The amazing thing here is just how much of "mike from iowa"'s fantasy life revolves around deviant sex, and how the most enthusiastically gay-bashing part of the US population (specifically, blacks) won't even call him a faggot.
P.R. pic: "Yes, we're actually a loving couple! Why, did you all REALLY think we have no emotions and sentiments? Don't you know a good act when you see one? Just because we portray ourselves as insensitive materialistic mercenary-minded elitists, and behave so cavalier and like bonafide megalomaniacs---that's all just an act, to appease our base, you know ...."
Anyfuckingmoose- I am not Gay, I am giddy at the proposition of all you wingnuts getting your asses kicked in the next election by candidates of color and other minorities.
Besides, it is almost spring. Orioles and barn swallows are back and I will eventually get my garden planted because I bother to grow much of my own food and not depend on yer gubmint inspectors to kill me off with industrial poisons.
Blacks seem to suffer from a “Plantation Mentality” as a genetic, evolutionary-based disposition. They want the “Massa” to take care of them. Their global hostility toward whites and their underperformance is a ruse. Their real message is, “Massa not taking good enough care of us … got to do better, Massa … or we riot!” Then, the “Massa” takes better care of them. This fits with the model that blacks have become parasitically dependent on whites. Without white subsidies, black communities implode whether in sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, or North America.
Therefore, the inability of blacks to run the D.C. Metro system is a feature, not a bug. It’s a subtle message to the “Massa” to intervene yet again to increase subsidies to close the wealth, opportunity, and disparity gaps between sub-Saharan and Northern European communities.
The problem is that other minorities and intersectional-based special interest groups have learned from black’s successful, heuristic, calculated, and well-paying hostility toward white males. Feminists, for example, have learned to make similar hostile claims against white males and their institutions, simply substituting the “White Male Patriarchy” for the “Massa”. If that doesn’t work, they riot, too.
The global phenomenon of hostile Third World peoples racing to immigrate to the United States to get their “cut” from the racist and sexist “White Male Patriarchy” while there is something left to get is a measure of the scope of this problem.
Blacks seem to suffer from a “Plantation Mentality” as a genetic, evolutionary-based disposition. ----------- Jester seems to think any sane person on the planet would actually read his insane rantings.
"Blacks seem to suffer from a “Plantation Mentality” as a genetic, evolutionary-based disposition. They want the “Massa” to take care of them." ------------------------ Theses are some really weird opinions you have, Dude. Got any hard data to support them? LOL Where did you say you went to school? Maybe Trump "University?"
The problem is that other minorities and intersectional-based special interest groups have learned from black’s successful, heuristic, calculated, and well-paying hostility toward white males. Feminists, for example, have learned to make similar hostile claims against white males and their institutions…
No, I think you’ve got it wrong.
By themselves, blacks in America were little more than a nuisance between emancipation and the 1960s. They only started successfully guilt-tripping whites when they began to emulate the Jewish tactic of being perpetually oppressed and perpetually outraged in order to demand more benefits from the majority group. It was only after the Holocaust became the ne plus ultra of oppression did people start referring to slavery as a “black Holocaust,” and the jargon of “diaspora” began to be applied to blacks, when it was historically a reference to the Jews.
Similarly, women in the U.S. never regarded themselves as “victims” until the 1960s — after the Jewess Betty Friedan wrote that suburbs were “comfortable concentration camps for women” in The Feminine Mystique. The early suffragettes simply used their First Amendment rights to lobby for — and ultimately succeeded in getting — the Nineteenth Amendment ratified under the process outlined in Article V of the white man’s Constitution, without any tripe about being victims of the white male patriarchy.
“…[O]ther minorities and intersectional-based special interest groups… learned… successful, heuristic, calculated, and well-paying hostility toward white males” from Jews, not from blacks.
Dr X said.... By themselves, blacks in America were little more than a nuisance between emancipation and the 1960s. They only started successfully guilt-tripping whites when they began to emulate the Jewish tactic of being perpetually oppressed and perpetually outraged in order to demand more benefits from the majority group. ---------------------- I guess you live in a parallel universe and have never studied world history or American history. Jews have been oppressed for at least two-thousand years and Blacks for the more three-hundred years in America.
