I was just watching Little Herman Munster's solution to A-merry-ca's budget problems. He calls his blue print "The Path to Prosperity". Little Herman wants to cut six trillion in spending from O's budget. (Because we all know that you black folks don't know how to spend money. I mean how many Cadillacs can you drive?)
Folks, make no mistake, Little Herman is going to give the business to almost 90% of the A-merry-can people to hook up a few of the republican's wealthy friends. (Think Koch brothers)
He says that his plan to...ahem ahem, revise Medicare and Medicaid, won't affect seniors over 55. But there will be some changes. Changes, of course, is a gross understatement. Folks, he would end Medicare and Medicair. (He would actually leave Medicaid to the states, so he would end it on the federal level.) Sorry grandma and grandpa, it's time to brush up on your greeting skills. Wal-Mart loves you guys. As for Social Security? You can kiss that good bye as well.
But, don't worry folks, if we adopt Little Herman's plan jobs will come back because corporations will be flush with cash and...wait, they are flush with cash now; where are the jobs? Anyway, thanks to Little Herman, we will balance the budget and insure that our children have a future...well, at least until we have to fight another war and spend all of our cash defending our shores against those evil Muslims, again.
I read a wonderful article today on the fight between the have and the have- nots in this country (h/t Greg Fuller), and you all would do well to read it as well:
"It’s no use pretending that what has obviously happened has not in fact happened. The upper 1 percent of Americans are now taking in nearly a quarter of the nation’s income every year. In terms of wealth rather than income, the top 1 percent control 40 percent. Their lot in life has improved considerably. Twenty-five years ago, the corresponding figures were 12 percent and 33 percent. One response might be to celebrate the ingenuity and drive that brought good fortune to these people, and to contend that a rising tide lifts all boats. That response would be misguided. While the top 1 percent have seen their incomes rise 18 percent over the past decade, those in the middle have actually seen their incomes fall. For men with only high-school degrees, the decline has been precipitous—12 percent in the last quarter-century alone. All the growth in recent decades—and more—has gone to those at the top. In terms of income equality, America lags behind any country in the old, ossified Europe that President George W. Bush used to deride. Among our closest counterparts are Russia with its oligarchs and Iran. While many of the old centers of inequality in Latin America, such as Brazil, have been striving in recent years, rather successfully, to improve the plight of the poor and reduce gaps in income, America has allowed inequality to grow.." [More]
One thing I didn't hear Little Herman talk about was trying to raise revenue instead of cutting everything in sight. I was thinking that maybe a good way to raise revenue would be to tax some of these corporations and the rich folks who own and run them. I mean if grandma is going to sacrifice a bottle of her trazodone every month, why can't one of these fat- cats sacrifice a country club membership?
1 – 200 of 215 Newer› Newest»Field, sorry to jack, but I am so disgusted.
I agree with No_slappz, all these unruly girls won't stop fighting like little savages. And I dare the mother to sue. Shame.
If you want to raise revenues, you need to SLASH the tax rate, not raise it.
And the top earners who made out are exactly the same ones who were O's biggest contributors.
Oh, BTW: China just hiked their interest rates - again - and silver is in backwardation.
But yeah, the "tax the rich" thing is gonna work. Fer shur.
You're right Ryan said nothing about revenue. The Bill doesn't have a chance.
Urgh, I'm so financially depressed thinking about the financial mess this country is in!
LAA, you know the mother of the kid in purple is gonna sue.
It doesn't help the rest of us, but Any dumbass who votes for a republican gets the reaming they deserve. That's all I've got to say.
My best guess is we need to tax the rich at around 80%. That should just about take care of us all.
"And the top earners who made out are exactly the same ones who were O's biggest contributors."
Yes, they like to hedge their bets.
"But yeah, the "tax the rich" thing is gonna work. Fer shur."
Well, giving them breaks don't . help. But don't worry, I won't be as hard on em as rainywalker.
This should be a shared sacrifice. I am not rich, but trust me, I do alright, and I am paying more than most to Uncle Sam. Still, you don't hear me b*&^%$#g. Because I understand that we are all in this thing together.
I never understood how some of these wingnuts who don't have a pot to piss in can defend these policies. *shaking head*
TRUMP in 2012!
Slashing tax rates does not raise revenue. It is a Republican fantasy. There's less evidence for it than there is for the Easter Bunny.
Karen-- Even if you accept the concept of the Laffer Curve, you have to also accept that sometimes the tax rates are below the curve and should be raised to maximize the revenues on the curve.
Or you're just a right-wing dumbass who doesn't understand much of any damn thing at all.
It is of course rather humorous that the same sort of people who spent long periods of time ranting that Obamacare was going to hurt Medicare voted for a Republican who wants to end it completely.
But so it goes.
All those republican trolls screaming "slash tax rates" should look at what the top marginal tax rate was in say, 1955-- one of the biggest periods of economic growth in the history of the US.
Damn dumbasses. I am so sick-- SICK, I tell you!-- of right wing stupidity. Not all conservatives are stupid, but stupid people are generally conservative.
break from the madness... I gotta say, ya'll are killin' me with "Little Herman"
Actually, I think he looks more like
little EDDIE Munster.
BLAH BLAH BLAH.Same ole class warfare, same ole' Democrat talking points.
All we need now is a Liberal to take to the floor of the house and complain about Rush Limbaugh buying his mother a can opener and dog food.{Pat Schroeder}
Ivan Ivanovich Renko said...
AlDamn dumbasses. I am so sick-- SICK, I tell you!-- of right wing stupidity. Not all conservatives are stupid, but stupid people are generally conservative.
Lets look at the typical Obama voter...
Hey Field is that trump declaration a joke? Because sometimes I think a self made business person would make a decent candidate.
Wesley R said...
You're right Ryan said nothing about revenue. The Bill doesn't have a chance.
Sure he did, but no one wants to see reality and the truth, taxes would need to be raised 88% for all. It's not like they want you to think rich people pay no taxes and us po po folks pay it all. Quite the opposite. Sometimes I wonder how semi intelligent human beings can break down every problem into us versus them with a heavy theme on skin color.
in Example..we get a leader who puts the truth in writing..anyone with a brain can try and pick apart the numbers. No, instead of that lets go all grade school democrat on him and call him herman munster... and then say cutting obamas historically wasteful spending is a threat to black people who only need more cadillacs.
Really, this is the best you can do. What do you propose happens? I mean you know its all coming crashing down and hard, obama spends more in one month then the entire previous administration did. China raised the interest rates, we are broke, the fight is about borrowing more, not paying off the debt. Do you have a clue what happens when the dollar is devalued and we cant borrow any more? Do you know what the arguments left/vs right and Obamas budget is about? It is not about this huge pool of money that we have hiding that we just dont want to spend, WE ARE BROKE!! it is about raising the legal limit to borrow more money and most people exluding fleebaggers know you cannot continue to spend money you dont have to please your special interest groups, the country is ready to and will crash very shortly.
I say lets stop fighting, like with kids, you just cant win they have to learn the hard way, they never use reason and rationale, they are sure your just evil. The economy sucks anyway, lets all lean with the demoncrats and say sure, keep spending, go , go , go, open the borders, keep taking us citizen dollars to give welfare to illegals, keep spending for your special interest group. Then when it crashes and burns and those poor folks literally starve because the government cannot pay the checks it has been issuing, then we can really get change and back to fiscal responsibility.
Let Cloward piven win, Obamas policies are designed to destroy america for social change. It is working and almost done, but they forgot that once it does crash, adults arent going to step aside and say ok, many countries in the world will also crash and burn once america does.
It will be interesting to see how those who want this mess and promote it daily fare when they have to actually do something other then fingerpoint.
Ahhhhh....Islam/Muslim's I love it. I cant wait until this hits our Black Community, faster then farrakhan is hoping for.
In the UAE a 14 year old girl was arrested for adultery for meeting with a man and locked up for two weeks. Luckily when they forced her to undergo the virginity test she was still a virgin so did not get stoned or 20 lashes, which killed another 14 year old last month.
Just think how great this will be when with all your support it comes to your hood. It will change our culture for sure. Who needs abortion when girls will get locked up and stoned. THen again, maybe we will need to start building prisons for women...
for fathers performing honor killings on their daughters may not work with so many folks saying.."it wusnt me"
Hey, Wanted for Warcrimes, you stupid bastard-- do you even know what the fuck the Laffer Curve is?
Do you understand that the top marginal tax rates in the mid 1950s was over 70 percent (compared to the 35% your beloved corporate overlords whine about today)?
No knowledge of history, no understanding of science, no goddamn sense.
Stupid fucking conservatives.
Haven't we been giving the wealthiest 5 percent tax breaks for the last 10 years?
Why haven't we had an explosion in business investment and historically low unemployment then?
Because trickle down, or supply-side economics is a right-wing fantasy. It's never worked. And they know it. But they also know that low-information single issue (abortion! terrorism!) voters will lap that shit up.
Oh....I get it. Cut taxes and you HAVE TO CUT SPENDING.
Then "those lazy people starve".
My theory is this as far as Ryan is concerned; There is a certain mythology in conservative white circles. Namely that as America gets older and browner, the still supposedly silent, still white majority, aided and abetted by the Tea Party, has decided to make their stand. That they will not pay for the same programs that brought about the American middle class that we see in decline today, simply because the old stay old longer, and the people who are taking advantage don't, for the most part, look the way that they used to.
This budgetary proposal is the embodiment of the "I'll sleep in mud as long as (insert group here) sleep in shit worldview. The disturbing part is that is being seen as a serious policy by people who for the most part will never be in a position to have to need to see a Medicaid provider or have to file for a Medicare card. The people who will hurt the most, the people who will endure the hardship more than any other, will be the constituent Tea Party people who, by their own repeated admission, "want government hands out of their Medicare" and such stupid shit.
What will they do when they are, from this point forward, means tested, or find out the they supported people who brought forth changes in programs that they not only needed badly, but, in some cases, may be the difference between life and death?
Or did you think they were only coming after Black Socialist Mau-Mau Panthers from Detroit named Jaheem?
Believe it or not, Actuaries don't plan on most black folks, especially males to reach an extended period of recipience from Medicare. But smart people know that. Tea Partier freshman congressmen don't.
