And now, right on cue, here comes another GOP official to let us know just how far the republican party has to go before they join the rest of us in the 21st Century.
"The Texas Republican Party has a new enemy, and its name is Battleground Texas.
In a heated fundraising letter sent this week to donors statewide, the Texas GOP calls the new Democratic voter-mobilization effort “a clear and present threat to you and your family.”
“They’re coming to take away your guns,” the letter signed by GOP state chairman Steve Munisteri says. “They’re coming to confiscate more of your paycheck. They’re coming to hijack your rights and freedoms.”
A group of former campaign operatives for President Barack Obama launched the Battleground Texas effort early this year, led by former Obama field director Jeremy Bird. The group hopes to raise tens of millions of dollars to target and mobilize Democratic voters, with the eventual aim of turning Texas into a battleground state.
No Democratic politician has won a statewide vote in Texas since 1994, the longest such streak in the country.
To fight back, the GOP letter urges Republicans to give anywhere from $15 to $5,000 so the party can “immediately undertake our own effort to identify thousands of Texas conservatives.”
The letter warns that the former Obama operatives “have become masters of the slimy ‘dark arts’ of campaigning: creating massive databases; collecting information on every voter and non-voter; and then using that information to do whatever it takes to drive these voters away from Republican candidates and principles.”
Not to be outdone, the Battleground Texas folks are now using the Munisteri letter as their own fundraising tool. “I’ve been around Texas politics for a long time, but I have never seen desperation like this,” said Christina Gomez, digital director for Battleground Texas, in a statement that features an image of the GOP letter and asks Democrats to chip in to help.
In February, the Texas GOP welcomed Battleground Texas to the state with a letter that was light on alarm and heavy on humor. “We thought we’d be hospitable to these friendly competitors by offering some tips and facts they may find useful for assimilating into what, for them, must seem like a strange and foreign land,” the letter said.
Among the tips: When offered a tamale, make sure to remove the corn husk first. And: “Don’t sit cross legged while wearing spurs.” [Source]
Maybe I am being too sensitive. "Slimy dark arts campaigning" might be something totally innocuous to some. Maybe my republican friends in Texas really did not think of the president's race or of the race of the people who give him 90% of their support when they do this type of campaigning.But that thought crosses my mind for just a minute because I know better.
I know exactly where these people are coming from, and it's not a good place.
Finally, some folks are saying that this Dr. Gosnell story here in my hometown of Philly isn't getting enough national publicity. The folks on the right say that it's because he is an abortion doctor and the left doesn't want to highlight a story about a man who was allegedly killing new born babies.
If the right has their way, there will be many more Dr. Gosnells on street corners in every poor neighborhood all over this country. Abortion clinics will become as prevalent as speakeasies.
Dr. Gosnell was able to carry on his illegal practices in his West Philly clinic because a system that was supposed to be in place failed. Can you imagine if there was no system at all?
Dear Mr Field, I saw "42" today. I left with a big distaste for the Phillies since they were the biggest racists in the movie. I also learned that Philadelphia means brotherly love. Yeah, right. Philly is the most racist city in the country with the most docile Negroes in the country.
No wonder you won't go see the movie "42". It's a big giant minus sign about your beloved racist Phillies and racist city. And one more thing, if it hadn't been for Jackie Robinson, MLB would still be segregated today.
Field, Kendrick KJ Johnson needs exposure as him.
I started reading the Gosnell GJR tonight before your post Field, and the following passages jumped out at me as illustrative of just what value our system places on the powerless:
"Only in one class of cases did Gossell exercise any real care with these dangerous sedatives. On those rare occasions when the patient was a white woman from the suburbs, Gosnell insisted that he be consulted at every step."
"Bureaucratic inertia is not exactly news. We understand that, but we think the reason no one acted is because the women in question were poor & of color..."
Field, what the heck is going on? It's Friday night and you have not posted "one" comment. How is a brotha sopposed to make it?
Please brotha Field, please post comments at night. I am an FN blog addict and can't take the wait. I know there are some other folks here who feel the same way. Please brotha. Serve your community a little bit more.
