Down in the heart of Dixie they are passing laws to make sure that those illegals stay out of their state.
"Interim State Superintendent Larry E. Craven said Alabama schools are prepared to check the citizenship status of new enrollees, as required by the state's new immigration law. But he emphasized that no student will be kicked out of school if their parents fail to provide the documentation.
Craven said a memo was sent today to local school superintendents informing them a judge had cleared for implementation the section of Alabama's new immigration law requiring schools to check citizenship status.
"We will comply with the law," Craven said today.
School systems will ask parents and guardians to provide a copy of a child's birth certificate when they enroll in public school for the first time. If none is available, they will be asked for additional documentation and to sign a declaration that the student is a legal citizen or immigrant." [Source]
Thanks to HB56, some of those undocumented folks are already fleeing the state. I guess that the law is doing what it was intended to do.
It should be interesting to see what happens a few years down the road. Since those evil immigrants were taking all the jobs, let's see if the unemployment rate goes down in Dixie.
Finally, why are republican candidates for president so angry? Newt is cursing out reporters, and the usually mild mannered John Huntsman is in a twitter war with the Donald. And don't even get me started on Herman Cain. That is one angry Negro. He thinks that the rest of you Negroes have been brainwashed and that you are all trapped on the democratic plantation. (Mmm, what if there are two plantations and he is just on the one with less black folks?)
I guess you have to show anger and resentment to properly represent your constituency. They are, after all, very angry these days. They want someone out there who can show their anger to the rest of us. -OK, we get it; you want your country back.- I guess that this current crop of candidates are just giving their people what they want.
Let's see how they start working back to the middle come general election time. A-merry-cans don't want anger, they want hope and optimism. Times are tough out here, the last thing they want is some "woe is me" type politician preaching gloom and doom.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
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I hope all those illegal immigrants come up here to Philly. We have so many open jobs that we could use tens of thousands of more workers.
What this country really needs are hundreds of millions of more poor people who don't speak English. Hell, China is the same size country as us, and they have over 1.5 billion people. We could easily handle another billion people and we should. It's our duty to share our wealth with everyone on the planet.
How Dare a state want to keep illegals out. What right does a state have to enforce laws that keep Americans safe?
Field, for the record I am not "Shanona", even though I too was so disgusted and felt compelled to hit you up with that same sarcastic reality. It is reality, you know.
The thing is, I don't care for any illegal undocumented people coming into America be they white, brown, black, yellow or polkadot. The American economy can not afford to harbor nor encourage anymore poor suckling people and potential criminals coming into this country. Did I mention coming into this country illegal is a crime?
As an American, I can commit a lesser crime or some petty law violation that would land my American born behind in front of a judge, fined or even jailed! The law knows where to find my American documented ass, yet some of these arrogant illegal extraterrestrials do what the hell they want, know where to hide and are treated with kid gloves because they have more rights and representation than I do!
Not to mention the Medicaid loaded turbo breeders who hold up the supermarket line with their WIC and Foodstamp thanks to that American born human green paper sitting on their illegal hips. And while I, the hard working taxpayer have to decide if the Bounty paper towel has now become a luxury vs a necessity for me to buy.
Furthermore, they may not be taking "our" jobs, but their children will be competing for the jobs, particularly against thriving black children growing up in America. I don't know why some of your negroes seem to think Consuela and Pedro will be doing your laundry and cutting your bush for generations. I know people can't help where they come from, and I too don't like to see others in suffering, but let's get-for-real and be more practical, please.
Let's see how well the usual tactic of trying to get Black voters to vote Republican by using slavery tinged language will work now they have three whole negroes to spew it. Alan West and Cain are goofballs seems only Tim Scott seems to have some sense. Hmmmm, seems a bit odd that the party with only 5% Black representation are the good guys. Well Herman, talk to your boy Mike Steele to see how well folks with tans are treated by the GOP good old boys. If you're lucky you can even defend the next racist shit to come out of some southern white a-hole's mouth. Gotta love them Toms.
Importing millions of uneducated poor people just drives down wages and makes the rich richer. Not to mention the increase in crime and loss of social cohesion.
Personally, I like a mostly middle-class society in which daily life is less Darwinian than in a society of a few extremely rich people and a lot of extremely poor people.
Furthermore, how many Mexicans, non-black immigrants/illegals were vocal or crying their hearts out for Troy Davis as you all were?
I thought so.
"As an American, I can commit a lesser crime or some petty law violation that would land my American born behind in front of a judge, fined or even jailed! The law knows where to find my American documented ass, yet some of these arrogant illegal extraterrestrials do what the hell they want, know where to hide and are treated with kid gloves because they have more rights and representation than I do!"
LAA and AB are officially Tea Partiers now!
uptownsteve said...
"As an American, I can commit a lesser crime or some petty law violation that would land my American born behind in front of a judge, fined or even jailed! The law knows where to find my American documented ass, yet some of these arrogant illegal extraterrestrials do what the hell they want, know where to hide and are treated with kid gloves because they have more rights and representation than I do!"
LAA and AB are officially Tea Partiers now!
Right cause anyone who makes sense and thinks things through, then speaks the truth supported with logic is your enemy. Logic is your enemy, it requires thinking.
Let's see how they start working back to the middle come general election time. A-merry-cans don't want anger, they want hope and optimism. Times are tough out here, the last thing they want is some "woe is me" type politician preaching gloom and doom.
You are right, that is why Obama and the CBC have failed miserably. We want to see America become the greatest and the best again, not settle for well they could be worse with a liberal helping of class warfare and guilty racism attempts.
PilotX said...
Gotta love them Toms.
the only tom is you negro.
Why is it that the Fwee Market Libertarian nations are such pestilent horrors...and those icky nasty yucky Socialist countries are nice places?
Scandinavia and most of Europe has taxes and regulations and stable governments. All those lands who use Chicago School Austerity are unstable and not very pleasant...until they throw out the Fwee Market policies.
Christie for Prez? Let's just say under all that bullying bluster cowardice...are some skeletons. He'd be an idiot to do more than fleece the rubes by playing coy.
It is ironic to watch the second and third gen offspring of cheap, cheap imported foreign labour weep about the bosses still bringing in the lower wages.
And the South crying in their watery beer over the jobs they thought they had permanently stolen from the Yankees...going to even cheaper lands.
Mexico Norte' is what Badtux calls the idiocy so dreamed of by the wingnut Cons. Worth asking if this is what we want.
PilotX said...
Hmmmm, seems a bit odd that the party with only 5% Black representation
Thats why Obama can bitch slap y'all black folk and tell you to shut the "F" up.
He knows you won't be leaving the Democrat plantation anytime soon.
Slave catcher steve and field negro will see to that.
Obama would have never spoke like that to any group of people in the world.
Except black folks......
Yeah.....That whole plantation thang.....
Nuttin' but a myth.....
"Why is it that the Fwee Market Libertarian nations are such pestilent horrors...and those icky nasty yucky Socialist countries are nice places?"
Because those socialist countries don't have so many niggers.
Mold: >Mexico Norte' is what Badtux calls the idiocy so dreamed of by the wingnut Cons. Worth asking if this is what we want.<
No we don't. They do.
They import grasping poverty from the Third World and then are perplexed when the poverty grabs what it can purloin from its hosts’ public treasury.
They bring tens of millions of subliterate irredentist Mexicans to American territory conquered from Mexicans and then call “racist” those who notice that the Mexicans are subliterate irredentists.
They sell guns to violent criminals in Mexico who use them to shoot Americans, then blame crime on guns in American citizens’ hands.
They export America’s industrial base to Asia and then debate why there is unemployment.
They pump trillions of conjured dollars into an economy staggering under a crushing burden of conjured dollars and then assert with a straight face that trillions more conjured dollars are needed because “recovery” has stalled.
They lend to the banksters at 0% and then borrow from them at 4%. Prattling of a “strong dollar,” they convert the world’s strongest currency into history’s largest Ponzi scheme and a cautionary tale told to Chinese children.
There is no end to the madness, nor to the mad schemes to deny the madness and to hunt down and silence those who notice the madness.
A combination of stupidity, lunacy, and gnostic malfeasance on this scale is unprecedented in history. The scope of the ultimate catastrophe to which this is leading may also be unprecedented—which is saying much, because the precedents include the fall of Rome and the fall of the Weimar Republic.
The perps deserve at least a name. “Leftist” or “liberal” are inaccurate, as some of the ruling elite who steer the ship of state and society onto the shoals of breakdown are “conservative” Republicans, while others profess to be Christians doing what Jesus would do, or are Jews “repairing the world” in their time-honored tradition. Others yet are opportunists willing to hitch their wagon to anything as long as it brings them more power, glory, or money. It’s hard to find a 5-star CEO, 4-star general, or no-star Congressman who is not in this category.
field, "A-merry-cans don't want anger, they want hope and optimism."
Oh, do mean like the "hope and optimism" they wanted for Obama?" Obama's "Yes we can" turned out to be bullshit.
Americans ARE not just angry with the way things are going, they are VERY angry. Where the hell have you been, Field? That head of yours is full of delusions...away from the realities of American life today.
"Finally, why are republican candidates for president so angry? Newt is cursing out reporters, and the usually mild mannered John Huntsman is in a twitter war with the Donald. And don't even get me started on Herman Cain. That is one angry Negro. He thinks that the rest of you Negroes have been brainwashed and that you are all trapped on the democratic plantation."
The reason candidates for President are so angry is because things are not going so well in America. It's too bad spineless Obama has no anger. Americans would like to see that instead of a weakling.
Herman Cain has right anger. The kind of anger that will not allow his boundaries to be crossed, and will not allow himself to be stepped on. Obama has no boundaries. The Repubs walk on his spineless fearful self WHENEVER they damn well please. It is clear that Obama is afraid of them. However, you can be sure Cain is not. He is going to go far during this Republican campaign.
Field, your blatant prejudice blinds your judgment.
I never, never, never thought I would agree with a bunch of anons, but they're making sense today, except for anon @12:30Am. Really!
I think my head is about to explode!!
