Okay so what do I know? Here I was thinking that all of these silly accusations and new campaign commercials by Mr. Morton, were pointless and would have zero effect on the race. But of course I was wrong. These repukelicans know their identity and polarizing politics more than I ever could, and they are in full gear already.
Now don't get me wrong, I have been telling you folks all along that his "O" ness cannot win this race, no matter how attractive he looks to you. (Wrong skin tone, wrong name, wrong political pedigree) Still, I never thought the GOP operatives would be this blatant this soon. But I should have known this was coming; they brought over some of the Bushites to run their campaign, and it has been down and dirty ever since.
I wonder how long his "O" ness is going to sit back and let his ass get kicked by the repukelican smear machine? If the two little blonds and accusations of the race card wasn't enough to make him come out and start swinging, I don't know what will. Oh yes, racial politics. You see "O" man, no matter how hard you try to run away from the racial question, the repukes are going to make sure it is following right behind you. They have to keep reminding A-merry-cans that you are black. They know, like I do, that as long as A-merry-cans see you that way, you don't have a snow ball's chance in hell of becoming president of these divided states.
Oh well, at least my Broad Street nude run is safe. But it would have been nice to say President Obama. He might not have been perfect, but he sure as hell couldn't be worse than the all white male club that's led us in the past.
He might never get on our money, but let's not rule out a postage stamp.
You are breaking my heart field.
Is it really time to just give up? So early in the fight?
I still think that Obama has a better then average chance.
I hope after November I can come hear and say "I told you so". And I am pretty sure you will not mind hearing it.
I am not neither shocked or stunned that the republicans came out as soon with the negative campaign and interject race into it because are getting desperate. However, this is what happens when we live in a so-called color-blinded society and never bothered to have real discussion about race in this country because we were so busy telling ourselves that it's nonexistent.
However, Obama needs to stop answering to everything people like Luda does, and the fact of the matter is the O man as you like to call him does not do very well answering to race. I understand that he wants to take the high road, but if I would him I would hammer how McCain doesn't know anything as he probably does even know where the United State is located on the map. Perhaps one of the 507 should run a commercial on McCain compiling all his major gaffes in the media and ask the question does this man even know what day it is? If McCain wants to the O man is an elitist, then pull the incompetent card as it wouldn't difficult to do. O man should drive home the fact that off-shore is going to do anything for the short-term to bring down oil prices, in fact, the country would not see an impact on offshore until 2017, and even McCain said himself that would be the case. Show that in the commercial as well. Obama can't afford to make tactical mistakes going into the general election. I'm a supporter, but I am not stupid and being realistic is a pragmatic.
"Perhaps one of the 507 should run a commercial on McCain compiling all his major gaffes in the media and ask the question does this man even know what day it is?"
Good point hennasplace, but why doesn't the "O" man's people run one? Forget this high road crap. If he wants to win he better get down and dirty. People respond to negative ads.
Obama: Don't let grandpa-I-loves-me-some-Bush McCain talk about you without fighting back hard Listen, man: Use Hillary to bad mouth McCain, how he still thinks there's a Checkoslavakia, how he can't tell the difference between Sunni and Shiite, how he can't remember where the bathrooms are at the white house.
She'll do it. She wants to be V.P. She'll kick her mother in a wheel chair into a semi for that gig. Lean on her, brotha! And get other surrogates too; and don't be so quick to disavow them.
obambi is the one that reminds everyone he is black. we know already. geesh. we know his black ass sat in a american hating church for 20 years. obambi thinks he can flip flop and no one will remember.
Come on Field don't adopt the House mentality! You gotta have some Hope and Faith. Yup! This is bigger than Obama. Of course those Rethugs were gonna do that/ What did you expect? They have a weak platform and candidate. Think about it. They got what they wanted. Free reign over the country for 8 years. They said they'd do it better. Turns out they efffed it up worse than ANYBODY could have predicted. It must really piss them off. Nobody is buying their fake bill of goods. Well some are, but come on they're idiots/racists/limited viewers. They don't have Hope and Faith. Get it together man! It's about US. Not them. Not him. If we don't take action this country will be on the brink of destruction faster than you can snap your fingers.
Dude you need a better rap than that. Field I'm coming to Philly ,not so much to SEE the bet paid off but to LMAO.
Folks, if ameriKa elects McPitiful we all need to update our passports.
Obama should do what they do in hockey. Get someone else to deliver the uppercuts and sucker punches for him. That's why Wayne Gretzky never had to fight his own battles. He had thugs on skates do it for him, and everyone loved him for it.
That's why he needs guys like Jim Webb and Wesley Clark in his inner circle. They will fuck McCain's shit up if given the chance.
Seriously Obama needs to use surrogates. I know Charles Rangel is a little pre-occupied with some housing issues (big scandal in NYC about his rent control apts. in Harlem) but he needs to get on HRC to come out swinging against McCain.
Yes they're all in the Senate together but how can HRC sit there and let McCain with his horrible record on issues she claims to care about go on like this? Come September she would want to get it together.
Democrats are such whimps sometimes. Why hasn't leadership said to Hillary and Bill, look the presidency is at stake. Cut the crap. Get your people (i.e. Wolfson) to stop cheering for McCain or your ass will have an opponent during your next senate race. It's gangster but necessary. HRC would rather have Obama lose so she could run again against McCain in four year. Steve Wonder could see this. What is Dean doing about this? He's the DNC chair. You know if MacAuliffe was the chair and HRC the nominee there would be no foolishness.
That said, Field don't give up your gym membership. I still have a feeling you're going to lose the bet.
I still say it is about even money.
the only reason it's a race is because McCain would make such an obviously lousy president and we have had one for the entirety of this century so far.I think once they actually get into late September and early october, reality is going to set in on a lot of folk and the choice will be clear, but those resistant to change will not arrive to that conclusion easily.
Yes they're all in the Senate together but how can HRC sit there and let McCain with his horrible record on issues she claims to care about go on like this? Come September she would want to get it together.
Democrats are such whimps sometimes. Why hasn't leadership said to Hillary and Bill, look the presidency is at stake. Cut the crap. Get your people (i.e. Wolfson) to stop cheering for McCain or your ass will have an opponent during your next senate race. It's gangster but necessary. HRC would rather have Obama lose so she could run again against McCain in four year.
so obambi needs the typical white mommy to do his dirty work? he called Clinton a racist. she owes him nothing. he needs to man up and stop relying on people he threw under the bus.
obama is a wimp. a clarence thomas wimp. remember him? let him slander a black woman when he gets the robes he will be down with the black folk. how did that work out. obama is out for obama. hillary should tell him to kiss her ass. little wimp.
@anon: "geesh. we know his black ass sat in a american hating church for 20 years."
Get over it, already. I've sat in a black hatin' America all my life, and that's more than 3x20 years. Geesh!
Let Americans have McCain if that will bolster their racial solidarity concerns.
