In Jamaica, as in most Third World countries, politics is literally a life and death business. For far too many people, if their party loses an election, their family might not eat, they might not have a job---- and depending on the political make-up of the neighborhood that they live in, they might have to move away against their will.
Here in America we are supposed to be so much better than that. We live in a "true democracy", and we are united as a people regardless of our political beliefs and party affiliation. Presidents come and go, but it doesn't affect our lives, our jobs, or where we live. We trust our government and our Constitution to make sure that everything runs smoothly. Sure we will argue politics all day amongst each other, but we would never act out our dislike or hatred for each other in the horrific ways that we have come to expect from folks living in the Third World.
But lately, things have changed. Today a deranged man did a very Third World like thing by shooting at politicians he disagreed with while they practiced on a softball field. He is not the first of course, and he will not be the last. Just a few weeks ago, a man of a different political persuasion attacked and killed two men on an Oregon train, because they tried to stop his xenophobic rant against a young Muslim woman.
Of course we all saw this coming. Social media, cable news, and other forms of media have become extremely balkanized, and everyone always invariably retreats to their own echo-chamber to hear the same rhetoric over and over again from like minded people.
And now, as is to be expected, the blame game will begin. Some on the right have already started.
They are pointing fingers at the left and the left's hatred for Donald trump. Eric Bolling, who spewed hateful words at the former President non-stop, actually had the nerve to say that words matter and that we should be careful what we say when talking about the current president.
It took me seven paragraphs, but here we go: The current leader of these divided states of America built his campaign on hatred and anger. He encouraged his supporters to beat people, he openly bragged about sexually assaulting women, he had a man over at the White House who threatened to kill a former first lady, and one of his strongest supporters (who was just elected to Congress) physically assaulted a reporter for simply asking him a question. Oh, and he promised to pay the legal fees of his supporters who beat up reporters. And yet his supporters-- and those in his political gang--- have the nerve to point fingers from their huge homes with the spectacular views because they are all built from glass. Anyone who doesn't understand why this current political climate exists
have not been paying attention. It exists because the current leader of our country acts more and more like an autocratic and totalitarian leader from a Third World country than the man who should be leading the greatest democracy on earth.
When leaders act like Mr. trump, the people that they lead tend to do horrific and despicable things.
"I can only hope that the Democrats do tone down the rhetoric," Collins told WBEN. "The rhetoric has been outrageous ... the finger-pointing, just the tone and the angst and the anger directed at Donald Trump, his supporters."
Yes, the rhetoric has been "outrageous", but it has been coming mostly from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
*Pic from
Just a few weeks ago, a man of a different political persuasion attacked and killed two men on an Oregon train
Actually, they were both of the same political persuasion: Bernie supporting Trump haters.
Micro-dicked white boys are the biggest terrorists in the world. Ironic that they are the BIGGEST threats of terror and violence, yet have the SMALLEST dicks. It's appropriate though.
Social media, cable news, and other forms of media have become extremely balkanized, and everyone always invariably retreats to their own echo-chamber to hear the same rhetoric over and over again from like minded people.
It took you seven paragraphs, but you finally got around to posting the same thing you have posted every day for the last 18 months: Trump is Hitler. Talk about Balkanized echo chambers.
And it's nonsense. Almost all of the political violence has come from the Left. Obama's long-time Chicago operator and convicted felon Bob Creamer was hired by the Clinton campaign to foment violence at Trump rallies from the beginning of the campaign. Mr. Creamer visited the White House 342(!) times, including 47 personal meetings with the President.
Everything you accuse Trump of your side does. Everything you said you wanted in a President - repudiation of military adventurism, focusing on the needs of workers over the needs of Wall Street, Trump has tried to do. Ok - not everything - he is not committed to the explicitly anti-white policies of his predecessors.
I guess that must be the deal breaker, you are a single issue guy - Destroy White America. Is that it?
Brigade Fifteen said...
"The racist in Oregon supported Bernie in the Democratic primary -- and then supported Trump in the general election."
You fucking liar. According to his own social media postings, he voted for Jill Stein in the general election. His Facebook page was filled with anti-Trump postings - just like yours.
The Oregon shooter and this guy today are you. And you stupid motherfuckers are going wind up burning this whole country down.
Shove your misinformation up your ass.
@ Lance Cuntstench -
Your dick is so small even your mama laughs at it. That's because your mama smoked crack while she was pregnant with you.
Keep posting, bro. You're both hilarious and pathetic at the same time.
Sigh .... Another day, another violent outburst from a butthurt Bernout.
Hey, lefties: you really, really don't want a "revolution" in this country. You may THINK you do (probably because you assume the military and police will be on your side when the shit hits the fan) (LOL) but no, you don't. This isn't Venezuela. This isn't Haiti. We will mop the floor with you. You will be surrendering and begging for aid within days.
#MAGA, bitches.
Bitch Fifteen said...
