His name is Burl Cain, and he is no doubt a fan of FOX VIEWS and Megyn Kelly. You see, like Megyn Kelly, Mr. Cain believes that the Black Panther Party is still a threat to white security here in America.
"Kenny “Zulu” Whitmore has spent 35 years in what officials call closed cell restriction since being sentenced to the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola for second-degree murder in 1977. Whitmore, who has been in solitary for the last 28 consecutive years, reportedly attributes his vision damage, hypertension and other problems to the confinement.
Angola Warden Burl Cain, who has been running the prison for the past two decades, told students at The Medill Justice Project that he was thinking about allowing Whitmore to return to the general population.
But Cain argued that Whitmore's relationship with the Black Panther Party could continue to make him a threat to prison security.
“The Black Panther Party advocates violence and racism—I’m not going to let anybody walk around advocating violence and racism,” he said. ( I wonder how many Klansmen and white supremacists he kept in solitary for 25 years.)
“We will get him out,” Cain predicted. “We’d rather him out. I need his cell. I’ve got some young people, predators, that need to be in that cell. When I can conclude he’s not going to cause me the blues, then he can come out of the cell.”
In 2005, Cain explained to the Shreveport Times that his faith-based rehabilitation program worked because it gave the prisoners a sense of morality.
"The only way to make a prison safer is the Lord Almighty," Cain insisted.
A Bible verse on a tablet outside the prison quotes Philippians 3:13, and a wall inside Camp D reads, "Jesus is Lord."
"In what other prison would you see that?" the Warden asked.
"If I can get the population to become moral, then we're all safer, and then we then have an environment of rehabilitation," he told The Medill Justice Project. "It's real simple that moral people don't rape, pilfer and steal. It's the immoral people who commit the crime."
For his part, Whitmore has maintained that he was being held in solitary confinement as a "political prisoner" because of his ties to the Black Panther Party. [Source]
THIRTY FIVE YEARS IN SOLITARY CONFINEMENT?! I am not sure there is such a place, but if there is, there is a special place in hell for people like Burl Cain.
The "Lord Almighty" that he loves so much is no doubt looking down on him and thinking that he is not exactly the type of person who he wants singing his praises here on earth.
God might need to start looking for some new salespeople.
He is a political prisoner and what about the separation of church and state? Oh well, he is a Bubba through and through, what'd you expect?
As far as the klan, don't worry Field they're a Christian group.
First at being a racist, anti-Christian bigot?
You win, pilotx.
Cain talks just like a plantation owner. No wonder Fox News loves him.
Once he figured out he was never getting out of solitary (and I trust it didn't take him 35 years to clue in....) why didn't this piece of garbage "Zulu" just off himself and save the taxpayers the cost of warehousing his useless criminal ass?
What a selfish bastard.
anon. 9:57pm- why don't YOU just off yourself so we won't have to read your stupid ass posts you racist piece of euroshit?
What a selfish bastard.
Nothing new here. Angola Prison is the most infamously terrible prison in America.
It inspired "Cool Hand Luke," a movie about a white man imprisoned there for vandalism and ultimately killed as a result of his one-man rebellion against the brutality of the prison authorities. (In the movie, the prison is portrayed as being in Florida -- probably to avoid lawsuits.)
It was also the subject of a documentary, which can be seen here:
The racism, hypocritical Bible-thumping, and general cruelty of Angola is the perfect representation of the unrepentantly rotten values of the American South.
So? Zulu belonged to a terrorist organization.
So? Zulu murdered a white person.
So? Zulu attacked and raped whites while he was in prison.
In 2014, Zulu would have never went to prison.
Blacks can attack, rape, murder whites without fear of prison.
You are still afraid of the Klan, and it hasn't been a force for almost 100 years. The Black Panthers were around 30 years ago.
From the previous thread:
PilotX said..
"Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, South Carolina. What do these states have in common?"
They are the states with the highest percentage of blacks in the population, that's why they receive more back in taxes than they pay, it's for the care, feeding and breeding of negroes.
These states are Republican because the white people there have plenty of real world experience with negroes. The most liberal areas are the whitest areas, because blacks are an abstraction to liberal whites.
This lesson brought to you free of charge from the Real GOP.
"If I can get the population to become moral, then we're all safer, and then we then have an environment of rehabilitation," he told The Medill Justice Project. "It's real simple that moral people don't rape, pilfer and steal. It's the immoral people who commit the crime."
Brother Field, I must admit that I am in agreement with Mr Cain on this. While there are many levels of morality what Cain is talking about is basic human decency which criminals violate on a regular basis because they have no morals. It would be nice if everyone had morals and respect for each other but as long as there are liberal Dems and GOP around, that is not possible.
Also, Remember the BPP was a dangerous group who sold each other out in the end...that's a fact. hell, they even robbed banks and forced a lovely ww to help them. I mean, can you blame Cain or any white person for being anti-BPP?
From the previous thread:
PilotX said..
"We can also look at one of the better run states with good educational outcomes and cities run by Dems. Massachusetts is run by a Democratic Black governor and alot of cities have Democratic mayors."
Massachusetts is a very white state. It's educational outcomes are higher because its student base is whiter.
Deval Patrick does not run Massachusetts, he is a pet for the white liberals who do.
This lesson brought to you free of charge from the Real GOP
These states are Republican because the white people there have plenty of real world experience with negroes.
White people outside the South have plenty of real-world experience with black people. The only difference is that the white population outside the South includes fewer scumbags.
GOP said,
Massachusetts is a very white state. It's educational outcomes are higher because its student base is whiter.
They were certainly shy about "taking their fair share" of the illegal kids crossing border. Typical liberal hypocrites.
"Also, Remember the BPP was a dangerous group who sold each other out in the end...that's a fact. hell, they even robbed banks and forced a lovely ww to help them."
No, they didn't. The people committing most of the crimes had left the BPP to join or create more radical organizations.
But by all means, feel free to rewrite history, like always. The Civil War happened because the North invaded the South "for no reason." America was founded as a "Christian nation" (never mind that several of the Founders were not Christian). Et cetera.
“The Black Panther Party advocates violence and racism—I’m not going to let anybody walk around advocating violence and racism,”
You'd think the dumb ni**er would have learned something in the last 28 years, but apparently not. Well, if still wants to be a Black Panther, he can stay in that cage forever.
Anon @ 10:34 said...
"White people outside the South have plenty of real-world experience with black people. The only difference is that the white population outside the South includes fewer scumbags."
Nope, liberals are the white people who don't live with black people. They think blacks are really like the way they are portrayed on TV or the movies, or that they are just like that nice Jamaican lady or that Nigerian grad student they met. These naive liberals think the only reason whites who really live and work with blacks might have different ideas is that they are "scumbags".
But I would tend to trust the ones with the most experience, wouldn't you?
It doesn't mean they hate blacks, it just means they know the score.
Cain said: "It's real simple that moral people don't rape, pilfer and steal."
Oh the irony... how soon they seem to forget ALL their christian white American/European forefathers.
Anyway, I couldn't care any less if Whitmore spent the rest of his life in solitary confinement. It's just blatantly obvious/sickening why all those vicious white supremacists and neo-nazi human feces aren't in solitary cells next to his.
Field, Cain doesn't think he's going to hell. He's such an upstanding moral white guy, and his white Jesus loves him... well as long as he doesn't rape, pilfer or steal. That's the key apparently.
Anon 10:21 said: "You are still afraid of the Klan, and it hasn't been a force for almost 100 years."
Of all the absurd things I've read on this blog's comment section. This person is either willful or just downright stupid.
Mr. Cain isn't going to Hell. but those thieving murderers he keeps locked up are.
Field sure loves him his criminals, as long as they are black.
The Klan died out in the 20's.
