Wednesday, August 13, 2014

They are still rioting in the heartland.

I find it interesting that the mugshots of the Ferguson "looters" were released to the public, but there is still no information on the police officer who actually started it all by killing an unarmed teenager.

They are all facing felony and burglary charges, and I am sure that the folks in the Ferguson police department are patting themselves on the back for good police work.

Maybe, though, they should be focusing their efforts on arresting the person who started this whole mess.

Sadly, it feels like the sixties all over again. But this, I suppose, was inevitable.

The Ferguson police department is almost all white, and the town itself is predominantly black. Racial tensions are not new in Ferguson. It looks like they have been down this road before.

"Racial tensions have run high for decades in this former railroad town that was once a mostly white St. Louis suburb until school busing and urban decay sent many families packing for more distant communities.

Today, Ferguson is nearly 70 percent black, but the law here is still enforced by a police department that is more than 90 percent white, a fact that helps engender widespread distrust of officers — never more so than last weekend, when a white officer shot and killed an unarmed young black man who was about to start college.

Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson said 50 of the city's 53 police officers are white. He said he made recruiting and promoting black officers a priority when he took over four years ago after a three-decade police career in St. Louis and St. Louis County." [Source]

Chief Thompson, why can't you just train the white officers to learn to do better community policing? Like these guys for instance. Your fellow officer across the state got it right. Sometimes just "busting a move" with the neighborhood kids can do wonders for community relations.

A dance move is better than a bullet every day of the week.

Finally, that darn Barack Obama just keeps taking vacations and American are sick of it.

Why can't he focus on his job and cut out all the vacation stuff like his predecessors?


"As of August 12, 2014, Obama has taken 20 "vacations" lasting 2 to 15 days. He has spent all or part of 129 days on “vacation.”

And the president has made 33 visits to the official Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland, totaling all or part of 84 days. (Knoller does not count Camp David trips as “vacation.”)

Obama’s morning round of golf on Tuesday brought his total since January 2009 to 186, with 22 of them on Martha’s Vineyard.

At this point in George W. Bush’s presidency, he had taken 58 trips to his Prairie Chapel ranch near Crawford, Texas, for all or part of 381 days. (Bush also frequently used the property to host world leaders).

Bush had also spent all or part of 26 days at his family’s oceanside compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, over the course of seven trips there.
And the former Texas governor had been to Camp David 108 times for a total of all or part of 341 days.

Bush played 24 rounds of golf as president. He later explained his decision to stop in the fall of 2003 by saying he felt it was not appropriate to be seen golfing while American troops fought in Afghanistan and Iraq. [See chart here]

Never mind.

*Pic from Art Maggot.



Anonymous said...

"I find it interesting that the mugshots of the Ferguson "looters" were released to the public, but there is still no information on the police officer who actually started it all by killing an unarmed teenager."

Why is it interesting? I find it normal in America. Blacks don't have the same rights as Whites. In fact, they never did.

We are back to square one with the color barrier between Blacks and Whites. It will NEVER change because no one, Black or White has the will, the conscience, and the know how to change it.

That is the reality we must come to realize. THEN, maybe something will be done. But awareness and consciousness need to raised where NO ONE wants racism because it is wrong, it stinks, and it stains and corrupts the minds and hearts of humans.

However, it is doubtful that Americans or humans will ever get to that level consciousness. It is too much of a heightened step for human beings to make.

Anonymous said...

What gives Blacks the right to pillage innocent business owners because of this incident?


Whitey's Conspiracy said...

I'm sure that his simultaneous enthusiastic adoption of mountain biking in '83 had nothing to do with the golf. He wasn't just changing his hobbies like so many other middle aged men, it was out of respect for the troops. Serious times call for serious moments, like after 9/11 when he said “I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you. Now watch this drive!”

Whitey's Conspiracy said...


? said...

QLB, do you have a college degree? What do you do for a living?

Shady_Grady said...

I heard that the President is cutting his vacation short.
So either something big is going to happen or he has rabbit ears and is reacting to criticism.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight a brotha is shot and killed for walking down the street, peaceful protesters are tear gasses but white "militia" types can point guns at federal officers and nothing. Yep, BRA in full effect.

Trayvonista said...

"I find it interesting that the mugshots of the Ferguson "looters" were released to the public"

That's right, they're not looters, they're Crusaders for Justice.

The enemy of my enemy said...

So let me get this straight a brotha is shot and killed for walking down the street, peaceful protesters are tear gasses but white "militia" types can point guns at federal officers and nothing.

Take a look at this US Marshall's surveillance image of the Weaver ranch ahead of the Ruby Ridge massacre. The woman in the photo is Vicki Weaver, who would later that day be shot through the head by an Asian-American FBI sniper, while standing in a cabin door and holding her and Randy’s baby.

Vicki Weaver in this photo is mourning the death of her 14-year old son Sammy, killed by the feds earlier that day.

Anonymous said...

Why aren't there more blacks on the police force? Are they not applying, applying but not qualified, or what? It doesn't mean much if we don't know the application rates and the pass/fail rates of the applicants based on race.

If, say, less than 10% of the applicants are black then what's the department supposed to do? Hopefully these statistics will come out so we can know if it's discrimination or just a lack of viable candidates for the job.

Anonymous said...

"Why aren't there more blacks on the police force?"

Ferguson was a white town until about 20 years ago. Most of these guys are older and are holdovers from when it was a different place

Anonymous said...

The agitators behind the "protests" have now escalated it to the use of deadly force with Molotov cocktails, shooting at police and the police are claiming bombs have been deployed. Instead of peaceful protest they are now playing right into the hands of the souped up paramilitary forces (thanks to Holder and Obama's transfer of federal funds and equipment to local PD) and the police are winning the public perception war. I hope that looting the Taco Bell and burning out the QT Mart were worth it.

