Thursday, August 21, 2014

The propaganda kings.

The media is a powerful tool. And whoever controls it controls the narrative and the perceptions of those who consume it.

The Nazis used propaganda to their benefit, and they made it work for them in unimaginable ways. "Radio propaganda" worked in Rwanda and a million Tutsis were slaughtered because of it.

The truth is, media has always played a role in conflicts both domestic and global. (Do you remember all those flags in the FOX studios during the lead up to the Iraq war?)

But lately it seems that the right wing propaganda machine has been forced into overdrive.

"Earlier this week, Fox News reported that Darren Wilson, the Ferguson police officer who shot and killed 18-year-old unarmed Michael Brown, suffered a fractured eye socket following his confrontation with the teenager. The reporter, Hollie McKay, cited a “source close to the [police] department’s top brass” as providing that information to the network.

However, on CNN Thursday, Don Lemon reported that Wilson did not suffer a fractured or broken eye socket and was rather treated at the hospital for swelling around his face and eyes. Noting that that specific injury has not been reported by CNN, “but is making its way around other media organization,” Lemon cited a “source close to the investigation” who told CNN that Wilson’s x-rays came back negative for a fractured eye socket.

“That source says it is not true, at all, he did not have a torn eye socket,” Lemon said. “Unequivocally.”

Following Lemon’s report, Nancy Grace offered up her official position on the matter: “I really don’t know if we’re going to know what any of this is, or the truth of it, until it comes out in court.” [Source]

Oh yes, FOX VIEWS comes to mind when we think of propaganda. But it is not only FOX. It's newspapers, websites, and blogs. The right wing spin machine is working overtime to make this uprising in Ferguson, Missouri something that it is not.

“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”   ~     Joseph Goebbels~

My "lying eyes" see a "square" in Ferguson, Missouri.


Joder La Resistencia said...

And there's no bigger propagandist than the field negro...

Remember when field negro defended Obama on the Bergdahl swap?

Feds: Obama Broke Law with Bergdahl Swap

President Obama violated a “clear and unambiguous” law when he released five Guantanamo Bay detainees in exchange for Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, the Government Accountability Office reported Thursday.

“[The Department of Defense] violated section 8111 because it did not notify the relevant congressional committees at least 30 days in advance of the transfer,” the GAO report said. “In addition, because DOD used appropriated funds to carry out the transfer when no money was available for that purpose, DOD violated the Antideficiency Act. The Antideficiency Act prohibits federal agencies from incurring obligations exceeding an amount available in an appropriation.”

Anonymous said...

"The right wing spin machine is working overtime to make this uprising in Ferguson, Missouri something that it is not."

And what is that something?

Take your time in answering. I'm a patient guy.

Anonymous said...

And there's no bigger propagandist than the field negro...
And if that's the way you feel Signor Kinky, why do you even come around here??? I mean... why even comment, because you have NO credibility.

Anonymous said...

"Feds: Obama Broke Law with Bergdahl Swap"

Feds:Reagan broke the law with illegal weapons swap with Iran.

Sooooooooo the beat goes on.

"And if that's the way you feel Signor Kinky, why do you even come around here??? I mean... why even comment, because you have NO credibility."

Because Kinky, Bill and QLB serve to undermine their own narrative about whites being superior. Not a college degree between these three and nothing but stupidity and yet they claim some kind of superiority. Bwwwwaaaahhhhhhhhhaaaaaaa. Just like the Three Stooges they provide comic relief.

Joder La Resistencia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"After they tripped over the body of Trayvon Martin and fell on they face, who could blame them?"

Oh nice, desecrate the memory of a murdered teen. You trash are so classy. Stay classy you pedefile.

Fact Jack said...

What does it matter how the injury to Darren Wilson is categorized? It was a severe injury inflicted by Michael Brown.

This is an open and shut case of self-defense.

Anonymous said...

why'd you delete your post Kinky? It wasn't offensive enough? Want to include a few pictures of Trayvon laying on the grass bleeding? You are one sick SOB! White trash pedefile.

Anonymous said...

"This is an open and shut case of self-defense."

Your comment is an open and shut case of stupidity.

Joder La Resistencia said...

Lame attempt at deflection.

They Michael Brown narrative is falling apart. They been so brainwashed the only thing they can do is point their finger at a dead man and compare Fox News to Nazis and radio Rwanda.

When they mention Rwanda, they never mention the first black president who stood by and did nothing while they people died.

Odd that.....

They Fox hate gets them hot.

Anytime someone can dispute what Fox News reports, they rush to post. They turn to Don Lemon(someone who field has attacked) and claim Fox News is propaganda.

But notice they don't say what that "something" is. They don't say what the latest vast right-wing conspiracy is.

