The other night I watched a feature on Maine. (Shout out to Black Girl in Maine.) It's a state that I have always wanted to visit because of its beauty, and because, quite frankly, Boston is usually as far as it gets for me when it comes to New England.
The Mrs. and I keep telling ourselves that we are going to do the whole bed and breakfast thing in that state one day.
Anyway, while watching, I was reminded of the incredible story of Malaga Island* and the interracial families who inhabited it. It was an island purchased after the civil war by a freed slave (Benjamin Darling) with money that his owner gave him for saving his life.
Unfortunately, Maine, like most states in America, has a dark side (no pun intended) to their history.
"AUGUSTA -- A century ago this spring, Maine Gov. Frederick Plaisted oversaw the destruction of a year-around fishing hamlet on Malaga Island, a 42-acre island in the New Meadows River, just off the Phippsburg shore. The island's 40 residents -- white, black and mixed race -- were ordered to leave the island, and to take their homes with them, else they would be burned.
A fifth of the population was incarcerated on questionable grounds at the Maine School for the Feebleminded in New Gloucester, where most spent the rest of their lives. The island schoolhouse was dismantled and relocated to Louds Island in Muscongus Bay.
Leaving no stone unturned, state officials dug up the 17 bodies in the island cemetery, distributed them into five caskets and buried them at the School of the Feebleminded -- now Pineland Farms -- where they remain today.
Several islanders spent the rest of their lives in this state-run mental institution. One couple, Robert and Laura Darling Tripp, floated from place to place in a makeshift houseboat, but, unwelcomed, wound up moored to another scrap of an island. Malnourished, Laura fell sick during a gale; when her husband returned with help, he found the couple's two children clinging to her lifeless body.
Many others suffered from the stigma of being associated with the island.
"After the island was cleared, people did not really want to talk about this incident, especially the descendants, because to raise your hand and say you were from Malaga supposedly meant you were feebleminded or had black blood in you or both," said Rob Rosenthal, whose 2009 radio documentary "Malaga: A Story Better Left Untold" helped draw attention to what is one of the most disgraceful official acts in our state's history. "Nobody wanted to declare that." [Source]
I am glad that this story is being told and that the people of Maine are now finally coming to grips with this ugly side of their history.
The story of Malaga Island is apropos given the latest political bru ha ha here in America. It also involves interracial issues, but this one has to do with a popular cereal and not an Island.
MSNBC was forced to apologize to wingnuts because of a tweet that they sent out taunting them about that controversial Cheerios ad featuring an interracial family.
"The Republican National Committee is calling for supporters to boycott MSNBC, after the network posted a tweet taunting conservatives over the Cheerios ad starring an interracial family that will air during the Super Bowl.
"Maybe the rightwing will hate it, but everyone else will go awww: the adorable new #Cheerios ad w/ biracial family," read a tweet posted late Wednesday on the MSNBC account, providing a link to a short article on the news website about the ad.
MSNBC apologized for the "offensive live tweet" and then deleted the message.
"The Cheerios tweet from @msnbc was dumb, offensive and we've taken it down. That's not who we are at msnbc," MSNBC.com Executive Editor Richard Wolffe tweeted." [Source]
Why is it that everyone has to apologize for their "offensive" actions except the right wing and the folks over at FOX?
Anyway, all I will say is this: Is there anyone out there who does not believe that if Gov. Frederick Plaisted was around today he would be a republican?
Wow ,that's interesting! I love those type of programs too! and had never heard of this.
I've sort of heard the name 'Malaga' but I thought it was a place in Spain or something. this has been very well kept under wraps, and I can see why.
Being as shameful as it is. To persecute a people in that manner is unconscionable, and unspeakably vile!!!
I wonder if that governors descendants have changed their surname out of shame?
How cruel. Mans barbarism to man!
Oh and Field,I loooove that little gir, she reminds me of my grandaughter!!! Who by the way is a young lady now, and beautifuuuuul! Oh Lawd have mercy, I'm going to ask permission of her mom to post a current pic on my blog so y'all can see her!
Anyway, what I wanted to say is that I just watched the commercial but, at least on my screen anyway, I didn't see the daddy! just heard his voice! What up with that???
I hate to show FN fans this video but it speaks truth from beginning to end about Obama and his relationship with us.
I hope Field, PilotX, Granny, FP, and all other Obamaholics will watch and digest this truth REMEMBER! The Truth Shall Set You Free...
Desert, why did you change your name? Who told you to do that?
