So no, that wasn't the most troubling aspect of this alt-right presidency . What has been most troubling is America's push to normalize the thought of a president trump. If you watch the mainstream news and listen to "mainstream" pundits these days, you will hear a lot about the trump policies; the trump candidate; and the trump doctrine as it relates to foreign policy. This is the type of debate we would expect to be having if a republican candidate with a different political ideology and different views of running the government had won. (Think Mitt Romney or John McCain.) But what we are dealing with here is not simply someone with a different view about governing, what we are dealing with is an individual who is temperamentally unfit to even serve as our president.
I suspect that this is what Germany felt like from 1919 until 1933. The German people were the last to see it coming. After all, extreme nationalism and Pan- Germanism can't hurt anyone can it? I mean, Adolf just used the anti-Semitism thing to consolidate power and get the German people to feel better about themselves, right?
Sorry America, like Germany, by the time this all hits you it will be too late.
When I see people like Oprah on national television saying to "give trump a chance" , I want to refer her to her friend, Dr Phil. It's easy for her to give peace a chance, she has a billion reasons not to feel any pain from what Führer trump and his band of merry men will unleash on the rest of us. It's always easier to want to hold hands and sing kumbaya when you have made millions by being America's warm and fuzzy mammy.
Poor Oprah , she always wants us to be "optimistic", and now she wants us to be "optimistic" about trump.
Yeah whatever, Oprah. You take "a deep breath"and think about who you are asking us to "give a chance." The same guy who mocks disabled people; questioned the legitimacy of our first black president; made light of the pain of a Gold Star family; and refused to rent properties to people of color. This is the guy you want us to give a chance to be our president? Not going to happen. He will be sworn in as the 45th president, and he has the electoral college votes to say that---- under our current system--- he won, legitimately, but don't ask me to accept him as my president. I won't be like those Germans were back in 1933.
Mark Singer knows Donald trump more than most people, and this is what he says:
“I don’t really lump myself in the same humanity that possibly he belongs to.”
Sadly, whatever humanity he belongs to will be running things for the next four years.
Or perhaps for the next eight years. Or maybe, if as you liken him to, he is like the fuhrer, even for the next forever, after all that is what dictators do no? :) But he was elected and the people that elected him make up a great percentage of the population of the U.S. So there really is no choice but to give him that chance.
I'm optimistic.
What an original insight for a prog: "Trump is Hitler!"
The people that elected Trump make up approx. 25% of the eligible voters in America. Almost 50% of eligible voters didn't vote, and Hillary got over 24% of eligible voters. Sad, that soooo many ppl sat on the sidelines and didn't make it a priority in their lives to vote in this election.
Give Trump a chance? A chance to do what? He's all ready offended numerous groups of people. I don't expect him to be any different from how he ran his campaign.
“I don’t really lump myself in the same humanity that possibly he belongs to.”
Dehumanization of your opponents is a characteristic of totalitarian movements. This mindset often culminates in genocide.
Thank God your side lost, Field. Now these progressive monsters can be stopped.
Time for you to go back to Jamaica.
Trump is not promoting "living space" like Hitler. Trump is promoting a sovereign border. Good grief.
Imagine all the liberal parents tormenting their children right now.. "The bad man won sweetie, we will be living through dark times, be afraid".
This is exactly what Field is doing with his readership. "Trump is Hitler and the KKK will come in the night to lynch you".
Be ashamed of yourselves liberals, be ashamed.
Many Americans are in deep denial about what Trump represents.
Trump supporters of course delude themselve that Trump is their version of Hope and Change who will "make America Great again"--essentially drinking from a Conservative flavored Kool-Aid, which is just the mirror image of Obama supporters eight years ago.
Others--though not supporting Trump--are pushing the Give Trump a Chance line, oblivious to the fact that his campaign and movement are not just another (albeit uglier) political candidacy.
Andrew Sullivan, however, has warned about the threat of Trumpism and what he signifies more broadly:
"For Trump is not just a wacky politician of the far right, or a riveting television spectacle, or a Twitter phenom and bizarre working-class hero. He is not just another candidate to be parsed and analyzed by TV pundits in the same breath as all the others. In terms of our liberal democracy and constitutional order, Trump is an extinction-level event. It's long past time we started treating him as such."
America Has Never Been So Ripe for Tyranny
While some people will dismiss Sullivan as a political partisan, it should noted that Sullivan is NOT a liberal or progressive but rather a Conservative.
