Poor Rick. Him of the now infamous "blah people" gaffe. This time around he caught himself before dropping the N word. Oh my! The 24 hour cable news folks would have had fun with that one.
"In this speech, he had been blasting Barack Obama for all things real and imagined. Then where this clip begins Santorum continues "We know the candidate Barack Obama...what he was like. The anti-war, government nig... (insert stumble here)."
FOX NEWS: "Well, I am sure he didn't mean Nigger as in black people are Niggers, Bill. What he wanted to say is that Obama is Niggardly when it comes to the government and the war." "Of course, I mean we all know that the man is not a racist. How could he be and be so devoted to his church....."
Anywhoo, all is well that ends well. Unfortunately for Ricky he was not going to be the candidate that faces his Oness come November. He was dying a slow death by a thousand dollar bills.
It's actually a shame, because I wanted him to hang in there a little longer. Now it looks like the candidate who can keep his thoughts to himself and keep his mouth in check will be the party standard- bearer.
I bet he won't call O a "Nig". At least not publicly.
Finally, while we are all outraged about Trayvon Martin, let's not forget that this kind of thing is par for the course for black men in A-merry-ca. I bring you a story from the ironically named town of White Plains, New York. (h/t Tia for this story)

[Full story here]
Oh, and before I forget; if any of you field hands happen to win the Megamillons Jackpot tonight please holla at your boy.
RIP Mr. Martin and Mr. Chamberlain. This is terribly sad.
And what was the polices excuse with Mr. Chamberlain?
When I listened to Santorum, I was pretty sure he was trying to say "Anti-war governmentnik", as in "peacenik".
The Purple Cow said...
In Q1 AND Q2 of 2009, homicides plummeted an astonishing 67 % in Minneapolis, 47 % in Seattle, 39 % in Charlotte, 31% in New York, and 17 % in Los Angeles.
Criminologists are starting to call it “The Obama Effect.”
Hows the obama effect working in Chicago?
To see the real obama effect you see
black on white mob attacks
black on white hate crimes going up
black on white murder and rape rates rising
discrimination against white people is at historic levels
Thats the obama effect.
Keep the heat up field!! Rick must get out of the race now. Rick wanted to say "nigger". For that he must pay.
Field, you must use your connections in the media to help spread the word.
rick s is a racist who has nothing to lose...so he is no longer pretending not to be...
ditto for hobama the racist cia baby...watch til 2016!
ask russia
lol. since you asked, if I win the big jackpot tonight, I will send something your way (:
and for the record, I think Santorum was going to say "negotiator" because "government n-word" doesn't make any sense.
You want to know how the Obama effect is going in Chicago? Well, ok for me and my neighborhood but then again about the same as when Bush I, Clinton and Bush II were in office. Not much worse or better then when a Republican is in office but thanks for asking.
Field, "Poor Rick. Him of the now infamous "blah people" gaffe. This time around he caught himself before dropping the N word. Oh my! The 24 hour cable news folks would have had fun with that one."
Well, this probably will confuse PilotX since he adopted Rick's first nickname for Blacks, which was 'blah' people. PilotX usually call us whatever Rick calls us as a token of his devotion to Whites. Now, PilotX will be calling us 'nig' people. It must be terribly confusing to Mr. Pilot with all the name calling Rick has for Blacks.
holy evil dl kkk assnons:
cc this to that sexist racist homohater kkkristian phelps etc
AB, I used to support you and stand up for you against that evil dlvr. But you never stood up for me or even bothered to acknowledge my comments to you, Nor did you ever answer my questions to you.
I am so tired of defending you. It is because you have treated me so badly that I cannot defend you anymore...Goodbye.
Congressman Conyers said, "President Barack Obama is “getting bad advice from… clowns” on Afghanistan and “sucking up to the wrong people” on health care, U.S. Rep. John Conyers told a Detroit radio audience this morning, according to show host Rev. Horace Sheffield."
