Folks, I am taking a little longer to get to this post tonight. Mrs. Field is watching some group called Sugarland on television and she is begging me to come and watch them with her. Not going to happen. Never heard of them, and don't care to. They sound like they are country and western and that ain't my cup of tea. Mrs.. Field, on the other hand, is all over country and western music. Go figure. One day I packed her I-Pod into my gym bag quite by accident and I couldn't listen to two songs on the damn thing. How we lasted this long I will never know.
But anyway, enough of that. I wanted to post about some other things going down in La La Land. It seems that there are posters being plastered all over Los Angeles with a likeness of his O ness to look like Heath Ledger's Joker. The wingnuts think it's funny, (notice some of them already using it on this very site as their avatar) I do not.
Drudge, of course, is pushing it. And I am pretty sure that whoever created these little gems will be featured on FOX NEWS and various conservative talk radio programs and blogs, soon.
Nothing like a little mockery of the Kenyan born president to get a rise out of the troops. Oh field, stop it! What about when you people were making fun of George Bush day and night? What about the late night jokes and all the blogs devoted to ridiculing him? On this very blog you called him the frat boy. What about it field? Care to answer that one? Yes, that's true. After Katrina, and after he led us into an illegal war, people got pretty upset at the frat boy. But I don't remember 100 days into his presidency people plastering posters of him all over a major A-merry-can city and it becoming some kind of rallying point for democrats against him. No, in fact, if I recall correctly, the frat boy had a lot of good will right after 911 in this country. Obama inherited a depression like economy and gets no such good will from the wingnuts while he tries to work things out. It has been one loof (That's a backwards fool for those of you who were wondering about my spelling.) after another from day one. The birthers; the tea party people; the deathers; the he is going to take our guns crowd; the he is a Socialist crowd (we could only wish); the he is a secret black Nationalist crowd. ....get the idea? With George it was ridicule, but it was just that: Ridiculing his incompetence and his policies. Not drumming up silly conspiracies worthy of an Oliver Stone movie.
" Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable President Earl Ofari Hutchinson is calling the depiction, politically mean spirited and dangerous.Hutchinson is challenging the group or individual that put up the poster to have the courage and decency to publicly identify themselves.'Depicting the president as demonic and a socialist goes beyond political spoofery,' says Hutchinson, "it is mean-spirited and dangerous.''We have issued a public challenge to the person or group that put up the poster to come forth and publicly tell why they have used this offensive depiction to ridicule President Obama."'
Well Earl, I agree with you, it is mean spirited and potentially dangerous. But you know what? I am not going to call for them to be taken down. (Unless the person putting up the posters is breaking the law or putting them on private property.) I won't give the wingnuts the pleasure of screaming hypocrite. I strongly believe in the First Amendment, and although this is somewhat crass and ignorant (Heath Ledger happens to be dead), I don't think it's like crying fire in a crowded theater. It's more like crying I am a dumb ass wingnut who needs a life.
obama a socialist? With arch capitalist/crook Tim Geithner at his side? Apparently these folks never met any real socialists nor have they ever travelled to a so called "socialist" country. Even the advanced industrial democracies of Europe (whom Republicans refer to as socialist, though they are not) actually have better standards of living then we do! including shorter work week, lower infant mortality rates, more vacation and far less economic inequality. In fact, America is alone among the major industrial democracies of the west to have had explosive growths in economic inequality in the past thirty years. So much for deregulation!
It's dangerous because mean spirited shit like this pushes these wingnuts to violence. President Obama receives 30 death threats per day. A 400% increase over what George W received.
I was one of the thousands that over the past 9 years, regularly criticised Bush. Not him personally, although moments like reading a book upside down, and all of his really over the top "mis-speaks" made for the occasional exception.
But his policies and lies begged for criticism. The problem with these right wingers is that their attacks on President Obama, that's right PRESIDENT Obama, are based on who he is, not what he has or hasn't done. They are constantly argueing rhetorical nonsense.... example Health care's public option will kill your grandma and take away your choice... like the fucking insurance companies aren't doing that right now??!!!!
And, for the record for those who think you are either for or against..... I do not agree with everything Obama has done/is doing. I do not support his position on Afghanistan. I disagree with bailing out the banks, or his position on extending spying. But I agree with the stimulous plan. I agree with his environmental policies. I agree with his nomination of Sotomayor, among other things.
That is political discourse. These right wingers are not interested in political discourse. They only seem to want to fan the flames of hatred.
Where was all ya'll when Bush was was the joker in the pic?
Don't remember Earl or anyone on the left speaking out about dat.
Ya'll need to get use to the fact the magic negro is dead.All we has now is just another political figure in the Whitehouse thats controlled by his masters.
If Obama doesn't do what his masters like,well we just saw what happen with Gates/officer friendly.
Haven't seen one of these around, but you'd better believe if I do, the car WILL screech to a halt and it will get pulled down. Lies and propaganda get by in the guise of free speech, but that doesn't mean I have to listen to it if it's in public.
Yeah, I would love some socialism here if that meant I didn't have to pay a $1000 deductible every year when my family goes to get their annual physical.
"President Obama receives 30 death threats per day. A 400% increase over what George W received."
Does anybody know why Obama would receive more death threats than any other President? Is it because he is a young President?
MR R, thanks for showing your avatar for me.
Jody, I am co-signing with you 100%
Los Angelista, I had images of you jumping out of your whip dancing in my head while reading your comments.:) That was too funny. Just don't put yourself in any danger.
History Dude, where is your church at?
"Does anybody know why Obama would receive more death threats than any other President? Is it because he is a young President?"
Yes Anon, that's the ticket.
"Does anybody know why Obama would receive more death threats than any other President? Is it because he is a young President?"
There are a lot of white people who can't get over the fact that a Black man is in the White House. For them, it's enough the stop planet Earth from rotating on its axis.
History Dude, where is your church at?
Atheists don't need a church Field ;)
For all ya'll who try to say ya'll gave Bush a chance , look this up--
According to Pew Research,Obama is the most polarizing president everrr.
Who is second on dat list ya'll might ask??
Why its that frat boy Bush!!!!
So stop pretending and take your medicine like big boys and girls.
Dude, you gotta stop this Lark Lusting...seriously.
History Dude I knew there was something I liked about you. :)
Lola, I know,I need help. :(
Field, "Yes Anon, that's the ticket."
Thanks Field, I learn so much from you.
Health Care Reform Now!
Subj: I have a very casual relationship with the person who sent this to me so I'm sure she will think twice before she sends me something again. However, this woman is very smart and I couldn't pass up an opportunity to educate her. It's ignorant (in an uneducated way) to say, "tell the Government to get out of my health care". The government has been all up in health care for over 30 years. They allow employees to pay for the benefits with pre-tax benefits and employers must abide by government rules under ERISA.
Someone sent me the email link above, to sign a petition to get the government out of healthcare. Although I certainly didn't have time to write a long response, I felt compelled to do so - my response is below:
Health Care Reform Now!
I welcome the posters. I think it's finally getting through to the public that the wingnuts are going insane with hatred.
Dear Field:
As a fellow lawyer, you recognize that the 1st amendment protects speech against government action.
Translation: Let me see your cracker ass putting one of those posters up and you are going to have to "explain" that shit to one 270 pound 6'3" pissed off field negro. Ya hear!! Good luck with that. I will be waiting! I got some freedom of expression for your ass!
"But I don't remember 100 days into his presidency people plastering posters of him all over a major A-merry-can city and it becoming some kind of rallying point for democrats against him.."
Sarah Palin didn't even have that long and people started spreading rumors about her not being the mother or her last child. Come on, there are people who still thinks she said she could see Russia from her house (that was Tina Fay in SNL).
Accept it, B.O. is a joke.
Does anybody know why Obama would receive more death threats than any other President? Is it because he is a young President?
This reminds me of the AP story of the two cops in Decatur, Georgia, caught running a criminal background check on President Obama. The last line of the story reads, "(County public safety director William) Miller did not say what the officers' motive may have been."
