~ Adolf Hitler ~
Issa has wasted taxpayer time and money for three years looking for Obama Administration scandals he subsequently never found, including the tragic deaths of 4 American diplomats in Benghazi Libya on September 11 2012. Issa’s scandalous investigations aside, it was revealed yesterday that an extensive investigation into the attack on the diplomatic outpost that claimed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three diplomats’ lives found no involvement of al-Qaeda or other international terrorists groups whatsoever like Republicans have claimed for over a year. Instead, the attack was precipitated by, as first reported, extremist Christians in the United States.
A lengthy and comprehensive New York Times investigation informed what Republicans are desperate to keep under wraps because it revealed the Benghazi attack was “accelerated in part by anger at a U.S.-made video denigrating Islam.” The report parroted what any American with half-a-mind has known since Republicans began their relentless propaganda campaign that the Obama administration attempted to cover up al-Qaeda’s alleged role in the attack. According to the chairman of the House Intelligent Committee, Republican Mike Rogers, who kept the al-Qaeda meme alive last month on Fox News, “It was very clear to the individuals on the ground that this was an al-Qaeda-led event.”
However, according to the Times, “The only intelligence connecting Al Qaeda to the attack was an intercepted phone call that night from a participant in the first wave of the attack to a friend in another African country who had ties to members of Al Qaeda. But when the friend heard the attacker’s boasts, he sounded astonished and had no prior knowledge of the assault.” The report said militants surveyed the U.S. compound at least 12 hours before the assault started, but “the violence also had spontaneous elements fueled in large part by anger at the (anti-Islam) video that motivated the initial attack.” It is important to note that the video, titled “Innocence of Muslims,” was made by an American and “had also prompted protests for hours the day before at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo.”
The report continued that “Dozens of people (in Benghazi) joined in, some of them provoked by the video and others responding to fast-spreading false rumors that guards inside the American compound had shot Libyan protesters.” According to a suspect who denied participating in the attack, “the video insulting the Prophet Mohammed might well have justified the killing of four Americans.”
Still, Congressional Republicans continue to assert that Stevens and three diplomats died in a carefully planned assault by al-Qaeda because they sought to undermine President Obama’s claim that al-Qaeda was decimated after killing its leadership including Osama bin Laden. Republicans assailed Susan E. Rice for announcing that based on early intelligence reports; the attacks were inspired by “spontaneous street protests that got out of hand as a result of the video denigrating the prophet Mohammed.” Susan Rice was mercilessly condemned by leading Republicans for allegedly lying about the attacks that led her to withdraw her name from consideration as President Obama’s Secretary of State." [More]
I think blaming American Christians for the attacks- like the author of the article- is a bridge too far, but clearly republicans went on a fishing expedition and there was nothing in the lake.
They should have quit while they were ahead.
And while they focus on a tragedy thousands of miles away in a land known for tragedies, children are being accidentally killed here at home by weapons of destruction that are made too easily available because they choose to turn a blind eye to the obvious.
Laughable attempt at propaganda Herr Negro: Using a hack website story that cites a embarrassingly craven NYT whitewash piece to somehow refute the fact that the President and his minions got caught lying to the American people about what happened in Benghazi.
You must be quoting Adolf Hitler out of admiration, because you are repeating the government's Big Lie long after it has been proven to a pathetic untruth.
Four Americans died and a consulate's burning went unpunished in order to cover up Obama's illegal war activities in Libya, and the administration and their enablers pushed a ridiculous lie about a YouTube video in a desperate attempt to save Obama's e-election prospects (spoiler: it worked).
But you are so devoted to your Hero that you will forsake any claims to credibility by shilling the most ridiculous lies imaginable to your faithful band of numbskulls.
You must be so proud.
The rethugs and Issa work on the typical right wing mindset, come up with a conclusion first and then look for evidence to prove your assertion. We went through this with Clinton and Whitewater wasting millions over bs. And these guys call themselves fiscal conservatives?
As far as beengauzee it seems as if there may be a problem with semantics too. Too many people use the term al Queda to represent any terrorist organization kinda like calling tissue paper Kleenex. As you alluded in a previous post, and your trolls prove daily, conservatives aren't good at nuance and complex thinking. To them this is like watching Sean Hannity who can only think singularly and has to use simple terms like al queda, coverup and abandoned. No matter what facts come to light the conservative mind is made up. They are like W in that way.
This story simply illustrates how huge an international joke US "leadership" has become.
In the meantime, the middle class has all but disappeared and the failure to extend uneployment benefits was done to help the middle class becomes poor.
"In the meantime, the middle class has all but disappeared and the failure to extend uneployment benefits was done to help the middle class becomes poor."
Bout time for some kind of revolution.
Dead Ambassador said: “You must be quoting Adolf Hitler out of admiration, because you are repeating the government's Big Lie long after it has been proven to a pathetic untruth.”
You are truly a pathetic numbnuts! Imagine this: The Rethugs have a Dead Ambassador speaking from a cold casket for them, in order to get to the bottom of a story. You are the typical hired for profit, nut case claque in tow for a party that’s standing on its last leg. Perhaps this is your dead President rendition to rule over the living. Your post thoroughly blinks reality. Get the EFF outta here!