Conyers, a Detroit Democrat, made the comments during a discussion about the effects of the economic recession on the urban poor, Sheffield said. The liberal congressman expressed frustration that health care legislation pending in Washington, D.C., was too solicitous of insurance companies and special interests, Sheffield said.
“He wasn’t angry. He was just deeply concerned that some of the issues being focused on don’t address the human reality,” said Sheffield, who hosts the program “On The Line” on WGPR-FM radio."
article from Crooks&Liars
My, my. Isn't it strange that Field NEVER comments on things like this, which are said by Blacks?
Mark my word, Obama won't get such a large percentage of the black vote. Romney can get at least 50% by promising jobs to Blacks, which Obama has not!
Chamberlain's death is nothing unusual. This has been going on since Jim Crow.
It happens almost everyday in America to the extent that it is NORMAL to kill a bm. I mean, who is going to care and who is going to do anything about it? NOBODY.
Wow, my sincere condolences to the Chamberlain family. I to am wary of the police after a recent run in with the "Boys in Blue" aka "Thugs in Blue". Not all, mind you, are straight racist that get their jollies by looking down on minorities and seeing how they can make their life miserable just so that they can have some thing to talk about while they lather each other up in the shower after work. As the story goes, my brother and I were sitting in the truck with his wife and my date getting ready to leave from a restaurant at 3 am. A police cruiser pulls in following a vehicle and blue lights the vehicle. Essentially blocking our exit. My brother gets rattled and I am trying to basically calm him down by getting him to shut the F@#$k up and be still. After getting my bro to relax, an officer comes to the back door of the truck,why my door I have no clue, honestly I don't. He knocks on my window and asks is there anything wrong. In my best professional voice I tell the officer that there is nothing wrong, my brother and I were having a discussion and we are just waiting for you to conduct your business so we can exit the parking lot....he leaves. We sit awhile longer. He comes back at my window in the rear of the truck and asks for my ID. Sure Officer, here you go. Officer Friendly returns and comes back to the rear of the vehicle and tells me to get out. Mind you I have ABSOLUTELY no warrants, tickets, fines and any other miscellaneous B.S. Also, I've served 24 years in the Army. I've given orders and I've taken them. So when he told me to exit the vehicle. I did so. He told me to turn around. I did so. Then officer Friendly tells me that I am under arrest. That's when I started to ask questions. Why am I under arrest. By the way, I still retained my wallet in my left hand from showing my ID earlier. With my right hand behind me, I lift my left arm and hand, face turned to Officer Friendly and ask him can I place my wallet in the truck. I thought I had a gun,ready to shoot anyone in sight because they jumped me and told me to stop resisting. I'm steadily saying,"I'm not resisting!!!" They pulled me down. Well, not exactly. They wanted to throw me on one of those vehicle stops in the parking lot. So, I walked/carried about 4 Officers to the grassy area and laid down. They cuffed me and put me in the car. I'm still asking why am I being arrested. Officer Friendly cracks the window in the back of the car and says,"I am going to tell you why you are being arrested." He takes something from his belt, shakes it a time or two and shoots me in the face with mace. Like I said earlier, I was in the Army,6 tours in the Middle East as a forward observer, just retired, and mace to the face is a little discomforting and that's about all.Officer Friendly saw I was not responding the way that he wanted me to (yelling, screaming),even though my eyes and nose was running profusely, so he goes into the front of the vehicle and turns the heat up. That's when I ask Officer Friendly does he have a "Little Bitch" in him because that's what he's acting like. I think he got offended because he was trying to open the back door to the cruiser and give me a beat down.In a way, I wanted him to so I could kick him to sleep, but God intervened and another Officer Friendly grabbed him and pulled him away. I could have gotten paid if he had gotten back there with me, but I wasn't thinking. They probably would have made up a story of how I was being unruly and ended up like Mr. Martin (RIP)dead or with out any teeth and suffering from brain damage, that isn't very attractive. Of course there wasn't any witnesses except for my family. No video or audio of this confrontation.God, it feels good to be black and back in AmeriKKKa, home of some of the free and land of the slave. I think it was safer in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thank you Officer Friendly for reminding me of my "place" in Chattanooga,Tn.
