Of course, as is to be expected, the conservative faux outrage machine has jumped on the bandwagon as well. "How dare they talk about the president's minor child like this? Children should be off limits. These people have no heart or soul."
I need a break!
Keep in mind that this is the same Melania trump who supported her husband's racist birther claim against a man who had to had two minor children at the time that this crap was going on. There wasn't a lot of sympathy for the Obama children when Mr. trump was on his racist birther lie tour of the country.
And speaking of children, is Melania aware of all the children who have died while in the custody of ICE because of policies that her husband implemented? Is she aware of the fact that her husband's administration caged children? Rhetorical question. Of course she is. And we are supposed to care about a passing mention of her son during a hearing in Washington? I don't think so.
Melania needs to get her s**t together and start checking her own husband before she can lecture the rest of us on civility. And she needs to think about her own past and some of the choices that she made before she points her finger at others. '
What do you think will upset Baron more? Seeing these pictures one day while he is out hanging with his buds? Or watching old reruns of a hearing in Washington and hearing a small reference made to him by one of the witnesses who was making a legal point about the Constitution?
If you choose example one, move to the head of the class. If you choose example two, the right- wing faux outrage machine just might have gotten to you.
Cue the crocodile tears.
"I don't care, do you?" Bit$h.
All the people in the Trump family (if you can call it that) seem to be very thin skinned and carry a sense of entitlement that reminds me of British royalty hundreds of years ago. They appear to think that they are special people and are some how above the rest of us. Someone needs to tell them that they are just a bunch of ordinary grifters.
Yep, right on cue. Her "be best" machine is out there all scuddy-duddy over this Barron thingy. It came at a good time - #ErraticTrump's retrograde movement from the NATO Summit because he has still ZERO days without being a national disgrace.
And, that dish-washing towel that she was wearing today...Sarah Palin would not even been seen in that!
I will say that Melania is still entitled to be concerned about her kid’s welfare, whatever her husband may have done. And making jokes that include her son in them does feel a little like bad taste. There is a general sort of taboo on political commentary about politicians’ non-adult children that is a healthy thing.
But that’s about as far as I am willing to go along with the Republican outrage machine. They are trying to milk this as much as possible by claiming that the woman actually made fun of Barron. No. This is a lie. Barron may have been mentioned in that joke, but he was not the butt of the joke; that would be Trump Senior.
This latest episode reminds me of the similar controversy a few years back, when Melissa Harris-Perry was forced to make a teary, on-air apology for allegedly having mocked Romney’s black grandson. The wingnuts were apoplectic: How could you go after that poor little boy, you big meanies?
Except no one had. The joke was that Romney’s family photos looked a lot like the diversity of the Republican Party: one lone chocolate drop in a huge sea of vanilla.
But who was being made fun of in that joke? Obviously, it was the Republican Party, with its multitudes of racists, not Romney’s black grandson.
But of course, Republicans decided to try to dunk on Democrats by pretending they didn’t understand how jokes work. They like to accuse Democrats of wallowing in “victimhood mentality,” but no one does melodramatic martyrdom better than Republicans.
As long as she supports Fergus publicly, and all of the tens of thousands of children he has done irreparable harm to, she can suck it right the fuck up.
Perhaps if she didn't want her child to suffer questionable publicity, she could have had him with a more fundamentally decent man.
I don't envy her the position she finds herself in, but she and Baron don't have any problems, really, other than being legally attached to a preposterous scumbag who treats her like a sexual accessory.
-Doug in Oakland
"is Melania aware of all the children who have died while in the custody of ICE because of policies that her husband implemented? "
That would be ZERO.
Talk about fake outrage.
So maybe magat Baron isn't drumpf's fruit of his loins.....
And then came his, uh, odd choice of syntax when speaking about Barron, as in, the biological son that he and Melania have spent the past 13 years raising together: “She’s got a son, together, that’s a beautiful young man, and she feels very, very strongly about it.”
Anonymous said...
"is Melania aware of all the children who have died while in the custody of ICE because of policies that her husband implemented? "
That would be, at minimum, 6. It was drumpf's doings to separate kids from families, not Obama. Obama's administration was handling influx of kids that crossed the border on their own.
That would be, at minimum, 6. It was drumpf's doings to separate kids from families, not Obama. Obama's administration was handling influx of kids that crossed the border on their own.
Out of the 100's of thousands of illegal immigrants who have surged across the border, a couple of very sick children who had been dragged across the desert by their parents or the criminals they sold them to subsequently died after being taken in to US custody.
This is not the fault of any policies implemented by President Trump, who has sought to stop these illegal crossings, but of the adults who forced them to make this journey and of the leftist politicians who have encouraged people to risk life and limb to get to the Land of Free Stuff so that they could more votes.
Several of these kids died of the flu and drumpf refuses to let them get flu shots. He will have an epidemic on his hands and blame everyone but the guilty party, himself. Just as he always does.
These people coming into America are not illegals and their coming to America breaks no laws. They are, or were, allowed to seek asylum and enter anywhere they could and then turn themselves over to authorities for asylum hearings. drumpf refused to let them have hearings and now he refuses to allow them into America. They get caught they get sent back immediately against all treaties America signed against this.