After they tripped over the body of Trayvon Martin and fell on they face, who could blame them?


I have a degree. Wouldn't have the high paying job without it.

"whites being superior."

Please point out where i have posted about whites being superior.


Didn't think so.....

Anonymous said...

In the St. Louis metro area, a black was elected mayor of East St. Louis way back in 1971. Unfortunately, the population of East St. Louis has dropped from 70,000 in 1970 to 27,000 in 2010 as blacks flee a black run city.

That appears to be a general pattern, with Detroit as the most striking example: blacks follow white leadership around and, in the long run, flee black leadership.

In general, blacks follow around conservative white leadership (e.g., blacks have been net moving to the Republican-run Southern states), and flee liberal white leadership (e.g., San Francisco).

Anonymous said...

Racial segregation is a good thing because it prevents evil Demonic KKK White men from murdering 6 foot 4 Black babies.

Had Ferguson been 98 percent Black like East St. Louis, that poor 6 foot 4 toddler Michael Brown would still be alive today.

More Blacks should favor racial segregation if they want to prevent more innocent Black lives from being taken by the most evil Satanic race ever created which is Whites of course.


Anonymous said...

Ferguson is probably on it’s way to becoming mostly black. Riots, arson, looting and tribal violence will have that effect. It’s been the same thing all over the country for the past fifty years. Entire neighborhoods in Chicago went from mostly white to all black in short periods of time due to black terrorism driving people out. They acquired white’s homes at a fraction of their value as a result. What it really should be called is black terrorism. Any attempt to stand up to it that results in one of the terrorists getting hurt, such as happened to the swaggering thug, is met with outbursts of yet more violence. They’ve managed to get their way all these years by the use of terrorism and threats of it, inducing the rest of society to keep spending more and more money for things like closing gaps, public schools with metal detectors, pre-preschool, midnight basketball and on and on. It’s all money down the rathole. Meanwhile, keep paying barbarian tribute. Or else.

Joder La Resistencia said...

Fact Jack gets it..

According to Don's source, Michael Brown did beat the cop.

Let's review they lies-

Michael Brown was shot in the back.

Micheal Brown was a nice fellow who would never attack or rob anyone.

Micheal Brown wasn't on drugs.

They narrative continues to fall apart...Expect more racism and deranged behavior from them has days draw this homicide to a close.

Anonymous said...

It’s because black men go where they can get jobs (they don’t qualify for nearly as much in welfare as the women), and naturally the women follow them. Liberals put up multiple barriers to employment (e.g. credentialism, green policies, high taxation) that disproportionately affect blue collar workers, and now even small business owners (Seattle’s $15/hr minimum wage).

Actually, this has gone beyond being a minority thing. Young white males are fleeing liberal white areas too. Take Massachusetts for example. Young people are abandoning the state like never before.

charlie said...

The more interesting aspect is that after a week of this — the myth-meme of evil Southern racism — public opinion is not consolidating.

Black people have their view of events, and white people have theirs.

Obama, as usual, is blowing a good opportunity here. This is a potential great pivot on police militarization, and a terrible pivot on race.

Sending Holder is weak sauce, and trending towards the race size.

My own view is every time the police shoot someone, you need a mandatory outside truth commission — not guilt or innocence. I have no doubt that 95% of the time the shooting is justified legally. Doesn’t make it right.

I’m not shocked that the feds are not investigating the hate crimes being visited on the local Indian shopowners.

Anonymous said...

"They narrative continues to fall apart...Expect more racism and deranged behavior from them has days draw this homicide to a close."

It's THE you inbred ignoramous. What narrative? The dude shot an unarmed teen in the head. It doesn't matter if he had drugs in his system. It doesn't matter if he had a police record. It doesn't matter if he robbed anyone. You can't just execute people because you think they are bad but Kinky is using the age old "he had it coming" defense. Oh yeah, big bad negroes must be killed as to not be a threat. Keep up the racist narrative Kinky.

Anonymous said...

"A Black police officer kills an unarmed White man in Salt Lake City, Utah."

Wow! A blah cop shoots a white guy? Damn, first time for everything. Let's see if he gets off. Maybe there's some horse trading going on.

Anonymous said...

"You can't just execute people because you think they are bad "

No, but you can if they are trying to kill you.

Anonymous said...

"No, but you can if they are trying to kill you."

Standing 20-25 feet away bleeding to death is in no way trying to kill someone. Unless of course you're one of the blahs.

Anonymous said...

So Officer Wilson did not have a fractured eye socket. He still had facial injuries of some sort given to him by the 6 foot 4 inch 300 pound "gentle giant". He did this 15 or so minutes after he stole cigarillos and shoved the Indian store clerk who tried to stop him. The only people who care that this big thug was shot and killed are his stupid relatives and stupid black people.

