With all of the latest legal troubles facing trump lead cheerleader and boy pal, Matt Gaetz, now would be a good time to revisit the following article written by Tom McCarthy for The Guardian.
"To live outside the law, Bob Dylan sang, you must be honest. It also helps, apparently, to stay as clear as possible from Donald Trump, whose inner circle of advisers has suffered steady attrition since 2017, through a series of encounters with the criminal justice system.
Bannon was accused of defrauding people who gave tens of millions to a private fund which existed, Bannon claimed, to finance the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico. The real purpose of that fund and others, federal prosecutors say, was to cover the “luxury” lifestyle expenses of Bannon and his fellow defendants.
“This entire fiasco is to stop people who want to build the wall,” Bannon declared outside a Manhattan courthouse, proclaiming his innocence.
Depending on how – and whom – you count, Bannon was the seventh former close Trump adviser to be arrested, face charges, plead guilty or to be convicted of a crime since the 45th president took office.
Former campaign chairman Paul Manafort (convicted: tax fraud, bank fraud) is in home confinement due to Covid-19; former adviser Roger Stone (convicted: obstruction, false statements) received a presidential commutation; former adviser Michael Cohen (guilty plea: campaign finance crimes, lying to Congress) is in home confinement; former national security adviser Michael Flynn (guilty plea: lying to the FBI) is awaiting a ruling on a request to dismiss charges; former adviser Rick Gates (guilty plea: lying to investigators) has completed a prison term; and former adviser George Papadopoulos (guilty plea: lying) has completed a prison term.
I believe it unprecedented in any US administration for so many of the closest circle of persons around the president to have been shown to be conmen, grifters and base criminals,” said Patrick Cotter, a former federal prosecutor who was part of the team that convicted the Gambino family boss John Gotti, in an email.
“While previous administrations had their share of those trying to personally profit and those willing to break the law to serve the political interests of the president, what is unique about the Trump administration is the large number of people in direct contact with the president, often for years, who are revealed to be out-and-out fraudsters for whom crime is apparently part of their lifestyle and character.”
As his re-election campaign enters full swing, Trump has made an effort to brand himself as the president of “law and order”. But Trump himself has at times appeared to sail within dangerous distance of criminal legal hazards.
During impeachment proceedings that straddled the turn of this year, Democrats and the Republican senator Mitt Romney voted to remove Trump for abuse of power.
Robert Mueller detailed nearly a dozen potential instances of obstruction of justice by Trump during the Russia investigation, though the special counsel did not propose criminal charges.
Before that, Trump paid $2m in fines and closed his family’s “charity” foundation, admitting it had used donations to pay campaign and business expenses.
The prosecutors in that case, in the New York state attorney general’s office, are currently investigating Trump’s banking and tax conduct, while federal prosecutors in New York – the ones bringing charges against Bannon – are also looking at alleged graft by Trump’s inauguration committee.
The Manhattan district attorney is investigating Trump’s tax records, as are multiple congressional committees.
Trump says he is a victim of a witch-hunt by politically motivated prosecutors. His critics say that in fact the full scope of Trump’s alleged criminal conduct is unknown because he is using the power of the presidency to block details from coming to light.
Continued arrests of former associates could at some stage pose a threat to Trump himself, if one decided to cooperate with prosecutors against Trump, legal analysts have said. But past speculation about the dangers of such a “flipped” witness have not been borne out – in part perhaps because Trump has demonstrated a willingness to pardon his friends for their wrongdoing, decreasing any incentive to “flip”.
Consider Trump’s clemency for Stone; the justice department’s efforts to drop the case against Flynn, which the courts have not yet granted; attorney general William Barr’s sudden removal of prosecutors seen as threatening to Trump; and Trump’s deployment of the might of the justice department to stop his tax records being handed to state authorities and Congress, in a case that reached the supreme court.
Barr and Trump have denied using the levers of American justice to prosecute the president’s enemies and protect his friends. But evidence-heavy charging documents against figures in Trump’s orbit keep stacking up.
“Why this unprecedented situation?” said Cotter, now a Chicago-based officer with the Greensfelder law firm.
“My almost 40 years working in criminal law has taught me that criminals of a particular type tend to associate with other criminals of the same type. There is a comfort level and mutual understanding in such associations.
“So when I see a swarm of conmen buzzing around one particular man, in this case Trump, my experience suggests that it is because they recognize one of their own. And in selecting them to be his confidants, the president also recognized kindred spirits.”
It just keeps happening. But it has not happened Trump, yet." [Source]
Not yet. But his tax returns are in the hands of the Manhattan District Attorney's office. Let's see where this leads.
Oh, and have you noticed who is still silent when it comes to these latest accusations and investigations of the above mentioned Mr. Gaetz? If you guessed Donald trump move to the head of the class.
One day these people will learn that trump cares about one thing and one thing only: Himself.
*Image from The Nation
And the latest Fergus-grift is that he swindled his online donors by making all one time contributions into recurring contributions without any clear opt-out mechanism on the website.
