Friday, November 18, 2011

"What Would Jesus Do?"

So some dude tried to take out his Oness. Dude was from Idaho (Gee, there is a shock.) Apparently God told him to do it because O was the antichrist. (My man would make a perfect GOP candidate for president.) He actually thought that he was Jesus. The thing is, he does look like JC. Just look at that picture. He could be JC's little brother or something.

But I don't think that JC would go around shooting up the White House. Even if the antichrist was living there. He would have found more creative ways to get rid of him than just to send his little brother to shoot up the place. (Digression alert! Why was it so easy to  do a drive by on the White House? "Cops had rushed to Constitution Ave. Friday night following reports of gunshots being sprayed from a passing car. The street is a half-mile from the White House, across the South Lawn and The Ellipse.

Ortega-Hernandez’s car was found shortly after the shooting near the Theodore Roosevelt Bridge that crosses the Potomac River to Virginia.
Inside, investigators found a semiautomatic weapon.

While the feds wouldn’t say what part of the executive mansion was hit with gunfire, White House workers were spotted Wednesday inspecting a window on the floor where the Obamas’ bedroom is located, CBS News reported.
One bullet, however, pierced an exterior window but was stopped by the bulletproof glass, the Secret Service reported." WTF?!)     

I bet wingnuts are all saying that he is Jesus. They might take it as a sign.

Hopefully they will listen to their fellow republican, Lauren Pierce, and not act out their fantasies. Even though, as she says; it's "tempting".

"AUSTIN — The president of the College Republicans at the University of Texas at Austin Lauren Pierce, tweeted that shooting Obama was tempting, but discouraged her followers from shooting him.

The tweet came hours after a man was arrested for shooting at the White House.
Y’all as tempting as it may be, don’t shoot Obama. We need him to go down in history as the WORST president we’ve EVER had! #2012.” [Source] 
Yes, but wwjd?

Finally, my heart goes out to the parents of little Jasmine McClain. The poor child hung herself after being bullied at school.

Sadly,this seems to be a trend. I blogged about a teacher who bullied his student the other night, because I know that this kind of tragedy can occur when bullying goes unchecked.

Folks who are being bullied don't always reach out because they are afraid. We have a duty as adults to look for all the signs and reach out to those who are too vulnerable and fearful to help themselves.  


Mack Lyons said...

The second suicide of a young child in days thanks to bullying.

There's something terribly wrong and it needs to be fixed.

uptownsteve said...

I'm pretty certain that the hot water incident at Howard University was a result of bullying.

This is getting out of control.

La♥audiobooks said...

Field, it's a lie. Oscar Ortega-Hernandez would never hurt a hair on Obama's chinny chin chin. Obama has gone out his way to prove how much he cares for Mexicans/South Americans over blacks, so why would a Mexican-American not show love for Obama. There must be some other explanation.

Poor sweet little Jazmine, I have no words. What could have been going on to cause her so much pain. Were there no signs?

It amazes me how only now Law and school officials are starting to take emotional bullying seriously. If these type suicides were to happen when I was growing up, children would have been buried every three days. No one cared, a child was either "thin skinned" or too sensitive if they ever complained about being teased or bullied. I've worked with several ex-school yard bullies, most of them NEVER stop even as adults!

In grade school, I had a friend with sickle cell anemia who was teased mercilessly for being extra thin, and being the oldest because she was left back in two grades prior. Apart from always being out sick, her grades paid the price mostly because of her lack of concentration and low morale. When her mother complained, a teacher said that the child simply needed to start "ignoring" the other children and stop feeling sorry for herself.

I swear, some bullies become teachers too.

Mack Lyons said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mack Lyons said...

Ortega-Hernandez is a fruitcake who needs to share cell space with John Hinckley, Jr., as should anyone who attempts to assassinate any president.

Dr. Nuwang said...

uptownsteve said...
I'm pretty certain that the hot water incident at Howard University was a result of bullying.

