Monday, August 04, 2014

No more "war on whites", please. They are too friendly.

I am writing this post while in a sad state of mind.

I am sad because I found out from one of my white brothers in a position of power that white people are under attack from some of you in this country.

Apparently you are accusing whites of hating "everybody else". This is not cool.

In fact, I happen to know that nothing could be further from the truth. White people, as Kat Williams so eloquently stated, "are friendly".

Some of these people like Mo Brooks believe that this hate white people trend started with Barack Obama, but I am not buying that. Barack Obama loves white people. Heck his mama is white for crying out loud. Every time I see him he is surrounded by white people. How could he hate them? Why would he formulate a strategy around marginalizing them? It just doesn't make sense to me.

And yet......

“This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party. And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else,” he said during an interview Monday with conservative radio host Laura Ingraham. "It's part of the strategy that Barack Obama implemented in 2008, continued in 2012, where he divides us all on race, on sex, greed, envy, class warfare, all those kinds of things. Well that’s not true.”

Well they can count me out if they are looking for another black person to join this "war on whites". White people, bless their hearts, do not deserve to have to deal with yet another war. Lord knows that there are enough wars going on ---both literal  and metaphorical--- already.

"I'm one of those who does not believe in racism and I believe everyone should be treated equally as American citizens. It's high time folks started calling out the Democrats for their racial appeals. Certainly if you were to flip the coin and a white person were to say vote for me because I'm white, it would be an uproar and deservedly so. So why do we allow blacks to say vote for me because I'm black or Hispanics vote for me because I'm Hispanic? Race is immaterial and everybody ought to be treated the same." {Source}

OK, as I said, I like white people, but when certain white people say that  they do not believe in racism I always have to wonder why there is a need to tell us all that in the first place. 

I am a husband, but I don't believe in beating my wife. I am a professional poker player, but I don't believe in cheating.

There are just certain things that you shouldn't have to say. Unless, of course, well....let's just say that methinks you protest a bit too much.

Anyway, there is a reason these Negroes in America don't trust or support certain types of white people, and it has nothing to do with Barack Obama or the democratic party. There is a reason that even before Barack Obama 85% of Negroes in America aligned themselves with the white guy from one particular party and not the other. And honestly, I don't think it has anything to do with not liking white people; I think it has everything to do with knowing that certain types of white people just don't like them.



Anonymous said...

Field wrote,
And honestly, I don't think it has anything to do with not liking white people; I think it has everything to do with knowing that certain types of white people just don't like them.

BS, give us the reciprocal of what you say. YT is the ultimate excuse for the failures of your people. You know you hate us field. You dream of the ultimate bongo party with YT as the guest of honor. Just be truthful and say it. The interracial crime rate says it all.


GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Great post!

LOL! At the first commenter, methinks they fit the description of those certain type of white folks down to a tee.

Dr. Yisheng said...

Granny, I'd guess that 90% of the White folks on this site are like the paid lead troll, Ms. PWT.

Anonymous said...

While Granny and other Negroes are making fun of Whites our society is going straight to hell. America is weaker in the world today than it has ever been before:

Anonymous said...

BS, give us the reciprocal of what you say. YT is the ultimate excuse for the failures of your people. You know you hate us field. You dream of the ultimate bongo party with YT as the guest of honor. Just be truthful and say it. The interracial crime rate says it all.


8:51 PM
don't you think you are being too hard on Blacks? Why do you hate Blacks?

Anonymous said...

I hate whites, and they hate my black ass just the same. Fuck them cracka ass motherfuckers.

Cracka Ass Motherfucker said...

Hate makes the world go 'round.

Anonymous said...

" I don't think it has anything to do with not liking white people; I think it has everything to do with knowing that certain types of white people just don't like them."

You don't think, you're told by one type of white people that the other type doesn't like you, so don't fall for that race-neutral, individual freedom, limited government, economic opportunity talk. Stick with the government party who will all the decisions for you, in your best interest of course.

And like a good House Negro, you do what you are told.

Anonymous said...

Brother Field, I am more concerned about the anti-semitism that is in America. I understand why Blacks are hated by Whites, but Jews?

Anti-Semitism in America has got to go. Jews are good people who have stood behind Blacks for decades, maybe even centuries.