Fergus is a criminal, but he ain't no outlaw.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Barr was hired to run interference between prosecutors and drumpf just as he ran interference between Iran-Contra, et al investigators and Raygun administration.
That this virtuoso criminal, No. 45, remaains even now the titular head of the Republican party is an index of its own depravity. The Party of No, the party kept in business by gerrymander and suppression, has either to clean up its act or be amputated before the whole body politic shrivels and dies. If we survived Trump, the Republicans haven't. McConnell is making sure of that. They're still apt to pull the whole nation down with them, never mind the twisted pseudo-democracy we had 4 years ago.
White collar mobster
I would say this story was unbelievable, if it were almost any other politician’s campaign that was accused of pulling this scam. But since we’re talking about Trump, it’s completely believable.
Speaking of "one of their own," no comment on Noah Green, that Black guy who rammed his car into and killed a police officer outside the US Capitol building--evocative of the January 6th storming of the Capitol?
The media are predictably trying to downplay this attack on the Capitol with excuses about Green's "troubled mental state" or other lame rationalizations.
Green would fit in well with all the rabid Trump fanatics who stormed the Capitol on January 6th.
More out of control, negro violence:
Black Tennessee Woman Shoots at Burger King Employees After Filling Her Order Took Too Long
CHICAGO Year 2021 to Date April 05th
Shot & Killed: 142
Shot & Wounded: 636
Total Shot: 778
Total Homicides: 150
Green would fit in well with all the rabid Trump fanatics who stormed the Capitol on January 6th.
9:45 AM
Except those were not Trump fanatics but ANTIFA and BLM operatives.
Bond denied for black man charged in kidnapping, murder of missing 80-year-old Horry County woman:
Feral Animal Negro Dominique Davonah Brand, 29, is charged with murder, kidnapping, 12 counts of sodomy rape, possession of a firearm by a felon and possession of a firearm during the commission of a violent crime on an 80 year old WHITE GRANDMOTHER Mary Ann Elvington
The up-is-down trolls are back. BLM is Trumpist, antifa is profa. Remember the guy carrying the Stars and Bars in the Senate forum? Let me guess, Soros sent him?
Remember and be wary
The Sixth of January
The treason, sedition, and plot.
I know of no reason
Sedition and treason
Should ever be forgot.
“The media are predictably trying to downplay this attack on the Capitol with excuses about Green's ‘troubled mental state’ or other lame rationalizations.”
No “rationalizations.” The dude was nuts.
Negro Church Attack:
Sources: Secret Service inserted itself into case of Hunter Biden’s(CCP operative) gun
Video shows group of black teens beating a man on a South Beach street
APRIL 02, 2021 10:34 AM, UPDATED APRIL 02, 2021 04:43 PM
Recently pardoned negro rapper ambushed in Florida, security guard shot:
Paradoctor said...
The up-is-down trolls are back. BLM is Trumpist, antifa is profa. Remember the guy carrying the Stars and Bars in the Senate forum? Let me guess, Soros sent him?
Remember and be wary
The Sixth of January
The treason, sedition, and plot.
I know of no reason
Sedition and treason
Should ever be forgot.
12:47 PM
The left is terrified of Truth and Debate......
Charles Barkley spittin truth! it’s all about the divide and conquer agenda:
Anonymous said...
"Except those were not Trump fanatics but ANTIFA and BLM operatives."
12:13 PM
So you don't believe your lying eyes? Then apparently, there is no hope for you to wake up anytime soon.
Anonymous said...
The left is terrified of Truth and Debate......
5:41 PM
Sure we are; that's why we spend so much time on this blog debating idiots such as you. LOL!
Getting back to the subject of Field's current topic: It's obvious that Trump is the most successful con artist since P.T. Barnum. Everyone who supports Trump is a victim of scam.
"The left is terrified of Truth and Debate......"
Be sure to let everyone know when the "debate" starts. So far, you just seem to be wasting everyone's time reading the the usual hate and lies you have spewed.
Ha! trump steals from his supporters. 😆😂 Oh teh stupid is strong in them.
So their hero steals directly from them AND steals from a damned charity. When is enough enough? But Barack wore a tan suit.🙄
Now we know it's a cult.
Raygun wore a tan suit long before Obama did.
Alcee Hastings, impeached former federal judge and long time Dem congressman from florida. has passed away.
Two Yemeni men on FBI's terror watchlist were arrested near the point of entry
One was stopped on January 29 and the other on March 30, both in California
Both were stopped by agents from El Centro Station in Calexico, California
Republicans have been warning that terrorists could try to enter via the border
Kevin McCarthy on March 15 said he was told of arrests from around the world
House minority leader said border agents told of detainees Yemen, Iran, Turkey
The U.S. does not release data on terror suspects arrested at the border
Analysts believe 6-20 are detained at U.S.-Mexico border every year
Anonymous said...
"The left is terrified of Truth and Debate......"
Be sure to let everyone know when the "debate" starts. So far, you just seem to be wasting everyone's time reading the the usual hate and lies you have spewed.
