It was written over at Huffington Post by Robert Kuttner ( I hope Arianna paid the author) and it is cut and paste worthy.
The recipe of Reagan and both Bushes has been to weaken government, undermine the regulation of market excesses, attack core social insurance programs, tilt the tax system away from the wealthy and towards the middle class, gut the safeguards that protect workers on the job, make college ever more unaffordable, and appoint judges who undermine democracy itself.
That stuff is not exactly popular. Yet Democrats seem largely unable to convert Republican elitism to their advantage. And despite some phony populist trappings, every conceivable Republican candidate for 2016 is even further to the right than Reagan and the Bushes.
If the Republican formula had improved the economy, voters might say that, well, maybe the rich got richer but other folks did okay too; and you could understand why Republicans gained ground among working people. But that's not what happened.
Between the Reagan presidency and 2008, average economic performance was only so-so and the rich got nearly all the gains, the exception being the middle and late 1990s under Bill Clinton. The economy, you'll recall, crashed on the watch of George W. Bush, as the result of conservative policies that liberated Wall Street to have its way with the rest of the economy.
So, why is there not a groundswell of support for Democrats? Why don't people grasp their own economic interests?
The usual answers include the fact that the recovery under Obama has been weak; that the Affordable Care Act backfired; that there is a backlash among socially conservative white voters who resent everything from Obama's race to the sense that he is too indulgent of immigrants; the usual litany of complaints against Democrats on such social issues as guns, God and gays; and the fact that the Tea Parties have devised a kind of rightwing populism.
But it seems to me that the Democrats' problems run deeper.
Ever since Franklin Roosevelt, the core Democratic proposition has been that regular people need government to offset the power of business elites and the injustices and inefficiencies of a capitalist economy. But that premise has been tarnished -- perhaps fatally weakened -- in three mutually reinforcing respects.
First, Republicans have succeeded in blocking Democrats from pursuing the sort of policies and programs that make a positive difference in the lives of working Americans. New programs that have made it through Congress despite Republican stonewalling, such as the Affordable Care Act, are typically so burdened with fatal compromises -- diversion of funds from Medicare, excess subsidies to drug and insurance companies, cumbersome bureaucratic compliance requirements -- that they give government (and Democrats) a bad name. Other rare successes are mostly token measures that don't change very much.
By contrast, the Democrats' Greatest Hits -- Social Security, Medicare, the G. I. Bill, the Wagner Act (and a strong labor movement backed by federal enforcement); college aid in the era when a Pell Grant covered most of tuition costs -- made a genuine difference in people's lives.
Secondly, as economic conditions have worsened for most working people and government hasn't provided much help, voters begin internalizing the Republican idea that we're all on our own anyway. Though people support affirmative government and progressive policies in principle, today's voters are increasingly skeptical that government can make much of a constructive difference. What the hell, better just to vote for the party of lower taxes.
Third, the Democratic Party is less of a counterweight to economic royalists that it once was because many of those royalists are inside the Democratic Party. How can the Democrats offset the malevolent power of concentrated finance when Goldman Sachs provides their top economic policy officials? In addition to counseling against breaking up the big banks, the Obama economic team persuaded the president to support austerity at a time when the economy needed oxygen.
All of this reinforces the media mantra that both parties are equally culpable in the gridlock that passes for today's political democracy -- and that Democrats as well as Republicans care more about insiders than about ordinary Americans.
You have to get to the left edge of the Democratic Party before you find leade-
rs and policy ideas that challenge the dominance of finance and that would make a real difference in the lives of working people. As my colleague Harold Meyerson writes in the new issue of the American Prospect, it's time for Democrats once again to earn the hatred of the rich, FDR-style.
Could that happen? The most likely nominee in 2016 is of course Hillary Clinton. If elected, she would be the third basically centrist Democratic president in a row, four counting Jimmy Carter. And let's be more precise -- centrist as in center-left on social issues and center-right on Wall Street.
She is certainly preferable to any Republican on the horizon. And with several Republican senators who squeaked through in 2010 up for re-election, a landslide Hillary victory might even sweep in a Democratic Congress.
