"Loyalty to petrified opinions never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul in this world--and never will." ~Mark Twain~
I wish my man Herman Cain well, I really do. I heard that he was in Iowa last week giving em his I am black but I am just like you speeches. I wonder how he is playing down there? It looks like they [the republicans] are going social again and forgetting the economy now that O and his peeps have the Dow over *12,000 and the unemployment numbers heading South and not North. Anyway, Herman might have some work to do before he can convince the rest of you Negroes that he means well.
"Listen, all token black conservative presidential candidates who Republicans keep trying to push on us colored folk; I really don’t have a problem with your decision to throw your hat in the ring. Why not, right? Everyone is entitled, and if you feel like you’re qualified then do your thing and show us just that – your qualifications. Do not, however, use the same tired and insulting tactics year after year in an effort to court a political base that has little interest in you by embarrassing the rest of your community.
First, This Year’s Black Conservative Herman Cain tried to get attention for his pending presidential campaign by telling anyone who would listen: “Don’t condemn me because the first black one was bad.” Yes, of course, the go-to sleaze tactic to use when you are eager to prove to some white people that you dislike President Obama as much as them is to say something attention grabbing like that.
Now, right on schedule, he has busted out the second in what I’m sure will be a series of cliché tactics to appeal to his conservative base: Christianity. Cain appeared on the Christian Broadcast Network and told the interviewer that he believed God brought him through cancer so that he could maybe become president, Politico reports. Stop it, dude. And I say that as a Christian. We know that professed religion is pretty much a requirement for all conservative candidates, but to take advantage of that moment in your life and twist it for political gain is really sleazy." [Source]
Now now Mr. Smith, don't be so hard on Herman. Maybe he means well. Why don't we give him a chance before we call him a house dwelling hypocrite?
Carry on Herman.
1 – 200 of 222 Newer› Newest»I saw some notes in the paper this AM about the bash-Obama fest in Iowa but as it started with choice quotes from Bachman to rally the troops, I couldn't go on with it. I can't handle that much crap to start a day. I'm sorry to hear anyone was there, regardless of their race.
“Don’t condemn me because the first black one was bad.”
Now I read this statement to mean he was referring to Michael Steele.
Not Cain, then someone his colour.
(Too, late now)
Why does the first Black this or that always have to be damn near white?
"are going social again and forgetting the economy now that O and his peeps have the Dow over 1200 and the unemployment numbers heading South and not North"
The unemployment numbers are what they are because people have given up on looking for work in this Obama malaise.
Well Michael Steele got kicked to the curb, so now there's Alan West and Herman Cain. My guess is West will stay and Cain will get the boot by Republicans. They only have room for one Negro of the moment.
I need to find whomever picked VCU and Butler to make the final four so they can pick me out some lotto numbers.
"The unemployment numbers are what they are because people have given up on looking for work in this Obama malaise."
that doesn't stack up against the fact that the number of new unemployment insurance applicants are going down.
Herman Cain is fine by me, I'll vote for anyone who isn't a democrat. The democratic party has been incrementally radicalized over the past 40 years and has reached a tipping point. There has never really been a line between liberalism and communism, just a murky gray zone of flowery-sounding but fundamentally wrong principles your average liberal doesn't have the focus or intestinal fortitude to follow through to their logical Stalinist conclusions. That gray zone is disappearing, as hardcore authoritarians use the party to drag America toward a collectivist future.
The GOP, flawed as it is, is the only hope for America.
anon: that doesn't stack up against the fact that the number of new unemployment insurance applicants are going down.
That's because so many people are out of work already. You would have thought the economy would have rebounded by now, but something is holding it back. This recession probably would have been over a year ago if not for the failed stimulus spending. Whatever happens going forward, we'll never get back the lost time from Obama's failed policies. This guy's gotta go. Shit, I'll even vote for the Pizza dude.
First, This Year’s Black Conservative Herman Cain tried to get attention for his pending presidential campaign by telling anyone who would listen: “Don’t condemn me because the first black one was bad.”
I hope he was wear his best seersucker suit (hewn from only the finest cotton bags) when he said that.
But good luck to Cain on his presidential run, even if he won't get very far.
"The GOP, flawed as it is, is the only hope for America."
Then my son we are doomed.
"I need to find whomever picked VCU and Butler to make the final four"
That one cat that went to Butler for undergrad and got that MBA from VCU. Other than that maybe Shaka and Brad's moms.
"The democratic party has been incrementally radicalized over the past 40 years and has reached a tipping point."
Unlike the GOP which has members of the house signing oaths to terrorist organizations
The Georgia rep that wants to crimialize miscarriages
And all the other nit wits that believe the earth is 6,000 years old and wants to introduce creationism into our public schools. Yeah, the GOP is our last best hope, if you're insane.
Pie and Tits said......
“Don’t condemn me because the first black one was bad.”
Now I read this statement to mean he was referring to Michael Steele.
Nope cherry pie boobie head, he was talkin bout Clinton. You know the last democratic prez before obamba who got caught lying and twisting the truth as demonrats do. Suck it baby...I-I-I did not have sex wit dat woman she dindent swallow dat not sex right homey? SHe gurgled it out and wiped wit her dress.
Both Republican and Democrats are responible for talking through both sides of their mouth and many times based on where they are in on any given day. If they just all told the truth none would get elected, but it would be a refreshing change come election time.
@ PiotX: HuffPo is not a credible information source. Your fear of creationism is as silly as creationism.
There is zero chance of a christian theocracy forming in the United States. The leftists, on the other hand, are taking freedoms away every day.
Vote Republican or die!
@ anon, check the article itself and the sourcing. Doesn't matter what website what matters is the content accuracy of the reporting. Are you asserting Rep. Don Young does not have ties to an Alaskan seperetist group?
BTW if my fear of creationism is far fetched why are almost 20% of states in the U.S. pushing bills to teach creationism in public schools?
They're doing it in Florida, Kentucky, Alabama, Kansas, Louisiana, Georgia, Texas and two other states I can't think of offhand but if you google you'll find it. Theocracy won't come overnight in one act but it will slowly creep into Republican majority states.
BTW what freedoms have you lost due to leftists or is that hyperbole?
Pilot X said...
is that hyperbole?
Is this where you take a really huge dump?
Is this where you take a really huge dump?
Nah, this is where I acknowledge that most anons and conservatives can't be taken seriously.
"Nah, this is where I acknowledge that most anons and conservatives can't be taken seriously."
Someone who fears creationism more than Marxism can't be taken seriously.
I'll admit, a part of me wants Cain to win the nomination. It'd be awesome to watch the GOP base split between zealous hardcore racists and pragmatic "moderate" racists.
Could you imagine the attacks someone like Huckabee would throw his way if he became a frontrunner? Man....
PilotX said...
Is this where you take a really huge dump?
Nah, this is where I acknowledge that most anons and conservatives can't be taken seriously.
Yeah, as if any negro who self names himself an "x" is not trying to send some radical message, just like any street in any city named MLK Blvd can be counted on to be dead center in the high crime district and a place you do not want to walk down unarmed and alone at night. Wonder why that is, what is the common denominator in every city?
"Yeah, as if any negro who self names himself an "x" is not trying to send some radical message, just like any street in any city named MLK Blvd can be counted on to be dead center in the high crime district and a place you do not want to walk down unarmed and alone at night. Wonder why that is, what is the common denominator in every city?"
It's always easy to spot the wingnuts on a comment thread. *shaking head*
"Herman Cain is fine by me, I'll vote for anyone who isn't a democrat. The democratic party has been incrementally radicalized over the past 40 years and has reached a tipping point"
I am huffing and I am puffing, and I hope I blow that sucker over.
"There is zero chance of a christian theocracy forming in the United States. The leftists, on the other hand, are taking freedoms away every day.
Vote Republican or die!"
My god this country is f%$#@*!!!!
"That one cat that went to Butler for undergrad and got that MBA from VCU. Other than that maybe Shaka and Brad's moms."
That was funny. :)
Wesley, I feel you. I ripped up all of my pools a long time ago.
I think I had Kansas, Duke, Syracuse, and Pitt. :(
field negro said...
"Yeah, as if any negro who self names himself an "x" is not trying to send some radical message, just like any street in any city named MLK Blvd can be counted on to be dead center in the high crime district and a place you do not want to walk down unarmed and alone at night. Wonder why that is, what is the common denominator in every city?"
It's always easy to spot the wingnuts on a comment thread. *shaking head*
Just as its always easy to spot the dimmy-crat. You commented but pretty much said nothing, were they wrong? Was that head shaking up and down or side to side? Or like a lazy lolling?
Anonymous said...
Pilot X said...
is that hyperbole?
Is this where you take a really huge dump?
Hyperbole...Hyper Bowl...Now I get it thats funny.
tee hee tee hee.
On second thought that was shitty comment.
tee heee
PilotX said...
BTW what freedoms have you lost due to leftists or is that hyperbole?
Let's see......
There's the freedom to choose......
what bed to sleep on
what shower head to use
what toilet to piss in
what car to drive
what light bulbs you can use
The freedom to dissent against the Obama regime without being called racist or be investagated.