What's your point Field? You found a couple a sad stories about black people, and because of that we should re-elect Obama?
That's a terrible story about Chamberlain, if it's true. I'm still voting for Romney.
Mr. Field, judging from the lack of comments and lack of care regarding bm, may I suggest you give up, and let go? You see, America is very jaded when it comes to the lives of bm.
When I say "America is very jaded" I mean Blacks, Whites and Browns...Everybody is pretty callous about the lives of bm. In all honesty, I do not think much can be done to turn this around. That train has already left the station a long time ago. It has crossed the point of no return.
In other words, it's imbedded in our psyche and there is no way to get it out. As a criminal lawyer, I bet you agree. Face it. Injustices and killings of bm is just the way it is in America and very few Americans, if any, has the will, the desire or the moral potency to do anything about it.
Of course, Trayvon Martin case will be looked at. But afterwards, everything continue without change. YOu know it, and I know it. Remember the riots? How much change did that bring? I bet that only made the police to double down on bm.
What about OJ? What about the Jena 6? Rodney King? NOTHING...
What about the BIG day Obama became President? Has that post-racial day changed the killings of bm? NOPE. I live in the East Bay where Granny lives and killings of bm are dramatically up in Oakland, Richmond, Hayward, and San Leandro and other places in the East Bay. I BET Granny carries at least two guns on her.
Mr. Field, they don't call Cali "The Wild Wild West" for nothing. BTW, did you know that Berkeley is one of the more racist towns against bm in America? Actually the entire Bay Area is. You are much better off in Philly.
By the way, I am not naive,just thought we could talk like Adults( a black man talking to 12 Officer Friendlies)......Damn their I go being naive. "Doh!!!" In my best Homer Simpson voice.
I have a saying, if you truly love a Black man, especially those that are tall and have tat prior military thing going, don't live South of NoVa.
And PilotX, imma have to disagree with you about things being about the same for me since Prez. Obama was elected. Racist white folks are STILL mad about that 'ish and take it out on us regular Black folks DAILY.
Anon@9:23p- Thanks for the Conyers article. and i agree with you that Obama won't be getting nearly as many black votes as he did before. He is untrustworthy, makes promises he doesn't keep and treats Blacks like crap.
A Negro voting for Obama needs their head examined. Romney is clearly a much better choice. With Obama, a bm has no chance. At least, we have a chance with Romney.
Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
Racist white folks are STILL mad about that 'ish and take it out on us regular Black folks DAILY.
You are not a "regular" Black folk. You are a conceited moron.
Dr Queen, "And PilotX, imma have to disagree with you about things being about the same for me since Prez. Obama was elected. Racist white folks are STILL mad about that 'ish and take it out on us regular Black folks DAILY."
You are very right. Any Black person in America knows that from DIRECT EXPERIENCE. Except PilotX, of course. Why? Because his denial of the truth is quite profound. Furthermore, to PilotX, it doesn't matter how badly a Prez treats us, if he is Black, then it's OK.
Dear Mr. Field, why are you so silent tonight? Are you depressed like I am? I told you long ago that it was depressing to be Black in America. But you denied it and made fun of me. sometimes I think you are on the side of Conservatives and that is sooo depressing. Please don't upon me as simply a depressed Negro. My therapist said that I am much more than that.
1 dead, 5 wounded in Gresham store shooting: 'There were young men scattered everywhere'
Bobby Rush, Jesse, Rev Al; where yall be at?
Oh it does not count if the shooter is cullud!
