The Field Negro education series continues.
"Names used to refer to the “black” community have changed, and continue to change. I sometimes say I was born a colored boy, then I became a Negro, then black, then African American, and still we are not done. To the list of identities black people in America have assumed or been asked to, we can now add, thanks to this presidential election season, “Obama’s people” and “the African Americans.”
Most of these names were imposed on us, but not all. For a people to be whole, they must participate in their naming. After being called blacks in a derogatory manner by the white community for years, we reclaimed that term and began referring to ourselves as black, an effort to embrace and define ourselves. Malcolm X became widely known as one of the first black public figures. Justice Thurgood Marshall insisted on being called a Negro until shortly before he died.
During most of these name changes, I didn’t understand how relational and situational these processes were. But they were, and still are. It matters not only what we call ourselves, but what others call us. These are not just labels; they indicate different social positions. As such, they not only situate and affect blacks, but also whites. This dance is relational even if it is not symmetrical.
When Donald Trump refers to “the African Americans,” his use of the word “the” attempts to put black Americans into one subordinate monolithic category. The “the” becomes a code, a signal that he distances himself from an entire group. He is reassuring his supporters that “the” group he is referring to is the Other. In the second presidential debate, as Trump was declaring his commitment to be a president who would serve all people, he responded, in part, “African Americans, the inner cities. Devastating what’s happening to our inner cities.”
Trump’s characterization of black people and black neighborhoods is the worst, and most racist, stereotype that exists, because it signifies that black spaces and people are scary and distorts the complexity and reality of black life in America. It also asserts that this imagined black space is far from normal — normal being defined as white space — and can only be fixed by law and order.
Blacks do not comprise one bloc of people. Our community is diverse. Most blacks do not live in the city, or the inner city. Most blacks in America are not poor.
But from “welfare queen” to “inner city” to “the African Americans,” the list of both coded and explicit characterizations of what is a multifaceted community grows. Yes, there are real issues facing black Americans, just like any community, but they are not all bad, and they are not all the same. Far too many African Americans are in jail, but not all are. Far too many black Americans fear getting shot by police, but not all do.
For Trump there is little to no relationship between the black space and the white space that most of his supporters inhabit. Trump’s strategy and use of language is designed to further stigmatize the black community to a largely white base. The kind of extreme stereotypes Trump projects publicly about black people are in the same vein as ones he communicates about other groups, including Mexicans, Muslims and women. They are the most crass and simplistic projections. In Trump’s worldview, black communities are gang-plagued ghettos, all Muslims are radical terrorists, the entire country of Mexico is an organized crime cartel, and women are liars and nasty people whose worth is due to their physical appearance and usefulness to men. As over the top and absurd as these characterizations sound and are, what matters is the frequency of and consistency at which these stereotypes are communicated, and that Trump’s demagoguery is constantly amplified on prominent, national media platforms.
Language has always been a way to divide, conquer, classify and control, but it also helps to constitute who we are and what we think. Language matters, as the stories we live help to give facts and reality their meaning. It is hard to sway minds that have already made unconscious connections.
Language matters because when used as rhetoric it can have a purposeful smoke-and-mirrors effect, shielding more pressing issues that need our attention. As Trump warns that millions of immigrants and blacks are likely to steal the election, we remember that the history of fraud in the U.S. elections has not been about black and brown people voting, but about Republican governors making it more difficult to vote. I worry that Trump may be suggesting that the very civic participation of blacks and other Others may be experienced itself as a kind of loss, as a kind of theft.
I don’t know what we will call ourselves in the coming years, given the growing diversity in the black community, largely due to immigration from Africa and the Caribbean. While I cannot say what we will settle on, I can say it will not be a singular term such as “the blacks” or “the African Americans.” Instead, I hope it will be a name that reflects our diversity as well as our deep and changing relationships. I hope our evolving name helps us affirm ourselves in deep relationship with those who might think of us as Other. Our name will not only name, it will help us claim ourselves with full dignity and our belonging with all other members of The Earth." [Source]
trump is always referring to black folks as "the blacks". It all makes sense now.
