So my image jones continues. Ben Dimiro from Media Matters sent me something else that has me a little hot and bothered and wondering about myself.
Am I being a little too paranoid? Is my hatred for some on the right in this country so strong, that I would think that they would stoop as low as to send dog whistles to their minions to hurt little girls? Did the editor over at the conservative, Washington Times, really consider this picture placement before he or she put it in their paper?
"...And no, this was not an example of an unfortunate juxtaposition, where the the Obama girls photo was actually part of another, more innocuous story and because of a layout quirk simply appeared near the murdered-kids story. Instead, the Obama girls photo was specifically selected to accompany the article. Ordinarily I'd say that's just God-awful judgment on the part of the Times editors. But increasingly, I get the feeling that there isn't anybody at the Times actually making editorial decisions. "
"h/t No More Mr. Nice Blog and Shakesville)"
Oh, and one more thing. I told you black folks that it's good to have white friends. They hip you to shit that we don't even know is going on. Like this so called portrait of our first black president with some other presidents, for instance. (**See sidebar) It is going around on their e-mail lists. I bet you half the white folks in A-murder-ca has gotten that e-mail. (Present company excluded of course)
Thank you W---- for e-mailing me that pic. I won't expose you because some of your white friends might be reading this and I don't want to put you out there. Just know that us field Negroes appreciate when we have a spy in the big house.
WTH..you need to enlarge that pic.
The Republicans know that their only alternative is too start trouble.They wanted some blacks(ACORN) to come to their teaparty.This has gone over the top.They did it with Michelle , they don't care.They even blamed him for his Grandmother dying. They have no scruples.
Yuk. I'd fire people for doing this. As far as the story goes, I assumed it was black on black at first glance and I don't think it's just me.
Second one in a week. Last week was Fox pointing the rifle at the Prez & taking out Jesse, too.
I Really hope Obama loses his cool on this one... every parent, or auntie or uncle or granma would understand. In fact, we would applaud it.... I always said when my sons were young, that all bets were off... someone hurts my kids, they were gonna get hurt.
As to the other photo... please explain it cuz my old eyes can't see it... what is it?
Wait... I just put on my glasses and now I get it... the photo in the side bar.... that is disgusting, juvenile... no one has sent it to me... but then, I don't have friends that would find that funny.
I used to work for a newspaper, and odd juxtapositions were a fairly regular affair. In every issue of The Columbia Journalism Review, they'd reproduce the funnier ones on the inside of its back cover.
Maybe this was a dog whistle, but it's more likely it belongs in the "shit happens" file.
Here we go, he's always chasing it down. Oh come on Field, I don't see anything wrong. They just wanted to show how important this tragedy could be if it had to happen to the precious darlings in the beige house. You should be glad they immediately thought to concern themselves about the well being of those little girls. Don't worry, no one is going to get any bright ideas. Ok? You people are so touchy.
(No I'm not losing my mind, I just wanted to creep myself out by pretending to be a wacko right wing apologist. Now I must go and scrub hard in the shower).
The Wash Times is an effing Moonie paper, so whatever conservatives they have there need to wake the eff up and walk right!
(sorry for that little rant, Im tired)
Lets keep the race industry going!!!! LETS GET THE OUTRAGE GOING!!!! SOMEONE CALL JESSE JACKSON!!!
But lets not get outraged at the death of Deandre Wynn 19.He was killed a few weeks ago in L.A. County.
Lets not get outraged about how more people were killed in Chicago than in Iraq this past summer.
Can we spare a post about that FN??
Lets not get outraged at the death toll of the war thats been fought on our streets for years.I'm talking about the war between the bloods and crips.Why can't Obama and Hillary stop this war?
But those things are not imporant.
Symbols and words are more imporant.
What a shame.
The one thing we have to keep in mind Field, the descendants of those cave dwellers who laughed and took photos at Sunday lynching outings are walking among us. And they are cowards; because they are too chickenshit to come out and say what they want to, so they will "accidentally" post photos of the Obama girls next to a headline like this. Only a sick, evil bastard would dream of juxtaposing an image of children with a unrelated violent headline but this is what the devil does. They know Obama is mr. cool, and any perceived threats against his beloved family could possibly make him lose it.
D-bags probably creamed their pants pairing up that photo and text, along with the caveman who put together that collage in your sidebar. This is why I truly believe racism is a certified mental illness, and not just a social problem.
Hey Field why don't you post this on Kos ? If not can I repost your article there ?
"But lets not get outraged at the death of Deandre Wynn 19.He was killed a few weeks ago in L.A. County.
Lets not get outraged about how more people were killed in Chicago than in Iraq this past summer.
Can we spare a post about that FN??"