Not only that, but they have lost the PR war. I am sure whoever is behind this thought, "Stop Don't Shoot" with the hands up Tshirts on while they kneel in the street would make international news and created sympathy and support.

Instead, wags quickly put out Tshirts that stated, "Stop Don't Shoot, We're Only Here to Rob and Loot".

Reading the international press, aside from the diehard far Left ones, and it clear that people the world over have Negro Fatigue.

The police, by the way, are handling this masterfully from a PR point of view. Very impressive. Protestors are now in the streets chanting "F--k Obama" and "F--k Sharpton".

Anonymous said...

"Maybe, though, they should be focusing their efforts on arresting the person who started this whole mess."


How can you "arrest" a corpse? Isn't that the ultimate penalty for acting stupid and "starting messes" ??

Anonymous said...

Is that all you ever have Field? No matter how bad Obama is, it's always "But Bush!". All opposition to Obama has to be delegitimized by calling it "Racist". A true grass roots movement like the Tea Party gets derailed by a slanderous propaganda campaign. I think liberals really do not understand emotionally the extent to which the Tea Party was created by the Affordable Care Act and the feeling that its government was simply steamrolling it. From the Tea Party’s perspective, you had an unpopular program that should have died in the same way, and for the same reasons, that Social Security privatization did: because sensible politicians saw that, no matter how ardently they and their base might desire it, this was out of step with what the majority of the country wanted.

This administration has been wrong about a lot of things, and we've paid - and will pay - for that. But the sheer "I won" in-your-face immaturity of the Obamaites - remember the "Hey, Hey, Goodbye" chant to Bush at the inauguration - ensured that people would be angrier than normal. And they did that on purpose because a sharply divided nation suited them politically. Now Ron Fournier wonders if Americans would rally behind Obama after another 9/11 the way we rallied behind Bush, and I think the answer is no - because Obama has spent his entire time in office shitting on half the country.

The reason why presidents traditionally act "presidential" isn't because they're stiffly formal, it's because acting presidential, rather than purely political, lets you appeal to the whole country in ways that a pure partisan can't. Obama doesn't care, and we may very well pay for that, too. But elections have consequences, and when you elect a guy like Obama, the consequences are bad ones.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, it feels like the sixties all over again. But this, I suppose, was inevitable.


No, things are very different now then they were in the 60's. Back then, "Civil Rights" didn't exist, and Progressives could convincingly claim that the passage of "Civil Rights" and huge wealth transfers to the black community would be the solution.

Well, 50+ years later and the situation within the black community has gotten worse for many blacks, not better. A very few lucky ones benefited from the results of the 60's riots and protests. The majority continued to be isolated and marginalized, and often targeted for even more disparate and unfair treatment.

The main difference between then and now is back then the black movement and cause was able to find broad support within the domestic white community and internationally. The US was still seen as that "shining city on the hill" and to be the leader in things such as civil rights, etc.

Internationally, today, no one believes the US is the moral authority for anything. White people no longer have any empathy towards the black condition, and instead, blame blacks for the gaps between whites and blacks in such markers as education, income, family wealth, etc as not a function of institutional racism but "black dysfunction".

Reading through some blogs about #Ferguson and the comments is depressing. I am shocked but not surprised at the number of people who are impatient because the police are "still" using rubber bullets when they would like to see them using live ammunition "to put an end to this nonsense". I've lost of how many blogs I've gone to that use the actual term, "monkeyshines", and no, it wasn't Niggermania blog. :-(

So, no, this is not the 60's. Things are much worse in many respects than they were in the 60's, and these protests are not going to create a better situation for the residents of Ferguson save for some temporary and meaningless "community outreach" gestures, and it certainly will be borne by blacks throughout the country.

The term "Post Negro America" has been used a lot here. I would have to agree that how Ferguson is playing out, "black power" no longer exists. New strategies have to be developed, because this old playbook has been played out.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 10:58

The Police Chief has said that the departments recruiting efforts don't yield the number of candidates they want, and that they would like some assistance in changing that and help in identifying where their recruiting efforts fall short. He seemed really open and honest about that.

He also talked about the promotions of black officers to Sgt, and that some left after promotion to other forces for more pay, etc.

Anonymous said...

Ferguson was once a middle-class suburban town known for sprawling parks and tidy brick homes. For many years, it was largely white.

During the past few decades, demographics changed. As St. Louis city schools deteriorated, a voluntary busing program started in the 1980s that allowed parents to send their children to suburban districts.

Some black families left the city, and its crime, behind for nearby suburbs like Ferguson. Whites in Ferguson began to move to outer suburbs.


Field didn't quote that part of the story, so I lay it out here.

Ferguson used to be a white suburb of STL, filled with tidy brick homes and sprawling parks. The unspoken statement is that it was also considered "safe".

After busing and forced school integration was imposed, blacks began moving to Ferguson,

"Some black families left the city, and its crime, behind for nearby suburbs like Ferguson."

Except that the black families did NOT leave the crime behind, it followed them to Ferguson because crime has a color, and that color is black.

The higher income whites left, and the tidy brick homes were no longer maintained, and the streets stopped being safe, and the community became a shell of what it once was.

What it became was the same inner city slum that the black families had imported with them.

How many communities have to "die" for DIE-versity before we admit the truth?
Blacks are incapable of creating and sustaining a functional first world city, no matter where in the world they constitute the majority. Not in the US, and not anywhere else.

Anonymous said...

Anon, "Is that all you ever have Field? No matter how bad Obama is, it's always "But Bush!". All opposition to Obama has to be delegitimized by calling it "Racist"."