This is getting out of control.

The problem is that kids with "hood rat" mentalities are going to college now.

Dee said...

Dr. Queen said:

"The problem is that kids with "hood rat" mentalities are going to college now."

Oh the irony.

I couldn't resist.

Anonymous said...

La♥audiobooks said...
Poor sweet little Jazmine, I have no words. What could have been going on to cause her so much pain. Were there no signs?

It amazes me how only now Law and school officials are starting to take emotional bullying seriously.
Parents have to be on the lookout for this, and at the ready to step in and speak at school.
If the child has no support at home either...:(

Dr. Nuwang said...

Dee said...
"The problem is that kids with "hood rat" mentalities are going to college now."

Oh the irony.

I couldn't resist.

In your case the "irony" is that a redneck, trailer hopping ho' like you could get admitted to a university at all.

Then again, Po Dunk schools like Southern Miss and bullshit majors like Marine Biology, need dummies too, LOL!!!!

And I absolutely could NOT resist responding to a bitch smelling of eau de "wet dog".

La♥audiobooks said...

DesertFlower, you are so right. I am not blaming anyone, but there are always signs. As parents, we have to be the child's support net and their first line of defense. I am a covertly nosy mother, and I am not afraid to speak out. My mother was the type to ignore and hope things blow over.

But did you watch the video? It narrows the situation a little more. She's a poor biracial child living in what seems to be a predominantly white hick town. I'm sorry, nothing good can come from such element for a child like her without the extra special support needed.

And where was her father? (While they move on to their next easy lay, do they not think or wonder what would become of their "blackish" offspring who would only end up living in such intolerant environment?)

Dr. Doublewide said...

Ms. Queen, Marine Biologist said...
"in your case the "irony" is that a redneck, trailer hopping ho' like you could get admitted to a university at all."

Yes, colleges have no need for poor white students, no matter how bright they are. Good for you that you were black and could get a Marine Biology degree handed to you, even though you couldn't read your diploma.

You will never be a doctor.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Tiki is still being pissed on by his former wife. Now she is preventing his happiness by blocking his marriage to traci johnson. Some women have no feelings. Poor Tiki. I hope everything turns out all right for him and his fiance.

Anonymous said...

Queen of the blubber ass Smegma breath Queefa's said....

"And I absolutely could NOT resist responding to a bitch smelling of eau de "wet dog".

Of course you "couldn't resist" you thought someone was offering you a weave or that you left your fly open and that nappy brillo without soap you call hair was wafting the odor again.

AntiSmegma said...

Dr. Doublewide said...
Ms. Queen, Marine Biologist said...
"in your case the "irony" is that a redneck, trailer hopping ho' like you could get admitted to a university at all."

Queefie Queefa? You are really a Marine Bioligist? I thought you majored in Ongoing education targeting lifetime grants and African Studies? In other words nothing. So what Marine did you study under? What was his name and did you have to pay him all the time or just in the beginning? Was he able to find the right place without rolling you in flour and looking for the wet spot? Did you provide the clothespin for his nose or did he bring his own?

Anonymous said...

Bullying is unmercifully emotionally tramatizing another person till the person has nothing to live for. That is what happens to children who hangs themselves.

A school for education and learning should never be an environment for traumatizing a student. There should be a law against it for it destroys and kills. It is a form of terrorism, esp for black kids who generally have no support at home or from their dysfunctional parents. People who commit suicide have lost all hope and can see no other way out.

Jamine hasn't been the first child to commit suicide from bullying, and she won't be the last.

Anonymous said...

Dr Doublewide, "Yes, colleges have no need for poor white students, no matter how bright they are. Good for you that you were black and could get a Marine Biology degree handed to you, even though you couldn't read your diploma.

You will never be a doctor."

LOL. Poor Dr. Queen, no one believes she will ever be a doctor. lol

Dr. Nuwang said...

A post about bullying on a blog that regularily allows it? Among so called adults?.Yet there's a question about why kids engage in this type of behavior? Yeah, whatever!