Actually, we can. Google field Negro and Iraq war. Or, please see my side bar of the Killadelphia murder count. I know it's hard when you come with an agenda, but I always like to present something else into the mix; it's called FACTS.
"Maybe this was a dog whistle, but it's more likely it belongs in the "shit happens" file."
grinder I will defer to you newspaper people. But I just don't feel comfortable giving the Wash. Times a pass. See what Lola said. She lives in D.C.
Jody, somehow I don't see your white friends sending you that e-mail.
D.J., I will try to enlarge that pic for you.
kid, feel free. And don't even bother to ask next time.
"Maybe this was a dog whistle, but it's more likely it belongs in the "shit happens" file"
And of course Grinder would think something like that. Sheep clothing must be cheap to come by.
Thanks Field. I just wanted to make sure.
Your a regular riot on wheels aren't you, you black bitch.
Anon.11:22PM,that was truly ignorant and fowl. And I pray that you are not a brother. If you are, you have some issues you might need to work on. If you are not, well....it's probably too late for you.
BTW, I hope we never meet in a bar after you have had a few. It could be bad for both of us.
Whelp, I'm gonna to say this, and I won't be posting for a couple of weeks. We had a death in my family and I need a break from blogging to regroup and relax.
I'm not surprised at all, in fact, I've been praying for the President and his family's safety because I've been sensing some danger for them. Those folks on the right are crazy and its a couple on the left too. Some old-timers and a few younger ones with that good ole boy, white supremacist mentality . They have the same mindset of those men who bombed churches, lynched blacks, and assassinated black leaders. They are threatening the President of the USA and his family.
I've said this once and I'll say it again. They are some very deranged, evil, and hateful people who cannot stomach a black man being in the White House. They're upset about being exposed for the low-down snakes that they are. Their mind is so twisted, full of hatred, and they do not want all that is coming out in the light to come out either, but like I said a few post ago, it's coming out.
Cheney is busy trying to save his no good behind and justify all the evil he has done, but the more he opens his mouth, the deeper the hole he is digging for himself gets. He is busy behind scenes as well. I dunno but somewhere along the line he deceived Bush too. It's one big mess caused by greed.
Granny, I am so sorry to hear about the passing of someone in your family. You are in my thoughts. Please stay strong.
We will miss you.
Hurry back.
I'll pray for you and your family Granny.
This is pretty sick. I'm beginning to believe that Malcolm was dead on when he said (some of) these people are the devil. Sent straight from hell.
Granny: My condolences.
Condolences, Granny-- come back soon.
My condolences, Granny. I always appreciate your knowledge in the fields.
As for the Washington Times: WTF? This is like that Washington Post article about Dallas-area murders with a picture of the Bush daughters....
Oh, that's right! There was no such article because the President's children used to be "off limits."
Well, at least the children of Republican presidents.
May you be comforted by the many warm thoughts of those who care.
For those who think the picture on the sidebar is funny and the Washington Time. Karma is a b*tch and your day will come for having a black heart.
Like others have said, the Washington Times is a Moonie rag. It is a reliable barometer for wingnut opinion.
Looks like our boy "sick freak" dropped his signature image again. It sucks to be a known "anonymous" quantity, doesn't it?
Please accept my condolences, Granny.
The picture of his children and last week's photos with the rifle pointing at Obama's head were "intentional" and NOT meant to be funny, coincidental or accidental. IMO, they are meant to be threats.
I also don't believe it is just the far right doing this. There are others in collaboration with them.
In the past it was often said among Blacks (Negroes):
"Regardless of his status or position in life, a black man cannot protect his family from racial degradation or threats in America."
Looks like that saying is still a timeless truth for Blacks in A-murder-ca.
You are in my prayers and I will surely miss you. God bless you. My heart is with you and your family.
Condolences, Granny!
My sympathy to you & your family!
My condolances, Granny. May the best of the passed remain in your family's hearts.
Field, "Very Scrub Brothers", err I mean "Smart Brothers" beat you out. Not impressed. Their so-called win may be field negro behavior to you, but their blog is house negro quality to me. Boooooooooooooooo!
In the grand tradition of America's past and present, we're yet again subjected to racist imagery, some of which are featured here on this current blog and the sidebar.
Suggesting that the children of the president be killed, goes beyond the pale, and deserves our persistent outcries.
Finding solace here will do little to curb or stop this outrage. What's need is righteous indignation, however you define that.
Write, and e-mail The Washington Times, have your family, and friends write and e-mail.
Tell TWT that you won't tolerate this treatment of our First Family.