"The American people would have a chance to see what this country was like before abortions became legal....
...Dr. Gosnell was able to carry on his illegal practices in his West Philly clinic because a system that was supposed to be in place failed. Can you imagine if there was no system at all?"
The claim you are making is based on the typical rhetoric that if you ban abortions, women will be driven to "back-alley" abortionists and many will die due to incompetent surgery.
Trouble is, that rhetoric is about a hypothetical situation in which abortion is outlawed. Abortion is not outlawed in America -- nor in Pennsylvania. Gosnell's clinic was not " back-alley;" it was, by appearances, a government-permitted abortion mill.
In fact, despite performing illegal late-term abortions, it still got no inspections or negative sanctions from the state -- specifically, the Grand Jury report stated, due to pro-choice politics, which demanded that, contrary to the law, no abortion clinic should have any inspections or scrutiny.
So what do you mean by " if there was no system at all "? That this happened because Pennsylvania outlawed very late-term abortions, and thus women had to go to Gosnell's dingy, bloody house of horrors to get them?
I guess what you are arguing is the crimes that Gosnell is accused of should not have been crimes at all, because live-delivering nine-month babies and then snipping their spinal cords on the operating table should have been legal.
In which case we understand your only concern here: That these abortions should have been performed in a cleaner, nicer, more professional setting, as legal abortions might be conducted. Because you'd have them be legal.
In this version of things, the only problem with Gosnell is that he didn't keep things clean and let one woman die to a botched abortion. The seven babies killed on the table? They simply should have been euthanized in more sanitary conditions, in a nicer room, with better lighting and a better staff-- a better staff, because they'd be working in a legal operation, and thus Gosnell wouldn't have to hire sketchy scrubs to do the butchering.
So field thinks the only problem with this venue was its aesthetics and professionalism -- if they were butchering live-delivered children in a cleaner venue, he'd have no problem.
"dark" is now a dog whistle? You must be part coonhound.
The fact is that former Obama operatives really have become masters of the slimy ‘dark arts’ of campaigning, and really are coming to take away our guns, confiscate more of our paychecks, and coming to hijack our rights and freedoms.
And slavecatchers like you are working side by side with them.
Here's another from the Gosnell GJR:
" He (Gosnell) treated his patients with condescention -slapping them, providing abysmal care, and often refusing even to see or talk to them -unless they were caucasian, or has money. He yelled at and intimidated his staff. And he took advantage of poor women in desperate situations."
JD Mullane of the Bucks County Courier Times, one of the few reporters covering the trial, offers another reason more reporters aren’t rushing to fill the seats in this tweet:
"Sat through a full day of testimony at the Kermitt Gosnell trial today. It is beyond the most morbid Hollywood horror. It will change you."
LOL. Yeah, 'dark arts' and 'niggardly'. Words with a long history of 'racism'. Illiterate fool.
Gosnell was,by all implications, a self hating house Negro as well as a man who allegedly broke the law by committing murder. If true, I hope he spends the rest of his life in jail.
Sienna, I am quite familiar with all the trstimony that has been given in that case and i promise you that it hasn't changed me one little bit.
Ace Freely, let's go into business together. You will be the mind reader and I will charge folks to hear what you have to say. *shaking head*
Sundown or shutdown towns and should Afrikans care?
Thank you for this I will address also the abortionist murderer this eve when there is more time and more thought
In the book I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Maya Angelou characterizes Mississippi with the phrase, "Don't Let the Sun Set on You Here, N&^&%^ Mississippi.
In reality, sundown towns were rare in most of Dixie, and the places they did spread reveal interesting facets of the region's racial history after reconstruction
Between 1880-s and 1960's thousands of towns across the United States drove out their black populations or took steps to forbid Afrikans desc from living in them, SUNDOWN" so named because many marked their city limits with signs typically reading, N^$&&% , Don't Let The Sun Go Down On You In In addition, some towns in the West drove out or kept out Chinese Americans, and a few excluded indigenous peoples as well as Mexicans Americans
In the interim Sundown suburbs developed a few yrs later, most between 1900 and 1968, many of which kept out not only African desc but also Jewish Americans
For myself and my ilk this is a misunderstood phenomenon becaus
in almost every category that measures social well being, the conditions of racially oppressed people have worsened. In the communities of African desc Spanish speakers (esp those of us from the Afrikan diaspora) the situation is at crisis levels. Adding another blow, the xenophobic residents of TX has approved by a 68% to 32% vote an ordinance that would fine landlords and property managers $500.00 for renting to undocumented.
