I need you all to play Nostradamus and tell me open thread style what will be driving the news in 2015.
My predictions: On the international front we will be hearing a lot about Russia, Isis, and North Korea.
On the domestic front we will be hearing a lot about the upcoming 2016 elections, as well as the racial divide and the wealth gap that continues to widen here in America.
Your turn.
QLB's and Yisheng's identity will be uncovered, causing a rift on FN.
depressed Negro's PTSD gets worse.
The NFL will have it's day of reckoning.
Anon Inc gets paid by Field.
Anons on FN for 2015 get much much better.
Bill surrenders his ideology and becomes a leftist in order to be Field's friend.
Kinky calls Bill stupid and a traitor.
PX and QLB will meet in a motel room for a hot night of interracial sex.
Dr. queen becomes enraged , goes beastie mode, breaks down the door and assaults PX and QLB.
While dr. queen is in the county lock up, Wayne(aka field negro) will be called on to defend dr. queen.
Dr. Queen will soon realize field negro is no Matlock.
Dr. Queen will be found guilty of assaulting QLB, not guilty of assaulting PX.
Dr. Queen will be sentenced to life for assaulting a nice white lady.
Dr. Queen will soon fade from the memories of those who post on this blog.
While dr. queen is in prison, she will meet and fall in love with Bertha May.
Bertha May will warm Dr. Queen's cold racist heart like only a nice white lady can.
Together, their love will keep them happy while they are serving out their days in a women's prison.
Second only to Field, I will continue to be the dominate subject of his racist trolls.
All while getting one year closer to my Dr. title. :)
I predict a White cop is going to get indicted for murdering a Black man or boy.
"his racist trolls."
Who is his?
One year closer to my Dr. title?
You mean you lied when you claimed you were a doctor?
Thought so.
I predict yishitng will still be a ho-bag.
According to the liberal rag Slate, Scalise never spoke "to that white supremacist group".
That explains why the story has vanished off the pages of the msm.
Are you going to post a correction, field?
My predictions:
- White society will be blamed for black poverty, even in areas like East St Louis, Detroit, DC, etc, where white people haven't had influence for decades
- We will continue to hear about how the rich are keeping poor people poor
- No one will ever dare even attempt to tell these damn mothers of bastard children to stop having kids! Instead, we will hear more rhetoric about how whitey wants to cut off payments, wants poor people to starve, doesn't care about blacks, etc, while mothers are out there spiting out a kid every year, no father to be found, and living off of government
- Obama won't say nary a fucking word about any case or situation in America unless there's a white person to paint as the bad guy
- More groups of hundreds of teens will riot and shut down shopping malls and loot and assault citizens, and mainstream media won't fucking even pretend to cover it because it goes against their narrative
- SNAP benefits will increase will for the worst of society (e.g. mothers of bastards) while Republicans rein in decreases for working folk
- At least 400 more black teens will die in Chicago, and nobody will say a single fucking word about it; meanwhile, a white cop will kill a black teen, and the entire nation will shit their fucking retarded-ass pants over it.
The black - white achievement gap will remain one standard deviation.
Josh said...
My predictions:
- White society will be
- We will continue to hear
- No one will ever dare
- Obama won't say nary
- More groups of hundreds
- SNAP benefits
- At least 400
Josh, predictions are for 2015, not a recap of 2014.
señor kinky said...
Are you going to post a correction, field?
My prediction...
More Blacks starve to death due to unmerciful racist Whites.
Christians become concerned about the consequences of being White in the afterlife.
Satan plans for the millions of racist Whites headed his way.
Satan makes a special hot spot for Kinky.
St Peter refuses to hear Bill's case...he points to the escalator going down for Bill.
Bill cries and cops a plea not to be sent to hell.
St Peter is not feeling it for Bill.
St Peter is Black.
FN Said...
the wealth gap that continues to widen here in America
I'm touched, you have been reading and learning from my posts.
San Francisco tops the nation in homeless people.
Heroin becomes the drug of choice for Americans. Demand skyrockets.
Field starts praying to God.
Anon Inc hikes the rates.
Another Anon drowns trying to get to PR to see Lilac.
The Police and FBI post Lilac as dangerous.
First thing we are going to hear is why wasn't TCU included in the final 4 of the NCAA football finals.
Most of these are safe bets:
1) Tension at least, and possibly conflict between Senate and House Republicans.
2) Obama will continue to consolidate his long term goals in spite of Republican obstruction.
3) "Southern strategy" fallout will continue to block GOP efforts to attract non white-supremacist people of color to their party.
4) Police officers across the country will continue to kill unarmed black men with impunity.
5) Oil prices will stay artificially low through US and Saudi manipulation until the less efficient shale extractors in the US and Canada are driven out of business. Then, all bets are off.
6) Hillary Clinton's inevitability will crumble when her first credible opposition begins campaigning.
7) John McCaine will insist that we start or intervene in another war somewhere.
8) Lizzy Graham will suffer a dramatic case of the vapors over some innocuous move by the Obama administration.
9) A Republican politician will suffer no ramifications whatsoever when (s)he inadvertently reveals his (her) unreconstructed racism.
and a last safe one:
10) A white American will commit an utterly depraved crime, blame it on a black American or Americans, and then be revealed as the actual criminal.
If I were homeless, San Francisco is right where I'd go ASAP. It's one of the few places that actually helps homeless people.
If America is so great, why do so many Americans have so much pain that we smother it in the biggest licit and illicit ratted of use of painkillers in the world? What does that demand say about us and our system?
"FN Said...
the wealth gap that continues to widen here in America
I'm touched, you have been reading and learning from my posts."