Even so, it would be a long road back to the sort of Democratic Party that contained the abuses of financial elites and used activist government to better the lives of ordinary Americans -- or that could reasonably expect voters to reciprocate." [Source]
I would love to have some critical discussion about some of the points that he raised, but I know that given our troll infested and hyper- partisan internet environment that will be difficult.
Still, it's worth a shot.
FN said...
I would love to have some critical discussion about some of the points that he raised, but I know that given our troll infested and hyper- partisan internet environment that will be difficult.
Hey, about how about Dodgers.
The article is right. On. Point!!
FN said...
I would love to have some critical discussion about some of the points that he raised, but I know that given our troll infested and hyper- partisan internet environment that will be difficult.
I'm game field. For one, we're broke and living off a credit card. Someone is going to have pay for the immigrants and residents of the towns they land in can't pay anymore. Obama has run up the tab even more and has produced only a soft recovery at best.
I can tell for you certain that the jobs in the Ag industry aren't there anymore. Changing products, distribution and automation are making them obsolete. Yet you want to bring in more. You also don't know the Hispanic culture.
"I would love to have some critical discussion about some of the points that he raised, but I know that given our troll infested and hyper- partisan internet environment that will be difficult."
Well, if you would pay your damn bills to Anon Inc, things might get better on FN. Anon Inc has made some very critical discussions and arguments on University sites and even on Roots blog.
The reason we don't on FN is because you are a dead-beat who hasn't paid a cent according to contract. We just might use a high-powered Republican law firm to take your black ass to court.
I would like some critical feed-back on this from my Conservative friends, both Black and White. Thank you.
FN said...
it's time for Democrats once again to earn the hatred of the rich
The problem is there are too many "RICH" democrats and democrat supporters.
Any "hatred" would be symbolic and partisan (ONLY calling out koch bros).
FN said...
it's time for Democrats once again to earn the hatred of the rich
I can see that going over well in Hollywood, Manhattan or the People's Republic of Mass.
We need to develop a few new parties. A labor party would definitely be a refreshing change as well as a true liberal and conservative party. This would go over quite well with the true believers as we see with the tea party. Pretty sure the tree huggers will be glad to rid themselves of the banksters and the rich elite would love to shed the bible thumpers. It's gotta happen just as sure as universal healthcare.
Pilot said,
We need to develop a few new parties.
THAT is about the smartest thing you've ever said. Care to go two for two?
So lets fix government. Term limits. Pay congress extremely well HOWEVER, no lobbyists and you can't take a dime, a dinner or trip. Limit the SCOTUS to ten year terms.
QLB, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?
"Term limits. Pay congress extremely well HOWEVER, no lobbyists and you can't take a dime, a dinner or trip. Limit the SCOTUS to ten year terms."
I liked up to a certain point, and let me tell you what I don't like and suggest.
I'd like to fix government by giving mandatory pay cuts to Congress, no pay for long recesses or filibusters or government shutdowns, only pay them when they earn it, which they haven't in my book. Put a fat quota on how many bills must be passed within a certain time limit. Limit SCOTUS to five years. In addition, limit campaign contributions and end government for sale to the highest bidder.
However, I loved your suggestion to eliminate lobbyist and the perks offered by them.
Speaking of hoodwinking the American voter, there's nobody like Rahm Emmanuel, the mayor of Chiraq. Here's a news update. Two of the wounded from the weekend shitshow have now died bringing the death count for July up to 19. For those of you not very good at math, that means more than 2 per day. There is some good news. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are the safest days.
Sounds good Granny!!
BTW QLB, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?
"guite" Field?
Yawn. Another in the long line of leftwingers trying to rewrite history.
Most "business elites" are Democrats.
They donate more to Democrats.
Just check Obama's pockets.
Look at how Obamacare and Dodd/Frank has benefited the rich.Who benefited most from Obama's stimulus plan?
The rich are doing much better now than they did during the Reagan and Bushes years. The poor and middle class are worse off now than they have been since the 1970's.
Why for the love of allah would Democrats slaughter their cash cows?