You are so far outside reality you need to be watered twice a week. Your whole format that these people take jobs away from Americans is total bullshit, as well. You aren't American. You are a Russia bot.
Shooting at Pensacola Naval Air training base several injured, at least 2 dead, possibly including shooter.
Tis the season to mass murder, happy phucking New Year, Russia NRA.
Wingnuts politicized the magat brat drumpf.
"the leftist politicians who have encouraged people to risk life and limb to get to the Land of Free Stuff so that they could more votes."
So America isn't the greatest country ever? If we're so great wouldn't people try to come here? Wouldn't you?
Alternet has a great article this morning explaining about some of the many lies John Soloman has written about Democrats and current events. There is a troll who comes here regularly that loves to repeat John's lies. I hope he will read this article.
Seems Soloman is in Trump's pocket and has been for awhile.
Here's the great Biden ad that shows the world laughing at our dear leader.😂
This is worth a read
Opinion Donald Trump by Richard Wolf
What's it like to stand stark naked on the world stage? Ask Donald Trump
“Seems Soloman is in Trump's pocket and has been for awhile.”
Yeah, it’s pretty shameful that the Hill saw fit to publish Solomon, giving his articles an air of authority they did not deserve. The Hill are a mostly reputable news source, but he is just a PR mouthpiece for Trump, not a real journalist. Publishing Solomon is like publishing “reportage” from Devin Nunes or Roger Stone.
Solomon now works for the lie factory, Fox News, which is about what you’d expect.
Open-and-shut case, Field. (you're in the right profession) Prof. Karlan was saying diddly about Trump's son, just playing on the name when she said he could NAME his son Baron but he couldn't MAKE anyone a baron. This is an example of a very common use of verbal wit to make one's point. If Trump had a famous horse named Baron she might have cited him.
Republicans know that.
I was extremely sorry to hear Prof. Karlan apologize. She had nothing to apologize for; she should have provided the above explanation instead.
Anonymous said...
"the leftist politicians who have encouraged people to risk life and limb to get to the Land of Free Stuff so that they could more votes."
Typical right-wing bull shit that started with Ronnie Reagan. Don't you guys have anything but right-wing talking points. Use you imagination and say something new.
Anotherbozo said....
I was extremely sorry to hear Prof. Karlan apologize. She had nothing to apologize for; she should have provided the above explanation instead.
12:04 PM
I agree. The remark was entirely appropriate and directed at the father not the child. And she wasn't joking; she was telling Trump that he is not and will not be a king.
"Don't you guys have anything but right-wing talking points."
Nope. You hear the same thing repeated in congress that you do on tv and here. You guys are just trying to undo the election blah blah blah.
“the leftist politicians who have encouraged people to risk life and limb to get to the Land of Free Stuff so that they could more votes."
They keep saying leftists are conspiring to “import” illegal immigrants to the US.
Were leftists also “importing” Irish and Poles and Germans back in the 19th century? Or did those people just happen to come here because they wanted to live and work here?
All the “importing” and “invasion” talk is hate speech straight out of the local Klan rally.
But, but, Climate Change is a hoax, don't cha know? Just ask our idiot president and all of his ignorant followers. They can't all be wrong, can they?
PilotX said...
"Don't you guys have anything but right-wing talking points."
Nope. You hear the same thing repeated in congress that you do on tv and here.
LOL from the guy who hasn't had an original thought in his life.
"Were leftists also “importing” Irish and Poles and Germans back in the 19th century?"
No, the capitalist robber barons were.
And America was not the Land of Free Stuff then. No welfare, no food stamps, no free healthcare, no affirmative action. Immigrants made it on there own or went home.
"Here's the great Biden ad that shows the world laughing at our dear leader.😂
Unfortunately, this won't win over anyone to Biden's cause. It will just make Trump fanaticss double down on their America's Great/Foreigners Suck delusion. They are unable to see that international hostility to the US is partly justified. I mean, some of the hostility certainly isn't, but some is -- it is a result of Republicans demanding that our leaders behave like assholes toward the rest of the world.
A big part of Trumpism is ginning up xenophobia and tarring anyone who believes in any degree of international cooperation on collective problems as either weak and unwilling to stand up for American interests, or as part of some sort of Globalist Conspiracy to screw over their own countrymen for the financial benefit of some shadowy, secret organization (of Jews, probably).
This is Trump's ethnonationalist ideology in a nutshell. Everyone outside America is bad. Brown people within America are bad. These folks are the cause of all the nation's problems. White Americans are all blameless victims.
"Solomon now works for the lie factory, Fox News, which is about what you’d expect."
When he worked for the Washington Post, he was a Sainted Journalist. Now that he reports on facts you don't want to hear, he is a liar.
The guy does investigative journalism and bases his reporting on actual documented evidence. You can't dispute the findings, so you attack the man.
"So America isn't the greatest country ever? If we're so great wouldn't people try to come here? Wouldn't you?"