The wealth gap has been growing close to exponentially since the late 1970's, that's because Conservatives like Obama, Bush, Clinton and Reagan have been in power all that time. And as we know, the only job of conservative politicians is to make rich people richer.
Yisheng will continue to suffer from low black esteem issues.
Which will cause her to be more angry and racist in 2015.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Another Anon drowns trying to get to PR to see Lilac.
12:11 AM
I'm that good! YEAH!!!
My prediction: Since this is the year of the sheep,the docile sheep.
There will be an illumination of the racist attitude, and people will be able to discard the racist prejudiced viewpoint that is embedded in their brains and open their minds to see the beauty of different cultures and all mankind.
Also even moreso than in the age of Aquarius where the closed minds were violently pitted against the open mind, the Year of The Sheep will bring pastoral docility and herd like camaraderie to all peoples of the world.
That is my prediction.
Some more safe bets.
1.The Democrat party will be the party of obstructionism.
2. Obama and Democrats will continue to blame Bush for their failures.
3. Blacks will continue to piss and moan, play victim and cry racism when things don't go their way.
4.Field will continue to be exposed has a hypocrite and slave catcher. Field will refuse to correct any posts he gets wrong.
5. Black on white hate crimes will continue to raise-while white on minority hate crimes will continue to drop.
6. Libs will see raising the minimum wage cost jobs and have no impact on poverty rates.
7. Expect more foreign policy disasters from this regime.
8. Expect more racial hoaxes from blacks and white liberals.
9. Al Sharpton's show on MSDNC will be cancelled.
10. A black or hispanic Democrat will reveal their racist nature and suffer no consequences. And they will be defended by field and white liberals.
And a bonus-
The liberal media will continue to provide cover for Obama and the Democrats.
Oh Kinky you're such a naysayer! ;)
You and Field are exact opposites.Did you know that? :D
Espero que el año nuevo le trae amor, la felicidad y la buena salud de mi isla princesa.
"6. Libs will see raising the minimum wage cost jobs and have no impact on poverty rates."
Just when you think you know how stoooopid Kinky is, he says something like this, and you have to downgrade your estimate further.
senor kinky proves that most Hispanics are just as racist as most whites, if not more so.
Of course, many Hispanics consider themselves to BE white and are given "honorary white person" status by most whites (as long as they support white supremacist ideals, which most do).
Ay Kinky! Muchas gracias mi signore! and the same to you! Blessings!
No white influience on the east boogie huh? I guess years of institutional racism had nothing to do with the present. Nope no way because Josh says so.
Ut ohs! "Muh instatuthsenal wacism!"
And muh wayj gap! And muh D-dubya-bees. And muh po po skewls.
But never "muh nabor and her six kids with five men no-job-having ass, and the 58 others just like her on the same block"
Hell no. Muh wacism!
The Purple Cow said...
that's because Conservatives like Obama, Bush, Clinton and Reagan
Only to a socialist is clinton/obama a conservative.
Obama lies and lies knowing that his supporters like Field Negro will never call him out.
And effectively today, our rescue of the auto industry is officially over. We've now repaid taxpayers every dime and more of what my administration committed
Every dime, but not $9.2 billion dollars. Dimes, not dollars. Words matter.
Federal government lost $9.26B on auto rescue
The Final Tally: It Cost America $9.3 Billion to Save GM and Chrysler
The non-foxnews goes crickets.
"Only to a socialist is clinton/obama a conservative."
Correct Bill.
You work that out all by your little self?
"Anon Inc gets paid by Field
Not if the quality of my trolls keeps getting worse.
I predict that kinky will keep making stupid statements and will continue to be checked by me every time.
"Two days ago, Slate ran a piece quoting Kenny Knight, a close associate of David Duke, who booked the room for the white supremacist group, known as EURO.
Knight claimed that he invited Scalise to speak to the “Jefferson Heights Civic Association, which was largely comprised of elderly people who lived in his and Scalise’s neighborhood.” The meeting of the civic association, Knight said, just happened to be held in the same room as the EURO conference held later that day. Knight told The Times-Picayune that he “was not a member of EURO and did not arrange for any speakers at the 2002 conference.”
The right-wing ran was the story, billing the entire controversy as little more than a hoax
But, as it turns out, Knight was lying. Not only was Knight a member of the EURO group but “documents filed with the Louisiana secretary of state’s office list him as treasurer…” He is also listed as a member of the group in a 2002 news release for the conference in question, where he was scheduled as a speaker.
Asked about the discrepancy and the state document listing him as treasurer of the group, Knight hung up twice on a reporter for The Times-Picayune. Eventually, Knight said “Is that 15 years ago? I don’t even remember that. I’m not communicating any more with the news media. I’m finished with y’all.”
If you have any further questions, ask David Duke. In an interview with the Washington Post, Duke said he “recalled Knight reaching out to Scalise in the weeks before the conference to come and update attendees on state affairs, and that Scalise accepted without reservation.”'
There u go Kinky.
Glad I could clear all that up for ya.
"Field will continue to be exposed has a hypocrite and slave catcher. Field will refuse to correct any posts he gets wrong."
When he gets one wrong he will.;)
"But never "muh nabor and her six kids with five men no-job-having ass, and the 58 others just like her on the same block"
Hell no. Muh wacism!"
Sure, if you are a simplistic shallow and narrow minded individual one can just do what Bill O'Reilly and other racists do and equate poverty and disfunction with skin color but those of us who can think with a bit more complexity can make historical connections. For example, how did many whites move into the middle class from poverty? Sure some would say hard work but we can also look at certain government programs designed to pull them out of poverty that were denied to blah people. The WPA and like programs were created to provide jobs and the GI Bill allowed many ex service members to purchase houses which became the vehicle to accrue wealth. With red-lining and other such designed barriers many blah people were directed to neighborhoods with much poverty and bad schools. Poverty and bad education become vicious cycles. Look at Chicago, actual physical barriers were designed to keep the races segregated. St. Louis and surrounding areas are even more segregated than Chicago and that says a lot.