A modern form of Jim Crow segregation is definitely on the way. It will be solidified in less than 10 years. Blacks are signing their social and cultural death warrant in America by cheerleading this black criminal element.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Field... All kinds of fuquery flying around here.
Sigh... First Amendment, I know.
Suffer the "Kinky"s; "Bill"s; and the "QLB"s, etal -- whose combined IQs equal (probably)"Kinky's" shoe size. Some "anon"s aren't much better...
"A singin' 'n dancin' slave is a happy slave".
Trolls; troglodytes; and all constipated conservative right-wing neanderthals: Please, just go away; your shytte was tired yesterday.

Saint Swisher of Sweet said...

"Standing 20-25 feet away bleeding to death is in no way trying to kill someone"

But that's not what Michael Brown did. That's the deluded negro fantasy about what happened.

In the space of 30 minutes, Michael Brown got high, robbed a convenience store and assaulted the clerk, refused a cop's orders to stop walking in the street and use the sidewalk, attacked the officer in his vehicle, broke his orbital bone, tried to take his gun which discharged in the vehicle, ran a short distance away then turned and taunted the cop, eventually rushing him, took 5 shots to the arms but kept coming when the officer shot him in the head.

That's what Michael Brown did. He deserved what he got.

Don't be like Mike.

StillaPanther2 said...

There anonymous(e) goes again- speaking without reasonable knowledge. More housing was overpriced when Blacks "just gotta" move into predominately white neighborhoods. There came a "tipping point" where the demand was no longer greater than the stock. Then there is "shared delusions" whereby the Blacks may feel that the white hoods (no pun intended) are more valuable than all others.

Then there is the concept that the bankers- usually white male, now white females- NEVER sell anything that they can make a dollar off. So no the houses were not "fire-saled " out to the Black race during white flight.

Remember who had the ability to charge over-priced with the use of the credit score. Something the Blacks never had since the first feet hit this soil BEGRUDGELY.

Now about propaganda, I don't THINK the white race is not totally affected by it. Do you ever hear about anyone aspiring to move to the upper class. It also about moving to the middle class. It would seem to me that I would be quite satisfied to aspire to be in the middle. What's wrong.. your fellow rich whites don't want you around. Oh maybe the way you feel about Blacks they (the rich), feel about you.

Isn't it so wrong that we have to hear about Officer Wilson's narrative from unknown individuals. Propaganda works well when rumors (conversations that every and anybody insert info) are allowed to be tested on dry runs.

focusedpurpose said...

@Anon 1:05am- Blessed Blacks are ALREADY treated as outcasts. it is also written that all nations will turn against US in end times.

the Hebrew/Yew/Jew imposters will have all hating them as well. for different reasons. most, all colors, are too scary to speak on these glaring Truths. + no one can figure out nor explain what a "semite" is. folk just deathly afraid of being labelled "anti"...

you should Understand that no one is supporting criminality per se. folk are crying out about the unjust weights and measures applied.

wayward white boys will be drunk going toe to toe with the po po- just regular saturday night biz in the south- and will wake up in the clink with nary a bullet hole in their pale behinds. and if they do catch a bullet, it wasn't intended/fired to take him out/head to bed style.

since white folk see other white folk as human and all. despite all the overwhelming historical evidence that might suggest otherwise to a neutral observer;)

when i speak, it is because i want His people/my people to not fall for the okey doke/bad joke. refuse to allow ourselves to be psychologically ravaged, energy harnessed, manipulated + angry when much can be prevented by Right behavior on our parts.

those of US that are not new to the states/land of bondage should not reserve the right to act so brand new...all the time.

so while i will speak on the hypocrisy and bm forbidden golden calf worship that serves no one well...

i do Understand the position with which i do not agree. this madness is not an invitation to shout about racism and the blind folded, nice white lady of justice that can CLEARLY see Black folks + hates US. it is more a call, to me, for Black folk to take a Good long look at self, come together, out from among them and get it together as a nation.

which is the upside with the notion of any new school segregation:)

can you dig it?


as it relates to this post...

WHO owns the Truth bending/breaking media?

would folk dare to discuss it?




KJV Genesis 10:2-3, 5

2 The sons of Yapheth/Japheth; Gomer and Magog...

3 And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz...

5 By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.



dwelling in Shem's tents...perpetrating a fraud on the whole world + all of humanity- as it is written.

true Shemites/Hebrews/Jews so miseducated + led astray they think they are Gentiles...

focusedpurpose said...

and just so folk know that i Understand precisely what is on the line. been dealing with the erase my $ treatment for a quite a bit of time...

which is just fine.

'cause my Father...

