Feel free to comment on any subject that you like.
Although I would like to hear your thoughts about Melania trump promising to take on the issue of cyber bullying and incivility on the Internet if she becomes First Lady.
Yes, she really went there.
Yisheng = nigger
Cyber bullying is definitely a hot button issue these days. It should be taken care of, whether it's Melania Trump or Hillary or whoever. Hopefully not anyone with the name Trump. I have a feeling cyber bullying will increase if Trump wins. His supporters are that bad.
The argument from Team Trump in the closing days of the election is that Hillary Clinton is too corrupt to rule. He’s painting her as the face of the larger problem, which is the metastasizing corruption of the ruling class. It’s a good closing argument and it resonates, but the reason Hillary should not rule is she is dangerously incompetent and she surrounds herself with outlandishly stupid people. A society can survive crooked rulers, but it cannot survive stupid ones. Hillary Clinton is too stupid to rule.
One more item to add to the long list of stuff Donald Trump is wrong about: He insisted back in March that the now-MLB champions, the Chicago Cubs, were a "badly run" team and he was going to run ads to warn the world about how the Cubs were great big losers. (Trump said this because he has the maturity level of an evil three-year-old and the Cubs' owners had donated loads of money to Marco Rubio to try and stop an evil three-year-old from taking over the Republican Party.)
Also, Republican poll watchers will not be allowed to show up in the hood in Philly to harass black voters. It turns out there is a Pennsylvania state law mandating poll watchers must live in the counties of the polling districts they are watching, and a judge is insisting this law be enforced. So this means racist white dickheads from the burbs cannot descend on black neighborhoods to harass black people into not voting. Oh well. I guess they'll just have to fall back on the "40s and weed plan," lol.
The FBI New York office has rogue agents trying to sabatoge the Clinton campaign. These fools should be tried for treason. This is new shit, Republicans just subverting democracy. They refuse to even hold any hearings for a SC justice if Clinton wins? When did this become a thing? That's not how this works. I understand that conservatives want a conservative SC but this isn't how you do it. These guys don't play by the rules. Democracy means nothing to Republicans. Just sick.
PX: My guess is that J.Edgar Comey will have a reckoning post election. Although to be fair, it's not all his fault, and it's looking like some of his ass-covering behavior was pre-emptive against leaks he knew were coming.
"Cyber bullying is definitely a hot button issue these days. It should be taken care of, whether it's Melania Trump or Hillary or whoever. Hopefully not anyone with the name Trump. I have a feeling cyber bullying will increase if Trump wins. His supporters are that bad."
You indignant, shitstained motherfucker.
Talking about cyber bullying when your ugly ass photo is next to the dictionary definition of it.
I guess that explains your obsession with the deplorables, your just as fucking hypocritical as they are.
I can definitely tell Ministry of Truth has a small pecker. Considering all the stupid, pretentious bullshit he posts here, he is definitely compensating for something.
I met a black guy today and couldn't even understand a single word coming out of his mouth. What is it with you people and your fucking ebonics? Plus, you're fat and eat shitty greasy food. An Italian guy once said Italian food is too classy for black people, and I agree wholeheartedly.
That thing called Yisheng is saying stupid shit again. If she didn't make a big deal about being black I would assume she is just another dumbass Butt Trumpet supporter. She probably loves those micro dicked white boys anyway.
Hillary has got this election in the bag. Trump supporters can either cry themselves to sleep or just kill themselves already. This could be one of the signals that the white man's reign is soon coming to an end.
If any of you folks live in the NYC area, the NYPD could use your help in finding the BLACK MAN who brutally sucker punched and killed 64 year-old Patrick Gorman, a WHITE MAN. This cowardly black piece of subhuman shit attacked Mr. Gorman, a beloved family man, without provocation, then calmly walked away with a nappy-ass ho who kind of looks like your mama.
Any information might help. Please, do something right for once in your sorry lives.