I'll bet you have a nice house in Chicago because you're such a great guy. I'm sure there are plenty of homeless people who would like to sneak in and set up residence in your living room and eat out of your refrigerator. After your house fills up it won't be so nice, and you won't have anything to say about it. But you have to do it because That's Who We Are.
"Unfortunately, this won't win over anyone to Biden's cause. It will just make Trump fanaticss double down on their America's Great/Foreigners Suck delusion. They are unable to see that international hostility to the US is partly justified. I mean, some of the hostility certainly isn't, but some is -- it is a result of Republicans demanding that our leaders behave like assholes toward the rest of the world."
Team Trump's theme song (only applied to nations, not sports teams).
Wednesday's "expert testimony" from some law profs in front of the House Judiciary Committee can be summed up like this:
Prof. Noah Feldman: "Orange man bad!"
Prof. Michael Gerhardt: "Orange man bad!"
Prof. Pamela Karlan: "Orange man bad! And my womb is barren. As in Barron Trump. Ha ha. Get it? But serious you guys, orange man bad!"
Prof. Jonathan Turley: "Orange man maybe bad, but not impeachable."
Prof. Pamela Karlan: "I would like to say 'orange man bad' again."
This is their best case? A bunch of professors who didn't actually witness anything? One of the reasons why they don't get laughed out of public life is because of the compliant, supine media. With nothing to keep them in shape, the Democrats have gotten all fat and flabby, and they really do think no one can see their shoddy merchandise for what it is. And then they get indignant when the shoddiness of their merchandise gets pointed out.
I think the Republicans on the committee did a good job exposing these "witnesses", especially Karlan, as pretty much being Democratic activists, and not the Olympianly detached and neutral legal experts that the Democrats were attempting to pass them off as.
This leads me to wonder how these impeachment proceedings would go if they took place during the time of Nixon's impeachment, the mid 70s. There would be no internet, no CNN, no C-SPAN, and there would only be the WaPo, the NY Times, and the 3 "alphabet" TV networks (ABC, NBC, CBS).
All the Democrats would have to do is bar all TV cameras and limit coverage to only allow newspaper reporters, who could spin this story any way they wished.
My guess is that they would present the profs as neutral experts, just like the Democrats would like. Republican challenges to this narrative would simply be ignored. All the big newspapers were liberal, even back then, except for the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal. But the Democratic narrative would be pushed out to millions of Americans via TV news every night.
I think the main game-changer here was the advent of C-SPAN. I think Americans need to know how their government that they pay taxes for functions, and C-SPAN provides that service well.
C-SPAN is a national treasure.
"I'll bet you have a nice house in Chicago because you're such a great guy. I'm sure there are plenty of homeless people who would like to sneak in and set up residence in your living room and eat out of your refrigerator. After your house fills up it won't be so nice, and you won't have anything to say about it. But you have to do it because That's Who We Are."
Or, maybe, possibly, comparing immigrants moving here to live and work to someone stealing crap out of your house is the dumbest analogy ever?
Jobs and wealth aren't finite in that way. It isn't a simple zero-sum game, where someone else winning automatically means you are losing. The economics of labor and wages isn't that simple.
And there is no shortage of jobs or oversupply of labor. We are currently at full employment. Native-born Americans aren't struggling to find work because of "too many Mexicans." If you aren't doing well economically, you might need to look elsewhere for an explanation.
"That would be ZERO."
Here's one from a few months ago. There's video of it all over the internet, if you like watching a 16 year old Central American kid die.
"Video obtained by ProPublica shows the Border Patrol held a sick teen in a concrete cell without proper medical attention and did not discover his body until his cellmate alerted guards. The video doesn’t match the Border Patrol’s account of his death"
-Doug in Oakland
"When he worked for the Washington Post, he was a Sainted Journalist. Now that he reports on facts you don't want to hear, he is a liar."
If the Post employed Solomon, shame on them, too.
There is a sad tendency of some of these MSM outlets to publish known right-wing LIARS for the sake of "balance." Should they being doing this? Is this a moral obligation for journalists? Hell to the no! Trying to be "fair" to the wingnuts by allowing them space to freely spew lies is not responsible journalism, and doesn't accomplish anything anyway -- conservatives are still going to whine about the MSM's so-called left-wing bias no matter what. It's what they do.
A lot of these editors need to grow some spines.
"We are currently at full employment. Native-born Americans aren't struggling to find work because of 'too many Mexicans.'"
This was meant to read "native-born," not "Native-born." I was speaking of American citizens, not indigenous Americans. Sorry for the confusion.
Anonymous said.....
The guy does investigative journalism and bases his reporting on actual documented evidence. You can't dispute the findings, so you attack the man.
1:25 PM
You got it wrong. We are disputing his findings; they have all been debunked. We are Not just attacking the man. You have been duped. I posted about this guy one or two threads back. He's in Trump's pocket and lies just like him.
Anonymous said...
"I'll bet you have a nice house in Chicago because you're such a great guy. I'm sure there are plenty of homeless people who would like to sneak in and set up residence in your living room and eat out of your refrigerator. After your house fills up it won't be so nice, and you won't have anything to say about it. But you have to do it because That's Who We Are."