If they elect him, they will deserve him, and what he'll bring--a deeper recession, someone as hawkish as Bush, more billions in debt, more political corruption, and further erosion of our image abroad.
Today CNN looked at the challenges facing the next president. Field, I think that this time (with all the crap going on), they're going to hand the reins of power over to a black man.
It's the only reason why they would favor Obama over a white candidate--the crapper runneth over.
a week is a very long time eh...
i have been away working and have not had time to see or read the news..
this morning on bbc all we have is hecklers at a rally in the sunshine state berating obama about his precieved lack of caring about black people... his retort is good... that everyone has to benefit not just black people...
now i know some people need paper but to be paid by republicans to to this is a damn shame.. you know they were paid and bought new clothes!
yes obama needs to get dirty - they took his prayer from the wall for god's sake - they clearly have no respect for him...
obama is making me angry for turning the other cheek when it is obvious that it has gone much further than about the issues...
he needs to fight back.. he is in danger of looking very much the house negro...
he should think about how his daughters will see him when they fully understand what he is about to throw away..
michelle needs to shake his ass up... if he was my man and he brought my family into this and did not fight hard for the finish line i would 'throw some licks in him head' on a daily basis...
Lawd, would some of you please stop being so pessimistic and have just a little faith and keep hope alive in your hearts. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not SEEN!
Translation: Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
What you think, speak, and believe is what you reap.
This election is going to be an eye opener to what is really destroying this world. GREED & HATE! There will be some who are will recognize it, and a lot of people that are gonna miss the boat.
Field...your quoting from NewsMax... a right wing rag?????
Gallop has had the lowest numbers from the get go.... here are the numbers from all the polls:
Gallup Tracking 07/29 - 07/31 Tie
Rasmussen Tracking 07/29 - 07/31 Obama +1.0
CNN 07/27 - 07/29 Obama +7.0
USA Today/Gallup, 07/25 - 07/27 McCain +4.0
Pew Research 07/23 - 07/27 Obama +5.0
Democracy Corps (D) 07/21 - 07/24 Obama +5.0
FOX News 07/22 - 07/23 Obama +1.0
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 07/18 - 07/21 Obama +6.0
Get your running shoes on. This is August... we have months to go.... and alot can happen between now and then... Mr Morton's fuse is getting shorter and shorter and hes gonna blow.... Remember these are the same pundits that declared Hillary the chosen one months out....
Youre just trying to convince us that there is no need for us to make plans for the Broad Street Run... sorry man.... So, to the readers on this page, OPEN INVITE... I will personally guide you to Broad Street, AND buy a round to celebrate after!
I'm sick and tired of the criticism leveled at Barack Obama.
Attack him on policy -- that's fair and what we do in a democracy, or question his voting record, this is reasonable and healthy.
But to say:
he's too White
he's not Black enough
he's too tall
he's too healthy
he's too articulate
he's not sensitive to LGBT issues
he's married to Michelle
he lives in too nice a house
he plays hoops
Come November, I will be voting for Barack Obama. I hope everyone joins me.
dis Negroe am done b(r)ought his family from deh fields into deh house (a kitchens transition):
shame, shame, shame, kitchens, kitchens, kitchens
is dis america, or am it Africa?
Uuh, kitchens and napz
not comfatable wid dat little cullud girl look
now, dats mo' like it, America, America; dat long luxurious, white gal hair; dye it blonde, and dhey am in deh white house
Is it true that kinky hair on Negroe females means dat dhey am militants; just how much lye am it take to make white folke and you white folke kissin' Negroe ecstatic?
A black man named Barack Hussein Obama, senator from Illinois, married to a sistah from the southside of Chicago has succeeded at becoming the Democractic nominee, raising more money than any other candidate in the history of this country.....and folks doubt he'll win because his lead is "slipping in the polls"?....re-read what I just wrote.
As my daddy would say look-a-hur, the lily-white admiral's son (and grandson), POW, military man, long-time senator married to the rich Malibu Barbie is SUPPOSED to be ahead..hell, Obama's not even supposed to be in the race!
This election is a wrap. I have no doubt. Obama already won, this is just the next 90 days that we have to wallow in the mire. Unless you see the four horsemen or you get a message from a burning bush, this mess on CNN, FauxNews and MSNBC is just fodder. Please, everything that is NOT supposed to be, is BEING.
God's got a great sense of humor.
fuel is costing most people over $4....and 70% of people polled yesterday WANT drilling NOW!!!
that's right dems keep up that no drill fight, that's whats going to keep you out of the White House....lol
blame it on what ever you want but even demo voters aren't going to keep backing a policy of no drill no nukes no coal!!!!
at the end of the day everyone that are just your average Americans no matter what gender/race has to pay the bills to keep the lights and vehicle going.....
Just in pelosi turned off the lights & ran away w/her dem buddies....LMAO
we're still paying $4 a gal....want it's ok obambi(i like that) just decided to jump ship....he'll drill now.....I LOVE THIS....LMAO
A couple of points. Kerry and Gore, both White Democrats, went down after being swiftboated by Repubs. Should we hope that the so-called 'youth vote', Blacks and 'post-racial liberals' will prevail against the same racist and divisive tactics when used against a Black Democrat? Hell, even some 'liberals' r abandoning the ship. Maybe this election is different And 'Maybe' Obama is using Muhammad Ali's Rope-a-dope strategy i.e. he is letting Mr. Morton and his gang pound him against the ropes until they tire themselves out. Then, in the last round Obama will regroup and deliver a knockout (after the convention). Whatever, Obama needs help. Where r all his democatic surrogates? Bill, Hillary, Richardson, Edwards, Gore, etc.?
he's pissed them off!!! he couldn't even get Jesse Jackson to vote for him now!!! better hope those college students come through....hope that works out for ya
only 12% of Americans are black & he may get 8 or 9 % of them.........
Nsangoma.... now I am convinced. You are obsessed... you see all those beautiful pictures of Barack with Michelle and their children and you just cant stand it!... you aren't black, YOU ARE GREEN!
"If they elect him, they will deserve him, and what he'll bring--a deeper recession, someone as hawkish as Bush, more billions in debt, more political corruption, and further erosion of our image abroad.
Today CNN looked at the challenges facing the next president. Field, I think that this time (with all the crap going on), they're going to hand the reins of power over to a black man."
This might be the "O" man's only hope. That things are so f****d up, that they will just try the brotha because it can't get any worse. And believe me folks, it's bad now. How could the people that voted for the frat boy twice live with themselves?
Where r all his democatic surrogates? Bill, Hillary, Richardson, Edwards, Gore, etc.?
Excellent point!
Billary is busy chasing poontang
Hillary is watching the soaps and clipping her toenails
Richardson is hosting fundraisers for Hillary
Edwards is busy dodging the media and denying the "affair"
Gore is saving the environment
Barack Obama, it seems, is on his own. The Democratic establishment can go fuck itself.