However, what occurred in some cities in TX is not unusual it is one of America’s best guarded secrets. Towns such as vigor are often called sundown towns where communities systematically exclude people of color mainly OUR Afrikan desc– from living in it.
A practice that began in the South in 1864 and later adopted by thousands of towns across the US in the late 1890s and continuing until 1968, where whites across the US conducted a series of racial attacks driving thousands of blacks from their homes to make communities pure white. Some towns went as far as putting signs outside the city limits that normally said **Don’t Let the Sun Go down on You So this neocons actions should be no surprise to conscious Afrikans
And y'all can keep this to yourselves:
"Ace Freely, let's go into business together. You will be the mind reader and I will charge folks to hear what you have to say. *shaking head*"
So you think late term abortions should be illegal?
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
I started reading the Gosnell GJR tonight before your post Field, and the following passages jumped out at me as illustrative of just what value our system places on the powerless:
"Only in one class of cases did Gossell exercise any real care with these dangerous sedatives. On those rare occasions when the patient was a white woman from the suburbs, Gosnell insisted that he be consulted at every step."
You would take a story about black women killing their black babies with the help of a black doctor and his black assistants, all funded and overseen by a black government and focus on a tiny (alleged) piece that lets you turn it into a story about white racism.
But that's your job, right shyster?
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
I started reading the Gosnell GJR tonight before your post Field, and the following passages jumped out at me as illustrative of just what value our system places on the powerless:
"Only in one class of cases did Gossell exercise any real care with these dangerous sedatives. On those rare occasions when the patient was a white woman from the suburbs, Gosnell insisted that he be consulted at every step."
You would take a story about black women killing their babies with the help of a black doctor and his black assistants, all funded and overseen by a black government and focus on a tiny (alleged) piece that lets you turn it into a story about white racism.
But that's your job, right shyster?
field negro said...
"Sienna, I am quite familiar with all the trstimony that has been given in that case and i promise you that it hasn't changed me one little bit."
Why do white people care more about black babies than black people do?
MazdaGT said...
Between 1880-s and 1960's thousands of towns across the United States drove out their black populations or took steps to forbid Afrikans desc from living in them, SUNDOWN" so named because many marked their city limits with signs typically reading, N^$&&% , Don't Let The Sun Go Down On You
Sounds like a pretty good idea to me. Wasn't crime a lot lower between the 1880's and the 1960's?
no body wants feral negroes living near them because you are uncivilized savages just like stinking ragheads.your boy gosnell was a good negro who slaughtered thousands of future gang bangers.what are you bongo boys doing in texas other than voter fraud?you are not a racist are you fn?
Anon@12:23 pm, trust me when I tell u that we don't want to live next to u. If the meth.factory.blows up it could damage our homes.
Ace, there should be an exception to save the life of the mother. But I know that u and your wingnut friends don't care about the lives of adults.
Some Anonomous Klanner said,
"You would take a story about black women killing their babies with the help of a black doctor and his black assistants, all funded and overseen by a black government and focus on a tiny (alleged) piece that lets you turn it into a story about white racism. "
This story is about racism from start to finish. As Gosnell was acutely aware, his poor black and brown "patients" were invisible and therefore expendable to the entire regulatory/law enforcement structure, but whites, particularly from the suburbs mattered. He could and did, literally, get away with butchering poor black and brown women for decades, and knew that he was safe as long as he didn't butcher white women. And, if he hadn't also run the sloppiest pill mill on the Eastern Seaboard, he'd still be doing it even as I write this.
To Ace: Many anti-abortionists today have not lived through the era when abortion was outlawed across the nation. At that time there were so-called "back alley" abortion mills run by people with no medical training who were just willing to take the risk in return for the money.