@UTS- I don't understand your reasoning. So if I understand this, anybody who doesn't agree with you on the immigration issue is a member of the Tea Party. I have also noticed your penchant for talking down to people.
With all due respect-Trey
Dr Queen, this video is for you. It's about a REAL Georgetown student who stands for what he believes in. He didn't just blow smoke like you do on FN, he took action...something you know nothing about.!
Trey-"I never, never, never thought I would agree with a bunch of anons, but they're making sense today, except for anon @12:30Am. Really!
I think my head is about to explode!!
@UTS- I don't understand your reasoning. So if I understand this, anybody who doesn't agree with you on the immigration issue is a member of the Tea Party. I have also noticed your penchant for talking down to people.
With all due respect-Trey"
1:40 AM
Thanks Trey. Usually any anon who disagrees with Field or uts gets called a white-goober even though the anon may be Black like me.
Field sometimes misses the mark with his post and this is one of those times. Even with Newt Gingrich firing back at the media is very much needed today because the media is manipulative and dishonest. They aren't looking for truth and facts, they are looking for something they can fabricate for entertainment. I am glad Newt is standing up to them.
BTW, you are not alone in your observation of UTS. Many have the same opinion.
PilotX, "Well Herman, talk to your boy Mike Steele to see how well folks with tans are treated by the GOP good old boys. If you're lucky you can even defend the next racist shit to come out of some southern white a-hole's mouth. Gotta love them Toms."
Whatever you say, Pilot. Call us whatever you like. But it won't change anything. The Republicans are attracting more and more Blacks to their party. You Dems showed how useless you really are. You lack power, boy.
The fact that a black man could win the "Republican" "Florida" Straw Poll should be a welcome applause from all Blacks. But you find nothing but negative thoughts and criticisms for Herman Cain. You are such a "brainwashed" Negro. You and Field can't see the trees for the forest.
So go ahead and call Herman Cain names, and put him down for what he has accomplished. Is it good for your crab-in-the-barrel Negro soul?
Wow what a f-ing stupid moron you are Field Nigg$ Socialist piece of f-ing garbage! What part of illegal don't you get?? Oh I forgot you "people" have no sense of right and wrong, only "you owe me!"..kindly f^^k off or better yet get lynched bitch!
The trolls are in rare form re: this post. Keep the faith Field. It's a good analysis!
"Crabs in the barrel". When it comes to the likes of Herman Cain and folks of his ilk...hell want to get as far away from those particular crabs as possible. I mean up and out of there!! They belong at the bottom of the barrel and should be returned to depths of the sea!
A vast majority of white people in Alabama still have the slave era and jim crow mentality. (There have been plenty of times that I have overheard conversation in the work place between whites where they reveal their true color. Even from some of the ones that present themselves as friendly.)
The underlying truth to all of these new immigrations laws is the fear of losing power.
Three of the reason why the Conservatives are having sucess is a stack conservative judical branch, Most Hispanics retreating instead of taking a stand and Black folks that have a voice in the media too busy fighting with Obama and among themselves instead of using their voice to push back on Conservatives who are trying to take this country backward.
"The fact that a black man could win the "Republican" "Florida" Straw Poll should be a welcome applause from all Blacks."
Black man my ass. Having black skin does not mean you are a friendly foe of other blacks. With the expection of Colin Powell most of these black Repubs say whatever they think is going to make the "white man" happy.
If we went back to slavery at this very second some of these black men
winning Republican elections would be out rounding up black folks for the plantations. The ring leader would be that non elected Republican Judge Clarence Thomas who hate the very skin he is in.
"How Dare a state want to keep illegals out. What right does a state have to enforce laws that keep Americans safe?"
The problem isn't keeping illegal immigrants out of the state, and ideally out of the country. The problem is how this law effectively gives law enforcement card blanche to stop and frisk anyone who looks remotely Mexican or Central American, based on the assumption that the only people who appear to be from that locale are illegal immigrants. It's a similar assumption to "all blacks are criminals until proven otherwise."
In other words, you'll see law enforcement agents harassing legal-resident and natural-born Latinos based on the assumption that they are illegal immigrants.
Another thing of note about this law is how it invokes the old "states' rights" chestnut. Since the federal government seemed "unwilling" to do anything about illegals, the states are solving the problem themselves. Normally, there wouldn't be much wrong with this, except these laws threaten to discriminate against legal immigrants and natural-born citizens of non-Caucasian or non-American background.
LAA, the reason this economy seems so fragile is because corporation after corporation has found out that after cutting back on staff and investment out of necessity, that they can "do more with less" and pocket the savings as pure profit by making the bare minimum investments and improvements, not hiring more workers and saddling the existing staff with double or triple the work loads. Productivity and profits have gone through the roof, but the unemployment rate still looks like shit.
Getting rid of illegals will thin the pool of workers fighting for those sparse crumbs to an extent, but it isn't going to do jack shit for this economy until companies start hiring in masse again, which in turn will allow consumers to have enough money and enough confidence to feed the consumer goods market with their hard-earned dollars, slowly but surely getting the economy back on track.
On the other hand, those small and mid-sized farms that relied on illegal immigrant labor are hurting for warm bodies right about now, but there aren't many takers. Something about 12 to 14-hour days of back-breaking labor for slightly above minimum wage that's turning people off. Georgia tried to fill those jobs with probationers and prisoners, but it hasn't worked out how the state government imagined.
"Where the hell have you been, Field? That head of yours is full of delusions...away from the realities of American life today."
I have been here in A-merry-ca, observing the struggle for control and power over these divided states. When it's all said and done maybe I will go back to my little plot of land in Mandeville, JA. and chill.
My head is not full of delusions, sir. (Are you saying that because I am Jamaican? What are you trying to say, that I smoke some type of grass that would cause me to be deluded?) It is full of...oh never mind. Please tell me what, exactly, is "American life" and I will tell you if I am away from it.
"The problem isn't keeping illegal immigrants out of the state, and ideally out of the country. The problem is how this law effectively gives law enforcement card blanche to stop and frisk anyone who looks remotely Mexican or Central American, based on the assumption that the only people who appear to be from that locale are illegal immigrants. It's a similar assumption to "all blacks are criminals until proven otherwise."
Oh Mack, there you go making sense again. Stop it. The wingnuts might actually have to think.
"They import grasping poverty from the Third World and then are perplexed when the poverty grabs what it can purloin from its hosts’ public treasury.
They bring tens of millions of subliterate irredentist Mexicans to American territory conquered from Mexicans and then call “racist” those who notice that the Mexicans are subliterate irredentists."
Will someone please pass the offering plate, Mold is having church up in here.:)
What's wrong with a moratorium on ALL immigration until the US economy gets back on it's feet.
Two plantations and he's on the one with less black folks? That's actually somewhat comical considering the name of your blog.
Ideologically there has ALWAYS been only one plantation and most of us are in the field, a few are in the house and they ARE prone to defend it.
Cain might be saying all of the "right" things (another irony because they couldn't be more wrong), but he'll find out, just like Barry O did, how the owners of the house REALLY feel about him, even when he appears to agree with them in principle.
I wish you really knew how the system worked before you start running off the mouth.
as most people are angry about banksters/food prices/joblessness/homelessness/etc...
the wise query is:
why are dems so happy????
how does coddling a blackish prez become a killer application for RIGHTEOUS ANGER for ALL?????????????
mock and resist said anger all you wish while adoring and coddling and excusing hobama...
that very same anger may evict hobama in 2012
will u be belatedly angry then???
never fret
as soon as another wm clones hobama
black anger will return....ask gwb
hi fn as a lawyer you do up hold the rule of law right?
"@UTS- I don't understand your reasoning. So if I understand this, anybody who doesn't agree with you on the immigration issue is a member of the Tea Party"
It's not real complicated goober.
I'll go slow.
Negroes who constantly bitch about their own blood and mexican immigrants who just come here seeking a better and then turn around and kiss the asses of white racists need their heads examined.
Get it now?
"What's wrong with a moratorium on ALL immigration until the US economy gets back on it's feet."
Because the immigrants aren't what's wrong with the economy.
That's scapegoating.
US corporations are reaping record profits, sitting on billions of dollars of cash and not hiring anybody.
And the Rethug idiots want to give them more tax breaks and slidebyes?????
Mack Lyons said...Normally, there wouldn't be much wrong with this, except these laws threaten to discriminate against legal immigrants and natural-born citizens of non-Caucasian or non-American background
Any law "threatens" to discriminate if it is applied unfairly. Maybe laws against murder should not be enforced because someone might be discriminated against.
This is nonsense. The Federal government has been an active partner in importing a third of the Mexican population in an unholy alliance of Republicans seeking cheap labor and Democrats seeking cheap votes.
Forty million illegal immigrants have changed things. Who is better off because this has happened? People at the bottom looking for jobs? Middle class tax payers?
Or maybe just big businesses that employ low skilled workers and Democrat politicians.
why does hobama gleefully drunken the poor blacks/dems who should be MOST angry?????
let me be clear
i am praying for a miracle to spur hobama to reject his second selection
that is our only hope to halt his bankster hitler swag through 2016
“I asked a top Democratic strategist the other day and he thought that it was possible that, in January, Harry Reid comes to Obama and says, ‘Look you cost us control of the House last year, you’re going to cost us control of the Senate this year. For the good of the party you have to step aside’” said Morris.
“And, then, (Obama) pulls a Lyndon Johnson, he says ‘I’m fighting to solve the recession, and problem is because of partisanship and my re-election people reject everything I say because of partisanship, so I’m going to not run for president and focus my full time attention on solving this recession’ and then go out popular,” Morris added.
The only Democrats that don't see electing Obama was a mistake are those living on the plantation.
Hillary Clinton would have been a much better leader.Obama needs to step aside so Hillary can save our country.
Some really nice posts. Almost no talking orders or marching points. Thank you.
Trying to invent a false equivalence between the business importation of underpaid Mex labour and the ephemeral dream of doing so for votes is a desperate attempt to fake 'both does it'. Marco Rubio may be a 'rentboy' for certain Florida interests...but one should ask why so many Latino voters choose the Party that offers them a seat at the table...and addresses their concerns.