Of course Herr Negro doesn't want to talk about this Times investigation shows the incompetence of the Obama Administration.
And it exposes their lies.
Also, Herr Negro, didn't mention people who were on the ground in Benghazi, people within this administration, are challenging the Times investigation.
Which could be why the Times released this on a Saturday afternoon.
Glad people in the fields don't/can't think on their own. If they did, field would be in trouble.
Yes, There IS Evidence Linking al Qaeda to Benghazi
FN said...
children are being accidentally killed here at home by weapons of
All those black on black shootings you are calling an accident?
Any links to guns accidentally killing someone without a person touching the gun?
Maybe its not guns, maybe it's people.
Let me ask you, which rights are you willing to give up because crazies and/or criminals abuse those rights?
Strange, both you and PurpleCow don't have any problems giving up your rights, I wonder if it's because neither of you were born in America and can appreciate those rights.
Field...why would u DOUBLE DOWN on this bullshit !!!
*" Islamist groups did indeed use that anti-Muslim video as a rallying point to launch the initial attack."*
*"There's no evidence that Al Qaeda or any other international terrorist organization was involved, and no evidence of meticulous planning."*
You know this makes no sense...
Which is why you cant address my comments from the earlier thread...
Except for Pathetic Pilot ...
Who has become my defacto english teacher LOL
Since your doubling down on this garbage...
Let me double down on my earlier position that you refuse to address ....
Directly fromm the flawed article ..
*"The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi."*
Are you going to pretend that these fighters... are NOT the same fighters O-bomber committed American firepower to help overthrow Quadafi ??
Without congressional approval ;becasue O-Bomber basically said
*"Its a NATO operation, and I dont have to tell congress anything"*
Quote Bill-Oh, the terminally dim-witted one
"Which rights (pretending you were american and not a socialist) would you be willing to give up because crazies break the law with those rights..."
Irrelevant to the point I was making. Some right are inalienable - the right to free expression, free association etc. Others are not.
I do not have the right to own a gun. I never have had that right, and I don't miss it because it's not important to me. Why? because I never intend to own a gun, because science has proven that owning a gun puts you in more danger than not owning one.
For 23 years I did not have the right to a trial by jury. I did not miss that right because it wasn't important to me. Why? Because if I am ever charged, I want to be judged by professionals who understand the law, and not by a bunch of amateurs fragged off the street who may hate me for the colour of my skin or the clothes I wear.
"Because some racist talks shit, you and I lose our rights to free speech?"
You talk shit every single day, have I ever tried to stop you?
"Because of faux news, no more free press?"
There is no such thing as a free press.
"You know those criminals intentionally hide stuff so we better get rid of those pesky search and seizure rights."
Again, I don't have any search and seizure rights, but because I have nothing to hide I don;t miss them.
"If the government decides you committed a crime, because juries have reached incorrect decisions do we really need the right to a jury of our peers?"
See my previous answer.
"How did the government do on the war on drugs? War on poverty? Why do you think the government could do a better job with a war on guns?"
Because other countries have fought that war and won.
"Stop and frisk becomes the law across the country?"
It already is, here.
"Does it solve the problem?"
Depends on the problem.
"Crazies will still kill, criminals will still have guns, government power increased, law abiding citizens lost a right."
It's a right worth losing. America has changed, you are not fighting black bears and injuns on your way to Starbucks any more. Guns make you and your family less safe. It's a proven statistical fact.
Quite some guy whose name I have already forgotten
"Yes, There IS Evidence Linking al Qaeda to Benghazi"
Interestingly, the article you linked to provides no hard evidence to back that claim up.
Quote Dingbat Bill_Oh
"Maybe its not guns, maybe it's people."
So don't give them guns!
The Purple Cow said...
I do not have the right to own a gun. I never have had that right,
I do.
Why would anyone want the government to take rights away?
Except for socialists and crazies.
The Purple Cow said...
you are not fighting black bears and injuns
What's up with that shit?
Oh yeah, satire. You're only acting like a racist.
The Purple Cow said...
I do not have the right to own a gun.
For 23 years I did not have the right to a trial by jury.
There is no such thing as a free press.
Again, I don't have any search and seizure rights,
"Stop and frisk becomes the law across the country?"
It already is, here.
It's a right worth losing.
No wonder you want Americans to give up their rights, you're jealous.
"You're only acting like a racist."
Bill - that was a douche comment, albeit in response to an Über-douche. Enough with the douchebaggery.
You cannot win with that argument anyway, as PC is 'black', and blacks cannot be racist.
Anti-racist = Anti-white.
PC, "I want to be judged by professionals who understand the law, and not by a bunch of amateurs fragged off the street who may hate me for the colour of my skin or the clothes I wear."
As if lawyers won't hate you for the color of your skin. Good thinking, PC.
"Oh yeah, satire. You're only acting like a racist.
Well you're the racist Bill-Oh, you tell me...
Libyan militants tell the New York Times that al Qaeda is not behind the 2012 Benghazi attack. Some members of Congress have intelligence that says otherwise:
The Purple Cow said...
Well you're the racist Bill-Oh, you tell me...
You spoke the word that racists use.
Would you give a white person a free pass for use of the N word?