America and the Abyss
The Republic Repeals Itself
To paraphrase Sinclair Lewis, it can happen here.
If you losers want to stamp your feet and refuse to "give Trump a chance", so be it. You no longer matter. People with sense will realize Trump is the future and will get with the program. Trump isn't "racist", he's real. You can be too. Or you can throw tantrums. Your choice.
With or without you, we're Making America Great Again.
@PR, I suspect people living at or below middle class are going to have a hard as hell time with Trump as President.
Like I've said this many times before, voting Dem these past few elections has NEVER been about my highly educated family's bottom line because voting Dem was ALWAYS voting against our BEST interest.
But in 2020, we're pretty sure to go Independent for the Presidency and let the chips fall where they may.
"what we are dealing with is an individual who is temperamentally unfit to even serve as our president."
This is the same smug attitude that made us vote for him.
Fuck you.
"While some people will dismiss Sullivan as a political partisan, it should noted that Sullivan is NOT a liberal or progressive but rather a Conservative."
Actually, he is a crazy faggot.
There's a massive movement to march on Washington that I just joined. It's set for January 21st and has gone viral! It became so huge overnight that Facebook page wasn't enough to support the thousands of people signing up - it's a march on Washington to send them a message regarding the all republican force now in the WH and its from women who wish to send a message to the dictator that we won't tolerate anymore bullshit - no more hideous behavior towards disabled, people of color, women and so many others!
Just google Women's March on Washington - it's now set up by state and mine is in Delaware - we had over a thousand join in 24 hours! Check it out and join if you want to be a part of history and send a strong message to that POS and his swamp of nasty liars!!
Trump was advocating torture and war crimes, in the service of eliminating made up bogeymen. Not an exact match for Germany, but neither are we. Remember, when the carnage is going down, you did this, you own this, you will not weasel out of said ownership like the Bushies did. You may enjoy the backlash right now, before the damage begins, but after? Not so much.
-Doug in Oakland
Oh, I'm going to enjoy every minute of the damage, Doug. Every fucking minute of it.
Ryan is already preparing to dismantle Medicaid and if you think that's a good idea, you're in the republican mindset. Your taxes are putting the swamp dwelling politicians in cushy lifetime jobs they work part time and they receive better healthcare than anyone in the US - including their families. Our nation's sick and most in need are going to face hardships you can't imagine! Reminds me of when Regan turned out the mentally ill to the streets and it's no coincidence we've seen insanity with mass shootings for the past 25 years - growing more deadly every single day.
Our tax dollars will be spent providing Secret Service details to EVERY SINGLE TRUMP family members - dickface sons, daughters, exes and god knows who else. The First tramp has porn pictures all over the Internet of her with other women. Should make for interesting conversations with young boys leering at the tramp immigrant. ANYONE can google her nasty self and find her nude in B rated shots.
Of course trump has referred to his daughter as a great piece of ass many times over the years and openly admits to his desire of hitting up his own daughter. Great presidential presence there.
We've hit a new low in this country. It's sickening. The disabled who rely on Medicare will meet the same fate as the mentally ill - no care or support and on the streets unless the few remains families who can afford to care for them take them in. However, since the new deranged prez has announced his plans to end ADA - there will be no affordable medical insurance for many Americans unless you belong to the one percenters- you may think I'm over reacting but that only means you haven't been paying attention.
Trump's election has instantly made dissent the highest form of patriotism again!:
Sharon said...
We've hit a new low in this country. It's sickening.
Don't worry Sharon. President Trump will get us out of the hole the democrats have put us in.
Sharon said...
"The First tramp has porn pictures all over the Internet of her with other women. . Should make for interesting conversations with young boys leering at the tramp immigrant. ANYONE can google her nasty self and find her nude in B rated shots."
One day Sharon, I am going to make you pay for what you said about my mother. Your screams will echo into the night.
I have it on pretty good authority (Bushies) that ACA will NOT be repealed, just revamped.
Honestly, given the mess that happened when it was first released, I'm certain cooler/more logical heads will prevail and it won't be changed very much at all.
Unless of course, they want anarchy in the streets!
@10:25, from FLOTUS to Ho'-TUS, LOL!!!
Yisheng said...
@10:25, from FLOTUS to Ho'-TUS, LOL!!!
From gorilla to goddess, LOL!!!