The greatest impediment to cleaning up the Democratic Party is the U.S. campaign financing system, which makes both parties excessively dependent on ultra-wealthy donors. I don't have any easy solutions for that, unless a couple of conservative Supreme Court justices suddenly drop dead and a newly liberal SCOTUS overturns Citizens United and several other idiotic "money = speech" decisions. (However, Larry Lessig does have some other proposed fixes that are at least promising-sounding.)
Honestly, I don't think that our country is ever going to deviate from the two-party model. The structure of our government favors the two established parties. Maybe if another civil war happens, then we can rip up the Constitution and start over with a parliamentary system -- that might give us the multi-party option everyone is talking about in these comments.
End direct election of the Senate and go back to ppointment via state legislatures.
Shorten the election process to a few weeks to a few months at most. Equal money to all candidates.
Strict voter identication
All voters must be qualified and pass a civics course. They must understand the government and processes at work.
Mandatory voting for all qualified or pay penalty for not doing so.
Paying for votes such as with walking around money ends with felony penalties.
Severe penalties for voter fraud.
We also have another left-winger who proclaims to know what is in the best interests of everyone.
Obama was the Democrats jump the shark moment.
Americans look at Detroit, Oakland, Baltimore and Chiraq and see the results of Democrat policies. High crime rates, high tax rates, high poverty rates.
They see corruption. They see Democrats trying to micromanage everyone's lives.
They see racism and discrimination directed towards them.
They see attacks on their religious freedoms and their constitution rights.
So tell me why voting Democrat is in my best interest?
Granny, what about term limits? I don't like them because of the institutional knowledge and seniority that some congressmen have. I prefer to let the people decide who they want representing them. If you don't like your congressman then work to get her/him out of office. I like my congressman and what he does for my district and if he got termed out there's no telling what we'd get in his stead.
kinky wrote,
Why for the love of allah would Democrats slaughter their cash cows?
Because they're stupid. Just look at DeBlasio. Some of them saw it coming.
DeBlasio is bring high crime, taxes, and deficit spending back to New York.
Back to the good ol' Liberal days of New York.
"Put a fat quota on how many bills must be passed within a certain time limit."
That's one of the biggest problems with the existing Congress - they are determined to "pass bills" and meddle even more into people's lives, instead of doing what is expressly set out for them in the Constitution.
Hint: Aiding and abetting an illegal invasion of our country is not one of their Constitutionally mandated jobs.
PilotX said...
"QLB, my sister was a straight A student who graduated from law school and passed the Bar, two states and DC, on the first try."
How did your sister know you had been arrested?
"Ever since Franklin Roosevelt, the core Democratic proposition has been that regular people need government to offset the power of business elites and the injustices and inefficiencies of a capitalist economy. But that premise has been tarnished -- perhaps fatally weakened ..."
That model only worked when we had a social compact that was intact.
"Progressive" policies that sprung from true community based self-help (such as Farmer's pooled insurance) when everyone felt everyone else was an equally contributing member to the co-operative, and dipping into the "emergency fund" was just that - rare, and for emergencies. Everyone was expected to pull their own way, and the community as a whole cared for those who couldn't.
Fast forward to fractured communities with no social trust as a result of DIEversity.
Instead of "cooperative insurance" pools operating as just that, it's just another place to get a freebie.
Examples abound.
It's not a sense that "everyone is on their own" but an awakening that there are too many people who feel they can ride for free.
That makes those who are contributing less likely to want to help those who are in genuine need. The grifters and the scammers ruin it for everyone.
The exploitation of "disability" payments recently is just but one small example.
As long as the current regime insists on degrading and diluting strong communities in the name of DIEversity, then any hope of reviving a FDR style Progressivism which supports the working class against the oligarchy will never come to pass.
"Because they're stupid. Just look at DeBlasio. Some of them saw it coming."
I think the gop has stooooopid on lock. Sarah Palin, Louie Gohmert, Virginia Foxx, Rick Bobby Jindal said "we need to stop being the stoooooooooopid party".
No Bobby, the stoooopid is just beginning.
Kuttner glossed over the following part, but it's actually as relevant as the policy compromises the Dems are forced to make to attract rich donors:
"The usual answers include the fact that the recovery under Obama has been weak; , that the Affordable Care Act backfired ... "
The Affordable Care Act did not "backfire." The Democrats' failure to explain it and sell it to the public is what "backfired." This left an opening for the Republicans' Joseph Goebbels-style bullshit-spewing apparatus to operate at full tilt.
