The crimson running through a rural stretch in Southern Alabama had nothing to do with the beloved "Crimson Tide" associated with the states famous football team. No, the crimson that flowed yesterday was from the blood of ten people, thanks to the latest in a long line of A-merry-can lunatics living among us.
I heard the first apologist for Michael McLendon last night on Anderson Cooper 's show. "Oh he was a good kid, he grew up with my kids, I used to be his T-ball coach". You would think the guy was recommending the shooter for one of those Hero episodes on CNN. No sir, Michael was a fucking lunatic ,who slaughtered 10 people before cowardly taking his own life. It's that simple. But just like the mothers and grandmothers who swear little Pookie couldn't hurt a fly, --the same Pookie who was pulling stick ups and shooting rival drug dealers on the corner since he was old enough to drive-- these folks make excuses for the inexcusable.
"The community's just in disbelief, just how this could happen in our small town," said state Sen. Harri Anne Smith, from the nearby town of Slocomb. "
Of course every time some lunatic decides that the way of the gun is best, we try to figure out why. (Oh ohhh here comes field with the gun control speech again) How could this happen in our neighborhoods, our schools, and in our nice quiet community? Only those uncivilized blacks in those urban areas should be killing each other. This doesn't happen to us, does it? Yes it does happen to you, and it will continue to happen until we get some sensible gun legislation in this country.
Already the gun rights wackos are coming out of the woodwork to wonder if this will be the catalyst for his O ness taking away their semi-automatic weapons. "..President's family is protected with fully automatic weapons yet he would deny protection with semi-automatics to yours" Call me crazy, but I kind of want my president to be protected from loons like you guys. But I don't want you, or the thugs on the streets of Philly, armed with any damn weapon, let alone a semi-automatic. Now I ask you folks, what the hell was this genius doing with a Bushmaster AR-15 and a SKS assault rifle? What is any civilian doing with these types of weapons? Which are, by the way, being mass produced for the market place as I write this.
I didn't check this, but I am willing to bet my original Al Kaline baseball card that this wacko had a license to carry, and if there was a background check, there would be nothing in his past to prevent him from owning a weapon. I am guessing that being a good ole boy from Alabama, Michael was quite handy with the steel, and was quite comfortable with his toys of death and destruction.
"Alabama has one of the highest gun ownership rates in the nation -- more than 57 percent of the state's households have guns -- and some of the weakest gun laws in the country. At the same time, its overall gun death rate for 2005 (16.18 per 100,000) ranks it fifth in the nation. "
And the beat goes on. Of course, not to be outdone, Germany had their own version of Culumbine, today. Those damn Germans, they want to be the best at everything. Tim Kretschmer killed 15 people before his 17 years on earth ended.
"Kretschmer did not shoot wildly, Rech said, contradicting earlier police statements, but hit most of his victims in the head."
Wow, a lunatic with good aim. Too bad there weren't some NRA people around.
Now I ask you folks, what the hell was this genius doing with a Bushmaster AR-15 and a SKS assault rifle?
He probably bought those weapons when white folks were going crazy buying guns after Obama was elected.
Anybody still think the human race is "evolving?" Seems to me we're circling the drain and we can't help but find new and faster means of degrading our condition.
Oh! I'm sure someone will bring up medical science as evidence that we are getting better. Let's be real. Medical science prolongs life it does not enhance it. I don't see anyone living to 150 or beyond and hell 100 is an achievement!
Fact is the human condition is worsening fast. God help us.
All I can see it is more to come...I hate to say it, but I total agree with you..How in the heck do someone get a killer machine and why are they doing on the market...
I guess this mass killing top the black folks one from last week.
I guess they wanted to be superior to us....I guess killing those family member and baby will be on the news for at least three weeks and people wondering why a young white guy would be capable of these killing.......because he wanted too...he was not insane...
Oh boy field, there you go stirring the pot again, and while the wounds are still fresh no less....side note, aren't these the same people who showed up in droves to get those guns the day after the election? This is just the beginning just wait and see. PS. keep stirring that pot, its good to know someone is watching even if its just on simmer :)
I'm with you all the way on gun control. I'm from Australia, where there is no gun culture and no right to bear arms. Gun-related death happens only very rarely.
And quite honestly, we look at the USA's gun worship as some really backward shit and proof that you guys are a bit crazy. Don't understand it at all!
Sure, people do get stabbed and beat up over here, but if there is a sick freak with a grudge against society, at least he can't just walk down to the mall and casually pick up a weapon of mass destruction.
When things like this I happen, I wonder why the religious groups who are obsessed with gay marriage and stem cell research have nothing to say.
This is a real crime and tragedy that clearly threatens the sanctity of family and yet there is silence from these groups who care so much.
Indeed, all those armed crackers couldnt stop him. Amazing how this takes place in Red States, eh? Two for the people murdered were one of the pursuing cop's WIFE and BABY. My God. And these are same dumbass fucks who consider us apes, or turn down stimulus money which arguably helps them more than black folks (but of course their banks who don't loan to us or our business love them TARP checks...).
Also cancels out the argument that arming college students would have stopped Va. Tech...
...and speaking of crazy Asians, Field, check my blog post on folk from India to Japan lightening skin, getting blue eyes, etc., and still considering us dumbass apes...
First thing I thought when I read these two stories: can't wait to hear what field has to say. You didn't disappoint.
I had nothing to do with this.
Hate to tell ya starjones...The "man" only cares about two things in this world GUNS and his DOG!!! And in that particular order too!!!....... I will creep out of the now....
"When things like this I happen, I wonder why the religious groups who are obsessed with gay marriage and stem cell research have nothing to say."
Me and you both.
Okay szpork, that was funny. But the day you get some crazy thoughts get online right away, and we will talk you through it.
Christopher, that's a wild post over at your site. Thanks for leading me to it.
But what's up with the Trinny shout? :)
Well, it seems he had filed a law suit against the factory where his mom worked, the same place he drove to and killed himself... after killing 10 others.....
Tomorrow or the next day, this will be old news, except to the family members of those killed... The demented rage is just another lay off or firing away from happening again. In another town where neighbors are gonna be shocked that billy bob did this.
