One of documentaries that was nominated for an award is called Undefeated. It chronicles the successful football season of a poor inner city high school in Memphis, Tennessee, and how they overcame problems on and off the field. "So field, what's so movie worthy about that?" Funny you should ask. The coach of the troubled football team in the film is white, and, like The Blind Side before it, an all too familiar theme emerges.
I have nothing against Bill Courtney, the latest white saviour to catch Hollywood's fancy. God bless him for volunteering his time to help those young men in Memphis. He deserves credit for it. But ABC's Person Of The Week? ESPN? Hollywood? Oscar? Countless talk shows? And...well, I think you get the picture. Like that wealthy white woman before him played by Sandra Bullock, Mr. Courtney is the white saviour of the hour. A-merry-ca loves these types of feel good stories; all the better when poor inner cities kids are lifted out of their condition by that one wealthy white person.
You will never see such a story about William Ellerbee, or Ted Ginn, Sr, or Todd Walker, because it would never sell. Black men are supposed to look out for their own children. I guess when there is a white savior it's like one of those man bites dog kind of deals.
I wish Mr. Courtney good luck on Oscar Night. I bet the makers of Undefeated walk away with the statute. Mr. Courtney might bring some of those boys from the team with him, and the camera will pan to them as he hugs his wife, the filmmakers, and whoever is in reach of his arms. The music will just keep playing, and there won't be a dry eye in the house.
Finally, it's time to get on some of you young Negroes.
This is always hard, because the people that I want to talk to do not read this blog. I know because I meet them from time to time in my professional life.
I don't know who is going to get to these killers living among us, but somebody better do something and fast. (h/t Greg Fuller)We know that they are not getting proper training at home. We can't blame the schools because most of them are not in school. We can't blame the church, because Pastor Jones can't go and drag Jerome out of bed on Sunday morning. And we can't blame city and state officials because it's not their job to police your damn kids.
We could blame the various negative influences in the neighborhoods for creating these little monsters, but where did these negative influences come from in the first place? Television? Movies? Rap Videos? I suppose we can say all of the above. But we all watch television and movies, and we don't go around splitting people's wigs in the middle of the day with automatic weapons. That is just some depraved s&^t that sociopaths do.
Thing is, when you meet some of these monsters they are nothing like you would expect. It's as if they reserve their anger and depravity for kids who are in similar situations as they are: Other kids in "the game" as they like to call it. They actually refer to people who aren't in "the game" as civilians. As if they are waging some kind of sick inner city war against each other that the rest of us will never understand. Unfortunately, the only time I get to really get their ear is when their war infringes on the rest of society and society takes action. Then it's my job to see if society acted properly and if justice is being served. It's enough to keep even the hardest field Negro up at night.
But I have some ideas, and hopefully someday the right people will listen to what I am saying. Right now poli-tricksters are too busy trying to get paid and maintaining the status quo to really care. (And no, I am not talking about white folks. I am talking about you Negroes who happen to be local poli-tricksters who care more about getting reelected than making the tough decisions that's best for your community.)
Oh yeah, those ideas:
- Start kicking out the bad seeds from our public schools at an earlier age, and make more alternative schools available for problem children.
We need more schools like Glen Mills with committed teachers and counselors who will step in your ass if you get out of line. We have to start identifying violent kids at an early age and get them off the street and into some type of environment where they can be counseled and monitored.
- Start fining parents who don't attend parent teacher's meetings, and whose kids are always late or absent from school.
- Give parents more choices (I know I sound like a wingnut, but this is one area where I part company with my progressive friends) where they can send their kids to school.
- Make some overall changes to the the child support process by making the guidelines a little more payor friendly. (This is a little inside baseball, but believe me, it's something that needs to be done.) For instance, give a downward deviation in the support guidelines for overnight stays between the non- custodial parent and their child. Right now in Pennsylvania you have to spend at least 40% of overnights throughout the year to get a downward deviation of your child support order. Maybe if we can give some of these sperm donors some more incentives they will spend more time with their children. Maybe.
- More sex education. More sex education. More sex education. You all need to stop having all these damn kids you can't take care of.
- Decriminalize some of these drugs to lower the street value. I could do an entire treatise on this one, but I just don't have time. Let's just say that drug dealers carry a lot of money, and they don't go to the police for protection.