I'd speculate that adult bullies likely weren't bullies in school, but were victims. Bullying as an adult, particularly on the Internet, is a way of "getting even".

Sick bastards!

Anonymous said...

Field, "I bet wingnuts are all saying that he is Jesus. They might take it as a sign."

Nope. He was part of the OWS liberal leftist crowd. YOu can't pin this on the Conservatives. To make matters worse, he is a Mexican. And to think that Obama has been playing to the Latino crowd. Just goes to show how much the Mexicans think of the O! But many of us knew that. Unfortunately, there are FN Negroes like Field, Mack and uts who think the Latinos love Blacks...LOL

Anonymous said...

Dr Queen, "I'd speculate that adult bullies likely weren't bullies in school, but were victims. Bullying as an adult, particularly on the Internet, is a way of "getting even".

Sick bastards!"

Your speculation is wrong, as usual. Where do you get your speculations from?

Anonymous said...

Dr Queen is an embarrassment to all med students and the medical profession.

Dr. Nuwang said...

Broklyns post on the previous was not only funny as hell, but right on point!

Anonymous said...

"I bet wingnuts are all saying that he is Jesus. They might take it as a sign."

Field, your shameless leftist lies know no boundaries.

Well, here's what we do know about Ortega-Hernandez. Police searched for him at the Occupy DC encampment after they received reports that he had spent time there.

Occupy San Diego protesters decided that such reports were sufficient to claim the White House shooter as one of their own, and so they held "a moment of silence" to demonstrate their "solidarity" behind the man charged with attempting to assassinate President Obama.

Occupy DC held a candlelight vigil for this nutjob - He is one of you. A crazy lefty. Besides we don't need any more signs that demoncraps are insane, look at all the violence, immoral behaviour, rape, murders, drug abuse, unsanitary conditions and on and on that your party is part and parcel of and supports completely.

Dr. Bastardo said...

Ms.Queen, Bully said...
Sick bastards!

Your constant disparagement of rural, poor, white Americans is classic bullying behavior and would be an embarassment to the medical profession if you were in fact a doctor.

Which you are not.

You will never be a doctor.

Anonymous said...

Dr.Queen said...
A post about bullying on a blog that regularily allows it? Among so called adults?.Yet there's a question about why kids engage in this type of behavior? Yeah, whatever!

I'd speculate that adult bullies likely weren't bullies in school, but were victims. Bullying as an adult, particularly on the Internet, is a way of "getting even".

Sick bastards!

Oh please, don't tell me the biggest hoochie mama ghetto rat name calling low class pig around is now going to try and play the victim - GTFO here with that fake shit. You start the shit and people fire back, if you get your ass handed to you in the interim then don't complain that your ass is to big and you can't handle it. No AA action here smegma breath.

Anonymous said...

La♥audiobooks said...

But did you watch the video? It narrows the situation a little more. She's a poor biracial child living in what seems to be a predominantly white hick town. I'm sorry, nothing good can come from such element for a child like her without the extra special support needed.
No I had not seen it but I saw it now. and God forgive me but the mom really talks more like a neighbor than a mom! I dunno something weird there! And she supposedly "left school for a while" what's that all about?
Something fishy going on there, and I don't think it was just the bullying at school!

God rest her soul, may she rest in the peace now which she obviously never got on earth!!!

Children are indeed the poison containers of adults.

There is a great article which an Anonymous commenter posted on Acting White,Acting Black's blog.It's called "The History of Child Abuse"

Very informative!

BrookLyn said...

