Let me say right off the bat that I do not have a lot of expertise in the area of the learning disabled. I do not work in the field professionally, and I do not have a social connection to anyone who is developmentally impaired. (Well, I take that back. I have a few friends who happen to be attorneys and you could make a pretty good argument....never mind.) But I do know that the word retarded is offensive, and it should not be used by people who should know better.
So I was surprised to learn that O's right hand man, Rahm Emanuel, used the word when referring to some left wing groups last summer. Seems my man was pretty ticked off that they were going to fund some ads against some blue dogs, and old Rahm let it fly.
"Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported that Emanuel, exasperated upon learning that liberal special-interest groups were planning to run ads against conservative Democrats not supportive of health care reform, blasted the plan as "f------ retarded" over the summer.."
Shame on you Rahm, be more careful with your language next time. And apologize to all the folks who are involved with the learning disabled here in A-merry-ca, be it professionally or personally.
Now, having said that, I have to get with our girl Sarah again. Apparently she sees a political opportunity here, and she isn't wasting anytime before taking advantage of it.
"Naturally, some outrage ensued after Emanuel's words came to light, with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin taking to her Facebook page to call on President Obama to fire him for what she saw as the equivalent of a racial slur.Palin, whose son Trig is afflicted with Down syndrome, said she was informed of Emanuel's comment by a fellow parent of a special-needs child and pleaded with the president to "show decency" to the political process by "eliminating" the Chicago native from his inner circle.In a post titled "Are You Capable of Decency, Rahm Emanuel?," Palin wrote, "Just as we’d be appalled if any public figure of Rahm’s stature ever used the 'N-word' or other such inappropriate language, Rahm’s slur on all God’s children with cognitive and developmental disabilities — and the people who love them — is unacceptable," adding, "it's heartbreaking."
Sarah, stop it! You wouldn't be outraged if Rahm used the N word anymore than you were when Trent Lott longed for the days of segregation. I swear you wingnuts can use the race card when you think it benefits you. The R word as used by Emanuel was a bad word. The N word as used by___[fill in the blank], is wrong. But please, let us not compare them when you want to score cheap political points. We all know that if this had been a republican president and his chief of staff had said these things, you would have been silent. Trig would have not had mommy standing by him. Besides, it looks like Rahm reached out to some folks.
"A Politico story today reports that an administration official informed them that Emanuel had already reached out to Special Olympics chairman and CEO Tim Shriver, who recently launched a campaign to end the use of "the R word.""Rahm called Tim Shriver Wednesday to apologize and the apology was accepted," the unnamed official said."
Story over? Sarah, if Trig had a say, I am guessing that he would say, yes. [Story]
I don't like Sarah, and I don't think the analogy she gave is correct... but if he had called them stupid "cunts or bitches", as a woman, I think I would have had the same reaction... which is I agree with Sarah, he needs to go... but I have to admit, I am inclined for him to go because I think he is a horrible human being and this is just further proof of said horror.
i don't think it's akin to using the N would, and why is the whitest woman in america pretending it is?
to me, it's more akin to my 15-year-old son and his friends, who refer to everything irritating or that they disagree with as "gay."
we've always known rahm had a potty mouth. we just didn't realize how juvenile some of his vocab is.
and sarah and her friends should want him to stay in, because i think he's giving my party a whole lot of bad advice!
but jody--horrible human being? not just bad policy advisor?
field, it's a shame you had to turn this into the usual reverse-racist "if it were... whatever" crap.
I, too, have a relative with Down Syndrome. I have regularly told people not to use 'retarded' as the insult that it is *increasingly* used as. Even dumbass Bush-loving Republicans use the word that way, and I tell them off, too. It's sickening.
You know, you whine nearly daily about negroes being victimized. Yet these children are the most vulnerable and defenseless of all. You had a chance to be a better person about this, but you did your usual and made it a reverse-racist and political whine instead.
You've got no class. It was some weeks ago that somebody was saying very low and crass things about Mrs. Field. I posted that night, saying that was not right and it didn't belong, that even you didn't deserve that. But you've proven that I was wrong to think that you deserved better. You truly are one ignorant and heartless human being.
I don't even want to hear the defenses and counterattacks from you black racists. You people are sick.
Anon, you missed the point. FN nor anyone else is excusing the word 'retarded'. Its an ugly put down to people with disabilities.
Rahm, as Obama pointed out, primarily speaks in 4 letter words and slurs. He'd probably call Michael Steele a 'goddamn hankechief head porch monkey' if he didn't think the O-man would slap him silly, then fire him. He's a foul-mouthed old school Chi-town pol and he should apologize. Not just for the retard crack, but for doing everything to throw progressives under the bus.
But that's not the point of the post, because we all agree here. The point is that the Thrilla from Wasilla is trying to get political cheap shots in over it. Do you honestly think this narcissistic, mean-spirited Hillbilly, who by the way pimped her damn pregnant teenager daughter and her boyfriend to get elected gives a damn if Rahm Emanuel used the word 'retarded' -- and toward the Lefty Net-Roots?! No. She sees it as a means to get in a few political points with the GOP base and make sure her Tea Party speaking gig check doesn't bounce.
"But you've proven that I was wrong to think that you deserved better. You truly are one ignorant and heartless human being."
Coming from a wingnut I will take that as a compliment.
BTW,when you say "you people", do you think that there might be some "Down Syndrome" children who happen to belong to the "you people", tribe? Just curious.
And please read what La-Coincidental said. I have wasted enough time responding to you.
Anon @ 10:16pm - as the MOTHER of a Down Syndrome child, I am far more angry - raging mad to be honest - at Sarah Palin's cheap and low brow attempt at grandstanding on the backs of mentally challenged children and adults. Than I am of Rahm Emanuel's ignorant and insensitive use of a word that reflects much more on him than on a child.
Sarah Palin has used her son Trig as nothing more than a prop. She has had the opportunity on numerous occasions to lend her "star power" to organizations and programs that are working to improve the lives of those with mental disabilities and of their families. But she has passed on those opportunities because those causes wouldn't line her purse. And believe me, that's the only thing that Mrs. Palin truly cares about - her bank account!
So while you're so busy getting worked up at what you perceive as Field's so-called reverse racism. That anger would be better directed at the Quitter Governor who never misses an opportunity to get herself in the spotlight for a supposedly noble cause.
Field, this is the SECOND time the Special Olympics has received an apology from the Obama Administration for inappropriate demeaning words against the disabled.
Obama was first, now it's Emmanuel. The Repubs are going to have a hayday with this one.
I don't blame Sarah Palin for being angry. It must have hurt her deeply, considering she is a Mother with a conscience who had her child even though she knew he was disabled. I respect her for respecting the life of the unborn. She is is living proof that she is devoted to God's children. She would never abort a child for her own convenience like some others would do.
However, to ask for Rahm's job is a little too much. It would be like asking for Imus's job for saying an inappropriate phrase about a basketball team.
The Repubs and Beck have already managed to get key folks in the Obama Administration fired. If Obama succumbs to this one, he will look like a hypocrit and have to fire himself, considering that he was the first to insult the disabled also.
Go Colts! Final score: Colts 37, Saints 10
Poor insipid Sarah, I can't even bear to laugh at her anymore. Leave it up to her to exploit her special needs motherless grandson, and while sneaking a racial jab by using the N-word for such a wishy-washy comparison. I would have sympathized more with Sarah if he used the S word, we all know she's diagnosed with having stupid.
Actually, the Obama administration has not had to apologize, people in the administration have had to. That happens on both sides of the aisle with various issues.
Palin couldn't care less for that baby, she proved that at the time he was born.
If he's even hers ;).
Hey everybody's got to believe in at least one conspiracy theory, it's easier to have one about someone who is notifiable looney.
Anon @ 10:16pm is spot on.
Anon @ 10:47 - since Sarah Palin cares oh so much for these children as you claim. Can you please provide a list of the organizations that she's lent her influence and name to, which raise money and awareness of Down Syndrome or other childhood mental disabilities?
The Republican's would be fools to try and gain any political points with this non-story. But then again, desperation breeds even more desperation.
And you're stretching a bit with your claim that "key individuals" have been fired due to that rabid idiot Glenn Beck.
Is this a retarded news day that this is a top story? There I said the word retard which means slow and can be used in a sentence without offending anyone. Sometimes we really need to get our emotions in check, or but better stop reacting to everything. This is only way for Sarah Palin to stay in the news cycle. I think she is brilliant in this respect because attention is paid to her. Haiti has drifted off the front page of many news papers and I open my comcast web browser and there's two mules for Sister Sarah in the video cycle. Yet I am not surprise by this at all. My history professor once said that by reducing the word nigger to the n word just gives the word more credence. I feel that way about Sarah Palin as the more liberals talk about her, more loved she becomes. I say ignore her and she will eventually become insignificant. I know Rahm was not talking about Sister Sarah's child and understood his description of the healthare debate and the opposition did retard the process as a healthcare bill has yet to see final pasage. Sarah wants people to agree with her so you can stay news cycle and it is working. This is a work, ploy and Sarah is no more offended than I am. I do not like false outrage and see right through this. However, those gullible individuals who love her will be her on side and she will gain in sympathy points. I do not use this phasing very often, but I couldn't care less about this story when there people who are suffering and hungry.