A fifth of the population was incarcerated on questionable grounds at the Maine School for the Feebleminded in New Gloucester
Isn't that where you got your law degree, Field?
lilacpr said, "I wonder if that governors descendants have changed their surname out of shame?
How cruel. Mans barbarism to man!"
9:48 PM
First, they probably haven't changed their names.
Secondly, what we consider unconscionable and barbaric, they don't. They just see it as a mistake which this country has righted.
Thirdly, when you understand that America, as well as the rest of the globe, is in a spiritual war, then you know Satan is capable of much more devious and brutality today.
Wake up people!
Anonymous said...
Desert, why did you change your name? Who told you to do that?
10:00 PM
Oh Anon,I don't know! I just felt like it. But you can still call me Desert,I don't mind...
The Google had all my pictures all over the place! My grand kids,all of it!!! I didn't know until by mistake I saw them in a completely unrelated search!!! OMG! I freaked out! I hadn't posted those! It's like they sneaked in and took them from my files!!!!
Anyway I changed. I love the Google, but not that part, and they're unstoppable it seems!
I may do as FP suggests and make a tin hat too,for the blue waves :D I will, and I'll post it too Ahahahahaha!
Field, "MSNBC was forced to apologize to wingnuts because of a tweet that they sent out taunting them about that controversial Cheerios ad featuring an interracial family."
O'Reilly and Laura Ingram surprisingly laid out how wrong MSNBC was. Frankly, as an AA, I am sick and tired of MSNBC and THEIR racial inuendos. It's one thing after the next damn near every month.
Why is it that everyone has to apologize for their "offensive" actions except the right wing and the folks over at FOX?
Because it always 'everyone' (aka MSNBC) who is doing the offensive race baiting, not Fox.
Conservatives are cool with race - they judge people as individuals. It's the Left that insists on using race to divide us and advance it's agenda.
Check this out:
Or on Twitter:
The world is always changing. If you don't keep up, you will be lost in your misconceptions.
Anonymous said...
I hope Field, PilotX, Granny, FP, and all other Obamaholics will watch and digest this truth REMEMBER! The Truth Shall Set You Free...
9:59 PM
Well I watched the video and what I want to know is, will he be making those same suggestions he says he's been making to Obama of 'addressing the cultural needs of African Americans to bring them stability and then progress" to the Republicans whenever they are in the Presidency again. or are these suggestions 'omly' for Obama?
For those of you who are concerned about NFL injuries let me say that you should not...watch this:
"Why is it that everyone has to apologize for their "offensive" actions except the right wing and the folks over at FOX?"
Mr Field, FOX doesn't make the kind of outrageous remarks that Melissa-Harris did or that filthy mouthed Martin Bashir. You will NEVER hear that kind of filth coming from FOX.
You liberals need to shut up and get some religion.
"Anyway, all I will say is this: Is there anyone out there who does not believe that if Gov. Frederick Plaisted was around today he would be a republican?'
Classic Field Negro. Find a vague story of black oppression at the hand of the white man from a century ago that you don't even know the details of and use it to impugn the character of half the people living in the country today.
Wow! Thanx for the link Field.
Re: ...Man...Nantucket @10:48P; and to all other right-wing, bottom-feeding toads: "Half of the people...in the country today" deserve to be held accountable and impugned precisely because they continue to enjoy the fruits of their ancestors' cruel oppressive deeds to Native and African peoples. The descendants of these same people who actively/passively participated in the countless lynchings and thefts of body parts; the descendants of the people who actively/passively participated in the wholesale destruction of entire African-American towns and neighborhoods:
These same descendants constitute the heart and soul of the re-pugnican/tea party cabal. Some of these bottom-feeding toads frequent this site.
Just a matter of time before the excavation, removal and relocation of Malagans' remains takes place; followed by construction of condos and/or resort hotels.
"Re: ...Man...Nantucket @10:48P; and to all other right-wing, bottom-feeding toads: "Half of the people...in the country today" deserve to be held accountable and impugned precisely because they continue to enjoy the fruits of their ancestors' cruel oppressive deeds to Native and African peoples."
Ha ha ha ha ha! That is hilarious!
Guess what you whiny little POS, my ancestors never actively or passively participated in any lynchings or thefts of body parts (what?) or destroyed any African towns and neighborhoods.
Africans seem pretty capable of destroying whatever towns or neighborhoods they live in themselves. Take a look at Detroit, Cleveland, Camden, Trenton, Milwaukee, Birmingham, New Orleans, St. Louis, ...well, you get the picture.