Perhaps they were motivated by Obama being such a young president.
Or maybe something else.
why ask why? you know the answer black is bad, expected to be bad, white is right, don't question
black is bad, I'm just exercising my freedom of speech
don't say nothing bad about white, he's a good guy, he has black friends
white murder (Israel) just protecting their homeland
black murder, NOO! black people kill? whitey never would
white man uses technology to advance weaponry to kill humankind
black man uses technology, white man steals puts his name on it, he's a genius
white man kills to protect his family,hero
black man kills to protect his family, jail
white youths kill each other, bad seed
black youths kil each other, parents fault, hip hops fault
white man molests, rapes children, I'm still going to that church
black man head of dogfighting ring, loses vocation, jail, protesters, (where are those protesters when children were raped for 30+ years?)
Holocaust (3+ yrs)-terrible tragedy, give them someone's land, now their killing ppl-fine
Slavery (400+yrs, 10 million slaves)-get over it already
white man falters, he has a shoulder to lean on
black man falters, black, white, spanish, kick him when down
I applaud and appreciate your stand on the first amendment. It just gives further testimony to your ability to be fair and consistent and not hypocritical. Though you have called yourself hypocritical in some stands you have taken in prior posts, the fact that you self-indict actually removes you from the ranks, in my book.
The first amendment is just one example of the blessing and curse of this experiment called American democracy. The danger is that so much of the exercise of that right is purely hate speech. Somehow, I doubt the founding fathers were writing a prescription for personally directed hate speech. "...words can never hurt me" might have been a quaint response to childhood bullies, but today it's just an inciting of the racist lunatics who don't wear white in public.
Intelligent folk--like most of those that post here understand how the first amendment is "abused". The problem is that the audience of these type of disgraceful expressions have no discernment. They can't see hypocrisy, disrespect, or race-baiting, of the religious right and Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly.
They actually don't want it. If they did, they would recognize the perpetrators and their poison. They would see their frat boy and the rest of his fraternity was guilty of everything they are now accusing the O-man--ballooning the deficit, abuse of power, incompetence. They might see the need for some socialism.
Alas, freedom of expression is too often synonymous with failure of intellignce and the absence of empathy.
What a country!
Field some of my girlfriends actually love Country music. My one friend drives down the street blaring it in the summertime. Some of it is good.
People are free to speak their mind. They have to remember freedom has consequences, too.
All I have to say to these people is the same thing they told us for eight years. "America, love it or leave it."
"the he is a Socialist crowd (we could only wish)"
lol couldnt agree with you more!funny thing is so many of the people that are so afraid of socialism would be so much better off with it.
Ask yourself why a man into only an 1/8 of his term is so polarizing. Did your Pew Research report dig deeper than just respondents' like/dislike of the President? Perhaps you would like to speculate why you feel so polarized by the President. Well we all know the reason don't we. No one wants to come out and say they dislike the man because of his skin color so you have McCain/Palin rallies, tea parties, birthers, uptick in gun purchases and death threats on the President.
Bush was initially disliked by the majority (he did lose the popular vote) because his electoral win was not decided in a fair recount of the Florida vote. It was decided by the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision as we all know. Unprecedented in our nation's history. People were upset and understandably so. But eventually the furor died down and Bush settled in mediocrity. I don't need to recount what happened next.
MR.R(acist) it's clear that you are capable of higher thought in that you can compare and contrast two things to one another. But even children learn to think more abstractly than you!
Believe me! I don't care for a lot of the things Obama is doing that get very little press. He has broken a number of his campaign promises. One being transparency and another being closing Gitmo. But a socialist?! Anybody that believes that many aspects of the life we enjoy in this country does not on some level have the governments mark on it is unsophisticated and blind.
These are not colonial days. States long ago gave up their strong states' rights stances for a strong central government. This government has socialized healthcare in the form of Medicaid/Medicare. It provides subsidies to Agribusiness. It subsidizes higher education without which many people would never afford college.
If the federal government scaled back its socialization of society we would see poverty in this country swell. As the burden fell on state and local budgets to offset the pain of the economically displaced, states would left to pick up the slack. What is happening in California would look like an exercise in a high school political science class.
@Ulises Jorge Bidó: "Come on, there are people who still thinks she said she could see Russia from her house (that was Tina Fay in SNL)."
"Accept it, B.O. is a joke."
Palin actual quote was: "They're our next-door neighbours and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska."
This actually stood as Palin's foreign policy credentials.
I like Tina Fay's take, though, it shows just how ridiculous the Palin claim was.
And I accept it: "B.O. is a joke," but President Barack Obama doesn't have B.O., but the Republican Party is sure stinking up the place lately with the Birther Movement, and fake birth certificates, with resisting the president's efforts to break the back of the recession, and categorizing all economic recovery news as either inevitable, or short-term.
Got any more jokes up your sleeve?
"It's dangerous because mean spirited shit like this pushes these wingnuts to violence."
You could say the same thing aboout Louis FarraKKKhan, Jerimiah Wright, New Black Panther Party... and 6 million mysogynistic, homophobic, racist, thug rappers. Remember "Cop Killer"? It wasn't banned. You can still buy it in stores. All the above mentioned folks haven't had their freedom of speech revoked- Jerimiah is still preaching at black churches, FaraKKKhan rubbed elbows with the black elite when he was invited to participate at Tavis Smilleys "State of the Black Union" So what really is the issue? Criticizing a black male. I don't agree with their claim (that he is a socialist) but I don't agree with Jerimiah Wright's claim that the government spread AIDS on purpose or Jesse Jackson's proclamation that Obama is a nigger who needs his balls cut off. (Funny no one ever said Jesse's words might cause a black male to assasinate Obama..hmmm)
Really! Could it drive someone to violence? Less likely then TV, video games, movies, rap, etc.
The reality is that until I see black folks trying to censor black people with the same fervor they go after Obama-haters I say you have no point. It is just the same old, same old- if blacks had their way the difference between freedom of speech and hate speech would be gaged by what makes them loose their temper. Claiming something "could" incite violence has been a way to censor since the beginning of time. Malcolm X and MLK were both subject to those alligations too.
This needs to be a "teachable" moment for the black community- freedom of speech doesn't stop when something enrages you. Whites, asians, jews, hispanics, gays and women had known this for years.
"People are free to speak their mind. They have to remember freedom has consequences, too."
Al Shaptons hate speech has triggers 2 serious hate crimes both that left a body count. What were his consequences?
Al Sharpton publically falsely claimed Tawana Brawley was raped. The consequences?
NAACP, Jesse Jackson, NBPP all took part in the Duke rape hoax? What consequences did they face? Or the woman who made the false alligation?
In all cases- NONE
Isaah Thomas, Isaih Washington, NBPP, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Jerimiah Wright, Louis Farrkhan, Ice Cube...
just a short list of black folks who found no consequences
How is calling Obama a socialist more likely to cause an assasination than calling Bush a war criminal. I saw some posters of that around town and don't remember you upset about it
"Holocaust (3+ yrs)-terrible tragedy, give them someone's land, now their killing ppl-fine
Slavery (400+yrs, 10 million slaves)-get over it already"
Actually Jews have been persecuted for more than 3 f-ing years. I should remind you the Arabs and Muslims are killing people and stealing their land on every corner of the globe. Africans seem to excel as well at killing people. Perhaps you should make note of the coutries where gays are executed? Almost all African and Arab countries. I would take blacks more serious about getting all wet eyed about the Palestinians
if they got equally enraged about the treatment of woman and gays in the muslim, african, and arab world. Apparently some blacks are too busy policing the Israelis to police the Africans.
Slavery didn't last for 400 years, it started at the beginning of time and still is going on. It seems some blacks cry about slavery but don't lift a finger to stop it when it's non-whites who are doing it.
Furthermore blacks have excelled at using past injustices to persecute other people too and white guilt goes a long way to explain why blacks are able to these events are swept under the table without a word of protest from anti-racist activists.