In order to put the Trayvon Martin tragedy in context, perhaps we should try to learn a little bit about the town in which it took place. What is life like in Sanford, Florida? Of 57,000 residents, 57 percent are white and 30 percent are Black.
Black people - though 30 percent of the population of Sanford - commit a majority of the crime, leading the Black community to identify the police as the aggressors.
Why not take a quick look at the Sanford Police Web site to verify this claim?:
* In the "Do you know me" unidentified section of the site, three youth who look suspiciously like what Barack Obama's son would look like are pictured robbing liquor stores. We took the liberty of taking screenshots of the site (figure 1A and 2A).
* In the Criminal Repeat Offender Program (CROP) section, seven people are profiled. Six of them are Black; the other appears to be Zimmerman's amigo. (figure 1B)
* In the Sanford's Career Criminal List, nine of the 11 people profiled are Black, with the other individuals oddly not looking like Obama's son.
So in a town of 57,000 people - with more than 17,000 people being Black people and 28,000 white - it appears that crime seems to be the avocation of people who look like an Obama.
Hopefully, this paints a clearer picture of why Mr. Zimmerman found the behavior of Trayvon Martin suspicious and called 911. Crime seems to be an occupation for people who look like Barack Obama's hypothetical son in Sanford, Florida.
@11:06, you're right, I'm not regular Black folk.
I'm of the SUPER "bougie" Black folk elk, much like the hundreds of thousands of Black folks living and thriving in Metro DC.
So don't hate, upgrade to a double wide.
Ms.Reine d/o 2013 said...
@I'm of the SUPER "bougie" Black folk elk, much like the hundreds of thousands of Black folks living and thriving in Metro DC.
Right up until the plug gets pulled next year.
The affirmative action gravy train is coming to a halt, and all the freeloaders are going to have to start walking on their own.
You will wish you had a double wide.
You will never be a doctor.
This is off topic but were you aware that your Lark V. can be viewed in Saved by the Bell at Netflix now streaming on your TV or computer.....
Just a word to the wise in case you didn't know yet.
Aloha from Makaii on Maui
5 1/2 years after the event, four New York City police were finally forced off the dept. In 2006 they shot Sean Bell, an unarmed black man to pieces in a car outside his bachelor party the night before his wedding.
This is what Other races see Blacks Doing.
Quote A White Man Trying To Survive In Black-Run America
"discrimination against white people is at historic levels
Thats the obama effect."
Actually he raises a valid point. White people have it very tough in America. I mean they go to the worst schools, there are more white people in prison than any other race, they commit the most crime, they can't get the best jobs, (when was the last time you saw a white person in a boardroom-level job in America? That's right, hardly ever.) Then when your surfing your TV you hardly ever see a white face unless it's a sports or entertainment channel.
So you know, let's go easy on our white brothers and sisters, they can't seem to catch a break in "post-racial America".
NSangoma, "1 dead, 5 wounded in Gresham store shooting: 'There were young men scattered everywhere'"
Why do you keep reporting killings in ALL black neighborhoods? That doesn't count so leave our black politicians alone to do their job.
IF there had been a White involved, then it would be different. Then it would be a real story.
NSangoma, you just don't understand how lives are valued on FN and in America. FN doesn't report on stuff that you read, only if Whites are involved....WAKE UP!
This is off topic but were you aware that your Lark V. can be viewed in Saved by the Bell at Netflix now streaming on your TV or computer.....
Just a word to the wise in case you didn't know yet.
Aloha from Makaii on Maui
12:56 AM
I didn't know they had Negroes in Hawaii reading and commenting on FN. Wow! that is really something.
I wonder if they have shootings and discrimination there also? Nah. Not in Hawaii.
@7:15, yeah they must have some sort of affirmative action program in HI, to import negroes from the main line.
