No post tonight field hands. I have some work issues to take care of.
Still, I am going to steal a line from Chris Matthews over at MSNBC, and ask you all to tell me something that I don't know that will be big news in the coming months.
Thank God! They FINALLY caught a few of the filthy, violent black animals that viciously beat and set fire to Mrs. Dorothy Dow of Grantville, GA. Among the arrested: Cortavious Deshun Heard and Shanquavious Keontrell Cameron.
Cortavious and Shanquavious.
You heard that right.
Those are real negro names in 2016 America.
And they continue to breed ... Thank God for the police!
More like Trump will have a stroke while Hillary is stomping him into the dirt in the first debate and have to spend the rest of the campaign in acute rehab, where due to his lack of media access, his numbers will improve somewhat, but not enough to win. After which the both sides always media will somehow find a way to blame it on Hillary and say she has no mandate despite the more than 350 electoral votes and thus is not a legitimate president. Oh wait, they're going to do that anyway...
Hot tip: Hillary will implicated tangentially in the murder of Seth Rich when it becomes known that he was the source of the Wikileaks DNC email release, and that he was on his way to testify to the FBI regarding the Clinton Foundation investigation when he was killed.
She of course will not be able to be directly connected to the actual crime, but the public will finally reach the breaking point with the Clintons.
Now the damn fool is calling president Obama the "founder of ISIS." Well he almost got that one right; he was only one president off. George W. Bush called ISIS into existence when he lied us into invading Iraq.
Hot tip: Wikileaks releases emails detailing the corrupt relationship between the State Department, the Clinton Foundation, and multi-national mining companies regarding the sale of US uranium assets to Russia.
Hillary's brain short circuits trying to lie her way out of her political grave.
None of that would exist had Iraq not been invaded. Once again you're (lying about) complaining about the way Obama has gone about cleaning up your mess. Same as it ever was.
Obama cleaned nothing up. He continued the Bush Neocon foreign policy, just like Hillary will. Afghanistan has been a clusterfuck with no end in sight. Obama fucked up the one success Bush finally had stabilizing Iraq, by not leaving any US troops behind. He then invaded Libya and Syria, both massive failures. Syria will turn out to have been a bigger mistake than Iraq; ISIS will see to that.
Hillary was severely brain-damaged by the stroke she had. She has to be propped up during her campaign appearances. She is obviously just a front for the people who actually control the country.
She is a rancid piece of meat that will say anything to get elected.
Gish gallop away. Not only does it not make any of the BS you're running true, but even if it did, it wouldn't elect Trump. You want to beat Hillary? You could have nominated someone who could do it. Oh, that's right, none of the 17 clowns who ran in the primary stood a chance. Gee, I wonder why that is?
Doug will continue to get his news from Slate, Salon, Vox, MSNBC and CNN. He will continue to believe everything these "sources" provide. Due to lack of discernment and cognition Doug will continue to use these "sources" as "facts" when posting on Mr. field negro's blog.
Doug will buy a burrito from a street vendor and get sick. Doug will blame his food poisoning on Trump. Doug will go to the free clinic for his illness and get assaulted and robbed by a group of illegal aliens in route. Doug will blame the robbery and assault on evil white people and Trump.
Doug will be called a "fat, stupid honkey" by a black person. Doug will blame his white privilege for the verbal assault. Doug will post insulting comments about Trump and white people on Mr. field negro's blog. These insults will make Doug feel superior to other white people. Doug will then prostrate himself to imaginary black people.
This is Doug's life on the repeat cycle. The only exception is he will occasionally mention his special, super-duper alpine dancing shoes that he keeps next to his dirty clothes hamper.
Oakland California is built on fill in. There will be a massive earthquake in Northern California. Oakland will be devastated and mostly underwater.
The mobs of Oakland will determine that the earthquakes are the result of white privilege. After a severe beating by the mob, Doug will lead the same mob towards the higher elevations of San Francisco to exact revenge on the evil whitey.
