But hey, this is our democracy.
Anyway, I just got back from voting with the Mrs. and the polling station was pretty crowded. That's always a good thing I guess. I even recognized some of the people from my neighborhood. I wonder who they are voting for.
I am not saying who I voted for, but I read this interesting article before I went out and hit the button for the candidate of my choice that I would like to share.
"As I sit here on a flat, gray day, mere hours away from the direction of our nation being sealed, there is a knot of anxiety that will not go away. The 2012 election will decide who we are, where we're going and how many of us will get there.
There are two possible futures, and one of them scares me silly.
This fear isn't based in partisanship, it's not based in "my team" versus "your team." It's based in the reality that Mitt Romney is a chameleon, a changeling, a puff of smoke. We cannot know who he is. We cannot know what he plans to do. He obfuscates and reinvents who he was; there's no way to gauge who he'll be.
People have taken a version of Romney, the version they like, whether it's Conservative Romney or Moderate Romney, Warmonger Romney or Peacetime Romney, Pro-Choice Romney or Constitutional Amendment Romney, Self-Deport Romney or Immigration Romney. Regardless of what he said before or what he says after, Romney supporters have to pick something that appealed to them, and stick with it.
Even if Romney, himself, doesn't.
When I look at Mitt Romney, I see the man who demanded tax returns from his potential running mates yet refused to show us, the voters, his. I see a man who dismissed nearly half of the country in a secretly-recorded video and then said it was "wrong" in a very publicly-recorded "apology." I see a man who claimed he was cancelling political events in the wake Hurricane Sandy, who simply renamed his rally and sprung for $5,000 worth of goods at Walmart.
He gave the appearance of a solution to a problem doesn't actually solve a problem. Usually, it does nothing but make that problem worse, as problems compound themselves when they are not addressed.
Mitt Romney is the embodiment of "giving the appearance." One moment he is one thing, and the next he is another, each with equal certainty and equal confidence. That's one thing during an election, but what does that mean if that person obtains real power?
It's like the prologue of a novel by Aldous Huxley, the lead-up to the takeover that is complete and irreversible. There is always a time before it happens, a time when things can be different.
Now is that time.
And that's why I sit with this knot, the fear of a Romney America very present and very real. I don't know if the real Romney revealed himself in that secret video. I don't know if the real Romney revealed himself in the first presidential debate. I don't know if he revealed himself in the second debate, in that momentary flash of anger when he was fact-checked by moderator Candy Crowley.
I don't know if the real Romney has ever revealed himself, as I don't know if there is a real Mitt Romney. How can we give such enormous power to a man you can never quite see no matter how you look?
Promise me, my fellow citizens, we won't give him real power, as we don't want to find out what happens if we do." [Source]
Oh my! All these strong words trying to influence my vote. Thankfully, I am my own person....
May the
Do you mean the man with the most personal income or the man who raised the most money for his campaign????
Inquiring minds want to know, Field.
Don't be coy?
I'm scared too Big Daddy, and I'm 58 yo. I think mitts god is GOLD, and he'll do what the GOLD tells him to. I pray fervently Obama wins. The dark side went on a propaganda fury for four straight years, culminating with the 'You didn't build it' out of context, the 'Vote for revenge' out of context, and the Benghazigate smear all had an effect. I heard people referencing all those as reasons not to vote for Obama. Mitch Mitchell said making Obama a one term president was mission #1, and with the help if glenn beck, sean 'the pawn' hannity and rush linbaugh, to name a few, they were relentless. They blocked a jobs bill for Vets! Collectively they hurt me and all americans with their lies and obstructionism.
When I pray, I understand the Lords will be done on Earth as in heaven. Surely mittens cannot be His Will.
Thank you for all you have done FN, I've only come aboard recently but you are first class. Well done!! shipmate, carry on.
It's looking good for B so far. How bout them unskewed polls now trolls? Second term, we get our white slaves HA!
Hold on to your hat, the President is pulling ahead.
Gosh, hey thanks, you did it.Now the nation can rest assured that we made it up to the da' fir's man-da' black man.