Double standard
Field, "And while they focus on a tragedy thousands of miles away in a land known for tragedies, children are being accidentally killed here at home by weapons of destruction that are made too easily available because they choose to turn a blind eye to the obvious."
Brother Field, Do you think the number of kids 'accidentally' killed in America even 'begins' to come close to the 'intentional' killings of kids by kids in the streets of our urban cities in our communities?
Whatever happened to the destruction of our families in the black communities discussion? Why do we NOT deal with the core issue, instead of Benghazi, or a 10yr old accidentally killing his sibling?
Why AREN'T we focused on the daily killings of black youth which are not accidental but 'intentional'?
It seems so very important that we as a people get to the central matter for our own sake instead of whining posts about Obama and what the how the GOP has been lying and attacking him. That is a 'waste' of time and an utter distraction from 'what' is 'happening' to us.
Bluntly speaking, I DON'T CARE anymore about Obama, the GOP, or Benghazi. Whether Obama lied, covered up, or whatever. I doubt if we will ever know the truth of what happened there.
But one thing I DO know from my own direct experience as a Black American. That is, Obama as well as the GOP has repeated lied to the American people over and over again to the extent that very few, if any, believe or trust him, or Congress anymore.
Specifically, Blacks have had years of suffering, of excruciating hopeless jobless experience under the Obama Administration....Blacks have experienced more than enough pain to know he doesn't give a damn about us. Hence, we are left on our own.
And I wonder if Field will have the courage, honesty and integrity to turn away from distractions to focus on 'real' problems in the black community? How much more poverty of Spirit must we become before we take 'action' for our own good?
Field Negro and the whole band of Merry Media Matters Minions are promoting this latest effort in the Benghazi cover up to help this woman get elected President:
Is that really what you want Field? I mean, come on man.
Bill said...
The Purple Cow said...
Well you're the racist Bill-Oh, you tell me...
You spoke the word that racists use.
Would you give a white person a free pass for use of the N word?
Double standard
1:28 PM
Dear Bill, racism IS double standards, hypocrisy and a racist defense against anti-racists, namely angry Blacks. What more can you expect? It's been this way in America for centuries...black ships and white ships passing in the night.
You cannot start a nation based on Patrick Henry's cry, "give me liberty or give me death"--and engage in slavery, and later Jim Crow and expect a good outcome do you?
I know this is futile talking to a white person like you who see Blacks as "Your Problem" in America. Nevertheless, we need to keep trying. Maybe a miracle might happen and we can come together.
NOTE: I don't think this will ever happen. Blacks and Whites today are both 'fruits that never fall far from the tree. Thank you FP for reminding me of that truth. I dislike it, but I suppose Americans are destined to be stuck in it, unable to break free.
These roles, where one is privileged and the other is not. I find that distasteful. I dislike even more as a bm seeing his own people play out the role of the underling, consciously or unconsciously. In America, it seems that this has been going on forever...the same thing over and over again...not damn thing 'within' our hearts has changed....NOTHING!
"You spoke the word that racists use."
Yes because I was satirising the views of dim-witted country bumpkins and hillbillies like you, you kwasia twunt.
BTW, Bill-Oh, am I right in thinking you are a very small man? Like 5'9" or 5'10" something like that?
There's something of the little man syndrome about you. Your bombastic self-reverential tone, the way you log on as an anonymous poster to big yours;f up. Smacks of desperation and deep-seated insecurity to me.
thank you veni @ 1:40pm for next leveling this convo;)
not only that but providing confirmation for me.
those that were here will recall my saying this won't be interesting until they cue the she-devils.
folks need to pay closer attention to womenfolk in general. morality is the work of women. women from both camps, His women and the defeated camp women, are running hard for the throne. some in the physical. His in the spiritual.
what i AM saying won't make a lick of sense if folks are sound asleep.
the she-devil set up has been lit up. wicked men have NOTHING over wicked women. hence Proverbs with all the warnings. most sleepers think Proverbs speaks only to physical promiscuity. next level and think spiritual promiscuity/whoredom. which men + women fall into. this is about the womenfolk...
so here we go. here we go, now;)
Paris Jackson indicated that folks needed to watch the eastern stars. before they hauled her in for a stfu tight program, aka "rehab/therapy"...amy winehouse said no. no. no. sacrifice complete with red body bag right in folks' faces. while many folks threw bad energy (promptly harnessed by lucifer/satan lovers to release lucifer's kingdom to earth.) they ALL need to know, i saw. i prayed that His Kingdom be released and His win.
back to Paris, why would a child that tried to kill herself be carted away crying about not wanting to die? one would need to be sound asleep to not question that scenario.
anyways, i heard her + been watching. wrote about it here:
if you read the post...you will see the "gun control" debate addressed.
those being played as pawns in political bickering games...designed to divide + distract the people. evidence of such played, duped status is the non stop debate/bickering. these folks are not seeing the bigger picture;(
wake up. see the big picture and become Powerful victorious pawns in Him.
folks might want to wake up + give an ear when someone shows up discussing the political publication written by Kings for the benefit of Kings, aka the Set Apart Bible KJV.
it is all written in a book. lol. folks so arrogantly educated they have decided that what is written + supported by evidence here on earth is all a lie.
duality all day. on too many levels to put in this already long comment;)
UNTIL folks start talking about the rape of the ambassador + what he was up to prior to his reaped sowed fruit...they aren't really scratching the surface.