"There will be no affordable medical insurance for many Americans unless you belong to the one percenters- you may think I'm over reacting but that only means you haven't been paying attention.
There's actually a plan being prepared to allow for intrastate competition for health insurance under Trump, which some say will cause pricesses to go down.
I personally think insurance companies are the devil and that the fact that prices went up so much/so fast was NOT POTUS' fault. It was the simply "the deal" he had to make with "the devil" to get ACA passed. And in a free market, a commodity in high demand/required by folks to have, will only increase in price at the whim of those providing that commodity.
90% of the reason I wanted Trump to win was to see your smug, lying little asses terrified.
Thanks for helping Field.
The next four years will be beautiful!
@10:32, from heterosexual to bisexual ho'!!!
The face of losing:
I am so happy!
@10:33, 90% of the reason you sound so stupid is because Field is a 5%er.
So yeah, he'll pay LESS taxes in the next 4 years and that WILL be beautiful!!!
Feminism is a story about some women with abrasive nasty cunt personalities convincing themselves that their gender is why no one likes them.
Little D*ck UnEnlightenment said...
Feminism is a story about some women with abrasive nasty cunt personalities convincing themselves that their gender is why no one likes them.
Truth is a story about some men, with misogynist, vile words and attitudes convincing themselves that their lack of sexual satisfying genitalia, isn't the reason no (human) female likes them.
Leftists are miserable people who demand to be oppressed. The only thing that would ever make them happy is being shot dead for protesting.
The martyrdom of victimhood is what they crave the most, because leftism is a fanatical religion that venerates suffering.
I weep for the future of this country with Trump in power and Trump supporters empowered.
The deal between the clintons and trump went south I see.
Give Trump a chance to do what? What do these soft apologists want from Trump and his supporters? Unity? Ain't happening with them in power.
The amount of NAPA butthurt here is delightful to behold. The amount of psychological projection going on is just astounding. Hitlery was ready to round up her domestic enemies and go to war with Russia, and you think Trump is a tyrant-in-waiting? And you wonder why people think you're stupid....
Perhaps some of you will take your paranoia to the point of actually committing #BLAXIT. That would be the ultimate thrill, to see you go and renounce your citizenship so Trump's USA would have no claim on you... which would let us say "Great, don't think about coming back!" and not ever let you come here again.
Sadly, I think you're more likely to start a hot war than to hit the exits. Without the protection of the USDOJ the current cold war is no longer viable.
The things that are being written here are more or less the exact same things that were said about Obama by his detractors!
I just don't understand how y'all can't see that.
Two sets of citizens pitted against each other.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, the politicians are raking it in, having lunch with each other, and laughing all the way to the bank...
No PR, they're not.
Case in NUMEROUS points:
POTUS didn't brag about grabbing pu$$ies.
FLOTUS never took sight porn pics buck naked with women.
POTUS never mocked the dusabled.
FLOTUS never plagerized anyones speech.
POTUS never disparaged a captured war veteran.
FLOTUS never avoided campaigning for her husband "to raise children".
POTUS never called an entire group of people racists.
FLOTUS speaks good, Harvard trained English.
POTUS doesn't have 3 baby mamas and 3 sets of children.
FLOTUS didn't need a green card to marry a rich man.
That should be enough differences to get you started.
I agree. Trump is totally unfit for office. The ONLY qualifications he has is he is over 35 and was born in the States.
Yisheng, you only wish you looked as good as Melania Trump. I bet you think Michelle Obama is some great beauty. Blech.
Yisheng said...That should be enough differences to get you started.
There aren't that many differences actually. People will be people. Who hasn't taken a pic of themselves naked or in various stages of undress? ;) Who hasn't divorced and remarried? But, ya know what, I won't go there. You know why, because the POTUS should be respected. The outgoing one as well as the incoming one.
The white man is FUCKED.
PR, you do realize that Trump has disrespected the sitting POTUS more than ANY other candidate in presidental history, right?
And no, no other FLOTUS has taken sexually provocative pics with women, while half naked for public viewing. NONE.
But go ahead and keep defending the defenseless.
@12:40, fuck you with a wire bound book, from that raggedy ass library you work in.
@2:16, Melania is one surgery away from looking exactly like the alien in MIB movie that wore the "Edgar suit", so while you may find fake beauty attractive, I do not.
And while FLOTUS is also attractive, Viola Davis and Kerry Washington are better examples of beautiful Black women to me.