You are probably still afraid of saber tooth tigers.
In the immortal words of Sammy Davis Jr.-
"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time
Don't roll the dice if you can't pay the price"
Kenny should have listened to Sammy.
And if Kenny had behaved himself while he was in prison, he wouldn't be in solitary..
So field, care to tell us about Kenny's write ups/prison record?
Didn't think so.
I love how Fox News continues to live rent free in the minds of the left.
You have to be pretty dumb to believe the Iranians when it comes to their nuclear program. But then again, you are pretty Goddamned dumb.
"These states are Republican because the white people there have plenty of real world experience with negroes"
Nope, they're republican because they're stoooooooopid. Louie Gohmert, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Rick Perry.......what did Bobby Jindal say again?
"Massachusetts is a very white state. It's educational outcomes are higher because its student base is whiter."
But not as white as West Virginia. This shithole has lower educational outcomes because its student base is whiter.
"United Health Foundation's "America's Health Rankings" for 2013 found that Americans are making considerable progress in key health measures. West Virginia, however, ranked either last or second-to-last in 20 categories, including cancer, child immunization, diabetes, disabilities, drug deaths, teeth loss, low birth weight, missed work days due to health, prescription drug overdose, preventable hospitalizations, and senior clinical care"
Bwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa! The whitest state leads in tooth loss and O.D.'s. Fat assed, toothless meth heads. White utopia. I bet that's where QLB lives with her toothless jobless ass.
Pilot X said...
"But not as white as West Virginia."
West Virginia is a poor outlier. There are plenty of other very white states you could choose from, New Hampshire, or Oregon, or Wisconsin perhaps?
The truth is, southern states lag in many indicators because that's where most of the negroes are.
"Nope, liberals are the white people who don't live with black people. They think blacks are really like the way they are portrayed on TV or the movies, or that they are just like that nice Jamaican lady or that Nigerian grad student they met. These naive liberals think the only reason whites who really live and work with blacks might have different ideas is that they are "scumbags".
If the conservative movement was actually interested in saving a sliver of this country for their posterity, as opposed to fellating oligarchs, they would push for student loans to be dischargeable in bankruptcy. This would pop the education bubble and close most liberal arts colleges within months. Tens of thousands of comfortable, secure professors and administrators would find themselves vomited into the lower middle classes. These newly down-class citizens would learn the true joys of diversity; not just the Indian doctor or the nice Korean couple in their former sub-division, but the mestizo family of 8 crammed into a 2 bedroom apartment next door, and the quaint section-8 land-monster with Gangster Disciple baby-daddy upstairs. You see, when Joe Bob or Jimbo have their factory outsourced or their livelihood destroyed by free-trade and mass immigration, well, that’s just creative destruction, which Tyler Cowan and the rest of the bunch at George Mason tells is is GOOD FOR THE ECONOMY. Let’s see what they think when their are fighting with Consuela and Latisha for scraps.
Liberals need to start reaping the f***** whirlwind.
here's what's so for me...
IF folk read about the goings ons of the panthers in their own words; they left MUCH to be desired.
but then i am a Blessed Black woman that does not worship at the forbidden BM idol so i have no qualms 'bout calling it. their colorism bothered me. that + embracing the crimes against humanity committing, BW practice raping, Cleaver cat;( it took YEARS for folk to cop to that + cut it out. so the Panthers got it comin' as far as i am concerned. soul on ice...
sympathy on ice.
ALL day.
to be fair, the panthers started out with Good intent, then spun out from there in a Yahless type of way.
this is what one may expect when folk are worshiping ONLY themselves. notice NOI has held firm 'cause at least they were bowing down to someone besides themselves. they were doing the most as well though. Malcolm X calling it caused all types of hail + cost him his life.
political prisoner.
i can see that.
35 years in solitary indicates mr cain is STILL in need of finding the human circle + joining it.
not holding my breath.
white folk INSIST on TELLING folk what is written in Scriptures. then they proceed to whiten + lie up a storm in the process.
since reading is no longer illegal...not sure how they continue to fool the sleeping Blessed Black masses.
it is as if white folk have NO clue they are Esau/Edomites, who Almighty hates, according to what is clearly written.
Romans 9:13- As it is written, Yacob/Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.
hated for precisely the type of behavior demonstrated throughout history + 'til this very day. look around the world if one has no clue. Esau/white folk STAY "discovering" the wealth/resources/lands of colored peoples. then swearing their brutalizing folk to take it= "civilized". the people of the lie, indeed.
not ALL white folk are guilty directly. indirectly- the argument could be made.
certainly the ones running things + making it possible for the arrogant deluded Edomites that show up with slurs, savagery + stupidity in their mouths on full display for all to see.
shout out to QLB:)!
scroll up if folk are confused by what i mean;(
cain's name fits him perfectly. and despite the white + brain wash; it is Edomites that bear the mark. they are minority paleness in a world of majority beautiful color. they stick out like a ghastly thumb in the sea of humanity.
+ where ever they go...
the wickedness, killing,thieving, raping, lying, pillaging and demonically racist behavior follows.
so whitening Messiah won't change what it is. those that don't read it for themselves will NEVER be the wiser.
what if i told folk not only did they paint Messiah white, but they changed His Name, too? would folk Believe me?
probably not.
so don't take my word for it. look it up for yourselves. just as Yahushua/Joshua NOT Moses led Yah's people, the Yahuthim, into the promised land the 1st time around...
on the take 2, it will be Yahushua/Joshua again. check your footnote:
KJV Hebrews 4:8
this is why Jewdeo Christianity is messing folk up. there are many sheep that have NO clue that Esau is shooting + pillaging their way across the promised land, as it is written. gentiles stomping around. these lost church folk are actually sending more $ in addition to all the $ the US gov't sends. to that demonically racist, ethnic cleansing, make SURE folk feel a stranger, apartheid state- thinking they are doing Yah's will;(
if Blessed Blacks tossed out everything Esau whitened + contaminated....
there would NOTHING left.
so it is truly CONVENIENT that Black folk hold fast to Esau's women, customs, education, a TRUE Love of ALL things White- while tossing Blessed Black Scriptures out.
stiff-necked, favored of Yah Almighty, called by His Name, Yahuthim- STILL haven't learned;(
since our forefathers refused to BOW DOWN to Him/His Word...
...we been bowed to Esau, our enemy who hates US with a burning passion ever since. just as described in Deuteronomy 28 where folk may find the curses AND the Blessings;)
just as WE Blessed Blacks catch hail for that which we did not do...
THIS is why Almighty has a special can of whoop ___________ on tap for these bold Esau/Edomite devils. the nice white lady's baby breaking the US is just the beginning. see it written ya'll- KJV Genesis 15:13-14 + other places as well;)
"it's not fair" we should pay for the sins of our fathers. we want ONLY the bloody spoils born of their savagery. this is OUR country. we want it back. whine whine Esau LOVES to whine..
Blessed Blacks, too. but hey:)
IF mankind must pay for the original sin + Blessed Blacks for the sin of our forefathers...
WHAT in the WORLD makes these folk truly Believe they got NOTHING coming?
must be that superior intelligence born of melanin deficiency on full display;( i truly pray more will quit it.
these bold ones had slave ships called J-sus + some mo'. boasting against the natural branches like THAT is permissible in His Word/Law.
i would NOT want to be ya Esau.
for Real.
not even in close proximity to the ones that think Almighty is a man that He should lie + hold fast to the GIANT/little white lie.
because i AM a Lawgiver from the tribe of Yahudah/Judah, seed of David...
as is Messiah...
a Blessed Black as well:
Genesis 49:8,10
8 Yahudah/Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father's children shall bow down before thee.
10 The sceptre shall not depart from Yahudah/Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.
despite being "jealous" of the Bible variety. Esau being UNworthy of Almighty, such a mockery they have made of Him/His Word among ALL nations of the earth, in my opinion.
but then...
i am but a sinner, too.
i will tell it 'cause THAT'S what He Chose/Called US to DO.