"BTW, Bill-Oh, am I right in thinking you are a very small man? Like 5'9" or 5'10" something like that?"
Most liberals are, and Bill is definitely a liberal.
"UNTIL folks start talking about the rape of the ambassador + what he was up to prior to his reaped sowed fruit...they aren't really scratching the surface"
They don't put up with that homo shit over in Africa.
"They don't put up with that homo shit over in Africa."
How backward! Over here, in enlightened America, merely having negative thoughts about homosexuality will get you excommunicated from polite society.
According to the authorities, homosexuality is no longer a behavior or a disease, much less a sin, but an identity. It is therefore protected from criticism, and rewarded with special privileges that accompany identity politics. Inevitably, the same attitude will be applied to other aberrant behavior, starting with a closely related form of perversion, pedophilia.
Anyone who has watched the top-down transformation of homosexuality from a nearly universally reviled psychosexual sickness to a source of “pride” that we are obliged to revere at the risk of losing our jobs for being “homophobes” can see where this is headed.
Officially establishing pedophilia as a “sexual orientation,” as some already want to do, will designate pedophiles as an elevated class, with the de facto hiring and promotion priority entailed in laws and policies forbidding “discrimination.” From there the normalization of sexual relations between adults and children will follow inevitably. Anyone who objects will face the fate of Phil Robertson.
Progressives always have to push the envelope. Where else are they going to push it, now that we are required to regard homosexuality as normal?
all things being related and all...
it is a cold she-devil that will aid and abeit those that would harm children. we already know there are women that don't think twice about taking out other women. add some hate for men in general and one has the formula for humanity take down.
cue the she-devils.
newsflash for those that think paying attention + calling it = personal experience ALL the time. everybody talking about drones have NOT been droned. lol. slow rude folks are funny;)
there's a movie about that nice white lady, hrc, that she had banned. not to mention all the dead bodies around her and her husband. when folks understand the role hrc played/plays...
i ALREADY told folks- all ww are not docile sweet little thangs. add some hard baked gremlin lesbian to things...deadhead folks are NOT ready.
i ALREADY told folks believing national genocide day/thanksgiving day ww were behaving like the pic in this post...will keep folks lost:
for hateful homos that seem to think i have no right to call it. ask yourselves why homos would have license to highlight every demonic het on the planet- yet hets can't call out the nazi demonic gremlins among your ranks without failed silencing techniques? without dumb, promptly rebuked, smacked down for eternity hateful homo labels?
that nazi nonsense, hateful homos may shove right into exit points on their person.
believe that if you are wise. that's my word to ya. lol.
back to this hateful one, hrc.
the high up eastern stars KNOW they serve lucifer/satan. if folks don't know, rest assured they are not apart of the "in" crowd. they are paying dues, do good work to throw folks off, and enjoying the special secretness of it all. those that do know deny + lie like other folks breathe.
folks trying to pretend all homos are gizmos + silence anyone that calls it need to stop. the nazi gremlin homos are all running things. the tightly programmed socio/psychopaths, bred + trained for the tasks rise to the top.
homos + hets.
of all professions + parties. so there is nothing coming from the rep side either to sing about. it is all evil + corrupt. in quite a few cases related by blood. from the white house to hollyweird. (even that name for the land of make believe is steeped in the occult.)
come out from among them...starts to make more sense when folks wake up. only when standing with Him, Set Apart, can one truly see. if folks leaning on their own understanding they WILL be deceived. that's what's written. that's what is. because ALL sides are infiltrated, bought, bossed or tossed (think Kennedy) by the hidden hand/hidden government.
yet folks focused on + bickering over the manipulated, compromised, cokehead, corrupt to the core, immoral + amoral, homo,het, child molesting/snuffing boys+ girls, ung-dly in every way, devilishly deceitful, highly "educated" political puppets.
wake up.
ps. whoever the depressed soul is that keeps accusing His Word/Him of being a lie, by saying that Blessed Blacks will not awake. please get familiar with His Word/Him + UNIVERSAL LAW.
Good News, indeed.
unless you are just d.o.a.- demon on assignment. in which case...
you lose.
that's what's written.
that's what is.
forget what you THINK you see.
this is set up where EVEN His ELECT could be fooled. those free styling of their own understanding...
forgive any typos.
Feel-good news story of the day:
The two teenagers accused of beating a Minneapolis mayoral candidate after a cohort stole his iPhone at the Mall of America had cased the Starbucks ahead of time, according to authorities.
Mark Andrew, also a former Hennepin County commissioner, was beaten on the head with a metal baton after a juvenile male snatched his phone as he sat in Starbucks.
Andrew received nine stitches at Fairview Southdale Hospital, where an ambulance took him after the attack around 7 p.m. Thursday.
One of the women arrested, Letaija Shapree Cutler-Cain, 18, of Brooklyn Park, was charged with second-degree assault with a deadly weapon. The other woman was not identified because she is 17. The male who stole the phone was not identified.