What Christopher said....
How could the people that voted for the frat boy twice live with themselves? Field, It's hard! I was bamboozle and hoodwink into it.
Today, Saturday in Florida, Obama is fighting back by describing Mr. Mortons attacks as the same old negative ads that gave us two terms of Bush, offering concrete policy that helps Americans feeling the pain, e.x. he proposed ' giving American families $1,000 dollars in emergency tax rebates financed by a windfall profits tax on big oil companies' and soften his opposition to offshore drilling if proper consideration is given to the environment. Question, does good policy connect with 'blue collar workers' as well as negative attacks that appeal to the lowest common demonator i.e. race.
See I told ya so... Great job on what I've been warning the Obamafreaks about months ago about showing your hand too early. Thanks to the press (aka the Obama Campaign Staff) there is the false scene of security when it comes to the General Election. Don't these people understand we are a long way from November and if you look at the polls McCain and Obama are at the margin of error for being tied... yes even in this so called Democrat Year the Presidential Race is tide in the polls...
... You know what I dont get: With Congress at %9 approval rating how in the (bleep) they are going to win all these so called seats in the fall?
Please keep up this smug bitterness Democrat Voter. Take it all the way to Denver and act a (bleeping) fool. All these moonbats in one city in the "so called" biggest election of our life times there is going to be some drama. Sen Obama has flipped on key issues like FISA, Gun Control, Death Penalty, Iraq, Iran, NAFTA (and i named all of those off the top of my head) his moonbat lefty base is going to try HARD to pull him back to the left while the needs of the Black Community (with is what I dont even know this time around) will just show up wanting full blown reparations and more government programs (a young black male is the most programed person in the world) and the open border crowd will be there to make sure good ole Illegal Immigration will be rewarded while lower my wages but Sen Obama will give out more of the governments money in the form of a stimuli check pt II. I wonder will be a coupon for pep boys for my tire rotation and tune up because according to the Harvard Law grad this will save gas. Looks like the Euro Trip did not work out so well as everyone hope for. Oh well so much for the transitional candidate. The Rev Wright was right, "he is just a politician"
And all of this the press is trying to cover the tracks of the fallen Messiah but Ludacris thinks this guy can pull off a landslide victory. Oh and someone needs to get Chuck Todd of MSNBC and official Obama Brown Nose wipe rags. You moonbats will see this and think everything is A OK and keep believing your hype but while you have the chance look up the Bradley Affect
Do you actually believe that Obama should get a free pass to the White House and that he shouldn't be fair game as other candidates always are.
Give me a break. Just because he's black doesn't mean that political correctness will be applied to the campaign in the same way it is applied in real life.
Its not racism, its a presidential race. Get over yourselves.
anon@ barack doesn't need a white mommy to help him. I worked in nat'l politics and I'm telling you the way Dean is handling this situation is wrong.
If HRC and Bill didn't bring race into the campaign when they got desperate nobody would have called them racists. He did not throw HRC under a bus. She walked out into traffic and didn't read the signs.
Of course he should be fair game, on the ISSUES. Not all this whisper campaign nonsense. America is going down the drain and there are still people arguing whether or not Barack is really Muslin? How about arguing about the fact that the war in Iraq is costing over three TRILLION dollars. Where is that money coming from?
HRC said many awful things about Barack and if the tables were turned I'm sure he would still campaign for her as would Edwards, etc. This is about Bill and Hillary internals battle within the dem party. My point was if they really don't want the Repubs to win in November they need to step up and stop thinking about themselves for a just one second.
re; Obama being like Clarence Thomas...I can't even response to such comment.
no it is racism if your talking bad about him, you don't seem to get it. you should vote for him out of guilt.
so check the air in your tires and go vote....lol
wtf??? he's not going to be welcome at his in-laws.....lmao
I work retail. Last night an old whitey wench stood at my register for ten minutes rather than get in line behind a group of Indian/Pakistani women. Whitey was so appalled at dark-skinned femmes shopping at HER STORE!!! that she waited for me to bring in shopping carts rather than be in close physical proximity to 'those people'. The store is sub-Walmart. People in this section of Pennsytucky dress up to visit Walmart...not our store. The 'poor' people shop here, the 'workin man' shops at Walmart.
Off topic: have you noticed that there are a number of losers comitting murders recently. It's as if the dream of an incompetent fool becoming President is ending and talent/drive/ability are back in style.
I'll vote for Obama just to see the Whitey racists fume for four years.
Why don't the O Man fight back? Isn't this the same cry we heard during the primaries against Hillary? That bitch threw the kitchen sink, and we'll begged the brotha to fight back. he fought back in his own way, and he whipped her assss!
See, the strategy is to goad Obama into retaliation, and have racist america view him as the angry Black man. Hillary wanted white america to see a Black man attacking a white woman. He did not do it. McIdiot wants america to see a black man attacking an aging white war "hero", the brotha will not fall into that trap.
I think we do ourselves a disservice when we underestimate Obama, the brotha's plans have worked perfectly to this point, why are we questioning him? Let the man do his thing! Obama 08.
Field, We don't need to see cheesesteaks piled up in your gut. So make sure you get those crunches in, we don't need to see no out of shape mofo running down the street.
O is not going to negative because he set up his campaign to have a more positive tone, and it's probably better if an 507 organization like Moveon.org as they have more flexibility and freedom to do so. McCain can be swift-boated just keep showing commercials that display his ineptness. We may not like smart people, but we do like people who are competent. It's negative, but it is true. People like being scared and it motivates them to vote the person who they believe is going to protect them. In way, Americans are adults who quite never grow up as we need to be protected. So why not run ads to show what happens when you have incompetent people in office? Move On is currently running a commercial on MTV that is very effective in getting younger people out to vote. Move On should also place the ads on station such as BET, VHI and yes the Cartoon Network as you still many young male who watch cartoons.
However, I would not sleep on Obama because he turned out be a very effective politician as the article in the New Yorker effectively portrayed, and as my grandmother use to say still water run deep. As one analysis said the campaign is Obama and not about McCain. Since either side are not really talking about profound political topics at the moment, McCain is really hammering him with energy policy as Americans are really buying and think that offshore drilling will relieve us from high prices of gas which it will not as most energy experts have giving evidence to the contrary. However, the Americans do not listen to scientists because it's complication and let's us face it, Americans set a low bar when it comes to intelligence. What is probably more effective is visual aid. Like showing an automatic drip coffee machine slowly dripping out coffee as a visual example of how much oil we expect to receive from offshore drilling with caption reading "sometimes a little does not mean a lot."
