"No sir," Gowdy said, when "Fox News Sunday" asked if he sees himself as a prosecutor and the Obama administration as the defense. "For 16 years I spoke in trial metaphors, and perhaps I need to get out of that habit. What I simply meant is, when you ask me how long something is going to last, I need to know how cooperative the other side is going to be. So to the extent that I gave any indication to anyone that I view someone as the defense, what I meant by that is, if you can tell me how cooperative the other side is going to be, I can give you a better idea of how long something is going to last."
Trey Gowdy said exactly what he was thinking, but now he realizes that his true intentions were reveled he is backpedalling like a typical weasel politician.
Mr. Gowdy is a former prosecutor, and he certainly knows that the purpose of the select committee is to investigate and not prosecute, but sometimes it's hard to keep your true intentions in check.
The other political party is split on whether to participate in this investigation, with some saying they should put members on the committee and others saying that they should not.
I am in the latter camp. Why lend legitimacy to this charade and partisan witch- hunt which is about 11 years too late? Besides, we have had 13 hearings and over 25,000.00 documents submitted on this issue and the gun is still firing blanks. There is no smoke to be found anywhere. Democrats are calling it a "kangaroo court". I would submit to you that this is an insult to kangaroos.
Undaunted by the facts, though, the republicans will push on. This past Friday Mr. Tan Man appointed seven republicans to sit on the committee. The other political party is still holding out because all of their demands have not been met.
"Mr. Boehner sent a response to Ms. Pelosi on Friday afternoon saying that Mr. Gowdy would “endeavor” to consult with the minority when “practicable,” but the speaker would make no promises that Mr. Gowdy would not, for instance, issue unilateral subpoenas without consulting the Democrats on the committee or exclude Democratic staff members from witness interviews, according to both Democratic and Republican leadership aides.
That left Democrats unsatisfied. Representative Elijah E. Cummings of Maryland, the ranking Democrat on the Oversight Committee, called Mr. Boehner’s response 'a slap in the face.' Ms. Pelosi, in another letter to Mr. Boehner on Friday afternoon, called the Republicans’ counteroffer 'fundamentally unfair.”'
Of course it is Ms. Pelosi; it's called politics.
I just love Elijah Cummings. He's done wonders for Baltimore which is rapidly having more in common with Mogadishu than an American city. Didn't he graduate from Howard, one of those "special education" schools where the non-competive with the rest of the world can get a degree? Yep, Baltimore a city in a race with Detroit to the toilet. Detroit does seem to be winning.
Mr Field, throw QLB off FN immediately. Life is too short for mean-spirited hateful bs.
Amerikkkkan politics summed up in a few cartoon caricature metaphors: Jack and Jill committees, Mickey Mouse politics, Nursery Rhyme discourses, overreaching Kangaroo Court and Washington D.C. as Mr. Rogers’ neighborhood (fake)!
Anon said this
Mr Field, throw QLB off FN immediately. Life is too short for mean-spirited hateful bs.
Hateful? Really? Elijah Cumming graduated from the Howard University School of Law rated by one metric as the 119th ranked law school in the country and putting it solidly in the third tier of these schools. FYI this puts it in with some of the more notorious diploma mills out there. The medical school is a bit better rated at 95 of 123 schools. Then there is the USN&WP metric. I don't like this one but Howard fell 46 places over a couple of years to 142 even with the affirmative action fudge factor. All this with the premier Traditional Black University in America. I'm just stating the facts. There's absolutely no hate here and none is intended. It's ugly I know, but it is what it is.
Anonymous @ 9:16 PM
What's wrong with Detroit?
Anon said
What's wrong with Detroit?
Nothing if you're a gangbanger, it's practically paradise on earth.
Didn't he graduate from Howard, one of those "special education" schools where the non-competive with the rest of the world can get a degree? Yep, Baltimore a city in a race with Detroit to the toilet. Detroit does seem to be winning.