"five months of dangerously stupid foreign policy blunders and governmental giveaways to rich people!"
Name one foreign policy blunder.
Name one governmental giveaway to rich people.
I don't think its fair to lay this at the feet of Trump. Maybe I'm wrong. But I agreed with Trump's statement after this crime. I just hope he has the strength to stay the course and refrain from blame politics. It will be the first time that I have ever endorsed a statement from Trump.
This little rat really hurt the cause. I mean big time. What does a little man like that even understand about what Bernie Sanders was trying to do? It wasn't promote violence, I can guarantee you that.
My theory how a Bernie bot could vote for Trump? I clashed swords a couple of times with hardened Bernie bots at Beale's place. They assured me that under no circumstances would they vote for Hillary in the general even to prevent a Trump presidency.
They hate girls. There is incredible hatred against HRC. No person on the planet can give me one logical reason why she should be hated. She worked tirelessly for the cause for most of her life.
Goddam this little POS for fucking up the cause. And the only shame, Doug, is that a decent man like Bernie Sanders needs to distance himself from a creepy criminal with a gun just because the worthless bastard once volunteered for him.
I'm getting kinda worked up here.
I also wanted to say, what a crime against our entire country it truly was. Softball games with democrats vs. republicans is just about the last relaxed and civil place where our two parties can come together just to relax, exercise, compete and have fun. I would love to attend one of these events. But if Rand Paul was pitching, I might yell at him right when he released the ball after maybe three stadium beers and a hot dog or two.
Scalise voted to repeal Obama's rule that said mentally ill people can't buy guns. He opposed a regulation that would have barred people like his shooter who have been arrested for domestic violence from owning firearms. When the AHCA, which would kill 45,000 poor Americans every year if it were to become law, passed the house, he announced "We have made history."
Then he is shocked, shocked, I tell you when some crazy fuck takes a shot at him?
Political assassinations never work, so I don't support them. I also don't whack hornet's nests with a stick then blame the hornets when they sting me.
And that's where this does indeed come back around to president four-year-old: It's not so much the specific advocacy of violence and brutality that was the hallmark of his campaign that is at work here, but the larger political stupidity and ineptitude that it flowed from.
All of those political and procedural norms and customs he has trashed and is in the process of trashing? They aren't arbitrary draconian regulations whose only function is to increase corruption and impede the workings of the government and the market. No, much like manners, they are ways of behaving that have been proven to be the most effective and least damaging methods of conducting the operation of the US government.
Trashing them gratuitously without regard for consequence does not exempt one from consequence, it only increases the likelihood of being blindsided by them.
Perhaps I'm not as freaked out by the gun violence because I've witnessed a lot of it right up close and personal. When I watched the video shot from the adjoining dog-park and heard the gunfire, my reaction was that it reminded me of the late eighties when that many gunshots that close to me was a three or four times a week thing.
And none of that ever really scared me as much as the prospect of losing my health insurance and out income does right now. I knew I could live through the gang violence by my wits, like we all did every day, but there's nothing I can do about these awful fucks who have taken over the government, the same government my dad worked for for thirty years.
So yeah, shooting people is bad, full stop.
To my mind that would make it a useful endeavor to try and reduce it however we can. Take it from me, it's fucking ugly.
I only hope that Scalise had some time to think about how his policies affect regular citizens while he was crawling on his elbows and knees away from the still firing crazy fuck and feeling that ultimately helpless and vulnerable feeling that come with your ultimate fate being in the hands of a violently crazy cold blooded killer.
Realistically though, I doubt it will have any impact on him. I hear that congressmen have excellent health care.
-Doug in Oakland
FJ: Rand Paul tweeted about exactly one year ago that "We don't have a second amendment so we can shoot deer, we have it so we can shoot at the government when it becomes tyrannical" or some such horse shit.
-Doug in Oakland
I prefer "some such horse shit" please.
I know that you don't advocate violence, I just had to say something to avoid being a hypocrite. I love all of you guys.
It's fucking complicated. Nobody really understands it, let alone me. Something went terrible wrong. But I can say this, even outside of the blogosphere, I met a fucking maniacal, right-wing political science-musical performance major who posted some offensive shit on his YouTube channel about, "liking" a post about the conspiracy to fuck up Sanders' chances in the democratic primary. If that fucking Nazi ever voted democratic in his life, I'll eat an egg fried on the sidewalk.
So I go to his concert. I already know the little turdie is into Wagner. He says that he is interested in nineteenth-century German philosophy, like Nietzche and shit, and its intersection with music. Then right in the program for the concert he goes on to say that he is doing his thesis on Wilhelm Furtwangler and his decision to remain with the Berlin Philharmonic despite the Nazi takeover that saw Schoenberg and other prominent Jewish musicians flee Germany for America. So I read about the most important thesis on Furtwangler, only to find out the Hitler was under-valued as an artist and also was a man of considerable artistic discernment.