Doug shrieked...
"Remember, when the carnage is going down, you did this, you own this, you will not weasel out of said ownership like the Bushies did."
Wow. WTF. What "carnage" Doug? Who mentioned "carnage"? Why "carnage"? When will the "carnage" happen? Who will participate in the "carnage"?
Try harder twisting your panties in a knot. And lay off the chickens.
What yisheng, no mention of your "military" connections? You're so bogus.
As for the women's March on Washington, my political solidarity with a white women is OVER after they supported Trump in such large numbers.
I was NEVER a supporter of abortion except in cases of rape, risk to mother or incest anyway. So they can take their Becky ass years on somewhere else.
@7:36, aren't you going to mention your family? Education? Career?
Man, get da' fuck out my face with your knat on shit acting ass!
Field, I've been no big fan of Oprah over the years, but calling her a Mammy was a bit much given what she's doing in TV especially on her show Queen Sugar.
Just think, we almost had president who would have risked war with Russia, China, and Iran by establishing a no fly zone over Syria to protect ISIL terrorists. Trump voters saved a lot of lives. Clinton voters should be ashamed of themselves.
"POTUS didn't brag about grabbing pu$$ies."
Haha, he was busy grabbing that other thing in his early days, Kim.
President elect Trump reaffirmed that he won't be supporting "rebels" against Syria in an interview with the WSJ on Friday.
Dear Field,
Obama is not African-American; Obama describes himself as mixed race, having a black father and a white mother. Obama is also related to Dick Cheney.
"JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - Police are investigating a shooting Sunday night involving multiple people in which three people died, including an infant. At least one other person was shot.
The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office said the shooting happened on Cleveland Road, in a parking lot across the street from the Cleveland Arms Apartments."
Anybody here have a guess about a description of the murderer(s)?
"POTUS never mocked the dusabled."
In the lying world of black racism, Obama never made his "short bus" joke on national tv, and never mocked the Special Olympics. But the difference was that Obama got an instant pass on those incidents from the liberal media. Black privilege.
"POTUS never disparaged a captured war veteran."
You mean that paragon of wonderfulness McCain who cheated on and abandoned his invalid wife? Who is a 'hero' because an NVA rocket went up his tailpipe? Who was caught but escaped punishment in the savings and loan scandals way back? Who now is a member of the bona fide country club republicans because he did the marry-a-rich-widow gambit that Kerry did?
Amen to that.
Trump from yesterday: "[the Cintons] are great people."
MLK Jr said it best..."Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" and that goes for all the Trump supports and the apologetic Oprah.
Herpes laden White Foreskin said...
"POTUS didn't brag about grabbing pu$$ies."
Haha, he was busy grabbing that other thing in his early days, Kim.
Do you mean ass, Jimmy? Or b*lls?
dicks, Kim, dicks
he was obsessed with white dicks, just like you are with mine
you gots dat jungle fever for mine, anybody can see your obsession. very Freudian
More jungle news for you that ABC/CBS/NBC will suppress:
Remember that black mother who kicked her eight yr old son out the door because he voted for Trump in the school's mock election? Then when her two yr old also started crying, she told him, "you can get out there too with that Trump lover"? She proudly posted that online, of course.
Now she is under investigation and her son is taken away for his protection from further psychological abuse. You field negroes are going to have to have a riot to get her exonerated and make whitey apologize to her.
Yīshēnig squawked...
"POTUS didn't brag about grabbing pu$$ies."
Trump never sucked dick in a Chicago gay club
"FLOTUS never took sight porn pics buck naked with women."
Nude photos aren't "porn', and no one wants to see Moochelle naked.
"POTUS never mocked the dusabled."
Trump was mocking a reporter, and Obama has mocked the retarded.
"FLOTUS never plagerized anyones speech."
Melania never went to an Ivy League school on Affirmative Action and embarassed herself with her lack of intellectual ability. Michelle's entire life has been plagiarized.
"POTUS never disparaged a captured war veteran."
Trump never disparaged his entire country while overseas as Obama did over and over again.
"FLOTUS never avoided campaigning for her husband "to raise children".
Melania was never a neglectful, cold and distant mother.
POTUS never called an entire group of people racists.
Yes he has called white people racist; he even called his grandmother racist. Trump has never accused any entire group of people of being "racist".
"FLOTUS speaks good, Harvard trained English."
