The thing is, everyone knows what trump said was wrong, except, of course, trump and his sycophants. In yet another twist on a running theme since January of 2017, trump tweeted out his own set of alternative facts, and when he was called out it, he decided that we were the ones who were not clued in, and it was those Brits who were wrong about the string of terrorist events that took place in their country.
The Mayor of London is a popular guy, and his people really seem to like him, and yet here we have an American president trashing him after terror visited his city.
I heard someone say this on television today, and it's worth repeating: Imagine, for a minute, a British leader ripping Rudy Giuliani right after September 11th. We would have lost our minds. That, in essence, is what the president is doing, he is trolling the Brits, and calling their mayor a liar in the process.
Finally, check out this story:
"The gunman in Monday's fatal shooting spree at an Orlando, Florida, business targeted his victims and had a "negative relationship" with at least one of them, according to law enforcement.
Army veteran John Robert Neumann, Jr. killed five employees of Fiamma Inc. before killing himself, Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings said.
The company makes accessories for recreational vehicles. Neumann was fired from there in April.
All five of the victims were employees of Fiamma, which makes awnings and accessories for recreational vehicles, the sheriff said. Four of them — three men and a woman — were found dead when deputies arrived, he said. A fifth person, a man, was transported to a hospital, where he died.
The sheriff identified the gunman as John Robert Neumann Jr., 45, who had been fired from his job at Fiamma in April. He had shot and killed himself by the time law enforcement arrived, Sheriff Demings said." [Source]
Tragic! And yet, turn on cable- news and it's a all trump all the time. Sadly, we have become immune to these types of tragic mass shootings. Just another ho hum day in America.
*Pic from
The Mayor of London is a popular guy, and his people really seem to like him
He's the mayor of the CITY of London, which is a separate legal entity from London itself. "His people" are Pakis like himself, who hate the English. The English hate Pakis and Khan right back.
here we have an American president trashing him after terror visited his city.
Terror didn't "visit" London. Sadiq Khan is one of the people who invited it to move in, just like the Paki islamic rape gangs in Rotherham and elsewhere.
[T]rump tweeted out his own set of alternative facts, and when he was called out it, he decided that we were the ones who were not clued in, and it was those Brits who were wrong about the string of terrorist events that took place in their country.
Only if you consider Paki invaders to be "Brits", which they are not.
Then again, you consider yourself an American, which you aren't either.
All of you have to go back.
President four-year-old couldn't stand for the mayor's call for calm and his tapping into the celebrated resolute spirit of the Brits to get them through this time of uncertainty because he has to promote panic at every turn as he needs panic and terror and the clouded judgement that goes along with them to be as widespread as possible. Otherwise people might come to their senses and kick his fat, lying, ugly ass to the curb.
"Imagine, for a minute, a British leader ripping Rudy Giuliani right after September 11th."
You're right, that would have been terrible form and outside of the workings of international diplomacy, and thus a bad thing.
What it also would have been: prescient as fuck.
-Doug in Oakland
Sadiq Khan has responded to the shredding of 8 year girls by telling the English that it is something that they just need to get used to. His first priority is the Islamization of London, and this will of course require a lot more dead Londoners. He is a wolf in wolf's clothing, and he has come to lead the lambs to slaughter. If Trump were half the man the you think he is, he would order an invasion of England to liberate the country from a government bent on the destruction of the nation.
May God deliver us from our enemies.
dinthebeast said...
"Imagine, for a minute, a British leader ripping Rudy Giuliani right after September 11th."
If Rudy had responded to 9/11 by being an apologist for Muslim terrorism and by telling New Yorkers that this was just the price they had to pay for living in a 'diverse' city, then anyone who ripped him would have been as right as Donald Trump is today for calling Sadiq Khan what he is: An enemy agent facilitating the conquest of Britain.
The Leftist narrative is reliant on selling the idea that rape gangs, street crime, stabbings, bombings are "normal".
Your Problem is Obvious,
Simply stated, your problem is that you are uncool.
I knew and worked with a British Paki ex-pat in San Diego for a period spanning twenty-five years. He remembered and revered his British heritage with something approaching holiness.
What the hell does a retard like yourself know about a major hub like London? It's the most divers city in the world. You aren't even old enough to remember when it was majority white. You clearly have never visited London. Now, recently or in the distant past.
Jack shit!
WTF is wrong with you super-dickheads that believe in Trump?
Oh, that's right. Your minds are so small that you buy into his delusional bluster as a sort of intoxicating and heady mix of bravado and assertiveness. Excuse me for momentarily forgetting.
From Krugman:
"Well, bear in mind that so far Trump hasn’t faced a single crisis not of his own making. As George Orwell noted many years ago in his essay “In Front of Your Nose,” people can indeed talk nonsense for a very long time, without paying an obvious price. But “sooner or later a false belief bumps up against solid reality, usually on a battlefield.” Now there’s a happy thought."