I've always felt Black was the best name for Black people.✌🏽
Stephen Pinker came up with the term "euphemism treadmill" for the process whereby words introduced to replace an offensive word, over time become offensive themselves.
This explains why black people have repeatedly changed the name they have been called, from nigger to colored to negro to black to African-American. When there is extensive prejudice against a group, any name that is used to refer to that group will eventually become, to some degree, negative, and the group will be forced to move on to a new name that is not yet contaminated with bad associations.
How about "Beggars"?
That seems appropriate.
How about "Bougars"?
Seems appropriate for Whooteemoos
"When there is extensive prejudice against a group, any name that is used to refer to that group will eventually become, to some degree, negative, and the group will be forced to move on to a new name that is not yet contaminated with bad associations"
Whatever you decide to call a turd, it's still just a piece of shit.
Excellent post. Kugichagulia is very important. Far too long have certain groups been named by others such as Indians, niggers, nigras, ect. I will never understand the ceaseless and incessant need for racist whites to put down others. Some people go their entire lives hating and putting down others for whatever reason. It is impressive that we have so many achievers with so much negativity and obstacles in our way. Man, we are some amazing people!
"Excellent post. Kugichagulia is very important. Far too long have certain groups been named by others such as Indians, niggers, nigras, ect. "
...crackers, Rednecks, Hillbillies, peckerwoods, trailer trash, honkeys, gringos
"...crackers, Rednecks, Hillbillies, peckerwoods, trailer trash, honkeys, gringos"
Really? We want to compare the disrespect hoisted on blah people to that of white people? No even close man.
Self-awareness is not PilotX's strong point...
False equivalency.
And obviously not yours either.
Giving words magic powers is a sign of primitivism.
Black people are not rational.
So Kim Jong Un, called PEEOTUS a mentally deranged dotard!!
It is impressive that we have so many achievers with so much negativity and obstacles in our way. Man, we are some amazing people!!
Damn skippy, I'm still amazed that so many of our ancestors survived the passage to America.
Oh look, a whooteemoo emoji, 💩💩💩
if blacks had dignity theyd've refused to arrive in America as anything but corpses. we can also thank this clown race for gift of malaria
Irony is lost on conservatives and stupid folk.
What's up Doc?
shitiggers excelent!
An yet we rise!
Other than that no comment.
Btw, hello Field, Yisheng, and PilotX
Seth Myers said it: "Donald Trump says he has a great relationship with the blacks, but unless "The Blacks" are a family of white people, I think he's mistaken."
It remains important to the Pig People to have a concept of minorities as having shittier lives than they do so as to make the buggering they receive from the Republicans they vote for seem worthwhile.
And words are sometimes all they have left to hang onto:
"I ain't got no teeth left and everybody I know is addicted to meth and opioids, and we're dropping like flies, but thank Jebus I ain't no nigger in Chicago!"
Doesn't make much sense to me, really, but I guess it must make sense to them.
-Doug in Oakland
This made me wonder if blacks adopting a name given to them by whites helps destigmatize the name?
Packers And Movers Chennai to Noida
Packers And Movers Thanjavur Tamilnadu
Wouldn't putting those signs up be protected free speech.....
Black people are not rational.
11:14 PM
No shit,they kill each other every day over the last chicken wing or who took my comb........
The article emanated from Berkeley, my old stomping ground! Nice to know it's not totally right wing these days.
Trump is the most toxic mix of manipulative intentions and pure ignorance. Which side elicited the remark to the African countries' U.N. luncheon about his "rich friends" visiting Africa to see how they could make money? Stomping on their sore colonial past, he was proclaiming, I'd say, pure ignorance.
Dear Whitey-
fuck off whitey from iowa
Touched a nerve, did I, Anymoose? Bwahahahahahahahahaha!
Black people are not rational.
