If only we could have investigated the unnecessary deaths of over 4,500 Americans in Iraq like we did these 4 in Libya. There has been eight different committees convened and thirty three different hearings about Benghazi *drink , drink, gulp* since that tragic incident, and the FOX VIEWS crowd and their republican friends are probably wishing that we could have thirty three more.
Full disclosure: My wife is no fan of Hillary Clinton (that whole knock -down drag- out campaign against president Obama back in the day soured her on Bill's better half), but she has been watching these hearings this evening and she has declared that is definitely voting for Hillary now. Leave it to my overreaching republican friends to make Hillary Clinton a sympathetic figure.
How many more Mrs. Fields there are out there? I am curious to know if she will get a bump in the polls after this marathon session in the hot seat. Probably not much. People are pretty much set in their positions when it comes to Hillary. Those who hate her will continue to do so, and those who love her will probably love her even more.
“That’s what happened during the Reagan administration, when Hezbollah attacked our embassy,” Mrs. Clinton said, citing similar bipartisanship around investigations under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. “I would like us to get back to those times.”
Sorry Mrs. Clinton, we will not be going back to those times. Because sadly, the inmates are now in full control of the asylum.
*Pic from cnn.com
They are obviously dragging this out for obvious reasons. Isn't this investigation longer than the one after 9/11? Kevin McCarthy's dumb ass spilled the beans.
Now why would Mrs Field change her mind and vote for Hillary because this? It must be emotional, which our folks are known for. We can hate you one minute and pity you the next. Either way, we don't think logically like Whites when it comes to voting.
But that's ok too...Brother Field, we need White thinkers and Black emotioners. Both are needed to balance out the vote when it comes to Democrats.
Republicans tend to be logical and rational whether Black or White. I am a Republican, and I am Black, I'm happy to say.
Hillary doesn't stand a chance of winning in 2016 so watch the Benghazi hearings? Can't you find something better to do?
Digital Blackface Alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"If only we could have investigated the unnecessary deaths of over 4,500 Americans in Iraq like we did these 4 in Libya."
There was no need to try to force the truth to the Iraq matter, the Bush administration did not stonewall Congress nor did they destroy evidence.
The Obama administration has been lying about Benghazi from the start, and Hillary was lying today. She has perjured herself repeatedly, and remains under investigation by the FBI. She may be spending some time in jail before she sees me in Hell.
"..she has been watching these hearings this evening and she has declared that is definitely voting for Hillary now"
But of course she is. All black people will vote for who they are told to.
All white people will vote for who they are told to.
You Know Who apparently never graduated from Kindergarten.
This is what got Mrs. Field to come over to Hillary's side:
And this what got Mr. Field hot for Hillary:
Youngest ever Barrister. Of course she's Black.
The fake fixer apparently never graduated from Kindergarten.
No, you are.
No I'm not, you are.
"Youngest ever Barrister. Of course she's Black."
Affirmative Action strikes again!
This is why you never go to a black lawyer, or God forbid, a black doctor. They might know their shit, but then again they could be some affirmative action idiot. You can never really know.
If you go to a white male doctor, you know he had to be almost perfect to get into med school along with all the female and black quotas, so you can be pretty sure he knows what he is doing.
It's just common sense.
Au contraire mon fraire. Did you even read the article? Not sure of the system in Britain but in America someone has to pass rigorous tests to become a doctor or lawyer. The tests don't care about your color or gender. There are MANY horrible white male doctors and lawyers and MANY fantastic doctors and lawyers of color and of course females. Some people can never get over the idea that someone other than a white male can be an accomplished professional. Sad.
Speaking of brilliant blah doctors Dr. Carson is leading the polls in Iowa.
Carson/Cain 16!
PX, let me say I have met a few incompetent black doctors who charged through the nose for their services. The same goes for black lawyers. They are even worse because they rip you off right in front of your face.
However, I have never met an incompetent white doctor or an incompetent white lawyer.
As a bm what do you suppose I've concluded about Black and White professionals?
True, Ben Carson was an outstanding doctor but brother PX, I personally think that was a freak outcome that will never happen again.
PilotX said...
"Not sure of the system in Britain but in America someone has to pass rigorous tests to become a doctor or lawyer. The tests don't care about your color or gender."
But the people grading them do.
Obamacare requires med schools to churn out more black doctors, thus more will be churned out, regardless of qualifications.
