Michael, this has gone on long enough. It's time to come home my brother. You gave it the good old college try, but you and I both know that some of these GOP folks to black folks is like oil to water. Putting you up as their leader was a gimmick, something they tried in order to stay hip and relevant in the age of Obama. Unfortunately for you , you just happened to be the only black guy (Kenneth Blackwell doesn't count. I said "black guy")around.
Of course it didn't help that all this HNIC stuff got to your head. You just couldn't shut up and stay on message, and the RNC folks weren't down with that. Bad enough they had to put a Negro in charge, but one who couldn't keep his mouth shut was too much for them.
"Let’s put it into context here. Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer. Rush Limbaugh, his whole thing is entertainment. Yes, it’s incendiary. Yes, it’s ugly."
That was your first mistake: saying unkind things about the new republican leader in public. And then you had the nerve to tell A-merry-ca the truth about your party.
"You have absolutely no reason -- none -- to trust our word or our actions at this point. "
You got that right Michael. But the straw the broke the elephant's back was when you made statements to GQ Magazine which hinted that you believe that a woman can do what she wants to do with her own body.
"Are you saying you think women have the right to choose abortion?Yeah. I mean, again, I think that's an individual choice.You do?Yeah. Absolutely. "
Now dem there is fighten words Michael, and the folks in GOP land are all over you for uttering them. As you know, there is a growing movement within your own party to send your black behind packing. Republicans don't waiver on certain things: The right to life, gay marriage, and no equality for blacks. Okay, the last one isn't an official party platform, not yet anyway, but you get the picture.
Honestly Mike, I wanted you to succeed. I hoped what I thought about the republican party wasn't true, but the reality is that just seeing you in public as the representative of their party drove quite a few of those good ole boyz crazy. And all it took was one slip up for them to jump ship. As far as they are concerned you have been one constant slip up, and that ain't gonna cut it in the land of NASCAR and Rush.
So come on Mike, how about it? Hold a press conference tomorrow and tell the country that the GOP is not ready to go main stream. Tell us that it is not the party you thought it was, and that the people who make up the base of the party are just too extreme and unyielding for your taste. Tell A-merry-ca you tried, but as a person of color you just can't in good conscience support the GOP anymore.
Mike, if you do that, I will call off the drop squad, and I will pretend all the house worthy behavior you participated in didn't happen. The groveling to Rush, the back pedaling on your stance on abortion, and your silly pseudo cool buffoonery to try and attract young blacks to your party. I will forget all of that, and to top it off; I will even put in a good word with the Negro Acceptance Coalition *(NAC) for you. I promise.
* FYI, there is no organization called the Negro Acceptance Coalition. Not yet.
One of these days a real Drop Squad is going to show up and scare everyone to death... ha ha ha..
We need to revisit the history of the Whig Party to understand what's about to happen to the GOP establishment. They don't see it. But it's coming. What's it? The end if they don't wake up.
And I knew I wasn't the only one who thought there was something fishy about NASCAR. There's a reason there are no visible black drivers. ...
Christopher called this this a long time ago. he said July I think. I'm still hoping he makes it, he seems like a nice guy. pork
Field, YOU GOTTA READ The Black Snob's Secret Council of American Negroes -- SCAN.
I can't help it, but I'm starting to feel sorry for Steele. I know, I know, but that thing called compassion is kicking in.
CQ Politics: "Do you think homosexuality is a choice?"
"MC" Steele: “Oh, no. I don’t think I’ve ever really subscribed to that view, that you can turn it on and off like a water tap. Um, you know, I think that there’s a whole lot that goes into the makeup of an individual that, uh, you just can’t simply say, oh, like, “Tomorrow morning I’m gonna stop being gay.” It’s like saying, “Tomorrow morning I’m gonna stop being black.””
Michael, what are we going to do with you? Dude, don’t you understand that Republicans and social conservatives believe being gay is a lifestyle choice, akin to being an avid golfer or a vegetarian?
Tsk, tsk, tsk. The GOP Big Tent just isn’t big enough to accomodate LGBT Americans and it certainly isn’t big enough to accomodate your modern views on the subject of homosexuality. You had better start packing up your desk because I think you’re going to be forced to resign as the GOP chairman before tax day.