Let me get this straight: people are defending a woman who wouldn't even go the hospital when she was leaking amniotic fluid because she felt it was more important to give a speech and then flew across the US instead of giving birth where she was staying? And this is for the child she knew had Downs Syndrome? This woman doesn't care about that kid anymore than serving the people of Alaska.
But yeah, Rahm needs to get real. I understand it wasn't smart for the special interest groups to talk against allies, but those groups also helped him get his job by pushing for his boss. You don't turn away the base that helped you get to where you are.
Anon10:44p "Anon @ 10:16pm - as the MOTHER of a Down Syndrome child, I am far more angry - raging mad to be honest - at Sarah Palin's cheap and low brow attempt at grandstanding on the backs of mentally challenged children and adults. Than I am of Rahm Emanuel's ignorant and insensitive use of a word that reflects much more on him than on a child."
You are so political that you can't even consider that she might be hurt and is speaking out. I frankly am glad Palin is speaking out for all parents who have children with Down Syndrome. Of course, you can't see that because you are too busy accusing Palin of politics when the politics is YOUR OWN projection on her.
I know she loves her child and will do anything to protect him. So get ready all of you closed hearted ones, cause Palin is just getting started. So save some of your heartless self-absorbed anti-disabled complaining and whining for later.
Anon10:47p-"Anon @ 10:47 - since Sarah Palin cares oh so much for these children as you claim. Can you please provide a list of the organizations that she's lent her influence and name to, which raise money and awareness of Down Syndrome or other childhood mental disabilities?"
Look it up yourself. Sarah has a child with Down Syndrome. She chose to have the child knowing this. That is proof to me that she loves her son. Where do you get off questioning the love of a mother for her child-as if you some merciless prosecuting attorney? Where is your heart?
While I agree that Rahm's use of the word was offensive... I absolutely understand the feeling behind it, and let's be honest-- kids were calling each other the R-word back when I was a kid; and we're only now understanding how hurtful it is. (Unlike the "n-word", at least this word has a legitimate use- as any of us who've had to retard the spark on an old-school pushrod V-8 can attest!)
We on the left need to get our collective panties unbunched; we've had thirty years of conservative asshole rule and it's going to take time for O and his krewe to unscrew the pooch-- WITH the help of the Blue Bit-- er, Dogs.
Me, I like Rahm. He's a right bastard, true enough-- but he's our bastard.
hennasplace, "Is this a retarded news day that this is a top story? There I said the word retard which means slow and can be used in a sentence without offending anyone."
Maybe in your mind you haven't offended anyone but I am quite offended. Your play on the word "retarded" when it is about insulting the disabled is disingenious and callous.
"Maybe in your mind you haven't offended anyone but I am quite offended."
Well, it's a shame your comprehension mechanism is showing signs of retardation. And don't try to use the n-word or some other racial jab as a comparison either.
I once heard a doctor tell a man to contact him if his urine begins to retard. It's a valid word in the dictionary that can be used to describe a situation or idea that shows lack of progress. It can be used without offending people with special needs, maybe it's all in your mind too.
"I don't even want to hear the defenses and counterattacks from you black racists. You people are sick." Really anonny, or are you Grinder in disguise.
Hey, Grinder, now that you're out of the closet, come of the closet.
Hiding behind anonymous is cowardly, and dishonest. We knew what your were in closet No.1, as well as, closet No.2.
Grow a pair and man up!
"I don't even want to hear the defenses and counterattacks from you black racists. You people are sick."
Then, why are you here? If we're so racist, and so detestable, why do you foul your white purity by trafficking with the likes of us?
Could it be you're the one who's "sick," and in need of a little self-inventory, and head readjusting?
I don't usually feel sorry for people but, in your case, I'm reconsidering.
Rahm Emmanuel used the word in an offensive way, at least to me, a mother of an autistic child and a teacher of kids of all abilities.
field, you're really not gonna make me agree with Sarah Palin, are you? Damn, I hate that. But without getting into how much she does or doesn't care about her child, she has every right to speak of her offense. You made the right call on her hyperbole, though; I totally agree with you there. But if we're asking for Emmanuel's job I can think of better reasons to drop kick his ass.
As for using "gay" as a slur, my teenage sons, and every teenager I come in contact with, have been schooled on how offensive that is.
"retarded: adj. - slow or limited in intellectual or emotional development or academic progress"
WTF's the problem?
I think we all can (well, most of us) agree that using the word, "retarded," in that context showed very little sensitivity.
But for Sarah Palin to capitalize on, or exploit to her political benefit, Rahm's use of the word has to ring hollow, and make her, comparatively, more insensitive than Rahm.
I'm sure when he used the word he didn't have Sarah's child, or any one particular child in mind.
Had he used a more netural word like stupid, foolish, silly, fatuous, absurd, preposterous, ridiculous, or ludicrous, Sarah wouldn't be calling for his head, nor would she have an opportunity to be out of hers.
It would seem to me that the contraction "tard" is more offensive than using the whole word, but maybe that is the point.
What offends me is the faux moral outrage from Palin. This coming from a woman who has been reported to use a few slurs of her own.
In most developed nations, the mentally ill are given medical treatment. In 'Mur-ka, they are given a show on Fox News.
RT "Rahm Emmanuel used the word in an offensive way, at least to me, a mother of an autistic child and a teacher of kids of all abilities."
Having known autistic children and other disabled children, I also find what Rahm said offensive. As a mother, Sarah Palin has every right to be outraged, regardless of her political beliefs. For others to accuse her of using her child for political purposes says a lot about the character of the people who are belittling her love for her child.
That is stooping much lower than Rahm did. Now I don't think much of Sarah, but I won't stoop so low as to presume that she is using her child for political gain and neither should anyone else.
Palin loves her child and I think it is great that she is standing up for him and all of the other disabled kids with Down Syndrome. It is the right thing to do. To trash her for doing so, is the wrong thing to do.
Field I tend to agree with you about why Palin spoke up but I think Sarah could have been sincere as well, but I doubt it considering her track record.
She is clearly a publicity hound and a very shrewd hustler. She has made money off a book that is about an inch deep and a mile wide. Man it is incredible I mean absolutely incredible that a woman who publicly admitted that she doesn't read any magazines of note--not Time, Newsweek nothing-- can be adored by folks. I mean I don't care what your political persuasion shouldn't the person of your adulation--especially if they are talking about running for national office-- have some real smarts. Lord can you imagine if she was black and that shallow.
Folks like to talk about the lack that is seen in poor folks in the hood and rural areas but how do you explain middle class folks and others rushing to get a book by this woman or going to a book signing. Jody somebody help me understand this.
My take is that it is the result of the purposeful dumbing down of Americans along with the promotion of the idea that whatever is wrong in the US is some "others"(black,brown,Muslim immigrant, gay, woman etc.)
Oh BTW Field if the politicians want to speak up about something peep the stats for the number of stop and frisks of black and Chicano folks in New York City. Bob Herbert laid it out in his column earlier today. Check it out.
Republicans (especially) love to play the race card. Why did she pull the N-word out of her hat when emphasizing the offensiveness of the using "the R-word"? Rahm is Jewish. If she were really pissed off and not trying to score some political points, why didn't she compared the offensiveness of the R-word to the offensiveness of the K-word?
mellaneous et al:
I'd sympathize with Sarah Palin, if she wasn't Sarah Palin. This is a woman whose ego and love of money knows no limits. She smells blood in the DC waters, even if its the political equivalent of a mild nose bleed.
Yes, she's a mother of a special needs child. And normally I'd side with her. But, Palin's track record has shown she's a political animal more concerned about fame and fortune. This moral outrage is from the same Sarah Palin who trailed out her pregnant teenager daughter and her boyfriend to score brownie points in the 2008 election. The same Sarah Palin who thought she could gain political traction by accusing David Letterman of being a pedophile. Again, pimping both her daughters to get another 30 seconds on her 15 minutes of fame. And the same Sarah Palin who threw a respected police officer under the bus because he wouldn't fire her soon to be ex-brother in law.
Even the Clintons and Shrub had standards in terms of using their family as political props. Palin, OTOH, wouldn't know decency if it smacked her.
"If she were really pissed off and not trying to score some political points, why didn't she compared the offensiveness of the R-word to the offensiveness of the K-word?"
Oh please!
Methinks you are letting your politics get the better of you. My cousin was a special needs child. I watched the torment he went through in public school and I saw first hand what pain my uncle and his wife felt to see the word “retarded” hurled at their son. It hurts, it hurts bad. It hurts every bit as if someone called your child the N-Word.
To automatically accuse Palin of political motives for making an analogy with the N-Word is a stretch. Since many people know just how painful and offensive the N-Word can be, her analogy is a sensible one.
If you read her book, and you should (take it out from the library if you cannot bring yourself to buy it) you will see that Palin could have easily gotten away with aborting her son Trig and had all the standard reasons for doing so. Instead, she chose to give him life. So clearly she loves her son and since she has the spotlight to call out people like Rahm, why shouldn’t she?
Oh, and to the few commenters who don’t believe Palin has ever did anything for special needs kids, she did the opening address for the Special Olympics last year [for free]. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qkxg2g-l4xs
She also had VIP signings for special needs families throughout her book tour. If you are going to hate Palin, then hate her based on the real facts and not all the made up drama.