The Second Amendment should be repealed. Period. There is no way to get rid of this absurd gun obsession in this country so long as gun ownership is an inalienable "right" guaranteed by teh Constitution. The 2nd Amendment is truly the curse of the founding fathers.
They are always saying that if everyone was armed, then killers like this would be stopped. Well where were all the gun-toting people of Alabama to shoot this guy down before he got to victim number 2, or 6, or 10?
Glory hit it right on the head.
You have an Al Kaline Baseball card!?
Here's the thing. Lets say we get rid of all the assault rifles. Would something like this still happen with hand guns and shotguns. What if we get rid of them. Can't it still happen with hunting rifles. My point is, getting the guns never struck me as the solution. Stringent control of them, registration and background checks, and updated registration requirements would help. But I just don't know if that solves the problem.
Oh Lawd, now, this is what I've got to listen to the next two days how great this young man...he was such a decentyoung man...he was a good neighbor...hard worker...Dr. Phil and others giving his advice...folks requesting a study be done on stress...he was such a good son...how no one would have ever guessed that something was wrong...he was such a polite and respectable young man...he was a angel...blah, blah, blah...yea...yea...yea, right!
Goodness gracious, I'm already worn out from the excuses they'll be making for him that I'll be hearing for two or maybe one more day.
BTW, szpork:
The cat got your tongue?
OK-I'm a native/current resident of AL, and I can agree with every stat you quoted. It is truly "guns and religion" in this state. Yes, I love my religion, but I just do not understand the blatant, almost ABNORMAL love for guns in this state! I remember one of your frequent commenters, Chris from Rochester said: "What is so great about guns? You can't eat a gun or ride a gun to work."
They can't pay your bills. All they can do is hurt or kill.
About the murder rate in AL: most of it comes from the city in which I currently live: BIRMINGHAM. Almost every night, more people gunned down in serious violence.
God bless that small town and the lives lost. But we've got to stop the "not in my small town where everyone is nice" naivete. Nowadays it can happen anywhere, anytime, to anyone.
And let's get more gun regulation, and get these assault weapons off the street!
"Tomorrow or the next day, this will be old news"
I'm beginning to think some of our prophetic abilities are rubbing off on you. You hit the nail on the head with that one.
So many loonies, I wish the Prez never went anywhere except Camp David & Oprah's estate on Maui.
Your right, he's glad he didn't run across a NRA supporter, they would have stopped his ass, before the cops got to him. This fool shot his mother, burned the house and start killed his own relatives on their porch. If someone did a gun, they could have stop him. But guns are bad, and they kill, yes they kill, they kill fool like this man was. A NRA or anybody with a gun could have stopped him long before the crossed the county line.
Why didn't they then? I'm sure some of the members in his family were NRA members, since they like to introduce their young to guns as soon as they learn to walk and talk.
And he killed the woman who probably cooked and baked cookies and cakes just for him even when her bones was aching, who used to sit him on her lap when he was a little boy and read him stories,and beamed with joy everytime she introduced him to someone;who told everybody in town that he was gonna to be a doctor or lawyer when he growed up, helped him learn his ABCs, to tie his shoe, etc...his grandmother. Smh!
Poor old woman, I feel sad for her. She probably brought him his first coat, pair of shoes, outfit, and wanted to give him the world on a silver platter.
Granny.... you don't have to be a member of NRA to own a gun, please! where have you been? I start shooting at a very young age, I haven't killed anyone, I carry a pistol on me, and have drawn it a few time, when someone tried to rob me (and im not making this up). Who knows what the family members had or didn't have, it obvious that they didn't have weapons for protection, if they did GRANNY, they would have used it, just like anyone in their right mind, second he probably went there because he knew they didn't have protection, see granny, you go where you know you're not in danger. Third they might think like you 'guns and nra members are bad!'. I can't speak for this family, I can speak for mine, If one of my cousins, tried something like this, his ass would have been shot, in our family its 'who is the quickest' Im the only one in my family that is a lifetime member of NRA and know at least 15 members that has carry permits and to carry something. Granny would you feel better if he used a knife, since you have something against guns, you know people kill with knives as well, how many times have you spoke out against Chicago Knives,Yanagiba,Metheny, Berghoff, Santoku, you know GRANNY a nice 'chef's knife' and 'pocket knife' is widely used in murders and, GRANNY you can get a knife anywhere, any age, no Id, no state requirement, under $5 bucks, you can even buy one at a gas station counter, for $9. An if these guns are that bad, go to washington and demand that all secret service and security for Obama put their weapons in lock boxes, demand that no guns be used in the event that something may happen to Obama. Demand that no guns are to be on the grounds of the white house. And no security that has any gun tactical training be around the Obama's.
In the UK we banned automatic weapons after the Hungerford massacre, and then banned hand guns after the Dunblaine massacre.(Which almost did for an eight year-old school pupil called Andy Murray, who grew up to be one of the World's great tennis players) Even people who shoot in Olympic competitions have to travel to France now to practice.
The affect of these bans can now be seen in gun crime statistics in the UK. It takes a while for the bans to have a positive effect, but happens eventually, and it is very worth doing.
Granny, I guess you're makeing these statements because of the state this happened in, last time I checked, teenagers in large city's have guns, use them to kill, and im sure in big cities, someone cook cookies, read stories, sat on laps, introduced, beamed with joy with some 14 who got a gun and blasted somebody brains out, you mean to tell me you did know that kids in large cities use guns? And They Are Black, and not a member of NRA. Where have you been ?
I now live in a city (Rome) where there are on average less than 20 murders a year. 4 million people live here and millions more visit as tourists.
It's only early March and there have been 47 murders already in Philly.
We have a serious problem with gun violence in America.
People would rather blame an inanimate object instead of the people using the object. The problem isn't with the gun. It's the people pulling the trigger we should be worried about.
Absent guns, these wackos would resort to other methods of mass destruction and misery, some of those not as effective (knives, bats, shivs) and those that are more than effective (pipe bombs, fertilizer, poisonous gas).
If they want to kill, they will kill, by any means necessary.
I rather we get some programs in place to lock these people away or get them help before they end up pulling yet another horrible massacre like this.
The same freedom we have in America to do wrong also gives us the freedom to protect ourselves.
Who is going to tell the lady in the linked story, "Sorry but you can't have a gun to protect yourself" ?