Ya'll need to get over ya'll is single white female obsession with Sarah Palin.She and her hubby are not breakin up.The liberal nut job who frist made up this story has back tracked.
Javier said...
Ask yourself why a man into only an 1/8 of his term is so polarizing. Did your Pew Research report dig deeper than just respondents' like/dislike of the President? Perhaps you would like to speculate why you feel so polarized by the President. Well we all know the reason don't we. No one wants to come out and say they dislike the man because of his skin color so you have McCain/Palin rallies, tea parties, birthers, uptick in gun purchases and death threats on the President.
Yes the Pew Research Center did a good job in explainin' the difference in support between Democrats and Republicans for Obama.
Again people on this board and others always try to say they gave Bush a chance when the reality is they didn't.
Remeber all the Bush isn't my president venom ya'll spewed?
Bush being morphed into a chimp or Alfred E. Neuman is not as dark as the Joker.
Did ya'll here from us, when Obama morphed into Alfred E. Neuman.
Do not mention The Jungle Bunny themes and Curious George, because you can not make a sow's ear into a silk purse?
Awww, Field! A post that pro-POTUS! What a lovely birthday gift for 44!
You pick the weirdest times to support my President, good grief! Their's a strange topography going on with your emotional landscape. I'm finding it and you fascinating.
Now, come on over here and take a sip of this Kool-Aid.... ;o)
"funny thing is so many of the people that are so afraid of socialism would be so much better off with it."
True! But miss e... isn't the state powerful?
Thank you Doc L, and it's nice to see some of the gown ups commenting this morning.
malik said:"As a fellow lawyer, you recognize that the 1st amendment protects speech against government action.
Translation: Let me see your cracker ass putting one of those posters up and you are going to have to "explain" that shit to one 270 pound 6'3" pissed off field negro. Ya hear!! Good luck with that. I will be waiting! I got some freedom of expression for your ass!"
Meezie, like C&W music, I will not go near the O-Aid. :) But still, your boy is cool with me. I don't always agree with him, but he is a far cry from what we have had to endure for the past 8 years.
Lawd Field, you forget all the time who you are dealing with; frothing at the mouth Repubba-bulls. This is their usual modus operandi, always. It's been going on for years, started by Nixon back when he was running against Helen Douglas for Senator in California. You're too young to remember the Pink Papers.
Having never seen the Batman release and until you brought this up, I would have never known that was Obama. OMG! They have sunk to a new low. But, didn't we all know that this s**t would get ramped up because McCain is such a spoil sport and so are the rest of the Bubbas.
BTW, my husband is convince C&W music WILL break your sound system.
I don't agree w the posters but of course the are free speech
To all those outrages now over this poster because Obama has only been in office a few months.....where were you when Palin was the subject of lies, photoshops and sexual innuendo when she hadn't even been elected.
and btw - any president who can complain about a deficit and then grow it tenfold in less than half a year IS a Joker.
If President Obama is assassinated by an American wingnut, America will never be the same. Race relations will be set back 40 years and other countries will never see us as the free world leader again. Our hypocrisy will show. How dare we complain about the Holocaust or any other unjust treatment of people in other countries when we as a country enslaved and oppressed black people for 400+ years and then assassinated the first black President in history? It would not be a good day for American and deservingly so.
So all of you people on here trying to compare the hatred being carried out by these wingnuts to Rev. Wright, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Farakkan and others need to get a grip. NOTHING COMPARES to what whites did to blacks in this country. You may never admit it but you know it's true. That's why you try so hard to defend it and can't. You don't even believe your own words. But just like most wingnuts if you keep saying it and repeating it to yourself it finally becomes true in your own mind. You are just a lost cause.
If anybody exploited Sarah Palin, it was her own party - the Republicans. McCain picked her because she had a virginal and he thought this was enough to get the Hillary Clinton democrats. And don't forget what happened at the RNC remember the pins everyone was wearing that said 'the hottest governor from the coldest state'. Sarah Palin lacked intellectual curiosity and was not ready for the big stage so stop making damn excuses and get over it. She was and remains a joke!
As for the deficit, where were you when George W pissed away a surplus and started an unjust war? It took 8 years to get us into this mess so I am sure it's going to take just as long to get us out.
Oh yea, and to the poster that states that a blogger took back a rumor he heard from a source that the Palin's were splitting, here is the website below. And as you can see, there has been no such retraction. The blogger is standing by his source. Looks like there is some other craziness that Sarah is doing as well. But what do you care, I am sure you are part of her 'real America' - you know, white, Christian, anti-abortion, pro-death by guns, pro-marriage if it's between a man and a woman etc..
Harkin said:
"and btw - any president who can complain about a deficit and then grow it tenfold in less than half a year IS a Joker."
Ok Harkin.... lets TRY a little political discourse...... First, the current budget we are working under is from fiscal 2008.... which was passed and signed under Bush. Second, when Obama came into office, we were under what every economist called an economic melt down that if nothing was done, would cause the greatest depression we would ever see. This position was not just something the liberals were saying. So, Obama acted. We were told that the bank bailout had to happen because after years of deregulation and hyper corporate greed, and monopolies.... if they went, so would the entire economy. Something had to be done. So, after consulting with economists, politicians, business, and industry, Obama acted. I don't agree with bailing out the big corps, but I am willing to admit I am not an economist and did not and do not claim to know if the dooms day assertions were true. So, I am willing to live with it. The republicans at the time were arguing to do "more of the same." Remember? They were arguing for MORE tax breaks for the rich and corporations as the solution.
Next, when Obama was running, he was advocating that we need to SPEND money to rebuild our infrastructure, fund education and reform health care. Guess what... THAT COSTS MONEY! And, the majority knows that and voted for him because we AGREE, that needs to be done. And that is what the stimulous funding is for. Cash for Clunkers is a great example of a government program with multi-pronged goals, that is wildly successful.
The reason we have to spend money is because we had 8 years of defunding of programs with Bush, coupled with insane funding of a war that Bush wouldn't even put in his own budgets and tax cuts for the rich while real income for the rest of us went down. Remember all of those supplemental funding requests that wouldn't show the cost of the wars? And, those cuts in programs hurt. And in the case of bridges collapsing and Katrina, KILLED alot of people. We said enough. We said rebuild. We said fund education and health care. The grown ups here know that will cost money. I am willing to live with that. And THAT is no Joke!
Didn't know that Field had so many Palin fans visiting. Here is a guy telling the truth about this woman back in Oct. 2008. I found it facinating especially now since we know so much more about her.
Palin represents the extremists in our society and has every right to be stopped.
Anonymous said...
Oh yea, and to the poster that states that a blogger took back a rumor he heard from a source that the Palin's were splitting, here is the website below. And as you can see, there has been no such retraction.
"Sarah and Todd will not be making their break up official for some time. "
Yeah thats backtracking.
More single white female obsession from you on the left.
Heath Ledger's Joker was COOL...much better than that hack Jack Nicholson... and I'm sorta getting to like the Mulatto in Chief...more Soldiers killed in Iraq/Afghanistan during the MIC's first 6 months than "W"s first and last 6 months combined...
I saw on your sidebar that you found Lark Voorhies already, but I thought I'd send along this link just in case you needed more info on homegirl. However, I think she may be going through some things.
I happened to believe in the First Amendment and it isn't better to hear what people are thinking so you can balance it out. Birthers and Deathers are letting you know what is on their minds. I do believe that these people are one brick short shy of a load, of course I do, and I agree with Anna Marie Cox who said on the Rachel Maddow Show that these people should be mocked and taking seriously at the same time.
These people are letting you know that they are a group of bigots by what they are saying that Obama is a socialist and he is not one of us because he was really born in Kenya and not in the US. He does not look like us.
