Most of you guys were lucky. You didn't suffer from the social inhibitions and low self esteem which can make it hard to get up the courage to interact with the fairer sex. [Or, the same sex, if you are so inclined.] Most of us did alright. Some better than others, but we can't all expect to bat a thousand.
Now consider the case of George Sodini: No dates since May of 2008. No sex for the past 19 years. (He must have some very soft hands...) And no girlfriend since 1984. George Sodini, by all accounts, was a loner. He hated women because he didn't think women liked him. And yesterday he took his hatred for women to a tragic climax. He killed three of them and then killed himself.
Relax, NRA folks, this post isn't about the culture of guns and the easy access to them in this country. Nothing will change your mind set, so I have given up on trying to convince you. I will just watch the carnage day after day like the rest of the folks here in A-murder-ca and shake my head.
This post is about human behavior and what pushes us to the breaking point to do something so unspeakable. It's always easy to peg the urban terrorist, for instance, and his motives for doing things. it's money and the power that it's supposed to bring. With guys like George Sodini the motives are usually unclear. The urban terrorist more often or not has ties to his victims, guys like Sodini rarely do. Actually, we were lucky with Sodini, because he told us. It was his obvious hatred for women. (As if it was their fault that he preferred his fists to the real thing, or whatever pastime he chose to engage in over real companionship) But how many George Sodinis are walking among us? How many George Sodinis hate women or poor people or blacks? That's what's scary about these kinds of random killings; you just never know when it's going to happen or why. You can always stay out of the urban war zones, because you know the chances of falling victim to a crime is greater there. But if you are in a WSZ [white safety zone] working out in a gym, or in a mall in the WSZ, the last thing you expect is some guy who hates women unloading on your aerobics class with his three guns. (I bet George didn't tell the gun shop he purchased the guns from how much he hated women)
"Women just don't like me. There are 30 million desirable women in the US (my estimate) and I cannot find one,..."
Yes George but you can always find a gun.
All of Salt Lake City is practically a WSZ, field, but as we have more than our share of white guys we have more than our share of angry white guys, too. That shooting at a local mall, Trolley Square, a couple of years ago is the first example that comes to mind.
Add to that an overwhelmingly patriarchal mindset and you end up with the likes of Warren Jeffs.
The thing that fucks my head up is that the dude was a computer programmer. Last time I checked, programmers make bread. Cream. Moola. Caked up.
You can look like Rush Limbaugh with less hair and still draw the golddiggers out with that kind of dough. What was the problem?
And no sex since Bush I? So you couldn't just hire a hooker, dude? Fly out to Vegas and have a swell time at the Bunny Ranch with a porn star? You could certainly AFFORD IT, douchebag.
What a fucking lunatic! It doesn't take courage to kill innocent people, what takes more courage is shooting only yourself, without a diary, fucking note or without any drama!
Outlaw guns and legalize prostitution
(call him 3 times and the "Candyman" shows up).
1) Didn't William Jefferson get convicted today?
2) Didn't a person in Baltimore County MD plead guilty to corruption last week?
Please loan me the Administrative password of your blog and I will post these stories of CORRUPTION for you.
You can then change the password when I am done.
I realize how much public corruption pisses you off. I just want to help you out.
What does those two points have to do with this blog post?
Nothing, just like what you contribute.
WSZ? Did you come up with that one?
Nonetheless, this story is tragic on many levels.
[quote]Outlaw guns and legalize prostitution[/quote]
Do this an YOU will become the Government's Hoe.
You are a direct violation of your NAME.
If you were a "history dude" you would know the racist history of gun control.
Initially racist White people sought to keep guns out of the hands of Blacks so that they would not have to fear getting shot as they did their marauding.
Today we have Pirates who are killing Black people and those who see Black people as INFERIOR see that the only way to stop the killing is to lobby the government to TAKE THE GUNS OUT OF THE HANDS OF THEIR KIDS.
History Dude - you need to learn about my favorite Bishop of the AME of all times: Bishop Henry McNeal Turner.
He suggested that all Black people obtain firearms to defend themselves. The Whites pressured local stores to not sell weapons and ammo to Blacks.
Back then the ILLEGAL GUN SMUGGLING done by Blacks was done to DEFEND the Black community.
"History Dude said...
Outlaw guns and legalize prostitution."
I disagree with the former, but agree with the latter. We do not have enough armed law-abiding citizens.
If more citizens were armed, chances are that when idiots trip, then the shit gets nipped in the bud.
Oh and Field, YOU HAVE TO peep Ta-Nehisi Coates's new blog post on white supremacy, "In The Name Of White Divinity" -
What occurs to me is that some time around the early 19th, late 18th century, a portion of this country decided to make themselves into Gods. They were not the first. And they aren't the last. But I can't get past the simple thrill, the utter charge man gets from dominating man. Southerners referred to white supremacy not just in economic terms, but as a lifestyle. Slavery did not just mean the right to exploit another man's labor, it meant utter and complete dominion over him, his wives, his children and all of his friends.
You could end his life in all manner of ways. Kill him, then take his woman as your own. Sell him, then take his woman and his daughters as your own. Keep him there, and do the same. It oversimplifies things to say, their would be no repercussions--but no one could stop you. In your own eyes, by birth-right, you would be Godkin. And even if you were born with no slaves--as Nathan Bedford Forrest was--you could have rights reserved to you, that mortals did not.
Black equality is the promise of mortality for everyone. I ask it again, what are you in a world where a black man is president? Who knows what depths a man might go to cling to those last vestiges of Godhood? He would claim Obama's Muslim. He would claim he isn't a citizen. He would claim that Obama was not "really black" or not black in the "usual way." Anything to differentiate themselves from the teeming masses, anything to get away from he undying fact that in the hearts of all men, there is a Harlem.
Phew. Deep.
Rudy asks Constipated Fartbrain
"What does those two points have to do with this blog post?"
Not a damn thing.
CF just reflexively diverts to examples of "negroes behaving badly" when the misdeeds, atrocities, or racism of one of his beloved white folks are demonstrated.
UBER-House Negro.
Rest in Peace Naomi Sims.
Nubian Queen and the object of many of my adolescent fantasies.
Unfortunately, sex, violence and mental illness are all related. When you throw in repression of sexual outlets, i.e. prostitution and homosexuality, along with the lack of easy access to treatment for the mentally ill, the hate and violence come squeezing out.
Basically, all that crap is backed up and has to come out somewhere. In the discussion of health insurance, we need to make sure that mental health care is included in benefits that are considered required coverage. We have to many people who are known to be nuts and ready to go off, but they can't get help, even if they want it.
Having worked in psychiatry in a previous life, I can tell you that if someone can't get a gun, they will get a knife, a hammer or a bottle of vodka and an SUV to do the job.
What amazed me was this was not the lead story on the Networks this evening.
I suppose eventually mass shootings won't even make the national news?
I'm not talking about the past; I'm talking about now. I'm talking about gun control for everyone!
Did the widespread availability of guns make the wild west a safe place? Does the fact that nearly everyone in Afghanistan is armed make it a safe place? The inner city's are chock full of guns, are they safe? Now, I realize that outlawing guns will never happen. Even if we stopped production now, there'd be enough for a hundred years anyway. However, a gun culture is a culture of death, Because guns were designed for one thing:to kill.