A large chunk of the people who were initially hostile to Obamacare held that attitude because they were frightened of the horrific-sounding version of the law concocted by conservative media, not the law as actually written. (Many of those people are now waking up to the fact Obamacare ain't all that scary.)
This episode is characteristic of the Democrats' foolish belief that their policies will sell themselves. Never gonna happen.
Also, the Democrats have some serious organizational deficits. Every midterm election, it's simply taken for granted by Dem leadership that they won't get good turnout because there isn't a presidential candidate on the ballot. That defeatist attitude is, in itself, a problem. They need to work harder at motivating their voters to show up in every election every two years, not every four.
These organizational problems are a big part of why Dems don't win as many elections as they should and their policies struggle to win approval.
Kinky.Con said...
PilotX said...
How did your sister know you had been arrested?
Not all questions are equal.
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal called on the Republican Party to "stop being the stupid party" on Thursday as GOP leaders promised fundamental changes to help stave off future losses.
In the keynote address at the Republican National Committee's winter meeting, Jindal said the GOP doesn't need to change its values but "might need to change just about everything else we are doing."
"We've got to stop being the stupid party. It's time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults," he said. "We had a number of Republicans damage the brand this year with offensive and bizarre comments. I'm here to say we've had enough of that."
Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...
Sounds good Granny!!
BTW QLB, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?
10:40 PM
Instead of being a mimicking parrot for PX, why don't you try to come up with something of your own?
Looks like DQAE keeps her nose up Granny's and Pilot's asses. LOL
"Instead of being a mimicking parrot for PX, why don't you try to come up with something of your own?"
Because she, like the rest of us are curious of what QLB does for a living and whether or not she has a college degree. Admit it, you want to know too don't cha?
"Looks like DQAE keeps her nose up Granny's and Pilot's asses. LOL"
Looks like QLB has a few noses up her ass.
There fixed it for ya.
I liked all of my Congressmen.
Sorry, that was my error, I meant that term limit to be for SCOTUS.
Blogger Kinky.Con said...
PilotX said...
"QLB, my sister was a straight A student who graduated from law school and passed the Bar, two states and DC, on the first try."
How did your sister know you had been arrested?
11:27 PM
Kinky, you are being racist, although you are probably right about PX's arrest.
Thank goodness FN Blog is still an obscure unknown blog.
BTW, I've stopped flying UA.
"BTW, I've stopped flying UA."
bullshit, your broke ass can't even afford a bus ticket. And put some tires on your broken down pickup.
bullshit, your broke ass can't even afford a bus ticket. And put some tires on your broken down pickup.
12:09 AM
Kuttner is totally right. (As was Thomas Frank in his landmark book, "What's the Matter with Kansas?") Watch what happens as Hillary starts to run with the alternative groundswell for Elizabeth Warren. Nothing stands out like the clarion voice of unvarnished truth, and the true Left (i.e. sensible, thoughtful Americans) have already begun to rally around her, repeating her words and cheering her courage. I'm sure Hillary would rather she go away, but whether she will play a part in the upcoming election remains to be seen. Warren is certainly intent on getting the Truth out there, not in advancing her own candidacy for its own sake (she'd probably think it much too premature in any case, if not Quixotic given the political landscape). But between CLARITY and MUSH there's no contest in the theater of political ideology, and one sentence from Warren is worth a whole volume of Clinton's speeches.
Looks like QLB has a few noses up her ass.
I seriously doubt anything more than her cousin/brother's nose would fit.
QLB, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?
Best way 'around" this mess of a country is to own a business.
Anonymous Bill said...
Kinky.Con said...
PilotX said...
How did your sister know you had been arrested?
Not all questions are equal.
I see pilotX has no answer. Which puts his whole story in doubt.
Obama to seek $2 billion to stem surge of Central American immigrants
A lot of poor americans suffering. Record food stamps/disability/etc.
Couldn't Obama find some poor americans to help?