It may be unfair to those black physicians who really are qualified, but with something that important, you just can't take chances. I would never trust my child's well-being to someone who I am not sure knows what they are doing, it just wouldn't be responsible parenting.
You are risking your life by going to a black doctor. Affirmative Action kills.
Trey Gowdy needs to start practicing the pronunciation of the words "Madame President" right away, because he's going to be saying them a lot...
-Doug in Oakland
PilotX said...
Au contraire mon fraire. Did you even read the article?
Whuteemoos can read now?
PX, it's funny to think about your prediction Carson as the top Rethug choice especially when it sounded like a bad joke when you originally said it.
As a bm what do you suppose I've concluded about Black and White professionals?
We've concluded you're guilty of Digital Blackface asshole.
But the people grading them do.
Obviously an idiot like you has never sniffed a medical school classroom Peter.
Obamacare requires med schools to churn out more black doctors, thus more will be churned out, regardless of qualifications.
More idiocy from an idiot. What law school have you attended? What medical school? STFU dumbass.
You are risking your life by going to a wghite doctor. White male Affirmative Action kills.
there are many myths about intelligence and doctors. Many doctors are just average learners with the money to complete the course. Some of the smartest people that I have seen in my many years have been poor and unfortunately to be born on a special piece of dirt. I speak from experience having attended medical school in the 70s and also the streets for 6 decades.
I think we all know of many situations whereby teachers have given the student with money and special skin color grades that padded GPAs. I have even been in a class whereby this girl always had a session with the professor prior the exam. There is no leap to believe that students that had no financial worries tend to be able to be successful.
These statements are only for the whiners that continue to harp on equal opportunities. Professional schools and schools generally are no incubators of smartness. If you really wanted equality in USA have models that allow all people to maximize their abilities by taking money out the situation. NOW QUICKLY... tell me how many seats at Harvard are saved for legacy? QUICKLY... was George Bush any smarter than the average bear?
Now I am not saying that doctors are dumb as bricks, I am only saying that to besmirch Blacks doctors on education is America is so cheesy, coming from a race that outlawed a large segment of your (America) population to legalized ignorance- now you want to take the high road after your horrendous actions then and now.
America will hold on to their institutions as long as possible. Just think of the fear they would experience if all people have an equal shot at all their controlled institution? Instead of downing Blacks you better get ready for a new crew to be KING DOG.
Amen brother Panther!
"Republicans tend to be logical and rational whether Black or White. I am a Republican, and I am Black, I'm happy to say."
This from the party of Trump, Carson, and Cruz.
Most hilarious comment ever posted here. Rationality and Republicans don't even inhabit the same galaxy.
The rationality train left the station decades ago.
"Obamacare requires med schools to churn out more black doctors, thus more will be churned out, regardless of qualifications."
Fucking hell, what right-wing rag, printed on toilet paper, informed you of this?
LOL at the "hire unqualified black doctors" provision of Obamacare. I'm sure you'll have no problem finding this in a law book. It's probably right before the section on imposing communism and after the sections on confiscating all guns and turning your kids gay.
All this shit is great for Hillary. Literally. She couldn't ask for more campaign fodder.
All she has to do, what Democrats have been doing for the past six years, is steal the Tumblrettes and Facefems' take on it, and say that the old, white, male Republicans are only coming down on her because she's a woman. Play the patriarchy card. Hold yourself up as a second-class citizen, Hillary. Say that they'd never do this to a man, especially a white man. Talk about how hard it is for you as a woman, constantly being thought of as the wife of a man, having your stances and motives questioned and called things like "crazy" and "hysterical." Claim that anyone who says you're a little peeved or angry is committing a microaggression against you. Claim you don't have a platform on which to speak, and that males need their platform eroded to give you more opportunity to tell your side of the story. Talk about how a man's emails would never fall under so much scrutiny.
Republicans are too stupid to stop feeding Hillary votes. They don't fight against their role as the boogeyman and everything that's wrong with America; they embrace that shit and go hard.
Today in (suspected and proven) bigotry:
Seven black churches have been burned in the last month in arson attacks, in the vicinity of Ferguson, Missouri. The motive is as yet unproven, but it's not exactly a huge leap to suspect racism.
Europe's anti-immigration freakout continues, provoked by large numbers of refugees of the Syrian Civil War. A white student attacked several non-white students at a high school in Sweden, and teachers who tried to intervene, with a sword. Two people were killed and several injured. Fortunately, Sweden isn't infected with gun nuttery of the sort we've got here in the States, or else this would have turned into an enormous bloodbath.