9:16 PM
Sorry, I apologize. It seemed as though you had bad intentions of degrading Blacks.
However, as you indicated, you are just stating facts about Elijah Cummings, Baltimore and Detroit. Also, ranking Howard as a "special education" 'non-competitive school.
You have done your fact-searching to prove Elijah Cummings as a total loser from a loser University, seeking to make Baltimore worse than Detroit.
Thanks for your facts, massa. We just trying to do the best we can, but just haven't been able to meet your standards. We keep on trying though.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anon said
What's wrong with Detroit?
Nothing if you're a gangbanger, it's practically paradise on earth.
10:38 PM
yessa, massa QLB, you got us figured out.
Captain Stransky: I will show you how a true Prussian officer fights.
Sargeant Steiner: Then I will show you, where the Iron Crosses grow.
From Cross of Iron 1977. It sorta says it all.
You nailed that one Field. Captain Kangaroo.
Caught a tornado yesterday in Nebraska but it got rain wrapped and visibilty dropped so we had to leave it. HP supercell (high precip).
If anyone wants to follow our progress go to weather.cod.edu and click on the storm chase icon there will be a link to the tracker. The next couple of days will be boring weatherwise but might get impressive again over the weekend.
PilotX, stop texting and watch where you are flying!
Man you are one pure Obamabot.
It seems Elijah Cummings is getting slapped in the face lot here lately.
Nah, at this point, the Democrats should bow out of this Republican circus. It's pretty clear to everyone who is not a GOP partisan that this fake scandal machine is nothing but a PR stunt to drum up the base for November's elections and beyond; they'll "investigate" until doomsday if you let 'em. The Democrats should not participate.
QLB is a two-for-one deal. You get him and his sock-puppet.
QLB I take it you are not a lawyer or a member of congress. And, from reading your posts, I am guessing you are a white male. This might explain your issues with Mr. Cummings.
Had you just applied yourself and not spent so much time chasing the black bogey-man you too could have made something of your life.
Sadly for.you, though, a first cousin for a wife and a trailer full of hateful kids will be pretty much it as far as your life goes.
Field, how can you give QLB relational credit? How could he be in a relationship with a woman, cousin or otherwise? In addition, he has no kids, because 'sex' is not in the cards for him in this lifetime. But he IS an angry white man. I feel sorry for him. Being entangled with Elijah doesn't make him feel any better, also....hopeless.
Hey anon, Father's day aka Baby Daddy Day is NOT mass confusion where I live. Now run along and find someone with some used Jordans and acquire them the way they do in " da hood."
Lets face it, all you continue to offer is very weak insults and nothing in the way of facts. Maybe if you put it into Ebonics it might sound better. I just wonder if it's that 20 point IQ difference or did the downlink from the mother ship fail you?
BTW I was looking at that Philly homicide meter. Looks like the bangers are on the cusp of setting some records this year. One thing is for sure. It's not Tea Party or NRA members doing the killing. Hell, it's not even the Klan. Here's a huge hint. Look in the mirror and you'll see the demographic. Food for thought.
hatred toward blacks runs deep in QLB. he probably curses God everyday for putting himself on a planet with blacks. how poignantly pitiful.
QLB, you sound like a guy with a low IQ. Being White, I know a low IQ when I see one...You're it.
And you are emotionally imbalanced, too. Why don't you just get lost? FN is too advanced for you. Try Stormfront or some other White hate group. You'll feel right at home and you'll be happier too.
Winds of truth are a blowin in the fields.
Much as Field slaves for the democrat party, he can't keep dear leader's lies from coming out.
Field is getting more desperate as he sees his seat at the democrat table-being taken by someone else.
FN said...
There is no smoke to be found anywhere.
Is that filmmaker that Obama blamed the attack on still in jail?
Not flying, I'm on vaca for a month doing some storm chasing. Don't worry got some good guys driving the vans.