Abba is rich + delights in giving me the Kingdom;)

my Faith is in Him/His Word and walking in ALL Faith is my pleasure.

when He says Speak!

i fully intend to hit it one Good time...

every time.


KJV Revelation 3:7-9

7 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These things saith he that is set apart, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth , and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth;

8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it; for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.

9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of satan, which say they are Hebrews, and are not but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.


forget what folk heard and check His Word.

then know the Truth 'cause it will fo sho make you FREE + see...


folk cornered the market + profited mightily from the slave trade. then pretend to be those same folk enslaved 400 years spoken of in Torah.

devils are very bold..


Blessings all!

Anonymous said...

Neither Fox nor CNN should be reporting on this detail, really.

It's one thing that that footage of Michael Brown in the convenience store was released. People can debate whether that footage is relevant to the case or prejudicial, but at least it's something concrete.

This stuff about the police officer's injuries, on the other hand, is nothing but rumor. There's no evidence or documentation. There's no testimony from anyone on the record, only anonymous sources.

It's all vague, nebulous speculation. Bad journalism.


No broken orbital eye socket bone ...? You mean the narrative about his life being in danger gets weaker every day...I'm sure there will be many more inconsistencies to come .

What other lies are gonna come tumbling down?

Just remember... People don't generally receive wounds in the palm area unless your hands are out or in a defensive posture.. Better get a better narrative defend this killer......

The broken eye socket is a lie....

Source: Darren Wilson did not have a fractured eye:

field negro said...

A carefully crafted lie. The right wing has mastered this propaganda thing.

As in the csse of Trayvon Martin, this teen is dead. We will never hear his side of the story. Don't for a minute think that their killers didn't plan it that way.


Yeah for some reason officer Wilson wouldn't even allow EMT officials to attempt to render aid..Nope....just hurry up and die kiddo...So I can spin my tale..

The Coatesville ExPat said...

You violated Godwin's Law in this one Mr. Field. I expect far better from you.

agentX said...

You can tell the reich-wing folks are active on this blog- some of their paid trolls are posting that the cop's eye socket was broken when evidence says it wasn't.

Like a lot of things- the Ferguson people looting (they weren't), the shots fired at cops (did they even catch a shooter?), no tear gas deployed (it was, while the media was interviewing the head officer who said it wasn't).

Reich-wingers pull facts out of their ass (and bible quotes) and expect us to believe it. As people in MO say, show me (the evidence)!

Dr. Yisheng said...


field negro said...

No no, ExPat, I did not violate "Gordon's Law". I declared that FOX and their ilk use Nazi type propaganda tactics long ago. No slow build up to it on my part. I declared it early on.

Anonymous said...

FP-"since white folk see other white folk as human and all. despite all the overwhelming historical evidence that might suggest otherwise to a neutral observer;)"

This is true. Historically Whites are EVIL, as I have told QLB.

The wretchedly evil ones stand out more than others of their color. That Ferguson white cop with the nice sanitized police record is wretchedly evil. He could not stop shooting the black teen until he was 'good' and 'dead'. Evil white men and women such as Darreyll Wilson live by the old code of the 1800's:

"The only good n****r is a dead one."

This kind of dark evil heart permeates 'most', but not all, Whites. Hence, it doesn't matter whether it is the year 1800 or 2014. It's in their minds, hearts and bones.

Racism is thrives in the wm. It owns the wm. In the end, they will be accountable, which I suppose is what's eating away at their souls more and more with each generation.

Limpbauigh said...

The Michael Brown case might be within the realm of what the corporate media allows us to disagree about. They allowed us to elect Bill Clinton, the Bushes, Obama, and vote for Romney, but not Dennis Kucinich or Cynthia McKinney. After Howard Dean said he would break up big media they didn't allow us to elect him. They showed the scream, edited to decrease the crowd noise, over and over. We basically have a conservative media that wants the elite to have more power by paying people less, and a "liberal" media that wants the elite to have more power by consumers having more money to spend on the elites' products and services. Both use propaganda to protect the elite.

Darren Wilson isn't elite, but he is part of the power structure. O.J. Simpson was elite. George Zimmerman wasn't elite or part of the power structure. The most direct motivations for slanting the news was probably whether the reporting came from racist media sources or media that opposes racism, but those two views do fit in to the two broader different methods of protecting the elite.