If you can't rant about this crap to those entities that are suggesting that harm come to blacks, then you don't deserve to gripe at all.
grinder I will defer to you newspaper people. But I just don't feel comfortable giving the Wash. Times a pass. See what Lola said. She lives in D.C.<>
I'm not an sort of fan of the Moonie rag, believe me. I'm just telling you that all kinds of crazy shit happens with newspaper layouts.
And of course Grinder would think something like that. Sheep clothing must be cheap to come by.<>
Fuck you, too.
But understandably so... considering what we are dealing with regarding Republican Right Wing Media.
The paranoia didn't just develop out of thin air. With Fox Noise, Swiftboaters, Talk Radio, Boss Limbaugh & Co., CNN (yes them too), and all the rest... there is good reason to be vigilant.
The caption and the pictures made me sick to my stomach. Sasha and Malia are kids for crying out loud. These repugnant idiots are trying to teleguide their minions to harm the President and his family. The other post with the rifle pointing towards the head speaks volumes. They would not have gotten away with that nonsense when little shrub held the mortgage on 1600 Pennsylvannia Ave.
My prayers are with you Granny.
Please accept my condolences. Take care of yourself.
Damn that pic is fucked up!
It took me a while to spot the "error", but I finally got it.
I guess captioning it as...
"The Spook Who Sat by The Door"
would be somewhat inappropriate, no?
there's no link to or pic of the whole page wtf?
i think you'r playing games jst like them,,,,hummmm
keep the racism going field
Anon, that's Ms. Black Bitch to you.
My condolences Granny.
These fools in a Amerryka are about as boring as those glorified black, brown, red, yellow, and even whitefaced minstrel shows with the big bands, dance routines, and the faux-comedy.
Here's an overt example on another scale...
sick freak sez
"Lets keep the race industry going!!!!"
That's exactly what the Washington Times, Fox-TV and Rush are doing!!!
Anybody surprised?
A black man in the White House and the Republican party devolving into a militia outfit.
The rightwingers are going nuts with hate and paranoia.
Anybody notice how Drugbo tried to tie the stimulus package to "reparations"?
It's only going to get uglier folks.
Condolences GSfT.
ditto fn!!!
this is truly one of the most inexplicably and rabidly racist "errors" that i have ever seen...
it implies that the images of black children are randomly impersonal/interchangeable/insignificant and even generically pathological...
as a native of chicago, it is deeply and insanely offensive...as if the actual local child victims are as faceless/disposable/erased as those felled in the infamous "atlanta child murders"...
so much for our imaginary "post-racial" america that their dad obama still dares to hawk..
Deepest condolences Granny.
My prayers are with you and your family.
Granny, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. We'll miss your wisdom while you tend your grief. Blessings on you.
Black Diaspora is right; we need to do more than complain here on this blog.
may god bless you all...
Sweet Honey in the Rock
(Lyrics adapted from the poem by Birago Diop, music by Ysaye M. Barnwell)
Listen more often to things than to beings
Listen more often to things than to beings
Tis the ancestor's breath when the fireʼs voice is heard
Tis the ancestor's breath in the voice of the waters.
Those who have died have never, never left
The dead are not under the earth
They are in the rustling trees
They are in the groaning woods
They are in the crying grass,
they are in the moaning rocks
The dead are not under the earth.
Listen more often to things than to beings
Listen more often to things than to beings
Tis the ancestor's breath when the fire's voice is heard
Tis the ancestor's breath in the voice of the waters.
Those who have died have never never left.
The dead have a pact with the living.
They are in the womanʼs breast,
they are in the wailing child
They are with us in our homes.
They are with us in the crowd
The dead have a pact with the living.
Listen more often to things than to beings
Listen more often to things than to beings
Tis the ancestorʼs breath when the fire's voice is heard
Tis the ancestorʼs breath in the voice of the waters.
Hear a clip of the song here:
If someone has the address of the Wash Times or their e-mail adress could you post it,please?I am sure we would like to contact them.
I am on the road and it,s hard to do anything like that from my trusted Blackberry.
BTW,anon above, I did post a link which you might want to read before you accuse me of lying.I know the truth hurts,but sometimes it's all we got.
The Washington Times
3600 New York Ave. NE
Washington, D.C. 20002
News Executives
Executive Editor
John Solomon
The Washington Times
I'm already on it Field.
I've sent this pic to everyone I know and asked them to make some noise.
This shyt will not be tolerated.
Here is a link that you folks might be interested in. Seems the folks at the Wash Times were caught with their pants down.
Still think I made up the story,anon?
And I am not buying their explanation.Sorry, I am too cynical for that.
Thanks for the info uptownsteve!
Please accept my condolences as well.
We will miss you voice and spirit.
Those assholes over at the Times actually used to be clients of mine.
I don't do business with them anymore though.
Thanks Uptownsteve!
my pleasure Justice.
Always good to see you.