In those days all it took to go into the abortion business was to spend time looking over the shoulders of someone doing the actual procedure. The required time for this learning experience was a day or two just to get familar with the parts of the female anatomy that the abortionist had to attend to. Once the trainee is comfortable with what the procedure consists of, then that person could go into business.
It definitely was big business in those days, and you had people from auto mechanics to shoe salesmen doing illegal abortions on the side. One individual that I heard about rented small apartments as a sort of moving clinics, and He never conducted his abortion business at any one location longer than 6 months. By constantly moving his "clinic" he was able to evade investigation and arrest. I understand that he actually had a long career up until the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortions.
But for poor or low income girls and women who couldn't afford the $300 price tag required by most abortionists - they were left to using a coathanger or a long corset stay on themselves to self-abort Many of these people became victims of infections which resulted in unchecked bleeding deaths wherein the victim simply bled out and died from loss of blood. Several teen-aged girls of my generation died in their bathtubs after they aborted themselves at home while their parents were at work. The statictics from self-aborted deaths were far greater than those deaths from "back-alley" abortionists.
I am willing to acknowledge that during this time children born out of wedlock were GREATLY frowned upon, and carried a heavy load of public shame to go with it for the mother. This may have fueled the desparation among unmarried girls and women to find some means of having the abortion. In this respect times have changed, and the overwhelming public shame against mothers of children born out of wedlock has given way to some public tolerance. However I think the grinding pressure of the faltering ecomony will still drive many poor women to seek any means available to have an abortion. This will likely include many poor married women.
"Ace, there should be an exception to save the life of the mother"
None of these women's lives were endangered by their pregnancies. If they had been, they would have gone to a hospital instead of an abortion clinic.
In thse cases, shouldn't it be illegal to abort a baby that would be viable outside the womb? Are there no limits to a woman's choices?
Mr. Field, thank you for your perspective on this. As a woman lawyer in a southern state, I have been very interested in this story. Gosnell is what happens when more and more clinics are closed, and when poor women can't get medicaid funding for their abortions. It takes them a long time to save up the money, and by then it is a late term abortion and they are at the mercy of greedy creeps like this guy. This is very much what it was like for most women when I was in college in the '70's and my roommate nearly died from an illegal abortion, only it's under the radar now because most of the victims are poor women, often with dark skin. Thanks for publicizing it from a more enlightened perspective.
We're going to do for blacks exactly what blacks did for the revolution. By which I mean: nothing." -Che Guevera
"You would ...focus on a tiny (alleged) piece that lets you turn it into a story about white racism."
That thing called "white racism" is some mighty powerful stuff, you think? You don't need a lot, just a little.
Remember this. And I'm going to make it simple for you. There are approximately 6 blanks to every 1 black, 1 brown and 2 others that call 'merica home. The blanks that wrote the laws, set up a system that has over time become lifeless, stagnant and overwhelmed. There is nothing that happens in this country where at least 1 of the 6 of these blands isn't somehow involved. A simple numbers game.
Let's let this play out some more and you tell me if I'm wrong.
Anonymous said...
We're going to do for blacks exactly what blacks did for the revolution. By which I mean: nothing." -Che Guevera
4:46 PM
I hope y'all realize Guevera is a Latino name. Field, do you still love them?
Anonymous control+halt+delete said...
"You would ...focus on a tiny (alleged) piece that lets you turn it into a story about white racism."
That thing called "white racism" is some mighty powerful stuff, you think? You don't need a lot, just a little.
Remember this. And I'm going to make it simple for you. There are approximately 6 blanks to every 1 black, 1 brown and 2 others that call 'merica home. The blanks that wrote the laws, set up a system that has over time become lifeless, stagnant and overwhelmed. There is nothing that happens in this country where at least 1 of the 6 of these blands isn't somehow involved. A simple numbers game.
Let's let this play out some more and you tell me if I'm wrong.
its the liberals who set you up to join behind a guy who sees a baby and then snips his spine, cuts his head off. A black baby and you support him. You are on your way to Auschwitz. Margret Sanger got you good.
"Wasn't crime a lot lower between the 1880's and the 1960's?"