The propaganda motive in the Michael Brown case is probably a media sources' view on racism and we are allowed to have different views about that. An example of where the corporate media doesn't allow dissent is 9/11. You almost never see the collapse of World Trade Center Building Seven on TV, or Larry Sliverstein saying to "pull it". But people who are smart enough to know better, like Rachel Maddow and others, told us to believe the scientifically impossible 9/11 Commission Report. The liberal media pretended to tell us about the crimes of the Bush Administration and covered half of them up. MSNBC saying that the U.N. pulled the inspectors out of Iraq, instead of telling us that Bush warned them to leave, is one of many examples. MSNBC didn't cover the evidence that came out in The Christian Science Monitor about Reagan's treasonous deal with Ayatolla Khomeini to hold Americans hostage. Nobody lies like Fox News. Conservatism depends on getting people to vote against their own interests. But when Fox News went to court and won the right to lie, they won it for the entire media.

Bill said...

FN said...
all those flags in the FOX studios

What was it you said about fox, more viewers at 6PM ABC nightly news than fox in a day?

Since you pointed out fox only has a couple million viewers out of a nation of 315 million isn't your fear kinda lame?

Bill said...

FN said...
CNN Thursday, Don Lemon reported that Wilson did not suffer a fractured or broken eye socket and was rather treated at the hospital for swelling around his face and eyes.

Cheap sleazzy lawyer tricks.

My client beat the cop but not as bad as fox news says so you should find my client not guilty for attacking a cop.

FN, any youtube videos of you in court?

Bill said...

No broken orbital eye socket bone ...?

I guess not.

Just swelling and bruising like Don Lemon said.

Pretty impressive if you believe the "teenager" never attacked the cop.

anotherbozo said...

This ruined my day. So naturally I wanted to share it.

I'd like to believe those are only pledges by deadbeats, but after Zimmerman I'm not so sure.

Pam said...

Field, I'm sure you know that liars, like the lies they tell, will dress up in truth's clothing. The truth, however, will never masquerade as a lie.
I looked at that video that supposedly shows Michael Brown taking cigars from that convience store, but the weird thing was how the timestamp said June 2014, and the dude who walked out with the cigars was wearing athletic shoes, not flip flops.
Liars are obviously not always the sharpest tools in the box, especially when they're from Podunk, USA.


Dumb shit Bills says"

"Pretty impressive if you believe the "teenager" never attacked the cop."

What wouldve been more impressive is for that Cop to actually use his Law Enforcement training , and and make an arrest WITHOUT killing the alleged suspect...

If you lie about your injuries to make your story sound more agreeable...

What does that say about the story , and the person it came from..??

Theres no reason to tell a lie ...If your whole story is the truth...

Sounds like theres more lies to be discovered...

Looks like he has on Shoes instead of Sandals in the crime photo...

Anonymous said...

Pam is not a sharp tool in any shed.

Bill said...

Dumb shit Bills says"
If you lie about your injuries to make your story sound more agreeable...

A week ago the dispute was about the racist lie that Michael attacked the cop.

Now the dispute is about how badly Michael beat the cop.

Why do you believe people lied about Michael not attacking the cop?

Like you said, Theres no reason to tell a lie ...If your whole story is the truth...

Not all lies are equal to BIB.


field negro said...
A carefully crafted lie. The right wing has mastered this propaganda thing.

You mean the one about the innocent little honor student black boy who was chased down and shot like a dog despite his hands being up and pleading "Don't shoot!" by a racist cop just out looking for a black victim? Or how this happens every day to America's Most Innocent Demographic?


That's a good one!

Seems a fake media storm like this happens every election year doesn't it? What a coincidence! Eric Holder sure seemed ready to get in the game, didn't he?

But at least we have Field here to keep an eye on that "right wing" propaganda (wink wink).

Anonymous said...

All these poor black people, whose pain is real, being manipulated by the Democrats and their media allies, all as part of a Get Out The Vote strategy.



Right...Bill.....So a broken eye socket versus a bruise is the justification..??

I still don't get your logic where it somehow became OK to shoot to kill even if your life isn't in danger...

You and your WMV buddies have been singing to the hills about a broken eye that its just some bruising....You have to find Something to make a trained law enforcement officer deathly afraid for his life from an unarmed kid...

Things arent adding up and the cop appears to already be a confirmed liar...

Anonymous said...

I am so tired of this crap. Why would Michael Brown fight with the cop? Why would anybody get into a physical altercation with a policeman?

There are consequences for doing that, esp if you are a bm. The result is death.

On the other hand, Ferguson, like 'many' places in America, is a 'powder keg' between Blacks and the police. This has been going on since the Jim Crow days. Before that, it was hatred of the white massa for brutal whippings, and break up of black families.

Yet, these evil scoundrels refuse to talk about racism, and how it has impacted American lives, esp Blacks. The arrogance of these wretched demons is too much to bear.

No good will come of this Ferguson mess. Just more mistrust, and hatred.

Bill said...

Right...Bill.....So a broken eye socket versus a bruise is the justification..??