Love how the wingnut Wurlitzer is still trying to sell Obama as the eveelMooslimSoshlust. A quick read of the Lefty blogs shows that nearly all considered him a right-of-centre pol with Chicago School advisers and too much Wall Street funding. They must still be pouting that the US chose him over their Geezer/MILF ticket.
Illegals are not all illiterate....or Mex. What about all those Irish? Or the Central Europeans, many with ties to the 'Family' back home. Or the English. Or those in South Florida.
anon 1018
hobama has failed
from his bankster hoaxes
to his razor thin resume
to his endless droned out wars
proof of hobama's puppetry =
i am reading it is a classic exposure!
The hidden history of Wall Street and the White House comes down to a single, powerful, quintessentially American concept: confidence. Both centers of power, tapping brazen innovations over the past three decades, learned how to manufacture it.
Until August 2007, when that confidence finally began to crumble.
In this gripping and brilliantly reported book, Ron Suskind tells the story of what happened next, as Wall Street struggled to save itself while a man with little experience and soaring rhetoric emerged from obscurity to usher in “a new era of responsibility.” It is a story that follows the journey of Barack Obama, who rose as the country fell, and offers the first full portrait of his tumultuous presidency.
Wall Street found that straying from long-standing principles of transparency, accountability, and fair dealing opened a path to stunning profits. Obama’s determination to reverse that trend was essential to his ascendance, especially when Wall Street collapsed during the fall of an election year and the two candidates could audition for the presidency by responding to a national crisis. But as he stood on the stage in Grant Park, a shudder went through Barack Obama. He would now have to command Washington, tame New York, and rescue the economy in the first real management job of his life.
The new president surrounded himself with a team of seasoned players—like Rahm Emanuel, Larry Summers, and Tim Geithner—who had served a different president in a different time. As the nation’s crises deepened, Obama’s deputies often ignored the president’s decisions—“to protect him from himself”—while they fought to seize control of a rudderless White House. Bitter disputes—between men and women, policy and politics—ruled the day. The result was an administration that found itself overtaken by events as, year to year, Obama struggled to grow into the world’s toughest job and, in desperation, take control of his own administration.
Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Ron Suskind introduces readers to an ensemble cast, from the titans of high finance to a new generation of reformers, from petulant congressmen and acerbic lobbyists to a tight circle of White House advisers—and, ultimately, to the president himself, as you’ve never before seen him. Based on hundreds of interviews and filled with piercing insights and startling disclosures, Confidence Men brings into focus the collusion and conflict between the nation’s two capitals—New York and Washington, one of private gain, the other of public purpose—in defining confidence and, thereby, charting America’s future.
"Trying to invent a false equivalence between the business importation of underpaid Mex labour and the ephemeral dream of doing so for votes is a desperate attempt to fake 'both does it'. Marco Rubio may be a 'rentboy' for certain Florida interests...but one should ask why so many Latino voters choose the Party that offers them a seat at the table...and addresses their concerns."
First off, "their concerns" are just like everyone else's: An active, vibrant economy that offers good paying jobs and opportunities to better one's life.
Secondly, you undermine your own point: Increasing illegal immigrants from south of the border increases the electoral propspects of democrats. This is why the democratic party works ceaselessly to prevent the enforcement of immigration laws.
Clueless republicans sabotage their own long-term interests by catering to the desire of big business for cheap workers.
The vast majority of us pay the price.
hobam's entire regime and life have been LIES!!!
from george soros to al sharpton
from BP to solyndra
from timmy g to larry s to the illegal mayor of chi rahmbo
and NO lies live forever!
if hobama is indeed one and done
it will be because ALL of his
ENDLESS LIES outlived their missions...
A quick read of the Lefty blogs shows that nearly all considered him a right-of-centre pol
Not shocking. Nor is it the truth. If Obama was right of centre, Liberals wouldn't have undying love for him.
Neither Clinton,Gore, or Kerry enjoyed that much love from the left.
as long as one lives
it is never too late to wake up
i will never defend her!!!
memo to michelle:
keep it real
try the dollar tree
RICH people are slumming at target
MOST people are shopping at the dollar tree
get your 2012 ad swag on there!!!
This shows how desperate Hobama is. Using his wife has a prop?
This reminds me of Jimmy Carter caring around a empty suitcase.
uptownsteve said...
"@UTS- I don't understand your reasoning. So if I understand this, anybody who doesn't agree with you on the immigration issue is a member of the Tea Party"
It's not real complicated goober.
I'll go slow.
As if you have any other choice but to go slow nigger.
Negroes who constantly bitch about their own blood and mexican immigrants who just come here seeking a better and then turn around and kiss the asses of white racists need their heads examined.
So in your mind anyone who has an opinion of you that is negative is "racist" because no matter how fucked up you are they need to protect you cause you Black and Whites are all racists. You seem to be projecting here, without a doubt.
Abiding by the laws of this country is not "kissing the ass of white people" it is being civilized and contributing to society.
Get it now?
Illegal Isn't a race or blood type or skin is an act and violation of the laws of a country designed to protect it's citizens....get it now dumb Coon?
If you have enough bread for four, only a dumb coon like you would demand that SOMEBODY ELSE feed others and have enough for its own sons and daughters.
Alabama, and the nation, didn't have a problem with them there illegals as long as they were willing to do the jobs they didn't want to pay black folks a decent wage to do. The problem started when the illegals wanted the right to vote and pay taxes.
They don't want the children of illegals to enroll in school because for 1 they will get an education and take it home and educated their parents/family, and 2, they want them to work along side their parents for slave wages.
uptownsteve said...
"What's wrong with a moratorium on ALL immigration until the US economy gets back on it's feet."
Because the immigrants aren't what's wrong with the economy.
That's scapegoating.
US corporations are reaping record profits, sitting on billions of dollars of cash and not hiring anybody.
And the Rethug idiots want to give them more tax breaks and slidebyes?????
Real Bright Genius Boy so you are demanding that U.S citizens continue to invite foreigners into our country so they can compete with everyone else for resources and again are demanding SOMEONE ELSE pay for it.
Put your money where your mouth is and invite some illegals to live with you and support them with food, healthcare, housing whatever it takes. See how long your house will survive. After all, you can't be a hypocrite, if this is what you want, do it.
Then explain to your wife you may have to cut back or go hungry because you want to feed the world and fix someone else's actions. See how well that goes over - again this is what you are demanding of the rest of US citizens.
Mack, illegal immigration isn't just about"jobs" or jobs being taken away from "Americans". As an American, a black person in America, I reserve the right to have concerns regarding illegal immigration and whatever "accommodations" they might be given at my or my children expense. I have a right to not only have economic concerns, but crime/safety, social, racial/colorism concerns that could also impact or enhance the black skin denigration in America that blacks already face while still trying to thrive as a minority race.
While you are looking at the po' shit shovelers and the orange pickers, there are growing instances and places right now in America where the children of these immigrant maids and bush cutters are being given the higher end jobs over equally qualified black people by design, and they too are hiring their OWN in return. The are NO different from the racist American whites and the racist white legal or illegal immigrants.
And yapping off about greedy corporations are just more distracting talking points that Kumbayah self-hating negroes also use to masquerade their romanticizing of black and brown unity and assimilation.
And Hathor, you go shut the hell up and make sure your own man children are not contributing to that dead beat population which seems to plague and further drag down the black race post slavery. That's the least some of you dysfunctional enabling older black mothers could do to help. LAC isn't anywhere around, I'll assume you were referring to me.
The problem started when the illegals wanted the right to vote and pay taxes.
LOL@them there illegals wanted the right to pay taxes.
What bullshit.
please pray for teachers daily
they are stressed out more than prison wardens!!!
because sexed out psycho predatory illiterate pookies rule the world
and they rule in all sizes/ages/classes/races etc
buck wild pre-k kids run all elemetary schools....shame!!!
A Queens mom who says her now 6-year-son was sexually attacked inside his school is suing the city for $10 million - and she says the assailants were all kindergartners.
Yenny Valero, 31, of Astoria, says that her son was attacked in a bathroom in Public School 112 before the end of the school year last June. He was 5 at the time.
Four fellow kindergartner boys held the victim down, removed his pants and violated the boy with at least one finger into his anus, according to Valero.
"My son still can't sleep and he is very anxious, even though he is going to therapy," said Valero, who had the boy transferred after the incident.
The boy suffered permanent physical and psychological injuries from the attack, according to Valero's suit.
Police were called in to investigate the incident after it occurred, but detectives dropped the case because of the young age of the children involved.
School officials also investigated the incident, but they were unable to prove that the attack occurred.
Valero's lawyer Julio Portilla insists that the shocking attack happened, even though authorities were unable to substantiate the boy's claims.
"The school failed in its duty and now they are trying to sweep it under the rug," said Portilla, who filed legal papers in Queens Supreme Court over the summer.
Oh My, looks like Obama lies so much he is getting his class warfare lies confused. Looks like all those qoutes from Buffet were lies, in fact Buffet disagrees with the lies. This man is making Jimmy Carter look like a really good president. It's predictable though, deal in nothing but lies and you just can't keep them straight and wind up screwing everything up.
Disagrees with Obama who set the tax increase to begin at $1 million. Said he wasn’t talking that low, he advocated over well over $50 million per year.
Refused to comment on Obama’s other plan to increase taxes on Americans and small businesses making more than $250,000.
Won’t endorse American Jobs Act.
Hay AB, Obama will forever continue to stay mute as long as anything black is attached. I'm willing to bet if Humberto Leal was a Black African instead of a Mexican murdering rapist, Obama would have never came anywhere near that situation.
For the record to anyone, I tend to see things more on a racial angle, oppose to some who see things on a political.
new killer ads loom for the killer app hobama daily
even with billions in cash and millions of black racist nazis...
that blackish false god hobama may be still be one and done in 2012
karma is real
blackinalabama, "Black man my ass. Having black skin does not mean you are a friendly foe of other blacks. With the expection of Colin Powell most of these black Repubs say whatever they think is going to make the "white man" happy."