Watch the nation erode at a quicker and quicker pace I hate you all for this. This nation will never be anything more than a roach infested latrine because of you. You're filth
White whores for everyone! Lets' celebrate.
Gone need some help - can y'all tell me where to start applyin for all the welfares and free stuffs I aints workin no more you cant beat em join em fuck if I'm gonna work 2 jobs pay mo taxes so my neighbor can sleep all gottdamn day and complina how nobody wants to hire mexicnas who here illegally
Unskewed polls my ass!
You called it Whitey.
I guess the 47% didn't forget.
Take a bow Mr. Silver.
I will now turn to FOX NEWS for my entertainment.
That wheezing sound that you hear is the death rattle of Caucasia's stranglehold on powe in America. The tklanatariat must be losing it's mind.
Can someone please explain to me... If you don't show ID how will they know who you are? If you are registered to vote etc??? Can anyone just walk up give a name and vote? Thanks I am not from US so forgive my ignorance.
Don't tread on us!!!!! We the black, the brown, the l's, the g's, the b's, and t's!
Brother Field...first of all, thank-you ALL from the State of Pennsyvania for pushing up the winning numbers. This has been a draining election for the country. There are a lot of wounds to be attended to. 2315........HOLD THE PHONE>>>>Mr. Romney is now questioning the OHIO vote. Well get back with you. Oh yea, thank you again for the last two years.
Blogger PilotX said...
Unskewed polls my ass!
You called it Whitey.
Yup and Jesse Jackson won 71% of the vote from his mental institution. What does that tell you?
Better get prepared now when the economy crashes in the next few months. Sandy is going to look charming compared to when all the Obama phones get turned off.
You high class boos are now gonna take care of my white, redneck ass.
Where my shit at?
Let's all have a moment of silence for the death of the Republican party, LOL!
RIP or ROT in peace!
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
That wheezing sound that you hear is the death rattle of Caucasia's stranglehold on powe in America. The tklanatariat must be losing it's mind.
Actually it's your ass. You have been sitting to long. Now get up and go work because by your words Whites owe you nothing anymore and your Black woman schtick won't get you much from anyone else.
333/206....That's called an electoral landslide.
Also he gets a 53/47 senate for coattails when the gop were on course as late as August to flip that count. Obama won big. So did America. Goodnight friends and trolls.
It's looking good for B so far. How bout them unskewed polls now trolls? Second term, we get our white slaves HA!
9:53 PM
Only a black racist piece of shit would be talking about white slaves, seeing how Obama doesn't give a shit about us.
It's funny how you equate Obama's Presidency with yourselves when he has proven again and again that he could less about us and doesn't even need us. We didn't win a damn thing. But the Whites, Latinos and the Gays did....very depressing.
Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...
333/206....That's called an electoral landslide.
Also he gets a 53/47 senate for coattails when the gop were on course as late as August to flip that count. Obama won big. So did America. Goodnight friends and trolls.
But lost the popular vote; the majority of which pay the bills including yours. Wonder how that's going to work out when taxes, food prices, energy costs skyrocket and the programs you live on shrivel wither and die?
Good luck being a dependent. I am sure your comrades will come to the rescue, sharing whatever bounties they have.
Goodbye, Mitt. You will not be missed. And the possibility of no more Bachmann or West?!?
God bless(ed) America!
(P.S. Fox News never disappoints: we are sitting here laughing at them, as I type.)
Field, you insensitive black dog! How can you let someone like PilotX and some other so-called Field Negroes attack us?
We have done absolutely nothing but support you and stand up against the Klan for you. I mean, we favor equal rights for Blacks, according to Republican law, which favors you.
Show some kindness and mercy toward us.
Dr.Reine said...
Let's all have a moment of silence for the death of the Republican party, LOL!
RIP or ROT in peace!
I love you amiga, I am bringing my family over now to get the welfare and take your job. Gracias por todo. Make sure you pay taxes - somebody has to.
