Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"Guess Who's Coming To Dinner"

This is why I am sure so many of you love his O ness. The man is just so damn forgiving. Seems our newly elected President went out to Chevy Chase, Maryland to break bread with a bunch of right wing journalists at George Will's 1.9 million dollar crib. There was George, there was David Brooks, and there was William Kristol, sitting down for a chit chat over what I am sure was a well cooked and tasty meal.

Now just what they were talking about we don't know, because the meeting was kind of hush hush. It was supposed to be an off the record meeting of course (yeah right, the details will be on FOX NEWS by next Sunday), so his O ness might have opened up to our right wing friends a little.

I guess his O ness was serious about reaching across the aisle. Yes Washington, this man is serious about changing the tone in that town. But just be careful who you pal around with there O man, they are not your friends. They might be glistening now, but it's all fool's gold. Believe me, that luster they are showing you won't last.

But back to the dinner: I am really curious to know what they said to each other? I bet there was a lot of forced smiles and phoniness in the house. (George I love what you did with the place? I didn't know you were into African Art? Sooooo how about them Ravens huh Obama? Do you watch football much? The little lady whipped up some barbecue, I know you love barbecue don't you Obama?I mean... being from Chicago and all..) Let me stop. O man, I just hope that you didn't eat anything that your host didn't eat first.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure they fawned all over Obama. And as soon as he was out of the house trashed him up one side and down the other. After all, the are republicans.

Anonymous said...

Oops. Make that THEY are all republicans.

Jody said...

I think it was friggin brilliant. Obama is doing things I haven't ever seen a president do, ever. I am looking forward to seeing how this plays out.

EzMun said...


Some of this wasn't entirely fair. After all, George Will was somewhat supportive to Obama during the campaign... or more accurately Will was rather openly against McCain-Palin. George Will was one of the first republicans who made open criticism of McCain-Palin fashionable for some thinking Republicans. So George isn't exactly the "enemy." Kristol, Brooks... they were the enemy over the past year or two, so I get your point.

Frankly, I think the O man needs to do more to strengthen his base of supporters rather than creating more raised eyebrows among his most ardent supporters.

If the selection of Rick Warren, the creation of Clinton Administration II, and this dinner with the enemy is any foretaste of how the O man will try to run Washington and the world, I'd say we're in for a bumpy ride.

MartiniCocoa said...

What struck me about the guest list is who wasn't invited:

Ann Coulter
Rush Lardbucket
Michelle Malkin
Sean Hannity
Bill O'Reilly

People who would swear out that they represent the true voice of the GOP.

It seems that elitism isn't something that can't only be thrown out at Democrats ... the GOP has an elitist tier within the party.

Anonymous said...

It was a nice gesture on everyone's part. I'd like to get away from hate politics.


La♥audiobooks said...

"Seems our newly elected President went out to Chevy Chase, Maryland to break bread with a bunch of right wing journalists...

...because the meeting was kind of hush hush. It was supposed to be an off the record meeting of course.

In other words...

"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil"
Psalm 23.

I am not star jones,

You can not invite your shark friends over for dinner if you're going to feed them salad alone. They will find meat one way or the other.

momo said...

I like the idea of him sitting there smiling at them: "You didn't think it would come to this, did you? Well, as Tina Fey would say, suck it!"

Anonymous said...

The man fit in with the group. They have the same basic agenda and the only differences are sleight of hand.

His "liberal" group meeting tomorrow (witht the one exception of rachel Maddow) are simply more of the same tow the line sycophants.

Obama has nothing to fear from his group of right wing friends. hell, he voted along with their agenda except in the intitial case (which is his only distinguishing feature... now marred by the ass kissing he is doing).

I am not fooled by the man.

The agenda remains the same, and likely worse.

But he is cool, ain't he?

Anonymous said...

Thats change & hope at work,take notes america!

Anonymous said...

buelahman: You, my friend, are an idiot. He has consistently voted with the most leftist ideologues in the these United States. I'm not complaining, just want to point out that his job is different now and he's adapting to get legislation passed.


Monie said...

How is it that Bill Kristol still has a job?

Anonymous said...

Brilliant move. Every eye contact he makes with potential adversaries blunts their weapons. This guy is a true fighter.

You always want to look straight into your enemy's eyes. Its very empowering and it gives one strength. He is empowered and they are less so.
These guys always wrote about him without any caution. Now they have the memory of his gaze at them and will think twice before they attack. While for him, he knows what his harshest critics look like upclose face to face and that is quite comforting actually. I bet you he is less afraid of them now. He will pull eye brow raising moves and he knows they won't hit him as hard as they would if they had never met him.
And also since he is in this whole team of rivals mode, some of them are dreaming of some kind of appointment or favoritism in terms of news stories. There is alot they could gain by playing along. Remember Journalists are just politicians with lots of ink.