Lets face it, all you continue to offer is very weak insults and nothing in the way of facts."
Ladies and Gentlemen, Pray silence for the most astonishing pot/kettle/black moment in the entire history of the Internet.
Yer man QLB is clearly an irony-free zone.
Did you watch this last night? available online until 05/18 how does Ed Rendell ever dare to show his face
Vice president goes to the Ukraine.
Biden Visits Ukraine In Show Of U.S. Support
In unrelated news (wink wink), Bidens son gets a job with Burisma, an energy company in ukraine.
Hunter Biden joins the team of Burisma Holdings
I remember the old days when black democrats like FN were against white privilege.
Not all white privilege is equal.
I swear Field...
You spend WAYYYY too much time focusing on that Train Wreck of party....
Not that the Dems are all peachy....
It would be nice for a change for you to start reporting on positive things that actually affect Black People...
Fellow blog readers if you own a home , or you are trying to get a modification or refinance.....
The new director of FHFA (Federal Housing Authority) the regulator for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, said on Tuesday
that he told the government mortgage giants to make more credit available to home-buyers, instead of retreating from the mortgage market as they have been doing since the financial crisis.
This is a major shift; because if anyone has been trying to refinance or get into a first mortagage they can tell you how difficult its been over the last 3years
Good riddance De Marco...
It would be nice for a change for you to start reporting on positive things that actually affect Black People...
Negro pul-eeze!!
YOU'RE the epitome of negativity with YOUR disparaging comments about my success, which without a doubt, will one day benefit Black folks including YOUR ungrateful Black arse!
BIB, "It would be nice for a change for you to start reporting on positive things that actually affect Black People..."
Brother BIB, how I long to hear something positive about us. But, all I hear are:
1.)bad things 'about' us from the likes of QLB, Kinky Con, Bill, Dr Nuwang, and some anons; and
2.) bad things 'done' to us from the likes of Field, PilotX, and Dr Nuwang(she swings both ways).
Needless to say this depresses the shit out of me. I mean, as a bm there seems to be no hope, esp. when Field posts what the wm is doing to us-- followed by comments by Whites who can't stand us-- and don't want to be around us.
What is a depressed brother to do, stop going to FN to get the latest news? I tried going to FOX but I just got more criticism there.
Actually, since you have brought this awareness to me, I really don't know whether I am more depressed on FN or on FOX...I mean, the depression feels the same to me.
No, actually the depression is greater on FN because I am left feeling hopeless, i.e. there is no solution to our immense problem because it's too big.
YOU, brother BIB, initially gave me hope with a brilliant solution to our problem, but it was quickly dashed by Dr Nuwang attacking you for offering a solution.
Hasn't that always been our problem, not being able to try something NEW like putting "Black First?"
I love your idea, but let's face it--there are too many Dr Nuwangs and Fields and PilotXs in our race for any chance of us breaking free from our slave masters.
It's a bitch being Black in America. If the Whites don't get you, the Blacks will.
depressed negro
"It's a bitch being Black in America. If the Whites don't get you, the Blacks will."
Jesus, ain't that the truth....
"Black First?"
Black is hard to come by in these parts.Nevertheless, i'm down with the struggle.
Anon wrote this,
Needless to say this depresses the shit out of me. I mean, as a bm there seems to be no hope, esp. when Field posts what the wm is doing to us-- followed by comments by Whites who can't stand us-- and don't want to be around us.
Here's the real deal. Studies involving US Census data within specific locales show that when the population of said area reaches beyond 20% Black then the crime rate explodes. With that, schools go downhill, property values plummet and business moves out. Here's a news flash. It's not because of racism. Why do you think this happens. Hint: it's not YT's fault.
Frankly I'd be satisfied if your people would just shut up during movies. The actors on the screen aren't going to respond to you. Trust me on that.
KC, "Black is hard to come by in these parts.Nevertheless, i'm down with the struggle."