So suck my balls you cry baby. I'm first in line for a condo on Malaga!
All y'all Obamabots ought to check out this video that's starting to go viral. A Pittsburgh news station filmed the reactions of a group of employees as they heard what the ACA was going to do to their healthcare costs:
In 2010, the Democrat Media fabricated the image of the racist Tea Party, and just barely saved the Senate.
In 2012, they convinced America the fact that Romney was rich and successful was worse than a stagnant economy and a failed foreign policy.
But in 2014, how are they going to convince America that the absolute disaster of Obamacare is better than some "War on Women" or some such other nonsense?
The Man From Nantucket, "Guess what you whiny little POS, my ancestors never actively or passively participated in any lynchings or thefts of body parts (what?) or destroyed any African towns and neighborhoods.
Africans seem pretty capable of destroying whatever towns or neighborhoods they live in themselves. Take a look at Detroit, Cleveland, Camden, Trenton, Milwaukee, Birmingham, New Orleans, St. Louis, ...well, you get the picture.
So suck my balls you cry baby. I'm first in line for a condo on Malaga!"
11:42 PM
Do you believe in God or evil? Of course not. You are White like me. Enjoy the condo in Malaga. Eff those Blacks. Who do they think they are complaining about injustices?
Btw, I like the term whiny little POS. Very good. There won't be any comeback for that. Enjoy that condo!
FN said...
"The Cheerios tweet from @msnbc was dumb, offensive and we've taken it down. That's not who we are at msnbc," MSNBC.com Executive Editor Richard Wolffe tweeted."
Considering msnbc is firing someone or apologizing daily it appears that is who they are, the network of cheap racial jokes.
I am beginning to wonder who is really the boss over at MSNBC? Is it Phil Griffin or Roger Ailes and Murdoch?
Fox is setting a trap for MSNBC and Griffin is blindly stepping right into it. Smh! Someone needs to pull his coat and tell him to open his eyes.
Fox is playing the revenge card. They always do, it's a pattern with them.
There was a troll from Nantucket.....
Anyway, dude u are a classic racist with the "my ancestors never owned slaves" line. All the folks reading this recognize those lines and the type of person saying it.
That was too easy.
Desert, I like the new name.
Field, "Desert, I like the new name."
Are u throwing a dig at me for asking Desert who told her to change her name?
Come to think of it, u always praise Desert no matter what. I need praise too. All u ever do for me is call me White when u know damn well i am not White. What kind of blog are u running? It's depressing.
Now I am tired of being diplomatic with u. so I am going to lay it out for u to understand: "I need some praise up in this mother too!"
Now do u get it? Field, give me some effing praise!..........please?
And don't give me that crap that there is something wrong with me. I feel just fine, esp when I have a drink or two. Now give me my effing praise and shout outs that I deserve.
Field, thanks for the information regarding Malaga Island. I’ve never heard of this bit of history. This is another reason why blacks must know their history. Not knowing your African American history (which whites always seem to bury) and what knowing our people have went through in this hell-hole of a country, you will fall for almost anything. This includes the notion that whites are looking out for the interest ob blacks.
Accept no substitute short of fighting for your own LAND and SEFL GOVERNMENT!
Nat Tuner
I agree with Nat Turner, SEFL GOVERNMENT for black people. SEFL EVERYTHING for black people.
field negro said...
There was a troll from Nantucket.....
Anyway, dude u are a classic racist with the "my ancestors never owned slaves" line. All the folks reading this recognize those lines and the type of person saying it
The type of person who doesn't owe you a thing? My ancestors never owned slaves. My ancestors fought for the Union in the war that freed the slaves. None of my ancestors were involved in any lynchings. They were working class people who would not have been in a position to discriminate against blacks had they ever even wanted too.
In my personal and working life, I have never discriminated against black people. I have hired (and fired) blacks along with whites. Some of my best employees have been black, along with some of the worst.
I have given, through taxes and lost opportunity, my whole life, and I'm done.
If you can find a white man with a nickel in his pocket that his great great grandaddy stole from your great great grandaddy, have at it.
The vast majority of white people owe you nothing.
Be a man and stand on your feet.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
"I am beginning to wonder who is really the boss over at MSNBC? Is it Phil Griffin or Roger Ailes and Murdoch?"
Apparently, it's Rachel Maddow:
Whoever it is, they'd better get things under control soon.
gabe said...
10:40 AM
Hey Gabe, who the heck is that wonky looking guy in the pic??? :)))
Stop talking to yourself, you psycho POS!
