It happened again this past Saturday, and I suspect that it will happen again soon.
When the leader of our country chooses to find a moral equivalency between Nazis and the people protesting them, we might just have a problem.
Here is Will Bunch's take on our current state of affairs.
"Violent white nationalism had a horrible, horrible moment in America on Saturday.
That was punctuated on a sun-soaked morning in Southern California when the pop-pop-pop of an AR-15 semiautomatic in the hands of a 19-year-old, barely a man shattered the peace of a Passover service at a synagogue in Poway, Calif., near San Diego. A 60-year-old woman named Lori Gilbert Kaye was killed by the gunfire as she jumped in front of her congregation’s rabbi, who’d already had a couple fingers blown off by a bullet. Two others were wounded – all in service of the gunman’s insane rants that the Jewish people have been scheming to boost immigration to replace whites in America.
It was the exact same white-supremacist baloney that caused another man with an AR-15 to slaughter 11 Jews in a Pittsburgh synagogue exactly six months earlier to the day. And there were more storm clouds on the horizon. In a popular Washington bookstore, at virtually the same time as the latest synagogue shooting occurred, a crowd of so-called “white identitarians” with a bullhorn showed up to disrupt the author of a book on racial resentment called Dying of Whiteness, chanting “this land is our land.”
It would be hard to imagine a worse time to take a man who’d just been arrested two months ago with a giant cache of weapons and ammunition, whom authorities call a self-proclaimed white nationalist with an alleged hit list that included Supreme Court justices, Democratic politicians and TV journalists – and grant him freedom, even temporarily.
But Christopher Hasson, a 50-year-old Maryland man who was a high-ranking U.S. Coast Guard officer with a security clearance, may walk out of jail in a few days, maybe less. A federal judge said he can’t justify Hasson’s continued imprisonment because – despite his seeming terroristic threats – the U.S. Justice Department has only seen fit to charge him with low-level drug and weapons charges. This after the government had refused to even publicize Hasson’s arrest, which instead was stumbled upon by an enterprising journalist.
Experts say, to some extent, prosecutors are hamstrung by a criminal code that despite a so-called war on terror created no statutes to specifically address the specific terror threat posed by Hasson – motivated by white supremacy and stockpiling the kind of conventional weapons blessed by the National Rifle Association.
That may be true, but let’s be honest: The failure of AG Bill Barr’s Justice Department to move heaven and earth to keep Hasson in custody or even issue a press release alerting the public is symbolic of a giant blind spot in our nation’s capital when it comes to the deadly threat posed by white supremacy. And that giant buck stops at the desk of President Trump. Although U.S. policy on white homegrown terror has been abysmal since the turn of this century, this president – with his vainglorious refusal to admit that an immoral strain of white nationalism helped elect him in 2016 – and his administration are making the problem much, much worse.
Trump has repeatedly made clear his opinion that violent white extremism is not a problem in his America. When an Australian man poisoned by the same kind of internet extremism that’s fueled the U.S. synagogue shootings murdered 50 worshipers in a New Zealand mosque, with words of praise for Trump in his manifesto, reporters asked the president about the wider threat.
“I don’t think it’s a problem,” insisted the man who also still stands by his claim that 2017′s violence-sparking, white-supremacist march in Charlottesville had “very fine people on both sides." Trump added: " I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems."
Except that terror attacks by far-right extremists more than quadrupled in the year that Trump became president, according to the Center for Strategic and International Studies. That dramatized the fact that after spending billions on a vast infrastructure that primarily targeted Islamic extremism, the much greater threat in this country has a white face. Some of 71 percent of murders by political extremists in America from 2008 through 2017 were by right-wingers, according to the Anti-Defamation League (and 26 percent by Islamists) – and that imbalance seems to be increasing.
Trump’s see-no-evilism about white violence would be worrisome if just for the moral symbolism – but the blind spot has spread to actual policy. Some of this predates the current president – a 2009 government report calling for stepped-up measures on right-wing terror was famously shelved after howls from talk radio and other conservatives –but under Trump, the government has gone much further to avoid the problem.