Hey trolls, what happened to your Romney landslide? Losers!
Do you trust the polls now? Ha!!!
The takers have outnumbered the makers this time.
Isn't going to end very well, that's easy to see.
So it begins...good luck. The takers won't understand what this means, until the cards are no longer refilled because the dollar has crashed and is valueless.
Dollar Falls as Obama Win Paves Way for Monetary Easing
By Monami Yui and Mariko Ishikawa - Nov 7, 2012 1:54 AM ET
The dollar weakened on speculation Barack Obama’s re-election as president will boost chances the U.S. will continue monetary stimulus policies that tend to weaken the currency.
The dollar reversed earlier gains versus the euro after Obama defeated Republican challenger Mitt Romney, according to television network projections that show the incumbent winning the electoral votes needed for re-election.
“Monetary policy will remain loose under Obama so the dollar will be sold,” said Michiyoshi Kato, senior vice president of foreign-currency sales in Tokyo at Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd., a unit of Japan’s third-largest bank by market value. “Dollar selling may not last that long as the U.S. faces the fiscal cliff,” he said, referring to more than $600 billion in tax increases and spending cuts that will be implemented in 2013 unless Congress acts.
I don't know what happened. Romney should have had this in the bag. My God, another four years of the same ole shit.
Well, this will have to be my last visit to FN. Negroes on this blog are sick and have no respect for the divinity of Anons who make this blog come alive. You folks are going to miss us.
Field, you are going to miss the whole lot of us. However, if you and some of your FN folks were to say, "please, please, please, don't go." Then we just might stay; but there will be no guarantee.
This election was never as close as the media attempted to play it, even in the aftermath of the first debate Nate Silver* called it 60.1% for Obama. So a 39.9% chance was as good as it ever got for Romney.
The scale of Romney's defeat is truly epic. He was up against an unpopular President, presiding over an unemployment rate around 8% (no President has ever previously been re-elected with an unemployment rate above 7%), in a nation where 51% of white people have negative views of black people, and with massively more campaign funds to spend than Obama - and yet given all those advantages he still couldn't win.
*During the last two Presidential elections, Nate has now called 99 out of 100 states correctly! It will be interesting to see what the "skewed polls" idiots have to say about that tomorrow.
"Hey trolls, what happened to your Romney landslide? Losers!"
I think they are still waiting for it.
"..has now called 99 out of 100 states correctly! It will be interesting to see what the "skewed polls" idiots have to say about that tomorrow."
They will say it's luck.
"Show some kindness and mercy toward us."
I am on the phone with the President of Anon. Inc. right now negotiating for another 4 years of Anons. :)
Our people stood up to this voter suppression nonsense. Something has to be done about it before the next election.
Well it used to be a Chicken in every pot, now it's get someone else to pay for a bucket of chicken, EBT car, Obamaphone and a baggie of pot.
So what was Obama's plan again to deal with the previous presidents mess? I mean I remember Big Bird, Binders, Free contraceptives - lady parts...but how did he say he was going to deal with the new maximum amount of borrowing/printing about to happen? Other countries shucking the dollar? More jobs being lost than you can imagine in the next few months? Who exactly is going to pay for the buckets of chicken and Obama phones and doubled electricity/gas and food?
Let me know, for now. I am Atlas and I am shrugging.
Mr. Field,
Statistical science.
My..My..My..What happened REPUB/TEABAGGERS?
Obama has become only the fifth president to obtain more than 50% of the popular vote twice.
Grant, McKinley, FDR and Reagan were the others if you are interested.
i did not vote and i will never vote again
cc george carlin
kudos to IL and AR!!!!!!!!!
i am proud....
kudos to hobama
selection 2012 is a done deal
we repped the sane!!!!
u dodged going out like carter
may u still be booted out like nixon!!!
kudos to the sheeple/bimbo factions/pookies/racist morons etc...u won...
kudos to mitt...u made hobama sweat!!!
kudos to all who refused to waste time voting and be played as pawns!....
i am penning my new tribute to you sheeple now and i will post it monday
do stand by!!!
thank u for an early christmas present as
it will be sheer bliss to watch hobama rudely awaken ALL of u nazis ASAP!!!
hobama is a serial war criminal who may finally be impeached for benghazi...
now i get to tell u i told u so thru 2016....even as i suffer for your sins!!!
go karma!!!!!