Church Lady
You cannot take guns away from law abiding citizens and leave them no means by which to defend themselves.
The fact that the same tragedies occurred in Germany, a nation with much more restrictive gun laws than the US should give us pause about reflexively seeking to ban guns.
As far as the specific guns used, "assault weapon" is really a media creation. Bushmaster AR-15 rifles and SKS rifles are semi-automatic weapons, no different than thousands of other weapons used for hunting, target shooting, display etc. One squeeze of the trigger = one bullet. The technology behind semi-automatic weaponry is about 100 years old.
Other than cosmetic things like pistol grips or magazine capacity the "assault weapons" ban was pretty useless. However it looks like with AG Holder making noises about reinstating it, that all those "crazy crackers" who rushed out and loaded up on ammo and guns in the first days of the new Administration might not have been so paranoid after all.
I don't understand why so many progressives are so automatically anti-gun. I don't think we should cede gun related issues to conservatives. I do not wish to live in a country where only the conservatives, criminals, military and police are armed.
I do not get why when one evil or crazy person does something wrong, some people want the state to confiscate weapons.
I think in some very important ways, this debate was already settled in the Supreme Court Heller decision. Short of revoking the Second Amendment, we're going to have relatively free access to guns in America for the forseeable future.
The gun nuts have been busy of late.
Ten slaughtered in Alabama, fifteen shot down in Germany, and it isn't even April yet.
Another reason why I'm looking forward to voting out of office, NRA queen and NY Sen. Kristin Gillibrand.
I know she's the Borg Queen's personal choice to replace her in the senate but Missy Gillibrand gets a 100% perfect score from the NRA.
Gillibrand is opposed to any and all restrictions on firearms and even says children as young as 5 should be able to pack a handgun in their lunch box.
The broad is a kook.
Someone hel me here:where did I say take guns away from law abiding citizens? I saw ban soem of these semi-assault rifles which were meant to hunt people and not Bambi.
Maybe one of the gun experts who post here can help me with this. Is this an unrealistic expectation?
earlgrey, are you a Tigers fan? If you are, you can understand why it's not for sale. Even though it's not worth a whole lot. (1962 Topps)
I find it fascinating that those that advocate no gun control completely IGNORE the statistics of the countries that have gun control. Did you not read above the stats on Rome and England above!!??? There are pissed off people in those countries. There are criminals in those countries. There are hunters in those countries. And, as Canada has shown us, there are plenty of people that own hunting rifles, but there are very few murders. But yet somehow, their murder rates are sooo much lower than ours. hhmmmmmm.
Tell you what..... let's have the ban for 5 years and see if it makes a difference. If it doesn't, fine. We will get rid of the bans. Because I ask you.... how's that gun totin working for us now????
i hope you are following what's happening in DC, field. they're dragging down giving DC a vote in the House with unacceptable gun bills...
who is still being oppressed? and by whom?
nothing is changed.
I don't have anything much to add here that hasn't already been said, but I would like to comment that, here in New England, where gun ownership isn't really high on the agenda of most folks, I was more than a little horrified by how quickly the gun crazies came out of the woodwork, just like you said, Field, to predict that this would be used by Obama to "take away our guns."
And Brazil and Mexico have more restrictive gun laws than the US but have higher murder rates.
We already had a "assault weapons" ban for ten years (1994-2004). It didn't make a difference. So that experiment was tried. It failed.
I don't know of a way to distinguish between "assault weapons" and any other semi-automatic rifle. The technology is exactly the same. Manufacturers could and did get get in compliance with the law by changing cosmetic features such as magazine capacity, barrel shrouds or folding stocks.
Despite the SCOTUS misinterpreting the Second Amendment to mean a "well-armed militia" says NASCAR Joe with a beer buzz has the right to carry a pistol into 7-11 and if he gets the wrong amount of change from the clerk, sink a bullet in the clerk's head, the fact remains that states, cities and towns restrict and even ban (yes, Field, ban) guns all the time, as NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg did, after droves of police were killed by criminals armed with firearms.
This is the other side of "states rights," where local jurisdictions can make their own laws separate and apart from the interpretation of the High Court.
The real gun control issue hear begins with constitutional interpretation. The founding fathers in their wisdom wrote in the right to bear arms for the sake of insuring that a tyrannical gov't could be overthrown. Before any gun nuts think I'm saying 44 embodies tyranny well you're just crazy and wrong. We rebelled against the tyranny of King George to eventually start our own nation. The right to bear arms was intended for the citizenry to form militias should the need arise. Again, gun nuts, not referring to the boy scouts on steroids playing soldier in the woods. We have state militias that meet this need.
Having said all that, do I think the common man should have to right to bear arms? Yes. Do I? No. Unfortunately I believe their is too much state control over gun ownership guidelines. The federal gov't should enact a framework for legal gun ownership from which states can expand upon should they see fit. There should be criminal and civil background checks. How many women have to die because that restraining order didn't stop a bullet.
Granted, it can be argued that those with the desire will gain weapons illegally but that isn't the issue we are discussing. It would be interesting to see the statistics on how many victims of gun violence suffered at the hands of someone who had a legal right to carry a firearm.
@Shady, most of those guns in Mexico are coming from? wait for it.... TEXAS! And they are engaged in a war right now between the drug cartels and their corrupt government. And, there are serious concerns that that war is spilling over into our border states. Canada, our other border country is not experiencing the same kind of crisis, thus the difference. The ban that happened was a joke. Basically, gun manufacturers just sold automatic weapons taken apart and even had instructions on how to put them back together! When I say gun control, I am talking about hand guns, and assault weapons. Comprehensive gun control. We have NEVER had that in this country. And, it would have to be federal because the problem we have now is the ease with which determined people just go across state lines to buy guns where they cannot buy them in their own communities. The worst perpetrators are the gun shows.
FYI, there are gun dealers, according to ATF, that are engaged in the illegal gun trade. That is where they are making the big bucks... out the back door. They report regularly on losses in shipments from the gun manufacturers... and little is being done to stop this. According to ATF, it is hard to do because there is such little regulation. And, there are US arms merchants that make BILLIONS from selling their arms outside the US to places they know damn well are being used to feed the fires of war. They are merchants of death, period.