Blacks should not stand for Jews to be persecuted for no good reason whatsoever. I swear some of these anti-semite Whites like QLB should be jailed...BY JEWS!

Joder La Resistencia said...

Mo Brooks is right.

QLB is right.

Look at the interracial crime stats.

Eric Holder is refusing to give whites equal protections under the law.

Look at the legal discrimination white males face.

Colleges can discriminate against applicants if they are white.

In cities like Detroit, Baltimore, Atlanta and New Orleans better qualified white city employees are being denied promotions and being fired-just because they are white.

Obama is the most devise, polarizing president in history.

Obama has divided this country by age, race and class.

It's open season on whites in Black Run Amerikkka.

Anonymous said...

Mo Brooks is right, which is why the establishment media are in such panic to shut him up. They know speaking the truth would be the only way for the Republican Party to stop its slide into irrelevance.

Anonymous said...

Senor kinky... blacks do not run Amerikkka . You have NO credibility.

Anonymous said...

No, America is run for the benefit of black people.

PilotX said...

Ha! White male persecution complex on display in its full glory. These fools are worried about interracial crime while the vast vast majority of crimes are intraracial. QLB is more likely to be killed by his fellow racist white militia member than any person of color.

Oh yeah, no way an older white male from Alabama could be a racist. No way, especially since he's a Republican. How dare you insinuate such Field. And we all know Eric Holder and the NBPP are planning to enslave white people but yet you don't post about this! How dare you!

teh stupid stupid said...

PilotX said...

"These fools are worried about interracial crime while the vast vast majority of crimes are intraracial. "

Well then. These "fools" should be worried.

Bill said...

FieldNegro said...
Anyway, there is a reason these Negroes in America don't trust or support certain types of white people,

I wonder how many "Negroes in America" know that bush helped Africa?

From the historic peace agreement between Sudan and South Sudan in 2005, to Bush’s work on HIV/AIDS and malaria, all the presidents, regardless of party, thanked No. 43 for his involvement in African policies and issues.
In 2005 Bush started a $1.2 billion initiative to fight malaria. He defended the request for funding in 2007, saying, “There’s no reason for little babies to be dying of mosquito bites around the world.”
President Clinton said in his travels throughout Africa he had “personally seen the faces of some of the millions of people who are alive today” because of Bush’s policies.
Even some of Bush’s most ardent critics have admitted that his foreign policy legacy on Africa continues to have a lasting effect.

How many?

Anonymous said...

Crime in America is a black problem.

Whitey's Conspiracy said...

So. Old white repbliklan male lifelong Alabamian: "does not believe in racism" but believes that white like him are oppressed in Ameriklan since (mostly white) Americans twice elected Barack Obama President of the US. Well, as they say in Alabama: "He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer; bless his heart."

Anonymous said...

Many Blacks know that Bush has put billions into Africa. A lot more than Obama.

I wonder why no one is putting any money into the Black community in America? There's lots of money for Jews but none for Blacks.

It's a damn shame.

Bill said...

PilotX said...
These fools are worried about interracial crime while the vast vast majority of crimes are intraracial.

Your starting to sound like the trolls defending a white on black murder FN writes about by pointing out the black on black crime stats.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Anonymous 9:31,

Nope! The topic has nothing to do with anyone on Fox We Make It Up News;therefore, I was not making fun of white folks.

I only make fun of those white folks on Fox We Make It Up News. Even I uphold a certain standard to go by. *wink*

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Hi Yīshēng

AG said...

I wonder what Obama's meetings must be like these day? What are all these clueless Baby Boomers thinking? The Ashkenazim they know who all vote Democrat and contribute to NPR are liberal ex-hippies, but Israeli Jews all cling to their guns and religion. Obama is steeped in anti-colonialism and the civil rights movement, but other than sending back a bust of Winston Churchill and a perfunctory victory lap of Africa, he hasn't promoted any blacks to high-level positions, other than brown-paper-bag test-passer, Eric Holder. He actually seems most relaxed and comfortable around white women.