The freedom of speech.
The freedom to live in a town without having leftists telling you to change the name because they don't like it.
The freedom to live in a almost no crime city,without having leftist force diversity and crime on you.
The freedom to know if you work hard and do right you will be rewarded in life.Not have leftist come in and take whats yours and give it to people who do nothing but depend on the government.
I'm could post more but space is limited.
Swiff said...
Could you imagine the attacks someone like Huckabee would throw his way if he became a frontrunner? Man....
Would it be similar to how the Clintons,Joe bite me, and many other Democrats attacked Barry Obama?
oooooooo nooooooooo
Black rage boils over---
You Should Have Listened to Farrakhan When You Were At His Table
never fret
no one could be more ruthless or more republican than hobama
including herman c
and the best part is:
herman is way too dark skinned and way too honest to ever dupe the masses of colorist adoring hobama nazis and racist hobamabots who see one half of themselves in hobama...
i like herman
and he is always the very best host to fill in for rush....
9:36 = me
my blogger is blocked today...
hc is no hoax like hobama
he is a great scholar
and he has ceo skills
and he is a great radio host/pizza legend
go hc!
Anonymous said...
oooooooo nooooooooo
Black rage boils over---
You Should Have Listened to Farrakhan When You Were At His Table
See what happens when you are corrupt and break the law? looks like they turned on the one who kept them out of jail for thier illegal racism.
"There's the freedom to choose......
what bed to sleep on
what shower head to use
what toilet to piss in
what car to drive
what light bulbs you can use
The freedom to dissent against the Obama regime without being called racist or be investagated.
The freedom of speech.
The freedom to live in a town without having leftists telling you to change the name because they don't like it.
The freedom to live in a almost no crime city,without having leftist force diversity and crime on you.
The freedom to know if you work hard and do right you will be rewarded in life.Not have leftist come in and take whats yours and give it to people who do nothing but depend on the government."
I'm glad you admit you don't work hard because you don't see any future benefit. Don't blame your own laziness on others dude. I'm sure you're right, Fidel Cstro grabed you out of your mansion and let a family from a trailer park live there? He also forced you to befriend an Asian, Indigenous and handicapped person? He ripped your high flow toilet out of the wall and your racecar bed? I actually feel sorry for you now man, your life sucks, you might want to move to some other country where you can do anything you want because the USA doesn't seem to be your kind of place.
See ya SPC, don't let the door knob hit ya on the way out.
"Yeah, as if any negro who self names himself an "x" is not trying to send some radical message,"
Yeah, i remember the radical professional wrestler Mr. X, the country went to hell after that huh?
"Someone who fears creationism more than Marxism can't be taken seriously."
Ok, so from here on out I'll be scared of Marxists and their threats. I'll even wet my bed at night and tremble just like you because of the red scare. BTW, do you happen to listen to Glenn Beck? Thought so. You scared of the Viking threat too?
SPC, the only rational point was that Obama continued the bushFAIL of intrusive government. The rest are just made up.
Shower heads and low-flow toilets are mandated because sane municipal officials look at water supply...not your need to be wasteful. Light bulbs are switched to reduce power consumption...what a horrible theft of your alleged rights...which are never quite explained...nor attached to any Right. Pouting is not a Right.
As far as automobiles, you can purchase the one that makes everyone aware of your numerous shortcomings. All you have to do is pony up the entire cost. Oh...you can't? Too bad, so sad. Drive a frugal one instead. Or waddle your 'Merican bloat to work by walking or public transport. Last time I looked, the US Constitution had no Amendments guaranteeing that you would not have to walk a block.
The unemployed have gone beyond their allotted benefits...or they would be signing up. Businesses are unable to RIF to profits anymore...there is no one left to fire. Those working are not increasing demand as they are saving against the all too likely possibility of off-shoring or layoffs.
Try lying about 'Marxism' to one who hasn't read the source text...and in the original language. Like all your peers. The current crop of Ds is more moderate to winger R in philosophy, despite your falsehoods. But keep beleeverating, it makes you a 'mark'.
christian theocracy...how about Dover? Not only was it a power grab, they lied so much the judge got tired of Goobers thinkerating that Lying Fer Jesus was a public and moral good. Even today, they are unrepentant and are mostly miffed over being caught. Stephen Friend, abortion batpoo crazee ran on theocratic planks...as did Santorum, Toomey, and others.
Marxist Theory gave us European Socialism, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, AFDC, Food Stamps, REA, VA Home Loans, GI Bill, SSI...
creationists gave us...what?
PilotX, it is the juvenile response to being told 'No'. Whether two or 15...the undeveloped person is only concerned that they have restrictions...and it is soooo unfair.
I'll use Reason once...then enforce the rules. Eventually, they grow up.
"You scared of the Viking threat too?"
No, they suck. More afraid of the Bears.
You may think creationism is silly, but is it really the end of the world if kids hear it in school? I'm sure they hear various native american creation myths etc. As long as science is presented using the facts, I'm cool with it.
Aw mold, I wanna drive a Winnebago to work, play Spice Girl records at full blast all night, shoot spitballs at a judge during a trial, allow corporations put toxic waste into our rivers, piss in my neighbor's toilet when they're not home and drive 100 in a school speed zone! I wanna I wanna! I'm a conservative and I want to live in an all white town with no negroes! It's not fair!
SPC's intern.
mold: Try lying about 'Marxism' to one who hasn't read the source text...and in the original language
"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."
-- Ronald Reagan
"You may think creationism is silly, but is it really the end of the world if kids hear it in school? I'm sure they hear various native american creation myths etc. As long as science is presented using the facts, I'm cool with it."
Now we're talking rationally. I agree that religion is important to our social society and should be studied. We should study all creation stories from all civilizations in a social studies class called comparative religious studies.
Now compare my evil liberal idea that gives every religion equal standing to the wingnut idea of teaching only one religious creation story in science class. Science is science and religion is religion and the twine shall never meet. You don't have to sell me on that idea, try selling it to the conservatives that want to push their beliefs and hate science.
"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."
-- Ronald Reagan
Because we all know RR was a supreme scholar. What's next, a quote from Dan Quale?
Stop crying about christian theocracy.
Leftist theocracy is what we have to worry about now.
PilotX said...
"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."
-- Ronald Reagan
Because we all know RR was a supreme scholar.
He kicked the shit out of your side for 8 years.Nevermind, it doesn't take a supreme scholar to do that.
SPC talks like he has chemobrain or dementia. his thinking is all messed up. he thinks myths are facts, and that just b/c he says something it's true. sad.
PilotX, I agree with your take on IntelligentCreationismDesign...it is a way to infect Science classes with Gooberism and religion. That beleef is EXACTLY the SAME as reproducible results. That might be why they beleeverate abstinence 'werks'..because they really, really want it to be so. Unfortunately, the Data supports rational, Fact-based Sex Ed...unless you want a cheap, functionally illiterate labour pool.
Nyuck, nyuck...st reagan as an expert. Maybe on Narcissism. On political theories..he was a great used car salesman.
Note how Marxist Theory goes into Marxist/Leninist...as if they are EXACTLY THE SAME. Well...they are not...Duh.
st reagan made it safe to state that one was a greedy, self-centered jerkhole who would gleefully harm others for Sadist joy. No...you don't get approval being a self-centered jerkhole.
maria said...
SPC talks like he has chemobrain or dementia. his thinking is all messed up. he thinks myths are facts, and that just b/c he says something it's true. sad.
maria thinks it she repeats something, it's true.
real sad.
Maria, it is more about being a Rwipe and 'pissing off Liberals'. Note that the political weenies are doing nothing to increase employment...but are instead making up laws to harass women and union members.
Pretty much a Left Behind who won't even do the 'breathing certificate' tasks...but enjoys sneering at the folks who have to babysit their work-averse, low-skill body until the local minimum wage job is open.
Rather than be productive...the Left Behind makes others lives more difficult. Which is why, like christmoles, you never hire them for more than entry-level. Eventually, decades after smarter kids figured it out, they realize they are confined in work and opportunity...but they made their choice to be so. That's partly why they are so keen to have someone else have their pain...but to have it forced upon them.
"He kicked the shit out of your side for 8 years.Nevermind, it doesn't take a supreme scholar to do that."
Sure, the same people who think voting for Michele Bachmann is a good idea. There have always been stupid people in this country.
maria said...
"SPC talks like he has chemobrain or dementia. his thinking is all messed up. he thinks myths are facts"
And what are these myths my maria???
Its always funny to see moldilox posting about the left behinds when the"left behinds" make up most of the Democrat voting block.
Besides moldilox, why are there still left behinds? Didn't affirmative action,racial quotes, leftist special treatment for certian racial groups solve the left behinds problem?
"Its always funny to see moldilox posting about the left behinds when the"left behinds" make up most of the Democrat voting block."
Myth #1. Facts have no meaning to conservatives.
maria said...
SPC talks like he has chemobrain or dementia. his thinking is all messed up. he thinks myths are facts, and that just b/c he says something it's true. sad.
Ahh the loony liberal surfaces, having naught to add that may be credible she attacks, using personal failings as a projected missile from her arsenal of dimwittedness.
