"It’s fashionable in the Donald Trump era to decry political “tribalism,” especially if you’re a conservative attempting to criticize Trump without incurring the wrath of his supporters. House Speaker Paul Ryan has lamented the “tribalism” of American politics. Arizona Senator Jeff Flake has said that “tribalism is ruining us.” Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse has written a book warning that “partisan tribalism is statistically higher than at any point since the Civil War.”
Take Tuesday’s midterm elections. In New York’s Nineteenth Congressional District, the Democrat Antonio Delgado, a Harvard-educated, African American Rhodes scholar, defeated the incumbent Republican John Faso in a district that is 84 percent white, despite Faso caricaturing Delgado as a “big-city rapper.” In Georgia, the Republican Brian Kemp appears to have defeated the Democrat Stacey Abrams after using his position as secretary of state to weaken the power of the black vote in the state and tying his opponent to the New Black Panther Party. In Florida, the Republican Ron DeSantis defeated the Democrat Andrew Gillum after a campaign in which DeSantis’s supporters made racist remarks about Gillum. The Republican Duncan Hunter, who is under indictment, won after running a campaign falsely tying his Democratic opponent, Ammar Campa-Najjar, who is of Latino and Arab descent, to terrorism. In North Dakota, Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp lost reelection after Republicans adopted a voter-ID law designed to disenfranchise the Native American voters who powered her upset win in 2012. President Trump spent weeks claiming that a caravan of migrants in Latin America headed for the United States poses a grave threat to national security, an assessment the Pentagon disagrees with. In Illinois on Tuesday, thousands of Republicans voted for a longtime Nazi who now prefers to describe himself as a “white racialist”; in Virginia, more than a million cast ballots for a neo-Confederate running for Senate.
A large number of Republican candidates, led by the president, ran racist or bigoted campaigns against their opponents. But those opponents cannot be said to belong to a “tribe.” No common ethnic or religious ties bind Heitkamp, Campa-Najjar, Delgado, or the constituencies that elected them. It was their Republican opponents who turned to “tribalism,” painting them as scary or dangerous, and working to disenfranchise their supporters.
The urgency of the Republican strategy stems in part from the recognition that the core of the GOP agenda—slashing the social safety net and reducing taxes on the wealthy—is deeply unpopular. Progressive ballot initiatives, including the expansion of Medicaid, anti-gerrymandering measures, and the restoration of voting rights for formerly incarcerated people, succeeded even in red states. If Republicans ran on their policy agenda alone, they would be at a disadvantage. So they have turned to a destructive politics of white identity, one that seeks a path to power by deliberately dividing the country along racial and sectarian lines. They portray the nation as the birthright of white, heterosexual Christians, and label the growing population of those who don’t fit that mold or reject that moral framework as dangerous usurpers.
I am not arguing that the Democratic Party or its members are particularly virtuous. A little more than a century ago, it was the Republican Party that was reliant on a diverse coalition of voters, and the Democratic Party that rode white rage to power. Rather, I am saying that when a party’s viability is dependent on a diverse coalition of voters, that party will necessarily stand for pluralism and equal rights, because its survival depends on it. And when a party is not diverse, it will rely on demonizing those who are different, because no constituency exists within that party to prevent it from doing so, or to show its members that they have nothing to fear.
In the Trump era, America finds itself with two political parties: one that’s growing more reliant on the nation’s diversity, and one that sees its path to power in stoking fear and rage toward those who are different. America doesn’t have a “tribalism” problem. It has a racism problem. And the parties are not equally responsible." [Source]
Owning one’s projection is courageous and humbling; particularly Michelle Obama possesses the very indiscretion she dislikes about 45. Michelle’s entire family considers her a bully. She has a temper for which the media went out of their way to protect.
Barry Obama's (Harvard Law School) classmate said Michelle flew from Chicago to visit Barry often; driving around in his raggedy Toyota. Both argued constantly. Michelle showed up unexpectedly at the library where Barry studied with girls. Michelle became so enraged she possessively put her hand on his shoulder then gave Barry a glaring look as if you know what time it is! Another time, Michelle threw a fit when she found Barry with another woman. Michelle drove a lot of Barack’s friends away with her rude cantankerous demeaner.