THIS is why we are Chosen. color matters NOT. which is why folk should just tell the Truth.
if not Chosen to give His Law... you know, i could fall in line with a solid SSSHHHH!!! on the subject;)
wicked snicker.
let these artificial intelligence, arrogant, nasty jokers get the spiritual smackdown that will feel like an ambush...since they too smart to read what is written. while they whiten + mind control the masses with the inverted/perverted/Book of Enoch white devil version.
ok. i'm back. lol.
but that is NOT permissible. + i am Called to Love the next. with a sad heart i tell folk:
Edomites got it coming. that would be the synagogue of satan, ssshhh!, we chosen just because, we don't even believe in Messiah nor share His Word, money changing Edomite, wish they were Hebrew, hates all nations + calls 'em goyim, imposters, too.
those that know Torah should have a clue. + must tell it at some point. for their people's sake.
Esau needs to WAKE UP!
just as the Blessed Blacks and ALL of humanity must...
this from last thread for those that wish to learn how to watch signs.
warning so that my conscience is clear:
it is wise to be prayed up. otherwise folk run the risk of being on a nice tight program;( that is what is meant when the researchers indicate material is "triggering"...
our gov't has spent a grip learning from the nazis how to perfect this madness, so think it a joke if just foolish. america + powerful political families were ALL the way down with the 3rd reich. BO= the 4th. heads up!
Blessings all!
Notice the apologists above for Mr. Cain?
The klan (and like-minded groups) are much more dangerous now than Panthers ever were. And if you believe that the New Black Panthers are a threat to anything other than good fashion sense, well then you watch way too much FOX Views.
Basic human decency is really hard to come by for some folks. Note the trolls who post here and on some other message boards like Yahoo. Some really sick people.
From Brother Field... "God needs ..........to look for new salespersons". Amen, Brother. There is no need to inject any comment on today's subject, this blogmaster covered it all. To blame us for violence and racism is like blaming Dorothy, the Lion and the Tin-man for the tornadoes.
If in fact we were violent or racist- we learned from the masters that to this day continue to invoke fear, racism and violence on this globe.
And no, I did not say "all white people were ...." but there are enough of Mr. Caines to continue to carry and infect younger generations as to the happenings of the past. And it is easy to keep this false historical litany by the actions of a few today.
I was there 1960s on. Our program was not motivated by violence and racism. Yes, some Black Panthers went outside the mission.... is not America's history full of Christians and others killing and etc. Are we to summate that the Christians are all killers?
I think Mr. Cain still have hate in his heart for the Black people in America standing up and saying very loud and clear,,,,, "No more..., we will not be beaten, jailed, shot and killed at your whim! I say Mr Cain is your classic racist carry-over from the past. 20-30 years in a job that changes and evolves frequently.
Brother Field, I know I said I was going to lay low today because you, as usual, "took care bizsness". Young whites can use this meanest of this Mr. Cain as a teaching moment. Just think this man harbors such distaste for a cause 50 years later, Can only SMH slowly.
FP, I was with you 'till you started quoting from the savage king james bible.
You are clearly whitewashed, however you claim everyone else is. On another thread, you went in on Alicia Keyes because she has a white mother. Did she ask to be half white? Did she choose the woman her father decided to lay down with? I would be willing to bet everything I own NO whites see her as white. And for the record, the vast majority of mixed race people identify as black because they know whites would never accept them as one of their own. A lot of mixed people get disowned by their own blood relatives because of this. You think you're so righteous and know so much, however much of the novels you post here daily (back to back) are grammatically correct but the content of your posts is usually questionable, on the border line of lunacy. You can have all the education in the world, yet lack any wisdom.
Next time you want to rail on gays, "nice white women's babies", or whoever doesn't fit in your "blessed black" box, I suggest you take a look in the mirror. You don't because you probably don't like what you see.
You can fool some of the people... oh, nevermind.
Good Day.
field negro said...
"Notice the apologists above for Mr. Cain? "
Just like we notice field refuses to talk about Kenny's crimes or his behavior in prison.
"The klan (and like-minded groups) are much more dangerous now than Panthers ever were."
Only in the minds of those who promote racial paranoia is this true.
But hey, it keeps the racial grievance industry flush with cash.
So do what you do.
"Basic human decency is really hard to come by for some folks. Note the trolls who post here and on some other message boards like Yahoo. Some really sick people"
Decency isn't a word one would associate with pilotx, purple cow or dr.queen.
A racial sickness has infected their hearts and minds. Love is the cure. All pilotx ,dr. queen and purple cow have to do is open their hearts and minds to love.
the KJV is not savage. the panel of european, lucifer loving masons that set about splicing, whitening, dicing, leavening + leveraging it for demonically racist practices were. much like they are now in large numbers.
though to be fair- KJames was a hateful homosexual like folk would not believe- however, he had to leave what's written pertaining to the practice in tact. even the devil must play by a certain set of rules. as it is written.
those seeking a heathen steez will find a way to justify it no matter what. IF giving His Word means folk can't hear- that will be fine, too. either way i will have done what i am Called to do. just as they have the Right to free will. which Almighty and i both respect.
you shoud go back and RE-read what was written pertaining to AKeys. my question was + is:
how is she "empowering" Blessed Black women? in between covering one eye and throwing her baphomet signs among other things. if she did NOT have a white mother, long ago folk would've blown her cover. chocolate sistas get Real dissed behind the messiness that folk seem to have missed with nice white lady's baby AK.
the fact that she is a white woman's baby getting all these props begs the question. like there are no two parent Blessed Black women to acknowledge that are the same shade as she even. whatever. the question stands. unanswered. so IF you want to step to me with an answer...
i am listening.
i Understand full well why white and the offspring of other nations just up and decide they are Blessed Black despite the facts. the history of this group is quite clear. so when pharrell starts his "new Black" crap and BO stays on the anti Black whack- you might be fooled. but i am not. the racist, invalid one drop rule means NOTHING to me. these folk flip flop around at will. look into their history + see the Blessed Black slaves they held. NO passes over here.
be clear: calling folk what they are does not mandate nor support mistreatment. NONE are to be made a stranger. calling things/people what they are= sound, sane behavior.
the Sword of the Spirit separates. i think it was meant to be that way. there is NO lukewarm allowed on EITHER side. folk act like they don't know there is a one world religion on tap with the one world order. those not bowing down to lucifer NOR Messiah, got a rude awakening coming. to put it mildly.
i just told/showed folk that it is clearly written that Esau- white folk- is hated for his wicked world wide ways. only a TRUE mind mangled by white supremacy SLAVE would take what the devil says...
over what is written.
Yah Almighty AND Messiah are BOTH Blessed Black according to what is written. read it for yourself. don't take my word. but here's whats so:
you can NOT say as a result of this exchange that you have never heard.
biracials need a box on government forms. they ALREADY segregate themselves whenever possible. they are not Black. if folk had told themselves the Truth about BO and this fact, a lot of this non stop shock could've been prevented.
we may agree to disagree.
Blessings and Good Day to you as well.
it should be noted that slavery is prohibited EXCEPT when one has been convicted of a crime...
there are new slaves on so many different levels.
wake up His People/my people.
ps. the white lady's baby, down low, bath house BO is a lucifer/A. Crowley loving, baphomet sign throwing, 'bout to cram homosexuality down the global community's throat, bad, demonic joke.