Ahh the loony liberal surfaces, having naught to add that may be credible she attacks, using personal failings as a projected missile from her arsenal of dimwittedness.
sadly that is so true poor beautiful maria seems dim its hard for her to put pieces of puzzles together even if they go together in an obvious way
Facts have no meaning to frauds like paid astroturfers like alicia banks and psi mmm who are only here to disrupt the flow of black liberal thought and to denigrate black men and the black man president.
stupid assnon:
why do u hobama nazi fools miss me so even when i am quietly lurking????
what is black or liberal about that blackish hobama/gwb 2.0???
pray tell???????
The germs of fascism infest both parties, thriving among Republican and Democratic hosts, alike. Barack Obama’s 2008 victory was also a new lease on life for George Bush’s foreign wars and strangulation of domestic civil liberties, most recently in the assault on travelers bodies at airports. The first Black president rules very much like the last white president, and “the absence of outrage directed in the right direction makes us more endangered now than in the days when Bush occupied the White House.”
Our system is such that any Oval Office occupant is an enemy of democracy. Our safety depends on ourselves alone. Changes in political parties either mean nothing or greater danger if the party in power is trusted when it should not be. It can happen here and it is happening right before our eyes.
@1:46 PM
Don't you have someone's ass to wipe, LOL??
Our system is such that any Oval Office occupant is an enemy of democracy. Our safety depends on ourselves alone. Changes in political parties either mean nothing or greater danger if the party in power is trusted when it should not be. It can happen here and it is happening right before our eyes.
Bravo AB!!
Facts have no meaning to frauds like paid astroturfers like alicia banks and psi mmm who are only here to disrupt the flow of black liberal thought and to denigrate black men and the black man president.
very true even as the loser fraud ab and her sockpuppet clone post where they supposedly have jobs lol
so kuntbreaf hows that 250 iq treatin u?
so loser how about those publications in scholarly journals?
of course abuceta breaf and sockpuppet psi are having conversations with themselves psi only comes out when ab is exhausted and needs a goon to threaten and harass other bloggers like the type of tacky tramp that threatens to send mail bombs to people or poison them with cyanide these types of unintelligent goons end up disappearing after a while falling under the weight of their own stupidity
PilotX said..."Myth #1. Facts have no meaning to conservatives."
You are the one living in a fanstasy world PilotKoteX.
The democrats absolutely OWN the retard and convicted felon voting blocs. Exhibit number one: mold.
You are the one living in a fanstasy world PilotKoteX.
The democrats absolutely OWN the retard and convicted felon voting blocs. Exhibit number one: mold.
terms like retard and private part talk is usally the way psi mmm talks or ab when she needs her afternoon med dosage
Facts have no meaning to frauds like paid astroturfers like alicia banks and psi mmm who are only here to disrupt the flow of black liberal thought and to denigrate black men and the black man president.
very true even as the loser fraud ab and her sockpuppet clone post where they supposedly have jobs lol
so kuntbreaf hows that 250 iq treatin u?
so loser how about those publications in scholarly journals? ude think someone who was a *cough* scientist would share where their articles are published after all this is ually the measure of a scientist s productivity or their experiements which u have none running at the time cuz ure not a scientist kuntlick
sh*ts fields..........
I ain't gonna be voting for that negro.When i's was working fO Godfathers,a nigga couldn't get a raise!!!
How is i's gonna support my 3 kids making negro wages??
I don'ts care if he be speaking wit a negro dialect or not.
Nigga ain't gettin my votes.Dats all i gots to say about that.
hi pnt!
i am sick of these hobama nazi drones spewing bs that is ALL just blatant adoring lovesick lies...
like that eminem rasta idiot slob marley calling me/amiri baraka/louis f/alex jones/jeff rense/cornel west/tavis smiley etc..all neocons???
these crazy hobama loving suicidal mfs are melting down as hobama unmasks himself...they are CRAZIER than ever as they evade hobama's global serial chucky doll moments...
the entire us govt Is now OPENLY OWNED by banksters who want endless wars and prisons and drones...
and these hobama loving sheeple baaaaaaaaack the banksters up!!!!
only we can save us
Facts have no meaning to frauds like paid astroturfers like alicia banks and psi mmm who are only here to disrupt the flow of black liberal thought and to denigrate black men and the black man president.
very true even as the loser fraud ab and her sockpuppet clone post where they supposedly have jobs lol
so kuntbreaf hows that 250 iq treatin u?
so loser how about those publications in scholarly journals? ude think someone who was a *cough* scientist would share where their articles are published after all this is ually the measure of a scientist s productivity or their experiements which u have none running at the time cuz ure not a scientist kuntlick
gee guess ure only trying to talk to urself today ya unstable kuntlicker hmmm maybe its cuz uve been fount out as the fraud u really r
wheres proof of that 250 that never existed iq? oh wait there is none
LOSER stank breaf banks! who is so ill that she has resorted to creating her own sockpuppets then has conversations with them within a minute or less of one another duh!
and about herman cain you people dont know whats in his heart he might be telling the truth hes put in a lot of work over the years and is qualified to be a politician yall ignint nuckas is so quick to talk messa bout a black republican but if a black democrat said that shit like obama yall would be like 'oh hes closer to god hes a good christian'
damn hypocrites! not that eye think he is trustworthy but certainly he is about as trustworthy as our president ya know the type of person who colors his hair then has his wife go on national tv to deny the obvious? phukkin losers!
unlicked uneducated unglued msr/vdlr:
lick this!
It's perplexing to see a high level of support for the unprovoked bombing of Libya on so-called "progressive" websites.
There has been an endless stream of humanitarian propaganda flowing from these sites trying to convince average liberals that the "human thing to do" is to rain down tomahawk missiles with depleted uranium to bring freedom and democracy to an oppressed people.
Everyone with an objective view knows by now that this intervention is about protecting oil resources and making sure Israel survives these revolutionary times in the Arab world. Whether it's control over Egypt's Suez Canal, Libya's sweet crude, or propping up the tyrannical Saudi regime in the face of protesters there, this selective military action in Libya seems to be exactly what liberals screamed about during Bush's preemptive oil wars.
Did Drakeman chane his username to uncle leroy? D*mn, talking about having a "black man" fetish, LOL!!
Comment moderation in five, four, three.........
Lefty Blogs have been describing their loyal opposition to Obama's Libya policy since it began. Oddly enough, wingnuts had to wait for orders. Lefty voices have run the gamut from full support to requesting impeachment proceedings. Strange how the variety and diversity is greater on the Left. Almost like Freedom and Tolerance.
Note that the WI Fascists wanted to jail citizens for speaking out.
Well, when you have no Facts, lie constantly to push your agenda, and think you are above the Law...your fellow citizens might disagree.
Now all the WI wingnuts are finding out their cushy state jobs could be gone...and they are not happy.
lickless ZONED out lying lye-ing loopy loveless loony lepton vdlr/msr:
lick this!
Are we living in The Twilight Zone? It sure appears that way when a Head of State refuses to return a Nobel Peace Prize after it was belatedly realized that he did not deserve it. And then we have actor Steven Seagal riding alongside militant Sheriff Joe Arpaio on a tank with SWAT teams raiding a house owned by a man named Jesus—accused of cockfighting. Need more proof of a police state? The lunacy unfolding in front of our eyes feels even more unreal when it is presented on television absent any mass public outrage.
Obama is employing the distraction game, just as other warmongers always have when they want to involve the nation in more conflicts in order to steadily divert attention away from doomed domestic policies and failed promises. In the US the real unemployment figure is 22%, and household wealth has gone down 23% in two years, but people are going to jail condemned as domestic terrorists for issuing silver as currency in a noble attempt to right the sinking fiat-currency ship. Meanwhile, there is always one billion extra dollars to spend on identification systems at home and the steady reinforcement of the war machine abroad
see hobama the nwo QB here...shame!!!!!!!!
lying loony lockless googless goon hey wigga slop marley:
seen this on that UBERneocon repub hoax hobama???
Libya is not America's war. It is justified neither on security or humanitarian grounds. Nor can Washington, overwhelmed with current deficits and future liabilities, afford to be world's permanent 911 number. Americans should not be expected to pick up every bill and fight every war around the globe.
We need change, real change. We need a president who doesn't believe his legacy requires him to launch his own war, killing foreigners and risking American lives in return, irrespective of American interests. Now the change that might most promote peace is the defeat of Barack Obama in 2012.
You are the one living in a fanstasy world PilotKoteX.
The democrats absolutely OWN the retard and convicted felon voting blocs. Exhibit number one: mold.
Ah so soon we forget Jack Abramhoff, Tom Delay, Scooter Libby, Ollie North, Ken Lay and all the other convicted felons that took their pages from the Tricky Dick playbook. Let's not talk about the geniuses in the south and rural areas that think the world is 6,000 years old. Yes sir, the GOP is the stronghold of absolute morals and intelligence and if you don't believe it ask W or Palin.