Here are a few research ideas for you from history from this universe.
expulsion of jews from spain jews in spain why did the expulsion of the jews and the muslims hurt the economy of spain and portugal? 1492 spanish inquisition spanish inquisition jews 1492 in spanish history sephardic jews expulsion of jews from england
jim crow laws list jim crow laws date jim crow laws facts jim crow laws quizlet what were the 3 jim crow laws jim crow laws timeline jim crow laws summary effects of jim crow laws
expulsion of jews from spain jews in spain why did the expulsion of the jews and the muslims hurt the economy of spain and portugal? 1492 spanish inquisition spanish inquisition jews 1492 in spanish history sephardic jews expulsion of jews from england
If everybody has a problem with you, maybe it's not everybody else.
Jews have been oppressed for at least two-thousand years and Blacks for the more three-hundred years in America.
Jews have been expelled some 400-plus times from at least 109 countries, many of them multiple times. Reasons for expulsion include collaborating with Mohammedans to invade their host societies, kidnapping and selling white children as slaves, and the abuses of usury.
Right now the USA is suffering under the "financialization" of the economy, where the majority of all profits go to banksters and other middlemen instead of productive entrepreneurs and workers. Sound familiar to you? It does to me.
Modern Judaism is essentially Phariseeism. Jesus described the Pharisees as the children of the devil, and their houses of worship as the synagogues of Satan. 2000 years later, they haven't improved. What consequences they got, they deserved; the only problem was that they didn't get harsh enough consequences to make them stop, repent and reform.
When Spain demanded they convert (and repent and reform), they instead went underground as "marranos". Jews are irredeemable. There will be a Final Solution and it will probably be in my time. I didn't want it, it was forced upon me.
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***The views expressed on this site are the field's and the field's alone. They do not reflect the views of his employer, or any professional or legal organization with which he is affiliated.***
This is a commercial free blog.
Money is nice, but being able to speak my mind is better.
"Real talk: Daniel Rubin has a great little piece up wherein he chats with The Field Negro, the Philly-based blogger who sharply ponders all things black on a daily basis. (Seriously, if you’ve never checked in with TFN, you should: Its author, Wayne Bennett, is a fantastic read who can cut through bullshit like a hot knife through butter, which is a far grosser analogy than I wanted to make, but there you have it.)" ~Philebrity~
"One of the most precocious and hilarious Black political minds on the net. Ive been a long-time fan!" ~Asad Malik~
"..While most of what he writes is tongue-in-cheek, his space is a safe house for candid discussions about race, especially in the comments section, where people of all colors meet." ~~Daniel Rubin, "The Philadelphia Inquirer"~~
"To white people, Bennett's musings are like kitchen-table talk from a kitchen they may otherwise never set foot in. To African Americans, he is part of a growing army of black Internet amateurs who have taken up the work once reserved for ministers and professional activists: the work of setting a black agenda, shaping black opinion and calling attention to the state of the nation's racial affairs."
~~Richard Fausset, "L.A. Times"~~~
"That's why I love the blog "Field Negro" so much. Field, as he's known to his fans, has the sense of reality that it takes to call out the (CowPuckey) of blame beating by those who are in positions of power and their lackeys. Because of his handle and his unabashed way of writing about racial issues, Field is often cited as a "Black blogger." What he is, however, is a first-class detector of blame deflection and an excellent student of history. If you want to write about the past and future of repression there's really no other perspective to take - which is why everyone should read Field."
Raised in the house, but field certified. Jamaica is the land of my birth, but I consider myself a citizen of the world. I currently practice law in the city of "brotherly love".
"Half a century after Little Rock, the Montgomery bus boycott and the tumultuous dawn of the modern civil rights era, the new face of the movement is Facebook, MySpace and some 150 black blogs united in an Internet alliance they call the AfroSpear.