11:14 PM
No shit,they kill each other every day over the last chicken wing or who took my comb........
Stupid racist posters are irrational. They kill themselves with meth. Thank god for the opioid epidemic!
Yeah just keep bwaaahhhaaing.
When there is a war, and umpteen thousands are killed, it will all be Trump's fault.
You know, I was thinking that the trial of the animal, Quinten Tellis, who brutally raped, burned and murdered that stupid white girl, Jessica Chambers, in Mississippi was coming up. Finally. It's been about 3 years now.
I expected to Google it and see an update.
NOTHING. All old news.
So, I went to Wiki.
NOTHING...on Ellis OR Chambers.
Just to see..I look for Tawana Brawley & Crystal Mangum.
Bullshit for days.
What's the deal, do you think, Councillor Field?
When there is a war, and umpteen thousands are killed, it will all be Trump's fault.
Kudos to Commandeered Queenie for finally getting one statement right.
Jessica Chamber's last words-"Eric did this to me."
Tarsands prowd of his drapes- what's your real name? Eric by any chance?
OCTOBER 10, 2017. Be there or be square.
"What's the deal, do you think, Councillor Field?"
I still wonder which council, exactly, you believe him to serve on?
So the poisoning of the water in Flint killed a bunch of unborn babies. Just goes to show that the entire fetishization of the fetus by Republicans and their Pig-People fans is a cheap, bullshit, political tactic that they don't give a rat's ass about after they have grifted money and votes from it.
From the Rude Pundit:
"There is something I keep coming back to whenever I read or hear about Flint, something I wrote back in January 2016: "Michigan has a $700 million surplus in its state budget. It would have cost perhaps $100 a day to put phosphates into the water when the supply was first switched to prevent the water from corroding the pipes" and leeching lead into the water. It was forseeable and preventable. An ounce of prevention, man, just the tiniest bit. I wonder how much funding was spent on things like the militarization of the police instead of making people's homes safe at a fundamental level."
-Doug in Oakland
"So the poisoning of the water in Flint killed a bunch of unborn babies"
Nonsense. A fake study with predetermined conclusions.
"It would have cost perhaps $100 a day to put phosphates into the water when the supply was first switched to prevent the water from corroding the pipes"
Which of course would have been done had the people in charge known that they should have. Remember, the "people in charge" of this whole situation were the black-run city governments of Flint and of Detroit, and the whole project was precipitated because Detroit tried to price-gouge Flint over the water they sent them.
What's the deal, do you think, Councillor Field?
Well I think the ghost of Emmit Till is still in line for justice before the one white girl ever killed by a negro in Mississippi. Did you do a search for babies raped by white guys, oh that's right Tarzan if a white guy does it it's ok. You are one sick sob! Excusing babies raped to death because you only care about one white woman killed by a negro but allow fucking babies to be raped to death by white guys. Sickness I tell you, sickness.
Nonsense. A fake study with predetermined conclusions.
What was fake about the study? Please be as specific as possible. Where were the flaws and errors in data? Inquiring minds want to know.
SUPER proud moment especially as I'm developing expertise in Computational Biology/Oncology, the dedication of the Katherine G. Johnson Computational Research Facility:
The crisis timeline distributed to reporters and now available to the public online states that in June 2013, "City of Flint decides to use the Flint River as a water source," a phrasing similar to what the governor used in his State of the State speech, ("Flint began to use water from the Flint River as an interim source") suggesting that the city, not the state, drove the interim decision to use the highly corrosive river water for city residents.
Here's the problem with that: City officials did not drive the decision to take water from the Flint River. There was never such a vote by the city council, which really didn't have the power to make such a decision anyway, because the city was under the control of a state-appointed emergency manager.
I agree, the killers of Emmitt Till, Medger Evers, Schwerner, Goodman, Cheney and all the other civil rights activists killed by the kkk and other racists have to get justice first before I can rest in peace. I will wait patiently for my turn.
The rest of the Flint story.