PilotKoteX: "Ah so soon we forget Jack Abramhoff, Tom Delay, Scooter Libby, Ollie North, Ken Lay and all the other convicted felons that took their pages from the Tricky Dick playbook. Let's not talk about the geniuses in the south and rural areas that think the world is 6,000 years old"
All more than balanced by mold.
I'm not the salty sailor talking anonymous, Alicia Banks. I post only with this blogger account. You certainly haven't explained your claim of having a documented 250 iq. Marylin what's her face is in the Guinness Book of Raecords for iq and only goes up to 228. It would be a breath of fresh air if you just admitted you lied. But you won't do that, because it would call into question everything you've ever written about yourself. I do thank you for admitting you're a big fan of Jeff Rense. Now anyone can see you are either an internet fake or a useful idiot for the far right wing.
PilotX, they really need some attention, no?
While they claimerate to be doing it 'to the kids' for some specious and undefined rationale...it is more about making the children less able to tell Left Behind adults to go away. LBs want targets for their impotence...and kids who are ill-educated are a historical one. Plus, the utter lack of decent schooling makes LBs smarterate by default.
it wont ever admit the fact that it lied socratic wite fella and that buceta licker also knows that u r another person than this anon the salty sailor facts dont matter to it it will make stuff up about u and spam this blog to drown out ur objections to its lies it is crazy paid astroturf or whatever but the end result is the same; people dont feel comfortable blogging here u got some posters on the defensive cuz theyre wite like maria whose been increasingly irritated by these disgusting filth piles and they also attack anyone who disagrees with them like a blogger whose personal info they put in the street and threatened to send the blogger mail bombs this is serious socratic wite fella and eithe rthis person is paid or theyre a crazy but eithe rway the blog has been ruined mostly anyway...
keep it coming though the more u expose the lies of this filth pile the less she or it will be taken seriously oh its now time for ab or psimmm to spam or say something threatening...yawn...
btw korean guy is the supposed smartest in the world and was shown when he was a child~!
Is true, I smartest.
Now, get outa my store now!
"The freedom to live in a almost no crime city,without having leftist force diversity"
Now wait a minute, I thought the left were racists. Why would racists force diversity on anybody? If conservatives embrace and promote diversity why would it have to be forced on them anyway? Anybody want to explain wingnut logic to me please?
And you put back that malty Colt 45 40 oz. you no payee for back before you go!
Kim Ung Yong has a 210 iq and that was the highest ever recorded buceta breaf banks aint shyt but a lie plain and simple a lie and a FRAUD
just as her alterego psi mmm is a fake scientist who aint never run a proper experiment or ever published a paper the only purpose of both of them is to denigrate black people socratic wite fella may understand this point as he knows they are either paid or loony or both! and likely they aint black women at all just some scrawny wite kids who can type fast in they mamma basement
faceless lying boring wigga slob marley:
get a life you blackfaced buffoon!!!!
if you cared about random assnons
you would not be playing echo to each of that schizo vdlr's LEGIONS of fake cloned assnons herein!!!!!!!
eff u u pale poser!!!!
PilotX said... " If conservatives embrace and promote diversity why would it have to be forced on them anyway?"
Conservatives don't embrace "diversity", which is simply a code word for officially sanctioned discrimination against white males. It is typical leftist Newspeak that takes a concept with positive connotations (e.g. "tolerance", "inclusiveness") and applies it something that in practice is actually divisive, racist, and exclusionary.
Conservatives instead embrace a color blind society, where people are treated as individuals with equal rights and responsibilities.
The "melting pot" ideal was much more in tune with American values, and although not always realized, was a true way of forging disparate peoples into a unified nation.
Conversely, "diversity" is an ideal designed to perpetuate and accentuate differences so as to make a unified nation impossible. The goal is to promote cultural separatism and racial acrimony for the purpose of destroying any common American culture. It's doing a pretty good job of it too, don't you think?
Anonymous said...
Facts have no meaning to frauds like paid astroturfers like alicia banks and psi mmm who are only here to disrupt the flow of black liberal thought and to denigrate black men and the black man president.
very true even as the loser fraud ab and her sockpuppet clone post where they supposedly have jobs lol
so kuntbreaf hows that 250 iq treatin u?
so loser how about those publications in scholarly journals? ude think someone who was a *cough* scientist would share where their articles are published after all this is ually the measure of a scientist s productivity or their experiements which u have none running at the time cuz ure not a scientist kuntlick
Here you go, posts like these make it clear that Socrates and MOld and the vulgar assnon are one and the same. What do you call them fellas? Sockpuppets!!!!!
faceless lying boring wigga slob marley:
get a life you blackfaced hater buffoon!!!!
if you cared about random assnons
you would not be playing echo to each of that schizo vdlr's LEGIONS of fake cloned assnons herein!!!!!!!
eff u u pale poser!!!!
just as her alterego psi mmm is a fake scientist who aint never run a proper experiment or ever published a paper the only purpose of both of them is to denigrate black people socratic wite fella may understand this point as he knows they are either paid or loony or both! and likely they aint black women at all just some scrawny wite kids who can type fast in they mamma basement
and the latest spam comments show this is true duh!
hey wigga slob marley:
u r unfit to apply your favorite blackface paint to jeff rense's patent leather shoes u socrackerish kkklown!!!
witless wigga slob marley:
funny how u 2 silly hypnotized mfs can SPEW LIES all over this blog about me...
but neither of you ever post one word about all my TRUTHS about that hoax hobama????
we see u two hobama nazi drones
dumb and dumber = wig and nig
2 baldheaded twisted trifling faceless fool striped twins
just as her alterego psi mmm is a fake scientist who aint never run a proper experiment or ever published a paper the only purpose of both of them is to denigrate black people socratic wite fella may understand this point as he knows they are either paid or loony or both! and likely they aint black women at all just some scrawny wite kids who can type fast in they mamma basement
and the latest spam comments show this is true duh! duh!
PilotX said...
"The freedom to live in a almost no crime city,without having leftist force diversity"
Now wait a minute, I thought the left were racists. Why would racists force diversity on anybody? If conservatives embrace and promote diversity why would it have to be forced on them anyway? Anybody want to explain wingnut logic to me please?
Because in the leftist world diversity means whites taking care of and bowing to everyone else instead of equality. You have the right to equality, you dont have the right to force me to not compete and step aside and or pay for your lack of either skills, intelligence or efforts.
My 210 of IQ is nothing to Alicia Banks IQ that is 250!
I am shamed.
I cannot defeat her brilliance.
But I sell 36 pack diaper for $7.99! All 40 oz. are $2.99 until 5:00! Wipe feet before you come in store!
Anonymous said...
just as her alterego psi mmm is a fake scientist who aint never run a proper experiment or ever published a paper the only purpose of both of them is to denigrate black people socratic wite fella may understand this point as he knows they are either paid or loony or both! and likely they aint black women at all just some scrawny wite kids who can type fast in they mamma basement
and the latest spam comments show this is true duh! duh!
MOLD - Suck My knees/ Vulgar anon this is getting damn annoying. Why dont you stop the insanity and pick one name to post and fight with AB under. YOur so fucking stupid everyone and anyone can see you are all the same, yet you think you are clever and fooling someone which is even more annoying.
My 210 of IQ is nothing to Alicia Banks IQ that is 250!
I am shamed.
I cannot defeat her brilliance.
But I sell 36 pack diaper for $7.99! All 40 oz. are $2.99 until 5:00! Wipe feet before you come in store!
hey faceless wigga slob marley:
u think hobama should seek an wannabee mask as u have...now that the whole world has finally seen his REAL bomb smoke WHITE cloned warmongering neocon bankster face????
maybe a racist broke bastard like u can make a buck as professional poser advisor to that perp prez select...huh???
He also alleged that Obama had backed down from pushing a Palestinian-Israeli peace accord and banning settlement-building in the West Bank, calling him “the first Jewish president.” Obama is a Christian.
“He was selected before he was elected,” Farrakhan said. “And the people that selected him were rich, powerful members of the Jewish community.”
yep korean guy jokes aside u know that nasty filth pile dont have a 250 iq duh!
alicia banks kuntbreaf is spamming the blog with nonsense cuz she is a gottdam LIAR and FRAUD
just as her alterego psi mmm is a fake scientist who aint never run a proper experiment or ever published a paper the only purpose of both of them is to denigrate black people socratic wite fella may understand this point as he knows they are either paid or loony or both! and likely they aint black women at all just some scrawny wite kids who can type fast in they mamma basement
"Conversely, "diversity" is an ideal designed to perpetuate and accentuate differences so as to make a unified nation impossible. The goal is to promote cultural separatism and racial acrimony for the purpose of destroying any common American culture. It's doing a pretty good job of it too, don't you think?"
Actually I don't. You seem to promote the idea that there is some ideal set of American standards. Who sets these standards? I for one do not want to denegrate anyones' culture but at the same time I do believe we should recognize and honor our differences whatever they be. I find it interesting that conservatives that want to promote a "colorblind" society are the first ones to point out our differences. Ironic that you Rev. bring up so called discrimination against white males. Why single out this group as being discriminated against? If you were truly committed to the idea of a colorblind society you would see all of us as Americans and not even use such words to describe yourself and your group. You have the typical victim mentality that when someone that is different than you wants to celebrate their own culture you see it as a personal assault.