George Selim, a former Homeland Security and National Security Council staffer under both Democratic and Republican presidents, said the government office most directly targeting domestic terrorism has seen its budget decimated under Trump, down from $21 million to just $3 million, and its staff reduced by more than half. Earlier this month, the Daily Beast reported that an entire unit of DHS intelligence analysts who tracked would-be domestic terrorists, which used to often issue warnings to local police, was quietly disbanded. Critics note the government isn’t even keeping stats on the right-wing attacks, leaving that task for outside groups.
It seems that Team Trump has zero interest in either poking a stick in the eye of the president’s most despicable yet also most enthusiastic supporters, nor would the 45th president’s ego ever allow the acknowledgement that it was a terroristic, hateful fringe that played an important and possibly decisive role in his razor-thin 2016 election.
The truly abominable thing is that white-nationalist terror isn’t the only area where Trump and his government is looking the other way – part because of our narcissistic president’s over-the-top vanity and in part because things that threaten American democracy often seem to be good news for the current occupant of the Oval Office. Consider the Russian election interference that – according to the Mueller report – played a critical role in 2016 and seems to remain a threat for next year’s presidential contest.
When she was Homeland Security secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen reportedly concluded that facing down new and different kinds of Russian election threats in 2020 was a major challenge that needed much greater government attention. But, according to the New York Times, Nielsen was ordered to keep that information away from Trump and his fury over any suggestion his 2016 win was less than legitimate. Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney reportedly told her it “wasn’t a great subject and should be kept below his [Trump’s] level.”
Seriously? It’s hard to imagine a greater threat to American democracy and freedom than foreign election interference and computer crimes – until you start pondering the growing white-nationalist movement in this country, and the diminished ability of people to buy a book or get on their knees and pray without fear of harassment or deadly violence.
A true democratic government would be working overtime right now to protect our synagogues, churches and mosques, our bookstores, and our ballot boxes from these insidious threats. Indeed, the grown-ups in Congress should try to pass legislation that will restore funding to the agencies that track domestic terror, require real-time reporting on the threat, and improve our terror laws so an imminent danger like Christopher Hasson can be taken off the streets.
But doing what needs to done will be very, very hard when an egomaniacal autocrat sits behind the Resolute Desk with his tiny hands clasped firmly over his ears – determined to muffle any ideas that might tarnish his legacy, let alone jeopardize the second term he needs to cement his authoritarian legacy ... and maybe keep him out of jail. America wakes up on a grim Sunday morning to the realization that we’re fighting a war against hate with a yawning black hole at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue where its commander is supposed to be. [Source]
*Pic from
*Pic from
I don’t really have much to add to Bunch’s commentary.
There are things we can do to combat this movement. We can all apply economic pressure to Internet giants to “deplatform” Nazi thugs and drive them off social media so they can’t recruit new members and spread their lies. Houses of worship and other likely targets of racist violence may have to consider taking private security measures.
But there’s really no substitute for getting rid of Trump and replacing him with a president who will actively use the power of the federal government to crack down on white supremacist groups and not encourage them.
Moar hate and contempt for America by whitey elected to protect all Americans, not just the rich wasicus-
McCTurtle fuckfaCE is as big a spoiled brat as the drumpfucker in the kremlin annex Putin elected.
Trump is not a fault for the results of 50 years of dismantling the country for the profit of globalists. You all wanted a white minority country with disintegrating social cohesion, and this is what you get.
But never pass up a chance to demonize one segment of society while you decry intolerance.
Honk honk.
Stinking defense lawyer's blog. Especially about someone he hates.
Well this is some extra fun news. A jihadi got busted for planning to bomb a white supremacist rally.
These groups are both filled with the vilest of scumbags. Maybe they will go to war and destroy each other, and the rest of us can put our heels up and watch? Is that really too much to ask for?
California Army veteran arrested for allegedly planning terror attack in ‘retribution’ for New Zealand mosque shootings
And the worst part about it is these white identity assholes are cowards. Why use a weapon of war on unarmed worshippers or school kids? What level of bitchassedness do you have to possess to shoot old people and kids? I mean c'mon if you're really a bad ass go at people who are also armed. Just cowards, they do need to be replaced.
Thank you for the report, Field. This one hit close to home. Poway is a little city in the country about twenty miles from my home. Our kids live in Poway. It has great neighborhoods and schools. Nice little town. Some San Diego and La Jolla Synagogues already have armed guards. Every church is discussing and looking for ways to protect our people. I had the privilege of discussing this with a faith leader from the local Mosque.