I looked back at my words, I didn't say that Michael deserved to be shot.

My point was the democrat media pushed the lie that Michael never attacked the officer.

Like you said, Theres no reason to tell a lie ...If your whole story is the truth...

Why did the media push the lie that Michael never attacked the cop?

I'm not going to stalk you like PilotX does to QLB to get her to answer.

I understand how this benefits democrats and their agenda.

focusedpurpose said...

Anon 10:48am- it is NOT just WM.

it is his daughters/sisters as well. they just have the luxury of being protected and working from behind the scenes.

BM won't speak this Truth so they can stay on the colonized mind, love love love them some WW "prize" loop.

double back and revisit the Dred Scot case. look for the WW in the mix...

then peep convos like this:

+ know that some of us BW are wide awake and are all too clear on what is at stake.

i can't get down with a battle between the menfolk where BM stay losing 'cause they are committed to choosing the wrong things. strange women, strange g-ds, strange choices. everything BUT Yah.

particularly when in large numbers, dissing the BW is viewed as Black "culture"...

there is wickedness everywhere. and what we see among Blessed Blacks is our bitter fruit for our commitment to spiritual wickedness.


while folk all up in arms, i would like to know Michael Brown's family situation. there is no new Black evidence there. which speaks volumes for those of us that dare to pay attention and call it.

the wickedness that affects Blacks is a white NATION inflicted condition. though our wounds today are most self inflicted as most are programmed to hate themselves + those that look like 'em. mentacide.

BM can easily see the contribution that BW insist on making to our predicament. while passes get written for the daughters of esau on ALL sides. but do know, even THAT won't stand. this bitter cup is scheduled to pass from the Real, Blessed Black daughters of Sion.

KJV Lamentations 4:21-22

don't take my word for it. read it for yourself.

Blessings in Abundance to you.

Anonymous said...

All these poor black people, whose pain is real, being manipulated by the Democrats and their media allies, all as part of a Get Out The Vote strategy.

Their objective is to make the dysfunctional even more dysfunctional so as to make society dysfunctional.

This is why black “leaders” like Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, et al. will never do anything to help blacks assimilate and lead more productive lives.

The idea is to find groups that can be set off against the mainstream culture, exacerbate their grievances, establish them as morally superior and beyond criticism by virtue of being “victims,” and exploit them to undermine the cohesiveness of our culture.

Eventually society will become so twisted against itself so as to collapse. Then a new one can be constructed on a coercive basis by liberal masterminds. The term for this strategy is cultural Marxism.

Anonymous said...

"Had Ferguson been 98 percent Black like East St. Louis, that poor 6 foot 4 toddler Michael Brown would still be alive today. "

No, im sure one of his own would have gunned him done in the streets. I mean it happens almost Every night in inner Cities.

I agree though. Segregation is best for whites.

As for you blacks..well segregation wont stop black on black crime. Which is how black males die 99% of the time.

ctrl+halt+del said...

Gzim arrested in Ferguson?

No! Tell me it isn't so!

Anonymous said...

There u guys go crying racism about everything. You people cant even write a sentence without using the word racist.

Anonymous said...


ctrl+halt+del said...

Sorry for jumping the gun... didn't check for authenticity

Bill said...

"The Asian population is so productive. I don't think you're smarter than anybody else, but you have convinced a lot of us you are,"

"One problem I've had today is keeping my Wongs straight."

"light skinned" African-American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one"

Some things never change.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the policeman has over $210,000 in his fund from supporters.

Sounds like the TM/Zimmerman trial all over again.

Wonder if the same outcome will happen? Probably...I don't have much trust in the justice system. This cop will get away with murder, much like all the others.

Justice works for Whites and against Blacks.

I feel for all bm in America.


Why did the media push the lie that Michael never attacked the cop?

The media needs a salacious story to sell advertising... That's not that difficult....

The REAL question is why would a Trained Law Enforcement officer attempt to exxagerate his injuries..?

That makes sense if your covering up something in your story ....

Why would a Trained Law Enforcement officer REFUSE to allow EMT workers to assist a dying Michael Brown?

What difference would've have made to allow one last moment of compassion for a life you just ended..?

Is that proper Law Enforcement training??

You want to frame this as Dems Vs Reps....

Your the only one who thinks this translates into a Dem or Repub primary... It doesn't have anything to do with why Black people don't vote Republican...

with or without Michael Brown Repubs have an extremely difficult time attracting minorities....

Gee I wonder why .

Joder La Resistencia said...

The signs of easing tensions came as a family friend of the officer who fatally shot Brown came forward to offer a version of the incident with new details, saying that the officer suffered a fracture to his eye socket in a scuffle with the unarmed teenager before opening fire.