The answer to your question is, "Yes, that is all Field will ever have." Here's the truth about Field:

Like Obama he is incompetent and lacks the experience and the insight into 'what should be done.' He just doesn't know.

And like Obama, he is trapped in a squirrel cage that he keeps running in, unable to see anything different.

So, no matter how bad Obama gets, the squirrel cage answer is "Bush did it too." Bottom line, Obama is ok because Bush did it too.

However, Field also claims the Bush was totally inept.

Can you not see the squirrel cage Field runs in?

Wesley R said...

I saw some whites protesting today in Missouri. Wait until this weekend. The crowds are going to be huge, and more diverse.

I have a problem with my brothers and sisters in Ferguson. With a population totaling 70%, why aren't the black folks running the town. We have to quit making excuses and vote.

Anonymous said...

"Can you not see the squirrel cage Field runs in?"

Good observation.

Mayor McCheese said...

Wesley R said...
I have a problem with my brothers and sisters in Ferguson. With a population totaling 70%, why aren't the black folks running the town. We have to quit making excuses and vote.

Oh they will now, after this. Ferguson will be 90% black in 5 years.

And we all know what 90% black communities look like.

You'd think blacks would realize that things are lot better when white folks are running things. But nope. And so Ferguson will go the way of every other town that black folks run. Every single one.

Anonymous said...

My husband worked in a research lab that had a contract for military equipment. They worked on alot of crowd control stuff for deployment overseas.

He says in the twitter feeds he's seen some of the equipment he helped work on in the background in #Ferguson but it is clear that it hasn't been deployed ..... yet. Some of it, when they turn it on, is very very painful and results in awful injuries but non-lethal.

He never thought he would see it even as backup for use in the US.

Anonymous said...

So, no matter how bad Obama gets, the squirrel cage answer is "Bush did it too." Bottom line, Obama is ok because Bush did it too.

However, Field also claims the Bush was totally inept.

Can you not see the squirrel cage Field runs in?

11:30 PM
This is so true. It's beautiful. It lays out quite simply how Field runs around in circles on Obama's behalf. It is truly mediocrity at its best.

No wonder he works for the city. That's where quite a few mediocre lawyers work.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight a brotha is shot and killed for walking down the street, peaceful protesters are tear gasses but white "militia" types can point guns at federal officers and nothing. Yep, BRA in full effect.

10:33 PM


Yep. That's what happens when "racial solidarity" is more important to you than doing the right thing and standing up for other people's right to have their grievances given a full and just hearing. When it's your turn, no one stands up for you, and you find yourself all by your lonesome.

The black community mocked the Tea Party activists for protesting against the bailouts and stimulus, even though the protests were sincere. Nope, calling them racists instead of listening to the grievances was more important. Y'all were so thrilled with yourselves with your crude slurs and mocking comments.

Then you called the protestors who defied the militarized po pos at Bundy Wingnuts and Haters and again mocked them and stood in racial solidarity because the protestors were white, and your Prezzydent is black.

So, now, the same out of control Federal government that you've stood staunchly with out of racial solidarity, has gone and armed and militarized the local po-po (which you didn't care about, because you thought it would be used against those cracka Tea Baggers, so it be all good n stuff....) and now it's being trained on the black folk of Ferguson.

And those same black folk are looking around and upset that no one is there to share their anger, no one is supporting their right to have their grievances heard, and no one is trying to stop the police from escalating this and turning into a military armed confrontation.

First they came for the Teabaggers and I mocked them. Then they came for the Second Amendment supporters and I mocked them.

And now they're here for me, and I'm all alone.

Tough.Shit. Suck on tear gas, Ferguson.

field negro said...

Just keep the nuts coming in my "squirrel cage". That's all I ask.;)

The truth is really inconvenient for the wingnut. He tries to start a meme that O takes too many vacations, but when the truth shows that W was worse he tries to change the subject.

Who is the "squirrel" now?

field negro said...

Anon@12:22, the "tea baggers" would never be in solidarity with the Negro so stop with the crazy talk.

And no one ever came for the "tea bagger:, they look too much like the "rest of America"
to be dangerous. *side eye*

Nan said...

The prove you're not a robot has become an advertisement?! I've heard of monetizing a blog, but that's just plain bizarre.

Anonymous said...

field negro said...

Anon@12:22, the "tea baggers" would never be in solidarity with the Negro so stop with the crazy talk.

And no one ever came for the "tea bagger:, they look too much like the "rest of America"
to be dangerous. *side eye*

6:51 AM


I think the point being made was that blacks have never stood in solidarity with any other group for any other reason except their own self-interest.

There have been whites executed by cops. Where was Sharpton then?

Blacks are always claiming that everyone should be treated the same and not judged because of the color of their skin, clothing, etc.

If they believe that, then they should have been protesting the execution of non-blacks by police as well. Or the illegal raids that get people killed or injured, like that asian baby when a grenade was thrown into his crib.

But, nope. Silence. It's only when it's in the shakedown centers and it can be exploited for more gibmedats do they put down the OE500 and blunt long enough to wander out and "protest".

If the black community wants to genuinely fight "injustice" and be treated "equally" then they need to start protesting when OTHER racial groups are also victims of "injustice".

The choice to only care about themselves is now biting them in the butt. Blacks have made it clear they only care about blacks. The rest of the country is making it clear they don't care about the blacks in Ferguson and their alleged "oppression" from da po-leese.

Blacks had ample enough opportunity to build up goodwill with other groups but didn't do that. Now when they want other people to be in soladarity with them, they are shocked that it isn't happening.

No it's not "racism" per se, it's politic and coalition building 101.