GRANNY of course you feel sorry for MICHAEL STEELE, regardless of what, he is still black, but, he has to learn the hard way, before it's too late, it would be different if the republican party was inclusive, but, they are not, they prove who they are day by day, they have been uncovered, and yet, BLACK REPUBLICAN'S remain committed to this RACIST PARTY, how can you be BLACK and defend the wicked deed's of the REPUBLICAN PARTY? they do not want the PRESIDENT to prosper, and yet he is trying to do righteous deed's, in my opinion, the BLACK REPUBLICAN'S have decided to turn their back's on their own people, GRANNY you feel compassion because you see him as a BLACK MAN under attack from the WHITE MAN, and that go's all the way back to slavery, I may say a lot, but, at the end of the day, I don't like it one bit when I see MICHAEL STEELE being belittled, but, he has to learn.
I was thinking the same thing, Micheal Steele needs to come home. Micheal said bipartianship doesn't work in Washington, well it doesn't work in the Republican Party.
Damn, field, you've almost got me liking Mr. Steele.
No you didn't say Negro Acceptance Commission...!
Now, you folks know that Michael's not gonna come home. Somehow, he'll rationalize all that anger directed at him as his fault rather than their's.
After all, black Republicans had to do a lot of rationalizing to be in the party in the first place.
They looked around at their RNC convention and saw the same number of black faces that they'd find at a Klan rally when the Klan is planning a lynching and a roasting to end their meeting on a "high" note.
And they rationalized that.
They looked around and saw bitter Americans peddling Obama Waffles, sporting monkey's on a leash, and writing badly-written signs hating on blacks.
And they rationalized that.
They looked around and saw a woman selected to be McCain's VP in as cynical move as making Steele HNIC of the RNC, a woman who folded under media scrutiny, just as Steele revealed that he's a closeted Democrat under that same scrutiny.
And they'll rationalize that.
They looked around and saw this nation's first black president maligned, and his beautiful black wife, this nation's first black, First Lady ridiculed, and they joined in the chorus.
And they found a way to rationalize that, too.
Somehow the whole mess will ultimately be blamed on Obama-- it will be all his fault-- just as they blamed Katie Couric for Palin's screw up, and Obama for the recession.
Unfortunately, there's nothing that they can do to force Steele out of the party; it will be easier to find a 2/3 majority to oust him as RNC chairman.
Sadly, and respectfully (not to make light of Rihanna's situation), Steele's gonna be the Rihanna of the party.
If Steele makes a statement for affirmative action or against the GOP's economic policy, then he has officially renounced every major GOP platform. Why is he even a republican? I guess it is only their economic policy or affirmative action keeping him in the party.
Anonymous 12:14:
I feel sorry for Steele because he is being humiliated, degraded, and demeaned. But then I felt sorry for Bush too. I have compassion for human beings. Although, even though, I had compassion for Bush that doesn't mean that I'd let my guard down and trust Bush or that I'd fall for his deception or let anyone walk over me. That's where I draw the line at.
He shouldn't have ever apologized to Rush. That's where he made his biggest mistake. People respect you when you say what you mean and mean what you say and stand your ground. The way I look at it, he is a grown man just like Rush and the rest of the GOP party. It's no way in the world that anyone is going to dictate to me what to think, how to think, what to say, what I can't say, and what I can say. That's not freedom, that's bondage.
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."
FIELD NEGRO, I went to the BLACK SNOB WEBSITE, and is that a legitimate conversation KEN BLACKWELL was having with SCAN?
This is what happens when you forget you're a token.
GRANNY, their is a website called the BLACK SNOB, have you heard of it, if so, did you read the blog with KEN BLACKWELL, is this a joke! or is this a true conversation he was having?
Brother Field .. Brother Steele is in a "bad sit-asion". Being the leader of his party he must continue the dogma presented to him by the commitee of the party elders. I agree Dalit in that as a Republican he may have supported one plank (economics) but was shaky on some of the other ideas of the party that he ignored. Why did the party not have a vetting process to insure he was in agreement with all their planks? My conspiracy mind tells me that mayhaps he was set up to show others that "we have tried to be inclusive, but.." I, too, have apathy for Brother Steele. I hope he can weather the storm because then he may be more vocal and maybe get rid of the party members that don't have love for people that look like me. If they follow Rush, they will continue to look like a clan rally. I am neither Democrat or Republican. Speaking as 'this Black man" the Repubs' theme of self sufficency is cool to me. I am tired of seeing only my people standing in line to get something free. After 400 plus we should be the giver sometimes.
for a cry baby pseudo african american, you are beyond pathetic. to insinuate that there is something wrong with being a black republican is akin to nazism. I would be more direct but the dude is really stupid and an embarrassment to mankind.....maybe he and obama are related????