I do think that is any wrong with critiquing the Obama campaign. I can support him and critique him. I want him to win and with as less dirt as possible. Obama is in a precarious position because he is black. He has to be better than everyone else, so him going negative will not be a good thing for him. He may have to use simple language for the American people to understand. Politicians do not delve into policy profoundly because the American will not listen because they care about bread and butter issue, and not the nuisance. Unfortunately, that is the way it is. We have a 24-hour news cycle that does will incessantly spend an immoderate amount of time about whether or not Brittany Spears is wearing underwear. McCain's ad as more legs now because of the new cycle profusely discussing the ad on endless new shows. I am not going to even call it a program because it will only it some kind of respectability that does not deserve.
I have never been a republicans and not very keen on the democrats giving their histories with the black community. Both parties have giving the black community very little, and what they do give is not for altruistic reasons. Republicans just have bad ideas, but they been a very good at marketing. You should have healthy skepticism about both parties. When one thinks about the Republicans of today were not the Republicans of Theodore Roosevelt who believed in conservation, and who made an attempt to regulate companies from monopolizing. Politicians on both sides of the spectrum on the democratic and republican side cater too much to corporate interest when they should be looking out after our interests, and I think the two-party system in general has limited our democracy rather than expanding it. Partisan politics are killing us and I would love to heard more independent voices out there as may have innovative ideas, but are never heard as both parties make successful attempts to drown those voices. So, this idea of conservative and liberal is nothing more than a divide and conquer tactic that does not benefit the country in the least in which the American people more than too happy to take the bait.
Jibreel, I understand why you would want to be a republican and it's not because you are a conservative per se, but it's about the dollars with you. I get it, and I do not have a problem with it. Personally, I am not conservative person when it comes to people having their own value system because I cannot impose my moral standard on someone else. After, I have my own life to live and should be more concerned about who and how I am as person. I am not in the business of being in someone's else bedroom telling them who they should or should not love. I am not into infringing on someone's rights because I do not want anyone doing it to me. It's a golden rule thing, do unto others as you would have others do unto you. I believe in treating right and with respect. Conservative in this day in age means a group of busy body and you can say the same about liberals in a political sense. A group of people telling you how you should or should not live. If should someone is truly a conservative with the idea of limited government than having laws such as sodomy, adultery, and same-sex marriage should not be on the books as they private matters, but have laws about murder is a good idea as you should be going around killing people.
O is not going to negative because he set up his campaign to have a more positive tone, and it's probably better if an 507 organization like Moveon.org as they have more flexibility and freedom to do so. McCain can be swift-boated just keep showing commercials that display his ineptness. We may not like smart people, but we do like people who are competent. It's negative, but it is true. People like being scared and it motivates them to vote the person who they believe is going to protect them. In way, Americans are adults who quite never grow up as we need to be protected. So why not run ads to show what happens when you have incompetent people in office? Move On is currently running a commercial on MTV that is very effective in getting younger people out to vote. Move On should also place the ads on station such as BET, VHI and yes the Cartoon Network as you still many young male who watch cartoons.
However, I would not sleep on Obama because he turned out be a very effective politician as the article in the New Yorker effectively portrayed, and as my grandmother use to say still water run deep. As one analysis said the campaign is Obama and not about McCain. Since either side are not really talking about profound political topics at the moment, McCain is really hammering him with energy policy as Americans are really buying and think that offshore drilling will relieve us from high prices of gas which it will not as most energy experts have giving evidence to the contrary. However, the Americans do not listen to scientists because it's complication and let's us face it, Americans set a low bar when it comes to intelligence. What is probably more effective is visual aid. Like showing an automatic drip coffee machine slowly dripping out coffee as a visual example of how much oil we expect to receive from offshore drilling with caption reading "sometimes a little does not mean a lot."
I do think that is any wrong with critiquing the Obama campaign. I can support him and critique him. I want him to win and with as less dirt as possible. Obama is in a precarious position because he is black. He has to be better than everyone else, so him going negative will not be a good thing for him. He may have to use simple language for the American people to understand. Politicians do not delve into policy profoundly because the American will not listen because they care about bread and butter issue, and not the nuisance. Unfortunately, that is the way it is. We have a 24-hour news cycle that does will incessantly spend an immoderate amount of time about whether or not Brittany Spears is wearing underwear. McCain's ad as more legs now because of the new cycle profusely discussing the ad on endless new shows. I am not going to even call it a program because it will only it some kind of respectability that does not deserve.
I have never been a republicans and not very keen on the democrats giving their histories with the black community. Both parties have giving the black community very little, and what they do give is not for altruistic reasons. Republicans just have bad ideas, but they been a very good at marketing. You should have healthy skepticism about both parties. When one thinks about the Republicans of today were not the Republicans of Theodore Roosevelt who believed in conservation, and who made an attempt to regulate companies from monopolizing. Politicians on both sides of the spectrum on the democratic and republican side cater too much to corporate interest when they should be looking out after our interests, and I think the two-party system in general has limited our democracy rather than expanding it. Partisan politics are killing us and I would love to heard more independent voices out there as may have innovative ideas, but are never heard as both parties make successful attempts to drown those voices. So, this idea of conservative and liberal is nothing more than a divide and conquer tactic that does not benefit the country in the least in which the American people more than too happy to take the bait.
Jibreel, I understand why you would want to be a republican and it's not because you are a conservative per se, but it's about the dollars with you. I get it, and I do not have a problem with it. Personally, I am not conservative person when it comes to people having their own value system because I cannot impose my moral standard on someone else. After, I have my own life to live and should be more concerned about who and how I am as person. I am not in the business of being in someone's else bedroom telling them who they should or should not love. I am not into infringing on someone's rights because I do not want anyone doing it to me. It's a golden rule thing, do unto others as you would have others do unto you. I believe in treating right and with respect. Conservative in this day in age means a group of busy body and you can say the same about liberals in a political sense. A group of people telling you how you should or should not live. If should someone is truly a conservative with the idea of limited government than having laws such as sodomy, adultery, and same-sex marriage should not be on the books as they private matters, but have laws about murder is a good idea as you should be going around killing people.
I'm a conservative 1st before a Republican however as a black man lets just stop depending on the government for everything under the sun? If you drop about a million blacks in Alaska and come back in 10 years, about half of them would starve to death because the government wasn't around to feed them, half would be homeless because the government wasn't around for that nether. The government could be black just like they are and they still will screw themselves over again and again. Hurricane Katrina was the greatest example of failure of black people: NOT THE GOVERNMENT. Those people was never giving instructions on what to do when a hurricane comes to town, the government gave them everything ells (food, shelter, money) in the form of (HUD, WIC, TANF). Most blacks' think FEMA is like some Tommy Lee Jones movie were some white guy is going to come on the secin and ask "who in charge/ I am/ not anymore"
Liberals are the true busy bodys. Conservatives like to protect life and the family however Liberals want to control what kind of car you drive, what food you eat, were can you drive, the cost of your gas, what restaurants can be open up in your neighborhood, were your kids can go to school, what can you do with your propriety. I can go on examples of local municipalities in heavy Democrat Cities that have done such things. Whats funny about Washington DC is they want full representation however vividly denies its citizens 2nd Amendment right to own a fire arm.