I don't think people truly understand what it would mean in their lives and the lives of other middle class people if this plan were to come to fruition.
"Obamas policies are designed to destroy america for social change."
That's absolutely right-- as long as you define "America" as "land of white supremacy."
Fuck you. This administration isn't perfect, but perfection only exists in the mind of God. What this administration has done first and foremost has been show up for work and get things done for the American people.
That's all the American people, you fucking nincompoop, not just the richest 1%.
Conservatives. The massively ignorant and stupid led by the massively venal.
Trapped, I've held the belief for a very long time that the retirement age should be lowered for black men because many don't live long enough to collect it.
Trapped in SC said...
"Haven't we been giving the wealthiest 5 percent tax breaks for the last 10 years?"
No, not really. The U.S. has the most progressive income tax system among industrialized nations. The top 10% of American households pays a higher share of income taxes than any OECD country.
Your views of the Tea Party are pure fantasy, courtesy of the statist demagogues of the democratic party. You would rather stick to you racist narrative, fuck the old white people, and trash the country rather than join in on real solutions. Nobody is going to have to sleep in mud if we get our finances in order. Everybody will be sleeping in shit if we don't.
Ivan Beatinoff said..."What this administration has done first and foremost has been show up for work and get things done for the American people."
If you define the American people as Goldman Sachs, General Electric, SEIU, UAW, NEA, the New Black Panther Party and 90,000 fake farmers, then you have a point. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people in the country have been getting thing done TO them instead. The Obama adminsistration will go down in history as the most corrupt, most incompetent, and most damaging four years this country has ever known.
Liberals, the massively venal and clueless led by the evil.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko said...
"Obamas policies are designed to destroy america for social change."
That's absolutely right-- as long as you define "America" as "land of white supremacy."
Fuck you. This administration isn't perfect, but perfection only exists in the mind of God. What this administration has done first and foremost has been show up for work and get things done for the American people.
No nasty liberal retard, fuck you and double fuck anyone unfortunate enough to even look like you, with this venom you must be one ugly person. How do you explain away that asians, indians and all others come to america and surpass everyone including whites if there is such a thing as white supremacy? Maybe you need to find another excuse for your pathetic life and failings.
This administration has shown up for work and got things done for all people....that has to be the funniest well not funny as you arent smart enough to be clever but most ironic thing anyone has ever said about Obama...showed up to work. Any dumbass can borrow and spend and then go golfing and throw a ton of special interest parties, thats exactly what the incompetent boob with no experience outside of being a community organizer did. It takes a real man and an intelligent one to lead a country without spending it into oblivion. Yeah, you may like his handout policies now, but that wont last, what will you do when it runs out and it has fucknuts, it has all been spent and the party is just about over.
You can continue on with your liberal rants that conservatives are stupid. We all know, the again complete irony behind that nonsense, its like the kid on the short bus screaming that ice cream comes out of water fountains and you are your stupid for not believing him. No you are so stupid we can't even have a discussion, thats why people like you curse, snarl, race bait and name call, you gots nuttin else. Logic, reality and facts defy you. Your intellect isn't even in the realm of intelligence, its fantasy based.
Well as with most democrats you said a lot of nothign but name calling and hate speech, of course this is because you aren't smart enough to understand and discuss the actual issues or perhaps you do understand them even at a base level and know how idiotic and horrible Obama and his policies are. But then again if you understood them, you wouldnt' be a democrat now would you?
Take care and again Fuck you right back at ya, ya miserable prick (AKA Democrat/progressive/marxist/communist. You might want to control those violent urges, you may be able to harness that low IQ a bit better when you aren't so angry.
"Your views of the Tea Party are pure fantasy, courtesy of the statist demagogues of the democratic party. You would rather stick to you racist narrative, fuck the old white people, and trash the country rather than join in on real solutions. Nobody is going to have to sleep in mud if we get our finances in order. Everybody will be sleeping in shit if we don't."
Of course you think that the Tea Party is a bunch of patriotic WWII vets who fought at Guadalcanal.
They're not. They are just a bunch of old scared fuckers who want a discount on everything while telling everyone else that they should pay more.
Life is not a early bird special.
You can't decide that something is not worth having because people you don't like or respect get a chance to achieve it.
That is what the Tea Party really represents in all is backwards glory. It is a bunch of people who live their live under the delusion that the are old west pioneers, that they DID IT ALL BY THEMSELVES, without stopping to think of the free education, free infrastructure, free defense that made it possible for them to have their stupid-ass, ignorant opinions in the first place. And when they get to a stage in their lives when they should be taking stock, making the lives of the next generation easier, as their parents and grand parents have done, they choose to become miserly and hateful, racist and bigoted.
This country has always been in some sort of debt. Whether it was debt incurred by fighting wars, or social programs that forcefully levelled the playing field for women's, minority or rights for the disabled, we've always took care of those who could not.
Only now, at this point in time, are the devils and heathens showing their true colors. I believe that for the first time, we are seeing the fear and irrationality in the Tea Party and the greater conservative movement that blacks were beginning to know many hundreds of years ago. A feeling that told them that whatever place we were going, it was not going to be kind to them. The changing of America is not something that has planned for, and never as quickly as it has transpired. If you baseline is measured only by your bigotry, you selfishness and you hate, then the twilight of you life will be sad indeed.
Fuck them.
Dr. Queen said...
Trapped, I've held the belief for a very long time that the retirement age should be lowered for black men because many don't live long enough to collect it.
Next on the entitlement buffet, early Black retirement. Screw that, go for the whole enchilada, cradle to grave welfare.....errrr disability...err.....White supremacy sponsorship. There you go, democrats will like that name.
It is unfair to Blacks that some whites take care of their health and we should not expect them to, so early retirement. Or are you saying that genetics do actually matter and science that has specifically highlighted the differences in the races is valid?
Enquiring minds would like to know.
They're not. They are just a bunch of old scared fuckers who want a discount on everything while telling everyone else that they should pay more.
Are you serious, no they worked hard to improve themselves and earned and created and payed taxes. The don't like people who want a free ride because its too hard. That democrats. Your the one saying everyone should pay more, they say there needs to be smaller government so everyone pays less to support nonsense.
Life is not a early bird special.
You should respect your elders, they created the country so many enjoy the free handouts from.
You can't decide that something is not worth having because people you don't like or respect get a chance to achieve it.
This doesnt make any sense. If someone decides something is not worth having, then they decided. What are you talking about, in this country you achieve by the effort you put into creating and educating yourself, not by taking it from someone who has done this (AKA democrats)
That is what the Tea Party really represents in all is backwards glory. It is a bunch of people who live their live under the delusion that the are old west pioneers, that they DID IT ALL BY THEMSELVES, without stopping to think of the free education, free infrastructure, free defense that made it possible for them to have their stupid-ass, ignorant opinions in the first place. And when they get to a stage in their lives when they should be taking stock, making the lives of the next generation easier, as their parents and grand parents have done, they choose to become miserly and hateful, racist and bigoted.
You definitely are not talking about the tea party, I thikn you have yoru thought of the black community mixed up. The teaparty worked hard and want to pass on to thier children the fruit of all of their efforts, you want it for nothign, you want ot take it from them without ever working hard and creating yourself, Isn't that one of the things supposedly whites are guilty of, they achieve more then blacks because parents pass on rich's to them? Well you can't have it both ways... Look up granma and granpa and ask them how that business they slaved over 18 hours a day worked out and if you can have the money now, for you surely shouldnt have the right to force someone else to give you what they earned right?
The changing of America is not something that has planned for, and never as quickly as it has transpired. If you baseline is measured only by your bigotry, you selfishness and you hate, then the twilight of you life will be sad indeed.
Fuck them.
Ever notice that not one liberal can discuss facts? Its always race this and race that and fuck them.
Says a lot about your understanding and racism, yes, your the racist. Not someone who just wants to be fiscally responsible for all americans..
Karen, "Oh, BTW: China just hiked their interest rates - again - and silver is in backwardation."
Silver is on fire. And Gold is now catching fire. I am going to make a lot of money in the next few months. Hopefully, it'll be tax free, thanks to the generosity of Little Herman and the GOP. They are true Capitalists, the American way.
They never forget that money comes first...all else is secondary and unimportant. Dems don't seem to get it.
I tried to tell Field about silver and gold last year. I wanted to help the brother make a quick million, but like a true brother, he wouldn't listen.
Trapped in SC said...
"They are just a bunch of old scared fuckers who want a discount on everything while telling everyone else that they should pay more."
Talk about a scared fucker. You are completely delusional. A puppet on a string.
The "stimulus" spending was supposed to be a one time shot in the arm to get the economy going. Instead the democrats are insisting it is the new baseline for spending in perpetuity. It is a recipe for crashing the whole system.
The most ambitious proposed spending cuts are those advanced by Paul Ryan. Even this only limits the future rate of growth of government spending. This hysteria about grandma losing her medicine is just a pathetic lie. But you don't care about reality, because your views are fueled by racism and hate. If bigots like you win, we all lose.
"Ever notice that not one liberal can discuss facts? Its always race this and race that and fuck them. "
TSC is a sick racist.
"It is of course rather humorous that the same sort of people who spent long periods of time ranting that Obamacare was going to hurt Medicare voted for a Republican who wants to end it completely.
But so it goes."
Isn't ironic that these tea party folks( who are older than most) are the ones who would have benefited from the medical programs that the republicans want to cut?
"No, not really. The U.S. has the most progressive income tax system among industrialized nations. The top 10% of American households pays a higher share of income taxes than any OECD country."
I guess if you keep saying it often enough some folks will believe it. Just wow.
Haven't we been giving the wealthiest 5 percent tax breaks for the last 10 years?
"Why haven't we had an explosion in business investment and historically low unemployment then?
Because trickle down, or supply-side economics is a right-wing fantasy. It's never worked. And they know it. But they also know that low-information single issue (abortion! terrorism!) voters will lap that shit up."
Great point!!
America does not have a progressive tax scheme, that's a flat lie that has been debunked all over the place. For one thing it does not take into consideration the 6.8% Social Security tax that people earning over $108,600 do not have to pay.
