This leads me to the Jussie Smollet story. Something about his story seemed a bit off from the start. There were just too many inconsistencies and holes in it. Still, we all wanted to believe him. Primarily because we all knew that what he was saying happened to him was happening to a lot less famous people in other parts of the country. This, we hoped, would at least shed more light on the bigotry and ignorance that is permeating throughout the country in the age of trump. It's why so many folks were eager to believe Smollet. If we look at things objectively, we live in a climate of intolerance and bigotry that has allow just such an attack to take place.
Sadly, if Smollet did in fact lie about what happened to him (and right now it's looking more and more like he did), he has made it harder for us to call out this type of behavior that he alleged happened to him, and he has dealt a blow to the progressive community and to people of conscience who are on the right side of history when it comes to these types of issues. Throw in the fact that he could be facing criminal charges, and Stevie Wonder can see that he has created one big clusterf*** for himself.
Smollet has allowed the bigoted trump supporter to say: See, I told you so, just the liberals and the fake news media jumping to conclusions again, and demonizing the MAGA crowd like they so often do.
The chirping has already started from the right, and you can expect it to get worse as we learn more about what did (or didn't) happen that night in Chicago.
If it does turn out that this was all a hoax. I have two words for Jussie Smollet: Get help. If you wanted to raise your profile and get bigger roles, this was not the way to do it. Not only did you hurt yourself, but you hurt millions of people who had their hearts in the right place and wanted to believe you.
I hate to admit it, Field is spot on this one. Actually, it's very good writing. I wonder what his minions will say?
I heard one hypothesis that he got a threatening letter and when the cops didn't respond the way he felt appropriate he hatched this plan. At least Justin Fairfax is happy this is a national story😬
Field, what do you think of the lawsuit against the WaPo?
What's wrong with Juicy Fruit? Same thing that is always wrong with the Kangz & Kweenz..... Genetics. P.S. Stewardess X, He sent the hoax letter to himself as well, hopefully he gets Federal Time for this, but I doubt it, You know, justice reform and all..... More whining bullshit.
"Same thing that is always wrong with the Kangz & Kweenz..... Genetics"
Your point? Nobody I know has perpetrated a fake attack soooooooooo it's not genetics. Nevermind, expecting a logical and coherent argument from an anonymous poster would be silly.🙄
The Smollett case goes in my Wha'? File, alongside Tawana Brawley and Rachel Dolezal. Some cases are just weird, ideocyncratic and call for psychological interventions. No way can they be used as social or politicsl fodder for anybody.
I wasn't there, so I didn't really have an opinion on it. It was a fucked-up, short sighted thing to do if it came down the way they're saying it did, but making a really big issue out of it is just as wrong.
So he lied.
So did Fergus.
Whose lies did the most damage, and who will suffer the most negative consequences, and why? That is a better question in my opinion.
-Doug in Oakland
anyfuckingmoose has genetics and tanning lotion mixed up. Drumpfuck's phony docs say his orange skin is caused by good genetics. The only other one I have seen with orange skin is former SOH Boner so Drumpf and Boner are related to mangled apricots?
Where is the collusion in Smollet case?
PilotX- as for the WAPO case, it wasn't long ago when wingnuts screamed bloody murder about seeking excessive damages in court cases. They did their best to reform then laws and make sure corporations would never be injured by conscientious jury awards. Magat hat brat's lawyer has a reputation for going after unbelievably high judgements without a peep from wingnuts.
“No way can they be used as social or politicsl fodder for anybody”
It shouldn’t be, but it will be.
Wingnuts will point to Jussie Smollett and argue his stunt conclusively proves all hate crimes are fake, Trump supporters are never bigoted, lefties are big meanies, white people are the real victims of racism, etc.
Never mind all the viral videos of cretinous redneck ogres harassing people of color for not speaking English and demanding, “Get out of my country — Trump says so.” Or similar variations on MAGA hate speech.