What's a 'friendly foe' to Blacks, YOU? How does a 'friendly foe' like YOU work, Negro? No wonder we are so splintered as a race. With brilliant minds like yours determining who is the 'friendly foe', Blacks will never work together for their common well-being. You should be more careful what you say and even more so what you write.
Colin Powell is the only black Republican that YOU approve of? And the other Blacks are just saying what they think will make the white man happy? HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS?
I submit there are black Dems who are saying things just to make Whites happy too....LIKE OBAMA!
IMO, Herman Cain is for real. He has put forth REAL solutions for our country, which is what America needs.
Herman's remarks about a large segment of us being brain-washed is 'absolutely' true. Negroes who think in terms of "friendly foes" are unable to 'see', 'hear' or awaken to anything new. Even after all these years, Dems have been sticking it to us, and YOU still can't see it. In fact, you have nothing to say it. You go blindly with the closed-mind you are supposed to have and attack the Repubs and let the Dems go free. No wonder Obama could tell the CBC to shut up and quit complaining. You are so brain-washed that you will support the Dems NO MATTER WHAT! BTW that is pretty sick.
Dems are the same Whites who stood by and watched Troy Davis get executed... THEY are the ones throughout American history who stood by and watched thousands of Blacks lynched and DID NOTHING...THEY are the ones who ignore police brutality... THEY are the ones who free cops who have murdered defenseless bm on BART...there's a long list of crap YOU could hold the Dems feet to the fire for-- but you won't.
Today, DEMS are the ones pushing for illegal immigration and leaning more and more toward the fair treatment and freedom of Latinos while simultaneously ignoring and leaning away from Blacks.
But you are too blind and brain-washed to get it. I hope Cain and West continue to highlight such obvious discrepancies that have been hidden in plain sight, which Negroes like you and Field are too brain-washed to see.
i like herman too
warts and all
he would be a much better prez for ALL americans of ALL races than hobama
and he was a great ceo with great pizza!!!
blackinalabama, "Black man my ass. Having black skin does not mean you are a friendly foe of other blacks. With the expection of Colin Powell most of these black Repubs say whatever they think is going to make the "white man" happy."
The only reason you like Powell is that he came out in support of Obama, proving that skin color was more important than any ideology he had, and that he in fact, was a racist.
Just like you.
You won't even allow another black person the freedom to choose their beliefs without labelling them a traitor to their skin color.
Fuck Powell, and motherfuck you.
amen anon!
smiley/west 2012!!!
i revere and adore both black warrior kings
When the banks had a national emergency, they bailed out and found $700 billion," West shot back. "When we go to war, we find $1.3 trillion."
"When the banks had a national emergency, they bailed out and found $700 billion," West shot back. "When we go to war, we find $1.3 trillion."
It is clear that America has it's priorities screwed up. Or does it? Maybe what is happening has been the plan all along.
the banksters/cia/mafia slew jfk because he refused to be/become hobama/gwb/bubba...
hobama gave banksters 23 trillion of our cash
jfk printed his own real fed money to slay the fake "fed" reserve/pvt destroyer
hey lack:
conspiracies are real
especially in dc!!!
ask jfk
"there are growing instances and places right now in America where the children of these immigrant maids and bush cutters are being given the higher end jobs over equally qualified black people by design"
I BET you don't answer because just like the lying racist goobers who claim that unqualified blacks routinely take jobs from white men through Affirmative Action, your remark is baseless racist bullshit.
You've really gone off the deep end LAA.
You and AB.
I really hope for your sake you find a white dude to date you before you seriously hurt somebody.
bold coon uts/stays stuntin' stymie:
i bet she does not reply because she just refuses to do your own research for the rest of us
u lazy clueless bookless blogless nig
Most illegal immigrants are indeed Mexican. (58%). The overwhelming majority are from Mexico or other Latin American countries (81%). About 4% are from Europe or Canada.
See pg 11-12 of report.
Outside of open borders and no deportations, ever, for anyone I'm not sure what most pro illegal immigrant supporters want. Some people have sad stories but bottom line is the US isn't their country.
Alabama doesn't have the power to deport, only the Feds do and the President has made it clear he's going to start to slow-walk deportations, based (ironically enough) on DREAM ACT criteria, which of course didn't pass Congress. So Alabama can turn people over to the Feds; the Feds will just release most of them. So it goes.
"The only reason you like Powell is that he came out in support of Obama."
As usual you don't have a clue.
Even when he was hanging with the Repubs, Colin Powell NEVER gratuitously attacked Black America to prove his buckdancing bonfides to white racists like 99% of the rest of the black Republicans.
He always proudly proclaimed his blackness and tried to provide an example of how a person can be black, proud and a conservative.
After the Rethugs used him and then tried to throw him under the bus (which they eventually do to all blacks who get involved with them) he wised up and left the party.
"You won't even allow another black person the freedom to choose their beliefs without labelling them a traitor to their skin color."
This so much nonsense.
Black conservatives can be exactly what they want to be and no one is abridging their civil liberties.
What they want is the same pats on the head and "you're so brave and independent" condescension they recieve from white racists to be delivered from black people whom they regularly slander.
That's not going to happen.
I BET you don't answer because just like the lying racist goobers who claim that unqualified blacks routinely take jobs from white men through Affirmative Action, your remark is baseless racist bullshit.
What race is illegal Mr Coontastic? so how many Illegals will you be sponsoring and inviting into your home so you can support them like YOU demand others do....c'mon buckwheat, welcome to adulthood, you can have what you want as long as you walk the talk...tell us HOW many and they have to be Men, I know your perverted mind lustin after white and latino chicks.
"Most illegal immigrants are indeed Mexican. (58%). The overwhelming majority are from Mexico or other Latin American countries (81%). About 4% are from Europe or Canada.
See pg 11-12 of report.
Outside of open borders and no deportations, ever, for anyone I'm not sure what most pro illegal immigrant supporters want. Some people have sad stories but bottom line is the US isn't their country.
Alabama doesn't have the power to deport, only the Feds do and the President has made it clear he's going to start to slow-walk deportations, based (ironically enough) on DREAM ACT criteria, which of course didn't pass Congress. So Alabama can turn people over to the Feds; the Feds will just release most of them. So it goes."
If you're not Native American please don't talk about who is and isn't an "illegal" immigrant. Thanks. It's great that Americans will always find a new scapegoat to avoid the real issue of the boom and bust cycles that are a lovely "feature" of a capitalist system. Honestly, more of my taxes go towards bailing out banks than to anyone on welfare so I would rather focus my anger at them and those who prop them up.
deporting more latinos than any repub in record speed...
is the ONE area where hobama has NOT failed!
repubs = dems
"so how many Illegals will you be sponsoring and inviting into your home so you can support them like YOU demand others do."
Oh really?
How many you have in your home goober?
I bet you don't even have furniture.
Another goober fantasy.
They're SUUPORTING the illegals when half of those racist goons can't even support their meth habits.
Oh, I like this bunch. Especially their attire. The students wore bright red T-shirts bearing the words: "OBAMA: STOP DEPORTING DREAMERS."
When Barack Obama ran for president, supporters -- touting his cool demeanor -- labeled him "no drama Obama." Well, thanks to the DREAMers, Obama had plenty of drama this week.
I was glad to see it. The president deserves a confrontation over his clumsy, dishonest, and self-serving handling of the combustible immigration issue. Since taking office, Obama has fed the immigrant reform community a steady diet of broken promises, blame-shifting and outright lies.
The game plan at the White House is simple but cynical: aggressively enforce immigration law by hook or by crook, rack up record numbers of deportations, and then have Obama and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano brag about the results to those Americans who want the laws enforced.
steve, "I BET you don't answer because just like the lying racist goobers who claim that unqualified blacks routinely take jobs from white men through Affirmative Action, your remark is baseless racist bullshit."
Instead of making baseless comments while accusing others of doing the same, why don't YOU show facts to back-up and support your comment? That way you can show how baseless LAA's remarks are! We'll wait for your answer.
Show us how it's done. Otherwise, STFU, you baseless idiot.
"Instead of making baseless comments while accusing others of doing the same, why don't YOU show facts to back-up and support your comment? That way you can show how baseless LAA's remarks are! We'll wait for your answer."
Welcome to gooberville.
They tell a lie then challenge you to prove it isn't a lie.
The FAUX TV method of debate.
slavecatchersteve said...
Black conservatives can be exactly what they want to be and no one is abridging their civil liberties.
No, just calling them Toms and race-traitors. You are disgusting.
slave catcher steve
A master at deflection!!!!!!
Keep up the good work. You might get to hang out with mold is massa house!!!
"No, just calling them Toms and race-traitors. You are disgusting."
Oh rightwingers would never call their opponents names.
You imbeciles can't be serious.
steve is a narcissist of the worst kind. unable to see or hear much of anything beyond his own childish grandiose ugly mind. people who disagree with him are called 'goobers', whatever the hell that is.
Like Purple Cow said, it is a waste of time trying to have a decent and respectful conversation with steve. I am done with FN.
Still they use the same tactics and think they can appeal to us. What was the saying about insanity? Herman Cain wins a straw poll and suddenly we're to run into the GOP arms? This is really rich.
First they want us to believe the lie that Dr. King was a Republican and that was supposed to drive us to them, didn't work.
Next they elect a brother as head of the RNC, epic fail.
Then they fix elections to elect two brother into the congress after decades of none. When will these people understand it is the GOP policies that drove us away and keep us away in droves. Sure they can pick off a few percentage points with silly issues like gay marriage but by and large they are what they are. I still say instead of trying to use deceptive and childish tactics to woo us why not simply ask us why we don't like em and actually listen. I mean maybe Cain is right and many will admit to some form of brainwashing but I doubt that as much as I doubt Cain actually has a chance at the nomination. Simple fix, instead of relying on stereotypes and silly efforts that won't work sit and converse and you'd be surprised what you might learn.
pat b is a genuine fl vote thieving nazi
but did he lie????