- Make more athletic and extra- curricular activities available to these kids at a younger age. (See the first part of this post to see what can happen when kids become involved with athletics and other activities.)
- More sensible gun laws. No one is trying to take your gun away from you 2nd Amendment wingnuts, we just want to keep certain automatic weapons off the streets of some of our urban areas. I promise you, I have never seen a deer running around Center City, Philadelphia.
Each and every child in that photo should be sterilized; then they can spend the rest of their lives as fuck-bunnies. At minimal cost to society, excepting any diseases they may catch and spread.
Those are some worthy ideas of your Field, but they don't get to the root of the problem, which is the destruction of the family.
There have been a lot of ecomonic and technological changes that have pushed this situation, but the bigest contributor by far is the welfare state. It is the welfare state that makes it possible for generations of women to have children without having to marry. As time has gone on, this situaiton has become more and the norm. You get more of what you pay for.
The government needs to stop paying women to have children and subsidizing the single parent lifestyle. The government has taken the financial place of the husband in poor families but not the father's place in the home.
If a poor woman doesn't need one man to help support her children she will be free to make some horrendous choices because that government support is always there. If she wants raise, have another kid.
Moving up the socio-economic ladder, affirmative action for women financially empowers women while disempowering men, effectively pricing working class men out of marriage contention.
Men who have no place in the home and no role in the family have no meaning in their lives and become lost in crime and destructive behavior.
All this results in bastard children with no sense of worth being raised on the street. How do you expect them to view life?
Poor people kept families together in the past and raised children who had a chance to do better. Today, the government promotes all sorts of beghaviors that disourage family formation. Just look at the carnage of the last 50 years.
Government social engineering on this scale always results in unintended consequences that dwarf the original problem. We need to stop financing dysfunction.
Been following you for about a year now (first comment). Yeah, these Hollywood white savior stories turn my stomach every time they come out. Back in the day I let a sister drag me to see Driving Miss Daisy. I hated it and haven't see another one of these genre types since. The taste in my mouth is now most sour from our own sisters embracing The Help.
Anyway... I feel you on your solutions to our problems..and really commend you for you personal career involvement when these young folks end up on the wrong side of the law. However, while these many problems are real and these solutions are needed. I've decided to use my career experience - corporate banking - to get at what I feel is our root cause - economics.
All of our ails can be traced back to economic disenfranchisement. In many respects we (a group of us) feel like we are traveling an unchartered course. Our group (mostly MBA's) have seen the money game up close in our careers and feel its time to really spread this knowledge among us.
Our goal is to effectively network those of us with a bit of scratch to invest side by side each other in all kinds of opportunities - lifting each other up, teaching others and inspiring our own - all while of course staying inbounds of those much needed (especially today) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules.
I want to give you thanks for turning us on to RiseandGrind.com as well as many others featured on your blogroll. RiseandGrind seems to be the closest thing we've found on message to our blog.
We're still getting our blogger sea legs going but would welcome any recommendations or suggestions.
Making a real difference will of course take time.. but it will be self sustaining once we gain traction.
We called our blog Power & Self Awareness, www.ecodevel.com
Field, 'Undefeated" was a great documentary movie. Has it occurred to anyone that Blacks can't do it alone? that we need EVERYBODY to give a helping hand, esp. Whites?
BTW, I saw "Good Deeds" today and it was a heartfelt movie....great. Unfortunately there were too many Blacks in the theatre talking to the screen and laughing when there was nothing to be laughing about.
I hate those kinds of ignorant inconsiderate brainless Negroes. They don't know how to go to a movie and act respectful of others. They are truly self-centered Negroes from the jungle of the ghetto. They have no place in civilization.
I would make school much longer, 8-4 minimum, with supervised playgrounds, activities and study centers available for working parents and kids with challenging home lives before and after school.
Also, 2 healthy hot meals a day standard for all kids rich and poor.
And class size. I've seen it as class sizes contracted here in Cali in the '90s and then grew again in the otts. You hit a critical mass beyond one person's ability to control: the kids turn into little delinquents and the teachers into goalers.