I always thought his intelligence was over hyped, but I am beginnng to see it.

Anonymous said...

What is so surprising about a globalist breaking bread with other globalists? They all agree on the major issues: free trade, open borders, interventionist wars (Obama has been keen on Pakistan for awhile now), pro-Wall Street bailout, and gun control. Sometimes they have to stop keeping up appearances of division between Bilderberg meetings.

Obama is one of them. He is not who you want him to be.

Anonymous said...

FIELD, BARACK is well aware of the fact, that he cannot trust, the REPUBLICAN/CONSERVATIVE PARTY, this man is doing whatever it take's to get this country half way on track, see what most people, will not be caught dead doing, BARACK will do it, and this has nothing to do with kissing anyone's behind, this has to do with a AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT, who has been elected, by primarily WHITE voter's to lead this RACIST NATION, so if BARACK break's bread with the enemy, OH, WELL!! this just prove's that he is a 2008 FIELD NEGRO that has learned that the word's "BY ANY MEAN'S NECESSARY" did not die with MALCOM X, so do what you need to do BARACK, and beside's why doe's BARACK need to be told to watch his back? he know's that, the REPUBLICAN'S are CORRUPT, and can't be trusted, so if he need's to smile and pretend to have a good time, OH, WELL, so I say" keep smiling your way into the WHITE HOUSE" do what you need to do, MR. FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT, I'LL be PRAYING for you, and your family

rikyrah said...

I wouldn't have gone to dinner with them, but oh well. They'll probably write columns about his good table manner.

Faith at Acts of Faith Blog said...

Making the white man feel okay one meeting at a time. When is the CBC meeting? A Black people townhall? Something?!!

Anonymous said...

THANK you GRATA, this is ANON:12:16, thank GOD, their is finally, someone who can see above and beyond, what is truly going on, now, I'm waiting for him to break bread with SEAN HANNITY and the rest of his buddy's, such as RUSH, ANN, MICHAEL STEELE and the list go's on, but, I think, he's going to come after them, in due season, and when he doe's, they won't know what hit them.

Hugh O'Donnell said...

"I guess his O ness was serious about reaching across the aisle. Yes Washington, this man is serious about changing the tone in that town. But just be careful who you pal around with there O man, they are not your friends. They might be glistening now, but it's all fool's gold. Believe me, that luster they are showing you won't last."

Field, that's a worthy admonition for Pres-Elect Obama. But you have to admit, it's exciting to see him take the high road at every turn.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

I just thought I'd drop by for a minute and then get back into the word. So much has been going on while I've been doing my little winter sabbatical.

Field, I think I'll nickname you Doubting Thomas.(smile) Stop doubting the O man, it's gone be all right. Everything is going to work out just fine. The O man has their number and knows what he is doing. Jody and Grata hit the nail on the head.

Obama's actions kind of remind me of how King David dealt with his enemies. He made an attempt to make peace with them and gave them second chances to do the right thing. David kept his end of the bargain. His enemies didn't keep theirs. David handled it by letting them hang their own self. Each one of his enemies failed to keep their word, in the end, each one of them came face to face with their own self destruction.

The news media is not the most reliable source and a lot of you guys ought to have learned that lesson by now, but I guess you haven't. Some of these folks in the news media nowadays write just to get their story in print and they exaggerate, lie, and make up stuff just to make headlines. Yup, they'll make people do and say some strange things and sometimes make them do things that are detrimental to society as a whole. The news media threw honesty, objective, and integrity out the window in exchange for trash and deception. News media = messy, dung stirrers.

We living in some perilous times. Cops killing blacks, blacks killing blacks, whites killing their parents, whites killing their spouses and kids, hispanics selling their daughters for beer and money, crooked politicians, crooked businessmen, crooked banks, and the list goes on and on.

So, I'll leave you guys with this word, "If at all possible be at peace with all men." That's what its going to take to get us out of the hole we're in as a nation. Uniting as one nation.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Oh yeah, I forgot to say and put your trust in God and not man because man will fail you but God won't.

Anonymous said...

I am really glad Obama is following through with his promise to try and unite America. This country can't survive by remaining 'stuck' in the same old consciousness and politics. There must be a new consciousness if America is to survive. He is a breath of fresh air and great "hope" for this country.

