"Bible Belt Racism: A Georgia city councilman defends his mayor’s decision to discriminate against a black man by citing his sincerely held Christian beliefs and his opposition to interracial marriage.
Recently Mayor Theresa Kenerly of Hoschton, Georgia confessed to rejecting a candidate for city administrator because he’s black. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports Mayor Kenerly told a member of the City Council she pulled the resume of Keith Henry from a packet of four finalists “because he is black, and the city isn’t ready for this.”
For example, Hoschton City Councilman Jim Cleveland defended Mayor Kenerly, saying “she might have been right” to discriminate against the black applicant. Cleveland said:
I don’t know how they would take it if we selected a black administrator. She might have been right.Councilman Cleveland then went on to explain that he is a Christian, and as a Christian, he has a problem with “race mixing.” Cleveland said:
I’m a Christian and my Christian beliefs are you don’t do interracial marriage. That’s the way I was brought up and that’s the way I believe.Cleveland added:
I have black friends, I hired black people. But when it comes to all this stuff you see on TV, when you see blacks and whites together, it makes my blood boil because that’s just not the way a Christian is supposed to live. "[Source]You gotta love some of these "Christians". They just don't tolerate all this race mixing stuff. You can't get to heaven if you have a tan. I guess they are going to have to start marrying more of their cousins and sisters now, these non-Christians out here are putting this race mixing thing into overdrive.
But enough of racism. At the end of the day we will survive the goober brigade. It has been with us forever, and I suspect that it will not be going away any time soon.
What we really need to worry about is where we are as a country, as well as the Constitution and the rule of law that we are supposed to be following.
Apparently we have a president who might not go peacefully when his term is up. He has been retweeting people who want him to stay past his term, and one of the leaders of the opposition (who knows him more than all of us) has declared that the orange one might not go peacefully into the night.
If you think about it this all might make sense, because the only thing preventing Mr. trump from being criminally prosecuted is the fact that he is the sitting president.
When 400 hundred former federal prosecutors declare that Mr. trump should have been prosecuted for obstruction it kind of puts things all in perspective, and it makes us realize just what kind of man we have leading the country.
No wonder he doesn't want to leave, he might end up like his former lawyer who reported to federal prison today.
He had some parting words for Mr. trump. "There still remains much to be told, and I look forward to the day that I can share the truth."
It might be too late, Mr. Cohen. By then we might have a president for life leading a country where truth no longer matters.
Should be patently obvious to everyone why wingnuts are so inbred. This post is a perfect example of whitey inbreeding.
Lack of diversity leads to inbred stoopid fucking wingnuts.
Surprised wingnuts haven't banned night time and cloud cover.
It's amazing. Queenie from Iowa still controls this blog, with her gay partner pilotx. Remember Alicia Banks?
lt. commander Johnson said...
"It's amazing. Queenie from Iowa still controls this blog, with her gay partner pilotx."
Please explain how they control this blog because I just don't see it. Are you not free to post at any time that you choose? Are they somehow censoring you posts?
Negroe Suspect identified after police officer gunned down outside Mississippi station:
Perhaps a smarter despot could engineer such a breach of the constitution as an extended term, but Fergus is not that smart. He couldn't even get his top line agenda passed through a Republican congress bent on kissing his ass.
And God called Franklin Graham out on Twitter, told him that Steven Hawking says he's an asshole and that he was going to hell with his daddy.
-Doug in Oakland
Recently Mayor Theresa Kenerly of Hoschton, Georgia confessed to rejecting a candidate for city administrator because he’s black. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports Mayor Kenerly told a member of the City Council she pulled the resume of Keith Henry from a packet of four finalists “because he is black, and the city isn’t ready for this.”
No city is ready for black ANYTHING in office until it's ready for demolition.
The fact that Mayor Kenerly rejected a job applicant because he is black is simply despicable.
The fact that Mayor Kenerly rejected the notion of a black city administrator speaks to her desire for her city to remain livable, and not a "hood" full of thugs and ho's. Her mistake was saying anything about it, because the truth remains unspeakable in Amerikwa.
You gotta love some of these "Christians". They just don't tolerate all this race mixing stuff.
Just following the Bible; God created the nations, you know. Or should know.
You can't get to heaven if you have a tan.
It doesn't say that. But the story of Babel says that divisions of language and everything else are divinely created and should be maintained; humans should not try to mix them into oblivion, because nothing good can come from it. Those who do will be punished.
