Now the thing you have to understand about the drive- by sound bite mentality of the typical American is that they do not have the ability to process facts and look at any problem in its proper context. Everything is driven by the 24 hour cable punditry class. It's FOX on one side and MSNBC on the other.
This is another classic example. All you will hear from the right is that this looming VA scandal happened on O's watch so he is the only one to blame. This is all because of Obamacare. This is the precursor to death panels. Now this all sounds good for right wing talk radio and trolls on websites, but nothing could be further from the truth.
The VA (I am glad that America is now finally paying attention) and military hospitals have been a problem for some time in this country. Just ask a vet and they will be glad to tell you.
Make no mistake, O should take some blame for this happening on his watch as well. But remember, it was the Socialist in chief who made it easier for vets to get treatment for post traumatic stress disorders and exposure to Agent Orange. As a result, claims rose from 423,000 when he took office, to 883,000 in 2012. It was O and his administration who requested (and got) an additional 54 billion to add to the VA budget.
And I actually hate to do this, but I have to get with my man W again. Ok, that was a lie, I don't hate to do it. Anyway, he wanted a war and he got one. But when all the casualties of war started piling up our VA hospitals were not prepared to handle the deluge of claims. Under W the wait times for VA claims went from 166 to 224 days.
But it's not only W and O. The current republicans in congress should shoulder
I mean how do you explain this, and this, and this, and this, and this ?
It's Obama's fault. Yep, that's the ticket.
*Pic from National Journal
Wow, Mr Field, you really blasted the Repubs. Bill and KC are probably in tears....There is no way they can refute this post.
Mr Field, you are a genius and a hero in my book.
President Obama-“And it means caring for our troops when they come home, not forgetting about our troops. No more homeless veterans; no more begging for disability payments; no more waiting in line for the V.A. We have a solemn obligation to honor those who have served on our behalf.” (Houston, TX, 2/19/08)
VA Disability Claims Backlog Doubles Under Obama And Even His Strongest Supporters Have Had Enough
VA's ability to quickly provide benefits plummets under Obama
VA backs off promise to fix veterans' claim backlog
Obama knew from day one about the problems at VA Hospitals.
Which "this, and this, and this, and this would have fixed the problems at the VA?
Spin field. Spin. You might get a seat at the table after all.
Quote Bill
"More people killed by hands/feet than rifles and shotguns combined?"
I swear, you couldn't make it up.
More people are killed by cancer than road accidents.
What's your point?
Wow, Kinky, you really let Field have it. I used to think brother Field was the genius and hero. But I have changed my mind....It's you, brother Kinky...You're the man!
This memo shows that the VA knew of records manipulation in 2010
And which "this, and this, and this, and this would have fixed the problems at the VA?
We all knew those kid's broken bodies and minds were going to cause a problem when W was pushing for war. This might play into the overuse of drones?
The woman who falsely accused football star Brian Banks of raping her is being forced to pay big time.
I keep telling brothers to quit f#cking with these trash ass white whores!
Don't worry, I'm sure somewhere in Bank's past there is a young black girl he really raped. As they all do at some point. Take that little time served as justice for her at least.
@9:48 PM
The false accuser is black. Field negro types sure are dumb. And racist.
Check this out Field. Interesting.
More interesting stuff
Even more.
"The problem is, if that should happen, if politicians were to be convicted of willful blindness to the fate of the Earth and future generations, there would have to be mass arrests and lots more funding for new prisons. We're not talking about a mere handful of culprits. It's hard even to know where to start."
Here we go again. Let's put non-beleevers in prison.
The Japanese. The Germans. Pro Castro groups. Now non-beleevers.
Interesting stuff? Not so much. Scary sh*t? Indeed.
Americans have always taken care of our vets the same way that we've loved our troops: strictly in the abstract.
Though relatively better funded under Democrats than Republiclowns since 1980, Congress has never fully funded VA medical care (equal to demand) and the VA has thus necessarily rationed its care. This has always involved putting off some possibly lifesaving treatments during their windows of opportunity (a double win for the been counters). Sick vets also end up far from home, often inter-state which plays hell with their home-state-based health/life support, not to mention their home-state based families.
In the '70s, most of my VietNam Vet cousins (I had about a dozen of them serve there) had different VA horror stories of one kind or another; the one that stuck in my memory was the cousin who got a VA vasectomy and ended up in hospital for 2 weeks & almost losing his marbles.
I've had no complaint about the quality of my treatment, but like all things Federal; accessing it is a process, not an event. Need a new mobility device or prosthetic? Great, they've got the best chairs contracted & best prosthetics labs in the world, but you don't just start there. Noooo, you have to start all the way back at the beginning. They have to assess you for suitability all over again. Allow for about 3-4 appointments, 15 days apart. Minimum. Bureaucracy is one thing of which the never run short, but morphine's another, so that usually helps with all the waiting.
Affirmative action in the White Hut.
Oh fp, you make me go hmmmm with every post. I hope you are doing well.....
Just a humorous comment. Conservative paranoia much Kinky? That was your only takeaway? Carry on.
Kinky.Con said...
" @9:48 PM
The false accuser is black. Field negro types sure are dumb. And racist."
I swear to god Kinky, you must think we are as dumb as you. We all know the accuser was black, you think we wouldn't recognise such an obvious plant?
