioned [un]constructive one? It might have even gotten one of those young black men you despise so much a decent union paying job. It could have been one less for my Killadelphia murder count.
Anyway, carry on. Sorry to let the facts get in the way of your rant.
Jody, you are right, most A-merry-cans do want health insurance reform. MOST A-merry-cans. The ones that don't want it already have a pretty good health plan, (or so they think)we will see.
I kinda feel sorry for Obama. If anything happens to him all hell WILL break loose. But who profits if something happens to him? When he pledged allegiance to AIPAC, I said to myself well he has to do that. But when he began hiring (in deferrence to AIPAC) all those people who have no allegiance to this country but allegiance to another land, he was screwing himself. Goldman Sachs will do well as will the Treasury, the Fed Reserve, the czars, his cabinet, Haliburton, Cheney, etc. if something happens to Obama.
Many of those same people who Obama has put in office (for favors rendered) believe and live that eugenic shit in their motherland.
Obama should have been on his game once Rush began talking about Emmanuel's brother in Obama's ear about health for only productive people or certain people. That leaves out a lot of us black folk who have HIV, AIDS, high blood pressure, the sugar, etc.
Obama should/could have stopped all Rush's noise long time ago. Members of congress signing 1,000 plus pages without reading them was a bad move also. Anytime a lawyer signs papers and doesn't read them it's a bad sign. And Obama has signed bills that he hasn't read, but rushed through. It makes not only me but others distrust him and his handlers.
Shit I hope the tide turns for Obama. He's got too much trust in the folks around him.
"..I will put my jugular at risk by saying, I don't agree with any type of "handout" for sex change coverage (no I'm not homophobic)..."
How are sex change operations and homosexuality related? Or maybe you meant Transphobic?
Courtesy of the Comment section under Sotomeyer from the Washington Post:
itscc721 wrote:
YOU are so true. But somehow all of a sudden someone in HAWAII found what is supposed to be a valid birth certificate for his highness. ALL FO A SUDDEN POOF there it is CASE CLOSED. Now we can all relax our President is a legal citizen of this country. And if you all believe that, I have some ocean front property in KANSAS for sale cheap. This is all a cover up. The democrats have this country right where they want it, IN THE PALM OF THEIR ITCHY, GREEDY HANDS. and all you OBAMA lovers swallow it all. What a bunch of idiots you all are. You can't see the truth of it all if it bit you on the nose. We have a half BLACK half WHITE President whom everyone forgets is HALF WHITE, we now have an racist, liberal ,unfair HISPANIC WOMAN (GOD HELP US ALL) being named a SUPREME COURT JUDGE. WE a man heading the treasury who looks like a fool, talks like an idiot and forgets to pay his taxes, (YOU TRY THAT), we now have a woman head of the health and human services department who forgot to pay her taxes, I believe it was mentioned in the news that six of OBAMAS appointees just happen to forget to pay their taxes, WHAT THE HECK IS TAHT ALL ABOUT? Who is this man called OBAMA, and why does he live, love and laugh CONTROVERSY? Doesn't it make you sit back and say HUMMM????
8/6/2009 11:26:02 PM
@Jody, thank you for the information. August should be an interesting month.
rottnkid, did yoy say the Washington Post comment section?
Wow! The birther movement lives on. :)
Yep. Comment number #1,544,832. These people are nuts.
Monie, if you waited a little longer you would have observed at least one or two commenters calling me a "homophobe" just for saying that. You were too hasty. You would have had more fun correcting all of us since you want to be such a nitpicking technical Nazi.
History Dude got it right. The Nazi regime was a bonanza for German big business (& some American big business, too. Ask the Bush family).
Halliburton is practically modeled on a successful Nazi era corporation, earning huge profits by attaching itself to the government war machine & providing whatever the machine needs.
Rottnkid-"What a bunch of idiots you all are. You can't see the truth of it all if it bit you on the nose."
Did you see the truth when Bush took the country into Iraq and then spent billions upon billions?
"Who is this man called OBAMA, and why does he live, love and laugh CONTROVERSY? Doesn't it make you sit back and say HUMMM????"
Who was George Bush who laughed, stuttered, and ignored controversy? Didn't it make you wonder how he could ignore what was happening to our economy? So how can you in all humility now judge anyone, let alone Obama?
Go hang out with Bush. He'll make you feel better and increase your sense of incoherency. That should lift your depression.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Rottnkid-"What a bunch of idiots you all are. You can't see the truth of it all if it bit you on the nose."
Did you see the truth when Bush took the country into Iraq and then spent billions upon billions?
"Who is this man called OBAMA, and why does he live, love and laugh CONTROVERSY? Doesn't it make you sit back and say HUMMM????"
Who was George Bush who laughed, stuttered, and ignored controversy? Didn't it make you wonder how he could ignore what was happening to our economy? So how can you in all humility now judge anyone, let alone Obama?
Go hang out with Bush. He'll make you feel better and increase your sense of incoherency. That should lift your depression.
Please read my post again.
And after your done go to this site and watch this show.
That's where my head is at. Good night - Anonymous.
Anonymous 12:03:
Rotten did not write that piece, they were showing us what someone else wrote in the Washington post comments section.
Not only that Bob, Bush grandfather was doing a little business with the Nazi during the war. Just like their family is doing a little business in the Iraq War. Smh!
Rottnkid, I misread your comment. Please accept my apologies.
I shouldn't be mixing this wine and Jamaican beer together.
@Granny, thanks for the extra notification.
"...nitpicking technical Nazi..."
Wow. Did you and I have some sort of comment disagreement I've forgotten about or do you just throw the word Nazi around for the heck of it? Or maybe you're just a naturally angry and combative person?
There is a difference between Transgendered persons and homosexuals. Although one may be both transgendered and homosexual. So, I'm not sure how that's nitpicking?
Anyway I did not mean that question as a hostile one. As a lesbian I was simply curious why you spoke of a sex change and then mentioned homosexuality.
Sorry, I thought you were one of the safe people here. I guess I was wrong.
My apologies.
Race Traitoress, the President is not our Savior, he is not Jesus, but he doe's walk in the attribute's of Christ, so we need to look at him as a mere Man, he is doing the best he can as a man!
I know, Prophetess, that he's merely human, though I do believe that he's a particularly exceptional human.
When I said we'd be lost, I meant that the despair so many of us would feel, should anything happen to him, would be immense. He really does embody hope for many, myself included.
the Black man as the NAZI.
uh huh
My favorite political analyist. How r you? I pray that all is well with you and blessings are flowing your way. I been meaning to come visit you good folks over at your spot. I love it over there and every time I come, I feel like kicking my shoes off, and relaxing a spell.
Talk is cheap.
If we don't find a way to fight back (those forces that are seeking to destroy President Obama and his liberal agenda for this nation, including healthcare), then we needn't wail and gnash our teeth if something untoward happens to him.
Action is needed. Organization is needed. Letter writing is needed. E-mails are needed.
Do something!
We all know what will happen to this country, if something happens to President Obama.
And it ain't gonna be pretty.
Each one tell one. Each one do something, and urge others to.
C'mon folks. Make a difference! This is your country, don't let the insane asylum inmates run the asylum.
How many more wars are we going to have to fight? How long are we going to put off healthcare reform?
How long are we going to stand by and let the "crazies" set this nation's agenda?
Do something!
Amen SayItLoud! That's what I'm talking about. Enough is ENOUGH!!!!
I agree that it's worrisome, but I think this stuff will prove to be self-limiting. The general public is more stable than you think.
@rottnkid - thanks for that Paul Mooney link. I always appreciate an opportunity to further my education.
Then the general public needs to step up to the plate and put an end to the mess, before someone gets hurts. I mean what is it going to take another tragedy for the general public to say enough is enough. The whole Fox news crew and Rush should be hauled in and locked up in jail for sedition and treason. Hal Turner tried to get someone to assassinate President Obama first, and nothing was done about it. However, when he tried to get someone to assassinate a Congressman that's when they arrested him. Why is that?
People are getting violent at town hall meetings that was setup to discuss what the health care bill is all about. But these crazy folks are bringing signs that denigrate the President of the United States of America and saying that he is a nazi. Come on now! We all know what they mean by calling him a nazi.
It won't be long before the race war that they want so much breaks out. Why? Because the general public sat on their behind while Rush and Fox News pumped it up and agitated one to happen and did nothing about it.
"I know I can't put my head in the sand but I don't even want to think about this. For the first time, you've really scared me. I don't feel so well."
I hope that I am very wrong, but I have been concerned that something tragic and awful may be coming. Most Whites remain silent while racists in the media continue to push for an assassination. Why is it that Whites, Republicans and Democrats alike, remain practically mute about the daily threats on the life of the POTUS?
Have you given thought to what it might be like if Obama were assassinated?
How would you 'feel' in your 'gut' if it happened, especially if you are Black? Would you be afraid for your children's safety, especially if they attended a predominately white school? What if you lived in a predominately White community?
What would the White House, the Congress and the government become without Obama as President?
Would law enforcement across the country be more just, or unjust toward Blacks?
In racist A-merry-ca it's easier for Whites to bury their heads in the sand and hope for the best. Whites can reason that should an assassination occur, they will, in all probability, soon be over it. But Blacks won't.
Finally, this is the scariest question for me to contemplate:
How would you feel in Spirit as a human being and a Black person in America?
I see ole Beck is still at it, now he joking about poison in Pelosi's wine. Imagine that! Nothing to get excited about, I guess, they can just keep on making threats against government officials lives and the President of the United States of America and everything is just peaches and cream.
Please someone pinch me, because evidently, I'm dreaming. This can't be real. I'll say. Smh!
That ain't nothing A+, did you read my new topic over at my blog? They are pulling every low down dirty trick in the book.
A+, the assassination of the president will set back race relations in this country 200 years.
And it will bring the troops back from around the world--because blacks will burn this baby down, putting the Republic in peril.
I'm not advocating for that, mind you, I'm only reporting.
All those big mouths out there foaming at the mouth about the presence of a black man in the White House is fomenting a disaster of incredible proportions.
If you pray, pray.
If you love, love.
If you hope, hope.
But do something!
@Granny, I read your post and it was excellent. I expect that kind of political crap from the GOP. But what concerns me the most as I mentioned in my comment is that Whites, whether Dems, Repugs, Liberals, Conservatives, or anything else are not speaking out against the escalating rhetoric about an assassination.