It's really not fair for MSNBC to fire a staffer, whose tweet merely reflects most of their programming.
This tweet resembles nearly all of MSNBC’s coverage since President Obama’s election — perhaps even since his original candidacy.
Blogger Dan Riehl put together a list of over 100 examples:
Here a a few:
MSNBC Host Actually Says Talking About Obama Golfing Is Racist Attempt to Link Him to Tiger Woods & Sex
MSNBC host: Obamacare a ‘wealthy white men’ racist word’
9/30/13 MSNBC – GOP Racism And Hatred of Obama Is Real Reason Behind GOP being anti-Obamacare
Most of Dan’s examples represent cable hosts on the left-wing network trying to delegitimize bona fide political disagreement with their own out-of-the-mainstream liberal viewpoints, using racism as an excuse. You’re against Obamacare? Racist. You want lower taxes or less government? Racist. Lean Forward.
And in fact, I’d say Al Sharpton probably does it less often than most of the white hosts. Chris Matthews is the worst — he’s now used Jim Crow comparisons on at least three occasions in last couple of years to demonize everyone from pro-life lawmakers to anti-gun control senators to (just earlier this month) the entire Republican Party.
This isn’t a coincidence. This is a programming strategy to attract smug liberals to watch their shows.
Anonymous said...
Now do u get it? Field, give me some effing praise!..........please?
I feel just fine, esp when I have a drink or two. Now give me my effing praise and shout outs that I deserve.
7:10 AM
Aawww Field, I agreeeee! He/she/they's right!!!! The Anons do deserve praise and shout outs too!!!
After all they constitute a large part of this blog commentary, and they do it with wit and I might add,a certain degree of charm at times, only at times though!
Although they can be crude, insulting,and rough also,but that's all a part of it,no?
And Field...shhhh...they're not even getting paid!!!omg! Gotta give 'em a little sum'p sum'p! At least...
"Hey Gabe, who the heck is that wonky looking guy in the pic??? :)))"
Hey, if it walks like a duck
Wow, the Man from Nantucket really told Mr Field off. FN folks are silent. lol
There is nothing more to be said about Malaga. As a matter of fact, he said it in such a way that there is nothing more to be said about discrimination and racism.
Thank you, Man from Nantucket, you have solved the problem of racism.:) I knew someone would come along and do it, sooner or later. Wow! Our nation can roll now...we are all together. Where is FP? I want her to see this.:)
Well, I suppose FN will be shutting down pretty soon-- since it has served its purpose.
Granny, Lilacpr, PC, PilotX, Field, I feel for you. What will you do now? Where will you go?
Let us build a monument in honor of The Man From Nantucket next to Lincoln, or even better, next to the MLK statue. Mr Nantucket, we owe you a great debt.
Field, in the interest of keeping FN going may I suggest you consider turning it over to FP? You could still be a partner but FN's purpose would lean toward praising God.
PC, forget it. There is no room you here anymore. Desert, maybe. But it's a long shot. PilotX, go back to flying.
Yep. It's a new day. Brother Field, you are still my brother and I love you. Hang in there.
"The vast majority of white people owe you nothing.
Be a man and stand on your feet."
Pity America's earliest settlers didn't take that advice.
America got rich on the backs of slaves. In 1860 the value of slaves represented more than 50% of America's entire GDP.
The profits from slavery financed the industrial revolution in the U.K.
White people owe black people pretty much everything.
Wow! PC really told the Man from Nantucket off. Racism and discrimination need a little more work done. Damn. I thought this problem had been solved.
Mr Field, your FN blog has been saved by PC. You owe him a great debt.
Desert, Granny, PilotX, Dr Nuwang, and other FN Negroes....we are back in business! Thank you PC.
Is everybody happy? The Man From Nantucket, we won't be building that monument...in fact, we will be building one to PC from the UK...Now that is certainly a twist of events, isn't it?
Mr PC, we will need a photo of you.
SOM (Stuck on Malaga)
gabe said...
11:39 AM
NAAAH!:) C'mon who is it?
Desert, "And Field...shhhh...they're not even getting paid!!!omg! Gotta give 'em a little sum'p sum'p! At least..."
11:37 AM
Field is a slave driver.
YAAAAAY!!!! We're not going out of business!!!
I dunno where I'd go to comment,and have,you know, fun..sorta..sometimes...
May I suggest we build the statue to PC next to Robert E Lee's statue?