WHY Black folk holding onto him= ???!!! ALL day.
just NO self respect nor knowledge of self nor Him/His Word. the head wound riding around in a car named "the beast"...
okey doke. bad.joke.
but then Blessed Blacks don't even know who they are + are convinced that the Book which tells 'em is speaking about someone else.
crosses eyes.
as for the little hateful homo dig, imma let Mary J, two parent Black woman, break it down for ya. 'cause i MORE than like what i see, when i'm looking at me in the mirror:)
being a Natural, tribe of Yahudah/Judah Blessed Black woman. much hated PLUS emulated- by enemy womenfolk AND menfolk alike:)
bob your head + know THIS is what it is over here:
that should help you TRULY create a Good day, my friend. 'cause that's my plan...
Blessings all!
Trollbusters inc. said...
Next time you want to rail on gays, "nice white women's babies", or whoever doesn't fit in your "blessed black" box, I suggest you take a look in the mirror. You don't because you probably don't like what you see.
You can fool some of the people... oh, nevermind.
Good Day.
Aren't witches and vampires supposed to avoid mirrors??
focusedpurpose12:29 PMps. the white lady's baby, down low, bath house BO is a lucifer/A. Crowley loving, baphomet sign throwing, 'bout to cram homosexuality down the global community's throat, bad, demonic joke.WHY Black folk holding onto him= ???!!! ALL day.
Cause he's the President! He's half black and he made it! All the way to the presidency! That's an acheivement you fool!
What do you do? How do you represent? You fool! Never mind, don't answer that, probably too disgusting!
Cable News Diversity Really, Really Sucks. Here's One Example.
84 percent of all the guests included in the study were white. Rachel Maddow's show was the biggest offender, with only 6 percent of nonwhite guests
Rich white liberal on msnbc the worst offender of diversity?
No surprise to me.
Time for FN to write something about fox news.
lol @ Ms MPD @ 1:29pm.
moonwalking, back up dancing, piling on as per usual. since you and the wish all Blessed Black women would die out hateful homo have much in common. weren't you calling folk "nappy" like it's a bad thing? like you don't know it is written Almighty Himself is described as having hair like lambswool + burnt skin? this despite the Bible on your tablet;(
get hip to the programs and see why folk with your ever changing identity problems break mirrors;) + when QLB was handling your inferior intellect behind where was this hateful of Black womanhood homo then? wise or shut up. you are a source of shame. if both your parents are not Black...you, too, may go back to whoever is responsible for you. Blessed Blacks don't need you. folk ALREADY trying to stick US with down low, bath house, with holding foreign aid 'til folk embrace homosexuality BO;( among a grip of other devilish atrocities he has NO intention of stopping.
+ it is noted when folk attack Blessed Black women you start talking 'bout the women in your family. dum dum ditty! hear Aaron Hall's voice. lol. a throw back for the new jack swing music lovers.
as i administer the head crack to the defeated devil new jacks. running up on the Ancient like folk don't know. hateful homo homie called me "old". no boi, i AM Ancient. rolling with the Ancient of Ancients. write that down for future reference then move around. clown.
no witches, warlocks, wizards, nor vampires over here. though folk best Believe they are Real + running thangs from the highest places in gov't world wide. traced back to nimrod blood lines queen of england = no joke. while folk being dumb, playing + falling for the okey doke.
you MIGHT want to get hip. there are Righteous gays sounding the alarm. het BW need to protect themselves even with their husbands, let these hateful gremlins tell it. the hateful homo that keeps coming for me, knows full well that i know who he is. hiv and all. cried for this pitiful deceived deceitful joker, too. that's just how i do;( he has already said he wishes that Blessed Black women would die out. IF folk think demented souls like this won't TARGET married men to share the "gift" aka hiv, folk best think again. then these gremlins will turn right around and blame women for being dumb + not protecting themselves- with their husbands.
folk thought BW were just hiv+ for no reason? cue the uber racist sexual stereotypes! 'cause we know in amerikkka it tis ALWAYS for the season for THAT "tradition"...
here, let this righteous gay man tell ya Real simple self so you, too, may go sit it on down somewhere. hateful homo homie chose the toilet when i first invited him to go gingerly sit down somewhere. that's because he knows full well he is packed full of what folk usually sit on toilets to release. i never said toilet. though he does like to lie on me.
you, oh clueless one, may go sit where ever as well. if you shut it up, folk will have NO IDEA how few clues you possess.
skip the writing go for the videos in the links below Ms HE PUT A RING ON IT!
sidenote: how folk don't know Greek organizations = cover for gay sex in quite a few cases? crosses eyes. who but the Greeks were as gay as the day is long throughout history? and if Almighty said it is an abomination- folk 'bout to do it + Love it. new world order out of chaos ALL day.
which is fitting for those that refuse to Stand for anything. scary cowards heavy laden with a spirit of fear. folk 'bout to fall for it ALL.
for the longest this blogger and i did not agree on the biracial topic. i been holding firm waiting for others to catch + clue up to what i am speaking on. it's ok...
throughout history those Blessed like me have had hail to pay for trying to speak into the listening of those moving at a different pace. ALL Glory to Almighty Yah for revealing His mysteries to me!
call me WHATEVER but i WILL be lifting Him/His Word up. you defeated devils would do well to go somewhere and shut it on up. 'cause hell will freeze over before i have breath in my body and stop. with no breath left is the only way it will stop. if i have life...i will write. bank on THAT defeated devils trying to take out humanity!
this brilliant Muslim mind has been changed after some of the behind the scenes shenanigans have been revealed. it doesn't matter how folk come into the Truth to me. just come on in...
namely this:
"Second, I’ve changed my mind and concluded that the vast majority of AABW can’t afford any attempts at nuance when considering biracial issues. For the sake of younger AABW’s mental health, ALL biracials (whether they’re individually loyal to AA Blacks or not) must be removed from our “African-American Black” category and placed in a totally separate category."
she is an atty + biz owner so that you might respect the Truth when she says it. i didn't need to attend law school to see clearly. ALL Praise and Glory to Yah! confounding the so called wise in Real time. i'd hate me too if i were you dr MPD;(
Ms HE PUT A RING ON IT! aka dr MPD (multiple personality disorder) doesn't like Blessed Black women. so tossing your ignint behind into the biracial category would suit me just fine. i am sure you would be pleased as pudding.
win. mf'ing (slave term used appropriately) win.
let others own the nonstop stupid you post in public then talk 'bout "degrees" like THAT makes it Good sense.
btw did you ever find out that cannibis is Yah sanctioned food + the cure for cancer and a host of other ailments? or is your dim light bulb self STILL "researching" aka NO CLUE?
i got work to do...so i will tap out of this silliness. this way ya'll can marinate in all the defeated BW hate. the bitter cup WILL pass from the true daughters of Sion-Blessed Black women- as it is written.
Yah would not want me to spend my time arguing with stupid. what did good 'ole, witty, rabidly racist Mark Twain say?
"Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."
so you and the hateful homo that just WON'T let it go... got it. have fun with it.
MUAH! to my haters/enemies. ya'll can do nothing with me but BOW DOWN. 'cause THAT'S what written. + i Loves yous anyways and ain't NOTHING you can do 'bout it:)
for Real.
ps. the hoodwinked Christians may hush, too.
i AM Hebrew.
curling up in the fetal position when confronted by the defeated devil is NOT what we do. peep Torah if you think i joke. if anything...pray for me as i for you. time for His to get Bold, too.
Blessings in Abundance all!
so if he ignores Black folk TO DEATH, who cares, Right?
your name is fitting.
truly done. too much concentrated dumb to wade through today over here in the fields.
be glad this is a Spiritual run this time around. 'cause you the slave that would've got the Harriet Tubman pistol head whack on the 1st run for freedom.
and i don't know how to act. i'd pistol whip ya 'til your eyeball popped out for being so dumb + in the way when folk trying to make a run for freedom...calling yourself a MANgina. just as confused as the day is long.
