I hate to say I told you all so but...well ya, I told you so. When this story broke I smelled a rat from the jump. First, the refrain was all too familiar: bad black man or men do harm to innocent white woman and child. Call the National Guards! Stop the presses! Alert the national media! We have hot one here! Nothing, and I do mean nothing, will get A-merry-ca's attention like a missing white woman or child. And in the past, nothing would have made the story more believable than blaming the black man for some nefarious act connected to their disappearance. That is, until, we had the likes of Susan Smith, Ashley Todd, and Bob Allen. (Well, he wasn't a white woman, but he learned well)
Of course those of us black folks here in Philly knew that this couldn't be true. First, it happened out in a WSZ, in the middle of the day, on a busy street. Second, the way it supposedly went down--- black men bump white woman and her child in her car, and when she gets out to investigate they go all "Taken" on her and throw her in the trunk of their car--- (Did I mention that it was described as a dark colored Cadillac? Of course, what else is a Negro going to drive?) And then, of course, comes the kicker: no one saw it. Not one witness! If some shit like that had really gone down those Negroes would not have made it to the next light. Finally, and this is going to hurt some of you Negroes, but you know it's true. What black man (especially around here) is going to kidnap a child? These Negroes want nothing to do with their own damn kids; and they are going to kidnap a white one? There is not enough money in the world that would cause a Negro from around these parts to do that shit.
But we knew it was a lie didn't we field Negroes? Which is why I am so surprised that this shit made the national news and blew up as fast as it did. All the major morning shows were all over it this morning. "And in Philadelphia, two black men allegedly abducted a blond haired blue eyed woman and her child on a busy suburban street. They then threw her into the trunk of their car and sped off. The woman supposedly made 911 calls from her cell phone." And all across A-merry-ca white folks who din't know better were putting their coffee down to say a prayer for the poor woman and her child. The ones that didn't know better. The ones who did were saying oh ohh, when are they going to learn that the black man did it alibi isn't going to work anymore? Hell we have been using that since the 1800's, but at some point it's time to let it go.
My question to some of these news agencies would be where are the black people on your pay roll? They should have told you all to hold off on this story just a little longer. I don't care how many Amber Alerts went off. Just wait.
Oh well, all is well that ends well. Apparently our modern day version of Susan Smith was spotted at Philly International Airport, and the latest is that girlfriend just might be at Disney World with the little crumb snatcher.
It sure seems like a lot to go through just to take your daughter to Disney World. I bet "Goofy" is her favorite character.
I just knew this story sounded fishy. I mean kidnapping in the middle of the day on STREET ROAD? The whole I'm in the trunk of the car cell phone call. Smeone's been reading too much suspense fiction. And as a white woman, I am embarassed that the alleged perps in these cases are always black men. I think I might have bought it more if the alleged perps were someone other than two black men in a frickin cadillac. I mean, could we be any more clueless suburban racist idiot
This is so sad. To think, 40 years ago there would have been a series of strange fruits because of this woman (even today in some parts). I'll wait to see what she's going to get from the fair "justice" system.
Field, I suspect that more than a few white folks found that story just as fishy as you did, albeit not for the same reason. The "big black buck in the Cadillac did it" story has become a bit too much of a cliche in recent years. In fact, it's starting to become a comic punchline, isn't it?
Yep, you called it and most of us here didn't believe it either... I just wonder how many black men were harrassed today because of this woman....
Always on time to "represent" (rolling eyes).
Here we go..... Another case of....Just blame the black man boogie man!
Bullsh!t detectors went up right away with this sh!t. It didn't pass the smell test!
I'm so f-ing tired of these Susan Smith white ass women blaming the black man in their damn dirty schemes!
I mean got dammit...
class action law suit for defamation?
I didn't believe this story from the beginning. The tipoff? Way too much effort to find them in the early stages.
"The "big black buck in the Cadillac did it" story has become a bit too much of a cliche in recent years."
Do you have a reson for the extra words, grinder?
" I just wonder how many black men were harrassed today because of this woman...."
From what I have been hearing, not much. To be fair to Philly's finest, I think they thought the story was fishy all along.
Bigger question: how the hell did she get on a US Airways flight with her co-worker's ID? It's a good thing she didn't have terrorist ties.
The Cadillac was the first clue that it was lie.
No witnesses was the second clue that it was lie.
Kidnapping a white woman with a kid in Philadelphia in broad open daylight was the third clue that it was a lie.
That woman must still be watching "Superfly" movies, because first of all the only black men driving Cadillacs are old and wearing Jerri Curls, or old and retired, or old, crippled, and disabled, or black men working for a limousine service, or working at a funeral parlor. Shoots! Pimps and hustlers don't even drive Cadillacs no more. I bet she said that those black men even had on some platform shoes, wide bell bottom pants, a long fur coat, and hat too. Smh!
Justice58, Granny cosigning with you, leave our black brothas alone. Oh, yea, tell CPL I read her article on this topic and all the comments and Granny was waving her church fan saying amen, amen, and amen again.
Swing Low Sweet Cadillac.... comin' for to carry me home....
Oh, serious, what kind of retro negroes are going to be driving around in a Caddy kidnapping white women? Leave the SUV and keep the white woman and her kid? For what?
Negro Puuleez! The point of a car jacking is to get ... the car. For real though: Let's all catch up with the times and start blaming everything on the "terrorists". Somebody might just believe your dumb ass next time.
Field, note the pussy trolls who told you different haven't said anything.
I feel for them. It must be tough to beat off and still not get an erection. Not even that initial pearly droplet to self-lick. No matter how hard they try or how loud they shout "Hey look at me."
"Justice58, Granny cosigning with you, leave our black brothas alone. Oh, yea, tell CPL I read her article on this topic and all the comments and Granny was waving her church fan saying amen, amen, and amen again."
Will do, Granny!
So glad to see you back posting again! :)
Hope you're doing better after your loss! I was sorry to hear it!
That's the difference between Fat Ramsey and the racist asswipes who were running the Boston PD when Charles Stewart pulled his sh*t. Ramsey had that sixth sense.
Of course, there are a lot of brothas in Filly who need harassing. The killers are still killing.
Hey Field, a link to the source would be appreciated. I haven't been able to find the /particular/ news event this is all about. M
Yeah, they found them two at DisneyWorld of all places...WTF?!
All is well and thank you for your kind words.
I just opened my emails for today. Got one from my Sistafriend in Philly.
This is what she said:
That woman who's missing locally is a liar. I knew it immediately upon the "2 black males" part. Aint no black males going out there to look to kidnap a white woman and a 9 yr old white kid.
Girl stop.No. lie.
Only thing in the email.
The scheming lying heifer need to do some jail time for this.. If not, more are going to continue to repeat it & cause an innocent black man to die.
She'll probably get probation.
Not knowing the particulars, all I've got to say is I'm so____ tired of folks getting worked up over __stereotypical__ bad guys/gals with a shoestring of __questionable__ (i.e. news for the masses) information. Not to mention these "good" people don't pause a moment to consider other possibilities. Pahtoohi. M
Word on JJP is she'll cry her ass out of it! She'll blame it on some kind of syndrome.... all will be forgiven and not a word more on "blaming the black man". That will be forgotten!
(Mimicking Rikyrah)
Hell To The Naw...Throw Her Ass In Jail!
matw, there is a link in the second sentence of the post.
And another one with the most recent news towards the end of the post.
Come on, do you think I would give you a story like this and not give you links? Who would believe me?
"Oh it's just that field Negro stirring the pot again".:)
Oh, please it was just a miss understanding between the two. Every body knows racism is dead.
President O'bama has officially declared us a
"Post Black America"
LOL Shabazz, take that as a compliment.
"I suspect that more than a few white folks found that story just as fishy as you did"
Yup, he's always on time, ready with some sort of white defense, as small as it is. It never fails.
I'll tell you what would happen though if she was black or hispanic. They'd be trying to give her fifty years with no chance of parole. Her face would be plastered on every major MSM screen and headlines in the newspapers until the trial was over. Hannity, O'Reilly, Coulter, Rush, and Glen Beck would be having a feast over it while talking about how black women are nothing but baby mommas, sluts, and welfare recipients. They'd search high and low for a few black actresses to play the part of low class, ignorant women to come on their show and make black women look bad. Gingrich, Pat, and Rush would be calling for legislature to punish all black women. Of course, she would get tried by public opinion and the verdict would automatically be guilty with the sentencing being over maximum. They'd march around with picture of Tawana Brawley and Crystal Magnum with captions reading remember them.