Fast forward, Michelle went in on Tavis Smiley during the debate at Howard University. After the debate- camera still rolling- she went on stage yanked Smiley by the back of his jacket saying “why are you messing with Barack” in front of thousands.
Michelle interfered with White House policy sending scolding emails. Michelle bullied White House staff, many hid in closets when she walked the halls. So who is the really bully…you know the saying you can take the rat out of the hood but you can’t take the hood out of the rat. Just watch reality TV shows with “accomplished” black “professionals.”
Anonymous said...
"Owning one’s projection is courageous and humbling; particularly Michelle Obama possesses the very indiscretion she dislikes about 45. Michelle’s entire family considers her a bully. She has a temper for which the media went out of their way to protect."
Please go to Storm Front and post your whining crap about Michelle there, and leave us normal people alone. And have a nice night.
Bravo, Field. This article tells it like it is. Be prepared for a barrage of hate-filled posts with opposing views. Do you suppose they are paid to do this?
Micro dick white boys will always put up walls and fences to ensure their kind is safe from well endowed black men. Butt Trumpet and his cult promote this because they are threatened by men who are packing more between their legs.
Anytime MO goes on a television looks into a camera declaring she has a great marriage apparently is trying to convince herself. A secure marriage needs no public declaration.
A lap dog does what lap dogs do!
Fag Negro is a hack.
"The urgency of the Republican strategy stems in part from the recognition that the core of the GOP agenda—slashing the social safety net and reducing taxes on the wealthy—is deeply unpopular. Progressive ballot initiatives, including the expansion of Medicaid, anti-gerrymandering measures, and the restoration of voting rights for formerly incarcerated people, succeeded even in red states. If Republicans ran on their policy agenda alone, they would be at a disadvantage. So they have turned to a destructive politics of white identity, one that seeks a path to power by deliberately dividing the country along racial and sectarian lines."
This is it in a nutshell. The Republican Party is a con. Establishment conservatives had the goal of rejiggering the economy to favor the rich. And because this was never going to a popular message, they could only win votes for this by scaremongering about non-whites and non-Christians, making those people out to be a threat, and then promising to pass bigoted policies to eliminate the threat. And as their economically elitist policies created ever-greater income inequality, people got angrier and angrier, so those establishment conservatives had to keep ratcheting up the hate to deflect the anger away from themselves.
Well, if you do that long enough, eventually, your bluff will be called. People who believed all the bullshit you've been slinging will demand that you deliver on the racism and xenophobia you kept promising.
And suddenly, folks like Paul Ryan are acting like they have absolutely no idea how this happened. They are now whining about Republican "tribalism" as furious rednecks call them "cucks" and drive them out of the party while voting for Trump and similar horrible characters. It's really hard to see how this ends, other than the GOP turning into a literal fascist party.
Trump supporters have no heart, no morals, and no brains!
It's pretty obvious which party has a diversity problem. You wouldn't know it from conversations with Republicans who argue the opposite but just like the Acosta video, you have to trust your eyes.
"Please go to Storm Front and post your whining crap about Michelle there, and leave us normal people alone. And have a nice night."
Watching a special on CNN about Michelle. A really great woman and role-model.
So who is the really bully…you know the saying you can take the rat out of the hood but you can’t take the hood out of the rat. Just watch reality TV shows with “accomplished” black “professionals.”
This idiot doesn't have command of the English language. Either a Russian or just a stupid cracker. Also notice he bases his opinions of other races on reality tv. Got a real genius here. Who is the really bully? Bwahahahahahahahahaha
At least some Presidents didn't let a little rain prevent them from honoring our vets.
We're Chinese-American and think blacks shouldn't criticize shitty white people for their tribalism and racism when you people are quite possibly the most tribalistic race in the country. Plus you can get away with racism because your white liberal masters say so.
See more at:
Hoodrats are also attention horz..let it go you aint the 1st lady no mo!
Hoodrats are also attention horz..let it go you aint the 1st lady no mo!
Because there's a real ho in the White House. Naked pics and everything.
Correct. Both sides don't.
-Doug in Oakland
We're Japanese-American and think whites shouldn't criticize black people for their tribalism and racism when you people are quite possibly the most tribalistic race in the country. Plus you can get away with racism because you always have.
