"And I think it's gonna be a long long time
'Till touch down brings me round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no no no I'm a rocket man Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone" ~Rocket Man by Elton John~
I don't think it will be a "long long time" before the guy trump has labeled Rocket Man does something really stupid. Like, for instance, kill a million people.
Mr. trump might think that it's funny and cool to make up nicknames for insane despots and tyrants, but I guarantee you that nobody else does. Memo to Mr. trump: The nuclear destruction of the world is not a joke. Only your dumb lemmings and Make America Great Again sycophants think it's funny.
But there he was on the world stage today embarrassing us all once again. Now, sadly, the entire world has seen our crazy uncle who lives in the attic.
The scary thing is that if you listen to the chattering class on some of the cable channels, you would think that he actually gave a good speech. These people have set the bar so low for our fearless leader, that if he just gets out of bed and walks to Air Force One they say that he is "finally acting presidential."
But back to that speech, where he basically made a joke out of what could end up being World War III, and he told the rest of the world that they suck and that we are great. (Like I am quite sure that the other world leaders were watching and thinking: *How the hell can America be so great if they elected your dumb ass?*)
He trashed the Iran Nuclear deal as the worst ever--- even though his administration has certified it on more than one occasion, and has acknowledged that they are complying with it. And he told people in some parts of the world that they are going to hell---- because we all know that god only loves Americans,
'As president of the United States I will always put America first just like you the leaders of your countries will always and should always put your countries first..."
Don't worry, after hearing your speech today, I am quite sure that's number one on their to do list.
Field sorry to interject with this unrelated comment. We hare having strong winds now over on this side of the island and I can hear the ocean roaring. Waiting for the lights to go out. But I just wanted to comment on that earthquake in Mexico, so astounding to see skyscrapers go down! It seems the earth is angry, very angry!
Today, one of my cousins emailed to family members the sinners prayer. She was serious as sickle cell anemia. Yep, she heard Trump's speech. If anyone on here wants a copy of it just holler.
Trump is not playing with a full deck. Crazy and illiterate do not mix. It's like playing with lit dynamite. Does anyone know if Canada is taking American refugees? Saturday Night Live was right--->He's gonna get us all killed.
Threatening genocide to a leader of another country at a UN meeting is beyond stupid. Sometimes it's best not to let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Now, I'm praying that Kim Jung doesn't wipe up out first. Trump didn't stop there, he threw out insults to other countries. I guess he hasn't figure out yet that those leaders are intelligent and know what they're doing. He's the only honcho at that meeting that doesn't possess those qualifications. He's unfit!
Anyway, I'm thinking about posting a sign on my front lawn translated in Korean that Trump is not my president and does not represent me.
Mueller's investigation is moving at a snail's pace. Gawd, I hope PBO gave Trump the wrong nuclear code.
I want to know why other "world leaders" didn't boo him, cut his mike, cuss him out, and correct his idiocy. Instead, barely-there applause. He needs to be stopped, and they did nothing.
Hang on, Lilac, they say landfall will be around eight in the morning.
Fergus is a goddamn moron. He did manage to distract the news cycle away from the boneheaded move his lawyer, who can't seem to tell the same story twice, ("His name reminds me of Cohn so he must be good") pulled with the senate today, which sort of played right into Mueller's hand by moving his testimony out into a public session where the Republican treasonistas can't withhold transcripts like they've been doing so far.
In fact, playing right into the hand he's supposedly fighting is sort of a recurring theme with him: Kim Jong-un is under a lot of pressure to cool it with the missile tests and nuclear tests, and his reasoning all along has been "My country is being threatened, and I will defend it." So Fergus is giving him the cover he needs with the countries that actually could do something to rein him in by threatening him with total destruction or whatever horse shit he came up with this time.
It was a little interesting to hear Lawrence Wilkerson's reaction, as he actually has some experience dealing with DPRK: He said that since the speech was in a teleprompter, Mattis and Kelly must have at least seen it beforehand, and he found that very disturbing.
-Doug in Oakland
"I want to know why other "world leaders" didn't boo him, cut his mike, cuss him out, and correct his idiocy. Instead, barely-there applause. He needs to be stopped, and they did nothing."
Every year there's some yahoo or another having verbal malfunctions there, and they never cut their mic, I think Fidel Castro went on for something like four hours one time, it's just not usually our president doing it.
-Doug in Oakland
This is the jackass that n_ _ _ _ r hating white folks and self hating black folks voted for.