Anyone making 40-65k a year busting their ass - should quit.
long hours 2 jobs - Quit. Away from home - Quit.
Liberals are right, spending time playing x-box and demanding stuff is much better. The hell with struggling improving, standing on your own two feet. Quit - you are suckers - get some of those government handouts - Disability, welfare, food stamps, housing, energy, child credits, free lunch and dinner at schools, free phones, free medical - a simple injury, get fat eating chicken, play too stupid to even get an ID , tell them you can't pass the tests - join the game, become a liberal - Quit. Tell them you are stressed and cant function you feel oppressed because you are gay and quit.
Then eat well, exercise a lot and be ready, the strong will be needed to rebuild after the collapse.
kudos to hobama and haarp for sandy too
more proof that chris m is a hobama girl
It is not enough to win; others must lose. —Gore Vidal
I'm glad a few things got defeated this time:
billionaires buying elections
voter suppression
racism, coded and otherwise
big, repeated and substantive lies
the myth of the lily-white nation
tea party craziness
now, let's go out and indict a few state election officials, or at least replace them with honest ones.
Welcome to the new normal in which people of color control the WH.
Now wingnuts know how we felt in 2004. Karma is a bitch.
already the economy is impacted.
Stock market crashing, Goldman Sachs revising GDP growth downward.
Obama is going to tax those over 250K - thats a total of 56billion or about three days of government.
Yet it will impact the economy by an immediate 0.4% of GDP growth - that equals just about every entitlement program out there.
What have you done?
It's continuing.
Goldman Sachs
"2. We are making slight changes to the fiscal policy assumptions embedded in our forecast. President Obama has indicated he would veto legislation that extends the 2001/2003 tax cuts for income over $250k, while congressional Republicans have objected to decoupling them from the middle-income tax cuts. In light of the President's reelection, we have opted to assume that the upper-income tax cuts will expire. These are worth $56bn in 2013, and their expiration is likely to increase the drag on growth from fiscal policy by around 0.2 percentage points in 2013, on a Q4/Q4 basis. While there is a clear possibility of a compromise at a higher income threshold like $1 million, this is roughly balanced by the possibility of fiscal restraint from other unexpected sources, or the possibility that Congress fails to address the fiscal cliff until early 2013.
3. Based on these slightly modified fiscal assumptions and other developments, we are changing our forecast slightly. We are taking down our Q4 GDP growth forecast from 1.9% to 1.5%, due to a change in the tracking assumptions for October after Hurricane Sandy. Our forecast for Q1 and Q2 2013 will remain at 1.5% and 2%, respectively. Although the additional fiscal restraint would weigh on growth, the rebound from Hurricane Sandy is likely to lift growth which should mostly offset the fiscal effect.
Hey Field!! Thanks for taking down the "Trolls..." warning. Now...
How about starting a fund-raising drive to finance the expatriation of all the "trolls', right-winguts, and "teabaggers" who boasted and threatened to leave these united states if the "Muslim-Socialist" Barack Obama was re-elected President. Well, I've got some extra cash + guns and ammo to donate and help them leave: Good riddance.
Oh... And while I'm at it: Obama lost the votes of WHITE men, not all men in this election.
Thank you very much.
The "G"
Thanks for taking down the "Trolls" warning. Now...
How 'bout starting a fund-raising drive to finance and facilitate the expatriation of all the "trolls", right-wingnuts, and "teabaggers" who boasted and threatened to leave these united states if the "Muslim-Socialist" Obama was re-elected President. Well, I've got some extra cash + guns and ammo to donate and facilitate their departure: Good riddance.
Oh... And while I'm at it: Obama lost the votes of WHITE men, not all men during this election.
Thanks for taking down the "trolls" warning. Now...
