They're dropping like flies and Manafort is under "home incarceration" because he is a flight risk with the means to flee who is facing the very real possibility of spending the rest of his life in prison.
That's what Mrs. Junior was telling me, that the new chief of the CIA was an architect of torture. Good Goddess, she's only thirty-eight years old. The next president will be tasked with firing her. True libertarians want to get the fuck rid of the entire CIA.
Everybody else, Especially you dimwit Nazi Trolls who actually like the monster,
I was more concerned about Rex. Tillerson was the only person in the entire cabinet from hell that I supported. The poor bastard was hand-picked from the oil industry as the best guy to support Trump's worldwide interests in conquest and earth-scorching. How could any president be enough of an arsehole to fire his SOS in a motherfucking goddamn tweet? He didn't have the respect or manhood to simply call a one-on-one meeting. From when the demon Trump announced his retarded plan to meet with his North Korean admirer without consulting with Rex T. to yesterday's fatal flaw in the U.S. Constitution, Tillerson was still doing his best to put a good face on the Trump administration to the world. I hope that if a democrat wins next time, he or she might consider Rex for the next SOS. I mean, come on. The fuck! We are all Americans. What would Lincoln do? You dumbfucks need to get off cable TV and watch some Serling.
I'll be goddammed if he wasn't doing his level best to be the best Secretary of State that he could. He didn't expect to be the next Jefferson. But that's a pretty fine line between keeping your job as someone who actually cares if people live or die and keeping the monster himself happy. He was just the CEO of an oil company. He wasn't Satan. Give the guy the credit he deserves. Look for the standing of the U.S. to deteriorate in the eyes of the world any day now. I'm through talking with any idiot who still supports Trump. Idiot is not enough of a pejorative. How about willfully ignorant, anti-social... There are no words. It's the same thing that happened with the Third Reich you bitshes from hell.
Sadly, although Tillerson was an oil-friendly choice, it didn't really make sense to appoint someone from the industry to U.S. SOS. Did the Shrub and Darth Cheney ever do something that ill-informed and pointless? Short answer, no. Cheney set up an energy-friendly group of guys to handle the FERC.
Remember, the Shrub was the worst president ever. The only reason we remember him fondly today was the image of him portrayed by the comedians. Will Farrell even acknowledged that the Shrub was no longer hatable, in one last enactment after the inauguration of the monster. "How do you like me now?" asked the comic Bush.
Well, Tillerson did call Fergus a fucking moron, so there's that. But yesterday he pretty much sided with the UK against Russia, and that's the opposite of what he was hired, with Putin's blessing over Romney, to do. Bush still sucks. There's nothing the press or entertainment can do to wash the "moron who lied us into a war that destabilized the middle east for the rest of my lifetime while needlessly killing a half million people and spawning ISIS" off of him, let alone the ignoring of the pre 9-11 intelligence, passing one massive tax cut each for the wars he started, and then winning in 2004 by stoking homophobia in the swing states and claiming that gave him a mandate to privatize social security... Oh yeah, and the fucking torture. Fuck W. I hope his balls drop off into his shoe and he steps on them.
So it's his own fault for calling out Putin for another assassination by poison?
That's hard to argue with. Who knows if the writing was on the wall before that. I felt that too. It was clearly too much for Putin's girlfriend to handle. I guess he deserved it.
We will very soon miss Tillerson when we see what comes next.
I was saying that we all rallied to hate on Bush. Why was there such an uptick in bloggers in 2006? I am susceptible to humor, however. I blame W.C. Fields. I think it was, "Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay," that finally made me forgive Bush. I don't really forgive him for his crimes against humanity. I just learned to accept it and not hate on him. That will never happen with the monster. My fucking death bed. No way in hell. But you are right. Someone was kind enough to explain to me that there was no need to invade Afghanistan in 2002. It wasn't really on my radar. I was in London. But in walking through South Kensington near Hyde Park, I do recall a large group of, Iraqis? Chaldeans? Well someone who opposed the U.S. invasion of Iraq. I wasn't sure what they were talking about. It was the one year anniversary of September 11th. But they knew that war was in the works.