Anonymous said...
shhhh...they're not even getting paid!!!omg! Gotta give 'em a little sum'p sum'p! At least..."
11:37 AM
Field is a slave driver.
12:28 PM
Ooooooh, he's not gonna like that! :)))))
The Purple Cow said...
America got rich on the backs of slaves. In 1860 the value of slaves represented more than 50% of America's entire GDP.
The profits from slavery financed the industrial revolution in the U.K.
Right, that's why the South was so easily able to outspend the North and win the Civil War, and why America became so poor and the U.K. went bankrupt after slavery was abolished.
OpenID lilacpr2000 said...
YAAAAAY!!!! We're not going out of business!!!
I dunno where I'd go to comment,and have,you know, fun..sorta..sometimes...
12:29 PM
I am so overjoyed! This feeling I have is overwhelming! It's the same feeling when Obama was 'first' elected.
The Man From Nantucket said, "Right, that's why the South was so easily able to outspend the North and win the Civil War, and why America became so poor and the U.K. went bankrupt after slavery was abolished."
12:33 PM
Wow. What more can I say? Just wow!
Anonymous said...
Field, in the interest of keeping FN going may I suggest you consider turning it over to FP?
11:49 AM
*screaming and running wildly*
"Field is a slave driver."
No, field is a slave catcher.
He tracks down any negroes who have strayed from the Democrat plantation and drags them back to Massa. Those that get away he labels "Toms" or "House Negroes".
Black people aren't allowed to have individual interests or opinions.
It's all very effective . Over 99% of black women voted for Obama last election. Over 99%. That's an amazing level of conformity. If Hitler ran for Prime Minister of Israel, he'd get more than 1% of he vote.
Field is the "Housiest" negro on the planet.
lilacpr2000 said...
Anonymous said...
Field, in the interest of keeping FN going may I suggest you consider turning it over to FP?
11:49 AM
*screaming and running wildly*
12:38 PM
LOL..Relax, it hasn't happened yet. PC is gonna save this blog.
So don't go having your pain prematurely. It's all for nothing. However, keep this in mind:
the Lord moves in mysterious ways. I don't mean to mess you up but the truth is the truth....go have a strong drink.
Black Zombie, "Black people aren't allowed to have individual interests or opinions.
It's all very effective . Over 99% of black women voted for Obama last election. Over 99%. That's an amazing level of conformity. If Hitler ran for Prime Minister of Israel, he'd get more than 1% of he vote."
You mean to tell me that damn near every bw voted for Obama in the last election? Well, it makes sense. From the days of slavery we were taught to "conform". That thinking and behavior has been passed down for generations.
What more can you expect? It's the very reason most of us are Dems. We can't imagine or see any other alternative. In other words, we are "conformists" with only "one" choice.
Rep. Huelskamp is a racist. I know this for two reasons:
1, he's a Republican
2, MSNBC declared he must be really bothered at the thought of biracial families.
So, granted: Rep. Huelskamp is a terrible racist.
But being a Racist was just Count One of the Racist Indictment against him. He produced even more evidence of his racism when he posted a picture of family:
Well, My God. Most white people are just normal Racists, but this guy is an Eternal Jade Ninja of Racism. He's so racist, he adopted a bunch of black kids just so he could keep being racist and then when people called him a racist he could show this picture of his family and thereby advance the cause of his racism under the guise of not being racist.
Think about how horribly racist that is. That shows commitment.
Thank you so much for sharing the Malaga people's story. Many people have already said what happened was horrible. I just ask what can we learn?
There is so much we are NOT told from history. When people learn the truth, hopefully real, considerate conversations can happen. Denial gets us nowhere as communities and nations.
"I just ask what can we learn?"
That living on a forlorn island with a bunch of feeble minded people is not going to turn out well.
Take a good look around you, homies.
Ahhh Skipper, I am guessing u live in a trailer park in some god forsaken part of the country, so u might want to take your own advice.
You will see your cousin/wife and your wonderful Mensa eligible children.
After the Howells died, I killed the professor and Gilligan and started banging Ginger and Mary Ann. Pretty much kept them pregnant for a couple of decades and wound with 24 kids. The kids grew up and started having kids among themselves. Since of course everyone is pretty closely related, some of them look kind of funny.
I know what I'm talking about. If you can get off the island, do it.
The Skipper said...
After the Howells died, I killed the professor and Gilligan and started banging Ginger and Mary Ann. Pretty much kept them pregnant for a couple of decades and wound with 24 kids. The kids grew up and started having kids among themselves. Since of course everyone is pretty closely related, some of them look kind of funny.