Yes, the irony is ironic. Melania Trump is a well known former cyber bully. She's in a 12 step program to help curb her trolling. Who better to advocate for anti-cyber bullying than Melania?
Meanwhile, the Hillary cabal is involved in the greatest scandal in modern political history. All indications are the rot is deep and goes all the way to the top. The whistleblowers must be in fear for their lives.
Trump will drain the swamp that is Washington DC. Hillary the succubus will be exposed and eventually caged. Her cartel of surrogates will be exposed and eventually caged.
How anyone could support Hillary and all she represents is beyond me. Anyway, Doug from Oakland mentioned something about sex with chickens. I guess that might explain it.
"If any of you folks live in the NYC area, the NYPD could use your help in finding the BLACK MAN who brutally sucker punched and killed 64 year-old Patrick Gorman, a WHITE MAN. This cowardly black piece of subhuman shit attacked Mr. Gorman, a beloved family man, without provocation, then calmly walked away with a nappy-ass ho who kind of looks like your mama."
Actually, there is no "nappy-ass ho" involved. The dude who threw the punch was with a white woman. And I'm betting that only makes you madder (though, strangely, never mad about any crimes except when the victim's white and the perpetrator is black).
President Obama made a big mistake appointing James Comey. Comey has been a reflexive supporter of expanding police and intelligence powers. I accept that some expansion of intelligence powers was probably necessary to fight jihadi (and other types of) terrorism, but we've now gone well beyond anything that might be deemed reasonable, and policing definitely needs more restraint and accountability.
That he's now dangerously interfering in politics makes him, as Doug suggested, reminiscent of the former petty tyrant of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover. The last thing we need is for the FBI to return to Gestapo-like Cointelpro tactics against our own citizens.
The Ministry of Truth said... "So this means racist white dickheads from the burbs cannot descend on black neighborhoods to harass black people into not voting."
Another weird fantasy from this douchebag about something that would never conceivably happen.
The Ministry of Truth said... President Obama made a big mistake appointing James Comey. Comey has been a reflexive supporter of expanding police and intelligence powers ---
Right on cue, this servile little fuck comes out swinging against the investigator instead of considering for a moment the crimes of the subject of the investigation.
You have an apt internet handle, although you don't really get it yourself.
Hillary is done. Even if she cheats her way to an election win, she will never serve. The only way she stays out of jail is if Obama pardons her, and if he does that there will be Civil War.
If you want open borders, war with Russia, "free" trade moving more jobs overseas, a continuation of the war on cops that is causing black murders to spike, and guaranteed profits for Wall Street, you'd better get out there and cast your vote for Hillary.
If she loses, we face living in an America where the government tries to keep high paying jobs here for citizens, where our troops will lose the opportunity to die for Israel, and where a massive new approach for improving the lives of the people in our inner cities will be implemented.
We cannot let Trump turn the government into a vehicle for the pursuit of the interests of the people. That's not who we are.
Dirty reporters working for Hillary are being helped by US intelligence to spread a fake story about Russian support for Trump. When a dirty reporter was caught, he offered a quid pro quo job in exchange for silence.
Very consistent with all we are hearing about Hillary camp. They have no real supporters, everything is about graft and behind the scenes deal making. And they're absolute idiots for emailing details of their dirty work.
"Any updates on the two Trumpanzees that killed those cops in Iowa?"
I think it was only one Trumpanzee, and he's been arrested and charged with murder.
It appears he got ejected from a football game for being a racist goon with a Confederate flag, and since police had been the ones called to throw him out of the game, he decided to take revenge on a couple other random police officers.
Mysteriously, Fox News isn't frothing at the mouth about this murder of cops like they would be if a black guy had done it. So weird ...