@Shady, most of those guns in Mexico are coming from? wait for it.... TEXAS! And they are engaged in a war right now between the drug cartels and their corrupt government. And, there are serious concerns that that war is spilling over into our border states. Canada, our other border country is not experiencing the same kind of crisis, thus the difference. The ban that happened was a joke. Basically, gun manufacturers just sold automatic weapons taken apart and even had instructions on how to put them back together! When I say gun control, I am talking about hand guns, and assault weapons. Comprehensive gun control. We have NEVER had that in this country. And, it would have to be federal because the problem we have now is the ease with which determined people just go across state lines to buy guns where they cannot buy them in their own communities. The worst perpetrators are the gun shows.
FYI, there are gun dealers, according to ATF, that are engaged in the illegal gun trade. That is where they are making the big bucks... out the back door. They report regularly on losses in shipments from the gun manufacturers... and little is being done to stop this. According to ATF, it is hard to do because there is such little regulation. And, there are US arms merchants that make BILLIONS from selling their arms outside the US to places they know damn well are being used to feed the fires of war. They are merchants of death, period.
Ok, I'm waiting for people to blame his white mother now. going once going twice...
Shady sez - 'Bushmaster AR-15 rifles and SKS rifles are semi-automatic weapons"
The Bushmaster is. However, at least according to police, the "SKS" had either been purchased, or converted to full auto.
Skirting the law is common in several "gun" states.
Jody - most of the guns being sold to Mexico from US Gun Shops aren't made in the US. They are either made in China, or are surplus from Eastern Block countries military. The reason is all of the major US companies engineer their commercial guns sold to the civilian market as to make it very difficult, if not impossible to convert to automatic.
Some of the Chinese guns can be converted with the modification or replacement of a certain part, in some cases easily done, and within the technical skill level of your average homeowner. These particular models are in high demand and command higher prices.
The second driver is price. The Bushmaster sells from about $700 up, making it one of the cheaper US made "military style" guns.
SKS variants can be purchased for as little as $100.
Insofar as "missing shipments", you'd need to provide some proof to that. Most of the "illegal" guns are bought legally by "straw" buyers, who resell them at a profit to bad guys. States which don't limit quantities which can be purchased are typically the targets.
My Dad grew up in Detroit, Mumford High and all. So even though I grew up out west I have a soft spot for the Tigers and their history. And for something like that it's not the monetary worth it's the simple coolness factor ;)
"a license to carry"? In Alabama?
I haven't researched, but visits to Alabama make me think you don't need no licenses in Alabama. Hardly even need a license to drive, though it would be nice to keep the 12 year-olds off the public roads.
You'd probably consider me a gun nut, just because I like to drink and take a few shots off my back deck. But, Alabama scares me: only place I've been where it's typical to see the guy behind you in a check-out line has a little 38 in a holster on his belt, plain as day, not even self-conscious about it.
As I think many here would agree: Alabama is not yet ready for self government.
Such a Target-Rich environment here...first of all, that was Alabama's first mass murder, y'all know we're about 50 years behind the rest of y'all...
1: Charles Whitman did just fine with an old fashioned Bolt Action Rifle...
2: 10 people killed? at least the shooter had the decency to include himself, I'm still payin for Brian Nichol's room and board..
3: Y'all just make Y'alls selves look stew-pid with Y'alls ignorance of basic firearms terminology,,,lets make a deal, I won't talk about Anal Sex, y'all don't talk about guns...
4: Y'all know Gun Control predominantly disarms the Negroes?? that whole Felons/Drug Users/Domestic Violence thing...its fine with me...
Definition –
Gun Control ; The ability to maintain target acquisition.
“Come and Take It”
And yet, I guarantee we won't see Bill O'Reilly foaming at the mouth about crazy white people with guns. Oh no. Little Mikey will either be painted as a librul, or the blame for his rampage will somehow be Bill Clinton's fault. Or maybe both.
Speaking of whack jobs...
Looks like this guy's wife should be given the Congressional Medal of Freedom for shooting his ass...
BELFAST, Maine — James G. Cummings, who police say was shot to death by his wife two months ago, allegedly had a cache of radioactive materials in his home suitable for building a “dirty bomb.”
According to an FBI field intelligence report from the Washington Regional Threat and Analysis Center posted online by WikiLeaks, an organization that posts leaked documents, an investigation into the case revealed that radioactive materials were removed from Cummings’ home after his shooting death on Dec. 9.
The report posted on the WikiLeaks Web site states that “On 9 December 2008, radiological dispersal device components and literature, and radioactive materials, were discovered at the Maine residence of an identified deceased [person] James Cummings.”
The section referring to Cummings can be read here.
It says that four 1-gallon containers of 35 percent hydrogen peroxide, uranium, thorium, lithium metal, thermite, aluminum powder, beryllium, boron, black iron oxide and magnesium ribbon were found in the home.
Also found was literature on how to build “dirty bombs” and information about cesium-137, strontium-90 and cobalt-60, radioactive materials. The FBI report also stated there was evidence linking James Cummings to white supremacist groups. This would seem to confirm observations by local tradesmen who worked at the Cummings home that he was an ardent admirer of Adolf Hitler and had a collection of Nazi memorabilia around the house, including a prominently displayed flag with swastika. Cummings claimed to have pieces of Hitler’s personal silverware and place settings, painter Mike Robbins said a few days after the shooting.
An application for membership in the National Socialist Movement filled out by Cummings also was found in the residence, according to the report. Cummings’ wife, Amber B. Cummings, 31, told investigators that her husband spoke of “dirty bombs,” according to the report, and mixed chemicals in her kitchen sink. She allegedly told police that Cummings subjected her to years of mental, physical and sexual abuse. She also said that Cummings was “very upset” when Barack Obama was elected president.
A “dirty bomb” is a type of “radiological dispersal device” that combines a conventional explosive such as dynamite with radioactive material, according to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Web site. “Most RDDs would not release enough radiation to kill people or cause severe illness,” the NRC says, adding that “a dirty bomb is in no way similar to a nuclear weapon” because its effects occur in a very limited area compared to a nuclear explosion.