In the complaint, police said the male took off with the phone. When Andrew gave chase, the two women confronted him and kept him from leaving the store. The complaint said Cutler-Cain jumped on his back and the younger teen struck him repeatedly on the head with the baton. As Andrew struggled with the women, Cutler-Cain gouged his face with her fingernails, yelling at him: “I’m going to kill you, Let me go or I’m going to kill you!”
Police said Andrew was struck with a metal baton and was bleeding profusely from a large cut on the top of his head and from his mouth. He also had bruises and abrasions on his face. …
Even after authorities detained the attackers, the women told Andrew they would have him killed.
Andrew, age 63, is a prominent member of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, which is affiliated with the odious Democrat Party. In Minnesota, the DFL is the party that loves, loves, loves the vibrants, especially the Somali immigrants, and is constantly advocating for more of them. It's simply fabulous that one of their leaders should become the beneficiary of the sort of treatment to which they have subjected so many of the people of Minnesota. And the fact that the DFLer was beaten up by female vibrants only makes the story that much more amusing. They say a Republican is a Democrat who has been mugged; maybe it isn’t too late for him to learn.
But he doesn’t seem to be learning quickly.
“They’re damaged kids, and maybe they’re too far gone, but I think there’s redemption for everybody,” said Andrew. “So we’ll try to find a way for them to get in a place where they can turn their lives around.”
I sure hope that place has high fences and sturdy bars.
BIB, you obviously NEED an English teacher. I mean dude, YOU'RE medding up stuff 2nd graders know. Not a good look.
Sigh, don't know why I'm even responding to our dimwitted friend but I'll try. I did not advocate giving up any rights, I simply suggested limits on gun size and magazine capacity and possibly other restrictions. Does that clarify? Mr. Hypocrisy/Double Standard.
Ha, dude is upset we can use the n word but he can't. Really Bill? Ok guy, I give you the absolute right to say the N word as much and as many times as you want. I recommend the NY subway or the red line in Chicago. And oh yeah, use it loudly. Happy now? Now can we stop the stupid hypocrisy ds thing now?
Pathetic Pilot says:
"BIB, you obviously NEED an English teacher. I mean dude, YOU'RE medding up stuff 2nd graders know. Not a good look."
Pathetic Pilot...
Please dont respond to me unless your ready to discuss the points I outlined in my post.
Your supposed "English" lesson doesn't negate any of the things Ive mentioned....
In other words...
Please take a seat at the childrens table when adults are talking politics....
Your such a distraction from meaningful intelligent conversation.
@ Progressivim is culture cancer:
we are beyond homosexuality. you are spot on to note that culture cancer is in full effect.
the gays are being scapegoated. just as Blacks got added into the ung-dly mix. a drug addicted homo kills another drug addicted homo and somehow Byrd being dragged to death by hateful white devils gets attached. of course hateful white devils will SWEAR it was because of blacks that homos have special protections. peds, too. pregnant women...not so much.
the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act. get familiar:
to focus on gays is to fall into deception. the hateful homos make it hard not to go in with them. get them together if you need to then resist the distraction. you see the game. anyone can see it as it relates to how all homos are being used. hateful homos serve only to set up the backlash;(
draw line in sand time.
all camps.
i urge spiritual lines moreso than physical let's fight lines. the u.s. of satan gov't LOVES to arm ALL sides of any brewing human sacrifice to satan/lucifer session aka war. don't take my word for it. look. see. for yourself.
will you speak the truth or bow down in silence?
facts don't matter. Truth= devils don't do Truth. not unless it is inverted into a lie. their father is the father of lies, murder, etc.
beastiality/furry "love" is next new normal...and no, they can't help it. it is not a practice or orientation. it is who they are...
ask FN. he knows. if he doesn't, he should.
i did not just meet FN, so expecting him to come out and call it might be some time off still.
the furry love priming is already in full effect, for those paying attention:
order out of chaos...these devils done told folks already. since sleepers stay playing, i guess they think others are playing as well? don't know. i AM with Him, so i really can't waste time trying to figure it out.
it would be nice if folks would STOP pretending that ped = het only. little girls. anyone dare discuss the other peds? the pederasts...they have wives sometimes, too. think poppa herbet walker bush + white house boy tours.
folks are feverishly trying to re-classify/upgrade the peds to the ranks of new normal. change the official website as a "joke" not too long ago.
nwo requires it. those repping the nwo= evil. full stop. the dupes are so in love with the sin they are in, they refuse to see. still evil though ignorant that they are. for those that Understand:
Ephesians 6:12- For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
there appears to be a LOT of this going on over here in the fields:
"Sheeple are members of a culture or society who are not necessarily oblivious to the reality of their surroundings; they may have been exposed to valuable truths on numerous occasions. However, when confronted with facts contrary to their conditioned viewpoint, they become aggressive and antagonistic in their behavior, seeking to dismiss and attack the truth by attacking the messenger and denying reason. Sheeple exist on both sides of America’s false political paradigm, and they exist in all social “classes”. In fact, the “professional class” and the hierarchy of academia are rampant breeding grounds for sheeple; who I sometimes refer to as “intellectual idiots”. Doctors and lawyers, scientists and politicians are all just as prone to the sheeple plague as anyone else; the only difference is that they have a bureaucratic apparatus behind them which gives them a false sense of importance. All they have to do is tow the establishment line, and promote the establishment view."
plain as day when wide awake.
compelled to share this info again here. it is my prayer those with an ear will hear:
Revelation 3:7-12
7 And to the angel of the church of Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is set apart, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;
8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.