What happened to Willmington, Newark, Philadelphia, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, New Orleans and so many other places are proof that NOTHING good can come from bringing Africans into civilization. Africans destroy civilization and are a plague wherever they go.
Ah, the old I’m not a racist or anything, but “when you see blacks and whites together, it makes my blood boil.”
It’s a classic.
The good folk of Hoschton, Georgia, might want to try a little harder to join the rest of us here in the 21st century.
Just watch the commercials, like I told my daughter who was about 16 at the time. Notice how they subliminally flash the black men with the white women thing? She said I was racist.
15 years later, she tells me, I was right. Now, it's obvious. Commercial, after commercial. It's black men with white women. With zebra babies even.
Did you watch the NFL Draft?
What's the first thing a black guy do when he gets da muny? Get a white girl.
It's odd that black women don't bitch about this. They bitch about everything else.
Anyfuckingmoose- Obama's presidency was the perfect metaphor for the decline of once vibrant cities in America. Just as soon as Obama was sworn in, stoopid fucking waicu wastey wingnuts vowed to destroy Obama and his policies, legacy etc. They did the same in Detroit , Baltimore, etc when Blacks get there whitey drops the bomb.
Speaking of racist racists, Drumpfuck the sickfuck told phony evanbuttlickinggelicals his personal judges were going to make them very, very happy with future court decisions in their favor. If the judges are allegedly impartial, how can he accurately predict how they will decide if he didn't pick them for their ideology and racist views?
Man. Have mercy, reading this just makes me feel so bad for the rest of us, that we have to suffer under the tyranny of the stupid.
Commandeered Queenie doesn't appear to know the difference between subliminal and real. Which, knowing where he s coming from, is no surprise.
Be careful wishing for constraints on freedumb of association, CQ. Otherwise your days of Klan robes and hoods and cross burnings will be used against you.
Re-opening olde wounds, in the death of Sandra Bland, her cell phone video was recently released and shows her side of the confrontation with a cop. Defense lawyer says he had never seen it before and prosecutors claim it was released with other evidence before trial.
Black Suspect arrested after police officer gunned down outside Mississippi station:
Uh huh. Queenie ,yes you attack me, but you don't address a
single shit about my post at 8:23 AM
Get a job you AA Whore
trump will just get pardoned by Pence.
BTW...your boy Tellis is gonna get his:
Anonymous said.....
"It doesn't say that. But the story of Babel says that divisions of language and everything else are divinely created and should be maintained; humans should not try to mix them into oblivion, because nothing good can come from it. Those who do will be punished."
10:11 PM
Wow! And here I thought our country was founded on the Constitution, not the bible. Most of the founding fathers were Deists, not Christians. Ask yourself this: If God didn't love Black people, why did He create them?
If you wish to create a religious state, please leave and take all intolerant people with you. You will not be missed.
Ask yourself this: If God didn't love Black people, why did He create them?
Maybe God has to crap now and gain?
Why are turds brown, and not white, is more puzzling.
Anonymous lt. commander Johnson said...
"Just watch the commercials, like I told my daughter who was about 16 at the time. Notice how they subliminally flash the black men with the white women thing? She said I was racist."
I really hate it when people such as you use words incorrectly to make a point. According to my dictionary the word subliminal means: 1. Below the threshold of conscious perception. 2. Inadequate to produce conscious perception. So you could not have seen subliminal flashes of "black men with the white women".
The people who advertise on TV do not care about silly things like mixed dating and mixed marriages. They only care about selling their products.
And think about this...Just who are you to tell other people whom they can and cannot associate with and/or marry?
“It doesn't say that. But the story of Babel says that divisions of language and everything else are divinely created and should be maintained; humans should not try to mix them into oblivion, because nothing good can come from it. Those who do will be punished."
It’s pretty weird that you’re using the Towel of Babel story to justify racism. That biblical passage doesn’t say that human divisions were divinely created and were the natural order of things, and that God wanted them maintained.
It says that God created a united human race, but then became angry because mankind had built a giant tower that made God somehow feel they were arrogantly challenging his authority, and so he created human divisions as a punishment to teach them a lesson.
This story better supports multiculturalism than that junk you believe.
“The people who advertise on TV do not care about silly things like mixed dating and mixed marriages. They only care about selling their products.”