Good and thoughtful article, Field. I'm not one to jump to conclusions or make hasty generalization, so I Have no opinion on whether Jessie created a fake attack. I'm waiting for the facts to come out.
I'd say that Race Baiting Inc. has effectively desensitized a great majority of the white population to the "racism" claim. That day in the sun is ending.
So you think Mumia is guilty based on the fact that you read the transcript of the trial. Seriously?? The whole world knows trial was total a farce, so reading the transcript of an unfair trial means nothing.
Evidence to prove his innocence was not allowed to be introduced. You have racist trial Judge Sabo who said, "I'm going to help them fry the nigger," and Terri Maurer-Carter,a white court reporter who heard the judge say it; no forensic tests; racial bias in jury selection; some eye witnesses were run out of town or murdered; and others who testified recanted saying they were coerced by police. That's not enough to make you question the outcome? Plenty of Black folks are in jail due to frame-ups by the cops, hence the Innocence Project.
Other than the transcript of the "kangaroo court" trial, what other information did you read on the case? (Please don't cite the mainstream media that I see on the website patting you on the back. Need the white man's approval?)
You're a lawyer and say that reading the transcript alone is enough for you to say he's guilty? Really? What kind of lawyer are you? SMH
And,you used Wikipedia as your source! No credibility, no research. Very superficial. I was one of your fans, but now I'm suspect about who you really are.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
And the truth may hurt me someday, but you don't have any truth.
Cite ONE post I made which is false, erroneous, etc,
Take your time.
3:46 PM
This was at the end of the previous story, so maybe you didn't see it.
Another thought: Do you maybe want to rephrase your statement? I unfortunately verbally write or say something and a second later wish I
would have done it another way.
So RBG wrote the unanimous decision limiting civil asset forfeiture.
-Doug in Oakland
'Empire' actor Jussie Smollett now suspect, detectives presenting case to grand jury:
New Nation News, you all and Juicy the Fruit need to check it out.
Anonymous said:
"Cite ONE post I made which is false, erroneous, etc,
Take your time.:
3:46 PM
What you ask is impossible since you and many others post here as anonymous. I do not know which "anonymous" you are or where you posted something true. So if you want a reply from me, then you need †o repeat the post that contains the true statements and references to which you refer. Thank you.
... the SPLC has announced that the number of hate groups in the U.S. reached an all-time high in 2018.
US hate groups have seen ideas enter mainstream in Trump era, report finds
FBI Arrests White Nationalist In Coast Guard Allegedly Planning Terror Attack
A U.S. Coast Guard lieutenant who is an alleged white nationalist with a hit list and a plan “to murder innocent citizens on a scale rarely seen in this country” has been arrested by the FBI in the Washington, DC area.
Christopher Hasson planned to “establish a white homeland” by force, according to court records filed in federal court in Maryland and first flagged Wednesday by George Washington University’s Program on Extremism.
But, but Blacks are so violent. Just ask all the anonymouses that post here.
"A U.S. Coast Guard lieutenant who is an alleged white nationalist with a hit list and a plan 'to murder innocent citizens on a scale rarely seen in this country' has been arrested by the FBI in the Washington, DC area."
And yet, Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity will still helpfully explain how Jussie proves hate crimes aren't real. You can bank on it.
Nice adjusting to after the fact Field. Classic progressive move when yet another race card endeavor blew up. The looney left and their delusion.
Anonymius said:
"The looney left and their delusion."
6:53 PM
The loony left? Excuse me, but it's the right that has gone loony. Have you listened to your president lately? He speaks mostly in word salad, and tweets hysterical nonsense. He is clearly unbalanced.
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
Anonymous said:
"Cite ONE post I made which is false, erroneous, etc,
Take your time.:
3:46 PM
What you ask is impossible since you and many others post here as anonymous. I do not know which "anonymous" you are or where you posted something true. So if you want a reply from me, then you need †o repeat the post that contains the true statements and references to which you refer. Thank you.