C'mon lost dog, that's a trick question. Prove it! Everybody knows that during this period the violence perpetrated against POC was not reported nor investigated.
I'll wait...
In the meantime ruminate on this...other than signing on this site what good ideas have you ever had?
"Everybody knows that during this period the violence perpetrated against POC was not reported nor investigated."
I would imagine that those characteristics that predominate today predominated then. Almost all of the violence perpetrated against "POC" was perpetrated by "POC". Blacks are just naturally more criminally inclined. They are trying to live in the white man's civilization, but they still have the blood of the jungle in their veins. Best to lock them out of town by sundown. At least for the next couple of hundred years.
Control ......I will wait with you for those stats.....
Boss Hogg, I bet you watch black porn late at night when Mrs. Hogg is somewhere in the house knitting socks.
White boys devils or just a mirage?
Often the pain of learning or suspecting that the cave man has failed is too awesome for those of that clan/caste to stomach.
And which is why information thereof is nearly every white boys fatuity and key to changing the subject
Bottom line as i have shared before murder mayhem and cruelty are in their DNA and no matter how many pretend to have FRIENDS" in the Afrikan community the fact of the matter is they don't. Nor do they care too albeit many will imagine such
This is a belief which has been fashioned after yrs of exposure to hearing such inane, asinine and imbelic BS as "Can;t we all get along" So my question is why?"
And my answer is NO! We cannot and we must not all get along, and for reasons many caveman with the soiled DNA know why..
I will explain:
My father and great Afrikan thinkers taught us that
white weakness has infected these specific areas of PEOPLE ACTIVITY.. white weakness is a weapon that when detonated, destroys only the human being, leaving solid inanimate objects intact, also, leaving no trace of its detonation such as chemical properties, biological or radiological; thus making it a highly effective and efficient weapon.
Along with this mindboggling manifesto there are white weaknesses economics, educ entertainment labor, law, politics, religion sex and 'WAR"
To be continued part 2
ps Stop pulling out your wig/hair I will be right back
White boys devils or just a mirage?
Page 2
HOLD IT keep reading
Of each of those activities i described, each one of us can find one that we have knowledge about, experience in, or can effect influence et/al
Case in point each of the above listed activities have sub categories which means, even the activity itself cannot be dealt with effectively in its entirety.
At this point, all ya'll who want to get along hopefully, you are starting to see the enormity of the problem. And the complexity of the solution. And are willing to see them for who they are
You have to take this problem solving process in small chunks otherwise you will be unsuccessful in your efforts
Like daddy said and i agree
Suffice that if you do not understand white supremacy (weakness racism) for “ what it is, and how it works everything else that you understand, will only confuse you
Here is what i believe how i live and what i teach
Forget all you think you know about whatever activity you choose. Chances are that thought is infected with white weakness. That thought has clouded your judgement and you need to have a fresh clean install of thinking which brings me to the second step in the problem solving solution:
2. Trust those who know what they are talking about or at least who know more than you. internalize all the information you can about the problem you understand to be white weakness and how it applies to your field of attack. If you do not TRUST ME, or someone else who speak of this, then chances are, you know someone in your personal real life who talks about this global problems ask them questions and more questions, and talk to people who sense a problema but don't understand how to put a name to it.. talk to everyone about white weakness and learn all you can
3. Just because you are learning about white weakness, nothing has to change about you as far as profession, socialization, fashion, etc. most people reject taking responsibility for taking a stand on this issue, because they don't want to have to grow dreadlocks, or stop perming their hair, or they don't want to have to start going to the mosque or associate with Pan Afrikans none of this is necessary for you to learn the necessary problem solving skills needed to heal=liberate.
This is for those who know and esp those who THINK they know
Health of the mother or wallet of fathers? Choice need or ?
As a living breathing WOMBMAN who has earthed siete hijos i know that choice is key when it comes to the matar of the yet to be earthed
Moreover, i have been blessed to have many grands some who are mujeres so i am open to discussion.
I also know that i live in an antithetic and contradistinct time and that no one/nothing is more worthy than children. OR the health and mental state of the mother.