Meanwhile, Australian wingnuts are now quoting illustrious American "negro" Clarence Thomas to defend their bigotry against gays. (Yes, Australian MP Eric Abetz did use the extremely dated term "negro", which makes the story weirder still.)
Clarence Thomas: Now providing justification for foreign, as well as domestic, idiocy and prejudice. Excellent job, my man.
"but it's not exactly a huge leap to suspect racism."
I'm not a grammar Nazi troll by any means, but I think what you mean to say there is, "but it's not exactly a huge leap to conclude racism and to thus stop hunting for any other motive because it's apparently and objectively racism."
Could be:
- Church robbers trying to cover their tracks
- Disgruntled atheists
- Stupid kids
- An arsonist whose motives are aimed at houses of worship
- A publicity stunt to make it look like racial tensions in Ferguson are the new Selma
- An infinite number of other possibilities that, yes, include a white racist just trying to burn black churches
But in any event, you already know which one it is, and that's the one that will remain, even if it's found that it's some dumb-ass minute black activist group who wants to draw attention to racism by creating a hoax at the expense of people's property and safety. Still it would be said, "But the racism is still there. They're just trying to draw attention to it."
Fox Blonds, Boobs, and Bigots will spend the day trying to spin the hearing. $20 Million Dollars down the drain.
All blah people will vote for who they are told to.
"How many more Mrs. Fields there are out there? I am curious to know if she will get a bump in the polls after this marathon session in the hot seat. Probably not much."
Don't expect her numbers to change much. Most Americans are still going to believe Hillary....
" Leave it to my overreaching republican friends to make Hillary Clinton a sympathetic figure."
The only people who will find serial liar Hillary Clinton to be a
"sympathetic figure" are Democrats who are going to vote for her no matter what. Hillary literally choked on all the bullshit she was spewing.
Thankfully, Republicans didn't do to her what Democrats did to Colonel Oliver North-turn her into a beloved figure.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Today in (suspected and proven) bigotry:
Seven black churches have been burned in the last month in arson attacks, in the vicinity of Ferguson, Missouri. The motive is as yet unproven, but it's not exactly a huge leap to suspect racism.
Just like it wasn't a huge leap to suspect racism in the last round of church burnings. Except it wasn't racism at all. Funny thing is when you leap without watching where you land you bust your liberal ass....
Europe's anti-immigration freakout continues, provoked by large numbers of refugees of the Syrian Civil War. A white student attacked several non-white students at a high school in Sweden, and teachers who tried to intervene, with a sword. Two people were killed and several injured. Fortunately, Sweden isn't infected with gun nuttery of the sort we've got here in the States, or else this would have turned into an enormous bloodbath.
And how many white folks in Sweden were attacked and killed by non-whites on that day? Libs never want to talk about that. Funny is that.
Meanwhile, Australian wingnuts are now quoting illustrious American "negro" Clarence Thomas to defend their bigotry against gays. (Yes, Australian MP Eric Abetz did use the extremely dated term "negro", which makes the story weirder still.)
Clarence Thomas: Now providing justification for foreign, as well as domestic, idiocy and prejudice. Excellent job, my man.
Sounds like someone is jealous a black man has had more success than you will every have in your entire sad liberal life....
"But in any event, you already know which one it is, and that's the one that will remain, even if it's found that it's some dumb-ass minute black activist group who wants to draw attention to racism by creating a hoax at the expense of people's property and safety. Still it would be said, 'But the racism is still there. They're just trying to draw attention to it.'"
Seriously, Josh? A crew of black folks might be going around burning down black churches to blame it on the evil white man? This seems like a realistic possibility to you?
Get a grip.
"Thankfully, Republicans didn't do to her what Democrats did to Colonel Oliver North-turn her into a beloved figure."
Ollie North? Beloved figure for whom, wackadoodles who subscribe to Soldier of Fortune magazine? Because it's definitely not, you know, normal people.
"Sounds like someone is jealous a black man has had more success than you will every have in your entire sad liberal life...."
Yeah, that must be it: envy. It couldn't possibly be that Clarence Thomas is a giant waste of space.
LOL at the "hire unqualified black doctors" provision of Obamacare. I'm sure you'll have no problem finding this in a law book. It's probably right before the section on imposing communism and after the sections on confiscating all guns and turning your kids gay.