White, Christian imperialists are supposed to be the root of all evil, and yet all these non-white Muslims in the Middle East are chopping each other's heads off. Free Palestine! is one of the Left's most venerable canons, but the Arab Sunni gazillionaires in the sheikhdoms don't give a single rat turd about their ethnic and creedal kin. I'm sure he's similarly nonplussed by Russia and Ukraine. First, they're white people who don't speak English or French, and second, why would white people pause in their unremitting oppression of people of color to kill each other? Again, all Obama knows of "white people" are clueless liberals like his mother and the people who helped grease the skids of his political career.

This is hardly unique to Obama, of course. There are a lot of people caught up in these backward-looking paradigms, as with Christian clerics worried about the poor, orphaned chimneysweeps and Central American ninos making the long, arduous trek through the Mexican Desert. And New Yorkers horrified at the ethnic cleansing of black people in the South, what with all the lynchings and unprovoked shootings occurring on a daily basis.

The world is run by clueless buffoons. Given how history keeps repeating itself, I am forced to conclude I couldn't do any better.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Field, thought you would be interested and elated to know the Redskins are very much involved with the Indians on the reservation. You should be ashamed of yourself for hassling this team.

"Daniel Snyder said Monday that he was moved by what he found on visits to Indian Country and claimed that's why he started a foundation to help tribes on reservations across the country.

"It's sort of fun to talk about the name of our football team because it gets some attention for some of the people who write about it who need (internet) clicks," the owner of the Washington Redskins said on ESPN 980, the radio station he owns. "But the reality is no one ever talks about what goes on, on reservations."

Snyder told Chris Cooley, a former Washington tight end who conducted the interview from the team's training camp in Richmond, Va.: "What I did see that got me and touched me and really moved me, and I think you know because you've visited a lot of reservations yourself, is the plight of Native Americans. Things that people don't talk about."

Snyder ticked off a list of woes, including high unemployment and issues involving health, education and the environment."

----USA Today

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

"America is run for the benefit of black people." I guess whenever we have a white President, it is only run for the benefit of white folks. that is how politics works. I gotcha and I'll remember that this coming election.

I hope a homeless, single parent, disabled, veteran, senior citizen, and extremely poor person runs for President next. They'd win too considering there are more of them and how bad they've been kicked around and stepped on.

PilotX said...

Let's see how this works. An older white male from Alabama who belongs to an all white party criticizes the party that has much more diversity and includes whites, blahs, Asians, Indigenous, LBGT ect. More telling is the all white party has defenders such as QLB and the like who are obviously racist. Mr. Brooks is off base and is projecting his insecurities. You just know he is boiling inside because that n-@@er is President and not himself. Ha! We should call it Newt disease.

Joder La Resistencia said...

Here goes pilotx lying and making shit up again.

PilotX said...
"An older white male from Alabama who belongs to an all white party"

"More telling is the all white party has defenders"

What is the name of this all white party?

Chief Windbreaker said...

"But the reality is no one ever talks about what goes on, on reservations."

Obama hates Indians.

I know this because I am Native American.

Anonymous said...

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

"America is run for the benefit of black people." I guess whenever we have a white President, it is only run for the benefit of white folks.

No, the color of the President does not matter.

America has been run for the benefit of black people for over half a century.

Anonymous said...

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

"America is run for the benefit of black people." I guess whenever we have a white President, it is only run for the benefit of white folks.

No, the color of the President does not matter.

America has been run for the benefit of black people for over half a century.

PilotX said...

So wait, am I the beneficiary of the entire government spoils living the high life or a poor guy living in a dangerous ghetto? So hard to tell with our trolls. Do they envy me and want to live my life or avoid my situation in the "shit show"? Bi-polar? I guess no matter what some whites just don't like blah folks, kinda like Mo Brooks.

Joder La Resistencia said...

Here goes pilotx lying and making shit up again.

PilotX said...
"An older white male from Alabama who belongs to an all white party"

"More telling is the all white party has defenders"

What is the name of this all white party?

Dr. Yisheng said...

Talk about certain folks having privileges in America, ONLY privileged folks could be let into the country infected with Ebola.

Haitians NOT infected with HIV are still waiting on their chance.

Anonymous said...

Only privileged Haitians with HIV are being let into this county..

Anonymous said...

"What is the name of this all white party?"

You really are dumber than Bill!

Anonymous said...

"Here goes pilotx lying and making shit up again."

Here goes Kinky having to go play on the computer at the library because his mother has to pay for their doublewide by blowing truckers. Sad. I guess now we know QLB is his mother.