So allow me to share a bit of what i believe not feel, because feeling is not fact..I am also a forensic nurse/scientist as well as an atty and i came through that due to my career as a death penalty foe and Atty I had to know what i was talking about when i spoke to juries about DNA et/al (I trust no alleged prosecutorial/or defenses high powered witnesses)
Now, lets get the facts
There are activists who are exploiting and distorting the facts to serve their antiabortion agenda. They ignore the fundamental reason women have abortions and the underlying problem of racial and ethnic disparities across an array of health indicators. The truth is that behind virtually every abortion is an unintended pregnancy. This applies to all women whether they are Afrikan euros, Spanish speakers, Asian and or indigenous. Not surprisingly, the variation in abortion rates across racial and ethnic groups relates directly to the variation in the unintended pregnancy rates across those same groups.
lets be clear and factual Afrikan desc women are not alone in having disproportionately high unintended pregnancy and abortion rates. The abortion rate among euro women, for example, is as high as the rate among Spanish speakers and , is double the rate among indigenous women who also have a higher level of unintended pregnancy than white women.
Also, Spanish speaking women's unintended pregnancy rates are the highest of all. These higher unintended pregnancy rates reflect the particular difficulties that many women in minority communities face in accessing high-quality contraceptive services and in using their chosen method of birth control consistently and effectively over long periods of time. Moreover, these realities must be seen in a larger context in which significant racial and ethnic disparities persist for a wide range of health outcomes, from diabetes to heart disease to breast and cervical cancer to sexually transmitted infections (STI), including HIV. One would not know this if they listened to faux news and read wiki? duh!
Next safety of mother and her mental state
Health of the mother or wallet of fathers? Choice need or ?
Part two
We must respond to all tragic circumstances of pregnancy from the unshakable foundation of two positions human life, and that it is always wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human being.
Now as a med prof i know that life DOES not begin until the heart beats and that is not at conception..Until then there is no human being
pro lifers say "The unborn child’s right to life and liberty is given by his or her Creator, not by his or her parents or by the state. The right to life is inalienable: that is, not to be trespassed upon by another
I believe that in tragedies such as rape or incest, many also believe and want to care for both the mother and her unborn baby. Some want to relieve the suffering of the mother and her unborn baby.
So here is a ?, is it ever right to intentionally kill a seed without a heartbeat even if it does relieve another’s emotional or physical suffering. ? Just saying
This is my answer; That choice is the parents, not the lawmakers the GOV or fulana natal
It is not up to vote and definitely not up to any pale stale male or house negro to decide
It’s not up to a vote
The intentional destruction of health is not compassionate and it is not healthcare, it is assault. Truth and compassion prevent us from this fatal compromise.
What is done must be conscious and our own choices No one will live with that but the MOTHER! FATHER and family
Number 3 to follow
health of the mother or fathers wallet?
When the life of the mother is truly threatened by her pregnancy, if both lives cannot simultaneously be saved, then saving the mother’s life must be the primary aim. If through careful treatment of the mother’s illness the unborn child/fetus inadvertently dies or is injured, this is tragic and, if unintentional, is not unethical and is consistent with the medical ethic. Moreover, the intentional killing of an unborn baby by abortion is never necessary.
Enter Dr Goshell
Most of what passes as a therapeutic, or medically-necessary abortion, is not necessary at all to save the mother’s life. For example, if a mother has breast cancer and requires immediate chemotherapy to survive that can kill the baby, the physician will frequently recommend a therapeutic abortion. Another example: if a mother has life-threatening seizures that can only be controlled by medication that will kill or severely deform her unborn child, the physician will frequently prescribe a therapeutic abortion.
Bottom line
Dr Goshell Should at least have his med lice revoked and unless and until he learns how to do his job should never touch another preg women
Last RAPE and abortions
Abortion its not what you think and it was/is not about RAPE it was/is choice
In the ’seventies, that ole image of the typical abortion patient was largely accurate, euro women ages 18-19 accounted for 38% of the total abortions performed in 1974, Fifty-four percent were childless, and 72 percent were unmarried.