Having worked in psychiatry in a previous life, I can tell you that if someone can't get a gun, they will get a knife, a hammer or a bottle of vodka and an SUV to do the job.
I cant get my hands on a fully automatic weapon that can fire 6,000 rounds a minute. How many people do you think I could kill in a crowded mall with that gun? Now how many could I kill in the same mall with a knife? How a out a crossbow? Why do you think the se weapons were created? To kill more people than you could kill with a knife or a flintlock. Yet, the NRA thinks we should be able to own assault rifles! You never know when you when might need to kill twenty deer in a minute I guess...
Oooh History Dude!! Don't do it!!! Don't try to engage UnConn!!! Bad Troll!!!!! Although, I do think his tryin to get Field to give him admin access to this blog is hilarious. See History Dude... he has 5 blogs and no one will play with him on his... so, occasionally he comes over here and throws a tantrum....
"With guys like George Sodini the motives are usually unclear."
Probably his act was to end the pain of self-imposed emotional deprivation, worthlessness, hate and overwhelming hopelessness that had been eating him up.
The birth of his motives probably had its origins during a painful childhood relationship with a significant female(mother?).
I probably think that a woman would not have sold him a gun. If women didn't like him, it was because he gave off a vibe; not bad boy, but insane.
A lot of men that hate women get as much sex as they want.
when it comes to something like this it can be such a mix of things that its hard to know or pinpoint all the causes. all the reasons that have already mentioned like mental illness, easy access to guns, etc are definately good points. I think the accessibility of guns is the biggest issue, because as History Dude pointed out-the more guns a country has, the less safe it generally is. But I also cant help but wonder if it could have something to do with some aspects of our culture aswell..like extreme individualism, or the lack of other relationships that could have made him happy-ie family and community ties. When you live in an environment where you know your neighbours or community, and where familial ties are important (both immediate and extended family), you're much less likely to snap and take your own life and the life of others away. I think thats what many people today are missing-individualism that is balanced by communal spirit.
Also, with the the school shootings and even with this one, I always go back to hollywood as another possible link. We have a culture that places such an importance on being famous, and in a school setting this translates as being popular, that it does not matter what kind of person your are or how you get there. Look at some of our "celebrities". i would be embarrased to be famous for some of the crap these people are famous for. yet we have many who are obssessed with getting their 15 mintues of fame, no matter the shame or dishonor. In a setting like this, some people will do anything to be noticed or to have their names known. If they have do so by committing something horrible, such as these shootings, then so be it.
History Dude:
If you are willing to commit a felony, you can get your hands on a fully automatic weapon in most states. All you have to do is make a minor modification to weapons that are sold at any gun shop in Nevada or other states.
Taking your shoes off at an airport or closing all gun shops is not going to stop the disenfranchised, the mentally ill or the frustrated from killing and maiming others. A society where people care for each other and don't let people wander the streets mentally or physically sick might reduce the chances of such incidents.
But if you are in a WSZ [white safety zone] working out in a gym, or in a mall in the WSZ, the last thing you expect is some guy who hates women unloading on your aerobics class with his three guns.
What if your gym has a multiracial membership? Complicates things, doesn't it?
I thought that guys like this could get mail order brides, kind of like Michelle Malkin only better looking.
That is beside the point, however. If he hasn't had sex since Bush the Elder occupied the White House then he obviously wasn't horny enough to put forward the necessary effort. Ugly guys get laid all the time.
It's a tragedy, in the real sense of the word, that innocent women had to pay for this loser's pathetic ineptitude with the ladies.
He's better looking than my neighbor who obtained a Ukrainian mail-order bride. She had an agreement that gave her a financial interest in his house if she stayed at least a year. She moved out on the first day of her second year.
If the guy should happen to get a membership at my gym, I'm buying a Kevlar workout vest.
America...home of the hateful and sexually repressed.
These are the kinda men (probably a racist republican asshole to boot!) that I loathe...I'm sorry, I just can't feel empathy for a little fuckin' coward.
Because he can't get laid...he rather kill somebody's mom, sister, wife. daughter; then go somewhere secluded and end his own shitty life.
Fuck this coward!
What a fuckin' coward!
(Sorry for the language FNs...)
These kinda stuff just tears me up...TEARS!
Hey you all:
Here is the latest of Samantha Orobator who was jailed in Laos for smuggling heroin. You can check at:
Same question I have is that, will a woman from a 'developing' country would get this chance?
- Loner
Can't feel sorry for that coward. I haven't been on a date in about a year and only because I keep co-workers at arms distance.
This guy had some serious issues. Shit, even the twelfth man on the sorry Clippers can get himself laid with minimal effort.
That's two in Pittsburgh. One feared that Obama would take his guns. Now, one shoots up a women's gym.
Why don't I see people citing FBI statistics (i.e., X percent of the population, but account for Y percent of crime...blah...blah...blah), in the blogosphere, when folks from this particular demographic group throw a tantrum?
This is terrible where is the outrage, or is this just another day of white on white crime.
And what's up with killing the lights before he opens fire?
I read his whole blog at that link, field--he sounded like a cowardly narcissist with OCD.
And very telling that a woman asked him at that picnic or whatever if he was picked on much as a child.
[quote]I'm not talking about the past; I'm talking about now. I'm talking about gun control for everyone!
Did the widespread availability of guns make the wild west a safe place? Does the fact that nearly everyone in Afghanistan is armed make it a safe place? The inner city's are chock full of guns, are they safe[/quote]
History Dude:
Who says that I am interested in YOUR KIND OF "Safety"?
I am interested in DEFENSE with my 3 guns.
I have no control over the OTHER GUY'S will to create "safety". I ONLY have a say in my stepping into scenarios that might increase my chances of being a VICTIM.
History Dude - my 3 guns do NOTHING to increase the chances that there will be a homicide in my community.
You see, History Dude - your response is more emblematic of the flaws in your theory than you actually realize.
You ASSume that removing guns = safety.
The truth is that SAFETY does not derive from the presence or absence of TOOLS that can be used to injure another person.
SAFETY comes from the will of the masses to act CIVILLY.
I am amazed as I listen to the progressive ethos that focuses upon the guns. You all often talk ABOUT the criminal rather than expecting anything in particular FROM THE CRIMINAL.
[quote]Oooh History Dude!! Don't do it!!! Don't try to engage UnConn!!! Bad Troll!!!!! Although, I do think his tryin to get Field to give him admin access to this blog is hilarious. See History Dude... he has 5 blogs and no one will play with him on his... so, occasionally he comes over here and throws a tantrum....[/quote]
Why do you have to go and do this?
I was just starting to like you.
I just looked at your profile Jody. (NO I am not trying to stalk you). I see you are from Philly and are into law.
I actually have 7 blogs. Each are compartmentalized so that I can keep a focused message.
I was hoping that you would be thankful that I made it out of Philadelphia and from the once prestigious Philadelphia Public School System. Despite the complaints from the people giving me "English Lessons", Jody, I thought that you would be able to put aside your ideological differences with me and simply be thankful that a Black man is spending his time writing 7 blogs rather than robbing 7 people in the span of 3 days.
Jody - I write as a means of expressing my views. I am content with my hit rate (per the statistics that I see). I know that far more people read my views than post responses.