Melania isn't a hateful bitch who is deeply resentful towards the country that gave her entré to colleges she didn't deserve to attend and even made her First Lady. Michelle Obama is a despicable example of how Affirmative Action warps a person.
"POTUS doesn't have 3 baby mamas and 3 sets of children."
All supported like a white man does. All who respect and support him.
"FLOTUS didn't need a green card to marry a rich man."
Melania didn't need government favortism to shepherd her through her entire life.
The Trumps are a YUGE upgrade over the current inhabitents of the White House. It will be great to have a President and First Lady that actually love America and will work to bring all of us together instead of sowing dvision and hate.
Anonymous White Foreskin said...
dicks, Jim likes, dicks
Yeah, I kinda figured that Jimmy, pun VERY much intended!
BTW, are tiny, tiny condoms made in China along with Trump's ties?
"Trump never sucked dick in a Chicago gay clug".
It was studio 54 for Trump and the Trans women fooled him.
"Nude photos aren't "porn', and no one wants to see Moochelle naked."
They are when you're closet lesbian like Melania.
"Trump was mocking a reporter, and Obama has mocked the retarded".
Trump was picking on the disabled and IS retarded.
"Melania never went to an Ivy League school on Affirmative Action and embarassed herself with her lack of intellectual ability. Michelle's entire life has been plagiarized."
Melania never went to college at all though she lied about having a college degree. And Michelle wasn't a mail order bride speaking broken English.
"Trump never disparaged his entire country while overseas as Obama did over and over again".
Trump's existence disparages the US by default.
"Melania was never a neglectful, cold and distant mother."
Melania doesn't have the brains to do anything but watch her nannies take care of her ONE child.
"Yes he has called white people racist; he even called his grandmother racist. Trump has never accused any entire group of people of being "racist"."
In the words of Trump, WRONG!!!!
"Melania isn't a hateful bitch who is deeply resentful towards the country that gave her entré to colleges she didn't deserve to attend and even made her First Lady. Michelle Obama is a despicable example of how Affirmative Action warps a person."
Melania is a speech plagiarizing illiterate bitch with tiny squinty eyes that she can barely see out of. Again, think "Edgar suit" from MIB, LOL!! And she's looking forward to her "spread" on the desk of the oval office.
"All supported like a white man does. All who respect and support him."
Ho's gonna ho'. Wonder which 24 year old supermodel he's going to trade Melania in for.
"Melania didn't need government favortism to shepherd her through her entire life."
Obviously, Melania's passport to a better life was her vagina and swallowing capabilities.
The fact that there are riots in the streets because Donald Trump was elected president is proof Donald Trump needed to be elected!
FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMED: There are only 4 states with a Democratic Governor and both houses of the state legislature controlled by Democrats. “Results are still trickling in, but it looks like Republicans will still control an all-time high 69 of 99 state legislative chambers. They’ll hold at least 33 governorships, tying a 94-year-old record.”
Milo Yiannopoulos is seriously being considered for the White House Press Secretary job. Ashen-faced Secret Service agents currently doing his background checks have been told they are going to need a bigger file.
Sam Elliot is an idiot. And while I wish that people would get their heads out of their rear end, it's obvious that many people cannot see the forest for the trees. It is equally obvious they see and feel the same thing about us. I do not know how to conquer this divide and that scares me. I do not understand how anyone could have voted for such a pathological liar, a man who was in contact with Moscow during the campaign and who solicited donations from foreign politicians. I do not understand how anyone could vote for such a vile racist, misogynist, xenophobic sociopath.
I like reading your blog. I don't normally comment. I am a white, 54 yr old woman (college graduate), living in NH, one of the 3 whitest states in the country. I find you informative, intelligent and articulate. I empathize with you even while I know I can never truly understand all that you have been subject to. I apologize on behalf of decent people everywhere for the vile comments people feel they are entitled to leave on your page when all you have done is explain your thoughts in a rational manner.
Marie in NH
Milo is a mudshark, why you you negroes hate him?
Marie in NH said...
I do not understand how anyone could have voted for such a pathological liar, a man who was in contact with Moscow during the campaign and who solicited donations from foreign politicians.
1. Obama: "You can keep your doctor". "Not a smidgen of corruption". "I heard about the email server when I read it in the newspapers".
2. Obama caught on hot mike in 2012 to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev: "After my election, I have more flexibility."