You know that sound that Scooby Do makes to express shock and awe?
So I'm supoosed to be mollified that the WT has a "themes" engine to match related stories which automatically attaches the Obama girls to story about murdered children. (Cue the Scooby Do sound.)
By the way, did I miss the editor's caption that was added later?
This story is so perfectly outrageous and the WT's explanation only makes it worse.
ditto wcs:
i just read the official spin...
and what they are essentially saying is:
"we are not racist and inept, but our computers are..."
yeah right,
Mrs Granny, sincere condolences. I saw Mr. Fields article last night. I had an immediate reaction to it, was going to post, decided against it. Thought my take would be too controversial. However Grannys post, magnifyed my emotion about the intense value of every life, not just those in high places.
I found it confusing that Mr. Field wasnt really concerned about the text of the article as he was the juxtaposition of it to the pics of the first kids. If he was, he would have blogged about it, he didnt. I then saw the running count of the Philly murders (mostly black I presume) The text "he was young. He was black. So what else is new" A shocking statement. Sarcasm perhaps but shines a light on not only the disinterest of others but from Mr. Field also.
'OH there goes Mr Whitey again, talkin about a few kids dyin when people like Mark Cuban, Eminem and the houston hillbillies run free from scorn"
YUP. I guess so. Silly misguided Mr. Whitey focusing on school children and young people gunned down for no reason.
Silly indeed.
Silly because I truly dont see stupid shit like this Eminem clown mouthing off as anything to waste a second on. I cant understand scouring the net for things Mark fucking Cuban says in the heat of battle. I certainly dont get seeing a headline like that and not getting the horriffic truth it shows. Its there even if you choose to ignore it.
Perhaps the juxtaposition meant "OK you dont care about these 36 dead, how would you feel if it was one of THESE?" I just dont understand why a white guy from a white neighborhood in a white city in a white state seems to care more about blacks being killed needlessly than blacks who hang out on a black blog and discuss black issues. As many of you know, I bring this up alot because it is needless and the deep sadness it creates for every death is staggerring. Believe me, if your child is killed you NEVER get over it. NEVER.
Many here will respond to my skin hue rather than what I say. Too bad. Many will see my motivation is to disrespect people of color rather than true outrage at the deaths. I dont care. Mr field, the true story here is the lost lives, not the perceived racism. You need to love the lost kids more than you hate the right wingnuts. Rightwingnuts didnt kill these kids and they didnt kill those in Philly you count every day.
You have said before "If these were white kids being killed things would be different" Your damn right they would be. People in white neighborhoods would DEMAND ubiquitous police presence, draconian stop and search laws. People would cooperate with police and they would "snitch, snitch, snitch". They would demand harsh punishment not only for the kids who committed crimes but for the parents who arent supervising them. There would be no empathy for thugs. There would be no excuses for criminal behavior. Life in a cage for the animals who prey upon us and no apologies for them. There would be no "downtown chad" whining that your "pickin on the white boyz". No ridiculous sociology majors blaming their evil actions on poverty, neglect or racism. I dare say if the problem in my city were as bad as Chicago, we would get every one of the 10,000 foot soldiers to guard our streets. I would be one of them.
Priorities Mr. Field. Lets fix what is outside our doors first. If you have the stomach for it.
I can sit here and opine about global warming, refugees and stupid Mr. Cheney and in the end it will all be hot air in the wind. I can get out in my community and show myself as an example to others, help those that need helping and most importantly confront those parents directly who arent doing what theyre supposed to do and REAL change will be effected.
But hey, thats just from a white guy, what do I know?
"I just dont understand why a white guy from a white neighborhood in a white city in a white state seems to care more about blacks being killed needlessly than blacks who hang out on a black blog and discuss black issues."
What out and out bull$hit.
What racists like you do incessantly is equate blacks with crime and divert to rants about crime whenever examples of overt white racism are produced.
It's a very cheap tactic that's been honed to perfection for the last 40 year.
Your logic seems to be that blacks cannot and should not even acknowledge white racism in any form until every black inner city neighborhood is violence free.
And I'll ask you ONCE AGAIN, what would you have the average law abiding black citizen do about criminals do about criminals that we don't pay the police to do?
Field, I get these emails all the time. The same people who send them also like to send religious stuff. Hm. You'd think the Right would speak out against, because it isn't doing them any favors. As for the offensive emails, I say keep 'em coming. I like to know where people stand. You have the right to show yourself as a hateful racist person to all of cyberspace.
"People in white neighborhoods would DEMAND ubiquitous police presence, draconian stop and search laws. People would cooperate with police and they would "snitch, snitch, snitch"."
More garbage.