Black People need a re-education on civil and remind them that the problems at your kids school is not a issue to be handle at the White House but your LOCAL school board. Also Black People need to get a hand on there finances. Also Black People need to clean up there neighborhoods and stop waiting for the Starbucks/7-11/Barns and Noble to come to tha hood... DO IT YOURSELF. I used to wonder why all the Arabs and Koreans own stores in tha hood growing up and I realized when I got older that an American Getto is cake walk compared to there home nations that a civil war could break out of the blue. These people came to live the American Dream while Blacks are kissing up the Jessie and Al while blaming Reagan for all there woes. Who would think a "Black Own" store would work, there is not blacks' that are willing to stand at a store front for 12 hours a day 7 days a week.
I'm end my rambling with a take pride in your neighborhood and in America. I'm a Republican for more reason than money. I believe that hard work should be rewarded in letting me keep the fruits of by labor; I live a very typical Democrat life in a typical Democrat city.
The campaign to this point has demonstrated the permanency of race in this country just as much as it has reframed it.
Consider, Obama loses for being "too smart" and "too intellectual" because this can be perceived from a white racial frame as "uppity".
Obama loses for being statesman-like because this is him trying to be arrogant.
Obama loses for being popular because this equals him being "the chosen one."
Imagine what the narrative would be if he weren't so gifted, bright, and popular? And, imagine what the framing would be if he were a white republican?
Sometimes you can't win for losing.
BTW, I can't help but agree with Mr. Field as come November there will be a Republican in the White House.
Chauncey DeVega
We are Respectable Negroes
Damn, folks! Take a breath.
Does anyone here actually believe Obama has not anticipated the low blows, the negative ads?
Nov. 5, 2008 - All Philly newspapers...
Nov. 6, 2008 - All Philly newspapers...
HEADLINE: Middle Aged, Over Weight Black Man Sets World Record for Mile Run!
As I stated before both groups do that, so what is your point? That one group is more of a busy body than the other? They both are and that is my point. I believe government should be more efficient in the infrastructure and that does mean that when a disaster hits, the government should be effective of getting people out the way of danger. It's call protecting the people. We are not talking about laws about transfat because I do not agree with either, but I don't have a conservative because it is just called common sense. You cannot dictate the personal lives of people, and that is not a conservative or liberal idea because you simply are not able to control human nature. However, you can provide option for people to choose from and that is really all you can do. I do not have a problem with Barnes and Noble coming to the hood as you may call it as it will promote reading at lease, so me that is not an entirely bad thing.
Of course, there are things that individuals can do on their own and no one disputes that idea. Let me give you an example on what politicians will do as politics is local. I remember, when Gov. Florio who was a democrat passed through legislation to limited the about of welfare money to women. Any woman who gave both to another child did not receive addition money. However, when Christine Tood Whitman, a republican who ran against Florio, promised repeal to life the limitation and she won the city of Newark by a landslide. Politicians do what is in their best interests and not in the interests of people in general. It doesn't matter whether I agree with the limitation of welfare because it's bad idea anyway as the money could better spent in providing programs for daycare and education for women to find better paying jobs such as nursing, physician assistants, or other positions in the medical professional that provide better paying and provide these women with skills. However, the government likes to go on the cheap because it costs more on the short term to educate and train. That would really get more people out of poverty because most people would rather work than take a government handout.
In addition, no one does anything themselves. You do need help from mentors, teachers and others to help towards your goal. There no such thing as a self-made man. Someone had to teach you how to read and speak. I know I was not born talking. We even you own your own business, you still need clients and customers to help your business to grow, you may to take out a loan to expand your business. Now thing you do own your is to make decision to start your own business.
Jibreel, I know you feel that most black people somehow shiftless and lazy, and small percentage of people are, but to generalize black people does a great disservice when I know that is not the case. Of course, we can do a better job at cleaning up our neighborhoods, and school does not end at 3pm because parents can continue their children's education by purchasing additional books, taking them to museums and cultural events more often. I'm trying to figure how conservatives protect life and families from myself. Here is a political reality for you, there are 300 million people living in the United States and small government is not going to work. Small government when you can sustain 30 million living in the country, but not 300 million. There is the infrastructure which needs to be repair as many local government across the country are trying to update water pipes to provide clean water, roads are in need of repair as by example of last in St. Louis when it crumbled and killed people who were driving on the bridge that collapsed. I am sorry, but it is something I want the government to do because we are unable to do it. A couple of years a truck ran into the electrical poll breaking it, and the utility company came by and just roped the poll together. Now the poll is still broken, but it will be up to local government to make the company come up with a more permanent solution because it is an issue of safety. We the people will have to put pressure on government to do it. I am the government damn it, and we vote for people to represent us. The government is only has good as the citizens. So we are not doing a very good at coming down on the politicians the represent us. The problem is that we vote, but we do not bare down our politicians to represent our interests. So we as people, do fail at that.
jibreel & anon- you are a generalizing fool, your points show your idoiocracy. I hate generalizers and could break down black people from different states and because I HAVE lived all over Amerikka and know all black peoPle are not the same, are not raised the same, have different ideas about education, family, " most blacks think..., all blacks..., blacks weren't told in Katrina...",
e.g. I'm from Boston, all my friends have gone to college, all Boston males name their kids JR or some form of name after them, Bostonians love their children and RAise them. Cali- mixed some go to college, some go to the military, some take care of their kids, some don't (I'm talking about all people in Cali) Las Vegas-everyone hear on Meth, only 15% of Nevada has a bachelor's degree, only 6% of Nevada has a Master's degree. Most Las Vegas over 25 so not have a high school diploma because most are expected to work in a casino, DIFFERENT PLACES, DIFFERENT ATTITUDES ABOUT FAMILY, EDUCATION, VOTING. To all you generalizers before you put your ignorant ass comments online I hope you have lived in at least three different areas of the country and visited at least five AND visited at least one other country because you sound as ignorant as you are!
the lily-white admiral's son (and grandson), POW, military man, long-time senator married to the rich Malibu Barbie is SUPPOSED to be ahead
Yeah, maybe if bush hadn't been president the last 7 years.
Twin Bean:
I think you have some valid points. I think some people in this country seem to have this one-size all American in that we must be the same. I think some people have the idea of how they think life should be than how it really is. It is very difficult to leave the reality that they are facing at the time. Reality does changes along with everything else, and people live different realities. My experiences are not like yours, and your reality is not like mine. I would love for more Americans to travel not only within the country, but aboard as well. I went to the Bahamas on vacation some years back, and I so stereotyped by both natives and vacationers. A vacationer asked me directions for a street, and I told her I was from New Jersey and one vacation just like her. Then was the native Bahamian guy who tried to talk to me and asked me if I lived in projects. In some respect can could not believe him for thinking that because news incessantly shows blacks living in the projects and he lived under the belief that all blacks in the United States lived in the projects, but in another respect it is sometimes believe to just ask me where I lived in the US and not come with the question of do I live in the projects. It's just bad manners along with ignorance which can be a deadly combination.
field, great site bro.I have been a lurker here for quite some time, but today I decided to answer your post.