Mike, you can't use facts for conservatives and racists. They're too dumb to understand.
Cibil Rights! Slabery!
Careful, Yisheng, wingnuts and racists will accuse you of black genocide and setting up abortion clinics in black neighborhoods because they hear that on a regular basis.
Yīshēng is a super duper genius said...
SUPER proud moment especially as I'm developing expertise in Computational Biology/Oncology
People with actual expertise in Computational Biology/Oncology don't feel the need to advertise it.
Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Moral of the Flint water story: Black people should not be allowed to run anything important.
BTW, Dougie in Oakland.
I thank you for correcting me on the usage of Councillor vs counselor. My bad. I thought "Councillor" was an old archaic English word, akin to "barrister" is now "lawyer".
And, again if I might need another correction...Mike from cornland says "Eric did this to me." were the last words that Jessica Chambers spoke? May I ask where you go this quote from?
Makes me wonder why they arrested a man named Quentin. If I was a juror, it would certainly give me pause for "reasonable doubt".
Dying utterances carry a lot of weight.
Given the number of outright lies wingnuts are ejaculating about the new Drumpfcare bill, and even Miss Lindsey Graham admits there are all kinds of problems with the bill, why should any decent American-meaning Democrats- believe a word these pathological liars say?
"why should any decent American-meaning Democrats- believe a word these pathological liars say?"
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period.
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period.
I like my doctor and kept her. As did everyone else I know. You had to change doctors?
Flint water decision makers- Guv Snyder-whitey. State Treasurer Andy Dillon-whitey. Appointed Financial Manager Ed Kurtz -whitey. Director of Environmental Quality Dan Wyant -whitey and the Mayor of Flint from 2006 to 2015 Dan Walling -whitey.
Obama lied, millions of health plans died.
Makes us wonder why you're so obsessed with this case? Still no empathy or concern for babies raped to death. You are one sick sob. And your illiterate ass shouldn't end a question with a preposition. Jesus, you don't know what a counselor is and you don't know the language. Conservatives and white racists (one in the same) are quite dumb.
mike from iowa said...
Flint water decision makers...
Just like with Hurricane Katrina, keep going up the chain of responsibility until you find the first white guy, and blame him.
The problem is letting black people run things. It's insane, and hurts black people the most.
Only for people in states with republican governors who would prefer their people die. Dumbasses!
Things was better before all this civil rights stuff done messed everything up.
So let's allow dumb ass white people like trump and W run things? Brilliant plan. Can we get Obama back? Please?
Things were so much better before white people showed up on our shores.
And, again if I might need another correction...Mike from cornland says "Eric did this to me." were the last words that Jessica Chambers spoke? May I ask where you go this quote from?
Read item 4
Other sources claim she told first responders Eick or Derrick.
Careful, Yisheng, wingnuts and racists will accuse you of black genocide and setting up abortion clinics in black neighborhoods because they hear that on a regular basis.
Can they REALLY think on that high of a level?
Anonymous White Man's Burden said... Ignore the facts and automatically blame any blacks you happen to see in the vicinity.
This is a no-brainer. If you have paid attention you should have noticed that with control of all branches of government, wingnuts still cannot govern. They cannot govern in Michigan or any other white hellhole you care to mention. Wingnuts are incompetent when it comes to actually getting something done. They barely can undo stuff others have done.
Ranger Texas run by white republicans has astronomical lead contamination in its water. This is conservative America at its finest. Elect repubs and get lead. And guess what, no negroes in the entire town so what gives?
Obviously, the government is trying to poison white people.
Only Black Lives Matter.
Just call me by my Irish first name and if I feel like answering you; I'm older than most of you, I will. If I don't, I won't. I've had it with the name calling and racism. No one on this planet is better than I am and if you piss me off, I'll let you know all about it. I came here via sex like everyone else and I'll leave here via death like everyone else. I'd rather have color in my skin that not; it makes it pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd rather have color in my skin so that these savages I live with stop trying to kill me and suck the marrow out of my bones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe a new label isn't the only approach. Instead of ascribing another name and referring to people as a certain group or a person of a certain race, try describing the person or persons in a nice way. I remember watching a group of black professors, (handy word, isn't it?) at UCLA on UCTV. One professor told his colleagues, "Let's face it, we're exotic!" Great quote.