Here is the key Jody - despite your disagreement with me I believe that I am able to actually articulate my views better than most of the people who stand with positions that YOU favor. I believe that you and Filled Negro prefer people who agree with you, yet when pressed are not able to articulate a defense for their views as compared to ME. I disagree with you and I can not only tell you MY VIEWS I can also document the strategic flaws of YOUR agenda.
Jody - it comes down to this with me. I grew up in a city in which the MACHINE THAT IS NOW IN POWER had struggled to get to where it is TO-DAMNED-DAY with the PROMISE that when they:
* Controlled the Schools
* Controlled the Streets
* Controlled the Economy
the people within would be BETTER OFF because of their policies.
Now we see YOU, Monie and others being forced to LOOK OUTSIDE OF THE POLITICAL BOUNDARIES that you control for external resources that would allow you to maintain or increase the standard of living that you (collective you) have access to.
Jody please tell me - why should I sit back and IGNORE the shell game and power grab that you and others are putting on?
If you were consistent YOU would be demanding ACCOUNTABILITY from this machine that YOU helped bring into power - DEMANDING from them the BENEFITS that they said that they would deliver per their enlightened views and policies.
Jody - more than anything our community needs TRANSPARENCY.
Just as the separation of "church and state" prevents people from leaning on our political institutions in the name of "Jesus" - the Black community's interests in its own development needs to be separated from the attempts to FUSE OUR RACE to a particular political party.
Look at where you stand absent TRANSPARENCY Jody!!!
While the Democratic Party and Progressives have GROWN ALL POWERFUL in your city of sisterly love - your PERMANENT INTERESTS ooze out of the bullet holes and onto the sidewalk on a near daily basis.
We need more people with courage to step away from the crowd of bigots and communicate a message that specifies our INTERESTS and ask QUESTIONS as to the attainment of such.
I bet the "White Citizens Council" thought that the Civil Rights Leaders were TROLLS. They wished nothing more that they would SHUT UP and GO AWAY.
(But I think that you like me more than you hate me anyway Jody)
That guy was beyond e harmony's help. He needed therapy. When a person can never establish any kind of relationships - even ones that fail - that person gotta work on something inside. & people whose relationships always fail after a short time also should consider short term therapy. It's worked for two people I know.
If it was just about getting laid, he could've put money aside to visit a good hooker a few times each year so he had something to look forward to.
Flashing money (or offering blow) around might have gotten him one night. But programmers don't necessarily make a lot of money. We import them by the thousands from India.
I don't think guns are the story here. There is no way, short of outlawing the sale of all guns to everyone, that Sodini could have legally been prevented from purchasing weapons. He was not a felon or a mental patient.
His blog made it quite clear what his intentions were but could police have arrested him for that?
How would the police have known?
Would have he have been convicted? Don't know.
Something went very wrong in his life somewhere. It might have been fundamentalist religion, could have been bad family upbringing, whatever. Obviously he had severe depression but if he hadn't been committed for it, how could society have intervened?
This shows how important self-esteem and a healthy relationship is to mental health.
Although he reported his net worth as $250K, I would bet that as a .NET programmer, he wasn't making THAT much income. These days, programmers are definitely not paid well.
Frankly, I don't like it when people start suggesting more gun control because a lunatic who would have got his program over with some other way decided to go for this particular tool. As for the knife example.....try disarming a knife-welding man who's stoned out of his gourd....unless you're experienced, you gonna get cut. And there are a lot of places on the body where a good cut pretty much means The End™.
Everyone would be better off suggesting more psychiatric counseling instead of going for the legal equivalent of putting childproof caps on Tylenol.
"WSZ? Did you come up with that one?"
Yes Adam, I did. If you see it anywhere else on the Net, please let me know.:)
"What if your gym has a multiracial membership? Complicates things, doesn't it?"
Yes grinder, it would. But then again it wouldn't be in a WSZ if it did.
History Dude, I am with you on this issue. I do understand people wanting to hunt for sport and having a gun to protect themselves in their own home. (Hey, we are in Rome,now) But lunatics like the [un]Constructive One who thinks that the black copter folks are coming to take their guns always leave me scratching my head.
[Un]constructive one, I have asked you this before but I will try again.-- I am sure folks like Jody are thinking the same thing.-- But in one of your great writings on one of your blogs; could you please tell us exactly what YOUR party,the rethugs, would do to change the plight of us poor folks here in urban A-merry-ca?
peacefulspirit...no need to apologize for your language, we are all adults here. (Welll, most of us)If you are pissed and want to curse, go right ahead.
Swiff, thanks for the link, I like reading Coates.
The folks above who mentioned the mental health issues are on to something as well. No doubt the guy had some mental issues. :(
Loner, thanks for the update on Orobator.
If gun are so horrible, why doesn't Switzerland and Canada have a higher murder rate than the U.S.
It is not the guns, it is the mindset of the people who seek them to kill other people.
I grew up in rural Ohio (well until I was 12), I saw guns on a daily basis, their were at least 3 guns in my house (I'm black by the way) and not at any time that I can remember growing up did we have a mass killing, a suicide by gun in my family or neighborhood, etc. I am 100% sure the gun rate was lower than DC at the same time period, were guns were banned, until quite recently.
If I was in the ghettos of Southeast DC at that time or Philly, as Chris Rock said about the starting "stuff" in da club, when they get kicked out and they are waiting in the parking lot, "the criminals know you don't have a gun".
There is much evidence that gun certain types of robbery go down when people carried concealed in a state. Why? It is basic. Most "front liners" who want a quick score are not interested in getting killed or killing someone else. If they don't know who is packing that is a deterrent.
My only problem with firearms is that if people know how to use them, I believe anyone with no criminal record or record of mental illness should be able to buy a fire arm if they take 10 hours of gun training or something like that. The gun loophole should be closed.
You want to see how guns save lives and protect property daily?
You can see in this link that handgun ownership and hand gun murders don't correlate.
What you should be asking is why is American culture so f'ed-up that it creates these maniacs that want to do these thing in the first place. That is the harder questions, blaming an inanimate object is a easy cop out.
As long as criminals have guns, I will have one. I travel a lot and when i'm not home, the gun is the equalizer between my 5'4" 125lb wife and a grown as thug. My wife is from a nation where guns are banned, but I taught her how to shoot and she is damn good. She knows the drill. Someone breaks in, do not confront them. Get the cell phone, run in the bathroom and go in the shower, all the cops. If someone comes through that door, sit on the ground, shoot right at the door. It is hard to miss and folks don't usually shoot down.
Sorry dude, I would be an irresponsible husband if I left my wife defenseless and I did not do everything I could to protect her.
FN, you have outdid yourself with this 'soft hands biz'. I have yet to hear peep out of NRA over this latest round of idiocy. How many of these wingnuts trolling the web harbor the same hatred towards black men and women. Its all around us and it will only get worse with that other news outlet spewing their venom relentlessly. I rest my case.
Um... Dragon Horse.... those graphs that show the rates... well, the higher the number (ranking) the lower the murder rate. The US is ranked 24th in the world. Canada is ranked 44th and Switzerland is ranked 56th.
Canada and Switzerland have far fewer murders than the US.