Returning to the States in late September, I soon began to hear Bush and Cheney's insane rhetoric that led up to the war in Iraq. Nobody really took it seriously. They were too busy making fun of Saddam Hussein. But sure enough, by late February, just about everybody knew that it was a done deal. They started loading up the Bob Hope Class Cargo CArrier in San Diego Harbor some time in January. A crew of crane operators, longshoremen and U.S. Navy spent more than a week supervising and loading this massive cargo ship with most of the available military equipment, vehicles and supplies that the U.S. Army had available to ship from the port city to the Persian Gulf.
They loaded it to the gunwhales with Humvees, Bradley fighting vehicles, tents, tanks, shit. It's hard to remember. Guns? Ammo? It was a lot of stuff. I famously told my reader(s) that none of that shit would ever find its way back to the U.S. I wqas proven correct ten years later.
This was better than 50% of the equipment and ammunition of the U.S. Army. All shipped to Iraq to back up the initial Navy shelling of Baghdad.
The main thing that they cared about was air-conditioned tents and equipment to supply the Forward Operating Bases. Can't have our soldiers in harm's way without MacDonalds, Burger King and cigarets, can we?
So the Shrub gives Saddam 48 hours to surrender. Like we all hadn't seen the charge to war since October 2002. Everybody except for the typical idiots watching CNN, hoping to see some more twizzlers.
So the real war is on. Not the half-ass effort in Afghanistan where we let Bin Laden escape by assigning his capture to friendly, "Warlords."
No. I'm talking about the real war that Cheney wanted. It didn't matter that Iraq didn't fire one bullet on a U.S. soldier. It was important to Cheney to get on a, "firm, war footing."
This is the part where you bros have to believe me. That includes you one-armed wankng monsters. I'm not lying.
I had just read about the loading of the Bob Hope Class Carrier being loaded for one week on the docks of the San Diego Harbor, with all of the Navy hoopla, cranes, et cetera...
I happened to be working at a prestigious nursing home in La Jolla, directly north of the Marine Street Beach. Near Pearl Street and Coast Boulevard. The SNF was located on the fifth floor, some eighty feet above the mean tideline. 480 linear feet of the most expensive real estate on the coast of San Diego.
What I am getting at is that I was one of the people who worked and set things up for the Solarium of the White Sands of La Jolla. It was one helluva surf check. I walked past this place about 1,500 times before I even knew waht it was.
I saw that goddam cargo carrier as it chugged northeast in shallow water from the harbor to La Jolla. I saw the massive ship tack left, or southwest, on its way out to the shipping channel that would let it hug the coast from Central American down to the Panama Canal. That boat left the harbor, went through the locks of the Panama Canal and ended up in the Persian Gulf. That's how all of those precious resources ended up in Iraq.
Butt Trumpet was always guaranteed to replace a micro dick white boy like Tillerson with another micro dick white boy. So Pompeo it is then. How predictable.
Does anyone have a fainting couch? Miss Lindsey Graham has one or two when he gets the faints. Not big enough fer a moose, I reckon. I'm sure Miss Lindsey would enjoy such swell company, brain worms or not.
"In 13 out of 19 Baltimore high schools, not one kid passed minimum proficiency tests, the school system has a deficit so bad teachers are being laid off and the city says they can't heat the schools, yet they're going to take 3,000 school kids to DC so "their voices are heard" at a gun control rally. With lunch and a free t-shirt. Projected bill to taxpayers: $100,000. Meanwhile, Baltimore ranks just below Juarez for most violent cities in the world . Keeping them company on the list are St Louis, New Orleans and Detroit. These four have something in common, and it isn't the NRA. The city of Baltimore has an astounding murder rate of 55.48 people per hundred thousand. Last year's murder rate was nearly as high as the year that the riots erupted over the killing of Freddie Gray by city police officers. There's a murder nearly every day of the year in Baltimore and the police force there is widely considered to be one of the most corrupt – if not the most corrupt – in the nation." Via ZeroHedge
I can't understand why you'd charge a negligent parent or two when their toddler kills 11 month old baby with parent's handgun. Happens all the time in wasicu wingnutland.