But you are spot-on with the referring to groups as, "The blacks & cetera." Remember the monster used the expression, "The Mexicans," in his infamous campaign speech.
McCShame votes no way, Jose on Graham etc Obamacare repeal.
While we are on the subject of et cetera, is it possible et is a blood reltive of Peter Cetera formally of the group Chicago?
"Remember the monster used the expression, "The Mexicans," in his infamous campaign speech."
My grandmother is a typical white person.
Instead of whitey wingnuts I should say those crazy wasicus who make up the largest portion of welfare deadbeats in America?
Fauxknee Kristians works for wasicus, too.
You deranged albino devils come here talking Shit when you're so evil the source of all life the sun would kill you without any sunscreen. I can have an albino but you can't create me devils.
What pathetic soulless demonic beings you all are you're obsession with us hue mans only confirms that you all are evil spirits that can't exist without us cavemen
" Tarzan is a sick sob said...
Makes us wonder why you're so obsessed with this case? Still no empathy or concern for babies raped to death. You are one sick sob. And your illiterate ass shouldn't end a question with a preposition. Jesus, you don't know what a counselor is and you don't know the language. Conservatives and white racists (one in the same) are quite dumb.
3:32 PM"
You stinking piece of Anon scum.
I would rip you to pieces in a spelling or grammar contest. TRY IT.
I have said over and over on this blog, I would have no compunction shooting a pedophile in the head/heart. Why you keep bringing this up, is beyond me.
BTW, asshole sucker,
I can use prepositions to end any damn sentence I choose pertinent. My language is not yours.
My language is not yours.
It's obviously not your's either because I understand it much better than you. Maybe you shouldn't have dropped out of the third grade just like the rest of you not so bright trolls.
Obviously, the government is trying to poison white people.
Yup, the republican mayor and the republican governor of Texas are trying to kill you. And your dumb asses keep voting for them. You people really are stupid.
Glad I got my brains from my dad's side of the family because it's pretty obvious typical whites like James, Tarzan and the rest of you morons aren't too bright.
Darn, Rand Paul and John McCain are no votes so we can't take away healthcare from 26 million people. 7 years of bitching and no plan. Looks like Obama was smarter than all of us because we were unable to come up with anything better. We're as dumb as the people who vote for us.
Looks like the only time I can get something done is when I team up with the Dems.
So, your daddy chose a white woman before an ape?
You black women disgust me. Soon as your black man gets him some monies, he dumps your ass, leaves you with the babies, and goes for the white wimmens. You don't say nothing about it. Nothing.
Hey! I picked Jane too!
Wingnuts inTexas have made it almost impossible to sue a major korp. in Texas. If you can get it into court, the korp has the advantage of a hometown jury pool and if you could possibly win, yer winnings will hardly pay for your attorney fees.
Malpractice and tort reform was guaranteed to lower medical insurance costs and the opposite happened.
Simple. Don't live in Texas. Sneak across the border in California. They love you.
I can't wait until the "monster" drops Federal funding for California. They can do it for speeding, seat belt usage, drinking age....why not Illegal Immigrants?
If Trump DOESN'T....I damn sure wouldn't vote for him.
And white women are disgusted by you because they chase the BBC like crackheads chasing a rock. I bet your Jane is getting her face smacked by the black snakes as we type.
Lt. Commander is a fake pussy who pretends he served but is too cowardly to do so. Conservatives and white racists (one in the same) are really good keyboard warriors. Too bad they're all dumb.
Because republican voters are too dumb to understand who we really serve. They bow down to their corporate masters.