Just because you're conservative and paranoia doesn't mean the left isn't building internment camps for you.....
"Just because you're conservative and paranoia doesn't mean the left isn't building internment camps for you....."
Yep, and going to take away your bible and force you to practice Islam. And you wonder why we don't want to be in a political party with that type?
And I knew that I would have to, because, as was to be expected, the right wing-nuts jumped in head first to criticize O and his administration for all the problems that are currently plaguing that agency
I also knew you would have to defend Obama when the right wing started criticizing him.
Something we both agree on.
FN said...
Under W the wait times for VA claims went from 166 to 224 days.
Considering the agency has been found falsifying records to make Obama look good, do you really trust those numbers?
I am a vet, & believe me, this has been going on waaaaaay before obama was SELECTED. Lets see, who was it that LIED about WMD, OH !! thats right, it was George W Bush the DRAFT DODGING WAR MONGREL. & Lets not forget the BIONIC MAN Dick Cheney.
Thank you Brother WC... I too went to the VA in 1970s and my care was not adequate for the service that was required. First of all some house-keeping. A few commenters gives President Obama somewhat supreme status to blame him for all the ills of every department in the government. Just taking care of the VA is a full time job... seeing that the care has been questionable for so long. Yes he is the chief.... but the system is designed for dependency from others that may or may not care about the outcome.
As a sidebar, I will say what I BELIEVE is the cause of this present predicament with VA. Now the VA has not the physical abilities to take on the numbers of patients. I know this because I have been a patient as well as employed by the VA and we (VA) have not the ability to treat in a timely fashion. I, as a patient, have waited since 1999 for treatment for HEP C. Finally being tired of waiting I obtained a referral to Richmond, VA from Hampton VA for this treatment. Rich VA informed me that Hampton VA did not have certified MD to treat Hep C. Thanks for telling me ten years ago. (There always was some reason they used for me not to start the treatment- viral counts, kidney BP problem, past use of alcohol and etc) Ten years years went by because I felt that they were doing the "best they could". Did not help that I could recognize the numbers.
When I first went to VA (in 1972), I felt that I/we had to wait our turn. There were still WW2 vets and Korean vets that had been there longer. Now 2014 when the Vietnam vet should be first out. we are now pushed aside due to the great numbers of the last three wars' warriors in need. The young vets of today with the computer can place themselves in favorable positions prior to leaving the military. They are seen as HEROS, so the VA is now scurrying to fix the problems. My peer group were just some "dope addled" vet who did nothing in Vietnam. THAT was society's perception.... definitely not mine.
Vietnam was over about two decades for PTSD came about. Veteran of the majority had more allies in society and VA. There were many of this class of vets being diagnosed as "chronic anxiety disorder". Black veterans of our generation was shunned care if there was any history of drug or alcohol use. Believe me... if it was not for heroin.. many of uus would not have maintained sanity in the war. Drugs, ALCOHOL, sex and religious got many of us thru the NAM.
More of my peers died after Vietnam than during. Ask someone in the 60+ about the combat vets that they knew, "Those crazy ass Vietnam vets". Heard that mucho. So this current condition has been with us for decades. The face of the hero warriors are white faced (I see why) and they will not be further harmed. We are thankful that someone of value can obtain us some quality care.
Unfortunately..the vote for the war in Iraq was approved by the majority of the members of congress. Only 22 Democrats voted no and a reported 7 Republicans.. So...don't just blame it on Bush. Blame it on those fearless congressmen who have no qualms about sending other people overseas to die.
BIB, I have lost my ass on those cannabis stocks per your recommendation: VAPE, ERBB
I am damn depressed....looking at the future, I'm going to be homeless.
Those progressive Black leftists like brother Field have a lot of money. Those right-winged Conservatives like Kinky and Bill have a lot of money too.
I know you are a very persuasive talker...yep, you're one of the best. So... I'm asking you to go to bat for me and ask them for some dough so I don't lose my tent and bicycle?
great post, Field. concise, to the point, with links that sting.
why we come back.
Well..I'm depressed for u anon...You should've sold VAPE a long time ago...but u may as well hold it for now cause they have nowhere to go but up...Remember you only lose when you sell..Good luck on your positions.
Quote Kinky
"Just because you're conservative and paranoia doesn't mean the left isn't building internment camps for you.....
The word is P-A-R-A-N-O-I-D.
Now kindly fuck off you silly little man.
"The word is P-A-R-A-N-O-I-D."
Whaaaaaaaa? Now I thought they had 20 IQ points on us. No way he makes a mistake like that. Where is QLB when you need her?
The Purple Cow said...
The word is P-A-R-A-N-O-I-D.
Now kindly fuck off you silly little man.
How dare the silly little man bother the Spelling Nanny when there's important work to do.
Look, a dangling preposition.
OOooooo teh little socialist gets sooo mad.
Bless his little heart.
Px? Can't bring yourself to criticize this administration? So you try to change the subject?
Px is really an independent thinker and voter.
Can't you tell?
Anon@1:11 and Still A Panther,
we thank you again for your service.
Mr Field, I thought I'd let you know that V. Stiviano is NOT who you and your FN Negroes and FN Whites are wrong in your opinions about her.
I personally am glad that she is none of those things bm and wm think she is. I'm not so depressed now.
If you want to know about what's been happening re: VA and Obama's part in this, take a look at this:
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