Honest question: How is the word "retarded" any more offensive or insulting than "developmentally impaired" or "developmentally disabled" or "cognitively challenged" or "moronic" or "simpleminded" or a host of other descriptions that mean the same thing?
Filled Negro:
You are a master of your domain of "Self-Chumming" the waters. I learn a lot from you.
Let me set this up for you.
* The LEFT hates Rahm Emanuel. Whereas they were CHEERING when he lined up enough Democrats lined up 4 years ago to TAKE THE HOUSE for the Democrats, the left has soured against him as they see that these were MODERATE DEMOCRATS put in Conservative Districts to take seats from Republicans.
* Even though every ounce of POWER that Emanuel has comes from PRESIDENT Obama - they are loathed to attack Obama so they go after Emanuel. Barack Obama KNOWS THE LANGUAGE that his Chicago buddy Emanuel uses in general. Thus this slur is par for the course.
* Filled Negro knows that his base of readers loves "Sarah Palin" flavored CHUM so upon seeing a story that had her name in it it was deemed worthy for posting upon the Filled Negro blog.
* Then what do we see Filled Negro do? BUILD UP A STRAW MAN. Even though Palin was NOT on the public scene when Trent Lott made his ill-suited choice of words - THIS is a sufficient hand-full of straw to stuff in Filled Negros straw man to be beaten down.
* Of course - Filled Negro punted on the recent words said by Education Secretary Arnie Duncan regarded the New Orleans Public Schools having benefited from Katrina.
i want to object to the notion that winning a beauty pagent is "field negro" behavior. just sayin.
i also think it's really sad. rahm making a phone call helps the developmentally disabled... how, again? no, rahm is one of the architects of "spending freeze" and "deficit reduction" which of course mean cuts to social programs that help feed and clothe the developmentally disabled. while making more of them, via bombing wedding parties in afghanistan and yemen. with borrowed money.
but never mind all that. yes, what does sarah palin have to say about something rahm said before he called a lobbyist to apologize for something someone in the SCLM wrote about that was "bad?" that's the burning issue of the day, no doubt.
Do you see a pattern here?
* Rahm Emanuel makes an offensive statement - Sarah Palin ends up getting the coffee thrown on her shirt by the left
* Harry "Woodrow" Reid makes a racialist statement - Rush Limbaugh ends up taking a hit by Debra Dickerson when he starts using "Light Skinned" to mock the lack of outrage by the "Congressional Black Democratic Caucus" who said that they were NOT OFFENDED by the words
* Conservative talkshow hosts are attacked for commenting about the "Thug Culture" in some sports. Rev Al Sharpton sounds very much like them when the issue with the two Washington "Bullets" players' gun play becomes public. No one on the left admonishes Sharpton in kind.
It is all too clear that with some of you that it is not WHAT WAS SAID but "WHO" said it and the ideological/political advantage you can garner via your feigned outrage. (Kinda like what Sarah Palin did).
Clifton B - Thank you for providing ONE example of Sarah Palin doing something. But I dare say that recording a message for the Special Olympics is a penny's worth of effort from a woman with the name recognition that Sarah Palin has.
And as for this bit of information -- "She also had VIP signings for special needs families throughout her book tour" -- how does this in any way help with raising much needed research funds for these special needs children?
This was a damn book tour!
Clifton B, I live everyday {24 hours a day, 365 days a year} with the challenges, obstacles and issues that my son who has Down Syndrome faces. For all the hero worship that Palin receives, her direct and indirect efforts to raising awareness and financial support to National organizations which aid my son, my husband and myself - is pretty much zero.
So don't you dare tell me that my dislike of this woman {I don't hate anyone, it's wasted energy} is based upon "made up drama."
Perhaps if you would put aside your obvious infatuation with her and took the time to take an unbiased look at ALL THAT PALIN HASN'T DONE for the very same children and families that she claims to care so much about, then you just might learn something.
Anon 11:49p
I actually used the word twice in my comment, and used the word retarded to prove it can be used in another context. It is not so much as the word, but the context and tone. It is not what I say or write, but in the way in which I say or write. There are other words such hinder, impede or delay. Actually, the second time I used the retarded best described what happened over the summer about the debate over healthcare reform. There are two definitions for the word retard, 1. to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment, 2, to delay academic progress by failure to promote. Yet, we do not say in the a sentence, the teacher retarded a couple of students and prevented them from going to the 4th to the 5th grade. The word retarded should have never been use in the first place to describe someone with a mental disability. However, some daft person decided to use the word and now we believe that the word is offensive. We are daft in using the English language. English is complex because one word can have more than one meaning.
What are you doing talking about? And do you read my comments because there something blocking the process in your brain from reading it. Now I what I just written can be considered offensive because I am inferring something.
What Rahm said is only offensive if we fail to understand the context in which he meant. We are just looking at one word in the sentence. We are just merely reacting because Sarah Palin has brought a charge, and the fact that she has a child with down syndrome to give it tan emotional whirlwind to sweep in people. People will see her as a recalcitrant fighting the system against what I have no idea because there isn't really any susbstantive, but it is working for she has us writing about it once again retarding the process of getting other things done.
[quote]We are just merely reacting because Sarah Palin has brought a charge[/quote]
This is MY POINT.
Filled Negro is lusting for Sarah Palin.
Rahm Emanuel's COMMENTS were those of a "Useful Idiot" to get to Filled Negro's REAL TARGET!!!! Sarah Palin!!!
Don't you see this?
In the world of "Self-Chumming" my friend Field-Negro is a pro. He knows his audience more than most. I credit him for that.
YET despite having failed to post an article about how the national debt is going to imperil the "social justice rights" for those seeking entitlement from the government - my friend Filled Negro is more comfortable going after what HE KNOWS that YOU PREFER to talk about.
Don't you get it Henna?
retarded is offensive
so is "queer" take note.
Shame on you Rahm, be more careful with your language next time
I said the same thing to you field.
15-year-old son and his friends, who refer to everything irritating or that they disagree with as "gay
Proof of your parenting skills there Maria.
you want a white woman to do more for special needs kids?? you feel it's her responsibility??
hmmm...whites are okay if they are raising money for your cause(s)?
interesting to note, thanks for that.
and furthermore, give in secret, as many do...you have no idea what she does...hate her for the right reasons as was posted earler
What happens when developmentally disabled becomes a pejorative?
but i am a logophile and i respect honesty
i would never
Hathor please elaborate on your point.
AB please elaborate on your point. You use the word retarded all the time. Do you agree with Palin or not?
i would never call anyone retarded who did not EARN it...
rahm was ACCURATE!!!
he left out ALL of the republicans
–adjective 1. characterized by retardation: a retarded child.
–noun 2. (used with a plural verb) mentally retarded persons collectively (usually prec. by the): new schools for the retarded.
i agree that ALL politicos are retarded in DC
look at the state of our country!!!!
dems are retarded for pretending that obama/gwb 2.0 is not a republican
republicans are retarded for pretending that he is not one of their own
most citizens are retarded for being duped by both parties!
the corps are the real rulers who are outsmarting us all
Developmentally disabled probably is a perjorative. The phase has a negative connotation and there is no way of getting around it. It means that a person's brain for one reason or another failed to developed normally, something went wrong in the process. People can have that meaning about developmentally disabled. In any case, it simple means that the person is not capable of doing many tasks that of an average person.
However, developmentally disabled and retard could have positive connotations as well. I can give you an example. My cousin has cancer and is about go her third treatment of chemo to retard and developmentally disable the cancer cells from spreading througout her body.
Context is very important as it how we want to convey our meaning. I can use a word to mean anything I want. Look how the GOP took the liberal to have negative connotation to the extent where liberals does not want to identify themselves as such, so now the word progressive has replace the word liberal. I am finding this topic more fascinating because it is more about how we think about words and how our emotions play into that.
i use the word for cowardly retards like you...and equally accurately fyi...
go rahm!
go colts!
Developmentally disabled probably is a perjorative. The phase has a negative connotation and there is no way of getting around it. It means that a person's brain for one reason or another failed to developed normally, something went wrong in the process. People can have that meaning about developmentally disabled. In any case, it simple means that the person is not capable of doing many tasks that of an average person.
However, developmentally disabled and retard could have positive connotations as well. I can give you an example. My cousin has cancer and is about go her third treatment of chemo to retard and developmentally disable the cancer cells from spreading througout her body.
Context is very important as it how we want to convey our meaning. I can use a word to mean anything I want. Look how the GOP took the liberal to have negative connotation to the extent where liberals does not want to identify themselves as such, so now the word progressive has replace the word liberal. I am finding this topic more fascinating because it is more about how we think about words and how our emotions play into that.
i agree that it is akin to "that's so gay"
when i hear teens say this, it is often generic homohatred directed at generic things that both hets and gays do
calling a politico a retard is far more specific and unique...
i despise rahm and his fellow chicago thug obama and their entire criminal elitist closeted republican ilk...
i always extend credit where it is due, so i credit rahm for being accurate in his precise description even if selectively incomplete by denying that republicans are equally retarded!
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, and then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their father's conquered."
-Thomas Jefferson
“An oligarchy of private capital cannot be effectively checked, even by a democratically organized political society, because under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information.”