Tarzan smells like his mom's smelly cootch. You know how those inbreds get down. He calls his mom Jane.
"Lt. Commander is a pussy who never served said...
Lt. Commander is a fake pussy who pretends he served but is too cowardly to do so. Conservatives and white racists (one in the same) are really good keyboard warriors. Too bad they're all dumb.
8:31 PM"
I haven't pretended shit. No one ever called me out on it. I freely admitted I didn't "serve", as all you heroes did.
It was a joke with Uptown Steve, and I just seemed to like the moniker.
I don't even have the balls to have one.
Want to call be a lover of baby-rapers now?
I know it's you, bitch.
Heinsburg said...
Black people are not rational.
11:14 PM
No shit,they kill each other every day over the last chicken wing or who took my comb........
Stupid racist posters are irrational. They kill themselves with meth. Thank god for the opioid epidemic!
12:19 PM
Truth and facts are like kryptonite to a libtard.
It was a joke with Uptown Steve, and I just seemed to like the moniker.
of course you liked it, your type likes to play pretend like the little pussy you are.
Truth and facts are like kryptonite to a libtard.
and obviously truth and facts are completely unknowable to conservatards. Dumbass.
In the inerest of fairness, even some Dems use naughty langwidge when referring to people of color. Oh Noes.
when I see a negro i see problems, when I see them in a group i see trouble coming for someone defenseless as they attack when in groups. When i see a negro it might be a product of a ghetto, ready for violence. when I see a negro see a person barely literate and barely able to speak the english language properly. when I see other immigrants i see people improving them selves and working hard. when i see negros is see layabouts whining for reparations.
Can we start putting those back up please.
When I read your post I see a dumb inbred with a low IQ who lives in a trailer with his momma/auntie. So sad.
One more juicy morsel about Flint's water problems-
its all about no account ni$$ers who occupy space and consume resources yet make no effort to contribute to the common good of society. Bring back cotton picking as it provided steady employment that lo IG ni$$ers can understand.
Anonymous said...
When I read your post I see a dumb inbred with a low IQ who lives in a trailer with his momma/auntie. So sad.
12:30 PM are so not a profiler. are so not a profiler.
giggle? I am a profiler and you're either a little girl or a very feminine guy.
giggle? I am a profiler and you're either a little girl or a very feminine guy.
2:01 PM
Your not, delusion.
Your not, delusion.
And YOU'RE dumb. Jesus, are all you white racist assholes this fucking dumb?
"You've go to be taught to hate and fear,
It's got to be drummed in your dear little ear,
To hate all the people, your relatives hate...
You've got to be carefully taught."
Most racist whites like our POTUS and others think of blacks as "less than dogs" and often refer to blacks as "the blacks."
We do have a first amendment to the constitution. However, the POTUS recently referred to black NFL players refusing to stand during the national anthem in protest of discrimination and police brutality as "Sons Of Bitches" that should be fired.
A further insult to the mothers that birthed them.
But be assured, when the missiles from North Korea start landing in these "un-United States" they won't discriminate. They're hitting everyone...white, black, red, yellow, purple, green and every color in between.
"You're" is the correct contraction for "you are"
"You're" is the correct contraction for "you are"
My God...I thought we had left spelling behind us.
Please understand the difference between typos, and just piss-poor education.
My God...I thought we had left spelling behind us.
We know your dumb ass wants spelling left behind. Ashamed of your third grade education?
And YOU'RE dumb. Jesus, are all you white racist assholes this fucking dumb?
2:28 PM
Apparently not since we won the election.Guess your going to go insane when Trump wins again in 2020................
What is this gun show loophole the libtards keep bantering about. All the FFl's I buy from make me show ID,fill out a 4473 and go thru a background check.
"we can also thank this clown race for gift of malaria"
Probably not malaria (IIUC it has multiple animal reservoirs), but definitely HIV. Africans managed to cook up a new fatal disease in the last 1.5 centuries, and keep creating new strains of it too.