LOL. No one is advocating this. What a stupid rant! We need to solve our homeless problem in a humane way, and we could if Republicans had the political will to do so. Ditto our immigration problems. But obviously conservative Republicans enjoy chaos. Their attitude is "Let'um eat cake."
Anonymous said...
"Unfortunately, this won't win over anyone to Biden's cause. It will just make Trump fanaticss double down on their America's Great/Foreigners Suck delusion. They are unable to see that international hostility to the US is partly justified. I mean, some of the hostility certainly isn't, but some is -- it is a result of Republicans demanding that our leaders behave like assholes toward the rest of the world."
Team Trump's theme song (only applied to nations, not sports teams).
1:39 PM
I agree will all you said. On the other hand, I wish to point out that Biden's ad is probably not aimed at Trump's fanatical followers. I think it's aimed at Independents and moderate Democrats.
"I'll bet you have a nice house in Chicago because you're such a great guy. I'm sure there are plenty of homeless people who would like to sneak in and set up residence in your living room and eat out of your refrigerator. After your house fills up it won't be so nice, and you won't have anything to say about it. But you have to do it because That's Who We Are."
That didn't come close to answering my question so let's try again. If you lived in an impoverished nation would you attempt to come to the US?
"LOL from the guy who hasn't had an original thought in his life."
This from a guy who can't even come up with a screen name.😂😂
Yes, and if I lived on the street and had nothing, I'd want your stuff too.
The guy who steals your car just want's "a better life for himself and his family". So it's cool, right?
American citizenship is your birthright. It is worth a lot. By your logic, anyone who wants it gets it. If the 7 billion people on earth who aren't here are just undocumented pre-Americans, it's not worth shit.
"It isn't a simple zero-sum game, where someone else winning automatically means you are losing."
Yeah, at least PX won't need to cut the grass anymore.
"We are currently at full employment.
Thanks to President Trump.
Native-born Americans aren't struggling to find work because of 'too many Mexicans.'"
No, they are just making a lot lower wages.
“Thanks to President Trump.”
Zero thanks to Trump. Employment was already healthy before he took office.
All he has managed to do, economically speaking, is to inflate the national debt with a tax cut for rich people, and to impoverish farmers and other American export businesses with his ignorant, xenophobia-based tariffs.
"Yes, and if I lived on the street and had nothing, I'd want your stuff too."
And this is why your ancestors immigrated to America?
"No, they are just making a lot lower wages."
Which is true. I'd pick strawberries and lettuce in the hot sun but I'd need to get paid a helluva lot with some good bennies.
And I'd pay 20 cents more for a head of lettuce if they paid the people picking it better.
November Jobs Gains +266,000, Unemployment Rate 3.5%, Wage Growth +3.1%, Inflation 1.4%.
"And this is why your ancestors immigrated to America?"
My ancestors came here for opportunity, not hand outs.
"My ancestors came here for opportunity, not hand outs."
Same as everyone else. Your family isn't special dude. Ha!
"Yes, and if I lived on the street and had nothing, I'd want your stuff too."
I've been homeless more than once and I never stole or wanted anyone else's stuff. I just wanted a job so I could get somewhere to live.
And I got one each time. A couple of times I needed some help to achieve that, and lucky for me, I found it. There are good and generous people in Oakland, and I am friends with a few of them.
-Doug in Oakland
Your ancestors came here for a chance at a quarter section of land, free for the taking, subject to modest improvements on the property.
And before that they could have all the land they could use and protect from first peoples.
From Steve Benen:
"Donald Trump has now been in office for 34 full months -- February 2017 through November 2019 -- and in that time, the economy has created 6.56 million jobs. In the 34 months preceding Trump's presidency -- April 2014 to January 2017 -- the economy created 7.71 million jobs.
As regular readers know, some have asked what would happen if we looked at the same numbers, but assigned the job totals from January 2017 to Trump, even though Obama was president for most of the month. On balance, I think that paints a misleading picture, but it doesn't change the underlying dynamic: if we applied jobs from January 2017 to Trump and compared the last 35 months to the previous 35 months, job totals still slowed from 7.88 million to 6.81 million.
The White House, meanwhile, believes we should actually start the clock for Trump at November 2016 -- the month of the Republican's election -- and apply the jobs created during the final months of the Obama era to the current Republican president. But that still doesn't help: if we compare the last 37 months to the previous 37 months, job totals slowed from 8.23 million to 7.19 million.
Trump continues to tell the world that he's overseeing the strongest domestic job growth in American history, which is plainly false. What's more, the White House has not yet offered an explanation for why job growth has slowed since Trump took office."
-Doug in Oakland
The Hill had Solomon as a reporter and started getting red flags so they let him write opinions instead and he really set off the red flags.
The Hill is now going fact checking all his former works.
Solomon has been known for years as a conspiracy theorist.
Obama the Greats final numbers in a handy chart even retarded wingnuts can follow....
Obama and Dems did the 8 years of hard work it took to get the economy going again and they did while dragging every right wing scumbag congress pos and every right wing senate pos along for the ride.
With friends like Screwdy Rudy......