See more at whitefuckboysneedtostfu.com
PilotX said:
"Watching a special on CNN about Michelle. A really great woman and role-model."
Yes she is, I'm watching it too. Whata gal!
"Yes she is, I'm watching it too. Whata gal!"
Chicago girl. Southside!👍🏾
This whole cult/klan of Trump is almost as bad as anything the 1980's puked out.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Dear Field, the Eagles LOST.
The end.
Steve “CornHitler” King claimed he didn’t say anything racist at a recent campaign event. But unfortunately for him, there is a recording of him describing Mexicans as “dirt.”
It’s pretty upsetting that this repulsive character keeps getting re-elected. (Most recently, he won by a margin of 3.3%, which isn’t huge, but still ...) He doesn’t even seem to ever even accomplish anything useful for his district in Congress. WTF, Iowans? Shameful.
Conservative magazine posts recording of King using derogatory language against immigrants
It’s so weird that we no longer have wall-to-wall coverage of the migrant caravan anymore. Mysteriously, now that the midterms are over, nobody gives a shit about that anymore. Why, it’s almost like this was only ever a totally phony issue Trump ginned up in an unsuccessful attempt to scare Republican voters to the polls.
Wakanda = Fantasy
Haiti = Reality
Got it, dum-dums?
Gambler, if they are paid, whoever is paying them is wasting their money.😏
We all know which "side" is going to win in the nationalism vs. diversity contest--by 2040, in fact. That's the best news, maybe the only good news on the horizon. Meanwhile we've got Custer's Last Gasp, though Chauncey deVega told me "white resentment politics ain't going nowhere." It has to, it'll shrivel down to a few Dylann Roofs per month, maybe, but it will abate. Not very consoling if you're one of the ones terrorized or murdered, however.
I was surprised that Field didn't address Trump's obvious problem with uppity black women reporters. Some things are so obvious. Only reason he doesn't wear the Imperial Wizard outfit is that it might muss his hair.
12 November 2018. Meters of wall built = 0.
It would be Hillary-ously funny if Soros WAS paying these right wing trolls to make themselves look normally stoopid or stoopidly normal.
Give a dumbfucker wasicu a few bucks and tell them to act normally and this is what you get.
Accosta and CNN are suing Drumpf for loss of press credentials and I have a feeling a fair and impartial judge will drop the hammer on Drumpfuck's orange shithole.
It's so revealing that Field can't even write his own prose, he has to steal it from The Atlantic.
But calling this “tribalism” is misleading, because only one side of this divide remotely resembles a coalition based on ethnic and religious lines
Black voters vote for Dem candidates at upwards of 90%, and that is NOT tribalism?
only one side has committed itself to a political strategy that relies on stoking hatred and fear of the other.
Like "all white people are racist"? Any dem who could write this is a total hypocrite, lacking any shred of introspection.
Democratic candidates did not attack their white male opponents as dangerous because four white men carried out deadly acts of right-wing terrorism in the two weeks prior to the election.
Don Lemon: "So, we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them."
BTW, the terrorist event in Thousand Oaks was left-wing; dishonorably discharged Marine Ian David Long was a gun-control activist.
You might still have been something without black tribalism overriding meritocracy, but you fear white tribalism in self-defense. You are right to fear this, because it means the end of your gravy train. If white people had anything like the level of racial solidarity that minorities do, it would be our country again... and it will be. And guess what? You COULD have eschewed tribalism and race-baiting and avoided this, but you brought it all on yourselves.
But this is the kind of tribal thinking you get from the likes of tribe member (((Adam Serwer))). Tribalism for me, but not for thee.
And suddenly, folks like Paul Ryan are acting like they have absolutely no idea how this happened.
He knows exactly how it happened. He took his direction from his donors and ignored his constituents. The voters were long fed up with this and took the first opportunity to express their displeasure. This is how you got Trump.
They are now whining about Republican "tribalism" as furious rednecks call them "cucks" and drive them out of the party while voting for Trump and similar horrible characters.
So funny to see you get the vapors over "horrible characters", while ignoring the likes of Louis Farrakan, the literal retardedness of Hank Johnson, the corruption of Maxine Waters and the insanity of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. While I watch you suffer from being known by the company you keep, I'll invest in smelling salts.
