"ATLANTA (AP) — A student opened fire at his middle school Thursday afternoon, wounding a 14-year-old in the neck before an armed officer working at the school was able to get the gun away, police said.
Multiple shots were fired in the courtyard of Price Middle School just south of downtown around 1:50 p.m. and the one boy was hit, Atlanta Police Chief George Turner said. In the aftermath, a teacher received minor cuts, he said.
The wounded boy was taken "alert, conscious and breathing" to Grady Memorial Hospital, said police spokesman Carlos Campos. He was expected to be released Thursday night.
Police swarmed the school of about 400 students after reports of the shooting while a crowd of anxious parents gathered in the streets, awaiting word on their children. Students were kept at the locked-down school for more than two hours before being dismissed.
Investigators believe the shooting was not random and that something occurred between the two students that may have led to it." [Source]
But then it's not only middle school students. Now seven year old kids are packing as well. Sadly, though, when everybody has a gun, tragic things happen. Like, for instance, you leave little Johnny in the car to go and pump some gas, and he shoots himself in the head with the gun you were keeping in the car for protection from those gang bangers.
A 3-year-old boy fatally shot himself with a gun he found in a car while his family stopped for gas early Wednesday in Tacoma, police said. It was western Washington's third recent shooting by a child.
"It is incredible in light of the other ones," said Tacoma police Officer Naveed Benjamin. "You would think people would take more care, not less."
The Tacoma-area family had stopped for gas about 12:30 a.m. The father put his pistol under the seat and got out to pump gas while the mother went inside the convenience store, Benjamin said. [Source]
Here in Philly it's pretty easy to get a gun. Most kids in the hood can get a gun easier than they can a nice bicycle. Guns are so plentiful here that young mothers going to school put them in their diaper bags right along with the formula and baby wipes.
"A young mother carried her baby, along with a loaded gun in a diaper bag, into a Philadelphia school where she had gone to sign up for classes, police said, one of two gun-in-school incidents reported in the city as the national debate on gun control raged in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., massacre.
In the second incident Thursday, a high school student hid a gun in his shoe, but it was found when he walked through a metal detector. His gun was not loaded.
But the weapon carried by 21-year-old Kelly Jones in the bottom of her pink-and-white diaper bag was fully loaded, police say, and Jones -- who was accompanied by her aunt and her baby when she was caught with it -- now faces criminal charges. [Source]
Of course it was "fully loaded". What else did you expect? Cock it and pop it. That's how we get down here in the "city of brotherly love".
Finally, speaking of guns; as of me writing this post that survivalist nut job in Alabama still has that young boy held hostage in his bunker.
"The superintendent's assistant said the young boy still being held by the gunman appeared to have been chosen at random.
"Emotions are high, and it's a struggle for us all to make sense of something so senseless, but let us keep this young student, his family and Mr. Poland's family in our thoughts and prayers," Bynum said in a statement.
The Southern Poverty Law Center reported on its Hatewatch blog that a chief investigator with the Dale County Sheriff's Office identified the gunman as 65-year-old Jimmy Lee Dykes, although Reuters could not independently verify the gunman's identity.
Investigator Tim Byrd said Dykes' friends and neighbors described him as a "survivalist" who did not trust the government, according to the law center blog.
"He was standoffish, didn't socialize or have any contact with anybody," Byrd told Hatewatch." [Source]
I bet he watches a lot of FOX NEWS. Or maybe he cut back after fellow survivalist Glenn Beck, left.
Let that little boy go Jimmy Lee! He is not a part of the government.