BLAH BLAH BLAH.Same ole class warfare, same ole' Democrat talking points.
It's the rich who have declared class warfare. The rest of us are only now starting to fight back.
From a foreign newspaper...
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency...Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."
The Purple Cow said...
America does not have a progressive tax scheme, that's a flat lie that has been debunked all over the place. For one thing it does not take into consideration the 6.8% Social Security tax that people earning over $108,600 do not have to pay.
BLAH BLAH BLAH.Same ole class warfare, same ole' Democrat talking points.
It's the rich who have declared class warfare. The rest of us are only now starting to fight back.
Another blithering liberal. Social Security is a retirement program. (Now a ponzi scheme due to liberal corruption) meant for an individual to fund retirement. Someone making 108k plus has already paid a very high rate of taxes towards the ponzi scheme. Your confusion may stem from the fact that liberals think all taxpayer dollars are open for entitlement welfare like programs to be given to them. WRONG.
When you understand your countries tax code and actually pay some, then come back and try to figure out the U.S code.
Our problem is quite simple, you can't be a nation supporting a black society and not crumble.
Because trickle down, or supply-side economics is a right-wing fantasy. It's never worked. And they know it. But they also know that low-information single issue (abortion! terrorism!) voters will lap that shit up."
Great point!!
SO what type of economics would work? Can you point to an example in the history of mankind?
Trickle down doesnt wait for the guy sitting on the couch waiting for it to trickle into his mailbox via a check of confiscated earnings, but it works wonders for all others.
It's not from a "foreign" newspaper at all,dimwit. It's a re-write of an American article that is decades old.
"When you understand your countries tax code and actually pay some, then come back and try to figure out the U.S code."
I understand my country's tax code very well thank you very much. The problem is you have just demonstrated that you do not understand yours.
While Goobers beleeverate that cutting rates raises revenue (Dagon!, the mathematical illiteracy it takes to accept such utter specious nonsense!) it actually means the rich are paying less. Since st reagan, your taxes have consistently been raised to cover the rich not wanting to pay taxes. And you blame some single mom of multiple babies (Bristol Palin?) for your woes.
The 'sorce' for one poster was Tax Foundation...created because it was horrible taxes were used to better the lives of ordinary citizens...and made the wages higher than the absolute minimum. Yes, I read their stuff. They are appalled that in a Democracy, citizens can elect to have a government retirement plan that offers no money to business. That we have a social safety net when we are priced out of the market...and we, the citizens, support this through voting to tax our selves.
While it may please the nasty fantasy lives of Heeyucks to thinkerate of much more experienced and qualified government employees taking income and benefit hits...the Reality is far worse. When the PA State was shut down in the 1990s by a bunch of TeaTards, the local business community seemed to be thrilled. Until. The auto dealers discovered that not one PA employee was buying a car. The restaurants found that their customer base was the Civil Service. Retailers looked at their books and learned they would close if the folks were not paid.
It sure soundinated good. Make those 'uppity' teachers/engineers/professionals hurt...for going to real colleges and working at the State. But, the business community depends upon the incomes.
Paul Ryan is a 'leader'. Only in 'special kids Land'.
Here's a waste of money...cut here first.
Wait—Liberty University gets half a billion dollars a year in federal aid? And they have almost 50,000 students? I feel a great disturbance in the Force, as if thousands of minds suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
I looked a little further and discovered, though, that Liberty is actually a mid-sized private college with an on-campus enrollment of about 12,000 — they're sucking in all that money because they're deeply involved in that lucrative on-line 'education' game, where they shuffle students through a series of web pages and declare them S-M-R-T, smart. I was made suspicious when I looked at their list of faculty in chemistry and biology and was surprised to see that their total number of chemistry/biology faculty is 21, while my university has a total combined chemistry and biology faculty of 15…for a student body of fewer than 2,000. If we just go by the service provided, I think that means the University of Minnesota Morris should be getting $357 million every year from the government, and we could give every student free tuition, raise faculty salaries to a competitive level, and hire a couple more faculty in each discipline to ease the strain we're going through right now (we're short-staffed, and it hurts). And then, with the money left over, we could build a water park and a light-rail connection to Minneapolis and get everyone an ice cream cake on their birthday! Yay!
Bonus: with all that money, you'd also get a physics and a geology department that doesn't teach that the earth was formed in six days 6,000 years ago, and a biology department that actually teaches biology instead of abracadabra-magic-man-in-the-sky-done-it.
Since we're paying so much money for it, can we rename Liberty University? I'd like to call it Leech University. At least they wouldn't have to change the monogrammed towels.
Posted by PZ Myers at 9:45 AM
I'm looking at Paul Ryan's Wall Street Journal op-ed defending his Medicare-killing budget plan, and I think this is the line that most offends me:
"But because government should not force people to reorganize their lives, its reforms will not affect those in or near retirement in any way."
The nerve of this little elitist. My wife and I are in our early fifties -- fairly close to retirement, yet still young enough, under Ryan's plan, to be thrown on the tender mercies of the free market for our health care when we're old -- and I just want to know what he thinks people in our situation do. Does he think we just sit around blissfully ignoring the passing of time until about about, oh, 64 or so, and then make our plans for how we're going to survive retirement in a couple of hours one evening? Does he think we don't worry about this, and strategize for it, years and even decades before retirement is imminent?
Paul Ryan is 41 years old. He's a career politician with 12 years' service in the House and decades more to look forward to -- that is, if he's not named VP, treasury secretary, or Fed chairman by a future Republican president, in which case he'll make even more than he makes now, which is three times the national household median.
His retirement income will almost certainly start with both a generous federal pension and income from a defined-contribution plan -- members of Congress, unlike most workers, get both.
And all that is a drop in the bucket, because, of course, at some point in his life he'll almost certainly become an obscenely paid lobbyist, Fox News commentator, or (most likely) both. He'll get think tank sinecures and he'll be named to corporate boards. He'll pull down single-speech speaking fees that match a teacher's annual salary. In other words -- unlike the vast majority of us -- he knows he'll never be involuntarily unemployed, and he'll always be employed at a very pleasant level of income.
What the hell does he know about having to "reorganize" one's life? His life is already organized very nicely, thank you.
"Nell," the Constable continued, "the difference between ignorant and educated people is that the latter know more facts. But that has nothing to do with whether they are stupid or intelligent. The difference between stupid and intelligent people- and this is true whether or not they are well educated- is that intelligent people can handle subtlety. They are not baffled by ambiguous or even contradictory situations-- in fact, they expect them to be and are apt to become suspicious when things seem overly straightforward." -- Neal Stephenson, The Diamond Age
Conservatives cannot deal with nuance. Every situation- from health care to immigration to foreign policy is evaluated in terms of a strict dichotomy.
That dichotomy insists that cutting taxes on the wealthiest will always increase government revenues and will always create economic growth when history shows that it is simply not true. (Most who insist this have absolutely no understanding of the economic principle of the Laffer Curve- the foundation of "tax cuts raise revenues.")
That same dichotomy insists that there is simply no way that a black guy named Obama could have been born an American citizen; and no facts can dispel that belief.
That same dichotomy insists that "the private sector is better in all things at all times," when there obvious instances in which this is not true.
That same dichotomy insists that there is no global climate change, and that anyway if there were, Man cannot be responsible. Yet the scientific consensus is and has long held that this is the case. (Conservatives generally do not understand the scientific process, or the meaning of "scientific consensus," trying to liken it to some kind of "faith." It is nothing of the sort, it is a theory that is supported by observable data.)
Conservatives are generally stupid, mean-spirited, venal, short-sighted and heavily armed white men who long for the days when they were the sole masters of this country (and I choose the word "masters" quite deliberately); who are shocked and angered at "the browning of America."
Conservatives want to "take their country back," and we all know- they are exactly who we thought they were.
The Republicans have a plan to destroy Medicare.
If enacted I will likely die an early death as will my wife...
For most people, though, there will be no choice, If the Republican plan to eliminate Medicare is passed into law, all so the rich can receive another tax cut from the current 35% to 25%. If you are unemployed or underemployed you are not saving money for retirement, much less the cost of health insurance when you hit 67. The voucher you receive for health insurance (if you live that long) will be worth less than a drop of spit in the ocean.
Real person describing a real situation...as compared to st reagan Welfare Queen...or Paul 'ManLove' Ryan calling government programs a 'cancer'
Anonymous said...
The Republicans have a plan to destroy Medicare.
If enacted I will likely die an early death as will my wife...
Is moldilox a angry lesbo or did he lie about being a grandma?
field negro said...
"Why haven't we had an explosion in business investment and historically low unemployment then?
We have.You on the left like to pretend it never happen.
I see the goobers have been hear howling all nite.
"Our problem is quite simple, you can't be a nation supporting a black society and not crumble."
Damn, I'm still waiting on that "black check" from de gubmint the righties keep saying I'm getting.
"We have.You on the left like to pretend it never happen."
Well Goober when DID it happen????
how is this any different from the TRILLIONS hobama has given to banksters???
how can this budget be any crueler than hobama's own that has FLEECED poor people since 2008and for decades to come?????
this is hobama's legacy in action
and it will worsen forever!!!!
"Conservatives are generally stupid, mean-spirited, venal, short-sighted and heavily armed white men who long for the days when they were the sole masters of this country (and I choose the word "masters" quite deliberately); who are shocked and angered at "the browning of America."
Conservatives want to "take their country back," and we all know- they are exactly who we thought they were."
Oh yeah.
no budget could be worse than hobama's very own
no prez has ever been more repub than hobama
hobama has made certain that any future prez can blatantly abuse and ignore poor/black people globally
ask any libyan who owns no oil!!!
molded morphing mumbling idiot changes races and genders hourly...
that is why that twisted trifling bitch is always accusing others of posing as it does daily
hobama has already SLAIN the middle class
no one could be more brutal than hobama who has already bankrupted progeny!!!!
why lament this man and ignore hobama?????
When you predict disaster, it’s no fun being right. Since long before Barack Obama was elected president, we at Black Agenda Report have said that this center-right corporate politician is a War Democrat whose foreign policy objectives – if not his rhetoric – are no different than George Bush’s. With Obama’s expansion of Bush’s wars and his opening up of a new, North African front, in Libya, we have been proved catastrophically right – right, to the point of tears.