9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Hebrews, and are not, but do lie: behold, I will make them come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I will also keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my Almighty, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my Almighty, and the name of the city of my Almighty, which cometh down out of heaven from my Almighty: and I will write upon him my new name.
13 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
clarification: i AM not saying FN is into furry love. i AM saying that in his line of work, surely he must know of what i speak...
@ BIB the professional class link was a nod to what you graciously call out here. Pilot X so worried about grammar classes, while he routinely misses the point + misspells up a storm.
typos in this format is to be expected...those that focus on them identify themselves unwittingly;)
blessings, all!
The Purple Cow said...
"You spoke the word that racists use."
Yes because I was satirising the views of dim-witted country bumpkins and hillbillies like you, you kwasia twunt.
Why someone like you would want to emulate racists is beyond me.
BTW, Bill-Oh, am I right in thinking you are a very small man? Like 5'9" or 5'10" something like that?
Once again you're wrong.
As long as it makes you feel better about yourself by insulting me go ahead and keep guessing. Statistically speaking, odds are eventually you will be correct.
I'll keep pointing out your double standards and hypocrisy.
"Once again you're wrong."
Ohhhh I doubt it, little man.
Bill said...
Why someone like you would want to emulate racists is beyond me.
Why someone like you would try to engage ant-white racists like PC and PilotX by professing your adherence to anti-racist dogma is beyond clueless.
Anti-racism as enforced in Progressive America only applies to white people, as it is designed to abort any feelings of white solidarity or self-interest, examples of which are immediately labelled Nazi/Supremacist/racist.
On the other hand, explicitly racist concepts such as Affirmative Action, Disparate Impact, and Minority solidarity are universally applauded and promoted by our cultural overlords. The marginalized and nearly extinct KKK is forever touted as the ultimate example of evil while explicitly racist groups like LaRaza are showered with Federal grants.
Just because you may not be racist, don't think that means a thing to them other than that you are an easy mark.
FP, typos and misspellling are common occurances. I'm glad you notice mine but to constantly mistake YOUR with the simple contraction YOU'RE has possible larger meaning. Keep spreading the good word sista! We need more preachers and bible believers in our community;-)
focusedpurpose said...
there appears to be a LOT of this going on over here in the fields:
You're the worst sheeple of them all.
Spewing bible verses and twisting them to support your ugly,distorted,hateful,satanic views.
You even add your filthy gutter trash foul language to them to make them seem as filled with hatred as you.
You foul beast. You truly are an abomination unto the earth!and an abomination unt9o the Lord who looks upon your filth with utter distaste.
He would associate with 1,000 "homos" rather than your pestilence of ugliness and sinful stench. Disgusting
"YOUR such a distraction from meaningful and intelligent discussion". Yeah, YOU'RE so right man. I could learn a lot from the collective genius of you, FP and Bill. The guy who voted for Gary Johnson thinking he'd magically enact universal healthcare, a nutjob who quotes from a 3,000 book written by desert dwellers and a dimwit who thinks it's the height of hypocrisy for him not to be able to call me the n word. So much intelligencia how can we handle it all?
Pathetic Pilot says"
The guy who voted for Gary Johnson thinking he'd magically enact universal healthcare,"
If you paid attention you would know that Gary Johnson didn't run on Universal Healthcare......
One of his major platforms is Drug Policy reform....
Why cant you discuss the posts at hand instead of proving yourself a non reader non thinker??
Here let me fill in your standard response
"He's White"
"Hes a Republican"
"I Cant answer because he used "Your" instead of You're"
Yeah, you got me there. Smdh. I was trying to help a "brotha" out but I see my help is not appreciated. You are free to go back to blaming the dude at 1600 for all the world's ills. And you can continue to pretend to be Black, I won't stop ya brah.
ps. to the sleeping americans in the greatest country on earth. land of the free + home of the brave...ya'll MIGHT want to look around the world and notice other bought + bossed she devils are ALREADY in position.
THIS is why it is wise to look past what differences folks might have. discuss it. agree to disagree. squash it...then apply some Love + Patience to give ear to what "enemy" folk have to say. lol.