The report noted that “uranium, thorium, cesium-137, stontium-90 and cobalt-60 are radioactive isotopes and 35 percent hydrogen peroxide is a necessary precursor for the manufacture of peroxide-based explosives. Lithium metal, thermite and aluminum are materials used to sensitize and amplify the effects of explosives.”
The report stated that the uranium component was bought online from a U.S. company that was identified in the investigation, but not in the report...
Telephone messages left with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security were not returned Tuesday evening. Robbins, who worked on the house for a month last summer, described Cummings as an angry person who was verbally abusive to his wife. He said Cummings apparently was independently wealthy and did not work. Robbins said Cummings talked incessantly about his love of guns and his fascination for Hitler. He said Cummings repeatedly berated his wife about home-schooling their daughter. He said Cummings had a controlling personality and wanted to know his wife and child’s every move.
Cummings grew up in California and lived in Texas before moving to Maine in August 2007. Although Robbins said Cummings told him he made his money in Texas real estate, it appears that the actual source of his wealth was a trust fund established by his father, a prominent landowner in the Northern California city of Fort Bragg. An Internet search of the James B. Cummings Trust indicated that it has an annual income of $10 million.
Like I said before on a another thread, you check into the background of one of these white supremacist types...
And 9 times out of 10, they are beating their wife and/or diddling their kids...
If not the household pets.
Dregs sez - "4: Y'all know Gun Control predominantly disarms the Negroes??"
Damn Frank - proving that even a broken clock is right twice a day! Much of the early gun control legislation was aimed at keeping black folks disarmed. Prior to the Civil War, almost all of the (to be) confederate states banned free black folks from owning or carrying guns.
Indeed, a couple of my ancestors petitioned the court in their state to be able to carry guns to protect themselves from "wild animals" in the mountains where they lived. They were granted licenses. Since it was illegal for them to buy guns, the question nobody seems to have gotten around to asking at the time was...
"Where did they get the guns?"
Well... Seems that some of your ancestors on one of the shorter branches of your family shrub were in the "slave catching" business, which principally consisted of kidnapping any black person who wasn't already in chains, and transporting them to another state where they could be declared "runaways" and re-enslaved.
Those rather unlucky scions of your line seem to have gone up one of those mountains...
And fallen into a 18" wide hole into a deep cavern shaft...
Without their guns. A fact discovered by some spelunkers in the 80's (1980's) who found their remains.
Funny thing is, couple of Reb soldiers seem to have made the same mistake durin' the war, having wound up at the bottom of that treacherous mine in uniform, but without guns or powder.
So... how 'bout I don't talk about guns, and you don't regale us with why the sheep are scared on your farm?
Talk to the gun wackos and they'll tell you this wouldn't have happened if everyone was allowed to carry. Gives you a mental image of a Wild West bloodbath. Nice. This is their idea of self-government. I wonder if Alabama will refuse stimulus funds, too.
Breaking news!
Looks like Uncle Mikie Steele just had another "career limiting" moment -
Steele Steps In It (Again)
Less than 24 hours after beating back rumors of a no-confidence vote in his leadership, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele is on defense again over an interview he gave with GQ's Lisa DePaulo.
The piece, which hit last night, features Steele giving something less than an unequivocal endorsement of the pro-life stance that is at the center of what it means to be a Republican for many of the people who elected the former Maryland lieutenant governor as chairman in January.
Here's the exchange:
Steele: "The choice issue cuts two ways. You can choose life, or you can choose abortion. You know, my mother chose life. So, you know, I think the power of the argument of choice boils down to stating a case for one or the other."
DePaulo: "Are you saying you think women have the right to choose abortion?"
Steele: "Yeah. I mean, again, I think that's an individual choice."
DePaulo: "You do?"
Steele: "Yeah. Absolutely."...
I knew it wouldn't be long before anti-gun folks would use this as a reason to take away gun rights. It's always been a flawed argument. It's like saying that government should take away cars, because people have been run over by drunk drivers or someone was killed by an a**hole who decided to drag race.
Germany has some of the strictest gun laws in Europe...in fact, they have some of the toughest gun restrictions in the World but that didn't seem to do a damn thing to stop this latest rampage.... (and Germany...and the EU have had quite a few rampages of their own).
So that argument is dead on arrival. But it's funny watching the anti-gun folks spin the same argument every time some crazy sumbitch decides to go on a killing spree.
The anti-gun folks want the rest of society to be the victim of the thugs and criminals who they advocate for and who they love so much. I say no thank you. If you want to be vulnerable to criminals... that's your choice. But don't impose that on others.
And to say that concealed carry is now no good because no one stopped the nut in Ala-BAMA... that's a stupid argument. Concealed carry didn't work because no one was in the right place in the right time (in these rural towns)??? PLEASE!
Even the police couldn't get to this guy in time...and they were on his ass for the last half of this horror show.
Unfortunately the anti-gun advocates have been able to brainwash their flock of sheep. Because the news regarding the use of guns is 99.9% negative. It always has to do with a mass shooting...a bad police shooting, or some other criminal act... the bottom line is... the context is always a negative one.
Folks don't get to hear or read about the legal and responsible use of guns. Those stories are numerous...but they don't usually make national news. They are buried on page 6 of the local papers... (if they make the paper at all). These are stories where homeowners have properly and successfully defended their families... or stories where mass shooters and potential murderers have been stopped by off duty law enforcement or armed citizens. Those stories (and there are a lot of them) never get the national spotlight. So I think that has a lot to do with the negative attitudes that people have...regarding ANYTHING gun related.
But there are a few good websites that folks should take a look at. One I suggest is the Gun Defense Blog... run by a gentlemen by the name of Clayton Cramer. He writes some good stuff on the subject of guns and gun ownership...gun rights, etc.
The Gun Defense Blog... posts a running...constantly updated list of stories from across the Country that highlight incidents where guns were used properly by citizens to defend themselves.
Now I know most Blacks won't support the idea behind these self defense reports no matter what...because the stories involve criminals being shot and/or killed during their attacks and home invasions (because Blacks seem to have a soft spot for rapists, home invaders, murderers and burglars)... yes, I understand that. And it has a lot to do with many of these criminals being....well... Black. And Blacks tend to choose race over their own safety (crazy stuff that i'll never understand). It's a strange psyche.
But for all those folks who would like to read the blog... here's the URL...