There is nothing left of Obama, except the “moderate Republicrat corporate lawyer” that he has always been. He refuses to fight in the people’s interest, because he is not interested in the people – only in his foolish dream of a grand alliance with the GOP in service of Wall Street. But the GOP feels triumphant, and isn’t playing his games. “Obama has already sacrificed trillions in social spending trying to split the budget difference with Republicans who persist in seeking total victory.
Professor of Africana Studies, Bill Sales, asked, “How can Obama represent us, when he compromises with people who are trying to beat our brains out.” Obama, said Sales, “is a moderate Republicrat corporate lawyer. Don't drink the Kool-Aid.”
LAA, nice try, savages, really? One white chick fight means nothing compared to the 100 black ones.
white politicos will become MORE racist and elitist because hobama nazis have allowed hobama to set the brutal bar!!!!!
Aside from the still resonating feelings of pride engendered by the sight of a black man wearing a POTUS jacket on Air Force One, the benefits to black America from the Obama administration have been non-existent. It is still difficult to find any willingness to criticize the president still beloved by the vast majority of black people, but that reservoir of support is tepid, and never moved beyond the historical significance of Obama’s election.
When the day comes that Obama does leave office, it will be important to examine the significance of his presidency and the effect it had on black politics. Obama fever was dangerous in more ways than one, having taken all of the oxygen out of the political room. The joy of seeing a black president took away the significance of any other political victories. In 2009 and 2010 cities and states across the country saw large declines in black voter participation. There would be no Republican-led assault on public worker unions if black voters in Wisconsin, Ohio and other states had shown 2008 levels of interest on election day in November 2010.
A political state absent Obama provides an opportunity to recast black politics and to at least ask the pertinent questions about the state of black America. Never again should one candidate for office, even the highest office of all, give voters amnesia about their history and experience. The Obama phenomenon should be nothing but a tragic story of betrayal and lost opportunity. The damage has already been done and shouldn’t be allowed to worsen.
no budget and no prez and no white politico could be more BLATANTLY racist and elitist than hobama has been!!!!
how dare we call out lesser sinners while we ignore hobama's INCREASINGLY evil global sins???!!!!
“Even I could not imagine that it would get this bad” under Barack Obama, writes Cynthia McKinney, former Georgia congresswoman and Green Party presidential candidate. Abroad, the First Black President murders whole nations and peoples. At home, “Blacks are slipping back more and more into economic and cultural servitude and political irrelevancy,” with Black family wealth now pegged at $2,000 per household, compared to $94,600 for whites.
President Obama promised "change" to the people who voted for him. He told them to hope again and that change would come. But President Obama's change is really more of the same. Therefore, his elixir that was sold to the world was nothing more than snake oil. The most damage, of course, is being done to those whose dreams were intricately woven into his words, not realizing that words are not policy. In a most deadly treachery, those who believed in our President the most are the ones who are now suffering and dying the most.
But, there is also pernicious collateral damage from our President's policies right here in the United States in the African-American community that brought itself up from slavery and U.S.-styled apartheid. President Obama has hastened the collapse of Black wealth in this country even as he feeds the beast of the bankers. And, although our President can be counted on to roundly condemn Black men on Father's Day, it seems that is the only treatment for which our President actively searches out Black people--for criticism and condemnation. The so-called Black Farmer "settlement" provides money for everyone but the initial Black Farmers who stood up and filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Agriculture, but who now stand to lose 1.5 million acres under President Obama's watch. Under this President, Black people can be condemned, but not repaired.
"LAA, nice try, savages, really? One white chick fight means nothing compared to the 100 black ones."
What kills me is how these goobers are so certain in their stupidity.
blind racist assnon:
do the elementary math
there are MORE wfs
there are more wild wfs feuding always
and this is proven by how many MORE are wilding all over tv news and reality tv shows....
wtfu u witless fool
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
The Republicans have a plan to destroy Medicare.
If enacted I will likely die an early death as will my wife...
Is moldilox a angry lesbo or did he lie about being a grandma?
alicia banks said...
blind racist assnon:
do the elementary math
there are MORE wfs
there are more wild wfs feuding always
Yes thats true.How can you explain the fact that black males rape white women at 7 times the higher rate has white males rape black woman?
Is it the black man's desire for white vigina?
al sharpton is hobama's sold out trick bottom bitch....shame!!!!!!
he is the black hobama nazi vote czar for that blackish demon hobama!!!
ditto for tom joyner!!!!
racist perv assnon:
do the historical math
it would take oj black men more than 300 years to catch up to your rapist slave massa cousins
kkk chimps trump jungle fever
u monkeyshining fool!!!
uptownsteve said...
Conservatives want to "take their country back," and we all know- they are exactly who we thought they were."
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah......Lets take out country back to when the president created jobs and helped the homeless.Lets take our country back to a time when jobs was the answer not welfare.
This is Obama's America...
The jokes on you.......
america's last chance prez ticket =
the very last chance to save anerica from banksters
if they are not murdered like jfk by hobama's goons before they can win
go rebels!!!!!!!
"Oh yeah......Lets take out country back to when the president created jobs and helped the homeless.Lets take our country back to a time when jobs was the answer not welfare."
And I'll ask AGAIN Jethro. When was that because it damn sure wasn't under Bush or Reagan who both ran up record deficit and presided over recessions.
Despite AB's shrieking and the racism of people like you, Obama didn't cause this mess.
And from what I see, the economy is turning around.
u are a HORRID liar
and only blind adoring bromancing nigs like u deny that
heartless blind gated bitch nig uts:
cc that bs to your local welfare office/job fair
hobama and his ilk print lies in all msm
so that black racist foolish drones like u believe them
each day
u prove how well that wks
carry on moron!
we who live osd your gated enclave know better!!!!
needs slaps:
more on what the teachers whom hobama and his charter school scammers are firing must endure
file this under
violent buck wild wm baby pookies
cooing coon uts:
hobama is just warming up
ask a libyan
the next prez will be worse than hobama because u hobama nazis made it OK for hobama to abuse the poor/blacks OPENLY and more BRUTALLY than any other prez EVER...
nigs like you have just begun to feel the pain that YOU have designed
u have not heard any shriek yet mf
until you hear your belated own
Just stopped by to see if FN is making deragatory comments about the poor living in "trailers". I didn't realize until recently this blog is for the middle class only .
Your hatred for Obama just like your need for attention is clinical.
Seek help please.
psycho schizo nig original mf uts:
u still blame all of hobama's FAILURES on gwb whom u hate and scapegoat
hobama is gwb 2.0
it is clearly YOU who are the racist mf who needs to seek help bitch
it is your SENSELESS SUICIDAL SLOBBERING love for hobama that blinds you to the fact that he hates even nig rich mongrels like you who own no banks.
skip the clinic and just wtfu fool
as there are no pills to heal political suicide/racist ignorance/abject DL bromancing stupidity etc
your EVASIONS slurs and lies will have not saved u
nor will they help hobama win a vote in 2012
snoring snake nig uts:
a sleep disorder clinic may indeed help u
seek that sleeping drone
and wtfu from your incessant loving daydreams about that blackish GLOBAL nightmare hobama!!!
attn whore PREMIERE blog troll nig uts:
i slay u ONLY because u r a racist sexist colorist moron
NOT for attn
hey nig uts:
see all the attn i need here:
enjoy boy!!!
UTS, I still say the persona is done by a CrackerTard...who is so far into their lie they can't stop...and they enjoy being a jerkhole far too much. He gets to be a racist weenie to folks. Sort of a modern blackface...without any redeeming qualities.
Field, did you bother to read this article?:
Just how long do you think we can sustain this? Do you think just printing more money will cure everything? Maybe taxing the "rich" some more?
This country is going to be a Third-Wprld country....perhaps in our lifetime.
Hell, we can't even make money off wars anymore!
BTW, UTS.....my teeth are already up $15 today!
My plans are to be long-gone from this crap hole that was once known as the USA in two years, max. I'll enjoy watching you homers descend into anarchy. A Civil war would be bonus prime-time.
Wow, there is a lot of serious craziness on the right this morning.
If I were going extinct, I guess I'd be upset too.
Savages? Bwahahahaha! You sorry dumb fuckers don't even realize you and your 'not showing up for the local Tea Party rally' wannabe's are already lost. You got played by the Republicans, you got whored out by the Koch's, and now you think that if you stay on your knees just a little longer someone will believe you have only stumbled.
And you think you are the adults... stupid right wing bastards. It would be funny, if you were not trying to drag the rest of us down with you.
(That moron actually said, "Savages"...I'm still laughing)
uptownsteve said...
And I'll ask AGAIN Jethro. When was that because it damn sure wasn't under Bush or Reagan who both ran up record deficit and presided over recessions.
Ok negro, here you go...
"Greatest Peacetime Economic Boom"
Reagan took over the worst recession since the Great Depression and doubled the GDP, doubled gov revenue,lowered unemployment by half,the DOW had record gains,killed inflation.Reagan also lowered taxes for 65% of Americans.
The Reagan boom created almost 19 million jobs.
Most of the jobs created paid over 20,000 a year.
More wealth was created during the Reagan years than at any point in history.
The asset vaules of stocks,bonds, and real estate grew by 50%.
The Reagan economic boom lasted 92 months without a recession, from November 1982 to July 1990, the longest period of sustained growth during peacetime and the second-longest period of sustained growth in U.S. history.
52 months of job growth.
Averaged unemployment for 8 years at 5.2%.
DOW highs, gdp growth
Real estate boom.
Did you forget Obama's record deficit?
The Ryan scam will throw millions out of health care and lessen the non-existent tax burden of the incredibly wealthy. Why is ManLove Ryan so eager to make my meager government social safety net go away? Is it that he enjoys being a bastard? Is it that he sees us a serfs...and undeserving by birth? Why is it so horrible to have our government provide things?
Or is it that business has run out of scams and instead of doing work...want to pilfer the public sector?
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
The Republicans have a plan to destroy Medicare.
If enacted I will likely die an early death as will my wife...
Is moldilox a angry lesbo or did he lie about being a grandma?