It takes time to study these issues but of course if you're so inclined you can just yell "stop stealing car stereos and stop having babies" but we all know that's just lazy thinking.
Well Field got one prediction right, the right wing went all out to protect their racist members.
Predictions for me this year include presenting my research at a meeting this year, winning awards while there, and submitting my work for publication. :)
Republicans have fought unions for years, supported right to work legislation and all other forms of worker suppression and are surprised the middle class is shrinking? Before the prominence of unions fat cats were getting rich while the common folks starved, this changed with the rise of unions and workers having more leverage in the workplace. With giveaways to corporations, "corporations are people my friend" and mega business now being able to make unlimited contributions to candidates how do we think this is going to end?
Well Doc, if you would stop stealing car stereos and having 58 bastard kids you'd be finished by now! You too Field and PC! Cut that out!
Well, these things never have to be mutually exclusive, Pilot. I'm sure you can get some synapses to fire on both sides of the brain here, right?
Sure, there are undoubtedly obstacles in the way of progress based on history and based on the probability of a majority white country still having some serious racists in serious positions of power.
But how about a give and take? How about, for starters, the poorest and most downtrodden black communities meet everyone half way by not spitting out babies they can't afford?
Is that too much to ask of people? "Hey, don't have children you can't afford. Don't quit on school. Don't rob and steal and do drugs."
For the black people out there who are educated, who do live in good neighborhoods, who do have good credit, and who do live independent lives, how many have long rap sheets? How many have bastard babies running around? How many quit school or had disciplinary issues habitually?
Why can't there be a study of social progress which includes showing more personal responsibility. Then, if people follow those steps yet are still poor and still discriminated against, there's a much better case for institutional racism and oppression.
But it's very hard to take seriously the line that white society is the problem when the number-one phrase spoken in a lot of the worst communities is something like, "I'm fi'n to put a child on him!"
And I'm not aware of O'Reilly equating poverty with skin color. Not saying he didn't/doesn't, but I'd have to see evidence of that. What I see him doing is trying black poverty directly to the 70+% out-of-wedlock birth rate.
And let's not pretend to be stupid here. That number is only 70+% because it's the aggregate. It takes into account black folks who are doing well and who aren't living in inner cities. In the worst neighborhoods in the poorest places, that number is likely 90%+. You see these videos and news reports and suchlike, and you don't see a man anywhere within ten clicks of the geographic location. All women, all tumbleweave, no men.
This isn't at least a huge part of the reason that downtrodden black communities stay in disarray? What, exactly, is the rest of society supposed to do for these people that these people can't do for themselves?
Should we start building more businesses in areas where they are statistically likely to be robbed? Should we start giving loans to people who are statistically unlikely to repay them?
I don't understand how step one of any program shouldn't be: Stop having those bastard babies you can't afford!
The new hustle is the have a kid. That's 18 years of full support, at a minimum, per kid.
Which brings us to Scalise's 12b6 moment: assuming that scalise's strainer of facts could hold water, what ramifications do the facts that he a) associated closely with and trusted Knight, Duke's right hand man and Either, b) didn't realize until this past week that he had spoken to a white supremacist group, or c) had no problem with it, have for him and the GOP.
Both Clinton and Obama are objectively and demonstrably more conservative than Richard Nixon, the consumate red baiter and antidisestablishmentarian of his time.
If that makes the truth socialist, well you said it.
Um, nice try field. But no.
What a shocker pilotx. The right is defending Scalise from baseless political attacks.
Other than that? Scalise can go for all i care.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
For example, how did many whites move into the middle class from poverty? Sure some would say hard work
Bingo! Plus a future time orientation that allowed them to defer gratification.
but we can also look at certain government programs designed to pull them out of poverty that were denied to blah people. The WPA and like programs were created to provide jobs
Wrong. The WPA and like programs extended the depression and kept people out of the middle class.
and the GI Bill allowed many ex service members to purchase houses which became the vehicle to accrue wealth.
Partially true, however the primary reason people were able to obtain homes after the war was the relatively low cost of housing provided by a market with few restrictions.
With red-lining and other such designed barriers many blah people were directed to neighborhoods with much poverty and bad schools.
Poverty and bad schools are not a function of geography, but of the people who live there. Poor people and bad students mean poverty and bad schools.
Poverty and bad education become vicious cycles. Look at Chicago, actual physical barriers were designed to keep the races segregated. St. Louis and surrounding areas are even more segregated than Chicago and that says a lot.
Those barriers have been dismantled, and the government has spent trillions over the past several decades forcing people to integrate. White people keep abandoning the communities they built because they cannot live with majority of black people. Living with large concentrations of black people means unacceptable exposures to violent crime and property theft. You can't send your kids to a public school with large concentrations of black students who disrupt classes and victimize your kids. Most people's net worth is tied up in their house, and they cannot afford to lose it when property values plummet as the neighborhood turns black.
It takes time to study these issues but of course if you're so inclined you can just yell "stop stealing car stereos and stop having babies" but we all know that's just lazy thinking
It would be a start, along with getting married before you have kids, cooperating with the police in getting criminals out of your neighborhood, letting schools discipline your children, and contributing to building your neighborhoods instead of demanding someone else do it.
And if this was soooooo important, why did Democrats hold this story for 12 years?
Because they knew it was fake and they would get no political advantage from it?