How about starting a fund-raising campaign to finance and facilitate the expatriation of all the trolls, right-wingnuts, and teabaggers who threatened to leave these united states. I've got some extra cash + guns and ammo to donate.
While I'm at it: Obama lost the votes of WHITE men, not all men during this election.
Do something! Fix the filters or whatever, because repeated efforts to prove "you're not a robot" have failed.
Dear Mr Field, due to the loss of Romney and the emotional trauma it has caused the GOP collectively, there will be a restructuring of Anons, Inc. Much like the votes for Obama indicated an ousting of Reps, Anon Inc will follow suit.
In addition, Karl Rove will no longer be the advisor at Anon, Inc. He has been fired. Furthermore, I cannot in good conscience request an increase fees from FN for next year. Hence, the rate will remain the same for 2013 with caveat that Obama lives up to electoral landslide that once again was so generously given to him by Americans. Let's hope he doesn't disappoint AGAIN.
As you know, we are on a financial cliff and President Obama has been known to win elections and then disappoint. Let us never forget who Obama 'really' stands for.
In any case, should Obama not be able to break gridlock in Congress; and should we go off the financial cliff, your fee will automatically double. Let's hope it never comes to that.
Congratulations to the Whites, Latinos and Gays who voted for Obama. It was because of you that Obama 'should' be beholden to you.
In any case, Mr. Field there will be no increase in rates in 2013.
Apparently the election oversampled Democratic voters....LOL
Congratulations Mr. Obama!
This is terrible. With election of Obama the market is tanking. I've lost all of my retirement. I knew it was going to be bad news if he was re-elected and I was right.
You foolish FN folks have no idea of what's in store for you.
So how are you anonymous tklan trolls doing today? Avoiding bridges & sharp objects? Ready to participate in reality yet? Only the organizer of the local tklan and myself showed up to the "victory meeting" this morning, so I'm assuming that you're all in some stage of mourning over that Mormon guy (what was his name again?) who Obama beat like a rented mule last night. Rove's fauxnews meltdown over Ohio was the highlight of the night for me, did you all love it too?
Your candidate lied...repeatedly. Jeep didn't move production to China. He never supported the auto bailout. He wanted to defund FEMA then denied he'd said it. Everyone has the internet we can look these things up and find out the extent of the lies he told. His entire campaign was editing Obama speeches to change the intent of his words. When did he ever tell us what he would do differently? Certainly not in the Foreign Policy debate in which he agreed with Obama on everything. The bi-partisanship and collaboration needs to come from the Republicans. This country is bigger than your town or congregation--you cannot govern as though it is the same. Gay people deserve civil rights. Women deserve equal pay and dominion over their bodies. Black and brown people want the same shot at the American dream as anyone else. Can't you just accept that so we can come together as a nation.
Blogger PilotX said...
Welcome to the new normal in which people of color control the WH.
Now wingnuts know how we felt in 2004. Karma is a bitch.
Even in winning you aren't so bright. 40% of White people voted for Obama - If Whites played like Blacks do - you would never see a Black person in politics.
But you are right Karma is a bitch - comprende? I doubt it.
We just need a Golden Dawn in this country. I hope I get to see it. Blacks will get to see it the hard way.
One day drop on Wall Street and folks are freaking out. Let's see what happens next week before we start jumping out of windows.
PilotX said...
Welcome to the new normal in which people of color control the WH.
Now wingnuts know how we felt in 2004. Karma is a bitch.
You think?
Now Obama has another four years, the options are persue his meager plans of tax and spend or go completely conservative and become fiscally responsible and save the nation. Considering the majority of his supporters are the give me stuff gang - how do you think this will eventually play out? After more time of stagnation and decline do you think the Democratic party will survive?
Conservatives will keep doing what we normally do -- work hard and thank God for our great nation, which will see better days.
We will let you thank government, the very government that you will be lamenting soon enough.
PilotX, "Welcome to the new normal in which people of color control the WH.
Now wingnuts know how we felt in 2004. Karma is a bitch."