WHEN awake menfolk say there is a femmpocalyse enroute...they might not be saying things with the best tone. nor choice of words. however, it is wise to try to see where they are coming from BEFORE rejecting them out of hand. this is with anyone.
we don't need to agree on all things. we do need to understand that humanity is all in the same boat. it is NOT about the flesh. it is about the Spirit. as it is written.
folks seem to forget this little nugget in the land of the serpent. where all things from mammon $ to ama serpent symbol to superman bears the serpent mark :
Genesis 3:1- Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Sovereign Almighty had made...
of own understanding folks won't make it.
this is why it does not offend for folks to recognize i AM a "beast" in Him/His Word.
lioness, no less, from tribe of:
Genesis 49:8-10
8 Yahudah/Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father's children shall bow down before thee.
9 Yahudah/Judah is a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?
10 The sceptre shall not depart from Yahudah/Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.
i AM called to give the Law. this is what we do.
this is why imposters gots nothing in the prophets of old, messenger + witnesses of today, law giver department. we don't proselytize. yep. nor anything else that is written. this is how impostors are gunning through the Set Apart/Promised Lands.
the Chosen Ones are Chosen to Stand Strong and Speak His Word to His people. give His Law that folks might know how to live. on earth + eternally.
those calling themselves "Jews" are comprised of dupes + devils. there is ancient defeated evil in the mix. add that to duality all day+ stolen birthright switch.
until folks start with the "semites"...though Scriptures only speaks to the Shemites- His People, my people. wake up + uninvert things.
until that happens + folks dig deep into the spiritual side of what this is all about. resurrection remains in the days ahead. not a bad thing, depending on how you look at it. running time on the clock allows more that are sleeping soundly now...to awake, arise + bear spiritual fruit in His Spirit and Truth;) all Good. i pray the devils continue to fight among themselves in the meantime.
until more stop holding onto true hatred of any form. it is a form of hatred to want to stop a person from exercising freedom of speech. who you, with all that? if Almighty respects free will...others will have no choice as far as i AM concerned.
the folks running things are not doing Torah. they are doing what they wilt ALL DAY. add some ancient mystery spiritual wickedness, under girded by men's oral traditions which they place above all. think babylonian talmud. when folks DO get down with the spiritual side. all strictly forbidden of course in Scriptures. these money changing devils ARE who Messiah fought with...
of course...it is all a "hoax". willie lynch. protocols of learned elders. 13th tribe. etc. etc. etc.
devils don't want you to believe your lying eyes when it come to getting Real about what's going down. right now. look around.
ah...there is ALWAYS an upside + a wee bit of Truth in the best lies.
what if:
folks looked around. understood + accepted the Truth of what they see. then chose to believe in Him/His Word? that He + those with Him win. Galatians 3:28-29 style...
rather than this is all hopeless + the enemy wins.
to think these folks would invert a promise and make it a curse on ALL of mankind is truly some bold, devilish, defeated mess.
lean not on our own understanding. look to Him and He shall direct our paths. that's Bible folks;) that's what's Real.
Proverbs 16:1-9
1 The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the Sovereign.
2 All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the Sovereign weigheth the spirits.
3 Commit thy works unto the Sovereign, and thy thoughts shall be established.
4 The Sovereign hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.
5 Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Sovereign: though hand join hand, he shall not be unpunished.
6 By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the Sovereign men depart from evil.
7 When a man's ways please the Sovereign, he maketh even his enemies be at peace with him.
8 Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right.
9 A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Sovereign directeth his steps.
acting like folks know is still optional...
for now.
to the hateful homo queen that called me a "b-tch" a thread or two back.
know this:
that does NOT offend.
little threatened men + wanna be "b-tch" hateful homo queens USUALLY go there when they encounter old world old normal het Real Natural Law Queens.
real Kings recognize + respect...despite whatever sin they are in.
but do you boo. i don't judge nor hate. just reserve the right to call it out;) this is why you defeated + mad;(
that's all.
Anon @ 1:59pm-
you are welcome;)
i have reminded you of other written Truths that when you apply them, you will surely see the err of these words:
"... but I suppose Americans are destined to be stuck in it, unable to break free."
that's not what's written.
don't take my word for it. get familiar here:
KJV Genesis 15:13-14 and Acts 7:6-7
the wrath is simply lining up.
ok. done for now. let His Word/Him hating devils rejoice;)
i AM wrestling with writer's block. all Good. sounding the alarm in the fields, in the interim.
unhappy camper:
"and an abomination unt9o the Lord who looks upon your filth with utter distaste."
we don't serve the same l-rd.
i AM not sad that you are offended+ defeated+ mad.
know this.
"Why cant you discuss the posts at hand instead of proving yourself a non reader non thinker??"
Because I'm a grown assed man who can do whatever he wants to do. Is that ok with you massa?
"Just because you may not be racist, don't think that means a thing to them other than that you are an easy mark."
Bill, do you have any idea how pathetic this makes you look?
Inventing racist trolls to accuse you of being non-racist?
That's just sad.
Blogger PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
"Why cant you discuss the posts at hand instead of proving yourself a non reader non thinker??"
Because I'm a grown assed man who can do whatever he wants to do. Is that ok with you massa?
7:30 PM
Spoken like a true child. No, you are not a grown man, you just reside in a grown man's body. But YOU are a child, a high chair "king baby".
BIB, "Why cant you discuss the posts at hand instead of proving yourself a non reader non thinker??
Here let me fill in your standard response
"He's White"
"Hes a Republican"
"I Cant answer because he used "Your" instead of You're""
6:30 PM
BIB, you have gotten PilotX down to a tee.lol
"proving yourself a non reader non thinker??"
Because mistaking your for you're is the hight of literacy huh?
PilotX: Sucking Balls on the democrat plantation since the 70's said...
Because I'm a grown assed man who can do whatever he wants to do.
Only an insecure little boy would say that.
Because I'm a grown assed man who can do whatever he wants to do. Is that ok with you massa?