3. Obama received more foreign donations both on an absolute level and as a percentage of his campaign funding than anyone in US history.
You are correct, Marie. You really don't understand. You should get out more.
marie in NH is obviously one of the stupidest shitheads to come through in a long time. hillary took millions for doing favors for foreign governments and she thinks trump did it. the words 'honesty' and 'Democrat' just don't go together.
Better your wife have nude pictures than your mother! That's really embarrassing!
Anonymous said...
Better your wife have nude pictures than your mother! That's really embarrassing!
Melania IS someone's mother, dumb dumb! Barron Trump is gonna have a great prepubescent life thanks to his parental agents.
Poor kid!
Deplorables said, "Melania IS someone's mother..."
I guess you'll claim you haven't seen the naked pictures of Obama's mother, or that they're not real. It took being quite a slut way back in those days to float around pictures like that. So which was worse?
Poor little Barry! Maybe that's what turned him into a gay prostitute.
Black America Y'all!!!
@12"13, I realize that in your small minded little world, reading gossip about others probably is the highlight of your day.
But no, I haven't seen nor am I interested in, naked pics of POTUS' deceased mother taken in the 70's.
But continue to celebrate the first bisexual FLOTUS in history, GO RUSSIAN IMPORTS!!!
Already we have a new election underway!!! I nominate and vote for Marie in NH as Asshole of the Week! Not only does she pompously display her liberal bigotry ("I'm white") but she also stays willfully ignorant of all facts so you know she gets all her info from HuffPo and Wonkette and her teewee. I have a feeling she'll also be a lock for Assole of the Month, unless her cuck son shows up and takes away the trophy. Until then, go Marie, I'm roooooooting for you!!!!!!!!!
Marie in NH said...
I am a white, 54 yr old woman (college graduate), living in NH, one of the 3 whitest states in the country. I find you informative, intelligent and articulate. I empathize with you even while I know I can never truly understand all that you have been subject to. I apologize on behalf of decent people everywhere for the vile comments people feel they are entitled to leave on your page when all you have done is explain your thoughts in a rational manner.
Even though you live somewhere that there are no black people, and admit you undertand nothing about real race relations, you feel entitled to:
1. Define yourself as "decent" by denigrating those with a different experience level as "vile".
2. Claim virtue for yourself by the zero cost gesture of apologizing for the words of others.
3. Condescend to a black man by conferring on him the designations "intelligent and articulate" (you forgot "bright and clean"). Thanks nice White Lady!
A blogger like Field who constantly uses images of the Klan and calls all Republicans Hitler is not a rational person. His job is to whip up fear among his people by blaming the objects of his resentment. He rationalizes a deep racist hatred of whites using hoax stories and false equivalences bolstered with historical inaccuracies. He is a "slave catcher", someone who warns his people against thinking for themselves and wandering off the plantation. Any black person who doesn't adhere to his race-obsessed narrative is an "Uncle Tom" or a "House Negro". Any white person he disagrees with is a "racist".
@Marie in NH:
Did it ever occur to you that white folk who don't live in "one of the 3 whitest states in the country" might have a more realistic view of some of the downsides of of "diversity" as well as a more skeptical view of the claims of oppression coming from non-whites who do everything in their power to live as closely to white people as they can?
ME TOO! I vote for Marie as Asshole of the Week! This is so fun. Don't you dare vote against her just because she's obese, you vile adipobigots
Going out on a limb here, but my guess is that Marie in NH doesn't have a man.
Celia: "the claims of oppression coming from non-whites who do everything in their power to live as closely to white people as they can"
It would be nice if our white supremacist hate-society actually dissuaded a single brown immigrant from trying to live here.
My Dearest Marie:
I'm sorry that the vile bigots here have treated you so unwarmly. I am African American and have suffered from slavery my whole life. Only you can comfort me and be my White Queen. Don't worry, I like 'em "thick". Can you send money to my prison account? That should be biweekly.
Tyrone Muhawran in San Quentin
Sounds like Marie touched a nerve. I find that surprising as there doesn't seem to be much in the way of functioning nervous tissue around here just now.
-Doug in Oakland
Doug, how much time have you spent in prison so far? I saw you threatening "carnage" earlier.
Hey Yisheng, it's stupid cunts like yourself that make me even happier that Trump won and your stupid bitch Hillary lost.
Oh, and Yisheng, just admit it. You secretly crave white dick, especially when your husband just isn't getting the job done.