And the OTHER other side of the Flint story is why Detoilet was gouging its other water customers: Detoilet wasn't making an effort to get its own residents to pay their water bills, and the Gibsmedat crowd did things like filling the streetside shutoff valve holes with concrete to prevent shutoffs. Faced with inadequate revenue, Black-run Detoilet held a gun to Black-run Flint. It was just another ghetto robbery, just on a much larger scale.
"Can they REALLY think on that high of a level?"
Black people were most of Kermit Gosnell's clientele. They obviously liked the guy.
"What pathetic soulless demonic beings you all are you're obsession with us hue mans only confirms that you all are evil spirits that can't exist without us cavemen...."
... says the clown who lives in Whitey's buildings (Africans still live in mud huts and tin shacks), heated and cooled by Whitey's magic, provided with pure water by Whitey's ingenuity, lit by Whitey's creations, and whose virtual presence here would be impossible without inventions of White men named Volta, Tesla and Shockley. Shockley was a racist, you know. If you decide to boycott anything with transistors in protest, the world will be GREATLY improved.
"I bet your Jane is getting her face smacked by the black snakes as we type."
The 3 thoughts a Black man's head is capable of holding:
1. Looks at me
2. Gibs me dat
3. Muh dik
"Bring back cotton picking as it provided steady employment that lo IG ni$$ers can understand."
Blacks are obsolete farm equipment. The SUN-9000 works cheaper, doesn't need a pension, and will never turn your school into a war zone or rape your daughter.
Who's we dumbass? a New York con man getting rich while dumb whites wait for coal miner jobs? Just as dumb as the day is long.
James is only capable of one thought.......nigger nigger nigger.........and he claims to have an IQ of 150!
150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahAhahahahahahaha!
And this is the fool who brags about writing books, correcting math books, doing chemistry at his orbital engineering desk when all he does is spew racist bullshit and link us to high school student's essays. I guess this passes for intelligent in the trailer park.
Now kids, let this be a leason. Stay in school and learn something or you'll end up stupid like James and that Tarzan asshole.
Please understand the difference between typos, and just piss-poor education.
Oh I understand the difference and you have the latter as well as being quite dumb.
I'm just my mother's kid. That's what I've always been and will always be. I'm born with melanin; don't have to ever looking like an elephant's ass no matter how long I live. Thank God for that!!!!!! Call me what you want just don't let me hear you if it's unflattering, because I'll slap the fuck out of you and will deal with whatever after the fact.
Stolen Africans,thats what we are,Africans! Put a rabbit in the oven,it has babies,you dont call them bisquits! Thank you Dr Ben. All europeons please go back to the caves!
- PilotX said...
"I will never understand the ceaseless and incessant need for racist whites to put down others. Some people go their entire lives hating and putting down others for whatever reason. It is impressive that we have so many achievers with so much negativity and obstacles in our way. Man, we are some amazing people!"
- Here is my Old Fart view ;)
- Re: the first part, the most common reasons why some people need to try to put others down are:
1) subconscious insecurity which leads to fear of "The Other" ((meaning, those who are not exactly like oneself)), which in turn devolves into defensiveness, which itself devolves even further into hatred;
2) egoism/narcissism, a conceit so all-encompassing that anyone who is at all unlike the egoist, and anything which the egoist does not personally like, is reflexively/unthinkingly labelled inferior and/or bad, with oneself delusionally seen as The Ultimate Human or some such thing;
3) just having such a dismal "mental landscape", so to speak, that the person is incapable of seeing much of anything good in anyone or anything, and only revels in childish spitefulness and vindictiveness.
- Racism, sexism, normalism, ageism, and the other forms of "nose in the air syndrome" are usually related to one of those three types of personality. For more info, the National Institute of Health has good summaries of the various classes of Personality Disorders.