Older, familiar leaders such as Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and NAACP Chairman Julian Bond, are under challenge by a younger generation of bloggers known by such provocative screen names as Field Negro, thefreeslave and African American Political Pundit. And many of the newest struggles are being waged online." ~Howard Witt-The Chicago Tribune~
"I had no idea, for example, of the extent of the African-American blogging world out there and its collective powers of dissemination.But now, after reading thousands of anguished, thoughtful comments posted on these blogs reflecting on issues of persistent racial discrimination in the nation's schools and courtrooms, what's clear to me is that there's a new, "virtual" civil rights movement out there on the Internet that can reach more people in a few hours than all the protest marches, sit-ins and boycotts of the 1950s and 60s put together." ~Chicago Tribune Reporter, Howard Witt~
Must be a special occasion or a photo op for those two to be together.
M: I thought I was marrying a rich man, instead I get this clown.
-Doug in Oakland
Trump: “I’ve got a foolproof plan to win re-election: I’m gonna call Biden ‘SleepyCreepy Joe’ and tell filthy lies about his son! Genius, right?”
Melania: “#BeBest”
Workhorse Group, now hurry before the market opens!
Nah, don't hold me back! She wants to pop off she's about to catch these Slovakian hands!
Oh, Melanoma, sucking McCTurtle's ancient pee pee tail can't be that bad. If you don't, I will have to do it.
The amazing thing here is just how much of "mike from iowa"'s fantasy life revolves around deviant sex, and how the most enthusiastically gay-bashing part of the US population (specifically, blacks) won't even call him a faggot.
"if you run again you know you are going to win"
"Why does California think they represent all of America?"
P.R. pic:
"Yes, we're actually a loving couple! Why, did you all REALLY think we have no emotions and sentiments? Don't you know a good act when you see one? Just because we portray ourselves as insensitive materialistic mercenary-minded elitists, and behave so cavalier and like bonafide megalomaniacs---that's all just an act, to appease our base, you know ...."
Pilot @12:58 PM is the leader.
Anyfuckingmoose- I am not Gay, I am giddy at the proposition of all you wingnuts getting your asses kicked in the next election by candidates of color and other minorities.
Besides, it is almost spring. Orioles and barn swallows are back and I will eventually get my garden planted because I bother to grow much of my own food and not depend on yer gubmint inspectors to kill me off with industrial poisons.
Blacks seem to suffer from a “Plantation Mentality” as a genetic, evolutionary-based disposition. They want the “Massa” to take care of them. Their global hostility toward whites and their underperformance is a ruse. Their real message is, “Massa not taking good enough care of us … got to do better, Massa … or we riot!” Then, the “Massa” takes better care of them. This fits with the model that blacks have become parasitically dependent on whites. Without white subsidies, black communities implode whether in sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, or North America.
Therefore, the inability of blacks to run the D.C. Metro system is a feature, not a bug. It’s a subtle message to the “Massa” to intervene yet again to increase subsidies to close the wealth, opportunity, and disparity gaps between sub-Saharan and Northern European communities.
The problem is that other minorities and intersectional-based special interest groups have learned from black’s successful, heuristic, calculated, and well-paying hostility toward white males. Feminists, for example, have learned to make similar hostile claims against white males and their institutions, simply substituting the “White Male Patriarchy” for the “Massa”. If that doesn’t work, they riot, too.
The global phenomenon of hostile Third World peoples racing to immigrate to the United States to get their “cut” from the racist and sexist “White Male Patriarchy” while there is something left to get is a measure of the scope of this problem.
Blacks seem to suffer from a “Plantation Mentality” as a genetic, evolutionary-based disposition.
Jester seems to think any sane person on the planet would actually read his insane rantings.
Pretty sure Jester has a degree and background in sociology.
Pretty sure Jester has a lot more on the ball than his detractors.
Jester said...
"Blacks seem to suffer from a “Plantation Mentality” as a genetic, evolutionary-based disposition. They want the “Massa” to take care of them."
Theses are some really weird opinions you have, Dude. Got any hard data to support them? LOL Where did you say you went to school? Maybe Trump "University?"
Red-pilled said...
"Pretty sure Jester has a lot more on the ball than his detractors."