I do however agree that it is not just the guns... it is a culture that glorifies violence and it is a society that does not value life. We seem to have no problem letting the mentally ill roam our streets, homeless. When we execute people, we teach our children that revenge killing is just fine. We have hissy fits about sex but not violence being spoon fed to our kids. We profess a "lock em up and throw away the key" attitude towards criminals... but anyone who works in the criminal system knows that most folks come out of prisons and when they do... we still treat them as criminals, denying jobs, housing, opportunity, and leave little options for them. We send messages to our young people that they do not matter. I see young men every day who have never been asked what they want for their lives. What do they dream. It never occurred to them that anyone except their mama (and sometimes not even their mama) thought they mattered or that they could make a contribution to the world.
These are, in my opinion, just some of the things that we need to address as a society if we want to change a culture of violence.
As for the knife example.....try disarming a knife-welding man who's stoned out of his gourd....unless you're experienced, you gonna get cut. And there are a lot of places on the body where a good cut pretty much means The End™.
That is spot on. I do not know why so many people are under the delusion that knives are not as dangerous as handguns. Knives are just as dangerous as handguns. I do not see any proposals for "knife control."
My only problem with firearms is that if people know how to use them, I believe anyone with no criminal record or record of mental illness should be able to buy a fire arm if they take 10 hours of gun training or something like that. The gun loophole should be closed.
Mental illness, I agree. Criminal record, I disagree with some equivocation.
Some folks with criminal records have been rehabilitated and are contributing members of society. They should not continue to be penalized after paying their debt to society.
A classic example is former Washington Redskin and deceased Sean Taylor. The man was convicted of a felony when he was 17 or 18, was rehabilitated, went to college, entered the NFL and was a law-abiding. Yet, the man was prohibited from possessing a gun in his own home. Hence, he had no home protection when his home was invaded (through no fault of his own, it was eventually determined), which possibly cost him his life.
Folks with criminal records need to be examined on a case-by-case basis to determine if they should have their Second Amendment rights abridged.
you said--
That's what's scary about these kinds of random killings; you just never know when it's going to happen or why.
how can you be so unself-aware? you have a link to the man's blog.
it was random, it wasn't unseen and he explained why.
the question is why didn't anyone call the police after reading this blog?
my guess is he DID use internet dating because that's what these sites are full of--lunatics and losers like him!
As a black woman who never gives a damn when whitey gets smoked. I really could care less about that fucking loser. It's always the white boys killing themselves off for dumb shit like lack of pussy. Pussy can turn the whole world upside down. Look at Julius Ceaser, Troy, Hell Bill Clinton was almost impeached because of Pussy, ugly pussy, but pussy nonetheless.
I will always be in support of guns,more guns more crackas I can knock off. I know this white boy at work. This fucker is angry. Has bought three guns since Obama has been elected and thinks there will be a racial war. Even went online and showed me this huge machine gun looking weapon he bought. Paid 800 dollars for it. Why he is telling me this I don't know. I sure do thank him, because there are alot of white boys walking around here angry. Prompted me to get a Magnum. A big ol pretty one and I will shoot the shit out of a angry white muthafucka. This is why I say black folks need to wake up. A huge portion of the country is listening to Republican assholes talk about Obamas birth certificate, calling him a socialist and having tea parties so they will not have to pay taxes. You see how easy dumbass Americans can get riled up over lies? And white people are suppose to be so superior and smart. I would pay attention. Sarah Palin is being groomed to run and if that Bitch can rally support as dumb as she is then AMerica is in trouble. So I say arm yourselves and watch out for the Crazy white boy Sodini's because next thing you know it will be an army of these white boys marching the streets of the USA and we'll be regretting it while we sit in concentration camps waiting to be gassed. I don't put anything past a country with so many dumbass scared crackas in it. Fear can make a person do and say anything. Look at Michelle Bachman. IF there are any neo nazis on this page, please keep niggas like Larry Elders and Michael Steel. Please, Keep them. They will be happy to pick yo cotton.m I forgot to mention. Hitler had the perfect atmosphere to rise up in. Republican=Nazi.
Field, Im dissapointed you missed Mr. Sodini's obviously mixed background..just look at those flaring nostrils and liver lips...looks sorta like if Apollo Creed bleached his skin to do a "White Like Me" documentary...and he didn't kill 1/2 as many as that Long Island Housewife did a few weeks ago, strung out on the Ganja and Absolut...
How tragic, these women left behind loved ones. This is what I keep thinking about.
He also had a lot of that stupid sardonic 'ebonics' in one of his sick entries (kinda sounded like Mr. R... so let’s see if he stops coming around all of a sudden). Sodini also complained about the 'bruthrs' being able to take all the available white 'hoez' and he can't get any. This could have been scary outcome for a lot of those 'bruthrs' instead.....
Jody, CF called your name like ten times in one post. That was too creepy for me.
Loner, notice how the mother keeps insisting who the father isn't, and what the circumstances wasn’t. It’s like she’s trying to keep heat off the Laos officials, for the sake of her daughter’s freedom. I suspect one of the deals made with the Laos were to keep the paternity confidential – or else.
What really kills me is that if Sodini had been black and shot a bunch of white women, the rightwing blogoshpere, mainstream news and especially the black conservative tomhood would have been railing at the top of their lungs about the "failures of black culture" and other group condemnations.
As it stands, Sodini is just an isolated wacko.
I haven't dated in nine years, but I do not see myself going to a men's sportsclub and killing as men as possible. George had some profound psychologically issues, forget e-Harmony, he need help from a psychiarist.
It sounds like George did not have much going on in his life, probably no real hobbies, interests, or friends. It would safe to say that he was beyond intervert. I imagine that George did not go to many places and did not very much in his life.
Quite frankly, if he had not dated in 19 years, one would think that some self-reflection was in order. He was angry within himself and decided to take that anger and blame it on others. Women were an easy target for him because somewhere in his mind he believed that no woman would ever love, but the realization of loving himself first did not cross his mind.
Wow Field, this guy was completely honest with himself and his desires. How many of us push how we feel deep down in the darkest part of us and never deal with it.
too bad he was fixated on the Young Girl. We ladies in our 40s are hot shit. We are at our sexual peak, we know what we want, financially on track, kids are grown, too bad he overlooked us.
BTW, love the WSZ - too bad its just an illusion.
BTW, love the WSZ - too bad its just an illusion
Such a fucking illusion. One of many false Mayberry images of white AMerica. Let everyone think you are normal because you have both parents,2.5 kids, a cat, dog,and a two car garage. Only behind those closed doors, daddy is cheating on wifey and drinking, mom has a secret life that involves meeting teen boys online and blowing them in the parking lot at WalMart, daughter is cutting herself because she doesn't feel love and attention from mommy and daddy, the son sets cats on fire and subscribes to violent web sites. This is the real WSZ. Believe me I work with a bunch of these WSZ characters and it's all a big fucking mess. No one is happy. BUt they try hard to normalize it while condemning minority behavior so that they can feel superior and less crazy.Crazy White muthafuckas.
"Believe me I work with a bunch of these WSZ characters and it's all a big fucking mess. No one is happy. BUt they try hard to normalize it while condemning minority behavior so that they can feel superior and less crazy."-Anon (11:33am)
Even the trashiest looking WSZers think they're in cahoots with ol' colonel at the big house...lol!
Sarah Palin is history because she and her hubby are getting a divorce and she's moving to Montana with the kids and the former First Dude is staying behind in Alaska heading back into the oil fields while Sarah rakes in her $11 million for her book deal.