Other than that it would be like any other day in America. Same ole same ole, different day, different time.
I take strong offense to the mention of the Caddy in this story given that I used to drive one just like it when I was in my 30's. And I STILL think it's the best driving/riding car in the world, lol!!
Back to the subject, I'm sure nothing of any great egal consequence is going to happen to this woman.
Preach Granny!
You just rob your lawyer boss of $300,000.00 what are you going to do? I 'm going to accuse two black men of robbing me and going to Disneyland. That what she did.They have a Facebook page up for her where they want to forget and forgive.Let's call Sean Hannity and the rest of the Conservatives up and accuse them of reverse,reverse, racism,that's what this fake Susan Smith wanna be is guilty of.
Hey Feild, my bad. Moused over it to quick. M
The link in your post don't show up well. Their color should be much lighter, like an aqua. The way I find them is to run the cursor over each line and the links become underlined.
christopher said:"Field, note the pussy trolls who told you different haven't said anything. "
Some of them have already tried to bring up Twanna what's her name to save face. They seem to think that's a good reference to combat all the Susan Smith. That's all they got, poor Twanna. smh.
Granny, Crystal was a real victim.
This will interest you. Last year a nude white woman was walking down the street.Everyone locked their doors and called the police. She was just high and lost.Some people took clothing out to her and told her to get out of there. There are white women that live in the area but this scared people.
Off Topic:
Why haven't you been writing anything else on your blog. Granny came over to visit but you haven't changed the topic yet. I know you have more to say than that. (smile)
"I'll tell you what would happen though if she was black or hispanic. They'd be trying to give her fifty years with no chance of parole."
For real? That seams ridiculous/extreme, but I'm not saying it isn't. A stiffer standard I can understand, but 50y is beyond the pale. M
I figure this heifer won't get a heavy sentence, but to you lawyers out there, I have a few questions...
1. What is the possibility of this being charged to the heifer as a 'hate' crime?
2. Can she be made to pay back the $$ spent on the 7 agencies that the Bucks Co DA mentioned?
3. What about the fake Amber alerts? Won't that system start to become 'the boy who cried wolf'?
"A stiffer standard I can understand". I can intellectually understand in the context of how we do things in this society.
Yes, she was and I believe that too. I believe that a lot of money passed hands in that case, starting with the other stripper that was with her to close that case down. In addition, all the threats to her and her family life, thanks to the Drudge Report giving out all her personal information such as addresses of her and family and telephone numbers. Also, the fact that this took place in the deep south.
You do know what black folks jesting is don't you?
"Some of them have already tried to bring up Twanna what's her name to save face. They seem to think that's a good reference to combat all the Susan Smith. That's all they got, poor Twanna. smh".
Hell yeah, you're right!
But the Susan Smiths keep popping the hell up with the same d^^n lie every f-ing time....
The boogie black man did it!
"Yes, she was and I believe that too. I believe that a lot of money passed hands in that case, starting with the other stripper that was with her to close that case down. In addition, all the threats to her and her family life, thanks to the Drudge Report giving out all her personal information such as addresses of her and family and telephone numbers. Also, the fact that this took place in the deep south".
According to Vincent Clark--who helped Crystal with her book, the mother of Crystal suffered a stroke behind it. The mean hateful bigots harassed those old people unmercifully!
Granny said "You do know what black folks jesting is don't you?"
Sorry Granny, but no. Wish I did. M
Hmmm...I didn't know that she had wrote a book. What's the name of it? That's sad those old people had to go through that.
"Sorry Granny, but no. Wish I did."
jesting = To make fun of; ridicule. (smile)
BTW, the way I'm making fun of and ridiculing how the justice system works in America, and how the MSM portrays nothing but negativity when it comes to minorities.
Yes Granny!
The book is "Last Dance For Grace"
Crystal finished college, earned a degree & is author of a book. She did a presser on the opening of her book & still claims a sexual assault happened.
Her parents went through living hell with what happened, & having people posting their private info on the web. The stress was too much for the mother & she suffered a stroke.
K, and thanks (smile back to ya).
I agree with your point that someone of color would have suffered significantly more legal penalty. 50y, that was over the top. I have to get calibrated to your lingo. M
no problem sugar, sometimes I make jest of a situation to keep from getting too upset, filled with rage, and losing my peace of mind over injustice, unfairness, and inequality. Oh yea, and deceptiveness and lies aimed at the minorities.
My apologies if this has been referenced already, but anybody remember the McCain staffer who claimed to have been mutilated by Obama supporters? Just like this story, it smelled from the start and just got stinkier as the details emerged. I suppose we should be thankful that the mother didn't carve letters into the little girl to give "credence" to her tale.
If she wanted to tell a believable tale, then she would blame someone who sounds like the resident trolls here. I understand that Frank D. is supposedly in lockup, but where was sickfreak? Enquiring minds want to know...
That's what happens when the white woman who is already idolized by her society is further idolized by BM who hold her womanhood above that of the Black woman.
Many white women believe that BM can not resist them.
If it were me and I needed someone to blame, naturally I would go for the BM.
Other races of men may be smitten by White women but they don't go as far as trying to destroy their own women or let others destroy them.
So the BM's peculiar behavior towards both the BW and the WW is what makes him a perfect culprit.
Expect this behavior to continue and now that the BM can even more freely access WW it will get even more common for him to be scape goated. In which case, is it the place for the Black Woman to fight for the Black man's justice given that its his behavior towards her and the White woman that is actually encouraging these sorts of incidents ?
What thought crossed my mind was did she have the child lying too. Why would she involved her child in something so unsavory and deceptive? Teaching her child how to become a scam con artist, identity thief, and thief is too much and reflects on what sort of values she was teaching her kid. What kind of role model is that for a child? This woman is a real example of an unfit mother.
Isonprize at JJP reported the woman had 2 daughters. The faked kidnapped daughter was from the first husband & the 2nd husband was home with the baby.
It leaves one wondering if the 2nd husband was in on this as well?
Was he going to meet up with them later or what?
Sorry but I disagree with your conclusion because that woman was not having any relationship with any black man. She thought that she could get away with her lie. Being a white woman she felt like her story would be believed beyond a doubt considering the racial atmosphere of Philly and the racial tensions that are in the atmosphere since electing a black man for President. Nor did she care if her lie would have gotten some innocent black man killed or seriously injured behind her lie.
Now, I'll admit some of our black men do not treat black women right and disrespect them. However, there are many of our black men who do treat them right and with respect. There are, also, to be fair some of our black women who don't respect themselves and give black men a cause not to respect them because of the way they carry themselves.
I come from a family with predominantly males in it, and I have sat back sometimes and listen to some of their conversations about women and in doing so I learned a lot about how men think. A man will treat you how you treat yourself and represent yourself and it has nothing to do with race. The same problems that black women have with men is the same problems other women in other races have, they just don't broadcast theirs and their men don't make songs out of it. Example, John McCain called his wife some degrading names, oh, and there are others he is not the lone ranger on the white side, nor in other races.
What that woman did had nothing to do with black men and black women's relationship. The problem was her way of thinking and what's in her heart. "So a man thinketh, so is he."
I was waiting for you to write about this story. My mother and I heard the story this morning, it was breaking news. We know right away the story was fake.
To all White Women,
Kidnapping is not a Black man's MO.
Where is the second husband at? Are they still together? Has he been questioned?
She stole money from her boss? She'll get more time for that than for lying about being abducted.
"Where is the second husband at? Are they still together? Has he been questioned"?
Isonprize reported the 2nd husband was home with the baby daughter.
I didn't even know there was a 2nd husband? And I hadn't heard if he was questioned but I have been searching on the web for any info and I found this...
"The FBI said Sweeten and her husband’s relationship recently became strained over finances".
Hmmmmm....Was he in on it?
Okay, didn't some boy or someone sue the KKK to the point of bankruptcy after a beating.
Okay, so who should be sued for "hateful" defamation of black men? I am so tired I can't really think of a white woman's organization. Maybe a woman's auxilliary of some of those wingnuts running the in the Northwest woods.
Could you take it pro bono Field? It is fun just to think about. Would that not give the chattering wingnuts something to moan about.
FWIW - The most recent story I read made no mention of the supposed abductors' skin color. At least there is that.