When white ethnics were the inner city poor in the early party of the 20th century, they were the preponderance of the street criminals and those incarcerated.
And a "rat" (one who cooperated with authorities) was the worst thing you could be in the neighborhood.
Dynamics are the same, only the complexions of the players.
@ Granny...peace and well being to you and your family during this time in your lives.
As far as the pic...going after the children in any matter is sick. We live in a sick, evil, unstable society.
Hopefully whomever thinks this is 'ok' will wise up before the long term effects are irreversible. I predict the long term affect of death to many people, especially white people and their children if anything traumatic happens to/with the Obama girls. Too many people (right or wrong), won't take that kind of incident lightly...they will respond. I'm not agreeing with the pathway that may develop, but I understand how it could be.
And the pic in the sidebar...these idiots really can't handle our biracial President on any level.
@Mr. Whitey...
You have made some interesting opinions. I don't agree with all of them, but I'm willing to consider alternative perspectives.
We, as a people are definitely unwilling to 'snitch' for whatever reason we may believe it's necessary. I don't fit into that mentality on any level. I don't support or enable anyone that's a criminal.
We continue to be our own worse enemies...and many of us are stuck in the perpetual state of whining and complacentcy.
All that being said, this is FN's blog and he can do/write/focus on whatever he chooses. That's what's so great about blogging anyone can do it. Anyone unhappy with it's contents, etc should relocate.
Uptown, Im not surprised you only saw my skin color and missed everything else.
As far as what should the average black citizen do? You couldnt read the paragraph about what would happen in my community if these killings were happenning and draw a straight line??
Not surprising in the least.
You said:
""When white ethnics were the inner city poor in the early party of the 20th century, they were the preponderance of the street criminals and those incarcerated.
And a "rat" (one who cooperated with authorities) was the worst thing you could be in the neighborhood.""
Thats not the case anymore.....is it. If you look at the calender you will see were in the "21st" century....Youre welcome.
You said;
Your logic seems to be that blacks cannot and should not even acknowledge white racism in any form until every black inner city neighborhood is violence free.
Wrong again. Inconsistent, you aint.
I said that kids killing kids, to me, is more important than stupid shit like Eminem, Cuban, etc... I go through life knowing that many people like yourself dislike me because of my color. Dont spend a second letting it get to me. Theres a lesson there. I feel that such a high level of kids killing kids is more important than conveluted perceived racism. You disagree. So be it. I suggest that if a white kid was responsible for even one of these 36 deaths, your tune would change.
Your post implies that you really dont care too much about the actual deaths, but MY perception of life in black neighborhoods. Flatterring as that is, I suggest the same thing for you as Mr. Field. Love your own people more than you hate me. The deaths and wasted lives of people in your neighborhoods is more important that whatever I think.
Again, youre welcome
"it implies that the images of black children are randomly impersonal/interchangeable/insignificant.." -- ab
You are absolutely right. This is outrageous.
There have been too many of these 'mistaken' images that threaten the POTUS. Now it's his children. There are 'some people' collaborating to do harm to the Obamas. And it's not JUST the far right Repubs. There has to be a few "lefties" in on this.
I find the lack of outrage by the Dems and Congress to be quite bothersome.
But what can one expect with a Black President? These "extraordinary errors" of photos, satire, and racial rhetoric were bound to happen 'naturally' in a racist country like A-murder-ca.
Cinco said:
All that being said, this is FN's blog and he can do/write/focus on whatever he chooses. That's what's so great about blogging anyone can do it. Anyone unhappy with it's contents, etc should relocate.
Certainly you dont mean that. The comment section is for other peoples' opinions, whatever they are. If I missed where it says "only posts that agree are welcome" please point it out.
My point of view is unique in here. I have no problem reading others and Im sure Mr. Field has no problem handling mine.
I feel the headline and story about so many kids dead is whats important. Mr Field thinks the juxtaposition of the photo is. We disagree. We discuss....aint it great?
Dear Granny, I will be thinking of you, and miss you while you are away.
Granny, I got so wrapped up in the issue at hand last night that I failed to notice your posting. I'm sorry to hear about the unhappy circumstances, and I wish you the best, and I will look forward to your return here when you are up to it.
"Uptown, Im not surprised you only saw my skin color and missed everything else."
I didn't mention your race.
"Thats not the case anymore.....is it. If you look at the calender you will see were in the "21st" century....Youre welcome."
The point Einstein, is that street crime doesn't have anything to do with race.
If it did, why do you have safe affluent black neighborhoods?
I live in one.
Street violence and crime around the world is perpetrated by young, uneducated, impoverished inner city males.
"I said that kids killing kids, to me, is more important than stupid shit like Eminem, Cuban, etc..."
No that's not what you said.