So you got every kind of crazy sympathetic to Bernie.
And don't forget that during the campaign a certain percentage of online support for Bernie, whose policies I mostly agree with, were Russian bots and trolls. Not his fault. His campaign here in California even commented on it at the time, saying that they had no connection to several twitter accounts claiming to be associated with his campaign but exclusively posting lies and invective about Hillary.
That said, I still run into leftist purity trolls too, especially in the comment sections at Crooks and Liars, where apparently I am a scabby-seeming Hillbot because I don't want our president to get reelected and like the ACA for allowing me to not be blind any more by helping pay for my cataract surgeries.
And to read my commentary here you would think I was a lefty...
-Doug in Oakland
Fuck Yisheng.
The only evidence you right wing assholes have that Creamer paid for violence is an edited video by who else, James o'fucking Keefe.
In other words, asshole, you got nothing!
Blame dead Breitbart and asshole O'Keefe for the violence. They edit videos so the context goes missing and make it appear Dems and others have done illegal shit. Then they lie about it. The same thing over and over-no matter how many times experts debunk the message(s) another tape shows up showing the same pattern and stoopid wingnuts fall for it every time.
nford (MSNBC)
Don't miss stories. Follow Raw Story!
A Republican lawmaker agreed with MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski that President Donald Trump’s violent rhetoric was partially to blame for Wednesday’s shooting of two GOP congressmen.
Rep. Mark Sanford appeared Thursday on “Morning Joe” to discuss the shooting that wounded two of his colleagues, along with two Capitol police officers and a legislative aide, and the anger he’s encountered during public meetings with constituents.
Flying Junior said...
"My theory how a Bernie bot could vote for Trump?"
Your theory is interesting, but in truth, the Portland stabber could not bring himself to vote for Trump, he voted for Jill Stein.
BuzzFeed tracked down the attacker’s Facebook page and posted several screenshots, which seem to show that Jeremy Christian was a passionate supporter of Bernie Sanders and also … Jill Stein. (He despised Hillary and couldn’t bring himself to vote for Trump, if his posts are to be believed.)
On January 12th, he posted on Facebook: “I’ve had it!!! I gonna kill everybody who voted for Trump or Hillary!!! It’s all your fault!!! You’re what’s wrong with this country!!! Reveal yourselves immediately and face your DOOM!!!”
Kathy griffin
H.R.38 - Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017
Lance Cockstrong said...
Micro-dicked white boys are the biggest terrorists in the world. Ironic that they are the BIGGEST threats of terror and violence, yet have the SMALLEST dicks. It's appropriate though.
11:26 PM
Ron Jeremy said...
Blacks commit 80% of all violent crime in America.
Bill Maher
Progressive Center Left types:
You libtards have just awoken the sleeping giant.............
mike from iowa said...
The only evidence you right wing assholes have that Creamer paid for violence is an edited video by who else, James o'fucking Keefe.
Did he edit the words into their mouths where they described how they sent people to provoke violent situations at Trump rallies and other events and how they staged "grassroots" protests? There are plenty of long, unedited quotes in the released video that are hard to explain away.
This was backed up by evidence uncovered in the DNC email leak:
Democracy Partners co-founder Mike Lux made the eyebrow-raising assertion in a Dec. 17, 2015 email to Center for American Progress leader Neera Tanden. The message, found in a trove hacked from Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta’s account and posted by WikiLeaks, refers to an alleged connection between Democracy Partners head Robert Creamer and Clinton Campaign Manager Robby Mook.
“Just wanted to pass along this note I sent to Bob Creamer, who as you may know is consulting for the DNC and is close to Robby Mook,” Lux wrote in a note about outreach to grassroots progressives.
My thoughts are that being as the American masses are so influenced by the media(television), the media should cut back a little on all of the diatribe about the POTUS.
It's too inflammatory and can whip people into a frenzy and throw people already near the edge, over it, as sadly was the case yesterday.
I'm guessing part of the hate is that Trump comes from a business background and not a political one. But the US was built on business.
But my thoughts are that he should be watched and checked/criticized as need be,but there's just too much negative sentiment out there in the media, and honestly, for what it's worth, I really don't think policy wise it's going to be much different than any other presidency.
Seriously? The guy who talks shit to the mayor or a city that experienced a tragedy. GTFOH, Trump started the shit now he has to live with it.
You libtards have just awoken the sleeping giant..........
You mean sleeping retards like you. Oh, I'm soooooooo scared. Fucking internet trolls...
Crazy white guys are responsible for 100% of mass shootings.
Anonymous said...
Seriously? The guy who talks shit to the mayor or a city that experienced a tragedy
Khan deserved it. He would rather have more fellow Muslims than less dead Londoners.
And you are an asshole just like Trump.
Trump would rather have more dead Americans than gun control.