- Regarding the second part, it's been proven that, given first, good prenatal care; second, good childhood nutrition; and third, good mentors, there is absolutely no such thing as "racial inferiority". It's also known, given what science has learned of the human mind, that there are different types of intelligence, 11 if I recall correctly. For example, people who score very high in creativity tend to score lower on IQ tests than their abilities would predict.
- It's also known that, given good guidance, children who experience hardships in other areas can develop a great deal of inner strength.
- On the other hand, it's also known that most people, when lacking the benefit of positive influences, will live down to what others claim is true.
- It's as simple, and as complex, as that. People who have an infantile need to resort to claims of supposed "racial inferiority" are merely trying to hide their own mental impotence.
Anonymous said...
"Stephen Pinker came up with the term "euphemism treadmill" for the process whereby words introduced to replace an offensive word, over time become offensive themselves."
- The problem is that much also depends upon *how* people say things. I've never been that good at picking up on nuances, but sometimes sarcasm is just so glaringly obvious that it's astounding that so much of it gets a free pass.
- I knew one bitter, nasty woman who could say even the word "child" in such a way that it was as obvious as a slap in the face that what she MEANT was something more like "dog sh!t".
- So, in the end, the problem is not with the word(s); the problem is with the bent psychology of those who imagine themselves to be "superior", and who delusionally believe they have some divinely-given right to bully and abuse and disrespect whomever they get the whim to treat boorishly.
- To be more precise, though, the problem is with a society which not only allows, but worse, rewards boorish and despicable behavior.
"- Here is my Old Fart view ;)"
You mis-spelled "clueless but still racistly anti-White."
"- Re: the first part, the most common reasons why some people need to try to put others down are:
1) subconscious insecurity which leads to fear of "The Other" ((meaning, those who are not exactly like oneself)), which in turn devolves into defensiveness, which itself devolves even further into hatred;"
Why are you trying to put down (and incompetently psychoanalyze and pathologize) others? Must be because you have subconscious insecurity and "fear of the other". Said fear is not merely because you're different, but because your inferiority complex is deserved.
As for why non-Blacks would want to put down, avoid and exclude Blacks, one simple and logically unavoidable (thus taboo by PC rules) reason is that Blacks are disproportionately criminal, surly and hostile, and generally unfit as employees, neighbors or for most any other social relationship.
"2) egoism/narcissism, a conceit so all-encompassing that anyone who is at all unlike the egoist, and anything which the egoist does not personally like, is reflexively/unthinkingly labelled inferior"
In other words, acting like you.
"3) just having such a dismal "mental landscape", so to speak, that the person is incapable of seeing much of anything good in anyone or anything, and only revels in childish spitefulness and vindictiveness."
More of the same.
"- Regarding the second part, it's been proven that, given first, good prenatal care; second, good childhood nutrition; and third, good mentors, there is absolutely no such thing as "racial inferiority"."
ORLY? You're saying that the entire continent of Africa is deficient in all of those things? Because there is not one single country south of the Sahara with an average IQ north of 84, with Nigeria and Uganda leading the pack. You're saying they're all deficient in those things... and none of them should be parents. Hey, I agree! Let's stop Africans from making babies until they've proven they can do it right!
That'll take a while. When the children of your richest parents in the US perform on par with the children of the poorest Whites, your argument says that Black parenting really sucks. Reason says that your bullshit about "no such thing as racial inferiority" is bullshit.
"It's also known, given what science has learned of the human mind, that there are different types of intelligence."
The ability to dribble a basketball or prey on old ladies has no social value whatsoever.
OBTW, ground has been broken on prototype sections for the border wall. You can argue that 0 meters of border wall have been built... but not for long.
"To be more precise, though, the problem is with a society which not only allows, but worse, rewards boorish and despicable behavior."
Like insulting, assaulting and murdering members of the majority race for the crime of freeing you from the condition imposed consequent to a suit by a fucking worthless African (Anthony Johnson) who demanded to own another African (John Casor)? You take NO responsibility for your own acts, and that is why you have to go. You don't have to go back, but you won't stay here. You can be socially useful as hog slop.
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