THIS is what you said:
"I just dont understand why a white guy from a white neighborhood in a white city in a white state seems to care more about blacks being killed needlessly than blacks who hang out on a black blog and discuss black issues."
Busted again racist.
When I lived in Washington, my name for the Moonie Times's owner was "the Rev. Lo Hung Wang," so it's not as if I have any feeling or sympathy for the newspaper. But I think the explanation of the computer glitch is credible.
I know that's not what people want to hear, and because I'm white there will be some people here who think I'm sticking by them because I want to see harm come to the Obama family, but that coulodn't be farther from the truth. Maybe they did it on purpose, but I really doubt it. I've been on the inside of the newspaper biz, and the copy editing and page layout side of things are prone to error. Usually the errors are minor and sometimes they are hilarious. And then there are errors like this, which are embarrassing. But they are errors, not planned. I've never heard of something like this done on purpose by a metropolitan newspaper.
Something else to say about the Moonie rag is that, at least when I lived in D.C. and regularly read it along with about five or six other newspapers, they were doing more community-level coverage (as opposed to political stories) about D.C.'s black community than the Washington Post was.
I remember reading them and hoping that someone at the Post was noticing, because from what I was reading the Times might start peeling away a bunch of black readers. Now, it's been quite a while since I lived in D.C. so that state of affairs might have changed.
And no, I am not a Republican and am the very last person who'd be their apologist. Life-long rabid Democrat here. But also veteran journalist and life-long newspaper addict and fact follower. We can't know for sure, but I really don't think the Times did this for the reason Field suspects.
granny, my deepest compassion to you and your family .. peace and love
"We continue to be our own worse enemies...and many of us are stuck in the perpetual state of whining and complacentcy."
What are you doing about inner crime?
Besides kissing Whitey's ass that is.
I am saddened by your loss and would like to send my condolences to you and your family during this time. Much love and prayers.
This isn't acceptable. The picture of the Obama girls or the "picture" of Obama in the presidential portrait to the side bar.
Uptownsteve,give me that e-mail adress again.I don't think the one you gave works.
Mr Whitey,I will adress your concerns later.I am not dodging you,I am in court and trying to work my blackberry while I do some other things.
BTW,I just heard that Wayman Tisdale just died.The poor guy was only 44.
It works. I received an auto-reply stating that an editorial staff member will contact me shortly.
Wayman Tisdale died?
Mr. Whitey-"Your post implies that you really dont care too much about the actual deaths, but MY perception of life in black neighborhoods."
You nailed it. Some people will never be good at self-examination. It comes from being too afraid to look at oneself. It's much easier to find fault with someone else's perspective.
I agree with 'most' of what you have said because it is the truth. The truth has nothing to do with black or white skin. "Truth" has no color and "anybody" has access to it, if they desire it sincerely. It is what it is.
It is refreshing to know that you are not bothered nor intimidated by uptownsteve. UTS is a bit of a racist himself but projects it on you, as everyone can see. But most Americans, if not all, have been impacted by racism and are prejudiced to some degree.
That's why UTS can't HEAR a word you are saying, nor accept any truth or good you might have to offer. He only sees your white skin, not what you have to say. Why waste your time with him?
"Never argue with an idiot. First they will take you down to their level, and then beat you on experience."
"Some people will never be good at self-examination."
I'm not a criminal, are you?
BTW, "anonymous" posters are pussies.
If you want your fix for this type mess all day visit fox nation http://www.thefoxnation.com/ You should have seen when they published a gun control article where they displayed an image of a rifle pointed next to a picture of Obama's head last week..
Mr. Whitey, the post was more about how it seems like the media is matching violence with images of the President and his family. But since you want to talk about violence in the black community, I'll give you my propsective. Poverty, neglect, and racism may not be an excuse but it can make things a lot a worse. You're cramped up with a bunch of folks. You work a job that barely does enough to keep you alive. Folks are basically telling you that you're beneath them but expect you to get on their level. Repeat it day after day and you would see why some people are nothing but powder kegs. That was the way it was up north around the turn of the 20th century and you know how that turned out. What's going on today is nothing new except there are more people. Some people will say just move or start telling the police about so and so. First, if you could move, why would you be where you are? Second, when word gets back that you told on somebody, one of two things happen. First you have to worry about the guy's friends who won't take kindly to someone ratting out their friend and will make your life hell if they have the chance. Then you can't rely on the police protecting you because they have other stuff to do or just don't care since you already did your part. Second, when the guy gets out, he can't go live in the nice part of town because they aren't having it. So what does he do? Goes right back home next to you. I belive in personal responsibility as much as the next person, but I also try to see things as they are. Do I think something should be done about 36 dead children? Hell yeah! But being shocked doesn't even register.