A white teenager dies from injuries sustained in a football game:
Black fraudster sets up a GoFundMe account to try to profit from him:
It is such a waste of time and resources to police this shit. The USA would be immensely better off without black people. ANY black people. Such a pity that Blexit wasn't really a thing.
Hey, maybe you can take a page from the Mexicans and give us "a day without a black". It would be really nice to have 24 hours free of armed robbery, carjacking and incessant race hustling. And think of all the discipline problems NOT happening in public schools! (sigh) But you'll never do it. Even if you don't realize that it would be a tremendous own goal, you can't stop attention-whoring for even one day.
“We all know which ‘side’ is going to win in the nationalism vs. diversity contest--by 2040, in fact. That's the best news, maybe the only good news on the horizon.”
I hope we make it to 2040 before the country rips itself apart. Some days, it’s not so clear we will.
Black voters vote for Dem candidates at upwards of 90%, and that is NOT tribalism?
No it isn't. There are not enough Black voters left on voter rolls or even alive to become a tribe. White racist cops are seeing that Blacks permanently lose voting rights the old fashioned way.
So many of these people that commit the mass murders end up being Democrats."
— Claudia Tenney on Wednesday, February 21st, 2018 in a radio interview
Pants on Fire!
Liar liar pants on fire. Most shooters political leanings are no known.
the corruption of Maxine Waters
Fucking liar. She was not even charged with any crimes after wingnuts ginned up a bunch of shit about her, like they did with HRC.
Dems win Arizona Senate Seat.
“Black voters vote for Dem candidates at upwards of 90%, and that is NOT tribalism?”
No, that is voting for the party that doesn’t hate them.
“BTW, the terrorist event in Thousand Oaks was left-wing; dishonorably discharged Marine Ian David Long was a gun-control activist.”
False flag! False flag!
Obviously, people only commit mass shootings to motivate legislators to enact gun control laws. It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with mental illness or terrorism.
LOL, that sure is some brilliant logic you’ve got there, Alex Jones.
"There are not enough Black voters left on voter rolls or even alive to become a tribe."
Crazy Mike does it again, tries to imply that "tribe" means "majority". This is what the word means in this context:
1. any aggregate of people united by ties of descent from a common ancestor, community of customs and traditions, adherence to the same leaders, etc.
Words mean things, Mike. Blacks are a tribe, and voting 90+% for Dems is one of their traditions even if the Dems are replacing them with Mexicans.
"that is voting for the party that doesn’t hate them."
Getting their unemployment rate down to record-low levels is hating them? They should all vote for Trump in 2020, because with "haters" like that they sure don't need any Democrat love.
No white person should ever vote for a Democrat either. If they go crazy over "It's Okay To Be White", they sure have a lot of hate.
Crazy Mike does it again, tries to imply that "tribe" means "majority".
Tribe means tribe like Indian tribes doesn't mean majority. Anymoose is guessing or making stuff up.
Drumpfuck goes out of his way to insult all peoples of color and wingnuts wonder why these same people don't vote for them.
I really wish I was that clewless.
“Getting their unemployment rate down to record-low levels is hating them? They should all vote for Trump in 2020, because with ‘haters’ like that they sure don't need any Democrat love.”
You’re implying Trump has done something to reduce unemployment, among black people or anyone else. He has not. His only “accomplishment” in this department is that he has (so far) managed not to derail the already-healthy economy he inherited when he took office.
Here is the U.S. unemployment rate over time. If Trump had done anything useful to improve the economy, we should see a dramatic dip in unemployment, starting in 2017. But we don’t. There is no “Trump dip” in unemployment. It stays on the exact same trajectory it was on before his election.
Black people have no reason to be grateful for Trump. He hasn’t done jack for them.
“Black voters vote for Dem candidates at upwards of 90%, and that is NOT tribalism?”
And southern white voters and white males voting 90% Republican is ok?
"southern white voters and white males voting 90% Republican is ok?"
You've already conceded that whites voting for the people who hate them (Dems) is wrong, so they vote for the people who don't hate them (Republicans).
“You've already conceded that whites voting for the people who hate them (Dems) is wrong, so they vote for the people who don't hate them (Republicans).”