On Wednesday, Cain told CNN that black voters "have been brainwashed into not being open-minded, not even considering a conservative point of view." The comment received a lot of attention, and MSNBC's Martin Bashir asked Buchanan about it on his Thursday show. Buchanan said he wholeheartedly approved.
"I think the African American community has embraced Great Society liberalism which has been devastating for the African American family," he said. "...I admire Herman Cain for standing up and going against, if you will, the conventional wisdom, and being a tough African American businessman."
"Brainwashed?" Bashir said. "That's a fairly strong term."
"I think what he's saying is they bought a lot of liberal propaganda on the liberal plantation and I think he's right!" Buchanan replied staunchly.
"On the liberal plantation. Wow." Bashir said. "That's right," Buchanan said.
hobama's memo to self:
uptownsteve said...
"so how many Illegals will you be sponsoring and inviting into your home so you can support them like YOU demand others do."
Oh really?
How many you have in your home goober?
I bet you don't even have furniture.
Another goober fantasy.
They're SUUPORTING the illegals when half of those racist goons can't even support their meth habits
It's funny how in one breath you say Whites are the ones in power, the ones who "use you and then pat you on the head" then the next breath you say they are po po folks who don't have furniture, can't support meth you think? Can you think?
I dont have any illegals in my home, I dont want any, the difference in your ridiculously infantile example my genius racist coon is that I don't support illegal immigration (other then through the government levies) and you do.
Can you think? Do you do more then fingerpoint,evade and duck all adult responsibility and logic.
If I were to try and understand your core beliefs it seems as if you think America is responsible to take care of anyone in the world - but not you just the "white man" but somehow your logic is flawed as to you white people are dumb drug addicts doing meth.
Again - can you think? Surely even someone with a low IQ can understand base logic of resources, where they come from and if they are used up by those outside of the house, then those in the house don't get any? You can't be that dumb, can you?
Steve, just because the Latin Boom hasn't reached your neck of the gated cul-de-sac doesn't mean it isn't happening elsewhere. Why don't you ask professional black people who live in CA, Texas and several other non-black immigrant infested states if I'm lying.
And why are you comparing black American people who have paved the ways, earned more than their keep, earned just about more rights to live and prosper in America, to the non-black immigrants and illegal boarder jumpers who do not care about anyone other than their insular groups!
And be careful Steve. While you stay home all day farting in front the PlayStation, your black bread-winning wife might be contemplating leaving you for one of those professional white male colleagues of hers.
classic regal rant Queen Laa!!!
u made my day
she may also leave that fartin' stuntin' stymie uts for a latin lothario who is genetically predisposed to digest pinto beans better too!
AB, Mrs. Uptown can do bad by herself, soon she'll realize it. That's what happens when some black women have low self esteem and marry down.
LOL AB about the Pinto beans. And I meant "non-black Latin immigrant" states above.
"On the liberal plantation. Wow." Bashir said. "That's right," Buchanan said.
Anytime Pat Buchanan agrees with you as a Black person it's time to turn in your card.
And yapping off about greedy corporations are just more distracting talking points that Kumbayah self-hating negroes also use to masquerade their romanticizing of black and brown unity and assimilation.
I think we all get it. You're neither a fan nor a supporter of anything resembling black and brown unity, because you can't see any instance where the browns have done anything for the blacks in return for what we've done for them and countless others. As people who have been oppressed and abused to high hell and back, we want to help others who may be going through the same shit we've gone through, and a lot of times, we don't get much back in return.
So you're saying that black folks should be more selfish than selfless when it comes to helping, wait, you're saying we should be helping these people at all until they start offering us something back in return. I don't find any fault in this position.
I do find fault in how you describe anyone presenting an alternative view of this situation to be "Kumbayah self-hating negros." The state of the economy and how we got to this point is a reality you and others will never be able to ignore or shrug off.
Queen Laa:
the glut of court jester perps like uts just make us all adore real kings even more!!
stuntin' stymie/blinded by hobama love/uts:
stay vigilant leroy!
After midnight on a rainy night last week in Chapel Hill, N.C., a large group of sorority women at the University of North Carolina squeezed into the corner booth of a gritty basement bar. Bathed in a neon glow, they splashed beer from pitchers, traded jokes and belted out lyrics to a Taylor Swift heartache anthem thundering overhead. As a night out, it had everything — except guys.
“This is so typical, like all nights, 10 out of 10,” said Kate Andrew, a senior from Albemarle, N.C. The experience has grown tiresome: they slip on tight-fitting tops, hair sculpted, makeup just so, all for the benefit of one another, Ms. Andrew said, “because there are no guys.”
North Carolina, with a student body that is nearly 60 percent female, is just one of many large universities that at times feel eerily like women’s colleges. Women have represented about 57 percent of enrollments at American colleges since at least 2000, according to a recent report by the American Council on Education. Researchers there cite several reasons: women tend to have higher grades; men tend to drop out in disproportionate numbers; and female enrollment skews higher among older students, low-income students, and black and Hispanic students.
Needless to say, this puts guys in a position to play the field, and tends to mean that even the ones willing to make a commitment come with storied romantic histories. Rachel Sasser, a senior history major at the table, said that before she and her boyfriend started dating, he had “hooked up with a least five of my friends in my sorority — that I know of.”
These sorts of romantic complications are hardly confined to North Carolina, an academically rigorous school where most students spend more time studying than socializing. The gender imbalance is also pronounced at some private colleges, such as New York University and Lewis & Clark in Portland, Ore., and large public universities in states like California, Florida and Georgia. The College of Charleston, a public liberal arts college in South Carolina, is 66 percent female. Some women at the University of Vermont, with an undergraduate body that is 55 percent female, sardonically refer to their college town, Burlington, as “Girlington.”
The gender gap is not universal. The Ivy League schools are largely equal in gender, and some still tilt male. But at some schools, efforts to balance the numbers have been met with complaints that less-qualified men are being admitted over more-qualified women. In December, the United States Commission on Civil Rights moved to subpoena admissions data from 19 public and private colleges to look at whether they were discriminating against qualified female applicants.
And be careful Steve. While you stay home all day farting in front the PlayStation, your black bread-winning wife might be contemplating leaving you for one of those professional white male colleagues of hers.
AB, Mrs. Uptown can do bad by herself, soon she'll realize it. That's what happens when some black women have low self esteem and marry down.
Sounds like you're speaking about your own relationship experiences. I hope you and Uptownsteve weren't items at some point, although that would explain a lot about the way you two go at each other.
did pat lie???
Not really lied but misreads facts. Pat, like most conservatives, does not understand what the Republican party represents to Black people. Just like he doesn't understand what the confederate flag represents. Pat likes to use history when it suits him. If a past of disregard to Black humanity is something that should be treated dismissively then Pat is right, if we respect ourselves and our past is as iportant as anyone else's then he is wrong. You can't go supporting the confederacy, Jim Crow and other mechanisms to destroy Black progress and then expect me to stand with you. If the GOP would disavow their past associations with bigotry then we might be able to make the next step and at least listen to their advances but when people like Pat are the point men and their chosen negroes echo their bigotted talking points that is a non starter. How say you?
i loathe pat b
read what u just posted???
what does that have to do with brainwashed dems?
other than perhaps demonstrating said brainwashing?
pat did not lie about any of that
and have u ever agreed with 100% of what anyone ever said???
pat did not lie on hobama
and ALL who are sane welcome ALL truths from ALL sources
what i say is:
try not to be brainwashed by any nazis
including that black nazi hobama
but do not deny that pat told the truth about doormat dems
unless u too say u are a doormat
do u see what u say????
simply put,pilotX be sayin',long has democrats keep giving us free stuff,we'll keep jiggin' on the democrat plantation, than you.
The problem is that it isn't about brainwashing. Do I think Barack is a perfect president? Did i vote for him in the last election? No but I, like most Black people, understand while he has a long way to go to be the president I would like to see he is lightyears ahead of any GOP candidate. Could any person of good conscious vote for McCain whne he chose goofball as his running mate? Of course not so what other options does on have in a two party dominated system? You can do what I did and vote for a third party but in this upcoming election I have to do what I have to do to prevent a Republican president. When the rubber meets the road this is an important election and we don't need a Republican appointing SC justices. I agree with Nader and Dr. West that we need to challenge the prez from the left so our concernes will be acknowledged.
In the abstract I agree with you that most people in this country are brainwashed on some level but we have to work with the system we have and Barack is easier to work with than prez Perry.
who would that repub who is/could be worse than hobama be???
no one who hates/hateded gwb
but somehow loves gwb 2.0/hobama
can be anything but brainwashed
especially if they are black/latino and not a legal resident/rich bankster
Betrayal of the Poor: Bush never pretended to give a damn about the poor and the systematic mechanisms that keep them poor; openly calling the "haves and have mores" his "base." But Obama has been portrayed as different, mainly because the Democratic party is viewed as more empathetic to the poor. Obama promised affordable healthcare, to create new jobs, and to increase access to a college education. However, the mandated healthcare bill has proven to actually hurt the poor, the "jobs" bill HIRE was nothing but a smokescreen to pass capital controls, and college loans are increasingly worse than useless since record numbers of students can't find work to pay them off. So far he only seems to be helping the poor by extending food stamps to a record number of needy Americans -- which is currently on the spending cut chopping block by the way. Obama also extended Bush's tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans while the poor suffer the dramatic effects of inflation and the approaching austerity cuts demanded to prevent a government shutdown.
Bank/Corporate Bailouts: Although the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), otherwise known as the bankster bailout, occurred on Bush's watch, Obama fully supported it as necessary. Obama then followed up this massive wealth grab with a gargantuan stimulus bill which has basically been absorbed by the financial crisis as well. All said, Bloomberg and others reported the taxpayer guarantees for Wall Street are upwards of $23 trillion. Additionally, the best part of Obama's cabinet and appointed czars are directly connected to big banks like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs. Furthermore, Obama and Democratic leaders gave the Federal Reserve even more regulatory power over the economy. The Administration hails the Financial Reform bill as a big political accomplishment, but the bill never addressed the three major problems: doesn't break up or reduce the size of too-big-to-fail banks, doesn't remove the massive government guarantees to the giant banks, and it won’t even increase liquidity requirements to prevent future meltdowns. The inmates are too clearly running Obama's asylum.