Do you not think America as a country can survice with a diverse populace or do we all need to assimilate into one narrowly defined culture. If we do need to pick a certain attribute which is it? Who gets to decide? I think our country is pretty unified but I think its conservatives like yourself that add to the problem because you have little knowledge of other cultures but yet want to make pronouncements. Yes I still remember you did not know there was a Black national anthem. Maybe if white conservatives were less arrogant and more open to new ideas and cultures there wouldn't be so much acrimony. And trust me, Black people didn't start this idea of seperation, ask Slappz if it is colorblind and it calls itslef a conservative.
herman cain would shyt on ur face if he knew u tried to associate ur chriflin behind with him kuntbreaf banks cuz astroturfers like alicia banks and psi mmm who are only here to disrupt the flow of black liberal thought and to denigrate black men and the black man president.
very true even as the loser fraud ab and her sockpuppet clone post where they supposedly have jobs lol
so kuntbreaf hows that 250 iq treatin u?
so loser how about those publications in scholarly journals? ude think someone who was a *cough* scientist would share where their articles are published after all this is ually the measure of a scientist s productivity or their experiements which u have none running at the time cuz ure not a scientist kuntlickanon wit sense
paid astroturfers are specifically sent here to RUIN ur blog mr field negro apparently u have pissed off some people with a modicum of power they harass ur visitors they disallow true free discourse with their bullying and then they put somebodys personal information on the street for all to see yet in ur desire to protect 'free speech' u allow this each and every day its puzzling that u delete some comments yet let these astroturfers run ur blog are you in on it with them?
Hey stupid skeeza super spamming turbo breeding vampire vdlr/msr:
do u cough so because stray diseased alley cats always choke on hair balls???
do u save the coughed up hair to glue to your baldhead?
"Because in the leftist world diversity means whites taking care of and bowing to everyone else instead of equality. You have the right to equality, you dont have the right to force me to not compete and step aside and or pay for your lack of either skills, intelligence or efforts."
Wow, so are you saying only whites have the intelligence and skills to compete fairly? Geez, and SPC calls us liberals racists. BTW, I don't need any help from you to out compete you son. Too bad white people needed 300+ years of affirmative action to make it, wonder why they kept us out of baseball for so long. Sad.
As always, the conservatives (including all the inane drivel spewing anon's) are realizing there time has passed. In reality, every progressive goal (abolishing child labor/unfair practices & workers' rights, various civil rights for women/minorities/handicapped, social safety nets, etc...) has always been realized. It may be slower progress than progressives would like, but conservatives always lose, normally while predicting the end of civilization all the while.
Nothing but pity for conservatives; like the neanderthal, their time is running out.
everyone knows i use my real face and birth name always...even on the air 4ever
i post as ANON when i must due to tech glitches with blogger/wifi/ migration errs etc...
they are why i have always blocked all nigs and wigs and kosher kkk mfs from all of my blogs and why i always will!!!!!!!!!
herman cain is a good man with a good heart he is a philanthropist and a good christian and he prolly has paid astroturfers trolling liberal black blogs like this one right now...
very true even as the loser fraud ab and her sockpuppet clone post where they supposedly have jobs lol
they are why i have always blocked all nigs and wigs and kosher kkk mfs from all of my blogs and why i always will!!!!!!!!!buceta breaf alicia banks
yep the person who is so proud of their blackness and proud of the plight of the oppressed talking about nigs and wigs and joos aint that funny someone who cares about the oppressed talking about joos this paid astroturf is nothin but a gottdam racist cant u see that mr field? and a lying racist and fraud at that!
paid astroturfers claim to have a 250 iq then toss out insults when called on it
paid astroturfers talk mess about the president and black men on a black mans blog all day and have no compunction about it
paid astroturfers are emboldened in numbers they think they can level threats and talk mess about people for disagreeing with their stances but it wont work
the people can see through bullshyt especially when its this obvious stank breaf banks an dher crew of loser alteregos are apparent to everyone with half a head numskulls!
@Cryovet, you are right. Throughout history the conservatives have fought every effort for "others" to have the same opportunities as them but they resisted and now claim to be colorblind while listening to race baiters like Rush Limbaugh. Their time IS coming to an end as we are becoming a browner and more diverse nation so yeah we will see "others" in successful positions. True, we will see pushback just like we saw in the 60's but we all know how the movie ends. Conservatives are usually just a bunch of bitter white guys bemoaning how the "good old days" are gone. Oh well.
"Actually I don't. You seem to promote the idea that there is some ideal set of American standards. Who sets these standards?"
God, nature, the constitution, take your pick. The standard is that everyone is equal under the law.
"Why single out this group as being discriminated against?"
Because white males are the only group that can be legally discriminated against under the aegis of "diversity", which is what we were talking about, right? Of course there are illegal types of discrimination against other groups, and I'm against them too. So is the government.
"Do you not think America as a country can survive with a diverse populace or do we all need to assimilate into one narrowly defined culture."
No, I do not think a racially and ethnically diverse population can come together to form a nation when the dominant leftist ideology is using the government to enforce policies designed to keep them apart (i.e. "diversity). Forming a common culture is a mutual "assimilation", an organic process that takes the best of what everyone has to offer. In my mind, it is racist to assume one's culture is merely a function of one's genes.
America is the only nation on earth not based on blood or territory, but on an idea: That all men are created equal, and are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights.
Things like separate national anthems are symptoms of a cultural pathology. How in the hell are we supposed to have a country where each group speaks its own language, has its own holidays, and sings its own national anthem? That is a receipe for a disaster, not a nation.
super duper spammer turbo nig hobama nazi drone vdlr/msr:
i am most proud of my 20/20 vision!!!
i call out envious lying uneducated fools like u and wigga slob marley as I clearly see them:
hating and wasting their blind tiny ARROGANTLY IGNORANT lives away and proudly so errday
Conservatives are usually just a bunch of bitter white guys bemoaning how the "good old days" are gone. Oh well.pilot x
yeah just like paid astroturfers like stank breaf banks work for grumpy bitter wite guys with too much money and toomuch time on they hands
Crybabyvet you are dead wrong.
The line has been drawn in Wisconsin, and the slimy marxists have been exposed for what they are. The howling you hear are the death throes of the parasitic public employee unions and their socialist democrat lackeys.
Muah hah ha ha ha!
turbo ASSnons blind batty vulgar retard vdlr/msr:
u r way too stupid to paste as u are far too illterate to comprehend what is posted
are NOT synonyms u dumb dreg!!!!!!!
W I G Skuntbreaf alicia banks
yep spoken like a true champion of African American rights
btw eye aint seen spc in a minute why direct ur comment to him at 514PM when he aint been around? have u forgotten what sockpuppet ure using again?
"Alici Banks said...
i am most proud of my 20/20 vision!!!
5:23 PM"
Hell, with those bug-eyes I'll bet you can see better than an owl!
I don't know Marlin.....that ugly fat on her face probably blocks her view.
"America is the only nation on earth not based on blood or territory, but on an idea: That all men are created equal, and are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights.
Things like separate national anthems are symptoms of a cultural pathology. How in the hell are we supposed to have a country where each group speaks its own language, has its own holidays, and sings its own national anthem? That is a receipe for a disaster, not a nation."
I totally agree but that is not what actually happened. Just as modern conservatives wrap themselves in the flag and spout the all are created equal pronouncements what they actually do is another matter. If we were all equal why were Black people prevented by law and extra legally from voting and being full participants in our country? If we were actually treated like Americans and were able to exercise our constitutional rights we would not need our own national anthem. Why not research the words and history or the song before you dismiss it? We didn't ask to be discriminated against or treated as second class citizens. Your lack of knowledge about our anthem once again shows your lack of historical perspective. This is why there is acrimony, arrogant white males that don't understand the culture and history of others. I really don't believe you want a nation of equals, you would rather moan about how your are somehow a victim when history shows the biggest beneficiaries of any and all policies in America have been white males. I want an equal society but we differ on how and why there is inequality.
I am reading a Raymond Chandler anthology that sounds more up to date than some of these anons.
Slimy marxists... c'mon! Is that really your boogey man? I suppose after this conversation, you are off to watch the latest chariot races.
And as far as Wisconsin, that story isn't over 'til the recall sings. Although, odd you would mention that, as it appears that the only way that the Republicans can get their way is to ignore the court... something only an autocrat would do.
I suggest some dark green veggies for that irony deficiency.
LEEEEEGIONS of assnons/vdlr:
every time any of u breathe/post u disgrace africans everywhere
Some cons do wish for a return to the old 'colour-blind society'...where wites got all the goodies and didn't have to watch their potty mouths.
As far as competing...wites have been doing rather poorly once wite Affirmative Action Privilege was removed. US football, baseball, basketball. some sports used to be all-wite..but now minorities compete and win.
Funny how cons always compare poor, urban AfAms with kids bound for Harvard. If they were honest, they would compare children of similar social class and economic status. But that would show their beleef to be false. They need more lily-wite christian skools to siphon money away from public school districts. They need more IntelligentCreationismDesign Gooberish to eliminate the opportuinites for others.