Hospital X-rays of the injury have been taken and will be shared with a grand jury that is weighing evidence to determine whether Officer Darren Wilson should be charged in the shooting, said the friend, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of fear of threats. The friend has been in contact with Wilson’s family member

They narrative continues to fall apart...

Who to believe? Multiple sources who have said the cop suffered a fractured eye socket? Or Don Lemon? A man who doesn't know the difference between a semi-automatic and automatic rifle.

Remember,these are the same folks who said Zimmerman wasn't injured.

They altered the 9-11 tape to make it sound like Zimmerman knew Trayvon was blah. They tried to use junk forensics to show Zimmerman called Trayvon a f*cking coon.

Yet field would have you believe Fox News is propaganda and vast right-wing conspiracies are true.

This is what happens in the minds of leftists when their Fox News Derangement Syndrome goes untreated...

Dr. Yisheng said...

ONLY a racist would deceitfully confuse "back" with "back of arm" to justify a racist pig taking shots at a kid.

Bill said...

"Why did the media push the lie that Michael never attacked the cop?"
The media needs a salacious story to sell advertising... That's not that difficult....

salacious story to sell advertising?


I can not imagine you ever defending fox for lying by saying it was to sell advertising.

Double standard?

Lilacpr2000 said...

What a crying shame!

Instead of being in the thick of his first semester, of what would surely have been a career which would have eventually led to his own business and a brighter future!

They are preparing for his funeral and burial. The end of his life and what could have been for Michael.

I say Rest In Peace Michael, but somehow it just doesn't seem enough or even appropriate for this young high school graduate with his entire future before him...:(

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile in Chicago since the shooting of the "gentle giant" there have a total of 6 YBM's killed all by other YBM's. Yet not a peep from the media or race baiters.
Then again the weekend Chicago shitshow is on. Las Vegas oddsmakers have it with 6 dead and another 30 wounded. Just another "typical" weekend in Chitown.


Bill said...

“If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists — to protect them and to promote their common welfare — all else is lost,”

Trust the government.

Bill said...

“If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists — to protect them and to promote their common welfare — all else is lost,”

Obama speaking about the anti-government yahoo rand paul.

Anonymous said...

lilacpr wrote,
Instead of being in the thick of his first semester, of what would surely have been a career which would have eventually led to his own business and a brighter future!

And you know this how? The so called "gentle giant" had a difficult time getting out of HS. What makes you think he could graduate from heating and AC school, much less own a business? Hell, he didn't even know that he shouldn't be walking in the middle of the street.


Anonymous said...

"I say Rest In Peace Michael, but somehow it just doesn't seem enough or even appropriate for this young high school graduate with his entire future before him...:("

Prison is not much of a future.

Anonymous said...

I have noticed that some of the regular Id's like PX, Granny, Field, Pam, BIB etc. have toned down their rhetoric. Some have even gone quiet.
I am not talking as much either.

I've been thinking about what FP said 1-2 threads ago. That parents need to teach their children not to confront, defy or attack police officers because the penalty and consequence could be dire.

Sometimes, actually 'most' of the time FP lays out the Truth and nothing but the truth. It hurts but Blacks need to change ways of thinking and stop reacting to emotions that will lead to one's own ruin.

If it turns out that Michael Brown DID in fact punch or fight with a police officer, then the officer has an alibi for shooting Brown. All the rioting in Ferguson won't sway anybody's judgment of Wilson's innocence.

This case won't change anything or change anybody unless people, Black and White acknowledge the racism that permeates our society.

But that won't happen because if you are White, what incentive is there to talk about racism? Let's sweep it and keep it under the rug.

Could it be that Michael Brown attacked Officer Wilson?

teh stupid stupid said...

Yīshēng said...
ONLY a racist would deceitfully confuse "back" with "back of arm"

Which is why dr. queen claimed the "gentle giant" was shot in the back.

Anonymous said...

Anon wrote,
But that won't happen because if you are White, what incentive is there to talk about racism? Let's sweep it and keep it under the rug.

What a load of BS. This is about how Black people behave. Every bit of sympathy went down the drain when your people decided to riot and loot, especially with the rush to judgement. This is nothing but the Duke rape case on a bigger scale with larger implications. Somehow you're lead to now believe that if can have a big enough chimpout I can have my way.


Anonymous said...

Wow. QLB is really down on Blacks. I wonder if he ever thought well of Blacks?

They say QLB is George Wallace's grandchild. That explains everything.

Btw, I can't find the word "chimpout" anywhere. Is this a fabricated word? What does it mean?

Get Real said...

Lilacpr2000 said...

What a crying shame!

Instead of being in the thick of his first semester, of what would surely have been a career which would have eventually led to his own business and a brighter future!

Are you high?