–Albert Einstein
“The real war is not between the left and the right. It is between the average American and the ruling class. If we come together on this single issue, everything else will resolve itself. It's time we took back our government from those who would make us their slaves... For now, remember: The corporations do not control our government; they are our government.”
-Larry Flynt
"This is MY POINT.
Filled Negro is lusting for Sarah Palin."
It's you black righty guys who are lusting for the Snow Queen.
I noticed how on black conservative blogs, some of your male coonservative buddies get almost hysterical at any criticism of Palin.
Another claimed that Bristol Palin being a baby mama is totally different than Tanisha from Baltimore being a baby mama.
Bristol is WHITE, doncha know.
You negroes need your heads examined.
For anyone who doesn't doubt Palin's sincerity on this, read these quotes from her.
From the weblog, PERRspectives:
"Last June, soon-to-be ex-Alaska Governor Sarah Palin praised Michael Reagan, lauding his propensity to "to call it like he sees it, and to screw political correctness that some would expect him to have to adhere to." As she headed out the door six weeks later, Palin promised to be "less politically correct" after her leaving office. Then after the Ft. Hood shootings in November, Palin said "profile away!" because such political correctness "could be our downfall.""
anon 9:20,
Children don't miss a beat. When those children grow up not having heard the word retarded, what do you think they will use? They will give a pejorative meaning to the word used at the time.
let me just say, my parenting skills are NOT in question. and my son himself doesn't say this--he has one friend in particular who does, as he reminded me when i told him about my post.
i do tell them not to say this. and i do not believe any of them hate gays. we have good discussions about kids they know who are coming out at school, and family members as well (my cousin's daughter, for one). and how hard that is and that we treat everyone with respect. you can choose to believe me or not.
also, describing something as retarded is much more common in the UK, as people are always saying "are you mental?"
i am not going to go look for the reference, but i SWEAR i read something during the campaign--maybe it was from levi johnston, who said sarah herself called her son retired. consider the source, but still....
rahm plays bad cop to obama's good cop
but both are dirty harry!!!
and they are riding dirtiER daily!
i hear all teens say that daily
it is no reflection on you as a mom
just teen slang rooted in sexist/homohating/otherness etc
[quote]It's you black righty guys who are lusting for the Snow Queen.[/quote]
FOR THE RECORD - here are my views on Sarah Palin:
She has LITTLE importance to me with respect to my focus in the "Community Cultural Consciousness and Competence Domain" upon which I try to focus.
The only value that she has to me is in the "American Political Domain" upon which I OBSERVE TWO THINGS:
1) She is able to expose the Republicans who otherwise would ATTACK a politico's child who had an unwed pregnancy. In addition her qualifications to read the White House checked them from continuing the attacks on Obama's qualifications
2) She is able to expose the HATRED of the Left
2a) The "Democrat who is Black" need not EVER AGAIN make the case that his activism is for the BEST INTERESTS of the Black Community. The attacks on Pailin by Black Bloggers and Journalists MIRRORED that of their White Snarling Fox Liberal counterparts. In Malcolm X speak - YOU ALL have put on the football jerseys and have entered the game that you used to be a BALL in
2b) The so called Feminists who demand that one's GENDER should not be fodder for attack FAILED MISERABLY as they laughed along with sharks like David Letterman who encompassed her gender in their attacks.
WhiteBowieSteve - you will never realize how many of the tactics you have now adopted from your long time enemies.
i refuse to bash sarah because i am wounded by how all of their sexist peers & the sexist media slay her and hillary each day...
"2b) The so called Feminists who demand that one's GENDER should not be fodder for attack FAILED MISERABLY as they laughed along with sharks like David Letterman who encompassed her gender in their attacks."
Constructive Feedback said -
* Then what do we see Filled Negro do? BUILD UP A STRAW MAN. Even though Palin was NOT on the public scene when Trent Lott made his ill-suited choice of words - THIS is a sufficient hand-full of straw to stuff in Filled Negros straw man to be beaten down.
Actually, CF, the problem is that Sarah Palin won't STFU even though she's no longer than office. To Trent Lott's credit, he's more focused on dancing with the stars and staying out of the pokie. Palin, simply doesn't know how to shut up. She quit the only real political job she had (before she ended up in jail) and used her pregnant daughter and her Down Syndrome baby as political props.
The real straw man here is Sarah Palin trying to turn Rahm Emanuel's typical foul mouth into a political outrage. This is no different than the GOP Leadership trying to snipe at Harry Reid. If these guys had a better track record on race, gender and class issues -- they wouldn't be exposed as hypocritical opportunists.
i refuse to bash sarah because i am wounded by how all of their sexist peers & the sexist media slay her and hillary each day...
AB, no offense, but you 24/7 hate of the Obama administration has clouded your better judgment. Sarah Palin is an insult to feminists everywhere. She used male chauvinism to advance her career then cried foul when people called her on the mat for it.
She openly opposes everything you claim to stand for and she set back women politicians 10-15 years. How many qualified intelligent female leaders were overlooked in the GOP for McCain to pick this fool?
Sarah Palin thought good looks and pithy comments could waltz her into the White House. Beyond having good looks, she has nothing. She won governor of a weak governor state in which her only job was to pass out government checks from oil profits. She was a cynical VP choice by a cynical Old School GOP pol.
Hate Obama and his team, they're far from perfect. But don't equate Palin getting smacked around for being Dan Quayle in a skirt and a complete flake to the real issues of sexism that professional women face everyday.
Blogger alicia banks said...
i would never call anyone retarded who did not EARN it...
rahm was ACCURATE!!!
he left out ALL of the republicans
I was thinking the same thing. You just explained my use of the word a lot better than I could without getting called an insensitive bastard from some "assnon". I grew up using that word on various occasions but never towards a person who actually is mentally challenged whether in public or in private I just never thought of that word in that way. To me it just describes somebodies screwed up behavior for whatever reason. I'm just saying.
First: Sarah is one hot MILF! No brains, but good enough to f... (you know what).
Second: The term. "retard[s]" should really be set aside to refer to the gajillions of "conservative christian repugnicans", - "tyranny of the minority" - who have hijacked the progressive agendas that just might serve the needs of the people.
Third: How does one associate the 'N' word with the 'R' word; or am I missing the obvious(?).
From the Urban Dictionary (It's better than Wikipedia..lol):
2. retard - 5995 up loved it, 2216 down hated it
George W. Bush
Who would have ever thought such a retard would win the election?!?!?!
by Michelle May 24, 2004 share this
Any Objections of the use of word now?
The Blue Dogs should be primaried, that would be the exact opposite of retarded. They need to go!
As do Rham Emanuel (a corporate-enabling asshole) and Sarah Palin (a shameless whore). Our political sphere would be infinitely improved by the disappearance of both of them.
It won't happen, though. Now more than ever, Obama needs to raise money, about a billion dollars worth, to run for prez again. And Rham will do the devil's work of raising that money from the cartels of criminalistic, animal greed that resides in Wall Street and other dens of depravity all across the planet. Your country never belonged to you anyway, but now it will really rubbed in your face, thanks to Scalito, Roberts, Kennedy and the cooning Thomas.
I say primary the Blue Dog bastards! Fuck those corrupt pieces of shit like Max Baucus and Ben Nelson, for they are doing more damage than any Republican. Max Baucus killed health care reform and now he wants to destroy the jobs bill. Enough already!!
i am forever amazed at how obama nazis hate on sarah palin as they adore obama
unlike sp, obama and his nazis EARN MMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOORE of my hatred each day
how do they hate the powerless sp but forgive obama for slaying them/their jobs/thir homes/their unrequieted suicidal love/the murder of the futures of their progeny etc
am an ultra-liberal, independent, afrocentric, lesbian, childless, anti-government, scholar. To say that Sarah Palin and I have very little in common is an extreme understatement. I do not like her personal style or agree with her political stances. But, I absolutely despise the vulgarly sexist abuses she continues to endure!
What has Palin done that is any less Republican than the rabidly elitist and incessantly lying Democratic President Barack Obama GWB 2.0? Other than expertly read eloquent speeches written by skilled drones, what has Obama done to prove that he is any more intelligent than Palin? How has Palin demonstrated that she is any less devoted as a parent or spouse than Obama? What has Palin done to betray gays more than Obama and his posse of rabid gaybashing bromancers? As president, could Palin possibly bilk the poor any worse than Obama has done?...
maria said...
"i am not going to go look for the reference, but i SWEAR i read something during the campaign--maybe it was from levi johnston, who said sarah herself called her son retired. consider the source, but still...."
It was during an interview in Vanity Fair and he stated it on the CBS Early Show:
"Johnston also told Rodriguez he's been hearing a lot about his saying in a recent first-person tell-all in Vanity Fair magazine that Palin routinely referred to her baby, Trig, who suffers from Down syndrome, as "retarded."
"I was just in shock for the first time I heard it," Johnston recalled for Rodriguez. "And then she'd say it regularly. And I think she was joking, but it doesn't make it right.""
i care MUCH more about the newly unemployed retards who are still
worshipping obama than i do sarah palin...
thank you! now why didn't any news reporters put that in their coverage?