6:20 PM
That is a wonderful gesture from you, KC. That is the kind of love Blacks need from Whites.
You give more love that Field does to his own people. How can that be? Are you spiritual or something?
More love for Blacks from Whites will liberate Blacks. Where's Bill's love?
Keep showing that love, brother. Btw, what part are you in where there are few Blacks? I can't imagine a part in the USA where that is.
I live where Granny lives...so it's hard for me to imagine any place where there are few Blacks.
But to tell you the truth, sometimes I get sick and tired of Blacks of Dr Nuwang's type. I wish we could create another race just for her.
Anyway, if you should ever feel the temperature of "jungle fever" rising please give a call, or email Granny.
"Studies involving US Census data within specific locales show that when the population of said area reaches beyond 20% Black then the crime rate explodes."
Of course it does QLB, of course it does.
Now why don't you go for a lie down in this lovely darkened room, and the nice man in the white coat will be along to give you some more happy pills shortly.
There's a good little boy.
"Here's the real deal. Studies involving US Census data within specific locales show that when the population of said area reaches beyond 20% Black then the crime rate explodes. With that, schools go downhill, property values plummet and business moves out. Here's a news flash. It's not because of racism. Why do you think this happens. Hint: it's not YT's fault.
Frankly I'd be satisfied if your people would just shut up during movies. The actors on the screen aren't going to respond to you. Trust me on that."
7:07 PM
Please let me know what YT stands for? Seriously.
Re: neighborhoods and cities rising crime rate explodes with 20%+ Black population, property values going down, business moving, and schools going downhill:
What can I say? We have a lot of work to do mentally and spiritually.
A 'big' help would be for Whites NOT to move. That would make all the difference in the world, or rather in the community.
You see, businesses move because Whites move. Schools deteriorate because Whites leave.
Hence, the only model Blacks have is themselves which is NOT a good model. Whites will just have to come to the realization that Blacks are your brothers and sisters and you need to have patience and make the efforts that Bill O'Reilly is talking about.
After all, if O'Reilly is willing to put himself on the line to help Blacks who ancestry were slaves, then certainly you could help too.
QLB, I KNOW you would be a big help to us. Please help us.
As far as the movies are concerned, I am in 100% agreement with you. Whenever I go to the movies, I try my best to avoid my people because chances are I won't be able to enjoy the movie. I will be the first to admit that there are a lot of black inconsiderate ignoramuses that go to the movies. Sometimes I think they shouldn't be walking the streets because they don't seem like earthlings.
That's why I go to the movies in suburbs where there are civilized considerate moviegoers. Did I tell you about the time I went to a large theatre with a capacity of over 600 people? The movie was "Django". And it premiered on XMAS day. Every Negro from East Oakland was there....Need I say more? It was a nightmare for me. I finally had to leave and demanded my money back, which they refunded with an apology.
Yes, we have a lot to do. But you can do a lot too.
Sometimes this blog gets too damn depressing and hopeless. and there just doesn't seem to be any folks with a solution. every FN Negro wants to criticize Whites-- and each other too. That's a damn shame. It's as if the regular ids want to criticize, degrade and self-destruct.
BIB, I appreciate you fighting the 'good' fight, but there just doesn't seem to be enough support among our peeps here.
This is terribly depressing being Black in America. I really think it is our depression as Blacks that's causing all of the chaos and madness.
anon said,
Yes, we have a lot to do. But you can do a lot too.
I am doing a lot. I'm here spreading a different perspective. I have no hate despite what some may think. However, what I write is based upon evidence and facts. Sometimes, many times that is hurtful but is often necessary. What really hurts the Black man? it's a hopeless culture promulgated largely by those on the political left. Liberalism is a religion based upon a political system. Conservatism is a political system based upon religious values. The difference could not be more apparent
"YOU'RE the epitome of negativity with YOUR disparaging comments about MY success"
Here I am talking about beneficial news for Black people ...
and your here to comment about your HURT feelings about your career...