Hillary supported wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. As Secretary of State she "brainstormed" about giving Israel a green light to attack Iran. We pay for bombing Palestinians and Yemen. She supports both and was instrumental in arming Saudi Arabia who is bombing innocent civilians in Yemen. Wikileaks reveal that they knew some of our support to Saudi Arabia and Qatar goes to ISIS. It's no wonder Dick Cheney voted for Hillary.
Was Jessica Chambers the baby raped and killed by the white guy? No? Oh yeah that'sright you racist white assholes give a pass to any act no matter how horrible if the perp was white. Just sick.
"This Tarzan guy is also a sick fuck said... But it's ok to you to have your babies raped and killed by a white guy. That's sick but that's how you guys roll.
4:08 PM"
I don't know who you are, you putrid piece of shit, but as I've said, I will happily volunteer to shoot ANY rapist thru the forehead.
Tarzan doesn't care one bit about babies like Emmaleigh if they're raped by white men
No you won't, you'll just obsess over Jessica Chambers while white guys rape babies. You've never said anything about it and never will. You sick fuck.
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Money is nice, but being able to speak my mind is better.
"Real talk: Daniel Rubin has a great little piece up wherein he chats with The Field Negro, the Philly-based blogger who sharply ponders all things black on a daily basis. (Seriously, if you’ve never checked in with TFN, you should: Its author, Wayne Bennett, is a fantastic read who can cut through bullshit like a hot knife through butter, which is a far grosser analogy than I wanted to make, but there you have it.)" ~Philebrity~
"One of the most precocious and hilarious Black political minds on the net. Ive been a long-time fan!" ~Asad Malik~
"..While most of what he writes is tongue-in-cheek, his space is a safe house for candid discussions about race, especially in the comments section, where people of all colors meet." ~~Daniel Rubin, "The Philadelphia Inquirer"~~
"To white people, Bennett's musings are like kitchen-table talk from a kitchen they may otherwise never set foot in. To African Americans, he is part of a growing army of black Internet amateurs who have taken up the work once reserved for ministers and professional activists: the work of setting a black agenda, shaping black opinion and calling attention to the state of the nation's racial affairs."
~~Richard Fausset, "L.A. Times"~~~
"That's why I love the blog "Field Negro" so much. Field, as he's known to his fans, has the sense of reality that it takes to call out the (CowPuckey) of blame beating by those who are in positions of power and their lackeys. Because of his handle and his unabashed way of writing about racial issues, Field is often cited as a "Black blogger." What he is, however, is a first-class detector of blame deflection and an excellent student of history. If you want to write about the past and future of repression there's really no other perspective to take - which is why everyone should read Field."
Raised in the house, but field certified. Jamaica is the land of my birth, but I consider myself a citizen of the world. I currently practice law in the city of "brotherly love".
"Half a century after Little Rock, the Montgomery bus boycott and the tumultuous dawn of the modern civil rights era, the new face of the movement is Facebook, MySpace and some 150 black blogs united in an Internet alliance they call the AfroSpear.
Older, familiar leaders such as Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and NAACP Chairman Julian Bond, are under challenge by a younger generation of bloggers known by such provocative screen names as Field Negro, thefreeslave and African American Political Pundit. And many of the newest struggles are being waged online." ~Howard Witt-The Chicago Tribune~
"I had no idea, for example, of the extent of the African-American blogging world out there and its collective powers of dissemination.But now, after reading thousands of anguished, thoughtful comments posted on these blogs reflecting on issues of persistent racial discrimination in the nation's schools and courtrooms, what's clear to me is that there's a new, "virtual" civil rights movement out there on the Internet that can reach more people in a few hours than all the protest marches, sit-ins and boycotts of the 1950s and 60s put together." ~Chicago Tribune Reporter, Howard Witt~
Cyber bullying is definitely a hot button issue these days. It should be taken care of, whether it's Melania Trump or Hillary or whoever. Hopefully not anyone with the name Trump. I have a feeling cyber bullying will increase if Trump wins. His supporters are that bad.