You hit the nail right on the head when you wrote "things are so f'ed up that the public could give the brother a chance" exactly, the environment is totally different from 2004.
However, Obama need to make better of his surrogates, for example John Kerry. You can't depend much on the Clintons, they will make a perfunctory attempt at campaigning while their minions undermine Obama at every turn, the goal here is to setup HRC for the 2012 "I told you so tour."
Jibreel says: "Conservatives like to protect life and the family however Liberals want to control what kind of car you drive, what food you eat, were can you drive, the cost of your gas, what restaurants can be open up in your neighborhood, were your kids can go to school, what can you do with your propriety."
Jibreel...if that's your real name...you're a real fuckin idiot.
If you buy that bullshit...that republican, democrat, liberal, conservative difference bullshit propaganda. Then you're an unconscious fool that don't have a clue.
I could deconstruct your boringly stereotypical and superfluous ramblings by I'll just say this:
They're simply different sides of the same coin.
Team Obama fully expected these attacks and they will responds when they need too. The won't be swift-boated like Kerry in '04. As long as he's leading in the polls, there's no need to take the low-road.
If Obama's race is fair game, Mc Cain's anger control problems, and psychological health should be as well (He spent 5 1/2 years in a prison camp for God's Sake. How could that not Warp your mind?)
We've already suffered "Average Joe" running the show for eight years.
Now the Wingnuts roll out yet another "Regular Guy," but this time he also has PTSD?
Come on, man, what the Fuck?
Inept, and Unstable?
Chimpy's team, namely Rove, used Mc Cain's anger problems against him, Obama's camp should follow suit.
Henna and Bean:
Granny likes what you both said, and Christopher you’re right on with this statement: "Attack him on policy -- that's fair and what we do in a democracy, or question his voting record, this is reasonable and healthy”.
Bean, I really liked what you said about the differences in cultures in various cities, because that is a true fact. When I was younger and traveled a lot, I learned that lesson and got to see it for myself. There is a big difference in cultures right here in America. It is the reason why when someone is a visitor from another state, that visitor stands out like a sore thumb, and people who are permanent citizens of a particular state can spot them a mile away. A simple example is people from the city versus people from a rural setting. Another one is people from Utah versus people from California. And people need to take those facts into the equation, so that they don’t look foolish when making generalizations.
You sound more like an angry white man than you do a black man. If you are black, you’ve been brainwashed you to hate your own race, and that is sad. You remind me of that story in the bible about Lazarus and the rich man. All Lazarus wanted was few crumbs off the rich man’s table. But the rich man was too busy throwing luxurious elaborate feast for his rich friends, and ignored Lazarus. Yup, he would step right over him. The rich man couldn’t even spare him a crumb off of his table. Lazarus was crippled, because someone had to come and lay him at the rich man’s door everyday. He would lie at the rich man’s door full of sores. The dogs would come along and lick his sores. The dogs represented people like you who badmouthed him and those sores represented the hurt and wounds inflicted on him by people like you. But in the end, Lazarus came out on top. When the tables were turned, the rich man wanted Lazarus to come and give him a dip of water, because he was thirsty. (BTW, I would break down what crippled represented, but maybe, one day, you’ll figure it out.)
Whelp, that’s just like people today who have turned cold-hearted towards their fellow man, because of selfishness and greed. The odd part is that those two vices are couple of the reasons that have been instrumental in bringing about America’s self-destruct in prosperity and blessings. We can give millions to other countries to help feed them, but turn our backs on those living right here in our own nation. Charity starts at home, and spreads abroad, but we seem to go against this principle. That’s all right though, because America is going bankrupt, because of natural disasters and war. A lot of selfish people are gone get to see what Lazarus felt like. God works in mysterious ways. Yes, and we brought it all on ourselves, because of selfishness and greed. The poor we will have with us always.
BTW, like my grandkids say, you just clowning a brotha, now. (smile)
tvanel thanks for the kinds words and for finally commenting.
"As long as he's leading in the polls, there's no need to take the low-road."
Black political analysis,that's the problem, I don't believe that he is leading in the polls. I do believe in the "Bradley Effect" which means that you have to subtract ten points from whatever numbers the polls are giving the "O" man.
granny....you know I love you, so why would I "clown" your boy:)
Besides, I am trying to figure out of I should increase my gym time or not. I refuse to be some "overweight middle aged black man" running down Broad Street :)
"I'm end my rambling with a take pride in your neighborhood and in America. I'm a Republican for more reason than money. I believe that hard work should be rewarded in letting me keep the fruits of by labor; I live a very typical Democrat life in a typical Democrat city."
Jibreel, if you really believed in hard work, your writing wouldn't be so ungrammatical. Put in some good, hard work on THAT.
No Way Field! You just don't want to run down Main St. nekkid. I check back now and then to see if you are avoiding your promise because I am looking forward to that moment. I think that Obama will win due to the intensive organization efforts he has going.
For paid campaign jobs:
and hey if he doesn't win this round due to Diebold, etc. many democrats will win and we'll get 'em next round. Chin up! Luv WMA
Poor black people. It is truly horrible that they are stuck in a nation in which the white people wrote the Constitution and formed the government.
Whites have out numbered blacks so they treat them like shit.
My heart goes out to blacks because white people are evil bigots who never allow blacks to live free or be all they could be.
How in the name of God did Obama ever get to where he is in this white racist nation.
Yeah A Merry Ca is divided. Everyone is out to get black people.
50% of aids victims in America are black. But its not because of black culture it because of white racism.
We should do some serious investigation into that because I suspect that white people and the government are giving blacks aids and then the government fails to give them taxpayer money and help them.
Since blacks don't get aids because of their culture like gay people it has to be a white government conspiracy. Blacks should never be held accountable but white people must be.
Middle age, huh?
Hiya Field... You may remember me as Diane W, one of your more vocal supporters back when I was still on MLW. I now have created The Wild Wild Left as my own, more liberal blog.
Glad I found you again! (and blog-rolled you too :)
Man, this so pisses me off as well, in fact I Ranted about it Friday on my blog & several others that I now post at.
I miss your voice, so if you would consider cross-posting at WWL, I would be totally honored.
Diane G
14 posts by "anonymous."
WTF? Field, at least make people have to add in a screen name and an email address.
This is bogus.
Obama has got to get the Hillary people in his camp. I don't know if it's possible. Remember those ads like the "Big Sister" one and the nasty comments from supporters on his very own campaign web site; his appartchick calling her a "monster," the bloggers who told her to go away, drop dead, and so on? Hillary's supporters have not forgotten those insults. Obama needed to make very clear statements strongly stating his belief in gender equality. He should have told his people to cool it and lay off the sexist attacks on Hillary, right as soon as they started happening. It may be too late to mend the damage.