There is nothing wrong with country music, now polka music is another story. I do not listen to current country because it sucks as does most commercial music. However, people like Patsy Cline, George Jones, Charlie Pride, Charlie Rich, and Ronnie Milsap were much better than what you hear today. I loved Randy Tavis. In the words of John Lee Hooker, country music is white man blues just like the blues are to black. Country, the blues, and folk music tell stories about people lives. The good times, hardships, and everything else in between. I listened Sugarland and it is a good music group. She has a good voice and they are coming from a younger perspective. I also do not love today's Reggae music, there is too much dance hall. At least I have my Bob Marley and Jimmy Cliff.
"You could say the same thing aboout Louis FarraKKKhan, Jerimiah Wright, New Black Panther Party"
Examples of violence from any one of these folks you mentioned.
Take all the time you need.
Field, first off, lemme say that it is truly an honor to be a finalist alongside you in the 2009 Black Weblog Awards. You sir as I've mentioned before are my blog superhero, and I hope to be like you when I grow up one day in these here internuts.
How can Obama be the Joker? If he is, he'd be a member of "The Legion of Doom" (i.e. the G.O.P.). But then again, the G.O.P. isn't actually "The Legion of Doom" are they? Lately they've been coming off as "The Really Rottens" of Hanna Barbara fame.
MR R why do you keep calling Palin a "single white female"?
Do u know somwthing that we don't?
Big Man, good looking out!!!(The same goes for all the good folks who have been e-mailing me with the Lark sightings)That is FN worthy. And yes,I think she might have some issues now,but I would be willing to work with the poor child.:)
Thanks Rippa!And congrats on the recognition.You deserve it.Like I told you before,you have skills.
Hennaslplace, you made a strong argument for C and W music.(I love how you tried to sway me with the Cliff and Marley references)
But still a no go.:)
Well, at least the right came up with a caricature without the racial over and undertones...
I guess in Post racial Rethuglanism...
That's progress.
You see allot of comparisons of Obama to FDR since he first started running (not justified comparisons either.) The FDR administration was the closest thing this country has sen to socialism and it was one of the best things to happen to this country.
We shouldn't forget that the Gilded Age of the late 19th century didn't end until the Roosevelt administration. America was every bit as economically unequal in 1931 as it was in 1891. The Middle class as we know it was literally created between the late 1930's and the end of World War II. Economic historians refer to it as the "Great compression" because the income gap was compressed so much.
What allowed that prosperity to grow? Higher taxes on the wealthy, higher corporate taxes, the right to unionize, social security, aid to dependent children etc. All of the social safety net programs. Coincidentally, the modern Republican party sees this as the worst era in our history. Something that was reflected by the Reagan Administration's attempt to destroy the safety net programs and bust unions on a massive scale. So,who should really be afraid of socialist style policies? The top 1 to five percent of income earners. The truth is, most people couldn't do any worse than they are doing now under a new "New Deal." Now, will we get another New Deal? Unfortunately, we probably won't; corporate interests have learned their lessons since the 1930's.
"If President Obama is assassinated by an American wingnut, America will never be the same. Race relations will be set back 40 years and other countries will never see us as the free world leader again. Our hypocrisy will show. How dare we complain about the Holocaust or any other unjust treatment of people in other countries when we as a country enslaved and oppressed black people for 400+ years and then assassinated the first black President in history? It would not be a good day for American and deservingly so.
So all of you people on here trying to compare the hatred being carried out by these wingnuts to Rev. Wright, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Farakkan and others need to get a grip. NOTHING COMPARES to what whites did to blacks in this country. You may never admit it but you know it's true. That's why you try so hard to defend it and can't. You don't even believe your own words. But just like most wingnuts if you keep saying it and repeating it to yourself it finally becomes true in your own mind. You are just a lost cause."
Anon...I was born in 1963 and since then, it seems to me that race relations have been improving steadily. At some point you need to forgive past transgressions and move on. And as to your "400 years" accusation...explain how a country that is only 233 years old be responsible for "enslaving and oppressing black people for 400+ years?" How long will I have to bear the cross for something I have never participated in? How long will you bear the cross of victimhood?
Lisa Turtle,your beloved,speaks:
Anonymous 1:43pm
You continue to participate by the comments you post. And you should continue to bear the cross as long as you continue to reap the benefits of the oppression you are so quick to say you did not particpate in.
The hard-working folk who post here that you are criticizing, are not bearing the cross of victimhood. I dare say that every one of us have been victimized on some corporate, if not individual level, but have not settled for it. Instead, we have risen above it and performed. However, we will continue to fight the battle against victimization until those that have perpetrated, and continue to do so, either directly, or as benficiaries or "accessories after(generations after) the fact" confess, repent, reconcile and restore. And even then, we'll still fight on, because we are field negroes.
field, you know its from that movie "Single White Female"
If you hadn't watched it you should put it on your netflix list.
btx3 said...
Well, at least the right came up with a caricature without the racial over and undertones...
There isn't anything ya'll don't find racist.
The picture looks creepy to me...well at least they kept him in a suit. Obama is always so stylish
Me try to sway you? I do not think that is possible, lol. However, I love music from just about from any form except polka (I just have an aversion to that), but my favorite is jazz and think it is because I grew up listening and also country music my mother was from the south. It is more about appreciation. I can appreciate Patsy Cline and Billie Holiday because they both sang with great emotion and knew how to interrupt a song. I saw Herbie Hancock and Lang Lang perform together Saturday night and that was wondering to hear both men from different music generes. However, Herbie Hancock is learn classical piano before playing jazz. I have to stop writing because I can go on about music all as well has history and cooking.
Mr.R-"There isn't anything ya'll don't find racist."
Well, we DO live in a racist society. Everytime I run across one of your comments, "racist" does come to mind.
Anony 1:43:And as to your "400 years" accusation...explain how a country that is only 233 years old be responsible for "enslaving and oppressing black people for 400+ years?" How long will I have to bear the cross for something I have never participated in? How long will you bear the cross of victimhood?
funny, one of my relatives was born in New York in 1625, that's about 400 years or so, right?
You bearing a cross, no, I don't think so, you benefiting from free labor, infrastructure built by free labor, and you benefited by your double standard unearned opportunity, that is probably more accurate.
now on to Palin, what women is going to believe that on your fifth pregnancy you would not show, you could have your water break, give a speech, fly 8 hours, and then give birth? That sounds too impossible to be true, meanwhile, her daughter is somewhere else with mono? I wouldn'tcare if her daughter got pregnant by mistake, it was her fake position on sex education, rape and abortion that made a lot of women afraid of her. Plus, most of her rallys were like one big Klanpaign, people shouting all "terrorist" and 'kill him", stuff like that.
Mr. R, you probably stole that icon from the one made of Palin in 2008 of a joker.
During the election, it was mostily wing nuts who stooped to this low level, I see they are still in the gutter with the bird pooh.
Anon...I was born in 1963 and since then, it seems to me that race relations have been improving steadily. At some point you need to forgive past transgressions and move on. And as to your "400 years" accusation...explain how a country that is only 233 years old be responsible for "enslaving and oppressing black people for 400+ years?" How long will I have to bear the cross for something I have never participated in? How long will you bear the cross of victimhood?
1:43 PM
The victimhood of us Blacks crying about slavery started in the 1600’s, with the introduction of Tobacco by John Rolfe, when America was still a British Colony. Or doesn’t inhuman treatment of Black Africans count before America became a country in the 1700’s. Cracking open a legitimate history book does wonders.
Anonymous is just a whining, resentful white bigot who is upset that his white skin is no longer a government stamped badge of superiority.
There was a time when even little white wussies like him could get up in the biggest, strongest black man's face, vent his hate and anger to his heart's content and all the brother could do was bow his head and say "Yassuh".
Those days are over and Anonymous feels as if a right has been taken away from him because he can't deal with black people yelling back at him.
I sure would like to know where they get that victimhood argument from. As if blacks are not subjected to racism on a daily basis anymore and everything is just peaches and cream. We're subjected racial profiling, police brutality, execution using tasering methods, unfair banking practices, underfunding in schools, etc., and the list goes on and on. These things are happening now in this day and age, and 400 years ago it was worse.