The argument from Team Trump in the closing days of the election is that Hillary Clinton is too corrupt to rule. He’s painting her as the face of the larger problem, which is the metastasizing corruption of the ruling class. It’s a good closing argument and it resonates, but the reason Hillary should not rule is she is dangerously incompetent and she surrounds herself with outlandishly stupid people. A society can survive crooked rulers, but it cannot survive stupid ones. Hillary Clinton is too stupid to rule.
At least Melanie Trump cares about bullying. Hillary, her campaign, and her supporters promote bullying. They are total assholes.
Melania Trump will be our best First Lady since Nancy Reagan.
One more item to add to the long list of stuff Donald Trump is wrong about: He insisted back in March that the now-MLB champions, the Chicago Cubs, were a "badly run" team and he was going to run ads to warn the world about how the Cubs were great big losers. (Trump said this because he has the maturity level of an evil three-year-old and the Cubs' owners had donated loads of money to Marco Rubio to try and stop an evil three-year-old from taking over the Republican Party.)
Also, Republican poll watchers will not be allowed to show up in the hood in Philly to harass black voters. It turns out there is a Pennsylvania state law mandating poll watchers must live in the counties of the polling districts they are watching, and a judge is insisting this law be enforced. So this means racist white dickheads from the burbs cannot descend on black neighborhoods to harass black people into not voting. Oh well. I guess they'll just have to fall back on the "40s and weed plan," lol.
One more thing: I have a tiny penis. Minuscule actually.
The FBI New York office has rogue agents trying to sabatoge the Clinton campaign. These fools should be tried for treason. This is new shit, Republicans just subverting democracy. They refuse to even hold any hearings for a SC justice if Clinton wins? When did this become a thing? That's not how this works. I understand that conservatives want a conservative SC but this isn't how you do it. These guys don't play by the rules. Democracy means nothing to Republicans. Just sick.
PX: My guess is that J.Edgar Comey will have a reckoning post election.
Although to be fair, it's not all his fault, and it's looking like some of his ass-covering behavior was pre-emptive against leaks he knew were coming.
-Doug in Oakland
"Cyber bullying is definitely a hot button issue these days. It should be taken care of, whether it's Melania Trump or Hillary or whoever. Hopefully not anyone with the name Trump. I have a feeling cyber bullying will increase if Trump wins. His supporters are that bad."
You indignant, shitstained motherfucker.
Talking about cyber bullying when your ugly ass photo is next to the dictionary definition of it.
I guess that explains your obsession with the deplorables, your just as fucking hypocritical as they are.
I can definitely tell Ministry of Truth has a small pecker. Considering all the stupid, pretentious bullshit he posts here, he is definitely compensating for something.
I met a black guy today and couldn't even understand a single word coming out of his mouth. What is it with you people and your fucking ebonics? Plus, you're fat and eat shitty greasy food. An Italian guy once said Italian food is too classy for black people, and I agree wholeheartedly.
That thing called Yisheng is saying stupid shit again. If she didn't make a big deal about being black I would assume she is just another dumbass Butt Trumpet supporter. She probably loves those micro dicked white boys anyway.
Hillary has got this election in the bag. Trump supporters can either cry themselves to sleep or just kill themselves already. This could be one of the signals that the white man's reign is soon coming to an end.
If any of you folks live in the NYC area, the NYPD could use your help in finding the BLACK MAN who brutally sucker punched and killed 64 year-old Patrick Gorman, a WHITE MAN. This cowardly black piece of subhuman shit attacked Mr. Gorman, a beloved family man, without provocation, then calmly walked away with a nappy-ass ho who kind of looks like your mama.
Any information might help. Please, do something right for once in your sorry lives.
Yes, the irony is ironic. Melania Trump is a well known former cyber bully. She's in a 12 step program to help curb her trolling. Who better to advocate for anti-cyber bullying than Melania?