“The conversation about corruption in Ukraine was based on compelling evidence of criminal conduct by then VP Biden, in 2016, that has not been resolved and until it is will be a major obstacle ... to the US assisting Ukraine with its anti-corruption reforms,” Giuliani claimed, despite the fact that no such evidence has emerged.
In short, Giuliani tweeted the quid pro quo.
Rudy Giuliani
· Dec 5, 2019
Schiffs impeachment is a FARCE because
1. There was no military aid withheld.
2. The conversation about corruption in Ukraine was based on compelling evidence of criminal conduct by then VP Biden, in 2016, that has not been resolved and until it is will be a major obstacle...
Rudy Giuliani
...to the US assisting Ukraine with its anti-corruption reforms.
The American people will learn that Biden & other Obama administration officials, contributed to the increased level of corruption in Ukraine between 2014 to 2016.
This evidence will all be released very soon.
3:42 PM - Dec 5, 2019
Here is the rest if the story from VOX.
Shooting at Pensacola carried out by Saudi national pilot student. Blame drumpf's love for Saudi Arabia and murdering royal prince.
Yeah, well if them minorities didn't look like thugs they wouldn't get racially profiled. tic
"Now comes the first lady (who from all indication, might have entered the country illegally)"
TRUMP 2020!!
Ye gods, the only thing greater than your hypocrisy and dishonesty is your derangement.
this is the same Melania trump who supported her husband's racist birther claim against a man who had to had two minor children
Nobody ever mentioned those children when talking about the birth certificate. We're talking about people in government going after minor children, remember? So if it's illegitimate to talk about disqualifications for a pol just because they have minor children, you can't talk about Trump, period.
speaking of children, is Melania aware of all the children who have died while in the custody of ICE because of policies that her husband implemented?
Are you aware that those children were already dying when ICE got them? Hey, I've got a sure-fire way to make sure that NOT ONE ILLEGAL ALIEN CHILD will die in ICE custody at the Mexican border: build a wall that keeps them all on the Mexico side!
Is she aware of the fact that her husband's administration caged children?
Your Obamessiah started THAT phenomenon, hypocrite. But he can do no wrong according to you.
What do you think will upset Baron more? Seeing these pictures one day while he is out hanging with his buds?
He's gonna grin and say "you wish YOUR mom ever looked that good!" At least he won't be saying it to Malia and Sasha, because his family has better taste than to hang out with scum like the Obamas.
"Tis the season to mass murder, happy phucking New Year, Russia NRA."
Shooter was a Saudi national, and you blame Russia and the NRA? You need to increase your medication, your current antipsychotics are definitely not doing the job.
That goes for Doug, Granny and Fooled too.
"Blame drumpf's love for Saudi Arabia and murdering royal prince."
Coming from the guy whose favorite pol ever practically sucked the Saudi king's dick at his introduction, this is rich.
Were leftists also “importing” Irish and Poles and Germans back in the 19th century?
They weren't giving them food assistance, housing assistance, heating assistance, CASH assistance and translation services.
All the “importing” and “invasion” talk is hate speech straight out of the local Klan rally.
Keep calling everyone with sane views on immigration "haters" and "Klansmen". You want more Trump? Because that's how you get more Trump.
"We need to solve our homeless problem in a humane way"
Throw all the illegals out and cancel all H-1 and EB-5 visas so they can afford rent again.
"My ancestors came here for opportunity, not hand outs."
Same as everyone else. Your family isn't special dude. Ha!
No. Today's immigration is fundamentally different.
You can have open borders with free market competition for resources or you can have a functioning welfare state where we take care of the people that need it.
Pick one.
The democrats want to put everyone on earth on US funded Medicare.
"They weren't giving them food assistance, housing assistance, heating assistance, CASH assistance and translation services."
The illegal immigrants you moan about the most don't receive any of those things. And yet they still come.
And even for people who are working here legally, the idea that our social safety net for the poor is sooooo generous and wonderful that people immigrate here solely to take advantage of that -- it's a laughable wingnut fantasy. Our government offers fucking stingy benefits for a first-world country. Nobody is coming here for those. They come here hoping to find work.
"You can have open borders with free market competition for resources or you can have a functioning welfare state where we take care of the people that need it."
You've picked closed borders and NO welfare state. Thanks, but no thanks.
Former Infowars Employee Describes How They Just Made Stuff Up
A former video editor for Alex Jones' InfoWars admitted to the New York Times how they fabricated evidence.
By Susie Madrak
We have been trying to tell the trolls this for a long time.
Anonymous said....
He's gonna grin and say "you wish YOUR mom ever looked that good!" At least he won't be saying it to Malia and Sasha, because his family has better taste than to hang out with scum like the Obamas.
5:44 PM
So in your book the Obamas are scum? But you worship a man who has no class, who cheats and steals, who repeatedly commits adultery, and who can't speak a coherent sentence that isn't written down for him by somebody with a brain?
"No, they are just making a lot lower wages."
So are immigrants willing to work crappy jobs for little money so their kids can have a better future, like all other previous immigrants, or are they coming for handouts?
