Not cute. I know that he is being called "adorable", but what the hell is "adorable" about going up to a grown ass man who is trying to be nice to him and kicking him in the shin? And if it was pre-planned, shame on the Reds for promoting that type of course behavior and getting a five year old kid involved.
I guess the days of taking your children to the ball park to bond and eat Cracker Jacks are over. Now it's just kick the opposing players on the shin.
"Little Johnny, what did you and daddy do at the game today? Did you catch any foul balls? Nope, I kicked that bum Dee Gordon right in the shin."
Gordon took it all in stride. It's not like he had a choice. What was he going to do, scold the kid in front of thousands of Reds fans? Then he would have looked like the jerk, although he was well within his rights to do just that if he chose to.
"Gordon, to his credit, handled it well. He turned away and appeared to be laughing about the whole thing. The ump quickly ushered the kid in another direction. He did look back at Gordon as he walked away. Does that look say “whoops, I hope he’s OK,” or “the next one is going between the legs?” We can’t tell."
Ha ha ha; laughs all around. All while the trumpification of America continues.
That kid didn't go to the baseball game to learn the game and bond with his family. He went to practice his trump rally skills and do his best imitation of the president.
Sadly, from where I sit, he did a pretty good job.
*Pic from
"All while the trumpification of America continues."
I think your brain has become trumpified, or maybe ossified.
Remember when Trayvon Martin jumped George Zimmerman and got shot?
That was part of the obamafication of America.
Glad that's over with.
Little white children are the worst. They are stupid, ugly, and annoying. More white women need to be getting abortions.
Classic, you have to go back.
Or just go. But you can't stay here.
Deplorable parents start their kids early on the path to being another deplorable.
As far as Michael Brown's comment. The young prosecution attorney in the George Zimmerman trial had a real Perry Mason moment. Martin had decided the wanna be cop stalking him had had enough and was getting off Zimmernan when Zimmerman murdered him. The lawyer's demonstration with the dummy explained the angle of the shot, the proximity, Martin's sweater hanging away from him, and Zimmerman being able to get his gun out from behind him. I would have voted guilty but I guess there is an arguement that his guilt wasn't proven beyond a reasonable doubt. At least Martin's parents got to find out what happened. I thought everyoneb in the courtroom did.
This is also off topic, but I thought of something that pertain's to Dave Chappelle's race draft concept that Field alluded to in his O.J. article. Jimi Hendrex was a real example of the phenomena. It was soon after the height of the civil rights movement when Hendrix played rock music with a white band. Bob Dylan was an inspiration to him. Dylan wrote some songs adopted by the civil rights movement, but those weren't the ones Hendrix covered. When people pressured Hendrix to sing early in his career, Bob Dylan's weak singing was what made Hendrix have confidence that he could sing too. Hendrix didn't talk about civil rights and that upset civil rights activists. Hendrix was too white. What he really was was a non political person who only cared about playing guitar.
I'm not sure why the George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin case was such big news. Maybe Dave Chappelle also shed some light on that with his routine about asking Michael Jackson to masturbate a kid to distract the public. Chappelle definitely had some interresting social commentary in his comedy. In the conservative media hoodies were a big deal. Mixing candy with tea was a cheap drunk. The liberal media showed us pictures of Martin younger than he was to make him look innocent. Both lied. Personaly I never saw anything that convinced me that Trayvon Martin was anything other than a normal teenager who was in to hip hop culture.
This blog's trolls are trolling each other now.
That kid had what one of my favorite black female bloggers would call a home training malfunction.
Hey James, I agree with classic, so where should I go back to?
-Doug in Oakland
Speaking of Trump's corruption of the youth, did everyone hear that our 45th and worst president recently took a break from golfing, tweeting, and never doing his fucking job to attend the national Boy Scout Jamboree?
There, he set a fine example for the next generation of young men by delivering a very mature, grownup speech in which he sneered about how much cooler he is than Obama and ranted about how nobody is loyal to him and it's soooooo unfair. Never mind that Trump hasn't once shown an ounce of loyalty to another human being during his entire 71 years on this planet, so God only knows why he believes he would deserve any in return.
The drink-throwing bitches on those Real Housewives shows have more dignity and basic decency than this self-absorbed orange gremlin whom Whitetrasho-American voters installed in our White House in a fit of insane, self-harming racist delirium.
Little white fucker is just bitter that his dick will never be as big as Gordon's.
I'm not sure why the George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin case was such big news.
I hope that little fuckers parents apologized to Gordon!!! The nerve!