6:27 PM
...ok that's fair..i can understand the confusion...I'm the one that posts with links if that clears up the confusion.
Here's a fresh one
BREAKING: Jussie Smollett Is Now A Suspect In A Criminal Investigation For Filing A False Police Report
February 20, 2019 at 5:00 pm
Stay tuned. The rubber will really hit the road when the feds weigh in. The false police report will be the least of it.
When Jussie sent that letter to himself, complete with the "white powder" (crushed Tylenol), it became a federal terrorism crime with a penalty of 5 years. It got the attention of the postal inspectors, who apparently are much better at their work than anyone knows. It also involved the Chicago office of the FBI, which is nationally famous for being very tough and very competent.
Remember his stated reason for not turning over his cellphone, to protect pictures and other private stuff? Well, a couple things to say about that. First off, the FBI has almost certainly subpoenaed his carriers and cellular phone maker for access to that data.
The link is to an outfit called Statement Analysis, which has a great track record and is frequently a consultant to law enforcement. Early on, I suspected that Jussie was protecting drugs and maybe child porn traceable through his phone. Turns out that the Statement Analysis people think so too.
Field Negro, you and your friends in Racism Baiting Inc. will to their very best to bury all of this, so you can keep it up on the fake hate crime front. But I'm afraid the deflection isn't going to quite cut it. Your friends have succeeded in making a huge swath of white America, without whom the civil rights revolution never would have succeeded, indifferent to the "racism" charge.
Congrats, and if you're looking for the culprit, go find a mirror.
'Empire' actor Jussie Smollett charged with filing false police report
“Felony criminal charges have been approved by CookCountySAO against Jussie Smollett for Disorderly Conduct / Filing a False Police Report. Detectives will make contact with his legal team to negotiate a reasonable surrender for his arrest,” Chicago Police said."~Tony Maglio~ The Wrap - Wednesday, February 20, 2019
I was there. And it did happen. I was wearing my MAGA hat and Bermuda shorts. I had just put on some SPF 15 and was getting ready to take a swim when these two huge white dudes approach a poor little negro boy. The white guys beat the little negro unmercifully. The little negro looked like a half pound of ground round when they were done. I asked the hamburger if he needed help or an amber lamps. He said no, he just wanted a Subway sandwich. I offered to get him a sandwich but he said he'd get it himself. It's hard to believe he'd want a sandwich after getting turned into hamburger, but as they say different strokes for different folks.
This is a first hand account so you must believe it. If you don't you are a racist, Nazi, fascist dummy. I mean it!
Joh 8:44 Your father is the devil, and you do exactly what he wants. He has always been a murderer and a liar. There is nothing truthful about him. He speaks on his own, and everything he says is a lie. Not only is he a liar himself, but he is also the father of all lies.
It's sick and sad when a person is so blind and consumed with hatred that he's willing to commit murder of people in Congress and journalist on behalf of a proven liar that sits in the White House.
Trump needs to go!!! He's a danger to our society and mentally unfit to hold the Office of POTUS. If they don't remove him from the White House he's gonna get innocent people killed. Trump has created a monster with all of his lies and hate speech.
"Specific journalists and others appear in Hasson’s search history, the filing claims, including: MSNBC hosts Chris Hayes, Joe Scarborough, and Ari Melber; Sens. Richard Blumenthal—or “blumen jew,” in Hasson’s writing—Tim Kaine, Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand and Cory Booker; Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, and Ilhan Omar; CNN’s Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo, and Van Jones; as well as prominent Democrats Beto O’Rourke and John Podesta, and the Democratic Socialists of America."
"Hasson’s searches also included “what if trump illegally impeached,” “civil war if trump impeached” and “best place in dc to see congress people.”
~~Spencer Ackerman~~ Daily Beast
He should have smeared poop on himself and wrote Nigerian upside down and backwards on his belly. Works every time for gullible black people. Reverend Al would have been there before you could say "shakedown".
