Anyway, I am glad to see that president Obama is finally stating publicly what we all knew that he thought when he is alone with Michelle. That some people here in America hate him ---and his policies---- simply because of the color of his skin.
Not everyone Obama hater falls into this category. I am sure that there are people on both ends of the political spectrum who disapprove of his policies and his leadership on its merits. But we can usually differentiate those voices and the type of criticism that they bring from the foam at the mouth, spittle on the chin, racists, who actually call for his assassination because of the color of his skin.
Of course, Obama, ever the politician, had to play both sides of the coin. He went on to say....
“'Now, the flip side of it is there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really like me and give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I’m a black President,' Obama added."
Ahhhm, I don't think so Mr. President. Black folks, maybe. White folks, on the other hand, not so much. Trust me; you are not getting the "benefit of the doubt" because you are black.
I am quite sure that you know better, but hey, you have to keep playing the game, so play on. You are, after all, the president of all the people.
Speaking of playing the game, congrats to the Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks for making it to the big game. (I see you big sister. You and the folks in the Northwest must be really proud of your Hawks.) Everyone is talking about Richard Sherman and his talk and taunt after his big play to win the game.
Personally, I love a little swag in my football players, especially defensive backs. I would love to have Richard Sherman playing for my birds. Having said that, he went a little too far with the butt slapping and embarrassing of Michael Crabtree on national television right after the game.
Sherman is no dummy. He is a Stanford educated guy who has actually worked to cultivate this image and brand for himself. It helps that he is a hell of a football player.
Of course, as is always the case, the racists will come out. (They already have. Just read some of the tweets in the link. ) And they will make this all about race rather than the makeup of one very talented football player.
I am sure that Barack Obama can relate.
The days leading up to the Super Bowl should be interesting.
Oh sh#i, the Presidents actually believe that he’s African American after all. Oh, I see, he’s something OTHER when his job approval rating is high, but, when his approval rating is
low, he’s a black President and this is presumably why whitey is hating on him. Ok, now I
see how it works. Carry on Mr. PREZADENT!
"some people here in America hate him ---and his policies---- ome people here in America hate him ---and his policies---- simply because of the color of his skin.."
Yes, probably about 5% of the population, tops.
In contrast, I'd say about 50% of those who support him do so simply because of the color of his skin.
If being black wasn't an advantage today in America, Barack Obama wouldn't have worked so hard to try to cultivate a black political persona while denying his white ancestry (checking only 'Black" on his census form) and repudiating the "typical white people" who actually raised him.
If people had actually judged him on the content of his character, he'd still be a sleazebag minor player in Chicago politics.
Face it - he has been a terrible President, and the only reason he ever got the job was because he as black.
"And they will make this all about race rather than the makeup of one very talented football player."
It is about race - no white player would ever act that way. But people should chill out with insulting Richard Sherman. Football has become a black sport, and black norms should predominate. Sportsmanship and respect towards one opponent are white ideals that no longer apply in the New America. We should no more expect our athletes to display class than we do our students to respect their teachers and obey the law.
Richard Sherman cultivates an image that a generation ago would have turned the stomachs of fans and gotten his ass beat by his own teammates. Now he's a star in the N-EFF-L.
President nothing said: “worked so hard to try to cultivate a black political persona while
denying his white ancestry (checking only 'Black" on his census form) and repudiating the
"typical white people" who actually raised him.”
Obama has turned his back on both of his ancestries. He’s never even responded to the
generational conditions of black people, particularly as it relates to reparations, genocide,
employment, extra-judicial killings (formerly referred to as lynching) by the police and your
average whitey and mass incarceration.
I didn't vote for Obama because he's black or because of his policies (he's basically an Eisenhower Republican except he likes corporations a lot more than Ike did). I voted for him because he's literate (unlike his predecessor) and wasn't sliding into senility (McCain in 2008) or a job-killing vulture capitalist (Romney 2012). It would be nice if he actually was the leftist socialist the rightwing nutjobs keep claiming he is, but he is still marginally better than the alternative would have been.
I would love to have Richard Sherman playing for my birds. – Field
Sorry, he already plays for the birds, albeit a seabird!
Could it be Obama is speaking up for what the people want ??
Lets talk about what Obama had to say about Marijuana , and Alcohol to the New Yorker...
Basically conceeding, and signaling that the MJ prohibition is over except for the paper work , and his signature....
Dont try to skip on this subject!
White folk will never admit they have racist thoughts. Even in the 50's and 60's at the height of james crow they denied their racism so why admit it now?
Kudos FN for picking up on my post yesterday and running with it.
FN said...
President Barack Obama opened up about his sagging job approval ratings. The president told Remnick that he believes his job approval ratings are distorted by how Americans respond to race
His dropping poll numbers are distorted by how Americans view race?
No white racists voted for him.
No white racists polled high approval numbers.
The drop in polls if from democrats/independents that voted/polled for him.
Obama and the democrat party is turning white democrats/independents racist.
Actually, in a few months, his ratings will be just fine.
But I digress.
Nan, that was well stated.
There is a lot of color aroused based ignorance in this country.
Hey Heart of Darkness, I would much rather Sherman talking trash than ending my career with a dirty hit.