Just copy and paste.
I believe there are stories there that go back several years.
Great reading.
It's a shame that gun rights and gun ownership (by responsible, law abiding, mentally sane citizens) have been demonized...
It's ironic that the anti-Gun, Pro-Criminal crowd has stigmatized legal, responsible gun ownership.... but they don't shame the criminal element in their own communities...esp. the urban terrorists who are bringing Hell to Black communities all across this Country with nearly the same energy.
Field is great... I love the blog... but this is the same man who defended a home invader in California about a year ago... suggesting that the homeowner was wrong for defending his home, himself and his family by shooting one of the suspects. Why was this an issue for the Field? It had to do with the suspect being Black. (WTF!!!?). Yeah... the homeowner was racist for shooting a home invader...and the Prosecutor in that County was racist for charging the surviving accomplice with as many violations as he possibly could.
This is the same man who wants the thugs in his own city (Philly) to be able to terrorize the citizens at whim...and wants the system to not be so hard on these guys.... we should smother the urban terrorists with love and affection when they are carjacking us... invading our homes... raping children... pimping the children, selling their drugs and using youngsters as cannon fodder, etc... robbing and beating the elderly, shooting us, taking our property, and destroying neighborhoods. I think Field is taking the "Brotherly Love" motto a little bit too far.
Fields arguments didn't make sense then (after the California story), don't make sense now...and never will make any sense.
Although I do believe in gun control...
We had a nut in Metro St. Louis enter a church a few days ago (in the Illinois metro) and shoot the pastor for no apparent reason. It turns out...the guy had a history of mental issues.... and he had an arsenal of guns. There needs to be a Federal system that would prevent the mentally ill from owning guns. PERIOD!!! So we do agree on that.
I just don't like the idea of folks wanting to use these events to trash all gun ownership across the board and wanting to eliminate the 2nd amendment (which has been upheld by the Supreme Court countless times). The anti-Gun folks are pushing a disingenuous, unfair, and ill conceived argument founded on fear, hysteria and misinformation.
And for the record...just so I can nip this in the bud.... I disagree with Cramer's political views.
I just like some of what he has to say regarding gun rights.
A spoken like a true Jamaican with this one indeed. No sir, Michael was a fucking lunatic.
Hey Field, good job on honoring Paul Bogle last week in the field negro section.
Field do they have any gun buy back programs like the ones they do in the inner cities? It's called guns for cash.
We have em' in the South Anonymous, they're called "Gun Shows"...seriously, have you ever seen what turns up at those Gun Buy Backs? old broken revolvers that even Barney Fife wouldn't use, single shot 16 gauge shotguns, most of which were probably stolen...no ones turnin in National Match M1A1's or Garands... and I know none Y'all knows what I'm talkin about...lets just say its like if they were tryin to get those dangerous Rap albums off the Streets and all they got was "Fat Boys" cassettes...
La♥Incognita said...
"Ok, I'm waiting for people to blame his white mother now. going once going twice..."
Granny co-signing with you,baby. I'm sitting here tapping my finger on my desk, humming a tune, and patting my foot waiting to hear that. Knowing that won't happen. They don't get it, it's not the parent or their race that causes a child to go bad, it's that child's mind that is bad.
Their argument will forever remain:
Blacks kill because their thugs and criminals. Whites kill because their angels that made a mistake. Here's a reality check both kill because their thought patterns are EVIL.
"Y'all know Gun Control predominantly disarms the Negroes?? that whole Felons/Drug Users/Domestic Violence thing...its fine with me..."
I have to give you credit where credit is due, I'm fair. You told the truth there and said it in a sensible matter. Nevertheless, I wish they would ban all guns for all citizens, and there was no such thing as guns. Better yet, ban bullets as well.
Angry Independent:
"The anti-gun folks want the rest of society to be the victim of the thugs and criminals who they advocate for and who they love so much....you want to be vulnerable to criminals...Now I know most Blacks won't support the idea behind these self defense reports no matter what...because the stories involve criminals being shot and/or killed during their attacks and home invasions (because Blacks seem to have a soft spot for rapists, home invaders, murderers and burglars)...And Blacks tend to choose race over their own safety (crazy stuff that i'll never understand). It's a strange psyche"
I don't where you got your misguided information about how blacks feel about criminals, but it is just that, misguided and not true! Reading what you said, I'd be more worried about you snapping one day and going on a killing spree because I sensed a lot of anger in you.
About the sidebar with Pelosi, that has been debunked.
FOX News' Pelosi Airplane Smear Crashes And Burns
Reported by Ellen - March 12, 2009 - 48 comments
You could hardly look at FOX News last night (3/11/09) without seeing either a discussion or a chyron hyping their accusation that Nancy Pelosi made “unprecedented demands” for a military aircraft to fly her back and forth from Washington to her district. Bill O'Reilly could barely conceal his glee, as seen in the discussion with Dennis Miller (video after the jump or here) in which Miller "joked," “The worst thing about lending Pelosi an aircraft is it always comes back with an eye job on the cockpit, where the window shields are pulled up at a really unnatural, disturbing mark. That's the worst part of lending her a jet. And the fact that somebody thinks this empty-headed Pashmina mannequin has to be guarded from people will show you how absolutely made the world has gone.” Sean Hannity brought it up last night (see video below) and the night before on his program, too. But ABC News has not only debunked this story as “unproven,” its investigation revealed that Pelosi has taken fewer trips on the jet than her predecessor Republican Dennis Hastert. Wanna bet that will be the end of this “controversy?” With video.
It's funny how FOX News has developed a sudden sensitivity to waste in Washington. I don't recall a single discussion about allegations of war-profiteering by Halliburton, for example. And yet, now that there's a Democratic Congress and a Democratic president, FOX News keeps flying the Pelosi plane “controversy,” even when it's manufactured.
When Kirsten Powers, on Hannity's "Great American Panel," correctly pointed out that it was the Defense Department that arranged for her to travel in a military aircraft, Hannity dismissed that by saying, "forget about the excuses."
But now that ABC News has reported, “It appears that Pelosi uses military aircraft less often than her predecessor, former Speaker of the House (Republican) Dennis Hastert," it's a pretty safe bet that FOX News' interest in excessive use of military aircraft by the Speaker will disappear.