Whites seem pretty much complacent about it all. Blacks are the ones that's most worried and frightened because it will have devastating effects on us. But It's almost as though Whites have a tacit agreement among themselves to support Rush and Glen Beck in their efforts to push for an assassination by remaining silent.
Blacks cannot counter or put an end to this alone. The main power comes with aid of Whites. So far, it is clear that Whites are not going to say or do anything to stop it.
Remember the lynchings during the Jim Crow days? Whites remained silent while the cruelist and vilest of them did the dirty work. Whites did not speak out or do anything to stop them. They just turned their heads and pretended like nothing was happening.
The White silent majority is being complicit with racists by pretending not to notice the threats on Obama. By doing so, THEY give Rush, Glen Beck, and others the support and power they need to keep hammering away in the media.
MR.R said...
Of course field fails to mention Democrats have beeen calling Bush a nazi and hitler for the last 8 years.
So we're just following you on the left.
Selective outrage from the leftwing nut jobs? Not shocking at all.Thats why most people are laughing at them.
"Then the general public needs to step up to the plate and put an end to the mess, before someone gets hurts."
I agree: that's why I'm writing to the big smelly cheese, himself.
Enough of this reasoning with the hired help, I'm going to the top.
Here' Murdock's e-mail:
It may not be viable, but it's a start.
Here's the page where I found the information.
We don't have to sit helpless by while others are busy plotting and scheming.
Do something!
[quote]You haven't said a word about racist instigators who could possibly start a racial war...who are advocating assassination of our President. [/quote]
How is a RACIAL WAR any worse than the SERIAL PIRATE ATTACKS that are taking place during this "Bloody Summer"?
When Black people are killed by a pack of Whites has a "SUPERIOR MURDER" taken place that was not the case when a Black Band Of Pirates do the same?
I am not understanding you?
I thought that FEAR was the province of the evil Republicans?
"Selective outrage from the leftwing nut jobs? Not shocking at all.Thats why most people are laughing at them."
No Anon. I think "most people" are laughing at your people.
granny, I will have to check out your post.
Say It Loud, there might be a light at the end of the tunnel. Seems Murdoch and his News Corp. group is losing a ton of $.
It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. :)
[quote]The fact is the majority of the people in this country wants health care reform.[/quote]
Hi Jody. Its me again.
When you say "Health Care Reform" - WHAT DO YOU MEAN?
I want "health care reform" as well. I DO NOT WANT - THIS TYPE OF reform that is being proposed.
If you all want "Multiple Tax Payer Paid Health Care", oh sorry "Single Payer Health Care" then I propose that this be done at the FACILITY LEVEL, not the Insurance Plan level.
Provide more funding to the existing public hospitals. Allow people to walk in and NOT worry about the bills.
LEAVE MY PRIVATE HOSPITALS ALONE along with my employee paid health care.
IF I LOSE MY COVERAGE - I will be in line with you at the Government Hospital.
[quote] I was pleased to read today that the Unions are organizing to challenge the crazies at all future town meetings.[/quote]
Jody - when you say "CHALLENGE" what do you mean?
What is the CHALLENGE?
The UNION wants TAX PAYERS to pay for health care. They see it as a RIGHT. I take it, per their logic, that our RIGHTS are now being denied.
The truth of the matter, Jody (see Incognita - I am really racking up in calling her name) what we have is that ONE GROUP wants TRANSFERENCE OF CAPITAL RESOURCES for their own benefit. The other group - who you call "crazy" doesn't want to have their aggregate resources siphoned as such.
It comes as no surprise that the UNION sees all gravy in government health care.
TELL ME THIS though Jody - WHY are you in a position where you NEED to expand you "FRIENDS AND FAMILY PLAN" as a necessary part of YOUR HEALTH AND WELL BEING?
I thought that a calling circle was full of people who YOU wanted to call and liked to talk to. Instead per your confiscatory ways you need to FORCE people to remain in your FRIENDS AND FAMILY PLAN even though they DON'T WANT TO BE IN WITH YOU!!!!
Is this a weakness on THEIR PART? (Let's say it is RACISM as Monie keeps incessantly saying it is). WHY ARE YOU SO DEPENDENT UPON SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T LIKE YOU?
You see Filled Negro - you are not getting it.
When the Progressives were working to take over Philly as I was growing up - the GLORY DAYS were to come when this task was complete. Now that you HAVE THE CITY ......what do you do? YOU NOW HAVE TO "PROGRESS", seeking even more turf for your dreams of SOCIALIZED HEALTH CARE to come to bear.
We need to step back and inspect your PATHOLOGY.
It is clear to me that yours is not a DESTINATION but a CONSTANT STRUGGLE MILIEU. Even when you WIN you have not "won". You got your policies implemented via the UNIONS in the companies that you worked for. After installing these policies - the CORPORATIONS vanished. They either MOVED or went INSOLVENT.
Filled Negro/Unionized Jody/Anon/Monie:
At what point do you step back and LOOK AT YOUR ASSUMPTIONS?
Why is it that these victories never leave you fulfilled? The WORST possible situation after this political victory is to have those you SEEK TO CONTROL (well their MONEY, anyway) choose to DEPART from your Friends and Family Plan.
How is it that as you drive to have the SOCIETY show its value of all human beings via the granting of HEALTH CARE - you don't appear to be able to articulate what these individual human beings should show in they way of THEIR OWN VALUATION via their own actions? Where is the ability for you to show how a network of these same individuals, forming a UNION, are able to build a SYSTEM where they apply their talents and intellect where they are able to produce a STANDARD OF LIVING that is akin to their VALUE?
You want the GOVERNMENT to show the value.
This is why you will be on the perpetual hamster wheel that PROGRESSIVISM is.
[quote]I live in a Union city[/quote]
Jody lives in a Union City? Get out of here. I would have never guessed.
Jody I live in a city with quality schools and a low crime rate. All this without any UNIONS. I think that I am one up on you.
Just as you have fused yourself with your party, having lost sight of the PERMANENT INTERESTS that you seek - I believe that you have fused yourself with the UNION. What is it that the UNION was supposed to deliver to you Jody? Have they done so?
[quote]the Black man as the NAZI.
uh huh sure.[/quote]
My friend Rikyrah - I never would have figured that the Black Pirate would take the place of the KLANSMAN KILLER who strikes terror in the night.
Anything is possible.
How about distilling the common actions rather than your outright dismissiveness?
(For the record - the use of the Nazi symbolism is TIRED by all who do so. I just don't remember my friend Rikyrah having a problem with it being used BEFORE THIS. )
[quote]This is not about healthcare with the protesters, it is more about them unwilling accept that Obama is president and a black man.[/quote]
Please translate this into how this SUBSTANTIVELY translates into anything meaningful in your life?
SO THERE ARE SOME PEOPLE who resent the outcome of the election. NOTHING NEW about this one.
You appear to be contented in your own mind that you have achieved some higher level of understanding of these people who are protesting against the Obama Agenda.
Have they attempted to topple the entire American government because OBAMA IS PRESIDENT? This very thing does happen in many places around the world. When you see the latest coup in South America or Africa do you place the coup leaders into some special category of EVIL as you do with these Anti-Obama forces?
I am not understanding your point.
The Secret Service has bigger guns than does these unhappy individuals.
I have little doubt that YOU believe that these protesters have more "blood lust" than did those who stood against evil Bush.
I also have little doubt that YOU saw the Anti-Bush forces as JUSTIFIED. What you likely can't process in your pretty little head is that you speak from YOUR POINT OF REFERENCE.
As you seek to rationalize "How on Earth can THESE PEOPLE stand against a man who's policies seem so rationale to ME........it must be THEY who are EVIL PEOPLE. I am OK though".
YOU have your own perspective.
This is all.
(I would just personally like to see YOUR PERSPECTIVE actually work in a small city before you try to scale it upon ME. That's all)
[quote]That quote says all we need to know about you [un]constructive...I don't know about you, but am not chasing a damn thing. I am not trying to take "their space" (Is that the WSZ?) My standard of living is just fine thank you very much.[/quote]
I could not leave the Filled Negro den without addressing my good buddy. Sorry for the delay. As I searched for your response I was provoked to response to postings from some of your buddies who's viewpoints seemed quite interesting to me.
Filled Negro you just pulled an "Uptown Steve" on me.
Just as with UptownSteve - YOUR ability to retain your own standard of living is not in question to me. I have no doubt at all that you enforce a high standard of economic independence and behavior upon your immediate family.
My problem with You and WhiteBowieSteve is what you project upon OTHERS. You have no problem INFERIORIZING them. The same government cheese that you would not allow into your own house because you realize that it causes diarrhea as it took you a few episodes to make the connection - is the same contaminate that YOU would allow into OTHER PEOPLE'S HOUSES. You figure that "At least they have something to eat".
My problem with YOU, Steve, Jody, Obama and many other Quasi-Socialists is that you don't give a damn about the CULTURAL, INDUSTRIAL or ACADEMIC destruction your induced dependency wroughts upon the very people that YOU purport to "care for".
Many of you on this blog believe that you have moved CLOSER TO GOD as you look out of the door and see that your soul line is LONGER TODAY than it was yesterday. Upon seeing this you look up to the sky and say "See God/Jesus/Allah/Yahweh - I have done good by you. I have fed your creation. Give me adoration".
Instead God (at least MY GOD) says "I told you that I made these men IN MY FORM. I wanted you to restore them to their FULL POTENTIAL. Instead YOU feed them as you feed cattle. YOU have EMBOLDENED YOURSELF to lord over them per YOU as their source of FOOD. I asked YOU to make them WHOLE. YOU have failed my commandments."
This is your perversion.
Many of you have no problem with the masses "BEING IN RECEIPT OF BENEFIT". You care not THE SOURCE.
Yet when you tell me about the UNEMPLOYMENT PROBLEM in Philly. The drug dealer in SouthWest who has a mouth to feed so he chooses to sell drugs because he is out of options........ YOU can't even see that in aggregate your viewpoint insures that this situation will perpetuate. Instead of developing a system of ORGANIC DEVELOPMENT where people's STANDARD OF LIVING is a function of their ECONOMIC INPUTS AND OUTPUTS (ie: having the schools closely aligned with producing the training that the people need to live as such) you are appeased that your POLITICAL VICTORIES are going to redirect the flow of government resources to where you desire them to go. (From rich to poor).