Exactly so. Commander Jackass doesn’t realize that these sorts of ads are proof that his worldview is losing the ideological argument.
More people now view interracial relationships positively than negatively, and have broadly anti-racist views. This is so true that companies realize that customers will actually like them better and buy more of their products if these companies are seen as embracing multiculturalism, and therefore, proclaiming the acceptability of interracial relationships has become a marketing strategy.
Why do wasicus tan so nicely? Part of our Black ancestry, no doubt. Right Tarsands loves his drapes?
Commandeered Queenie- I rest my case. I answered you and I owned your ass.
Go read about Sherman's Civil Whore march to the see and you'll get the gist of how your ilk raze the country when they move out of an area so it is uninhabitable.
May 06, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself
Trump would have been indicted for obstruction of justice in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation if he wasn’t president, more than 370 former federal prosecutors argued in an open letter publish on Medium on Monday.
Take a look.
Not just one indictment, but several.
The Mueller report describes several acts that satisfy all of the elements for an obstruction charge: conduct that obstructed or attempted to obstruct the truth-finding process, as to which the evidence of corrupt intent and connection to pending proceedings is overwhelming. These include:
· The President’s efforts to fire Mueller and to falsify evidence about that effort;
· The President’s efforts to limit the scope of Mueller’s investigation to exclude his conduct; and
· The President’s efforts to prevent witnesses from cooperating with investigators probing him and his campaign.
Since it was posted this afternoon, more have signed and it’s up to 418.
I think we should elect a few of these guys to Congress.
Juanita Jean for Potus!
He'll do his worst, we'll do our best
And we, not he, shall pass the test
For we are bright, and he's a jerk
No plan of his will ever work
His pundits reek of sleaze and booze
His staff goes bats, his lawyers lose.
President for life? I don't recommend it, but it might happen, one way... or the other.
Mike from Iowa said....
(obstruction of justice efforts)
"The President’s efforts to fire Mueller and to falsify evidence about that effort;
· The President’s efforts to limit the scope of Mueller’s investigation to exclude his conduct; and
· The President’s efforts to prevent witnesses from cooperating with investigators probing him and his campaign."
And Trump is committing more acts of obstruction of justice. He is going to order Don McGahn to defy a subpoena from the United States House of Representatives.
Doesn't surprise me, Gambler2. Remember his whining about the Mexican judge in his scam to fleece so called students out of their money with his Drumpfuck U money making scam?
He ragged on that poor judge and falsely accused him of belonging to a Mexican gang, pretty much whatever he could to get a new judge he appointed to adjudicate his cases. How much jury tampering and such shit does the stoopid fucker who claims to be the precedent get before he is slapped with a million contempt citations?
Drumpf didn't get away with it, he didn't get his way with it and yet he was not punished for all his transgressions which just make it harder to rein in his next shithole mouth shitstorm.
Johnson, what are you bored or something? Why are you trying to start shit with me? 😜
What's the first thing a black guy do when he gets da muny? Get a white girl.
Or maybe white women like brothas.
'Nother mass victim school shooting today.
4 seriously injured. No deaths reported so far.
Racism in tennessee wingnut party? Say it ain't so and I get to callyou a liar which you probably were anyway.
Anonymous said...
What's the first thing a black guy do when he gets da muny? Get a white girl.
Or maybe white women like brothas.
2:56 PM
I do; I married one.
Hey stoopid fucking wingnuts, here is moar voter suppression attempts brought to you by the scumbag party that commits voter fraud and blames POC for it.
Texas wants to make it illegal for group riders to vote which will eliminate many poor or elderly who don't have a vehicle or friends and relatives with same. Scum of the earth alleged kristians. What a fucking joke.
I do; I married one
And there's ya proof. Case solved.
Mayor Theresa Kenerly likely has a repressed case of Jungle Fever and secretly desires some "dark meat".
Ms. Kenerly prolly visits the Chocolate City of Atlanta for more than just the sights, if you know what I mean.
As for Hoschton City Councilman Jim Cleveland, he likely has been cucked by a Black dude. That is why his blood boils when he sees race mixing.
Anymoose married a black guy? Congrats. Now you can't go back.
Gee, I wonder what went wrong?🙄
Gee, I wonder what went wrong?��”
Well, apparently, Candace thinks what went wrong with Nazi Germany was when they decided to invade their neighbors. But Hitler was still a great guy when he was “only” devising death camps to exterminate Germany’s ethnic/religious/sexual minorities!