Since us black folks don't have a dime in this crazy man's quarter because he doesn't give a damn about any people of color, we will purchase a ring side seat at this boxing match and "to the victor belongs the spoils."
My prediction is that with all of the juvenile "name calling" from the POTUS it will eventually make every other country in the world fed up with America and they will all stand by and watch these "UN-united" States be obliterated.
"My prediction is that with all of the juvenile "name calling" from the POTUS it will eventually make every other country in the world fed up with America and they will all stand by and watch these "UN-united" States be obliterated."
I hate to say it, but your prediction might come to past, if they don't get his mentally unstable behind out of the White House. You best believe today he gave them reason to feel that way.
I just wish MSM would quit saying that he represents ALL Americans. He does not! He definitely doesn't represent me. He represents those who voted for him. I didn't vote for him. Never ever would I have either.
Of course beating war drums over the debunked Russia hack lie "act of war" was a good idea. Let's ignore the real election interference by the DNC and media. And supporting ISIS against Libya and Syria was a good idea. Bombing seven countries and protecting the Bush Administration war criminals was all fine. The "rocket man" comment was about as important as Melania's shoes. If you want to criticize Trump on war and peace issues, criticize his Iran rhetoric. Trump could be on his way to being worse than Obama on Iran.
Saudi Arabia financed the 9/11 hijackers. In Iran a million people went out with candles to protest the attack and they held a moment of silence at a major soccer match. But guess which side we support in the Shiite vs Sunni rivalry for power in the region? Not the side that fights ISIS. The side that supports ISIS, radical Wahhabi extremism, and bombs innocent Yemeni civilians.
With all the names Trump gets called here, it is pretty funny that people get upset by Trump calling calling Kim Jong Un rocketman.
Yeah Limpbaugh but we're not the leader of the fucking free world.
Donald Trump makes about as much sense as dancing Darryl Strawberry, no sense!
People resort to cursing, and name calling when they lack an abundance of intelligent vocabulary words that will allow them to get their point across.
It's easy for anyone (even a fourth grader) to hear that our POTUS has a very limited vocabulary.
Just by listening to how much he repeats his sentences...and the words that he uses.
The only time POTUS sounds semi-stable is when he reads from the teleprompter speeches prepared by his speech writers.
Additional Thoughts of the day:
Isn't it interesting how a country would vote for an inarticulate, inexperienced, illogical, unknowledgeable, unstable, uneducated, unethical, immoral, confused person with no degree...
Follow the money trail. The real reason the POTUS hopes his tax returns never come out is because he ain't that smart of a business man or negotiator.
Further testimony to the fact that many among us have been brainwashed. If you put a white face, yellow hair, and blue eyes even on a piece of s _ _ t, many people would think it looks like gold and you can sell it to just about anyone.
The only debunking going on is Limpaw getting kicked out o bed by his cat.
Drumpf is mentally deranged and is just itching to push a red button and kill millions of people. He has zero compassion for anyone not of his family and if it came down to it he would toss them under the bus-except his favorite grope toy Ivanka.
Kelly walked onto the job with his eyes open. He knew what Drumpfuck was when he signed on. He is free to walk away because he will never rein in this childish moron. It cannot be done.
North Korea wasn't impressed by Drumpfuck's deranged prattle.
His speech was appalling. Renewing my passport is on the agenda this week. You just never know.
Lilacpr, be careful.
No sympathy here for Kelly...he knew what he was signing on to.
China, Russia, and North Korea are celebrating.
These are certainly uncertain times. I don't think the U S will actually be hit any sort of strike. Our military is much too formidable. I feel the real danger is for other citizens of the world. Russia will continue to expand and obtain new territory, uninterrupted by the U S. Trump has stated repeatedly that he has no respect for NATO. South Korea is in grave danger from their Northern neighbor who seems willing to die in a blaze of glory rather than to age gracefully. Here at home, our battle will be to preserve or reinstate the rights afforded to our citizenry from past administrations and legal precedents. We will continue to fight for a living wage and basic health services as the rich get inevitably richer.
If there is a bright side, its that we have never seen this level of activism in our society since the Vietnam War. Our people have taken to the streets to have their voices heard in unprecedented numbers and with increasing frequency. What remains to be seen is if marching is still a useful strategy or will we find the conviction to take the next step.
Things are certainly ramping up with North Korea. You have to wonder where it will end. Trump is way too belligerent and stupid to pull off any kind of diplomatic negotiations. He touts his miraculous deal-making abilities, but all he actually has expertise in doing is cheating people and threatening people.