With all due respect to all concerned, in the last 8+ years I have read and/or hear the phrase "librul f*&#tard" many many times, and no one has apologized for ti. I don't believe that Rahm was talking about Sarah's child, or about anyone's child. I think it's unfortunate that yet another word has been stripped of all contextual meaning, and I'm wondering how auto mechanics are going to be able to talk about adjusting the timing on an internal combustion engine with this word removed from their vocabulary.
memo to obama et al:
Maria "i am not going to go look for the reference, but i SWEAR i read something during the campaign--maybe it was from levi johnston, who said sarah herself called her son retired. consider the source, but still...."
Levi Johnson? The kid with an IQ of 10? You read his stuff?
CF "The only value that she has to me is in the "American Political Domain" upon which I OBSERVE TWO THINGS:
1) She is able to expose the Republicans who otherwise would ATTACK a politico's child who had an unwed pregnancy. In addition her qualifications to read the White House checked them from continuing the attacks on Obama's qualifications
2) She is able to expose the HATRED of the Left
2a) The "Democrat who is Black" need not EVER AGAIN make the case that his activism is for the BEST INTERESTS of the Black Community. The attacks on Pailin by Black Bloggers and Journalists MIRRORED that of their White Snarling Fox Liberal counterparts. In Malcolm X speak - YOU ALL have put on the football jerseys and have entered the game that you used to be a BALL in
2b) The so called Feminists who demand that one's GENDER should not be fodder for attack FAILED MISERABLY as they laughed along with sharks like David Letterman who encompassed her gender in their attacks."
Beautiful! Hopefully, uts will learn what an unclouded impartial observation is about.
AB "Other than expertly read eloquent speeches written by skilled drones, what has Obama done to prove that he is any more intelligent than Palin? How has Palin demonstrated that she is any less devoted as a parent or spouse than Obama? What has Palin done to betray gays more than Obama and his posse of rabid gaybashing bromancers? As president, could Palin possibly bilk the poor any worse than Obama has done?..."
Thanks ab. Those are very good questions, and I will think about them, cause Obama hasn't done much-other than talk an eloquent game.
But he has yet to prove he can actually do 'something' for the "change" we elected for.
thank you
i am an ultra liberal independent
and a native chicagoan
i have NO reason to unfairly attack obama or anyone else
and unlike the obamabots, i NO harder on obama than i was on his clone/mentor king shrub/president select gwb
and i never will be
despite all of the haters/obama nazis who slander me...
see more valid queries re: obama here:
@alicia banks == "what has Obama done to prove that he is any more intelligent than Palin?
"Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the president of the Harvard Law Review."
"How has Palin demonstrated that she is any less devoted as a parent or spouse than Obama?"
"The media went crazy this week after learning of a possible Palin pregnancy scandal, and then to learn that Sarah Palin’s 17 year old daughter, Bristol Palin is five months pregnant."
“The TV side of Sarah Palin which I am telling you is not the real Palin. She goes out and puts on a big show for you and that is the Palin you know.”
"He [Levi Johnston] explained that Palin used some surprising terms to describe her son Trig, born with Down Syndrome. Johnston says, “She’d come in from work and she’d be like, ‘Hey, where is my retarded baby,’ and just something like along those lines. The kids, Bristol and them, didn’t think much of it, but the first time I heard it, I was in shock, I didn’t know what to say. So, but then she, it kind of became a normal thing for her to say and you know, I guess, but she’d always have a smile on her face, laughing about it.”
"What has Palin done to betray gays more than Obama and his posse of rabid gaybashing bromancers?"
"Not much is known about Governor Palin's stance on individual gay rights issues like don't ask, don't tell and same-sex adoption yet, but what we do know that she strongly opposes same-sex marriage. Her support of teaching creationism in schools and her ties to conservative anti-gay groups like Family Research Council make it unlikely that she will support any other pro-gay legislation."
"She [Sarah Palin] opposes marriage equality. She supported the Alaska marriage constitutional amendment in 1998. As Governor, she vetoed legislation that would have denied same-sex partners of state employees health and retirement benefits. She vetoed the legislation because the Alaska Supreme Court had ruled that such a denial of benefits was unconstitutional. But she indicated that she would support a ballot question on the matter and spent between $750,000 and $1.2 Million on such ballot measure in April 2007."
"As president, could Palin possibly bilk the poor any worse than Obama has done?..."
"Use my daughter Bristol as a teaching tool for others. (Oct 2008)
Constitution does offer an inherent right to privacy. (Oct 2008)
Abortion should be states’ issue, not federal mandate. (Oct 2008)
While mayor, Wasilla charged rape victims for rape kits. (Sep 2008)
Rejected sympathy for Down’s Syndrome son, as gift from God. (Aug 2008)
Opposes embryonic stem cell research. (Aug 2008)
Every baby is created with a future and potential. (Aug 2008)
Safe Haven bill: allow surrendering newborns without penalty. (Feb 2008)
Adoption is best plan for permanency for foster care kids. (Oct 2007)
Pro-life. (Nov 2006)
Choose life, even if her own daughter were raped. (Nov 2006)
If Roe v. Wade got overturned, let people decide what’s next. (Oct 2006)
Opposes use of public funds for abortions. (Oct 2006)
Pro-contraception, pro-woman, pro-life. (Aug 2006)
Only exception for abortion is if mother’s life would end. (Jul 2006)"
I report. You decide.
The hypocrisy here is amazing, but I guess it should be expected from someone who cares more about the color and political affiliation of a speaker than the words that are spoken. I wonder if you jumped on Al Sharpton for political grand standing when he went nutty over Imus' "nappy headed hoe" comments and called for Imus' to be fired. Of course the words were terrible and hurtful. Sharpton, a notorious race baiter, actually had his outrage correct. In this case, Palin's outrage is also correct. Was she taking advantage of a political situation? Of course. But that doesn't change the words that were spoken.
Anybody who says she couldn't care less about her son is just a hateful, nasty, partisan hack, too. The comment is absurd. Of course she cares about her son. She chose to give birth to him despite his disability. She did not plan to have a down syndrome child as an aside to her run for vice president. She didn't even ask to be selected as McCain's running mate. She was chosen by McCains campaign. Do you really mean to say that she PLANNED to have all of her children and finish up with a disabled child as some sort of ploy to win political office? ABSURD.
Then there is the person who says she isn't doing enough for disabled children. What do you know about what she does? She was attending an event for autism when she was hammered by Letterman. No hood deed goes unpunished. Btw what exactly have you done for disabled children?
Those who criticize a woman for working during her pregnancy and then proclaim themselves advocates of feminism and womens rights are also hypocrites.
It is easy to conclude that there is simply no honesty on this debate when people who are just haters say ridiculous things about someone with whom they have a political disagreement.
Personally, I think Palin has every right to point out this STUPID statement just as Sharpton had ever right to point out Imus' STUPID statement. Have a little honesty, conviction, and consistency. Don't be a hater.
even your tangential "responses"
prove my points
obama is NO better than sp and obama is prez NOT sp!
i make the points.
you prove them all further!
cornel west:
“I think that it’s quite telling that [Obama] would give personal responsibility speeches to black people, but not a lot of personal responsibility speeches to Wall Street in terms of execution. And when you actually look at the degree to which issues of accountability for poor people—but where’s the accountability when you’re bailing out these Wall Street elites, $700 billion? That’s socialism for the rich. That’s your policy. Don’t then go to these folk who are locked into dilapidated housing, decrepit school systems, many on their way to a prison-industrial complex, and talk about their fathers didn’t come through. And we know the fathers got problems. We understand that. But there are structural institutional challenges that he’s not hitting, hitting head on.
And I should say this, too, I think, in terms of style, that the Obama administration is obsessed with the wrong Lincoln. They are obsessed with the Lincoln who they think moved to the right and was trying to create bipartisan consensus with conservatives, whereas we know there’s no Lincoln without Frederick Douglass. There’s no Lincoln without Harriet Beecher Stowe. There’s no Lincoln without Wendell Phillips or Charles Sumner. That was a social movement.
Lincoln supported the slave trade when he was in the House. He supported the Fugitive Slave Act. In the first inaugural lecture he gave, he supported the first proposed Thirteenth Amendment, which said there would be slavery forever in America, the unamendable amendment. That was Lincoln. If it were not for the abolitionist movement, the courageous black and white freedom fighters, from John Brown to Douglass, who put pressure on Lincoln, we would have been dealing with a white supremacist Lincoln.
Lincoln became great, because a social movement pushed him against slavery in that regard. And Obama is looking to the wrong Lincoln. And if he doesn’t understand the greatness of Lincoln was responding to the social movements of working people and poor people, he’s going to end up with a failed presidency, with a lot of symbolic gestures, but, on the ground, everyday people, those Sly Stone called “everyday people,” suffering still.”
ANON 4:34 finally a decent post, been thinking the same thing about hypocracy.
you did such an expert job of reiterating my queries about sp
now try these re: obama
Obama’s empty suit is now rivaled only by his emptier speeches. His eloquent emptiness only begs more endless questions. Here are just a few:
How do lofty, long range economic dreams solve immediate nightmarish financial crises for poor people?
How long will it take for green jobs to become realities? What do the jobless do to garner green money in the interim?
How many unemployed Americans can truly and swiftly become construction workers? Why are construction workers being laid off too?