As the mob burns, riots and loots their way to the hills around San Francisco the leaders of the city will publicly state that the mob must have room to do so. Police will pull back to serve and protect the mob.
The evil white people will protect themselves from the mob with firearms. These evil whites will be reported as criminals by the media. Days of articles will detail all the alleged abuses by the evil white people defending themselves.
Doug will fall back to lead from behind. He won't be able to see anything except flames. He will hear explosions, gunfire and screams. Soon the mob will be running away from the higher elevations. Doug will ask those fleeing the frontline what happened? After another severe beating Doug will be admonished as an ignorant "Honkey".
With no emergency or police services Doug must drag himself away from the heights around San Francisco. After days of anarchy and chaos Doug finds a hated Christian charity that offers him aid. After receiving a few days of medical treatment and free meals Doug leaves the charity with a few choice insults and snide remarks.
Later, the national and local media will report that the earthquake and subsequent violence were caused by extreme right wing organizations hell bent on white supremacy. Christian charities will be among the many organizations to be investigated in their role in causing the earthquake. The rioters will receive medals and awards for their role in defending the rights of the historically oppressed. Those people defending their property and lives will face criminal charges and civil lawsuits. The media, politicians and people like Doug will scream for the abolish of the second amendment citing the ability people had defending themselves against the violent mobs.
Doug will post on Mr. field negro's blog that he was there and help lead the charges against the vile bigots. He will paint himself as a true social justice warrior.
Clinton Foundation corruption will become a big story. The recovered emails that were just in the news are nothing. They were along the lines of the State Department finding jobs for Clinton Foundation donors' friends. David Sirota followed the money and reported the things like pay to play weapons deals, but the corporate media didn't cover it. The IRS is investigating and WikiLeaks promised more leaked emails. The corporate media will be forced to cover it.
WikiLeaks will also expose the past U.S. support of ISIS. The U.S. stopped supporting them and started fighting them a few months ago. Again this has already been reported but the corporate media covered it up. Among other things a Pentagon report about it was obtained with the Freedom of Information Act. This is extremely embarrassing for the media and they will try to downplay it if they do cover it all. The people they told us were barbaric baby rapers chopping peoples' heads off were recruited, armed, and trained by the U.S. The "brave Americans" killed in Benghazi were terrorists moving weapons from Libya to Syria. We will get to see what WikiLeaks has found in less mainstream and more independent news sources like some newspapers, RT News, and Redacted Tonight, etc.
Clinton will take office in January with Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress. She will promptly sign legislation authorizing the largest infrastructure renewal expenditure since FDR. The economy will take a considerable shot in the arm when hundreds of thousands of construction crews and low-skilled workers are hired to restore bridges, highways and airports. During her second term, Republican governors and legislatures in a host of states will be replaced by Democrats who will work to patch up the social fabric badly damaged by their predecessors.
It's sad that merely patching up what we once had could constitute my fondest dream of the future, isn't it?
Say whatever you want about Trump, Hillary Clinton is absolutely the most corrupt, scandal plagued, bought and paid for candidate to ever aspire to the office of the Presidency.
The way Hillary just glides above all her misdeeds, it's almost as if America is divided into a hierarchy of Castes, some of which have much greater Rights and Privileges than others.
I guess I touched a nerve when I mentioned the gop's clown show and its inability to even compete with the most reviled and lied about candidate the Democrats have nominated ever. I don't care what kind of lies you make up about me. My father taught me something about how to deal with trolls like you. He said "Always consider the source." Have fun getting stomped into the dirt in November. Or not, your call.
My father taught me something about how to deal with trolls like you. He said "Always consider the source."
Your father taught you how to deal with trolls? I enjoyed Lord of the Rings as a kid but I never took it literally. Trolls are fictitious Doug, something created by JRR Tolkien. They seem scary but actually don't really exist. It's a shame your father never imparted some real wisdom to you.