Anonymous said.BREAKING:
"Jussie Smollett Is Now A Suspect In A Criminal Investigation For Filing A False Police Report
February 20, 2019 at 5:00 pm"
OK, I apologize. For whatever reason, I thought I was responding to the anonymous who said that white women who become involved with black men end up dead.
And yes indeed, the Chicago police are investigating Jussie for possibly filing a false police report.
Jewssie will be taken to an unnamed facility for treatment of some ambiguous mental/emotional disorder. A month later his PR rep will inform the public that Jewssie suffers from a rare form of delusional victim projection syndrome, brought on by 4 Billion years of white oppression and privilege. A Civil lawsuit will be filed against all living white people currently in the USA by the Lawyers representing Mr. Smollett. Oprah, Steve Harvey and so on will welcome Jewssie and his new book upon release from treatment. He will spend no time in jail for his crimes.
Perhaps his parents didn't school him enough about the History of The Black Struggle in America.
This young man obviously has some very deep rooted psychological issues.
P.S. When are people going to realize that there is no such thing as a "perfect crime."
Sooner or later, someone will tell on you, or your guilty conscience will tell on you. Also, the more people you involve in the crime, the greater your chances of someone Blowing Your Cover.
Didn't OJ Simpson write a book called "If I Did It." Case In Point.
They need to take a trip to California and look at the millions of illegal votes.
"They need to take a trip to California and look at the millions of illegal votes."
Why bother taking a trip? They can just as easily not see those non-existent illegal votes from Washington as they can not see them in California.
Another NO information voter.
The myopium they smoke makes them hallucinate illegal votes while making Republican election fraud invisible.
-Doug in Oakland
Coming across Atlantic essay, must say I’m astounded contributor John McWhorter points to the lure of victimhood status as an
underlying motive if it’s fully determined Jussie Smollett is guilty of falsifying a police report.
Though not boding well, Jussie Smollett still is innocent until proven guilty. Yet more than a crying wolf scenario and for reasons already posted by several commenters, the unfolding developments are beyond disheartening.
Jussie Smollett Surrenders To Chicago Police, Charged With Staging January Attack
How many fucked up wasicus were charged with filing false reports for calling 911 to report Blacks doing Black things?
Was Smollett assaulted, or not?
Libtards are such retards:
From Talking Points Memo. Seems the president really, really likes the Proud Boys.
If there are so many racist hate crimes, why do you need to invent so many of them?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If there are so many racist hate crimes, why do you need to invent so many of them?
Dear shit fer brains. How many Blacks have had the coops called by wasted wasicus just for being Black? Talk about hate crimes.
Jussie Smollett blasted by Chicago police for exploiting city's racial divide for personal gain
Now tell me, ye olde piglets, what did this guy do one time that orange ass Drumpf hasn't done his entire criminal career?
Jewzy Smallshit, Put him on the 20 Dollar Bill. He runs a railroad too, railroading white Trump supporters.
Tawana Smollett
US farm exports expected to fall $1.9 billion in 2019 thanks to Trump’s trade war
21 FEB 2019 AT 09:59 ET
Are we tired of winning yet?
“How many fucked up wasicus were charged with filing false reports for calling 911 to report Blacks doing Black things?”
These two things aren’t necessarily equivalent, though. There is a difference between reporting “suspicious activity,” and knowingly making a false accusation of a specific crime, complete with deliberate misstatements of fact.
There’s obviously a need for everyone to exercise restraint in calling 911 and not do so frivolously, such as by assuming strangers to the neighborhood must be up to no good, or reflexively interpreting mundane activities of non-whites as being criminal in nature (e.g., black guy working on his car must be stealing the car).
Still, people are guaranteed to get it wrong some percentage of the time, and it’s a really bad idea to criminalize that, because then nobody will call the cops when something bad really is going down. The primary burden is on the police to independently investigate each call and determine for themselves whether a caller’s “suspicions” are warranted.