You know, it was someone back some time ago that sued the KKK. I remember reading something about that vaguely.
Funny you should mentioned that her and her husband was having some strained financial problems. I had went outside to sit on my front porch and was thinking about this and it came to me that she and her husband were desparate for money. We'll be hearing confirmation about that soon.
Anon 2:42,
The updated version is leaving out the "fake" abductors race but damn if MSNBC didn't report the woman & child were abducted by 2 black men!
And MSNBC continued with it until the case began to fall apart.
Funny... when things start falling the hell apart then....oops...lets stop saying it was "black" men!
"Funny you should mentioned that her and her husband was having some strained financial problems. I had went outside to sit on my front porch and was thinking about this and it came to me that she and her husband were desparate for money. We'll be hearing confirmation about that soon".
This story was schemed & planned in order to get away with that money! I'll bet the husband was in on it and was going to join them later.
Shepard Smith of Fox News reported she had taken $300,000 from some charity! The lying wicked witch didn't care if an innocent black man got hurt or possibly killed in behind her devious lie.
Watch what I'm saying and been telling y'all for months and months. I see the same pattern of how all race wars in the past got started happening today. It's like looking at a mirror reflection of the past. The MSM and some reporters stirring up racist sentiment along with some of the crazies in the GOP party. Lies being told like the one that woman fabricated about her and her daughter's so-called abduction and more and more the stories got worser and worser until it exploded into violence.
You could be right about the husband. We'll see in the next few days.
I'm tired and I'm going to bed. Night and blessings to all.
@Grata **scratching head**.How can you get into the mind of the white woman like that and blame what you are seeing there on the black man's tgreatment of his sisters?
Field, thanks for the sidebar link. It truly was an extraordinary day in court.... For those of you unfamiliar with court procedure... that they were allowed to give statements as witness testimony, all 12 of them, was amazing.... that they were found not guilty was spectacular! Their group is called Heeding God's Call. On Tuesday, I think God was listening!
Its sad but everyone has to take this story seriously.Given the history of black men raping and murdering innocent white women and their small children we didn't have a choice.
I'm afraid this will take news coverage away from that white woman and her small child that will be raped and murdered by soneone black today.
Most interracial rapes and murders are done by black men.
BLAH BLAH BLAH.How many crimes will be prevented because of you law breakers?? ZERO!!
Go after law-abiding people while doing what ever you can to protect and defend thugs and criminals .
Thats the Liberal way.
maybe she picked a black man cuz they commit the most crimes?
i mean there's more of them in jail than even hispandex men....hummm
oh, and field wuz right about the hole kidnapping thang, no way a black dude gon'a take anykind of kid.....lol
field ever get tired of the whole race card thing? what about science or even medicine....you do touch on sports but that's so stereotypical black man! i know you can do better than this :(
Welcome to AmeriKKKa.
While the names Tawana Brawley and Crystal Mangum are etched in the minds of Americans as hoax concoctors, white folks pull this kind of $hit all the time.
I knew this was a bs story from the getgo and said so.
It's not our fault that you don't have a man.
FN, I knew yesterday the whitewomankinappeddaughter smelled like sugar honey ice tea. Yup thought it was comming from my neighbors yard only to find out it was coming from up I-95. You have no idea how hard it is becoming to trust what white folks say. just image how many of the untruth that we encounter on the daily that we dont speak about. Was disgusted last night waiting for the bile to leave the back of my throat this morning. she is a liar and a thief.
Granny sez
"Now, I'll admit some of our black men do not treat black women right and disrespect them. However, there are many of our black men who do treat them right and with respect. There are, also, to be fair some of our black women who don't respect themselves and give black men a cause not to respect them because of the way they carry themselves."
Now THAT's real.
"She stole money from her boss? She'll get more time for that than for lying about being abducted."
So true Soapbubble, so true.
Ok, Field, Granny and Uptownsteve: Out of fairness, I understand that Grata's statement may not directly apply to this situation, but I read into it a little differently. We all know non-black predominantly white society seem to place more value on white womanhood, compared to the devaluing of black women in the black community. Therefore, apart from society thinking all black males are prone criminals, and based on the open "white woman mongering" behaviors that some black males display (let’s not pretend, and don't think non-blacks don't notice this too), why is it so hard to think a black males can’t resist abducting white females?
It’s not just about what we think as black people (or on this blog), it’s about what they (society) perceive based on negative stereotypes AND because of certain odd behaviors a particular group of people may display.
I am no way saying this was the cause, I'm just presenting my take on Grata's statements. \
Granny, as for black women carrying themselves in a negative way... it's all a cycle. Black males also play a role in that too, one way or the other during that black female's life.
Black men play ar role in what? Keep me the hell out of the dysfuction of the so-called strife between black males and black females.
Ever notice how people like grata use opportunities like this to slip one in?
"Why haven't you been writing anything else on your blog. Granny came over to visit but you haven't changed the topic yet. I know you have more to say than that. (smile)"
Hey granny, I need to learn html and how to embed links into my post and how to set up a blogroll I have always posted on blogs, but never had one myself. If you or anyone else here care to help, I would greatly appreciate it!
Hi LaIncognita, thanx for the compliment:)
Hi there, haven't been around for awhile but thought I'd drop a link, dunno if you know that You Tube has an Ed channel? I just found it, and I think I love this man:
Wish it was the whole documentary, will have to roam farther for that I guess.
I think of you alot, and hope you never quit being a forum for open speech about civil rights and equality. You, and this gentleman featured here, are so much braver than many will ever know.
uptownsteve said:
Welcome to AmeriKKKa.
While the names Tawana Brawley and Crystal Mangum are etched in the minds of Americans as hoax concoctors, white folks pull this kind of $hit all the time.
I knew this was a bs story from the getgo and said so.I believe something happened to Mangum. However, I do not believe she was raped.
Here's how I think it went down. Drunk white boys call a stripper.
Stripper arrives and performs.
Drunken white boys either did not like the performance or felt she should have gone beyond her usual skit.
Drunken white boys refused to pay stripper.
Stripper gets an attitude, justifiably.
Drunken white boys amp up the tension, verbally assaults (and possibly physically assaults) stripper.
Stripper calls police with false allegation of rape (that claim generates more concern from the cops that drunken white boys refused to pay me for my services, which are stigmatized in the Bible belt).
ah..one more. He opens with a song...please don't miss this.
I hear what you're saying and respect it but what a lot of sisters can't accept is that plenty of times white women chase brothers and a healthy male is not going to turn down an advance from a woman.
This whole notion of black men exclusively lusting after white women is an overblown stereotype.
I know for a fact that many brothers (like myself) prefer rounder, hippier women and that definitely means sisters.
I think Michelle Obama is going to help change a lot of attitudes, both black and white, about black relationships and black female beauty.
"This whole notion of black men exclusively lusting after white women is an overblown stereotype."
Amen uptownsteve- I second,third and fourth that!
I never have, never will, and never had the desire to be with a white woman.
I'll take 'em from puerto rico, all the way down to the motherland!
I love,admire,and respect my black and brown sisters.
I totallly agree with that.
Something happened to Mangum that night.
And for all the media portrayals of her as some crack addicted slut, she actually graduated cum laude with a degree in Business Administration from NCCS in May 2007.
I was at the graduation ceremony because my wife's neice graduated that same day.
PS- I just don't believe a white woman is properly equipped mentally, physically,and emotionally to handle a black man.
uptownsteve said...
I totallly agree with that.
Something happened to Mangum that night.
There is ZERO proof that anything happen to the black prostitutes that night.
The duke case was nothing more than a high tech lynching carried out by black racist and white democrats.
It blew up in your face just like Tawana Brawley and the many other times black women have falsey accused white men of rape.
"actually graduated cum laude with a degree in Business Administration from NCCS in May 2007"
So Crystal is a smart drug addicted prostitute?
"So Crystal is a smart drug addicted prostitute?"
It's better than a meth-addicted, uneducated trailer park piece of trash sitting on his front passenger seat on his 14 by 14 slice of america you call home.
I blame BET...
Hey Uptown Steve,
Guess what? The rapid duke lacrosse supporters can't accept that Crystal Mangum earned that degree. See, they were trying to paint the image of a drug addicted stripper.
Pray tell? How can a drug addict stay focus enough on studies to maintain a 3.7 GPA?
So now the deal is NCCU "GAVE" Crystal that degree?!!!!!!!
