"After two years of being called a tyrant and a dictator, President Obama returns to Washington from a five-day overseas trip to find he has become a weakling.
Would-be opponents such as Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, and Sarah Palin had been trying out this somewhat contradictory line of attack for more than a month as Obama gave mixed signals about events in Egypt and Libya. But the "weak leader" charge gained traction last weekend as Obama chose to launch the attack on Moammar Gadhafi's forces while on an excellent adventure with his family in South America.
At about the moment the Tomahawk missiles began to rain down on Libya, Obama was joking with Brazilians about Carnival, the World Cup, and the Olympics. Rather than an Oval Office address announcing the new war, Americans got word from the president in a scratchy audio recording. As warheads pounded Libyan forces, Obama was kicking a soccer ball, seeing the sights, and watching cowboys in sequins.
It was perilously close to George W. Bush's "The Pet Goat" moment, when he continued reading a children's storybook after being told the second World Trade Center tower had been hit. Bush later said he was trying to maintain calm. Likewise, White House officials tell me the decision to proceed with the South America trip was made in part to convey that the Libya bombardment was not a major military action.
Weak or stubborn?
Obama administration officials calculated that he would take a hit. But they appear to have been surprised by the force of the weakling complaint, coming not just from usual suspects such as Karl Rove, but from liberals such as my Washington Post colleague Richard Cohen, who saw Obama "quite literally distancing himself from the consequences of his own policy."
My own sense, based on years of Obamology and confirmed by discussions with current and former Obama advisers, is that Obama's decision to proceed with spring break in Rio comes less from weakness than from stubbornness. Since his earliest days on the campaign trail in Iowa, he has made clear his aversion to the flavor-of-the-day news cycle, instead measuring his progress toward a few broad-brush goals. If something - such as the uprisings in the Middle East - doesn't fit unambiguously within his big goals, his instinct is to brush it off.
"I know everybody here is on a 24-hour news cycle," he told reporters once. "I'm not. OK?"
Laser focus
This worked to his benefit during the campaign, when he kept his focus on electoral mechanics rather than the vagaries of his opponents' attacks. But his broad brushes have not always served him well in the presidency, as when his laser focus on health care left voters with the sense that he didn't care about unemployment. He lost the House, and with it the rest of his agenda.
Would-be opponents such as Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, and Sarah Palin had been trying out this somewhat contradictory line of attack for more than a month as Obama gave mixed signals about events in Egypt and Libya. But the "weak leader" charge gained traction last weekend as Obama chose to launch the attack on Moammar Gadhafi's forces while on an excellent adventure with his family in South America.
At about the moment the Tomahawk missiles began to rain down on Libya, Obama was joking with Brazilians about Carnival, the World Cup, and the Olympics. Rather than an Oval Office address announcing the new war, Americans got word from the president in a scratchy audio recording. As warheads pounded Libyan forces, Obama was kicking a soccer ball, seeing the sights, and watching cowboys in sequins.
It was perilously close to George W. Bush's "The Pet Goat" moment, when he continued reading a children's storybook after being told the second World Trade Center tower had been hit. Bush later said he was trying to maintain calm. Likewise, White House officials tell me the decision to proceed with the South America trip was made in part to convey that the Libya bombardment was not a major military action.
Weak or stubborn?
Obama administration officials calculated that he would take a hit. But they appear to have been surprised by the force of the weakling complaint, coming not just from usual suspects such as Karl Rove, but from liberals such as my Washington Post colleague Richard Cohen, who saw Obama "quite literally distancing himself from the consequences of his own policy."
My own sense, based on years of Obamology and confirmed by discussions with current and former Obama advisers, is that Obama's decision to proceed with spring break in Rio comes less from weakness than from stubbornness. Since his earliest days on the campaign trail in Iowa, he has made clear his aversion to the flavor-of-the-day news cycle, instead measuring his progress toward a few broad-brush goals. If something - such as the uprisings in the Middle East - doesn't fit unambiguously within his big goals, his instinct is to brush it off.
"I know everybody here is on a 24-hour news cycle," he told reporters once. "I'm not. OK?"
Laser focus
This worked to his benefit during the campaign, when he kept his focus on electoral mechanics rather than the vagaries of his opponents' attacks. But his broad brushes have not always served him well in the presidency, as when his laser focus on health care left voters with the sense that he didn't care about unemployment. He lost the House, and with it the rest of his agenda.
The attack on Libya presented the toughest test yet of Obama's defiance of the news cycle. In a USA Today op-ed before his departure, Obama wrote that while the Middle East is important, he was going to Latin America because "our top priority has to be creating and sustaining new jobs and new opportunities."
The administration officials I spoke with argued that this was a sign of strong leadership. "To abandon course at every moment of pundit criticism is not strength," said one of the president's top advisers. They pointed to polls showing most Americans continue to regard Obama as a strong leader, and they argued that, beyond Washington, headlines from Obama's trip justified his strategy. ("Obama's trip to Brazil key to N.J. businesses," reported North Jersey's Record.)
But the White House is also discovering the perils of broad-brush leadership. The latest Washington Post/ABC News poll found that when Americans were asked who is taking "a stronger leadership role," Republicans had a seven-point advantage over Obama; three months ago, Obama had a narrow lead.
The White House justifiably complains that the criticism of Obama's Libya policy has been inconsistent: First he was too slow to take action, and now he's rushing to attack without congressional approval - even though Congress is on its own 10-day spring break.
But it doesn't matter if the criticism is fair. Obama left a vacuum, and his opponents filled it. For a president suddenly called "weak," such is the tyranny of the news cycle." [Source]
O, I have to agree with Dana Milbank: You are acting as if A-merry-ca still loves you. She does not. You were the flavor of a November month when A-merry-cans were being...well, A-merry-cans. This is, after all, the country that made "Snooki" famous. If you want to win in this country, you have to get out in front of the story. Do not let the story get in front of you. Do not give your political opponents an opening so that they can create their own story.
We all know that if you were a republican president the wingnuts would be calling you a hero. We all know that the pretzel- logic they are using to say that you were wrong to join the UN and other countries (such as the African Union) to attack Libya is laughably ludicrous. But this is politics in A-merry-ca. This is what you came from, so you have to deal with it. I just wonder why no one in your inner circle told you this before
BTW, in the future, you might want to work on your soccer skills before you go kicking a soccer ball with a bunch of Brazilian kids. They are kind of good at that game.
Prez Obama let the Repubs bait him into getting involved militarily with Libya, now he's SOL with the BOTH parties.
Damn shame!
This is the alternative.
Several GOP lead states are pushing laws to push creationism in science classrooms. Don't vote GOP for the sake of the country!
"Weak or stubborn?"
Neither. I'd say more lazy or relentless. Lazy in that he cannot bring himself to even go through the motions of being a concerned leader, relentless in his quest to diminish America in all ways.
Economically, militarily, and culturally, Obama is acheieving his goal of turning America into a big France (except with bad food).
Obama's "Don't Look at Me, I Don't Make the Decisions around Here, I'm Just the President" act is wearing thin. Even though we are providing the bulk of the muscle, this appears to be a post-American action, where we are just another country doing the UN's bidding. Liberals only support wars where the United states has no discernible interest whatsoever.
The only thing that matters to Obama is that Gadaffi winds up dead. That's all he needs for his foreign policy camapaign ad next year. Whatever else happens, we'll keep dropping bombs until Obama gets his trophy.
Psi-N-Tst said...
Prez Obama let the Repubs bait him into getting involved militarily with Libya, now he's SOL with the BOTH parties.
Damn shame!
Wait, it's someone else's fault? Phew and I thought he was...was....well you know PRESIDENT and in charge. Surely you don't mean he is waiting for conservatives to tell him what to do?
The White House is where ever the President is. The wingnuts know it.
I loved the Dukies getting stomped last night. I hope Dickie V is O.K..
Gibson said...
Wait, it's someone else's fault? Phew and I thought he was...was....well you know PRESIDENT and in charge. Surely you don't mean he is waiting for conservatives to tell him what to do?
The Repubs laid a "trap" with this Libya mess, and he fell for it. That's all I'm saying.
Wesley R said...
I loved the Dukies getting stomped last night. I hope Dickie V is O.K..
As a Chapel Hill Alum, I'll have to concur with this statement!
Of course my #1 team (Georgetown) got wiped out in the first round, LOL!!!
"Psi-N-Tst said...
Gibson said...
Wait, it's someone else's fault? Phew and I thought he was...was....well you know PRESIDENT and in charge. Surely you don't mean he is waiting for conservatives to tell him what to do?
The Repubs laid a "trap" with this Libya mess, and he fell for it. That's all I'm saying.
10:16 PM"
Now, wait a second, Psi-N-Tst. Just HOW did the Repubs "lay a trap" for him?
Obama chose this course on his own, without Congressional approval.
(And no, "consulting with Congressional lears, WHOEVER they were, is NOT equal to Congressional approval)
"We all know that if you were a republican president the wingnuts would be calling you a hero. We all know that the pretzel- logic they are using to say that you were wrong to join the UN and other countries (such as the African Union) to attack Libya is laughably ludicrous."
Sorry, but must disagree with this viewpoint.
Most on the conservative side of the aisle want to know why he sat on his hands and completely mute while a genuine grassroots movement for freedom and liberty-- the student led green movement in Iran -- didn't elicit so much as a peep from Teh Won -- let alone an interruption to his golf swing.
But Libya ... yeah, fer shur, that's exactly where we should be mixing in.
If you get around the inner tubes, check out the international press for a different viewpoint.
The Obama love is gone. Long gone.
Anonymous PilotX said...
This is the alternative.
How about, Not Of This Universe Net?
Amazing how everyone only hears what they are preconditioned to accept as truth.
Karen said...
"We all know that if you were a republican president the wingnuts would be calling you a hero. We all know that the pretzel- logic they are using to say that you were wrong to join the UN and other countries (such as the African Union) to attack Libya is laughably ludicrous."
Are you kidding? To this day folks like you slander the hell out of Bush and he GOT congress approval when all of the democrats voted to go into Iraq. Obama didnt even ask, he gave our sovereignty to the Joke of a UN.
He has been a disaster in dealing with the adults of the world since day one. Disses our allies and bows to our enemies. With a friend like him who needs any enemies.
What PilotX said ! :-)
Wesley R said...
The White House is where ever the President is. The wingnuts know it.
I loved the Dukies getting stomped last night. I hope Dickie V is O.K..
Then I guess he just takes his incompetence with him wherever he goes huh?
Karen said...
Anonymous PilotX said...
This is the alternative.
You guys are funny, this is a progressive marxist liberal site that does its best to trash conservatism no matter how loony they sound. So in reality this is what we have now, democratic game playing by loony tunes with no adult behaviour and disengenious nonsense going on to mask incompetence. So no, we don't need any more of that. We need real leaders with real solutions no matter how much some people want to say...wahhhhh not me, not me, I want it all for free.
Uhhhh.... Gibson...if you were paying attention, I was quoting FN above the dotted line ... and then, disagreeing with him.
Please stay awake in class.
karen said:
Most on the conservative side of the aisle want to know why he sat on his hands and completely mute while a genuine grassroots movement for freedom and liberty-- the student led green movement in Iran -- didn't elicit so much as a peep from Teh Won -- let alone an interruption to his golf swing.
that's a lie. the US did everything it could. is iran libya? hardly.
you could get him on NOT intervening in yemen, but then that would expose your hypocrisy wouldn't it?
and as far as going into libya, people like GINGRIGH were yelling and screaming for him to go in. folks like, you know, teabaggers like you were egging him on.
the love is gone, long gone? who are you kidding? you never supported him.
he didn't go in without a UN resolution and a coalition, now led by nato. you people have twisted your panties all in a wad b/c he did want you wanted him to do, but you have to oppose him no matter what. it's funny. you guess hate that we have a leader who actually THINKS ABOUT stuff before he does it (and for the record--i am--and have always been--against this libyan thing b/c i am against ALL wars).
as i said earlier, you people never happy...and if he were white, ain't no way he'd be treated like this. no way on earth.