But North Korea won't respond to threats of civil suits from Trump Organization lawyers. Trump appears to believe he can leverage U.S. military might against North Korea in the same way as, in the past, he's used his lawyers to intimidate the "little people" who got in the way of his construction projects. Trump's "fire and fury" rhetoric doesn't appear to be working, though, mostly because the Kim family has always used ginned-up fear of an American invasion to justify its horribly incompetent rule over North Korea's citizens. If Kim Jong-Un backs down in the face of American aggression, then those citizens might ask the questions: What, exactly, is Kim Jong-Un good for? Perhaps we need some new leaders?
So it's hard to see him backing down. And if not through negotiations, then how does this standoff end?
Well, one possibility is that China could give in to Trump's demands and finally cut off all trade with North Korea, and that might collapse their economy and result in regime change. China really, really does not want to do this. They'd rather ignore the whole feud between North Korea and the U.S. and hope it goes away. But even if they agree to this, there's still no guarantee it would work. I have read that North Korea has large coal reserves, and they could use the Fischer–Tropsch process (previously employed by the Nazis) to convert coal into gasoline, so as to survive a total oil embargo.
Another possibility is that Trump could try to collapse the North Korean government by ordering the CIA to have Kim Jong-Un assassinated. Nobody talks about this, but it occurs to me that this is probably on the table in National Security Council meetings, given the temperament of our current commander-in-chief. This is a man who has asserted that there are no limits to what he will do in the pursuit of national defense. Trump has said that torture is fine, and we should do more of it. He's said that he'd kill the innocent family members of terrorists in revenge for attacks on the U.S. His overall response to the actions of any hostile power is "bomb the shit out of them."
So I don't think assassination can be ruled out.
Failing either of those events, things look rather grim. It can't be possible to keep playing this game of chicken indefinitely, can it? At some point, somebody, either the U.S. or North Korea, will screw up and touch off a war, which would almost certainly result in large casualties.
Barry was a pussy.
Limpbaugh said...
With all the names Trump gets called here, it is pretty funny that people get upset by Trump calling calling Kim Jong Un rocketman.
4:43 AM
Progressive Center Left illogic and lunacy......
Anymoose- Drumpfuck is supposed to be the leader of the free world. He is expected to be Obamalike- cool under pressure, reserved in his comments, above the fray when the names fly,- you know- an adult.
Drumpfuck is and has never been any of those special qualities that Obama espoused so elegantly. Drumpfuck is a severely retarded 4 year old trapped in an old man's wrinkly body with a dead animal on his head.
Drumpfuck took an oath to uphold and protect the constitution, except he has no idea what is in the constitution because he can't fucking read and knows nothing about how to govern. Not knowing how to govern is a genetic malady in all wingnuts. That and gross stoopidity.
“I don’t see why we need to stand idly by and let a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people,” said Henry Kissinger of Allende’s election.
The establishment in China live in fear of the day the average North Korean finds out what an iPhone is and comes swarming into China by the millions. We might be better off using that tactic than assassinating Kim. As things now stand, they would just replace him with someone even more repressive and flamboyant. They're sort of like Republicans in that way, only less willfully ignorant because unlike Republicans, they don't have the constant option of reading the truth on the internet, and admitting to themselves that their entire ideology is based on lies.
-Doug in Oakland
Kelly will have to OD on aspirin to alleviate the Drumpfuck headache/hangover.
Lilacpr and the rest of u folks in Puerto Rico are in our thoughts.
Stay safe.
As opposed to blaming an entire race for things they did nothing to create and can't do anything about... like Black stupidity, low impulse control and lack of empathy.
James is way to stupid to see the irony of his post. Man that guy is dumb.
1530 of the SAT my ass.
Trump and Manafort are going to jail.
"Since us black folks don't have a dime in this crazy man's quarter because he doesn't give a damn about any people of color, we will purchase a ring side seat at this boxing match and "to the victor belongs the spoils.""
You know that Africa is well out of fallout range of a nuclear strike on the USA, don't you? When are you leaving for Monrovia?
Bon voyage! We'll even say we miss you. Of course, we'll be lying. You'll learn our revealed preferences when your application for re-entry is denied.
Anonymous @ 5:31 AM. I know we aren't world leaders and that is precisely why I said it was funny instead of saying it is hypocritical.