@Dr. Queen think of it this way...what happens here illustrates why this country is losing it's global standing. These crackas spend so much time worried about what we have and how we got it they can't focus on what's important. I (like most) bristle at how easily Missy Anns get their way in the world but I don't spend all day on stormfront and Fox Nation whining. I look at the world like a chess game that I have no choice but to win. These Assnons are a microcosm of what's going on with crackas in general. They are so focused on making sure Obama fails they are letting the whole country turn into a cesspool. If they dedicated themselves to bettering their situations they would care less about a little blog where black folks "talk". If these Assnons were entrepreneurs or even gainfully employed would they really give a fuck about us--the answer is no. I don't bother responding to them (most of the time) because some clown who spends his entire day spamming a blog isn't worth my time. If he is employed he's probably the caddy that carries my golf bag or the valet that parks my car so what do I care if he blathers antiquated stereotypes and throws around the N-word. I've got shit to do.
Peace & Blessings sister.

field negro said...

"Nope. He was part of the OWS liberal leftist crowd. YOu can't pin this on the Conservatives. To make matters worse, he is a Mexican. And to think that Obama has been playing to the Latino crowd. Just goes to show how much the Mexicans think of the O! But many of us knew that. Unfortunately, there are FN Negroes like Field, Mack and uts who think the Latinos love Blacks...LOL"

Please cue in the "Twilight Zone" music here. These folks put the nut in wingnut. * eyes rolling*

Brooklyn @1:53 AM was on point. But hey, it's the Internet, folks can be who they really want to be here.

"Field, your shameless leftist lies know no boundaries."

Shameless? Yes. Lies? Not so much.

Dr. Nuwang said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dr. Nuwang said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dr. Nuwang said...

"@Dr. Queen think of it this way...what happens here illustrates why this country is losing it's global standing. "

No doubt. Why folks don't "get that" I don't know. Then again, that's the result of white folks believing their own hyped up bullshit since they killed off 20 million Native Americans to steal this country 500 years ago.

"These crackas spend so much time worried about what we have and how we got it they can't focus on what's important. "

I work with a Black woman that is highly educated, has the biggest Benz EVER, is the highest ranking person in our group, has a fine, educated BLACK man for a husband, and lives in a mini mansion. Now, who do you think is the REPEATED target of bullshit complaints to HR, our Director, ect ALL THE DAMN TIME by the white bitches? Yeah, the MIssy Anns of the group.

"I look at the world like a chess game that I have no choice but to win."

Rolling in blessings, WE ARE!!!!!!

"These Assnons are a microcosm of what's going on with crackas in general. They are so focused on making sure Obama fails they are letting the whole country turn into a cesspool."

I've said it since he was elected, angry anti-Obama folks are taking his election out on everyday, working Black folks, and have been for some time now.

"I don't bother responding to them (most of the time) because some clown who spends his entire day spamming a blog isn't worth my time."

I throughly understand your position on this, and like you, I don't worry at all about attacks against me personally, because the fact is that my very bright future is becoming more so every time I check my emails, LOL!!! What I worry about are the black kids with barely enough confidence in themselves to do well in their crappy schools, who come across this blog full of intelligent, highly educated, and successful Black folks. But also regularly see how a few white racists essentially take over the message day after day and day after day with their negative comments. Maybe these kids, without strong role models, read the bullshit that takes up 80% of this blog's comments, puts that together with how the first Black president is being treated and says to themselves "to hell with that or what's the point??"

I've had a blog now for about 5 years and I take VERY seriously the message I'm supporting either directly OR indirectly. I'm determined to have complete control of my ultimate message, which is to make sure there are folks that look like me, successfully conducting scientific research around to replace me after I'm gone, and my blog is one of the many ways I do that.

"If he is employed he's probably the caddy that carries my golf bag or the valet that parks my car so what do I care if he blathers antiquated stereotypes and throws around the N-word. I've got shit to do.
Peace & Blessings sister."

Having shit to do? Now isn't THAT a wonderful, blessed thing?!?!!?

Peace and blessing to you too my sista'!!

Podium dismounted and ya'll take care!

Anonymous said...

All some wingnuts want is access to your children to 'teach' them the way of the priest....and to be able to be bullies. Why are you hatin'?