I could Saaaaa>>>lap the daylights out of them!
Crystal worked hard, & earned that degree!
On top of the fact that two of the Duke lacrosse players had criminal records. One, Colin Finnerty, was a convicted felon.
I believe, as Rudy stated, that Mangum took a bunch of abuse and disrespect from those thugs, decided to get some payback and grossly overreacted.
sick freak
Tell the truth.
You were raped in prison, right?
That's what usually sets guys like you off.
The word should be "rabid"
Those mean-spirited people harassed her parents unmercifully!
Judging by the number of different DNA samples found on her and in her Crystal working hard at other things to.
You called it field. I knew you were right. Sneaky bitch. The other thing that made this fishy is that my cheap ass Toyota Echo (under $10 K in 2003) has a big old neon easily child usable latch inside the trunk specifically designed to open it from the inside in case you are trapped. It even has a picture on it to show how to open it. Now, if my little cheap no accessories car (no clock, no intermittent windshield wiper, just a tape deck, hand cranked windows not automatic, and no power locks) how come some big old expensive Caddy wouldn't have that? The bling cars always get shit like that years, sometimes decades before the little cheapie cars get them. So that made my bs meter go up even more. She could have easily have escaped, no mention of that. Dumbass. Love your line "Goofy" is her favorite character.
Lisa J,
You're a riot!
Granny said - That woman must still be watching "Superfly" movies, because first of all the only black men driving Cadillacs are old and wearing Jerri Curls, or old and retired, or old, crippled, and disabled, or black men working for a limousine service, or working at a funeral parlor.
I don't comment much on this site but I read it everyday and Granny your the bomb! But I must correct you on this statement. Come to Richmond V. I swear every young and old "thugs" that lives on the Southside drives a damn Caddy. Old, new, raggidy, fixed up, shitty sound system, bullet holes, you name it..lol. These dudes love 'em some Caddys!
"@Grata **scratching head**.How can you get into the mind of the white woman like that and blame what you are seeing there on the black man's tgreatment of his sisters?"
Granted, historically BM were victimized for looking at WW. However today, The representation of BM in the media even by BM themselves sends out the message regarding BW and WW loud and clear. Lighter to White is desirable and fill in the negatives for the BW.
Anyone that has spoken to WW especially in America candidly will have picked up the "we are desired by all men and are irresistable to BM". And they have no doubts as regards to their Superiority to BW.
My point is, the environment is always changing but in a way that further idolizes the WW while taking away from the BW. it appears as if the value of the BW continues to decline with little defense from the BM. To the WW this signifies her true 'superiority' and though she likes the BM'a attention, she can never ever see him truly as an equal, He can satsify he egotistical and other physical needs and when she needs a scapegoat, he fits the bill perfectly thanks to society's conditioning.
As long as this idolization of anything closer to white continues on the part of black men, such incidents will always occur.
So while BM "benefit" from their supposed superior musculinity they should also accept the flip side of it which is the backclash that comes from crazy white women that will exploit the ingrained fears of White males by blaming it on the BM.
Again, should the BW be out there defending the BM when he will barely do the same for her?
It's not our fault that you don't have a man."
LOL@ you uptownsteve and the "you don't have a man and that is why you are bitter" taunt.
First of all, how do you know I don't have a man?
Secondly, some of us come from a world were not having a man is actually an acceptable and honorable choice so when shallow people like you pop up its quite amusing and too predicable.
Your little play ground taunt does not contribute to the issue discussed at all, incase you didn't notice.
"Now, I'll admit some of our black men do not treat black women right and disrespect them. However, there are many of our black men who do treat them right and with respect. There are, also, to be fair some of our black women who don't respect themselves and give black men a cause not to respect them because of the way they carry themselves. "
There is a difference between how individuals treat their women in their lives to how BM as a collective treat BW.
To see the difference you just have to look at the history of high profile cases that sparked public outrage. Predominantly these cases have been about BM with everyone getting behind them and supporting them. Now look for the cases where a BW has been treated unjustly and look at the response.
Now cross races, what happens when something terrible occurs to a WW, the exact opposite happens. Everyone rallies behind the WW regardless of whether she is telling the truth or not.
I have concluded that BM as a collective don't have the welfare of the BW as a priority.
When did we have public outrage to the levels of Rodney King were the victim was a black woman, Dunbar Village?
There are many BM no doubt doing their part and taking care of the women in their lives, but the overal image of the the BW is being shredded to bits with out as much as a peep out of many of them.
As for those BW that don't respect themselves. That is interesting, by watching the public representation of the BW, you would think that they all act like that. If you don't have your men out there calling for the respect of their women. No one is going to respect them.
So one shouldn't turn around and wonder why women of other races think BM desire them absolutely since they show little concern for their own women.
Question for the group?
Why is it that when a black man makes it big (big dollars)they run out and get a pretty white woman?
Rather than a big booty black woman?
Just asking?
I don't know Anon. Speaking personally, my wife is black, beautiful and has an a$$ that won't quit. LOL! You may have to ask the guys that make the big money if you are looking for an answer. An average black man like me cannot answer that question
"It’s not just about what we think as black people (or on this blog), it’s about what they (society) perceive based on negative stereotypes AND because of certain odd behaviors a particular group of people may display."
Exactly. I think it is time to stop blaming such behavior simplistically on racism.
If we look at the overall picture, there is more to why a WW in this day an age would still be confident enough to blame it on the Black man. We can blame it on the whole system that seeks to protect White Womanhood such that any perceived danger to her is confronted or we can also take a closer look at the Black Male's overall conduct towards her to get to the real truth.
I bet you its not just good old racism.
"Why is it that when a black man makes it big (big dollars)they run out and get a pretty white woman?"
No black men don't run anywhere. WHITE women RUN black men down, throwing their white ass on a brotha, cuz they want the paper.
White women are all over black men like a NBA player! Bitches.
"The representation of BM in the media even by BM themselves sends out the message regarding BW and WW loud and clear. Lighter to White is desirable and fill in the negatives for the BW."
For example?
I see darskinned sistas all over the TV and in videos.
I'm married to a darkskinned black woman.
And maybe you might want to check you fellow sisters and some of their attitudes toward darkskin.
I recall seeing a black woman's conference on CSPAN a few years back where one black woman went on an extended rant about Somali model Alek Wek getting some much money, magazine covers and attention.
Wek the woman opined was not attractive.
Evidently too black.
"First of all, how do you know I don't have a man?"
Cuz you wouldn't be bitchin about how much black men love white women if you did.
"I have concluded that BM as a collective don't have the welfare of the BW as a priority.
When did we have public outrage to the levels of Rodney King were the victim was a black woman, Dunbar Village?"
This is bullshit.
The Dunbar Village perps are in jail whereas the cops who beat Rodney King where initially acquitted.
Thus the outrage.
Thought: I never could understand how someone can make a generalization about a group without having collected a random sample of said group.
I think such generalizations are nothing more than opinions in guise and should not even be afforded the proverbial "grain of salt" and should be dismissed entirely.
I am just saying...
"Why is it that when a black man makes it big (big dollars)they run out and get a pretty white woman?"
You mean like Barack Obama?
Denzel Washington?
Michael Jordan?
Who are you talking about?
"Why is it that when a black man makes it big (big dollars)they run out and get a pretty white woman?
Rather than a big booty black woman?"
Ewwwwwwwww, I would NEVER fuck with a white woman!!!
Don't forget the bug-eyed runaway bride from Duluth, GA pulled this same kind of crap.
I will admit that I f**ked and kissed a white woman once...about 15 years ago when I was in college.
I never considered them as wife material.
"Some of them have already tried to bring up Twanna what's her name to save face. They seem to think that's a good reference to combat all the Susan Smith. That's all they got, poor Twanna. smh".
Not at all. Crystal Mangum, DOZENS of false claims of racism- from a student at Yale who scrawled "Nigger" and threats all over the door of his dorm, to a college professor who finally admitted she had been the one who was sending death threats to herself. The lynching of Leo Frank was a case of a black man getting a Jewish man lynched for a crime he committed.
In her autobiography Ella Fitzgerand describes as a teenager being part of a black mob that attacked a white teenager at random. When she and her friends went before the judge they cried "She called us a nigger!". The white girl got a lecture from the judge and the black girls got off the hook. Ella admitts 100% this claim was fabricated. We are told that at that time a white person could be as abusive to a a black person as they wanted. What her story illustrates is that even then a black person knew they could be the perptrator and manipulate the situation to make them seem like the victim.