Anonymous said...

Whoever are the stage managers and provacteurs behind this Ferguson nonsense are doing a great job of reinforcing every bad stereotype about black people you possibly could. Here is a summary of the attitude from comments left at newspapers and blogs around the world:

1. Blacks lie. About everything.
2. Blacks are violent and use the slightest provocation or "diss" to become aggressive and violent.
3. Blacks are always looking for any excuse to steal/loot/vandalize.
4. Blacks aren't trustworthy.

None of this is true, of course, but, gee, thanks to the losers running the show there in Missouri for aiding and abetting the entrenchment of racist stereotypes. There was a "right" way to PR manage this crisis and genuine outrage, but this.wasn'

Oh, and blacks in Ferguson will be happy to know that Obama was "briefed" on the situation, but only after he finished his wagu beef dinner (or was it lobster?) and then he carried on.

Anonymous said...

Field, "The truth is really inconvenient for the wingnut. He tries to start a meme that O takes too many vacations, but when the truth shows that W was worse he tries to change the subject.

Who is the "squirrel" now?"

6:47 AM
The truth about O is really inconvenient for Field. When O is taking too many vacations, leftist Field tries to cover it by talking about Bush.

What George W Bush 'did' is 'still', 'always' 'the' reference point for measuring Obama's poor job as a President. Mr Field, do you not see that is the mental squirrel cage you live in, post after post?

Your thoughts keep you going round and round in circles. You keep holding on to Bush, with a death grip, afraid to evaluate Obama on his own merit or demerit.

Bush's lousy job still lives in your mind to cover for Obama's lousy job. This is insane and totally irrational. It is the mark of a weak mind unable to face the disturbing truth about Obama. The question is:

"Mr Field, Why are you thinking this way? Don't you care what is happening to the people in America, esp Blacks?"

FYI...the country is NOT concerned about Mr Bush anymore. That is HISTORY. America is concerned with NOW. Everything Obama has done during his Presidency is "ON OBAMA", not Bush. Wake up!

Anonymous said...

"The truth is really inconvenient for the wingnut. He tries to start a meme that O takes too many vacations, but when the truth shows that W was worse he tries to change the subject."

That's not true. You are counting work days as Bush's vacation. No President has worked as little as Obama. None. Ever. Not even close.

Joder La Resistencia said...

alleged field negro said...

"He tries to start a meme that O takes too many vacations, but when the truth shows that W was worse he tries to change the subject."

The left would piss and moan every time Bush went on vacation. Oh how the left cried about how presidents shouldn't go on vacations while Americans are suffering and the world is in turmoil.

Now they rush to defend dear leader every vacation he takes.

Obama 2008-

“The bargain that any president strikes with is, you give me this office and in turn my, fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone,” Obama said. “I am giving myself to you.”

I guess only Democrat presidents can take vacations while Americans are suffering and the world is in turmoil.

Anonymous said...

70 percent African American population with 50 of 53 police officers being white points to the continued act of politicians giving jobs to friends, family and political helpers. Politics has infused police departments around the country with unqualified officers who give hard working officers who are trying to serve the public a bad name. You have generations of family members who are police officers and firemen and women in this country and I know based on first hand knowledge that many of them are not qualified to be dog catcher. Until politics is taken out of the hiring process this country will continue to see these these types of problems be it the poisoning of police departments by way of racist beliefs or the us and them take on policing the very people who pay their salaries.

Plantation Pete said...

fieldd negro said...

Anon@12:22, the "tea baggers" would never be in solidarity with the Negro so stop with the crazy talk.

Not as long as there are slavecatchers like you tirelessly working to keep blacks on your Democrat Master's plantation.

Can't have negroes making common cause with other citizens protesting the heavy hand of the state.

Good work, "Field" Negro.

Anonymous said...

Blacks thugs get shot in Memphis quite often, sometimes it's a black cop that does it and sometimes a white cop. No body freaks out. Blacks here in general want the crime stopped and they know who is doing it. Black males age 15-40 are the gravest domestic security threat which this nation faces. They are responsible for 80% of gun violence in the Country and crime. It is not "racist" to point that out. Investigation and legal action is applied. Civilized people don't loot and riot. The negroes in Ferguson are behaving like savages and deserved to be treated as such. Their lawless acts should not be tolerated. If they stop with all these so called protests, the "police state" will end. Duh!

Anonymous said...

"70 percent African American population with 50 of 53 police officers being white points to the continued act of politicians giving jobs to friends, family and political helpers"

No, not really. Up until quite recently, Ferguson was a white suburb. It's only been majority black for 10 years or so.

They were not going to fire cops because their police force was "too white". (Maybe they will now).

Dr. Yisheng said...

The truth is really inconvenient for the wingnut. He tries to start a meme that O takes too many vacations

The President is a FATHER OF COURSE he's SUPPOSED to take his family on a summer vacation!!!!

Geez, you hee-haws make me sick with your irrational standards that ONLY seem to apply to Blacks.

Here's a man with smart, well mannered kids who want a vacation with their Dad who happens to be the Presudent, and you m*therf**kers complain! Then in the exact same hypof**kin'critical sentence, you talk $hit about Black kid with unmarried parents, that managed to graduate from what's VERY likey one if the $hittiest high school in America!!

Why can't you ignorant a$$hole take a position and keep it?? Never mind, it's in your nature to be a bunch of idiots!!!

Anonymous said...

1. Blacks lie. About everything.
2. Blacks are violent and use the slightest provocation or "diss" to become aggressive and violent.
3. Blacks are always looking for any excuse to steal/loot/vandalize.
4. Blacks aren't trustworthy.