And that’s the Big Lie: There is no hatred or persecution of whites by Democrats comparable to the bigotry toward non-whites that exists in the Republican Party.
This fantasy is the fuel that Trumpism runs on.
Just for the record, refusing to kiss your ass and hand you all kinds of un-earned stuff is not "hatred and persecution".
RIP Stan Lee, founder of the only successful black nation in the history of the world.
PilotX said...
“And southern white voters and white males voting 90% Republican is ok?"
Actually it's under 70%, but keep pushing them and they'll get as unified as blacks are.
Here is another voter of color permanently removed from the voting rolls by a cop.
Midlothian cop must be a Troglodyte.
He seemed nice, not?
Drumpf is listed as 44th and worst bogus potus ever.
“Here is another voter of color permanently removed from the voting rolls by a cop.
This episode shows one of the major flaws in the NRA’s “good guy with a gun” theory: What if you’re the good guy, but the cops arrive and they decide you’re the bad guy? This is especially likely to happen when the good guy is black because ... well, do I really have to explain it?
Trump falsely claims there have been widespread irregularities in the Florida vote for governor/senator, and says that this means a recount should not happen. Specifically, he says, “An honest vote count is no longer possible — ballots massively infected. Must go with Election Night.”
Again, this is bullshit. There has been no evidence of any kind of meaningful voting hanky panky.
But if there had been, and it was to such a degree that ballots were “massively infected” and an “honest vote count” were “impossible,” that would not mean hooray, Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis got elected! It would mean you have to throw out all the ballots and hold brand new elections for those offices.
As usual, Trump doesn’t seem too clear on how democracy works.
this is bullshit. There has been no evidence of any kind of meaningful voting hanky panky.
- Absentee and early ballots opened in secret despite court order.
- Ballot totals not reported for either county within 30 minutes of close of polls, as required by Florida law.
- Failure to report number of uncounted ballots every 45 minutes as required by law.
- Sworn affidavit of ballots being filled out by election board personnel.
- Video record of ballots being transferred from private SUV to rented truck.
There's enough evidence there to put a whole lot of people behind bars for DECADES.
It would mean you have to throw out all the ballots and hold brand new elections for those offices.
After telling the cheaters exactly how hard they need to cheat in the re-vote?
As usual, Trump doesn’t seem too clear on how democracy works.
Enabling cheaters isn't how democracy works. It's how dictatorships with mock elections work, though.
Just for the record, refusing to kiss your ass and hand you all kinds of un-earned stuff is not "hatred and persecution".
Drumpfuck was handed the kremlin annex and expects everyone to kiss his ass, but it ain't happening and you notice how stoopid fucking aiding and abeting fucking wingnuts allow Drumpf to keep shitting on America the world over?
Why do all anomalies favor the left? Why do all questionable ballots favor the left? When ballots are found after the election, they vastly disproportionately favor the left. Every single time.
Sounds like the cheap painted slut in the kremlin annex is blowing off any advice from one of the classiest First Ladies we've ever had. Michelle is everything Melanoma would aspire to be if she was a decent, honorable non-illegal immigrunt married to an orange pig.
Anymoose @ 9:00 PM- Kavernmouth's classmates said he was a loud obnoxious whoredog of a drunk, but they were all lying according to Senate wingnuts.
Field Negro and sorry blacks like him need to renounce their US citizenship and move to Liberia. We have no need for those like him here. Most blacks are worthless. We will send you the worthless white people to join you as well. It would raise GDP.
Besides, don't American blacks prefer to be segregated anyway?
Know why the stock market tanked? George Soros is paying stocks to tank. That has to be the reason.
Traitor drumpfuck has cancelled visit to Arlington on Vet's Day because of rain having been forecast for that day.
Updated at 8:16 p.m. ET
As recounts are underway in Florida, a judge issued a warning on Monday to "ramp down the rhetoric" as top Republicans — including President Trump — are casting doubt on the process.
The Associated Press reports that law enforcement and elections monitors have found no evidence of wrongdoing, but Republican lawyers and candidates, along with Trump, have claimed — without evidence — that there have been voter irregularities and fraud, in addition to improper behavior by local voting officials, that cast doubt on the integrity of the process.