When the ONLY thing you have is 'at leasts I aint no migger'...you clasp it to your manboobs with all yer might.
"America is the only nation on earth not based on blood or territory, but on an idea: That all men are created equal, and are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights."
And who for 200+ years violated that idea Rev.?
YOU LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gee miss educated woman wit the 250 iq cant u come up with somethin better than wigs and nigs and assnons and mf's? ure waaaay too smart to use those ten year old expressions arent u? cough cough sneeze sneeze sniffle sniffle ure a FRAUD and a LIAR and NOBODY kuntbreaf alicia banks
W I G Skuntbreaf alicia banks
yep spoken like a true champion of African American rights
btw eye aint seen spc in a minute why direct ur comment to him at 514PM when he aint been around? have u forgotten what sockpuppet ure using again?
dunce capped dummy vdlr:
awwww...is that why no hair grows on your head?
you wore that dunce cap too long?
ask needs slaps for hair tips
he still wears his KKK hood each day
good luck chrome dome smooth brained NIG!!!!
No no no Mold you have it all wrong. People like SPC and Rev. Right only want the best for all regardless of color. It was the evil Black and brown people singing "their" songs and speaking "their" languages that created the racism that white men had to endure for so long. Poor white men had to go to private schools and get jobs as CEOs and airline pilots while those racist Black and Brown people had all the good jobs like nanny and janitor. Damn ingrates. Oh the horror, if it weren't for groups like the white citizens counsel good white men would to this day be held back from their natural glory.
wrinkled writhing written off vdlr:
i am 47
and proud!!!!!
i am younger than that old geezer hobama
i bet u look 87
that hard hoing/henny/happy mushroom bs will age u!!!
PilotX said...
"America is the only nation on earth not based on blood or territory, but on an idea: That all men are created equal, and are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights."
And who for 200+ years violated that idea Rev.?
The Democrat Party.....
dumb dimwit lickless brainless vdlr/msr:
i am smarter than hobama
and i have real college transcripts/2 real degrees and a real birth certificate... to prove that!!!
Rev Wite..
Switzerland...the Netherlands...the UK...
What you want is the guaranteed 'win'. No. That is over. Get used to performing at an adequate level...or go home.
Whining that more talented or hard-working persons get the 'prize' only reveals you can't play in this league. Well, there's always the wite one. Your competition is the Quyales and bush and Santorum.
How exactly, are wite males discriminated against with diversity hiring? What proof do you offer...other than Jesse Helms ads that pander to your inflated sense of importance? Is it that you beleeverated poor wite Trashies would finally get that McMansion with a liar loan and not paying taxes? It dawned on some Heeyucks that they would still be at the sub-basement of the socio-economic pyramid?
You might want to actually look at the data on what you whine over...the greatest beneficiaries were people like Megan McCain, the Cheney daughters, the bushTwins...really rich white women. So...when are you going to start bawling over the Data?
herman cain knows how to pick them he knows that korean boys are infinitely smarter then paid astroturfer carpetmunchin african american hatin losers!
Kim Ung Yong has a 210 iq and that was the highest ever recorded buceta breaf banks aint shyt but a lie plain and simple a lie and a FRAUD
And who for 200+ years violated that idea Rev.?
The Democrat Party.....
And who pray tell SPC did the Democratic party consist of?
SPC, nice point. Now explain that the Rs are the current Party of racial animosity. That nearly every one of the Olde Southe became R...because adults pushed Civil Rights into laws.
PilotX...but...it was Natural Law, the preacher and the ORAL folks told us so!
Grins for your piece. Thanks.
too easy trick vdlr/msr:
i am proud of my african heritage
i have regal african warrior blood
that is why i do not call u mongrels out on tv like that racist halfrican hobama
So...when are you going to start bawling over the Data?
Never. Rush told me who is holding the good white man back. This is American damnitt and white men should not be held back. Only women and darker peoples are supposed to be held back!
i am proud of my african heritagekuntbreaf banks
then why do u always claim to be related to isadore banks who was of mixed race just like the president u like to talk shyt about ya lying sackashyt hypocrite! u mad cuz u wisht u was lite skinnt ya feces colored upholstery stain!
dumb dimwit lickless brainless vdlr/msr:
i am smarter than hobama
and i have real college transcripts/2 real degrees and a real birth certificate... to prove that!!!
kuntbreaf banks with yet another self referential set of links
herman cain would be ashamed to be around ur ugly illiterate uneducated ass uh huh sure sweetie pie just like u have proof that u have the highest documented iq ever on the planet? eyem sure u have copies of ur transcripts and birth certificate kuntbreaf loser moron!
so wheres proof of those scholarly publications of urs? paid astroturfer talkin about birther politics funny that kuntbreaf coohole! u aint shyt!
"Don’t condemn me because the first black one was bad.”
This guy really said that crap? Way to unnecessarily bring race into the political picture. Some racist folks will cite Obama's race anyway as a sign of his incompetence - why help them along by commenting on both his race and the job you think he is doing in the same sentence?
The "Do Anything to Win" mentality is only good when you don't "Do ANYthing to win".
SPC, nice point. Now explain that the Rs are the current Party of racial animosity. That nearly every one of the Olde Southe became R...because adults pushed Civil Rights into laws.
No no no Mold, Francis Rice told us the democrat party is the party of racism and there is no distinction between the pre '64 dems and the modern dems. Dr. King was a Republican presidential candidate didn't you know?
uneducated unlicked unveiled unglued untiring inept stalker vdlr/msr:
thank u for proving that u have never set foot on any college campus ever....daily!!!!!!!
PilotX said...
I find it interesting that conservatives that want to promote a "colorblind" society are the first ones to point out our differences. Ironic that you Rev. bring up so called discrimination against white males. Why single out this group as being discriminated against?
Because whites are the only group of people that you can legally discriminate against. And democrats have lead the way in this area of discrimination.
Anonymous said...
Some cons do wish for a return to the old 'colour-blind society'...where wites got all the goodies and didn't have to watch their potty mouths.
As far as competing...wites have been doing rather poorly once wite Affirmative Action Privilege was removed. US football, baseball, basketball. some sports used to be all-wite..but now minorities compete and win.
Yeah that "Affirmative Action" Privilege really has helped minorities out.
Without that "Affirmative Action Privilege" Sonia Sotomayor wouldn't be on the SCOTUS.
notice how that fugly fool vdlr always blasts all assnons as he is posting as nearly ALL the assnons herein????
vdlr = ghetto vulgar poster girl 4 faceless techno turbo vertigo insanity!!!!
that vulgar dreg takes PSYCHO SCHIZO IN STEREO to new decibels daily!!!!!!!
"-- Ronald Reagan
Because we all know RR was a supreme scholar. What's next, a quote from Dan Quale?"
Now that was funny.
"Conservatives don't embrace "diversity", which is simply a code word for officially sanctioned discrimination against white males."
Paranoid much? Hey Michael Douglas called, he wants his "Falling Down" character back.
diito fn
and it is totally hilarious that ronny raygun is hobama's fav prez "scholar" idol...no?
PilotX said...
And who for 200+ years violated that idea Rev.?
The Democrat Party.....
And who pray tell SPC did the Democratic party consist of?
SPC scrawled, "Without that "Affirmative Action Privilege" Sonia Sotomayor wouldn't be on the SCOTUS."
Oh, the irony! If someone is paying you for this, SPC, then you should charge them more to make you look weak and foolish. Dinner and your choice of position, at least.
ever notice that the vdlr/msr NEVER reads your posts?????
then does her best to make sure she distracts all those who do read your posts all day with legions of assnons???
The Dow is over 12,000 not 1200!
FYI it's A-meri-ka
war is a racket!
hobama and his banksters are elated about libya!
Ummm...more like Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, Scalia, Alito...would not be.
On scholarship alone.
We could speak of ardent partisanship...and the list would not change.
If we added deference to corporations...then Sotomayor might be less than qualified. She has a disconcerting habit of believing corporate stances.
Doubt me? RTFBs. My faves are Douglas and Marshall of the moderns. But that is just the view of one who can RTFB.
Field, the Goobers somehow thnkerate that Neil DeGrasse Tyson done stole the academic honours, awards and positions from Joe Wurzelbacher. See how diversity is....
The Dow is over 12,000 not 1200!
FYI it's A-meri-ka"
Thanks Heloise, I will correct that. For some reason I thought we still had a republican President. :)
But it's A-merry-ca when you are in the fields. :)
"ever notice that the vdlr/msr NEVER reads your posts?????
then does her best to make sure she distracts all those who do read your posts all day with legions of assnons???
That's fine. He/she just has to lay off the "K" word.
"Because whites are the only group of people that you can legally discriminate against. And democrats have lead the way in this area of discrimination."
So the only discrimination going on is against white males? Interesting SPC.
"And who pray tell SPC did the Democratic party consist of?
Wow, one for one. Now let's be a bit more specific SPC, what demographic did these old time dems belong to or is that too big of a word for ya. I mean you probably didn't go to a good school and all being discriminated against and all.