Oh wait, you were wondering what went wrong with Candace’s career ...
Nah, wondering if the "nationalists" she worked for got to her or did her crazy get to them? My guess is the latter but who knows?😂
No wonder he never paid his contractors, he couldn't afford it.😂
So Fergus either lost a billion dollars between '85 and '94, or he lied to the IRS and claimed he lost that billion to avoid paying taxes, which he didn't pay any of for eight of those ten years.
Add felony tax evasion to the list of crimes he can be prosecuted for after he loses the election.
Perhaps he'll get to visit Mikey in rich-guy jail in 2021.
-Doug in Oakland
The people who advertise on TV do not care about silly things like mixed dating and mixed marriages. They only care about selling their products.
Which is why General Mills ran the infamous Cheerios commercial with the BM/WF couple and mullato daughter which outraged millions of Americans and cratered sales of ALL their cereals.
Which is why Gillette ran an ad emasculating men and sparked a boycott effort. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koPmuEyP3a0
Just who are you to tell other people whom they can and cannot associate with and/or marry?
Just who is General Mills to tell white people who they ought to associate with, marry and make offspring with?
Proof of Clown World is all around you, but you can't see it. Honk honk!
It's a shame how whites make negroes commit crimes, abandon their children, fail in school, fuck up their neighborhoods, ....Damn white devils got the juju. Glad to see the Negro Excuse Factory is still running strong 24/7. Field, you truly are an Evil Man.
Anonymous said...
The people who advertise on TV do not care about silly things like mixed dating and mixed marriages. They only care about selling their products.
Which is why General Mills ran the infamous Cheerios commercial with the BM/WF couple and mullato daughter which outraged millions of Americans and cratered sales of ALL their cereals.
Outraged millions?
Do you have any data to support this claim? Your source, please.
Which is why Gillette ran an ad emasculating men and sparked a boycott effort. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koPmuEyP3a0
And your point is?
Just who is General Mills to tell white people who they ought to associate with, marry and make offspring with?
What the hell? Neither General MillS or any other company is trying to tell white people whom they should marry. Companies just want to sell their products. As "mixed marriages" have become more popular, companies just follow the trend with their advertising.
Proof of Clown World is all around you, but you can't see it. Honk honk!
What the hell does this mean? In our country humans are free to associate with and marry any other willing human of legal age. You and people who think like you are out-of-date and outnumbered. Why don't you just accept the fact that your reactionary ideas from the 19th century are no longer relevant?
To Anonymous at 7:53 AM
It's a shame how whites commit crimes, abandon their children, fail in school, fuck up their neighborhoods.
“Which is why General Mills ran the infamous Cheerios commercial with the BM/WF couple and mullato daughter which outraged millions of Americans and cratered sales of ALL their cereals.
Which is why Gillette ran an ad emasculating men and sparked a boycott effort. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koPmuEyP3a0”
It may surprise you to learn that General Mills and Gillette are doing just fine. The people outraged by their “social justice” ad campaigns are dwarfed by the ones who aren’t.
Just because all the people you hang out with are bigots, that doesn’t make your crowd representative of the majority of Americans, and it doesn’t make those ad campaigns failures.
Those companies aren’t forcing their ideas on the country out of some kind of ideological mission; they are following the ideas that already predominate in society. They aren’t actually interested in politics; they want to sell cereal and razors. Their market research is telling them that injecting elements of anti-racism and feminism into their ads will do that.
I guess you’re going to be mad a lot, because this trend isn’t likely to reverse itself in the immediate future.
This was General Mills big problem and had zip to do with racial issues.
Drumpf deserves a life time crook achievement award and with it a life sentence in prison in a cell next to his favorite grope toy, Ivanka, and both must be visited daily by BBCs.
I certainly did not mean any disrespect to BBCs.
Sure drew out the closet wasicu racists pretty pronto. GM stood its ground and shot every racist son of a bitch in the balls so they can't contribute to the gene pool.
Racist whiteys, unklike Gays, are recruited, not born that way.
Magat hat bastard learns KISMET is a bitch!
My apologies if this has been reported before, but, it is so fucking hillary-ous and shows Drumpf as the world's worst businessman and bigliest liar ever, I couldn't stop guffawing long enough not to post this-
He not only confirms the story and admits to tax fraud, then he claims it is all fake news- in one breath.