America during the Trump years will not be as bad as Germany was in 1933. However, it will still be worse than any other administration, save perhaps Andrew Jackson. He was a bastard just like Trump.
TY Marie, always good to hear from white folks with a conscience who understand the history of this country.
As stated above, u seem to have struck a nerve with some of our stormfront friends.😏
Meanwhile, Geffen's helpful rules for survival (Rule no. 4: BE OUTRAGED)
Charley Pierce, who writes on politics for Esquire and has a long memory, says this is the biggest single fuckup in American democracy (exempting slavery and the Civil War) We got us a magnitude 10, here, folks, and we done it to ourselves voluntarily.
I'm happy as 20 of your fat nasty Mammy and a pig slop contest, Trump's Admin is financing the rest of my education!!!
Thingsheng is a waste of space and funds in our institutions of higher learning.
President Trump is going to pull the plug on paying for retards to go to college just because they are black.
If you want a snapshot of why America is fucked beyond redemption, all you need to do is read the comments on this post today.
America is finished. I feel bad for some of you, the rest of you are getting what you deserve.
field negro said...
TY Marie, always good to hear from white folks with a conscience who understand the history of this country.
Marie herself admits she understands nothing, she just feels she needs to say certain things so black people won't hate her.
But black people hate ALL white people, not just the ones who won't say what they are supposed to.
Hey Field, are you saying Marie in NH was a slave-owner?
The Purple Cow said...
"If you want a snapshot of why America is fucked beyond redemption, all you need to do is read the comments on this post today"
Hey, we can all agree Yisheng is an embarassment to humankind, but she does not represent all black Americans. There actually are people here who can comment above the third-grade level. Please don't tar us all with the same brush.
When the definition of racism changed, so did the social contract surrounding it:
Within the past few years, as privilege theory took hold, many whites began to think that no matter what they did they would be called racist, because, in fact, that was happening. Previously there were rules. They shifted at times, but if adhered to they largely protected one from the charge of racism. It’s like the Morrissey lyric: “is evil just something you are, or something you do.” Under the détente, racism was something you did; under privilege theory it is something you are.
Trump is so bad he will backpedal on most of the things he ran his campaign on. I can't wait to watch his idiot supporters go absolutely nuts!
@5:58, When are you going to stop talking to yourself?
So when a WW disagrees with them, WM and half gooks get all in their p*$$y grabbing feelies, right?
Nobody cares what BW think, especially BM.
Trump's "Stop it" to the cameras last night felt pretty half-hearted. His supporters won't stop it. Plus, how many of them do you think actually watch an intelligent, cerebral program like 60 Minutes? It all goes way over their collective heads.
"But black people hate ALL white people, not just the ones who won't say what they are supposed to."
I don't "hate" anyone. But I do have an aversion to stupid people.
Racist white people usually fall in that category.
Anon375: Never been to prison. Done a few felonies, but never got caught, and the statute of limitations has run on them now, and since I'm both white and law abiding, I'll probably stay out of the big house. Spent a few nights in Oakland City Jail, though, and the last time I was there, in 2001, I was the only white guy in the felony tank, which is all kinds of fucked up, as most of the active felons I know are white.
I wasn't "threatening" carnage, I was predicting it. And it's on its way, make no mistake about that, and most likely some of it will have your name on it. What are you gonna do when it gets here?
-Doug in Oakland
Doug, I see now why you get laughed at so much here, you are a cuck!
Then you make another veiled threat but are too dishonest to admit it. Go smoke your dope now, and revel over how you get down wit da bruthas. I'm guessing you're about 67 and broke down like crap, all rickety and reliving your past days.
You be so street, homey wigga!
As Trump backtracks on the promises that got him there, it's a great escape to watch some of the compilation videos of people crying and having tantrums on the night of his victory. There are the black racists, watching their special AA privileges fading away and calling that 'racism'. There are the white sluts and cucks squirming. All very enjoyable to watch. I never thought Trump was a hero, but he was the only one who could have swept away the double wall of the poltically correct lying media and the Democrat cheating machine. Plus the elitist celebrities learning that they don't get their way is pricelss.
It's great living in such a historic time.
@8:07, Actually assnimcimpoop, it's YOU we're all laughing at. And we're guessing you're about 7.
@7:22, SHUT UP STUPID, I bet your eggs are like book dust.