Meanwhile, the Hillary cabal is involved in the greatest scandal in modern political history. All indications are the rot is deep and goes all the way to the top. The whistleblowers must be in fear for their lives.
Trump will drain the swamp that is Washington DC. Hillary the succubus will be exposed and eventually caged. Her cartel of surrogates will be exposed and eventually caged.
How anyone could support Hillary and all she represents is beyond me. Anyway, Doug from Oakland mentioned something about sex with chickens. I guess that might explain it.
@1:34, you probably love sucking micro dicked white boys.
"If any of you folks live in the NYC area, the NYPD could use your help in finding the BLACK MAN who brutally sucker punched and killed 64 year-old Patrick Gorman, a WHITE MAN. This cowardly black piece of subhuman shit attacked Mr. Gorman, a beloved family man, without provocation, then calmly walked away with a nappy-ass ho who kind of looks like your mama."
Actually, there is no "nappy-ass ho" involved. The dude who threw the punch was with a white woman. And I'm betting that only makes you madder (though, strangely, never mad about any crimes except when the victim's white and the perpetrator is black).
President Obama made a big mistake appointing James Comey. Comey has been a reflexive supporter of expanding police and intelligence powers. I accept that some expansion of intelligence powers was probably necessary to fight jihadi (and other types of) terrorism, but we've now gone well beyond anything that might be deemed reasonable, and policing definitely needs more restraint and accountability.
Here is a catalog of just some of his views and actions: James Comey has been abusing his power for years.
That he's now dangerously interfering in politics makes him, as Doug suggested, reminiscent of the former petty tyrant of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover. The last thing we need is for the FBI to return to Gestapo-like Cointelpro tactics against our own citizens.
The Ministry of Truth said...
"So this means racist white dickheads from the burbs cannot descend on black neighborhoods to harass black people into not voting."
Another weird fantasy from this douchebag about something that would never conceivably happen.
Three months ago PilotX thought the FBI was the bestest thing ever when they refused to indict Hillary despite clear evidence of law breaking.
PilotX today when a mountain of new evidence made it necessary to reopen the investigation:
"The FBI New York office has rogue agents trying to sabatoge the Clinton campaign. These fools should be tried for treason".
What a sorry little fascist you are.
Yisheng said...
"You indignant, shitstained motherfucker."
I can't wait until President Hillary passes the Hate Amendment and puts cyberbullies like Yisheng in jail where they belong!
The Ministry of Truth said...
President Obama made a big mistake appointing James Comey. Comey has been a reflexive supporter of expanding police and intelligence powers
Right on cue, this servile little fuck comes out swinging against the investigator instead of considering for a moment the crimes of the subject of the investigation.
You have an apt internet handle, although you don't really get it yourself.
Hillary is done. Even if she cheats her way to an election win, she will never serve. The only way she stays out of jail is if Obama pardons her, and if he does that there will be Civil War.
If you want open borders, war with Russia, "free" trade moving more jobs overseas, a continuation of the war on cops that is causing black murders to spike, and guaranteed profits for Wall Street, you'd better get out there and cast your vote for Hillary.
If she loses, we face living in an America where the government tries to keep high paying jobs here for citizens, where our troops will lose the opportunity to die for Israel, and where a massive new approach for improving the lives of the people in our inner cities will be implemented.
We cannot let Trump turn the government into a vehicle for the pursuit of the interests of the people. That's not who we are.
@10:12, SHUT UP, you stupid cyber BITCH!!
"@10:12, SHUT UP, you stupid cyber BITCH!!"
This going in the archive. We have a slam-dunk case prepared for when we can arrest haters like Yisheng!
The FBI investigation is uncovering corruption levels that shouldn't be possible. If Hillary gets away with this, America is done.
" If Hillary gets away with this, America is done."
Doesn't matter who wins America is fucked. The lunatics have taken over the asylum.