"That was the way it was up north around the turn of the 20th century and you know how that turned out. What's going on today is nothing new except there are more people."
And the US Government financed the white urban ethnic's ascension into the middle class and extension into suburbia.
Read Ira Katznelson's "When Affirmative Action was White."
The "Mr. Whitey's" of the world can't deal with the truth.
They just want to revel in fantasies of superiority while they pump up the tires on their houses.
Uptownsteve 11:45, I see your points loud and clear.
One set is diverting the issue on hand and the other (grinder) is displaying the denial tactic. It's classic.
It's so obvious.
Watch the body language of white bigots and their black coonservative flunkies whenever black people discuss race.
They turn red, clench their teeth and launch into rants about crime and illigetimacy as if those two issues define black people and trump any discussion about racial discrimination, prejudice and race hate.
The thought process is like that of a 3 year old.
A black professional who loses out on a promotion because his white manager didn't feel that the whites would respect him (a real case that occurred at a company I was associated with)shouldn't complain because there is wanton violence in Southeast DC.
Steve, I swear, you & the trailer home tires. Don't any black folk live in trailer homes?
What's up with that?
According to you guys blacks all live in ghettoes.
And when the subject is Affirmative Action then we all become the pampered offspring of millionaires.
I guess it depends on the conservation at the time.
None that I know of..
sorry Mr. Limbaugh.
sorry that was for "person" of interest
OK. Nevermind.
Come to think of it, my casa de wheels is listing a bit. Guess I'll ge perform a little correction, before my kid rolls into the corner again.
Great post Eddie, I read it a few times. Thats the kind of post that leads to serious discussions about solutions. Not the hate-filled fingerpointing screed Mr. Steve deals in.
Not only did I never say there were no problems in my community, quite the opposite. I spend most of my free time working with people within my church. I concentrate on the direction and focus of young men. I think that the biggest influence on young men are the parents, mainly the father. I cant count the number of times Ive nearly come to blows with fathers whose sons I was helping. BTW, these arent poor uneducated fathers either, these are men who should know how to raise a kid. The main problem is the parents care more about themselves and their lives that that of their kids. They just wont spend the time and sacrifice of themselves for their children and believe me, the kids know it. They think because they throw money at the kid, he should be happy. They are wrong. Kids need to see that their parents care enough about them to do without themselves. If I see so much of this in my hood which is nearly 100% two parent households, I cant imagine how it is in communities 30% or less two parent families. In my opinion, the breakdown of the family is the principal reason that so many kids are lost. Young men look to the streets in order to fill the void that having no father leaves. They look for someone to guide them, the local gang leader will do that nicely thank you. Young women seem to look to other men to fill the same void. Promiscuity and teenage pregnancy are the symptom. Violence by young men I believe is also a symptom of this.
We as a society have made it far too easy for fathers to distribute their seed with no consequences. We have also made it far too easy for girls to have babies and not care who the father is. In my opinion this needs to change.
I go to other wards within my church and speak to young men and their fathers. I tell a kid to stand up, I ask him "Whats your GPA"? "3.1" he says proudly. "Not good enough brother" I reply. I ask his father to stand up. "Why only a 3.1 brother"? The father usually stammers "well, I dont know". "Its your job to know" I reply "If your family got $10 million if junior got a 3.75, would he get a 3.75" The father laughs and says "You bet, Id make sure he would" I say, "so it isnt a matter of if he can, is it"?
I had the advantage of seeing my father get up for work every morning no matter how he felt. I also saw him treat my mother with nothing but love and respect. Even though he died when I was 13 I credit his example of me being sucessful and happily married today. EVERY kid deserves that advantage. EVERY ONE.
I see people making excuses for men making babies and making tracks. People like Steve saying "dont pick on the black man". Nonesense. I pick on any man who abandones his responsibilities. The damage he does reaches far into the community and manifests itself in every negative aspect of it.
Keep families together and we will see the social pathology lessen. How to do that? Im more of a punitive guy. I feel shaming a man (if he can be shamed) and sanctions upon that man will force them into doing whats right. Im open to other ideas as well.
If you think Im a racist Steve...what a surprise.
One set is diverting the issue on hand and the other (grinder) is displaying the denial tactic. It's classic.<>
Yeah, LaMac, and another set is a bitter, race-hustling weasel who just can't wait to yell "racism" at every single white person who comes along.
They turn red, clench their teeth and launch into rants about crime and illigetimacy as if those two issues define black people and trump any discussion about racial discrimination, prejudice and race hate.<>
Crime and illegitimacy ARE huge issues for black people. Not the only ones, that's for sure, but they are crises. You have a certain group of race hustlers who spazz out whenever anyone mentions the fact that nearly two-thirds of children born to black women are born out of wedlock, and that rates of crime are MUCH higher among blacks than among whites.