Obamacare does increase affirmative action pressure on medical schools:
Under ObamaCare, if a medical or dental school wants to increase its chances of receiving many different kinds of grants and contracts from the federal government, it should "have a record of training individuals who are from underrepresented minority groups" or "from underrepresented minorities." This is because ObamaCare requires the secretary of health and human services to give priority to the entities that have demonstrated such a record in the awarding of these grants and contracts to medical and dental schools and other entities.
Better skip black dentists too:
ObamaCare's race-based "priorities" extend to dental education as well. Section 5303 of ObamaCare states that the "[s]ecretary may make grants to, or enter into contracts with, a school of dentistry, public or nonprofit private hospital, or a public or private nonprofit entity" for the following purposes:
Affirmative action is bad enough because it means adopting a racist system, but racial preferences promote incompetence because you once begin selecting people based on skin color, qualifications fall out of the picture. And that's bad news in many fields, but it's lethal in medicine where the difference between a competent doctor and a doctor who got in because he fit a quota is a live or dead patient.
The goal of a good medical school should be to
A. Produce good doctors regardless of race
B. Grant special preferences to doctors from minority group
You can only pick one. Obama picked "B".
Keep laughing, moron.
"Seven black churches have been burned in the last month in arson attacks, in the vicinity of Ferguson, Missouri. The motive is as yet unproven, but it's not exactly a huge leap to suspect racism."
I suspect the motive is insurance claims, plus the typical race-hoax angle.
The GOP might have gotten Hillary elected yesterday. The real scandal is running guns, but the Republicans are for that too, so they focused on things like emails from a private citizen friend of the Clinton's. Rep Cummings went off daring them to release the transcript of their interview with the guy, but the Republicans prefer to leak misleading selective pieces, if not just outright lies. One of their points was why did she have so many emails from him? I think was the Ambassador from Russia who said, not in the hearing, that he communicated with her all the time, but never by email. I other words, she talked to the Ambassadors on the phone. I think Hillary saying that security decisions are left up to security professionals was an important point. None of them are running for president though. The Republicans are wasting millions of taxpayer dollars trying to make Clinton look bad, and yesterday they only made themselves look bad. I listened to quite a bit of the hearing, but not all eleven hours. And I am not by any means a fan of the warmonger Clinton. But the Republican's wasteful witch hunt backfired.
"The Republicans are wasting millions of taxpayer dollars trying to make Clinton look bad,"
Because democrats don't care that their nominee is grossly incompetent and someone who has been repeatedly caught lying to the American public.
They don't even care that she sold the country's policy positions for billions in payoffs from foreign governments to her private foundation.
Forty five years getting rich in 'public service' with no accomplishments anyone can think of.
We elect the worst among us as our leaders, exactly what we deserve.
"Seriously, Josh? A crew of black folks might be going around burning down black churches to blame it on the evil white man? This seems like a realistic possibility to you?"
How many racist hoaxes do we have to have here in America before we start viewing things through the prism of hoaxes are an issue just like racism is? Just like false rape reports. In no way does it mean that real rapes aren't a problem and shouldn't be prosecuted, but it should cause one to look a little more skeptically at the claim. And why not? The burden of proof is on the claimant. How many times have these make-believe nooses been found, or those Swastikas in convenient times, or those letters, or those convenient no-witnesses-around anecdotal claims of "this happened to me"? How many times, on this blog alone, has Field had to literally lie just to claim something is racist because the facts don't actually support the narrative?
I mean, do you believe every fat woman in a muumuu who says aliens abducted her? Or what about every attention-starved housewife to claim she saw Elvis in a grocery store? There are certain claims and events that I'm sure you wouldn't jump the gun on, ascribe motives to, and many incidents for which you would want to see evidence. But there are seemingly few skeptics when it comes to something that can be called racism.
I don't know what the motives are, and I made that clear. I floated that out as just one possible motive of an infinite amount that could exist.
It could well possibly be that people are out there robbing churches. I mean, that's something that's frighteningly common in America. To cover their tracks, they're burning the churches with the expectation that the hysterical media is just going to pin it on white racists.
Am I saying that's what happened? Of course not. It could well be just racist whites burning black churches! Yes, it could well be. However, some people will only view that one possibility as the only possibility, despite a lack of evidence or context.
Why couldn't it be a publicity stunt? People are beyond such things?
I don't know what it is. That's my point. Others, however, seem fairly certain what it is.
The FieldNegro said...