None of this is true, of course, but, gee, thanks to the losers running the show there in Missouri for aiding and abetting the entrenchment of racist stereotypes.

Of course it is not true of blacks in general, but every stereotype has some truth to it, and these underclass negroes are proving it out.

That cop may well have unnecessarily killed this young man, but Dorian Johnson is obviously lying, as the forensic evidence will show. What then? If indeed it is shown that Brown actually attacked the cop in his car, will black "leaders" admit that Michael Brown's actions were primarily to blame for this tragic incident?

Of course not. It will be Trayvon Martin all over again.

A culture that makes heroes out of thugs and killers and externalizes all it's failures is going nowhere. Get your shit together Black America. The rest of the country needs you.

Dr. Yisheng said...

What the Black folks in Ferguson need to do is not spend another mutherf**kin' dime in Ferguson. Get your gas, groceries, ect from towns OUTSIDE Ferguson!!! Black folks need to "riot" with their money because that's ALL these greedy, racists understand!!!

For example, I have family in the city where Travon Martin was killed and I haven't spent ONE DIME in that place since.NOT. ONE. DIME!!!

Marshall said...

Yīshēng said...
The President is a FATHER OF COURSE he's SUPPOSED to take his family on a summer vacation!!!!

They are on vacation 5 months out of the year.

When Obama does work, it's mostly campaign fund raising. Or golfing.

Being President is a serious job. When the person who holds does not take it seriously, we all suffer.

Anonymous said...

Yīshēng said...

What the Black folks in Ferguson need to do is not spend another mutherf**kin' dime in Ferguson. Get your gas, groceries, ect from towns OUTSIDE Ferguson!!! Black folks need to "riot" with their money because that's ALL these greedy, racists understand!!!

Yep, can't use the EBT at a Quick Pick y'all burned down.

History has shown run basic businesses like gas stations and grocery stores can't survive in black neighborhoods due to the crime and theft. As the white businesses leave Ferguson, those negroes are going to have to OUTSIDE to spend our money.

Joder La Resistencia said...

"Sadly, it feels like the sixties all over again. But this, I suppose, was inevitable."

I know the racial grievance industry is working overtime to turn a few killings by police into a war on blacks.

But damn..

Blacks are more likely to shoot or kill cops than they are to be shot or killed by cops.

Blacks are more likely to shoot or kill whites than they are to be shot or killed by whites.

I know blacks like to live in a perpetual state of victimization.

Wake up. There is no war on blacks. America is for blacks.

If blacks are unhappy with their status in America, leave the Democrat plantation and give both political parties a reason to fight for you........

Joder La Resistencia said...

Dr. Queen has a plan. Don't spend money in Ferguson or in the city where "Travon" was killed. Force businesses to close. Put people out of work. Increase poverty and give people fewer choices when shopping for healthy food.

Only someone with multiple college degrees could come up with such a brilliant plan....

Unknown said...

This town's police force is way out of line. But the thing I don't understand is if the town is 70% african american, why is the mayor and the city council white, they don't vote?

Whitey's Conspiracy said...

No municipality ANYWHERE in America EVER considered a predominantly white or Jewish protest a security threat (unless its a leftist protest that is) no matter the provocation, much less a paramilitary-response worthy security threat. Protesting white people in America can confront the cops with their own assault rifles and walk away from it unscathed and still armed. Let black people start protesting though, and its time to break out the SWAT teams with all of the homeland security goodies: armored vehicles, rubber bullets, stun grenades. The reaction against black people in Fergusen has been so disproportionate from those commonly employed against whites that its impossible to attribute it to anything but desire and design to inflame and escalate the confrontation.

In da hood said...

I hereby nominate se~or kinky to be made an honorary 'brother'.

He obviously loves us here and so cannot tear himself away.

What would he do without this blog? I wonder?

PilotX said...

more weirdness, they're arresting journalists and taking down their equipment. That in addition to an unnecessary no-fly zone and you have a media blackout. The constitution guarantees us the right to peacefully assemble and the right to a free press. Hmmmmmmmmmm.

Thirsty in Detroit said...

Unknown said...

This town's police force is way out of line. But the thing I don't understand is if the town is 70% african american, why is the mayor and the city council white, they don't vote?

Maybe they are smart African Americans who realize once a town comes under black political control, corruption, ineptitude, soaring crime rates and bankruptcy follow.

Whitey's Conspiracy said...

señor kinky said...

"Only someone with multiple college degrees could come up with such a brilliant plan...."

What is it with you republiklanners and knowledge? Nothing seems to set you off more than someone who's spent years acquiring specialized knowledge being taken as a better authority than those with uninformed opinions. Why does informed opinion always drive you into a common man v. egghead pissing contest?

Rhetorical questions of course. I'm sure that the first human to figure out how to sharpen flint had a whole crowd of naysayers claiming that their natural points still worked fine and he wasn't as smart as all that.

Anonymous said...

PilotX said...

more weirdness, they're arresting journalists and taking down their equipment

The little douchebag who got arrested would not leave a McDonalds the police were closing down due to the rioting.

He purposefully dragged his ass so as to goad the police into arresting him.

The liberal media is a sick joke.

PilotX said...

Klancy McKlannahan said...

Whitey's Conspiracy said...
What is it with you republiklanners and knowledge? Nothing seems to set you off more than someone who's spent years acquiring specialized knowledge being taken as a better authority than those with uninformed opinions

What is it with moonbats who think irrelevant and inflated credentials confer unquestioned authority?

Queen has not been studying economics or law; she has been studying biology and cleaning glassware for 30 years.

Kinky is right. Not spending money in your own neighborhood is cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Anonymous said...

Al Jazeera journalists should be shot on sight.

Bill said...