Intentionally reporting fake crimes to the police, on the other hand, should always result in prosecution.
"They need to take a trip to California and look at the millions of illegal votes."
Nah, if that was true the GOP would have been all over it. They even had a voter fraud commission headed by Chris Kobach and they found nothing. Did they just not look hard enough?
Junkie Smellitt now charged with Illinois felony over his hate hoax:
But what's really going to get him is the fake threat letter. The dumb nagger wasn't smart enough to dispose of the magazine he cut the text out of to paste it up and it was seized in the search of his apartment. Sending threats through the mail is a FEDERAL felony.
Feeled isn't as bright as his "trolls" who had this pegged from the start, but I'll give this to him: he's smarter than his sycophants. ALL of them.
Wingnuts will point to Jussie Smollett and argue his stunt conclusively proves all hate crimes are fake
Tawana Brawley kidnapping: fake.
Duke lacrosse "rape": fake.
"Racist" arson attack on Kansas City church: fake. So's the "VOTE TRUMP" one from Mississippi 2 years ago.
KKK graffiti on the campus of Eastern Michigan University: put there by a black hoaxer.
And let's not forget all the Jewish hoaxes, starting with the hundred or so threatening phone calls to synagogues that came from a Jew in Israel.
Yes, they are ALL fake. They're used by the left to grab political power and smear everyone to their right.
Trump supporters are never bigoted
Given the way you of the "coalition of the fringes" misbehave, they've earned the right to dismiss everything you say out of hand. Hate hoaxes are only a small part of that.
lefties are big meanies
You have no sympathy even for murder victims and their families if they're whites killed by blacks. That's awfully mean. I'd give a damn about black victims of blacks if they gave a damn and gave evidence to the cops to catch the killers, but when they kill police detectives trying to catch killers of their own my sympathy goes cold.
white people are the real victims of racism
Yeah, that poor retarded White kid in Illinois who was kidnapped and tortured by 4 blacks who livestreamed themselves was so NOT a victim because reasons. And the two white victims of the black "point-blank shooter" in Chicago, and the five white victims of Frederick Desmond Scott in Kansas City who once said "kill all white people"... also not victims, because according to doctrine white people can only be oppressors.
And you wonder why America is sick of you. Hint, Trump is just the beginning. A few years from now you're going to wish he was back and that you hadn't thrown away your last chance.
I thought I was responding to the anonymous who said that white women who become involved with black men end up dead.
Intimate Partner Violence and Alcohol Problems in Interethnic and Intra-ethnic Couples
Karen G. Chartier1 and Raul Caetano1
Despite the growing number of interethnic marriages in the U.S., few studies have examined intimate partner violence (IPV) in interethnic couples. This article examined past-year occurrences of IPV across interethnic and intra-ethnic couples and tested correlates of IPV specifically in interethnic couples. Data were from a national survey of couples 18 years of age and older from the 48 contiguous states. Interethnic couples (n = 116) included partners from different ethnic backgrounds, including black-white, Hispanic-white, and black-Hispanic couples. White (n = 555), black (n = 358), and Hispanic (n = 527) intra-ethnic couples included partners with the same ethnicity. Data analyses were prevalence rates and logistic regressions. The analyses showed that interethnic couples were comparatively younger and had shorter relationships than intra-ethnic white, black, and Hispanic couples. Male partners in interethnic couples had higher rates of binge drinking and alcohol problems compared to male partners in intra-ethnic couples. Past year prevalence rates for any occurrence of IPV and acts of severe IPV were higher for interethnic couples relative to intra-ethnic couples. Most occurrences of IPV for interethnic couples were mutual. Factors predicting IPV among interethnic couples included marital status, couples’ age, male alcohol problems, and female impulsivity. Mounting evidence points to interethnic couples as a high risk group for IPV. Interethnic couples may be at greater risk for IPV because of their younger age, binge drinking and alcohol problems. Future research could build on this study by examining cohort effects and regional differences in IPV for interethnic couples, and the risk for IPV across interethnic couples of different ethnic compositions.