So the Republicans spent ten million dollars and brought the president and vice president to campaign for a mostly symbolic election (the district will be split in four in November) and still lost. In a district Fergus won by twenty points. In Pennsylvania, on the West Virginia border.
The exodus of white "people" from positions of power is always a cause for celebration. It is preferable if it's through force, especially by a member of the superior black race.
Seth Richs family is suing the shit out of Fake Noize for lying about how Rich died and trying to make a conspiracy out of his death.
Joke from desert wasteland- there seems to be some doubt about hoosier daddy. Yer mutha claims she only had three lovers before you were shit out on a fence post- the Green Bay Packers, the 182nd Airborne and every stray Mexican in Arizona. Can't call you a true bastard until we know you were sitting on the church steps eating crackers while mom and dad were inside getting married.
Looks like Nikita Krus...,..Haley is next to be fired. Apparently the US believes Russia is behind poisoning in England. Does Drumpf know he is being undermined? Hold on to yer hats boys and girls.
I thought most black people didn't care about working. They prefer sucking at the teet of government assistance. Most black people are happy just getting a part time gig at McDonalds or a gas station.
Why do most black men care more about their dicks than about bettering their communities? ---------- Why do white fuckboys care more about trolling on the internet than bettering themselves through education?
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***The views expressed on this site are the field's and the field's alone. They do not reflect the views of his employer, or any professional or legal organization with which he is affiliated.***
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Money is nice, but being able to speak my mind is better.
"Real talk: Daniel Rubin has a great little piece up wherein he chats with The Field Negro, the Philly-based blogger who sharply ponders all things black on a daily basis. (Seriously, if you’ve never checked in with TFN, you should: Its author, Wayne Bennett, is a fantastic read who can cut through bullshit like a hot knife through butter, which is a far grosser analogy than I wanted to make, but there you have it.)" ~Philebrity~
"One of the most precocious and hilarious Black political minds on the net. Ive been a long-time fan!" ~Asad Malik~
"..While most of what he writes is tongue-in-cheek, his space is a safe house for candid discussions about race, especially in the comments section, where people of all colors meet." ~~Daniel Rubin, "The Philadelphia Inquirer"~~
"To white people, Bennett's musings are like kitchen-table talk from a kitchen they may otherwise never set foot in. To African Americans, he is part of a growing army of black Internet amateurs who have taken up the work once reserved for ministers and professional activists: the work of setting a black agenda, shaping black opinion and calling attention to the state of the nation's racial affairs."
~~Richard Fausset, "L.A. Times"~~~
"That's why I love the blog "Field Negro" so much. Field, as he's known to his fans, has the sense of reality that it takes to call out the (CowPuckey) of blame beating by those who are in positions of power and their lackeys. Because of his handle and his unabashed way of writing about racial issues, Field is often cited as a "Black blogger." What he is, however, is a first-class detector of blame deflection and an excellent student of history. If you want to write about the past and future of repression there's really no other perspective to take - which is why everyone should read Field."
Raised in the house, but field certified. Jamaica is the land of my birth, but I consider myself a citizen of the world. I currently practice law in the city of "brotherly love".
"Half a century after Little Rock, the Montgomery bus boycott and the tumultuous dawn of the modern civil rights era, the new face of the movement is Facebook, MySpace and some 150 black blogs united in an Internet alliance they call the AfroSpear.
Older, familiar leaders such as Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and NAACP Chairman Julian Bond, are under challenge by a younger generation of bloggers known by such provocative screen names as Field Negro, thefreeslave and African American Political Pundit. And many of the newest struggles are being waged online." ~Howard Witt-The Chicago Tribune~
"I had no idea, for example, of the extent of the African-American blogging world out there and its collective powers of dissemination.But now, after reading thousands of anguished, thoughtful comments posted on these blogs reflecting on issues of persistent racial discrimination in the nation's schools and courtrooms, what's clear to me is that there's a new, "virtual" civil rights movement out there on the Internet that can reach more people in a few hours than all the protest marches, sit-ins and boycotts of the 1950s and 60s put together." ~Chicago Tribune Reporter, Howard Witt~
so much going on today and you sleep
What's going on today?