Shenaynay said:
Aren't witches and vampires supposed to avoid mirrors??
And aren't you supposed to be getting a degree you liar?
STFU and mind your damn business you loon. You're the LAST person who should be talking here Shee-naynay.
@ 2:12pm-
i do all in my Power to shine His Light that the sleepers might awake.
let me back it up with you and give you a little assignment if you care for a clue...
look outside of msm. go to foreign publications...
then see how many Black and Brown folk have perished on the white lady's baby BO's watch. THE ONLY reason Blessed Blacks DON'T howl LOUD is because they stupidly misidentify that person as Black man. despite the birthed by white folk, raised by white folk, educated by white folk background.
IF it were a white man reaking devilish havoc on the world, Black folk would notice + speak out.
i am ashamed of my people for this. CLEARLY despite all the "education" folk didn't bother to read the reports which CLEARLY state that the enemy knows we will take anything...
as long as it is delivered by Black men.
and we do.
folk will come with ANY excuse before they will just plain call it. BW don't enjoy this type of protection. which is why putting BM in dresses = the natural progression.
there are additional cages built ALREADY for what is on tap for the american people once they get folks' guns + don't have to worry about being shot at aka being in a fight. the devil likes for folk just to lie down and take it. those gobbling the Bible the way the devil feeds it, can't wait to comply.
just as in other parts of the world when this went down- check the history, nothing new under the sun...
it seems like folk won't know until it is too late. 'ole boy BO is gunning for the internet also. this madness is scheduled to go next level. in our lifetimes. while the child like sleeping Blessed Blacks act like they have no clues;(
i am not a white supremacist. but sometimes the pure uncut, child like dumbness coming from the Blessed Black camp makes it Real hard to argue with these rabidly racist book of Enoch devils;(
Blessed Blacks MUST wake up!
Awww fp! Like yo momma pistol whipped you? Haha i think you need a little mangina! C'mon fess up admit it yiu need some good mangina to sweeten you up. Wanna piece o me huh, huh? Lolol!
I insist fp, you want some o' this? lol! Thers some mighty sweet mangina a waitn fer ya!
28 YEARS in solitary confinement?
now run that definition of "cruel and unusual punishment" by me one more time, please...
FP said:
"the racist, invalid one drop rule means NOTHING to me."
Well AK has 50 drops (50%) so what would you call her? whites certainly won't call her white.
"biracials need a box on government forms. they ALREADY segregate themselves whenever possible. they are not Black. if folk had told themselves the Truth about BO and this fact, a lot of this non stop shock could've been prevented."
They do need a separate box...because of people like you.
Most biracials don't segregate themselves, they're usually picked on by blacks and discriminated against by whites. And if they are segregated, it's probably because they feel like they don't fit in anywhere.
"ps. the white lady's baby, down low, bath house BO is a lucifer/A. Crowley loving, baphomet sign throwing, 'bout to cram homosexuality down the global community's throat, bad, demonic joke."
I definately agree with you here. He's a puppet put up by his masters. He is no different from any of the other tyrants/dictators we've had over the years.
"WHY Black folk holding onto him= ???!!! ALL day. "
I don't hold onto him. There are plenty of black folks who know what time it is, you just need to get out more. I knew exactly he was gonna do to us once he got in the chair, which is nothing. Most black people (including myself) voted for him because he was the lesser of two evils, he's democrat and black(ish).
Any one who voted for him thinking he would do something for black people is delusional.
I saw a doc. about this cain guy on the discovery channel. The way his prison looks and the way the inmates act/talk you would think he actually had a conscience. He's a lying, torturous, racist piece of shit (like I figured he was). I remember when I watched that doc the inmates all acted quiet and docile, quite the opposite of what you would expect to see at a prison full of hardened criminals. I kept thinking to myself...something's not right.
After reading this it all makes sense now. They were probably putting on a show for the camera out of fear of retribution.
In other news...Field it looks like the courts are going to Strip ...ACA/Obamacare down to Single Payer ..eventually ....Looks like the subsidies can only be for state sponsored exchanges ...
Didn't I say that Single Payer was needed back in 2009??
O shouldve went to the table with "Single Payer" or Nothing....
Slice , and dice until Single Payer is here.....
Carry on...
Nope, The Black Panther Party was not a terrorist group. In fact, they contributed greatly to the Black community. If J Edgar Hoover would have left them alone, the Black community would have been in better shape than it is today.
The Black Panther Party campaigns were not only revolutionary but effective means for combating drugs, violence, and brutality in the inner city. The mass organization of Blacks provided them with a renewed sense of self-reliance. Many of the programs created by the BPP to help address issues created by the inherent inequality in the Black community were later emulated by the American government. These programs, such as free school lunches and health care for the poor are still active in some forms today.
Top Contributions of the Black Panther Party
The Black Panther Party believed in an approach that highlighted “serving the people.” This key concept was at the root of the BPP’s philosophies and beliefs. The BPP believed in a shared experience with the Black masses. Rather than operate as a separate, distant entity, the BPP mobilized throngs of Black Americans by living with them, experiencing their trials, and dealing with the daily struggles of Blacks in America. No other group was more concerned with creating solutions from the inside. This made the BPP appear more relevant and in touch with the harsh realities of living Black in America. Many of the programs implemented by the BPP emphasized community and togetherness. Rallies, community service, and strikes were an effective part of the BPP’s plan for action. They also used these mass meetings to further educate Black Americans on their beliefs concerning Black liberation and provided inspiration for those involved with the struggle. Their campaigns were not only revolutionary but effective means for combating drugs, violence, and brutality in the inner city. The mass organization of Blacks provided them with a renewed sense of self-reliance. Many of the programs created by the BPP to help address issues created by the inherent inequality in the Black community were later emulated by the American government. These programs, such as free school lunches and health care for the poor are still active in some forms today.
Promoting Equality for Women
Equality for women was another radical initiative put in place during the height of the Black Panther Party. The organization believed in the capabilities of women and valued them for their contributive worth.
Below is a list of 20 survival programs, compiled by Stanford University students, started by the Black Panther Party. There were many more.
1. Alameda County Volunteer Bureau Work Site
2. Benefit Counseling
3. Black Student Alliance
4. Child Development Center
5. Consumer Education Classes
6. Community Facility Use
7. Community Health Classes
8. East Oakland CIL (Center for Independent Living) Branch
9. Community Pantry (Free Food Program)
10. Drug/Alcohol Abuse Awareness Program
11. Drama Classes
12. Disabled Persons Services/Transportation and Attendant
13. Drill Team
14. Employment Referral Service
15. Free Ambulance Program
16. Free Breakfast for Children Programs
17. Free Busing to Prisons Program
18. Free Clothing Program
19. Free Commissary for Prisoners Program
20. Free Dental Program
The Black Panther Party combated the racist oppression of White America and fought actively to change the twisted institutions that allowed Blacks to suffer constant abuse at the hands of others. The Black Panther Party permanently shifted the climate of American life during the sixties and their impact extends to the present time. Their efforts contributed greatly to our status today as a civil, tolerant, fair nation for minorities even though there are still strides to be made toward the freedom of Black Americans.
Influence and Inspiration of Other Oppressed Groups
America’s social scene was wrought with contradictions and class conflicts were prevalent. Minority populations, including Mexicans, Chinese, and Puerto Ricans also faced issues of discrimination and inequality. Inspired by the zeal and apparent effectiveness of Black Panther Party efforts, these groups started their own resistance efforts. This suggests the sheer universality of the BPP vision. The Chinese created a group in the San Francisco Bay Area called the Red Guard. The Gray Panthers, as funny as the name sounds, were concerned with the human and civil rights of seniors in the community. Puerto Ricans in the northern US founded the Young Lords. Mexican Americans came together to form a group known as the Brown Berets. Needless to say the impact of the BPP spread across the entire nation. The increased action helped promote an environment ripe for party growth as the BPP expanded as well. There were BPP chapters in 48 states. Soon, international populations in Japan, England, Mozambique, China, Israel, Uruguay, and South Africa also started groups focused on the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Movement.