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Which brings us to Scalise's 12b6 moment: assuming that scalise's strainer of facts could hold water, what ramifications do the facts that he a) associated closely with and trusted Knight, Duke's right hand man and Either, b) didn't realize until this past week that he had spoken to a white supremacist group, or c) had no problem with it, have for him and the GO
What ramifications are there to the facts that Obama has had Al Sharpton to the White House 61 times and has given campaign speeches alongside uniformed NBPP members and Malik Shabaz?
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
Republicans have fought unions for years, supported right to work legislation and all other forms of worker suppression and are surprised the middle class is shrinking?
Unions hurt the middle class. When given a choice, most workers just say no to labor unions.
The middle class is shrinking because of Obama/Democrat policies.
Whatever happen to Obama building America from the bottom up?
"Despite the alarm bells rung regularly by hysterics on the right, there is evidence that progress is being made in the black community on the very issues about which conservatives love to bray. For instance, teen pregnancy rates have been falling considerably for African American youth, contrary to popular perception. From 1991 to 2010, the rate of births to black teens, 15-19, fell by more than half, with a full 9 percent drop just between 2009 and 2010 alone. Likewise, from 1980 to 2008, the birthrate for all black women under 18 fell by more than half. Indeed, the birth rate for African American teenagers is now at an all-time low.
In fact, since the early 1990s, the rate of out-of-wedlock child birth for all women — not just teenagers — has fallen for blacks, while actually climbing for whites. From 1990 to 2010 the white out-of-wedlock birth rate grew by one-third while the rate for black women fell by more than 28 percent. Since 1970, the rate of out-of-wedlock births has more than tripled for white women, while falling among black women by nearly a third."
people that cannot afford children should not have them. that means no children born to poor people.
say that horrific madness. don't try to scapegoat BW. who don't impregnate themselves.
did folk figure out that patriarchy is Real yet? i have been hesitant to address someone not clear on such basic information. that and not hurling the n-word around...just because.
be clear:
i believe that wives have babies. i have also lived long enough to know that some husbands skate out + on as well. addressing only the women addresses only half of the problem.
hopefully if a WM tells folk they can better hear.
nice try to come for BW though. folk will let that slide all day. i noticed your switch up and had to laugh.
The failed foster care system will
be challenged. A return to institutional care, both private
and public, will be proposed with
supporting statistical evidence
Fossil fuel lobbies will offer
a quasi religious return to the
assembly line "opportunity" for
displaced U.S. workers. The argument will be it is cheaper
to subsidize factory worker salaries than it is to subsidize
their unemployment and eventual
Abolition of prisons will be proposed. Corporations will step
into the behavioral modification
and control business armed with
lessons learned in Afghanistan and
Iraq. This will pave the way for
corporate communities similar to
the coal camps and imperial colonies of the past.
The first signs of these things will be (1)the Supreme Court rules
for Kelly and the subsequent jumping ship by insurance companies from a no longer subsidized ship Obamacare and (2)
the Republicans dismantle their
No Child Left Behind bill realizing that there can be no
effective national governance
of Education at the local level.
In lieu of dismantling representative government, politicians will be approached
by corporations who will offer
"assistance" plans for local
education coupled with local employment. Then, safe streets
will be a prerequisite for the
implementation of said education
and employment. Violence weary
citizens of local communities
will subsequently vote to give
up some freedoms to these corporations in exchange for education, employment and safe streets.
Watch out, everybody. Tim Wise information in the house! The man who blatantly and unapologetically calls for the extermination of white people. No, there's no bias there.
Let's start using David Duke as a resource for accurate information.
Tim Wise is a Jewish supremacist who lives in a town that is 98% white.
Who are you referring to when you say"let's" Josh?
Wow, this should be good. Please kinky, explain to us how unions hurt the middle class. Let's ignore that union members enjoy better pay and benefits than non-union members. Let's also ignore the anti-union campaign by the nation's largest employer.
"Let's" is a contraction of "Let" and "us." So, let us--all, I reckon--start using white extremists for information across the board, not just Tim I-hate-white-people Wise.
Really Josh? The new hustle is having a kid? Who does this? Where are you getting your information about cheap stereotypes? As FP points out the teen birth rate has been falling for decades first of all. Secondly, schools are directly funded by property taxes thus a school in a wealthy area will automatically have better facilities and resources. This can been seen in the vast difference between let's say Downers Grove South in the suburbs and Crane on the west side. These problems did not manifest themselves overnight and a simplistic non thought such as "get married" won't solve the problem. Fact is decades upon decades of segregation and racism created a huge underclass just as it was designed to do. This would also have happened to other groups such as the Irish but since they were white they got into the club many decades before the blah. How many more blah millionaires would we have if schools weren't segregated? How many more would have been in better schools if there was no red lining? I know the answer having come from a blah middle class family so I can see the path my family took and the path others took.
And Kinky, not sure who these people whom you are referring as rejecting unions. In my line of work every pilot group for every major airline is unionized. All airline dispather groups are unionized and save Delta all flight attendant groups are unionized. That's a lot of unionizing in one industry. And if you want to do some researching check out the increasing pay and benefits for airline employees. Maybe us plots know something the gop should learn? I can attest working conditions, pay and benefits are much better at a union shop.
Who is "us" Josh.
PilotX said...
"thus a school in a wealthy area will automatically have better facilities and resources. This can been seen in the vast difference between let's say Downers Grove South in the suburbs and Crane on the west side."
Nope. Wrong again.
Ghetto schools get the most funding per pupil of any public school systems:
How a "bad" a school system is correlates directly with the percentage of non-Asian minority (NAM) students:
For the most part, it's not the schools, it's the students.
"Who does this?"