Psi-N-Tst said...
Prez Obama let the Repubs bait him into getting involved militarily with Libya, now he's SOL with the BOTH parties.
Damn shame!
PSI seriously help me understand this liberal mindset that always finds someone else to blame for your own decisions and actions or lack of. How did the Republicans have anything to do with Obama handling this poorly?
Did they whisper in Kaddafi's ear?
Did they tell Obama not to talk to congress as required by our constitution and just hand over power to the UN?
Did they tell him to go back and forth and do nothing for a month while the rebels were killed?
Did they tell Obama that the rebels he is backing by killing Libyan police and soldiers are from Al Queda?
So what exactly did they do that made Obama the victim of not his own incompetence but they tricked him?
Cause from what i heard a lot of people on both sides of the Aisle were giving him good advice he ignored it.
Karen said...
Uhhhh.... Gibson...if you were paying attention, I was quoting FN above the dotted line ... and then, disagreeing with him.
Please stay awake in class.
Oops. OK I guess I did nod off for a bit there and missed it.
As always any president has a right to do what he feels is best and tghen take the heat. But I think in times when the whole middle east seens to be catching fire and we are bombing a country the President needs to be in Washington. One reason the President looks bad is while he bombs one country many other countries in the area are killing their people to. One thing the President doen't want to do is have the media against him. I think that would be a no no.
Please stick to subjects you actually have a hope of knowing something about.
I just returned from an extended overseas stay.
The Love Is Gone.
Welcome to a Leaderless World.
And ... why no comments from Teh Won about muslims burning down, what, 69 or so churches?
Paraphrasing-- "when the winds change, I will stand with the muslims".
I think people are finally waking up and realizing he meant it.
I realize you hate America, the idea of freedom, liberty and personal responsibility - just like your beloved One, but most Americans feel otherwise.
maria said...
karen said:
Most on the conservative side of the aisle want to know why he sat on his hands and completely mute while a genuine grassroots movement for freedom and liberty-- the student led green movement in Iran -- didn't elicit so much as a peep from Teh Won -- let alone an interruption to his golf swing.
that's a lie. the US did everything it could. is iran libya? hardly.
No it's even worse and more important strategically in the region. How is sitting for a month and waffling back on forth without ever providing leadership doing everything that could be done?
you could get him on NOT intervening in yemen, but then that would expose your hypocrisy wouldn't it?
No one is trying to "get" anyone, lose your liberal finger pointing. He is a disaster of a president and friend to our foes and foe to our friends. For the first time in Iranian modern history people were speaking out for freedom and dieing for it. Yet the president of the freest nation in the world cant even utter a comment? That is his job, not playing soccer, golf and throwing endless parties on the taxpayer dime.
and as far as going into libya, people like GINGRIGH were yelling and screaming for him to go in. folks like, you know, teabaggers like you were egging him on.
Something needed to be done, to bad he waited a month and then turned it over to harpoon missiles and the French/Nato.
the love is gone, long gone? who are you kidding? you never supported him.
Wrong, unlike you I actually voted for the guy even though I saw the many lies before he got into office. Unlike you I see the actions, words and patterns of a marxist socialistic inconmpetent man who is one of the all time worst presidents we have ever had.
he didn't go in without a UN resolution and a coalition, now led by nato. you people have twisted your panties all in a wad b/c he did want you wanted him to do, but you have to oppose him no matter what. it's funny. you guess hate that we have a leader who actually THINKS ABOUT stuff before he does it (and for the record--i am--and have always been--against this libyan thing b/c i am against ALL wars).
The UN is not the United States congress. He is required by the constitution to address congress prior to any military action and gain acceptance of our representatives, he does not have the authority or power to do what he please and bow to some horribly incompetent international group such as the UN. Do you understand this is a precedent that is historic and horrible?
as i said earlier, you people never happy...and if he were white, ain't no way he'd be treated like this. no way on earth.
Ahh there it is, personal attacks, racism blah, blah, blah, what a weak person you are to have to resort to that. Cant talk facts and repercussions so anyone who isnt lockstop with Obooba must be waaacisssttttt....whaaah.....whaaaah.
Well I have news for you, he is number one in my book for the worst president ever in history behind another incompetent bumbling fool who was actually white. Mr Peanuts Carter.
Get a grip and can the lame excuses, its disgusting.
"rainywalker said...
As always any president has a right to do what he feels is best "
Um, no, Rainy.
The Founding Fathers elected to not have a daily question period, the option of a vote of non-confidence and other checks on the power of the chief executive that those modeled on the Parliamentary model do.
They elected instead for a more romanticized Roman-style Republic, with a separation of powers.
The Pres**ent is not Emperor, as much as he likes to act like one, and consultation with "the People's House" is required and expected.
Although I would dearly love to see him have to deal with the firing line of Question Period on a daily basis ... sans his good friend, M. Teleprompter.
Lolz. I'm killing myself just thinking about it.
Maria said:
"the love is gone, long gone? who are you kidding? you never supported him."
Bravo. You finally got something right. Now you get to sit closest to teacher!
Barack Obama,December the 20, 2007.
"The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation."
Rep. Dennis Kucinich, the seven-term liberal Democrat from Ohio who has twice run for the White House, says President Obama committed an "impeachable offense" in deciding to authorize U.S. airstrikes over Libya Saturday without the consent of Congress.
"President Obama moved forward without Congress approving. He didn't have Congressional authorization, he has gone against the Constitution, and that's got to be said," Kucinich told the web site Raw Story on Monday. "It's not even disputable, this isn't even a close question."
Joe Biden says war without congressional approval warrants impeachment.
Obama doesn't care about the Constitution or the rule of law.
Nice to see fields thinks it kool.
BTW, obama has had his pet goat moment.Remember Obama givning a shout out to his homies before he spoke about the latest muslim attack {ft hood}?
"rainywalker said...
As always any president has a right to do what he feels is best and tghen take the heat."
NO RAINYWALKER! You are totally INCORRECT, WRONG, or are just totally oblivious to our Constitution! THAT'S whay we have three branches of government!
The President CANNOT do "what he feels is best and tghen take the heat"!
There are checks & balances....why don't you Google that.
Public Schools are killing this country.
Guess you should wipe your ass/face in the rain, after all that, Mr. Rainywalker.
Here are the latest Obama job approval poll numbers from Gallup:
And Rasmussen here(this outfit is notoriously conservative/leans conservative):
The President's numbers have been fairly steady---took a slight dip after Libya bombing. I don't understand these statements that "the love is gone", Americans don't like the President, etc. If such statements are made, they should be factual, and backed up by FACTS.
Here you go, rainywalker.
Now...try to focus on the "EXECUTIVE POWERS" portion:
Also--here is an explanation as to why the President did not have to consult congress BEFORE Libya:
maria said..."that's a lie. the US did everything it could."
You are a fool if you believe that and a shill if you don't. Obama did less than nothing to support the Iranian people as their government was killing them in the streets of Tehran. Not a word of support for the uprising or condemnation of the repression until the moment had passed. His one statement at the time was “We don’t know how this thing is going to play out” signalling to the butchers that they had a free hand in determining how things were going play out. The harshest he got was "the world is watching you". Watching you murder protesters. He saved the tough stuff for Mubarek, a US ally and a moderate as leaders of Muslim countries go. This is foreign policy by whim, purely for the benefit of Barack Obama's re-election prospects. This man is a monster.
Obama's not a monster. He's just a dumbass way over his head.
Now...a movie about a dumbass monster, who keeps screwing up his attacks on his proposed victims, yet gets away every time, would probably make millions.
Unfortunately, in real life, this movie is being played-out in reality, costing us billions in treasure & blood.
Hey...don't blame the Republicans....remember who promised he was going to get out of the wars Bush "started", and close Guantanamo down? I didn't vote for him, but I really thought he was going to really do it.
Welcome to the real world, Mr. Obama. Organize that. (when you're not playing golf, or taking your wife & kids & God only knows how many "friends" on you World Vacation Tour)
"..You guys are funny, this is a progressive marxist liberal site..."
That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me in ahwile. Thanks.
Suecity@12:15AM, gave us some FACTS. Thanks for that as well.
But, you know wingnuts; they never let facts get in the way of a good argument. :)
"Hey...don't blame the Republicans....remember who promised he was going to get out of the wars Bush "started", and close Guantanamo down? I didn't vote for him, but I really thought he was going to really do it."
"I didn't vote for him". There goes your credibility.If he had shut it down you would still be b&^%$#@g.
field negro said...
"..You guys are funny, this is a progressive marxist liberal site..."
That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me in ahwile. Thanks.
Yeah but then again you like the smell of dog poo too, so put that in your pipe and smoke it Senor communista.
Field....while you're in the answering mode, tell me where this is wrong: Preferably, not in a five word sentence, as per your usual reply.
Puke said...
Obama's not a monster. He's just a dumbass way over his head.
Now...a movie about a dumbass monster, who keeps screwing up his attacks on his proposed victims, yet gets away every time, would probably make millions.
Unfortunately, in real life, this movie is being played-out in reality, costing us billions in treasure & blood.
Hey...don't blame the Republicans....remember who promised he was going to get out of the wars Bush "started", and close Guantanamo down? I didn't vote for him, but I really thought he was going to really do it.
Welcome to the real world, Mr. Obama. Organize that. (when you're not playing golf, or taking your wife & kids & God only knows how many "friends" on you World Vacation Tour)
12:45 AM
Funny that no one ansewerd.
Must have been too busy working on their talking points, like our "kid' thinks carbon dioxide is the same as carbon monoxide
Kid, you should quit being to try so smart, You are the dust on the Bell Curve.
"Field....while you're in the answering mode, tell me where this is wrong: Preferably, not in a five word sentence, as per your usual reply"
What was the question again? In English this time. I don't understand wingnut gibberish.
"Obama's not a monster. He's just a dumbass way over his head."
"Monster"? "Dumbass"? Why are wingnuts so angry? I guess if I had to live with myself as a wingnut I would be angry, too.:)
Some have argued that astroturfers like to get in the first comments on threads. I agree with that, especially when it comes to certain topics.
Why would astroturfers worry about an African-American blog? I think the right wing realises Mr. Field has a boatload of gravitas. They know he reaches o'plenty of black folks who dig the internet. They have never liked African-American solidarity and consistency with voting for the much better party.
The two-party system has unfortunately forced the Democratic Party to the right. During the Clinton Era, triangulation and DLC power was ushered in. That has turned off a lot of progressives and people on the right side of history who feel they have been taken for granted. Wingnut astroturfers see this disillusionment as giving them an opportunity to chip away at the African-American proclivity towards overwhelmingly voting for the better of two evils. That is why they are here.
I agree with Field's analysis that Obama needs to step up to the plate and not just try to get a walk. He needs to try to hit one out of the park. That means job creation, movement towards world peace, and increases in environmental protection. If he can show signs of improvement in those key areas, he will easily be re-elected. But he does need to feel a sense of urgency.
As for him going on vacation, that's an odd point for wingnuts to try to emphasise considering how much time Shrub took off.
How typical...instead of showing where AlterNet has been wrong or inaccurate...pretenderate they have the same distance from Reality that wingnuts have. Tell me again how many times Breitbart lied to you...or FOX lied to you...with malice. Then try to find any event of AlterNet being dishonest.
TeaCrackers wants them theocracy and they wants it so's they kids not the Left Behind pregnant teenage Moms. Oh, who needs SexEd based on evidence and Science? Certainly not Bristol!