So now we get another torturer running the CIA. The hits just keep coming.
-Doug in Oakland
LAAA ... AAA ... AAA ... AAA ... AAA ... AMB!!!
Eat shit Trumptwats
-Doug in Oakland
They're dropping like flies and Manafort is under "home incarceration" because he is a flight risk with the means to flee who is facing the very real possibility of spending the rest of his life in prison.
-Doug in Oakland
Of course Doug, your nancy syndrome is on full display. Does anyone have a fainting couch?
That's what Mrs. Junior was telling me, that the new chief of the CIA was an architect of torture. Good Goddess, she's only thirty-eight years old. The next president will be tasked with firing her. True libertarians want to get the fuck rid of the entire CIA.
Everybody else, Especially you dimwit Nazi Trolls who actually like the monster,
I was more concerned about Rex. Tillerson was the only person in the entire cabinet from hell that I supported. The poor bastard was hand-picked from the oil industry as the best guy to support Trump's worldwide interests in conquest and earth-scorching. How could any president be enough of an arsehole to fire his SOS in a motherfucking goddamn tweet? He didn't have the respect or manhood to simply call a one-on-one meeting. From when the demon Trump announced his retarded plan to meet with his North Korean admirer without consulting with Rex T. to yesterday's fatal flaw in the U.S. Constitution, Tillerson was still doing his best to put a good face on the Trump administration to the world. I hope that if a democrat wins next time, he or she might consider Rex for the next SOS. I mean, come on. The fuck! We are all Americans. What would Lincoln do? You dumbfucks need to get off cable TV and watch some Serling.
I'll be goddammed if he wasn't doing his level best to be the best Secretary of State that he could. He didn't expect to be the next Jefferson. But that's a pretty fine line between keeping your job as someone who actually cares if people live or die and keeping the monster himself happy. He was just the CEO of an oil company. He wasn't Satan. Give the guy the credit he deserves. Look for the standing of the U.S. to deteriorate in the eyes of the world any day now.
I'm through talking with any idiot who still supports Trump. Idiot is not enough of a pejorative. How about willfully ignorant, anti-social... There are no words. It's the same thing that happened with the Third Reich you bitshes from hell.
Sadly, although Tillerson was an oil-friendly choice, it didn't really make sense to appoint someone from the industry to U.S. SOS. Did the Shrub and Darth Cheney ever do something that ill-informed and pointless? Short answer, no. Cheney set up an energy-friendly group of guys to handle the FERC.
Remember, the Shrub was the worst president ever. The only reason we remember him fondly today was the image of him portrayed by the comedians. Will Farrell even acknowledged that the Shrub was no longer hatable, in one last enactment after the inauguration of the monster. "How do you like me now?" asked the comic Bush.
Bush would be better. We all should be so lucky.
Well, Tillerson did call Fergus a fucking moron, so there's that. But yesterday he pretty much sided with the UK against Russia, and that's the opposite of what he was hired, with Putin's blessing over Romney, to do.
Bush still sucks. There's nothing the press or entertainment can do to wash the "moron who lied us into a war that destabilized the middle east for the rest of my lifetime while needlessly killing a half million people and spawning ISIS" off of him, let alone the ignoring of the pre 9-11 intelligence, passing one massive tax cut each for the wars he started, and then winning in 2004 by stoking homophobia in the swing states and claiming that gave him a mandate to privatize social security...
Oh yeah, and the fucking torture.
Fuck W. I hope his balls drop off into his shoe and he steps on them.
-Doug in Oakland
-Doug in Oakland
So it's his own fault for calling out Putin for another assassination by poison?
That's hard to argue with. Who knows if the writing was on the wall before that. I felt that too. It was clearly too much for Putin's girlfriend to handle. I guess he deserved it.
We will very soon miss Tillerson when we see what comes next.