Supposed or Not..LOL
You need help sis...
and Im not sure you need to be so hyped on receiving accords from some guy on the net...
Hell I don't even have a college degree, and have more decorum than you...
Now comment on the Endocannabinoid system or...
The decision to increase lending to borrowers...
but enough of these posts crying for attention about your career as a Dr...
Self absorption is Not a good quality to take on...
Depressed Negro.. You are the reason I became Frustrated Negro ... Then on TO BIB as you see here... I just have positive energy and your postings sometimes disturbs that energy..
I absolutely DETEST when Field posts these "Whoaa is Black America" stories with no discussion on solutions.... Or the usual.."Whoaaa the Evil Republicans..."
Grab hold of something positive , and work on yourself... If you focous on negative things thats what youll get in return...
You gotta make that stuff the bumps in the road ...
Somehow Someway...
delusionalPWT said:
I love your idea, but let's face it--there are too many Dr Nuwangs and Fields and PilotXs in our race for any chance of us breaking free from our slave masters.
THIS is how an uneduated PWT thinks.
Take away the most educated and successful among Black folks.
BIB, "Grab hold of something positive , and work on yourself... If you focous on negative things thats what youll get in return...
You gotta make that stuff the bumps in the road ...
Somehow Someway..."
Hmmmm..FP said the same thing to me...hmmmm...I wonder how many times do I need to hear this before I hear it?
Ok, BIB, I hear you. Btw, why don't you find a way to convince Field? I mean, the man needs help in positive thinking. I really think he is depressed more than me because he votes on Liberal Democrats, over and over again with no 'positive' results for Blacks. I mean, what's up with that? That has GOT to be depressing.
Field, PilotX, Granny, and a host of other peeps are counting on Liberal Democrats and Obama to save the day...the question is 'when'?
Well, we know that the world will come to an end before that happens. But black political strategy by the likes of Field, and PilotX and Dr Nuwang are to find fault with the Repubs-- and ignore the 'obvious' glaring damaging faults of the Dems...In fact, they may be more damaging...I don't know.
One thing I know: In order to get 'positive' about our future, we need to put ourselves 'first' instead of last. Because when we put ourselves 'last' we get 'last'.
depressed negro
Can somebody tell me what PWT means?
Buying Jordans and talking loudly in movies? Stereotype much? Ha! I love how they learn about blah culture from Bill O'Reilly. No wonder they're surprised we know how to use forks and knives.
Hell I don't even have a college degree, and have more decorum than you...
Decorum without an education means you'll live hovering over the poverty line for the REST of your life.
BTW, I don't expect accolades from triflin', druggies like you. My education/career makes a difference in the health of other Black folks, so I'm good with that, because I KNOW God is pleased! :)
Awww ....
Your still showing your hurt feelings...
Do u have to self aggrandize yourself on a consistent basis????
I could hold court with professionals in your "supposed " medical field without pieces of paper to define me..
No one cares that you think you're a Dr..You've puffed yourself up to no end.
If a trifling druggie can unravel your nonsense balogny...how convincing can you be to a patient or anyone for that matter...?
Never mind ..just continue to tell me how Great of a Dr you are and how much your gonna help the black community ...
Bologna. Remember the old oscar Meyer song?
"No one cares that you think you're a Dr..You've puffed yourself up to no end. "
There's a HUGE difference between thinking one is a Dr. and studying to become one. I'm the later.
BTW, I don't puff, I state FACTS.
PilotX:Freeing Slaves from the republican plantation since the 70's said...
Bologna. Remember the old oscar Meyer song?
So is BIB a wiener or just processed scraps of meat?
I think he's a really young guy. That's why he doesn't remember the song. Explains the passion and idealism. Reality kicks in in the 30's.
This will lead to Obama's impeachment.
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