A few years back there were warnings that domestic terrorism would need to be the focus in the U.S. Today it is undeniable.
Happily, the shooter's gun jammed, or he would have killed many more people. You all read how he was involved with
Here is a screen grab from the twitter feed.
Here is a screen shot from
I'm so pleased a Jew church got shot up : )))))
Wish more Jews had died : /
No worries they'll be more synagogue shootups : ))))
Used to play the piano. Now he'll be playing the male organ!
The skinheads are going to turn him into a nigger stabbing machine.
i think the fact that kikes are getting shot now instead of camel fuckers is a good sign that "it's working". keep seeding the truth boys.
Fucking little boy monsters from hell. Now the little bastards are coming of age. All hell is breaking loose.
Maybe we could replace them with Jews.
"i think the fact that kikes are getting shot now instead of camel fuckers is a good sign that "it's working". keep seeding the truth boys."
But but but what about negro violence? Chicago!!!!!😖
How many white guys have to shoot up shit before we tell white guys, Hey, stop shooting up shit?
Gonna blow hisself up a bunch of whitey terrorists in Long Beach.
Just like the NFL, the original foul is seldom seen but the retaliatory strike always gets caUght.
Drumpfuck will probably be on twitter saying how nice the Long Beach racist rally goers are.
5-year-old girl taken to Birmingham hospital after Millbrook sexual assault by black man:
How many white guys have to shoot up shit before we tell white guys, Hey, stop shooting up shit?
Apparently not many. On a per capita basis, whites are the least likely to commit an act of terrorism like this
Don't recall this level of concern by the media or our government over the terrorist proclivities of a particular group when an African immigrant shot a bunch of old people in a church in Tennessee. Or the son of Afghan immigrants killed 49 people at a nightclub in Orlando. Speaking of cowards, just recently, a Somali guy in Minnesota threw a five-year old white boy off the third floor in the Mall of America, and in Colorado a black immigrant named Oghaleoghene Atuno tried to kill two young white boys by running them over with his car. In all of these cases, the focus was on the pathological behavior of the individual who committed the crime, and also expressing concern over preventing a backlash against the group from whence the perpetrator hailed.
You can sit here all day (which you will, as you do every day) and go back and forth with links of trailer park pig fuckers vs Chicago ghetto murderers etc., trying to prove the malfeasance and degeneracy of the other, but it's all just your participation in advancing the cause of your particular tribe. In the Age of Diversity, as Mayor of London Sadiq Khan says, "Living with terror attacks is part and parcel of living in a big city".
America is coming apart at the seams because the common culture that united us is being dismantled. When the common identity is shattered, people need to latch onto something to replace it. This project is too important to the Left to stop pushing the demographic change policies that are at root, so it's only going to get worse, and it has the upside of justifying their taking away ever more rights to squash the violence they are engendering.
Good times ahead.
an African immigrant shot a bunch of old people in a church in Tennessee
Killed one and wounded 6. FBI IMMEDIATELY opened civil rights investigation.
When whitey shoots bunches of Blacks no motive is ever considered immediately by the FBI.
Chicago 2019 April to Date:
Shot & Killed: 58
Shot & Wounded: 187
Total Shot: 245
Total Homicides: 59
Here is yer "America First" lying POS being the rank hypocrite he is
Turns away hundreds of Americans to hire c heap foreign labor he can exploit. Impeach the bitch!
Here we go again-
Honky assed wasicu school bus driver rapes 14 year old girl gets probation and no jail time. Too bad he wasn't Black. They would have thrown several books at him.
Don't feed me that shit about a first time offender. There should never be first time rapists running around. Put his ass in prison and let the prisoners decide his punishment.
Here is an older case of whitey rapist repeatedly raping student and barely getting slapped on the wrist. Judge blamed the 14 year old saying she looked older than 14. The creep got a 10 year suspended sentence and only had to serve 30 days. Meanwhile the young lady couldn't live with the way the court treated her and killed herself.
Another whuite rapist and white wingnut judge,
Another white rapist and another white wingnut judge.
Guy raped his 14 year old neighbor once and again at 18 and judge still refuses to sentence the poor white privileged bastard to jail time.
judge in California felt sorry for college swimmmer who raped unconscious drunk girl because he didn't cum in her. He got a slap on the wrist and whitey's world felt terrible for him and blamed his victim for being drunk enough to pass out.