Filled Negro - each ladle of soup that YOU dish out makes your own arm stronger because you are being exercised. Sadly it makes the recipient less able to forage for his own. More importantly it wins him over as a FRIEND OF YOURS. He is going to VOTE to help you give him more.
I just don't understand you leftist. On a recent family vacation I saw a sign that said "Do not feed the birds. Human Food interrupts their feeding patterns and leaves them susceptible to predators". Why is it that the environmentalist left UNDERSTAND how animals relate to their environment. Social Justice leftists don't give a damn about the harm that they do to the human psyche though.
CF if black people are the problem then BLOW YOUR MOTHERFUCKING BRAINS OUT!If you hate blacks so much start with yourself. Stop bitching, bitch!Do Mr. Charlie a favor and kick the bucket.If black people are stupid , then start with your self.
CF I want to apologize for that statement. Even a piece of shit like you that want to exterminate every black person on earth shouldn't have been told what I told you.Other than that FUCK YOU YOU UNCLE TOM!
Filled Negro - now I understand you. It is your base assumptions that are misaligned.
[quote]BTW, [un]constructive one, everyone of those cities you named is in these divided states of A-merry-ca. And the last time I checked,REAL money for things like schools, law enforcement, and various small business programs, comes from Washington.[/quote]
Maybe via Title I for systems who don't have the INTERNAL PRODUCTIVE CAPACITY. I assure you per my reading of the local paper that the new schools built in the city where I live comes from LOCAL FUNDING.
I have told you countless number of times the story about how cities are established. Once "unincorporated" plots of land receive a CITY CHARTER after the people living within see that they have the human, industrial, capital and natural resources to synergize a better life. They see that the tax dollars sent to the county or state for services could serve a better use if collected by the city and have the city provide these services.
Filled Negro - my problem with YOU is that functionally you want to have the FLOW OF MONEY go back to the centralized construct that it once was prior to the city receiving its charter but you seek to maintain the POWER that is present within the city institutions. This despite them being INSOLVENT and functionally WARDS OF THE STATE/UNCLE SAM.
This does nothing more than ABSTRACT the city from fielding an economic order in which its STANDARD OF LIVING is forced to be a function of its ECONOMIC PRODUCTIVITY.
Instead, filled negro you want people to VOTE THEMSELVES INTO PROSPERITY!!
Short term - you win.
Long term - the loss occurs as you start seeing that the people have lost their industriousness. THEY DON'T NEED THIS HUNGER to produce any longer. Their receipt is a function of their RIGHTS as a member of society. You can better believe that the centralized camel is going to have an increasing burden upon his back.
You PUNISH those who dare create some excess for their own benefit.
[quote]Care for me to remind you what your party has done with billions of billions of dollars over the past eight years?[/quote]
Filled Negro - you have no idea how much I thrive off of seeing the PATTERN that the Leftists use in their debate. I realize the importance of SLAPPING THEM DOWN just to show you how weak these debate tactics are.
THESE PAST 8 YEARS!!! Oh how important they are for you to justify YOUR RECKLESS SPENDING all based upon an inference to PAST "reckless spending". You see, Filled Negro - you are not trying to ACTUALLY JUSTIFY your favored spending. You are seeking to make ME justify why I was not louder in my opposition to this other spending. Your hope is to SHUT ME UP so that you can do your thing, unabated I have it all plotted out.
This is why I say that neither side is going to refrain their ways and that only the COLLAPSE OF THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC SYSTEM is going to cure both sides.
The bankruptcy of General Motors got the Unions to agree to lower wages.
The insolvency of California finally forced the most progressive state in the nation to cut its "Social Justice" spending.
To ANSWER YOUR QUESTION about the past 8 years, Filled Negro. You can scan my 7 blogs (right Jody) to see that I have been consistent on my warnings.
I made references to the "Fiscal Wake Up Call" conference that I attended several years ago by the Concorde Foundation. (www.iousa.org)
I told of my pleasure in seeing Democratic Senator Kent Conrad skewer the Republican spending. I now tell of my sadness that he has SOLD OUT now that his party is in power.
Hey Kraftwerk Head what flavor is Rush Limbaugh's ass?I knew to ask you this since you are so close to the location.Why is nothing to you white racist fault?If you hate blacks so much then join the fucking klan and STFU.
Constructive Feedback,
I visited your "blogs". No one comments.
So my guess is that since you have no audience to listen to your drivel, you come here and try to gain a following.
LOL! No one wants to read your junk.
I have my issues with Field but at least he is interesting.
NONE OF THIS MATTERS FILLED NEGRO. It is going to take the collapse of the federal government DOLLAR for hard hearts to change their ways.
WHY THEN, I must ask, are you INCREASING the dependency on this system that is already $11,500 BILLION in debt and has told you that the year 2035 is the year where the present Social Security system will need CURRENT ACCOUNT DOLLARS to pay for its distributions to retirees who have paid their money in?
[quote] I will tell you: Protect us from a false enemy. Yes, the former dictator with the bushy (no pun intended) mustache.[/quote]
Filled Negro - didn't the Federal Democrats just approve $106 billion (grown from the original $82 billion request from the Pentagon) on this FAKE ENEMY?
You are GOOD at skewering YOUR ENEMIES when they do something that doesn't sit right with you.
WHEN YOU LEARN TO DO THE SAME with your PERMANENT FRIENDS, our PERMANENT INTERESTS might then be addressed on occasion.
Can you imagine what all that money could have done for those cities you mentioned [un]constructive one?[/quote]
Used TODAY to pay to maintain a STANDARD OF LIVING that the current production cannot justify.
[quote]It might have even gotten one of those young black men you despise so much a decent union paying job. It could have been one less for my Killadelphia murder count.[/quote]
You see Filled Negro - this is why I say that KID is your illegitimate son from the one night stand with that Crack head. This is the type of fraudulent argument that I would expect from him. You traffic in the same crap that he throws out.
If I hate young Black males then I hate MY OWN SON. Yesterday I met his new teacher. I can't be too careful in this conservative school district that he goes to school in. You know that 'racial profiling' problem that White conservative Republicans have.
Still I find it interesting that you place the lives of BLACK "would be" MURDER VICTIMS at the hands of where the FEDERAL DEBT SPENDING goes.
Sadly you are in such a dependent state that IF the "Racist National Republicans" don't choose to SEND THEIR TAX MONEY (both present and future to pay down the debt) INTO YOUR COMMUNITY TO SAVE THESE BLACK MALES.......you have become so economically impotent that YOU WILL ALLOW THESE DEATHS TO OCCUR.
Yes you have a law degree but a SLAVE is not un-defined by his educational attainment. Instead he is defined by his THOUGHTS and ACTIONS.
Here is what I simply can't mentally grasp. YOU TOOK CONTROL OF THE CITIES!!!!!!! These cities were founded because of their INDUSTRIAL PROWESS. While you cheered the elected Democrat as he won and you knew that he was going to CONTROL CORPORATE POWER!!!!......you have control over the GOVERNMENT. You have the work force UNIONIZED.......yet your lot in life HAS NOT IMPROVED per your plan of action thus far.
Do you see your perversion Filled Negro? The labor movement successfully took the controlling power away from the CORPORATIONS and shifted it to a market balance with the GOVERNMENT as the cop. Now you, Jody and the rest of the confused socialists want the GOVERNMENT to have the vertical integration in our lives that was once held by the corporation and then repudiated.
The company once owned your job, your house, the store you purchased goods from, your doctor, the law enforcement, your bank per the credit the company gave out at the store.
You can't see that the GOVERNMENT is about to take over your body in the same way.
So my guess is that since you have no audience to listen to your drivel, you come here and try to gain a following.
LOL! No one wants to read your junk.[/quote]
Miss Kizzie:
I wish that you had some QUALITATIVE commentary on my view points. Instead you judge my writing based on QUANTITY.
I guess by this logic the fact that Lil Wayne got several million people to purchase his music as they DANCED TO , but never listened to the words to "A Milli" in which he was calling women out of their name- this QUANTITY is indicative of the quality of the message.
It is my belief that you simply want to be entertained.
[quote]CF if black people are the problem then BLOW YOUR MOTHERFUCKING BRAINS OUT!If you hate blacks so much start with yourself[/quote]
Filled Negro - YOU are the AUTHORITY who is responsible for the foolishness spouted by Kid!!!
He is so bent upon molesting my words that this is what he is deduced to.
Recall when I posted about the antics of your blog I told you that YOU prefer a Black person who AGREES WITH YOU but, when challenged could not articulate a justification for his views. You prefer this over a Black man WHO DISAGREES WITH YOU and yet can defend his positions.
THIS is clearly the case with Kid.
I will receive more attacks from your posters (don't worry - I love it) than Kid will ever receive from this about his Tomfoolery.
Field, the difficulty is that bozos like ol' Rush take it a bit more seriously than we like to think. Limbaugh especially: he went from being a rather pathetic "they" and is now a "WE" with a vengeance.
Since the 1970's there has been a move to dismantle the whole edifice of the state (rickety as it might be) because the powers that be figure it's just a bit too much in the way of their grab for power and money.
They've never made a secret of it, after this election Limbaugh and O'Reilly both stated that this administration HAD to fail, or it would mean they'd been "wrong" and this was unconscionable.
Most of the right-wing listeners are just not-very-thoughtful people who are afraid of just about everything that isn't familiar, and if it doesn't reflect they and theirs it's the enemy. They listen to the people who reflect their fears.
Dobbs, Limbaugh, Coulter and that bunch echo Kissinger's assessment of the people he sent of to die in his wars, they're nothing but stupid animals, there to be used.
But no one will believe it.
Race Traitoress said...
field--anything happens to Obama and all fucking HELL will break loose. I'm dead serious. I can't even imagine how lost we would be, then.
Speak for yourself. Life will go on as usual for me and the vast majority of black folks but the ones looking for an excuse to act a fool just like the LA riots in 1992 will be out there.
Personally I will buy a gun and wait for some cracker to give me the side eye and I will light him up. Otherwise I will keep my cool.
Constructive Feedback said...
THIS is clearly the case with Kid.
I will receive more attacks from your posters (don't worry - I love it) than Kid will ever receive from this about his Tomfoolery.
Oh no, you didn't just say Tomfoolery.Are you that damn dumb? Pot meet kettle.
Monie said: "Or maybe you're just a naturally angry and combative person?"