Barack Obama ran to Michelle Robinson!
Their love for each other is open for the world to see!
What role models!
"In her autobiography Ella Fitzgerand describes as a teenager being part of a black mob that attacked a white teenager at random. When she and her friends went before the judge they cried "She called us a nigger!". The white girl got a lecture from the judge and the black girls got off the hook. Ella admitts 100% this claim was fabricated. We are told that at that time a white person could be as abusive to a a black person as they wanted. What her story illustrates is that even then a black person knew they could be the perptrator and manipulate the situation to make them seem like the victim."
Okay anon, and if she told the truth, what do you think would happen?
I would have lied on her ass too, she probably had that ass whipping coming.
Rudy said...
I knew this was a bs story from the getgo and said so.I believe something happened to Mangum.
I love your story... a great way to blame the victim. DOn't you think that maybe Emit Till was doing a little more than whisling at a white women?
Here's how I think it went down:
Emitt was asked to leave woman alone. Kept harrassing her and threatening her. Emitt had a long history of violent crime so white woman's husband justifiably felt he had to defend wife......
Sugar, I don't know why your opinion is like it is or what caused it. I can't dispute how you feel because it is something you feel passionately about. Different women have different experiences with men and how they see men. You and I see men through different lenses possibly because of our experiences with them.
For the most part, I had and have a positive experiences with them and a lot of my closest friends were men. In my lifetime, most men trusted me enough to confide in me private personal stuff but so have a lot of women. Black men have always treated me with the utmost respect from all walks of life..
I know a few men personally who got involved with white women and it wasn't because they idolized or lusted after them either. When it came to having a serious relationship, they always chose a black woman in the end. On the other hand, I, also, know some men who chose and stayed with a white woman. But her being a white woman had nothing to do with it, they looked at her as they do any other woman, simple as that, and they just connected with each other. Men and women have different perceptions about a man and woman relationship.
This entire back and forth on BM, BW, WW exchange is nothing more than ad homenym bullshit..... I highly suspect you are taking your personal experience or the experience of a few celebrities and generalizing it to all _____ fill in the blank. Regardless it is a fallacious argument and frankly, rather insulting to all you are speaking about, black men, black women and white women. But most of all it speaks poorly of you and how incredibly narrow-minded you are.
The facts of the matter are that the MAJORITY people of ALL races tend to date, mate and marry within their own race. And, for those that do not, it is a challenge, and I suspect, Love has something to do with it.
"I love your story... a great way to blame the victim."
What victim?
Those Duke thugs didn't spend a day in jail and became the darlings of the rightwing media and blogoshphere.
Till was MURDERED.
Shabazz, that is not the point.
This discussion is about white women fingering black men for crimes they didn't committ.
I'm pointing out that apparently Ella and her friends felf comfortable committing random violent attacks on white people in the 1940's and they knew falsing accusing the victim of using the N-word would get them off the hook.
People have speculated about black men falsing accused of crimes. I'm pointing out the fact that these girls knew they could get away with this (and in that era too) shows that black folk too have a history of using race to shift the blame. We are told black folks are always on the powerless end of this exchange. This story shows that to be bs.
"Here's how I think it went down":
That says it all right there!
Oh, the tit for tat. It amazes me how fast they can whip out their 2-3 stories of reference. Sigh.
When will they realize for every 1 anti-white sad story, there are like what... 50-60 more anti-black stories to top it. They fail to realize they have always been ahead by a landslide in the nasty game of hate. In fact, they started it.
Again Granny you bring wisdom.
"Come to Richmond V. I swear every young and old "thugs" that lives on the Southside drives a damn Caddy. Old, new, raggidy, fixed up, shitty sound system, bullet holes, you name it..lol. These dudes love 'em some Caddys!"
ROFL! There are some very intelligent people who live and come from the South. That's the honest God truth. Nevertheless, you folks in the South do seem a little backwards to us folks out on the West Coast in a lot of ways.
Out this way, Cadillacs is not well...(smile) I know, I know, we seem too in a big of hurry or living too fast out this way to y'all too. LOL!
FN- Apparently you can name all the white women in our era who have tried to get away with crime by blaming a black male. I'm sure you can name all the black men who have gotten away with crime by pointing the finger at another black male also, right? If 1 in 100 times a false accusation against a black man is by a white women, and it is only these accusations that get you riled up, then it is you who is racist.
99% of the time this happens it is a black male falsing accusing another black male. If white women made up half of all false accusations you might have a point. If white women make up 30% of the population but 1% of false accusations again black men we are not over represented, we are underrespresented. There is no reason I should feel bad over the fact that some people who falsely accuse black men of crime are white women. After all a far, far larger percentage of people who do this are black men and I don't see you taking responsibilty for this, or any other injustice some black men do.
Okay anon- the question is still open: If she (Ella) told the truth, what do you think would've happened?
To add contrast, if she (alleged perpetrator) were white and the "victim" was black what do you think would've happened?
I am still waiting for a certain party posting on here to show me some evidence, you know solid proof, that black men kill white women and their kids on a daily basis. Yup, granny sitting here humming, twiddling my thumbs, and patting my feet waiting patiently for the proof. *Sigh*
La♥Incognita said...
They fail to realize they have always been ahead by a landslide in the nasty game of hate. In fact, they started it
It takes 2 to hate.Maybe the hateees need to look in the mirror and ask themselves "why does everyone hate us?"
If it wasn't for black folks there would be no hate.
We live in the era of change.Black folks its time to change so more white,asain and hispanic people will like you.
Who knows?? You might even like yourself !!
" 2-3 stories of reference"
If only the number was just 2 or 3.
Remember there is more black on white crimes in this country than white on black.
Here we go with the "you are racist" card played out by whites such as jane doe.
When will you white people give up the manipulative, mind-altering propaganda you try to feed us on a continual basis. Sorry ms doe, but more and more black people are taking the blinders off their eyes and expose racist propagandists for the lying bastards you truly are.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
I am still waiting for a certain party posting on here to show me some evidence, you know solid proof, that black men kill white women and their kids on a daily basis
Just watch the 6'o clock news or look at the FBI stats.
Field, I followed your advice and googled Frances Rice....EWWWWWWW.
I am tired of folks calling folks racist who don't seem to know what the definition of racist is. Therefore, here is the definition.
racism = The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
Therefore, that is how a racist thinks and what they believe.
No sick asshole, there's just more black on white crimes BROADCAST in this country than white on black.
Not to mention: white on white, white on asian, white on hispanic, white on hindu, white on____fill in the blank...
You could use that logic for Susan Smith too. She was trying to avoid life in prison. Ella and her friends chose to committ a hate crime just like Susan chose to committ murder.
As to your second question, I have never heard of a white person getting off the hook by saying a black person made a racial slur to them. For instance the Jena 6 claimed the white guy called him "nigger". There is nothing to back up this claim yet I have heard black folks left and right use this claim to justify a 6 on 1 beating. I can assure you if 6 white guys attacked 1 black guy there is no claim they could make ("he called us cracker", "he called my mother a ho", etc) that would make white folks think it made a 6 on 1 beating understandable.
If I made fun of slavery or lynching a lot of black folks would feel I had a beat down coming. Yet certain black civil rights leaders make fun of the holocaust and I don't see them with a broken nose or black eye.
racism = The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
Sonia "from the block" is racist than.Thanks Granny!!!
there's just more black on white crimes BROADCAST in this country than white on black.
Not to mention: white on white, white on asian, white on hispanic, white on hindu, white on____fill in the blank...
Shabazz, you stated that when a crime is between a white person and any minority it is the white person who is the perpetrator a disproportiate amount of the time. Can you back this up with fact?
I watch the news and read a vast variety of newspapers on a daily basis. As for FBI stats those only come out on a annual basis not daily.
Just as I thought, you spew out garbage with your hateful self but my four year old granddaughter is more informed than you. You have no credibility and you don't have the sense that God gave a goose. The kiddie blog is down the hall make a right and then a left. However, I doubt if you could even hang with them. Pitiful!
"When will you white people give up the manipulative, mind-altering propaganda you try to feed us on a continual basis. Sorry ms doe, but more and more black people are taking the blinders off their eyes and expose racist propagandists for the lying bastards you truly are."
"racism = The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others."