6:50 PM
If you can find one lie I told, please repeat it here and we can debate it. I do have reliable sources; do you?
The vast majority of smuggled drugs and terrorists come in to America through staffed ports of call. Nothing new here.
McCarthy doesn't believe intel agents when they say Russia and Iran hacked the election. But if it something he agrees with, he believes every line of shit they shovel his way.
“If you can find one lie I told, please repeat it here and we can debate it. I do have reliable sources; do you?”
This was aimed at the usual trolls, like Black Crime Guy, not you.
Magats, may I happily point out your immediate future when minorities take over.... wasicu slums of South Africa, and it is not a pretty site for you or yer spawns.
Funniest thing is the Black guy doing the documentary is the only one with any sympathy for whites in this situation.
“If you can find one lie I told, please repeat it here and we can debate it. I do have reliable sources; do you?“
They’re not here to debate. If they were they’d have screen names. Remember trump2020? They have nothing but stupidity and hate, not something to build a future upon.
According to a New York Times source, in the last days of the Trump administration, Gaetz sought pardons for himself and his aides from Trump.
Not a good sign for his claims of innocence.
So the senate parliamentarian has given Schumer the OK to amend reconciliation bills, giving us a couple more get out of filibuster free cards, if we can use them, but the goddamn filibuster still has to go so we can pass S1, without which everything else is temporary at best.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
Former Pfizer VP to AFLDS: ‘Entirely possible this will be used for massive-scale depopulation’:
Blogger field negro said...
Now we know it's a cult.
7:29 AM
That's climate change for ya.......
Gee, Matt, if you're so innocent, why did you want Fergus to pardon you?
-Doug in Sugar Pine
“That's climate change for ya.......“
Why am I still seeing should HRC be brought to justice ads even though she has been cleared of any criminal activities over and over again.
The investigations of Hillary and her emails may be over, but Trump fans are still dumb. And, therefore, still easy to separate from their money.
It’s another grift.
“Why am I still seeing should HRC be brought to justice ads even though she has been cleared of any criminal activities over and over again.“
What else do they have? Like Barack and the tan suit.😖
“What else do they have? Like Barack and the tan suit.”
They have “Biden is old.” They have “Guatemalan children are invading and now America is doomed.”
They have Dr Seuss and Mr Potato Head.
You know, with tens of thousands of reported cases of credit card fraud, it looks like Fergus could be in some real trouble...
-Doug in Sugar Pine
“You know, with tens of thousands of reported cases of credit card fraud, it looks like Fergus could be in some real trouble...”
Only if it can be proven that he gave the order to, by default, check a box on the campaign website that made donations recurring, unless donors unchecked it.
Regardless of whether he did or not, Trump will no doubt claim he gave no such order and will throw his campaign staffers under the bus.
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LA pigs reported a white scum assaulted his white gf so the pigs attack the first black man they find, can't wrestle him to the ground and the black guy's white gf runs around in the melee partially naked
and uncensored.
NSFW nor for the likely to be unemployed pigs shortly.
ANGRY NEGRO BREAKING NEWS - NFL player Phillip Adams killed 5, then himself
Five people, including two children and a prominent doctor, were killed in a shooting in South Carolina, authorities said. A sixth person was wounded.
AP source: Negro NFL player Phillip Adams killed 5, then himself
Black woman yelled an anti-Asian slur at a man on the street, police said. He was an undercover NYPD officer.
well,fuck! There goes another magat fantasy into the dustbin of HRC's alleged crimes.
It's FAGAT fantasy that George Floyd died of anything other than the fentanyl he ate to prevent the police from disovering it and arresting him. It was the fentanyl (3x the lethal level) which caused his lack of oxygen.
It was the fentanyl (3x the lethal level) which caused his lack of oxygen.
Nope, dope.
Killer pig had knee on Floyd's neck three minutes after Floyd stopped breathing, something fentanyl can't do.
Trump really won the election and you know it.....
Anonymous said...
It's FAGAT fantasy that George Floyd died of anything other than the fentanyl he ate to prevent the police from disovering it and arresting him. It was the fentanyl (3x the lethal level) which caused his lack of oxygen.
6:22 AM
If what you say is true, why did the blood toxicology report shoe only traces of fentanyl?
Anonymous said...
Trump really won the election and you know it.....
9:23 AM
Only in your mind, Anon.
If what you say is true, why did the blood toxicology report shoe only traces of fentanyl?
An amount considerably greater than the lethal level is more than "traces". You have no excuse for not knowing that, either. You were told this less than 3 months ago. If you can't remember highly relevant information less than 3 months later, you're senile. If you deny it, you're lying to others and yourself.
America is going to hell because of all you liars. You are the immorality which is taking us down.
Anonymous said...
America is going to hell because of all you liars. You are the immorality which is taking us down.
1:31 PM
Gey, Anon, I didn't join a riot/insurrection and try to take the government down like your side did! People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
As for being senile, I'm a lot sharper than you are. I didn't fall for conman Trump like you did.
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