I am disappointed that some still cry about some group or other race taking America from white people. I am not clued in to how African American can destroy white America. Could someone whom possess this knowledge, please inform me how the white race can lose America? Man, you guys own this entire planet, you should be the happiest camper at camp.
Also, in the end of the day, you guys OWN BOTH PARTIES I America. My suggestion is for all other races- "stand down", the end may be in sight.
I guess Jamie was practicing "orbital engineering" again.
James Hodgkinson, the DC shooter, supported Bernie Sanders.
The murderer in Portland, Jeremy Christian, supported Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein.
Juan Thompson, the man arrested for phoning and emailing threats to at least eight Jewish centers and the Anti-Defamation League also supported Bernie Sanders for president.
StillaPanther2 said...
"I am not clued in to how African American can destroy white America"
They can't. But Jews using blacks and immigrants can. And people like Field can cheer and support it. The browning of America is obviously a project that is near and dear to his heart.
Whites are a plummeting minority around the world. Europe is undergoing rapid demographic change engineered by their governments. If present trends continue, there will be no more white countries at all.
White people have built some pretty nice countries. It is not unreasonable or "supremacist" to want to see a couple of corners of the earth where your people have a future.
WNBTv made much the same point yesterday morning, though somewhat more tersely...
Anonymous Creamy Bob said total bullshit from start to finish.
Creamer is suing O'shit head Keefe in federal court for a million bucks.
Every video O'keefe ever made has been selectively edited to sound like people say stuff they did not say.
This isn't worth my time to disprove your so called facts. zEveryone knows O'keefes MO and every body who takes journalism seriously don't take him seriously.
Right mike, videos where people openly brag about staging violence at Trump rallies is "edited". Not sure in what context that would make them innocent, but you go ahead and stick up for your team.
Most politicians are bad, but the lying media is even worse. They select the politicians. The owner of the Washington Post has a $600 million dollar cloud contract with the CIA that is worth more than twice as much as the Washington Post itself. Like the rest of the fake news establishment media, they don't mention that Wikileaks published a CIA document about the CIA capability to fake every aspect of a Russian hack, when they hype their Russian hysteria with no evidence. What is even more ridiculous is their premise that Russia can't disguise their hacks. Russia never gave anything to Wikileaks.
Why would Russia waste their intelligence on Trump, who had no chance to win, when they could have waited and blackmailed Hillary when she was president. Wikileaks offered a reward for information about the murder of Seth Rich. The DNC didn't. Podesta wrote about making an example of a leaker. None of murdered DNC Data Director Seth Rich's valuables were taken. Taking them would have made it look like a robbery and not scared other potential leakers. The purpose of beating war drums with Russia is probably to sell weapons and escalate the proxy war in Syria. Also, Wikileaks is protected by the First Amendment unless they are involved in state sponsored espionage. The Washington Post also employs Podesta as a columnist by the way.
When results of election not accepted by the losers and result in fake hearings, violence, and the media justifying both, we are past the tipping point.
Sadly, James O'Keefe, I think you are right. At the very least our country is headed in a very dangerous direction.
Hey Circle Jerk,
Your ideas are rather antiquated, but you bring them up-to-date with your fear of brown people. Congratulations, you win the coveted, "American Nazi of the Week." You get to keep the flagpole with the little brass swastika and the top. And you get to wear the uniform. Nathan Bedford Forrest would be proud of you.
Anonymous Daily Circle Jerk said...
StillaPanther2 said...
"I am not clued in to how African American can destroy white America"
They can't. But Jews using blacks and immigrants can. And people like Field can cheer and support it. The browning of America is obviously a project that is near and dear to his heart.
Flying Junior said...
"Your ideas are rather antiquated, but you bring them up-to-date with your fear of brown people."
Is it "antiquated" when Africans want their own country? Is is fear of white people?
Asian countries do not allow non-Asian immigration. Muslim countries do not allow non-Muslim immigration. Israel has a wall to keep non-Jews out, and uses DNA tests to decide whether or not to let an immigrant in.
A desire for a place for your people is natural and does not necessarily connote fear or antipathy for other peoples. Except for white people, whose desire to merely survive is labelled supremacist. Should we also be accusing African, Asian, and Muslim countries of being "supremacist"? How about Israel?
And the the less white America gets, the more strident the anti-white rhetoric becomes. Do you think that will change when whites are in the minority?
Oliver Stone Attacks Israel for Meddling in Elections on Colbert – Network Edits It Out!:
The audience member explained that as Colbert pressed Oscar winner Stone — who was promoting his new Vladimir Putin Showtime series, “The Putin Interviews” — on his apparent sympathy for the Russian president in spite of claims about Russian interference in the US election, Stone, at a disadvantage, tried to shift the talk to Israel.
The source said they “watched from behind [their] hands” as Stone said words to the effect of: “Israel had far more involvement in the US election than Russia.”
Now why would CBS edit that out?