Joder La Resistencia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joder La Resistencia said...

"What is the name of this all white party?"

Notice when the left gets challenged on the lies and bullshit they post they go all crickets.

Funny that.

Anonymous said...

"Notice when the left gets challenged on the lies and bullshit they post they go crickets."

Notice when Kinky is befuddled by something so simple even Bill's dumbass can figure it out he lashes out like a kid who's mom blows truckers for a living.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you ask Bill your stupid question. He specializes in stupid.

Anonymous said...

"An older white male from Alabama who belongs to an all white party"

Um, who is this post by Field about? Are you really this fucking stupid? Goddamn, you are living proof whites are not superior in any respect. You must have gotten the dumb gene from your mom QLB.

The Purple Cow said...

People don;t understand how tough it is for white people.

They are denied access to proper ghetto education, proper back-street healthcare, their houses are too big and difficult to heat in the winter, their cars are too new and shiny, their golf courses are just too long, they can't get proper jobs in fast-food restaurants - instead having to rely on jobs in banks and law-firms, you NEVER see a white person on TV, they can't dance, they are hopeless at football, even worse at basketball, their men all have those stupid "talking cunt" beards, their women have moustaches, their penises are very small, and their wife's dogs insist on licking them in the face.

I mean man, that's one tough life.

Give white people a break. Don't envy them - feel sorry for them.

field negro said...

Daniel Snyder must be in panic mode. He visits a reservation after all these years. I smell a rat.

I hope he gives a ton of money to Native Americans and is still forced to change the name of his team.

anotherbozo said...

OK, it's been 30 years since Dr. Leakey found Lucy in Ethiopia and maybe 20 since tested DNA strands were traced to a tribe in Botswana, but my WE ARE ALL AFRICANS campaign has yet to take off.

Maybe I've been going about it wrong. Not catchy enough? AFRICANS WERE ORIGINALLY WHITE AND THE BETTER ONES LEFT EARLY is too long and a tad problematic.

When is this post-racial epoch supposed to start? I lost my notes...

Liza said...

Independent Mumbai Escorts

teh stupid stupid said...

There goes purple cow obsessing over the white mans penis.

"their women have moustaches,"

Isn't you girlfriend white purplecow? You must love her mustache. And hairy armpits.

teh stupid said...

"I mean man, that's one tough life.

Give white people a break. Don't envy them - feel sorry for them."

And they're really really dumb like QLB and others here. Sad

Bill said...

The Purple Cow said...
They are denied access to proper ghetto education, proper back-street healthcare, their houses are too big...

How special.

PurpleCow copied and pasted from

And AGAIN here you are talking about white man penises.

Isn't it time to be honest with yourself? To be yourself? To not hide in shame anymore?

Come on out of the closet PurpleCow. Embrace the white penises you keep writing about. Life is too short for you not to be happy with who you are.

Anonymous said...

The Purple Cow said...

People don;t understand how tough it is for white people.

They are denied access to proper ghetto education, proper back-street healthcare, their houses are too big and difficult to heat in the winter, their cars are too new and shiny, their golf courses are just too long, they can't get proper jobs in fast-food restaurants - instead having to rely on jobs in banks and law-firms, you NEVER see a white person on TV, they can't dance, they are hopeless at football, even worse at basketball, their men all have those stupid "talking cunt" beards, their women have moustaches, their penises are very small, and their wife's dogs insist on licking them in the face.

I mean man, that's one tough life.

Give white people a break. Don't envy them - feel sorry for them.

They have to work for that and still support blacks everywhere.

If Whites leave, do you promise not to follow this time?

Joder La Resistencia said...

Purple Cow tried to pass a copy/pasted job off has his own writing?

So typical of the left....

Bill said..
"Come on out of the closet PurpleCow. Embrace the white penises you keep writing about. Life is too short for you not to be happy with who you are."

I agree with Bill.

Living in the closet is sooooo 1990's.

Anonymous said...

You crackers are just upset PC is telling the truth. No matter how much money or supposed power you have, it still won't change your physical anatomy. You must either cry yourself to sleep at night, or get a bigger gun or a bigger ford pickup. It must really suck to be you.

Porter said...