Or is as simple as blacks already pledge their allegiance to the democrats, no need to pander to them.
Like PilotX said...
PilotX said...
QLB, you do realize the problem with your posts. You are posting at a blog in which every single Black person here is an educate middle class individual who defies every ignorant stereotype you write about.
The blacks on this blog got theirs.
Obama got his.
Screw the others.
America's billionaires have managed to persuade entire sections of the proletariat to campaign for the interests of the rich and against their own class interests. It's a remarkable trick if you can get away with it.
The rich declared class warfare on the American middle-classes and the poor when they elected Reagan. They’ve had it their all their own way ever since, adopting a system of wealth distribution on a massive scale never seen before in human history. The poor and the middle-classes have handed over a Trillion dollars to the rich in the last forty years.
Using the compliant corporate media, a supine, toothless Democratic Party scared of its own shadow, and the useful idiots of the far Right they have destroyed the American dream all in the name of the American way.
The people were told that making the rich fabulously rich would benefit all. Nearly forty years later we can see that is a bitter joke. America should be drowning in new jobs by now, instead American families are no better off then they were in 1980 despite the fact they are having to work many more hours per week than they were then. Some families working a hundred hours a week just to keep their heads above water.
This graph has been described as the most important graph in America. It shows median family income against productivity.
Notice how the wealth of American families grew at the same rate as productivity from WW2 to the late 70’s. Then a gap started to appear in the late 70’s before exploding almost exponentially in the 1980’s.
Conservative commentators look at this state of affairs and say, ”Ahhhh but, Americans are still aspirational people, so they will not revolt as long as there is hope that they can improve their lives.” Well that is probably true, but when people working full time cannot afford to feed their own kids they will start to wonder what it is all for.
And remember, every single country in the world is only three square meals away from a revolution.
"The Affordable Care Act did not "backfire." The Democrats' failure to explain it and sell it to the public is what "backfired." This left an opening for the Republicans' Joseph Goebbels-style bullshit-spewing apparatus to operate at full tilt."
The ACA backfired because Obama, the media and Democrats sold America a bill of goods. The ACA continues to be a albatross around the collective necks of the left.
It's hard to explain and sell lies. Which is why this administration is having a hard time selling immigrantion reform.
Another reason why the left isn't a side most clear thinking people want to be on.
The left is continuing to normalize paedophilia.
'Paedophilia is natural and normal for males'
The Purple Cow said...
The rich declared class warfare on the American middle-classes and the poor when they elected Reagan.
You admitted the income inequality problem started under carter.
You blame reagan because what carter started got worse under reagan.
Doesn't that mean you should be blaming Obama for what bush started but got worse under Obama?
Not all left-wingnut logic is equal.
FN said...
The usual answers include the fact that the recovery under Obama has been weak; that the Affordable Care Act backfired
Nothing says "backfire" like having to lie about it repeatedly.
If ACA is so great, why did President Obama have to repeatedly lie about it?
If disarming saddamm was so great of an idea, why did bush have to lie about it?
Not all lying for political reasons is equal to democrats.
The Purple Cow said...
Then a gap started to appear in the late 70’s before exploding almost exponentially in the 1980’s.
PurpleCow logic.
Carter started it but PurpleCow is still going to blame reagan.
Use the same logic PurpleCow and blame Obama for what bush started. Whatever bush started got way worse under Obama, just like what carter did to reagan.
PurpleCw's logic is not equal when applied to democrat presidents.
Oops, 2 billion $ wasn't enough.
White House to seek $3.8 billion for border control, more than previously signaled
White House officials declined to comment.
Democrat priorities.
No limit to the government money needed to buy democrat voters.
As americans go without.
No wonder FN was forced to beg Obama for a few scraps from the table a couple weeks ago.
Exactly Bill.
In 1968 it seem to me that The New Deal finally ran out of steam. Nixon got elected. I thought at the time the the democrats needed to lose to understand what they did best which is to help the average person get ahead. It took about 40 years for the New Deal to die. We are now nearing 40 years of reaganomics. It was predicted when implemented that everything would fall part in about 30 years. It did. It's time for another New Deal. I had hope Obama would be the next FDR. He isn't. We may have to wait for the next market collapse to move this game along. I don't anticipate that collapse being all that far off.