Now Orcs, that's a whole other story. They are real and their live matter.
The word troll has more than one meaning. One meaning is a fictitious character in the fantasy genre, another meaning comes from fishing, and according to Merriam-Webster it means "to fish with a hook and line that you pull through the water. : to search for or try to get (something). : to search through (something)." It is applied to the internet to mean people who sift through comment threads for people they can get a reaction from through various behaviors. My father didn't use the word troll in that conversation, but he did describe them accurately enough for me to substitute the term in my comment. شركة الفا لنقل عفش واثاث شركة نقل عفش بجدة شركة نقل عفش بالمدينة المنورة شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض شركة نقل عفش بالدمام شركة نقل عفش بالطائف شركة نقل عفش بمكة شركة نقل عفش بينبع
THIS BLOG claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Images on this blog are copyright to its respectful owners. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed.
***The views expressed on this site are the field's and the field's alone. They do not reflect the views of his employer, or any professional or legal organization with which he is affiliated.***
This is a commercial free blog.
Money is nice, but being able to speak my mind is better.
"Real talk: Daniel Rubin has a great little piece up wherein he chats with The Field Negro, the Philly-based blogger who sharply ponders all things black on a daily basis. (Seriously, if you’ve never checked in with TFN, you should: Its author, Wayne Bennett, is a fantastic read who can cut through bullshit like a hot knife through butter, which is a far grosser analogy than I wanted to make, but there you have it.)" ~Philebrity~
"One of the most precocious and hilarious Black political minds on the net. Ive been a long-time fan!" ~Asad Malik~
"..While most of what he writes is tongue-in-cheek, his space is a safe house for candid discussions about race, especially in the comments section, where people of all colors meet." ~~Daniel Rubin, "The Philadelphia Inquirer"~~
"To white people, Bennett's musings are like kitchen-table talk from a kitchen they may otherwise never set foot in. To African Americans, he is part of a growing army of black Internet amateurs who have taken up the work once reserved for ministers and professional activists: the work of setting a black agenda, shaping black opinion and calling attention to the state of the nation's racial affairs."
~~Richard Fausset, "L.A. Times"~~~
"That's why I love the blog "Field Negro" so much. Field, as he's known to his fans, has the sense of reality that it takes to call out the (CowPuckey) of blame beating by those who are in positions of power and their lackeys. Because of his handle and his unabashed way of writing about racial issues, Field is often cited as a "Black blogger." What he is, however, is a first-class detector of blame deflection and an excellent student of history. If you want to write about the past and future of repression there's really no other perspective to take - which is why everyone should read Field."
Raised in the house, but field certified. Jamaica is the land of my birth, but I consider myself a citizen of the world. I currently practice law in the city of "brotherly love".
"Half a century after Little Rock, the Montgomery bus boycott and the tumultuous dawn of the modern civil rights era, the new face of the movement is Facebook, MySpace and some 150 black blogs united in an Internet alliance they call the AfroSpear.
Older, familiar leaders such as Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and NAACP Chairman Julian Bond, are under challenge by a younger generation of bloggers known by such provocative screen names as Field Negro, thefreeslave and African American Political Pundit. And many of the newest struggles are being waged online." ~Howard Witt-The Chicago Tribune~
"I had no idea, for example, of the extent of the African-American blogging world out there and its collective powers of dissemination.But now, after reading thousands of anguished, thoughtful comments posted on these blogs reflecting on issues of persistent racial discrimination in the nation's schools and courtrooms, what's clear to me is that there's a new, "virtual" civil rights movement out there on the Internet that can reach more people in a few hours than all the protest marches, sit-ins and boycotts of the 1950s and 60s put together." ~Chicago Tribune Reporter, Howard Witt~
Thank God! They FINALLY caught a few of the filthy, violent black animals that viciously beat and set fire to Mrs. Dorothy Dow of Grantville, GA. Among the arrested: Cortavious Deshun Heard and Shanquavious Keontrell Cameron.