This is telling info about the racial breakdown of abortion recipients in the early years after Roe v. Wade is hard to come by, as racial data only began being tracked in the 1980s. why is that?
But extrapolating back, it’s clear that for most of the first decades after Roe, a large majority of abortion patients were white.
Since then, the demographics of abortions have changed dramatically. Asian women under 20 now account for on 22 percent of abortions. The percentage of Afrikan women without children seeking an abortion has dropped to 24 from 33 percent, and non Spanish speaking married euro women account for 36 percent of abortion patients. Why is that?
The only thing that hasn’t changed is that women seeking abortion tend to be unmarried; around 60 percent of those seeking abortion aren’t married. While the discourse around abortion still focuses on scared white teenagers, the reality is that the typical abortion patient these days is a twenty-something single woman who is white
See people you have to know what you know and how to get what you seek
The shift is the result of economic pressures and changing patterns of contraceptive use. Improved contraception use has led to a drop in the abortion rate for women with HUE" And in the mid 2000s, we found that while contraception use in white american women had been climbing for decades, it stalled..after 2005 and more and now more young white women are opting for abortions.
It is also known that middle class and wealthy euros have private Dr'ds who will gladly perform abortions for a price So what is done is a procedure is done and its off to BALI for a vacation Sound familiar
hmmm Wonder why the K kids cannot/do not have babies?
Matanzas, thank you for elucidating on such a troublesome and sensitive subject.
Spiritually, I have not yet fully reconciled with this.
I guess deep down in my soul, I do still believe in the utopian and I guess unrealistic and unattainable concept of living by rules that will obliterate the necessity of such a heinous procedure as is the termination of a gestation.
I'm a dreamer...
Since Roe v Wade a reported 15 MILLION black babies have been aborted..which is in numbers nearly half of the present Black population in the US. Some think this is a good thing. Do you Mr. FN? I don't.
Obama’s awkward racial comment regarding the Trayvon Martin case, “If I had a son he would be like Trayvon,” must not apply to the thousands of African American babies slaughtered at the hands of Abortionist Gosnell.
So why is President Obama silent on the issue? One only need look carefully into President Obama’s legislative history to find the answer.
Three times during Obama’s tenure as an Illinois state senator, a package of Born Alive bills was introduced on the senate floor. Each time, then state senator Obama voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, siding against protecting babies who survived an abortion.
The same senator who voted “present” countless times to avoid taking a stand on contentious issues, was more than eager to cast a vote denying care to victims of botched abortions.
While Americans cringe at Abortionist Gosnell’s treatment of viable babies who survive an abortion – snipping their spinal cords with a pair of unsterile medical scissors – we only need to look at the President’s past voting record on the Born Alive Infant Protection Act to understand his position.
These same seven babies who survived Gosnell’s late-term abortion procedure would just further “burden the original decision of the woman and the physician to induce labor and perform the abortion,” according to President Obama’s argument against the Born Alive Protection Act of 2002.
In other words, if a baby survives an abortion, the death plan marked out for this child should be carried out regardless of the child’s viability.
If Obama wasn’t moved by the testimonies of nurses revealing how the born-alive infants were often discarded in a soiled utility room where they were left to die, why would we expect him to react differently to Gosnell’s post-abortion infanticide? After all, one could certainly make the case that Gosnell’s brutal yet quick killing technique is far less ruthless than leaving a frail newborn to die a slow anguished death – which is precisely what Obama voted for as state senator.
And that’s why we have yet to hear from President Obama regarding Gosnell’s victims. His years in the Illinois state legislature were invested in arguing against the protection of babies who survive botched abortions, labeling them as a “burden” to both mother and attending abortionist.
Were he to speak out on behalf of the babies murdered in Gosnell’s clinic, Obama would be contradicting his repeated votes against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act and betraying his unholy alliance with pro-abortion extremists who advocate for abortion on demand at all stages.
Any statement from Obama would only expose the hidden truth that as state senator he in essence voted for the death of Gosnell’s victims… different instruments and different means…but the same result.
The Gosnell “House of Horrors” is nothing more than Obama’s senate votes in action.
*Who will speak for the little ones?
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