Yup. And don't forget kiddies, the ability to oppress people based on race, also falls under the definition of racism.
I don't see black people "oppressing" nor economically dominating over white people much less any other race, no where in this world - not even in Africa.
Yup, he's always on time, ready with some sort of white defense, as small as it is. It never fails.It's a good thing I didn't say the story was obviously phony because black men don't want anything to do with their own kids, let alone kidnap any white ones.
I don't see black people "oppressing" nor economically dominating over white people much less any other race, no where in this world - not even in Africa.<>
You don't see Zimbabwe, of course. You don't want to. The tribal dictator has evicted his country's white farmers and seized their land, and now his country is starving. But you don't see it, because you don't want to see it.
In the first place, the land was originally owned by the Bantu people who were Africans. The Portuguese and British invaded their land and took it from them. So, in essence, it never really was whites land in the first place. They just took back what rightfully belonged to them in the first place.
"It's a good thing I didn't say the story was obviously phony because black men don't want anything to do with their own kids, let alone kidnap any white ones."
He was talking about black criminals, you inbred goober.
I understand, Granny. It's not all that bad an argument, I suppose. Of course, all of America was originally owned by its natives. So, if they reconstituted their tribes and seized the farms in the Great Plains and California, ran them into the ground, and as a consequence Americans began starving, aside from the legal ownership claims don't you think it might be something to take notice of?
If Zimbabwe's government had seized the white farms while keeping them productive, they'd have a much stronger argument with me. What actually happened is that they seized the farms and ruined them, and now there are no crops and Zimbabwe is starving. It's hard to argue about an empty stomach, I think.
He was talking about black criminals, you inbred goober.<>
Field wrote: "What black man (especially around here) is going to kidnap a child? These Negroes want nothing to do with their own damn kids; and they are going to kidnap a white one? There is not enough money in the world that would cause a Negro from around these parts to do that shit."
The way I read it, Field was making a sarcastic and hyperbolic comment about the lack of responsibility rampant among Philadelphia's black men. The comment was not limited to criminals.
By the way, I give Field some chops for being willing to tell it like it is.
grinder said...
The tribal dictator has evicted his country's white farmers and seized their land,
White farmers with land is Africa? Here's a history lesson for you. EVERY piece of land "owned" by whites was stolen from the people who originally lives there, as in the good ole' US of A. In other words, the land was returned to it's righful owners.
And I cosign with greta's first comment about BW/BM. And BTW uptown, does it ever occur to you that at least some of the BW without BM don't want one?
White farmers with land is Africa? Here's a history lesson for you. EVERY piece of land "owned" by whites was stolen from the people who originally lives there, as in the good ole' US of A. In other words, the land was returned to it's righful owners.<>
The "rightful owners" died a long time ago, both here and there. Life is for the living. Today counts the most, especially when it comes to eating. Fact is that Zimbabwe drove off its skilled farmers, and now those fields lie fallow, and the country is starving.
That's the important story here. There aren't many white people in Zimbabwe. The victims of Mugabe and his criminally stupid policies are overwhelmingly black. His people are starving, and you want to talk about "rightful ownership." Nice luxury when your stomach is full.
" the tribal dictator has evicted his country's white farmers and seized ther land"
Are you serious? Grinder, I just had to delete some profanities and write this entire thing over. But I'm going to have to come back to it again.
First of all: Why are those "white farmers/people" festering in AFRICA in the first place?
How many black Africans did they swindle, killed, and abused to acquire said property in AFRICA?
And why the KING referred to as a "tribal dictator"? And why did he had to kick their racist-thieving-arrogant "superiority" thinking asses out?
So why are the people starving now? Probrably some sort of sabotage if you ask me. Then again, are you saying only white farmers/people know how to farm or cultivate a prosperous civilization? The "savages" can't do without you?
That's what you and people who think like you try to elude to when you say things like that, isn't it - with your white savior thinking ass. Ask your self that. Good for them, they all should do it. Everything takes time.
"BTW uptown, does it ever occur to you that at least some of the BW without BM don't want one?
And that's your business.
But why do you spend so much time whining about them?
That was interesting how the driver they claimed was Mangum's driver that night wasn't. They kept a lot of stuff hid from the public and fabricated stuff to make her look bad. They spent a large sum of money to suppress the truth. smh!
uptownsteve said...
But why do you spend so much time whining about them?
I don't whine about anything I simply call a spade a spade.
"It's a good thing I didn't say the story was obviously phony because black men don't want anything to do with their own kids, let alone kidnap any white ones."
Well if the white kids are female than black men will force them into prostitution and sex slavery
"I don't whine about anything I simply call a spade a spade."
In post after post after post.
I don't spend a lot of time talking about bitter homely dykes because they're not on my radar screen.
Get it?
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
That was interesting how the driver they claimed was Mangum's driver that night wasn't. They kept a lot of stuff hid from the public and fabricated stuff to make her look bad. They spent a large sum of money to suppress the truth. smh!
Democrat Nifong is disbarred and about to be forced into government housing.
Durham is on the verge of bankruptcy .
The North Carolina NAACP should America just what the NAACP and other black groups/bloggers were all about.And it sho ain't justice.
THe NYTimes,ESPN,CNN,Time mag,LATimes and 90% of the liberal msm once again showed everyone their is a liberal bias in the media.
In saying all that, if there was one once of proof that this really happen,or that evidence was fabricated or hidden,someone would have pointed that out,especially Democrat Nifong?
"Shabazz, you stated that when a crime is between a white person and any minority it is the white person who is the perpetrator a disproportiate amount of the time. Can you back this up with fact?"
Well, I would be able to if the oh so honest to god good 'ole media would broadcast it across the country like they do black crimes, then maybe I would have something to reference to.
Have you ever watched snapped?
" the tribal dictator has evicted his country's white farmers and seized ther land"
Are you serious? Grinder, I just had to delete some profanities and write this entire thing over. But I'm going to have to come back to it again.
First of all: Why are those "white farmers/people" festering in AFRICA in the first place?
How many black Africans did they swindle, killed, and abused to acquire said property in AFRICA?
And why the KING referred to as a "tribal dictator"? And why did he had to kick their racist-thieving-arrogant "superiority" thinking asses out?
So why are the people starving now? Probrably some sort of sabotage if you ask me. Then again, are you saying only white farmers/people know how to farm or cultivate a prosperous civilization? The "savages" can't do without you?
"That's what you and people who think like you try to elude to when you say things like that, isn't it - with your white savior thinking ass. Ask your self that. Good for them, they all should do it. Everything takes time."
Thank you La Incognita you took yhe words right out of my mouth (or hands) :)
Once again nothing happened to those Duke thugs so what are you bitching about???
They didn't spend a day in jail and became media victims in the rightwing press and blogoshere.
Contrast that with Marcus Dixon and Lamar Owens.
Two black men falsely accused of rape by white women.
Dixon was sentenced to ten years in a Georgia prison, served one year and was released when the conviction was overturned.
Owens was a Naval Academy midshipman and quarterback who was charged with rape after having consenual sex with a white female cadet.
After she admitted the sex was consensual, the Navy still courtmartialed Owens for "conduct unbecoming of an officer" refused to commission him and are forcing him to pay back the costs (over $100,000) of his Academy education.
Thank you Field, you sir came through for me!! I had a feeling you'd call her out for this ridiculousness.
When will white women wishing to run away do the right thing if they wish to make a clean getaway??? Don't blame a brother, or two sister, because that will just cause you to be found that much sooner.
Next time blame the Amish......
"field ever get tired of the whole race card thing? what about science or even medicine....you do touch on sports but that's so stereotypical black man! i know you can do better than this :("
Anon 7:56 AM, how could you say that? By having this blog I am contributing to science. Aren't you posting a comment? Don't you see how important to the study of evolution that is? Here you are, a sub-human primate, actually using a computer. I think that is groundbreaking. ;)
La Idiot, the people of Zimbabwe are starving. That country used to not just feed itself, but was a net exporter of food. Then the tribal dictator ran the white farmers off the land they'd been farming, and now the population is starving.
You don't want to know about it. You couldn't care less if black people starve. And you want to call ME a racist. You're not just stupid, you are one sick puppy.
the frances rice site made me throw up. i cannot for the life of me figure out these so called black republicans
When is the rest of America gonna realize that white women are not the pure women they have been lifted up to be. Mainstream Media acts as if its impossible for white females to be liars, thiefs and murderers. Well check the headlines America Casey Anthony, Melissa Huckabye and this woman continue to show just how disfunctional white women can be.They are no better than Black, Hispanic, or Asian women.