However, if we speak out about it, we're accused of using a race card that does not exist or we're playing victimhood. Both of these arguments are weak and full of dung. One thing that is true is whites are in denial. They don't want you to talk about stuff that offends their sensibilities and does not worship and praise them. Yet and still, it's okay for them to denigrate and subject other minorities to unfairness and inequality.
Whites throw up Al Sharpton, Reverend Wright, Jesse Jackson, and Farrakhan but none of those men have ever preached violence, or incited blacks to go out and assassinate the former President Bush or any of the others before him or start a race war. None of those men protested McCain's citizenship. Violence has never been their message, nor has treason, or a call to assassinate any President that has been in office, nor starting a conspiracy accusing any President of not being a citizen of the United States. I wish I could say that same for white rightwing folks but I can't, because they do this every single day.
Granny, everything you said is so true!
"I sure would like to know where they get that victimhood argument from."
It's a diversionary tactic that the right has honed to a science over the last 30 years.
Whenever blacks talk about race or racism in America, the rightwingers launch into a rant about crime and/or illigetimacy.
Any revelations about racism is immediately met with accusations of "victimhood" or "why don't blacks let it go".
A tactic.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Whites throw up Al Sharpton, Reverend Wright, Jesse Jackson, and Farrakhan but none of those men have ever preached violence, or incited blacks to go out and assassinate the former President Bush or any of the others before him or start a race war.
Except for Feddy's Fashionmart,Crown riots,advocating violence against white police officers,telling blacks "don't drop your gun and don't forget to squeeze."
They are white people friendly.
Al Sharpton spoke at the DNC when Kerry was running and spoke up for the LGBT community when he said, "We're not trying to regulate what people do in their bedroom, We're concerned about what people have on their kitchen table to eat." Farrakhan wrote President Bush a letter begging him not to go to war with Iraq and it was well-reasoned and a very humble letter with the utmost respect. I read the letter. BTW, Farrakhan always voted Republican. Reverend Wright has worked with white pastors and leaders. He saved a white President's life before and served his country as a marine. Half of his members are white and his church fellowships with white churches and has done more to help the poor in communities. He never preached in his church to commit treason or assassinate a President.
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have always spoke out about injustice and inequality, but neither of them ever preached a message of hatred or violence. Yet, some of you have the nerve to want to smear them and make them out of violent men and racist. BS!
You might make or have made some blacks turn their back on all of them, but I will not follow suit. Nope, because I've witnessed too much in my lifetime and know the game. When Malcolm X and Marcus Garvey spoke out against injustice and inequality, whites put all of their collective effort into finding a way to destroy them. David Walker and Maria W. Steward spoke out during slavery, and whites killed David Walker and tried to destroy Maria W. Steward.
Any time a black person speaks up and out about the injustice and inequality in America they are subject to character assassination of death. Martin Luther King was a good example of that and so was David Walker and many others.
As long as blacks go along with injustice and inequality and help whites to destroy their own people they are given pats on the back and paid hush money. However, the minute they speak out about injustice and inequality and speak the truth, they're labeled troublemakers and racist. You can call me what you want to call me, I could care less, because as long as I see injustice and inequality in America I'm gone speak up, speak out, and speak the truth.
I admit that neither of these men are perfect men, but then neither am I perfect, or any of you, or any other human being on this earth. We all have flaws because that is human nature. Nevertheless, I would stand behind people of peace any day then to stand behind people of violence and discord any old day.
BTW, just because I say that does not mean that I'm scared or a coward either because trust me I will defend myself if I have to, I know how to defend myself, and can real well. Nor does it mean anyone else who agrees with living in peace. It just means that they would like to live in peace if at all possible!!!!!!!
Mr R:
I don't even consider anything you have to say of any substance. We already know you like division. You've made that clear from day one. In my book your nothing but a fool riding on a mule going in the wrong direction.
Barack Obama gets 30 death threats per day.
And it's because folks are upset about his economic policies.
There are many white Americans who just will not accept a black man as President.
Mr. R,
"Except for Feddy's Fashionmart,Crown riots,advocating violence against white police officers,telling blacks "don't drop your gun and don't forget to squeeze."
You're a liar.
I'm calling you on this.
What did any of the men you mention have to do with the Crown riots?
When did any of them advocate violence against police?
If Sharpton was responsible for the burning of Freddy Fashionmart (he wasn't even there the day of the fire) why wasn't he charged and prosecuted.
Granny said: In my book your nothing but a fool riding on a mule going in the wrong direction.
Now THAT is funny!
mr.R(acist) said...
Except for Feddy's Fashionmart,Crown riots,advocating violence against white police officers,telling blacks "don't drop your gun and don't forget to squeeze."
They are white people friendly.
About as friendly as whites and jews can be toward Black children.
I know all abouth the Crown Heights riot, I was there the night little Gavin Cato was killed. About a dozen of us stood around him and watched him suffer as the first ambulance to arrive on the scene was driven for a jew hospital in the area. Bystanders literally begged them to assist and they wouldn't touch the child. This is the same hospital that refused me when I walkied in with 2 broken hands. Myself and probably every other person of color on this blog can recall at least 1 instance of racism they've experienced on a personal level. Mr r, you should not speak about people or situations you know nothing about. Fuck you and go to hell you racist cracker!
Jody, I thought that was funny,too!
I read on a couple blogs today,that your icon looks similar to a minstrel show, that is why I think it was making me sick looking at you!
Louis Walcott has advocate violence against white police officers.
Some of his words--
"A life for a life" Talking about murdering police officers.
"don't drop your gun and don't forget to squeeze."
Here's more of Louis when he was defending Jesse Jackson
"If you [Jewish leaders] harm this brother, I warn you in the name of Allah, it'll be the last one you ever harm"
Louis ,March 11, 1984 speech broadcast on a Chicago radio station:
"So I said to the members of the press, 'Why won't you go and look into what we are saying about the threats on Reverend Jackson's life?' Here the Jews don't like Farrakhan and so they call me 'Hitler'. Well that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He wasn't great for me as a Black man but he was a great German and he rose Germany up from the ashes of her defeat by the united force of all of Europe and America after the First World War. Yet Hitler took Germany from the ashes and rose her up and made her the greatest fighting machine of the twentieth century, brothers and sisters, and even though Europe and America had deciphered the code that Hitler was using to speak to his chiefs of staff, they still had trouble defeating Hitler even after knowing his plans in advance. Now I'm not proud of Hitler's evil toward Jewish people, but that's a matter of record. He rose Germany up from nothing. Well, in a sense you could say there is a similarity in that we are rising our people up from nothing, but don't compare me with your wicked killers."
Well, what Farrakhan said about Hitler is essentially true: He was wickedly great. Now, I won't argue with you about Farrakhan being a loon; he is indeed one. Still, what's the point? Why be afraid of Farrkhan? Think he's ever going to unleash a killing spree on the white community? Not likely! The blow back would take him and his whole organization out.
The back and forth with this type of stuff is nonsense. Start worrying about something that will effect you MR. R-like the economy, global warming, pointless foreign wars etc. Farrakhan and Rev. Wright shouldn't even make the list.
Lets look at Al Sarpton.
"If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house."
How could i forget Rev Al and his "white interloper" speech.
A follower of his was there and he listen to his speech.Than he went into Freddy's and burned it down killing 7 people.
He let all the black shoppers and employees leave.He called a black guard a "uncle tom" and shot him.
Lets don't forget the hate he spewed during the Tawana Brawley hoax.
Thats our Rev. Al!!
Mr R:
I notice you don't post links so that people can see if they are a reliable source.
Oh Steve, Al didn't go to jail because he's black.
History Dude said...
Well, what Farrakhan said about Hitler is essentially true: He was wickedly great. Now, I won't argue with you about Farrakhan being a loon; he is indeed one. Still, what's the point? Why be afraid of Farrkhan? Think he's ever going to unleash a killing spree on the white community? Not likely! The blow back would take him and his whole organization out.