Of course the reason that Sarah is really mad at the media is that it dug up the affair she had with Todd's former business partner's during the mid-90's while she was mayor of Wasilla and I guess Todd had not forgotten or forgiven.
So I don't think anyone has to worry about a former governor divorced mother of five running for the Republican presidential nomination anytime soon.
Nah Sarah will enjoy the millions from her book and maybe do a talk show from her new house in Montana.
Yes grinder, it would. But then again it wouldn't be in a WSZ if it did.
Hmm. I guess those were white guys wearing shoe polish at the gym in Silver Spring, Md. Friendliest place I ever worked out at, by the way.
As long as criminals have guns, I will have one. I travel a lot and when i'm not home, the gun is the equalizer between my 5'4" 125lb wife and a grown as thug. My wife is from a nation where guns are banned, but I taught her how to shoot and she is damn good. She knows the drill. Someone breaks in, do not confront them. Get the cell phone, run in the bathroom and go in the shower, all the cops. If someone comes through that door, sit on the ground, shoot right at the door. It is hard to miss and folks don't usually shoot down.
Gun ownership is a fact of life, and it's not going to change.
I've got enough guns to take down a small third-world country.
But, all I shoot at is targets, (including beer cans, of course). One of my true joys in life is sitting in my hot tub on my back deck, sipping a few brews, and popping some caps into the target berm I have in the back of my acreage. All my guns are kept in a 1250 lb. gun safe, which is bolted to the slab of my house. Well, all of them except my carry weapon, for which I have a permit. I figure, they'll have to take that one from me.
Can't I have my guns?
Oh, I forgot, I do hunt for deer, hog, and various & assorted varmints, as well as beer cans.
You ASSume that removing guns = safety.
The truth is that SAFETY does not derive from the presence or absence of TOOLS that can be used to injure another person.
SAFETY comes from the will of the masses to act CIVILLY.
Tools that can be used to injured another person? Once again, the knife vs. the 6,000 rounds a minute automatic weapon. If you expect the 'masses' to act civilly-dream on buddy. If that were the case we wouldn't need jails or a court system.
By the way person of interest, no one is going to take your gun.
[quote]) But lunatics like the [un]Constructive One who thinks that the black copter folks are coming to take their guns always leave me scratching my head.
[Un]constructive one, I have asked you this before but I will try again.-- I am sure folks like Jody are thinking the same thing.-- But in one of your great writings on one of your blogs; could you please tell us exactly what YOUR party,the rethugs, would do to change the plight of us poor folks here in urban A-merry-ca?[/quote]
Filled Negro:
Do you see how when you lead with a FALSE preposition you screw up the entire question?
My goal is to remove the Democratic Party parasite that causes River Blindness from the RACIAL NUCLEUS of the BLACK COMMUNITY so that more of us Negros CAN THINK STRAIGHT about our own PERMANENT INTERESTS rather than THEIRS!!!!
I realize that it is a scary thing for you to be all alone Filled Negro.
Do you see the flawed construct of your question Filled Negro?
Why are you placing Black people as CONSUMERS? WAITING for a POLITICAL PARTY to provide solutions for us?
Here is what kills me. In the cities that I keep listing YOU ALL HAVE WON!!!! Every single institutional seat that provides civic services to BLACK PEOPLE is controlled by a favorable person.
Now get this. DESPITE THIS FACT - Filled-Negro is asking me "Tell me what the REPUBLICANS are gonna do for BLACK PEOPLE if you want to consider us changing".
Filled Negro. I realize that many Defense Attorneys are deficient in their character. I don't believe, however, that you all as a group are STUPID. Why isn't your question of YOURSELF, Jody (see I called her name again Incoginita), Granny, WhiteBowieSteve and that hemorrhoid named Kid ask the more INTELLECTUALLY HONEST question:
* Education?
* Public Safety?
* Local Economic Productivity Of Our People?
* Healthy Living?
Most importantly Filled Negro - you need to sit down in a dark corner and ask yourself another question:
WHY after winning all of these institutional seats are we forced to EXPAND THE POLICE TAPE, going OUTWARD to gain more control of more districts BEFORE we can have the PAST PROMISES that begot previous Democratic Victories DELIVERED UPON US?
Jody (there I go again Incognita. I must have a thing for Jody) - Here is a piece that I wrote on my blog that describes the condition that you are infected with. I don't believe that Tax Payer Paid Health Care is going to cure this in you.
What Must The Democratic Party Do To LOSE The Black Vote?
No need to respond on MY BLOG. I see the hit counts as you sneak a peek.
(Hathor - please no English lessons about my writing skills. SUBSTANTIVE comments only.)
(Kid - please spare me. I am having a good day. Go back to the BET Message boards where you fit in)
Loner...hate to not jump on the bandwagon but I think Samantha Orobator got what she deserved. Point...you simply DON'T run drugs in Asia unless you're willing to die over them. (She should be thankful that she didn't get the death penalty...and that she is being allowed to return home to serve her time, if any, in Britain!!).
I can tell you from experience...these countries in Asia do not play when it comes to smuggling dope!! I remember traveling with a Japanese friend from Singapore through Malaysia up to Thailand. On our way back down to SIngapore, while crossing the border in Malaysia, we were stopped. They took one look at me, one look at my friend...then practically strip searched her. I mean they went through everything she had...at least twice. Maybe they assumed that I assumed I'd be checked...and had passed drugs on to her to get them through the stops. No, I don't do drugs...and if I did, I sure as heck wouldn't be ignorant enough to run them on THIS side of the world. These countries make it known that drug runners face life imprisonment or the death penalty (even for small amounts). She CHOSE to play Russian Roulette with her life and came a click away from losing. Sad...but more so, STUPID!!! She is lucky, considering there are some not-so-lucky White foreigners rotting away in Asian prisons for doing the exact same thing she did.
Of course, I may be wrong...but I think what happened in Laos was more of a "foreigner" thing than a "black" thing. From my experience traveling in this region, it doesn't matter what color you are in Asia! Foreigners are often suspected of having drugs on them (discrimination at work!!), often stopped and SEVERELY nailed to the wall when they are caught with drugs. I'm going to SIngapore next week...and you can be sure that my double locked bags will be accompanying me on the plane. (If the bag has a compartment that can't be locked, I won't take it.) In my part of the world, it doesn't really matter HOW heroin ends up in your bag...once it does, it's yours to be locked up over.
My last trip to Bangkok 5 years ago, a middle-aged lady up and starting talking to me and my Japanese friend while we were waiting in line at immigration. We didn't know her but she asked my friend to carry one of her bags because it was "too heavy." Being the nice guy that he is, he reached down to pick up her bag. I moved faster than Jackie Chan on caffeine, catching his hand before he could pick it up. She shot me the nastiest look as I politely asked her to carry her own bags. She could have been legit for all we know...but we weren't taking that chance. The last I saw of her, she had been stopped by two officers at customs and no...we didn't stick around to find out why. The idea of 'guilt by association' is still very much alive in Asia.
I am empathetic regarding Samantha Orobator's situation but I have no sympathy for her...she should have known better.
I won't comment on Samantha except for when she became pregnant, the rules changed. The baby inside of her did not ask to be conceived, but it's there/here, and it had nothing to do with mommy's stupidity, so the child should not have suffered (been put to death). Luckily, she'll pay her consequences. Whatever the case, I still feel sorry for her and wish her the best. We give worse people passes all the time.