Betrayal of the Poor: Bush never pretended to give a damn about the poor and the systematic mechanisms that keep them poor; openly calling the "haves and have mores" his "base." But Obama has been portrayed as different, mainly because the Democratic party is viewed as more empathetic to the poor. Obama promised affordable healthcare, to create new jobs, and to increase access to a college education. However, the mandated healthcare bill has proven to actually hurt the poor, the "jobs" bill HIRE was nothing but a smokescreen to pass capital controls, and college loans are increasingly worse than useless since record numbers of students can't find work to pay them off. So far he only seems to be helping the poor by extending food stamps to a record number of needy Americans -- which is currently on the spending cut chopping block by the way. Obama also extended Bush's tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans while the poor suffer the dramatic effects of inflation and the approaching austerity cuts demanded to prevent a government shutdown.
"Could any person of good conscious vote for McCain whne he chose goofball as his running mate?"
People voted for Joe bite me. A man with a history of plagerism and racism.
What did he say about Obama being clean for a black man?
The case for black voters being brainwashed is there.
"Why don't you ask professional black people who live in CA, Texas and several other non-black immigrant infested states if I'm lying."
I have first cousins who live in Beaumont Texas and Phoenix, AZ.
They list latino-Americans among their friends and associates.
You see LAA, secure accomplished people don't look at other groups as threats to their lifestyles.
Only bigots do that.
"And why are you comparing black American people who have paved the ways, earned more than their keep, earned just about more rights to live and prosper in America, to the non-black immigrants and illegal boarder jumpers who do not care about anyone other than their insular groups"
Where or when did I do that LAA????
Once AGAIN, you won't answer because you just made it up.
Your new rightwing goober friends have taught you well.
"And be careful Steve. While you stay home all day farting in front the PlayStation, your black bread-winning wife might be contemplating leaving you for one of those professional white male colleagues of hers."
LMAO!!!! If my wife is supporting me then I must be one sexy mofo.
As it stands she's a smart, secure, accomplished content woman who knows that she has a desireable man that many other women favorably comment on.
Whereas you have no one, can't get anyone and ridiculously fantacize about racist white boys making you happy because black men don't pay you any attention.
That's pretty sad.
As the anon poster so eloquently presents there is a concerted effort to portray the GOP as some kind of party of liberty for Black people but it missed my frequent declarations that I am not a Democrat but an independent. Believe it or not Black people, like other people, actually vote on issues that are important to them. I will emphatically state that I can't and won't vote for a party that dismissed science and is intent on infecting our public education system with religion and pseudo science. There are many reasons I don't vote Republican and brainwashing and some weird notion of living on a plantation aren't on that list. I can bash Democrats with the best of them but thay are better on issues that I care about than the GOP. If using slavery era language tinged with racist implications is the best conservatives can do then my bet is they won't get more than the 5% of the Black vote they already have. If they want to approach us on an intelluctual level and can show how their policies can help our community and the country they might stand a chance. The biggest problem I see is they are listening to individuals who don't have the interests of the Black community in mind when they try to court us. Look at the people and tactics they use.
1. Francis Rice the head of the NBRA. She constantly lies about Dr. King being a Republican and recounts decades old Democratic transgressions against Black people. She is hyper agressive and comes across as somewhat mentally unstable. Not a good person to recruit.
2. Alan West, see above.
I could go on but this is all the other side has. They made some inroads during Mike Steele's tenure but he spent more time trying to explain apparent racism in his party than doing actual recruiting. Eventually the GOP will get the picture as the country gets browner but they are successful in the rural areas because of their appeal to white males who are reacting to the reality that they will necessarily lose some power in the future. You can't run a party that bi-polar and expect good results.
no prez could ever be ALLOWED to be as racist and repub as that rabid blackish bankster hobama
racist blacks would never be silenced by white skin
Black wealth has virtually disappeared. Data gathered prior to 2007, when the full scope of the subprime mortgage catastrophe was just becoming known, showed median Black family wealth at about $5,000, one-twentieth [12] of the median white family’s $100,000 holdings. Since then, the bottom has fallen out from under whole communities, with Blacks hit by far the hardest. By the second quarter of 2010, Black home ownership had declined [13] from its 2007 level of 48 percent to 46.2 percent, a 3.7 percent drop, and still falling – a guarantee that median Black household wealth is well below the $5,000 registered in 2007. (Median wealth for single Black women [14] at the top of their earning capacity, ages 36 to 49, was precisely $5 – five dollars! – in 2010.)
Barack Obama must bear direct responsibility for the relative Black decline, both as candidate and president. As election year 2008 began, Obama took the most pro-banker [15], laissez faire capitalist position on home foreclosures of the three major Democratic presidential candidates. John Edwards backed a mandatory moratorium on foreclosures and a freeze on interest rates, while Hillary Clinton supported a “voluntary” halt and $30 billion in federal aid to homeowners. But Obama opposed any moratorium, mandatory or voluntary, and balked at cash for homeowners and stricken communities. As president, his program to stem the flow of foreclosures has been pitiful, near worthless in slowing the spiral that has taken down much of what once considered itself the Black middle class.
“His program to stem the flow of foreclosures has been pitiful.”
Where previous Democratic administrations have treated Black communities with benign neglect, Obama’s policy is best described as depraved indifference.
Having collaborated in two recent major budget agreements with the Republicans that have already wiped out much of the life supports that made a dignified Black existence barely possible, and with more fiscal massacres to come, Obama characterizes his current posture as “Winning the Future.” That future holds nothing but further pain and decline for Black America. His budgetary formula [16] includes only $1 in closed corporate loopholes and higher taxes on the rich, for every $3 he slices from federal spending, most of it from education, health and other social programs. Then, like a cat scratching in kitty-litter, Obama tries to hide his actual deeds with a wonderfully crafted but totally fabulist speech: “We will all need to make sacrifices,” he said [17], without quantifying what was being sacrificed by whom. “But we do not have to sacrifice the America we believe in.”
Obama has already explained, to anyone that was actually listening, what kind of America he believes in. It is one in which people are tossed about to sink or swim with the tides.
we really only have 2 parties in the usa
the tea party
we need to brew some black tea asap!!!
"People voted for Joe bite me. A man with a history of plagerism and racism."
Please show me Biden's history of racism. Even still he was much more qualified for th ejob of VP than Palin. He was a graduate of Syracuse law school while Palin needed several years and several school to finish a degree in communications.
Also, McCain finished near the bottom of his class at the Naval Academy, shouldn't have been there in the first place but I digress. Anyhoo, most people, not just Blacks, saw the Obama/Biden ticket as superior. The folksy i.e. under educated, folks the GOP tried to court by choosing Palin portrayed them as anti-intellectual. There were so many other people McCain could have chosen but in typical GOP fachion they tried to go after disaffected Dems by choosing a woman. Good plan but the execution was faulty. Why not choose a smart and thoughful woman such as Olympia Snow or Kay Bailey Hutchens? Well, they had to go after the southen evangelical votes in the south that Palin appealed to. There is no need to be brainwashed to see what an inferior and limited candidate Palin and McCain were. Doesn't take brainwashing to see that but if that's what gets you through the night believe what you want.
2 races = 1 hope + 1 hoax
peace is war
bombing libya is humanitarian heroism
healthcare = pharmacorp lotto
gutting medicare = hope and change
dem = super repub with his own super congress
the uber bi polar hobama put the messiah in mentacide
repubs = dems
Yes and no. While both parties are influenced by corporate money to great extent the Dems are better at certain issues that affect our community then the other side. Take for example the parties stance on the NLRB. Every GOP candidate syas they will abolish the NLRB while the current prez appointed a labor friendly member to deal with contract mediation. While to the average Joe this may not mean much but as an individual whose union is negotiating a contrat with a company this means a great deal. The outcome of negotiations which has come to mediation will be much better because Barack was elected than had McCain been elected. When it comes to voting your interests you have to be very careful who wins what. The GOP is not historicall labor friendly and if you are a memebr of the labor class you better understand this.
peace is war
bombing libya is humanitarian heroism
healthcare = pharmacorp lotto
gutting medicare = hope and change
dem = super repub with his own super congress
Sure but how would this be better or worse with a Republican in office? Medicare at least stands a chance because Democratic voters want it. I agree with your stances but are you pushing either party to adress your grievances? How many times have you called.visited your congressman or senator? If you are that disappointed you should run for office yourself. Go for it AB, you have a good chance of winning my vote.
UTS, "Where or when did I do that LAA????"
When you said:
UTS says, "just like the lying racist goobers who claim that unqualified blacks routinely take jobs from white men through Affirmative Action, your remark is baseless".
You ass.
LAA and Steve, play nice now. Or just go head and screw and get it over with already.
i have never been loyal to dems
as most are MORE racist than repubs
hobama proves that daily
labels are for cans
i despise politicos
because most lie and sell out...incessantly
i would never become one
because NONE will ever save us
but i have dedicated my entire life to saving peers and children
if we all did that we would need no politicos
Com' on no field can't you post something positive about blacks?
There has to be a few blacks who have help old white ladies cross the street without robbing them.
Sumtin' sh*t.
Can't even read this blog no more without thinking about death.Good thing black men don't kill themselves.
The white racist mofos are right.Every nigga in Amerkkka could be out of work and homeless and Obama still would get 90% of the black vote.
Shit. Whats a nigga to do?
PilotX said...
First they want us to believe the lie that Dr. King was a Republican and that was supposed to drive us to them, didn't work.
Next they elect a brother as head of the RNC, epic fail.
Then they fix elections to elect two brother into the congress after decades of none
MLK was a republican, just ask his niece. Steele was a failure, but not because he was black. And now you are accusing the republicans of fixing elections to elect black people? You are a loon.
PilotX said...
I will emphatically state that I can't and won't vote for a party that dismissed science and is intent on infecting our public education system with religion and pseudo science.