That's what the very white Wes Welker tried to do to the the Patriots DB, Talib, yesterday.
Now back to the trailer park. I think your confederate flag needs a wash.
Hi guys! Sorry to just jump in like this in the middle of the great points everyone is making, as is usual!
I have been and still am very,very ill. There was some burning of plastic like smelling materials a couple of weeks ago (source unknown)I inhaled too much,actually got dizzy and nauseous,and as a consequence my lungs were irritated to the point where they are still in bad shape.
The docs wanted to hospitalize me, but I don't want yet. Waiting to see if the meds finally kick in. Want to give it a couple more days.
While re-arranging my blog, It de- activated and have been unable till now to start a new one, which I did, or tried to do, last night while feeling a bit better and able.
It is on Wordpress though, as I'm hoping is more private than the other one which, much to my surprise had all my family,grand kids private,photos up all over the net! Me no like! x(
Please,if you can find it in your hearts, I am asking for much needed prayer for health from all of you.
Thank you so much. It feels good to post here again :)
Now let me see if I can post with the new blog addy...
Oops! I forgot to say that it's me Desert, but you knew that...
You did riight??? ;)
field negro said...
Actually, in a few months, his ratings will be just fine.
The continued failures of Obamacare will keep his poll numbers down.
But with the democrats in charge of education, corpse man and semper fee will become the new norm.
THREE HIGH SCHOOL principals have been fired and dozens of other teachers and administrators in the School District of Philadelphia will face discipline for cheating on standardized tests, marking the end of a nearly five-year controversy.
Government schools failing students.
In Philly.
And FN has a post about racists hating on a football player.
How does speaking out against government schools failing poor children help democrats?
Field, "Ahhhm, I don't think so Mr. President. Black folks, maybe. White folks, on the other hand, not so much. Trust me; you are not getting the "benefit of the doubt" because you are black."
Can you please elaborate on what you mean Obama is not getting the "benefit of the doubt" because he is black? What is he getting?
FN, for what it's worth here is an article and analysis about whether penis matters to women. You'll be surprised:
kir(keeping it real)
Desert, I hope you get better.
Belief that Obama is only hated for the color of his skin = Laaaaaazy low IQ politics. The politics of inter-group competition are much more complex. Of course, it's the signature politics of Obama's constintuency.
Also, it's funny to us when you actually believe this and post these beliefs publicly. It pretty much equates to just typing. "I'm really fucking stupid. Did you guys know that"?
Um yeah, we did.
Who in the hell is this Bill fella? He sure has a lot of Mickey Mouse poll results regarding Jack and Jill politics. Give it a rest PLEASE!
Nat Turner
Desert, hope u feel better.
i pray FN + DF feel better. stat.
Hi Desert, someone said you was lost in in a desert some where. Wishing you well!
Thanks guys! Thank you Field, Anonymous-ses:), Focused!
It means the world to me, it really does. I believe in prayer so much.
I'm sitting here with the air purifier on that I had to get, and on the therapy nebulizer machine, like bubble boy almost :(
Blacks and white liberals will vote for, give dear leader the benefit of the doubt because he is black.
Given dear leader's history of race card playing and race baiting, why is this a major story? Oh, nevermind.
Quote Sweet Cheeks
"The continued failures of Obamacare will keep his poll numbers down."
Obamacare has not failed, and you had better hope it does not. Nothing else can save the U.S. economy.
Bollocks....Obamacare isn't going to save the U.S. economy.
His Presidency could work better if those on the right weren't trying to sabatoge his term. A prominent senator told us his #1 priority was to make him a one termer. With folks like that who are deliberately trying to sink the economy I'd say he's doing ok. Imagine if everyone had the country's best interests at heart how far we'd be.
Get well Desert!
Field, you wrote about the Seahawks beating the 49ers but I notice you didn't include any stories about the 9ers beating the Seahawks. Hypocrisy/double standard!
Desert, I missed you and was thinking about you and had sense that you were ill in my spirit. Keeping you in prayer for a speedy recovery. Btw, if they wanted to hospitalize you, then you need to let them. Respiratory problems are no joke. I suffer from asthma and allergies myself and have been hospitalized for a common cold a few times, which is rare. Thank God that hasn't occurred in a long time, but when it did a common cold made me so sick until you would have thought I was fighting a case of pneumonia.
LOL@Pilotx... One man's "sabatoge" is another man's efforts to stop Obama from doing further damage.
The mythology of Obama's obstacles
Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler gave the Obama quote Two Pinocchios. "In the Democratic narrative, the top GOP senator signaled early on he had no intention of cooperating with the new president," Kessler wrote. To the contrary, McConnell uttered that infamous sentence during an interview about elections "at the midpoint, after Obama had enacted many of his preferred policies."
Facts. They be a funny thang.....
Obama didn't mention his Obamacare lies or his failed economic record?
Instead, Obama used the" he hate me cause i'm black" defense?
Sad. Really.
Exactly, he was going to make sure none of his policies worked because if they did then he would get re elected. Such genius in the gop. Can't wait to join.
Thanks Pilot! :)
Unfortunately...deaths threats come as part of the presidency. Some months..Bush got 400 a month.
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