WFWC, as usual, full of shit and overflowing.
and notice how blind hobama loving racist bastards like uts are ignoring the costs of hobama's VERY OWN libyan war????...
as hobama BOMBS libyans blacker than hobama for warmongering hero mojo/oil & gold robber votes?????...
Me thinks moldilox is a liberal guy suffering from depression.
uptownsteve said...
"LAA, nice try, savages, really? One white chick fight means nothing compared to the 100 black ones."
What kills me is how these goobers are so certain in their stupidity.
I keep seeing you use this word "goobers" whilst looking at your picture....I think I finally got it, Goobers is an anagram for Baboon isn't it!!?
Monkey See Monkey Doo, I think Monkey become a democrat too!!!
Anonymous said...
The Ryan scam will throw millions out of health care and lessen the non-existent tax burden of the incredibly wealthy. Why is ManLove Ryan so eager to make my meager government social safety net go away?
Don't drink the kool-aid moldilox.Nobody's making your " meager social safety net" go away.
Liberals have been spewing the same talking points for 30= years.Most older people are a lot smarter now and they don't fall for the Liberal lies anymore.
Malcolm X, who ranted against the White men most of his life, apparently had no qualms in sharing carnal pleasure with one of them, it has emerged. Malcolm was bisexual and had an affair with a white male, according to a biography of the legendary black radical activist of the 1960s.
The biography was written by Manning Marable, an established African-American scholar. The new revelation about his sexual preferences makes for interesting reading as Malcolm X had reportedly parted ways with his mentor Elijah Muhammad over disillusionment about the latter's alleged sexual excesses.
He was born as Malcolm Little in Nebraska in 1925, but changed the surname to 'X' after joining the Nation of Islam. He was a black supremacist, called for total separation of Afro-Americans from the Whites and was also critic of capitalism. He had advocated black nationalism and thought blacks were the original people of the world. He often said Islam was the true religion of the black man and that Christianity was white man's religion.
alicia banks said...
and notice how blind hobama loving racist bastards like uts are ignoring the costs of hobama's VERY OWN libyan war????...
as hobama BOMBS libyans blacker than hobama for warmongering hero mojo/oil & gold robber votes?????...
Obama is just giving black Amerkkka the rich black person treatment.
When the rich black person gets in trouble, they run to the hood for support.When the rich black person is no longer in trouble, its back to the all white places of town.
Samething with Obama.When Obama needed black Amerkkka to get elected/reelected off to the hood he goes.Now Obama is elected, the only hoods he knows are the white ones.
When will black Amerkkka stop being used by Democrats?
Now where did those fake numbers come from Crime? Or are they just magical wisherating?
ditto for oj and mj!!!
A wise man once said: Be careful what you wish for. Rev. Al Sharpton has long craved entrance to the citadels of power, and may now have been granted his wish in return for services rendered to the Obama administration. But proximity to Power also brings intense media scrutiny. Can a shady-dealing preacher take the heat?
Rev. Al Sharpton and President Barack Obama have a thing going on - and I predict it will turn out badly for both of them.
Sharpton has assumed the role of Obama's political muscle among what passes for Black leadership. His job is to bully into submission those Blacks that dare to even suggest that African Americans need to agitate for their own interests, to speak Truth to Power, even when that Power is represented by a Black man in the White House. In his capacity as the president's junkyard dog, Sharpton verbally savages even the mildest critics of an administration that has greatly expanded U.S. wars while overseeing the biggest transfer in history of public wealth to private pockets. Sharpton bit into Tavis Smiley when the talk-show entrepreneur proposed that Black America formulate its own political agenda, separate from Obama's policies, which have seen Black unemployment, evictions and foreclosures reach Depression-era levels. Sharpton snarled that folks like Smiley were trying to hold Obama to a "double-standard," demanding more from a Black president than they would from a white Democrat - which is absolute nonsense, since so-called Black leadership has made virtually no demands on Obama since he announced his candidacy three years ago.
Sharpton's sleazy dealings are legendary in Black activist circles, but he has only once been deeply scrutinized by the media. That was in 2004, when the New York Village Voice revealed that Sharpton's presidential campaign was largely financed by Republican dirty-trickster Roger Stone. Now that Sharpton has truly hit the big time, the media spotlights will surely burn him to a crisp. Al Sharpton's financial dealings cannot stand serious scrutiny. His service to Power is going to cost him dearly - and President Obama will find himself covered with the slime, as well. Mark my words.
" Anonymous said...
The Republicans have a plan to destroy Medicare.
If enacted I will likely die an early death as will my wife...
8:18 AM"
Guess what I'll be thinking the next time I vote Repub, Mr. Mold?
Crime...funny thing...for the past thirty years the Liberals have been correct. Events and Facts bear witness.
Name some cons who have been as accurate. Go ahead. I'll wait.
Oh..what exactly are Liberal lies? Are these the same tales you spread to make you appear talented, wise and an expert? Those are called 'strawman arguments'. Hopefully, you are not fooled by them.
As far as eradicating the social safety net...the ManLove Ryan modest proposal does exactly that. So did the CatFood Commission 'wishlist'.
Why are you lying? Are you afraid that the elders would be upset if they learned you were delighted with their Social Security being stolen? That you want them to give up Medicare/Medicaid to increase profits?
It was easy to demonize the poor...but now your Masters wish to rob from the working and middle classes. I do hope this proves to be more difficult.
Since some can't stop their compulsion to lie...The Republicans have a plan to destroy Medicare.
If enacted I will likely die an early death as will my wife...
For most people, though, there will be no choice, If the Republican plan to eliminate Medicare is passed into law, all so the rich can receive another tax cut from the current 35% to 25%. If you are unemployed or underemployed you are not saving money for retirement, much less the cost of health insurance when you hit 67. The voucher you receive for health insurance (if you live that long) will be worth less than a drop of spit in the ocean.
Real person describing a real situation...as compared to st reagan Welfare Queen...or Paul 'ManLove' Ryan calling government programs a 'cancer'
Anonymous said...
Oh..what exactly are Liberal lies?
The ones you tell about being a grandma when you're really a guy.
Show your proof.
Why lie mold? Republicans are not going to destroy Medicare.They will save it and make it better.Besides the changes doesn't effect anyone over 55.
And after all the jobs,degrees, and successes you've had in life-why are you depended on safety nets?
Unless that was a lie to.
Life is coming apart for mold>>>>>
Mold, why don't you be a good patriot & comrade, and go ahead & kick the bucket, so we won't all be burdened with paying to keep your parasitic ass alive?
Can you feelerate it?
What stinky orifice did WFWC pull that crap from????
Bush may just be the worst President in history.
And AB don't think we don't notice your Aunt Jemima jig for WFWC.
I always knew you had it in you.
"Samething with Obama.When Obama needed black Amerkkka to get elected/reelected off to the hood he goes.Now Obama is elected, the only hoods he knows are the white ones.
When will black Amerkkka stop being used by Democrats"
This is idiotic.
Blacks voted overwhelmingly for Kerry and Gore and they lost.
So how is it now that the black vote was Obama's ace in the hole?
Obama won because actually he recieved more white support than Gore or Kerry.
Your racist ass just cannot accept a black man as your President despite the obvious fuckups of Bush which made it possible for Obama to get elected in the first place.
Keep shrieking Goober cause we'll keep laughing while Obama cruises to a second term.
Whose gonna beat him?
Still waiting for proof. Evidence. Facts.
As far as destroying Medicare...read the modest proposal. The only reason they gutted on those of us who are older...is we vote. And will soon NEED those government checks.
Nice OrwellSpeak. Saving the Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security village by destroying it. Yep. No body left alive to vote for Uncle Ho. Saved us all. How does handing over tons of cash to campaign donors make it better...for me? I can see how they like the free and zero-oversight kickbacks...but why give them money and not provide more medical care?
Unless you are born bush/Quayle/Santorum/McCain/etc...you are liable to the vicissitudes of life. It is quite nice to know that if it all gets stolen by your Masters...I have a fallback.
Must be nice to be a teenager with Invincible fantasies. I have outlived many contemporaries and see that the race is not as you beleeverate it to be. One nasty chronic illness can eat a 401(k) pretty quickly. Oh...as the most accurate Grayson said was the R Health Plan...don't get sick.
Yeah, Ryan looks like Herman Munster, like Obama looks like Steve Urkel.
UTS, Gore won. Crime may be trying to slip Bush in..hoping we don't notice. bush was the Worst President Ever.
Given the option between an AfAm man...and two wites anointed by the wingnuts...the US overwhelmingly preferred the AfAm.
Still waiting for the proof. How about some evidence? Facts? Waiting. Anytime now.
dancing pig hanky headed nigga uts:
the fatal dance you PROUDLY do with hobama trumps any TRUTHS i share with wfwc
wfwc is blacker saner and smarter than you and that dumb dl bitch hoax hobama anyday!!!
thanks for the kudos u blind lovesick hobama nazi coon drone!!!
jigging jigaboo joker/hobama's private dancer nig uts:
your slander lies and evasions will NEVER help that dancing bear for the banksters/hobama jig his FAILED FREFALLING joker ass back into the white house in 2012...
u better find some new moves asap moron!!!!
your false blackish god needs you!!!!
foolish jigging jigaboo joker uts:
YOU are the racist STUPID bastard who is too blind to see that hobama is a WORSE racist CLONE of gwb in EVERY way...
YOU are the blind adoring fool that ignores how MISERABLY hobama has SLAIN poor mongrels and FAILED the USA in every possible way...
& you are the brazen joker who ignores hobama's SERIAL sins ONLY because hobama's fertile gobal oj deadbeat cia pookie deddy was black...