@JamesBoldJames 6:16 PM
So Africa is out of range for a nuclear strike but Japan wasn't??? How does that work? Now I don't believe your SAT scores....
Telling black folks to go back to the countries that the slave master bought them from
sounds about as ridiculous, weak and stale as saying Columbus "discovered" America.
# 1 ) America wasn't lost....it was here the whole time.
#2) The only person lost was Columbus.. because he thought he was in India.
That's why he called the natives that he found here Indians. In fact they were from Asia.
They migrated across the Bering Strait. Some settled in what is now known as Alaska and the
rest settled here.
If you can't stand black folks or anyone except people that look like you... then your intellect (if you have one). Should tell you that you're the ones that need to leave and go back where YOU came from.
P.S. But I suspect you secretly love blacks...that's what keeps you coming back to "The Field Negro."
P.S. But I suspect you secretly love blacks...that's what keeps you coming back to "The Field Negro."
James is a cuck.
You know that Africa is well out of fallout range of a nuclear strike on the USA, don't you? When are you leaving for Monrovia?
Bon voyage! We'll even say we miss you. Of course, we'll be lying. You'll learn our revealed preferences when your application for re-entry is denied.
Oh irony is truly lost on teh stooooopid.
We'll even say we miss you. Of course, we'll be lying
Baldingo, who is this we you talk about? You have high IQ tapeworms? Do they hate Blacks as well?
James shows his intelligence or lack thereof continuously. Remember the time when he linked us to a 10th grader's research paper as evidence for some ridiculously stupid argument? Yeah, that's a sign of high intellect.
James prattled:If you hate Trump so much, why not make him pay enough to get American applicants or shut down?
You mean like a minimum wage of $15 or higher? Great idea James now where have I heard that idea before?
"People resort to cursing, and name calling when they lack an abundance of intelligent vocabulary words that will allow them to get their point across."
Sometimes. Sometimes those are the words and tactics which best communicate the information at hand.
"Further testimony to the fact that many among us have been brainwashed. If you put a white face, yellow hair, and blue eyes even on a piece of s _ _ t, many people would think it looks like gold and you can sell it to just about anyone."
They would eat that turd if Rush or Sean told them it would make a liberal cry, and they metaphorically swallow cubic yards of shit each day from them and their right wing media empire cohorts.
-Doug in Oakland
"So Africa is out of range for a nuclear strike but Japan wasn't???"
I know that compound sentences are hard for apes to understand, but I'll parse it for you:
Africa (the continent) is well out of fallout range (the distance that fallout from an attack can travel, NOT a missile) of a nuclear strike on the USA (several thousand miles away across the Atlantic ocean).
And thanks for providing confirmation that Black people are stupid, not that anyone who matters ever had any doubt.
"If you can't stand black folks or anyone except people that look like you... "
Clue time, NOBODY in the world has more patience with Africans than White people do. The Chinese have some choice terms, and you can look up what Mahatma Gandhi said about "kaffirs". He was pretty scathing. "Kaffir", in case you didn't know, is what the Arabs called Africans when Whites arrived, so they started using the term too.
"you're the ones that need to leave and go back where YOU came from."
Even the Cherokee made slaves of you too, and then threw the sorry-ass descendants of those slaves out of their tribe a few years ago. They had to be forced to take them back.
"P.S. But I suspect you secretly love blacks...that's what keeps you coming back to "The Field Negro.""
I come here for your astounding denials and inversions of reality. Quite the show. Sometimes I repost choice quotes or links, so other people can see what kind of idiocy we're up against. It really helps in red-pilling folks on the African question.
"Further testimony to the fact that many among us have been brainwashed. If you put a white face, yellow hair, and blue eyes even on a piece of s _ _ t, many people would think it looks like gold and you can sell it to just about anyone."
What's the difference between an African and a dog turd?
The dog turd will eventually turn white and stop stinking.
James: I have faith that some day you can be house trained and stop pooping in the corners for your minders to clean up. Perhaps if they bop you on the nose with a rolled up newspaper more often...
-Doug in Oakland
Doug: I have faith that you will go to your grave a devoted Goodwhite, never allowing yourself to harbor any negative thoughts about Black or Brown people because that is what Badwhites do.
I'm sure you'll do this even if you're sent to your grave by a Black thug. You are incapable of learning.
James is so stupid he sold his car for gas money.
James still smells like his mom's smelly cootch. Yuck.
James: I've been here in Oakland for 33 years, and as John Hiatt said, it hasn't happened yet.
-Doug in Oakland
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