On the hollywierd front I'm waiting for a white savior / magic negro dreamteam flic myself. It could star our old governator and Katt Williams in their dramatic breakthrough roles. Ahhnold as the immigrant son of a war criminal's son who married rich and became a banker. Katt would be the vertically challenged principal and basketball coach at a kitchy boarding school for trust-fund ski-bum kids in Aspen with a huge balloon mortgage payment due. With the school threatened, Katt would figure out how to save it by winning a basketball tournament to impress the town banker, Ahhnold, a b-ball fiend, and melt his heart into re-financing the mortgage. Ahhlold, of couse, would go way beyond just re-fying, he'd tear it up and his bank would sponsor the team. The closing scene would show Asst. Coach Ahhnold happy on the boards with Katt and the kids.
or I'll just pull up sister act
sex education? have u ever heard of fistgate? that is what happens when u let the gubbmint tell ur kids about sex some perverted karpetmuncher gives them more then u bargained for!http://www.wnd.com/2009/12/118484/
"Start kicking out the bad seeds from our public schools at an earlier age, and make more alternative schools available for problem children."
An excellent idea. This is vital to the education and well-being of our children who are talented and WANT to learn without being bullied or harassed by dumb thugs who have no aspirations to do anything legal.
Good Deeds will win an academy award.
"If the truth usually hurts you might want to skip this post or grab some Tylenol."
1000mg of Aspirin works better. And yes, the truth does hurt a lot of Blacks because we have been in denial for so long. We have a hard time handling the truth. Let me rephrase that: we can't handle the truth.
"And yes, the truth does hurt a lot of Blacks because we have been in denial for so long. We have a hard time handling the truth. Let me rephrase that: we can't handle the truth."
Give it a rest white boy, you're convincing nobody.
It's obvious this so-called "American Experiment" isn't working. Everyone needs to return to their ORIGINAL enrironment. Caves, jungles, whatever. Humanity has lost its collective mind, at the same damn time.
Tpackage14, thanks for commenting, and for being a lurker.I agree with you about the economic part of the equation. But these kids have to get to B before they can get to C. Good luck with the blog. Shoot me an e-mail @fnblg@yahoo.com.
"Give it a rest white boy, you're convincing nobody." *nodding head*
WC, smaller class sizes are good. But the reality in a lot of these urban schools is that there just isn't enough $ and too many kids.
The Purple Cow said...
"And yes, the truth does hurt a lot of Blacks because we have been in denial for so long. We have a hard time handling the truth. Let me rephrase that: we can't handle the truth."
Give it a rest white boy, you're convincing nobody.
Great contribution to the conversation. So thoughtful and full of meaning highlighting the vastness of your intellectualism. Good job, it should go a long way.
Just curious though, by stating the person who commented was White and dismissing the comments, are you implying that Whites do not have a vested interest in the problems Black Youth are living and don't warrant an opinion? That's not very Marxist of you comrade, aren't Whites part of the community and expected to help with the problems? Or was this just a vapid way to ignore a difficult issue, get racist and call it a day?
"Just curious though, by stating the person who commented was White and dismissing the comments, are you implying that Whites do not have a vested interest in the problems Black Youth are living and don't warrant an opinion? That's not very Marxist of you comrade, aren't Whites part of the community and expected to help with the problems? Or was this just a vapid way to ignore a difficult issue, get racist and call it a day?"
Yes, of course whites can participate in the debate. Just not one who pretends to be black and give his/her opinions as such. That's all.
Odd how the 'welfare state' Scandinavians are doing so well.
The selling of guns to thugs is feature, not a bug. It hands out Darwin Awards to stoopids...and increases sales in the Podunkian Hinterlands.
An easy task would be to DNA 'fingerprint' all those on assistance. And dock the delinquent Daddums.
But that would infuriate the MRAs who, like the dishonourable CongressCritter Walsh, decline to pay their child support.
White Saviours pay big to the religios. Ever notice how WhiteJesus is always a thin, tubercular white man? Historical Jesus probably was a person undistinguished from the practitioners of Islam.
Quote Anonymous
"Just curious though, by stating the person who commented was White and dismissing the comments..."
I didn't dismiss his comments, I simply stated the blindingly obvious that he/she was trying to pass himself/herself off as white, therefore why should we take his/her comments seriously?