A 53 percent Black majority think that the economy is starting to recover. Only 40 percent of whites hold that opinion. Yet, for the average Black or white working class person with a mortgage to pay, the situation is as bad as ever – and for Black people, that means roughly twice as bad. The Pew poll shows that 35 percent of Blacks report their homes are worth less than their mortgages, compared to just 18 percent for white people. Fifty-four percent of Blacks took a pay cut, worked reduced hours or were forced to take unpaid leave during the Great Recession. Only 37 percent of whites suffered such employment trauma, yet Blacks are consistently – and insanely – more optimistic about the future, and feel better about the present, than whites do. Nearly a third of Blacks say they are in better shape than before the recession began – a figure with no basis whatsoever in real life, and a perception that is at total war with reality. Everything is worse for every major Black demographic since December 2007. There is nothing to be upbeat about – except, for Obama supporters, the election 0f 2008. From that point on, a large segment of Black America became disconnected from reality, numb to their own pain and to the pain of their children. They have been singing zippidity-doo-dah while all around them Black America is in economic free-fall. These deluded Black folks have been rendered incompetent and politically useless to themselves and their families by the mere existence of a Black president. Obama's election was, besides the Great Recession itself, the worse thing that has happened to Black people in a long time.
Anonymous said...
If enacted I will likely die an early death as will my wife...
Today its asians fn post
"and this old lady assumes you lie because you enjoy lying and all you say is most likely lies."
mold 1039am
Anonymous said...
AB, you should stop being a wite dude hanging with other conspiracy crackers. If you had, you would know what the Enviros had thought about Obama. Seems that they have been blogging for a few years...and you are only spewing wite, wingnut propaganda.
Mell, I'll take a peek.
4:36 PM
Love how you accuse AB of being a white dude when you have faked being a woman.
And i'm not done yet.
hey dancing hobama nazi nig uts:
do like amiri
find a new jig!!!!
What A Difference A Day Made!
Amiri Baraka writes new poem critical of Obama after the bombing of Libya; also posted below is Baraka’s writing from 2008 where he attacked those on the Left who refused to support Obama.
The New Invasion Of Africa
Amiri Baraka 3/21/2011
So it wd be this way
That they wd get a negro
To bomb his own home
To join with the actual colonial
Powers, Britain, France, add Poison Hillary
With Israeli and Saudi to make certain
That revolution in Africa must have a stopper
So call in the white people who long tasted our blood
They would be the copper, overthrow Libya
With some bullshit humanitarian scam
With the negro yapping to make it seem right (far right)
But that’s how Africa got enslaved by the white
A negro selling his own folk, delivering us to slavery
In the middle of the night. When will you learn poet
And remember it so you know it
Imperialism can look like anything
Can be quiet and intelligent and even have
A pretty wife. But in the end, it is insatiable
And if it needs to, it will take your life.
molded moron is a psycho schizo poser
it has never posted one mf thing that blackish hobama has done for nigs like uts
because not ONE mf such thing exists!!!!
hey DEATH dancing nig uts:
hey DEATH dancing nig uts:
Obamacare, English style:
Too bad, Mold. Looks like you'll suffocate before you'll be able to get that much needed surgery to remove your head from your ass:(
jigging jigaboo joker uts:
jigging jigaboo joker uts:
The economy IS recovering!!
late racist retarded bromancer dancer uts:
u are STILL missing hobama's deadly global disco moves as u jig your love jones jigaboo!
catch some new steps coon asap!
But, Poet, how’d you slip on Iceberg Slim?
How’d you start snarling, growling, guarding
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue like a junkyard dog,
Muzzling the “movement” and protecting the
Bagman transferring trillions to Wall Street,
War Profiteer, Pharma, Agribiz, Oil-igarch,
Insurance mobs, uh, Reagan redux on ‘roids?
Was it his cool “middle”-class mantra?
Or, ‘cause Slim didn’t come Superfly—
Gold-plated cane, fur coat, big hat, talkin’
Slick, like Tony and Goldie, ‘bout making his
Handlers so much money that their pockets
Would look like they have the mumps?
Poet, when didn’t you know it?
From the git, it smelled like a pack of
Senators wind-surfing on raw sewage,
With Candidate Slim huddling for bailout
Hanky-panky with Hank Paulson,
McCain and Osama Ben Bernanke…
Poet, when didn’t you know it?
No wait for a gate, when Slim kept
Warlord, Bomb Gates, on from W’s crew—
But, then there was Skippy-Gate,
Harvard Professor arrested in his
Home, then invited by Slim to the
Big House for beer with the arresting
Officer. We waited with bated breath,
Figurin’ as slick as Slim is, he jus’ might
Invite families of Sean Bell and Oscar
Grant for a Big House keg and concert:
Newt Gingrich Sings Gershwin, A cappella.
Poet, when didn’t you know it?
Iceberg made his bones first day on the job,
Whackin’ a couple Somalis—called them pirates.
Poet, when didn’t you know it?
Iceberg’s brass-balled triangulation, juggling
Three wars, picking up a peace prize, torpedoing
Copenhagen with “clean coal” and nukes: priceless.
Poet, when didn’t you know it?
Neon signs in Guantanamo’s windows flashing OPEN,
As Slim’s “surges,” and more drone strikes than eight
W years seem to scream, “Hey, Poet, judge me not by
The color of my skin, but by content of my character!”
But, you came back!
Yeah, Poet, I hoped, prayed and wished for a wet, cold
Wikileak, waking you from the Warlock’s spell, wrenching
You, snatching you from Iceberg Slim’s grip…
In his Prison Poems, Ho Chi Minh said, the
Poet must also know how to lead an attack—
Hurry, Poet, hurry, I’ve been waiting… for you!
hey gullible moron uts:
print that bs
get in your luxury car
deliver it to your local unemployment ofc
unlike u, we do not believe hobama's fuzzy math/2012 vote stunt misinfo via his msm drones!
While such workers are feeling real pain from the recession that began in December 2007, they’re not represented in the 8.5 percent unemployment rate the Labor Department reported last week. They are part of a broader group that includes those who want a job but have stopped looking for work and those who want full-time positions but have to settle for part-time employment.
A measure of underemployment that counts those people has almost doubled over the past two years, to 15.6 percent, providing a more complete gauge of the labor market’s deterioration. Along with an historic drop in the percentage of the population who are working, and record numbers of long-term unemployed, the figures point to a permanent shift in employment patterns, said former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich.
“We’re seeing many more people who are losing their connectedness to the labor force,” said Reich, who served in President Bill Clinton’s Cabinet and is now an economist at the University of California at Berkeley. “There is a profound weakening of ties to the labor market among a large portion of our working-age population.”
"Karen said...
If you want to raise revenues, you need to SLASH the tax rate, not raise it."
Karen, you have to look at it from THEIR perspective; when half the damn country isn't even paying taxes, what do they care if you raise the taxes on the half that are?
That's more gravy & "equality" for them!
It's amazing that conservatives are still pushing the Reagan economics myth, years after it has been comprehensively demolished by a variety of economic experts.
The 80's economic boom had little or nothing to do with Reagan's tax cuts ( that profited pretty much only the rich). It was a result of a variety of other factors, including the tight money policies of Fed chairman Paul Volcker (now an Obama adviser) and most importantly of all, the global collapse of oil prices.
Also Reagan created thousands of new jobs America with a massive spending program that massively increased the federal deficit. It was called the Reagan defense buildup.
"when half the damn country isn't even paying taxes,"
That's an awful lot of white folks.
Probably Republicans.
ruthless heartless dancing elitist jigging jiggaboo uts:
escape your gilded sheilded gates
take your printed happy news
and stop by any hood with that bs
see how MOST are SUFFERING!!!
With discouraged job seekers exiting the labor force, the U.S. unemployment rate remained at 10% in December, according to the Department of Labor, Friday. African Americans were especially hard hit as the jobless rate rose, reaching 16.2% up from 12.1% the same time last year.
alicia banks said...
molded moron is a psycho schizo poser
I'm feelin' ya AB!! I get someone who is poorer wanting to reinvent themselves on the internet.
mold's {2 degrees in 2 different disciplines} and many other claims.
I just don't get mold pretending to be female.
jigging joker uts:
dance to this fool
u just do the happy hobama hustle all the way to your political grave!
we global rebels prefer to dance to this!
belated bovine:
no neocon loved and channels raygun more than hobama
from his laughing joking racist attacks upon black mongrels to his blatant betrayals of union voters...
where have YOU been????
hey wfwc:
i think molded moron switches genders whenever it wants to become an hobama girl like that lovestruck colorist hobama nazi bitch uts
hobama has FLAGRANTLY CLONED both raygun and gwb
yet you hobama nazis dare to pretend hobama is some unique saint
as u STILL lament his 2 less RACIST & BRUTAL idols and mentors
The 2012 Obama budget should have caught no one off guard. Obama told everyone in earshot how much he admired President Reagan, so “why be surprised when you get a Reagan-type budget?” Obama’s assault on poor and working people’s programs collides with the historical Black consensus around issues of social justice. At some point there will be a reckoning.
The First Black President just gave birth to an unmistakably Republican budget – and everybody knows who that ugly baby’s daddy is. For the past two years, Barack Obama has been making out quite publicly with George Bush’s corporate friends. But that shouldn’t be a scandal; after all, Obama has always told everyone in range of his voice that his main goal in life is to forge a grand consensus with the GOP, a bipartisan understanding between the Right and the Center Right.
The result is an Obama budget that is all sliced up, like the loser in a knife fight – only, Obama and his corporate executives-on-loan at the White House did all the cutting, themselves. Obama is showing such extraordinary talent for obliterating poor and working class programs across the board, he’s making Republicans look redundant and obsolete.
uptownsteve said...
"when half the damn country isn't even paying taxes,"
That's an awful lot of white folks.
Probably Republicans.
raygun was LESS warmongering and employed MORE than hobama!!!
hobama inc has destroyed over 8 millions jobs and more to come via global banksters!!!
and only white collar govt/war jobs are thriving....this is EVEN MORE voodoo econ than raygun spun!!!
Corporate Democrats are death on the party’s constituencies. With NAFTA, Bill Clinton delivered the “coup de grace” to heavily Black unionized manufacturing labor, and Barack Obama has his sights set on public sector employees, 18 percent of whom are Black. “They are an absolutely indispensable class if Black America is not to slip further into social dissolution.”