Colbert stuck by his anti-Putin message and lambasted Stone for his remarks. Why not air the discussion as it happened? If Stone is so wrong, why not illustrate that?
Only the truth is so feared that it cannot be heard.
What are you white people so afraid of? Can't you take care of yourselves when there are brown people around? It's not that hard, I do it every day, and I'm poor and disabled. Surely you big, strong, rugged individualists can share space with some brown people without soiling your britches...
So Sanders supporters killed some people. How many? Two? With some others injured?
The AHCA would kill 45,000 poor people each year if it became law, and W's little party in Iraq killed a couple of hundred thousand and created ISIS who are busy adding to the body count even right now.
So your indignation seems disingenuous at best and fucking annoying if nothing else.
The Bernie Bro Death Squad seriously needs to up it's game to get any cred in the pantheon of mass murderers.
-Doug in Oakland
I'll tell you what I mean. You don't have to bother to trot out the nice guy white separatist stuff for me. I'm not going to buy it. You already showed your true colors.
Here is antiquated. Let's start with the Crusades. There is historical evidence of persecution of Jews during the crusades. The Spanish Inquisition? We still have their iron instruments of torture. The Third Reich? That was almost eighty-five years ago. I'd call that pretty out-of-date. The culture of fearing and hating Jews while somehow portraying them as cunning and devious never exceeded the practice of the Nazis. The truth is that Jewish communities, while allowed a few generations every now and then to thrive and blossom, were persecuted throughout the second millennium in Europe, whether it was in Poland, Germany, Russia or Prague.
But no, my friend,I was talking about mid-century KKK memes. Try 1982 on for size. Since most of this shit was pretty underground back in the day, it rarely saw the light of day. I have to place my faith in a political cartoon from the radical left press of the University of California for insight into the KKK mindset. So here it is.
This enormous negro, bulging muscles, stature, powerful as a grizzly bear, but with a blank stare on his caricatured face, is depicted almost like a huge robot as the evil, little Jew occupies what appears to be a control center in the top of his head, i.e. his brain. So we have the wicked Jew with his scheming and intelligence controlling the brutish negro to work woe and destruction upon the hapless white race. I couldn't believe my eyes. Now thirty-five years later, you prove that it was, in fact, accurate.
"Today a deranged man did a very Third World like thing by shooting at politicians he disagreed with while they practiced on a softball field. He is not the first of course, and he will not be the last. Just a few weeks ago, a man of a different political persuasion attacked and killed two men on an Oregon train, because they tried to stop his xenophobic rant against a young Muslim woman."
"Different political persuasion"? Both the Portland stabber and the DC shooter were Berniebots. Hodgekinson was a huge Rachel Maddow fan.
These people are just as crazy as you, but a lot less stupid. If they ever decide that Black people are the real problem facing the country, you're in deep shit.
"Keep posting, bro. You're both hilarious and pathetic at the same time."
They all are. Obsessing about muh dik is just TNB. If you really want fun, though, troll these clowns with a subtle joke and watch them not get it.
Brainpower-wise, the Feeled followers are trying to use a chainsaw engine to push a semi. Case in point:
"There is incredible hatred against HRC. No person on the planet can give me one logical reason why she should be hated."
If you hadn't purged all memory of Clitlery's bloody trail of Arkancides, you would understand completely. And that's just ONE thing. The matter that Seth Rich was murdered for, his release of e-mails which show how Clitlerly fraudulently obtained the nomination, ought to outrage you and make you hate her for that alone.
Nope, don't matter. You do not hold Clitlery to any standard of conduct or integrity, because vagina.
"I also wanted to say, what a crime against our entire country it truly was."
No, the real crime is Black people willingly serving as shock troops in the war against White Americans. The last 50 years of America is this tale of a good samaritan robbed and beaten by 3 Black men he tried to help, on a national scale.
That assumes that Blacks are humans and have moral agency. There's plenty of evidence suggesting otherwise.
"she and the DNC rigged the primary vote and stole the nomination from poor Bernie (unsupported by any real evidence)."
Supported by the different list of polling places on Clitlery's campaign site vs. the public listing. Clitlery voters voted at Clitlery sites. Clitlery workers substituted Clitlery ballots for the same number of Bernie ballots after the polls closed. The Bernie ballots and all poll-site documents from the Clitlery sites were destroyed.
Key element of proof? In the most hotly contested Democratic primary in decades, there was talk of "low turnout". That's because the voters at the Clitlery sites were not counted.
"I am not clued in to how African American can destroy white America. Could someone whom possess this knowledge, please inform me how the white race can lose America?"
Look at Detroit. Look at what Black people did to the Mark Twain branch of the Detroit Public Library The fucking Mark Twain branch!
What Black people did there, they do everywhere. And like Dougie's casual acceptance of gunfire in the streets as normal, they can't see this as the end of civilization—because wherever THEY go, there THEY are tearing it down around themselves. They have no experience of anything else.