I know what I'm talking about. If you can get off the island, do it.
4:58 PM
Actually,you have a point,(no pun). Never looked at it that way,but yeah...
Quick, someone call Sherlock Holmes;maybe he can find that irony.
Quote: The Total Fucking Moron From Nantucket
"Right, that's why the South was so easily able to outspend the North and win the Civil War, and why America became so poor and the U.K. went bankrupt after slavery was abolished."
Wow, just wow!
That's how stupid these people are. He thinks this answer makes sense...
Where to begin?...
1. Slaves were financial assets, however, converting that asset into cash they could use to "easily outspend" the north would have been quite difficult, doncha think?
2. The moment that slavery was banned, the income ands financial advantage of slavery did not stop overnight.
3. There was this thing called "the industrial revolution" (as previously discussed) that was rather profitable.
PC, "That's how stupid these people are. He thinks this answer makes sense..."
Sure it makes sense to those of us in the know, which is 'most' of us. Obviously, you are in the minority(no pun intended).
Purplish Cow said...
1. Slaves were financial assets, however, converting that asset into cash they could use to "easily outspend" the north would have been quite difficult, doncha think?
I thought slaves created wealth. Was the whole purpose of slavery to own slaves? The truth was, slavery was not very profitable, and the Northern economy was much stronger.
2. The moment that slavery was banned, the income ands financial advantage of slavery did not stop overnight.
How did that work? Who picked the cotton?
3. There was this thing called "the industrial revolution" (as previously discussed) that was rather profitable.
The industrial revolution did not use slaves, it used wage laborers. Slaves were used almost exclusively in agricultural work.
Gee, what a shame, this Mandingo... I mean Malaga island is news to me.
Wow, one black man (with special invited friends) spent aaaaaall his money to buy an entire ISLAND just so they could sex the forbidden fruit in peace (so they thought). Talk about determined.
I am not afraid to say it... Next.
The Man From Nantucket and Trollonymous Burgundy, you hate AAs. 'Hate' is your contribution to humanity...You live without a conscience or moral values.
Trollonymous, nobody wants your wife, if you have been so lucky to have one. If you don't have a wife, you are alone... So relax.
What contribution to humanity? You mean their half-wit offsprings? I think not.
"Trollonymous, nobody wants your wife"
If you only knew. Kisses. LOL
Field, were there black women on this "Malaga Island"? Just asking...
Let me rephrase... dark skinned black women who were actual residents with husbands. lol
Thanks, waiting for response. lol
No, just the light skinned women had husbands. The dark skinned ones had lots of baby daddys and lived off welfare.
"The vast majority of white people owe you nothing.
Be a man and stand on your feet."
And ignorant white people like this don't recognize their racism. The man is a fucking successful attorney who can buy and sell your dumb ass. How much more standing on his feet do you want? He just posted a true historical fact about this country and your response is he's trying to get something from your broke white ass. Get a clue. Go back to stormfront or whatever klan affiliated site you frequent.
"None of my ancestors were involved in any lynchings. They were working class people who would not have been in a position to discriminate against blacks had they ever even wanted too."
Yes but they benefitted from racist practices even without participating in them. For example, the jobs your ancestors were able to hold were barred from blah people so the ladders your grandfather used to climb to support his family weren't available for my grandfather because of racism. See how that works? Of course not, you'd rather pretend we all had the same chances. Such ignorance.
"Over 99% of black women voted for Obama last election. Over 99%."
I bet 99% of people would choose a peanut butter sandwich over a shit sandwich too. I don't blame those sistas for not voting for a party that thinks it's a good idea for Sarah Palin to be one lack of a heartbeat away from the WH. That is very logical.
"I bet 99% of people would choose a peanut butter sandwich over a shit sandwich too."
Since between 1.1% and 1.3% of the American public suffers from peanut allergies, the maximum number who would take that peanut butter sandwich would be 98.9%.
Wrong again PilotX, wrong again.
What kind of legitimacy are you bringing to the brotherhood when you write about plans to "bed and breakfast" in Maine? Please explain to the legitimate readership exactly HOW this is "keeping it real", or "representing"?
I find your blog interesting, literate and mostly worthwhile. But sometimes, I really have to wonder.
It is often seen amongst the oppressed the desire to imitate the oppressor. Might I suggest some Frantz Fanon for your reading. "Wretched of the Earth" is a good start. Think Patrice Lumumba more, Obama less.
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