This kid was only 18 and he already had a record from an arrest last November. That was before he robbed the convenience store the day he died. He also a sealed juvenile record.

Thugs who attack policemen do not typically graduate college and go on to distinguished business careers.

Odds are he would have lived a life of idleness, drugs and crime that would have ended early at the hands of another future entrepreneur.

Anonymous said...

Anon wrote,
Btw, I can't find the word "chimpout" anywhere. Is this a fabricated word? What does it mean?

Are you that stupid? Urban dictionary. Google it idiot. While you're at google bongo party. Your people excel at both activities.


Anonymous said...

I don't believe Brown would have attacked a police officer. Nobody is that foolish. And if you are a bm, it would be crazy, even suicidal.

But I know they will make up trumped up charges against an innocent docile Christian kid who would give the shirt off his back for anyone, Black or White.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anon wrote,
Btw, I can't find the word "chimpout" anywhere. Is this a fabricated word? What does it mean?

Are you that stupid? Urban dictionary. Google it idiot. While you're at google bongo party. Your people excel at both activities.


7:30 PM
Wow, you sound angry. Are you clinically depressed?

Anonymous said...

Anon wrote,
don't believe Brown would have attacked a police officer. Nobody is that foolish. And if you are a bm, it would be crazy, even suicidal.

Nah, but I guess you'd have do discount the strong arm robbery with video that he was involved in. But hey, you probably believe in the mother ship too.


Anonymous said...

Lord have mercy, Field. What is happening to your blog?

Dr. Yisheng said...

The word chimpout is found in the cracka 101 handbook.

Dr. Yisheng said...

@6:31 Every time a racists cracka repeats the same lie, it becomes an even bigger lie.

Anonymous said...

Yīshēng said...
@6:31 Every time a racists cracka repeats the same lie, it becomes an even bigger lie.

Is this why dr. queen lied when she claimed MB was shot in the back?

Dr. Queen is a racist cracka?

Anonymous said...

From the previous thread.

Bill said...

one miraculously goes Str8 through his palm?

Have you seen the autopsy drawing?

Did you notice there was no exit wound on the back of his hand?

Dear BIB, please clear this up for Bill.

Lilacpr2000 said...

Who here has never,in their teens,or young adult years, attempted to shoplift something, or done any otherwise illegal dumb thing that can be readily attributed to the ignorance of youth?

Did you get shot and killed for it?

I rest my case.


Dear BIB, please clear this up for Bill

Bill is extrapolating evidence from the autopsy that has NOT been discussed or even intimated that it will be discussed....

You see these are the types of nuances that professional forensic investigators' will bring out in detail at trial....and Bill knows as well as I that the exit wound or lack thereof in reference to the palm shot hasn't been discussed YET.....

I'm just showing you beforehand how the lies and the attempts to deceive are going to get broken down.....

Anonymous said...

You are fucking delusional. He was on a path to prison if anything.

Anonymous said...

Thats funny because all the black males that go around punching innocent people for no reason seem to be free still walking the streets.

You black folks have extremely demented minds.

Anonymous said...

"Are you that stupid? Urban dictionary. Google it idiot. While you're at google bongo party. Your people excel at both activities."

We know what you excel at QLB, shucking and jiving. Do you even have a college degree? I mean you are so superior to us chimps. Are you educated? Too afraid to admit you can't get a degree? Why do you dodge easy questions? Hmmmmmmmmmmm. QLB! You hear me talking to you!

Anonymous said...

Yingyang wrote,
@6:31 Every time a racists cracka repeats the same lie, it becomes an even bigger lie.

Speaking of lying, do you have an explanation of just how you got a $100 per hour job LMFAO tutoring medical students? But it's not really a lie is it? It's just the shuck and jive.


Get Real said...

Lilacpr2000 said...

Who here has never,in their teens,or young adult years, attempted to shoplift something, or done any otherwise illegal dumb thing that can be readily attributed to the ignorance of youth?

I did a lot of stupid things, but I never jumped a cop and tried to take his gun, then rushed him as he had his gun pointed at me.

That is really dumb. Get your ass killed dumb.

QLB is a liar and never finished college and needs a job said...

"Speaking of lying, do you have an explanation of just how you got a $100 per hour job LMFAO tutoring medical students? But it's not really a lie is it? It's just the shuck and jive."

The queen of shucking and jiving needs to shut up. Do you have a college degree QLB? Why are you afraid to answer? I mean we all know you are uneducated so just tell us you don't. More shucking and jiving.

Anonymous said...

"Speaking of lying, do you have an explanation of just how you got a $100 per hour job LMFAO tutoring medical students?"

Do you have an answer whether or not you have a college degree? From the level of your intellect my guess is no.