Coming from the guy whose favorite pol ever practically sucked the Saudi king's dick at his introduction, this is rich.
Blatant lie from a pathological lying wingnut. dumbass dubya swallowed a yard of the Saudi prince's tongue in front of gawd and everyone.
So Devin can't remember whether or not he spoke to a Russian spy? Putin is the RNC Chair.
dumbass dub6ya swapping spit with Saudi royal prince.
Those "illegals" contributed 3.5 billion bucks to SS every year and they can't receive benefits from it. They did more for the economy than all the trailer trash in southern US combined. We send the wrong "illegals" across the southern border.
Let's deport illegal immigrants and get rid of chained migration. We should start with Melania and her parents.
"Those "illegals" contributed 3.5 billion bucks to SS every year and they can't receive benefits from it. They did more for the economy than all the trailer trash in southern US combined. We send the wrong "illegals" across the southern border."
C'mon Mike, don't you watch Fox? Brown people bad, just ask Stephen Miller.
This Brainless, Single-Celled Blob Can Make Complex 'Decisions'
Drumpf sues. Claims he is smarter stable genius than blob.
Dumbcan Hunter can no longer vote in Congress and will resign around holidays. Happy days are here again. Dems are draining drumpfuck's swamp by weeding out the obvious crooks and drumpf is up next.
In case you haven't seen it, this article is worth a look.
And since when do blacks care about anything that’s not directly related to you? You people really need to get over yourselves.
Pure manufactured faux outrage by stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys.
Good article, Gambler. Read it earlier.
Illegals come here, drop a "citizen" kid and then the kid qualifies for every type of public assistance there is. Which goes to the baby mama and daddy, if he's here. Daddy works under the table and the family collects more money in benefits and untaxed wages than an American working a regular job.
The reason Guatemala and Honduras are shitty countries is because Guatemalans and Hondurans are shitty people. Americans don't want them here. Keep America Clean, send the turd-worlders home!
What Baltimore looked like B.N. (Before Negrification):
Brian Conley goes into an office where drug abuse counselor Melissa Hamilton is working late, rapes her and then stabs her to death. Conley is black, Hamilton was white.
Pure hate crime, but won't be prosecuted or even listed as one.
"Americans don't want them here. Keep America Clean, send the turd-worlders home!"
Nope, America is a country built by immigrants. They are as welcomed as anyone else. Have you actually been to Guatamala or Honduras? Nice people.
Wonder no more when this particular thread was going to be infected with racist filth.😖
Duncan Hunter will resign.
-Doug in Oakland
Duncan Hunter will go to jail.😑
"Have you actually been to Guatamala or Honduras? Nice people."
Ask the Guatemalans and Hondurans "fleeing violence" if their countries are full of "nice people". That's allegedly why they're trying to come to the USA.
Mobs of "teens" (race omitted because it would "lead to stereotyping") mob businesses after leaving National Zoo and assault shopowners:
This is why it should be lawful to shoot such mobs.
"Ask the Guatemalans and Hondurans "fleeing violence" if their countries are full of "nice people". That's allegedly why they're trying to come to the USA."
I asked if you have been there. Have you?
"What Baltimore looked like B.N. (Before Negrification):"
Any pictures of rural Alabama, W. Virginia, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Florida, Tennessee, ect. that look the same as they did 50 years ago? And by the same I mean like a 4th world country?
Rather live in B'more than here.
"I asked if you have been there."
The people fleeing were born there. Why should I believe you, instead of them?
"The people fleeing were born there. Why should I believe you, instead of them?"
You don't have to believe anything. I asked if you have been somewhere you have criticized. You know, the whole actually knowing about which you talk thing. Simple yes or no question. Have you been there? C'mon, you can do it.
PilotX said......
Wonder no more when this particular thread was going to be infected with racist filth.😖
8:38 PM
It happens every time. They are compulsively posting their trash because it makes them feel better. They are so insecure that the only way they can feel good about themselves is to tear other people down. Otherwise, why would they be posting on a black blog?
"Wonder no more when this particular thread was going to be infected with racist filth."
I'm thinking that already happened about 15 comments in. It's all been downhill from there.
Darrell Issa thinks Duncan Hunter should get a pardon.
-Doug in Oakland
Black communities would do better if blacks stopped obsessing about Trump and white women and started actually putting effort into their lives and neighborhoods. Until then, you people will continue lagging behind, and have no one to blame except yourselves. I’m 23 and am closer to great things than any of you will ever be.
You don't have to believe anything.
If you don't believe what PEOPLE WHO LIVED THERE say, why should anyone believe what you say?
I asked if you have been somewhere you have criticized.
I asked if your brief visitation is worth more than the lived experience of people who were born there, and find it intolerable. We know they find it intolerable because they demand to come here.
You know, the whole actually knowing about which you talk thing.
You know, the whole impossibility of living EVERYWHERE and knowing EVERYTHING from personal experience. Which is why we should boot your worthless ass to Honduras, so you can acquire some PERSONAL experience of the mess that you refuse to admit that exists. Unless we boot you to Liberia, which works too. You have no business even setting foot in the USA, even if you were born here. You are the enemy of everything American. GO. AWAY.