Spouse homicide incidence rates were 7.7 times higher in interracial marriages relative to intraracial marriages. The patterns in this risk varied by race and sex. White husbands, White wives, and Black wives were at greater risk of being killed by a spouse in an interracial than an intraracial marriage....
Intimate Partner Violence in Interracial and Monoracial Couples
Brittny A. Martin, Ming Cui, Koji Ueno, and Frank D. Fincham
This study investigated intimate partner violence in interracial and monoracial relationships. Using a nationally representative sample, regression analyses indicated that interracial couples demonstrated a higher level of mutual IPV than monoracial white couples but a level similar to monoracial black couples. There were significant gender differences in IPV, with women reporting lower levels of victimization than men. Regarding relationship status, cohabiting couples demonstrated the highest levels of IPV and dating couples reported the lowest levels. Regarding interactions among couple racial composition, relationship status, and respondents’ gender, an interaction between racial composition and relationship status was found. Implications for practitioners and directions for future research are discussed.
Note that the common element in the violence is... black people.
Had never heard of this dweeb,had never seen Empire.Didnt believe the story when I first heard it!
Anonymous said,
Note that the common element in the violence is... black people.
1:46 PM
Interesting study. My experience has been just the opposite. I had two white husbands (one at a time) who both got violent with me. Needless to say I left each of them when this occurred. Then I married a wonderful black man who was gentle, intelligent, funny, and kind. We were married for thirty-five years. And neither of us was ever violent with the other. He died a year and four months ago.
This man served six years in the army during the cold war protecting this country including you and all the white supremacists in this country (or your parents if you weren't born yet.)
So I get a little irritated when someone paints with a broad brush and denigrates everyone in a chosen group. We are all individuals. And by the way I have many black friends and in-laws, none of whom have ever showed any violence.
Have a nice day.
Stewardess X...... The Vote fraud commission was disbanded due to threats of never ending litigation and failure of Democrat state AGs and Governors to cooperate, short of Trump sending in Fed Marshals to arrest these Sanctuary city/state politicians nothing will be done. Only a willfully ignorant dope does not know voter fraud concerning illegals occurs. This is the backbone strategy of the DNC. Halfrican Black Chicago Jesus as well as the bloated Stacy Abrams have openly encouraged illegals to vote. ASk the negroes who USED to live in Compton, Ca. how they feel about the LaRaza poster kids invasion into the U.S. Asians and Latinos suffer not from brainwashed guilt guilt like YT does. They, if they overtake YT numbers someday, will be the Negroes nightmare. The Panda and The Burrito don't play.
No. anon, that's just the propaganda they sell you as an excuse for and distraction from the fact that there are far fewer of you than there are of us.
-Doug in Oakland
These two things aren’t necessarily equivalent, though. There is a difference between reporting “suspicious activity,” and knowingly making a false accusation of a specific crime, complete with deliberate misstatements of fact.
Mowing the lawn is suspicious? Being at a swimming pool is suspicious? Using charcoal grill in a park suspicious? Being a college student and taking a nap suspicious? Being a home owner suspicious?
"But what's really going to get him is the fake threat letter. The dumb nagger wasn't smart enough to dispose of the magazine he cut the text out of to paste it up and it was seized in the search of his apartment. Sending threats through the mail is a FEDERAL felony."
It seems pretty unlikely that the feds will (or even can) prosecute Jussie Smollett for mailing threats to himself. This isn't going to happen.
Realistically, he's only facing Illinois charges for wasting the time and resources of Chicago PD.
Moar white privilege,k anyfuckingmoosiepoosy-
Wasicu wastey mayor/drug dealer shoots at SWAT team which does not return fire. Would Black mayor/drug dealer receive the same considerations? In yer moosie dreams, ungulate.
the african primate will murder for a $200 toy.