Let me summarize Fields post for all those who have trouble understanding...what he's trying to say...
Here is the condensed version ....
"|LL be voting for Hillary because the Republicans are Evil and Scary "
"|LL be voting for Hillary because the Republicans are Evil and stooooooopid "
There, fixed it for ya.
"BUT they have no problem micromanaging women's reproductive care, certain recreational drugs, and tax incentives to sketchy religious theme parks."
Hey! That's no sketchy religious theme park! It's a conservative/Republican science museum sir!
Don't forget Racist too....
Somehow Republicans are so POWERFUL in Fields eyes that Democrats even with a super majority in the House &Senate...couldn't overcome the Racist Republican opposition ....Isn't that right Field???
Somehow Republicans are so POWERFUL in Fields eyes
Let's not forget FN's fear of the powerful fox news.
FN posts stats that show ABC, NBC, CBS news gets more viewers in an hour than fox in a day.
Yet FN is scared that what a couple million people watch is influencing the other 311 million people in america.
"Somehow Republicans are so POWERFUL in Fields eyes that Democrats even with a super majority in the House &Senate."
They got some legislation past us but we ended that shit when Ted Kennedy died. We have to sue that dark guy in the WH because he's trying to get things done and we can't have that.
If Bomber had any heart ..he would've executive ordered the GOP into obscurity...That's without the super majority..I mean he's using executive orders now like water......
"Don't forget Racist too...."
We're not racists, we just don't like n@ggers, spics and moooslims. They're scary. They blow up stuff, steal jobs and play knock out games.
".he would've executive ordered the GOP into obscurity..."
Which is why we're suing his ass. Can't let him do anything. How would it look if that n@gger did something good. We can't have that. So let's focus on Beengauzeeeee and knockout games.
Bill, I could forgive you if you were just stupid.
You were born stupid, not much you can do.
However, you can do something about being a cheap liar.
I already demonstrated that the small rise in income inequality under Carter was caused by the oil shock and Carter's response to it, which consisted of a policy of pay restraint.
However, the massive growth of inequality under Reagan was of an entirely different order and an entirely different process.
So stop trying to pretend that you think that they are one and the same process when you know they were not.
I know you are a disingenuous little cunt, but just for one time why don't you take the day off and debate like a man?
The Purple Cow said...
However, the massive growth of inequality under Reagan
I'm not disagreeing with that.
It started under carter.
I'm not disagreeing with that either.
We agree on both facts yet you need to blame reagan for what we both agree started before him.
Why are the bush policies having more of a negative effect under obama than they did under bush? What did obama do to make things worse?
Fuck me, Brazil have a worse defence than Oscar Pistorius.
PC, you're dealing with American conservatives. They are very linear thinkers and live on false equivalencies. It's just the nature of the beast.
Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...
Best way 'around" this mess of a country is to own a business.
9:24 AM
Don't you try. You don't have the intelligence to start a business, let alone keep it going.
Don't forget Racist too....
Somehow Republicans are so POWERFUL in Fields eyes that Democrats even with a super majority in the House &Senate...couldn't overcome the Racist Republican opposition ....Isn't that right Field???
2:14 PM
BIB, you are softening in your old age. I remember the days you would have put your comment differently:
"Democrats even with a super majority in the House &Senate, were so WEAK AND DUMB, they couldn't overcome the Weak Minority Racist Republican opposition ....Isn't that right Field???"
I'm beginning to think BIB is feeling guilty and sorry for Field and those sorry ass Dems and Obama.
dems/repubs= flip side of same coin.
the same hidden hand controls both sides.
always have. always will 'til Shiloh comes...this being the land of the serpent and all.
in fact, that hidden hand is in all things. when one digs deep enough and is awake enough to see.