Obama intelligence agencies are pushing false stories to the press linking Trump with Putin:
Purple Cow is right. The end is near.
Dirty reporters working for Hillary are being helped by US intelligence to spread a fake story about Russian support for Trump. When a dirty reporter was caught, he offered a quid pro quo job in exchange for silence.
Very consistent with all we are hearing about Hillary camp. They have no real supporters, everything is about graft and behind the scenes deal making. And they're absolute idiots for emailing details of their dirty work.
Where I live they do NOT allow votes to be changed. I regret voting for Hillary. I let too many people get in my head.
"Obama intelligence agencies are pushing false stories to the press linking Trump with Putin:
Haha, sputniknews.
BREAKING NEWS: All Bad Stories About Vladimir Putin Are Lies, Says Vladimir Putin
Any updates on the two Trumpanzees that killed those cops in Iowa?
If you regret voting for H,it looks like a brain is not one of the things u let get into your head.
Well I am sure that they are alive. They were white, right?
"Any updates on the two Trumpanzees that killed those cops in Iowa?"
I think it was only one Trumpanzee, and he's been arrested and charged with murder.
It appears he got ejected from a football game for being a racist goon with a Confederate flag, and since police had been the ones called to throw him out of the game, he decided to take revenge on a couple other random police officers.
Mysteriously, Fox News isn't frothing at the mouth about this murder of cops like they would be if a black guy had done it. So weird ...
"My guess is that J.Edgar Comey will have a reckoning post election."
Yep, the buck stops at the top.
"Three months ago PilotX thought the FBI was the bestest thing ever when they refused to indict Hillary despite clear evidence of law breaking."
I did? Hmmmmm, maybe you have me confused with someone else. You know we all look alike to youse guys.
This has got to stop.
Comey is out of a job no matter who gets elected. What a wuss!!
Hillary supported wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. As Secretary of State she "brainstormed" about giving Israel a green light to attack Iran. We pay for bombing Palestinians and Yemen. She supports both and was instrumental in arming Saudi Arabia who is bombing innocent civilians in Yemen. Wikileaks reveal that they knew some of our support to Saudi Arabia and Qatar goes to ISIS. It's no wonder Dick Cheney voted for Hillary.
The black race is a joke.
Nigga please:
It's amazing Russia, China, and Iran laugh at him, isn't it?
Jessica Chambers.
Was Jessica Chambers the baby raped and killed by the white guy? No? Oh yeah that'sright you racist white assholes give a pass to any act no matter how horrible if the perp was white. Just sick.
Oh yeah the fucks are so sick they give a pass to white assholes who shoot up a whole classroom full of 5 year olds. Just sick.
Emmaleigh Barringer.
James Comey has a large phallus, like a tree branch.
No, Jessica Chambers was the pretty blonde, white girl, who was hooked on crack, by a black man, raped, set on fire, and left for dead.
Keep your girls from black men. Unless you're one of those Kardashian whores.
I think those "Khardashian whores" pay more in taxes than you will actually earn this year. But thanks for playing.
So, what's your point, field?
I was just Huh. Mitch.
Where did that one come from?
Kinda like nigger, to refer to blacks, rather than the American Indians.
Yet, the vaunted Buffalo Soldiers shot many a red nigger off their horse. out the Kardashin whores seem to delve in black dick.
Why? No taxes
But it's ok to you to have your babies raped and killed by a white guy. That's sick but that's how you guys roll.
So sorry Emmaleigh, white guys don't care about helpless babies like you.
"This Tarzan guy is also a sick fuck said...
But it's ok to you to have your babies raped and killed by a white guy. That's sick but that's how you guys roll.
4:08 PM"
I don't know who you are, you putrid piece of shit, but as I've said, I will happily volunteer to shoot ANY rapist thru the forehead.
That's how I "roll".
No you won't, you'll just obsess over Jessica Chambers while white guys rape babies. You've never said anything about it and never will. You sick fuck.
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