>> Being at a swimming pool is suspicious?
Being an unknown person at a PRIVATE swimming pool is suspicious.
>> Being a college student and taking a nap suspicious?
Napping in a study space when everyone is SUPPOSED to have rooms to sleep in is suspicious. This goes double in a college town which has a homeless problem, as they all do.
>> Using charcoal grill in a park suspicious?
Using a charcoal grill in an area where they are banned is illegal, and that's what those clowns were doing. But they got a pass due to Black Skin Privilege. Apparently, fire hazard and other public safety considerations take a back seat to Black Skin Privilege. Black Skin Privilege means having carte blanche where white people would get busted.
Civilization depends on people respecting laws and rules and conventions, but you want black people to be excused from following all of those. You are anti-civilization.
If you're dumb enough to still believe Jussie Smollett's story, here a LIST of documented hate hoaxes just for you:
By the way, they've got him trying to buy "Molly" from the Nigerians. Just wait until they go through his pictures. Young gay boys indeed.
Jussie Michael Jackson Tawana Smollett
"We all wanted to believe him" because we hate white people, and we especially hate this country.
Anonymous (of course) said,
..."Napping in a study space when everyone is SUPPOSED to have rooms to sleep in is suspicious. This goes double in a college town which has a homeless problem, as they all do...."
5:59 PM
This comment is ridiculous. I worked at a large, public university for twenty-seven years. It was very common to see students sleeping in study room, the library, and even in class, especially during midterms and finals. This grasping at straws tends to negate you entire post.
Fuck Paul Manafort.
-Doug in Oakland
Doug is a seller said...
"No. anon, that's just the propaganda they sell you as an excuse for and distraction from the fact that there are far fewer of you than there are of us."
I would not buy this claim of opinion. I believe Doug has his own cognitive dissonance.
She never had a chance to Make America Great Again.
It was very common to see students sleeping in study room, the library, and even in class, especially during midterms and finals.
This was in a dormitory where (a) everyone legitimately present had their own bed in their own room and (b) strangers could be a threat to residents.
This comment is ridiculous.
Yes, your comment IS ridiculous. You deliberately ignore people's valid concerns to paint inconsiderate and even criminal blacks as victims. Further, you ONLY defend blacks who do this; whites who were hauled up for the same reason would get no defense from you. You are an anti-white racist.
"I believe Doug has his own cognitive dissonance."
Well, I do understand how to use a flatted fifth, if that's what you mean.
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous said:
"Napping in a study space when everyone is SUPPOSED to have rooms to sleep in is suspicious.
This was in a dormitory where (a) everyone legitimately present had their own bed in their own room and (b) strangers could be a threat to residents.
12:20 PM
OK, you got me! wow! My bad! I should have said it is common to see students napping in all campus buildings including dorms. Obviously you don't know much about life on a college campus.
Anonymous continued to say:
"You deliberately ignore people's valid concerns to paint inconsiderate and even criminal blacks as victims. Further, you ONLY defend blacks who do this; whites who were hauled up for the same reason would get no defense from you. You are an anti-white racist.
No my dear, I was not ignoring any thing. I was simply pointing out to you that your hysteria over a young black woman napping was not reasonable. I provided you with a perfectly normal scenario in which this might occur. However because of your fear or you stereotyping of black people, you refused to see my point.
As for your other complaint about me, calling me an anti-white racist, your claim is absurd. I have two white children, six white grand children, and many white as well as black friends.
Maybe you can quote a single post of mine in which I indicated that whites who were hauled up for the same reason would get no defense from me. I'll be waiting for that one and will try to answer it.
Are we really going to treat the Chicago PD as truthful? Those guys lie about their breakfasts.
I have two words for Smollett:
He/she will have great fans there.
As far as "nooses" go....let's bet how many whites have been hung as to blacks, or any other ethnic persuasion.
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