The back and forth with this type of stuff is nonsense. Start worrying about something that will effect you MR. R-like the economy, global warming, pointless foreign wars etc. Farrakhan and Rev. Wright shouldn't even make the list.
I'm not worried in the least little bit.Posters here,and the left in general, like to pretend they are virgins while claiming everyone on the right are the sinners.You have to remind the left of their sins.
History Dude said...
Well, what Farrakhan said about Hitler is essentially true: He was wickedly great.
Fair enough... you could say the same things about the KKK and the people who got ran slavery in this country. So change the quote from Hitler to the KKK and tell me how many black folks would take a comment like that with a grain of salt?!
If I ever met Jerimiah Wright I would say to him "Whoever named africans niggers, got you to work hard and dangled you from trees was wickedly great". Yeah, I'm sure he, like most black folks, would take no offense.
Shabazz said...
Fuck you and go to hell you racist cracker!
Son,i'm not your masters favorite whip so don't call me cracker.
I believe the proper term is "cracka".
Please get it right next time :)
As for the guy who wanted to talk about the Crown Heights Lynching "cause he was there". Your name is Shabazz? I would no more trust your perception of the events than I would trust the KKK to explain the Emit Till story, or the Jasper TX thing. REALLY. It's not relevent that you were there, you are in sympathy with the BlacKKK's who did the lynching for one reason alone- you are black. There is nothing sadder than listening to a black person explain or justify away a lynching or the Korean pongrom. And sadly enough I've heard it so many times I have lost an enormous amount of empathy for the sufferings African people have gone through.
Mr. R (acist) said:
"I'm not worried in the least little bit.Posters here,and the left in general, like to pretend they are virgins while claiming everyone on the right are the sinners.You have to remind the left of their sins."
Wow, just wow! That's all I can say. Your hypocrisy shows. Spoken like a true Republican.
Here's that Turtle gal all caked up: http://tinyurl.com/kue9jh
Mr. R (acist) said:
"Sarah and Todd will not be making their break up official for some time. "
"Yeah thats backtracking.
More single white female obsession from you on the left."
In your mind, yes because just like most people like you they read and hear what they want to read and hear regardless of what is actually being said. This blog states that they are splitting. This does not always mean divorcing. Plus, Palin won't upset her Christian extremists by divorcing right away. She has too much money to collect for SarahPac and her Alaska Fund Trust. The Palins will continue to get rich off you idiots. Playing the victim is paying off big time for the soon to be 'single white female'. Your words not mine.
I Am Not Lisa Turtle (but I like Turtles):
"Here's that Turtle gal..."
Gal? I'll say, no one has to tell us that your not one of those old southerners.
Hey, just bought a new house. My white boss asked me today did I move because he saw an address change for me on our manager's contact listing. He then asked me where my new subdivision was located and asked me the price of my house. I am sure he had already looked it up. How much you want to bet that I will have a hard time getting another raise or promotion? Just a shame and then I see people like Mr. R(acist) posting here. We are definitely not in a post-racial America!
You must really be getting to some of these folks because their green is showing. I'm not talking money green either. Nope, I'm talking about that jealousy and envy green-eyed monster/demon.
They've resulted to petty insults towards you and now their trying to find a way to denigrate someone that you admire. That's what I call beyond desperate. Oh yeah, and plain ole silly and childish.
Anonymous 6:13:
Your boss was being a little bit too nosey, because how you paid for your house was really was none of his business. Nonetheless, I pass on making a bet on that, because you're probably right with your assessment. That's the way it is in America. To keep him out of your business, it would have been nice if you would have had a p.o. box., or given an older relatives address that lives in one of the poorest neighborhood you could find. (wink)
Whitney B. :
Any information on Langston's house?You can e-mail the Mayor.His name is Frank Jackson,he's a brother and a paisan.
any 5:48
As for the guy who wanted to talk about the Crown Heights Lynching "cause he was there". Your name is Shabazz? I would no more trust your perception of the events than I would trust the KKK to explain the Emit Till story, or the Jasper TX thing. REALLY. It's not relevent that you were there, you are in sympathy with the BlacKKK's who did the lynching for one reason alone- you are black. There is nothing sadder than listening to a black person explain or justify away a lynching or the Korean pongrom. And sadly enough I've heard it so many times I have lost an enormous amount of empathy for the sufferings African people have gone through.
5:48 PM
first, how do you judge a person who saw two children critically injured, one died, while an ambulance took away the driver? the police could have taken away the driver, the ambulance could have taken care of the children.
Crown Heights not that simple, like you put it. Plus, yes, a person get stabbed to death. By one sixteen year old. Three days of unrest. you have a different point of view than Shabazz, but you are not superior or more right, in my opinion.
OT: Hate to break it to you, FN, but Lark Voorhies done fell out the map.
@Mr. R, please learn to spell "y'all" properly. "Ya'll" is idiot-speak for "I'm fake jackass," and we all know you wouldn't want to leave that impression.
And FYI: The possessive is y'all's.
*a* "fake jackass." Forgot my article.
LOL, does this mean you are a teacher to the trolls on this site.
Good job, no matter what, I like your style.
Aloha from Makaii
@anon 10.10 -- LOL! Aloha to you as well. :) Mr.R. reveals himself through his "speech patterns" online. He's neither southern nor black and doesn't have much grasp of the sister dialects. From this, and the fact that it seems pretty obvious that he's also not been around either group we can narrow down a lot of things about him.
Also, another thing about Mr. R... Some white people may say that they don't like Jesse or Al because they show up everywhere but they don't know a thing about Crown Heights or any other examples like that. The only kind of white folks that do are (1) racists -- either Northern or an affiliated racist from some other region (membership or participation with hate groups teaches them about these events) (1.a) your super hardcore Limbaugh/Hannity right winger who claims he isn't a bigot/racist despite evidence to the contrary and being comfortable with obvious displays of racism/bigotry (2) anti-racists (3) people who had a direct experience at the mentioned event. However, "regular" white folks don't know much if anything about these events and won't bring them up in conversation.
That makes me a "regular" white folk because I would never think of bringing things up in conversation that I know nothing about.
One reason I read Field's site is that I learn so much from the comments section.
Aloha Makaii
p.s Now you better go read Field's latest..........
"And sadly enough I've heard it so many times I have lost an enormous amount of empathy for the sufferings African people have gone through."
If you associate the entire black race with a few Blacks who offend you, then you never had empathy in the first place. Face it. You just needed an excuse to justify your hatred against Blacks on FN Blog.
History Dude: "Now, I won't argue with you about Farrakhan being a loon; he is indeed one."
Farrakhan is no loon.
Farrakhan is a smart guy but his beliefs are nutty. Like Yakub?! Give me a break.. Or his stories about going up to the mother ship? They strain credulity to the breaking point; however he's a nimble guy who is no doubt one of the most able leaders in the African community.
History Dude "... Or his stories about going up to the mother ship?"
First, thanks for acknowledging him as smart. He is also a man of wisdom, and has been an honorable and respectable leader in the African American community for many years.
Re: 'going up to the mother ship'...how did you feel when MLK said "I have been to the mountain top"? Did you find that hard to believe?
Re: 'going up to the mother ship'...how did you feel when MLK said "I have been to the mountain top"? Did you find that hard to believe?
I assume that MLK was using a rhetorical device; if he was not, then yes, I would find it hard to believe.
10:45- that wasn't a "thing" in Crown Heights it was a lynching.
8:30 said "you have a different point of view than Shabazz, but you are not superior or more right, in my opinion." Sure... just like the KKK and MLK had different opinions not one better than the other. Some people refer to people of African decent as "people of color" others refer to them as "niggers". Just a difference in opinion. Some people think lynching black people is wrong, some don't agree with it. Neither point of view is superior than the other, right?