Pandering to people who would never vote for him sure seems like a bad strategy. Citizens who believe in stepping up the war in Afghanistan, spying on Americans, capital punishment for pedophiles, drilling offshore, etc. might as well vote for McCain.
McCain does have a good chance of winning. And it may be less due to racism and more to the nasty put-downs of Hillary and her supporters that has led many of them to turn against Obama. That, and the way he's tacking right.
I think it still may be possible to win, but only with the help of the Clintons. And he needs to show a firm commitment to progressive social policies.
“Poor black people. It is truly horrible that they are stuck in a nation in which the white people wrote the Constitution and formed the government.”
Poor whites are stuck in a nation in which the white people wrote the Constitution and formed the government as well. However, you left out one important point. That those rich aristocrats wrote the constitution, and that means they only had rich folks in mind when they wrote it. Therefore, unless you are rich, I wouldn’t be so quick to gloat, because that means you as well. Ahhh…ignorance is, definitely, not bliss.
“Whites have out numbered blacks so they treat them like shit.”
Well now, I agree with you about the out numbering blacks, but it has more to do with an over-inflated ego trip—the superiority complex disorder that a few of you have.
“My heart goes out to blacks because white people are evil bigots who never allow blacks to live free or be all they could be.”
I bet! You’re just dripping with compassion and love for black people. You really need to seek help for that denial phase you’re going through. Nevertheless, I have to correct you on this, ALL white people are not evil bigots; it’s just some that are, like you, probably, for instance. Another thing, they have good and evil people in all races. None of them is perfect, but I’m sorry that you feel that way. You not feeling guilty about something are you. Or is that you want us to stop speaking out about injustices and racism—be seen and not heard, or not be seen or heard, which is it?
“How in the name of God did Obama ever get to where he is in this white racist nation.”
Well, I’ll tell you it wasn’t easy, I’m sure. He more than likely had to work four times as hard to prove himself capable and intelligent. Put up with a bunch of racist jokes; ignore ignorant folks like you, and pull his lips back and show his teeth, and prayed. However, more than likely, it’s because he is intelligent and he earned it on his own merit. I forgot to mention that he is qualified. Not to mention, he still has his work cut out for him, since his opponents and MSM keep playing the race card.
“Yeah A Merry Ca is divided. Everyone is out to get black people.”
Well, it would be naïve for anyone to think that everyone in this country is so united and everything is just peaches and cream. But suit yourself! The whole wide world, white, black, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, etc. can see that America is divided, and you don’t see it, it’s something wrong with you. Either you’re blind and can’t see, or mentally challenged, or immature, or just plain ole in denial. WAKE UP!
BTW, I wouldn’t say that everyone is out to get blacks, nope, because that wouldn’t true. However, I would say that there are some folks with racist views that fit that description.
50% of aids victims in America are black. But it’s not because of black culture it because of white racism.
What happen to the other 50% of aids victims that you left out of the equation? Last time I heard, 50% is half of whatever is the variable. Oh, I think I got it, the other 50% is just gays, who all just happen to be black, blue. Green? Purple, maybe? Hmmm…none of those blacks got aids from blood transfusions, or were born with it, because their just so oversexed. Okay, and white folks don’t have sex, they just rub noses, huh? Whites are immune to aids is that what you’re telling me, and there are no gays in the white community. No sirée’ bop and I’m selling fried ice cream.
“We should do some serious investigation into that because I suspect that white people and the government are giving blacks aids and then the government fails to give them taxpayer money and help them.”
Well now, I did read in a college book and a few other books back many years ago, when aids first started, that it was started in a laboratory, and that it is man-made, and that is why they’re having such a hard time finding a cure for it. The reason their keeping it hush, hush. However, that could be just a theory. I don’t know. But to be truthfully, honest, with you, no one has come up with an answer to how aids originated that has been made public as of yet. As for blaming white people for giving them aids, I’ve never heard any black person say that. Well, now we all know how allocation of funds goes, blacks pay equal taxes, but get the leftovers, that hasn’t changed.
“Since blacks don't get aids because of their culture like gay people it has to be a white government conspiracy. Blacks should never be held accountable but white people must be.”
Oh Lawd, would you please make up your mind. 50% of black people have aids or they don’t get aids, which one is it? Dang, you sound so confused and double-minded. Blacks are held accountable, haven’t you heard, they’re the ones filling up the prisons, being tasered to death, and who MSM dedicates so much airtime to discussing black community issues and preaching accountability. Which in all sincerity, we appreciate to a certain degree, because it helps us get the word out to alert our community on the dangers of aids.
Either you have a guilty conscience, because you fit a bigot’s shoes, or you just plain ole naïve. However, you need to clean up your own backyard, before you come over and try to tell us how to clean up ours. That's like the blind trying to lead the blind. You get your backyard clean first, and then, come back and tell us about ours.
Or we can work together as a nation and clean them both up at the same time without pointing fingers, leaving one undone while trying to come over and supervise the cleaning up of others. Now, that’s the right way to do it. Instead of turning a blind to what is going on in your own neighborhood, and preaching to someone else about the issues in their neighborhood. You follow me?
@GrannyStandingforTruth You are awesome! Great points.
@Christopher you are right it's too many anonymous on board.
Yes Diane,I remember you from MLW days. Thanks for the link love. I got you as well. Nice site.
Christopher hang in there with the Anon folks, sometimes google can be a pain in the ass :)
Sure are a lot of agent provocateurs running around the black blogosphere lately....lol....spreading their message of Barack-hate. Wonder why??
Granny, HIV/AIDS is a virus that occurs in monkeys in Africa. It affects humans differently than the monkeys. Wouldn't a real conspiracy work better?
Nope, a cure would work better in my honest opinion.
Hey Field,
I completely understand your frustration. Believe me, I'm very frustrated at what Mr. Morton's campaign is doing, and I'm getting ready for a lot more sleaze. But this is what you have to understand. The only reason McSame was running close with Obama was because he was an "independent" or a "maverick." Obviously, the GOP brand right now isn't very fashionable. So McCain's whole argument was "pick me, I'm a maverick, not some ideologue." What his recent attacks have done is pissed off the Washington elite that control the news (Joe Klein, David Gergen, Jonathan Alter (newsweek), NYT, and a whole host of other papers). I know not all in Washington...
Anyway, his nastiness will evaporate any of that "maverickness" that he had, and will make him into your average GOP thug, which the public does not like very much now. Don't get me wrong, he'll get a bounce off the polls because of his negativity. But it'll be shorterm. Long-term, he will have damaged his 'independent' brand (something which I never gave him) and he will at least make the press pissed off enough to not kiss his dirty old toes.