Then you can never vote for a Democrat, as they run the public schools and have infected them with all sorts of religion and pseudo science, such as the Global Warming myth.
Young black children down in 'Bama best watch out lest under this new law they "accidently" get classified as immigrants, illegal or otherwise. I can visualize schoolboards sending home a complicated questionaire to be filled out as a record necessary to verifiy the enrolled child's American citizenship. Further, I visualize many semiliterate African American parents not unnderstanding how to provide the information and thus will fail to send the form back to the school authorities. This then results in their child being classified an illegal immigrant by default and subsequently the child is kicked out of school.
In such an instance reinstatement would likely take months or years to complete and process the required paperwork, meanwhile the child is denied schooling.
We Negros often fail to see the nasty shit incorporated in cracker generated legislation such as this bill and we think that it only applies to the Mexicans and such.
Then many of us discover that we are also being caught up in this humbug and our kids are being hurt by it.
As Bama's state budget continues to dwindle in the future you can expect the crackers down there to use this underhanded tactic as a means of reducing the actual school population that they have to support. You heard it here first!!
"As Bama's state budget continues to dwindle in the future you can expect the crackers down there to use this underhanded tactic as a means of reducing the actual school population that they have to support. You heard it here first!!"
Oh well, there's always cotton pickin', I guess.
uts-"You see LAA, secure accomplished people don't look at other groups as threats to their lifestyles.
Only bigots do that."
That explains why you are a bigot. You aren't secure and you damn sure aren't professional. Bottom line, you are a fool who doesn't know he is a fool.
I stink
"When you said:
UTS says, "just like the lying racist goobers who claim that unqualified blacks routinely take jobs from white men through Affirmative Action, your remark is baseless"."
That's comparing baseless racist remarks you idiot.
Mack Lyons, "Sounds like you're speaking about your own relationship experiences. I hope you and Uptownsteve weren't items at some point, although that would explain a lot about the way you two go at each other."
I doubt LAA is talking about herself. She is too insightful and self-aware for that. But you are always projecting without an ounce of awareness.
I am always amazed at how you jump in the fray whenever LAA starts stomping on Steve. Do you and Steve have a love affair going? Don't let Mrs. Uptown catch you.
And I agree with LAA. It's time for Mrs Uptown to stop supporting that dead-beat of a husband of hers.
It is far better to be alone than to be with bad companionship. Steve is a bad narcissisist that puts a straw into beings and sucks the life out of them. I can't imagine any woman-no matter how low she may feel about herself-spending the rest of her life with Steve. The misery will, sooner of later, demand she drop him.
Pilot X
"LAA and Steve, play nice now. Or just go head and screw and get it over with already."
I'm already got the "screwing" department covered, thank you very much.
Maybe you should suggest to LAA to keep my wife out of her conversation.
"MLK was a republican, just ask his niece."
So King supported Barry Goldwater in '64 who opposed the Civil Rights Act which was King's struggle?
You can't be this stupid.
"Steele was a failure, but not because he was black."
Steele was a black figurehead for the racist right. He would not even had been considered for RNC chair had Obama not been President.
"And now you are accusing the republicans of fixing elections to elect black people? "
No blacks voted for West or Scott.
Like Steele, they're black window dressing for the Republicans.
Useful idiots.
For now.
"MLK was a republican, just ask his niece. Steele was a failure, but not because he was black. And now you are accusing the republicans of fixing elections to elect black people? You are a loon."
Once again we see conservative minds at work, as his neice he says. Not look at his voter registration, look at his speech in which he said it himself but ask his right winged neice. Nice try but if that's the level of proof that satisfies you I understand why you made the next post.
"Then you can never vote for a Democrat, as they run the public schools and have infected them with all sorts of religion and pseudo science, such as the Global Warming myth."
Speaking of conservatives and science the new climate data from 1980-2010 shows the planet is warming ergo global warning is actually happening.
Climate normals are calculated every 10 years and are an average of 30 years of climate data. The calculations are done by the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, NC. More information can be found at:
Here's the data produced by climate scientists but hey why let facts get in the way of a conservative rant.
July 28, 1960
King advocates political nonpartisanship
In a televised conversation with CBS, King comments that nonpartisanship creates a ''better bargaining position...the Negro will not be inextricably linked to any political party.''
Anything else factless wonder or do you want to continue making shit up as conservative are known to do?
Oh yeah, just look at the election of Tim Scott and his opponent and tell me there was no tampering. Also Alvin Greene. The GOP needed a few Black faces to try to broaden their base but it didn't work. Simply put, we don't just vote for a person based on skin color policy does matter. Republicans never understand this which is why they recruited Alan Keyes to run against Barack in the senate race. That was downright insulting to think because the other guy was Black he could siphon off votes. I guess they didn't learn their lesson as they tried the same shit with women in 2008 by choosing Palin. Good, honest and beneficial policy will trump cheap ploys but the GOP will never learn will they?
But but but Rush Limbaugh says global warming is a hoax so it has to be true. Those scientists at NOAA are just part of the plot.
"I doubt LAA is talking about herself. She is too insightful and self-aware for that. But you are always projecting without an ounce of awareness.
I am always amazed at how you jump in the fray whenever LAA starts stomping on Steve. Do you and Steve have a love affair going? Don't let Mrs. Uptown catch you."
Considering how some anons have this knack for being in LAA's "amen corner" regardless her position on a subject, I'm starting to wonder if a few of our registered commenters are masquerading behind anon identities to fortify and self-validate their arguments and cow down opposing voices.
Every time mold, Uptownsteve, PilotX, Purple Cow, mellaneous, LA Coincidental or even Alicia Banks makes a comment, opinion or point, anonymous commentators begin crawling out of the woodwork to disparage, defame, badger and bully them into silence. Essence73T and countless others left or stay hidden in the margins with only one or two quick comments to keep from being drawn into the shitstorm caused by both anonymous and registered trolls. Hell, I even thought about legging it to get away from some of you dumb bastards.
I respect Field's open door policy, but the rats, roaches and spiders are crawling all over the place, eating all of the food, leaving behind waste and generally making it impossible for all but the craziest and most stoic to stick around. Sooner or later, someone's gonna have to bring in the exterminator.
Because the 30-year moving averages overlap, the small change in temperature in the new data suggests the last decade was substantially warmer than the 1970s, said Kevin Trenberth, a senior scientist in the climate analysis section at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. "It means a lot of global warming is built into the new normals," Trenberth said.
Jim Hurrell, a senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, said the rise in temperature was attributable to a buildup in greenhouse gases. "The climate is indeed warming and this is evidence for it," Hurrell said.
Berkeley physics professor Richard Muller, a longtime critic of government-led climate studies who launched the reexamination, told a congressional hearing in April that the work of the three principal groups that have analyzed temperature trends underlying climate science was "excellent.... We see a global warming trend that is very similar to that previously reported by the other groups."
July 16, 1964
King opposes nomination of Senator Barry Goldwater by Republicans
King asserts that nomination of Senator Barry Goldwater by Republicans will aid racists.
"Once again we see conservative minds at work, as his neice he says. Not look at his voter registration, look at his speech in which he said it himself but ask his right winged neice. Nice try but if that's the level of proof that satisfies you I understand why you made the next post."
You gotta admire the slickness of it all. If you weren't paying attention, you could have been easily thrown by the above conservative talking point. Instead of looking to Dr. King's voting record or personal political preferences, let's get some proof from a relative with right-leaning tendencies to present as irrefutable evidence and support for our argument! Conservative headgaming is fun!
"That was downright insulting to think because the other guy was Black he could siphon off votes."
They genuinely believed that if they showcased the few black conservatives in their ranks in a show of "diversity," that black Democrats would start voting Republican in droves. Not by creating platform planks that black people could get behind, but by saying "see? We have black people here! Look at them!"
King publicly supported Johnson, saying that Johnson had taught him to recognize that there were ‘‘new white elements’’ in the South ‘‘whose love of their land was stronger than the grip of old habits and customs,’’ and expressed optimism that Johnson’s term would benefit African Americans (King, 1964).
Later that year Johnson won a decisive victory in the 1964 election, garnering the widest popular margin in presidential history. King had campaigned actively for Johnson and welcomed the victory saying, ‘‘the forces of good will and progress have triumphed’’ (King, 4 November 1964).
For a supposed Republican that's a whole lot of working for the Democratic candidate.
Co-sign everything Mack just said. Nice to see right thinking individuals around these parts.
"You gotta admire the slickness of it all. If you weren't paying attention, you could have been easily thrown by the above conservative talking point. Instead of looking to Dr. King's voting record or personal political preferences, let's get some proof from a relative with right-leaning tendencies to present as irrefutable evidence and support for our argument! Conservative headgaming is fun!"
But that's who conservatives are, they don't demand proof just hearsay and a committment to not fact check or go beyond the surface of an issue. If Rush said it it must be true. Sad.
Mack Lyons said...
Every time mold, Uptownsteve, PilotX, Purple Cow, mellaneous, LA Coincidental or even Alicia Banks makes a comment, opinion or point, anonymous commentators begin crawling out of the woodwork to disparage, defame, badger and bully them into silence. Essence73T and countless others left or stay hidden in the margins with only one or two quick comments to keep from being drawn into the shitstorm caused by both anonymous and registered trolls. Hell, I even thought about legging it to get away from some of you dumb bastards.
Speaking of dumb bastards, wasn't it slave catcher steve who ran cow off? Attacks ab? And you forget mold is ab's and queens anonymous stalker.
It doesn't take a dumb bastard to figure that out.
PilotX said...
Oh yeah, just look at the election of Tim Scott and his opponent and tell me there was no tampering. Also Alvin Greene.
You have zero proof of tampering. how did democrat Greene get so much black vote?
Was it how his last name was spelled?
Was it that plantation thang?
Mack Lyons,
For the record I'm sorry that LAA and I have descended into this blog war.
At one time we had a very friendly and respectful relationship on this board.