@8:17, and if you were highly educated and better employed, you'd be as happy as some of us Black folks!
I actually think it's a blessing to live in an America like the one my grandparents grew up in, Black folks stuck together better then.
One thing that's very educational here is observing that the dumbest ones say that everybody else is the dumb one. The most racist blacks and reverse racist whites say that it's the other guy who's the racist. Ysheng FTD is the perfect example.
It's easy to see why every country or city ruled by blacks is an abysmal failure without exception.
FTD Yshweng, your grandparents were far more moral than the Negroes of today. 1/3 of Whites are completely corrupt today, you'd call them the good Whites. The only good ones left are the country people, Black and White, that the urban trash looks down on.
"It's easy to see why every country or city ruled by blacks is an abysmal failure without exception."
Clearly you don't travel much.
The state fair in Arkansas doesn't count.
Name one, field. You can't count cities like Atlanta that are in the process of decline after black takeover, but still riding on what was built before. Your city is Killadelphia. South Africa is the rape capital of the world, at least until Muslims turned Sweden into the new leader. The breadbasket of Africa was Rhodesia, now it's Zimbabwe with starvation.
So name one good society that blacks built.
Fuck you, 375 different ways.
The usual intelligent answer from the highly educated YuShweng FTD. That was a little funny, though.
Yisheng can't even find her own asshole.
dinthebeast said...
I wasn't "threatening" carnage, I was predicting it. And it's on its way, make no mistake about that, and most likely some of it will have your name on it. What are you gonna do when it gets here?
-Doug in Oakland
7:57 PM
"carnage"?...take your meds beast will ya
@9:22, but you do a great job, eat up, shit licker!!
:"MLK Jr said it best..."Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity""
Would you include the people who kept repeating "Hands up, don't shoot" long after it was proven to be a lie? No? Fine then. If you stick to tribal loyalties do not expect an American nation to allow you to live here.
"Milo Yiannopoulos is seriously being considered for the White House Press Secretary job."
We are anticipating the hilarity that would follow. I am already eating popcorn.
"Charley Pierce, who writes on politics for Esquire and has a long memory, says this is the biggest single fuckup in American democracy (exempting slavery and the Civil War)"
Without the (Jewish-run) trade in African workers to the New World (far more to Brazil and the Carribean than the English colonies of America) you wouldn't be here. Slavery and the American Civil War would never have happened without that. So what you're saying is that... bringing you here was the single biggest fuckup of local history.
I can get behind that!
"I wasn't "threatening" carnage, I was predicting it. And it's on its way, make no mistake about that, and most likely some of it will have your name on it. What are you gonna do when it gets here?"
Open up with 12-gauge or carry pistol depending where I am, pick up with a 7.62 rifle until the threat is driven off. Bangers who hold their Glocks sideways are sitting ducks for people who shoot rifles from behind cover. It won't even be close.
I'm on my second bowl of popcorn tonight, this has been great.
As usual, you idiots don't understand what I'm saying. I'm not threatening to hurt you. If I was gonna hurt somebody, your sorry asses wouldn't be on the to do list.
I'm saying that when the Trump administration goes down in flames, like the Bush administration before it, y'all are likely going to be among the collateral damage, like the millions of homeowners and regular citizens were in the Bush administration.
Enjoy your popcorn while you can, dude. I have a Weaver scope on my model 70, and I wouldn't own anything as crappy as a Glock, by the way.
-Doug in Oakland
Doug in Oakland. was your gun legal purchased and are you licensed to have a gun? Just curious.
My guns have been in my family for fifty years, and all of my paperwork is in order.
-Doug in Oakland
Preach, Doug!
Preach, Doug!
Just to be clear, Doug in Oakland, you have guns purchased 50 years ago, so you never went through a background check, and you are licensed to have these guns?
I already told you, my paperwork is all in order.
-Doug in Oakland
A ten year might seem intelligent making a Hitler comparison, But an adult look like a scummy nutcase doing the same
The approval this rubbish got from your usual idiots shows how low your crowd is
Ironic is that so many on the black left, as well most of the Muslims your types court, have ideas about Jews most similar to Hitler
Take the black hebrew israelites or the Nation of Islam
Weaver. I guess you have to go as cheap as you can.
So Trump's Hitler and his supporters are Nazis? OK, cartoon character, what exactly is he going to do a la Nazi Germany? Name some things. I bet you won't.
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