Um, how about the tens of thousands of hair-hatted Hulk Hooligans you can find videos of on YouTube, with their damn 3+ kids, who know how to game the system, who get their monetary checks, their rent assistance, their utility assistance, and their food stamps taken care of for having a kid.
Who does this? Who isn't doing it, is the better question, seeing as the poorest black regions around are riddled with single mothers. And let's not act like the fathers are shacked up in the home in some common law system. These single women with kids are every fucking where -- raising hell at malls, trampling beauty salons for free weave, planning heists on Asian stores for hair hats, complaining and showing out for news crews when the state passes legislation that states children must attend school for their mothers to receive SNAP benefits. And the list goes on and on and on and on.
Should I go on a link-blast fest here and just start spamming with 100s of videos of these hooligan-ass single mothers?
Schools are also receiving federal money. No, they don't become cesspits overnight. Sure. But there are 60 fucking kids packed into a hut in Asia, with one damn teacher, with dirty-ass drinking water, and they're out-performing out kids. So schools not being affluent isn't the issue. Kids acting a damn fool and not learning and making schools miserable places for the kids who do want to learn -- that's the bigger issue.
I'm certainly not saying "get married" is an answer for anything or everything. All I'm saying is that if single mothers stopped having these bastard kids they can't afford, that's a great fucking place to start!
So, the man is holding your entire people down? Whitey in society has stacked the deck against you? You're going to have a hard time making a living? Oh, here's what you do: Have 4 kids by 3 men! That'll fucking help your situation!
It's nonsense. If life is already going to be harder for an individual, maybe that individual shouldn't create their own damn obstacles along the way.
Life is a hell of a thing to happen to a person; it's not easy for anyone. Even a lot of those rich, spoiled-ass trust fund babies end up with psychological issues, substance abuse problems, rape beefs, etc. They have money and privilege and still end up leading shit lives a lot of the time. For people who are already underwater, there is no guarantee that just getting married is going to magically transform anything. But spitting out damn babies certainly isn't helping things get easier -- unless, of course, an individual wants to be taken care of. Then all they need to be is a single mother.
Thought experiment: What happens to a man if he cannot afford to take care of one (#1, numero uno) child?
What happens to a woman if she cannot afford to take care of 4 children?
Which one goes to jail and which one gets a government house, government money and free food and clothing and medical care?
Not paying child support is considered neglect and is punishable by a prison sentence. Yet spitting out bastard babies that you can't take care of is perfectly legal, and will even be encouraged by government that lines up to hand out free shit to single mothers.
I'm not sure what teen pregnancy rates have to do with anything. I wonder, though, what the pregnancy rates are of single black women in downtrodden communities. I don't have the data, but I'm guessing here that it's well above the national average.
These damn little bastard babies are everywhere! Children who have fathers and whose parents work aren't the ones robbing people at gunpoint, breaking into homes, stealing cars, selling drugs, rioting by the hundreds at shopping malls. Are they?
You, from a middle-class home -- were you out there acting a damn fool? I don't have the data, but I'm guessing no. But you know who is out there doing all those things? The bastard kids of single women.
You certainly ask a lot of fucking questions to never answer any yourself.
Forever asking people "do you have a degree?" "What do you do for a living?" "Who is ___?" "What is ____?" On and on, question after question. Curious little snot-nose, ain't it.
"Us" is me and your alter ego anon twins.
Should I go on a link-blast fest here and just start spamming with 100s of videos of these hooligan-ass single mothers?
if you choose. just be equal opportunity + see you will see no shortage of human suffering- all colors.
usually WM are somewhere shouting about the court system and how WW are legally cleaning their clocks. you know...
from which WW benefit the most.
it appears folk had their behinds handed to 'em for the n word and other racist missteps...
now this soul seeks to switch things up + hit up BW. girl fighter with it. lol. despite the face of welfare being that of a WW. oow increased birth rates as well. but hey. shoot the Wise messenger...
but did you get the message?
see why you look silly, yet?
or no?
it is the ability to listen to others that allows me to give you an ear. you calling folk "extremist"= pure comedy.
carry on my friend...
i told you i could see where you were trying to come from.
then Yisheng stole your cool + made you act a racist fool.
you been BW trippin' ever since.
Blogger field negro said...
"Anon Inc gets paid by Field
Not if the quality of my trolls keeps getting worse.
Lord have mercy, Field keeps giving Anon Inc a royal screwing. I am starting to feel sorry for Anon Inc myself... and I used to be Field's assistant. Something has happened to Field, he has gone totally cold.
I wonder why? Is there anybody here who can explain why Field's 'warm' heart has gone 'cold'?
@ FP
Yep, that damned old patriarchy again!
Let's go ahead and speak about some other stuff that doesn't exist while we're at it -- like the Grays abducting fat white women, or the Loch Ness monster terrorizing Scotland, or a still-living Elvis shopping at the A&P, or even Bigfoot raiding campsites.
Hell, if we're throwing out stuff that's mythical and acting like it's true, we might as well set up a match between Odin and Ra. We're probably not going to see Mayweather-Pacquiao, but we might see some mythical gods duke it out on PPV.
As to Yisheng making me a "racist fool" -- I've been trying to point this out for a week here, but evidently Field's hands are either too stupid or too bigoted to get the message and realize the context in its entirety. She is the one who went off on me with a racist rant, insulting myself and my family. And rather than saying the same words back to her, I simply asked Pilot, after he chimed in with a wagging finger per usual, what he would have to say to me if I had called her family a "nigger family" like she called mine a "cracka ass family." I didn't even say it to her; I just posed the scenario to Pilot.
That makes me a racist? But she doesn't get scolded for her racism? Hell no; Field was congratulating her for handling trolls, using the nastiest racist shit against white people and their families. It's all a circle jerk clap-fest when black does it to white, but even in a very specific context where I'm not calling anyone a "nigger," just the fact that I type the word gets me called a racist.