Wal-Mart’s Sam’s Club warehouse store also plans to open a 143,000 sq ft Hispanic-focused store called Más Club in Houston this year.
Several leading regional US supermarket chains already operate Hispanic store brands, including Publix in Florida, which operates three Publix Sabor markets, and HEB in Texas, which opened a Mi Tienda store in Houston in 2006.
The markets include elements such as cafés serving Latino pastries and coffee, and full service meat and fish counters.
Leading retailers are also pursuing Hispanic consumers online, with Best Buy and Home Depot having launched Spanish-language versions of their e-commerce sites in recent months.
Why not cater to the negro population?
Oh, got to have a job first and not the primary cause of thier lose prevention.
It's so bad that the remaining Eisenhowers & Nixons took a walk this year, & they aren't exactly liberals. Steele should stand by his words & go down fighting.
This ass hole named Steele is just a chip off of the old "Clarence Thomas" block. Another "self hating" I'm gonna "die trying to get white master to just love me" House Negro. I guess like most blacks he hasn't read the best selling book called "Two Nations: Black, White, Separate, Hostile, and Unequal" by Andrew Hacker
Wonder why Edward Brooke became invisible after he left office. Don't remember him at the Republican convention that nominated Ronald Reagen.
"Now, you folks know that Michael's not gonna come home. Somehow, he'll rationalize all that anger directed at him as his fault rather than their's."
BD, I am afraid that might be true. And granny, I hear you, contrary to what people think about me I actually have feelings, and I really feel bad for the guy. I think he believes in some of the republican ideals, but unfortunately, the republican party is not a moderate party anymore, so he is fighting an uphill battle.
"This is what happens when you forget you're a token."
Eddie, that's cold. Come on, help us welcome Michael home.
Anon. 4:24 AM, let me guess, another angry republican, right?
BTW, blacksnob and their SCAN is off the hook, I am familiar with that site. But I haven't checked out the Blackwell interview yet.
are we saying, we want Michael Steele to FAIL ?
Y'all just be hatin' cause he looks like Humpty Hump from Digital Underground...and whens the last time a Democrat nominated a Brutha to the Supremes???...back when the Beatles still wore suits...
Apparently the Russian Air Force has decided that homeboy is a big-o-p@%%y and decided to park some bombers off our coast....hummmm
If i decided to point my good ol american assault rifle at you what would you do? just sit there?
bet that all he does bawwwwwwww
Filed under WYF
Lesbians living in South Africa are being raped by black men who believe it will 'cure' them of their sexual orientation, a report has revealed.
Women are reporting a rising tide of brutal homophobic attacks and murders and the widespread use of 'corrective' rape as a form of punishment
What the hell is wrong with you people?
Don't hold your breath waiting for this "house negro" to come home. It'll never happen. What happened when we tried to get O'Jay to wake up and smell the roses? His black ass never did!
"Women are reporting a rising tide of brutal homophobic attacks and murders and the widespread use of 'corrective' rape as a form of punishment
What the hell is wrong with you people?"
If true, that is horrible! And it should be addressed. But "you people"? Who are "you people"?
emptysuit, as I said in the post, I don't want Mr. Steele to fail. Because I think his vision of his party is different from the folks who want him gone. Unfortunately for him, you and I both know who will win that fight.
Michael Steele isn't going anywhere. The Repukes have him just where they want him. They WANT a black man that they have control over, that they can kick, insult, embarass, and humiliate very publicly. And when they do, they want that man to come cowering to them and tell them how right they are, and how very, very sorry he is.This maintains their very sick vision of how where the black man belongs.
They want to do the same to Obama, but unlike Steele, Obama will not act the fool for them, won't act afraid of them, won't kowtow to them. So they NEED Steele to be their fool.
I got not one ounce of sympathy for Steele. He needs to stop it, but his love of seeing himself in print and on tv, seems to overshadow any sense of self respect he may have ever had.
The upcoming anniversary of the Ides of March would give Steele the perfect opportunity to pay the Rethugs back for all their backroom backstabbing by simply declaring that the Republican party is a bunch of racist, misogynistic old white guys and that he was going over to the Democrats. That would allow the current head Rethug, Ceasar Limbaughuius, to comment "Et tu, Steele?" as Mike plunges the dagger up to the hilt into the dying carcass of what once was a political party. Do it Steele, it's time for some pay back!