The Black Panther Party and their philosophies of revolution helped bring forth the plights which Black Americans faced. They encouraged the protection and preservation of human rights, the significance of cultural pride, and the importance of service to those in impoverished communities. Their theories concerning self-defense were at the time radical and their rhetoric in establishing a “by any means necessary” attitude helped mobilize ultimately, millions of people. The Black Panther Party made major contributions to society and their legacy helps inspire others to stay cognizant of the issues facing Blacks in America. Although their efforts were ultimately thwarted due to poor execution of some of their plans, the spirit of their philosophy remains a beacon for social resistance and activism.
The Black Panther Party believed in a ten point program that outlined the primary goals and mission of the entire organization. Whether they achieved all these goals is irrelevant. The fact remains that their ten point program enlightened the community and nation at large of the needs of the Black Community. The list is highlighted below in its entirety. It provides a foundation for the Black Panther Party philosophy.
We want freedom.
We want full employment for our people.
We want an end to the robbery by the capitalists of our black and oppressed communities.
We want decent housing, fit for the shelter of human beings.
We want decent education for our people…
We want completely free health care for all black and oppressed people
We want an immediate end to police brutality…
We want an immediate end to all wars of aggression
We want freedom for all black and oppressed people now held in U.S. federal, state, county, city and military prisons and jails…
We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice, peace and people’s community control of modern technology.
"when QLB was handling your inferior intellect behind where was this hateful of Black womanhood homo then? wise or shut up. you are a source of shame."
FP sis, why must you bring out the comedy while I'm still at work?
I shouldn't even laugh. That hot mess performance was not funny at all, I read all of it last night. I'm always for playfulness, but with all her edumacation and her special ring, she still allowed that banal QLB to throw her silly self overboard. I felt so bad for her, someone should have sent out a dinghy for the dingy.
4:01 pm said: "I insist fp, you want some o' this? lol! Thers some mighty sweet mangina a waitn fer ya!"
FP you really hit a nerve some threads back didn't you (lol). Is this the same friendly homo? Sounds like one of those friendly Transgender folks talking about his pulled back mangina. Which is it, gay dude or bisexual dude in a dress? He didn't get a big enough rush listening to women folk tinkle in the female restroom, so now he wanna subject us to his little mangled mangina. Hell in a hand basket here we come.
The New Black Panthers is an entirely different group from the original Black Panther Party, and they haven't bombed or committed any mass killings of citizens far as I know. However, I do not keep up with them.
Hey TrollyBurgundy,
I pray that all is well with you and your loved ones and that you're being abundantly blessed.
All is well with me and mine. I've been enjoying family this summer, so I've been on the go here lately going to different family functions and events. Therefore, I haven't been keeping up with any of the blogs. When I read or watch the news, it is so much evil going on in the world, until I dread reading or watching it now.
Anyway, I pray that all of you have a pleasant summer.
@Field, Kevin has more than one time slot on TV now called American Court.
Well, I'm out. I have a lot to do today.
Trollbuster said: " Did she ask to be half white? Did she choose the woman her father decided to lay down with?"
Due to colorism and being female, I'm sure there were times she benefited from being "half white", especially being among black people. So the "being picked on by blacks" argument is always notwithstanding to me.
"And for the record, the vast majority of mixed race people identify as black because they know whites would never accept them as one of their own."
So if most of them were able to choose being white or Asian etc. and get away with, believe me they would. What does that say about "blackness"? So until then, I guess black people must always be the prideless dumping grounds for anyone who needs a warm fuzzy home.
Hey Granny, I've been around off and on myself. I'm doing just great, so much going on it has me so busy :) Please enjoy your family and your summer! Big hugs.
@ the soul self labelled MANgina-
take that madness to SFran or to the ATL. you will fare much better + meet with success sooner.
@ Trollbusters Inc. - a white parent giving you birth- not way back in the family tree, but gave you birth= NOT Black. you know this. mixed Pharell's new Black be danged.
biracials need their own box because it is fact. they play both sides of the fence anyway. usually to the detriment of Blessed Black folk. take a look at their Black slave holding history + BO then come to grips with the wisdom inherent in calling things what they are.
you may continue to pretend that ALL pale Blacks + biracials are the VICTIMS all the time if the Truth is just not in you.
i have never stood for injustice and would not ever just watch it go down. i have seen the color caste system enforced by mixed race folk/pale Blacks with two parents against deep chocolate Blessed Blacks. just as i have seen deep chocolate Blessed Blacks misdirect their frustration/anger with the same color caste system at innocent pale two Black parent/mixed raced folk.
i don't stand for any of it in my presence. what you Believe = your personal business.
i have spent considerable time around mixed race folk. they, like standard white folk will say out their mouths that they don't consider me to be Black. this ignorance i chalk up to their white parent. so i don't hold it against them;) let's just say THIS is why i recognized the Blessed Blacks are the enemy Sterling VS mistress lady. her tape dissing Black folk did NOT shock me. i have personally had to check straight up demonic racism from folk with a dark as night Black parent. oftentimes they learned their hatred of Blackness from him before he peaced out.
to be fair, as BW catch up with the mate out practices...i am sure there will be some folk with Black mommas that are also haters of Blackness. that's only logical. we turn these Black hating boogers out when all parties involved are Black;(
folk ONLY seem able to talk about the deep chocolate Blessed Black womenfolk as perpetrators of the slave mentality, color caste wickedness.
i would ask why...but i already get it.
you STILL did not unveil the mystery:
WHAT is AK DOING that would have folk think she is "empowering" Blessed Black women? what memo did i miss?
'cause when Blessed Black women used to be allowed to represent Blessed Black women in the music industry- Karyn White was clear that she was NOT a superwoman. AK is on some brand new nonsense with hers. throwing her signs to show she is repping the devil like the rest of the souled out puppets.
again...IF folk need to tell that lie, throw bouncy Beyonce up there. not too much of a difference in color. same lie. less offensive to me as a Black woman. Black women birth the Black nation. NOT white and other women. period.
don't expect my cooperation as folk seek to erase US. it won't be happening any time soon.
Blessings to you.
C'mon fp! Bow down to a little mangina will ya! c'mon momma, you like being called momma? :)
Bow down and bob that head! ;D
Anonymous Sweet mangina said...
Awww fp! Like yo momma pistol whipped you? Haha i think you need a little mangina! C'mon fess up admit it yiu need some good mangina to sweeten you up. Wanna piece o me huh, huh? Lolol!
Take a LOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGG bath when you're done.
Better yet, I'll send you some of the stuff used in surgery pre-op.
anyone voting for the lesser of two evils= delusional. with all due respect. the Black community is jam packed with these folk.
do the math. folk STILL got evil brought to you by the same evil source.
speak from your experience with the get out more little quip. folk were ready to fight when back in the day i spoke it straight up. past a certain point, i have just taken to blinking at folk that still seem rather lost. folk thought it my "obligation as a Black woman" to play along with the nonsense. support that Black man! demanded i visit websites + some mo'.
what about Black folk truly work on coming out from among them? THERE'S a thought!
we's will DIE without white folk!
crosses eyes.
@ Granny- some of the Panthers WERE terrorizing Black women. they count to me. not knocking the other contributions. them delving into criminality made it possible for them to be neutralized. when Black people start owning their madness, things will change. constantly making excuses hurts Blacks more than anyone else really. notice the excuses are only made when it comes to Black men?