But I think that, egged on by that miserable troll "FocusedPurpose" who used to post here, her anger and frustration with being a single black woman who cannot seem to establish a meaningful relationship with a man has caused her to her veer into wild diatribes against black men in general.
Her brothers, fathers, indeed her BLood.
Tell me I'm wrong.
Isn't it amazing that sistas who aren't in positive relationships always the first ones to cast aspersions on the relationships of others?
If all the "successful" black men aren't marrying or boning white women, then black women who are in relationships are displaying "low self-esteem" by either marrying down or suffering abuse.
Anything to rationalize why they are by themselves.
It's a crutch.
PilotX said...
Speaking of conservatives and science the new climate data from 1980-2010 shows the planet is warming ergo global warning is actually happening.
The climate is alway changing.
The pertinent fact is that there is no correlation between rising temperatures and rising CO2 levels. None.
Therefore belief in anthropogenic global warming is a faith-based belief, not science.
"then black women who are in relationships are displaying "low self-esteem" by either marrying down or suffering abuse."
Example #1, your wife.
PilotX said...
But that's who conservatives are, they don't demand proof just hearsay and a committment to not fact check or go beyond the surface of an issue.
Pot meet kettle. You are such a misinformed numbnut.
Sorry Crash, but MLK, just like all great leaders, WAS a Republican:
uptownsteve said...
Isn't it amazing that sistas who aren't in positive relationships always the first ones to cast aspersions on the relationships of others?
I think this little bruhaha between you and LAA is unfortunate (though highly entertaining) as well.
But are you not also perpetuating myths by stating that black women who share LAA's views, are manless? Besides the fact LAA has been pretty clear that she does have a special someone in her life.
And one last thing. Don't let yourself get too caught up in the myth that in metro DC, there are FAR more decent women than men around and that your wife is somehow "lucky" because of it.
From what I see, a decent sista' is going to have her choice as well, contrary to popular BS myth.
And not just among the brothas.
They genuinely believed that if they showcased the few black conservatives in their ranks in a show of "diversity," that black Democrats would start voting Republican in droves. Not by creating platform planks that black people could get behind, but by saying "see? We have black people here! Look at them!"
Really Mack? The Republican program of individual liberty and economic opportunity is something black people could never get behind? Why, because they are too afraid to ever leave the plantation?
Talk about the (not so) soft bigotry of low expectations.
What platform planks are the democrats slapping blacks upside the head with? $10 more a month on the EBT card? Man, you go down cheap.
Sorry chump, but more and more blacks are thinking and doing for themselves, just like all the other winners.
The fence is down. Run.
"And one last thing. Don't let yourself get too caught up in the myth that in metro DC, there are FAR more decent women than men around and that your wife is somehow "lucky" because of it."
Uptown's wife is lucky? Lucky she's got a fat, sawed-off, limp-dicked, freeloader snoring on her couch?
"But are you not also perpetuating myths by stating that black women who share LAA's views, are manless?"
Then why are they so obsessed with the relationships of others whether they be interracial or intra-racial.?
If you're getting yours and are happy you don't give a crap what other folks are doing.
"Besides the fact LAA has been pretty clear that she does have a special someone in her life."
Yeah. Right.
"And one last thing. Don't let yourself get too caught up in the myth that in metro DC, there are FAR more decent women than men around and that your wife is somehow "lucky" because of it."
Never said my wife was "lucky" just "happy".
And sorry, this idea that there are more "decent" women than men is just more female narcissism.
"From what I see, a decent sista' is going to have her choice as well, contrary to popular BS myth.
And not just among the brothas."
Then why are so many by themselves and bitchin about it?
"What platform planks are the democrats slapping blacks upside the head with? $10 more a month on the EBT card?"
Yep, all us po dumb blacks are doin are asking for mo welfare.
That's the rightwing line.
And they wonder why.
uptownsteve said...
Yep, all us po dumb blacks are doin are asking for mo welfare.
That's the rightwing line.
Nope, that's the the leftwing hook.
What "so many women" Steve? Most of the black women I know and work with are in relationships with Nlack men.
If most successful Black men are in relationships with Black women, and the ratio of Black men to Black women is about the same, then it stands to reason that many successful Black women ARE with successful Black men.
Funny you talk about anti-Black conspiracies, yet you've bought into the biggest Black myth of all!!
Once again, I don't wanna hear jack about how the anons are ruining this blog when so many of you regularly communicate with Mold's psycho stalking ass.
In other words, STFU and stop being damn hypocritical!!!
Mack Lyons, "Considering how some anons have this knack for being in LAA's "amen corner" regardless her position on a subject, I'm starting to wonder if a few of our registered commenters are masquerading behind anon identities to fortify and self-validate their arguments and cow down opposing voices."
It's not about being in LAA's corner, you idiot, it's YOU being in Steve's corner, fool. YOU and your LOVER UTS ALWAYS join forces to attack her--ALL THE TIME. That's not right nor is it cool, you male chauvinistic black piece of shit.
YOU, especially, always show up to rescue Steve. That's not just with LAA, that's with anyone who disagrees with Steve. What's up with that? You two on the DL with each other? Your protective behavior show signs of homo sexual activity between you two. One other point, stop being so self-righteous, you moronic prick.
I am from Alabama. WE DO NOT care who lives in our state if they are here the correct way. With a green card or citizenship.
If it is against the law to grow marijuana and you do it you are breaking the law and you are a criminal.
If it is against the law to cross the border illegally and you do it then you are breaking the law and you are a criminal. No difference.
ALL my ancestors came from foreign countries, through Ellis Island with papers. I could care less who lives in our state if they are here the correct way. When you can not get a job because it is given to someone who border ran and came here without papers and you are a citizen and you were either born here or took the test to be able to live here and you cant get a job or any assistance because someone that is here illegal has all the jobs and benefits then you will look at it in a different light. Birmingham has black mayor and majority of council is black so we do not discriminate. We just do not like lawbreakers. If you can explain why our governor should have NOT passed the law to prevent illegals to be here please tell me. They come across the correct way with the correct papers and we do not have a problem. You go to another country and not have the correct papers and see what happens to you. You can not even drive in to Canada without a passport. Try it.. and do it and get caught. YOU WILL GO TO JAIL then sent back to the USA. So why should it be different here?
HOLY JESUS! How did I know this malinformed idiot would go to Francis Rice's site to get info about Dr. King being a Republican? He links to a site with NO EVIDENCE of Dr. King being a Repub. God, these people are fucking stupid.
"The pertinent fact is that there is no correlation between rising temperatures and rising CO2 levels. None."
Please show me get your information. Do you have a degree in atmospheric science or are you just guessing? The fact is CO2 is a greehouse gas that stores heat, it will indeed raise the temperature the only question is how much. Is it 0.00001% or 99.9999999%. You don't know or have you actually done the studies?
"Really Mack? The Republican program of individual liberty and economic opportunity is something black people could never get behind? Why, because they are too afraid to ever leave the plantation?"
What did I tell you Mack? This uber moron Cooter went right to the Francis Rice playbook for his info but if you search her site there is ZERO evidence MLK was a Republican. I stand by my assertion conservatives are dumb and lack any ability to discern information.,_Sr.
Martin Luther King's FATHER was a long time republican. Here is evidence of MLK, jr Being a republican
Martin Luther King's FATHER was a long time republican.
Not talking about his dad son.
" Anonymous said... Here is evidence of MLK, jr Being a republican"
More proof of conservatives being dense and not having facts. The article written by Francis Rice is entitled "Why Dr. King was a Republican" contains not one iota of proof that the man WAS a Republican. Did you even read the article before you linked to it or just saw the title and decided to lable it "evidence"? Really? For future reference please do not use Francis Rice as evidence as we have exchanged numerous e-mail and she cannot, like you, provide one shead of evidence he was a Republican. Funny how he spoke against Republicans in '64 and worked to elect the Democrat. Does that sound like a Republican to you? For the last time, THERE IS NO EVIDENCE DR. KING WAS A REPUBLICAN!!!!!!!!!!!! And don't send me another link to Francis Rice claiming it as evidence. Jeezus!!!!!!!!!!How dumb are you people???????????
an article about the woman you get your "information" from.
"Daddy King" as he was called, was a Republican, but, according to Taylor Branch, the Pulitzer Prize-winning historian who studied the King family, he publicly switched his allegiance to the Democrats and said he would vote for John F. Kennedy."
"Martin Luther King Jr. took care not to claim any political party, said Clayborne Carson, a professor at Stanford University who directs the Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute. But there are photos of him campaigning for President Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat, in 1964. Many blacks became Democrats during the civil rights movement."
That is a quote from Dr. Clayborne Carson who is the caretaker of Dr. King's writings and notes and runs the King Research Center. That is called evidence son.
His own grand daughter said he was. Now do you not think your family would not know about you and what does it matter if he was a Republican or Democrat??? He was a person who made a difference regardless of party. AND NO I AM NOT AN IDIOT. I am a very intelligent woman.
"His own grand daughter said he was. Now do you not think your family would not know about you and what does it matter if he was a Republican or Democrat??? He was a person who made a difference regardless of party. AND NO I AM NOT AN IDIOT. I am a very intelligent woman."
Dr. King's grand-daughter? When? Don't you mean his niece? Uh, intelligent women don't base their facts on a "granddaughter" who wasn't even born when he was voting. If that's your standard of evidence that's sad. BTW, he himself said he was non-partisan, so was he lying? And why did he help the Democratic candidate in '64 if he was a Republican?
Maybe not an idiot but not too bright. Find me that quote from his granddaughter of brilliant one if you can.
Still no evidence. Sad.
"His own grand daughter said he was. Now do you not think your family would not know about you and what does it matter if he was a Republican or Democrat??? He was a person who made a difference regardless of party. AND NO I AM NOT AN IDIOT. I am a very intelligent woman."
On May 25, 2008 the couple had a daughter, Yolanda Renee King, the first grandchild of Martin Luther King and Coretta Scott King
soooooooooooo, his 3 year old granddaughter said he was a Republican. Such brilliance on the right. Do facts ever matter on the right? Jeezus, you people are stupid.
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