Cortavious and Shanquavious.
You heard that right.
Those are real negro names in 2016 America.
And they continue to breed ... Thank God for the police!
Hillary will have a grand mal seizure on stage in front of the whole world.
Black Lives Matter criminals will continue to murder innocent people.
Trump will glide into the White House and make America great again.
And, best of all, Field will finally come out of the closet!
More like Trump will have a stroke while Hillary is stomping him into the dirt in the first debate and have to spend the rest of the campaign in acute rehab, where due to his lack of media access, his numbers will improve somewhat, but not enough to win. After which the both sides always media will somehow find a way to blame it on Hillary and say she has no mandate despite the more than 350 electoral votes and thus is not a legitimate president. Oh wait, they're going to do that anyway...
-Doug in Oakland
Hot tip: Hillary will implicated tangentially in the murder of Seth Rich when it becomes known that he was the source of the Wikileaks DNC email release, and that he was on his way to testify to the FBI regarding the Clinton Foundation investigation when he was killed.
She of course will not be able to be directly connected to the actual crime, but the public will finally reach the breaking point with the Clintons.
Hillary loses.
Now the damn fool is calling president Obama the "founder of ISIS."
Well he almost got that one right; he was only one president off. George W. Bush called ISIS into existence when he lied us into invading Iraq.
-Doug in Oakland
Hot tip: Wikileaks releases emails detailing the corrupt relationship between the State Department, the Clinton Foundation, and multi-national mining companies regarding the sale of US uranium assets to Russia.
Hillary's brain short circuits trying to lie her way out of her political grave.
Trump wins.
dinthebeast said...
Now the damn fool is calling president Obama the "founder of ISIS."
Obama is the founder of ISIS, or as he likes to call it, "ISIL".
He created it to take down Gaddafi and Assad. Things haven't really worked out so well.
None of that would exist had Iraq not been invaded. Once again you're (lying about) complaining about the way Obama has gone about cleaning up your mess. Same as it ever was.
-Doug in Oakland
Obama cleaned nothing up. He continued the Bush Neocon foreign policy, just like Hillary will. Afghanistan has been a clusterfuck with no end in sight. Obama fucked up the one success Bush finally had stabilizing Iraq, by not leaving any US troops behind. He then invaded Libya and Syria, both massive failures. Syria will turn out to have been a bigger mistake than Iraq; ISIS will see to that.
Obama owns ISIS.
Hillary was severely brain-damaged by the stroke she had. She has to be propped up during her campaign appearances. She is obviously just a front for the people who actually control the country.
She is a rancid piece of meat that will say anything to get elected.
It has to be Trump.
An international order that normalizes covert undeclared warfare (terrorism) is far more destabilizing than any of Trump's NATO comments.
Hillary has touted the endorsement of former CIA director Mike Morrel. Here's Morrel talking on on Charlie Rose:
"In Syria, US should be killing Russians and Iranians covertly".
This is more insane and radical than anything Trump has proposed and Clinton is openly bragging about his endorsement.
Clinton Iraq bombings? Check. Kosovo? Check. Iraq? Check. Syria? Check. Libya? Check.
but you know Trump is all like war-crazy and shit
I'm not sure of the actual foreign policy knock on Trump --seems like the real complaint is that he WON'T go to war everywhere like Hillary will.
"I fear Trump is too reckless in his use of force."
Gish gallop away. Not only does it not make any of the BS you're running true, but even if it did, it wouldn't elect Trump. You want to beat Hillary? You could have nominated someone who could do it. Oh, that's right, none of the 17 clowns who ran in the primary stood a chance. Gee, I wonder why that is?
-Doug in Oakland
Doug will continue to get his news from Slate, Salon, Vox, MSNBC and CNN. He will continue to believe everything these "sources" provide. Due to lack of discernment and cognition Doug will continue to use these "sources" as "facts" when posting on Mr. field negro's blog.