TeaBagger platforms are full of 'teech the Contrabersary' and that christian Gooberish is EXACTLY AS GOOD as the Science stuff the smart kids learned.
At my age, it's too late to ruin my career(s)...but the TeaBaggers want to kill the one your kid might have had. Bachmann is a TeaTard...but she is photogenic and hits the MILF audience where they love their Sarey. So, she gets airtime...especially since she has an ORAL degree.
Let us rid ourselves of these horrid public schools and replace them with gawd-fearin', christian skools. Teechers can be unwed girls and who needs more than Grade Five, anyway? The Amish do jess fine.
Magical thinkerating, much? While field hands may not need to read...I really hope my doctor can. We also would make the US a theocracy and an aristocracy. Megan McCain may have competence...but what about Santorum, bush, the Quayles, and others who were born with Entitlement?
Socrates, it is about money. Running for office takes a lot. You can either hit up 1000 donors..or one. It gets really tiring listening to people TELL you what you should do for their meager pittance. Like the multitude of 'dorksperts' on US education. Who then whine about your pay. Because you with a Master's make more than Gomer with a 'breathing certificate'.
Obama has always been a right-right centrist (for the US) politician.
Sorry SueCity, Field, others, the argument that the President does not have to get permission from Congress to start a war is unconvincing-whether from people on this blog or from John Yoo.
The Constitution is pretty clear on this. Congress has the ability to declare war. The President does not. The fact that so many Presidents have and have gotten away with it is the same argument that the speeder going 80 mph uses when he tells the cop who stopped him "What about all those people doing 90 mph".
The War Powers Act has not been found unconstitutional. Presidents in general haven't liked it but it's not up to a President to decide a law is unconstitutional and then stop obeying it.
The President may commit US forces or use military force w/o Congressional approval when there has been an attack or invasion of the US or when such an event is imminent. This was not the case with the Libya attack.
And the UN Security Council vote, while nice to have doesn't mean jack to the US Senate. The US Senate is not compelled to enter into a war or provide armed forces support for a UN approved action. The United Nations Participation Act makes this exceedingly clear.
One of the key pillars of this political system is that war is such a serious issue that it simply can not be left up to one man to decide.
If you want to argue that "everybody does it so why single this president out" fine but that's not a constitutional argument and I don't think it's convincing. It would be more honest to argue for and pass a Constitutional Amendment that explicitly strips the Legislative branch of the ability to declare war and makes it clear that the President has Emperor like powers over when to start war. Of course if you think that the President can see the future better than the chosen representatives of the US, at some point in the future some future President might decide that two terms aren't enough and that for reasons that they can't disclose to Congress, they need to stay another term.
Slippery slope argument? Absolutely. Unlikely? Very much so.
But this is what can happen once you accept that the Executive Branch is above the law. No one is above the law. What the President did was wrong and unconstitutional. If a Republican had done this, I think some folks would see it more clearly. So it goes.
@karen--man, you are really singing the entire white right wing anthem, aren't you?
i don't love america? what a joke!
if you hate obama so much AND the america he sees for us (where YOU are a minority), why didn't you stay oversees?
omg, your lunacy has made my day. sincerely! obama's a monster? yeah, to those of you in alternative reality world! LOL!!!!!!!
oh, and i get to sit near you? no thanks.
Well Shady, as usual, you make a reasoned and respectful argument(I hope you are a republican, because that would mean that there is at least ONE republican who I have some respect for),but I have to respectfully disagree with you.
The President has "ENUMERATED" powers as the Commander in Chief to use the military as he sees fit. Congress doesn't have to fund it, so they have the power to cut off funding for this campaign.
The Constitution grants powers, it doesn't say that the President can't declare war.
Now I understand that the 1973 War Powers Resolution (which, BTW, a republiclown president tried to veto) is controversial, and we could argue back and forth whether it's constitutional. The fact of the matter is this: if someone on the right tries to argue that Obama had no constitutional authority to join the UN in enforcing the "no fly zone" over Libya, someone on the left could make just as strong an argument as to why he could.
And, BTW, I don't think this is a declared war against Libya, do you?
Like that Shady uses pesky Facts to make an argument...instead of repeating wingnut Gooberish. I will say I wonder why we are in Libya. The oil went elsewhere. There are two ongoing bushWars bogging down underemployed US citizens and...oh...Keynesian spending. Can't fix the bridge T-Paw let fall, can't let unions negotiate pay and benefits, have to refudiate abortion, must deny Democracy in Michigan, Ohio must give all money to Kasich, Maine's LePage wants all Mainers to be Beans...but the stimulus had just run out and the US needs some infusion of demand. War spending.
Gibson said...
PSI seriously help me understand this liberal mindset that always finds someone else to blame for your own decisions and actions or lack of. How did the Republicans have anything to do with Obama handling this poorly?
I LOVE comments like these with their misplaced ASSumptions.
First, I'm a conservative, so I don't "understand" a lot of the liberal mindset either.
Second, I didn't vote for Prez Obama, but I don't need my progressive lenses to see that he is the most ill treated president in history and that many white folks on BOTH sides of the isle have painted him into a "damn if you do, damn if you don't" corner.
Personally, I'll be glad when his term is over so racism can return back to "normal" in this country!
"I LOVE comments like these with their misplaced ASSumptions.
First, I'm a conservative, so I don't "understand" a lot of the liberal mindset either.
Second, I didn't vote for Prez Obama, but I don't need my progressive lenses to see that he is the most ill treated president in history and that many white folks on BOTH sides of the isle have painted him into a "damn if you do, damn if you don't" corner.
Personally, I'll be glad when his term is over so racism can return back to "normal" in this country!"
* standing and clapping*
Why yes, I deciderated to be born poor and the choices of poor and poor are ones ordinated by gawd. And the lack of action in choosing more wealthy parents is something that should reduce all options to slavecropping or servant.
While I can see Pete Peterson or Santorum or the Quayles wanting to never, ever have to justify their inordinate good fortune...I do wonder about those making lower middle-class wages. Since they are but one misstep from being poor or Welfare clients...why they disdain those less fortunate is curious. Galt is so easier to roleplay when you have a couple of extra million. Why then, do so many wish to fantasize that they are UberMensch? You'd think that just looking at their lack of achievement in nearly all aspects should be a clue.
Where is the hate for Bristol Palin? Two out-of-wedlock children...taxpayers funding both births, childcare, health care...still not married to either sperm donor...not working...single Mom flaunting her not-watching-the kids...
How about some consistency?
'Choices' are dog whistle for 'I can't figure out my taxes...even with a calculator'
PNT said:
Second, I didn't vote for Prez Obama, but I don't need my progressive lenses to see that he is the most ill treated president in history and that many white folks on BOTH sides of the isle have painted him into a "damn if you do, damn if you don't" corner.
you should also have your glasses on to see that it isn't even just whites--AB and others like her who consistently work AGAINST their own best interests are perhaps even more dangerous and damaging in america today.
you don't like obama? great. think you're going to like romney/palin better? wake up!
maria said...
you should also have your glasses on to see that it isn't even just whites--AB and others like her who consistently work AGAINST their own best interests are perhaps even more dangerous and damaging in america today.
you don't like obama? great. think you're going to like romney/palin better? wake up!
I don't know why I'm wasting my time responding to your non-reading arse....
Do you know the difference between the words MANY and ALL? I said MANY white folks NOT all, okay??
I have also NEVER said I didn't "like" Prez. Obama and have NEVER said nor am I a Republican, so why in the hell would I jump on the bandwagon with Romney and the VERY dense Palin?
Do me a a favor, stop smoking the garlic, so we can have a logical conversation.
Maria, I would agree...but I am not happy with the ease with which we invaded Libya, the constant drumbeats for the Grand Bargain, the refusal to charge bush Perps, the continuing of Gitmo, the bankster bailout.
It appears that the choice is between a person with ORAL skills or a christmole. Neither are acceptable.
hey dope--asshole--bitch--moron-racist-whatever-- take a name and use it b/c they all apply:
what i wrote--my point was it isn't only whites--some or all whatever--but lots of BLACKS are attacking obama in a damned if he does and damned if he doesn't way. how about YOU try to read? and as i said, i am referring to all his critics--not just you.
the garlic comment is gratuitous and stupid. fuck you.
I never pay attention to the pundits in the MSM I hope Obama does not either..
Obama is in a groove now and I like it
Everytime I visit here the rage is always present..WTF
i was and remain against the libyan action and never said i was for it, mold. and i worry that we aren't taken similar steps against other countries. it's all or none, and i choose none.
RIP Geraldine A. Ferraro!
maria said...
the garlic comment is gratuitous and stupid. fuck you.
I thought you were stupid, now you've proved it to all of us, LOL!!!
A better word than gratuitous which you used COMPLETLY out of context in this instance, is unwarrented.
F*ck you was used in it's proper context, but that's not suprising since I never met an Italian that couldn't curse like a sailor, LOL!!!
Anonymous said...
"Where is the hate for Bristol Palin?"
You and your libtard ilk isn't enough?
Two out-of-wedlock children...taxpayers funding both births, childcare, health care...still not married to either sperm donor...not working...single Mom flaunting her not-watching-the kids...
Please provide proof that taxpayers paid for child care and heathcare.
I know you just making shit up again.
maria said...
PNT said:
Second, I didn't vote for Prez Obama, but I don't need my progressive lenses to see that he is the most ill treated president in history
Did you forget the way you leftwing kooks treated Bush?
Remember,pew research and many other groups,and colleges have done studies that said Obama has received the most favorable media coverage of any president in the history of the world.
Obama is the most polarizing president in the history of America,{gallup}thats on him.
field negro said...
The fact of the matter is this: if someone on the right tries to argue that Obama had no constitutional authority to join the UN in enforcing the "no fly zone" over Libya, someone on the left could make just as strong an argument as to why he could.
What about when its Obama making the argument?
Barack Obama,December the 20, 2007.
"The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation."
looks like a war between a stupid idiotic filth pile and a normal person maria dont let that shyt stain get to u and degrade ur words that is why this nasty foul troll is here it only shows up when ab has been bested and wants some breathing room but rest assured they are the same person or are funded from the same source
psi mmm is a disgusting liar and a fraud and we all know this even that socratic wite fella or if he saw comments from yesterday he'd see that psi and ab responded to each other within less than a minute so duh! provided field didnt erase those comments...
Anonymous said...
Remember,pew research and many other groups,and colleges have done studies that said Obama has received the most favorable media coverage of any president in the history of the world.
Favorable media coverage? Are you 'effing kidding me? When his wife gets referred to as a monkey IN THE MEDIA more than the damn apes at the New York zoo?
Or the rifle Faux News just coincidentaly happen to have pointed at Prez. Obama's head a few years ago?
Yeah, Okay!
Anonymous said...
Obama is the most polarizing president in the history of America,{gallup}thats on him.
And it's Obama's half-blackness that makes him so "polarizing" to many Americans, pun intended!!!
i'm a paid writer. you're a fake scientist. don't attempt to try to correct what i write when you can't even spell. my use was proper. you clearly don't even know when the word "that" and when "who" should be used.
feel free, as i do, however, to address the substance of comments. as i noted, you twisted what i said, which was that blacks as well as whites are criticizing obama . instead, you choose to try to slur me.
also psi mmm ONLY shows up to specifically HARASS maria many of us have seen this over time and would be willing to testify to that end if it came to that this nasty disgusting sow is a BULLY emboldened by her master ego ab this filth pile has made legal and physical threats of violence to people too so keep ur head up and cuss these nasty heifers out when u feel the need
Where is the hate for Welfare BabyMommy Bristol? Two kids and they taxpayers are handing over 'their money'...yet somehow she is Immaculate?
Gee...how does a high school student with zero skills other than -ahem- pay for two kids? Especially a Downs...who usually require at least double the health care of 'norms'.