If only we could have investigated the unnecessary deaths of over 4,500 Americans in Iraq
Too many from your party involved to blame bush.
Pelsoi even knew about waterboarding in advance despite her lying about it numerous times.
Even with all the hate for bush, your party was scared what other dumbocrat lies would be revealed with an investigation.
The FieldNegro said...
but she has been watching these hearings this evening and she has declared that is definitely voting for Hillary now
I call bullshit.
Until the rethugs were mean to hillary your wife was going to sit out the election? Has your wife missed the last 25 years?
If true, how many other Blacks without a politically knowledgeable husband are going to sit it out?
Is running very old and very white people a winning strategy for your party after electing Obama?
Anonymous said...
Seriously, Josh? A crew of black folks might be going around burning down black churches to blame it on the evil white man? This seems like a realistic possibility to you?
Not the first time.
Black Suspect Arrested After Racist Message Discovered Outside Predominately Black Church
The FieldNegro said...
I am watching these Benghazi *drink, drink, gulp* hearings
Did you catch this from the hearing?
“We know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. It was a planned attack -- not a protest.”
or maybe?
The second email is from Clinton to Diane Reynolds, an alias used by Chelsea Clinton, on Sept. 11, the day of the attack, in which she wrote, “Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an al Qaeda-like group: The Ambassador, whom I handpicked and a young communications officer on temporary duty w a wife and two young children. Very hard day and I fear more of the same tomorrow.”
There must be a very good reason your party pushed the youtube video excuse.
What did your party need to hide by pushing the fake youtube video fairy tale.
" Hillary literally choked on all the bullshit she was spewing."
O.M.G. - like 'literally'?
I didn't see that on the news. Was she taken to hospital?
"If only we could have investigated the unnecessary deaths of over 4,500 Americans in Iraq."
True. and while we are about it, why not investigate the unnecessary deaths of 500,000 Iraqis?
Still quoting discredited Lancet numbers, I see. It was less than 100,000. And most of those can be laid at the feet of Saddam Hussein, who could have avoided the whole war by complying to the WMD inspections he agreed to after the Gulf War.
1. The Lancet figures were never discredited.
2. Other statistical epidemiological studies by other organisations have backed the Lancet studies figures.
Saddam was a Socialist said...
Still quoting discredited Lancet numbers
Excellent trolling!
4 minutes to get PurpleCow to take the bait.
Hitler was a socialist.
The Purple Cow said...
1. The Lancet figures were never discredited.
Oh yes the Lancet figures were most certainly thoroughly discredited more than once:
And Saddam killed more of his own people in the 20+ years he ran Iraq than died during the Iraq War.
All white people will vote for who they are told to.
There fixed it.
A crew of black folks might be going around burning down black churches to blame it on the evil white man? This seems like a realistic possibility to you?
No, it was actually a group of disgruntled atheists. Happens all the time ya know. Ha!
Both sides are in on this "farce". E-mails, security, videos are all BS to distract the sheep. "Operation Zero Footprint", as many others have pointed out-Google is your friend.
"The biggest revelation of the Benghazi hearing was Hillary's coughin." ~Matt Drudge~
On my! How do wingnuts like kinky con-man and Bill spin this one?
You're all fucking retarded.
It would be funny as hell to see Bill get his throat slit and then die a slow, agonizing death. LOL! It's coming for you, bitch!
It would be funny as hell to see Bill get his throat slit and then die a slow, agonizing death. LOL! It's coming for you, bitch!
Oh be nice. We all know Bill's dumb ass will drown while it's raining. That's why he lives in California but we know it's gonna happen.
dear bro Field, I don't like folks threatening anyone on FN. You ought to remove and ban "The Truth" commenter as well as anon, "forever". Threatening lives on FN ought to be a no-no.
If you can ban AB for vulgar language, then surely you can ban those two assholes.
Bro Field, those two make me want to throw up......DISGUSTING!!!!
Yes Burn it down. There are plenty of things to criticize Hillary for. She is an opportunistic war mongering corporatist. But that's not what the Republicans criticized her for, because they are that too. The line of questioning should have been about the CIA arming "good terrorists" and all the death and destruction it caused while further destabilizing the Middle East. She showed she was more competent than them though. Their attempt to get an eleven hour negative tax payer paid commercial turned out to be a free commercial for her. If the Republicans weren't so corrupt they could have asked questions about real issues, like what was the CIA doing there? Instead they handed Hillary an opportunity to shine and expose bogus innuendos.
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