The unionized factories that were such mighty anchors of Black economic stability are largely gone, now, their demise vastly accelerated by the corporate Democrat, Bill Clinton and his stewardship of NAFTA during his first term as president. In Clinton's first term, NAFTA made the dismantling of American manufacturing U.S. government policy, and then he deregulated the banks in his second term, making capital supreme and setting the stage for the Meltdown of 2008. With Wall Street on top of the world and manufacturing in deep decline, the unionized blue collar worker was doomed. Blacks were disproportionately represented in those jobs, in some industries making up 20 percent of the unionized workforce. The destabilization of Black communities in the old industrial cities is a direct result of the loss of good factory jobs with unions. Thank the rightwing Democrat Bill Clinton for delivering the coup de grace to heavily Black industrial labor, the quintessential Democratic constituency.
all u muslim haters:
see those "better" loving noble christians in action here:
Hey Mold,
During lunch I was arguing with still another rightwing goober on Facebook who claims, like WFWC, that Obama is relying on the black vote to win reelection?!!!?
Well, duh. Black Americans have been voting Democratic at about 90%for about 45 years now.
But these racist idiots are so traumatized by a black man in the White House that they've created some black/Muslim/immigrant conspiracy that vaulted Obama into the Presidency by nefarious means.
Now they're claiming that Sharpton is Obama's reelection Chairman!
I think they were really caught by surprise in 2008 by Obama's rapid ascension and ultimate victory and they are determined that he won't repeat.
I hope he's ready because the 2012 election is going to be downright ugly.
I'm talking "David Duke meets Tony Soprano" kinda shit.
clueless coon uts:
the surprise is that the blackish hobama has been the most RACIST REPUB WHITEST PREZ in history who has IGNORED & DOGGED black fools poised to be bamboozled in 2012 anew!!!!
wtfu slobbering sambo!!!
Swain, the political scientist, said even though Obama has not addressed black issues, blacks remain protective of him — "almost like a member of the family."
"Black people are in many ways worse off today than they have been in decades," she said. "They're worse off than if there was a white president, because a white president has to do something for the black community. Obama doesn't have to do anything."
Alica, why do you hate Obama so much? Before he even became pres, during the campaign couldn't stand him.
hobama is and will be prez SELECT
he barely eeked by hillary c when he was a masked saint
now that he is an unmacked clone of gwb & raygun
hobama will need to pimp and play black voters 23 trillion times worse/harder than he did in 2008 to ACTUALLY win
and cheerleader coons like uts will help him slay black voters anew....shame!!!!!
Ryan's wife, Sharletta, who is black, said Obama visiting Sharpton's conference is just "playing a typical game of politics." She approves of his performance as president, but called Sharpton a "race pimp."
Ryan predicted Obama would not get as many white votes in 2012 as he did in 2008, "so getting out the black vote is going to be huge."
because i judge him ONLY by his actions rather than half of his race
because i am from chi where he was never a saint but always a slick fake dl demon opportunist
and because he is a clone of gwb and raygun whom i hated EQUALLY but with no such silly racist queries
Ask AB who she is voting for.
She dosen't have enough guts to admit that she's a buckdancing coon-servative Republican who would vote for class dunce Sarah Palin in a micro-second.
Which is why she despises Obama the way she does.
AB always evades by saying she would vote for Cornel West, Mumia, Tyler Perry or some other clown that she knows isn't going to run.
Think I'm kidding? Ask her.
jigging joker assnon/uts:
now answer ALL of my questions u psycho poser!!!!
scan up!!!
dumb duped bitch assed uts:
hobama has your repub in dc...you repub hoax sucker!!!
evader hobama lover uts:
u bold coon bitch u
eff u hobama nazi doormat nig!
UTS, there are two main choices for wingnuts...accept Reality and that Obama won and most of the US vastly preferred him, and his Progressive platform...OR...lie and say he cheated.
They never liked Reality all that much anyway.
Crime...your 'proof' consists of me quoting a person who submitted to Booman Tribune. Steve M is the author. So if I quote a man...a lawyer...who reveals the sham scam of ManLove Ryan attempting to eradicate Medicare/Medicaid...this makes me male...how?
Oh, read the whole piece. The author had more resources than whole tribes of Gomers...and he and his spouse are still terrified. Plus, life can throw unexpected issues your way.
buckdancing nig uts:
how dare you call those black rebel warriors and REAL men clowns simply because they will not be a blind bozo for hobama like u slap happy fool!
u r unfit to polish their shoes u beta male bitch drone
UTS, although a certain poster is a racist wite dude using a fake to be able to call AfAms a 'word'...they are correct in that Obama is avoiding what needs to be done.
Ted Rall has a list worth reading. Funny that not one wingnut is aware of the vast Left discussion on Obama policies. Must be they are too upset that an AfAm won.
foolish felled jigger uts:
is that molded morphing lying moron smarter than you too????
Notice AB still won't say who she's supporting.
Did I lie?
lying fool uts:
your entire life has been a lie since 2008
like all lying whining hobama nazis
what makes u think u can demand my reponses as u ignore my queries u brazen blogless bitch????
Field, your article was interesting but you forgot the biggest elephant in the room; the wars! It doesn't matter how much they cut social programmes, if the wars continue all this is irrelevant. They are talking about a government shut down over budgetary issues but for some strange reason aren't mentioning the sole factor bankrupting our country outside of faulty banking practices; it's those damned wars!
uptownsteve said...
Notice AB still won't say who she's supporting.
Have I missed something because I didn't realize all the candidates were in the race yet.
winking blinking sinking stinking dancing nig uts:
only clueless pavlovian hobama nazi fools like u brag about playing good cop bad cop with dems = repubs
vote this:
Obama's press secretary's assault on the Left also represents a presidential "wink" to the Right, "reassuring the corporate world that Obama will not yield an inch to the Left in this election season." Once again, the president shows that he regards the Left as either his flunkies - or his enemy.
In the months after Barack Obama won the presidency with near-total support of Blacks and the white Left, a New York Black activist was fond of telling audiences to pay attention to the First Black President's face, not necessarily his actions. According to this theory, the president had to pretend he was in synch with the corporations and conservative whites, but he's really a good "brother" with Black folks interests at heart. Just look for "the wink." That presidential wink at Black folks was supposed to be the signal that Obama is working his game to our benefit.
Obama has been doing lots of winking as president, but all his signals are designed to please the other side. He almost injured his eyeballs winking at Republicans when he stacked his administration with Bush holdovers and Wall Streeters. He winked till his eyelashes nearly fell out at the insurance and drug companies as he arranged for their continued dominance and super-profits in health care. Obama winked his way into a much larger war in Afghanistan and beyond. He's got that wink, alright, but it's always in the wrong direction.
Somebody break out the unbrellas, it's about to shart raining bull$hit and dirty diapers up in this piece..............
Dr. Queen:
in a just world where there were as many sane black warriors as there are insane black hobama nazis....
hobama and his harlem 30K per plate posse
his black hobama nazi vote czar's/al's event
would NEVER ever happen in peace
if gwb had pulled these 2 rabidly racist elitist stunts
he would be CRUCIFIED by hecklers and protesters
Swain, the political scientist, said even though Obama has not addressed black issues, blacks remain protective of him — "almost like a member of the family."
"Black people are in many ways worse off today than they have been in decades," she said. "They're worse off than if there was a white president, because a white president has to do something for the black community. Obama doesn't have to do anything."
Oh yeah, Carol Swain. The Aunt Jemima of rightwing academia.
Of course she can't detail just HOW blacks are worse of today than under white Presidents, like Reagan for instance.
The fact that there is a black Democrat in the White House is enough for Mammy.
"Have I missed something because I didn't realize all the candidates were in the race yet."
She could easily speculate who she likes.
Don't try to be cute.
Who would you like see as President in 2013?
utter honesty 4 nig uts:
no speculation necessary u bold black fool:
Dr. Queen
how many times have i told this fool i will never vote again??????
see my post 10:15 above
uts is illiterate and blinded by hobama love
ignore this too dancing distracted uts:
i will never ever vote again
reps = dems
corps/banksters rule all
but jesse v will be VERY tempting in 2012!!!
Notice with coon-servatives like Swain the condition of the black underclass is due to their own moral depravity and lack of industry when a white is in the White House.
But now that a black Democrat is the President it's his policies which are at fault.
Well if you're not going to vote shut the f^ck up.
You're not even in the game.
You're a sideline heckler.
You might as well take a dump on the graves of MLK Jr. and Fannie Lou Hamer who died so that we'd have the right to vote.
morally depraved nig poster uts:
euro human turd nig uts:
i will have an EVEN greater right to talk when i cannot be blamed for voting in another amoral hoax like hobama
and i will talk LOUDER in 2012 than i do now as there will be MUCH more to talk about....bet!!!
ask george c u mindless whiny mongrel bitch!!!
mindless loopy loyal dog hobama ho girl uts:
no nig has ever dumped on mlk like that fecal fool hobama!!!!
hobama dumps on poor people and dumps wars all over the globe daily!
and only *hitty nigs like u beg for more dumpings....shame!!!!!
RingMaid, The Smirking Chimp blog had a poster who gave two options for the mil spending. One was 24%...the other was 54%.
When I call the mil a form of Welfare..I am more correct than those who endlessly squeal that US citizens are accepting Unemployment Compensation.
Must be that wingnut welfare never contributes to Workers Comp, UI, FICA and other eveel gubmint programs designed to let citizens keep a bit of dignity...and their house.
dumping duped dung brained uts:
u and hobama are a disgrace to mlk!!!!
dump this:
Dr. Martin Luther King's ideas on the nature of peace and social justice bear no resemblance to those of the current occupant of the White House, yet another in a long line of presidential killers on an industrial scale. MLK, the social democrat, would have recoiled in horror at the trillions lavished on Wall Street Obama's first year in office, believing as he did that “the evils of capitalism are as real as the evils of militarism and evils of racism.”