Oh, and by the way, Mugabe isn't a "tribal" dictator because he's black, or because he's African. He is "tribal" because he is tribal. He favors his own tribe, the Shona, over the Ndebele. Between 1982 and 1985, Mugabe's thugs murdered at least 20,000 Ndebele.
White savior? Me? I'm a white onlooker. Africa is a disaster. The European colonialists certainly deserve their large share of the blame, but so do the Africans themselves, especially since independence. The various tribal dictators in country after country have looted what the Europeans built.
The same thing has happened in some places outside of Africa. The most vivid example is Burma, which was once the richest and best-educated country in Southeast Asia and is now a festering, dictatorial, tribally-split shithole where people are starving. I've been there, and what that government did is a monstrous crime.
By contrast, India and China and Vietnam are, by varying degrees, recovering from colonial misrule. It would be nice if there was a single major African nation that wasn't hurtling backward at the speed of sound.
Field: I'm wondering why people are stupid enough to keep trying this. The police, to their credit, don't tend to fall for these stories any more. They didn't believe Susan Smith, and then there was this
case in my home town of Milwaukee.
When is the rest of America gonna realize that white women are not the pure women they have been lifted up to be. Mainstream Media acts as if its impossible for white females to be liars, thiefs and murderers. Well check the headlines America Casey Anthony, Melissa Huckabye and this woman continue to show just how disfunctional white women can be.They are no better than Black, Hispanic, or Asian women.<>
Seeing as how there are about 85 million white women 16 and older in America, I will go out on a limb and guess that there are more than a few liars, thieves, murderers, and plain ol' whackjobs among them. I mean, come on: Sarah Palin.
"Africa is a disaster. The European colonialists certainly deserve their large share of the blame, but so do the Africans themselves, especially since independence."
Well, that's because the "white devil's" damage was already done. Divide and conquer, and people keep falling for it.
I do get disappointed with the African officials, and some of the people. But what do you think happens when you steal land, resources, and lump all the various language speaking tribes in one area (just like they did in Nigeria and other places throughout Africa), then pit them against each other while you rape the continent. You think the following generations are going to be so loving to each other?
African people had a damn right to slaughter all you devils from day one. And I mean that. Just like every country all over this world has a right to defend what is theirs, African countries should be no different.
Burma, Vietnam, South America... again the lingering scent of the European devils.
Grinder, you sound like one of those culturally exploitive presumptuous bigots ("onlooker" my ass). Either you are playing naive, or you seriously suffer with that white arrogant denial complex. You really need to find yourself a clue - or a life.
Ya know, you really like that name calling thing don't you? You are not the only one that can lay it down, you know. If you only knew.
Wen yo dish out... ah hooope... yo could tek bak, eh.
A few things you forget, China and Vietnam were not pawns in the Cold War. India and China are ancient cultures and basically have their borders in tact. China and Vietnam are still communist governments and the reasons for its success is due to government will. Most of China has never been under colonial rule. That tribalism you speak of also plays out in India, although it takes on a Religious form. These attributes of China, India, and Vietnam are different than Africa, because Africa borders are more unnatural. The different ethnic groups never had time to sort things out like Europe did during the past ten centuries and China and India did 3000 - 2000 years ago. The constant fight for Africa's resources, industrial and precious metals, Uranium, Oil and Diamonds have had the past colonial business interest colluding with the despots to keep countries divided. The one thing that always fails to register is that the Communist educated their people and the colonialist didn't have a problem with educated Indians, but initially it was too their interest to keep the slave ignorant. When they were no longer exported, they worked the plantations or mines. Why have an educated class? What do you think the uproar was about in Soweto? The audacity of children thinking, learning English would better prepare them for the world than Afrikaans and more importantly to have an equal education to whites. Afrikaans only prepared them to serve the house.
You should also note that in South Africa the Indian under Apartheid was allowed to be an entrepreneur.
You know, I probably should not have wasted my breath, because each generation, a white person compares the American and African black with yet another group.
Did not see the previous post until I posted mine. I had no intention of reinventing the wheel.
Looks like you're doing a pretty good job of pummeling grinder's ass!
Go ahead....Beat him down! lol
John B,
Charles Stuart pulled the same stunt with killing his pregnant wife.
Good lord...The scumbag shot her in the head after leaving a childbirthing class and then picked black guy willie Bennett out of a line up & made his life a living nightmare!
I didn't hear about this until this morning and wrote about it. I'd like to say "unbelievable." Sadly, it's not.
Every "self hating" "white woman loving" black man should think about shit like this everytime they try to convince themselves that just because Obama is president that all of a sudden racism disappeared. As long as there are white people, we can expect to have shit like this happen at any time.
I know what all of you folks in that river in Egypt are thinking right now..."Can't we all just get along!!"
La Idiot, the black people of Zimbabwe are starving because your beloved tribal dictator destroyed the country's agriculture, and you couldn't give a shit. And then you sit there and call me a racist.
You are a joke. The only thing you can do is shout "white devil" at anyone who isn't black. You're a racist, no better or different than any other.
A few things you forget, China and Vietnam were not pawns in the Cold War.<>
Oh really? The only reason the U.S. got into Vietnam was because its Cold War paranoia wouldn't allow Eisenhower to see that Ho Chi Minh was a nationalist. And you're seriously going to claim that there weren't any Cold War politics involved in Western relations with China? Are you crazy, or do you just play insane on the Internet for the hell of it?
I probably should not have wasted my breath, because each generation, a white person compares the American and African black with yet another group.I only mentioned Asia by way of noting that black Africans aren't the only people influenced by tribalism. As for Americans, I didn't bring it up. I've been talking about Zimbabwe and Africa, and you and La Idiot can't have a conversation without venting your racist bullshit at white people.
Meanwhile, Zimbabwe starves and the rest of Africa hurtles backwards, and neither one of you could give a shit about it.
First time I heard this story on the news my BS detector went into overdrive and I knew you were going to have a field day with this one.
biafrablk, just curious: Is your handle a reference to the former African state that was in a civil war with Nigeria?
China and Vietnam were not the players using African countries as pawns. Only Russia and the US. Both sides pumping weapons into many countries and boosting divisions. Giving support to despots rather than supporting leaders who might have been good for Africa. Angola was stripped of all its infrastructure when the Portuguese left. The Portuguese even took the telephone wires down. Cuba sent soldiers there to keep war going for many more years. Since there hasn't been any Marshall plan for African countries. Just how would you expect a similar recovery as Vietnam when China and the US pump resources into that country.
The US took over the French's role in fighting communism, but the French were fighting to really preserve empire. Many people do not remember the the civil war in Vietnam had more to do with a Religious conflict between the Buddhist and Catholics. The US had to get rid of the French Catholic ruler, before they could truly engage in that war to fight the communist. The unification of the country was a war that had been long fought with the French it was just during the time the northern leaders became communist.
I apologize for not being as clear.
Grinder, you really do sound like an asshole, when the white farmers left, they took all the capitol with them, that is what caused the problems, thievery, not your tribal dictator shit theory.
next, you got some nerve making comparisons to china, india, vietnam, you got to be kidding me right? they aint on their way to recovery, people in china die all the time making cheap shit using toxic materials so that americans can enjoy buying products at cheap prices, and who is the manufacturers? american manufacturers is the answer.
Anon, give me a fuckin' break. You're telling me that the white farmers of Zimbabwe drove their tractors to South Africa? I don't think so. You obviously have never set foot within 50 miles of a farm. The capital isn't portable. Most of it is buildings and livestock.
Of course, then there is the human capital. That's the biggest factor in farming. When your favorite tribal dictator drove the white farmers from the farms of Zimbabwe, he dispersed vital knowledge and management skills. Now, those farms are fallow and Zimbabwe has gone from a food exporter to a country that can't feed its own people.
And you want to call anyone who notices it a "racist." Oh, and an "asshole." I'mm tellin you, that's really sick.
Shibazz:" Well, I would be able to if the oh so honest to god good 'ole media would broadcast it across the country like they do black crimes, then maybe I would have something to reference to."
So you KNOW that whites committ more crime against blacks than visa versa but since the media doesn't report it you are unable to produce evidence. Well, the media can't broadcast crime that DOESN'T happen.