An Alabama congressman commits modernity’s most appalling heresy: he stops pretending to be blind and says that Democrats are waging a war on whites..

This hate speech was uttered on the Laura Ingraham show. Though the dextrous host immediately understood what obloquy such plain observation can incur, and quickly reasserted the Sgt. Schultz doctrine of white denial, saying in response, “I see nothing!”

What’s even more amusing, if such macabre kabuki, can be called such, is that the congressman was responding to explicit (and de rigueur) demonization of whites by a democrat:

“The GOP cannot be the party of the future, if you’re seen as the party of white people.”

This racial grave dancing was so unpalatable that even a republican was prompted to reply. Though not a word is being mentioned of this original remark.

And why should it? At least publicly whites all agree: we shouldn’t even be on this planet. As for sound machines like Ingraham, they understand their role…

Anonymous said...

Bill said..
"Come on out of the closet PurpleCow. Embrace the white penises you keep writing about. Life is too short for you not to be happy with who you are."

What!? You mean to tell me that brother Purple Cow of the UK is gay?

But he is married to a ww. How do you explain that, mr smartie pants?

Well, at least he is staying with the same skin color.

Lord have mercy.

PilotX said...

"So why do we allow blacks to say vote for me because I'm black or Hispanics vote for me because I'm Hispanic?"

So says Mo Brooks. Do you think he can give ONE example of this or did he just pull this out of his orifice?

Anonymous said...

"What!? You mean to tell me that brother Purple Cow of the UK is gay?"

Looks like Billy wants him to be. Be careful PC, somebody's got a crush on you.

Anonymous said...

@ GOPilotX: No one voted for Barack Obama for any reason other than the fact he was black.

Anonymous said...

@ GOPilotX: No one voted for Barack Obama for any reason other than the fact he was black.

So why did any whites vote for him dumb ass?

Anonymous said...

Because this is Black Run America, dipshit.

Whites have been conditioned to believe there is no higher purpose than to cater to the needs of black people.

Anonymous said...

Whites have been conditioned to believe there is no higher purpose than to cater to the needs of black people.

You're fucking delusional

Anonymous said...

Barack Obama was elected President so that whites could absolve themselves of the original sin of being born white.

But of course it didn't. BRA will never be satisfied, no matter how much penance whites do. The more you give someone, the more they hate you.

BRA will have to crash and burn on its own, inexorable time frame. But crash it will.

Whitey's Conspiracy said...

señor kinky said...

"What is the name of this all white party?"
Some call it the "Grand Old Party" or "GOP" even though the Democratic party ranks it by more than 2 generations.
Some call it the "Party of Lincoln" though one assumes that to be the pre-elected Lincoln who had no problem with slavery where it existed.
I call it the "Republiklan" because it's a descriptive answering slur worthy of their common slur of the Democratic party.

Whitey's Conspiracy said...

You don't have to take my word for it Senor KKK. Here is the Tbag loser of the Mississippi Senate Primary Runoff asserting it as a foregone truism in his appeal brief:

Mo Brooks said...

“In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

The Purple Cow said...

"Purple Cow tried to pass a copy/pasted job off has his own writing?"

Nope, it's just another of Bill's lies.

If it wasn't a lie he would have given you the link.


""Come on out of the closet PurpleCow. Embrace the white penises you keep writing about. Life is too short for you not to be happy with who you are."

Not that it matters but I am not actually gay. However of I was gay I'm pretty sure I would not be sexually attracted to diminutive, embittered white guys who still live at home with their mommies.

So I'm afraid you boys are gong to have to look elsewhere for your sexual gratification.

Anonymous said...

I am happy to report that Wesley Snipes will be making another sequel to "Blade Runner". Tears came to my eyes when I heard about it.

Just think. He has come back from being wrongfully accused and jailed by the fed. I swear. These days a bm will be wrongfully accused and jailed for no reason other than he is a bm.

In any case, I am sure ALL Blacks and Whites and Dems and Republicans are jumping for joy over the GOOD NEWS.

BTW, Wesley is a Republican, which is why he was jailed in the first place. Brother Snipes, I am sorry for the time you lost in prison, but I so glad you didn't let it destroy your career.

Field, you should do a 'special' post about my man Wesley Snipes. Please put him in a special place in your side bar as the Black Holy Grail.

Anonymous said...