I was saying that we all rallied to hate on Bush. Why was there such an uptick in bloggers in 2006? I am susceptible to humor, however. I blame W.C. Fields. I think it was, "Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay," that finally made me forgive Bush. I don't really forgive him for his crimes against humanity. I just learned to accept it and not hate on him. That will never happen with the monster. My fucking death bed. No way in hell. But you are right. Someone was kind enough to explain to me that there was no need to invade Afghanistan in 2002. It wasn't really on my radar. I was in London. But in walking through South Kensington near Hyde Park, I do recall a large group of, Iraqis? Chaldeans? Well someone who opposed the U.S. invasion of Iraq. I wasn't sure what they were talking about. It was the one year anniversary of September 11th. But they knew that war was in the works.
Returning to the States in late September, I soon began to hear Bush and Cheney's insane rhetoric that led up to the war in Iraq. Nobody really took it seriously. They were too busy making fun of Saddam Hussein. But sure enough, by late February, just about everybody knew that it was a done deal. They started loading up the Bob Hope Class Cargo CArrier in San Diego Harbor some time in January. A crew of crane operators, longshoremen and U.S. Navy spent more than a week supervising and loading this massive cargo ship with most of the available military equipment, vehicles and supplies that the U.S. Army had available to ship from the port city to the Persian Gulf.
They loaded it to the gunwhales with Humvees, Bradley fighting vehicles, tents, tanks, shit. It's hard to remember. Guns? Ammo? It was a lot of stuff. I famously told my reader(s) that none of that shit would ever find its way back to the U.S. I wqas proven correct ten years later.
This was better than 50% of the equipment and ammunition of the U.S. Army. All shipped to Iraq to back up the initial Navy shelling of Baghdad.
The main thing that they cared about was air-conditioned tents and equipment to supply the Forward Operating Bases. Can't have our soldiers in harm's way without MacDonalds, Burger King and cigarets, can we?
So the Shrub gives Saddam 48 hours to surrender. Like we all hadn't seen the charge to war since October 2002. Everybody except for the typical idiots watching CNN, hoping to see some more twizzlers.
So the real war is on. Not the half-ass effort in Afghanistan where we let Bin Laden escape by assigning his capture to friendly, "Warlords."
No. I'm talking about the real war that Cheney wanted. It didn't matter that Iraq didn't fire one bullet on a U.S. soldier. It was important to Cheney to get on a, "firm, war footing."
This is the part where you bros have to believe me. That includes you one-armed wankng monsters. I'm not lying.
I had just read about the loading of the Bob Hope Class Carrier being loaded for one week on the docks of the San Diego Harbor, with all of the Navy hoopla, cranes, et cetera...
I happened to be working at a prestigious nursing home in La Jolla, directly north of the Marine Street Beach. Near Pearl Street and Coast Boulevard. The SNF was located on the fifth floor, some eighty feet above the mean tideline. 480 linear feet of the most expensive real estate on the coast of San Diego.
What I am getting at is that I was one of the people who worked and set things up for the Solarium of the White Sands of La Jolla. It was one helluva surf check. I walked past this place about 1,500 times before I even knew waht it was.
I saw that goddam cargo carrier as it chugged northeast in shallow water from the harbor to La Jolla. I saw the massive ship tack left, or southwest, on its way out to the shipping channel that would let it hug the coast from Central American down to the Panama Canal. That boat left the harbor, went through the locks of the Panama Canal and ended up in the Persian Gulf. That's how all of those precious resources ended up in Iraq.
Butt Trumpet was always guaranteed to replace a micro dick white boy like Tillerson with another micro dick white boy. So Pompeo it is then. How predictable.
I kissed a black girl for the first time last night. She tasted like coconut. Didn't expect that.
Hopefully tr**p, Pence, and Paul Ryan will lose their jobs in the near future.
R.I.P. Stephen Hawking.
Brilliant scientist, funny man, and like most highly intelligent people a good Socialist.
Surprised it took this long to blame us for nipple’s husband🙄🙄:
Of course, they didn’t mention voter suppression or gerrymandering, but hey, it’s a story!
Does anyone have a fainting couch? Miss Lindsey Graham has one or two when he gets the faints. Not big enough fer a moose, I reckon. I'm sure Miss Lindsey would enjoy such swell company, brain worms or not.