Sundown towns, "no Africans" deed restrictions and Jim Crow were there to defend civilization from Blacks.
Jamie has a lot of time to post here. I thought he'd be busy doing "chemistry" at his orbital engineering desk.
White people have built some pretty nice countries. It is not unreasonable or "supremacist" to want to see a couple of corners of the earth where your people have a future.
Well, you have the shithole trailerpark you inhabit all to yourself. Trust me, none of us negroes will bother you asshole.
The white race is doomed when even the smart guy with an IQ of 150 who works as an orbital engineer who does chemistry at hia desk is an idiot.
The "idiot" is someone whose only retorts to any debate are personal attacks.
Example 10,323,666 of Unhinged Cracker Syndrome.
Carry on.
Nothing to see here.
Now, now, Anon @ 4:05... they're not actual humans, you can't expect that much from them.
Brigade Fifteen said...
"This is total nonsense. Most of the world's nations allow some degree of immigration. You are beyond deluded."
No, Japan doesn't. China doesn't. You are beyond ignorant.
Flying Junior said...
"Now thirty-five years later, you prove that it was, in fact, accurate."
It took you a while, but you finally get it.
An over the top caricature, but it actually says something about the post war history of the United States.
How is that working out for y'all, by the way?
"The truth is that Jewish communities, while allowed a few generations every now and then to thrive and blossom, were persecuted throughout the second millennium in Europe, whether it was in Poland, Germany, Russia or Prague."
Why are the Jews always getting persecuted? Going on three thousand years now, host societies always seem to reach some sort of breaking point. Why is that?
James, and any of his white supremacist friends can answer this question: How old are u? I suspect that u will be lucky to have 40 more years left on this earth. When u do happen to check out and join that cross burning party down below, I think that your family and those around u will be better off. 😏
Jamie is too busy doing chemistry at his desk to answer. Hey, what do you think he's gonna claim to be next week? Astronaut? Queen of Denmark?
No, Japan doesn't. China doesn't. You are beyond ignorant.
Have you ever been to either? Of course not, dimwitted white guys like you have never been outside of Hazzard County. Even our resident "orbital engineer" has never left his trailer park.
Anonymous said...
Right mike, videos where people openly brag about staging violence at Trump rallies is "edited". Not sure in what context that would make them innocent, but you go ahead and stick up for your team.
Anymoose, get the original video-the unedited one and compare the two-if you can understand what you might be looking at. Every video that slimy bastard made is edited to make it appear someone says something they did not say.
It is O'keefe's MO and he has been sued more than once and lost. His PP videos were a ridiculous joke. His Acorn videos where he claimed to have dressed up as a pimp was a total fabrication.
He has no credibility except for people stoopid enough to believe the shit they are seeing.
I have a sincere question for you, Field. Why did your family decide to immigrate to America, instead of staying in majority black Jamaica, or one of the numerous black majority African continent countries?
Why do African refugees risk their lives and the lives of their children to get to Europe instead of immigrating to a neighboring majority black African country?
Your constant denigration of this country and the whites who live here that offered you and your family a home is disrespectful and ungrateful. Almost every time I read this blog you reiterate your hatred for white citizens who were the overwhelming majority when your family was accepted here and remain the majority of citizens in this country.
Why don't you ask James and others why the denigrate their fellow citizens. Field criticizes racist asshole not all white people. If you're not a white racist asshole then you don't have anything to worry about. Got it anon? Good.
A good petition to sign and share:
It was only whitey wingnuts who welcomed Jamaicans to America? You are seriously disturbed in what passes for yer brain. Is that from near sightedness or tunnel vision?
James Bold said...
These people are just as crazy as you, but a lot less stupid. If they ever decide that Black people are the real problem facing the country, you're in deep shit.
James, you're already in a hole up to your neck. Stop DIGGING!
"Field criticizes racist asshole not all white people."
All whites are racist.
All whites are born with the Original Sin of White Privilege.
Anti-Racist = Anti-White.
We can no longer reflexively blame Muslims for every political mass murder attempt, because now we have to consider the possibility it was a Bernie Bro.
"Who is to blame for political violence?"
Lots of people are, including racial grievance bloggers who incessantly post hateful misinformation about their political opponents.
"have a sincere question for you, Field. Why did your family decide to immigrate to America, instead of staying in majority black Jamaica, or one of the numerous black majority African continent countries?"
My sincere answer is this: My "family" did not leave Jamaica. Parents never left. Pops was offered many jobs in America and he turned them down.
Hope that answered your "sincere" question.
If only Field had the integrity of his father.
James, you're already in a hole up to your neck. Stop DIGGING!
Jamie is a fucking idiot who likes to play make believe on the internet. Shhhhhh, he thinks he's an orbital engineer.