10:09 AM
You are one evil racist dude. Because of people like you, racism gets stronger.
kudos to the sheeple...u drones won!!!!
The More Effective Evil has trounced those Republicans with evil intentions. Folks who never made a single demand of the corporate, war mongering Democrat think they are some kind of victors. “The non-resisters have won a non-victory against an unimpressive enemy,” while Obama plots new atrocities.
Now Obama has won another “mandate,” which he will use to finish the projects he started: wider wars, a more profound government subservience to finance capital, and that “new legal architecture” on national security that he warned about on the Daily Show, a few weeks ago. He looks forward to fulfilling his austerity dreams early in his new term: “I am absolutely confident that we can get what is the equivalent of the grand bargain that essentially I’ve been offering to the Republicans for a very long time.”
You will note that I have not specifically mentioned Black folks since the beginning of this article; that’s because African Americans have made themselves irrelevant – not just for the second Obama presidency, but possibly deep into the future. “Power concedes nothing without a demand,” and Black folks have failed to demand even elementary respect from this president, much less concrete programs, or peace. Obama isn’t the only one who has noted Black ineffectuality. Until an independent African American politics and political movement can be rebuilt, there is no reason for a president or Congress to pay “the Blacks” any more attention than Obama did.
kudos to the hobama nazis!
now your real global holocaust begins!
When a Bush, a McCain, or a Romney condones corporate crimes against the rest of us, lies to us, tortures and imprisons at will and murders civilians at a whim, it's a moral disaster. When a black Democrat does it, it's nothing personal, just business. And we are soooo proud. What's wrong with us?
Barack Obama invaded Libya, an African country. His administration orchestrated a massive campaign of disinformation, including lies about Libyan aircraft firing into crowds, Libyan mercenaries primed with viagra and primed for mass rape, and much more. Libya's leader was one of only two out of 54 African nations NOT taking US military aid, and he had been one of the main funders of South Africa's ANC and other liberation movements, and a backer and proponent of the African Union as well. He was a target, and with massive US and NATO intervention in the air and on the ground, he was taken out. Afterward, Obama openly sent troops to Congo and several other African nations, all actions which his predecessor or either of his Republican opponents could not have done.
Stoller also explains that President Obama's protection of the Wall Street criminals who crashed the economy have permanently restructured American property rights in favor of the richest, something else that Republicans could not have brought off without massive upheaval and protest. But being black and proud, our elders in the African American community, if there is such a thing, did not object. They are invested in the president as a success story. They tell us it's about pride, but really it's about their own position. He's a leader because he's a success and a success because he's a leader, and so are they. He legitimizes our black political class, and they shield him from critical analysis, along with themselves in the bargain. So just as Barack Obama can implement Republican policies without protest, “progressive” black and Latino mayors like Philly's Mike Nutter and LA's Villagrosa can push school privatization down the protesting throats of their constituencies.
The Purple Cow said...
Obama has become only the fifth president to obtain more than 50% of the popular vote twice.
Grant, McKinley, FDR and Reagan were the others if you are interested.
Yes he is right up there in the record books. As it stands Obama put the U.S more in debt since being Elected than all Presidents From Washington Through Clinton Combined…
When the polls opened on the morning of Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2008, the total debt of the U.S. government stood at $10,556,177,748,045.21 (the number it had reached by the close of business on Nov. 3, 2008). As of close of business on Friday, Nov. 2, 2012, the most recent day reported by the Treasury, the total debt of the U.S. government stood at $16,206,129,028,709.29.
That is a four-year increase of $5,649,951,280,664.08.
Oh pearl clutcher, head for the fainting couch. ALL of your money? That's a bit much.
No worries, what goes up must come down and vice-versa.
Just stropped by to say hi to the haters..lol
"That is a four-year increase of $5,649,951,280,664.08."
Yeah, that's the money he spent saving capitalism's sorry ass.
Personally I would rather he hadn't bothered.
Ha! I'm responsible for racism. Damn your trolls are dumb as hell.
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