LOL! sis, have you ever had so much work to do you just don't know where to start breaking it down? that's where i am.
even as i type i am deconstructing the elephant of a task before me;)
so i come over here and try to gain insight, drop Knowledge + get a laugh from the witty ones that come through.
i had mercy on dr MPD when QLB was gnawing that ignint Black behind like only a rabid racist can. made no mention of the latest alter/personality switch. though i noted it and was like REALLY?! LOL! an enemy of my enemy = my friend. even if the script needs to flip the next day. lol. she is SUCH a silly rabbit. Bless her Yah. Bless her.
yep to your observation...
the wishes all BW would die out hot mess homo that started the war he can NOT win is STILL talking 'bout AB even. just constipated on ALL levels. unable to let go and move on to save his little life. lying on me. trying to tell me what i can and cannot say. like his rights are that special. clearly missing hot tea that has looong been spilled on 'ole thinks denigrating Harriet Tubman = funny R Simmons + some mo'. i am committed to taking it somewhat easy on him though. all things considered. it is my prayer that he will just go on somewhere and obsess on someone else. i would prefer to be left in Peace. he will not EVER successfully censor me. it's not even personal for me.
a solid observation on how folk think Black folk are the dumping ground for whatever other self respecting nations have no interest in. if i told you white folk wrote down their marveling at how Black folk boast of their bastardy would you Believe me? self respecting people DON'T do this.
again, i think that ALL folk should be treated with respect. calling things what they are does not infringe on this at all.
Blessings to you sis! always Good to see you:)
lol @ dr MPD. just not on my level no matter how long you sit in class.
sweetie, you ms HE PUT A RING ON IT...you might want to run get things checked out or slather your man down on the regular. OR do you think, not my man? lol. i got THE Good Black man with NO options. which is plausible;) the chicks that stay in the books are NOT known for looks. you missed the personality + natural intellect, too. awww.
okey doke. back to work. i will get dumber + run the risk of going to hell if not;(
Barack sent 10 mil to CPS to bolster the Brother's Keeper program. It will go to the sports mentoring component and for one on one math tutoring. I'll be keeping an eye on the latter because imho that might just be what the doctor ordered. Get kids better at math and strengthen the curricula and we may have a winner.
So Bill, you support the pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine, now?
Get kids better at math and strengthen the curricula and we may have a winner.
A significant portion of the jobs "of the future" are math based, so this is a good idea for a program. Just 25 years late, but better late, than never!!
Yep, more than 25 years late.
"So until then, I guess black people must always be the prideless dumping grounds for anyone who needs a warm fuzzy home."
Ouch. Couldn't it be bi-racial people are proud of their Black heritage?
"The New Black Panthers is an entirely different group from the original Black Panther Party, and they haven't bombed or committed any mass killings of citizens far as I know. However, I do not keep up with them."
Nobody but Fox News does.
"Rich white liberal on msnbc the worst offender of diversity?"
Let's see, Rev Al has a show, Joy Reid has a show, Melissa Harris Perry has a show, Tamran Hall has a show, TJ Holmes is a host, Karen Finney has a show. How many people of color have a show on Fox??????
In the wake of a Malaysia Airlines jetliner crash, Fox News has rushed to conveniently rewrite history to disparage President Obama by drawing false comparisons to former President Ronald Reagan's response to a 1983 attack on a Korean airliner. The reactions of many Fox figures praising Reagan stood in stark contrast with that of Fox's Chris Wallace, who accurately noted Reagan's apparent reluctance to cut short his vacation in order to address the issue.
A Malaysia Airlines jetliner exploded and crashed on July 17, carrying 298 people. The New York Times reported the plane was allegedly shot down by what "American officials described as a Russian-made antiaircraft missile," adding that the crash elevated tensions between Ukraine and Russia over the insurgency in eastern Ukraine "into a new international crisis." Obama addressed the event on July 18, calling the deaths of innocent people an "outrage of unspeakable proportions."
On the heels of the plane explosion, Fox News has rushed to disparage Obama for continuing his planned fundraising trip in the immediate aftermath of the tragedy, drawing comparisons to Reagan's initial response to a Korean Air passenger jet downed by the Soviet Union in 1983.
In fact, Reagan initially sent aides to respond to the attack on the airliner, waiting four days before delivering the speech condemning the Soviet Union that is now being lauded by many pundits at Fox News.
Fox's Wallace pushed back against his network peers, noting that "sometimes the best thing presidents can do is nothing, to continue on." He continued, noting that Reagan had to be persuaded to leave his ranch and return to Washington for a speech that came four days after the attack (emphasis added):
Granny wrote,
We want freedom.
We want full employment for our people.
We want an end to the robbery by the capitalists of our black and oppressed communities.
We want decent housing, fit for the shelter of human beings.
We want decent education for our people…
We want completely free health care for all black and oppressed people
We want an immediate end to police brutality…
We want an immediate end to all wars of aggression
We want freedom for all black and oppressed people now held in U.S. federal, state, county, city and military prisons and jails…
We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice, peace and people’s community control of modern technology.
In other words, more "gigs me," EBT cards, section 8 housing and Obama phones. Typical.
WALLACE: I know there's like an immediate reaction, that you want to say he should have run back to Washington and gone back to the Situation Room. I know that a lot of folks at Fox here are saying that. As somebody who covered the White House and saw for six years Ronald Reagan in various situations, sometimes the best thing presidents can do is nothing, to continue on. If he had gone back to Washington and gone to the situation room -- first of all, there's not much he can do, we're not in control of the situation. And it would have dialed it up.
WALLACE: I was covering Ronald Reagan at that time. He was in Santa Barbara at his ranch when that happened, and quite frankly he didn't want to leave. And his advisers realized how terrible this looked, and eventually persuaded him he had to fly back to Washington and had to give this speech to the nation, but it did take him four days.
field negro said...
So Bill, you support the pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine, now?
Of course not.
I understand that when "evidence" goes missing there is a reason.
Do you believe there was nothing taken from from the crash site because it is so similar to the fact that of all millions of backed up irs emails the ones needed went missing situation?
Like Judge Judy says, it doesn't pass the smell test.
Hey, have you ever thought about getting a judge show and handing out some rough philly justice FN style?
"In other words, more "gigs me," EBT cards, section 8 housing and Obama phones. Typical."
Typical of what?
"Hey, have you ever thought about getting a judge show and handing out some rough philly justice FN style?"
Have you ever thought of STFU and not posting dumb shit?
"but it did take him four days."
Field was right.
Bill is a liar wrote,
Let's see, Rev Al has a show, Joy Reid has a show, Melissa Harris Perry has a show, Tamran Hall has a show, TJ Holmes is a host, Karen Finney has a show. How many people of color have a show on Fox??????
Fox has ratings, MSNBC doesn't.
"At this point, Speakes was interrupted and asked if Reagan was going back to Washington. He ignored the question and read a statement on the Middle East. Asked again if Reagan was going back to Washington, Speakes answered, "There are no plans for the president to return to Washington earlier than anticipated."
Speakes walked away from the podium and then came back to take questions. He announced, as he does every day in California, what Reagan intended to do that day: "The president, as usual, is planning at horseback ride this morning and will generally work around the ranch in the afternoon. The weather there is as it is here, sunny and warm."
"Fox has ratings, MSNBC doesn't."
Of course, racists have to watch something. Do you watch Fox?
"Field was right."
Will Kinky admit he was wrong and Field was right?
The preliminary Monday qualification rounds for the Chicago gang bangers led to one dead and 6 wounded for a slow shooting Monday. Nevertheless oddsmakers say at least even money for the ongoing Chiraq shit show to claim at least 50 lives for the month.