Two worthless N-words with long criminal histories get killed, along with innocent UPS driver who they kidnapped and a total bystander:
Why are we letting worthless felonious N-words out of prison AT ALL? Let's do the right thing and put bullets in their heads to put ends to their criminal careers. That will make sure there are no more tales of innocent deaths like this one. Let's hold their mamas and brothers and sisters responsible for their crimes too. It's "the community", you hold your own to account or you are HELD to account.
Gee, I wonder how Central America got so unstable?
-Doug in Oakland
"I’m 23 and am closer to great things than any of you will ever be."
"If you don't believe what PEOPLE WHO LIVED THERE say, why should anyone believe what you say?"
Not the point, have you been there yes or no. Simple question.
"Which is why we should boot your worthless ass to Honduras, so you can acquire some PERSONAL experience of the mess that you refuse to admit that exists."
Never said that. Sure, I fly to Central America a lot so I'll be your Huckleberry. Well I don't go as much now that I fly the Airbus but went quite a bit on the 737. Good food and good people.
"You have no business even setting foot in the USA, even if you were born here. You are the enemy of everything American. GO. AWAY."
Now that is one ignorant post.😂 Enemy of everything American? Hyperbole much? Go away? Nah kid, I'll stick around just to annoy your type.😆
Too many trolls out trying to earn their holiday bonus by infecting Field's comment section.
And I don't think they're human.
Pigs disregarded civilians and hostage in their eagerness to turn brothers into stew meat with guns.
So, of course, wasicu wasteys will claim pigs just doing their job getting everyone killed as long as the perps die.
Remember the fax outrage from drumpf and wingnuts claiming 3 years of vetting for Syrian refugees wasn't enough? We find out radical Saudi pilot and others are not vetted at all.
Blame drumpf.
PilotX said...
"No, they are just making a lot lower wages."
So are immigrants willing to work crappy jobs for little money so their kids can have a better future, like all other previous immigrants, or are they coming for handouts?
The point was that the wages of native-born Americans are lower because of importing those immigrants willing to work crappy (and not so crappy) jobs for little money.
Mike from Iowa said
Too many trolls out trying to earn their holiday bonus by infecting Field's comment section.
And I don't think they're human.
8:24 AM
Maybe they are demons from hell like their messiah Trump? Why do they come here? to hurl insults? to make themselves feel better about their crappy lives? There are plenty of other sites where they will be welcome.
https://www.in.gov/isdh/24670.htm Myths about refugees. Everything stoopid fucking wingnuts have been brainwashed to believe is a crock of lies, perpetrated and perpetuated by right wing scumacysts to stir up wingnut base.
The cops in that UPS truck kidnapping and heist killed the hostage and a bystander and then bragged that no cops had been killed.
We need to take the guns away from cops for a month, and then any who refuse to work that month need to be fired and blacklisted from ever working in law enforcement again.
-Doug in Oakland
Butt Trumpet should just take his pathetic tiny dick along with his stupid whore wife and move to Mother Russia already.
Good read on Huff Post
"The point was that the wages of native-born Americans are lower because of importing those immigrants willing to work crappy (and not so crappy) jobs for little money."
Sure, so fine and punish the employers and that will stop in a heartbeat.
"Why do they come here?"
Trolls gonna troll.😆
Trump is a shit stain on humanity.
Fergus has lost his African American.
-Doug in Oakland
Q: Why did the troll spew filth?
A: Because it had nothing else to do.
Q: Troll or bot?
A: If soulless, then troll. If rotten, then bot.
Q: Why here?
A: Because a troll's curse is praise.
To get back to root topic...
I say that the witness told the _wrong_ joke. So let's get out our reality-altering Sharpies, blot out the Barron joke, and write in the margin:
"A President can nickname his daughter Princess, but he can't make her a princess."
Gee, I wonder how Central America got so unstable?
In 1491, the whole area was populated by tribes which did things like cutting the hearts out of hundreds of captives at a time and building literal pyramids from their skulls... and you think the USA has anything to do with there being "instability" there?!
It's unstable and violent because That's Who They Are. That is why allowing them to come or stay here is a crime against humanity. They Have To Go Back.
"I don't think they're human."
You go on and on about invaders being "denied asylum" because they're "fleeing violence", yet when someone brings up the violent nature of the countries they left, PilotX says "nah, they're nice people" as if he never understood a word you wrote.
It does actually seem likely that he doesn't understand a word. But that makes you two a pair of NPCs, if not outright bots. Neither can go outside the limits of their programming.
They are fleeing violence, perpetrated by the US of A and completely ignored by stoopid fucking wingnuts who are told, by fake noize, America under wingnut rule has never done a bad thing to anyone ever.
The evidence has been posted several times and I am not going to post it again. You choose to remain stoopid. That is your tough titty.
Classic violent alt left, they attack the Presidents Wife and Son because they are bully's and cowards.
What was the attack on the son, moron? Someone mentioned his name was all. That is not an attack. Melanoma still has to answer whether she was in country and working illegally, although all evidence points to her not living up to her visa requirements. That is a legitimate question she should be forced to answer.