See how deficient the students are when they receive unearned placement in colleges? Why...some icky person of complexion might have stolerated it...and we would not be blessed by the idiocy of trying to pretend that bush was not the Worst President Ever.


Unworldly Nelson said...

Bulliies. You folks are a bunch of pussys.

I played football as as a tailback, and kick-off & punt returner. I was always small, until I got about 25. I got KILLED several times on the field. But...I was FAST.

Coach would take me out, let me sit out a series, and I'd man-up & go back in again.

I remember some of the big offensive linemen getting thrown out of games, 'cause they'd fight "bulllies" who tried to whack me. At practice afterwards, during the week, I would try to tell them to "quit that".

I was more scared of them, than the other teams we played.

Finally, in the 8th grade, I caught a punt on about out 10, broke two tackles, and was runnig my ass to the End Zone, when I felt myself being picked up, carried off the field, and set down on my feet. Everything was silent. I turned around, ad sa this black defensive back, who out-weighed me by at least 40 lbs., and was five inches taller than me.

I just looked him in the eyes, told him "THANKS", he slapped me on the top of my Helmet, and the crowd stood up & cheered.

He coulda killed me, and I would have never saw it coming.

I decided to retire my football career after that season, and started soccer.

Anonymous said...

BrookLyn said...
@Dr. Queen think of it this way...what happens here illustrates why this country is losing it's global standing. These crackas spend so much time worried about what we have and how we got it they can't focus on what's important.

Sure, it has nothing to do with the main objective of our education system for the last 50 years being to get poorly motivated black children in the 75-85 IQ range to perform as if they were well motivated students in the high IQ range of 100 or higher and dumping billions into the lie.

I throughly understand your position on this, and like you, I don't worry at all about attacks against me personally, because the fact is that my very bright future is becoming more so every time I check my emails, LOL!!! What I worry about are the black kids with barely enough confidence in themselves to do well in their crappy schools, who come across this blog full of intelligent, highly educated, and successful Black folks

According to the college board; income differences explain only part of the racial gap in SAT scores. For black and white students from families with incomes of more than $200,000 in 2008, there still remains a huge 149-point gap in SAT scores. Even more startling is the fact that in 2008 black students from families with incomes of more than $200,000 scored lower on the SAT test than did students from white families with incomes between $20,000 and $40,000.

Anonymous said...

Queenie Queefa said...

"Rolling in blessings, WE ARE!!!!!!"

Don't you get a kick when the vernacular of the Al Sharpton mentality goes on to declare how intelligent she is?

"Rolling in blessings, we are"

"But resist, we much… we must… and we will much… about… that… be committed.”

Have you been watching star wars again queenie? Or is this result of your "edumacation"?

By the way, you are middle age and haven't even started school yet. Glad you decided on a potential career path when most other persons are nearing retirement having accomplished a lifetime of contributions and creation and somehow still manage to think you are superior than others for calling you out on your ghetto hoochie momma words and actions.

Anonymous said...

"Please cue in the "Twilight Zone" music here. These folks put the nut in wingnut. * eyes rolling*"

No, actually I think you started it with the twilight zone comment you made

"I bet wingnuts are all saying that he is Jesus. They might take it as a sign".

Lefties are not only immoral they are crazy. Taking a proven lefty than trying to blame conservatives by stating conservatives are crazy jesus freaks who think obama is the anitchrist is comical. I knew right away he was a leftist, he is crazy, unclean, unkempt, anti U.S a leech and violent.

field negro said...

"Taking a proven lefty than trying to blame conservatives by stating conservatives are crazy jesus freaks who think obama is the anitchrist is comical."

You must be the only one who thinks it's funny.

Are you seriously trying to say that many of your wingnut friends do not believe that Obama is the antichrist? I bet they would have something to say about that.

field negro said...

I would like to thank Landon Donovan for his comments @ 11:33 AM.

Good luck in the MLS finals tomorrow night. *tipping away*

Kingnut said...

field negro said...
"Are you seriously trying to say that many of your wingnut friends do not believe that Obama is the antichrist?"