The irony of Obama is that the former community organizer turned politician and president thanks in part to the efforts of the Civil Rights movement has embraced and advance two of Dr. King’s “triple evils.” The “business liberal” Barack Hoover Obama [13] [16] has outdone his predecessors when it comes to serving the interests of (and transferring public wealth to) the Wall Street financial elite, who set new fundraising records to put him in the White House. He has escalated the level of U.S. imperial violence in South Asia, “inject[ing yet more of the] poisonous drug of hate into [the] veins” of the Muslim world as he refuses to admit that his nation’s longstanding petro-colonialism and Superpower terrorism provokes the Islamic counter-terrorism he seeks to rally the nation and world against (and which he uses to justify continuation of the Bush administration’s assault on civil liberties and human rights at home and abroad). He has passed a record new Pentagon budget while tens of millions of Americans are pushed into economic destitution by his bankrollers’ profits system. This comes in cold and audacious defiance of Dr. King’s warning at Riverside: “a nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death"
In dealing with Obama’s presidential evil(s), we should not be racially dazzled or (alternately) shamed into thinking there's something inappropriate about criticizing the first black president from the left.[15] [18] Dr. King dreamed of a day when we judge people by the “content of their character, not the color of their skin.” One year into the Obama presidency, what some of us on the left in Chicago (including black Chicago) and elsewhere knew about the content of Obama's character – that he was a deeply conservative, and heavily narcissistic and elitist friend and agent of Empire and Inequality, Inc. – has become ever more evident to America and the world.
I sometimes hear liberals say that the president's Left critics (me included) have a strange personal animus and bias against Obama the individual. The charge is false on the whole. Most of those critics place (I do) their take on Obama within a deeper and broader critique of corporate-managed fake democracy and of the related politics, institutions, and ideologies of Empire, capitalism, corporate rule, eco-cide, white supremacy, bureaucratism, candidate-centered and party politics, and sexism. [16] [19]
"UTS, although a certain poster is a racist wite dude using a fake to be able to call AfAms a 'word'...they are correct in that Obama is avoiding what needs to be done.
Ted Rall has a list worth reading."
I just read Ted Rall's piece and sorry, he doesn't say what needs to be done that Obama isn't doing.
That's my whole point.
Obama has disappointed me and many other progressives on many issues.
But I would rather deal with a disappointing friend than a dangerous enemy, the racist right.
What exactly would you have Obama do TODAY specifically vis-a-vis the economy and Iraq/Afghanistan?
blind ahistorical turd uuts:
fannie lou hamer was a shero warrior and a pauper
she was also ruthlessly beaten by cops
she would hate that PIC loving rabidly elitist racist half breed hoax hobama just as much as mlk would hate him!
only stupid bitches in love with hobama as much as you are believe that everyone else loves hobama as much as u do
ditto for the little girls like u who love justin b too!!!
UTS, oh...I'm sorry that Rall disappoints.
As far as Iraq and Afghanistan...withdraw. Today. Let them make their choices...and force the neocons to stop playing Risk with real people. Once home, we can use the extra hands to build infrastructure with government employment. CCC for bridges, roads, etc. The Fwee Marketers can set up carts by the roadside. Hmmm...sounds good...all those Austerian Chicago School eonomisers doing the actual work.
It may raise wages...but I'll accept that risk. And I will invest in businesses because the folks have money to spend. It will go on for years...and the citizens will all benefit, much to the chagrin of wingnuts.
So far UTS, I'd go with Hillary because politicians seem to like to "play" with her in a way that many can't seem to "play" with Prez. Obama.
Really though, it's always a case of the lesser of "X" number of evils.
uptownsteve said...
Obama has disappointed me and many other progressives on many issues.
But I would rather deal with a disappointing friend than a dangerous enemy, the racist right.
I get this point UTS, but to me, this is like asking whose $hit smells the worst, a dog or cat?
I swear, Alicia,....if the only three creatures left alive on Earth were me, you, and a goat, I'd BBQ you, & screw the goat.
DrQ, Hillary would be a valid choice. Would she be willing to run?
Bristol Palin gets paid for 'services' by a firm that lied about their christian profits. Wonder what the unwed BabyMommy of two did to get the money? Must be the Alaskan bloggers are close to showing fraud on the part of Sarey and Bristol. $400K for...what does a poorly educated, no-skill, no work experience racist wite female under 21 do to make that kind of cash? How many 'units' must be 'satisfied'? I'll go ask Nina Hartley.
Dr. Queen:
and both cats and dogs would refuse to bury that reeking human turd uts!!!!
weak hungry delusional cannibal bestialty loving nasty dumb beast assnon:
like that inept weak bitch uts
u will never silence me or debate me
how does it feel to know that you have more power over your fantasy sex romp with that goat than u do over me on this blog or anywhere else???
why did u post that sick bs like i care who/what u do/eat?????????
hell no u ghost faced filthy troll!!!!
bet that goat looks just like that soulless geek hobama...michelle beard and all!
Went to the blog, 'Palingates'...don't go there if you still thinkerate Bristol am still a wite pure virgin chile...after two kids.
Jeepers. The sleaze never ends with Snowbillies.
That's why yo momma wouldn't let you play in the sandbox, AB...the cats kept coming by & trying to bury you.
fecal turd catcher ftc:
get some new "jokes" u racist fool
those old turds became dust long ago u geriatric joker...
"I get this point UTS, but to me, this is like asking whose $hit smells the worst, a dog or cat?"
Not really.
A more apt analogy would be catching the flu or a case of full blown AIDS.
Back to ManLove Ryan...
If I were a conspiracy type, I might even think the catfood salesmen on the commission cooked this whole thing up sometime last December when it was obvious that the liberals weren’t going to sign on. But I’m not a conspiracy type so I’d imagine that this is just something they all fortuitously and individually stumbled into on their way to a big donor meeting. There doesn’t have to be a conspiracy — it’s just part of the culture. Look at how the Village greeted Ryan today. Cleopatra would be jealous.
-Digby (this is another quote, young lads)
you are TRULY a moron
the flu is not a death sentece the way hobama has been and the way aids always becomes...
king shrub was bad as gwb 1.0
hoboma is worse as gwb 2.0/hobomba
most voters only caught the flu from hobama
poor black voters caught aids
that is how hobama has fatally clowned us u bozo!!!
Dr. Queen
your analogy was perfect as always!
reps = dems
animal feces = animal feces
uts = human turd
"As far as Iraq and Afghanistan...withdraw. Today. Let them make their choices...and force the neocons to stop playing Risk with real people. Once home, we can use the extra hands to build infrastructure with government employment. CCC for bridges, roads, etc."
You know what Mold?
Ideologically I agree with you.
That's what I would love to see him do.
But you know that the Republicans, even the moderates, would go nuts.
Even the more hawkish Dems like Webb and Landrieu would turn on him immediately.
They'd call him everything from a coward to Islamic appeaser to an outright terrorist.
Obama would be accused of abandoning the troops and disrespecting the sacrifice of the soldiers who died or were wounded in Iraq/Afghanistan.
He'd never get away with it politically.
He's announced a gradual drawdown of troops in Iraq starting this summer and issued a timetable for our involvement in Afghanistan.
UTS, there comes a time when listening to the political needs is counterproductive. Although the Village needs them a splendid little war...the rest of us could care less about their egos or tiny male inferiority issues.
Let them wail and whine...bring our kids home and let them do constructive work here. If it is soooo necessary to have boots on the ground...the neocons and wingnuts can volunteer.
Besides, I love the idea of heavily armed citizen soldiers to counter the mercenaries of the business class.
uptownsteve said...
A more apt analogy would be catching the flu or a case of full blown AIDS.
Actually UTS this is a terrible analogy from an infectious disease point of view (I worked at NIAID in a previous life). IMO, a pregnant woman would MUCH rather have full blown AIDS than H1N1, one of the many forms of the flu.
"I swear, Alicia,....if the only three creatures left alive on Earth were me, you, and a goat, I'd BBQ you, & screw the goat."
Lighten up, willya?
You get the point, don't you?
lying cowardly uts:
hobama is a WORSE warmonger ENGAGED in MORE & MORE BLOODIER wars than gwb
no matter how u hobama nazis try to pass the ball to repubs solo
all who are wise and awakel know that the DEM/repub clones allowed hobama to become a peace prized WAR PREZ SOLO!!!!!
In fact, all of the administration’s policies represent a continuation and deepening of the rightwing policies of the Bush administration. The Obama administration expanded the bailout of Wall Street begun under the Bush administration, devoting the full resources of the federal treasury to rescuing the banks and safeguarding the accumulated wealth of the financial elite.
For the working class, there has been no recovery. Instead, the Obama administration has spearheaded a drive by corporate America to make the working class pay for the financial crisis and bailout, through the destruction of seven million jobs, the slashing of pay and benefits, and an unprecedented attack on public services and social programs.
In this, they are only following the trail blazed by Obama in his so-called healthcare “reform,” whose goal was not to make medical care a basic right for all Americans, but to cut the cost of providing healthcare, for both the federal government and corporate America.
These cuts are promoted with phony claims that “there is no money” for jobs, wages, education, healthcare and housing, by the very same politicians who lavish trillions on the Pentagon and on tax breaks for the corporations and the wealthy.
In the run-up to his reelection announcement, Obama has punctuated his pledges to cut federal spending and the deficit by firing hundreds of cruise missiles at Libya, while continuing the open-ended wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that have killed a million people and squandered trillions of dollars.
uptownsteve said...
Lighten up, willya?
You get the point, don't you?
I was just flexing my NONscientist muscle at your expense UTS, LOL!!!
cackling conked coon clown uts:
u r way too easily amused nig
but u should get some good guffaws in while hobama plays u hobama nazi droned thru 2012
see this rebel hilarity here:
comfortable cackling coon uts:
this is no joke!:
Don't know why you don't have a job? Neither does the government. (credit: blackchristiannews.com)
This past Friday, April 1st, the March 2011 news tickers showed that the overall unemployment went down to the best rate in two years. But, for African Americans, it actually got worst. We wish this was an April Fool’s joke.
The black unemployment rate actually increased during the month of March from 15.3 percent in February to 15.5 percent. There was no improvement for us to celebrate, just less jobs. It’s already bad that as jobless numbers stream in, African American unemployment – especially for black males – is in high double digit territory.
Another often referenced problem with the “official” unemployment numbers is that they fail to include those who have stopped looking for work. Michigan Congressmen Hansen Clarke and John Conyers are both desperately reaching for explanations regarding their districts’ struggles with unemployment that has reached the high 20s.
hey beta male bitch elitist colorist uts:
since YOU are the one ignoring real black male pain via that half white and all corp green hobama...
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