Yīshēng said...
What the Black folks in Ferguson need to do is not spend another mutherf**kin' dime in Ferguson.

The koch brothers won't even notice no one is spending money in fergusion.

Poor people will be hurt the hardest by your economic boycott.

The democrat way to solve problems, punish poor people.

Reginald Denny said...

Whitey's Conspiracy said...
The reaction against black people in Fergusen has been so disproportionate from those commonly employed against whites that its impossible to attribute it to anything but desire and design to inflame and escalate the confrontation.

White protesters don't loot and burn down stores. Nor do they drag innocent motorists from their vehicles and bash their heads in with cinder blocks.

Black people do.

Got it, Einstein?

Bill said...

field negro said...
tries to start a meme that O takes too many vacations, but when the truth shows that W was worse he tries to change the subject.

Defending obama by comparing him to bush?


If you must lower the standard to defend obama, so be it.

field negro said...

Co-sign with WC@12:08PM.

Reginald, just be glad u survived. The black man who was actually dragged BY a car and not from it, did not.

Bill said...

Whitey's Conspiracy said...
What is it with you republiklanners and knowledge? Nothing seems to set you off more than someone who's spent years acquiring specialized knowledge being taken as a better authority than those with uninformed opinions.

Whitey, do you agree with Doc that boycotting local business will punish the police/government/republicans/koch brothers?

I believe boycotting local businesses will do more harm than good.

I believe that is also the point kinky is making.

Please explain why the Doc is right.


You sure have got an infestation today Field...These same Neanderthals would be instigating some racial disharmony somewhere else..The only positive thing about them commenting is you get a detailed insight into how these depraved inhuman individuals operate

Bill said...

Whitey's Conspiracy said...
No municipality ANYWHERE in America EVER considered a predominantly white or Jewish protest a security threat (unless its a leftist protest that is)

Do you have any links to damage done by tea party protests?

Any links to vandalized stores?

Maybe damage/riots from an nra rally? Even a single overturned police car?

Of course lots of links to intentional damage/crimes by the white occupy protests, of course you can;t hold the right responsible for damage by white leftists.

So, what I am asking for is links to damage/vandalism/rioting from a right-wing rally.

If you are unable to provide links to damage from a "white" right-wing protest, I understand you going crickets.

field negro said...

BIB, we don't agree on much when it comes to politics, but we sure agree on why u should allow the racist troll the freedom to speak.


I would reply to all of them in one post ..but it think its better to handle the them individualy ......Its amazing that they actually believe some of the gobbley gook they post on a daily...Cant have a job or any kind of meaningful life posting in Field Negro incessantly during business hours... No purpose no life...Just Field Negro all the time allllll day....Kinda sad


No we sure don't agree politically... You are way too friendly with the status quo for me ...but racist anon Trollies ...are almost as repulsive as some of O-bombers policies....

Trolio said...

The only positive thing about them commenting is you get a detailed insight into how these depraved inhuman individuals operate

It's called rational, logical thinking.

You should try it more often.

Joder La Resistencia said...

Huh? Whitey thinks dr. queen has "spent years acquiring specialized knowledge" and that makes her a better authority?

Well tell me whitey, how is dr. queen's plan going to help black folks in Ferguson or in the city where "Travon" was killed?

When blacks riot, you can bank on looting,destruction of non-black businesses and women being assaulted and raped. You can also bank on non-blacks (especially whites)to be attacked and/or killed.

When leftist protest, aka riot, they loot and destroy. They OD on drugs.They assault and rape women.

So when blacks and white liberals live up to their stereotypes, they are treated according.

Reginald Denny said...

field negro said...
"Reginald, just be glad u survived. The black man who was actually dragged BY a car and not from it, did not. "

The men who killed Mr. Byrd did it in the dead of night, far away form civilization. His killer was also executed, btw.

Reginald Denny was beaten into a coma in the middle of the day, in front of a cheering crowd, on live TV. His attackers were freed, but wound up back in jail for other crimes. What do you know?

And in any event, the James Byrd murder is one lone case in the last couple of decades versus hundreds of counter examples.

Nice try at false equivalency, Field.

You must be something in court...

Whitey's Conspiracy said...

If white Tklan or NRAklan demonstrators WERE treated the way that black people demonstrating against police brutality ARE treated, it would look just like Ferguson or worse in Klanville.

Gun-toting Teaklanner said...

Funny, I don't remember hearing about the Tea Party lootings or the NRA rally that burned down businesses.

Perhaps you could tell us about them, Whitey.


It's called rational, logical thinking..

Hey..whatever you want to call your illness is fine with me....

I'm just fine with you making an Ass of yourself on a daily basis...please continue.....

Barbara said...

No wonder the US cannot advocate for real peace in the Middle East or anywhere, its homeland is a complete mess, a bastion of discord,disharmony, intolerance and injustice.The unjust cannot lead.Never.

PilotX said...

This doesn't really surprise me one bit. The St. Louis area has always been a racist stronghold. They help the VP Fair every year, a frat bro of mine who went to Wash U expalined to me what VP stood for, watch Birth of a Nation and I believe the first line should give a clue. A guy I just flew with lives in the area and he was amazed at the amount of backwards racist attitudes and lastly we have to see where the klan was founded. Add it all up and it makes sense.

Kersey said...

The reason the Ferguson Police Department has 50 out of 53 officers being white is because of the dramatic racial change the city has undergone in 20 years. From 73 percent white in 1990 to 28 percent white today.

What's "heartbreaking" is not the death of a black male, who assaulted a police officer. What is "heartbreaking is the deleterious effects an almost entirely black population had upon the quality of life in Ferguson, specifically Normandy High School.