Drumpf and his fat irange mouth always has claims of cheating but never a shred of evidence to back up his lying mouth. Maybe the judge will hit him with contempt charge. He has obstructed justice and poisoned jury pools. What else can he fuck up?
-Doug in Oakland
Trump: Hahaha, I drove that cuck, Jeff Flake, out of the Senate by being an evil ogre.
Democrats: Hahaha, we won Jeff Flake’s Senate seat. Thanks, man!
"Traitor drumpfuck has cancelled visit to Arlington on Vet's Day because of rain having been forecast for that day."
How the hell vets can actually stand this fraud is beyond me. He insults a POW and now pulls this BS he should be persona non grata.
PilotX is a lying fool.
Monica Lewinsky, on Bill Clinton:
“If you want to know what power looks like, watch a man safely, even smugly, do interviews for decades, without ever worrying whether he will be asked the questions he doesn’t want to answer.”
"Democrats: Hahaha, we won Jeff Flake’s Senate seat. Thanks, man!"
Democrats stole Jeff Flake's seat.
There will be a price to pay.
Says a lot about Orpha who went “high’ after Michelle went “low” toward Orpha while First Lady. Quality character to love thy neighbor particularly one who spitefully used Orpha; kudos. Perhaps we can learn from Orpha how to respectfully treat those we dislike.
Says a lot about Oprah who went “high’ after Michelle went “low” toward Oprah while First Lady. Quality character to love thy neighbor particularly one who spitefully used Oprah; kudos. Perhaps we can learn from Orpha how to respectfully treat those we dislike.
Lewinsky is no victim, even though wingnuts have tried for years to convince Clinton took advantage of her.
Paula Jones' lawyers fucked her out of a decent settlement by not letting her settle. When they finally did settle her lawyers took the lion's share of her money for keeping her from settling for political reasons.
Fuck all stoopid fucking wingnuts, especially anymoosees.
Drumpfuck presides over another single largest natural fire disaster in American history. Not much of a legacy to leave behind.
This is how the colluder of the free world acts. Impeach last year.
As Drumpfuck the dumbfuck drains the swamp it gets deeper and deeper-
From Steve Benen:
"Law enforcement agencies reported 7,175 hate crimes occurred in 2017, up from 6,121 in 2016. That increase was fueled in part by more police departments reporting hate crime data to the FBI, but overall there is still a large number of departments that report no hate crimes to the federal database.
The sharp increase in hate crimes in 2017 came even as overall violent crime in America fell slightly, by 0.2 percent, after increases in 2015 and 2016.
More than half of hate crimes, about 3 out of every 5, targeted a person's race or ethnicity, while about 1 out of 5 targeted their religion."
-Doug in Oakland
Dems pick up another California congress seat from a wingnut.
Bernie's wife ain't a crook.
Maxine Waters ain't a crook.
HRC ain't a crook.
Drumpfuck the dumbfuck is crooked to the core but do you think wingnuts give a fuck?
More field negroe vomitus.....
Chicago Year 2018 to Date:
Shot & Killed: 436
Shot & Wounded: 2208
Total Shot: 2614
Total Homicides: 512
Rural white America year 2018 to date:
OD's: 65,000
Babies sold for meth: 75,000
Shower: 2
Teeth: 4
High school diplomas: 1
I may seem like a normal boy but I hide a secret anime life filled with romance and magic.
Could this be the work of Drumpfuck and his blind, inbred followers?
Of course it could be. Does not mean that it is, but.....
Actually, my anime life is full of removing stoopid fucking wingnuts from this planet and placing them in a parallel uni with armed ISIS killers and see who wins.
"The Trump administration closed a diplomatic office designed to keep track of released Guantanamo inmates and make sure they didn't return to their insurgencies. And now the U.S. government has lost track of several of them, including one who has returned to a terrorist-held part of Syria, a McClatchy investigation has found."
-Doug in Oakland
I can hear a lot of chainsaws running in the neighborhood. I guess there's nothing like half of a small city being incinerated close enough to put a smoky haze in the air to motivate folks to clear the brush away from their houses like they should have done back in April.
-Doug in Oakland
The Forgotten Story of Illinois's Black World War I Regiment
-Doug in Oakland
Could this be the work of Drumpfuck and his blind, inbred followers?
Far more likely to be the work of another Vester Lee Flanagan.
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
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