No, that combination is usually the stereotype people throw at black lesbians.
But, I don't see where I was being "angry", or is that a word you throw around for the heck of it when analyzing other black people?
"Anyway I did not mean that question as a hostile one. As a lesbian I was simply curious why you spoke of a sex change and then mentioned homosexuality. "
You were being defensive, and you inadvertently (or consciously) presented a patronizing question before you stated your clarification between Transgendered and Homosexuality. If you had just presented the clarification without the previous linguistics, it would have detoured me from going on my defense.
There is a difference between Transgendered persons and homosexuals. Although one may be both transgendered and homosexual. So, I'm not sure how that's nitpicking?"
You just insinuated that in some people both terms could apply (I figured that much too, and so do other people, at least link them to a certain extent). So whenever it might occur to you that I was thinking along those lines in the first place, then you should be able to answer your own nitpicking question. But I do thank you for the clarification, I'll know better to be less vague next time.
Perhaps the best way to combat Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, and Hucklebee would be for critical thinkers to find ways to get on those shows and debunk, deconstruct, and educate the white masses, since these shows are so popular, play Fox at it's own game. It might be the fastest most effective way to combat and also garner support from white masses. I even saw an editorial headline in the WSJ yesterday about Obama failing. I find it harder and harder to read that stuff. I don't know how to get bloggers and other critical thinkers on to these shows, but there must be a way.
I did see Beck go on The View a while ago, and Whoopi Goldberg and Barbara Walters made him look like the complete lying asshole that he is. We need to find ways to get more of that on TV.
No words wasted on Constructive Negro. There is no chance that anything said contrary to his beliefs will illicit any change.
If the radical set succeed in bringing any harm to Obama and his family, it'll prove fatal for not only racial relations, but also fatal to the country itself. It'll loudly tell blacks what they've had in the back of their minds all along: that any attempt to coexist with, work with or even integrate into white society will fail, because they'll never be accepted. It'll tell the world that the US is a hateful and intolerable place that aims to keep down non-whites and defame or eliminate those who do succeed. The US will lose whatever moral authority it has left.
Riots are a given. The only variable is how big they'll be and where they'll happen. When blacks finally start burning down white suburbs and exurbs, you'll know shit's hit the fan.
Mack Lyons said...
Riots are a given. The only variable is how big they'll be and where they'll happen. When blacks finally start burning down white suburbs and exurbs, you'll know shit's hit the fan.
Nigga please.Ya'll wouldn't make it a block before Obama goes Bull Conner on ya'll is ass.
Than ya'll will see just who really runs this bitch.
Obama allready has the support of the white masses. The majority of the whites voting last year chose him. That's your real " silent majority". Sh#t birds like Limbaugh and Beck have audiences that are overwhelmingly white but those audiences are only a small percentage of the white population.
As far as standing tall for Obama ( I do not give him unqualified support, he is part of the exploitive capitalist machine- yeah, I'm a commie. But he was vastly preferable to the alternative), ordinary white folks are doing what we can but we don't have the media access that the crazies do.
Constructive Feedback, you write:
"The labor movement successfully took the controlling power away from the CORPORATIONS and shifted it to a market balance with the GOVERNMENT as the cop."
I disagree, the labor movement has not successfully taken control, corporations still rule, there are fewer and fewer unionized labor, the right doesn't even believe in unions, check out the right wing nuts at the fox news blogs, they hate unions. Corporations still rule the world, not Governments, not People, Corporations rule now more than ever.
If labor movement was so successful, Mayor Bloomber, a millionare, wouldn't have called low paying transit workers "thugs".
If the labor movement was so successfull, we would already have liveable wages for all, including health care, sick time, and other good benefits.
...Personally I will buy a gun and wait for some cracker to give me the side eye and I will light him up. Otherwise I will keep my cool.
Why wait to purchase a firearm? You should possess one already.
30 years of neo- liberal economic policies by Reagan, the Bushes, and, yes, Bill Clinton, are what destroyed public education, infrastructure, and other public services.
This is one of my favorite right- wing examples of intellectual dishonesty. The far right spends years dismantling public services and then bitches that they don't work.
Monie: "Sorry, I thought you were one of the safe people here. I guess I was wrong."
I don't know how you came to that conclusion, Monie. They don't call her "Jaws" for nothing. La Incognita is beyond an ordinary angry person...she IS anger itself.
Don't waste your time with her.
"Did you see what happened in Tampa? Check out Talking Points Memo's front page. It's become violent."
Yes, I saw it. I also saw all those white people taking their own advice about how to behave in the presence of a policeman. Ahem.
Perhaps the best way to combat Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, and Hucklebee would be for critical thinkers to find ways to get on those shows and debunk, deconstruct, and educate the white masses, since these shows are so popular, play Fox at it's own game.
The people most likely to go after Obama, the real radical right, don't take their marching order's from Beck, Limbaugh, Fox or any of those guys. In fact they hate those guys. I'm of course talking about the white nationalists and Storm Front supporters. They are a seperate group from the Republicans and should be looked at as such. They are also far more dangerous than any old hick at a "tea party."
The people giving the marching orders to the fascist right are not on any tv show. No one in the general public would be apt to recognize their names. Those folks are the real wild cards in the equation.
[quote]Perhaps the best way to combat Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, and Hucklebee would be for critical thinkers to find ways to get on those shows and debunk, deconstruct, and educate the white masses, since these shows are so popular, play Fox at it's own game.[/quote]
Kathy: The BEST WAY to counter these forces would be for you all, when you take control over LOCAL ECONOMIES via attrition that you make sure that the economic output from the labor force remains steady or GROWS.
The bottom line is - I support more money for Public Hospitals. Anyone who loses their private health care insurance can receive car from THESE "Single Payer"/ "Multiple Taxpayer Paid" institutions.
I study the left by reading "International Socialist Magazine". They are the best source of clarity on what is really going on. Their problem is that they are "unattached" from the political system where as the "Establishment Democratic Leftists" realize that they must adopt INCREMENTALISM to achieve their goal of GOVERNMENT RUN health care.
About your correction of my UNION statement - More clearly it was the AGGREGATE FORCES of Unions, Voters and Politicians that moved away from the vertically integrated system that the corporations had.
You then argued that the corporations still have their power.
I ask YOU to explain to me IF YOU see a problem with the GOVERNMENT assuming the role of the Vertically Integrated Owner of that which the corporations once had?
* Your job
* Your housing
* Your medical
* Your banking
* Your police & law enforcement
If when the corporations did it you were a SERF/ SLAVE - what do you call it when the GOVERNMENT steps into this same role? FREEDOM?
History Dude, I was referring to ways to get white people to stand up and stand together, the silent majority that elected President Obama.
The GDP for Black America would equal that of the 10th largest nation in the world.
The majority of Black America is solidly middle class.
Almost a direct reverse of the status of Black America in 1964 before the great Civil Rights legislation (which the whiTe rightwingers whose weenies you gleefully suck OPPOSED)when over 60% of black America was in poverty.
Let me see if understand you man.
Are you suggesting there has been no progress for blacks in the last 50 years?
That urban ghettoes came into existence as a result of black Democratic leadership????
And finally could you please explain what the GOP has done, specifically over the last 8 years, which has been so successful and should be supported by black Americans???
Watch folks.
He won't answer one damn question.
All he's good for is ranting negrophobic bull$hit
[quote] Mack Lyons said...
No words wasted on Constructive Negro. There is no chance that anything said contrary to his beliefs will illicit any change.[/quote]
Mr Lyons - If I was not a nice guy I would respond with an U and an F but not in that order.
I am curious as to why YOU think that it is ME that needs to change?
This is why I crafted the label "Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser" to describe many of you all.
I always get asked "How can a PROGRESSIVE be a FUNDAMENTALIST"? This is contradictory.
When you are so biased and bigoted into your own ideological view point.
When DESPITE your victories and the imposition of your theories - you still have major grievances - a FUNDAMENTALIST is not able to consider that maybe HIS IDEOLOGY is a part of his problems.
For some of you leftism/ progressivism/ collectivism is like a fish swimming in water and not noticing that it is wet.
The major flaw in your ideology is that you ONLY know how to execute a GROUND GAIN. When it comes to considering the turf that you have won and then ERECTING A SYSTEM that can produce that which you desire - THE FLAWS in your theories come to light.
From where I stand - as a Black man - the biggest flaw in your theories is that you FAIL TO BUILD UP STRONG INDIVIDUALS ON THE FRONT END and then demand that he FLAP HIS WINGS and use the FREE FLIGHT LESSONS that you provided to him as a "Social Justice right" as his knowledge of how to stay airborne.
Instead by build up DEPENDENCY you transfer people's NEEDS to that of POPULAR VOTE.
If the MEANS OF PRODUCTION was to disappear from your midst (did someone say Detroit, Flint, Rochester and Buffalo?) then YOU ARE SCREWED!!!
You spent so much time HATING ON THE INDUSTRIES of PRODUCTION that you failed to obtain the capacity to productively employ your people.
The thing that pisses me off most about your ONE LINE "DISS", Mr Lyons is that even though you say I CAN'T HAVE MY MIND CHANGED so don't bother with me........where as I can articulate MY VIEWS and then even tell you where YOU ARE strategically WRONG and the damage that your scheme has done........YOU PROVE YOURSELF TO BE THE BIGOT as you hide behind your ONE SENTENCE OF DISMISSAL.
Just as the ALL WHITE JURY of the past. They didn't need the dog and pony show where the "Negro" tried to show that he wasn't even in town when the White woman was raped, he even has the frost bite to proof that he was not in the South during the summer time. Despite this the ALL WHITE JURY who sat in judgment of him could have been asked their FREAKING JUDGMENT as soon as the BLACK MAN WALKED INTO THE COURTROOM AT THE START OF THE TRIAL.
GUILTY said the ideological BIGOT named Mack Lyons before I wrote my first blog entry on this the blog that I have voted as:
The HEART BEAT of the BQPFRC Community.
(Seriously Filled Negro - your blog rocks in regards to me understanding how people who think like YOU think.)
Constructive Feedback,
Let's just assume that world economies are based on serfdom, then, go beyond that. Our economy is based on GNP, which is self-defeating, it pollutes, we can never, ever, have a healthy green environment as long as we cling to those sort of indicators that monitor economic health.