Up until she crossed the border with her anchor babies, how did she pay for stuff? Working part-time in a Doc's office? Sure.
Bristol went over the border for better Welfare. Where is the fauxtrage?
Maria, I agree...None is besser. Gratuitous fits. The writer simply does not like the negative halo...but they earned with the jape.
In case you wondered what TeaCracker Heaven looked like...
Child Slavery...on the cheap!!
looks like a war between a stupid idiotic filth pile and a normal person maria dont let that shyt stain get to u and degrade ur words that is why this nasty foul troll is here it only shows up when ab has been bested and wants some breathing room but rest assured they are the same person or are funded from the same source
psi mmm is a disgusting liar and a fraud and we all know this even that socratic wite fella or if he saw comments from yesterday he'd see that psi and ab responded to each other within less than a minute so duh! provided field didnt erase those comments...
u engage that shitlicker and get insulted and it laughs cuz its sadistic and filthy
i'm a paid writer. you're a fake scientist. don't attempt to try to correct what i write when you can't even spell. maria with the swarthy skin
u tell that nasty animal maria she wisht she was a scientist bytch dont eve know how many degrees she has cuz she aint ha none!
Psi-N-Tst said...
Anonymous said...
And it's Obama's half-blackness that makes him so "polarizing" to many Americans, pun intended!!!
According to Harry Smith of the CBS Morning Show,Obama's have blackness gives him the ability to give absolution to white Democrats and free them of their white guilt.
maria said...
i'm a paid writer. you're a fake scientist. don't attempt to try to correct what i write when you can't even spell. my use was proper. you clearly don't even know when the word "that" and when "who" should be used.
I think you intended to say is that you're a wanna be writer with an "alternative" personality posting crap while pretending to be "anonymous", LOL!!! However, an assoicate's degree hardly qualifies you for being a writer for whatever 2 bit organization you claim to "write" for.
Keep defending yourself and your "skills" Snooky! Eventually, you'll convince yourself you're really "educated", LOL!!!
Anonymous said...
to Harry Smith of the CBS Morning Show,Obama's have blackness gives him the ability to give absolution to white Democrats and free them of their white guilt.
Funny thing about Prez. Obama's "half-ness".
When he has success, he's the half-white Prez/ie the media loves him, when he has failures, he's half-black, and not just half-black, but half-Kenyan.
I wish folks would make up their freakin' minds about him already!!!
btw its clear this nasty chriflin coohole is not a scientist the bytch dont know how to think critically for anything!
looks like a war between a stupid idiotic filth pile and a normal person maria dont let that shyt stain get to u and degrade ur words that is why this nasty foul troll is here it only shows up when ab has been bested and wants some breathing room but rest assured they are the same person or are funded from the same sourceanon wit sense
and this is real talk since the ONLY purpose that filth pile has is to denigrate wite womens and to talk shyt about the president same as ab just more vulgar mouth and arrogant thinkin she knows something but dont know shyt! same thing different day duh!
hobama is not being impeached because he started another serial illegal war
of his VERY OWN
he is being impeached because he BOLDLY did so without the SAME amoral congressional approval his cuz gwb secured BEFORE his own illegal wars...
that is BOTH a major distinction and difference
the only thing worse than excusing and coddling hobama is pretending that he has some unique executive power as prez...
only his endless mindless love by hobama nazis is unique
and that repulsive phenom will NEVER spare hobama within his BRAZEN violation of his own powers
in a fair world
hobama + dick c + king shrub
should all be in jail as they are ALL official war criminals now
does that vulgar pale moron the vdlr ever sleep????????
even loyal old loopy joe biden can admit hobama's fatal error
shame that blind adoring amoral hobama nazis will never have similar vision or honor....shame!!!!
and how is someone proud to be black so interested in impeaching the first black man president? answer U aint black alicia kuntlickin banks u hate black men and cant stand t hat one is the leader of this country ya sick twisted kuntlicker
and how is someone proud to be black so interested in impeaching the first black man president? answer U aint black alicia kuntlickin banks u hate black men and cant stand t hat one is the leader of this country ya sick twisted kuntlicker
looks like a war between a stupid idiotic filth pile and a normal person maria dont let that shyt stain get to u and degrade ur words that is why this nasty foul troll is here it only shows up when ab has been bested and wants some breathing room but rest assured they are the same person or are funded from the same sourceanon wit sense
and this is real talk since the ONLY purpose that filth pile has is to denigrate wite womens and to talk shyt about the president same as ab just more vulgar mouth and arrogant thinkin she knows something but dont know shyt! same thing different day duh!
socrates said...
Some have argued that astroturfers like to get in the first comments on threads. I agree with that, especially when it comes to certain topics.
Why would astroturfers worry about an African-American blog?
I don't know, why don't you tell us you salty honky insane cracker?
witless wigga slop marley:
got a fake plastic nose ring to match your eminem rasta blackface???
complete your suit u kkklown!!!
rest in peace ms. ferraro
and thank you for being one of the first rebels to tell the truth about that blackish hoax hobama and the sexists and racists who helped him doom us all!!!
clueless socrackerish wigga slob marley:
anyone who cares about black solidarity could never love a racist elitist fascist warmongering mf like
hobama has LEGENDARILY destroyed black unity/wealth/life all over the globe
we see u racist moronic wigga poser
Photo Ops seem to be wastes of time and resources. Why have a carrier sit at sea so Commander Codpiece can be photographed for the wee lads? Why take pics of a faker faking removing brush at a fake ranch for faking the fake is a 'man o' da peeples'?
Perhaps they should all just work...and have the pics taken then.
Psi-N-Tst said...
Gibson said...
PSI seriously help me understand this liberal mindset that always finds someone else to blame for your own decisions and actions or lack of. How did the Republicans have anything to do with Obama handling this poorly?
I LOVE comments like these with their misplaced ASSumptions.
First, I'm a conservative, so I don't "understand" a lot of the liberal mindset either.
Second, I didn't vote for Prez Obama, but I don't need my progressive lenses to see that he is the most ill treated president in history and that many white folks on BOTH sides of the isle have painted him into a "damn if you do, damn if you don't" corner.
Personally, I'll be glad when his term is over so racism can return back to "normal" in this country!
10:26 AM
Very nice attempt at deflecting and not answering your original statement. If my assumptions are misplaced then why did you not simply answer the question of WHY and what you feel the conservatives did to "bait" obama into incompetence as you specifically stated, you stated this not me. If that doesnt lead you to think you are a loony liberal then your writing needs work to express what you are really thinking. I will post the other part of the post that you clipped off for ease of reference so you can answer how specifically you feel Obamas actions are someoene else's fault.
Gibson said...
Psi-N-Tst said...
Prez Obama let the Repubs bait him into getting involved militarily with Libya, now he's SOL with the BOTH parties.
Damn shame!
PSI seriously help me understand this liberal mindset that always finds someone else to blame for your own decisions and actions or lack of. How did the Republicans have anything to do with Obama handling this poorly?
Did they whisper in Kaddafi's ear?
Did they tell Obama not to talk to congress as required by our constitution and just hand over power to the UN?
Did they tell him to go back and forth and do nothing for a month while the rebels were killed?
Did they tell Obama that the rebels he is backing by killing Libyan police and soldiers are from Al Queda?
So what exactly did they do that made Obama the victim of not his own incompetence but they tricked him?
Cause from what i heard a lot of people on both sides of the Aisle were giving him good advice he ignored it.
like hobama
u lie!!!
no prez has been beloved excused and coddled and adored like hobama...even by all msm
if hobama had sought congressional approval and amorally received it like his cuz king shrub did...
hobama would be a macho hero to most sheeple in amerikkka now
ONLY hobama nazis are pretending otherwise
amerikkka loves war and that has been proven by the fact that gwb is not an inmate now
when was the last time any msm reported:
"hobama's swindleus/bailouts/hamp...HAVE ALL FAILED MISERABLY!!!!!!"
moldy said...
Where is the hate for Welfare BabyMommy Bristol? Two kids and they taxpayers are handing over 'their money'...yet somehow she is Immaculate?
She had one baby you retard, and she is not on welfare.
"relentless in his quest to diminish America in all ways."
Really Rev. Right? You seem to be getting lazy lately in your analysis these last few days. I don't think the prez is intentionally attempting to harm the country. You really believe that? For what end? Is he a secret Kenyan mole or something. Also, about your comment about Van Jones being a Marxist. Many in the Black community have a not so negative view of communism and Marxism for various reasons. One of the biggest reasons is because in the 20's-70's the Communist party actually stood for equality at a time when we were not viewed as equals. If you were a Black man in America in the 50's and the country as a while rejected you as an equal but there was one group that not only looked at you as equal but strove to make that a reality how would you view that group? It was easier for whites to have a negative view of communists because to them this was already an ideal country but we didn't have that luxury of looking for foreign enimies and people to hate. Remember Muhammad Ali's famous statement about the Viet Kong, that's how many of us felt about our "enemies".
mareally an amnesiac:
if hobama was white
he would be treated like his kinder dumber gentler less racist/elitist clone gwb
and he would have been checked/called out/impeached long ago!!!!
Amazing how everyone only hears what they are preconditioned to accept as truth.
I agree Karen. Funny how that works.
mareally to blame:
it was adoring rainbow morons like YOU who geeked hobama so that he PRESUMED he could one up his cuz king shrub and SKIP over congress as he bombed libya to steal oil and gold to fill the GAPING FISCAL holes he left in the world when he and his banksters stole 23 trillion!!!!!
even his own nazis cannot save hobama...
karma and ego are real
"I realize you hate America, the idea of freedom, liberty and personal responsibility - just like your beloved One, but most Americans feel otherwise."
How exactly does maria hate freedom? And what Americans are you referring to? She loves imprisonment?
Also, many in the civil rights movement had ties to the Communist party. One, actually more than one, of Dr. King's close associates were Communists or former. The Black Panthers had an affinity for Marxist philosophy and we all know many of us have a positive view of the Panthers soooooo.....
Things aren't so black and white sometimes.
The incompetence/lack of leadership Prez Obama has shown in dealing with Libya is the precise reason I didn't vote for him: He was a newbie to the national scene of politics and quite frankly wasn't "ready" to be President and no matter WHAT people say, there are many politically astute white folks, Dems included, that would NEVER in a million years play "politics" with him because he is Black.
Personally, I think EVERY Black American that voted for him believing otherwise was/is incredibly naive. I saw this day coming a mile away!
thank you, pilotx! oh, and don't you love how i am against personal responsibility also? how does that work, i wonder?
i have a job. i pay taxes. i have no govt. support. i am raising my children to be decent, compassionate people. i work for social justice. i am a community activist involved in school issues and local & state politics. i vote. i work on campaigns. i testify before elected bodies...hmm. yeah, that's me. relying the govt. in all aspects of my life!
it should be obvious that i am accused of many things that have no relationship to reality.
@Field, I though Guion Bluford was the first Black American in space.
@Psi, other than Obama what real alternative was there? McCain is not ready for leadership as he chose bimbo as his #2. Lesser of two evils for real.
You know AB, cutting and pasting the same lame a$$ comments is probably the smartest thing MR does in a day next to wiping noses and asses, LOL!!!
As for Snooky AKA the resident Italian, well she is a "writer" right, LOL????
PilotX said...
@Field, I though Guion Bluford was the first Black American in space.
@Psi, other than Obama what real alternative was there? McCain is not ready for leadership as he chose bimbo as his #2. Lesser of two evils for real.
McCain WAS/IS more qualified than Prez Obama, and it was a true mistake on his part to choose Palin. In other words, how many people vote for Prez based on the vice presidential candidate? I certainly didn't and don't think many other people do either.