I'm just waiting for the other shoe to fall and see Steele give up his leadership of the GOP.
You're right--the GOP isn't ready to go mainstream and isn't willing to alter its platform to appeal to a wider audience.
The Party is, and will remain, in limbo...
I have never understood why a black person would join the conservative party. What exactly do we have to conserve? It's not like we have old money and trust funds to try to get out of paying taxes on.
It's fucking hilarious watching these GOOPers try to pander to their completely off-the-deep-end batshit loonie neo-Confederate base while simultaneously trying not to sound completely off-the-deep-end batshit loonie to "moderate Republicans" (if such a thing even exists). I love this shit!
Field, you know he's not jumping ship. What you have with the "prominent" black conservatives is that they are mad that they have helped massah but haven't got a chance to eat at the table. Mike did, somebody forgot to tell him is just there for decoration. Sad thing is that he's believing he was put up there to actually change things. If a middle aged guy can't see or doesn't want to see he's been duped, there is no hope. I would have given him the benefit of the doubt if he hadn't have apologized to Rush, hoping maybe he is actually trying to use his position to gain his own foothold and build himself up, but not now.
You ABSOLUTELY called Michael Steele out today. A very nice post -- not that the other posts aren't good, they all are -- but this one today, 3/14/09 -- is wonderful. Plus, it's funny as hell.
Poor micheal,the shinnibg image of why the republican party is over.A black man the head of a party for racist rich men & the sorry women who love them!
hip hop people are sugar free,& can spot a sucker a mile off!maybe he should try the pop crowd, Hip hop is not pop & that shit you see & here on the airwaves isnt hip hop it's jewish controlled negative imaging of blacks for the white masses.i think thats what would serve the G o p better.
M-Diddy Steele thought he could change things in the Big House of GOP. They figure America elected the Magic Negro so they needed one of their own in M-Diddy. When M-Diddy spoke out against the bloated drug addict SOB Limbaugh, none of the GOP supported him. That speaks volumes. The apology was pathetic. No respect due for M-Diddy at all. I won't be holding my breath for him to come home. He will stay in his post. The Hockey Moms and Joe SixPacks will kick his ass to the curb. I will drop a quarter in his hat on my way home.
COULD we be wrong about MICHAEL STEELE, maybe he is doing the DANCE, could this be STRATEGY? just a question? MICHAEL STEELE knew once he made that comment about RUSH, he was comming after him, and what about that GQ enterview? MICHEAL is no fool! he is not hiding from the WHITE MAN, he is doing thing's in the open, for all to hear, read, and see, is he up to something? just asking a question? MICHEAL STEELE has been in politic's for a long time.
COULD we be wrong about MICHAEL STEELE, maybe he is doing the DANCE, could this be STRATEGY? just a question? MICHAEL STEELE knew once he made that comment about RUSH, he was comming after him, and what about that GQ enterview? MICHEAL is no fool! he is not hiding from the WHITE MAN, he is doing thing's in the open, for all to hear, read, and see, is he up to something? just asking a question? MICHEAL STEELE has been in politic's for a long time.
for anyone who hasn't already read this - idk if its his official site but its the 2nd one on goodle, & wikipedia is the first.- if you read this you will see why Steele was chosen.
Basically, they are saying that Steele is a compromise. He doesn't support core Republican issues. But they need him to "come across positively among the South Asians, Middle Easterners, Hispanics and Far Easterners" because America is a "nation of immigrants" with a "growing brown look". Immigrants, they believe, have some conservative tendencies, but are repulsed by republican nativism.
Well, its a good try, but they seem to be forgetting that 1) Steel is not an immigrant 2) Most immigrants aren't black 3)Many first gen. immigrants have a bad opinion of black people 4)while immigrants may have conservative tendencies, with each successive generation they get more liberal. 5) Whites are still the majority, and you have just alienated the anti-affirmative action crowed by picking someone whom you would clearly not have chosen if he were white.
also, the repubs seem to be forgetting that Obama was not just chosen, on account of his ethnicity. He himself planned to run, and somehow convinced the party to nominate him, in SPITE of the Clinton hegemony and his ancestral ties to Islam and his so called "inexperience".
And unlike Steele, Obama actually can be considered an immigrant.