Your continuing trying to justify this lynching is sickining. Really. It is unreasonable to expect people not to be prejudice against blacks when you continue to justify lynching someone because of a f-ing car accident! Black folks cause car accidents (and worse) too... have you not noticed? When the KKK lynched black people it was because they raped and/or murdered.. now I am listening to blacks justify lynching over an unintentional f-ing car accident. Really, it is a sad day in Am-Merry-ca when the KKK has a better sense of right and wrong than black folks.
It shold be noted that this enraged lynch mob, claiming to be so heatbroken over this child's death, found copious amount of time to loot. Looting is a very interesting thing cause it shows who the blood suckers are in this society. Everytime blacks say they are enraged about a perceived wrong doing..... and react by stealing expensive sneakers and a new home entertainment system ya gotta wonder. Anyway, I had a brother who was killed in a car accident caused by some dumb ass black bitch who never served a day in jail. I managed to refrain from killing black people and stoplifting as a result. Just more evidence that black folks, in the same situation as other people, will act like thugs yet hide under the banner of justified outrage to get a free pass at their Nazi like behavior.
" History Dude said...
Farrakhan is a smart guy but his beliefs are nutty. Like Yakub?! Give me a break.. Or his stories about going up to the mother ship? They strain credulity to the breaking point; however he's a nimble guy who is no doubt one of the most able leaders in the African community"
He's a white sheet wearing nigger. But he tells lazy black people what they wanted to hear- kinda how the Nazi's and the KKK got to power. Lies are an aphrodisiac to blacks... there is nothing more that you fear than the truth- you are responsible for the gutter culture you have created. FarraKKKhan And Wright are just a minstral show.
Fuck the black community, your failing are your own fault and at this point your victim of slavery card/white racism has run dry.
@anon 12.49 -- LMAO at you. Where did you misplace your sense of irony or were you born without it? Did you lose because of too much inbreeding?
Does it scare you that even the "white" community would shun your words? How 'bout the fact that these distinctions are getting less and less? Pretty soon we'll be one big community and you won't have any white skin privilege at all. There aren't many hiding places for your kind left (the racist kind that is). How does it feel to be a dinosaur?
"If President Obama is assassinated by an American wingnut, America will never be the same. Race relations will be set back 40 years and other countries will never see us as the free world leader again. Our hypocrisy will show. How dare we complain about the Holocaust or any other unjust treatment of people in other countries when we as a country enslaved and oppressed black people for 400+ years and then assassinated the first black President in history? It would not be a good day for American and deservingly so."
Race relations won't just be "set back", they'll dissolve into nothing. Blacks will come to the conclusion that Whites will never, EVER allow them to succeed or enjoy the fruits of their success. At that point, the "hood" and "ghettos" will figure they have nothing to lose........and all Hell breaks loose.
Riots will spring up and cascade all over every major city in the US and in some places no one would even suspect. Some Whites will take this as a license to "bag them up a nigger or two" and the shit will really hit the fan. Nothing that the US government does will help, because both sides simply won't listen.
Welcome to the Second Civil War, where America finally has to answer for continued racial inequality with American blood. Will it become so bad that the U.N. has to step in by sending foreign troops to American soil, therefore triggering unforeseen complications that might just spark another World War? Who knows? One thing's for sure -- if the wingnuts get their wish, there won't be an America left for them or anyone else to enjoy.
"They don't want you to talk about stuff that offends their sensibilities and does not worship and praise them. Yet and still, it's okay for them to denigrate and subject other minorities to unfairness and inequality."
And the issue of racial inequality will never be resolved peacefully until this sense of denial is killed dead. If you want another example of this kind of denial, look up how the Japanese government would rather sweep the events surrounding Nanjing and Unit 731 under the rug while playing up Hiroshima and Nagasaki for sympathy. It usually took a lot of international poking and prodding (and the fact that China's on the cusp of superpower status) for any reconcillory action to be taken on Japan's part.
Whites don't want to talk about slavery because it makes them look bad (and rightfully so), yet they love making other minorities look bad because it makes them look good in comparison. Hypocracy in action.
As for that Mr. R guy....I don't know about him. At some point, you develop a sort of internal "ignore list" and you at best, skim over some of the ignored person's posts and just flat-out disregard the rest. Frankly, I value my time too much to give an audience to some crack-pot looking to troll the hell out of the comments section.
Anon12:49a "He's a white sheet wearing nigger. But he tells lazy black people what they wanted to hear- kinda how the Nazi's and the KKK got to power. Lies are an aphrodisiac to blacks... there is nothing more that you fear than the truth-..."
Anon, you are sooo funny. You are sooo dumb too. Because of your low IQ you are actually hilarious. And you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass because you were born with a trailer park mentality. Women and men all joke about you because you are practically 'dickless'.
All total, you are a sorry excuse for a white person and a human being. Hell, even rednecks and homeless Whites look down on you.
Go grab a pair of tweezers and play with yourself...shm.
As a Socialist I am here to tell you President Obama is not one of us.
By any European measure, he's a moderate conservative - a 'one-nation conservative' is what he would be called in the U.K.
This nonsense starkly demonstrates how far the Republican party has shifted to the hard Right, that they can seek to portray Obama's right-of-centre policies as somehow Leftist.
Here is commentary from BagNotes:
All quite contemptuous of the effort.
Kathryn in MA
Anonymous said...
@Mr. R, please learn to spell "y'all" properly. "Ya'll" is idiot-speak for "I'm fake jackass," and we all know you wouldn't want to leave that impression.
The board nazis are here!!The bloard nazis are here!!!
Ya'll is a common misspelling for y'all.So common in fact if you did a yahoo search you would find rap songs,hip hop songs,country songs,religious songs,bars and strip clubs, and people using "ya'll" instead of "y'all".
So jackass you got nothing.
Anonymous said...
@anon 10.10 -- LOL! Aloha to you as well. :) Mr.R. reveals himself through his "speech patterns" online. He's neither southern nor black and doesn't have much grasp of the sister dialects.
If you were up on your speech patterns than you would know about
"ya'll" so you don't have a clue .
Anonymous said...
Also, another thing about Mr. R... Some white people may say that they don't like Jesse or Al because they show up everywhere but they don't know a thing about Crown Heights or any other examples like that. The only kind of white folks that do are (1) racists -- either Northern or an affiliated racist from some other region (membership or participation with hate groups teaches them about these events) (1.a) your super hardcore Limbaugh/Hannity right winger who claims he isn't a bigot/racist despite evidence to the contrary and being comfortable with obvious displays of racism/bigotry (2) anti-racists (3) people who had a direct experience at the mentioned event. However, "regular" white folks don't know much if anything about these events and won't bring them up in conversation.
Yeah regular white folk would never google or yahoo search Al,Jesse,or Loui.Regular white would just believe whatever the media said about these white friendly negros.
Yeah regular white folk just take everything at face value .
Mack Lyons said...
Welcome to the Second Civil War, where America finally has to answer for continued racial inequality with American blood. Will it become so bad that the U.N. has to step in by sending foreign troops to American soil, therefore triggering unforeseen complications that might just spark another World War? Who knows? One thing's for sure -- if the wingnuts get their wish, there won't be an America left for them or anyone else to enjoy.
You make Glenn Beck sound sane.
Thanks, Purple Cow, for pointing out what was also obvious to me. Obama is FAR from socialist. The point is that the population of the U.S. is so brainwashed by its capitalistic captors, they don't even know what socialism is. Putting the word on a poster, for most U.S. citizens, is like calling Obama a "boogeyman."
The scary part is that the Republican Party being far right leaves the Democratic Party being barely "moderate" (whatever that's supposed to mean) and most certainly NOT toward the left (as it would be in a more balanced system). So the upshot is that we find ourselves choosing between right wing and almost right wing and calling it a choice. Sigh.
Mr. R sez
"Oh Steve, Al didn't go to jail because he's black."
I shouldn't have to even explain how dumb this remark is.