Anon wrote,
Blacks should not stand for Jews to be persecuted for no good reason whatsoever. I swear some of these anti-semite Whites like QLB should be jailed...BY JEWS!

And just when have I said ANYTHING about our Jewish brethren? Geez you're an idiot.


Anonymous said...

QLB, calling anons idiots does not become an Irish Catholic.

Anonymous said...

It is, however, an accurate and succinct statement.


Anonymous said...

Rationalization never got anybody any where. Wrong is wrong. You are wrong.

Anonymous said...

Not rationalization. It's the truth. I"ve never said a thing derogatory about Jewish people. Anyone who says this is either a liar, stupid or both. It is what it is. Only a liberal could call this rationalization. Typical.


PilotX said...

"So why did any whites vote for him dumb ass?"

Because they didn't trust McCain because he chose the most insane and idiotic person he could find to be his running mate. In 2012 they didn't trust a guy who wears magic underwear and believes he will inherit an entire planet upon his death. That's why they voted for Barack IMHO.

PilotX said...

"Some call it the "Grand Old Party" or "GOP" even though the Democratic party ranks it by more than 2 generations.
Some call it the "Party of Lincoln" though one assumes that to be the pre-elected Lincoln who had no problem with slavery where it existed.
I call it the "Republiklan" because it's a descriptive answering slur worthy of their common slur of the Democratic party."

And to think our friend couldn't figure that one out on his own. Not too bright that one. He should thank you for your help.

Anonymous said...

Pilot wrote,
That's why they voted for Barack IMHO.

He will go down in history as the ultimate case of buyers remorse. Can you imagine how bad he would be if he wasn't half white?


Hillary! said...

PilotX said...
Because they didn't trust McCain because he chose the most insane and idiotic person he could find to be his running mate.

Not true - Joe Biden was already taken.

Joder La Resistencia said...

Black, Hispanic and Asian Republicans will be shocked to learn the Republican party is all white.

Democrats continue to show their ignorance and racism. Without ignorance and racism,the Democrat party wouldn't exist.

Whitey's Conspiracy said...

"BTW, Wesley is a Republican, which is why he was jailed in the first place."
Naw, Mr. Snipes was jailed for trying some sovereign-citizen perfidy with the IRS.

Joder La Resistencia said...

Purple cow isn't gay. He just thinks/post about white penis everyday.

Hillary! said...

GOPilotX said...
In 2012 they didn't trust a guy who wears magic underwear and believes he will inherit an entire planet upon his death.

Despite his proven track record at economic management and the fact that he was right about the disastrous foreign policy mistakes being made by the Golfer In Chief.

So they voted for the guy who thinks you have to spend money to get yourself out of debt and that paying people not to work is good for the economy, who lied about keeping your doctor, who got an ambassador killed to cover up his foreign policy blunder, who got punked by Putin, who spied on every American, who used the IRS to harass political opponents, who stopped enforcing the border and enticed the world's poor to come in for free everything, and who has trashed the Constitution in his refusal to enforce laws passed by Congress and instead illegally makes his own.

What a bunch of morons! I've got it made!

field negro said...

"Naw, Mr. Snipes was jailed for trying some sovereign-citizen perfidy with the IRS."

Well those nuts are republicans, so....

"Despite his proven track record at economic management and the fact that he was right about the disastrous foreign policy mistakes being made by the Golfer In Chief."

You should have gotten some more of your brothers in arms to vote. If you did, you wouldn't be trolling a black blog with tears in your eyes while wondering what happened to your savior.

PilotX said...

"He will go down in history as the ultimate case of buyers remorse. Can you imagine how bad he would be if he wasn't half white?"

Methinks it's the white half that's the bad part. Ha!

Anonymous said...

And the Black half is the stupid part.


PilotX said...

"Despite his proven track record at economic management and the fact that he was right about the disastrous foreign policy mistakes being made by the Golfer In Chief."

Economic management? You mean outsourcing and telling people they're fired after they build your stage. OK, maybe if he and his wife hadn't been so sure they would win the election they refused to show their tax returns "we've shown YOU PEOPLE enough" ect. Should have listened to Nate Silver and not Turd Blossom and things may have turned out better. Anyhoo, the economy is recovering quite nicely and jobs are returning after the economic collapse under the last Republican President. All in all Barack isn't doing a bad job. Not even a war to further drain our resources. I say bravo.

the GOP said...