But since McCain is still alive today, electing HIM would have been a smarter decision, IMHO.
looks like a war between a stupid idiotic filth pile and a normal person maria dont let that shyt stain get to u and degrade ur words that is why this nasty foul troll is here it only shows up when ab has been bested and wants some breathing room but rest assured they are the same person or are funded from the same sourceanon wit sense
and this is real talk since the ONLY purpose that filth pile has is to denigrate wite womens and to talk shyt about the president same as ab just more vulgar mouth and arrogant thinkin she knows something but dont know shyt! same thing different day duh!
Sh*tzzzzzzzzzzzz fields, dis sum chit dat jus chap my black as*.
I wish fo one O man would channel is inner Farrakhan and tell d's white mofos to have a coke and a smile and shut the f*ck up.Dis is a black mans world now.
Black man done takin' yo jobs, yo money, yo wives and daughters.
Learn to love it.U's ain't gots no choice.
O- man by brutha, you gots to keep dat pimp hand strong!!!!!!!!!!!
Have to disagree Psi. McCain has made assertions that he would go to war with Iran which would be a disaster and has shown himself to pander to the extreme right wing of his party. He isn't a strong leader in any way. His choice of VP is an indication he A. cowtowed to the religious nuts or B. isn't a good judge of character. Not good characteristics of a president no?
"Most on the conservative side of the aisle want to know why he sat on his hands and completely mute while a genuine grassroots movement for freedom and liberty-- the student led green movement in Iran "
So what exactly should the US have done in Iran Karen?
PilotX said...
Have to disagree Psi. McCain has made assertions that he would go to war with Iran which would be a disaster and has shown himself to pander to the extreme right wing of his party. He isn't a strong leader in any way. His choice of VP is an indication he A. cowtowed to the religious nuts or B. isn't a good judge of character. Not good characteristics of a president no?
Yeah but McCain wouldn't cowtow with the Dems the way Prez Obama has with the Nutbaggers.
Not only that, what do you think the Wallstreet bailout was about? Prez Obama didn't just cowtow to them, he "took it" where the sun don't shine, as far as I'm concerned, LOL!!!
The GOP has handed bankers the country lock stock and barrel so to think McCain would have done differently is absurd. The sacry part about McCain/Palin is the scary religious ideology she holds and her belief that a war in western Asia will bring about the return of Jeezus. Common belief among Republicans. Anyone that nutty should be no where near 1600 Pennsylvania. Dems may be sell outs but at least they're not insane religious nuts too. Gotta chose your battles.
PilotX said...
The GOP has handed bankers the country lock stock and barrel so to think McCain would have done differently is absurd.
This is precisely my point!
I'd rather have a Repub in the white acting like a Repub, than have a Dem in the white house acting like a Repub! So not only must one "choose their battles", once must also decide which side of the isle one wants to be on!
Political hypocrisy and inconsistency just doesn't do it for me!
PilotX said...
His choice of VP is an indication he A. cowtowed to the religious nuts or B. isn't a good judge of character. Not good characteristics of a president no?
Has compared to Obama's choice, a known racist and plagerist?
" Psi-N-Tst said...
Anonymous said...
Obama is the most polarizing president in the history of America,{gallup}thats on him.
And it's Obama's half-blackness that makes him so "polarizing" to many Americans, pun intended!!!
12:59 PM:
Whew! I thought someone might bring up his vacillation, idiocy, and being in quicksand, without a dick to pull him out!
dr pnt:
u r my shero!
i voted for hobama only after hillary was sabotaged and slained
and i am ashamed of that!!!
more ashamed each day!!!
and will NEVER vote again
no prez has EVER been more repub than hobama!
and hobama's ruthless real repub mojo has only just begun!
ask any libyan
" alicia banks said...
dr pnt:
u r my shero!
i voted for hobama only after hillary was sabotaged and slained
and i am ashamed of that!!!
more ashamed each day!!!
and will NEVER vote again
4:17 PM
You lying piece of crap. We all KNOW you said you didn't vote for Obama, once that lying, haggard piece of crap dyke Hillay Rodhome Clinton was eliminated."
all liars and fools:
check the archives
i proudly voted for hillary!!!
hobama was my second choice 4 prez and i am MORE ashamed that i voted for hobama each day as mccain could have been NO worse!!!!
and it is much SMARTER than bleaching like mjj
sure that palefaced stalker msr/vdlr does more than a tad bit of that each day too
shame how these bitches LIE even about things that can be proven in THESE arvchives in mere seconds!!!!
colorist chrome domed clown vdlr/msr:
hobama is NOT black!!!
ask his white mom/kin
funny how debra dickerson with her white husband and bi-racial children
can be more sane and honest than a pure bred nig pookie like u
Bristol has two Babees...do a timeline and see whether it is the fakestory of Sarey being a Mommy at her advanced MILFness...or Bristol was getting herself pregnant. How does a single BabyMommy support herself and two children without a job? Watch the original clips of DownsBaby with the two women. Remember, Sarey is incapable of admitting error...or lying. Besides...it is a way to get you-all to read the Alaskan blogs and see Queen Sarey as described by those who dealt with her.
McCain could have chosen Tom Ridge. Vet, rational conservative, pragmatic, proven Executive expertise. Ridge was well-respected among the East Coast and had been considered Presidential material. Until working for bush ended all hope of that. Maybe it was by design. Remove those who weren't Goobers (like Ridge and Powell) by having them associated with the dumbest Legacy wanker this side of Animal House.
Obama was an unknown quantity...but he had survived the rough-and-tumble of Chicago politics. Where Sarey was a -cough- vote fraud installed -cough- mayor of a small, Federally subsidized town and was part of Alaskan Machine politics. She saw a chance to fib and took it. Her utter lack of qualifications beyond performance ease in front of the camera is worrying. She was stomped, stomped by Kate Gosselin in the 'battle of the Reality Moms' (NYT) and pretends to be all outdoorsy for the MILF fanboys. Umm...many of my kin are Second Amendment hardliners and most own at least ten firearms. Watching her st reagan/bush scam the Goobers is funny. She thinks so little of their low, low intelligence that she knows she is lying...and knows the Gomers will buy it. Heeyucks will forgive her even for fibbing about gun-handling.
Psi, Obama received lots of 'campaign contributions' from the banksters. It was what allowed him to be a candidate and to defeat the Hillary Campaign. They also are a significant source of money for the DCCC and Blue Dogs. Bailing them out is a way of thanking them and to make sure the spigot of funding is still open. Besides, he truly beleeves that these gentlescammers are absolutely necessary...as are all the businessclones. Workers are expendable, but certain people are born to be worthy.
If the Rs had a decent candidate slate, Obama would be done. But with christians, ORAL Bachmann, and the need to placate the howling irrational base...Obama wins.
Anonymous said...
Psi, Obama received lots of 'campaign contributions' from the banksters. It was what allowed him to be a candidate and to defeat the Hillary Campaign. They also are a significant source of money for the DCCC and Blue Dogs. Bailing them out is a way of thanking them and to make sure the spigot of funding is still open.
Duh!! Actually, double duh!!
Of course Prez Obama had to bail out those who financed his election (including his Harvard Alums), the irony in all this is that so many Black folks expected Prez Obama to be vastly different from any other presidential candidate! I knew better!
Of course the problem with so many Black politicians is that they think because they play these games with and like 'da man, that it's all peaches and cream, forgetting what Malcolm X said many years ago and I paraphrase, no matter what you achieve as a Black person in America to many, you'll always be just a n*gga!
moldy: "Bristol has two Babees..."
You ARE insane. Anyone who believes the fever swamp internet rumor that somehow Sarah Palin's Downs syndrome child was actually birthed by her daughter is themselves a retard.
A vile, amoral retard at that.
Time to flush yourself mold.
Liberalism is a disease that attacks the moral backbone of a civilization, rotting it into a putrescent jelly that cannot hold society erect. At that point it collapses. This is happening now in Britain, which was one of the greatest nations in history within the memory of many still living today.
"Anarchists today broke away from one of the largest protests Britain has ever seen to bring chaos to the streets of London.
The Ritz hotel and Fortnum & Mason were among the buildings targeted in the capital after groups of rampaging youths intent on spreading havoc left the mass anti-cuts demonstration.
Around 500,000 activists and campaigners descended on London this morning to protest at the Government's drastic cuts programme."
The cuts were as inevitable as the riots. As the last great British leader Margaret Thatcher observed, "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."
This is result of generations that were never expected to take any responsibility for their own parasitical existences. They are Britain's post-civilization future, bred by the Dole.
Next comes authoritarian collectivism, a totalitarian form of serfdom.
If this could happen to Britain, it could happen to America — and it will, if the disease is not cured quickly.
Nope Field, I am not a Republican. =)
And we will just agree to disagree on this. There's nothing wrong with a strong executive but he has to act within the bounds of the Constitution, which in this instance the POTUS is not doing IMO. I would feel the same about other Presidents who took such action.
It's Congress which gets to decide if we go to war or not, not the President, with the exceptions I've already listed.
When we are bombing Libya, shooting down their aircraft, setting up blockades and trying to support one side in a conflict, that's war under any definition, I think.
And speaking of the sides in conflict, people should be aware that the rebels may not be the freedom loving seekers of democracy we've been led to believe they are. They don't appear to be overly fond of Black people, for one thing...
Pls read:
"I'd rather have a Repub in the white acting like a Repub, than have a Dem in the white house acting like a Repub! So not only must one "choose their battles", once must also decide which side of the isle one wants to be on!"
Ah, and that's where the difference lies. Obama is acting like an old school moderate Republican while the real strain of GOPers we have today are either religious nutcases or criminally insane. I'm from Illinois where we had normal Republicans, former Gov. Ryan (R) stopped executions because so many innocent men were freed from death row. If the majority of GOPers were of the Illinois type I could be ok but this new breed is downright scary.
no repub prez has CENSORED more media/rebels than hobama
ALL his prez peers wanted to fire helen thomas
yet only hobama did it!!!
and he has just begun to censor the net etc
WOMEN'S RIGHTS activist and former member of Afghanistan's parliament Malalai Joya is fearless. She has stopped at nothing to raise her voice against the dual enemies of freedom and women's equality in her country: the misogyny of Afghan warlords and the brutal U.S./NATO occupation.
She has been suspended from the Afghan parliament after using her position there to campaign for women's rights. Joya's life is threatened because of her work, and she has survived five assassination attempts.
But now that Joya is scheduled to speak about the state of Afghanistan and call for the withdrawal of U.S. and NATO forces from her country in a speaking tour across the U.S., there is only one thing stopping her. It's not Afghan warlords, the Taliban or Hamid Karzai's government--it's the Obama administration.
Joya's visa for entry to the U.S. was denied on March 15, a week befor
hobama is a MORE ruthless repub clone of gwb...
from banksters to wars to mongrels...
THE CRUISE missile liberals are back. The same people who criticized George W. Bush for unleashing the U.S. war machine on Iraq are now cheering Barack Obama's order to pound Libya with missiles and bombs.
How do they explain the difference? The Republican Bush's venture was aimed at furthering the interest of U.S. imperial power, we're told, while the Democrat Obama's firepower will save civilian lives and promote democracy. "Assuming that a no-flight zone can be imposed by an international coalition that includes Arab states, we have an opportunity to establish a new narrative of Western support for Arab democrats," wrote Anne-Marie Slaughter, a Princeton professor and a former official in the Obama State Department.
lupe fiasco is a man i love!!!
he hates u hobama nazis just as i do!
THOSE EXPRESSING shock at a rapper dissing Obama clearly haven't been paying attention outside the realms of radio and MTV in recent months.
Suits and scribes alike are completely baffled by the very existence of an artist like Lupe Fiasco--an observant Muslim, teetotaler and son of a former Black Panther. But ever since his skateboarding sleeper hit "Kick, Push" five years ago, the same establishment has been trying to cash in on him.