I'm fascinated with the fact that the right has chosen to merge a black man in white face (minstrel) with the Health Ledger joker figure as the boogie man because (a) in the movie, the Joker is the voice of systematic anarchy, not socialism: he violates all codes, all expectations, of both organized society and gangs; he burns a pile of money, he dresses as a woman, he begs to die: he has no fear. But among the teenage crowd who loved that movie (and I have a 14-yr old) it was the Joker they fastened onto as an icon, not Batman, not the "good guy" or the hero.I was amazed at how powerful the Joker became as a pop culture image. They way I saw it, all the T-shirts, fan videos, and Joker images that were circulating were a potent symbol of youthful disaffection with a corrupt society, an identification with the only figure in the movie who spoke truth to power, even though he was morally deficient and repugnant to grown-ups like me. So Obama-as-Joker may stir up the racist minority, but ironically this image may actually reinforce a certain pop culture association that was positive, not negative. Most of this stuff is emotional, not intellectual, after all.
Oh, and you all who argue rationally with a race-baiting troll have my admiration, but he doesn't deserve your time except that he does inspire folks to say some wonderful things! So I guess he has a function as a clown.
Mack Lyons said...
Welcome to the Second Civil War, where America finally has to answer for continued racial inequality with American blood. Will it become so bad that the U.N. has to step in by sending foreign troops to American soil, therefore triggering unforeseen complications that might just spark another World War? Who knows? One thing's for sure -- if the wingnuts get their wish, there won't be an America left for them or anyone else to enjoy.
Thank you, Mark Lyons.
You are right on with your assessment. The wingnut anonymous poster above who stated that "you make Glen Beck sound sane" is just in denial. America and possibly our world as we know it will be destroyed if President Obama is assassinated. Too bad these wingnuts don't get this but then again they constantly ignore their own interests due to the hatred and bigotry they have inside.
The trolls up in here still crackin' bread crumbs?
I wouldn't worry about any "Second Civil War" or "race war" coming to America. Things like Peak Oil, running out of ground water, ecosystem and food chain disruption will reduce us all (those who survive) to subsistence living. The future of the human race is a very dim one and race relations are the least amongst the problems facing humanity's survival.
"The future of the human race is a very dim one and race relations are the least amongst the problems facing humanity's survival."
I think you could be right.
Mr Racist said...
Son,i'm not your masters favorite whip so don't call me cracker.
I believe the proper term is "cracka".
Please get it right next time :)
No you uneducated piece of roach shit, unlike you I have an education, so go fuck yourself you stupid cracker hick!
Mr Racist said:
Son,i'm not your masters favorite whip so don't call me cracker.
I'm not your fuckin' son, my daddy's Black.
Oh yeah, he raised me too!
Anonymous pussy 5:48 pm said:
As for the guy who wanted to talk about the Crown Heights Lynching "cause he was there". Your name is Shabazz? I would no more trust your perception of the events than I would trust the KKK to explain the Emit Till story, or the Jasper TX thing. REALLY. It's not relevent that you were there, you are in sympathy with the BlacKKK's who did the lynching for one reason alone- you are black. There is nothing sadder than listening to a black person explain or justify away a lynching or the Korean pongrom. And sadly enough I've heard it so many times I have lost an enormous amount of empathy for the sufferings African people have gone through.
Go suck out your mother bitch, you do not know me, I have no reason to lie, (anonymous)??? I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else on this blog. I know you feel threatened white boy, don't feel bad. Like Michael Jackson said "You are not alone..."
@Mr.R -- ROFLMAO! You're using some poor kid's misspelling of a song lyric as your defense? Too funny.
Keep on pretending on.
"You make Glenn Beck sound sane."
For pointing out what might happen if the Right keeps poking and prodding wingnuts into doing stupid things with tremendous consequences? In comparison, you sound absolutely unreasonable.
For all of you people advocating socialism, why do you think it would work in the US when it has failed in the USSR, China and everywhere else it has been tried? It's what I call cadbury economics because of an advert for chocolate that says things like "Wouldn't it be nice if the world was cadbury's...and if a shark should come and try to bite you, you can say I'm chocolate I invite you". Socialist arguments sound great, like a world made of chocolate, but is just as possible in the real world. Capitalism sucks, but it sucks less than the socialist alternative. I'd rather live in a society where I have failed to rise to the top than one in which I never had the chance to try. You have to look at opportunities not outcomes. There are no free rides, or at least there shouldn't be.
Say what you like, a black man is now in the highest office in your nation. It might be time to look at what he's achieved (and you're a lawyer from what I can tell aren't you Feild?) and start taking credit for your own success or failure in life.
Filled Negro:
I happened upon this posting by you a little late. I tried reading through all of the messages but I could not stomach it.
I am LAUGHING MY BLACK AZZ OFF at the gross hypocrisy that you and Earl O.H. are expressing.
You have been thus far effective with your Janean Garafolo type of "Obama Is Off Limits From Attack Be Cause he is a Black Lesbian Who Wears Glasses, Has AIDS And Is Handicapped" and thus he can't be HIT with the other WHITE MEN who preceded him.
Filled Negro your game is more exposed than a.....or never mind (I was going to make some reference to a crack head who does tricks on the cheap but too many of your female posters don't like me already. Why push it?)
I ASSURE YOU FILLED NEGRO - if this same diagram was drawn about even the most obscure evil Republican around the nation IT WOULD BE FEATURED in your "Right Side Hall Of Shame Frame".
Your boy Earl O.H. has me laughing at his fake outrage.
Let me ask you a question Filled Negro:
Don't we STILL have 2 wars going on?
Why is it that the NEW attacks on Obama are RACIST but the STOPPAGE of the Anti-Bush-War protests escape any mention from you?
[quote]But his policies and lies begged for criticism. The problem with these right wingers is that their attacks on President Obama, that's right PRESIDENT Obama, are based on who he is, not what he has or hasn't done. They are constantly argueing rhetorical nonsense.... example Health care's public option will kill your grandma and take away your choice... like the fucking insurance companies aren't doing that right now??!!!![/quote]
Jody - you are alright with me.
I have no doubt within me that YOU actually believe EVERYTHING that you post. (And this is the sad part of it).
IF ONLY we can get you to do your POLICY ANALYSIS more CLOSE TO HOME. Instead of always putting the NATIONAL REPUBLICANS on trial it would be nice, for a change for you to throw some LOCAL DEMOCRATS into the defendants chair and put them on trial as to the harm to YOUR INTERESTS that their polices have wrought.
Jody - do you notice that the Progressive Left says "We spend TOO MUCH MONEY on Health Care" and thus we need the GOVERNMENT to take it over as they will INCREASE THE COVERAGE AND THE QUALITY while spending the same amount of money.
When it comes to PUBLIC SCHOOLS, however - America - DOESN'T SPEND ENOUGH MONEY despite the fact that the GOD-VERMIT ALREADY RUNS THESE SCHOOLS!!!!!
In 20 years WHAT about "Government Health Care" is not going to be the same as what is true about GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS?
The main people talking Rhetorical B.S. are the LEFTIST CONFISCATORS.
YOU ALL HAD the perfect opportunity to BUILD THE TYPE OF SYSTEM that you wanted IN THE CITIES THAT YOU NOW CONTROL!!!!
In as much as these places are IMPLODING you now need to GO NATIONAL with your schemes.
There was a problem at the local level - the forces that you sought to REGULATE and CONFISCATE from SIMPLY MOVED OUT OF TOWN.
IF you trap them at the national level you figure that there is no escape.
Why don't you leave Philly and move to Canada Jody?
(Oh yeah. I forgot. I am an "Evil Troll". She doesn't reply to me, only talks about me.
Never mind)
typical democrap whinny bullshit.....you could dish it out BUT you damn sure can't take it!!!
three more years to laugh my fucking ass off at you.....LOL
You want to fix the American health-care problem?
It's easy. Just make sure that whatever plan Congress and the President come up with, that they have to subscribe to it also.
It will be easy, just not quick and we need something sooner rather than later.
The same methodology could be applied to Social Security and maybe even education reform.
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