I suspect that's why this story, so prominent earlier in the evening, can not now be found on FOXNews.com's current home page.
Wasn't there a gun ban in D.C. for over 30 years?
Wasn't there a gun ban in San Fran and Chi-town.?
Did any of these bans lower the crime rates? NOPE!!
So what makes anyone think that gun laws would have stoped this or prevented something like this from happening?
Also comparing this country to othes in terms of crime is a bullsh*t arguement.
Funny how cops kill unarmed black men in the blink of an eye.But let some devil have a bad day,go on a shooting spree with an automatic weapon & they gotta chase him all over town until he kills himself!
things that make go hmmmmm.
33 & 1/3 King
Uhhhhhhh... Angry One...
I'm about as anti-gun as Aunt Jemima is anti-Maple Syrup...
But there is a huge difference between your average Hunter and target shooter...
And you full-auto, super Magnum, NRA types.
A segment of the gun industry is in the business of supplying those very same murderers, home invaders, rapists...
And drug mafias you whimper about.
This is the sort of Reich-wing stupidity many of us are having problems with:
LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas - The Arkansas House of Representatives has narrowly approved a bill allowing concealed handguns in churches, despite hearing arguments that lawmakers should put their faith in God, not guns.
The bill passed on Wednesday on a 57-42 vote and now heads to the state Senate.
What? If Jesus comes down off that cross ...
You are going to bust a cap on his ass?
Last week -
Under a proposed law before the Legislature, firearms, weapons components and ammunition made in Montana and kept in Montana would be exempt from federal regulation, potentially releasing some Montanans from national gun registration and licensing laws. The legislation could also free gun purchasers in the state from background checks.
The bill, HB 246, titled the "Montana Firearms Freedom Act", would also allow for the manufacturing, sale, and use of silencers. It passed the House last week with a solid vote of 64-36. All the Republicans voted in favor of the bill, as did 14 Democrats.
Let's look at the top states (not counting DC, which ain't a state) for gun deaths, with rates expressed in per 100,000 -
#1 Alaska: 20
#2 Louisiana: 19.5
#3 Wyoming: 18.8
#4 Arizona: 18
#5 Nevada: 17.3
#6 Mississippi: 17.3
#7 New Mexico: 16.6
#8 Arkansas: 16.3
#9 Alabama: 16.2
#10 Tennessee: 15.4
#11 West Virginia: 14.7
#12 Montana: 14.5
You gotta get all the way down to 23rd, before you run into one of those "gun grabbing" blue states - California is 29th and NY and NJ are 46th and 47th...
Indeed, you are 3 times more likely to be shot in Montana...
Than in New York, New Jersey, Illinois - all industrial states with cities larger than the population of Montana!
An oldie but a goodie........
"If Nicole Simpson had a gun she'd be alive today"
"and OJ wouldn't be in jail"
and what if Lee Harvey Oswald had to submit to a background check?, JFK would still be called "Idlewild"...
Your list is wrong.Course you knew that. The District of Columbia which is about has blue has you can get is #1.
New mexico and North Carolina are blue states.
Also lets not forget Liberal California leads the country in murder and manslaughter.
In fact 7 out of the top 10 are angry and murderous blue states.
They've got Kwame's txt's to his friendgirl on huffington WOW
what an idoit
and a potty mouth
Obama official on leave after FBI raids......change....LOL
DC is not a State - it's a city, Anal.
Besides - the differential in death rates for Motor Vehicles more than makes up for the difference...
DC is the safest to drive in, with you likelihood of getting killed by a drunk driving on the wrong side of the road 3-4 times less than out there in Montana and Wyoming.
From the same study (Kaiser Insurance), the firearms injury/death rate in DC in 2005 was 23.8 per 100,000. For Montana it was 16.9 per 100,000, and 13.5 for Wyoming.
Deaths by car in DC were 6.9 per 100,000. They were 24.7 in Montana, and a staggering 30.0 in Wyoming. Now, I have it on good authority from BOTH black people in Montana and Wyoming that Neither of them were in these fatalities, corroborated by the fact the village bigot hasn't yet touted the fact that the black auto fatality rate in Wyoming is 100% - ruining the good white folks numbers.
Now for some math -
DC - 23.8 + 6.9 = 30.7.
Montana - 16.9 + 24.7 = 41.6
Wyoming - 13.5 + 30.0 = 43.5
So - the conclusion is Yes - we black folks do shoot each other...
But NASCAR be damned - you white folks make it up and then some in drunk driving!
Gosh, Anal... And I bet you were one of those folks who claimed Asians couldn't drive!
Anonymous 7:06:
You can't read. because Obama's offical is not the target of the investigation.
"Their argument will forever remain: Blacks kill because their thugs and criminals. Whites kill because their angels that made a mistake. Here's a reality check both kill because their thought patterns are EVIL."
I agree with you, Granny. Yet, after centuries of racial propaganda that says, “White is good, and Black is bad” many Americans still believe 'white is right'. It’s been that way since slavery. If Whites accepted Blacks and other minorities as equal, they would lose their superior identity and white privilege. Why would they want to give that up? This is America. Most people want to feel better than the next human being…oops!-- I meant to say “consumer” instead of ‘human being’.
There are very few human beings left in A-merry-ca.
Ummm, AI, I hate to let facts get in the way of your arguments, but the beauty about the Internet is that folks can go back and read that post. The post was NOT about the racist drug dealer killing the...ahem, ahem, intruder. It was about his friendship with the DA and the selective prosecution by DA's in this country of poor people and people of color.
But I appreciate your passion, even though it is misguided.
Granny, thanks for that update on Pelosi. Although two wrongs don't make a right,and from what I hear she was playing the diva role with those planes. Still, I won't keep her in the house long. Just for you, I will let her into the fields with us for awhile. But we will be keeping an eye on her. :)
Anonymous 7:57:
"If Whites accepted Blacks and other minorities as equal, they would lose their superior identity and white privilege."
Yea, that's true, but that same attitude is what turns other HUMAN BEINGS off and pisses them off. I've said this time and time again. They have good and bad in all races. Human nature is just what it is...human nature and that's the bottom line. No race is any better than the other or worser than the other.