"In 13 out of 19 Baltimore high schools, not one kid passed minimum proficiency tests, the school system has a deficit so bad teachers are being laid off and the city says they can't heat the schools, yet they're going to take 3,000 school kids to DC so "their voices are heard" at a gun control rally. With lunch and a free t-shirt. Projected bill to taxpayers: $100,000.
Meanwhile, Baltimore ranks just below Juarez for most violent cities in the world . Keeping them company on the list are St Louis, New Orleans and Detroit. These four have something in common, and it isn't the NRA.
The city of Baltimore has an astounding murder rate of 55.48 people per hundred thousand. Last year's murder rate was nearly as high as the year that the riots erupted over the killing of Freddie Gray by city police officers. There's a murder nearly every day of the year in Baltimore and the police force there is widely considered to be one of the most corrupt – if not the most corrupt – in the nation." Via ZeroHedge
Car tied to home invasion by negroes and deadly fire found in western NC
By WWAY News -
March 13, 2018 12:10 PM
ICE Spokesman Resigns, Saying He Could No Longer Spread Falsehoods for Trump Administration
The president thinks our country is defended by the “Marine Core.”
It’s just embarrassing how often he says/tweets inane stuff like this. Won’t bother his voters, though, because they are also exceedingly dumb.
I can't understand why you'd charge a negligent parent or two when their toddler kills 11 month old baby with parent's handgun. Happens all the time in wasicu wingnutland.
2 accidental dischasrges by good guys with guns in schools in one day.Fuck the NRA and its supporters.
How delusional are stoopid fucking evangelicals? Plenty. 44% think Drumpf has a strong moral core.
So the Republicans spent ten million dollars and brought the president and vice president to campaign for a mostly symbolic election (the district will be split in four in November) and still lost.
In a district Fergus won by twenty points.
In Pennsylvania, on the West Virginia border.
-Doug in Oakland
The exodus of white "people" from positions of power is always a cause for celebration. It is preferable if it's through force, especially by a member of the superior black race.
#BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful
How long would Pompeo last in this position? A couple of months maybe?
Mike from Iowa, your fat single mama must have been one nasty cunt.
”2 accidental dischasrges by good guys with guns in schools in one day.Fuck the NRA and its supporters.“
The only thing that can stop a bad teacher with a gun is a good student with a gun. Guess we’ll have arm the elementary school kids!
Niggers are great !
Seth Richs family is suing the shit out of Fake Noize for lying about how Rich died and trying to make a conspiracy out of his death.
Joke from desert wasteland- there seems to be some doubt about hoosier daddy. Yer mutha claims she only had three lovers before you were shit out on a fence post- the Green Bay Packers, the 182nd Airborne and every stray Mexican in Arizona. Can't call you a true bastard until we know you were sitting on the church steps eating crackers while mom and dad were inside getting married.
Looks like Nikita Krus...,..Haley is next to be fired. Apparently the US believes Russia is behind poisoning in England. Does Drumpf know he is being undermined? Hold on to yer hats boys and girls.
Yup, it was them. Rexxie Rexrex said as much and now he's toasty toasttoast.
Perhaps Fergus can get asylum from them when he's convicted...
-Doug in Oakland
I thought most black people didn't care about working. They prefer sucking at the teet of government assistance. Most black people are happy just getting a part time gig at McDonalds or a gas station.
See more at:
Why do most black men care more about their dicks than about bettering their communities?
Sand dune Joke, Rumour has it yer mother went down on the Titanic before the Titanic went down. Aren't these mother games fun?
Canada is placing the likenesses of Black Canadians on their currency. Drumpf declares war and the military ignores him.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
So is Anderson Cooper interviewing Stormy or not?
Why do most black men care more about their dicks than about bettering their communities?
Why do white fuckboys care more about trolling on the internet than bettering themselves through education?
Why do whites care more about getting high on meth than not selling their kids for it?
White people are a joke.
”2 accidental dischasrges by good guys with guns in schools in one day.Fuck the NRA and its supporters.“
Basement Dweller said...
White people are a joke.
7:41 AM
Who invented Black Panther?
Who invented Black Panther?
Same guy who invented Spiderman.
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