Yeah, whitey hates women.
Let's focus on some positivity. Here's a guy introducing kids to aviation.
"On a per capita basis, whites are the least likely to commit an act of terrorism like this"
Data doesn't support this assertion. 76% of terrorism in the US was by right wing terrorism.
Once again, PilotX proves he doesn't understand per capita.
76% of terrorism in the US was by right wing terrorism"
This is a false statistic.
Black Mom shot dead in front of her sons in cell phone store by other blacks:
Black Georgia woman sentenced to death for murdering stepdaughter, 10
And Twitter says that they can't take the same measures they use to combat ISIS propaganda on their platform to deal with white supremacist incitements to violence because they would block Republican politicians.
-Doug in Oakland
“And Twitter says that they can't take the same measures they use to combat ISIS propaganda on their platform to deal with white supremacist incitements to violence because they would block Republican politicians.”
I don’t think Twitter’s management have officially admitted this.
But yes, leaks to journalists from inside the company indicate that this is their thinking. If they apply a consistent standard against white supremacists, this will also result in booting Republican politicians (including Trump?) off their platform. Since the social media network does not want to deal with the shitstorm that would ensue from GOP account deletions, they have elected to run away from the issue.
And this is why you have to deal with so many obnoxious Nazi trolls on Twitter.
Ask the Indians!!!!!
"Once again, PilotX proves he doesn't understand per capita."
Um, ok.
Finally a jury finds a cop who shot an unarmed suspect guilty of murder!
Wait. What? Oh yeah, the cop was BlaCK AND THE VICTIM WHITE.
"This is a false statistic."
Please direct us to the true stats. Thanks.
White cop hosed down neighbor in his apartment and gets charged with MANSLAUGHTER, not murder.
This may save some lives.
Even though white males participate in mass shootings waaaaaaaay outside of their percentage of the population. (understanding per capita)😂
PilotX said...
"(understanding per capita)"
You don't.
Mass shooting by race/ethnicity per 10,000,000 population*:
*Based on the Mother Jones online mass shooting database (1982-2016)
Wow, these evil wingnuts are going to get sued into the poorhouse. And all because they were desperately afraid of the dire threat to Trump posed by ... [squinting to read headline] ... Pete Buttigieg?
WTF? How does any Republican think Buttigieg has any chance whatsoever of winning the Democratic presidential nomination? How is this even worth it? Why bother trying to sabotage him of all people? I don’t get it.
Far-Right Smear Merchants Try to Slime Pete Buttigieg with Bogus Sex Assault Claim
“Mass shooting by race/ethnicity per 10,000,000 population*”
We’re not talking about “mass shootings,” which the FBI defines as simply multiple victims shot at once, statistics for which includes a whole bunch of street crime and crazy people.
We’re talking specifically about terrorism — politically motivated crime. And increasingly, it looks like white people are winning the contest for “I don’t like their kind”-based violence.
Hooray, white people are the racist-est!
"Mass shooting by race/ethnicity per 10,000,000 population*"
As the previous poster wrote the discussion was about right wing terrorism not shootings right? (still understanding per capita)
Math question, what is the percentage of white males in the US? Now use that number to figure out how it associates with 76% of acts of terrorism in the US.
"And increasingly, it looks like white people are winning the contest for “I don’t like their kind”-based violence."
Increasingly? That's been going on for centuries here. Tulsa, Springfield, Rosewood, Chicago, ect.
“Increasingly? That's been going on for centuries here. Tulsa, Springfield, Rosewood, Chicago, ect”
Fair enough.
But the amount of racist violence had been on an overall downward trend throughout the 20th century. That has reversed itself in recent years. Things are now getting worse, not better.
“But the amount of racist violence had been on an overall downward trend throughout the 20th century. That has reversed itself in recent years. Things are now getting worse, not better.”
And also, terrorism-wise, jihadis were the major threat from the ‘90s onward.
It’s no longer clear that’s the case. In terms of terrorist incidents occurring within the borders of the U.S., there are now way more being committed by white supremacists than jihadis, as pointed out that ADL study.
"But the amount of racist violence had been on an overall downward trend throughout the 20th century."
Fair enough.
Mueller calls Barr out😳
Uh oh.