As soon as some of those whites with that attitude get off of cloud thirty-nine and get back down to earth with the rest of us earth folks, things will work out just fine.
I've had the privilege of meeting and talking to a lot of people from all walks of life, of all races and nationalities. Some of them I enjoyed with pleasure and good spirits as a person and some made me want to slap them upside down backwards until they got some sense in their head. I've traveled a lot in my lifetime to many different states and places all over the USA. I found out that people are the same as far as human nature is concerned and resemble the title of that movie, "The good, bad, and the ugly". The only difference is the street and place.
Granny, of course the cat has my tongue.
That's alright szpork, granny still loves you.
"I guess you're makeing these statements because of the state this happened in"
Nah, I made that statement because its true.
Issue1: So, when are they going to stop claiming white killers are wonderful little league boys who just had a mental breakdown? When will the excuses end?
Issue 2: Gun legislation will not stop crazy people and criminals from getting weapons illegally or having illegal weapons. What it does is stop regular, good, law abiding people from being able to protect themselves in situations such as this. I want the choice to protect myself if needed.
We live in TX and you can carry a weapon concealed. Most people think twice before trying something here. Sure the bigger cities have their usual issues that are really more economic than anything else. Everywhere else, you don't know who is packing. Any random person can stop a potential mass murderer here. Countless robberies have been foiled because the homeowner had a weapon. Remember the old man who shot the guys robbing the neighbor's house? It's our right to bear arms.
I find it interesting that the Mexican drug gangs are having a blast killing each other and innocent Mexican citizens with the guns that they buy here in the good old USA. Who says America can no longer compete in the global market?
The police didn't stop that young man, because they were having fun! that wasn't a big city, how in this world could this man stop at all of these place's, and then kill these many people! the police loved the chase! they had plenty of time to shoot him, but they allowed him to do this! and why? I don't know!
How in this world would the police this man to get out of his car, kill those people on the porch, weren't they chasing him? they let him stop his car, get out of the car with gun's, they could have shot him in the back at that point, but, no, they let him kill his relative's on the front porch, the police were watching his every move, and where were the police at, when he took gasoline and burned his mother's house down, something is wrong with this picture!
ANON 11:34, I meant to write, why in this world would the police, allow this man to get out of car.
Anonymous 11:34:
That's something to think about. You raised a few good points. I'm still trying to get over the fact that he killed his grandmother and the woman who birthed in the world. Those are two of the people who loved him the most.
A mother's memory of her child goes all the way back to the day the doctor or nurse laid him in her arms in the delivery room. I bet every woman that has ever had a child can tell you every little detail about when she was carrying her child in her womb from cravings to the delivery. My children are in their forties and later thirties and I still can remember each birth. I even remember the birth of my first two grandchildren and their grown.
Not one case of a black police officer accidentally shooting Edomites[good white folk]Something eles that makes you go HMMMMMMMMMMMM!
White man aint letting those guns go thats his equalizer[penis extension kit]IF every gun disappeared over night the white mans rule would end! he cant handle us with out them.brothers would take this bitch over by lunch time!
brothers would take this bitch over by lunch time!
hell, you cna't take over iss office! look who runs it....
Sales of guns, ammo still high
One shop says the "hoarding" of ammunition since Obama's election has created a shortage.
Four months after the election of President Barack Obama, firearms and ammunition sales in Tulsa remain at a fever pitch.
Popular self-protection ammunition is often sold out at local stores, weapons are flying off shelves and the state reports an 87 percent increase in concealed carry permit applications for February 2008 over February 2009.
"People are hoarding. They're creating a shortage," Jim Prall at Sports World on 41st Street said of ammunition sales. "We've sold more ammunition in the last three months than we sold last year."
We would like to take this opportunity to invite all you good folks to come and visit us…..LOL
Anon@8:04AM-"White man aint letting those guns go thats his equalizer[penis extension kit]IF every gun disappeared over night the white mans rule would end! he cant handle us with out them.brothers would take this bitch over by lunch time!"
DC is not a State - it's a city, Anal.
Yet it is #1 ,beating out states.
"brothers would take this bitch over by lunch time!"
Brothers haven't taken over this bitch yet? Damn theres always a excuse. Don't brothers have guns to? LAMO.
"People are hoarding. They're creating a shortage," Jim Prall at Sports World on 41st Street said of ammunition sales. "We've sold more ammunition in the last three months than we sold last year."
Da Huh?
Dick's Sporting Goods here in Virginia has all the 9mm you want for $12.98 a box of 50, and $11.98/box case price. They also got .45, .40, .38, and 380...
What shortage?
The price has gone up a bit over the past 4 years...
Because of the amount of ammo being used in Iraq and Afghanistan. The stuff civilians use is a far cry from Military - but to fill the gap in consumption, apparently some commercial plants have taken contracts to produce for the Military to supplement the Government plant in LC.
Since Police ammo is a smaller market, being generally a higher grade than civilian - their supply is the first to feel the squeeze.
That same production shortage is hitting the commercial market now - however, there probably are adequate stocks of anything which isn't in the same caliber as used by the Military.
Run on ammo?
Brothers haven't taken over this bitch yet? Damn theres always a excuse. Don't brothers have guns to? LAMO.
Maybe they dont want it ,or realize it's all over anyway!Esau's rule is almost up & then all you pink folks will know the tic toc!
it take actual work! the only thing they'll take is what the government gives them......LOL
Hey, we all saw how "Planet of the Apes" ends...good thing its not for 900 more years... the Mexicans are putting Y'all back in last place again anyways...
it take actual work! the only thing they'll take is what the government gives them......LOL
7:58 PM
Luagh it edomite,It wont be funny when 50 hard hitting brothers are stomping grandma in the "safe room"
times almost up.
33 degrees of seperation.
You know it's funny everytime someone does this you always here oh he or she was a nice person could never hurt someone but you never hear that oh he was a bad person or something like that. Hello people you can not look at a person and tell what kind of person they are. And this thing that how could this happen in our community guess what people there is no such thing as a different community only thing is just a blind eye to what is going on around you you want to beleive that you have the perfect community but behind all the closed doors in your community there is something going on that you know nothing about just remember that as you walk down the street with your dog or drive by someones house thinking boy we have a wonderful community you better think twice.
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