If he did things the way +60% of the people on this thread thinks he should, America would die from suffocation of same negative politics. Try thinking positive for a change and let things unfold. Observe with an 'open' mind and everyone might learn something new from our new President. Isn't that why you voted for him, to change the direction of this country? If so, then try looking through his lens for 'a change', instead of glaring through that same old sick wary far-left mind of yesterday (it's a loser, remember?).

Enjoy the inauguration-it'll be historical, awesome, and beautiful.

nyc/caribbean ragazza said...

I get breaking bread with Brooks and with Will. They were very hard on McCain Palin and were out early with their views.

Kristol on the other hand needs to buy a clue. Was his contract renewed with the NYTs?

I am so curious to see how the CBC works with Obama. Some of those members are a trip.

field negro said...

GRANNNY IS BACK!YEAHHHH. Hi Granny, nice to hear from you.I hope all is well. Yes, I know I am a doubting Thomas (can we say something else besides Thomas?)at times, but it's just the cynic in me.

I understand what some of the people above are saying about unity; but sorry, that's not in my political DNA to unite with my enemies. Where I am from our enemies are just that, our enemies. So sorry Hugh, I don't like to see folks taking the high road at every turn. Sometimes the low road is necessary.

But I will give him a chance-as Jody said-to see how this plays out.

"Brilliant move. Every eye contact he makes with potential adversaries blunts their weapons. This guy is a true fighter."

Grata, he has been winning the chess game so far, but it's not check-mate just yet.

black magic woman said...

It's almost as if Obama is deliberately doing the following before every decision he makes:

1. Contemplate: What would GWB do?

2. Action: Do the opposite.

Geoffrey Philp said...

Sometimes you have to go into the camp of the enemy's most brilliant minds and look them straight in the eye with a look that says, "I'm not scared of you."

And what does Obama have to fear? They have only one side of the story and he's thought through much more than they ever willl. He's read Schopenhauer and Baldwin and listened to Bob Marley.

The lion is ready

Anonymous said...


how can i say this nicely.....ARE YOU ON CRACK????

Have you not been readin the news if anymore Dems are indicted you won't have a party!!!!

Christopher said...

Did George Will let Obama use the bathroom in the main house or did the president-elect have to pee on a tree out back?

Anonymous said...

@I am not Star Jones: "What struck me about the guest list is who wasn't invited:

Ann Coulter
Rush Lardbucket
Michelle Malkin
Sean Hannity
Bill O'Reilly

People who would swear out that they represent the true voice of the GOP.

It seems that elitism isn't something that can't only be thrown out at Democrats ... the GOP has an elitist tier within the party.

Are you kidding me? I wouldn't call GOP members in attendance elitists. I would simply call them sane and decent. The aforementioned folks (Malkin, Coulter, et al) are neither sane nor decent; hence, that's why they weren't invited.

I say leave the pollution outside where it belongs.

Susan Gray said...

Thank you Granny, Grata, Geoffreyphilp and Jody for being the voices of reason. I too believe it is far too easy to hate and work against a person if you never have had to sit and look them in the eye. I also believe Obama is far more intelligent than his hosts, and he just had to be thinking at some level, "Yeah that's right, the first Black President and you better get used to it!"

Anonymous said...

That distinction between who was and wasn't invited makes a point all by itself! The O-man is announcing that he's perfectly willing to deal with reasonable conservatives, but also that there are limits -- and the real wingnuts get left out in the cold.

Remember, ShrubCo represents a cabal that took over the Republican Party. It would be a major, major, win if he can cut the neocons out of the political picture, leaving us with a genuinely loyal opposition.

Anonymous said...

Totally off topic, but doesn't he look like the paparazzi just snapped him going into Madonna's flat?

p.s. I think he's one of the few men smart enough to handle those right wingers.

Sharon from WI said...

Blogger black magic woman said...

It's almost as if Obama is deliberately doing the following before every decision he makes:

1. Contemplate: What would GWB do?

2. Action: Do the opposite.

7:04 AM

While likely true, that is funny. :-)

PS: Granny, it's good to see your posts again. Happy New Year.

La♥audiobooks said...

Christopher said...
"Did George Will let Obama use the bathroom in the main house or did the president-elect have to pee on a tree out back?"

Be nice Christopher. I'm sure he even allowed him to use the upstairs bathroom.

And I bet he was also thoughtful enough to put fried chicken as the main entree.

Anonymous said...

"What struck me about the guest list is who wasn't invited:

Ann Coulter
Rush Lardbucket
Michelle Malkin
Sean Hannity
Bill O'Reilly"

That's the Republican ghetto.

Elitists like Will and Kristol wouldn't be caught dead around them.

Jody said...