Thats fine by me...Pilot
You see I made my comments to stimulate discussion....
But none of the usual Obamaphiles want to discuss the actual costs of supporting "Unknown" Rebel groups as part of a "NATO Military Intervention" to overthrow Gaddafi..
Thats where "Benghaziiii" stems form Pathetic Pilot...
Our Military policies having terrible consequences...
unintended of course...
So when STEPHEN posts up a NY Times article...
That MUST mean he wants to discuss it???
Sorry I didnt skim the article and come to the simplistic conclusion...
"I knew Those EVil Republicans were Wrong on this " ....
Fyi, here is a very good discussion re: the latest on Benghazi. It casts doubt about everything the NYT said:
The Purple Cow said...
"Just because you may not be racist, don't think that means a thing to them other than that you are an easy mark."
Bill, do you have any idea how pathetic this makes you look?
You quoting someone not me makes me pathetic?
Maybe it's Bill Derangement Syndrome for you?
Dear PilotX, you'll be glad to know the 'latest' on the knockout game. A white guy was prosecuted for playing the knock out game on a black man.
Dear Bill, can you believe this shit? I am Black and I think this is outrageous!
BIB, what say you?
Just another day in BRA.
"You see I made my comments to stimulate discussion...."
First time for everything huh?
"Our Military policies having terrible consequences...
unintended of course..."
Oh gee, there's ashocker. You are new at this huh?
Don't forget to send me that info for that guy you're referring me to.
"Dear PilotX, you'll be glad to know the 'latest' on the knockout game. A white guy was prosecuted for playing the knock out game on a black man."
Actually it was an attempt to prove that the country is biased towards blah people that failed miserably. You see, in the muddled mind of white male conservatives they are somehow the persecuted minority and everyone else has special rights and privileges they don't so to prove this point our brain warrior friend made racist comments and attacked a near 80 year old man. I don't think he should be charged with a hate crime he should be charged with stupidity.
BTW, if you want to know a bit more of my opinion read the response I left for Rob on the previous post.
"Dear PilotX, you'll be glad to know the 'latest' on the knockout game. A white guy was prosecuted for playing the knock out game on a black man."
I think you mean Bill because he'll be here soon to say how hypocritical and double standardy and such. I know, it's so hard to be white in this country. BRA baby!
So Fox News follows the lead of Hitler. It figures
But seriously BiB. What's the deal with the your/you're? It is kinda annoying. Are you doing it on purpose? I would love to leave this alone but it just stands out like a mole. You seem smart enough to know what you're doing. Do it for a brotha, please.
Pathetic Pilot says
"Oh gee, there's ashocker. You are new at this huh"
Please... Will you go watch another Inauguration video; or
Go Shout "Yes We Can" in the mirror 25 times ....
You don't have any logical basis to argue against what I originally posted about that stupid ass article...
Anon@9:40 says
"BIB, what say you?
I dont have anything to say about "The Knock Out Game"
Prosecute individuals accordingly..
Laws are already on the books regarding assault etc...
No need to turn this into some racially charged Non-Sense.
Even if the original perpetrators intended it for that purpose.
Do I have sympathy for this dude...??
This dude was a Dumb Ass!!
and is getting exactly what he deserves for putting himself out there like that...
Wesley R said...
So Fox News follows the lead of Hitler. It figures
No, that's Field's M.O. He is a foot soldier for the government media.
Propaganda serves the needs of the government. Who controls the government?
If Fox didn't threaten the liberal narrative by occasionally stating the truth, they wouldn't need to be attacked eternally by the democrat-media complex.
Granny, give this guy a call:
PilotX: Sucking Balls on the democrat plantation since the 70's said...
"Do it for a brotha, please."
Don't whine, it's unbecoming.
BIB, "Do I have sympathy for this dude...??
This dude was a Dumb Ass!!
and is getting exactly what he deserves for putting himself out there like that...
10:52 PM
BIB, I am surprised you have no feelings for this poor guy. Are you by chance a racist? Has PilotX affected you that much?
@ Pilot X-
this right here is hilarity:
" a nutjob who quotes from a 3,000 book written by desert dwellers"
particularly when you, my dear, quote such intellectuals as beavis and butthead.
so yes, ANY DAY, i would prefer to be the "nutjob" quoting Scriptures in a world of "sane" folks like you...like hasn't noticed things lining up according to Scriptures.
so yes, ANY DAY, i would prefer to be the "nutjob" quoting Scriptures in a world of "sane" folks like you...who haven't noticed things lining up according to Scriptures.
leave me out of it when it comes to Bill. i ALREADY told folks he crumbles funny from time to time.
with BIB, ALL you can do is function as human spell/grammar check. because you CERTAINLY can NOT stay in a convo with him as it relates to what's really going on. you only do gov't approved talking points. clearly.
but go ahead, grown man. with your bad self;)
Nope Im in no way a racist...
I enjoy seeing Karma in action ..Pure comedy..
That jackass in the Video is getting what he deserved...
Rep. Issahole has been milking this bullshit for the last year; this screwhead has nothing!!!
There is no better example of White Skin Privilege and protection. This arsonist, car stealing Republikracker belongs in jail!
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