Doug will buy a burrito from a street vendor and get sick. Doug will blame his food poisoning on Trump. Doug will go to the free clinic for his illness and get assaulted and robbed by a group of illegal aliens in route. Doug will blame the robbery and assault on evil white people and Trump.
Doug will be called a "fat, stupid honkey" by a black person. Doug will blame his white privilege for the verbal assault. Doug will post insulting comments about Trump and white people on Mr. field negro's blog. These insults will make Doug feel superior to other white people. Doug will then prostrate himself to imaginary black people.
This is Doug's life on the repeat cycle. The only exception is he will occasionally mention his special, super-duper alpine dancing shoes that he keeps next to his dirty clothes hamper.
Oakland California is built on fill in. There will be a massive earthquake in Northern California. Oakland will be devastated and mostly underwater.
The mobs of Oakland will determine that the earthquakes are the result of white privilege. After a severe beating by the mob, Doug will lead the same mob towards the higher elevations of San Francisco to exact revenge on the evil whitey.
As the mob burns, riots and loots their way to the hills around San Francisco the leaders of the city will publicly state that the mob must have room to do so. Police will pull back to serve and protect the mob.
The evil white people will protect themselves from the mob with firearms. These evil whites will be reported as criminals by the media. Days of articles will detail all the alleged abuses by the evil white people defending themselves.
Doug will fall back to lead from behind. He won't be able to see anything except flames. He will hear explosions, gunfire and screams. Soon the mob will be running away from the higher elevations.
Doug will ask those fleeing the frontline what happened? After another severe beating Doug will be admonished as an ignorant "Honkey".
With no emergency or police services Doug must drag himself away from the heights around San Francisco. After days of anarchy and chaos Doug finds a hated Christian charity that offers him aid. After receiving a few days of medical treatment and free meals Doug leaves the charity with a few choice insults and snide remarks.
Later, the national and local media will report that the earthquake and subsequent violence were caused by extreme right wing organizations hell bent on white supremacy. Christian charities will be among the many organizations to be investigated in their role in causing the earthquake. The rioters will receive medals and awards for their role in defending the rights of the historically oppressed. Those people defending their property and lives will face criminal charges and civil lawsuits. The media, politicians and people like Doug will scream for the abolish of the second amendment citing the ability people had defending themselves against the violent mobs.
Doug will post on Mr. field negro's blog that he was there and help lead the charges against the vile bigots. He will paint himself as a true social justice warrior.
Clinton Foundation corruption will become a big story. The recovered emails that were just in the news are nothing. They were along the lines of the State Department finding jobs for Clinton Foundation donors' friends. David Sirota followed the money and reported the things like pay to play weapons deals, but the corporate media didn't cover it. The IRS is investigating and WikiLeaks promised more leaked emails. The corporate media will be forced to cover it.
WikiLeaks will also expose the past U.S. support of ISIS. The U.S. stopped supporting them and started fighting them a few months ago. Again this has already been reported but the corporate media covered it up. Among other things a Pentagon report about it was obtained with the Freedom of Information Act. This is extremely embarrassing for the media and they will try to downplay it if they do cover it all. The people they told us were barbaric baby rapers chopping peoples' heads off were recruited, armed, and trained by the U.S. The "brave Americans" killed in Benghazi were terrorists moving weapons from Libya to Syria. We will get to see what WikiLeaks has found in less mainstream and more independent news sources like some newspapers, RT News, and Redacted Tonight, etc.
Clinton will take office in January with Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress. She will promptly sign legislation authorizing the largest infrastructure renewal expenditure since FDR. The economy will take a considerable shot in the arm when hundreds of thousands of construction crews and low-skilled workers are hired to restore bridges, highways and airports. During her second term, Republican governors and legislatures in a host of states will be replaced by Democrats who will work to patch up the social fabric badly damaged by their predecessors.