"James, and any of his white supremacist friends can answer this question: How old are u? I suspect that u will be lucky to have 40 more years left on this earth. When u do happen to check out and join that cross burning party down below"
Wait, there's you threatening me with the Christian hell, and then that other guy threatening me with a whole bunch of future lifetimes on Earth in nasty conditions, possibly as something loathsome. Which one of you am I supposed to believe?
Do you think I take either of you the least bit seriously?
BTW, show me where "racism" is ever mentioned as a sin in the Bible. The word itself was smuggled into English via KGB propaganda approaching a century ago. It didn't exist anywhere until around eighteen-seventy-something when it appeared in French as racismé.
Know what IS a sin? Covetousness (envy). You envy what White people have made, and what we are. You want to destroy every part of it that you can't have for yourself. You'd better hope you're wrong about the afterlife.
"Jamie is too busy doing chemistry at his desk to answer."
Nothing so exciting. When you wrote that, I was just finishing up two hours on the riding mower.
I'm pretty much done with the actual chemistry, now I need to do some accounting work to see if the larger concept checks out. By the way, did you know that there's this thing called Gibbs free energy? I know you Black people love anything that's free, so you ought to be really excited now.
"Even our resident "orbital engineer" has never left his trailer park."
When I see something like this, I know it's from someone who's never left the 'hood. More laughs for me.
"Your constant denigration of this country and the whites who live here that offered you and your family a home is disrespectful and ungrateful."
Gratitude is for White people. For Blacks, it's all about da gibsmedat.
"Why don't you ask James and others why the denigrate their fellow citizens."
What did Black people ever do for ME, besides be a parasite on my productivity and destroy my inheritance? The house my mother grew up in is now an empty lot along with most of the rest in its area, all thanks to Black people. It got to that state just a little earlier than the zone around 4600 Labadie, and for the same reason.
BTW, "deNIGrate" is absolutely the correct word. Except I didn't do it. They came that way... defined by their character, and only marked by their color.
Anonymous said: "I have a sincere question for you, Field. Why did your family decide to immigrate to America, instead of staying in majority black Jamaica, or one of the numerous black majority African continent countries?"
I have a sincere question for you, Anon. Why did your family decide to immigrate to America, instead of staying in majority white wherever you're from, or one the numerous white majority white continent countries?
"Why do African refugees risk their lives and the lives of their children to get to Europe instead of immigrating to a neighboring majority black African country?"
Simple answer: white Europeans raped and pillaged many African countries, leaving most of the people there struggling to survive. This process of raping and pillaging was called colonialism. What better way to obtain a measure of retribution than to immigrate to a country that had grown rich, that had prospered at the expense of black Africans.
"Your constant denigration of this country and the whites who live here that offered you and your family a home is disrespectful and ungrateful. Almost every time I read this blog you reiterate your hatred for white citizens who were the overwhelming majority when your family was accepted here and remain the majority of citizens in this country.:
I can't speak for Field, but why should any black be "grateful" for obtaining, in small measure, a "home," as you characterize it, considering all that Europeans have stolen, and continue to steal, from Africa.
If speaking the truth about this country is to "denigrate" it, as you state, rather hyperbolic I might add, then the burden is on this country to clean up its act, rather than having you, and those of your ilk, attack the truth teller.
Field can speak for himself, but I've never known him to spew hatred of whites, as you have stated, but has used his blog to point out, on occasion, their sickness--racism--and the consequences of maintaining that state of mind.
Don't forget: Those who brought blacks to this country also brought them to Jamaica.
"The island of Jamaica was colonized by the Taino tribes prior to the arrival of Columbus in 1494. The Spanish enslaved the Tainos, who were so ravaged by their conflict with the Europeans and by foreign diseases that nearly the entire native population was extinct by 1600. The Spanish also transported hundreds of enslaved West Africans to the island.
"In 1655, the English invaded Jamaica, defeating the Spanish colonists. Enslaved Africans seized the moment of political turmoil and fled to the island's interior, forming independent communities (known as the Maroons). Meanwhile, on the coast, the English built the settlement of Port Royal, which became a base of operations for pirates and privateers, including Captain Henry Morgan.
"In the eighteenth century, sugarcane replaced piracy as English Jamaica's main source of income. The sugar industry was labour-intensive and the English brought hundreds of thousands of enslaved Africans to Jamaica, so that by 1800 black Jamaicans outnumbered whites by a ratio of twenty to one. Enslaved Jamaicans mounted over a dozen major uprisings during the eighteenth century, including Tacky's revolt in 1760. There were also periodic skirmishes between the British and the Maroons, culminating in the First Maroon War of the 1730s and the Second Maroon War of the 1790s. Early inhabitants of Jamaica named the land 'Xaymaca,' meaning 'Land of wood and water.'"
James Bold said...Wait, there's you threatening me with the Christian hell, and then that other guy threatening me with a whole bunch of future lifetimes on Earth in nasty conditions, possibly as something loathsome. Which one of you am I supposed to believe?