"Black, Hispanic and Asian Republicans will be shocked to learn the Republican party is all white."

All three of them. Nah, they won't.

"Democrats continue to show their ignorance and racism. Without ignorance and racism,the Democrat party wouldn't exist."

Because there are no ignorant racists in the GOP right? Bwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
It's funny because this is coming from an ignorant racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can't make this shit up.

The Fixer said...

"The Black, Hispanic and Asian Republican will be shocked to learn the Republican party is all white."

There, fixed it for ya.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...
"BTW, Wesley is a Republican, which is why he was jailed in the first place."
Naw, Mr. Snipes was jailed for trying some sovereign-citizen perfidy with the IRS.

8:43 PM
Why can't you see the 'good' in Wesley? The man is Blade. Show some respect. Wesley was innocent...ask Field about it.

Anonymous said...

PilotX said,,,
"the economy is recovering quite nicely "

You have no shame.

Anonymous said...

Blogger señor kinky said...
Black, Hispanic and Asian Republicans will be shocked to learn the Republican party is all white.

Democrats continue to show their ignorance and racism. Without ignorance and racism,the Democrat party wouldn't exist.

Kinky shows his ignorance. Asians in the GOP are considered White. Senator Mitch McConnell is married to an Asian woman. In KY and the South, Asians ARE White. They are not discriminated against.

Anonymous said...

That's because it's democrats who are obsessed by race and who think it defines a person.

Anonymous said...

"You have no shame."

you have no intelligence.

teh stupid said...

"That's because it's democrats who are obsessed by race and who think it defines a person."

Really? Does that include QLB who is a professed Republican and constantly talks about race?

Anonymous said...

I've got to get in on this. i do not hate all white people. i have some in my family. But I do hate "certain" white people who make their business, and their bread and butter, to hate brown people for no God given reason. Not understanding us is not a reason, it is a personal problem. And yes, it eats at their brains and hearts, everyday, every MINUTE of everyday, the fact that we have a Very successful President, who happens to be black.

The fact that white people are just catching onto what we've known for years shows you how culturally deaf they are. And wait until the hispanics smack them with Reality.

Anonymous said...

And whose country was this "originally anyway?! Last i checked, Native American meant just that.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, Latinos

Wooly said...

"And whose country was this "originally anyway?! Last i checked, Native American meant just that."

It was ours, the Mammoths, then the Indians came and killed us all.

Certain White Guy said...

"And yes, it eats at their brains and hearts, everyday, every MINUTE of everyday, the fact that we have a Very successful President, who happens to be black."

Who is this "very successful" President you speak of?

I must have missed him.

Pam said...

So,,,'Mo' Brooks "does not believe in racism" and "everyone should be treated equally as American citizens" He also states that "Race is 'immaterial' and everyone should be treated the same".
Of course he claims to hold these beliefs, because if you rub some of the white off of him what you'll find is YELLOW. Like every other lying white supremacist he knows what's coming to him so he says what is expedient for him to say.
No 'war on whites' has been officially declared--yet. But I firmly believe that when people keep asking for something, they should get it.!

Whites said...

Bring it, Pam.

Anonymous said...

Pam wrote,
Of course he claims to hold these beliefs, because if you rub some of the white off of him what you'll find is YELLOW. Like every other lying white supremacist he knows what's coming to him so he says what is expedient for him to say.
No 'war on whites' has been officially declared--yet. But I firmly believe that when people keep asking for something, they should get it.!

So Pam, what's really yellow is not exactly explaining "whats coming to him." I'm sure you mean some sort of bongo party which your people have a special affinity for. But just remember this. It might not go the way you want. And it sounds like Whites has given you fair warning in the process.


Unknown said...

Black People stare at me everyday. They are very alert of this issue that they think they have to on their guard. Nowadays, they have their preconceived opinions about me as same race situations with White People. They think everyone who goes by ethnicity should be colored. Not White. However, they are still on their guard to the point suspecting that I am the only one belonging to The White Ethnic Group. I belonged because of my coarse-jaw. This is a resemblance of The North although I am an Asian. This is a sign of cross-race effect. And this is also a sign of Evolution.