With Obama, it's very much like Reagan in the 80's. People wanted something different, but they were skeptical of the dude. He was finally able to close the deal near the election. That's what Obama will do. Keep in mind: There are 3 more big events.... Obama's VP pick (and Morton's). The Democratic Convention (and the thug convention), and the Debates. Realistically, polls will REALLY matter after all these events are done. Until then, I anticipate some fluctuation, and an eventual Obama grab.
Lastly, keep in mind that Obama is doing fairly well in the ELECTORAL college... He's giong to put a lot of states into play that Dems never did in the past, like Colorado, Virginia, Nevada, Alaska, Montana, North Dakota, Indiana, North Carolina, and Georgia. And he'll be very competitive in Ohio and Florida. So let's sit back, relax, and hope that the O-Man pulls it out.
I can't wait:)
David, Sacramento, CA
@granny: "Yes, and we brought it all on ourselves, because of selfishness and greed. The poor we will have with us always."
Right on target as usual granny.
szechuanpork said...
"Granny, HIV/AIDS is a virus that occurs in monkeys in Africa. It affects humans differently than the monkeys. Wouldn't a real conspiracy work better?"
Not so fast. We may never know for sure, but it's possible that the virus might have been introduced into the human population by scientists for a variety of reasons.
Consider the case of scientist, Bruce Ivins:
"The scientist, Bruce E. Ivins, worked for the past 18 years at the government's biodefense labs at Fort Detrick, Md. For more than a decade, he worked to develop an anthrax vaccine that was effective even in cases where different strains of anthrax were mixed, which made vaccines ineffective, according to federal documents reviewed by the AP.
"Authorities were investigating whether Ivins released the anthrax as a way to test his vaccine...."
This case may not be as isolated as our government would have us believe.
Being black in America has one advantage: I don't believe a damn thing the government tells me on face-value.
I keep a healthy dose of skepticism in my medicine cabinet, and take it daily.
I would recommend that you do the same.
Amen! I actually read a college book back many years ago concerning the AIDS lab experiment. I still remember the color of the cover on that book, dark green and yellow with the picture of some men in army fatigues. Let the government tell it, agent orange didn't exist either. I'm sort of a skeptic myself on anything Uncle Sam has to say, and since Journalisms
ethics have changed, I'm skeptical about them too.
Granny, Dr. Josef Mengele would have been proud of our government, and its on-going experiments on some of its own people.
What our government doesn't want us to know.
Your college text book, probably long since suppressed, may have been closer to the truth than our government would have us believe.
How anyone could turn their mind over to government entities, believing that they always act in the people's best interest, is beyond me.
Field insists that "Silence is never Golden."
And he's right, as the term is used here.
Another quote, by Thomas Jefferson, a person who surely would have known a thing or two about freedom, since he was one of the framers of the US Constitution, and owned slaves:
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." -- Thomas Jefferson
Blacks, in particular, regardless of the source, should take Jefferson's words to heart.
White's would, too, but for their trust in government's goodwill and magnanimity.
Tread about the beginnings of aids in either Penthouse or Playboy in the 80's or early 90's, the article was excellent and very detailed. look it up in the archives. why was I reading Penthouse or Playboy? because I saw it had an article about aids, I was like a secret agent trying to get info but I hoped no one would see me with the magazine. also recently a man is suing the government because through the freedom of information act he received a paper stating the origins of AIDS (test tube) and how the scientist were experimenting with a certain gene contained in blacks that would bind with the Aids virus, white peole do not have this gene. I can't remember the person's name, but google it, it shouldn't be hard to find.
anyone with common sense should understand many of these viruses are man made. How after so many years of man living on this Earth do suddenly new viruses come about? did aliens land and spread these new viruses, common the creator gave us all common sense or third eye use it, how could a disease spread from a monkey to man? never let anyone tell you who your enemy is or who to hate find out for yourself the truth. The original man (BLACK MAN) and native americans HAD NO DISEASES UNTIL THEY CAME ACROSS THE WHITE MAN!
"Charity is just self interest in the long run."
GrannyStandingforTruth said "...We can give millions to other countries to help feed them, but turn our backs on those living right here in our own nation. Charity starts at home, and spreads abroad, but we seem to go against this principle."
Much of that charity abroad consists of products like surplus wheat and cheese that are purchased to support the dairy and farm business at home. Some is miney that has to be spent in on U.S. products which helps our manufacturing.
bean twn chica said: ..."he received a paper stating the origins of AIDS (test tube) and how the scientist were experimenting with a certain gene contained in blacks that would bind with the Aids virus, white peole do not have this gene."
Thanks, bean. I'll look for that Penthouse/Playboy article. Here's another story that gives some support to your comment above.
Just in: Genetic Trait Increases AIDS Risks IN Black People
"Your college text book, probably long since suppressed, may have been closer to the truth than our government would have us believe."
That's what I believe. However, I didn't get rid of my copy of that book. I've been trying to remember what I did with it, but that's been so long ago.
Ladycracker said...
"Charity is just self interest in the long run."
That's a selfish thought too, if you just giving in order to receive.
"anyone with common sense should understand many of these viruses are man made."
That is so true, nothing more than bio warfare experiments.
field, calm the hell down.
By now it is clear to one and all that none of us is more hopeful about an Obama Presidency than you. Though you won't admit it, you are an Obamaholic just like the rest of us.
It's OK.
At every setback along this very long road to his election, you have seen the downside in the situation. And every time it seemed that Obama would stumble and fall, he has come through with flying colors. Sometimes he gets out of trouble himself (as he did with that fantastic speech on race in your very own city) and sometimes he has help. This week he got some help from John McCain himself. First McCain made the mistake of mocking Obama for advocating filling our tires up properly... and then he said what a good idea AAA thinks it is. And of course he made that disastrous add with Paris Hilton and Brittney Spears and Obama.
It was a disaster for him even before Paris released her own add in reply. The idiot failed to take note of the fact that Paris' mom and dad are among his own MAXED OUT DONORS. And mama Hilton is seriously not amused. And then Paris made her own ad which has been seen about 3 million times in 24 hours. She OWNS MCCAIN NOW.
Field, your problem is that you just can't allow yourself to believe the evidence of your senses. I know how hard it is to ignore the spin that MSM puts on every fact it reports. But the facts are looking better and better very week for Obama.
Could he still lose at this point? Yes. But, at this point, John McCain will have to bring something to the table in addition to being the wrinkled white guy (as Miss Paris calls him). And let's face it, the guy has NOTHING.
What fun we still have ahead of us! The Olympics ad wars! The VP announcement! The convention acceptance speech on the anniversary of the 'I Have a Dream Speech'! That Geritol telethon also known as the RNC convention! The DEBATES!
It is going to be the most fun we have had in politics in decades. So field, please relax. You and Mrs. Field need to start planning a party to celebrate on election night and go in with friends to hold your own inaugural ball in January! But, above all, breathe! He is winning. All is well.
And go watch Paris Hilton's ad. It will make you smile.
Call GirlS
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