Field - you put it so well...It's time for Mr.Steele to come on home...It appears that the GOP wants the President to fail and the entire country to slide to
They forget "that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. "
I agree with you 100% - I think he should go on Keith Olbermann (why Keith?, because I really like him) His opening remark should be "With every breathe we have a chance to change" and I'm embracing CHANGE!!!! right NOW...
And to the Anonymous statement posted at 3:51 a.m. Anybody belonging to the GOP at this point not african-americans, I mean anyone should feel insulted by the Ignorance/war on education, embrace of mediocrity and hateful folks representing the party. People should be insulted...and take their chances with the lifejackets and get the hell off the sinking boat
Hi Field, I stop watching Fox News in April because of the Rev. Wright constant streaming...but, every once in while i catch my self flipping to that station I just have to shake my head at how unfair and unbalance they are.....
Does anyone really care what happens to Steele? I feel sorry and ashamed for him because of the public groveling he did at the feet of that fat blob of spit called Rush Limbaugh, but he DID choose to do it.
Come home? We already have too many self-deprecating House Negroes. Our cup runneth over. Field, please....No more.
Interesting that that job is a career killer for both parties now.
"Interesting that that job is a career killer for both parties now."
Good point. The job is an equal opportunity 'destroyer', without regard to race, color or party. LOL
I disagree. I like what Steele is saying, even if he keeps taking it back afterwards. As long as Steele remains a symbol of Republican Party disarray, and causes constant gnashing of teeth on the rightest right, then I think he's doing a wonderful job and should stick it out until the Republicans stick a . . . . pink slip in his ribs.
I love Steele. Whether he stays or goes, he is a Democrat's dream come true. How much you wanna bet that someone desperately wants to give him a cushy think tank job, except that even the wingnut think tanks are hurting for money now?
This ass hole named Steele is just a chip off of the old "Clarence Thomas" block. Another "self hating" I'm gonna "die trying to get white master to just love me" House Negro.
Totally agree with every single word...Before the election, I think he was on the Bill Maher show on HBO licking Sarah Palin behind...
He is a joke and how does his family look up to him.. If he does not know that he is being used as centerpiece...just look Black and speak when the rest of GOP tell u..he only was given the position because he is BLACK.
At least on DL show, he spoke the truth..he really thought he was in charged..
So sad..I dont want him in my neighborhood. That house negro behavior is something I cant deal with..
Goood letter Field. To Michael I can only say, " Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it".
I did not know there was a drop squad. Peace.
Field Negro, I love it. the name of your blog that is. Anyway, I also like your letter to Michael Steele. The day he was announce as the head of the GOP party my friends and I literal thought it was Hysterical. Anyway Micheal Steele will problem do some of the things you suggested soon.
He must not have heard "Blessed is the man who sits on the fence. He shall be shot by both sides."
What "home" is Michael Steele coming back to?
His whole reason for existence is being the "Republican Black Guy".
Were it not for that he'd be chasing ambulances in Landover Hills, MD.
He won't resign the GOP chair because he really doesn't have anything else to do.
Forget about running for office and the Faux TV suits are pissed at him for going after Lardass.
I'll be keeping an eye on the "Steele Watch".
When I see vitirolic comments directed at Black republicans, I shake my head in disgust and that was before I changed my party affiliation from Independent to proud Black Republican. What happened to choice? Being a republican doesn't indicate an alignment with ALL the political views espoused by folks like Bush, Thomas, and Limbaugh. I'm pro affirmative action but against abortion. I believe in conservative fiscal spending and a strong military. And I'd like to attend a gathering of Black folks without having to defend my political views. Unless of course, people don't mind being told where to go..............
I followed a link from Daily Voice to this site because I wasn't sure who "Hip-Hop Mike" was. Now I know. I also know that it shouldn't upset me that some anonymous "Field Negro" is spouting absolute inanity about Mike Steele. I suppose it also shouldn't upset me that a bunch of folks post equally insipid comments to the inane article. But somehow it does upset me. It upsets me that Black empowerment has somehow been wedded to progressive politics and it's dangerous. It upsets me because the civil rights movement, which was once about removing the racist institutional barriers to Black folks participating in the American dream, has morphed into a cry for collectivism. It upsets me that folks dont realize that if the progressive dream came true, we'd be back in the field, NEGRO, except there'd be white people there with us this time. And instead of a plantation run by a single white man or family, it'd be run by the thousands of legislators and bureaucrats in DC. So I applaud 'Hip-Hop Mike' and anyone standing in the way of this march toward global communism.
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