As for George Sodini. Fiel, you captured the horror perfectly. And the season for fuckery is upon us: holidays. You know all the Georges will come out in full force.
All I can draw from this (perhaps in an effort to keep my sanity) is to be kind to others, be sincere, commit kind acts every chance given, smile and pray. That's all I can come up with to help cope with this.
You asked what would create this. I don't know if this is true, but he felt that his family wasn't there for him, cruel and mean in fact. I admit that when I read his entries on his family, I said to myself, "Damn that. Let me go hug my kids right now. Hell no."
Again, I don't know if his allegations are true or based on his colored perception. I do know that more often than not when you look at these crazies, the families did not band around together enough, if at all, to take care of the most sensitive or wounded.
Like that kid who shot up the mall in 2007 or 2008. His mom used to smoke up with him (it's one thing to do it alone, but with your kids? Come the f*c on.) and she admitted that she knew something was wrong, but did nothing. It's like we the public can only do SO much. If the family is not doing their job and being there for the person, through thick and thin, then we are the ones to pay the price.
Angie-in-Japan said...
"Loner...hate to not jump on the bandwagon but I think Samantha Orobator got what she deserved. Point...you simply DON'T run drugs in Asia unless you're willing to die over them."
Angie here's the thing... you don't know IF she actually ran the drugs. You're a black female living and traveling outside of the US/UK etc. In your part of the world, you too might one day need someone to give you the benefit of the doubt and look beyond.
I meant to say..
In your part of the world, you too might one day need someone to give you the benefit of the doubt and look beyond the traveling black female mule/prostitute stereotype. You are not exempt.
We give worse people passes all the time.
Yes, Slim, WE do, however places like Laos don't. They shoot/or imprison people for the rest of their lives who are caught with drugs. Remember Laos is a totalitarian state that has spent the last few decades hunting down and killing the last vestiges of the Hmong people who fought against the Communists during the Vietnam War. They don't play around.
The ugly mans guide to meaningless sex.
1.talk to 25 woman a night,you get four phone #'s out of those four one easy slut is in that last four.If you have computer programmer money this easy slut will rear her money grubbbing head quickly.Most american woman are incredibly shallow & money hungry.
2.lower your standards,hollar at the fat nasties,the ones that you know are as gross looking as your self naked.fat girls are out for repeat customers & go to great lengths to please a potential steady sex partner.
3.If you dont pull super hotties on the regular,you arent gonna start overnight,getting bad bitches is not something you learn they are born & you cant get a late start.stay in your field.
4.treat all ladies like queens,even the ugly ones,dance with fat girls at the club,the pretty hoes notice you being nice to the beasts,this puts you in in a good light & on the radar of the fine out of reach freaks
good luck & happy hunting,cuase thats all pussy is.
Yeah, HD, those Hmong are over here now, I guess they can't find any Commies to kill. But man, those are some mean little assholes:
Gotta love that Multi-culturalism.
Never pay for sex or water only desperate people do that
If Sodini was a disgruntled mal-adjusted Black man—note the DC Sniper—there wouldn’t have been this outcry to understand a psychopath. There wouldn’t be a need to understand his pain. What’s more calling him psychotic is another way for media and co, to absolve him from his own despicable action-since he must obviously be crazy and the feminist juggernaut is the reason why white middle age guys like him are becoming so alienated. *rolls eyes* The worst part is that he delineated his frustrations and his plans on his own blog—and he even gloated that his words would be left for inspiration—hardly some psychotic when he was very methodical and coldly calculating.
Like most white males in their late 30’s, 40’s and up on up they think their expanding wallet is good enough to get the hot juicy 20’s something white girls and that all they have to do is show up. The Millionaire matchmaker although reality TV slop—is a perfect example of white men and their never endingly nauseating sense of entitlement to demand the best no matter how crusty and disgusting they look and act.
Still—if this pathetic dude was really hard up for a date he should have looked no further than Asian women since Asian women and White men are the biggest interracial pairing in America with a whopping 50% of Asian women marrying out to White men. He could have easily bought a mail order bride from Thailand, the Philippines or Vietnam who was in her 20’s if he were that hard up and there are plenty of Asian women here who would have no problem dating a 40’s something programmer. If anything Asian men would have shot up a whole host of buildings long ago based on that statistical fact and of course we all know how propieratary White men are when it comes to Asian women.
What a psychopathic repulsive loser and a now human life were wasted because of his narcissistic selfishness.
I hear those Asian chicks will lay some boom-boom on yo ass, too.
There probably aren't too many hairy Asian feminist juggerknots to crap up the works as well.
..."PAST PROMISES that begot previous Democratic Victories DELIVERED UPON US?"
What promises are those?
Damn, I just learned that the dude who was jumped by 4 redneck women in a motel and had his dick superglued to his leg was BLACK.
After 19 years he could have raised enough money to by a wife from Russia or the Balkans for that matter...
Or taken a trip to one of the European countries where prostitution is legal.
Dude couldn't get laid for 19 years?
BTW - Anyone else from Wordpress having problems posting?
In the US of A?
Dayam... The boy shoulda figured out he needed to change his after-shave...
Or somethin'!
uptownsteve said...
Damn, I just learned that the dude who was jumped by 4 redneck women in a motel and had his dick superglued to his leg was BLACK.
Now, that's one helluva way to lose your street cred!
Where'd this happen?
You didn't hear about this?
Nah, I didn't, Steve....but I can't get that link to work!
uptownsteve said...
"Damn, I just learned that the dude who was jumped by 4 redneck women in a motel and had his dick superglued to his leg was BLACK."
I'm just waiting to see the outcome. If this had been black women doing that shit...
"What really kills me is that if Sodini had been black and shot a bunch of white women, the rightwing blogoshpere..."
Black men in America know better than the kill a bunch of white women, roll eyes! Dam, what a dumb a$$ statement to make!
La♥Incognita said...
"Angie here's the thing... you don't know IF she actually ran the drugs. You're a black female living and traveling outside of the US/UK etc. In your part of the world, you too might one day need someone to give you the benefit of the doubt and look beyond the traveling black female mule/prostitute stereotype. You are not exempt."
Excellent points! I, per se, don't know if she actually ran them or not. What I have read on this particular case states that not only did she admit to attempting to carry 680g of heroin onto a flight from Laos to Thailand last year, but she also got herself pregnant in prison to escape a probable death penalty. Maybe she made those admissions under duress; of course, that's a possibility, so the benefit of the doubt is a courtesy that I am willing to extend if she needs/wants it. On the other hand, until SHE tells us otherwise, I will accept that admission of guilt as HER truth. In my opinion, until she can counter what has already come out of her own mouth, this is her truth. And as such, that scare that no doubt popped a little sense back into her 20 year-old skull is what, in my opinion, she deserved. Hopefully, this experience will encourage her to get her act together. Thus, empathy...no sympathy.
As an American living abroad, oh, without a doubt...I know that I am not exempt. If we are looking at stereotypes, as a BLACK American woman in this part of the world, I would more than likely be seen as somehow connected to the US military or either affluent long before being considered a prostitute. Unlike in the States, where certain groups of people are quick to link that stereotype to us Black women, it's usually Southeast Asian women who fight that degrading image here.