Federal, State, and City Government agency workers, mostly union, over all, do in fact already have liveable wages, health care, sick time, so that in turn, those workers, overall, can obtain housing, and find decent schools for their children, and provide their children with health and dental care. Interestingly enough, county government workers do not enjoy the same benefits that state workers do. I am talking about New York, I don't know about other states.
It doesn't matter to me who provides those benefits, as long as they are provided.
Could it be that the ReTHUGlicans have learned that "other" lesson of Rwanda?
Talk to the people. Whip them up. The Interahamwe did this continually prior to the genocide, referring to Tutsis as "cockroaches".
There is great instability in the US today and I believe their seditious swine on the radio are attempting to push it just that little bit further; enough to cause an eruption. With the military infiltrated by thousands of members of hate groups, there is much cause for alarm.
The time for playing nice is over. These people need to held accountable. They are practicing sedition and nothing less.
" International Socialist Magazine".
Ain't no such creature, ace.
Maybe you are refering to the International Socialist Review, which is an International Socialist Organization publication.
UnConn.... I will address what you say you support....
"The bottom line is - I support more money for Public Hospitals. Anyone who loses their private health care insurance can receive car from THESE "Single Payer"/ "Multiple Taxpayer Paid" institutions."
So, let me get this straight...
Public Hospitals are supposed to provide all health care needs to the millions of uninsured. Are you also saying that things would stay the same under your premise... that the practice of private insurance companies would continue to deny coverage of pre-existing conditions or procedures they do not deem neccesary, even though a doctor said they were? Which of course would mean that those WITH private insurance would also then be going to the proposed Public Hospital for the care their insurance company did not cover.
This is just ridiculous! To suggest that ONLY those who can afford private insurance or who have enough money to pay out of pocket for their health care can have the luxury of going to a doctor's office for care REEKS of an ugly two-tiered class system. Think about doctor to patient ratio if everyone was going to a "Public Hospital". Or, how about the fact that hospitals were designed to treat serious illness and injury, not to deal with routine illnesses and preventative care, such as immunizations, pre-natal care, pap-smears, annual physicals, etc... You expect all of that care to be available at a hospital? Are you kidding me??!!!!
Your proposal smacks of classism, a total disregard for fairness, is unrealistic in implementation, and does NOTHING for prevention.
As Granny says, SMH!
One day I am not going to even bother to respond to you. It's just not worth it.
Just as YOU have your questions of me stored in some document that you simply cut and past from. I need to learn to do the same about my disassembly of your fraudulent questions.
[quote]Are you suggesting there has been no progress for blacks in the last 50 years?
That urban ghettoes came into existence as a result of black Democratic leadership????[/quote]
WhiteBowieSteve - Do you know why I maintain the "What Is Making Black People Cry Today" series on my blog? NO - not as Kid claims. I am NOT happy to see Black people being killed.
I do it because it allows BLACK PEOPLE to answer your STUPID AZZED QUESTION on my behalf.
The question IS NOT "Has there been PROGRESS?". Clearly there has been. The real question must be - "Why is this TERRORISM and gross civil rights violations happening now that there is a FAVORABLE POLITICAL ORDER over the INSTITUTIONS THAT GOVERN BLACK AMERICA where we live in our highest concentrations?"
I realize that you have SOLD OUT to the Democratic Party and to Progressivism. I also realize that THIS type of "Sellout" is NOT going to get you called as much for it is popular to be as much.
What I don't understand, WhiteBowieSteve is why is it that YOU had to move to Bowie rather than stay on the other side of the PGC?
Why do you ride me for living in a majority CONSERVATIVE county where I live with people who have my values......YET when I show you evidence of the "Black Flight Progressives" who move next door to the ideological enemies to ESCAPE FROM their PROGRESSIVE ABODE - it does not click with you.
Here is the PERVERSION - White BowieSteve: These Black Flight Progressives - in order to actually RECEIVE their Black Permanent Interests - chose to EXIT their progressive community and MOVE NEXT DOOR to their ideological enemies. Yet when they VOTE TODAY - they are slowly but surely VOTING to customize their new conservative community to be just like the one that they vacated.
Which of these two Black people KNOWS THEMSELVES? Me or these others?
[quote]And finally could you please explain what the GOP has done, specifically over the last 8 years, which has been so successful and should be supported by black Americans???[/quote]
WhiteBowieSteve - let me go on record and say that the BEST THING THAT THE WHITE CONSERVATIVE has ever done for BLACK AMERICA was to Make note that their values were different than the Black who they had conflict with in regards to the common community resources they fought over and thus THEY MOVED AWAY!!!!!!!!!!! You were then allowed to elect the people OF YOUR OWN DAMNED CHOOSING and thus we got many famous mayors, city council people, US Reps, and now a BLACK PRESIDENT all because of this separation from conflict.
Now here is were I show your perversion WhiteBowieSteve. In your mind you were INDIGNANT that these WHITE FOLKS THAT YOU HATED SO MUCH had the audacity to MOVE AWAY FROM YOU!!!! You called them RACISTS. You began to index the quality of YOUR SCHOOLS that you now ran upon the proverbial "White Suburban school" that ESCAPED your grasp per the political boundary line which kept you away.
You focused so much on their SUPERIORITY that you never focused enough on BUILDING UP WHAT YOU WERE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR.
You are a freaking SLAVE Steve.
I like you man.
I bet if I came to Greentree we would have a beer an talk junk, getting along just fine.
Just as I told Filled Negro - I believe with everything in me that YOU are a good man when it comes to advancing the interests of YOUR FAMILY.
I am threatened by you, however, in regards to what you dole out to OTHER BLACK FAMILIES. You would NEVER allow your immediate kin to eat, live, study or listen to incessantly what you push upon other Blacks.
You have indoctrinated them toward the acceptance of their own inferiority when you SHOULD HAVE BEEN building them up by exercising their muscles of CULTURAL CONFIDENCE.
You indeed are content that BLACK PEOPLE EAT.
I am not sure that you care WHERE the nutrients came from nor the need for them to develop the industriousness to not even notice that the soup kitchen that they used to go to has CLOSED DOWN in their community due to underutilization.
You disgust me Steve.
It is clear that a person who can articulate THAT our culture was stolen IS NOT the best person to build up a new cultural reference. Especially if he himself has a slave-lite mentality.
Serial Abuser Steve - tell all of the Black women on this blog who likely agree with you over me the number of Black conservative female blogs you have been banned from because you called the female blog owner out of their name? Seems like you have a problem with females who disagree with you. At least Black ones.
[quote]International Socialist Review[/quote]
My bad. You would know though. Wouldn't you?
They have Obama on the front cover. They are disappointed with him because he is not RACIALLY changing health care (eliminating corporations) but instead is doing it incrementally.
When I figure out WHY you all hate PROFIT I will understand some of you better.
The whole Fox news crew and Rush should be hauled in and locked up in jail for sedition and treason.
That would violate their right to free speech, and I would oppose it. The answer to free speech is more free speech.
Constructive Feedback
My theory on white flight is this, MLK did not get killed over civil rights, he got killed because of his position on the Vietnam War, and the added bonus for those responsible was, that a deep fissure deepened, the attempts to live together, kumbaya, fizzled, failed, fighting erupted in high schools, college campus life had the national guard, remember Kent State, the kids got killed for nothing, this was the time of sex, drugs, and rock and roll, Woodstock, heck, I even remember seeing Angela Davis speak at Vassar College, to a huge turn out from a lot of white people, it's a paradox, if you or anybody else can really figure this one out, I would like to hear it.
I think this race war talk might be a bit overblown. Blacks have rarely been a cohesive force on anything. Unless Blacks are willing to sacrifice themselves-- “give me liberty or give me death”-- they won’t be together on this either. Blacks are more mouth than action. What comes out of their mouths never matches what they do. That's because it takes courage and selflessness to back up their words and that rarely happens in the black community.
Constructive Feedback,
I just find it interesting that no one signs your blog and probably won't read it either.
So....you are on Field Negro's blog 24/7 almost, making insulting comments and calling him "filled" negro.
It's clear that you have no audience on your own blog so you are taking advantage by posting your drivel here.
grinder-"That would violate their right to free speech, and I would oppose it. The answer to free speech is more free speech."
I used to think that. But now I am not sure. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there is something wrong with that thinking because it allows people like Rush and company to set up the POTUS to be assassinated without consequence.
Words have power and I think the 1st Amendment was written for people with a moral compass. We no longer have that today. There is no morality.
[quote]To suggest that ONLY those who can afford private insurance or who have enough money to pay out of pocket for their health care can have the luxury of going to a doctor's office for care REEKS of an ugly two-tiered class system.[/quote]
Hi Jody.
I was going to provide a long winded justification to your question.
I have decided to cut to the chase:
Yes a PUBLIC - "Multiple Taxpayer Paid" Hospital and Clinic System
and retain the PRIVATE (Not-For Profit and For Profit) health care system.
You see Jody - I am not backing off of this because YOU just accidentally stepped into the CORE OF HE ISSUE: PRIVATE PROPERTY and ECONOMIC RIGHTS.
You don't have any DAMNED right to tell me WHERE I can spend my dollar!!!
It is not 'SELFISH' of me for me to expect to work a hour, expect that I can use my skills to earn a certain amount of money and then be ALLOWED TO spend this dollar in manner of my choosing EVEN WHEN IT IS TO THE ADVANTAGE OF MY FAMILY. This is why I freaking when to college and studied to learn on the job afterward!!!
You have NO RESPECT for one's PRIVATE PROPERTY. If your NEEDS require you to CONFISCATE 80% of another man's private property for YOUR HEALTH, SHELTER OR DAY CARE - you are going to TAKE!! You use the GOVERNMENT as your agent.
Now did I say "PAY NO TAXES!"? NO. You all molest and exaggerate your adversary's arguments.
Jody - Atlanta's Grady Hospital is running a debt. The local counties pay for the facility and its clinics. I support more funding for this entity that serves the entire metro areas. I support other similar facilities being adequately funded.
I DO NOT support having the Private hospitals fused into the Public entity.
If YOU CALL THIS "class based system" then it is YOU who are going to have to get over the perceived "inferiority". The ironic thing about it Jody is that you think that the SOCIETY is saying to the poor "You are not worthy of Private care because you have no money".
The truth of the matter is that YOU will to inject INFERIORITY because you (ultimately) seek to have the GOVERNMENT ABSTRACT one's RECEIPT OF MEDICAL SERVICES from the COST OF THESE SERVICES.