How do children whose parents are unemployed and homeless take advantage of shiny new educational incentives?
How did gutting 85 million dollars from Historically Black Colleges and Universities help anyone obtain an education?
How will blatantly ignoring the elitist genocide of “No Child Left Behind” and private school vouchers help improve public education?
How can Obama prove that he created two million jobs? What companies in what states hired two million people? Does either questionable “fact” even matter if seven million people have been unemployed?
Does Obama know that 85,000 people were unemployed in December? Has he read recent headlines about the thousands who have been laid off from Home Depot, Verizon, Sam’s Clubs, Target, and Lockheed Martin? Does he need to start reading some superior magazines?
Will Obama's future fantasy "jobs bill" actually create jobs or actually help employers create jobs? Will this bill thaw frozen funds?
How will a federal spending freeze help that nonexistent fantasy Obama surreally referred to as a"jobs bill'?
When will we finally see less of the earmarks, meetings, secrecy, and clandestine politics that Obama dares to claim he has already eradicated?
When will gays be given more than lip service about the looming end of the legalized hatred and abuses of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” ? Is it not equally hateful to restrict equality to being official corpses, while denying gays the right to officially become spouses? How will gay soldiers, dead or alive, share their military benefits with their spouses?
Is it fair or honest to scold the horrid decision of the Supreme Court simply because they legalized the same corporate ownership of politicos that Obama and his beloved bankers clandestinely share?
How long will Obama be allowed to blame King Shrub/George W. Bush for ALL that Obama has grossly worsened and legendarily escalated on his very own presidential watch?
How will harping on the debts of Bush make Obama’s much greater debts look smaller?
Can simply moving soldiers from Iraq to Afghanistan and Iran ever really constitute the cessation of war? Will perpetually playing musical chairs with global wars/corpses belatedly earn Obama that undeserved Nobel Peace prize?
Obama's inner circle and staff have been visibly filled with lobbyists for years! Why does Obama keep feigning an aversion to lobbyists?
What use will Obama's beloved high speed trains be to those too slowed by abject poverty to become passengers???
Why did Obama cancel all of his heralded C-SPAN coverage?
Why is writing checks for rich bankers the only thing that Obama can do swiftly?
Why freeze any funds only AFTER exclusively funding rich bankers and wars?...
thanks for reminding me that obama is ALSO against gay marriage just like sp!
Gay marriage has never been our defining issue with Obama. He has kept NO promises about ANY issue remotely related to equal civil rights for homosexuals. We are not angry at Obama solely due to his failures to secure the legality of gay marriages. Yet, marriage is a human right. Unlike you and Obama, our true friends view our rights as completely equal as they have a complete respect for our equivalent humanity.
Our honeymoon with Obama is officially over because he has failed to deliver a single political promise to us. Like millions of heterosexual voters who can legally marry, we are motivated by the same dejection regarding Obama’s generic ineptitude in achieving a single campaign promise. Like heterosexuals and blacks, homosexuals are NOT a monolith with any singular political agenda!
We are enraged at Obama for his failure to deliver on any significant component of our diverse political agendas. Much like your political advisory skills within your grossly offensive missive to homosexuals, Obama has failed us miserably. His broken promises to date include: the eradication of the military’s bigoted “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy and securing insurance benefits for gay spouses of Federal employees. Obama’s failure to repeal the hateful “Defense of Marriage Act” is literally the tip of the iceberg fashioned by a series of Obama’s iciest political betrayals.
Initially, Obama cavalierly embraced the gaybashing homosexual Donnie McClurkin, as they wooed votes from ungodly homohating black church folks on his hypochristian campaign trails. Then, Obama legendarily honored rabid homohater Rick Warren by allowing him to deliver his inaugural prayer as a sacred slap in the faces of millions of homosexual voters. Next, Obama proceeded to begin a third passionate bromance with macho jock gaybasher Tony Dungy, who millions of gays believe may have driven his own homosexual son to suicide.
What I find even more offensive than your bastardization of the legacies of Baldwin and Douglass is your blatant omission of any mention of McClurkin, Warren, or Dungy in your uniquely unintelligent directive. Silence is consent. I see that your own silences are as selective and shady as Obama himself.
thank you for reminding me that we know MORE about palin's education than obama's!
you obama nazis are so perpetually unfocused...
desperation or dementia????
what the hell does abortion have to do with how obama has bilked the poor????
obama's pro-abortion stance is one of the FEW things i love about HIM!!!
he will help suicidal turbo breeders stop breeding themselves into poverty....wait!
you ARE good c...you just made me appreciate ONE MORE thing about sp
she did not abandon sp and will NOT let her enter that typical cycle of fertile poverty
one more thing sp has ABOVE obama as sasha and malia are still childless....
the more you "defend" obama, the more i revere sp
keep it up!
you know what i meant c!
sp did not abandon bp and will NOT let bp enter that typical cycle of fertile poverty
hey c:
just 2 mroe queries:
are ANY of obama's transcripts/academic records online? anywhere?
why was michelle obama/"this is the real me" really disbarred?
rsvp x 2 (no rush)...
Those who criticize a woman for working during her pregnancy and then proclaim themselves advocates of feminism and womens rights are also hypocrites.
No woman, but perhaps you, were criticizing Palin for working.
You know, the doctor told me if my water broke, that I should immediately go to the hospital, even if I had not gone into labor, because I could endanger my child. She was lucky.
here is a bit more re: obama being as much/MORE abti-gay marriage than sp:
I found it very curious that your thorough and surgical dissection of King’s human flaws conspicuously omitted his renowned womanizing. As a lesbian with a spouse who has no individual legal rights to our marital assets, Obama’s similarly notorious, yet far less clandestine and bisexual serial adultery is far more offensive to me. I deeply resent that Obama is a cheating down-low “brother” who dares to bromance a posse of homohaters, even as he denies monogamous lesbians like my spouse and I the very same human marital and civil rights that he shares with Michelle.
"Was she [Palin] taking advantage of a political situation? Of course. But that doesn't change the words that were spoken." [...]
"The hypocrisy here is amazing...."
I report. You decide.
that begs one more query:
whose hypocrisy is most dangerous to any amerian, obama's or sarah's???
ps: obama's "hope and change" is not working for anyone any better than your "reporting'? ...fyi
one more:
if more obamabot retards spent less time bashing sp and more time helping the homeless, would the soup lines shorten nationwide?
As long as we're discussing matters related to Rahm Emmanuel, did you know he served as a "volunteer" for the Israeli Defence Forces during the First Gulf War?
What's up with that? Can any American citizen just go "volunteer" for another country's military any time he or she feels like it?
@alicia banks == "ps: obama's "hope and change" is not working for anyone any better than your "reporting'? ...fyi"
even your tangential "responses"
prove my points"
I report. You decide.
@alicia banks == "whose hypocrisy is most dangerous to any amerian, obama's or sarah's???"
"the more you "defend" obama, the more i revere sp"
I report. You decide.
Field you poopoo the use of retard, but your own posters use the term!!
This is one of many reasons why President Obama should fire Emanuel.
duplicate fails duplicated = dually embarrassing
please "report" on ALL of my obama queries asap!
you make my "deciding" fun!!!
Person of Interest,
The US drafted foreign nationals who were in the US and didn't have the exemptions. I was stationed with a few foreigners who were drafted, one whose university semester credits weren't enough. One other was from a communist country, Poland (this is 1967), I think his visa had expired.
I don't know whether the US accepted foreign volunteers.
Anon4:34p "Anybody who says she couldn't care less about her son is just a hateful, nasty, partisan hack, too. The comment is absurd. Of course she cares about her son. She chose to give birth to him despite his disability."
Thank you, Anon. You validate my earlier comment. A number of posters don't seem to recognize their own hatefulness or maybe they don't care. To them, Palin and her son are just political objects, and like themselves, Palin couldn't possibly care about her son.
That's a marvelous attitude to have when you want to hate and be inhumane. Imo, that's the same kind of hard stuff the hearts of racists are made of. Apparently the racism chasers have become as inhumane as the racists they have been chasing.
Palin believes in pro-life and would never abort a human life; and she proved it by having a son with Down's Syndrome. Some folks on this blog support abortion, and would have aborted that child without a second thought. Hence, they cannot 'relate to', let alone 'feel' Palin's love for her son. Their reasoning is that Palin has to be playing politics with her son, and will do historical research to justify their cold-heartlessness.
They don't see Palin as a mother and a human being who loves her son- and was deeply hurt by Rahm's words. Instead, they merely see her as a politician, who is stupid, a Republican, and a racist...that they hate...
I find it almost incomprehensible that folks can talk as though they care about people, yet show unbelievable callousness and hatred for another human being.
Let's Brag:
Over 1 million served via AB's posts.
Dumb FN.
"Let's Brag:
Over 1 million served via AB's posts.
Dumb FN."
AB, anon doesn't appreciate your quick and intelligent mind. Imo, anon is overwhelmed with envy.
anon @ 6:26...not at all.
we simply dispute that the use of the word retarded by RM is akin to using the n-word, and dispute that sarah palin has any credibility to link the two.