Shady_Grady said...
And speaking of the sides in conflict, people should be aware that the rebels may not be the freedom loving seekers of democracy we've been led to believe they are. They don't appear to be overly fond of Black people, for one thing..
Historically speaking, the US is ALWAYS arming the "wrong side" ie Iraq in the Iran/Iraq war.
And who is "fond" of Black people, not many world citizens from what I can see.
"Liberalism is a disease that attacks the moral backbone of a civilization, rotting it into a putrescent jelly that cannot hold society erect. At that point it collapses."
Hyperbole much? The opposite can also be said of the modern conservative. With all the hypocrisy from conservatives nowadays it's hard to imagine taking up their side of arguments. I keep hearing how liberals hate freedom but from what I see my version of freedom differs from most conservatives. For example, I believe everyone is responsible for their own religious beliefs but many conservatives don't have a problem imposing their religious beliefs on others. How is that freedom? I don't care what you believe but don't attempt to push yours on me or my kids. Prayer in school? Sure, it's legal and there are ways to do it but many conservatives version of school prayer is Christian only prayer that is manditory instead of each person praying for themselves and not interfering with others' right to be free from religion.
I'm sure there are other opinions but we are so polarized today that since I have certain beliefs I'm accused of hating America or trying to take freedom away from others. I want everyone to be as free as they can be and that includes the right of a woman to choose what medical procedure she has done (tricky ain't this).
"I just returned from an extended overseas stay.
The Love Is Gone."
Really Karen? Where did you go? Did you go to South Africa where students love him and talk of wanting to get an education so oneday they too can be President of the US. Ironic that the birthers have actually done some good by motivating students from the prez's ancestral homeland. I thought that was cute. But yeah, much love for the O man on the home continent, shocking huh?
like his racist foolish nazis,
hobama lies!!!!
WORLD LEADERS and their defenders in the mainstream press are praising the West's "decisive" military action against Libya's Muammar el-Qaddafi, but as the long record of "humanitarian" intervention demonstrates, the governments with the ability to use force in Libya have aims and strategies that will not serve the Libyans they are supposedly there to help.
The supposed aim of the Western assault in Libya is to defend the rebellion against Qaddafi's regime, which began in the northeastern region of the country and seemed in mid-February to be on the verge of toppling the dictator. But the regime used its overwhelming military force to counter-attack--currently, forces loyal to Qaddafi are already inside the city of Benghazi, a stronghold of the rebels, and more are positioned on the its outskirts.
that homeland love will soon be gone
libya is the first of many acts of african betrayal slated by hobama
more on africom via hobama
africa is awakening while hobama nazis still snore like maria in the usa...shame!!!!
My great friend Credo Mutwa, the famed Zulu shaman in South Africa, tells me that he is receiving threats to his life from around the world over the poem posted on this Website, which he wrote ‘from spirit’ after seeing Barack Obama speaking on television.
It is one thing to be totally scammed by the ludicrous Obama hype, but quite another to make threats to people for the crime of having an opinion that is different from yours. But, then, I guess, naivety and idiocy do often go together.
For those who haven’t seen the poem, here it is. Please circulate far and wide:
An actor walks upon the floodlit stage of life
wearing a mask of an angel beneath a demon's gown.
Pretence smiles upon the crowded hall of life
holding out hope as bright as it is false.
Son of a woman in whose veins flows the blood
of ancient Ireland and dark Africa’s plains.
You are Obama, nick-named the standing king
You are Barack, oh, son born to deceive
The suffering hoards of Africa look up to you,
See a black saviour where nought but a Judas strides.
An entrapper of nations, bringer of dismal war
Behind the robes and the nylon wings of hope
Oh, may those who look upon you, see you as you are.
May those who hope in you behold you as you be
A prince deceitful to bring down Africa’s shrines
A siren who leads Africa’s ships onto rocks of obliteration.
Your rule my lord will not be one of peace
Your reign my king will not be one of smiles
Even as we speak in caves both dark and dank
Enraged fanatics plot your dark demise
They will put around your head a bloodwet martyr’s crown.
Oh black Kennedy following the one before
May God forgive thee and thy fiery spouse
As you walk in silence from the stage of life
Barack Obama, blessed son, Oh standing king.
PilotX: "I'm from Illinois where we had normal Republicans,"
So, "normal Republicans" are those who have to compromise their principles to get along in a one party state? The corruption that characterizes Chicago's all-Democrat politics is only one of many problems moonbattery has created, as former Illinois State Senator Roger Keats observes:
"Illinois just sold still more bonds and our credit rating is so bad we pay higher interest rates than junk bonds! Junk Bonds! …
"Illinois is ranked 50th for fiscal policy; 47th in job creation; first in unfunded pension liabilities; second largest budget deficit; first in failing schools; first in bonded indebtedness; highest sales tax in the nation; most judges indicted; and five of our last nine elected governors have been indicted. That is more than the other 49 states added together!"
This is the swamp from which the liberal media recruited Barack Hussein Obama to run our country.
hobama and his banksters will engage ENDLESS wars for oil/gold/opium
may god bless africa and us all!!!
hey uneducated racist kosher kkk needs slaps:
a must read for all jews
it documents slavery in nyc etc
and how nyc jews were once more dogged and hated than black slaves!
jews even had less legal rights than blacks in nyc once!!!
amazing what one can learn when one is educated...no???
PilotX said...
I want everyone to be as free as they can be and that includes the right of a woman to choose what medical procedure she has done (tricky ain't this).
Does it include the rights parents have to determine if their male babies get circumcision?
Liberal civil rights leaders want their hands all over my penis but hands off a womens body?
It is tempting and certainly very easy to point out that Obama's war is at odds with everything candidate Obama said about U.S. military action before his election. And certainly every attempt the president makes to explain his Libyan adventure is either cringe-makingly stupid ("I'm accustomed to this contradiction of being both a commander-in-chief but also somebody who aspires to peace") or alarmingly revealing of a very peculiar worldview:
"That's why building this international coalition has been so important," he said the other day. "It is our military that is being volunteered by others to carry out missions that are important not only to us, but are important internationally."
That's great news. Who doesn't enjoy volunteering other people? The Arab League, for reasons best known to itself, decided that Col. Gadhafi had outlived his sell-by date and decided to volunteer the U.S. military to get rid of him.
In a nonpartisan spirit, let us consider why it is that the United States no longer wins wars. OK, it doesn't exactly lose (most of) them, but nor does it have much to show for a now-60-year old pattern of inconclusive outcomes. American forces have been fighting and dying in Afghanistan for a decade: Doesn't that seem like a long time for a noncolonial power to be spending hacking its way through the worthless terrain of a Third World dump? If the object is to kill terrorists, might there not be some slicker way of doing it? And, if the object is something else entirely, mightn't it be nice to know what it is?
Libya, in that sense, is a classic post-nationalist, post-modern military intervention: As in Kosovo, we're do-gooders in a land with no good guys. But, unlike Kosovo, not only is there no strategic national interest in what we're doing, the intended result is likely to be explicitly at odds with U.S. interests. A while back, Gadhafi was blowing American airliners out of the sky and murdering British policewomen: That was the time to drop a bomb on him. But we didn't. Everyone from Scotland (releasing the "terminally ill" Lockerbie bomber) to Mariah Carey and Beyonce did deals with the Colonel.
Now suddenly he's got to go – in favor of "freedom-loving" "democrats" from Benghazi. That would be in eastern Libya – which, according to West Point's Counter Terrorism Center, has sent per capita the highest number of foreign jihadists to Iraq. If we lack, as we do in Afghanistan, the cultural confidence to wean those we liberate from their less-attractive pathologies, we might at least think twice before actively facilitating them.
Suppose Gadhafi survives. If you were in his shoes, mightn't you be a little peeved? Enough to pull off a new Lockerbie? A more successful assassination attempt on the Saudi king? A little bit of Euro-bombing?
Alternatively, suppose Gadhafi winds up hanging from a lamppost in his favorite party dress. If you're a Third World dictator, what lessons would you draw? Gadhafi was the thug who came in from the cold, the one who (in the wake of Saddam's fall) renounced his nuclear program and was supposedly rehabilitated in the chancelleries of the West. He was "a strong partner in the war on terrorism," according to U.S. diplomats. And what did Washington do? They overthrew him anyway.
The blood-soaked butcher next door in Sudan is the first head of state to be charged by the International Criminal Court with genocide, but nobody's planning on toppling him. Iran's going nuclear with impunity, but Obama sends fraternal greetings to the "Supreme Leader" of the "Islamic Republic." North Korea is more or less openly trading as the one-stop bargain-basement for all your nuke needs, and we're standing idly by. But the one cooperative dictator's getting million-dollar-a-pop cruise missiles lobbed in his tent all night long. If you were the average Third World loon, which role model makes most sense?
PilotX said.."Did you go to South Africa where students love him and talk of wanting to get an education so oneday they too can be President of the US. Ironic that the birthers have actually done some good by motivating students from the prez's ancestral homeland."
Yessir, anyone on earth can be President of the United States. No birth certificate, no problem. What a country!!!
"Cause from what i heard a lot of people on both sides of the Aisle were giving him good advice he ignored it."
Who did you hear that from?
"Yessir, anyone on earth can be President of the United States. No birth certificate, no problem. What a country!!!"
Great! Another birther. :)
Sorry Pilot X, I should clarify that. The good Doctor was actually the first Af. American to WALK in space.
Thanks for checking me. I think Bluford was the first to go to space.
News One has it wrong and you have it right. I should have known better than to try and give misinformation on a topic like this with a pilot in the house. :)
Does it include the rights parents have to determine if their male babies get circumcision?
Liberal civil rights leaders want their hands all over my penis but hands off a womens body?
circumcision isn't required by law! you are a lunatic!
no one wants their hands on YOUR body, believe me!
SPC wants your hands on his tiny penis...remember this.
Bristol has two babees. I can tell that you declined to do the timeline. Bristol was out with an 'STD'. Bristol is far more maternal to DownsBaby. Bristol was pudgy during the alleged DownsBaby pregnancy...while Sarey was oddly thin for a woman allegedly that far along. Sarey also had other children..and was quite visibly pregnant for all the real ones.
Following wingnut principles will downgrade your ratings...whether it is education, bonds, banking, freedom, judicial honesty, M & M, longevity...pretty much everything that makes a place pleasant.
Compromise is what adults do with other adults. Pouting loserdom (Walker, Scott, Snyder, Kasich, LePage, etc) is the domain of bratty two year olds.
Why is not being the Pwincess so difficult for wingnuts? We got rid of incest-created absolute rulers because they were such wastes. Why does the wingnut Fifth Column want a return to such idiocy?
we rebels in chi have called hobama a hoax since 2004
each day hobomba proves that we were far too reticent and kind!!!
the brave rev manning is crazy like a fox:
Ohnoes! Goober non-culture might end! Males might not undergo a procedure given to us by sheepherders. And, if you were Jewish, you'd know that more than a few Orthos need help as the hand was less than steady. Or some 'women' in certain areas are genetically male.
Well, if Obama was a citizen..it would mean that the US preferred him to a cranky old white guy and a MILFy religio-crazee. Far easier on the tiny appendaged wingnut ego to beleeverate he is part of a vast conspiracy to deprive ill-educated and work-averse Goobers of their rightful place as unheralded heirs to various Thrones. The Queen of the Heeyucks should have been appointed, like bush...and the world would no longer scare them.
Moldy: "Bristol has two babees."
"idiocy" thy name is mold!
Heeyuck, Heeyuck, Heeyuck!