As Aaron Neville might say, check out your own back yard before you check out someone else.
Or am I not allowed to use the blah man's advice? lol
If you're going to pretend to hold the morally superior high ground, waving your finger like you're all disappointed to be dealing with a racist, at least get the context correct.
Black women, have as many damn babies as your heart desires!!
Single, broke-ass black women, STOP!
See, that's quite a damn difference.
And I say the same to white women, Asian women, Latino women, etc -- except there's a difference. By and large, all the problems of these communities aren't blamed on white people and white society holding them back, whereas the problems of the black community are supposedly the fault of white society.
IMO, they're more the fault of mothers of bastard children who can't afford to care for them and who don't have the skills necessary to raise a well-adjusted, disciplined, polite, productive member of society.
It's nothing to do with "black" women; it's to do with poor, hair-hat-wearing, blonde-ass Hulk Hooligan, tatted-up, welfare queens who spit out babies like a factory.
If this isn't you, then I'm obviously not speaking about you. If this isn't all black women, I'm obviously not speaking about all black women. I'm speaking about those who fit that bill. Start there, stop spitting out bastards, and then see if lives can be improved. If not, and they're still struggling, maybe someone will take it more seriously to say it's white society's fault. But one can't have it both ways. Single mothers can't keep flooding neighborhoods with bad-behaving bastards while simultaneously blaming Whitey for what ails 'em.
"Black women, have as many damn babies as your heart desires!!
Single, broke-ass black women, STOP!
See, that's quite a damn difference. "
Actually, it's no damn difference at all.
Nashville's 98% white now? What happened to the 15.6% Black residents Of the city who the census counted 5 years ago?
Tim is Jewish but he's a humanist -the opposite of a racial supremacist. Not that facts make any difference whatsoever in your Semite phobic mind.
Black women, have as many damn babies as your heart desires!!
even in a best case scenario...
the babies are "damn'd" let you tell it.
no patriarchy either.
we may agree to disagree.
Loosen your tinfoil wingmut. If Barack Obama Had shared so much as a nod of recognition with a uniformed "new black panther" FAUX NEWS would have spoken of nothing else since.
"That makes me a racist?"
pretty much.
"But she doesn't get scolded for her racism?"
you are clearly newer to these parts.
Josh,Josh,Josh, u want poor black women to stop having babies but it's not going to happen.Nope
Poor black women want to have children just like rich white women do.
Five,six, like Mrs Romney,like the Kennedy's, like that lady that has 19 and counting! BTW what the hey does he do for a living? Holy crappers 19 and counting!!! He must be a millionaire right?
So anyway, everybody wants a piece of the baby action, cos babies are fun!
Poverty? Weeelll...it's just gonna have to take a back seat hon :)
The way I see it, since the slaves were bred by the whites for strength and power (you know,so they could work harder;) so now we have many powerful, big strong black Americans having big strong black babies :) Isn't it wonderful Josh? Aren't you happy?
You'd best be cos there's a lot more of them than there is of you hehehehehe...xD
But I digress. The point I was trying to make is that IF WE'RE POOR IT IS THE WHITE MANS FAULT GOTDAMMIT!!!
I'm finished now, thank you for reading, carry on...
Piaier Keenan Cahill
"we may agree to disagree."
That's a cute turn of phrase, but it's typically only said by those who haven't an argument to present.
There is no patriarchy in America, and it can be shown demonstrably with mountains of evidence which, together, unequivocally prove that, if anything, America caters to women not at a woman's detriment.
"pretty much...you are clearly newer to these parts."
Not so new that I wasn't able to instantaneously spot the double standard, mind you. But at least you're not pretending as if it doesn't exist. Which is more than I can say for a lot of willing bigots. So, you do have my respect in that regard. You have my blessing to spit out babies like coins from a slot jackpot. lol
"Woop woop! You go, girl! Get them white muthafuckas!"
"But what if I had said 'nigger'?"
"Oh, noes he di'nt just say that word! Racist! Racist! Racist!"
And I'll wear it. Whatever; it's a meaningless meme at this point. This is one we can agree to agree on; it is what it is.
@ Purple Cow:
Hey, if you're so racist that you think every black woman is single and broke, that's your issue, not mine.
What -- is there a problem with black woman or something? They can't get a man? They can't have money?
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Tim is Jewish but he's a humanist -the opposite of a racial supremacist. Not that facts make any difference whatsoever in your Semite phobic mind.
Tim Wise is not a "humanist", he is a rabidly anti-white racist who is part of the US race industry; he makes his living by advocating against the interests of white people here in North America and around the world and promoting their eventual extinction. This is not hyperbole. Below is a quote from Mr. Wise which describes his views on race:
[Y]our kind—mostly older white folks beholden to an absurd, inaccurate, nostalgic fantasy of what America used to be like—are dying.… And in the pantheon of American history, old white people have pretty much always been the bad guys, the keepers of the hegemonic and reactionary flame, the folks unwilling to share the category of American with others on equal terms. Fine, keep it up. It doesn’t matter. Because you’re on the endangered list. And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving…. By then, half the country will be black or brown. And there is nothing you can do about it."
This is not some weird, self-hating rhetoric. As a Jew, he does not consider himself white. He does not hate himself, he hates white Christians. Just like you, Whitey.
In fact, based on the wormy nonsense you post here, you must read a lot of Tim Wise.
And despite his tireless advocacy for multicultural communities, he now chooses to live in a small Ohio town that is over 98% white. Imagine that.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Loosen your tinfoil wingmut. If Barack Obama Had shared so much as a nod of recognition with a uniformed "new black panther" FAUX NEWS would have spoken of nothing else since.