The new face of the wingnut party of drunken racists. And he is ugleeeeeeeeeeee!
Looks like the House Dems are going to hold William Barr in contempt.
The Barr perp walk is going to be epic. I hope they haul him out of his house in the dead of night in his greasy wife-beater tee and underpants, like on the Cops TV show. :-D
To arrest someone for contempt of Congress, Congress must use the Federal Marshals.
Who is at the top of the chain of command of the Federal Marshals? The Attorney General, William Barr.
Ha ha ha, suck it libturds!
“To arrest someone for contempt of Congress, Congress must use the Federal Marshals.”
Technically, no.
Under Congress’ inherent contempt power, they can send the sergeant-at-arms of the House — who reports to the Democrats, not Barr — to Barr’s house to drag out his sorry ass and toss him in DC’s local jail to rot until he hands over whatever documents they’ve requested.
This power has not been used in many decades. Maybe it’s time to dust it off.
"Just who is General Mills to tell white people who they ought to associate with, marry and make offspring with?"
So you take marriage advice from commercials? You have bigger problems than you think.😂 Um, I saw the Cheerios commercial and still have my first wife and didn't trade her in for a white woman. My advice is for you to either DVR shows and skip the commercials or don't watch tv.
"Ha ha ha, suck it libturds!"
trump, is that you?
I'm not suggesting that the Falwell photos are of the half-million dollar pool boy doing Falwell's wife while Falwell watched, because why would I suggest that?
-Doug in Oakland
Even having your car break down among Africans risks getting you shot:
Philadelphia, PA - On Saturday May 4, 2019 at 11:30PM, the victims were seated in a vehicle awaiting AAA in the 38XX block of North 16th Street when two unknown black males initially walked past the victims. Suddenly one of the suspects produces a black handgun and fires into the back window of the vehicle then fled the area on foot and was last seen south on 16th Street from Butler Street. The victims were taken to an area hospital and treated for gunshot wounds.
Sucker-punching people from behind is "part of dey culcha."
Shooting unarmed classmates is part of their culture.
So you take marriage advice from commercials?
Why are ad agencies trying to normalize the grossly abnormal (and once criminal) at the expense of disgusting the putative customers, instead of trying to sell product?
“Why are ad agencies trying to normalize the grossly abnormal (and once criminal) at the expense of disgusting the putative customers, instead of trying to sell product?”
You’re not getting it. General Mills knows sticking an interracial couple in their ad does sell product.
It is a shrinking demographic who, like you, are so racist that they are actually “disgusted” by this ad and find the couple depicted in it “grossly abnormal.” So they do not care about you. There are not enough of you to matter to them anymore.
"Why are ad agencies trying to normalize the grossly abnormal (and once criminal) at the expense of disgusting the putative customers, instead of trying to sell product?"
Who was disgusted by two actors pretending to be a couple in a commercial? You need some therapy.
Ad agencies are doing their jobs by making people want to buy their products. Believe it or not there is a market for appealing to interracial families. My cousin, who is of mixed race, told me to make sure the Barbie I get her is bi-racial. Actually glad she reminded me because I would have automatically purchases the blah Barbie without a second thought because honestly I didn't know they made bi-racial Barbie but good on them for it. This is the future.
Anyfuckingmoosepussy and his racist fiends lost their jobs....
Speaking of mixed races, isn't that what you have with this royal couple? Why wouldn't advertisers target them?
Why is this obvious wingnut woman having sexy talk with her dog? This is what Ricky Sanitorium warned would happen. Wingnut women would start diddling their dogs when they had a close look at today's itereation of a wingnut man.
> Why is this obvious wingnut woman having sexy talk with her dog?
This, from the guy who had to educate us on the meaning of "stump broke".
No introspection what-so-ever. Clown world. Honk honk!
Why is this obvious wingnut woman having sexy talk with her dog?
Because all wingnut men are trying to overturn bestiality laws. You remember Field's post from a few weeks ago.
Yer getting a free, well rounded, liberal arts education from me, Anon. Enjoy the ride, kola.
Let's hear it for Robert Mueller. If this investigation was a witch hunt as the orange babby in the kremlin annex crib keeps whining about, it is surely the most successful witch hunt ever. Look at all the right wing and RussiaN witches that were caught and should have been burned at the stake.
TRUMP 2020!!
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