@ KC- thank you for this:
'Paedophilia is natural and normal for males'
some of US called this already. then the sensitive bunch threw fits + slapped made up nonsense labels.
watch when the furry + brother/sister lovers show up + out. THAT is just "normal and natural" + misunderstood as well...
a thinly veiled way of calling Almighty Himself a...
souls had best know:
He/His Word will NOT be mocked. every knee WILL bow and every tongue will confess in due time.
had a few things to get off my chest. now back to walking powerfully into my Purpose + destiny as He leads + guides me...not looking to the left nor the right. haters/naysayers seem to occupy both sides and this is just fine. when He is for US, who is 'bout to be successfully against US?
exactly none.
i pray ALL souls will get.some.
of His Word+ Love while there is still time.
Blessings all!
Conservatives and their flunkies (see BLACKISCLUELESS & co.) are not very bright.
Don't you try. You don't have the intelligence to start a business, let alone keep it going.
My STEM business is doing GREAT, 2 years and counting!!!!!
Be blessed suga'!!
Don't you try. You don't have the intelligence to start a business, let alone keep it going.
My STEM business is doing GREAT, 2 years and counting!!!!!
Be blessed suga'!!
Well here I am as things are degenerating... but wth (with a k):
"Even so, it would be a long road back to the sort of Democratic Party that contained the abuses of financial elites and used activist government to better the lives of ordinary Americans -- or that could reasonably expect voters to reciprocate."
Seems sometimes that the Bomber (love that one!) got this real clear some while ago and chooses ruffle feathers for diplomacy and Mrs. Clinton to pat back into place. Can she do it? Yes we can!
Ok Field, Here are my two cents as to the problems with the Democrat Party. First of all the guy whose article you quoted is full of the media endorsed crap that have been offered to the public for over a generation.
Ronald Reagan was a dumb washed up actor who I personally watched go from a "charity" TV job in the early days where he was the inarticulate humorless host who introduced black and white 30 minute "western" film stories for Twenty Mule Team Borax - to another subsequent "charity" job as the TV host of the GE Theater - subsequently to the Governorship of California. In every instance he was the affable, always available gofer guy for the wealthy Republican upper crust. However out of this self-effacing experience Reagan developed an internal talent which enabled him to get over on powerful people while making them think that he was sincerely interested in working for them.
Ok Keep this in mind while I tell you how he used it on the powerful Democrats he ran into in Congress.
Reagan discovered while he was Governor of California that there were many "BIG SHOT" Democrats whose career and personal celebrity far exceeded the bounds of any political party label. These "Big Shots" were more in the mold of movie stars or rock stars than a fit for the old classic southern style "Boss Hog" character. Never-the-less they had a lot of political power and they wielded it strictly on the basis of what was good for their self-image first, political party second , and interest of the nation third. Reagan soon identified these power Democrats upon achieving the Presidency. He set his sights on the most powerful so-called liberal Democrats in the Congress. Tip O'Neil and Ted Kennedy were two names on Reagan's list. During Reagan's administration Political Elitism among Congressional Democrat leaders flowered and spread like wildfire. The behind the scenes horse-trading on critical legislation ultimately benefited the Republicans - because the Democrats seize upon the "at the moment" sensational political victories while giving the Republicans the quiet long term unpublicized changes in government that the Republicans were more than happy to accept.
The effects of some of these political deals have resulted in the Republicans establishing a virtual monopoly over AM radio, which over time has led to their domination of the main stream media across the United States.
The Republicans recognized that the propaganda techniques used by Nazi Germans on their population during World War II just might work in the United States. This is why following their take over of the AM radio air space they built a nation-wide echo chamber for each Republican propaganda message which is in full throat even today. Joseph Goebbels back in 1933 in Nazi Germany wrote that "if you tell a LIE Big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." The Republicans were given a gift by the super elite Democrats which has allowed the Republicans to dominate the nation's airwaves while facilitating the Republican propaganda machine following the methods developed by Joseph Goebbels.
Working class Americans don't know how to evaluate their own self-interest situations due to the overwhelming MISINFORMATION broadcast by the Main Stream Media. This is the answer to the question as to why don't America's working class stand up and vote to protect their own interests. This is also the reason why Unionism is just about dead in America.
PilotX said...
"QLB, my sister was a straight A student who graduated from law school and passed the Bar, two states and DC, on the first try."
How did your sister know you had been arrested?
"MISINFORMATION broadcast by the Main Stream Media."
Examples please.
"if you tell a LIE Big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."