It's sad that merely patching up what we once had could constitute my fondest dream of the future, isn't it?
Anon above, you forgot to mention that low IQ people's lives matter as well.
You wouldn't want to leave yourself out of the equation now would you?😕
Anon @ 6:52 AM:
Thank you. That was a brilliant synopsis of the essence of Doug. You have been paying attention.
I assume that was you at 7:59 as well. Again, nice job.
Say whatever you want about Trump, Hillary Clinton is absolutely the most corrupt, scandal plagued, bought and paid for candidate to ever aspire to the office of the Presidency.
The way Hillary just glides above all her misdeeds, it's almost as if America is divided into a hierarchy of Castes, some of which have much greater Rights and Privileges than others.
The hysteria over Donald Trump's candidacy may be extreme, but it is not to be unexpected.
If you understand that the Brahmins will always vilify the Vaisya, then you'll understand this election sequence.
FYI-Gallup Had Dukakis Up by 17 at This Point in 1988:
Don't count them chickens until they come home to roost, or something like that.
The difference is, Trump doesn't want to be President. The thought of winning scares the shit out of him.
I guess I touched a nerve when I mentioned the gop's clown show and its inability to even compete with the most reviled and lied about candidate the Democrats have nominated ever. I don't care what kind of lies you make up about me. My father taught me something about how to deal with trolls like you. He said "Always consider the source."
Have fun getting stomped into the dirt in November. Or not, your call.
-Doug in Oakland
One chicken-two chickens-three chickens....
trump is a joke of a candidate with supporters who are even more insane than he is.
The joke is on you for supporting the pro-war, pro-Wall Street candidate.
"The joke is on you for supporting the pro-war, pro-Wall Street candidate."
Never underestimate the extent to which political ideology can displace human morality.
"Bush is Hitler" - FAIR GAME
"Bush hates Black people" - FAIR GAME
"Bush lied people died" - FAIR GAME
"Obama founded ISIS" - OVER THE LINE!
George Soros dictates foreign policy to the State Department:
Rasmussen national poll has Hillary +3. Seems clear all these +12 and +15 polls were a bounce. Fading now, just like Hillary's mental acuity.
Doug typed...
My father taught me something about how to deal with trolls like you. He said "Always consider the source."
Your father taught you how to deal with trolls? I enjoyed Lord of the Rings as a kid but I never took it literally. Trolls are fictitious Doug, something created by JRR Tolkien. They seem scary but actually don't really exist. It's a shame your father never imparted some real wisdom to you.
Now Orcs, that's a whole other story. They are real and their live matter.
The illegal expansion of US ground war in Libya should be an absolute scandal, but Trump made a joke about the 2nd amendment.
The word troll has more than one meaning. One meaning is a fictitious character in the fantasy genre, another meaning comes from fishing, and according to Merriam-Webster it means "to fish with a hook and line that you pull through the water. : to search for or try to get (something). : to search through (something)." It is applied to the internet to mean people who sift through comment threads for people they can get a reaction from through various behaviors.
My father didn't use the word troll in that conversation, but he did describe them accurately enough for me to substitute the term in my comment.
-Doug in Oakland
Doug's father would be a Trump supporter were he alive today. He was a real man.
Loretta Lynch blocked three separate FBI requests to investigate the Clinton Foundation.
Poor Hunter......
+3 huh?
Ok then. :)
Son: Look Dad! I caught a largemouth Doug!
Father: Cut the line boy, those things are useless and smell awful.
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
Both deserve to get raped. LOL!
güzel bir blog sayfası شركة الفا لنقل عفش واثاث شركة نقل عفش بجدة شركة نقل عفش بالمدينة المنورة شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض شركة نقل عفش بالدمام شركة نقل عفش بالطائف شركة نقل عفش بمكة شركة نقل عفش بينبع
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