Anonymous said...
Classic violent alt left, they attack the Presidents Wife and Son because they are bully's and cowards.
9:37 AM
Classic violent far right, they attacked the Presidents wife and daughters because they are bully's and cowards. Anon., you have a lot of nerve posting this shit after how your side treated Michelle and the Obama girls. Go hide your head in shame.
"They are fleeing violence, perpetrated by the US of A"
The violence is perpetrated by gangs from their own villages, sometimes their own families. They were violent before the first Spaniard set foot in the Americas, they're violent now, they're violent at home and they'll be violent wherever they go. It's Who They Are. And even if "the USA" was responsible, the Americans who have to deal with their problems aren't. We never got a vote. They have no business even asking to come here.
But an NPC doesn't understand "moral agency", because he has none himself. All he has is the Hive Mind dogma which he must repeat verbatim or be thrown out.
The violence is perpetrated by gangs from their own villages, sometimes their own families. They were violent before the first Spaniard set foot in the Americas, they're violent now, they're violent at home and they'll be violent wherever they go. It's Who They Are. And even if "the USA" was responsible, the Americans who have to deal with their problems aren't. We never got a vote. They have no business even asking to come here.
Total bullshit like usual. MS 13 was born in California prisons and exported back to Central America. Other gangs formed after we destabilized their governments in a quest for Commies.
From 2010 read it and learn the truth for once dumbass.
The worst human rights abusers in Central America were trained at School for the Americas in Georgia. They are the worst of the worst. Right wing america's gifts to the world.
Anybody figure out how Melanoma got a degree in architecture in less than a full year in college? No? Makes her a liar then donut?
The alt left and its pedophilia......
Anonymous said...
The alt left and its pedophilia......
3:24 PM
Gee, that's news to me. I didn't know that Dennis Hastert, Mark Foley, Jeffrey Epstein, Jim Jordon, and Donald Trump were alt lefties!
Mike from Iowa said....
From 2010 read it and learn the truth for once dumbass.
The worst human rights abusers in Central America were trained at School for the Americas in Georgia. They are the worst of the worst. Right wing america's gifts to the world.
12:55 PM
True, Mike. And remember the Contra Affair in which Ronnie Reagan sold weapons to Iran to get the money to finance the Contras in Nickaragua. The Contras pretty much destroyed the country while pretending to hunt for Communists. When confronted later, Ronnie said he didn't know anything about it.
Raygun was senile and couldn't remember. Ollie North was a convicted felon and CIA director William Casey conveniently died before congress got any testimony from him.
Raygun's crew sold weapons to our sworn enemies in Iran, which was an act of treason and should have been prosecuted as such.
Bruce Cockburn took a trip to Central America in the early eighties and wrote this song and others on his 1984 "Stealing Fire" album about what he saw. The last lyric: "If I had a rocket launcher, some son of a bitch would die."
-Doug in Oakland
Mike from Iowa said.......
CIA director William Casey conveniently died before congress got any testimony from him.
Yes, wasn't that convenient for the commander in chief? As I recall, Casey went fishing and disappeared from his boat. Did they ever find his body? Or maybe he's hiding in Argentina?
Casey allegedly died of a brain tumor in 1987 and is supposedly buried in New York State. My best guess is the alleged brain tumor was FMJ and self inflicted with help from undercover agents.
US officials knew nearly 2 decades ago afghanistan was an unwinnable war and kept silent about it.
Here's a good idea, make election day a paid holiday to encourage voting.
Better yet, ban wingnuts from voting at all.
Yeah, ban "wingnuts" from voting. Make them use bullets instead of ballots.
See how that works out. OBTW, they live where your food is grown, and you won't get any. Let's see how THAT works out for you too!
Fuck the anymoose. I grow my own food. How does that fit yer micro - dicked narrative, wasicu wasstey? I have gunz and bullets. too.
Anonymous said.....
See how that works out. OBTW, they live where your food is grown, and you won't get any. Let's see how THAT works out for you too!
11:34 PM
Don't be so sure of that. Lots of food is grown in Washington, Oregon, and California - not exactly a wing-nut dominated area.
Lots of food is grown in Washington, Oregon, and California - not exactly a wing-nut dominated area.
The cities dominating Washington, Oregon and California are the Redmond-Tacoma corridor, Portland and SF/Sacramento to Los Angeles. Those are urban, and don't grow anything but lefturds and welfare babies. The counties where FOOD is grown are chock-full of those you call "wingnuts".
Those states produce little of their own food. Most of the corn and wheat comes from a belt stretching from the Dakotas down to Texas and eastward to roughly mid-Pennsylvania. That belt supplies essentially ALL the bread and everything fed by corn including the beef, chicken, pork and even catfish. Practically everyone engaged in growing food is someone you'd call a "wingnut".
I hope to see them rise up against you and your orcish pets. You wouldn't last a week.
Do you want me to tell you where the fuel that supplies all your electricity and gasoline comes from, and who produces it for you?
Beautiful Melania makes that butt ugly nigger Michelle obama look like a dump truck.
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