You mean like when Obama said
"If you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan."
"And if you already have health care, then we're gonna reduce costs an average of $2,500 per family on premiums."
Funny thing. People are no longer believing.
parvenu said...
Republicans establishing a virtual monopoly over AM radio, which over time has led to their domination of the main stream media across the United States.
I'll agree, right-wingers dominate am radio.
Not digital radio. AM radio.
No mention of the virtual monopoly over television and movies for the left?
Why so worried about outdated AM radio when your political side dominates television? Why so scared?
You sound like FN being scared of fox news and their couple million viewers.
"some of US called this already. then the sensitive bunch threw fits + slapped made up nonsense labels."
Why would the "sensitive bunch" get upset?
They either don't know their history or their trying to rewrite their history. Which is what the left does.
Bill, you have to understand the left. They never take responsibility for their failures.
Americans who don't agree with them are racist and stupid.
How dumb do you have to be not to see high crime, taxes, poverty, corruption and anti-whiteism is in your best interest?
Bill and Kinky are white boys who just won't give Obama a chance to do his thing.
I knew this shit would happen when he was elected President. Andrew Young was right when he said, "Obama should not run because America is not ready for a Black President."
Those Conservatives proved Andrew right. Obama could save this nation from its demise if Whites like QLB and Bill and Kinky were WILLING to give the man a chance. America is a racist country.
PilotX said...
"QLB, my sister was a straight A student who graduated from law school and passed the Bar, two states and DC, on the first try."
How did your sister know you had been arrested?
Brother PX, why won't you answer the question? I'm curious.
One other question: Were you caught in the shoot-outs in Chiraq? Were you hit?
Fake ass Field says.... "Conservatives and their flunkies (see BLACKISCLUELESS & co.) are not very bright. "
I thought I was White... LOL
You have some nerve callin somebody a FLUNKY....
Weren't you just BEGGING O-Bomber for the last two years for Black people???
Sounds VERY FLUNKY like on your part...
I tell the TRUTH ,and you cant handle it...
Truth is O-Bomber walked into a SUPER-Majority in BOTH Houses, and he pissed it away trying to "Get Along" with all the "Racist Republicans"
Just because you dont LIKE the truth....doesnt mean it didnt happen.
Now come on and post another Race bait story... make sure you Pretend like O-Bomber gives a flying Fart...
Those 2012 "Forward" Goggles must be pretty beat up by now...
Take em off , and join the rest of the World...
"Brother PX, why won't you answer the question? I'm curious.
One other question: Were you caught in the shoot-outs in Chiraq? Were you hit?"
If you've been around for more than two weeks you know why I don't answer that question from a certain individual. Get a clue.
And yes, I was shot and now I'm a fucking zombie.
Just say your scared and out matched PX. Stop acting like a little bitch.
Brother PX, 'I' asked the question. Who cares if Kinky asked the same question?
If you got shot, and now you're a fucking zombie? Are you telling me that you got shot and there was no change in you?
I mean, you were a zombie before you got shot.
PilotX said...
And yes, I was shot and now I'm a fucking zombie.
We already knew you voted democrat.
Flunky was a poor word choice.
Water boy, maybe? ;)
"Just say your scared and out matched PX. Stop acting like a little bitch."
heh heh heh, says anon.
"Brother PX, 'I' asked the question. Who cares if Kinky asked the same question?"
If you can't figure that one out just give up.
"Just say your scared and out matched PX."
It's YOU'RE dumbass! You know YOU then ARE. YOU'RE outmatched by the English language.
Warren for president in 2016.
And b*tch slap BIB boy with that contraction when YOU'RE done.
If only 9:04pm could spell "the".
"Teh' knows the stoooopid..
"If only 9:04pm could spell "the".
This one is dumber than most.
Still having trouble spelling "the"?
T-H-E . I hope this helps.
"Still having trouble spelling "the"?
Still having trouble figuring out irony? Teh stupid usually do.
Whoo the stupid is STRONG. with u ..Warren does not have any chance...You must've bumped ya head super hard today..good grief....
"Warren does not have any chance"
Says the guy who voted for Gary Johnson.
Well ya there is that......
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