"Without that "Affirmative Action Privilege" Sonia Sotomayor wouldn't be on the SCOTUS."
Because in wingnut world Srah palin would be there instead.
"Field, the Goobers somehow thnkerate that Neil DeGrasse Tyson done stole the academic honours, awards and positions from Joe Wurzelbacher. See how diversity is...."
now that was funny.
"Conservatives don't embrace "diversity", which is simply a code word for officially sanctioned discrimination against white males."
I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have any problem with officially sanctioned discrimination against people of color. Since it doesn't affect white males that much.
I would say how amusing it is to see white men, who make up the majority in political and economic power, whip out the victim card and whine about being beat up on by those awful minorities...but then someone will come along and attempt to flip that around by mentioning how blacks use the race card on a constant basis. You know, equivalency and all that.
PilotX said...
"America is the only nation on earth not based on blood or territory, but on an idea: That all men are created equal, and are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights."
"And who for 200+ years violated that idea Rev.?"
And who has for the last 50 years? Why can't we at some point just try to adhere to the ideal?
You don't see the irony in using racial dicrimination to remedy racial discrimination? You don't see the futility of trying to minimize the impact of race by obessing on race?
Field said..."Paranoid much? Hey Michael Douglas called, he wants his "Falling Down" character back."
That's rich coming from Jackie Chiles. And it's not paranoia if they really are out to get you.
"So the only discrimination going on is against white males? Interesting SPC."
Haven't you heard, PilotX? "White" is the new "Nigger".
On second thought, no. It isn't. Not until Black America begins wielding the same amount of economic and political gravitas that had Americans being brainwashed and propagandized into believing that people of a certain color had tails that grew at midnight. And not until you see "Blacks Only" and "No Whites Allowed" signs brazenly put up at Black establishments.
Progreeeives and Liberals are the most racist people on earth.
The pro's and the lib's have had their hands in almost every single racial tragedy ---
Jim Crow
Locking the Japanese up, the Germans up, and locking Cuba americans up.
dropping a-bombs on the Japanese
Inventing the kkk and putting them in positions of power and on the Supreme Court.
Margaret Sanger's negro project and plan parenthood.
Plan Parenthood takes money from the kkk and white hate groups.
Eugenics plans for poor black and hispanic women.
The Tuskegee syphilis experiment started by Dr. Taliaferro Clark.
I could go on and on.I get it, i get it.Its hard to explain how you could be on the side of racist.
So what you have to do is make up myths abut Republicans, and pretend they are the bad guys and turn a blind eye to what pro's and lib's are doing to you today.
Huh? Liberals started the Klan? Liberals were slave owners? Really? I would LOVE to hear how you came to this conclusion SPC. I love comedy.
Irony in fiction is called a "plot device".
Rev pontificated, "And who has for the last 50 years? Why can't we at some point just try to adhere to the ideal?
When 'we' includes everybody (and by 'everybody', I mean you old white, racist conservatives too), then you will have irony. Until then, it is a bad Fox News headline.
"...And it's not paranoia if they really are out to get you."
Who is "they", the New Black Power World Order? :)
The sad thing is Democrats praise Margaret Sanger and her negro project every year.
Mack Lyons said...
. And not until you see "Blacks Only" and "No Whites Allowed" signs brazenly put up at Black establishments.
Ever see how whites are treated at black establishments? The signs may not be where you can see them but they are enforced.
"When 'we' includes everybody (and by 'everybody', I mean you old white, racist conservatives too), then you will have irony. Until then, it is a bad Fox News headline."
Mack Lyons said...
"I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have any problem with officially sanctioned discrimination against people of color. Since it doesn't affect white males that much."
Wrong again Mack. Who is whining here?
"I would say how amusing it is to see white men, who make up the majority in political and economic power, whip out the victim card and whine about being beat up on by those awful minorities..."
I'm not getting beat up, and I hope I'm not whining. I was trying to make a rational case as to why "diversity" is not a positive agent of change but is, as everyone should realize, a corrosive influence designed topromote negativity. But apparently you find all the negativity amusing, right?
So let me get this right Rev. Right. Since 1961 there has been a concerted effort to keep white males from competing fairly? Must be news to many because white males make up over 80% of corporate CEOs, airline pilots, military pilots, congressmen, US presidents and bank executives. Either the secret liberal plot to undermine white male success is either a lie or very very ineffective. Tell me which one it is Rev. BTW, trying to establish equality by removing past barriers isn't the same thing as actively preventing people from having access. It is true we should not discriminate based on color but show me where white males have been treated anywhere close to how Black and Brown people were treated in this country. How many times have you been refused service or admittance to a school based on your color? Give me an example.
"And who has for the last 50 years? Why can't we at some point just try to adhere to the ideal?"
That was a nice way of dodging the question, false prophet. America was founded on this idea, but the idea was only extended towards white American men. The womenfolk didn't have that many rights, either. And those colored slaves being imported from Africa and other various locales? Heh. They were practically considered "livestock".
"And who has for the last 50 years? Why can't we at some point just try to adhere to the ideal? "
You seem to suggest that blacks have somehow violated the above idea for the past 50 years. I guess it was finally achieving equal rights that finally did it. At any rate, I don't see how the past 50 years somehow outweights the past 200.
"You don't see the irony in using racial dicrimination to remedy racial discrimination? You don't see the futility of trying to minimize the impact of race by obsessing on race?"
This wasn't a problem when whites were busy obsessing over their "negro problem". And it's never a problem when the white suburbanite is busy obsessing over the black couple who just moved in next door.
mac, where i live, whites aren't the only problem. hispanics are beginning to be demanding --
cuz, you know, a black prez made everything perfect.
in a really disgusting public display recently, a group tried to co-op the entire black history--slavery, decades of discrimination and civil rights struggles -- by claiming they were being treated the same. or worse. it was SO off base.
i cannot tell you how pissed off this made all the black folks i was working with on the issue. and they were among the decision-makers.
it's not like hispanics don't need help. but that was so not the way to call attention to their issues.
jackie Chiles said...
"...And it's not paranoia if they really are out to get you."
"Who is "they", the New Black Power World Order? :)"
No, more like progressive cultural engineers.
The point is that if you are part of demographic specifically targeted for discrimination by law, then it's not paranoia to recognize this.
If you were a black guy running around South Carolina in 1820, would you be paranoid for thinking someone was going to slap some chains on you?
"I'm not getting beat up, and I hope I'm not whining. I was trying to make a rational case as to why "diversity" is not a positive agent of change but is, as everyone should realize, a corrosive influence designed topromote negativity. But apparently you find all the negativity amusing, right?"
You are whining and seeing things from a biased point of view. Just like Limbaugh you ascribe a negative connotation to what others view as positive. If someone were to ask me if I would want to work at a diverse location I would be all for it. Diversity is a positive term im my opinion. So who's creating negativity by looking at something that should be good as bad. What exactly is YOUR definition of diversity Rev? Mine is out of Webster's "condition of being different" VARIETY "an instance or point of difference". What's bad about that? Are we all supposed to be the same?
"The point is that if you are part of demographic specifically targeted for discrimination by law, then it's not paranoia to recognize this.
If you were a black guy running around South Carolina in 1820, would you be paranoid for thinking someone was going to slap some chains on you?"
So in Rev. Right's world the conditions of the modern white man is equivalent to a Black man in the south in 1820. This guy is incredible. No wonder these conservatives are so insane, the level of paranoia and victimhood is astounding.
Mack Lyons said..."This wasn't a problem when whites were busy obsessing over their "negro problem"."
You are pretty dense, aren't you? You are making the case that discrimination is fine as long as it benefits you, that there is no absolute standard, that it should just be an endless cycle of injustice.
Good luck with that Mack.
"America is the only nation on earth not based on blood or territory, but on an idea: That all men are created equal, and are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights."
I'm certain my Cherokee ancestors would vehemently disagree with this statement!
"in a really disgusting public display recently, a group tried to co-op the entire black history--slavery, decades of discrimination and civil rights struggles -- by claiming they were being treated the same. or worse. it was SO off base."
You mean like Rev. Right saying his present condition is the same as a Black man in S.C. in 1820? This is what happens when conservatives re-write history.
"Wrong again Mack. Who is whining here?"
So you mean to tell me that if policies were enacted tomorrow that officially sanctioned discrimination against people of color for the benefit of white American males such as yourself, you wouldn't have a problem with it?
Meanwhile, programs designed to help people of color get on an equal footing with their more privileged white counterparts are accused of being discriminatory against whites for their benefit are anything but. These programs would not be necessary if white society simply had the common courtesy to treat people of color as equal human beings, instead of enforcing both de facto and de jure forms of discrimination against them.
By the way, genuine dialogue on racial matters is practically impossible nowadays, thanks to people who'll immediately accuse the aggrieved of "whining" the moment they begin to address their grievances. This dialogue between you and I happens to be proof positive of that occurring.
"I'm not getting beat up, and I hope I'm not whining. I was trying to make a rational case as to why "diversity" is not a positive agent of change but is, as everyone should realize, a corrosive influence designed topromote negativity. But apparently you find all the negativity amusing, right?"