Do you think I take either of you the least bit seriously?
Treatened, you say? How can you feel threaten by that in which you have no belief? It's like being "threatened" with jail time, in a place that has no jail, or a jailer.
Although you don't take either of us "the least bit seriously," you should, as the clock is ticking, and James Bold's days here are numbered.
I know how life works, apparently you don't. If you did, you would comport yourself with more respect for your fellowman than you do.
For your own good, Stop digging!
I'm Just Saying said...
I have a sincere question for you, Anon. Why did your family decide to immigrate to America, instead of staying in majority white wherever you're from, or one the numerous white majority white continent countries?
My ancestors did not immigrate to America. America did not exist. There was no country here to immigrate too, just a vast wilderness sparsely populated with primitive tribes engaged in eternal warfare against one another.
My ancestors were colonists, who came her and built America.
Just Saying said...
"white Europeans raped and pillaged many African countries, leaving most of the people there struggling to survive. This process of raping and pillaging was called colonialism"
There were no "countries" in Africa to rape and pillage. Africans had not achieved that level of organization. European colonialism was the best thing to ever happen to Africa. Europeans brought civilization and all of its benefits to Africa. The whole continent was a disease-ridden stone-age society, with maybe 50 million inhabitants. Today, European food and medical technology have pushed the population to nearly 2 billion. The countries that remained colonies the longest are doing the best today. Africans should be begging the Europeans to come back and run things for them.
Just Saying said...
"I can't speak for Field, but why should any black be "grateful" for obtaining, in small measure, a "home,"
Because American blacks are the richest, healthiest, wealthiest, best educated, most free blacks on the planet.
Anonny Nony said...
"There were no "countries" in Africa to rape and pillage. Africans had not achieved that level of organization."
"Precolonial Africa had many different forms of politics and government and such a variety of politics and government was closely related to the level of economic organization and production. Village-style government with a council of elders and/or village chiefs predominated in hunting and gathering and small agricultural societies. Centralized governments with monarchical or oligarchic politics capable of collecting taxes, regulating commerce, and mobilizing armies were common in intensive-agriculture societies with a crafts-manufacturing sector. Egypt, Nubia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, and Songhay were examples of kingdoms and empires with centralized governments. Some empires and kingdoms were noted for their large towns or small- to medium-size cities. Many of these cities were trade and government centers, but some were renowned for education and culture. For example, the city of Timbuktu in present-day Mali not only sat on major trade routes, it was home to the University of Sankore, which was renowned as one of the high-intellectual centers of the medieval Muslim world. But regardless of level of economic organization and production, much political power in most societies rested in family or kinship groups. In addition, political or social identities had more to do with membership in family or kinship groups or in one’s language group than in being a resident in a given jurisdiction."
Just stop it Jamie, we all know you're a dimwitted janitor with a large forehead because your parents are related.
Limppaw- if Seth Rich was black you tools would have called it a suicide and closed the books on his death.
You still hope one tiny thread will be the destruction of HRC and you ain't gonna let go until you are all dead.
Progressive Center Left=Nazi
Far right=fucking retards.
You think I care about dying? Damn. When one cousin of mine was my age, he'd been dead for close to 20 years.
I'm not wasting my time here. I'm getting entertainment. You stupid clowns are amusing, for those who appreciate irony.
Blah blah blah blah. Yeah we get the irony Jamie. You're a dumb hick pretending to be smart. We get your act. You do provide hours of amusement to us. That orbital engineer gag was fucking hilarious and then you threw in the doing chemistry at your desk thing, comedy gold!
The orbital engineer thing was much funnier than the author, math book checker, aircraft designer shit in the past. Don't get me wrong that shit was funny too but this one you outdid yourself.
Haven't you realized yet that I throw that stuff out just to see what you monkeys will do with it?
Orbital mechanics is things like Kepler's law, which is a straightforward consequence of conservation of angular momentum.
I put out the "quantum mechanic" thing just to troll you. I expected somebody to go "quantum mechanic, hurr hurr hurr". You did not disappoint. Anyone with half a brain would have gotten the joke when they read "Damn Heisenberg." The Black posters here don't have half a brain between them or they wouldn't believe the crazy shit they write.
Since you keep going on about "math books" when I've told you repeatedly that it's a standard reference work, I'm someday going to have to haul it down and count the pages devoted to math-stuff out of the total. The section with math is one of the shorter ones and I think the longest section is over 900 pages.
oh shit!
Righty wrongy said...
Far right=fucking retards.
11:56 AM
Delusional thinking
Righty wrongy said...
Far right=fucking retards.
11:56 AM
Good thoughts
Anonymous said...
Righty wrongy said...
Far right=fucking retards.
11:56 AM
Good thoughts
11:08 AM
You are delusional...we won again in GA. keep up the winning strategy sparklefarters.....
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