-Doug in Oakland
All of you have to go back.
James Bold, show yourself! Stop hiding behind this new handle: Your problem is obvious said...
Good article in the Atlantic about the myth of Robert E. Lee:
-Doug in Oakland
Welcome to the new era of "alternative facts" in which we can ignore words clearly stated and twist them. At least normal and sane people can see how deranged the orange orangutan and his followers are.
What PX said at 4:11 AM.
@ wingnut commenting @ 12:AM.
"Go back" where? I'm a citizen of the world. This entire planet is mine.
Field, you have the best wingnuts right here. Reason enough to come, to see the world through their warped prism, and how everything can be made to conform to their bigotries.
Your midnight visitor draws a distinction between the elected Mayor of London and the ceremonial Lord Mayor and led me to learn more.
Also, if I'm interested in how the Alt-right views the world, better in a few condensed comments here than long articles on some godforsaken website elsewhere.
These past few days will surely go down as Trump's most dickish. Trashing the Paris accords AND the Mayor of London! And somehow he's focused on the TRAVEL BAN rather than infrastructure (bo-ring!) or jobs.
Wonder why these radicals never target right wing Americans. Professional courtesy or is there some collusion going on here, too? I'm going with collusion for $500 Alex.
Flying Junior said...
"I knew and worked with a British Paki ex-pat in San Diego for a period spanning twenty-five years. He remembered and revered his British heritage with something approaching holiness"
In other words, "this one guy I knew was cool so that totally cancels out all of the objective evidence pointing to the incompatibility of Islam with Western culture".
dinthebeast said...
"Good article in the Atlantic about the myth of Robert E. Lee:"
Revisionist history is a hallmark of totalitarian progressivism.
Progressivism is a cultural disease.
"Progressivism is a cultural disease."
We have to destroy this idea that its noble to ignore reality.
Your comment just illustrates my point.
You have a cartoon view of people not in your cult, and you project your own base, fear-driven hatred on them.
"Name a society that has no crime. There aren't any. And the UK's crime rate is low by American standards."
The USA's murder rate would be about half as much if the Africans-weren't-in-America.
The lopsided fraction of African criminality would be even more obvious for the crimes of robbery and aggravated assault, except that the Obama administration made sure that all such information was stripped out of the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports. Suffice it to say that minus Africans, the US's violent crime rate would also be lower than the UK's by almost half.
Little dicked white boys are the biggest terrorists in the world. Much of their hate and anger comes from the fact that they aren't packing much down there.
tr**p lovers love it when a Muslim commits an act of violence because they then can feel justified in their Islamophobia. Their racism and Islamophobia will never go way.
Drumpf hates fake news, but his alleged 115 billion dollar arms sale to Saudi Arabia is fake. There apparently is no deal, no contracts-just a wish lost of stuff Saudis probably can't pay for anyway with low oil prices.
Rumour has it Drumpf will cross examine Comey on Twitter Thursday ti make sure fake news gets a head of steam for Drumpf's pin head tools out there.
If Baldy and whitey wasn't in America the place would amell better and there would be less crime.
B15: That Vice article was a hoot.
So four major law firms have turned president four-year-old down when he asked them to represent him in the Russia investigation, because they didn't think he would listen to their advice (read that STFU) or pay them, and they felt that being associated with his administration would be bad for their firm's business.
-Doug in Oakland
The supremes have agreed to decide whether law enforcement should have to obtain a warrant before accessing cell phone location data, over objections from president four-year-old's administration who were pushing them not to hear the case.
-Doug in Oakland
From twitter via Susie Madrak's blog:
Support for impeachment is now higher than Trump's approval rating in virtually every poll.
Approval @Gallup: 36%
Impeachment @Politico: 43%
-Doug in Oakland
James Bold said...
"Name a society that has no crime. There aren't any. And the UK's crime rate is low by American standards."
The USA's historical murder rate would be zilch if Europeans weren't in America, no Revolutionary war, no genocide of indigenes, no deaths of Africans on the high seas or in bondage, and no Civil war.
The lopsided fraction of European criminality would be even more obvious for the crimes of robbery and aggravated assault, and murder, except that white historians made sure that all such information was stripped out of the history books. Suffice it to say that minus Europeans, the violent crime rate would also be lower than the world's by almost 99 percent.
I had NO PROBLEM finding FBI data stratified by race for my research.
President four year old's message to Comey about his testimony Thursday: "I wish him luck."
For once I agree with the president, but for vastly different reasons.
One commenter noted that it's a senate intelligence committee hearing, not a game show, but for president four-year-old, everything's a game show, and in this particular one he stands a good chance of losing "bigly"...
-Doug in Oakland
Trae Crowder, the Liberal Redneck:
"It's a refreshing new spin on things: Nazis trying to end the world by leaving Paris, that's outside the box stupidity there..."
-Doug in Oakland
Has this blog gone to hell since Baldy and too smart came back?
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
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