Schiff Will Make Criminal Referral of Erik Prince
April 30, 2019 at 10:27 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 73 Comments
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) said that his panel would make a criminal referral to the Justice Department regarding potential false testimony by Erik Prince, the billionaire founder of the private military contractor Blackwater and an ally of President Trump, the Washington Post reports.
Said Schiff: “The evidence is so weighty that the Justice Department needs to consider this.”
-Doug in Oakland
White is the new terror.
I'm guessing if Brian May of Queen and Jim Morrison of the Doors had a child together it would look like this killer.
Looks like a son of Obama to me. Trayvon's half brother.
Looks like a son of Obama to me.
Better than a son of trump. They're all kind of dumb.
How many Mass Shootings (3 People shot and/or killed) happen everyday in America committed by Negroes?*75% of ALL Mass shooters are Black. *New York Times And oddly the MSM refuses to show Black dysfunction/violence as it truly is. Negroes and all of their problems and associated costs are the greatest threat to America and themselves. Followed by a close second of Jew and white commies. Colin Flaherty will gladly show you the light Field.
mike from iowa said...
"I'm guessing if Brian May of Queen and Jim Morrison of the Doors had a child together it would look like this killer."
Trystan sure doesn't look MAGA...This shooting disappeared from the news fast compared to the synagogue shooting, and more people were killed. This is strange.
Drumpf is guilty of quid pro quo- selling all our uranium to Rus.......moving embassy to JewrewSalem.
Colin Flaherty will gladly show stupid people stupid shit.
There, fixed it.
Stupid white supremacists and all of their problems and associated costs are the greatest threat to America and themselves. Inbred hillbillies are a close second.
Mueller sends a letter chewing Barr's fat ass with orange lip impressions all over it and Barr turns around and tells congress, under oath, he hadn't heard from Mueller. Chill, mfi. You know perjury by wingnuts does not rise to high crimes threshold like being black and legally elected twice did for Obama.
Seems that white-male terrorists hate white women as much as they hate everyone else.
It’s no coincidence the synagogue shooter posted about the ‘red pill movement’
John Earnest spent time on 8chan and mentioned ...
Moar hate from the right. Wingnuts censoring speech against Israel and some campuses are doing the same thing while wingnuts whine and bawl that right wing hate speech can't get a hearing on campuses.
Once again, thanks to a president who sends dog whistles to his white nationalist base, America is seeing a rise in hate crimes
Once again, thanks to a subversive movement which controls the media and the Narrative, America is seeing false-flag attacks to regain control of the news cycle.
lunatics who are being emboldened to slaughter innocent people in their houses of worship.
Rabid animals who are being emboldened to slaughter white children in shopping malls and their own neighborhoods. Only good luck and their own incompetence prevented multiple fatalities.
It happened again this past Saturday, and I suspect that it will happen again soon.
Yes, it was like clockwork. The hate-filled half-humans go off on murder sprees, and something MUST BE DONE to make white people the source of all the evil in the country they made from wilderness.
When the leader of our country chooses to find a moral equivalency between Nazis and the people protesting them, we might just have a problem.
When the media and (((its owners))) have to label as Nazis people who only want their monuments, neighborhoods and families left alone in order to justify their program of repression, people whose parents and grandparents FOUGHT actual Nazis and liberated those (((owners))), it is a sign that their control is falling apart. This is a good thing.
The failure of AG Bill Barr’s Justice Department to move heaven and earth to keep Hasson in custody or even issue a press release alerting the public is symbolic of a giant blind spot in our nation’s capital when it comes to the deadly threat posed by white supremacy.
Christopher Hasson didn't actually do anything, but his name was splashed all over the national media anyway because White Man Bad. The complicity of state's attorney Kim Foxx in Jussie Smollett's fake hate crime is symbolic of the left's demand for reinforcement of the White Man Bad narrative. Clown World assets cannot be developed fast enough and demand for hate crimes against blacks runs way beyond the supply, so the putative "victims" have started to manufacture them. We saw that with the "threats" against synagogues which came from an Israeli teenager. These complete hoaxes are still counted as "hate crimes" by the SPLC (Scummy Perversion of Law Center).
a 2009 government report calling for stepped-up measures on right-wing terror was famously shelved after howls from talk radio and other conservatives
Assassinations related to Black Lives Matter have a far higher death toll and there were 61 homicides in Chiraq alone just in April, but the Narrative remains White Man Bad so one dead and a few wounded in California takes top billing. Black man Jamon Ray Buggs murdered white Darren Partch and Wendy Miller just because they were available and he could not find the "Jared" he was looking for. Had the colors been reversed this crime would have been national news, but we are supposed to think that White Man Bad so this story will be buried.