Desertflower said...
Great post Field! and you well should know, being on the front lines managing the consequences of this societal misfortune that we are all living.
Sometimes American society today reminds me of the tribe of Moses. Wild, pagan gold worshipers. Licentious, corrupt and homicidal.
So Moses went up on the mountain and when he came down his hair had turned white, (from all the worrying and thinking?) and he had a stone tablet with laws written on it...written in stone...
Just a thought...Maybe we also need a spiritual leader, Martin, Malcolm where are you...
11:33 AM
Not enough money for inner city schools? Methinks we just need to restructure our priorities. Maybe if we stop policing the entire planet and get into the education game before it's too late. China and India don't seem to have these problems. Also I do agree about sex education but we have to convince the 40% of conservative voters out there who still want to try the abstinance only experiment that fails miserably but folks like Gov. Perry still want to continue. In the end the educational system is designed to allow some to succeed and many to fail. Not a good look when Black and Brown children are competing fairly with wealthy kids, what would be the point of being the elite if you can't get special treatment?
Money is not the problem for inner city schools, who get more per pupil than suburban schools.
Field you write:
"Finally, it's time to get on some of you young Negroes.
"This is always hard, because the people that I want to talk to do not read this blog. I know because I meet them from time to time in my professional life."
As a blog writer, I certainly understand this sentiment and at times feel discouraged. How many times can we preached to the choir?
Or, how many times can we present our case without the enemy (judging by some racist comments they have decided to be the enemy) feeling some self-righteous smugness?
However, my hope is that with a black community blog-sphere we can inform, reach, educate and challenge our entire community to understand it is in our collective best interest to eradicate the Urban madness.
One ironic twist: Blacks that escape to the burbs and have children - only to discover that the boys in the hood are their son's role model. I know because I and many of my suburban friends used to feel compelled to copy the swagger of our urban compadres.
Imagine, you - ala George Jefferson - move on up (forgetting to reach back) and one day you realize Ray-Ray and the thug life have seduced your children.
Anonymous said...
"Odd how the 'welfare state' Scandinavians are doing so well".
Norwegians are not negroes.
Social welfare states only work in homogenous cultures with a strong work ethic.
Btw, the Scandinavian welfare states are starting to falter, as these countries have recently imported their own underclass of third world dependents.
It's one thing if your distant cousin gets a year of maternity leave and your lazy nephew decides to spend half his time on the dole. It's quite another if a 'refugee' from Sudan is still in the government housing that was given to her 12 years ago, currently producing her 10th child, all of whom hate your country and its people.
Did you know that 100% of the rapes committed in Oslo over the past five years were committed by 'non-Western immigrants'? 100%.
That generous welfare state must not be nearly generous enough to fuel such resentment.
Or is it that dependence causes resentment?
Quote Anonymous
"Money is not the problem for inner city schools, who get more per pupil than suburban schools."
Nice attempt at 'deliberate point avoidance' there...
I agree with many of your points here. I also agree with Kingnut when he said that the breakdown of the family must carry some of the blame. When so many black children are born out of wedlock, they are being disadvantaged at the very start. That's not to say that all children in single parent households are doomed. I was raised by a single parent for a few years, and I turned out okay (:
I think another point that is worth making is the need for more drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities. When I see a child that is acting out in a classroom, and appearing not to have his/her basic needs met, that is one of the things that I am going to wonder about in the home--if the person who is supposed to be their caretaker is dealing with some sort of substance abuse.
Finally, I also agree that school funding is really not the main problem. Dan Rather did an excellent special on HDnet about the Detroit school system. That school system has plenty of money, officials just choose to spend it on getting cush jobs for their relatives and renovating expensive administration buildings downtown. Why they don't instead choose to spend money on the kids is beyond me.
Great comments today about a serious problem. This is encouraging.