Out of 1190 students, the school is 97 percent black.

And, thanks to the individual contributions of black people like the late Michael Brown, it's one of the most dangerous high schools in all of St. Louis.

As a city's black population rises, the level of dysfunction increases. The city went from 73 percent white in 1990 to 28 percent white today. White families decided black dysfunction isn't something they want to raise their children around.

And looking at the events of this week, they were right.

Survivor said...

PilotX said...
A guy I just flew with lives in the area and he was amazed at the amount of backwards racist attitudes

Not wanting to live with violent, criminals who loot and riot at the drop of a hat = backwards racist attitudes.

I'm all for that kind of "backwards racist attitudes".

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Barbara said...

No wonder the US cannot advocate for real peace in the Middle East or anywhere, its homeland is a complete mess, a bastion of discord,disharmony, intolerance and injustice.The unjust cannot lead.Never.

You are right, Obama should resign.

Anonymous said...

You sure have got an infestation today Field...These same Neanderthals would be instigating some racial disharmony somewhere else..The only positive thing about them commenting is you get a detailed insight into how these depraved inhuman individuals operate

1:00 PM
Brother BIB, We all are depraved. We are just a various levels of depraved unconsciousness. We are humans with minds full of 'error' that we think is 'right'. In our ignorance, humans will argue, fight and even kill for what they perceive to be right but it 'always' turns out to be wrong.

Then, the blame game begins to justify wrongs done to each other. Unfortunately, very 'few' humans manage to become Saints.

Evil, depravity, irreligiosity, lust, greed, anger, pride, envy and Sin is our 'normal' state.

That is what makes FN such a great blog. It verifies what has been known about humans since Adam, Eve and Lucifer separated from the Creator=human suffering and misery.

However, I doubt Field had that in mind. He's not that insightful. Nevertheless, FN is a vehicle that is quite useful for anyone to look in the FN mirror, and see themselves, and conclude they need higher plane of consciousness to break free from the depraved hideousness and misery of the human heart and mind.


CLETUS Knows it all said....

What's "heartbreaking" is not the death of a black male, who assaulted a police officer.

Since CLETUS was there at the time of the shooting.. And was the lead detective ...There's no need for an investigation...

I hope u save some money up for this officers commissary...

in da hood said...

Oh great! BIB is going to protest in Ferguson!.that a guy!!! Put your money where your mouth is!!!

PilotX said...

No Survivor, this conversation took place well before any looting/rioting. BTW it IS racist to assume all of us are looters/rioters. Seems you'd fit right in there. You're the exact kind of backwards individual he was referring. Thanks for proving his point.


Well let's be clear there are varying levels of depravity....

The ones displayed here are of the very lowest. General consensus proves that without question...They would only be accepted by the lowest of the low.... Think along the lines of a Tom Metzger...or a Rush Limbaugh...

Very unclean characters


My money is in Cannabis .....

Ignorant Hillbilly...LOL

Anonymous said...

Signor Kinky said

Signor Kinky said:So when blacks and white liberals live up to their stereotypes, they are treated according.
Signor Kinky....links please. Remember, no linky, you stinky or You have NO credibility.


Survivor said...

PilotX said...

No Survivor, this conversation took place well before any looting/rioting. BTW it IS racist to assume all of us are looters/rioters. Seems you'd fit right in there. You're the exact kind of backwards individual he was referring. Thanks for proving his point.

Well I guess the fact there was looting and rioting proves mine.

When modern thinking is irrational and deluded, "backwards" keeps you alive.

PilotX said...

No, only a few people looted so to stereotype an entire group of people is ignorance.

Survivor said...

PilotX said...
No, only a few people looted so to stereotype an entire group of people is ignorance.

Gee, that's comforting that only a couple thousand of them looted and rioted.

How many does it take to reinforce the stereotype?

You make ignorance sound good.

Keep trying, fly boy.

field negro said...

"You must be something in court..."

Well yes, there is that.

You must come to Philly and see me in action sometime.

Admission is free. Our courtrooms are usually open to the public. ;)

Anonymous said...

Want to see the real Michael Brown, Jr.

I especially like the one with the gun.

He was such an Angel....not!

This post to be removed by FN shortly because it does not fit with the narrative.

Joder La Resistencia said...

I'm glad to see Whitey, BIB and field showing up to the militarization of the police party.

Know who has been warning of this from day one?


Rand Paul has been working to put a end to the militarization of the police.

What are Democrats doing?

Rand Paul wants to legalize and tax cannabis.

What's Obama's position on cannabis?

Rand Paul dated a black woman.

They would get high together and worship the Aqua Buddha.

Rand Paul is down with the struggle.

Field,BIB, open your hearts and minds to Rand Paul.

Consider voting Rand in 2016.


Slimeball said"

Well I guess the fact there was looting and rioting proves mine.

Just like I could attribute every Catholic child molester priest to All White males. .

Is it true? Probably not ...same premise....

The arguments u use are so elementary... Do you really think people take you seriously?

Survivor said...


Slimeball said"

Well I guess the fact there was looting and rioting proves mine.

Just like I could attribute every Catholic child molester priest to All White males.

Actually not, as the correlation is much, much lower.

Math. It's your friend.

Survivor said...

Hey BiB, I'll tell you what.

You stay away from Catholic priests, and I'll stay away from large gatherings of black people.

And we'll both be safe.


Yeah that's what u wanna believe in your heart....

WHO knows if any of u sick Trollie WMV's are molesting children in a underground kiddie pedophilia rings...

I would bet for it ......before I bet against it ..thats for sure....


No ...Since I have no fear of Catholic priests ..since I can defend myself quite well...