Who you gonna believe Whitey? Fox News or your lying eyes?
ROTFL PR you are a hilarious! !!!!
Thank you for 'getting' me Yisheng!:)
Not even going to click on those links. Not enough chance of real info to justify the security risk.
Sorry wingmutt, but white Peoples interests align with people of colors interests, not white supremacists interests. And Tim Wise continues to work for those common interests from his hometown, Nashvile TN.
"That's a cute turn of phrase, but it's typically only said by those who haven't an argument to present."
i am not even remotely interested in arguing with you.
what's not clear?
despite stats + facts, you want to lament poor BW having babies.
free will.
folk should start there to save money. rather than oh say...
@9:22pm- it seemed that Wise was remarking on White low rates moreso than anything else.
at least that's how it read to me...
low birth rates...
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Not even going to click on those links. Not enough chance of real info to justify the security risk.
Investigators, as a rule, have a respect for their own prejudices, and dislike to make known to others a knowledge which has brought pain to their own minds. Like the Brahman of the story, they will destroy a fine microscope rather than permit their co-religionists to know that they drink living creatures in their water, or eat mites in their fruit. The motto of such people is, "If truth is disagreeable, cling to error."
Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism, Thomas Inman, 1869
Wedge your head up your ass a little tighter Whitey.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
Sorry wingmutt, but white Peoples interests align with people of colors interests, not white supremacists interests
Then why have "people of color" interests that you advocate for, while doing a victory dance for white extermination? Why not just push "humanist" interests?
Because you are a Jew bent on the extermination of non-Jewish white people.
Wise is the supremacist. In yours and Wise's ideology, unlike any other people, whites can have no interests; even the desire to exist is labelled Nazi.
May Justice find you all.
Nah, you're not remotely interested in arguing, just in replying. Understandable.
Something typically found with the religious -- the mindset that "What I believe is right is right, and it's right because it's right, so I'm right and you're wrong."
stats + facts
What were these? That white bimbos are now having more bastard children, and that teen pregnancy rates are down? What does that have to do with the thousands of bastard sons of single mothers wreaking absolute havoc on communities?
If white bimbos keep spitting out bastards, then they shouldn't question why they can't get out of the trailer courts and off skid row. Stop having bastards you can't afford to care for, nor that you have the skill to raise!
I asked Pilot this question, and in typical one-sided, I-ask-questions-not-answer-them-fashion, as he's famous for, I didn't receive a response. But those morons out there robbing and stealing and shooting and suchlike, are these the people with fathers in the home? Or are the people with fathers in the home actually doing better on average in school and making something more of their lives?
I know that it's sacrilege to speak against the strong black queens -- the goddess Mother Earth -- the bosom whence rose civilization. Must support the queens; must realize it's the no-good, low-down men running out on their families! Mustn't hold women to a standard of making sure they use protection when fucking like rabbits. No; it's always someone else's responsibility once you inject race into the discussion. Always must view a person as a victim first. And in a way, it's true; these mothers of violent bastards are victims of their own stupidity, and we feed it as society and enable it.
When the tumbleweave starts rolling at a park, 150 deep, how many fathers can be found? We all know the answer is zero.
Which do you like better? Haiti or South Carolina?
your disposition is off.
i am neither "religious" nor interested to argue with you. if you prefer to be ignored...
then i got you on that one, too.
seems to me if the oow rates among whites is tripling...
white folk would/should have other things to concern themselves with outside of troublesome BW having babies with menfolk that neither marry them nor provide.
seems to me that all nations are getting the slave breaking/family splintering treatment. clueless WM that don't know that menfolk/providers go to jail under the patriarchal system...
while the womenfolk and children are provided for...
are The Last Ones i would want to waste time arguing with on any topic.
these same ones probably think there is a big difference between dems and repubs. lol.
Maybe white folk could/would/should mind their own on these matters if these white folk weren't also named/blamed/shamed for it, i.e. held up as the reason--not "a" reason, "the" reason--for black poverty, black failing schools, black unemployment, and everything that's negative one can fit the word "black" in. White society's fault!
Some "patriarchal" system we have.
A system of supposed male domination, male social privilege, male wealth, male rule, and female oppression, yet they'll throw a motherfucker in jail with the quickness for not paying child support, while the heifer he knocked up can go have 8 more bastards and not only be allowed to do it by law but also be rewarded for her slutty, nasty, irresponsible behavior.
This is a stone fact: If you're a single mother, you never have to work again! Doesn't mean you won't work, and it doesn't mean you're living high off the hog. But you will have housing, clothing, food, medical care, and even odds and ends like transport and cell phones covered completely for a minimum of 18 years. Seems to me in a patriarchy we'd rip those bastards away and let the men have a go at it. Seems to me we live in much more of a matriarchy.
you got the wrong one.
i don't care to go round and round with you, while you ignore what i am saying to you.
sterilize all poor people. sterilize Black poor people twice.
hope you feel especially superior.
WW's reproductive choices are NOT your business. not unless you are married to her. how much more so this is true with random BW unfazed by having babies out of wedlock. a random WM's opinion = no blips on the radar.
mind you : i believe folk would do well to get married before having children. however i don't rule the world and most, it seems, reject what is written, on some level or point.
you are just being exceedingly nasty with a white is right twist to it. that's a bit much though overlooking you would be simple. much like your opt repeated rant.
at what point in this matriarchy do you think folk can let there be a woman president? i mean Shirley Chisholm ran back in the day. there appears to be a clinton body count;( this should disqualify.
ps. all your cussing = not necessary. surely you were raised better?