There is no breakdown of the family, there is only a vicious cycle. 9 times out of ten people follow the path set by their parents. To attempt to avoid this there have to be systems established, i.e. schools, that can show a different path. mentoring is also important. If parents are teens and don't know any better because their parnets were teens how do you think this is going to end up? But as typical Americans we want to find someone to blame and just leave it there instead of looking at the problem and trying to find a solution. Too many don't care and are smugly satisfied at the results that are produced. We are in trouble when a candidate for a major party wants to eliminate public schools, if this happened in any other country on the planet this guy would be run out on a rail. And Field I agree there should be choice in schools but we need to fix the public schools so they are a viable choice everywhere. You can't blame the kids that drop out, they are the smart ones in some cases because if I graduate and end up in the same place I would have if I had never gone to school what;s the point? We need to insist on a better curricula. If we teach our kids b.s. we can't go blaming the kids when they figure it out and rebel. I would be more concerned if our kids weren't rebelling but we need to channel this energy into more productive measures and get them better quality education.
PilotX said...
"There is no breakdown of the family, there is only a vicious cycle. 9 times out of ten people follow the path set by their parents"
So you are saying it has always been this way for black families?
PilotX said...
And Field I agree there should be choice in schools but we need to fix the public schools so they are a viable choice everywhere.
You are correct that many public scool systems are broken. But more money is not the (only) answer. More and more money has been allocated to educaiton and results have not improved at all:
Since failure has been rewarded by ever more funding, public schools have done nothing but produce more failure.
The primary role for most big city school districts has become as an employment vehicle for inner-city professionals. Education has become secondary.
I agree that we will always need a public school option, but it should be a quality option. If public schools had to compete for taxpayer money with private schools, they would shape up quick.
There is absolutely no point in doubling down on a failed policy by throwing even more money at it. Vouchers are the answer. At least it should be tried on a large enough scale to judge the results. For many school districts, it can't get any worse than it is now.
Come up with a handle, stick with it for a while and I will answer some of your questions. I don't like communicating with anons because there's a reason they hide themselves. But short answer Black people aren't the only ones with dysfunctional families despite what our "education" system tries to make us believe.
"If public schools had to compete for taxpayer money with private schools, they would shape up quick."
I disagree with this premise. Enriching private institutions won't fix public schools. I don't see how that would help.
"You are correct that many public scool systems are broken. But more money is not the (only) answer."
I agree with that but less money is not the answer. I visit Chicago Public Schools often and the lack many of the basics that wealthier school districts have. If so much money is being spent on public schools why do so many students have old textbooks? Why do the computer labs lack computers? Ifso much money is being spent where is it going? A bigger problem is too many chefs in the kitchen. For example, in Texas a committee composed of partisan hacks get to determine the curricla in the textbooks. That is downright insane! I would recommend appointing a panel composed of professors and deans from the state universities to come up with the standards and maybe include some high school teachers with great credentials but they never asked me;-) Take out religious and political agendas and teach our kids.
"Vouchers are the answer"
I think vouchers are just an end run around the constitution so religious institutions can get public money. So what about the kids that don't get vouchers, the majority! Fix the damned public schools and this wouldn't be a discussion.
"The primary role for most big city school districts has become as an employment vehicle for inner-city professionals."
Citation please. Most people don't become public school teachers for professional gain. C'mon man, that is a hard job that isn't well compensated.
Anonymous said...
PilotX said...
"There is no breakdown of the family, there is only a vicious cycle. 9 times out of ten people follow the path set by their parents"
So you are saying it has always been this way for black families?
2:57 PM
@Anon: In the words of Elaine Brown, (and I'm paraphrasing here) Since the time of the slave auction blocks when families were torn apart and sold to different plantations in other states. What do you think are the consequences of that to a people?
In 1965, 75% of black children were born to married couples.
In 2010, 75% of black children were born to single mothers.
Something happened over that 45 year period, and it wasn't slavery.
PilotX said...
"If public schools had to compete for taxpayer money with private schools, they would shape up quick."
I disagree with this premise. Enriching private institutions won't fix public schools. I don't see how that would help.
It's called competition.
Yeah, it always comes down to funding, but it shouldn't. There's nothing more important for society than educating and training our young to live good productive lives. It's the very purpose for which our ancestors invented culture, and the only stable way to sustain a civilization..
Blacks rate themselves as more intelligent than other racial groups do. This presents a problem for the cultural explanation that underachieving stereotyping and low self-esteem depress black performance. If anything, blacks need a more sobering culture that checks their relative cognitive hubris. Per the data, self-assessed IQ seems to be inversely related to actual IQ.