I would seriously wager that there are less people on the "right" who think Obama is the anti-Christ than there are on the "left" who believe George Bush blew up the WTC.

When you divide a country of 300 million into two groups, you are going to wind up with some people on your side who are there for an entirely different reason than you are, and whom you don't really want to stand too close to.

People with some strange religious beliefs wind up on both sides. I think it damages Conservatism to have to account for people who think the world is 6,000 years old, etc. But the core of Conservatism is a belief in the inalienable rights of man and an adherence to the ideas that made this a great country. Today, this entails restoring a Constitutional government.

Liberalism is at heart soft tyranny. All men are created equal, but they do not die that way. A just society provides equality of opportunity. The imposition of equality of condition requires an extraordinary level of tyranny. Liberalism seeks "fairness" and in so doing winds up punishing positive behaviors and rewarding detructive ones. The result, as we see all around us, is cultural and civilizational decay.

Despite this, liberals push for more ever more liberalism. The cure for cancer is not more cancer.

Our founders did not found a Democracy, they founded a Republic. The genius of it all was devising a system of government that kept too much power from coalescing into any one set of hands.

The brilliance of our Constitution is not in bringing democracy, or in the Bill of Rights. It was in the separation of powers. Government was divided and subdivided into parts that were often at each other's throats. In some areas a local sheriff could overrule a state governor, who in turn could overrule a president. Governors and presidents were subject to the whims of legislatures. All of these institutions had to deal with the courts. No one man could wield too much power for too long. There were always other jealous institutions willing to check them.

This whole system - the separation of powers, checks and balances, supermajorities for amendments - came about because of a unique view of humanity. The founders saw man as corruptible, as a fallen creature who must be guarded against. It is a view that was missing from the French Revolution and the many Marxist revolutions. They saw man as perfectible. If only they could create the right conditions, all would be happy. It was society that was the problem, not man. And it is largely Europeans that have fallen for this utopian foolishness again and again while dismissing Americans as naive bumpkins.

Our revolution based on Liberty created a society that, as imperfect as it was, has offered unparalled peace and prosperity to its citizens and has been a shining example to the rest of the world.

The revolutions based on Equality have resulted in the slaughter of millions and the impovershment of billions.

Why would anyone who knows anything of history choose that path?

White Boy said...

field, just because some folks are challenged mellanin-wise, doesn't make them a "wingnut"...(whatever that is)

I'm a Caucasian, and I've NEVER haerd another say that Obama was the "antichrist".

I heve heard, however, that he's a disater, and that's hard to argue with.

Hell. Just ask AB.

Come to think of it......let's not

Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 1982 said...

See how deficient the students are when they receive unearned placement in colleges?

You can thank affirmative action,racial quotas, and lowering standards so hood rats like dr.queen can make it into college.

BTW, obama is the worst president ever.check the numbers.

Anonymous said...

field negro said...
"Taking a proven lefty than trying to blame conservatives by stating conservatives are crazy jesus freaks who think obama is the anitchrist is comical."

You must be the only one who thinks it's funny.

Are you seriously trying to say that many of your wingnut friends do not believe that Obama is the antichrist? I bet they would have something to say about that.

Man, you can't be serious. I know you have to be a lot smarter than some crazy leftist talking point.
Many of my wingnut friends? Well for starters Senor LeftNut I don't have any "wingnut" friends. I have conservative and democratic and even a few socialist friends. One thing we all agree about with varying degrees is that anyone who specializes in doing nothing but hit jobs while not accomplishing a thing is a waste of human space.

There are two types of personas in this world externalists and internalists. Typically and almost without fail, the ones who have failed and given up or never even tried are the externalists. Everything they have ever chosen to do or not to do, you can bet they have a system, a person, a race to blame - they have an excuse for everything.