"The "Democrat who is Black" need not EVER AGAIN make the case that his activism is for the BEST INTERESTS of the Black Community. The attacks on Pailin by Black Bloggers and Journalists MIRRORED that of their White Snarling Fox Liberal counterparts. In Malcolm X speak - YOU ALL have put on the football jerseys and have entered the game that you used to be a BALL in."
THIS is retarded!
How do you equate criticism of Palin, which comes from all corners of the political spectrum with BLACK ACTIVISM?
Do you believe that black Democrats shouldn't be concerned with Iraq or the economy until there is no crime in the hood?
For all your talk about liberals believing in black inferiority it seems to me that YOU are the one placing limits on blacks.
Maria, are you retarded?
CareFree, I love how you report. And based on your reporting I have decided that SP is a fraud.
"Field you poopoo the use of retard, but your own posters use the term!!"
Yep, people who post here actually have a mind of their own. Go figure.
"How do you equate criticism of Palin, which comes from all corners of the political spectrum with BLACK ACTIVISM?"
Yeah, I was wondering that one myself.
@anon,4:34PM +++ "I find it almost incomprehensible that folks can talk as though they care about people, yet show unbelievable callousness and hatred for another human being."
"Apparently the racism chasers have become as inhumane as the racists they have been chasing."
And you stand apart? You're neither a "chaser of racism," nor a "racist"?
But you're the one pointing the finger--doing the condemning. How does that make you a righteous voice? How does that make you any better? Any more holy than thou?
Remove the mote from your own eye....
alicia banks == "How long will it take for green jobs to become realities? What do the jobless do to garner green money in the interim?"
"Green-Collar Jobs Require Some New Skills (and some new thinking about old skills)
"The green economy demands workers with new skill sets. Some green collar jobs -- say renewable energy technicians -- are brand new. But even more are existing jobs that are being transformed as industries transition to a clean energy economy: computer control operators who can cut steel for wind towers as well as for submarines; or mechanics who can fix an electric engine as well as an internal combustion engine. We need identify the specific skills the green economy demands. Then we need to invest in creating new training programs and retooling existing training programs to meet the demand."
I report. You decide
[quote]Actually, CF, the problem is that Sarah Palin won't STFU even though she's no longer than office.[/quote]
I take it that you have a problem with people expressing their First Amendment RIGHTS - IF you disagree with them?
This CAN'T be it LAC.
The coordinated attacks on this one person tells me what she is a threat to you all in some way.
Again - I would LOVE to see you and others focus upon the more serious problems that we have in this nation.
Instead you and others choose to focus upon the low hanging fruit that can appease your sweet tooth.
[quote]Do you believe that black Democrats shouldn't be concerned with Iraq or the economy until there is no crime in the hood?[/quote]
Steve - you are such a dishonest person. How do you suffer with yourself?
It is not an either/or type situation and these points are not mutually exclusive.
The problem that I have is that "Sold Out Kneegrows" like you and Filled Negro actively SOLD OUR COMMUNITY on the notion that once the present establishment POWER took over our LOCAL INSTITUTIONS that the problems that are still fundamentally aggrieved about would be resolved because we have "people who care about us and have our best interests in mind".
@ FN:
This just made my whole day...maybe even my week!
I have never felt so "in vogue" in all my life!
First off we all know Rham has no filter...what he thinks is what he says...that's why he was hired and that's why he's in the biz.
Second, I remember when we used the word retarded to describe people with Down Syndrome (even those of us in the biz used to use it and that was the professional term). My how things have changed! And I for one am happy.
Third, the retarded part is the actual gene.
Fourth, isn't it wonderful that the "N" word and retarded are both offensive to Palin (and me too!). Proving that we are all more alike than different (yep, I said it).
Now forgive and forget Palin...and look out your back door and see what Russia is doing....
Love this post!
alicia banks == "How long will it take for green jobs to become realities? What do the jobless do to garner green money in the interim?"
CareFree:"Green-Collar Jobs Require Some New Skills (and some new thinking about old skills)
"The green economy demands workers with new skill sets. Some green collar jobs -- say renewable energy technicians -- are brand new. But even more are existing jobs that are being transformed as industries transition to a clean energy economy: computer control operators who can cut steel for wind towers as well as for submarines; or mechanics who can fix an electric engine as well as an internal combustion engine. We need identify the specific skills the green economy demands. Then we need to invest in creating new training programs and retooling existing training programs to meet the demand."
CareFree - You're right. Obama can't wave a magic wand and turn every ghetto into a factory town
for wind turbines and fuel cells in 3 weeks. Its political immaturity to expect such.
To AB's point, Obama needs to a clear and forceful commitment to implementation of Green Collar Economy within the inner city. Letting the GOP chase of your economic adviser with pitchforks wasn't a good look. (Granted Van Jones was a mau-mau political lightweight. Smart brother & definitely in the fields, but obviously not ready to take the contact sport of Washington DC).
At some point, the O-man's gotta bring the Chi-Town out for things he says he believes in. Otherwise, he will go down as all talk. A Clinton with a tan.
But, saying 'There are no Green Jobs in February 2010' is a straw man. He's been in office for less than 2 years in the middle of mini-depression. Pull that one out of his hat, Obama's face would be Rushmore right now. Its not realistic.
Like I said many times here, too many folks on the Left are expecting Obama to be Jesus. If the O-man fails to walk on water, he's the Devil. There's no shades of gray or a reality check of expectations.
Constructive Feedback said...
"Again - I would LOVE to see you and others focus upon the more serious problems that we have in this nation.
Instead you and others choose to focus upon the low hanging fruit that can appease your sweet tooth."
Well the issue of the day is that your diva, Sarah Palin is now an unelected political hack trying to use a verbal gaffe to gain traction for her Fox News commentary gig. Going off on tangents is fine, but if you got an issue with the issue, take up with FN.
And CF, when have you not heard me scream out how folks need to get involved in their community -- through electoral process or otherwise (so long as you have a smart strategy)? Again, you creating straw men that I am going to set on fire!
I've laid out my commitment to progressive causes often. I've put my money where my mouth is. How about you read and think before you stick your foot in yours?
Rahm can kiss my black ass! He only wanted to give DNC money to those candidates that supported Israel. No one in America should run for office with the prerequisite of they should commit themselves to a foreign country more so than their own. That's not very democratic and the reason he cares less for American because I believe he has a dual citizenship, no to mention he enlisted in the Israeli Army. Folks like that should not be in the White House Administration. His brother's company (the Entourage one) recieved stimulus money to the tune of $50 million. His other brother supposedly is giving Obama input with regard to health reform. Obama got the wrong people around him.
Miss Palin can kiss my ass too!
trickster206 "Rahm can kiss my black ass! He only wanted to give DNC money to those candidates that supported Israel. No one in America should run for office with the prerequisite of they should commit themselves to a foreign country more so than their own."
Are you serious? If you are, you are one ignoramus, and a racist too.
"The problem that I have is that "Sold Out Kneegrows" like you and Filled Negro actively SOLD OUR COMMUNITY on the notion that once the present establishment POWER took over our LOCAL INSTITUTIONS that the problems that are still fundamentally aggrieved about would be resolved because we have "people who care about us and have our best interests in mind"."
Isn't that what every election whether it be local, state or national is about?
The candidates promise to fix all problems and meet every need, don't they?
Why do you insist upon making the black community uniquely gullible?
Don't you think a major problem with the GOP getting black support is that they don't even ask for it?
Your friends are Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and Rush. You never put them down and seem to identiy more with left and right than what's right. These people including o'Reilly abhor us as a race and find ways to put down and and denigrade us with your cbalck conservative help, yet you never complain complain about them but diguise your love of Black people to defend the defenseless.
steve said:
Don't you think a major problem with the GOP getting black support is that they don't even ask for it?
i can't think of any other reason they picked steele, can you?
"i can't think of any other reason they picked steele, can you?"
Yes. To be the Republican voice against the Left, and this nation's first black president, without appearing racist.
Uh, yeah.
alicia banks == "How did gutting 85million dollars from Historically Black Colleges and Universities help anyone obtain an education?"
"In his fiscal year 2009 budget, President Bush proposed cutting funding for HBCUs and other minority-serving institutions by $85 million, a 35 percent decrease from the previous year’s budget.
“Last year, the Democratic Congress enacted an historic increase in funding for HBCUs and other minority-serving institutions to help bridge their funding gap that has worsened at the hands of the Bush administration,” said Rep. Miller. “It is unthinkable that the President [Geo Bush] is now trying to cut some of this critically-needed funding for colleges and universities that have a proven track record in providing college opportunities for minority and low-income students.”
"A new report released today by the National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education highlights the critical role that HBCUs serve in providing higher education opportunities to African-American, low-income, and traditionally disadvantaged students.
"As witnesses at today’s hearing explained, although HBCUs represent only 3 percent of all colleges and universities, they enroll close to a third of all African-American students. Forty percent of their students pursue four-year degrees in science, technology, engineering and math"
I report. You decide.
right, that's what limbaugh and pat robertson, the real leaders of "the right" are for.
YOU lie!!!
cc tom joyner!