It's too late to go back on it now. People have begun to Notice, and Hate.
Cool it with the anti-Semitism, mike.
"When the leader of our country chooses to find a moral equivalency between Nazis and the people protesting them, we might just have a problem."
Field Negro knows this is a lie, yet continues to repeat it.
State justice accused of sexual harassment that started when he was federal magistrate judge
By Debra Cassens Weiss
January 16, 2019, 1:12 pm CST
A justice on California’s Second District Court of Appeal in Los Angeles has been accused of a pattern of sexual harassment that began in 1999 when he was a federal magistrate judge.
The California Commission on Judicial Performance announced the allegations and charges against Justice Jeffrey W. Johnson, 58, on Monday, report the Los Angeles Times, the Recorder, the San Francisco Chronicle and Above the Law.
Johnson is accused of harassing two other appellate justices, court employees, police officers driving him to events, and outside attorneys. He is also accused of making inappropriate comments to two court employees while he was a federal magistrate judge.
A lawyer for Johnson told the publications that his client denied the allegations and had passed a lie detector test focusing on the most serious charges. “Justice Johnson remains respectful of the process of investigation and will rely on facts and documents to provide the truth,” said the lawyer, Paul Meyer, in a statement.
According to the commission, Johnson began harassing one of the appellate justices when she telephoned him to congratulate him on his appellate appointment in summer 2009. He told her then that he didn’t realize she was “so beautiful.”
During a judicial college event the next year, Johnson went to the justice’s hotel room and had to be repeatedly asked to leave, according to the allegations. He also allegedly proposed an affair that same year (he was rebuffed).
In one incident, the commission alleges, the justice told Johnson about a difficult hearing in the courthouse hallway. Johnson said, “Well, I should kiss and squeeze your titties to make you feel better,” or words to that effect, according to the commission. Then he allegedly squeezed the justice’s breast.
Liberals hoping the Jussie Smollett fiasco would fade away are not going to get their wish, as Chicago prosecutor Kim Foxx and her top deputy have been subpoenaed in connection with their handling of the case, as reported by the Chicago-Sun Times.
Late last week, retired appellate judge Sheila O’Brien filed a petition for a probe into the prosecutors’ handling of the actor’s case. A special prosecutor is needed according to the petition, as it claims Foxx’s handling of the case “was plagued with irregularities.”
Joseph Magats, Foxx’s deputy, as well as Foxx, are subpoenaed and requested to appear at the hearing. Smollett had been facing a 16-count indictment in Cook County before charges were inexplicably dropped in March.
The subpoena asks that Foxx, Magats, and Smollett provide original documents pertaining to the criminal case to ensure “that they have not been altered or destroyed and will not be destroyed throughout this case.” O’Brien posits that Foxx, who informally and ineffectively recused herself from the case due to contact she had with a Smollett relative, should have appointed a special prosecutor.
Even more:
Anonymous The ADL said...
Cool it with the anti-Semitism, mike.
11:38 AM
Yer proof of my anti-Semitism is......? I am on the record saying Israel is not America's friend. That says nothing about Jews, but I have noticed many Jews get extremely touchy and cry anti-semitism for the hell of it, just to get their way.
Drumpf claims he is not anti-semitic because his SIL is Jewish. As if that actually accounts for anything. Drumpf is anti-everything and pro-Drumpf.
mike from iowa said...
"I have noticed many Jews get extremely touchy and cry anti-semitism for the hell of it, just to get their way."
Noticing Jews what Jews do is the definition of anti-Semitism.
Pretty soon you are going to sent to jail for such noticing!
"I have noticed many Jews get extremely touchy and cry anti-semitism for the hell of it, just to get their way."
Gee, who else does does that?
Mohamed Noor trial: US police officer found guilty of third-degree murder of Justine Damond:
Speaking of Jews, anybody have a ball park figure for how many UN resolutions Israel has ignored? It only took 14 ignored resos tom bring down the wrath of neocommies on Saddam Hussein. So when is the impending invasion of Israel?