An internalist doesnt allow self made errors, others, the weather, the lack of parents, setbacks, not being rich in developing talents, money or any other excuses to hold them down. They are hard on themselves and realize that for every roadblock life throws at you there are ways to go over or around it - if you try hard enough.

Summation - A lefty whackjob shooting at the white house after getting upset while participating in the Democratic supported and lefty astroturf funded calling all the dregs of society gathering cannot be blamed on conservatives because you read somewhere once some whackjob believed Obama was the antichrist. As another reader said I have never met someone who believes this, although I can tell you immediately I have met many, many, many democrats who swear that it is important someone else work hard so the government can steal it from them and pay for the things they demand and they demand these things quite violently. I have met many democrats who believe that the color of someones skin determines wether they have the attributes to make it or not for surely according to democrats if you are black, you don't have the drive, determination and talent to do anything without some rich white liberal taking from others and providing it to you.

Those are facts, not lefty spin hitjobs.

When democrats accept adult responsibilities instead of blaming history, the unfair nature of the world, someones skin color tests for test results, even the weather and what have you for their very actions and proven failed policies, then I guess they won't be democrats any longer will they?

Dr. Nuwang said...

kinky_neocon said...
You can thank affirmative action,racial quotas, and lowering standards so hood rats like dr.queen can make it into college.

If being a SIXTH generation college graduate makes me a hood rat, I shudder think what we should call you and yours.

Other than broke down, ignorant, uneducated cracka' ass low lifes.

field negro said...

"But the core of Conservatism is a belief in the inalienable rights of man and an adherence to the ideas that made this a great country."

They believe in the "inalienable rights" of some men not all.

"Those are facts, not lefty spin hitjobs."

No, those were righty "spin hitjobs".

Not facts.

"One thing we all agree about with varying degrees is that anyone who specializes in doing nothing but hit jobs while not accomplishing a thing is a waste of human space."

Then why do you support conservatism? I suspect that it's your Socialist friends who actually believe this and not the others. Because conservatism is about selfishness and projecting the status quo.

I own a business. I gladly pay taxes and hire others. My ideological leaning (not my political one) is left of left. Many of my left leaning friends are doing the same thing.

I know a few conservatives, and most of them are involved with politics or in the types of businesses that contribute ZERO to their communities. All they do is talk and take. They hate paying taxes because they are selfish by nature.They love to talk about the "founding fathers" and their intent, but they will do everything in their powers to make sure that they always have an advantage over others while pretending to be working harder.

no slappz said...

brooklyn babbles:

think of it this way...what happens here illustrates why this country is losing it's global standing. These crackas spend so much time worried about what we have and how we got it they can't focus on what's important.

Oh. In other words, you admit that America's greatness is dependent on the efforts of whites, and whites only.

Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 1982 said...

"Other than broke down, ignorant, uneducated cracka' ass low lifes.'

If she post,talks,and smells like a hood rat than she's a hood rat.

Geoffrey Philp said...

Field, the first thing you got wrong was "Jesus's litle brother." Don't you know Jesus was black? And you call yourself a field negro Shame on you!

Dr. Nuwang said...


Only a cracka' with it's nose up the ass of a hood rat could no what one smells like.

Which means all you're really doing is following in the footsteps of your ancestors.

field negro said...

"Field, the first thing you got wrong was "Jesus's litle brother." Don't you know Jesus was black? And you call yourself a field negro Shame on you!"

LOL! Tongue firmly in cheek when I was writing it my brother, tongue firmly in cheek. :)

Dr. Greatgrampaw said...

Ms.Queen said...
If being a SIXTH generation college graduate makes me a hood rat.....

I smell bullshit.

I know your family breeds fast, but sixth generation would mean your ancestors were graduating from college in the mid 1800's.

And it begs the question: How does six generations of higher education breed a hoodrat such as yourself?

Being a hoodrat makes you a hoodrat.

You will never be a doctor.

Geoffrey Philp said...

Samw here, Field. Same here

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Vielen Dank für den Blog, wirklich danke! Fantastisch.