As for the drug mule comment: there are so many cases of "foreigners" (westerners in particular) traveling in Asia and getting caught with drugs... whether they were running them or someone planted them in their bags without their knowledge that yes, some people here are quick to think that ALL FOREIGNERS carry drugs. Of course, that isn't true but you know how a few bad apples can spoil the bunch.
Finally, I don't mean to sound callous or arrogant when I say this but I do not think I will find myself in a position where I will ever NEED anyone here to give me the benefit of the doubt for anything. I may find myself in a terrible situation and WANT them to extend that courtesy...but you know what? As I get older and more experienced, I realize that as long as I know and can fully accept my own truth, that 'benefit of the doubt' that someone may or may not choose to give in my time of "need" becomes less relevant each day.
Stay blessed! I appreciate your thoughts...
Apologies for getting off topic...just really wanted to respond to Loner!
"Black men in America know better than the kill a bunch of white women, roll eyes! Dam, what a dumb a$$ statement to make!"
Perhaps you can now show where a black man shot up a bunch of black women.
If you can't, shut the f^ck up.
Try this one.
Got it, Steve. Thanks.
What an ugly bunch of hoochie-mamas.
Somebody said he's suffered enough already.
This guy was a Obama supporter.Color me shocked.
uptownsteve said...
What really kills me is that if Sodini had been black and shot a bunch of white women, the rightwing blogoshpere, mainstream news and especially the black conservative tomhood would have been railing at the top of their lungs about the "failures of black culture" and other group condemnations.
...but people on this blog would have been trying to frame it in a way that made him look sypathetic.
Now if Sodini (we're back to him being white again) killed a bunch of black women the fur would fly!
Likewise if Sodini was a white woman and walked into a gym killing a bunch of black folks of either gender.. again the fur would fly... to put it as gently as possible
It should be noted that he head $250,000 in savings, wasn't bad looking, had a good job, house. I can feel for the rage of the obese, unattractive, and poor men who are left out of the dating game. But if he was it waw because he acted in a way that was undesirable.
I have met guys like this, who give off this vibe of a rage going on underneath. It is uncomfortable as fuck. I think all women meet guys who have an undercurrent of anger and/or bitterness. I assume it goes the other way too??
I'm just waiting to see the outcome. If this had been black women doing that shit...
You know what—that’s a great comparison. Time and time again—Black women are excoriated beyond belief because we are so anti-IR and we bear the weight of being angry, violent haters of anecdotal incidents ad infinitum from other races—yet there has never been consistent cases of a Black women shooting up, or physically intimidating or killing anyone because she couldn’t get a date or racism, and or not getting any love—not once. Even white women have their serial man hater in Eileen Wournos—but Black women somehow we are consistently saddled with the offensive stereotype as the mean, angry, hater who by pain of death has made Black men and White women, and everyone else who always says we are bitter and angry--lives a living hell.
uptownsteve said...
What really kills me is that if Sodini had been black and shot a bunch of white women, the rightwing blogoshpere, mainstream news and especially the black conservative tomhood would have been railing at the top of their lungs about the "failures of black culture" and other group condemnations.
I don't remember the "right" railing about the "failures of black culture" when John Floyd Thomas Jr. was arrested.
I think the man is sick, yes, and it does sound like he was abused by his family, he does mention particular animosity toward an older bully bother. Still, I wonder why he never got any help?
you write:
"Still—if this pathetic dude was really hard up for a date he should have looked no further than Asian women since Asian women and White men are the biggest interracial pairing in America with a whopping 50% of Asian women marrying out to White men. He could have easily bought a mail order bride from Thailand, the Philippines or Vietnam who was in her 20’s if he were that hard up and there are plenty of Asian women here who would have no problem dating a 40’s something programmer. If anything Asian men would have shot up a whole host of buildings long ago based on that statistical fact and of course we all know how propieratary White men are when it comes to Asian women.""
Mail Brides from the countries you mention are part of human trafficking and sex slavery. These countries are so poor that for some, there is no other source of income. Also, I watched a documentary about the sex trade in Cambodia, little boys offering sex to American customers, little girls as young as five years old working the sex trade to support their family, American males are big customors. It's really sickening.
Also, Asian American women, are stereotyped as an object, exotic, sexually liberated, in part due to the fact that Asian women were either not allowed into the United States at all, or in the case of the building of the US West, were prostitutes. Even though the majority of women at that time were prostitutes, it was the Asian women who was charactorized as a prostitute.
I don't know why Asian American women are marrying White men, could be that they think they are moving up, could be that the Asian American male has been stereotyped in an emasculated sort of way. Dont know for sure.
" but she also got herself pregnant in prison to escape a probable death penalty. Maybe she made those admissions under duress;"
How does a Black Woman get herself pregnant while in an Asian Prison given her "low desireability" ? So Black Women are now capable of raping men and getting themselves pregnant?
Grata, I agree, can't see how a woman in prison is going to get herself pregant to avoid a death penalty, more likely she was raped.
"How does a Black Woman get herself pregnant while in an Asian Prison given her "low desireability" ?"
We'll never know, will we? Raped or not raped? That is an answer we will never know.
"There should be a mandatory psychological test given before being allowed to purchase a gun. If there is a medical history of pychosis, severe bi-polar, schizophrenia, or anything else of this nature people should not be allowed to handle guns do to the dangerous syptoms easily triggered by these conditions."
I Knew someone with an array of mental health issues and owns many guns. God Help us.
I believe there should be a mandatory psychological test given before being allowed to purchase a gun. If there is a medical history of various psychosis, severe bi-polar, schizophrenia, or anything else of this nature people should not be allowed to handle guns do to the dangerous syptoms easily triggered by these conditions. These people are ill-logical, emotionally unstable, and have a hard time reasoning between right and wrong. If a law were enacted for the safety of the people this would make it much harder for these mentally ill people to purchase a gun without some form of medical consent. I know know some people may be offended by this ... but c'mon folks - enough is enough of insecure maniacs walking the streets and blaming everyone else for their own failures.
"We'll never know, will we? Raped or not raped? That is an answer we will never know".
Really? WOW!
What is that argument people usually give for defining sexual relations between Slave owners and their Slaves as rape?
Something like, If some one is not in a position to willingly conscend then it can still be defined as rape ? Do the rules change when the male in question is not White as clearly is in this case? So this woman was too fast and seduced some prison guard or something. WOW! The support for the Black female never ceases to amaze. I am guessing you are a Black man.
Dark Moon, yes you are so correct. When a white and non-black person commits such crimes, everyone becomes overnight phycologist in the quest to diagnose and understand the history behind these vile behaviors. When its a black person, there is no such courtesy. The black criminal becomes animalistic, soulless, prone to violence, angry, etc. etc. and etc.
That Soldini animal was also bitter about IRs, the tone of his first entry rang of sarcasm to me. It appears that he was particularly angry with white females.
As for the glue crew, notice how they are simply "women scorned". Now picture them black. smdh.
Sorry Angie, but that doesn't fly with me. if you were in her situation, you might have agreed to "admit" being Hitler in another life if it got you out that stinking hell hole with your hide in tact.
LOL Grata, yes it's the classic unrapable black female mentality. She's not desirable enough to be raped, but she's deceitful enough to contrive a plan to somehow con a helpless man out of his sperm. Classic.