"Personally I never saw anything that convinced me that Trayvon Martin was anything other than a normal teenager"
"Normal" black teenagers get expelled from school for burglary and fighting?
"Normal" black teenagers jump neighborhood watch guys and try smash their skull on the sidewalk?
Maybe we should hold black teenagers to a higher standard of normal.
Normal black teenagers get murdered all the time for being normal black teenagers. Zimmerfuckhead disobeyed a police dispatcher. Had he left the kid alone he wouldn't have had the opportunity to commit pre-meditated murder and get away with it.
Yes it was pre-meditated. Zimmerfuckhead told dispatch the kid matched other thugs that had caused problems and got away. He said this one would not get away and he killed Martin to keep him from getting away.
Zimmerfuckhead wasn't even a neighborhood watch guy. He had zero police powers and no official standing. He precipitated the fight that allowed him to shoot an unarmed child. Big tough child killer. Ain't very often the victim is the guy with the gun. Zimmerfuckhead claims to be the victim.
Hendrix served his time in the military before becoming famous. Imagine if he had been sent to VietNam as cannon fodder and never came home to become the legend he turned out to be.
I won't judge whether he threw his life and talent away to drugs. I wonder where he would have taken his musicianship had he lived longer?
We were told as children to keep your feet on the ground.This wasn't funny.just pre-meth head,weed head,acid rock head,glue sniffing,shoot guns at school,behavior!!
I hope that kid gets hit by a truck.
"Normal black teenagers get murdered all the time for being normal black teenagers."
Wow, what a dark view of black teenagers, where "normal" behavior involves murder.
It's no wonder that everyone is afraid of being around black teenagers.
Libs don't know what an actual authoritarian regime looks like, but they will if they actually ever get what they want: An illegal coup based on Fake News
Since you obviously have paid no attention to the news, it isn't a dark view of teens, it is an indictment of racist cops who murder black teens with near complete immunity.
Once again, Ricky, got any proof, or just fake noise talking points? You'd gain a little credibility if you could post actual stuff that validates your accusations.
mike from iowa said...
Since you obviously have paid no attention to the news, it isn't a dark view of teens, it is an indictment of racist cops who murder black teens with near complete immunity
Cops are murdering thousands of black teens?
Are the cops making black teens murder other people as well?
Please explain.
Co-founder of firm behind Trump-Russia dossier to plead the Fifth
Glenn Simpson, whose Fusion GPS firm has been tied to anti-Trump efforts and pro-Russian lobbying, will not talk to lawmakers in response to a subpoena, the leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committe said Friday.
Committee chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and ranking member Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., confirmed in a statement that they subpoenaed Simpson to appear before the committee Wednesday as part of a hearing about the influence of foreign lobbying in last year's presidential election.
"Simpson’s attorney has asserted that his client will invoke his Fifth Amendment rights in response to the subpoena," Grassley and Feinstein said.
The Democrats took "intel" from Russian spies and spread it around:
While the mainstream news media hunts for evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, the public record shows that Democrats have willfully used Moscow disinformation to influence the presidential election against Donald Trump and attack his administration.
The disinformation came in the form of a Russian-fed dossier written by former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele. It contains a series of unverified criminal charges against Mr. Trump’s campaign aides, such as coordinating Moscow’s hacking of Democratic Party computers.
Some Democrats have widely circulated the discredited information. Mr. Steele was paid by the Democrat-funded opposition research firm Fusion GPS with money from a Hillary Clinton backer. Fusion GPS distributed the dossier among Democrats and journalists. The information fell into the hands of the FBI, which used it in part to investigate Mr. Trump’s campaign aides.
Mr. Steele makes clear that his unproven charges came almost exclusively from sources linked to the Kremlin and Russian President Vladimir Putin. He identified his sources as “a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure,” a former “top level Russian intelligence officer active inside the Kremlin,” a “senior Kremlin official” and a “senior Russian government official.”
The FBI should start watching this kid, he'll probably grow up to be a serial killer.
Queen Yisheng says stalkers can eat shit and rot to death from syphilis said...
The FBI should start watching this kid, he'll probably grow up to be a serial killer
Actually, he'll probably graduate from college before you do!
Kid whooteemoo will grow up to be just a big a jerk as it's parents.
Yīshēng said...
Kid whooteemoo will grow up to be just a big a jerk as it's parents.
He has more of a chance of becoming a doctor than you do!
Maybe he was just trying to check the Dee Gordon's reflexes.
If white people decided to leave and colonize another planet, I'd be outside the ship banging on the door to go with them.
"If white people decided to leave and colonize another planet, I'd be outside the ship banging on the door to go with them."