The fact that on the very same night as this dinner, Rush Limbaugh was "secretly in DC" having dinner with Bush just about says it all!

Anonymous said...

Keep you friends close and your enemies closer, funny seems nobody's heard that one...

Christopher said...

La Incognita,

I bet a $20 dollar bill that George Will bought throwaway silverware so after Obama ate, Will could throw the knives and forks in the garbage can.

Sorry, but I'm not buying this GOP kumbaya shit.

Anonymous said...

I think Obama is a class act and political shrewd. Ezmun is right about George Will being somewhat supportive as was David Brooks over the course of the election. Although, I think for Obama it is bit of a gotta you moment for him. Imagine being invited to dinner with a group of individuals who does not share the same political views as you, but as Pat Buchanan yesterday on Hardball, some of the individuals at the dinner are not exactly conservatives.

Anonymous said...

I think Obama is a class act and political shrewd. Ezmun is right about George Will being somewhat supportive as was David Brooks over the course of the election. Although, I think for Obama it is bit of a gotta you moment for him. Imagine being invited to dinner with a group of individuals who does not share the same political views as you, but as Pat Buchanan yesterday on Hardball, some of the individuals at the dinner are not exactly conservatives.

Anonymous said...

So... the Lion lays down with the Lambs. I think it's interesting that the meeting took place in a home with a meal... maybe soon we'll start hosting diplomatic block parties in the Middle East as a way to foster good will.

ArtMaggot Hysteria said...

This is a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Here is an interesting BBC documentary sorely on Obama's intellectual style and its history.

Ivan Ivanovich Renko said...

Count me in with Gran and Grata (and welcome back, Granny, it's always to see you here-- yours is a voice of wisdom, the kind drawn from having lived long enough to understand about acting from a place of love.

As for myself-- I quit second-guessing the O-man a long, long time ago. My dear sainted Mama useta say, "you can't go wrong by doing right." At every juncture-- and I mean, at every juncture-- the O-man has chosen the high road. He has consistently walked softly- but he carries a big ol' honkin' stick.

I think that meeting was more along the lines of, "I was elected in a landslide to be President of the United States. I have a mandate to move this country forward. Now you have two choices-- you can put the interests of our nation first, or you can try to undermine me as I do so. But if you choose that, you better pack a lunch."

MartiniCocoa said...

I bet a $20 dollar bill that George Will bought throwaway silverware so after Obama ate, Will could throw the knives and forks in the garbage can.

Sorry, but I'm not buying this GOP kumbaya shit.

Christopher, I hear you!

I'm not buying it either. But I do enjoy that even before PEBO assumes office he continues to show Bush up for the inept chief executive he is. Because there is no way Bush would ever have broke bread with Krugman, Rich or Dowd outside of a big party thrown by Katherine Graham

Anonymous said...

Come ON, I am sure all the details and even some fabrication will be all out BEFORE Sunday! lol

Lola Gets said...

Right about now, I dont give a flying fig about what the O Man is doing...I am too pissed off about these Inauguration plans!


GrannyStandingforTruth said...


When David was fleeing from his son Absalom because Absalom wanted to kill him and overthrow David as king, Shimei the Benjamite came out and cursed David and threw stones at him.

In other words, he was badmouthing and wishing David misfortune. Abishai, one of David's men, got upset about it, and told David let me get rid of him because he is badmouthing you and disrespecting you. David told Abishai, my own son wants to kill me, and all this man is doing is just badmouthing me. Let him alone, and let him badmouth me, because the Lord will make it backfire on him and work it out for good in my behalf.

They've badmouthed Obama throughout the election process, and their still badmouthing, using racial slurs, disrespecting him, and there are some crazy, sick-minded people out there that want to end his life.

Shimei was hoping that Absalom would be successful in his attempts to kill David. Just like some of these crazy racist folks are wishing for Obama. But just like it didn't happen to David, it will not happen to Obama. God got his hand in this one. Yup!

Absalom winded up dead through a freak accident. When David was returning to his kingdom, Shimei came running out, falling down on his knees, pleading for his case and asking David to forget what he had said because he didn't know what he was doing . But Abishai wasn't buying it, he still wanted to get rid of Shimei, and he asked David again to let him kill him.

David replied and told Abishai, "shall a man be put to death this day in Israel? for do not I know that I am this day king over Israel?

In other words, so what if he badmouthed me and wished me misfortune, it didn't stop me from being the President of the United States of America.

David told Shemei to get up and that he was gone spare his life. Later on David had Shimei come before him and stipulated to Shimei to build him a house in Jerusalem, live there, and don't go no where or cross the brook of Kidron. The Brook of Kidron means sorrow or judgment and in Shemei's case it meant judgment day.