+that single mother never work again madness= cut that out.
agree to disagree.
i could present many reasons why this is pure uncut malarkey...
but what's the point?
off the poor people.
'cause Almighty will let that happen with no problem.
Oh good God. Is whiteness all that you've got? I don't get the whole superior being / perpetual victim dichotomy that you seem to have taken in with your mothers milk, a toxic colostrum innoculating with white privilege's cognitive dissonance.
I'm always complimented when called a Jew, but I'm especially complemented when it comes from an anti Semite like yourself. Shalom.
"white is right twist to it"
I called those dumb-ass white bimbos white bimbos. The bimbo mothers of bastard children!
I don't discriminate. As I said, there's just a difference. When white folks fuck up their neighborhoods and ruin their own education and commit crimes and go to jail, it's recognized as their fault for doing it. When these bastards terrorize the poorest black communities and make life miserable for everyone else, it's considered to be the fault of white society.
So they get special attention.
And go do a little bit of research about how many assistance programs are available for single mothers, not to mention if they're able to draw child support -- which in no way is obligated to go toward the child but instead can be spent any ole way they want to spend it.
Somebody is eventually going to answer this question: Who's shooting these places up? Who's dealing drugs? Who's robbing people? Who's terrorizing communities? Who's dropping out of school and making it impossible for everyone else to learn in a classroom? Kids with both parents in the home? Or are they the bastards who aren't raised right?
And are they doing it because they're poor? Are they paying the light bill or car note or medical bills, or are they trying to get Jordans and whips and PS4s and suchlike?
I dont do my research at American Reniassance, Stormfront, WND or any other racist hate group's library, thank you very much.
"I called those dumb-ass white bimbos white bimbos. The bimbo mothers of bastard children! "
this type of calloused contempt for the sisters/daughters/babies of the White nation...
simply cause me to say:
gotta go!
it's the white version of dbr.
damaged but reparable..
with Him/His Word.
where there is Understanding there is no way a man can take that tack with women and children left in the wake of wayward men.
the women may be wayward as well.
humanity loses in the battle of men and women.
so i don't play that game. we all do the most, Truth be told.
busting up the families = on the agenda for everyone.
Yah hates it.
seems all that He hates= what time it is.
i pray for all nations and tribes. for the rich and the poor.
folk are raging against different aspects of the human condition.
what Good does that do?
Maybe I'm wrong. I guess nobody is going to answer that question. Half a dozen times now, and no matter who decides to wag their high-and-mighty finger in my direction, the question isn't even acknowledged as being there, much less answered.
Yeah. A man is supposedly always showing "contempt" for something. Let's go over it:
Why are men threatened with jail to take care of their children? Because not financially supporting a child is to show contempt for that child; it is to show neglect for that child. Yet the mother, if she damn well pleases, can spit out 15 of the bastards and simply be encouraged to keep going.
Who's showing more contempt -- the person telling these idiots to stop having babies they can't feed, or bimbos having babies they can't feed? To me, it seems like cruel and unusual punishment to bring into this world a child you cannot support physically or emotionally. It seems awfully damn contemptuous. But, no, that doesn't fit that "strong single woman" narrative in America, where we must artificially prop them up and pretend that they're every bit as likely to raise well-adjusted adults, when we all know that's really horseshit.
They're raising criminals. They're raising daughters who do the same shit. And that's not contempt?
I see where your priorities lie.
Women matter so Americans so damn much that we're willing to overlook to inhumanity in bastard litters to appease the idiocy of single baby makers. The kids don't matter; the women do.
you should go bass voice some menfolk...
the root cause of what you lament.
men control marriage.
bastards are created by menfolk.
hope that helps.
My predictions are Kinky will get busted for didling little boys and Josh will continue to be whored out by his mother as a gay sex slave.
Why do you have such contempt for men?
"the root cause of what you lament."
FP, why is abortion legal? Why can women vote? Why is it that today a woman's place can be anywhere, not only in the kitchen or at the heels of a man?
I know the answer. Pick me! Pick me! I'll tell ya! It's because women are every bit as intelligent as a man, and have their own agency. It's because women are human beings deserving of equal rights and treatment.
Abortion is considered a woman's fundamental right. As soon as she finds out she's pregnant, up until she gives birth to the child (in most states) a woman is free to have an abortion -- even without the father's consent. A woman can legally keep a child away from the father. It is considered part of her body. Her rights are supremely protected in this regard.
So, a human being with its own agency, yet men are to blame when women get pregnant?
Are men raping these women? Is the government probing and impregnating these women while they sleep? Are women stupid, mentally weak and thus incapable of using birth control? Do women not know that sperm + egg = potential fetus?
If women are every bit as intelligent and deserving of rights as men, in this "patriarchy" you claim we live, then women are every bit as responsible for pregnancies. In fact, they're even more responsible, because it's their bodies! This is the reason given for abortion -- it's a woman's body! It's her rights! Her body! Her rights! On and on ad nauseum. So, when she comes up pregnant, knowing she chose to sleep with a man and knowing she has a slew of birth control options (the pill, the patch, diaphragms, the morning after), it's still somehow the man's fault for seeding the garden and then fleeing?
Unless you're arguing that women are too mentally weak to realize what's going on, you don't have much of an argument to say men are the root cause of the issue.
It's a woman's body. It's her uterus. But it's not her responsibility? That's the silliest shit I've ever heard.
As Don King might say, "Only in America. Only in America."
"That's the silliest shit I've ever heard."
point of agreement.
no contempt for men.
we may agree to disagree.
"we may agree to disagree"
I never expected anything less -- or more, for that matter.
I predict a lot of black folks will murder each other in unprecedented numbers just like last year.
Super Bowl 49
Seahawks vs. Patriots
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