Whether black, white, brown, red, pink, orange, green, or purple, leftists come in all colors… depending on their issue de jour. Watching the turmoil in Wisconsin in recent weeks, and seeing Democrats on the floor of the General Assembly… all decked out in their stylish orange t-shirts… shouting childish epithets at their Republican colleagues, one is reminded of how easily and how quickly liberals, Democrats, socialists, fascists and communists adopt self-identifying uniforms.
What comes to mind are leftist movements of the past two centuries: Mussolini’s Blackshirts; Hitler’s Brownshirts; the white-hooded Knights of the Ku Klux Klan; the black-suited New Black Panthers; the pink-shirted dilettantes of Code Pink; the red-shirted thugs of Obama’s ACORN; the green-shirted radicals of the Association of Federal, State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME); and the purple-shirted goons of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Of these, only Hitler’s Brownshirts and Mussolini’s Blackshirts are not known to have been closely associated with the Democratic Party.
Unlike Tea Party activists, who are capable of dressing themselves and thinking for themselves, union members and other self-identified leftists, socialists and fascists are, by their very nature, like children who must have others dress them and do their thinking for them.
OMG! Musicians play for folks who pay. Why can't they be Troo Beleevers like christian music-ans who only play for the saintly and non-fornicators like Bristol.
Umm...where was the fauxtrage when other acts played for banskters and the S&L scam artists? It's nice to fake that all can refuse work...but not all of us have non-rational contracts with wingnut welfare lie tanks.
Ginina Thomas does 'something' for all that cash. What is it? Vitteration? Foleynomics? st reagan naming of anything not moving....and some that does? bush history rewriterating? Calling a woman decades after testifying under oath...to whine that Clarence was caught lying?
Heroic Fighting Keyboarders may miss this...but those pesky Fact-based Liberals didn't...the US has gone after those folks who don't have nukes. Iran would have been invaded to salve the neo-con endless small penis rage...except Iran has at least a couple of things that could be shipped to Wall Street in retribution. North Korea is a hole...but they can make the US hurt. Russia learned that US businessclones are deceitful(after the Revolution..lots of US firms wanted a fire sale) and the US government has some real wingnuts (Indians, late to WWI and WWII, Phillipines, Cuba...)
China remembers the child-molesting missionaries/spies and has their own plans.
But..I do suppose sounding smart is the SAME as being...if one is a Left Behind.
anonomold said....Or some 'women' in certain areas are genetically male.
Zat what happened to you mold?
Too late. Bristol has two Babees. Show me where there is evidence to the contrary. And no..Momma Sarey lying to cover up Bristol fornicating is really not proof.
Must be horrible to realize the scam is ending...the US public is aware of the astroturf nature of the TeaBaggers. And that the TeaBaggers are not 'new'...but are racist Goobers with better teeth than their cousin/sibling parents.
Though..it must be entirely gratifying for a Left Behind to finally 'get un' on the teachers. It was all the fault of the instructors. Because Left Behinds never, ever do anything wrong or admit to error or own up to their failings.
The last wage crash attempt by your Masters gave us the Great Depression. I wonder if they will survive their handiwork this time?
Psi-N-Tst is obviously another paid to post username.
It wrote, "I'd rather have a Repub in the white acting like a Repub, than have a Dem in the white house acting like a Repub! So not only must one "choose their battles", once must also decide which side of the isle one wants to be on!"
Earlier it had written that it's a conservative. One sees the Alicia Banks actor praising Palin, Alex Jones, and other conservatives. Field Negro is being played by astroturfers.
mold said..."Though..it must be entirely gratifying for a Left Behind to finally 'get un' on the teachers."
Mussolini’s Blackshirts, the Fasci di Combattimenti, were established as a Fascist paramilitary force in 1919. Far from being as brutal as Hitler’s Brownshirts, Mussolini’s Blackshirts favored tactics such as tying an opposition “non-conformist” to a tree, forcing a pint or two of castor oil down his throat, and forcing him to swallow a live toad or frog. While not life-threatening, such punishments were enough to cause most Italians to give the Blackshirts a bit of latitude.
And while submissive adults were important to the Mussolini regime, it was the children, the fascists of the future, who were of greatest interest to Il Duce. Like Democrats of today and like Nazis of yesteryear, a top priority of Italian fascists was control of the state’s public education system… not because of the quality of the education children might receive, but because of the opportunities it provided for filling impressionable young minds with leftist ideology.
While Italian children were taught to sing hymns of praise to Il Duce, American children are taught by unionized teachers to chant, “He said red, yellow, black, or white, all are equal in his sight. Mmm, mmm, mmm! Barack Hussein Obama! Barack Hussein Obama!”
Adolph Hitler’s Brownshirts, the Sturmabteilung (SA), served as the paramilitary arm of the National Socialist German Workers’ (Nazi) Party. It played a major role in Hitler’s rise to power during the 1920s and ’30s until being violently displaced by the Schutzstaffel (SS) in 1934.
The Hitler Youth, who wore the same brown shirts as their elders, were important to the future of the Third Reich because it was their job, not only to inform on their parents, grandparents, friends and neighbors, but to train and recruit future SA members. And just as the Hitler Youth were taught Nazi slogans and Nazi doctrine by adult leaders, Youth for Obama children are taught to sing propaganda themes such as, “We’re gonna’ spread happiness. We’re gonna’ spread freedom. Obama’s gonna’ change it, Obama’s gonna’ lead ‘em, Obama’s gonna’ change it… and rearrange it. We’re gonna’ change the world.”
maria said...
circumcision isn't required by law! you are a lunatic!
no one wants their hands on YOUR body, believe me!
maria, please.......Liberal civil rights leaders want it banned in California.Learn to read.
Anonymous said...
Bristol has two babees. I can tell that you declined to do the timeline. Bristol was out with an 'STD'.
Please give us factural proof that Bristol had/has a std.
Bristol is far more maternal to DownsBaby. Bristol was pudgy during the alleged DownsBaby pregnancy...while Sarey was oddly thin for a woman allegedly that far along. Sarey also had other children..and was quite visibly pregnant for all the real ones.
This is what happens when you do nothing but read leftwing kook sites.
You become a birther,9/11 truther, and over all nut job.You don't take showers,have maggots in your hair,open sores, and you believe you have the facts and you think your smart.
Liberalisn is a mental disorder.....
SPC, i'll bet you drive a hummer.
The Ku Klux Klan, identifiable by their white robes and white conical hats and facemasks, was formed in 1865 as the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party. The primary role of the Klan was to intimidate the freed slaves, controlling every facet of their daily lives as if they had not been freed from the bonds of slavery. Sworn testimony contained in the Congressional Record tells us that, after Republicans wrote and ratified the 15th Amendment, giving blacks the right to vote, Democrats often stood in the doorways of the polling places handing out Democratic ballots and reminding blacks that, if they failed to vote the Democrat ticket, there was a coffin waiting for them.
With that level of intimidation most blacks voted the Democrat ticket… but some did not. Archives maintained by the Tuskegee Institute contain the names of some 4,730 men and women who refused to be intimidated. Between 1882 and 1951, the white-clad night riders of the Klan lynched some 3,437 blacks and 1,293 whites, essentially all Republicans. Now, in what can only be described as a mind-boggling reversal of roles, we find members of the New Black Panther Party, clad in black military style uniforms and brandishing police-style nightsticks, employing essentially the same tactics as the KKK… intimidating both black and white voters suspected of voting for Republican candidates.
On his HBO program Real Time, host Bill Maher compared Republican
governing to living with a meth addict. Maher said, “Governing this
country with Republicans is like rooming with a meth addict. You want to
address real life problems like when the rent is due, and they’re
saying how can you even think of that stuff when there’s police scanner
voices coming out of the air conditioning unit?”
Here is the Video:
Maher began his attack on the Republican politics of distraction by
saying, “When you go down the list of useless distractions that make up
the Republican Party agenda public unions, and sharia law, anchor
babies, and a mosque at Ground Zero, ACORN and National Public Radio,
the war on Christmas, the New Black Panthers, Planned Parenthood,
Michelle Obama’s war on dessert. Oh for Christ sakes, she’s just trying
to get you to eat a carrot, not stick it up your ass. You realize that
one of the reasons nothing gets done in America is that one of the
political parties puts so much more into fantasy problems than real
Maher then compared Republicans to meth addicts, “Governing this
country with Republicans is like rooming with a meth addict. You want to
address real life problems like when the rent is due, and they’re
saying how can you even think of that stuff when there’s police scanner
voices coming out of the air conditioning unit?”
He then went on to an example of the pressing Republican agenda, “Do
you know what Republicans in Congress were working on this week? Two gym
teachers named Sen. James Inhofe and Rep. Steve King introduced a bill
that would require that all government functions be conducted in
English, because you let someone down at the DMV say si instead of yes,
the next thing you know George Lopez is hosting The Tonight Show.”
After talking about Oklahoma passing a law against Sharia Law even
though the state has no Muslims, Bill Maher said, “How can you explain
the fixation with ACORN and voter fraud? Republicans are obsessed with
people cooking up wild non-existent schemes to vote. Ignoring one
important truth, this is America, no one wants to vote. What’s next jury
duty fraud, washing the dishes fraud?”
He then took a shot at Sarah Palin’s jihad against Planned
Parenthood, “Sarah Palin is one of those leading the charge to get rid
of Planned Parenthood, because if there’s two things Sarah Palin is not
interested in, it’s planning and parenthood.”
he's got you pegged, PSC. and karen, and AB. lunatics all
Here is the Video:
posted again for those whose mouth breathing distracts with their ability to read.
maria said..."When you go down the list of useless distractions that make up
the Republican Party agenda public unions, and sharia law, anchor
babies, and a mosque at Ground Zero, ACORN and National Public Radio,
the war on Christmas, the New Black Panthers, Planned Parenthood,
Michelle Obama’s war on dessert. Oh for Christ sakes, she’s just trying
to get you to eat a carrot, not stick it up your ass"
Nice try by you and Bill to dangle a carrot as a distraction. The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), whose members and staff are recognizable by their red t-shirts, was born out of the welfare rights movement of the 1950s and ’60s. According to ACORN propaganda, the group’s priorities have included better low-income housing, higher wages for the poor, more community development investment from banks and governments, better public schools, unionization of workers and other “social justice” issues. Putting a bit of “lipstick on a pig,” ACORN claims to have pursued these goals through public demonstrations, negotiations, lobbying and voter participation.
The truth is, in spite of the fact that hundreds of millions of dollars, much of it taxpayer funds, have flowed through the hands of 30 ACORN state chapters and hundreds of local chapters, ACORN activists have little to show for their efforts. Low-income housing has been a national disgrace; few minorities have gained middle-class status via ACORN’s efforts; pressure exerted on banks to make mortgage loans to applicants with little or no ability to repay them, has brought our nation to the brink of financial collapse; the number of high school dropouts, especially in the black community, has steadily increased while education spending has grown exponentially; more than two out of every three black babies are born to unwed mothers; and, with ACORN’s assistance, the number of black babies aborted now borders on genocide.
The only thing ACORN has done successfully is to provide the Democratic Party with many thousands of dead or fictitious voters. Numerous officials have been indicted on fraud charges and on March 22, 2010, ACORN announced it was closing all of its remaining state chapters and disbanding due to falling revenue. Although Democrats will be forced to find a new source of fraudulent voter registrations, they’re almost certain to experience a one-time windfall from the sale of thousands of red ACORN t-shirts.
Another paid astroturfer wrote, "What comes to mind are leftist movements of the past two centuries: Mussolini’s Blackshirts; Hitler’s Brownshirts; the white-hooded Knights of the Ku Klux Klan..."
Everybody wave to the losers from Right Woos Black Inc.!
Damn fields, you made a most excellent point and i almost missed it.
Obama is just like snooki.They both were created by the media.Snooki for ratings and money,obama for white guilt.
"What comes to mind are leftist movements of the past two centuries: Mussolini’s Blackshirts; Hitler’s Brownshirts; the white-hooded Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.."