On the contrary, false prophet. I just find how you make your case for white people being unfairly discriminated against somehow while ignoring the historic and continuing systemic discrimination against those of color hilarious.
PilotX: "So in Rev. Right's world the conditions of the modern white man is equivalent to a Black man in the south in 1820."
It was predictable that you would jump to that conclusion, which of course is not what I implied at all. You are either a lazy jumper at strawmen or just plain dumb.
"You are pretty dense, aren't you? You are making the case that discrimination is fine as long as it benefits you, that there is no absolute standard, that it should just be an endless cycle of injustice."
No Rev. Mack is just explaining what happened in America for hundreds of years. Why do you think discrimination against people of color persisted for so long? Ding ding ding, yep, because it benefitted one group above another. Now for a bonus guess what group this was?
It was predictable that you would jump to that conclusion, which of course is not what I implied at all. You are either a lazy jumper at strawmen or just plain dumb.
7:02 PM
Then YOU explain it for me then Mr. Paranoia.
I work in a pretty conservative workplace-- a defense contractor with a lot of ex-military crawling around.
Having said that, I see n*****s like Cain everyday, who say absurd shit to garner a pat on the back.
Like you said, it's nothing new. However, it is still nauseating.
maria what about people who are black AND hispanic? dont u think they have a history of oppression all throughout the world? seems like their history was never told lke it shouldve been...
So tell me Rev. did yu have to go to a bad public school because you were denied admittance to a good school based on your color? Are you working in a job you hate because you access to your dream job was denied based on your color? Do you live in a crappy apartment because the owners of all the banks in your area were evil Black men who hate whites? Tell me how your life sucks based on the color of your skin. Please share.
Well spoken Mack.
In order for reasonable race dialogue to take place, both parties need to acknowledge some fault.
"You don't see the irony in using racial dicrimination to remedy racial discrimination? You don't see the futility of trying to minimize the impact of race by obsessing on race?"
Did your peeps see the irony of it for a 100 plus years? Wait, I take that back, your peeps didn't try to remedy it; they just kept those chains on our black asses.
Do you now see the irony of you, a white man, telling a bunch of black folks that WE are obsessing over race?
"Ever see how whites are treated at black establishments? The signs may not be where you can see them but they are enforced"
Gee Rev and SPC I thought you conservatives were colorblind. How do you see colors so clearly? Hmmm, maybe those Americans don't treat you that way based on the color of your skin maybe they just don't like you because you're an a-hole. Nah, that;s right people of color are now the only people able to be racists.
Mack Lyons: "So you mean to tell me that if policies were enacted tomorrow that officially sanctioned discrimination against people of color for the benefit of white American males such as yourself, you wouldn't have a problem with it?"
Uh, no, that is the exacy opposite of what I said. You have a Pavlovian response to any topic; ring the bell and you start drooling the same nonsense.
"thanks to people who'll immediately accuse the aggrieved of "whining" the moment they begin to address their grievances."
That was you, Mack, who brought up whining.
"I just find how you make your case for white people being unfairly discriminated against somehow while ignoring the historic and continuing systemic discrimination against those of color hilarious."
Actually I never discounted historic discrimination in any of this. The point is that discrimination is discrimination, whatever color you try to put on it.
"Do you now see the irony of you, a white man, telling a bunch of black folks that WE are obsessing over race?"
No Field, irony is lost on conservatives.
Actually I never discounted historic discrimination in any of this. The point is that discrimination is discrimination, whatever color you try to put on it.
So Rv you admit there was discrimination against people of color. Good, now do you agree there was great harm done to people of color by said discrimination?
"You are pretty dense, aren't you? You are making the case that discrimination is fine as long as it benefits you, that there is no absolute standard, that it should just be an endless cycle of injustice."
False prophet, you still believe that anything that is created to help benefit blacks and other people of color comes at the expense of whites. It doesn't.
And you still believe that somehow blacks and other people of color are conspiring to discriminate against whites in a wholesale manner. They aren't.
In your words, "injustice" is helping people of color attain equal footing on a playing field where whites have held the upper hand for an untold length of time.
You're really working yourself in a frenzy playing "victim".
"Ding ding ding, yep, because it benefitted one group above another. Now for a bonus guess what group this was?"
I will take the white man for $1,000 Alex. :)
Let me stop. Honestly, I kind of like Rev. Right. At least the guy is here and trying to have a dialogue. I have to give him credit. He really seems to want to start the conversation. Now his politics, on the other hand....well that's a lost cause.
"America is the only nation on earth not based on blood or territory, but on an idea: That all men are created equal, and are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights."
I'm certain my Cherokee ancestors would vehemently disagree with this statement!psi mmm lOSER and FRAUD
cherokee? ya dumb idgit! if ure black then u aint part cherokee anything ya coohole!
I wonder if Rev. spends as much time defending other groups from discrimination or does he only use his energy defending against white male discrimination. I know a few Muslims he can defend.
FN: "Did your peeps see the irony of it for a 100 plus years? Wait, I take that back, your peeps didn't try to remedy it; they just kept those chains on our black asses.
Gee I don't know Field, I'm not 100 years old.
"Do you now see the irony of you, a white man, telling a bunch of black folks that WE are obsessing over race?"
Uh, no, because I didn't. I said the culture was, which means everybody, and that was not a good way to over the whole issue. If that doesn't make sense to you, it's because you are not thinking.
Cherokee was a name given to the Aniyunwiya nation. Aniyunwiya means "the principal people".
Do you defend other cultures Rev or just white males? Is any other group being discrimated against in your opinion?
yep and this group whatever u call them voted to disallow decendents of slaves to be cherokee so psi mmm the idiot aint part NOTHING but a coohole idigit
PilotX said...
Do you defend other cultures Rev or just white males? Is any other group being discrimated against in your opinion?
I've said as much PilotX, that's a ridiculous question.
Only one group is discriminated against legally.
If that's cool with you, so be it. It's still wrong.
"Do you now see the irony of you, a white man, telling a bunch of black folks that WE are obsessing over race?"
No. He's still seeing himself as the white victim of black discrimination.
"Ever see how whites are treated at black establishments? The signs may not be where you can see them but they are enforced"
You ever walk into an all-white establishment and get that sort of vibe that you're not wanted in there? Ever see the local patrons staring daggers at you while you get your items? Ever wonder why you don't hear or see any of the friendly banter that was going on the moment before you walked in the door? That happened to me, once. It was made clear that I didn't belong there. And it wasn't because I was being an asshole (which I wasn't), how I was dressed (polo and slacks), or how I carried myself (as an upstanding citizen). I'll let you figure out why the mood was so chilly.
A good number of black establishments don't waste their time trying to pull that off. They have too much to lose in both money and reputation. Speaking of which, a few weeks ago I had dinner at a black-owned and operated restaurant that had a good mix of both black and white patrons. Everyone was treated as customers should be treated -- with respect and courtesy.
Now, if that same establishment had, for example, brazenly put up a big ol' "No Whites Allowed" sign in front of the door and in the dining area, who's to say that they wouldn't have the health department trying to close them down on some otherwise trivial infraction the next morning, with aggrieved white customers trying to sue the propriators out of existence, let alone business?
A similar white establishment wouldn't get a reaction that was this swift, and they would have to be shamed on local and national TV before they even considered taking the sign down. No one from the local or state government would be rushing to shut them down. The NAACP would have a lot to say about it, but what could they do besides, as you put it, "whine"?
Mack Lyons said...
False prophet, you still believe that anything that is created to help benefit blacks and other people of color comes at the expense of whites. It doesn't.
You mean like forcing companies/colleges to hire/promote/accept lower proforming blacks and hispanics over more qualified whites doesn't come at the expense of whites?
Or the fact that companies that are owned by white males are the last ones in line to receive gov. contracts?
"Gee I don't know Field, I'm not 100 years old."
That's a cop-out a lot of people use. That was their father's/grandfather's/great-grandfather's time, and since the sins of the father are not the sins of the son, they're not responsible for the current mess that we're dealing with today.
Problem is, they're all too willing to adopt the same sort of prejudices and benefit from the same policies that their forefathers held and used at the expense of those of color.
"Only one group is discriminated against legally.
If that's cool with you, so be it. It's still wrong."
You still believe whites are somehow being legally discriminated against.
"yep and this group whatever u call them voted to disallow decendents of slaves to be cherokee so psi mmm the idiot aint part NOTHING but a coohole idigit"
I would be slightly annoyed by this, but then I realized that 1)I could care less about maintaining some dubious Native American heritage and 2)Native Americans are much worse off in a sense, given how they were driven off their lands and holed up on "reservations" created by the government as a token gesture after robbing them of their land. Sure they have the casinos, but what else besides that?
"You mean like forcing companies/colleges to hire/promote/accept lower proforming blacks and hispanics over more qualified whites doesn't come at the expense of whites?
Or the fact that companies that are owned by white males are the last ones in line to receive gov. contracts?"
Would you feel better if companies that are owned by blacks were once again the last ones in line to receive government contracts?
How about if whites were once again selected by companies and colleges over blacks and hispanics who were equally or more qualified for those positions? Would that make you feel better?
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