FP-"then see how many Black and Brown folk have perished on the white lady's baby BO's watch. THE ONLY reason Blessed Blacks DON'T howl LOUD is because they stupidly misidentify that person as Black man. despite the birthed by white folk, raised by white folk, educated by white folk background."
Yes, my sister, you are exactly right. It is frightening that our people can't 'see' what's right in front of their eyes.
FP-"IF it were a white man reaking devilish havoc on the world, Black folk would notice + speak out."
You had better believe it. Field would be all over that wm, post after post, after post. Somehow, evil done by a bm is not seen. It gets a pass...the wrongs of O become twisted into he-had-no-choice-righteousness. Hence, evil becomes acceptable and justified.
FP-*"i am ashamed of my people for this. CLEARLY despite all the "education" folk didn't bother to read the reports which CLEARLY state that the enemy knows we will take anything...
as long as it is delivered by Black men.
and we do."*
My dear Sister, forgive me for putting asterisks around your comment. But it is such a profound truth about us today. So much has gone down in denying the truth re: Obama... I am afraid we don't know the truth any more, even though it is staring us in the face. We are such a delusional race. Looking at our history, beginning with slavery, I wonder if we 'ever' recovered from the evil denigration from slavery. I still wonder if it is possible to recover from the dark evil brutality, that has mentally, psychologically and Spiritually damaged our ancestors and us? It is such an outrageous insult to not only our human dignity but to the corrupt perpetrators as well.
That self-defeating, low self-esteem crap is rooted in the depths of our psyche. This crap gets passed down generation after generation so much that it has become 'normal'. And when it becomes normal, it becomes damn near undetectable. No man made laws can uproot it....humanized laws are virtually powerless against it destroying it.
NO AMOUNT of 'higher' education from higher White Universities can eradicate and uproot it. White intellectuals simply become highly educated racists. Black intellectuals simply become highly educated blind men to their detriment.
In other words, people can be educated and still feed the racist system against Blacks--both Blacks and Whites. We all seem to be caught in a trap we cannot spring.
I like the word you used to describe our dilemma: "misidentify"...THAT is our problem. We have made a giant mistake in identity about BO!
Make no mistake, BO has shown again and again, that Blacks are irrelevant to him...he doesn't give a damn about us. However, that's not our REAL problem. Our problem, at ALL levels of education and income levels is mistake in identity! Our folks DON'T see who O really is. What we 'see' is someone we crave for, and have 'longed' for, for centuries.
There is something very weird about all that is going on for us and our failure to turn away from Obama....It feels dark and foreboding to me.
This is a deeply Spiritual problem. It's waaay beyond any 'human' logic and reason.
Thank you for 'bringing it' to FN.:)
Yīshēng said...
Get kids better at math and strengthen the curricula and we may have a winner.
A significant portion of the jobs "of the future" are math based, so this is a good idea for a program. Just 25 years late, but better late, than never!!
If it's blacks being good at math your waiting for, that would be "never".
"If it's blacks being good at math your waiting for, that would be "never".
If it's white assholes getting a college degree and not spewing racist shit while living in their mother's/girlfriend's trailer that would be always.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"If it's blacks being good at math your waiting for, that would be "never".
If it's white assholes getting a college degree and not spewing racist shit while living in their mother's/girlfriend's trailer that would be always.
How is it racist when the facts speak for themselves? In just about every metric Blacks perform dismally in math with the "achievement gap" widening. But hey as Jesse says, "keep hope alive."
"How is it racist when the facts speak for themselves? In just about every metric Blacks perform dismally in math with the "achievement gap" widening. But hey as Jesse says, "keep hope alive."
Which is why the money was diverted to create one on one tutoring. It IS racist to assume that the problem isn't bad schools but a genetic predisposition to be bad at math. If you had a college degree and half a grain of sense you'd know the answer to your own question.
Do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?
Anon wrote,
Which is why the money was diverted to create one on one tutoring. It IS racist to assume that the problem isn't bad schools but a genetic predisposition to be bad at math.
So your people get one on one tutoring but the rest of the world doesn't. And you're talking about a lack of genetic predispositions? It's sort of like an education EBT card.Typical.
"So your people get one on one tutoring but the rest of the world doesn't. And you're talking about a lack of genetic predispositions? It's sort of like an education EBT card.Typical."
Lots of people get tutoring. Why make this about color? Unless you are a racist. Are you a racist QLB?
Do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?
You never answer any questions QLB. Do you believe Black people have a predisposition to lack skills in math?
Anonymous said...
You never answer any questions QLB. Do you believe Black people have a predisposition to lack skills in math?
Well you tell me. The achievement gap is clearly there and at all levels from basic schooling to advanced STEM. Lets put some of those analytical skills to work. You have only a few variables here, race, culture, something unknown or a combination of the three. Blaming YT doesn't count. Of course James Watson who knows more about DNA than just about human on the planet would think it race. I have a number of theories. Yet the bottom line is your people don't perform despite time and money spent trying to do so.
So your people get one on one tutoring but the rest of the world doesn't. And you're talking about a lack of genetic predispositions? It's sort of like an education EBT card.Typical.
It's not that the rest of the world doesn't get tutoring. It's that your kind of people would rather invest in pick-up trucks than pay for tutors.
But that's okay by me, because not only do my Asian, Black, and non-PWT White costumers pay well for my company's tutoring services, they pay ON TIME!!!!
Of course James Watson who knows more about DNA than just about human on the planet would think it race.
Rosalind Franklin was the brains IHAT idea, idiot! And you call yourself a woman?
A college graduate would have KNOWN that especially a WOMAN!!!!!
Yisheng wrote,
But that's okay by me, because not only do my Asian, Black, and non-PWT White costumers pay well for my company's tutoring services, they pay ON TIME!!!!
Too bad they don't have to pay for results because the facts speak for themselves. You'd be paying them. Hell of a mentoring job you're doing there. Did you ever get around to explaining the decreasing and dismal lack of matriculation in US medical schools or did you just lmao forget about that?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
You never answer any questions QLB. Do you believe Black people have a predisposition to lack skills in math?
Well you tell me. The achievement gap is clearly there and at all levels from basic schooling to advanced STEM. Lets put some of those analytical skills to work. You have only a few variables here, race, culture, something unknown or a combination of the three. Blaming YT doesn't count. Of course James Watson who knows more about DNA than just about human on the planet would think it race. I have a number of theories. Yet the bottom line is your people don't perform despite time and money spent trying to do so.
9:27 PM
I find it interesting that so many Negroes think you are uneducated, yet so many FN Negroes ask you questions as though you are an expert. They want to know what you think about them.
If you are positive, FN Negroes will feel good about themselves and won't bother you.
If you are negative they will feel bad about themselves but will seek your approval 'forever'.
Yisheng wrote,
Rosalind Franklin was the brains IHAT idea, idiot! And you call yourself a woman?
A college graduate would have KNOWN that especially a WOMAN!!!!!
The first paragraph is very debatable and she was dead before the nominating committee met. Besides Watson said in an ideal world she deserved the prize. It also means nothing to our discussion. Nada. Watson statement about Blacks is only an expert's opinion. BTW I'm not a woman you miserable fool.
PS: 99% of those walking the Harvard Yard would not who know or care who Rosalind Franklin was.
BTW I'm not a woman.......
Yeah...........right..........sure.................whatever you say "dude", ROTFL!!!!!!!!
"Yet the bottom line is your people don't perform despite time and money spent trying to do so."
Ok, I asked if YOU think Black folks are genetically inferior QLB. I asked a simple question.
BTW, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?
"I find it interesting that so many Negroes think you are uneducated, yet so many FN Negroes ask you questions as though you are an expert. They want to know what you think about them."
Nobody gives a shit what you think. If QLB wants to dig holes for herself let her and mind your own business asshole.
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