I assume you think there is a secret morgue where the bodies of black men murdered by white women are stored.
Anonyass: You ever watch snapped?
White women are some of the most evil, vicious, selfish,greedy cretins to walk this planet.
Cut the innocent white is right bullshit, 'cause that shit don't fly here.
Fuck outta here cracker
"Cuz you wouldn't be bitchin about how much black men love white women if you did."
And the connection here is ?
My concern is more about BM not taking responsibility for their community. Marrying outside like I said before does not absolve one from that responsibility. The reason people like me will mention WW is because most BM that marry them do it to get out and not give back to the community. If BM were so comfortable with their WW why don't they keep them around and active in the community? I doublt some of us would be "bitchin".
And for the record, Black American men are not my type, so yes I don't have and probably never will have a Black American man.
So clearly me not having one of them is really not an issue.
"The Dunbar Village perps are in jail whereas the cops who beat Rodney King where initially acquitted."
After BM Civil Rights activists were rushing to assist them with their case? Where were BM matching for Justice for the woman ? Bullshit?
"Different women have different experiences with men and how they see men. You and I see men through different lenses possibly because of our experiences with them."
Granny, actually despite what you may assume, I have had good experiences with the men in my life.
I am looking at the bigger American societal picture as I have experienced it. Justice for Blacks revolves around the BM.
The BW and her challenges are rarely an issue taken up by the collective group. She's only seen when she is being ridiculed. That is my angle. I am not talking about individuals you or I may know.
There is a lack of collective empathy for the BW and Child while there is alot of attention given to the BM's cause. Granted he has his challenges but what this over emphasis has done is to make him less empathetic to his community.
LOL@ Grinder. You white people need to get over Zimbabwe. Its gone and its never coming back. Those who survive the starving will get back on their feet. So no amount of insults or condensation towards Africans will help your cause. Get over it. You've been kicked out, find another place to patronize if you can.
And I do have issues with African especially male leaders but not even those 'starving' people would want you on their land.
And by the way backwardness is relative.
Just because you think they are backward or sliding backwards does not mean they don't like their state of being.
I will tell you something you will find strange, some us like our homelands in their rural states. We don't want them to look like the "developed" world you live in.
You white people need to get over Zimbabwe. Its gone and its never coming back. Those who survive the starving will get back on their feet. So no amount of insults or condensation towards Africans will help your cause. Get over it. You've been kicked out, find another place to patronize if you can.<>
I've been kicked out, you say? Hey, if I was kicked out of Zimbabwe and ought to get over it, then you were taken out of Africa and you ought to get over it. Two can play that bullshit game.
By the way, I love your indifference to the starvation of a large part of Zimbabwe by your favorite tribal dictator, Robert Mugabe, who a couple months ago was tracked down to Hong Kong while on a shopping spree with his lovely wife.
Shall we move on to the Congolese civil war that killed 3 million people in the 1990s? I guess you don't give a fuck about that, either. Let's remember this the next time you or La Idiot starts bleating about the "white devil" in Africa.
And I do have issues with African especially male leaders but not even those 'starving' people would want you on their land. And by the way backwardness is relative.<>
Yeah, it really sounds like you have "issues" with your favorite tribal dictator and the starvation he's caused, or with the other rampant disasters of post-independence African countries. Fact is, you couldn't give a shit about Africans.
Just because you think they are backward or sliding backwards does not mean they don't like their state of being.<>
That one takes the cake. Starvation and civil war? They like that? And you think that I am the one who's patronizing people? You're a joke!
Hey. I love this place. Thanks.
But I find this...I don't know, offensive....
What black man (especially around here) is going to kidnap a child? These Negroes want nothing to do with their own damn kids; and they are going to kidnap a white one? There is not enough money in the world that would cause a Negro from around these parts to do that shit.
I mean, even on the big assumption that all black men "around here" don't care about their kids, the comparison makes no sense.
This is way beneath your excellent blog.
an old white woman named paula
ps. I seriously do love this place.
Anon, I give Field a lot of credit for that comment. I read it as hyperbole, not a literal statement. He pointed out a real issue. Two-thirds of black babies are born out of wedlock, and 60% of all out-of-wedlock births are to truly single mothers, i.e., there's no cohabitation.
So, 35% of all black babies have no father in the picture in the commonly understood sense of the term. That's not a problem, that's an ongoing disaster. Can anyone really blame an intelligent, concerned black man for voicing his frustration with that state of affairs?
"if I was kicked out of Zimbabwe and ought to get over it, then you were taken out of Africa and you ought to get over it. Two can play that bullshit game'
It doesn't amaze me how you seem to think the dissimilarities in that blatantly disrespectful statement actually has merit. You must be the only one that see things as a game.
You are far more dangerous than some may realize. Your ignorance and subliminal racism always give you away each time you strike a key.
No, we will never forget African slavery. That too will always seem to pester deceitful white people like you. You pretend to be "race blind" or color friendly, but you dream for the day when you and your future generations can openly deny all the things your sadistic and savage white legacy did to black people, children of Africa. You can't handle the guilt, nor admit your head start privileges in life.
Even on this blog you are always ready to pacify anything hateful and racist whites do. When you can't get your way, you start the name calling and scream reverse racism (LOL at you). You even think you're being clever when you try to divert the topic to black crimes, black community dysfunction, black birth stats, and now your twisted version of black starvation in Africa because of other black people (as if you care). Can't you see how habitual and transparent you are? I am not the only one that notice it. Also that condescending "your favorite tribal dictator" says a lot about you. Also makes me wonder if you think black people all over the world are some sort of
indistinguishable entity. Knowing you.
At first I figured you were drawn to this blog because of Fields "big black buck" photo, and perhaps you thought you could pick up men. Who knows, maybe that too.
Yet, I think it's because of your white male homosexuality you figured you could try for acceptance among a group of black lefties who have also felt discrimination from the majority. Then you became hook on being able to openly vent your hidden racism and ignorant frustrations about black people while you go under radar. However, that initial prejudice and bigotry you came with keeps getting in your way when the topic turns to white racism, and white dysfunction.
Grinder, you can have your unmoving "La idiot", but remember there are no politically correct names I'm able to find in order to describe the true essence of your character.
As Grata said, Get Over It! You are not fooling anyone.
Now you can have the last word. You are so predictable, and you naturally seem to think it's always your right to have.
"And for the record, Black American men are not my type, so yes I don't have and probably never will have a Black American man."
Classic copout.
You can't get one so you claim you don't want one.
"After BM Civil Rights activists were rushing to assist them with their case? Where were BM matching for Justice for the woman ? Bullshit?"
Like who? Name ONE and provide proof.
That is an out and out lie promoted by the black rightwing Uncle Tom blogosphere.
I'll wait patiently for your proof.
And one more thing Grata.
If American black men aren't "your type" where do you get off attacking American black men who date outside the black community?
Women like you are so riddled with hate and bitterness that you can't think straight.
For Grata
NAACP’s position on Dunbar Village case
A series of viral e-mails circulating the Internet the past several days distort and misrepresent the NAACP’s stance on the Dunbar Village gang rape case that began last June in south Florida.
The NAACP does not condone violence against anyone. Any suggestion to the contrary is not credible in light of the Association’s long history of opposing violence against all persons.
In fact, it was the West Palm Beach Branch NAACP and area churches, among others, that provided assistance in the relocation of the victims in this horrific and inexplicable criminal matter.
“The NAACP cares deeply that justice be applied equally, without regards to race, but cares just as deeply that guilty parties be held accountable for their actions,” said Adora Obi Nweze, president of the Florida State Conference, NAACP.
The NAACP National Office nor the Florida NAACP have taken any formal position on the case and both believe this situation will benefit from well meaning, interested parties allowing the facts to become further known and letting defense lawyers do their work.
“The lives of the victims in this case are irrevocably altered in the worst way,” said NAACP Interim President & CEO Dennis Courtland Hayes. “While we respect the judicial process and implore that equal justice be rendered for all involved, we must also focus on ending the continuing plague of violence in our communities.
“The NAACP and its affiliates will continue to closely monitor the proceedings and details of this case, said West Palm Beach Branch NAACP President Maude Ford Lee, who added, “Earlier reports that my remarks support the heinous acts of the guilty parties could not be further from the truth.“
Your turn.
SOme sick and disturbing comments posted on here. Truly the ignorant and profane people viewing this blog.
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