I'd try to warn whatever life-forms were living on said planet to run for their lives. There have been zero good outcomes for populations living in places where the white people showed up.
-Doug in Oakland
dinthebeast said...
I'd try to warn whatever life-forms were living on said planet to run for their lives. There have been zero good outcomes for populations living in places where the white people showed up.
You got that damn right!!.
That kid is a million times smarter than Yisheng, lilac, Lance, and mike from Iowa combined.
"I'd try to warn whatever life-forms were living on said planet to run for their lives. There have been zero good outcomes for populations living in places where the white people showed up."
Says white Doug, as he types on his white man invented computer/phone, whining about not having all his white man developed healthcare paid for by other white people, in his white man built apartment, with all it's white man made conveniences, eating food grown with white man farming techniques.
I like black people, but the ones on this blog are losers and pieces of shit.
Oh Ricky- His Trump dossier was a paying job
The document was allegedly made under contract by a Washington-based political research firm, FusionGPS, initially by unnamed Republicans seeking to stop Trump's party nomination bid, Reuters reports.
Hillary Clinton has killed more people than have been killed by sharks in the past 25 years.
Ricky- Fusion GPS is not a democratic controlled opposition research firm.
There is no proof whatsoever of your claim they are.
Justine Damond- I never said cops were killing thousands of black teens. You are making shit up.
Hate Fact-you're a moron. Prove HRC has killed anyone. You can't do it because you are a moron.
McCain told PEEOTUS "We are NOT your subordinates".
What he SHOULD have said is "We are NOT your subordinates, find someone else to kiss your WIDE ass!!".
"Normal black teenagers get murdered all the time for being normal black teenagers."
If by "normal Black teenagers" you mean either hood rat gangbangers or the incidental victims of MS-13 gangsters. Whites shoot Blacks far less often than the reverse... not that this would make any difference to you, as a tribal bigot (which is why you have to go back).
"Zimmerfuckhead disobeyed a police dispatcher."
Police dispatchers are not officers and cannot give orders. "We don't need you to do that" is barely a suggestion. Not that your fucked-up cognition can tell the difference.
"Had he left the kid alone"
Martin did not DESERVE to be left alone. He was a burglar and budding gangbanger, total scum.
"he wouldn't have had the opportunity to commit pre-meditated murder and get away with it."
DARVO. Martin HAD gotten clean away. Martin CAME BACK to attack Zimmerman because he felt he'd been "disrespected", or maybe it was gay-bashing. Martin committed felonious assault and attempted murder, and deserved the death he got.
"Yes it was pre-meditated. Zimmerfuckhead told dispatch the kid matched other thugs that had caused problems and got away. He said this one would not get away and he killed Martin to keep him from getting away."
You fucking idiot. You have been given the link to the 911 audio time and time again. Zimmerman says "They always get away"... except Martin came back. Martin deserved to die for his crimes. Burglary is a felony at common law, for which the penalty is death. Had Martin been held in jail in Miami for his burglary, he COULD NOT have been in Sanford and COULD NOT have been casing houses where George Zimmerman could see him.
Had law enforcement been enforcing the law, Trayvon Martin would have been in jail in Miami rather than casing houses in Sanford... and would probably be alive today. But the Miami-Dade Schools Police Department was told to hide Black crime. Trayvon Martin is dead because nobody beat him for violating the law.
Your sympathies for Black criminals are very telling, Mandingo from Iowa. You and all your offspring have to go back. Or just go; it doesn't matter where or how, as long as you're all GONE.
Tree chippers will do.
"There have been zero good outcomes for populations living in places where the white people showed up."
That's because White people are better at survival than anyone else... until they get infected with ethnomasochism. Funny how (((that))) works.
Oh Baldy, I hope yer fainting couch is handy. You got the vapors something fierce.
Martin wasn't burgling anyone. He was headed to his Dad's place. innocently and was waylaid and murdered by Baldy's butt fucking buddy Zimmerdickhead. I wouldn't be surprised Baldy held Trayvon down so Zimmerfuck wouldn't miss shooting him and then they masturbated each other in ecstasy.
Orbital engineer is a fancy title for lead man in a circle jerk, Bwahahahahahah! Baldy the goofy fucking circle jerk orchestrator. Still get wood when you imagine George w/o his shirt and his manly gun poking at you?
Baldy is the pivot man, the pivotal one orchestrating orbital engineered circle jerks. Makes him feel like a big wheel. Stroke, stroke, stroke me little hairy Onanists. Bwahahahahahahahaha!
Whether Field or House, Negroes are the worst thing that has ever plagued America.
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