I hate to go here Jody - but a Zookeeper is under no aspersion that his KEPT Lions, Tigers and Elephants will provide any assistance to THEIR OWN CARE AND FEEDING. All they need to do is BE THEIR INSTINCTIVE SELVES.
YOU are the one who compromises the full dimensions of one's humanity.
Just as when I hear about a dirty, unkempt public schools with graffiti all over it - the first question that I ask is: WHY DON'T THE PARENTS demand that the school be opened on Saturday where the COMMUNITY will come in with buckets and cleaning supplies and maintain their own school rather than waiting for a vote from the school board for more money for more janitors? With their children sitting in this one school building for 7 hours per day - WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE WAIT while their own people suffer as such?
Are you EMPOWERING your people to EMPLOY themselves to promote their own best interests Jody or do you want them to VOTE FOR their Best Interests?
I don't think you hear me Jody. I can only pray that you one day understand that some times you need to take your face out of the policies (ie: a policy wonk) and instead obtain your goals by EMPLOYING THE STRENGTH and SERVICES OF YOUR OWN PEOPLE.
The phrase "People over Profits" that have been told to the CORPORATION for decades needs to be spoken to the MASSES as guidance on how their individual labor efforts are needed to SOLVE THEIR OWN PROBLEMS.
You know full well that after Health Care comes some other entitlement for you to fight for.
"Jody, you are right, most A-merry-cans do want health insurance reform. MOST A-merry-cans. The ones that don't want it already have a pretty good health plan, (or so they think)we will see."
Actually, I both have a "good" health plan, and I want single-payer.
I think that the costs, even if I bare a proportional percentage of them, and end up with worse health care, are worth the benefits. A healthier society is a richer society.
grinder-"That would violate their right to free speech, and I would oppose it. The answer to free speech is more free speech."
free speech has always had some limitations, clear and present danger comes to my mind. Fox News, and also Lous Dobbs, knowingly lie, distort, inflame, on a daily basis,
Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, all earn money based on lies and promoting hatred, there are many more out there like them, or how about Michelle Bachman, they are all profiting by the promotion of hate speech and lies, that isn't free speech, they should all be indicted for their actions.
History Dude- Good post on the ties of the alliance between big business and the Nazis. Fascism, as Mussolini described it, is capital's last bastion against socialism.
Miss Kizzie,
You are mistaken about CF. He is not trying insult or antagonize Field or anybody else on this blog. He is trying to SAVE US!
Can't you and others see that? Surrender. Just surrender to him and follow wherever he may lead.
[quote]It's clear that you have no audience on your own blog so you are taking advantage by posting your drivel here.[/quote]
A hah!!!!
If you said "Abundant POSTERS" I would agree with you.
If I told you that I get to see the stats on the page counts and the times the videos are viewed - would this cause you to remove the blinders from your eyes?
If I argued to Filled Negro that the Advanced Placement Calculus books distributed at West Philly High School look brand new after 2 years and thus IT IS PROOF that no one is interested in CALCULUS in West Philly High (this is effectively YOUR argument)
Does this argument:
1) Speak to the ACCURACY or QUALITY of the content contained in the books?
2) PROOF that the content that is largely IGNORED by the same people who SPEAK OF THEIR GRIEVANCES despite the POPULARITY of their present way of thinking is IRRELEVANT to their pathway toward a solution?:
You see Kissie you are dangerous in that you proclaim some implicit "correctness" to the POPULAR thoughts of the masses. Your circular reference says "So many people think this way and since THEY ARE NOT STUPID - it must be right".
I assure you Kissie that if you were alive during the Enlightenment period - you would be throwing the stone at the people who tried to tell the masses that the EARTH IS ROUND!!!
Today we don't have a powerful central church that enforces the orthodoxy. We instead have a BLACK PROGRESSIVE ESTABLISHMENT that does this enforcement.
Here is my views on this very subject, contained on my underutilized blog site:
The "9P's In The Vertically Integrated Machine Presiding Over Black America"
[quote]Can't you and others see that? Surrender. Just surrender to him and follow wherever he may lead.[/quote]
After experiencing the same type of skepticism and cynicism as you have demonstrated - did you hear what the great leader Harriet Tubman said about people like you?
I freed thousands of slaves; I could have freed more if they knew they were slaves - Harriett Tubman
I am not looking for a CENTRALIZED LEADER.
It is clear that STRENGTH AT THE PERIPHERY is superior. (Your 100 year strategy of development is not dependent upon the number of daily death threats received by the one leader you have outsourced your HOPE to.)
Let me try this another way.
Are you saying that if white Republicans were elected in the urban centers there would be no crime and no ghettoes?
If YOU Constructive Feedback were mayor of Baltimore what would be your first initiative?
"What I don't understand, WhiteBowieSteve is why is it that YOU had to move to Bowie rather than stay on the other side of the PGC?"
I moved to Bowie from Silver Spring.
That's in Montgomery County.
You know. The same county that you extol for having ten times less violent crimes than PG although occupying the same land mass.
Montgomery County BTW is run by a black Democrat.
Who are these idiots that think Obama is pushing for socialized medicine? Is Rush their ONLY news source?
If Obama was fighting for anything remotely like socialized medicine, I'd be dancing a jig. But seriously...his health care plan has some nebulous "government option"- , and as I predicted, he has put up a rather flaccid defense of it. HomophObama had to throw that public option in there, that way come 2012 he can tell his base of Volvo-driving white Trustafarians that he tried really hard to get universal health care.
The truth is the "public option" is being used like one of those laser pointers that make cats get all crazy. It has been a chimera from the start, because Obama is not going to do anything to upset the health insurance industry. Quite the contrary...he owes them for being among his top campaign contributors.
That laser is gonna disappear in negotiations as planned, and after the catnip wears off we are gonna look around and find ourselves with "healthcare reform" that amounts to little more than a law requiring people to purchase private health insurance, just like car insurance.
Obama is an HMO's wet dream. If he was white, these ditto heads would love him almost as much as the loved W. But the old money conservatives who run the show see an opportunity to move the country even further to the fiscal right by playing on people's racism and xenophobia. "He's black, he's got a funny name, so watch out! That exotic foreigner from a strange land [I'll grant them that, Harvard is pretty strange] is going to turn this place into North Korea. He wants to euthanize your nanna too!"
IF Obama they have people convinced he's a socialist, then by the time they are through with him in 2012, President Palin is going to make sure that the only people who are gonna be paying any taxes at all are those of us who make less than $300,000 a year.
"Serial Abuser Steve - tell all of the Black women on this blog who likely agree with you over me the number of Black conservative female blogs you have been banned from because you called the female blog owner out of their name? Seems like you have a problem with females who disagree with you. At least Black ones."
You're a pathetic liar CF.
I'll call you on this right now.
What name did I call Shay Riley?
Not one.
She banned me from her blog because she didn't like me challenging her silly remarks personally.
But to be honest the black conservative females (except CBW) tend to be very thin-skinned.
CF-"..(Your 100 year strategy of development is not dependent upon the number of daily death threats received by the one leader you have outsourced your HOPE to.)"
Could you elaborate on what that 100 year strategy of development is?
You have a point about HOPE. Many people voted and placed their HOPE on Obama. It is frightening to many Blacks, and to some Whites that the number of threats on his life keep increasing.
You should be bothered by that. I suggest you read Field's post again. Where is your heart and your sense of humanity?
"I don't know how you came to that conclusion, Monie. They don't call her "Jaws" for nothing. La Incognita is beyond an ordinary angry person...she IS anger itself. "
Anony, you've been dangling for my attention for some time now. Why don't you come over closer to my tank so we can talk about this. Bring pepper and seasoning when you're coming.
lololol, that icon is funny too.
[quote]Our economy is based on GNP, which is self-defeating,[/quote]
Kathy - I don't understand your argument but what I do understand is a bit inaccurate.
Our economy is based on Free Enterprise. Anyone with a good idea is allow to bring it to market.
IF they want to "scale it" into mass appeal and profit from it - THEN, Kathy they must "Enter The Matrix".
[quote] it pollutes, we can never, ever, have a healthy green environment as long as we cling to those sort of indicators that monitor economic health.[/quote]
Kathy, er Kathy, KATHY!!!
Can you tell me one economy that DOES NOT POLLUTE!!!!!?????
I am curious about something Kathy. Maybe you can help me out. As I did my research by reading left wing magazines I saw a factoid in "Harpers". It said that there was X amount of tons of active pharmaceutical products that are dumped into landfills each year.
Kathy - simple question - Would YOU rather be living in the country that DOESN'T HAVE a "Phara dumping" problem.....because they DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO THESE EVIL DRUGS.......or would you rather have ACCESS TO THESE DRUGS and upon seeing a problem MANAGE IT?
I can ask you the same about:
* DDT - Want it or want Malaria?
* Gasoline Powered POLLUTERS - Wnat it or wanna walk and also wash your clothes at the river? (Oh yeah - No "Tide" or "All" they pollute you know.
Do you see Jody? I try to be "one with you all". Then I get these fake hypothetical and then I have to make a decision. Do I go "Intellectually Dishonest" so that I can fit in (sellout from what I know) or do I "go boring" and risk having Kissie not wanting to read my stuff, despite my attempt to be accurate rather than popular (to YOUR liking)?
Federal, State, and City Government agency workers, mostly union, over all, do in fact already have liveable wages, health care, sick time, so that in turn, those workers, overall, can obtain housing, and find decent schools for their children, and provide their children with health and dental care. [/quote]
When I read Kathy's words I immediately thought of the city of Detroit. They STILL have their GOVERNMENT - just as Kathy had articulated. There is one problem - their school district is going to file for BANKRUPTCY soon. Thus all of that good pay and Union benefits afforded to these workers are at risk.
Thus I argue -
Is it better to have a UNION CONTRACT that maximizes your DEMANDS and thus throw a party when you see the contract signature........OR is it better to have an ENDURING FISCAL SITUATION where those more moderate retirement benefits are still around when you actually retire?
No doubt that both the Detroit PS teachers figured just as the GM employees - that their PENSION would be around when they retired until they passed on. Reality is looking to prove otherwise.
La Incognita:
Some people then have the brilliant idea: "Hey since the COMPANIES are going bankrupt and thus people's pensions are at risk.....let us turn EVERYONE PENSIONS over to the GOVERNMENT.....it is NEVER going to go out of business!!!"