Until Samantha herself "admit" to the crime with her own mouth, while detailing who was behind the muling, and also detail exactly how she got pregnant in prison, I'm not buying.
"WOW! The support for the Black female never ceases to amaze. I am guessing you are a Black man."
Why does it always come down to a conspiracy against all black females with you? Maybe if she had kept her ass out of Laos mule-packing all of those drugs none of this crap would have happend.
What difference does it make whether I am a BM or not? Oh, I forgot...you are one of the black male bashers on this blog, who has vowed to never wear the t-shirt for Frimpong or support any other BM because all BM are irresponsible and dumb.
Anony 9:00pm in all fairness. Flimpong (whatever he f- his name is) had a non-black girlfriend, and he probably could have cared less about the well being of black females. Samantha on the other hand, most likely had a black boyfriend if any, and if guilty, she was most likely muling for black UK/African males. Just a thought.
Dark moon,
Well, i can't say anything bad about black women. I've know plenty in my day and for the most part they are stand up.
he found a gun much easier than he found a lover/spouse/trick...
but he also found tons of religious sexist/fool authors who honed his holy hatred of women to homicide!
see much more at:
If Sodini had only expanded his life and tried an IR. He might have found happiness--and the killings would not have happened.
"Samantha on the other hand, most likely had a black boyfriend if any, and if guilty, she was most likely muling for black UK/African males. Just a thought."
Good thought. Guilty or not, she should leave those BM alone. For her type, IR is a much safer way to go.
he might also have just stopped reading sexist ageist religious trash
and found some lonely woman his own age...an elder lady who was not young and obsessed with exclusively black men as he lamented...
Kathy, I have always suspected that while some Asian American women complain about being stereotyped as sexual beings, I think deep down they well prefer it over the other stereotypes that degrade black females.
I also believe, many Asian American women deliberately play into that same sexually objectifying stereotype as long as it benefits them in the situation.
"WOW! The support for the Black female never ceases to amaze. I am guessing you are a Black man."
WOW yourself!
WHY would you assume that the person who made this statement was a black man?????
La Incognita"...Flimpong (whatever he f- his name is)..."
His name is Frimpong whether his woman is White, Black, or Brown. With a name like 'La Incognita' you shouldn't try to put down anyone's name.
Respect for someone should not depend on the color of one's partner. Field has Eric Frimpong's picture- and a link to his story in the sidebar.
Not making any comparisons, but I do not think a woman would prefer to be considered an inhuman pornographic object, in general.
Grata: Who said she wasn't "desirable?" Now that she isn't under the thumb of Laotian officials, she has another opportunity to share her story with us all...then we won't have to speculate.
LaIncognita: No apologies needed, lady!! I truly appreciate your dialogue, even though I may not agree with it sometimes. You know what they say about those pearls from the South Sea? They are made when oysters open up, allowing for nutrients, as well as unwanted particles to flow inside the shell. It is this gift of "irritation" from things the oyster dislikes that causes it to respond by coating the irritant with nacre. Layers upon layers later, we end up with a lustrous, highly-prized Black pearl.
Our disagreements aren't negative things in my eyes...especially when they leave me with such thick layers of "skin" capable of producing such shine. Oh...and for the record, no...I wouldn't agree to admissions that are not true in regards to my name and character (even if caught in a similar situation) just to get myself out of an Asian prison (Hooyah to all you fellow field negros out there!!). But that is just me and my moral compass.
Hope you all have a GREAT weekend. A little something to hold you over until Monday...stay blessed, field negroes!! Thank you, Field Negro, for the updates.
"The quality, not the longevity, of one's life is what is important." --- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Yes Angie, a true Field Negro must always have thick layers of skin, no matter what :)
You have a great weekend also.
"Grata: Who said she wasn't "desirable?" "
Notice I said "Low desireability" in quotes. It was a tongue in cheek reference to the general 'Low desireability' of the Black Female in American society.
The only other possibility I can think of is a guard made her the offer. Since many such prisoners go through their doors they must have mastered the technique of getting women off the death penalty. But I still doubt she had powwer to initiate it.
What difference does it make whether I am a BM or not?"
Oh yeah it makes a difference. I have this naive hope that a Black Woman would give Samantha some benefit of doubt while I can't expect the same from a Black Male judging by the support BM give Black Black women in such situations.
"Oh, I forgot...you are one of the black male bashers on this blog, who has vowed to never wear the t-shirt for Frimpong or support any other BM because all BM are irresponsible and dumb."
And as regards to Fripmong Hmmm, See the era of selfless support for BM by BW is coming to a close. Some of us are just ahead of the curve. A Black man that acts in a manner that does not benefit the Black Female or Black child will not be deserving of any support from BW.
Black men have been complacent in the forces against BW and many have been part of those forces.
In Jungle law, when your predator or enabler of your predator is under attack, you don't rush to save them. You just sit back and Watch.
Welcome to the Jungle.
An BW bashing BM is just about what the BC needs at this point in time. The excuses have run out. I bet some of you expect some BW to come up in defense of the fool who just got his manhood glued to his stomach LOL!
@Grata "In Jungle law, when your predator or enabler of your predator is under attack, you don't rush to save them. You just sit back and Watch."
So what's new? People like yourself have always stood by and watched. It goes back to slavery.
"An BW bashing BM is just about what the BC needs at this point in time. The excuses have run out. I bet some of you expect some BW to come up in defense of the fool who just got his manhood glued to his stomach LOL!"
Go ahead, bash away...I'm sure you will go far. And that brotha isn't looking for you to defend him. As a matter of fact, not one BM on the planet expects or wants your support, whether he is a fool or not.
You are insecure and you continue to show that you feel unwanted and unloved--and wish you had a responsible man in your life to love you. I can hear your pain and hope someday you will find a responsible man that so many women are able to find.
Right now, you just don't think enough of yourself to deserve a good man. When you grow up and become a worthy woman, then you will find a worthy man.
LOL at Anony 12:33 pm...
When all else fails and you can't get your way with black women, just haul out that ol' desperate used up 'manless' retort and psychobabble. Another classic. You people need to get new material... I swear. LOL
eloquently stated!
the frimpongs of the world never even talk to black women...until they are jailed
why should we care?!?
i will reserve my jail house activism for mumia abu jamal and his revolutionary BPP comrades...who return my loyalties even before they are in peril
let the white women they exclusively adore help frimpong/oj and their ilk...
i proudly could not care less!
Grata you know not to expect any support from black men, they'd sooner throw black women under the bus. In the meantime you still have alot of black women who are always defending black men even if they are in the wrong. Just for the sake of race loyalty. To hell with that shit. I find myself more connected to black women anyway, atleast the ones who feel a connection with me.
Grata, stop paying so much attention to BM and complaining about them. Move on girl, and stop whining!
Grata, stop paying so much attention to BM and complaining about them. Move on girl, and stop whining!
When they stop disrespecting black women then we will ignore them.
@Grata "When they stop disrespecting black women then we will ignore them."
Who is disrespecting you? and who are you speaking for? The majority of men don't disrespect black women. Just because you have had bad experiences doesn't mean that the majority of bm and bw have also. I am surprised that you don't know that.
George Sodini didn't hate women because he was rejected by them. He hated women because of the stereotype that attractive women prefer bullies, jerks, and other violent sociopaths to men who are nice.
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