Anonymous said...
Mohamed Noor trial: US police officer found guilty of third-degree murder of Justine Damond:
As I posted yesterday, Texas wasicu female cop who hosed down her apartment neighbor in his apartment got convicted of manslaughter.
"Liberals hoping the Jussie Smollett fiasco would fade away are not going to get their wish"
Actually nobody gives a damn about this case but carry on.
“As I posted yesterday, Texas wasicu female cop who hosed down her apartment neighbor in his apartment got convicted of manslaughter.”
If you are talking about Amber Guyger, no, she didn’t. Her trial hasn’t happened yet; it’s scheduled for August, and she has been charged with murder.
Personally, I think manslaughter would be a more appropriate charge, though. So far, the evidence supports her claim that she believed she was entering her own apartment, so she likely did legitimately think she was defending herself against a burglar when she shot her neighbor.
I am highly skeptical that she will get convicted of murder. She may even get acquitted.
"People have begun to Notice, and Hate."
Well it's about time people have begun to notice. I guess all that bull shit years ago went unnoticed. Lynchings, no nigger signs, slavey...... nothing to see here folks. 😂
“Actually nobody gives a damn about this case but carry on.”
I think liberals in Chicago care much more about the possibility that local criminal justice reform efforts may get derailed by this stupid case. State’s Atty Kim Foxx was elected to clean up the police and put a halt to destructive “tough on crime” measures that over-punish minor criminal offenders.
But it now looks like she may have shedded her credibility on criminal justice reform by extending unjustified leniency to that fool Smollett. The police union are looking to use this case to have her removed from office, and they may succeed.
"I think liberals in Chicago care much more about the possibility that local criminal justice reform efforts may get derailed by this stupid case."
Nah, too much ammo to fight back. Commander Burge was the tip of the iceberg. Foxx is on pretty solid ground, this should blow over pretty quickly. And what is a Chicago liberal anyway?
"The police union are looking to use this case to have her removed from office, and they may succeed."
The police union isn't exactly the best example of piety. It will be interesting but I bet ya this blows over rather quickly.
“Nah, too much ammo to fight back. Commander Burge was the tip of the iceberg. Foxx is on pretty solid ground, this should blow over pretty quickly.”
We’ll see. The daggers are out for Kim Foxx. And unfortunately for her, she’s up for re-election next year, so there’s not a lot of time for the bad PR to die down before voters go to the polls.
I’m not saying she’s definitely done for, but I wouldn’t put any money on her sticking around, either.
Chicago Final April 2019 Totals (vs April 2018)
Shot & Killed: 60 (+76%)
Shot & Wounded: 189 (+4%)
Total Shot: 249 (+16%)
Total Homicides: 61 (+45%)
Kim Fixx is on pretty thin ice.
PilotX said...
"Foxx is on pretty solid ground, this should blow over pretty quickly."
You go girl!
Speaking of Jews, despite making up only 2% of the population, Jews account for 74% of the MeToo perpetrators.
Why doesn't the media talk about this?
Because despite making up only 2% of the population, Jews account for 99% of all major media ownership.
"And unfortunately for her, she’s up for re-election next year"
Not necessarily a bad thing because like you stated before she is a reformer and popular in the community. She's a smart cookie and knows where her support lies. Just watch.
"Kim Fixx is on pretty thin ice."
😂 only if she gives a shit what anons on FN blog thinks.
iowa's 4th district stoopid fucking wingnut pols want wingnuts in DC to reinstate Steve King's old committee spots for some damn reason or another. King is a pig of a human being and gets worse every second of every minute of every hour of every day, just like Drumpfuck the dumbfuck.
Anon @ 3:40, you are right. I misread part of the Guyger article. My humblest apologies if you think you have them coming.
Miss lindsey got crooked Bill Barr to admit Drumpf could be charged with obstruction without collusion. OOPS!
Wingnuts started off today'[s sinate hearing going after HRC and her emails.
3rd immigrant child has died in US custody. This one was 16.
> 3rd immigrant child has died in US custody.
Obviously, the solution is to NOT let them get into US custody. Keep them on the Mexican side of the border.
#BuildTheWall #DeportThemAll
Keep them on the Mexican side of the border. We have another law breaking wingnut here. What a surprise.
Moar Drumpf legacy-
Grab 'em by the pussies, soldiers.
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