We gave Obama a chance. But, we paid attention as we extended our collective benefits of doubts. We paid attention to Obama’s razor thin soul and his paper thin resume. We watched Obama as he immediately broke many eloquent lies told to pimp voters. We saw his hope and change rapidly morph into ropes and chains exclusively for poor Americans. We witnessed his promises of transparency contort into complete Nazi-like media control and legendary secrecies. We have seen electronic spying upon citizens escalate under Obama to include the internet that Bush never discovered. We watched Obama’s promised rescue of illegal detainees become the worse torture of permanent incarceration in super prisons. We noticed Obama’s gutting of HBCUs. We caught the racist nuances of his sporadic blackness claimed solely to bash toxic black fathers. We winced as we painfully watched Obama buy banks and car companies. We shudder as we watch him dupe and bilk millions under the guise of Obamacare.
Obama To Increase Funding to HBCUs
» by Danielle Canada February 1, 2010, 10:06am
President Obama's administration has agreed to increase funding to the nation's historically Black colleges and universities.
In the President's 2011 fiscal year budget he calls for an increase of $98 million for HBCUs nationwide.
The administration is also said to be looking to increase Pell Grants and double Perkins loans and tuition tax credits.
The call for additional funding comes amongst criticism aimed at the President for not renewing an HBCU funding program used during Geroge W. Bush's Presidency.
Education Secretary Arne Duncan has since spoken out on the President's new plan for the institutions, telling TV One's Roland Martin:
“We have great news, that, going forward, we're proposing in the budget an increase of $98 million annually for HBCUs, so that's a tremendous commitment. I said from Day One we desperately need HBCUs not just to survive, but to thrive.”
The $98 million comes as the President tries to find a way to ease its $1.6 trillion dollar deficit.
I report. You decide.
Bottom Line with Dr. Boyce: Did Barack Obama REALLY Cut HBCU Funding?
By Boyce Watkins, PhD on May 27th 2009 6:35PM
While I have supported Obama, I have never been afraid to challenge him. For example, his statements about black male fathers on Father's Day 2008 was, in my opinion, nothing more than inappropriate pandering to racist stereotypes of black male irresponsibility. I have never seen him give such a condescending speech to other ethnic groups. As a father who does his best to love his children, I will never forgive that speech.
But in the case of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), we may all be mistaken about President Obama. Recent reports stating that Obama allowed for significant funding cuts for Historically Black Colleges and Universities may have been a bit misguided. When you look at the facts, it appears that Obama did not cut funding for HBCUs at all.
According to Kim Lampkins of American Urban Radio Networks, the references to Obama as the man who cut HBCU funding was misguided. "Contrary to the Internet chatter stating otherwise, the Obama Administration's education budget does NOT cut funds to Historically Black Colleges and Universities," says Lampkins.
Ms. Lampkins argues that the mistake links back to a bill passed in 2007 called the College Cost Reduction and Access Act (CCRAA), which allocated $170 million dollars over two years to HBCUs to make them financially independent. Lampkins then states that by not extending the grant (which was supposed to end anyway), this move was misinterpreted as a funding cut for HBCUs by the Obama Administration.
Lampkins spoke with a Title III Administrator at an HBCU in the Northeast, who made it clear that he did not expect the funding to continue beyond 2009. After reviewing a copy of the educational budget of the Obama Administration, the source stated that, "President Obama's budget for FY 2010 shows increases in the appropriations for HBCUs ($250,000,000) and HBGI ($61,425,000); together, this request represents a $20,830,000 increase in the appropriation over the preceding year. How can this be interpreted as not supporting black colleges? Someone is sorely misinformed about the President's support."
Lampkins also notes that there is a move on Capitol Hill by the United Negro College Fund to make the temporary funds permanent. According to UNCF CEO Dr. Michael Lomax, it is expected that this initiative will be successful.
The bottom line is this: As we push to hold our President accountable, we must be sure to know the facts. While I personally call for Obama to be more responsive on issues such as black education and unemployment, it is critical that we also hold ourselves accountable by ensuring that when we challenge the president, we do so from a position of measured objectivity and not under the assumption that he is doing all he can to sell us out. As the silly folks at Arizona State University said (when they chose not to give President Obama an honorary doctorate), "His body of work is yet to be determined." Let's allow the man to do the job, and at the same time, carefully and critically assess his body of work. Then, if you don't like what you see, get on him.
I report. You decide.
let's pretend obama did not gut 85mil from hbcu's
how will that help unemployed and homeless black parents pay tuition etc at any hbcu or any other college?????
cc this bs to tom joyner!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr. President, I have been a major supporter of yours from the start because I believed you were the best person for the job, because I never dreamed in my lifetime that this would happen. You've been doing an amazing job, considering that you took over the country at a time when so much is happening. But I do have a concern about one of your recent decisions. I'm calling on you to listen to the tens of thousands of alumni, faculty, administration and students of Historically Black Colleges and Universities who want you to seriously reconsider your changes to the 2010 federal budget. We want you to extend the $85 million that was included in the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007 and is slated to expire this year.
your revisionist history will not fly as it is documented all over the www!!!!
you are WAY overdue on those obama sotu queries...
NONE mentioned any hbcus!
i am still waiting...
obama has a completed overachieved and legendarily impressive body of work for bankers ONLY!!!!!
and he works harder for his fellow elitists each day....bet!!!
what has he done for YOU or any hbcu student to garner such rabid adoration and defenses???????
"right, that's what limbaugh and pat robertson, the real leaders of "the right" are for."
ok then, drink that coolaid up, Maria. Robertson is not & has never been a leader of the right. He has never even held public office. He is a reigious zealot - the same as Ferekan is a leftist religious zealout. Limbaugh is a radio personality. He has also never held public office. You have bought the bill of goods that the left is selling. To call either if these people "leaders of the right" would be equivalent to calling Jeremiah Wright and Jeanine Garofalo leaders of the left. In both cases, they are but the noise from the fringes. Try not to be so predictably gullible to the propaganda machine.
@alicia banks == "obama has a completed overachieved and legendarily impressive body of work for bankers ONLY!!!!!
and he works harder for his fellow elitists each day....bet!!!
what has he done for YOU or any hbcu student to garner such rabid adoration and defenses???????
1. Health Care: The Obama White House cleared an important hurdle in the health care reform debate when it appropriated $19 billion in the stimulus package to help implement an electronic medical record system.
"We need to have health IT so we have a better idea both of what works but also... so people can share information," Zeke Emanuel."
2. Communications: A presidential campaign built on innovative messaging and advanced technology has, naturally, become a White House defined by similar characteristics. As such, the reach of the administration's new media efforts - from hosting online question-and-answer sessions with the president to publishing the first White House blog - has been as expected as appreciated. It's unfortunate, said one tech savvy Democrat, because the new policies have had tangible impacts. "The White House streams every event with the president on its website, even press events...."... Before you had to wait for a readout or hope that CSPAN would cover it."
3. Transportation: Since the passage of the economic stimulus package in mid-February, the Obama Department of Transportation has approved 2,500 highway projects. The movement of stimulus money out the door has been as swift as it has been effective: $9.3 billion has been spent in all 50 states. Touting its impact, DOT officials say 260,000 jobs are expected from this investment.
4. Education: Maligned for its handling of the financial and banking crises, the Obama Treasury Department has nevertheless implemented policies with real qualitative and quantitative impact on debt-burdened families. Chief among those was a $2,500 tax credit to help offset the cost of tuition (among other expenses) for those seeking a college education.
5. Cars: The automobile industry at the White House and Congress's behest has undergone seismic structural changes, managerial reorganization, and massive cuts in employment. But for all the tough love, the president has put in place the framework for an industry recovery. Perhaps the most significant of steps was to allocate $2 billion in stimulus cash for advanced batteries systems. One high-ranking Hill aide called battery technology "the next big frontier" in the automotive world, adding that if the U.S. could dominate this market it would reclaim its perch as the world's premier car manufacturer.
6. Pakistan: Cognizant of a destabilizing situation in Pakistan, the administration's diplomatic team, with a major assist from Japan, secured $5 billion in aid commitments "to bolster the country's economy and help it fight terror and Islamic radicalism" within the country.
7. Cities: More than any prior president, Obama has put a spotlight on America's struggling cities, even creating an office of Urban Policy in the White House. It is the Justice Department, however, that lays claim to one of the most consequential of urban affairs achievements. Through the Recovery Act, DOJ secured $2 billion for Byrne Grants, which funds anti-gang and anti-gun task forces. The money, cut during the Bush years, is expected to have massive ramifications on inner-city crime and violence.
8. Engaging the Muslim World: While certainly discussed, foreign affairs experts insist that Obama's engagement with the Muslim world has been at once remarkable and under-appreciated."
9. Forests: Since taking office, the White House has put under federal protection more than two million acres of wilderness, thousands of miles of river and a host of national trails and parks.
I report. You decide.
I just remembered the word we used growing up (mostly)instead of "the R word": rebate.
you are a textbook obama nazi
thanks for the reprints!
you inspire me even as you STILL dodge all the questions i posted above!!!
see more:
you are politically illiterate as all obama nazis
less than ever
LESS transparency than gwb
homeless and jobless parents of students moving hm in droves
gutted 85 mil from hbcus
clunker bs put used car dealers and buyers on buses!!
airports and planes are less safe than ever
new war
hating and more hated than ever
new homes for homeless
wake your obama nazi blind dumb ass up!!!!
when you are MORE of an obama nazi than even keith o, u r gone!!!!
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