9:17 PM
Say, are you one of those idiots who thinks that women owe you sex?
The problem is that other minorities and intersectional-based special interest groups have learned from black’s successful, heuristic, calculated, and well-paying hostility toward white males. Feminists, for example, have learned to make similar hostile claims against white males and their institutions…
No, I think you’ve got it wrong.
By themselves, blacks in America were little more than a nuisance between emancipation and the 1960s. They only started successfully guilt-tripping whites when they began to emulate the Jewish tactic of being perpetually oppressed and perpetually outraged in order to demand more benefits from the majority group. It was only after the Holocaust became the ne plus ultra of oppression did people start referring to slavery as a “black Holocaust,” and the jargon of “diaspora” began to be applied to blacks, when it was historically a reference to the Jews.
Similarly, women in the U.S. never regarded themselves as “victims” until the 1960s — after the Jewess Betty Friedan wrote that suburbs were “comfortable concentration camps for women” in The Feminine Mystique. The early suffragettes simply used their First Amendment rights to lobby for — and ultimately succeeded in getting — the Nineteenth Amendment ratified under the process outlined in Article V of the white man’s Constitution, without any tripe about being victims of the white male patriarchy.
“…[O]ther minorities and intersectional-based special interest groups… learned… successful, heuristic, calculated, and well-paying hostility toward white males” from Jews, not from blacks.
Dr X said....
By themselves, blacks in America were little more than a nuisance between emancipation and the 1960s. They only started successfully guilt-tripping whites when they began to emulate the Jewish tactic of being perpetually oppressed and perpetually outraged in order to demand more benefits from the majority group.
I guess you live in a parallel universe and have never studied world history or American history. Jews have been oppressed for at least two-thousand years and Blacks for the more three-hundred years in America.
Here are a few research ideas for you from history from this universe.
expulsion of jews from spain
jews in spain
why did the expulsion of the jews and the muslims hurt the economy of spain and portugal?
1492 spanish inquisition
spanish inquisition jews
1492 in spanish history
sephardic jews
expulsion of jews from england
jim crow laws list
jim crow laws date
jim crow laws facts
jim crow laws quizlet
what were the 3 jim crow laws
jim crow laws timeline
jim crow laws summary
effects of jim crow laws
Malelania forgot to take her meds
Donald and Melanin Trump on Valentine's Day, their aAnniversary, or any day that normally involves intimacy between husband and wife.
expulsion of jews from spain
jews in spain
why did the expulsion of the jews and the muslims hurt the economy of spain and portugal?
1492 spanish inquisition
spanish inquisition jews
1492 in spanish history
sephardic jews
expulsion of jews from england
If everybody has a problem with you, maybe it's not everybody else.
Here are a few research ideas for you from history from this universe.
Wait, you expect this moron to do research? Good luck with that.
Pretty sure Jester has a lot more on the ball than his detractors.
The only thing Jester has on his balls you. Get off his nuts.
Jews have been oppressed for at least two-thousand years and Blacks for the more three-hundred years in America.
Jews have been expelled some 400-plus times from at least 109 countries, many of them multiple times. Reasons for expulsion include collaborating with Mohammedans to invade their host societies, kidnapping and selling white children as slaves, and the abuses of usury.
Right now the USA is suffering under the "financialization" of the economy, where the majority of all profits go to banksters and other middlemen instead of productive entrepreneurs and workers. Sound familiar to you? It does to me.
Modern Judaism is essentially Phariseeism. Jesus described the Pharisees as the children of the devil, and their houses of worship as the synagogues of Satan. 2000 years later, they haven't improved. What consequences they got, they deserved; the only problem was that they didn't get harsh enough consequences to make them stop, repent and reform.
When Spain demanded they convert (and repent and reform), they instead went underground as "marranos". Jews are irredeemable. There will be a Final Solution and it will probably be in my time. I didn't want it, it was forced upon me.
I didn't want it, it was forced upon me.
Yawn. Sure ya fake broke assed Hitler wannabe. Such badasses in cyberland.
C'est un très bon conseil, en particulier pour ceux qui découvrent la blogosphère.
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