For a real life example, see “Dr. Queen”.
Great post Field!!!!
PilotX said...
Come up with a handle, stick with it for a while and I will answer some of your questions. I don't like communicating with anons because there's a reason they hide themselves. But short answer Black people aren't the only ones with dysfunctional families despite what our "education" system tries to make us believe.
OK now that we got "others do it too" out of the way, back to the problem.
Here is an essay from a teacher who details the cold hard truths. The loss of the family no doubt has a huge impact on degradation of culture.
Kingnut said...
In 1965, 75% of black children were born to married couples.
In 2010, 75% of black children were born to single mothers.
Something happened over that 45 year period, and it wasn't slavery.
I don't know where you get your statistics, but if accurate, do you have any idea of what happened?
I would dare to say that this is a case like what the medical profession discovered some years ago. That the statistics showed that more men than women suffered and died from heart disease due to stress etc. When the reality which was later found out, was that the same amount of women or more, were also suffering and dying from heart disease due to menopause and the ensuing lack of estrogen, BUT, they had no medical coverage as their husbands did so they were not being documented or often even treated for it. Therefore no stats were available for them.
It wasn't that long ago (1955)that Rosa Parks had to go to the back of the bus, and couldn't drink from the same fountains as white people! Much less, I would think, be of anybody's enough interest to merit collecting statistics by same.
"It's called competition."
Sure but the deck is stacked against public schools. There are numerous politicians that will stop at nothing until all of our public resources are outsourced including eductaion because they believe in a pure form of free markets which are mythical but when has that ever stopped certain folks? So with vouchers, you cherrypick the top students and leave the problem kids at the previous schools and what do you have? Add to that the dumbing down of the curricula in certain schools because we can't use a blanket to describe all public schools as bad. I was a product of public education and here in Chicago we have some really good public schools. I will send my kids to public school because hell I already paid for it. What we need is to equalize the educational system so a kid in the ritzy suburbs gets the same education as a kid in a poor rural or urban environment but methinks that won't happen because the parents in the ritzy suburbs would freak knowing Black and Brown kids are getting the same quality education as Chad and Heidi but of course I could be wrong. This is a complex issue and I don't think vouchers are the answer.
Good analogy Desert but also consider whether it's chicken or egg. Many people in poverty are products of single parent homes so it would stand to reason that the more wealth a family has the more likely they would remain in a stable nuclear family. Since so much wealth was either denied Black people or simply stolen was this situation created or just organically happened? I'm not a sociologist so I would just be guessing but these are important and complex questions so I'm sure they have important and complex answers.
@Pilot 8:07PM: Agreed, it's certainly a complex situation.
I'm certain that if birth data is stratified based on income and eduction, similar trends exist among BOTH Blacks and whites.
I'm also guessing that SES aside, Asian families in the US probably have disportionately higher births rates among married folks than single folks. And since I don't believe they're all waiting for marriage before having sex, the abortion rate among Asians is probably higher than in any other racial group.
Either that, or the women keep aspirin around.
Dr.Queen, class of 2017!! said...
"I'm certain that if birth data is stratified based on income and eduction, similar trends exist among BOTH Blacks and whites."
Exactly :)
field, "Yes, of course whites can participate in the debate. Just not one who pretends to be black and give his/her opinions as such. That's all."
We keep having this conversation over and over again. I tell you that I am Black, but you keep saying I am White. Obviously, what I said about our collective "denial" is too much for you to believe or accept. In any case, you certainly have an idea of 'what' a black person should be. I am not that. However, the reality is I am still Black whether you or PC can't handle the truth. Both of you have made the case for my comment.:)
Just saying anon, if you pick a handle and stick with it maybe you can be differentiated from the other anons. Think about it.
Dr.Queen, class of 2017!! said...
I'm certain that if birth data is stratified based on income and eduction, similar trends exist among BOTH Blacks and whites.
Yes of course these trends affect everyone. In 1965, 25% of black babies and 3% of white babies were illegitimate.
Today, 75% of black babies and 25% of white babies are illegitimate.
Whites today are where blacks were in the mid-60's. These trends may impacted blacks first and hardest, but they continue to gain momentum through the entire population.
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