An article on Democracy Now! is barely a media footnote these days. Is anyone at MSNBC, at least, following the Chamberlain story? Field, can you reach Rachel or Chris or the Reverend? Even tacked onto their Trayvon coverage, it's devastating, and not a Florida (we know about THEM) but a Noo Yawk shame. We have enough up here that we don't have to go shopping in the south for horror stories...
It sounds like the police were punishing Chamberlain for not being a good host and inviting them in. For his "attitude." No accident that we've heard the name Emmett Till recently... O God help us, we're sliding backward.
If Flipper wins 50% of the black vote I will leave A-merry-ca and never set foot on your land ever again. That's a promise.
To the fam. from Tn. Thanks for that story. I bet there are thousands of stories like that out there. I hear them all the time.
Maati, I am all over those Saved By The Bell reruns. :)
And yes Anon@11:19PM, I am depressed. I have not gotten an e-mail from anyone about sharing their Megamillions Jackpot with my yet. :(
Maybe the fact that I happened in New York and not the"racist" South throws everyone off the script.
Ms.Reine d/o 2013 said...
@I'm of the SUPER "bougie" Black folk elk, much like the hundreds of thousands of Black folks living and thriving in Metro DC.
You mean you're part of the artifical black middle class of the DC area, propped up by affirmative action, hiring quotas
and the beneficiary of a rabid, self-destruction federal policy that puts "diversity" (ie skin color) before "excellence". The two are mutually exclusive.
Unfortunately for you, this train ride is about to come to a screeching halt. Did you not read the article in the WaPa about the dysfunctional, black-run, racist WMATA? A story like that would NEVER have been published before the golden age of Mein Obama.
Don't crow about the fact that you're a Twofer. When TSHTF, you're going to be out of luck, just like the artificial middle class propped up by non-productive civil service jobs in Argentina that got wiped out when their economy finally tanked. Others are doing well in the underground market, but unfortunately for the former bureaucratic class, they have no marketable skills that people are willing to barter for.
So, so sad. But enjoy your fantasy while you can!
"Maybe the fact that I happened in New York and not the"racist" South throws everyone off the script."
There may be some truth to that, lol!!
"Thank you Lord for the video tape!"
The unauthorized, low def version of the tape released by ABC news was very helpful in exposing the overt media manipulation and lies to keep the "poor lil Trayvon" myth alive. The shameless movement of the ABC logo from the bottom of the screen, the normal location, to over Zimmerman's head, to hide it, and to hide the actions of the police officer inspecting it, are beyond shameless.
The high def authorized version that has just recently been released clearly shows Zimmerman's head injury and facial battering. Which correlates the eye witness and the initial police report. Remember, the police were already en route to meet Zimmerman when this all went down.
This isn't going the way the race pimp$ had planned, is it?
negro said...
To the fam. from Tn. Thanks for that story. I bet there are thousands of stories like that out there. I hear them all the time.
And you believe all of them?
Despite the 'dominance' of the white power structure and the massive numbers of white racists chomping at their bits, all the white principals and witnesses in this latest case seem to be in hiding, relocating or doing interviews off-camera, while their black counterparts are highly visible and audible.
It’s almost as if whites were more fearful of black violence than vice versa.
Field, "And yes Anon@11:19PM, I am depressed. I have not gotten an e-mail from anyone about sharing their Megamillions Jackpot with my yet. :("
I knew you were going to answer in an off-beat way. You are such a cop-out.
Field, "If Flipper wins 50% of the black vote I will leave A-merry-ca and never set foot on your land ever again. That's a promise."
Is that promise similar to the promise you made about running down Broad St? PLEEEZE! It's a good thing you left your religion and God.
I've listened to the video of Ricky boy and yes the N-word was coming out of his mouth, but he caught himself. I'm so tired of them wanting to call President Obama the N-word. I wish they would say it so we can have a discussion about it. After it is said I don't want to hear an apology, either.
Ya know, it's very obvious that the meshing of the cave men and the men of Africa has obviously not worked. We're all reaping what has been sowed. It surely isn't pretty.
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