The Klan were leftist? Damn it! And here I hated [right]wingnuts all these years because I thought that the Klan was made up of wingnuts. Are u sure that the folks in the Klan were leftist? They sure acted like[right]wingnuts: God, guns, and a "pure" A-merryca..
mareally a wigga hobama nazi:
wtfu u crazy blind bimbo!!!!
(Dedicated to those who dare to speak the truth about Barack Obama)
Speak the Truth to the People
By Mari Evans
Speak the truth to the people
Talk sense to the people
Free them with honesty
Free the people with Love and Courage for their Being
Spare them the fantasy
Fantasy enslaves
A slave is enslaved
Can be enslaved by unwisdom
Can be re-enslaved while in flight from the enemy
Can be enslaved by his brother whom he loves
His brother whom he trusts whom he loves
His brother whom he trusts
His brother with the loud voice
And the unwisdom
Speak the truth to the people
It is not necessary to green the heart
Only to identify the enemy
It is not necessary to blow the mind
Only to free the mind
To identify the enemy is to free the mind
A free mind has no need to scream
A free mind is ready for other things
To BUILD black schools
To BUILD black children
To BUILD black minds
To BUILD black love
To BUILD black impregnability
To BUILD a strong black nation
Speak the truth to the people
Spare them the opium of devil-hate
They need no trips on honky-chants.
Move them instead to a BLACK ONENESS.
A black strength which will defend its own
Needing no cacophony of screams for activation
A black strength which will attack the laws
exposes the lies, disassembles the structure
and ravages the very foundation of evil.
Speak the truth to the people
To identify the enemy is to free the mind
Free the mind of the people
Speak to the mind of the people
Speak Truth
"Damn fields, you made a most excellent point and i almost missed it.
Obama is just like snooki.They both were created by the media.Snooki for ratings and money,obama for white guilt."
Well yes, they both have something in common: Both Obama and Snooki can beat the next republiclown candidate for president.
The astroturf truthiness became clear. That was the cue for Alicia Banks to spam.
bold clueless kkklown wigga slob marley:
millions of real black revolutionaries who are real leftists despise hobama as i do
only eminem rastas like you believe that all who hate hobama are not irie
hobama is no messiah and no bro
and u r no black sage you arrogantly ignorant fake foolish socrackerish poser!!!
Internet fake AB wrote, "Hobama is no messiah and no bro...."
An artist thinks your picture was photoshopped. You say you have an iq of 250. But the highest one is of that lady from Parade Magazine which doesn't even hit 250.
But I understand your schtick. You're not meant to make sense. You're meant to raise the noise to signal ratio. Think of all the time and effort put into the Alicia Banks character and all you have left is insanity spam. You're not as clever as you think you are, Right Woos Black Inc..
Breaking News: Wingnut astroturfer Alicia Banks aaved by the comment moderation bell!
socrates said...
Earlier it had written that it's a conservative. One sees the Alicia Banks actor praising Palin, Alex Jones, and other conservatives. Field Negro is being played by astroturfers.
You know I heard somewhere that Socrates was a pedophile. So here you are, with the avatar of a man who smoked pot they way others breathe, with the username of a pedophile.
This is so damn easy, I think imma pass, LOL!!!
retarded wigga slob marley:
like hobama you lie!!!!!
got envy dummy???
IQ Range
The average IQ is considered 100. For children, IQ can range from 0 to 250. The majority of children tested have IQ ranges from 80 to 120. Each IQ range has a classification. According to iq-test.learninginfo.org, an IQ of 140 and greater is considered genius, 120-140 is thought of as very superior intelligence, 110-120 is considered superior intelligence, 90-110 is normal or average, 70-80 is a borderline deficiency, and below 70 is thought of as feeblemindedness.
Read more: Normal IQ Level for a Child | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5382612_normal-iq-level-child.html#ixzz1HlCBtoV9
Blogger socrates said...
Breaking News: Wingnut astroturfer Alicia Banks aaved by the comment moderation bell!
yes ure rite socrates that nasty filth pile messing up fields blog on a daily basis and eye told u this from the beginning now u see yet another identity that aint remotely close to being a scientist talk mess and harass and defame yet again...
shi**y socrackerish wigga slob marley:
only a truly ignorant shameless bitch would cheer a "war"
where their enemy was silenced while they shoot racist sexist clueless shi* freely....
u r a disgrace to all true rebel warriors like bob marley
photoshop your own fugly pale and baldhead face ASAP!!!...
and stop disgracing a black icon u wigga mf!!!!
Now that takes the cake, internet fake Psi-N-Tst accusing me of pedophilia. That says it all. You're scum.
internet ghost slob wigga markey:
what is fake are silly envious mfs like you
faceless haters with no internet research skills who dare to erase my superb blessed charmed life simply because they have none.
u r pathetic u life long loser
u want to be black and fab like me
we feel your wigga pain
I did used to like smoking weed. I've been off of it for a while. It should be legalised. In Massachusetts it's no longer criminal to carry less than an ounce. I think you get the equivalent of a parking ticket if pinched. Internet fakes get busted all the time and that's the kind of crap they usually respond with, implying I smoke a lot of weed and criminally mess with children. This is what your blog has turned into Mr. Field Negro.
lying slob wigga marley:
these are real revolutionry rebel BLACK liberal websites:
and MILLIONS of sites blast hobama that are NOT run by white neocons u blackfaced liar
your horridly inept "blog" is a perfect pathetic reflection of u...tragic.
do not assume that all who bravely openly hate hobama are fake just because lost loopy faceless cowardly wiggas like you are
field negro said...
"The Klan were leftist?"
Yes the Klan were leftists; democrats are leftists, right?
Until the shameless siege of the Wisconsin state capitol, the purple-shirted goons of the SEIU could be counted on to turn out in force… shouting, screaming, pushing, shoving and brutalizing the opposition. But now, the violence-prone goons of the AFL-CIO, AFSCME, the NEA and the AFT appear to have reclaimed their mantle as party “enforcers.” And while decent people may view with alarm the lawless nature of those who occupied the Wisconsin capitol, threatening and terrorizing Republican members of the House and Senate, it is easy to lose track of just who those people are.
They are not just a bunch of radical Democrats and unionized public employees in someone else’s state capital. No matter where we live, they are our family members, our neighbors; the teachers who teach our children; our fellow Wal-Mart shoppers; and, sadly, in far too many instances, they are the police officers and the firefighters in whose hands we place the safety of our families and our property. They are, like the Wisconsin classroom teachers and other public employees, those who contribute their hard earned dollars to elect Democratic puppets in our city halls, our county courthouses, our state legislatures, and the Congress.
They are the people who refuse to condemn the author of the death threat made to Wisconsin legislators, the cowardly threat that tells Republican legislators, “Please put your things in order because you will be killed and your families will also be killed… We have all planned to assault you by arriving at your house and putting a nice little bullet in your head…” They are the leftist hoodlums who have been taught by their union overlords to chant at Republicans, “You have killed democracy,” when few of them are sufficiently educated to write a single declaratory sentence describing the difference between a democracy and a republic.
They are not the people who have, through their industry, built a great nation; they are the people who would find comfort in the smothering embrace of a European-style socialist state. They are not builders of wealth, creators and leaders; they are the moochers, the parasites and the hangers-on of Ayn Rand’s epic work, “Atlas Shrugged.”
Now that conservatives and Republicans have been successful in attacking the power of public employee unions in Idaho, Ohio, New Jersey, Wisconsin, and elsewhere, the real battle begins. Between now and the 2012 general election, it is up to Republicans to remind voters of why collective bargaining reform is so essential. They must hang all of Wisconsin’s $100,000+ bus drivers, New York City’s 4,000 “rubber room” teachers and Harry Reid’s Northern Nevada Cowboy Poetry Festival tightly around the necks of Democrats. And now that the rainbow coalition of color-coded radicals, representing less than fifteen percent of the U.S. workforce, has been foolish enough to show us their true colors, it’s up to the rest of us to make sure the voters do not forget who they are when they go to the polls in 2012.
"Yes the Klan were leftists; democrats are leftists, right?"
But aren't the people who were democrats down South now republicans?
"But now, the violence-prone goons of the AFL-CIO, AFSCME, the NEA and the AFT appear to have reclaimed their mantle as party “enforcers.” And while decent people may view with alarm the lawless nature of those who occupied the Wisconsin capitol, threatening and terrorizing Republican members of the House and Senate, it is easy to lose track of just who those people are."
Yes, they are our neighbors. Would you prefer is we were all republicans?
"They are not the people who have, through their industry, built a great nation.."
And republicans were? I bet that just as many democrats died in battle defending this country as republians. And let's not even talk about labor. I know a particular group of people who did a lot of work for free.
"I bet that just as many democrats died in battle defending this country as republians"
They sure did, and they helped build this country too, but today's democrats are not your father's democrats.
"I know a particular group of people who did a lot of work for free."
They did that free work for democrats.
repubs = dems
mumia said it best
In 2007, on the subject of hurricane Katrina, Barack Obama stated that the rabidly racist and elitist administration of King Shrub/President-Select George W. Bush was “colorblind in its incompetence.”
I view that ludicrous statement as a blatant lie, typical of Obama’s vapid and routinely revisionist (though often simultaneously poetic) reflections. Color me AWAKE, unenthralled, and dejected! Hero, scholar, and sage Mumia Abu-Jamal said it best: “...a New Democrat is no different from an Old Republican." (June, 1993 - “Clinton Guillotines Guinier”- Live From Death Row)
The Klan were not leftists, and certainly Mussolini and Nazi Germany weren't either. To debate such things would be akin to arguing over whether the world is flat or not.
"The Klan were not leftists, and certainly Mussolini and Nazi Germany weren't either. To debate such things would be akin to arguing over whether the world is flat or not"
I would first want to know what that person considered "left" in respect to the Klan. Is that person a lazy thinker that says most Dems in the south in the 60's were Dems thus liberals? Are they equating the modern Dems to the southern Dems of the past? To debate we have to first agree on certain definitions and terms because if we don't agree on what is considered left we can't even start a conversation.
I think this is just more of an attempt to re-write history to make conservatives look good and liberals bad. Beck, Limbaugh and now Bachmann are masters at this. Most people with a good grasp of history laugh at their statements but if you don't know any better you might just use their arguments. As Rumsfeld said you don't know what you don't know. If you think Dr. King was a conservative Republican and therefore would have voted for McCain there isn't much room for debate in a mind that closed where everything is black and white and nuance doesn't exist.
"Illinois is ranked 50th for fiscal policy; 47th in job creation; first in unfunded pension liabilities; second largest budget deficit; first in failing schools; first in bonded indebtedness; highest sales tax in the nation; most judges indicted; and five of our last nine elected governors have been indicted. That is more than the other 49 states added together!"
Where did you get that info? I doubt most of those stats but anyway compared to Republicans in the south who want creationism taught in schools and the ten commandments in court routundas I'll take our Repubs everytime. I like sane, sorry.
"You become a birther,9/11 truther, and over all nut job.You don't take showers,have maggots in your hair,open sores, and you believe you have the facts and you think your smart.
Liberalisn is a mental disorder....."
Once again SPC, not to pick on typos and spelling but when challenging someone's intelligence it's good to use proper spelling. YOUR welcomed;-)
"Liberal civil rights leaders want their hands all over my penis but hands off a womens body?"
And once again again SPC, this is one dude in SF not a liberal cause. Just as Michelle Obama will not take your Fruity Pebbles no one will stop you from circumcising your son if you want. Now are you saying it's ok to tell a woman and/or her family what she can and can't do with her body because one dude in Cali wants to stop circumcision? Conservatives have strange logic (what logic?)If you are what conservatives are like I'll keep my mental disorder thanks.
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