I would suggest you go to the heart of a historic black ghetto ..say DC..or Philly ...and megaphone your views that you seem so proud the Beautiful Black People in those neighborhoods...

That's what I'd like to see... just stroll don't run....

Anonymous said...

Yingyang wrote,

Yīshēng said...
What the Black folks in Ferguson need to do is not spend another mutherf**kin' dime in Ferguson. Get your gas, groceries, ect from towns OUTSIDE Ferguson!!! Black folks need to "riot" with their money because that's ALL these greedy, racists understand!!!

For example, I have family in the city where Travon Martin was killed and I haven't spent ONE DIME in that place since.NOT. ONE. DIME!!!

How utterly stupid. The businesses are going to leave anyway because of insurance costs. Hell, Blacks have a hard time even keeping grocery stores open in their neighborhoods. Emerson Electric is the biggest employer and you can rest assured that management and the stockholders have everything they need to leave Ferguson. The town will become an East St. Louis clone with the only businesses being liquor stores, payday loan sharks and fast food. Drug dealing and prostitution will replace Emerson Electric. Wonderful.



One interesting Kaveat ....

Ferguson's people didn't all.....The L.A. riots were sparked after several controversial judgment's let police officers get off in the Rodney King trial...and a Korean mini mart owner who murdered Latasha Harlin's got probation....

Its interesting because Ferguson residents have recounted stories of police abuse ,and true to form they immediately began trying to cover up as many details from the public...

Survivor said...

I would suggest you go to the heart of a historic black ghetto ..say DC..or Philly ...and megaphone your views that you seem so proud the Beautiful Black People in those neighborhoods...

That's what I'd like to see... just stroll don't run....

Your admission of the violent nature of black communities illustrates my point yet again. Perfectly.



WMV ...Chief.. Cherry.. Picker in Charge said...

"Your admission of the violent nature of black communities illustrates my point yet again. Perfectly."

I explicitly challenged you to MEGAPHONE your idiotic views in those neighborhoods...

Of course your going to get your head busted open saying the ignorant foolish garbage you spew here every day...

Comprehension is definitely NOT in your forte.....

Did we run out of Troll spray?

I guess so.... its attack of the angry White Male Victims all over again...

Just never stop crying ..even when theres nothing to cry about... Amazing

Anonymous said...

My money is in Cannabis .....

Ignorant Hillbilly...LOL

3:15 PM
CW Pharmacy is the way to play Canabis, not that penny stock ERBB.

Once again, I played your penny ass stock and once again I lost my ass. Now I have to go to Ferguson to get some stuff to sell because I'm desperate for some money, thanks to you.

Survivor said...

"Of course your going to get your head busted open saying the ignorant foolish garbage you spew here every day..."

You don't have convince me - Black people ARE violent. That's why I avoid black neighborhoods, with or without a megaphone.

You're on a roll BiB. You are almost to the point of comprehending what you are saying.

Keep trying. Thinking is good.


White Male Victim ...

I really feel sad that you have no absolutely no comprehension skills...

Your really at a disadvantage in life like that...

Please tell us again why you cant understand anything....

Its frustratingly amusing , and sad all at the same time...

Poor Troll just doesn't know any better...

Its ok.... Maybe...JUST maybe you will act out one of those little fantasies in your head...

You know the one where you actually confront a Black person in the physical world with your foolishness...

Anonymous said...

I would suggest you go to the heart of a historic black ghetto ..say DC..or Philly ...and megaphone your views that you seem so proud the Beautiful Black People in those neighborhoods...

WTF is a historic Black neighborhood but a degenerating slum.



Stupid Shit Racists say..

"Black people ARE violent."

What a interesting comment coming from a person who Identifies with a lineage of Slave Traders and Rapists

Slave Traders and Rapists that operated with Impunity for hundreds of years..

Anonymous said...

BIB wrote,
You know the one where you actually confront a Black person in the physical world with your foolishness

What BS. You're the most gutless people in the world. It's why you prey on the elderly. You don't feel comfortable unless you have a three to one advantage. One on one you'd just as soon shuck and jive and call me massa.


Anonymous said...

Why do Blacks on FN converse with the likes of QLB? What benefit or what is there to gain by talking to someone who degrades Blacks?

I mean, why bother? We ALL know the conversation is going nowhere. All it does is give legitimacy to QLB'S opinions about Blacks.

As I suggested to Granny before, I suggest to BIB to IGNORE HIM....PLEASE.

Treat him as though he is inhumane and does not deserve the time of day from anyone on this blog.

IGNORE HIM!!! PLEASE!!! Stop lowering yourself to his level.

Survivor said...

"You know the one where you actually confront a Black person in the physical world with your foolishness... "

I don't have any problem with individual black people, I just know it makes sense for me to avoid large crowds of them.

The last person I just talked to before coming home was a 350 pound black man at the gym.

A black man could come in my neighborhood without fear of being accosted. If he had a megaphone he'd be asked to shut up, but he wouldn't be in danger of getting his head busted in for anything he said.

Couple of young black guys with tats and saggy pants walking down the street are going to get the eye. But again, no one is going to attack them for walking down the street.

Yet you and I both know that a white person strolling through a black neighborhood is going to catch it.

That's what I'm saying, that's what you're saying.

Get it yet?

Survivor said...

"What a interesting comment coming from a person who Identifies with a lineage of Slave Traders and Rapists"

No slave traders and, as far as I know, no rapists in my lineage (although odds are all of us have a rapist or two in our ancestry).

My lineage fought for the North to free your lineage.

russ said...

what a surprise, blacks used the grand jury decision to do a little free Christmas shopping, reinforcing ALL the stereotypes white people hold of them. If you want people not to have people not to be prejudist try NOT to justify their fears