You already know that Social Security will need current account dollars to pay for its distributions starting in 2035 (it was originally 2037 just a few short years ago).
You know that Medicare will be broke come (about) 2020.
Can some one tell me the logic of placing MORE burden on this central government?
The reason for all of this is that EVERYBODY!!! Evil Conservative, Good Guy Liberal and otherwise believe that we are playing with "Magical Money"!! None of this has ultimate consequences and thus they SPEND, SPEND, SPEND.
They increase the debt, nothing happens, they SPEND SOME MORE!!!
Wouldn't you call this ABSTRACTION Granny? That which happens in Washington is abstracted from that which tells you in your gut that IF YOU had a credit card with a $11,500 billion balance and kept spending at some point Wells Fargo is going to come and CUT YOU OFF when you try to slide that card through the machine and there is a long line watching you.
Except Granny - it is not just going to be EMBARRASSMENT - people are going to die as they hitched their lives to a system that was not sustainable.
[quote]UptownSteve says:
Let me try this another way.
Are you saying that if white Republicans were elected in the urban centers there would be no crime and no ghettoes?
Hey KID!!
Do you see this above?
Even though I have a good sense of humor this pisses me off!!!
Steve is practicing transference.
This is what I call "Keeping Conservatives On Trial".
He wants me to BITE and when I refuse to he says that I am scared to answer his question.
Kid - WHY IS IT that Steve doesn't articulate the BENEFIT received by Baltimore as it has a FAVORABLE POLITICAL AND IDEOLOGICAL line up from local to state to federal - including a BLACK PRESIDENT?
He is less concerned that the masses have REJECTED EVIL, RACIST CONSERVATIVES than he is that the forces that THEY HAVE CHOSEN have FAILED to deliver upon the promises made to the masses as they had their GRIEVANCES EXPLOITED.
Don't you thing that it is perverted. (Oh never mind. Why waste my time thinking that you would agree with me?)
Why is it that Steve and others are allowed to talk about "WHAT WOULD HAVE BEEN IF...." rather than WHAT WAS STRUGGLED FOR and what has been ACHIEVED: "The election of a full bank of PROGRESSIVES"?
I find that some of you all's very bias and fraudulence as you defend your machine over YOUR BEST INTERESTS is what does you in.
If YOU Constructive Feedback were mayor of Baltimore what would be your first initiative?[/quote]
I would invite YOU to my office for a conversation. Plant a gun in your jacket and tell my security detail that you are likely the one who has been phoning in the death threats to me and that they should check your pockets.
This is sad.
Constructive Feedback
The health of our economy is measured by Gross National Product, and also on consumption, it's the consumption part that is the problem, making products with built in obsoleteness, so people buy and buy and throw things away, we need to think outside that box, we need to find other ways to measure the health of our economy, and yes CF, I agree that we need new ways to manage our problems.
Also, schools all over the United States are entering a new phase, making huge cutbacks, eliminating programs, I predict this will be an even bigger problem than we have already been experiencing.
what u just said, that was disgusting to me.
Constructive Feedback: You should read the (Willie Lynch Letter) look it up on your computer! and then report back to Field Negro, give us your opinion, I would love to hear your feedback.
@Constructive Feedback-
I'd advise that you read up a bit more on economics. Reading even some conservative economic theory, say Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, would clean up your economic arguments a lot.
The Willie Lynch letter/speech is a forgery. It has been debunked by historical analysis. By the time the speech was supposedly made (1712) slave codes had already been written and a fairly solid understanding of "slavery thought' had been established. The Virginia Planters already had Barbados to look to for inspiration in dealing with slaves (slavery in the Carolinas was initially modeled after Barbados.)
These fucking people aren't frightening they're just crazy. The secret serviice will kill or be killed for the sitting President. 'Limpdog will always be a douchebag. May he die a horrible, suffering. And lonely death death.
Are you referring to this: "There are many problems with this document – not the least of which is the fact that it is absolutely fake... Even more damning is his use of the terms “indoctrination” and “self-refueling” in the next sentence. The first word didn’t carry it current connotation until 1832; the second didn’t even enter the language until 1811 -- a century after the purported date of Lynch’s speech. More obviously, Lynch uses the word “Black,” with an upper-case “B” to describe African Americans more than two centuries before the word came to be applied as a common ethnic identifier."
There are a whole slew of problems with the issue of Willie Lynch. Many are mentioned in the link you posted. Another is the fact that we have great historical records on slave owners from the West Indies; however, Lynch was not one of them. There was a Will Lynch but he wasn't born until 1742.
History Dude & Zimbel,
What about the plantation records from Hawaii? Do you know anything about them?
Field Rep/Con are coming on this BLOG to get African American's Stirred up!!! they are fanning the FLAME'S! they go under three to four different User Name's! they are Suggesting that African American's Revolt! this is a tactic! as well as Strategy!
These people are shrewd! and they can use one word and I can tell they are not African American!
I saw Black face's at a TOWN HALL MEETING! the Congress woman was Black, so can someone tell me why, older White people were mixed in! the white's were the protester's! the Black's were sitting back, but, how long will that last?
These White folk's were sent in to Distract!!! what in the world would White folk's be doing in a Black district! oh, let's see, are they sent there to Fan the Flame's? you better believe it!!!!
We do not need Black Congress member's holding Meeting's in poor Black District's!!! we know that the Health Care Bill will be beneficial to the need's of poor minority's!!! we need to be careful, these Raving White Maniac's are trying to call us out! they want us to raise up, and I pray that our people will not fall into this Trap! if the President can hold his peace, then so should we!
Constructive Feedback said...
[quote]UptownSteve says:
Let me try this another way.
Are you saying that if white Republicans were elected in the urban centers there would be no crime and no ghettoes?
Hey KID!!
Do you see this above?
Even though I have a good sense of humor this pisses me off!!!
You're not funny,hell I won't even call you ole Kraftwerk head since Kraftwerk helped a lot of black people and you don't.
Cleveland had a Republican white mayor, George Voinovich.We called him Voinobitch for a reason.He only served one term. He's wasn't shit as a Senator or a Governor.He hated in Ohio by both Democrats and Republiklans.
I think for the over sixty crowd it may be the straw that brakes the camel's back.
When King was killed there was a lot of pent up emotion suppress. Many forces in the community did very well to keep the riots to a minimum. The rioters would have been more than the thugs.
Mr. R,
If Obama would be assassinated, which is the scenario everyone else is speaking about, how could he go Bull Connor? Dead is dead; or are you, into believing he's the Messiah.
Apparently, they want to go back to the cowboy days. What I find amusing is that in history most cowboys were black. So, now, they're telling their people to bring guns to the Townhall meetings with intent to commit violence. I guess, they don't realize that when they made one gun they didn't stop there. Everybody has guns now. Some folks is crazier than a road lizard. Lord Jesus deliver their minds! Anonymous 5:41 is right about what they said. Yup, they're trying their best to get that race war started. LOL! However, if they had any common sense, which they don't, they shouldn't get their hopes too high because it's not gone turn out like they think. Anyway, read this:
Constructive F:
"I would invite YOU to my office for a conversation. Plant a gun in your jacket and tell my security detail that you are likely the one who has been phoning in the death threats to me and that they should check your pockets."
You scandalist! Smh!
I know virtually nothing about plantation records of Hawaii, nor how they'd be relevant to any discussion taking place so far on this page.
If you could give me some background on the reason for the question, I might be able to find information for you. Otherwise, I'd advise looking it up yourself.
Well Field,
Here is one point that I gathered from your observations and the comments on this thread:
After all these years, RADIO still remains a powerful and influencial means of communication...for better or for worse.
@Constructive Feedback (3:03 PM)
I'm not sure why you are addressing me? The last comment I made was last night.
the reason i ask is that i read somewhere, it might be Tanaki, who studied planatation record from Hawaii, and came to some of the same conclusions of the Lynch speech. that is what i am referencing.
"Mr Lyons - If I was not a nice guy I would respond with an U and an F but not in that order."
I doubt you were ever a nice guy, and I can respond in kind. The difference is that I don't have to resort to vulgarities in order to do it. The great thing about language is that you can insult someone in the most magnificent of ways. Somehow I doubt you'll be able to grasp that, since you remain absorbed in self-centered pontification.
@Mack Lyons:
"The great thing about language is that you can insult someone in the most magnificent of ways."
You and I must be kinfolks. LOL!
I don't support restrictions on free speech. The minute they are imposed, they will be used to shield corporate and government malfeasance. Current laws against threats and incitement to violence are sufficient to handle extreme cases.
The Republicans will regret the day they tried these tactics. The public is not going to like it at all. It will take a while for people to see what's going on, but they'll get the message.
By the way, I am going to drive 75 miles each way to attend a "town hall" meeting this weekend hosted by Democratic representative Rick Larsen, a congressman from the Puget Sound. I learned about it on a wingnut website.
It's a funny thing about free speech. If the wingnuts come to shout him down, they just might find themselves on the receiving end of some catcalls. Free speech? All of us have that right, as they soon will learn. You want to dish it out? Better be prepared to have it served right back.
@Elián Maricón: "HomophObama had to throw that public option in there, that way come 2012 he can tell his base of Volvo-driving white Trustafarians that he tried really hard to get universal health care."
Your argument would coruscate were it not for all the resistance to a public option that we're seeing from the healthcare industry.
"It [healthcare reform] has been a chimera from the start, because Obama is not going to do anything to upset the health insurance industry. Quite the contrary...he owes them for being among his top campaign contributors."
A healthcare option is the brainchild of Howard Dean, ex-Chair of the DNC. It's not an Obama creation.
Are or you saying the fix is in all around, and the healthcare industry is merely spending all those millions to divert attention from theirs and President Obama's true purpose?
If so: There's got to be cheaper ways to buy opposition than millions spent on ads, and other sundry methods.
And your vision of where all this is taking us, is this?
"IF Obama they have people convinced he's a socialist, then by the time they are through with him in 2012, President Palin is going to make sure that the only people who are gonna be paying any taxes at all are those of us who make less than $300,000 a year."
It's crystal clear: Your crystal ball is better than mine.
I'm not suggesting that oppressors don't create and exploit divisions among the oppressed. That's common in any such mass labor situation relying on oppression - including the more modern examples of prison labor camps.
Granny: I'm curious about something... I've seen you reference the possibility of a race war several times, and also how you believe "it's not gone turn out like they think."