Shimei agreed to the bargain David made with him. David had Shimei take an oath and made if perfectly clear that the day Shimei breaks that oath, it would be his end. When Shimei broke that oath, David told Shimei that he knew all the wickedness he had done towards him and the Lord would pay him back for wickness. David kept his end of bargain and Shimei life ended that day.

"Touch not my anointed and do my Prophets no harm."

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Bush said he was a uniter, instead he divided this country. Obama said that he was going to bring change, unite our nation together, and has went about putting what he said into action. He was honest and said that he couldn't do it by himself, that he needed our help to do it, and that we can do it if we all work together. Now he is doing his part. He is keeping his end of the bargain by trying to bring folks together across party lines.

However, there are people who are not satisfied that are thinking only of themselves and their own self interest. They're just being selfish, downright childish, and mean-spirited. Their acting like little, spoiled children who don't get their way, so they pout, kick, cry, and scream to try and get their way. Smh!

Some folks need to search within themselves and change their way of thinking, and that's the bottom line. Everybody wants change, but not if so and so is included in it. That's childish! It is time to stop all that animosity you have towards others, come together, compromise, and make some concessions. One thinking that the other is gonna to get more pie than the other, or one don't want the other one to have a piece is childish and selfish. Its enough pie for everyone, if we share.

Back when a huge crowd was following Jesus and they only had a few loaves of bread and a few fish, Jesus's Disciples complained and said, "Lord we don't have enough to feed everybody." They told him to tell the people to leave. They were being selfish just like people are doing today. Jesus told them bring the fish and bread to me. He divided it up and gave every single person a piece of the fish and bread, the people were full and no one went without.

Granny headed back to the corner and hush.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Granny for the David analogy!! Coincidentally, I'm reading that part of the Bible right now and its fascinating stuff!

Sharon from WI said...

Are you attending?

Anonymous said...

10:39, the people you've listed are all stupid and say the most ingnorant things. THAT's why they were not invited. The folks there are decent writers -- not that I agree with their politics -- but at least what they write is thoughtful and well-crafted prose. The majority of them are conservative columnists for the NYTimes. Coulter, Limbaugh, Malkin, Hannity, and O'Reilly are nothing more than conservative windbags. They certainly would not have anything to the discourse. They would have been way out of their league in that setting. Have you listened to the silliness that spews forth from each of the aforementioned? Not that any one is any worse than the others, but I do believe that Ann Coulter scraps the bottom of the barrel in trying to come up with horrible things to say about most anyone with whom she has a different perspective.

Anonymous said...

clarification on my 8:51 post ^^

"They certainly would not have added anything to the discourse."

Dark Moon said...

Its good to read your perspective again GrannyStandingForTruth.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Anonymous 8:15:

You wrote the truth. Only, I'd go one further, and say that Ann Coulter has scraped the bottom of the barrel out, she is crawling in the dirt, and needs to go somewhere and sit her tail down and hush.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the real analogy is Jesus forgiving the whore, because Obama just sat down with a bunch of them here.

TrueBlue said...

Just think of it as an example of engaging one's enemies without preconditions!

field negro said...

"Maybe the real analogy is Jesus forgiving the whore, because Obama just sat down with a bunch of them here."

Now that's funny.

Granny, I can always count on you for some biblical clarity. :)

Anonymous said...

At the breakfast for "the left", he met with Roland Martin (CNN), Micahel Dyson (Wa Po?) and Eugene Robinson (Wa Po or Ny Times?). Notice he didn't meet with Black conservative icons Elder, Sowell, or the other jabronis.

Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.

Anonymous said...

"Notice he didn't meet with Black conservative icons Elder, Sowell, or the other jabronis."

That's because they were serving as waiters at the conservative dinner.

Sharon from WI said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I don't have a problem with this gesture.

It's actually a smart move. You can find allies and haters everywhere.

Anonymous said...

THIS is in response to the person, who said "I WAS ON CRACK" the word's I should have used were, RACIST, DIVISIVE, POLARIZING, and the list go's on as far as describing the REPUBLICAN PARTY, now the DEMOCRATIC POLITICIAN'S may be CORRUPT, but compare the two CONVENTION'S during the CAMPAIGN season? and tell me, which people, would you, want to be around or live around? now, you may be a REPUBLICAN? and if so, you should take a second and third look at, the POLITICAL PARTY you are in, because from where I sit, the REPUBLICAN'S seem to have their own little SOCIETY, and MINORITY'S seem to be off limit's!!

Anonymous said...

Damn. You're good...