Several questions:
1) It won't turn out like who thinks? The angry, absurd white protesters?
2) How will it turn out?
I am deeply concerned that the obvious hatred of Obama can turn to a horribly despicable turn, however if Obama were killed--the Hard Right's Boogeyman-Nazi Socialist would implode and he would in turn be the one thing that they have fervently believed that his “followers” thought him to be—a beloved Messiah that would become a blameless Martyr.
They need to keep Obama alive so that he can be the failed N*gger that they can continue to lob their disgusting invective until they are sure that they can swing back the White Independent and Conservative voters that grudgingly voted for him and are now having buyer’s remorse. Killing him would be political and social suicide.
I think Granny's going to be going Khallid Muhammed on some white folks. Luckily I'll be in Vermont soon; I should be safe there until the race war is over.
the reason i ask is that i read somewhere, it might be Tanaki, who studied planatation record from Hawaii, and came to some of the same conclusions of the Lynch speech. that is what i am referencing.
I'm not all familiar with Tanaka. I couldn't say.
Check this out. Some white people do get it.
Posted the wrong link. This is the correct one showing white people that get it.
I wish people would stop speaking the word's (If the President were to be Assassinated) word's have Power! no harm Hathor, I know you care about the President, but, I hate that WORD!!!!
It is just enough to know that he is Hated! and to think, he is running around America trying to get White poor folk's to have free HEALTH CARE! and what doe's he get in return for trying to do a good DEED? he is called every thing but, a child of God!! I will be so glad when God's WRATH begin to fall on these HEATHEN'S!!!!
We have African American men and women that can not be trusted! they have sold the President down the river for a chance to be on Hannity's and Glenn's show! now these are the Black people that we need to watch!
Constructive Feedback and other Black Men help to fan the Flame's, they give the Racist the o'kay to Attack the President! we are Divided as a people because Black Men refuse to step up, and the sad thing about it is, Constructive Feedback is Intelligent, but yet he hide's behind the White Man's Agenda!
We can talk about the White Racist with hate speech, but, what about our own people, can we trust them? what limit will they go to as far as opposing the President? we may not be in Physical Chain's but, some of our people are yet trapped, some will go so far as to call the President a NAZI!!!!!
Did anyone see the BLACK MAN with the sign calling the President a NAZI!!!!!! Help us LORD!!!
History Dude, our people were brought from AFRICA, and Dehumanized/ they were Slave's!! they were LYNCHED!!! so stop trying to figure out when and at what place were SLAVE'S treated as less than Human's!!
i LOVE reading through the COMMENTS sections except for when CF 'comments'. i mean do EACH of your comments have to be the size of a dissertation?! Geez! i'm by snoozing the 3rd sentence.
you remind me of some of these Black preachers who LOVE to 'hear' themselves talk!
i tried to give you a 'chance' but half the stuff you say doesn't even make sense... mostly because i stopped reading for fear i'd be put into a coma from sheer boredom.
i have to laugh as you try to take other Commentors to 'task', lobbying supposedly snarky names like "Filled Negro"... i SINCERELY wish you wouldn't fill up the Comment section w/ your long-winded b.s. because as other Commentors have pointed out: a) it's clear that no matter what factual information we might impart or b) your rather purposely ignorant knowledge about taxes & your insistence about how you want to spend YOUR money YOUR way & c) no matter how much people get tired of your diatribe you'll still be... 'you.'
(SIGH) & i'm sure you'll respond to all your "critics" w/ another thousand-word essay but honestly i REALLY, REALLY, wish you wouldn't it's tiresome.
Let's just agree that you know LOTS of big words & call it a day.
blackgirl#1, granny giving you a high five and a fist bump! Hallelujah and amen, girlfriend.
"SIGH) & i'm sure you'll respond to all your "critics" w/ another thousand-word essay but honestly i REALLY, REALLY, wish you wouldn't it's tiresome."
You are wrong. CF isn't trying to lecture anybody with his thousand words. He's trying to crash Field's site. LOL
[quote]what u just said, that was disgusting to me.[/quote]
Kathy - many of the WAYS that you think are disappointing and disgusting to me. I can't worry about your FEELINGS about me. I can only be concerned about how you KEEP TRYING HARDER at doing the same thing yet are unwilling to learn key lessons.
I am still waiting for you to show me a nation that DOES NOT POLLUTE
[quote]Zimbel said:
I'd advise that you read up a bit more on economics. Reading even some conservative economic theory, say Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, would clean up your economic arguments a lot.[/quote]
Unlike many others I am not offended by offers of additional sources of knowledge and understand.
At this point I am just puzzled why you didn't offer any suggestions to Kathy, Jody, Kid or Filled Negro?
Were MY economic views the only ones that ran awry to your vision? Please tell me specifically which one?
Why didn't Kathy's claim that our capitalistic system pollutes as if this is unique to us?
[quote]Cleveland had a Republican white mayor, George Voinovich.We called him Voinobitch for a reason.He only served one term. He's wasn't shit as a Senator or a Governor.He hated in Ohio by both Democrats and Republiklans.[/quote]
OK Cleveland had a Republican mayor. This means what?
Cleveland, Akron, Youngstown and a few others are some of the most Democraticly dominated cities around. Despite their anemic economic condition PEOPLE LIKE YOU are so blind and bounded to your ideology you don't focus on retribution upon the "Local Democrats" instead operatives like Filled Negro and Granny make sure you stay focused on the NATIONAL REPUBLICANS as your source of scorn.
[quote]Monie said...
I'm not sure why you are addressing me? The last comment I made was last night.[/quote]
NOPE. I just commented because your eyes are pretty. That is assuming that those are your eyes.
[quote]Mack Lyons said..
Somehow I doubt you'll be able to grasp that, since you remain absorbed in self-centered pontification.[/quote]
Self-Centered Pontification.
No doubt about it.
I believe that YOU are one of the people who are just like Filled Negro and WhiteBowieSteve.
You would rather have a group of Black people who AGREED WITH YOU. Yet when separated from the crowd and then pressed to articulate WHY they believe as they do - they are unable to render a convincing argument. This is just fine because he still counts as a vote.
It is the Black man who not only disagrees with you but can tell you WHY and then beyond that can take YOUR ARGUMENT and then detail specifically WHY it is a strategic flaw........THIS is a threatening person to you, indeed.
I struggle to understand: HOW do you create a "Strong People" when you perfer SHEEP in that they are more easy to become agreeable with you.
Tell me Mack Lyons: with this incremental socialized health care plan:
* How much more medical KNOWLEDGE will our people receive in parallel with BEING SERVICED?
* How will the local economy which is the aggregate application of all of our talents improved as more competency is built up within? Will more of our people be employed?
* How will the NEED for Healthy status among our people be made more aligned with OUR AGGREGATE behavior and enforcements?
The answer to all of it is - IT WON'T HAVE AN IMPACT.
This is an OUTSOURCE BILL!!!
It is ironic that some of you can see the damage that International Trade Bills have upon our nation.
You are equally as CLUELSS as to how Nationalistic OUTSOURCING Bills have upon our cultural and community consciousness and confidence
I struggle to understand how some of you would make out if you were left ALL ALONE, all by yourself, your source of nutrition taken away from you.
i tried to give you a 'chance' but half the stuff you say doesn't even make sense... mostly because i stopped reading for fear i'd be put into a coma from sheer boredom.[/quote]
Black Girl #1:
Do you notice that you TOLD ME "my comments didn't make any sense". At the same time you did not identify which of these comments are so nor did you tell me WHY?
If you said "Your comments didn't make any sense TO ME". I would have accepted this because this is relative to YOUR viewpoint and understanding.
If, however, you are alleging that my comments don't make sense in ABSOLUTE terms then surely you have a complete encyclopedia of my writings to cherry pick from and rip them to shreds.
You see - I didn't even attack you.
I actually feel sorry for you. I can imagine if you were my elected representative and you had 4 separate 1,000 page+ health care proposals in front of you with these BILLS DICTATING MY FUTURE.
Since all of them are no doubt boring dissertations - I bet that you would rely on that which OTHER PEOPLE TOLD YOU was in the bill, see which is most POPULAR and use this as your reference for which to support.
Thank goodness you have no power over me.
CF... what?!!!
you must get light-headed often from all the hot air you let out.
no wonder you have 7 blogs...? really? it must be hard to limit that ego to just 7 blogs.
apparently you missed the English class about how to 'summarize' or 'paraphrase.'
you're right i didn't understand because as i mentioned before by the 3rd sentence i was in a stupor.
if i ever need sleeping pills in the future i'll be sure to read your Comments. otherwise i just can't drum up the care to respond in the future to your overloading the Comment section.
History Dude, our people were brought from AFRICA, and Dehumanized/ they were Slave's!! they were LYNCHED!!! so stop trying to figure out when and at what place were SLAVE'S treated as less than Human's!!
Actually, i don't need to figure it out; someone else did the work on that one. If you think ignoring historical accuracy is a good idea, more power to ya. Just don't complain when someone makes up their version of it.
@Constructive Feedback:
"Unlike many others I am not offended by offers of additional sources of knowledge and understand.
At this point I am just puzzled why you didn't offer any suggestions to Kathy, Jody, Kid or Field Negro?
Were MY economic views the only ones that ran awry to your vision? Please tell me specifically which one?
Why didn't Kathy's claim that our capitalistic system pollutes as if this is unique to us?" (note - slur removed)
Because at least they (other than Kid, which seems to not discuss economics at all in this thread) use a consistent economic theory, whether I like that theory or not. They might be missing a few minor implications, but they don't propose an economic solution in one paragraph, then attack that very same solution a few paragraphs down.
You, however, have done this, multiple times, in this thread. There are two possibilities:
1) you're trolling for comments, and couldn't care less about what you state.
2) your understanding of economic theory is so weak that you don't understand the implications of what you're stating.
For example, you propose socialism far to the left of what virtually anyone in the U.S.A. argues for in one sentence "Provide more funding to the existing public hospitals. Allow people to walk in and NOT worry about the bills.", then decrying socialism in another sentence "Can some one tell me the logic of placing MORE burden on this central government?".
With the text you have in this one thread alone, it's nearly impossible to argue or even comment on your "solutions" as they contradict each other regardless of what economic model you use.
Please study your favorite economic model, whatever that may be. Without some cogent economic theory behind it, it's difficult to have a discussion on any macro-economic topic, including health care.
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