You want everyone not to notice? Fat chance. You want people not to talk about it? Okay, you might get that, in which case you'll have the hypocrisy that Field discusses. Up to youy, race hustlers. You can't have it both ways, I guarantee you that.
"People like Steve saying "dont pick on the black man"."
I never said any such thing.
You're mistaking for some other black who tore you a new one.
"I see people making excuses for men making babies and making tracks."
Like clockwork, here is the other racist life preserver.
Out of wedlock births.
70% of black children are born to unmarried parents so there is no "family" to abandon.
What you have had for 3 generations primarily in the inner city is unsocialized, uneducated, untrained children producing children.
It's real cheap and easy (for racists) to claim that black men are "abandoning families", but that's not what's actually happening.
People like you aren't interested in truth but only corroborating your hate.
Perfectly okay, and in fact necessary, to talk about why this is going on. But you'd better fucking recognize and deal with the facts of crime and illegitimacy, because no amount of coverup is going to make those things go away.
"Crime and illegitimacy ARE huge issues for black people."
Is a middle class educated black man anymore likely to commit a violent crime than his white counterpart?
If so, why?
If not, isn't your assertion pretty fuckin dumb and crime is obviously a socio-economic issue?
As far as illigetimacy is concerned, I wish more black folks would get married.
But I know a lot of brothers who didn't marry the mothers of their children but are paying big child support and are actively involved in the lives of the kids.
They don't show up on your "stats" though.
So black people aren't all the same. We know that. Just as we know that white people aren't all the same. Now, if we want to hide behind those trees, then we'd better stop talking about black and white in any context whatsoever. But we don't do that, because we know there are broad racial issues to discuss.
The fact that two-thirds of babies born to black mothers are born out of wedlock means that one-third are born within wedlock, and I suspect that most of those one-third are born to middle class (and above) mothers.
The fact that crime rates among blacks are high does not mean that they are 100%. But they're too goddamn high. WAY too goddamn high. In most cities with black populations, a majority of the males below 30 years old are in jail or on probation. It's a tragedy of immense proportions, and when anyone who isn't black notices the facts you want to cry "racism."
You accomplish only one thing with that shit: You drive the discussion underground. You don't stop the discussion, though. And you have ZERO impact on the problems themselves, except perhaps to exclude ideas that might come from someone with the wrong color skin.
Fine. Have it your way. Happy now?
Stevie said:
70% of black children are born to unmarried parents so there is no "family" to abandon.
Quite possibly the stupidest single thing I have ever heard. The "family" ,you moron, is the mother, child AND, drumroll please....FATHER!
When I had my first child we were a....FAMILY!. You are a stooge!
I knew you were an idiot pretty early on. I had no idea the scale of your stupidity.
Look, dope. When one says 70% of births are out of wedlock it implies that 30% are IN WEDLOCK! Were not addressing the 30% were addressing the 70%.
When they say 36 school kids were murdered it IMPLIES that every other schoolkid WASNT murdered.
When Field says 101 were murdered in Philly it also means that the entire population of Philly MINUS 101 were not murdered.
Keep posting clown, I love the laughs.
Grinder, Mr Steve has no impact on what I say and has no influence on what I think. There are fools of every color. They usually speak loudly and often. Most idiots know their limitations and operate within them. The turbo fools like Steve think they are smart, which amplifies their stupidity. I find them amusing. The idiot wingnuts on both sides are becoming more and more irrelevant. Few listen to the clownish kkk-type hogjawed redneck inbreeds. Same is true with the foolish race-baiters like UTS. I think thats good news all around.
Well grinder, I'm sure you're feeling much more... comfortable since the topic went from white racism to black crimes and black women with oow children (my gawd). As if black women are the only women who's been having oow children these days. (Never mind it seems that way only because most of them don't have the financial resources to dump the evidence in the clinic trash like white women).
""Fine. Have it your way. Happy now? "
LOL. Who you fooling with your reverse phycology? You must always have it your way in the end huh?
Well grinder, I'm sure you're feeling much more... comfortable since the topic went from white racism to black crimes and black women with oow children (my gawd). As if black women are the only women who's been having oow children these days.<>
Naw, I think the one who's feeling most comfortable here is you, because now you get to haul out your repetroire to center stage and start blasting away. Crime and illegitimacy are huge issues for the black population of this country. The numbers don't lie.
Oh, and illegitimacy in particular is a growing crisis for white women. The numbers, while about one-third of the black rate, are up dramatically.
I was reading about the rise of unwed mother births the other day, and the change is partly attributable to an increase in unmarried cohabitation. But 60% of births to unmarried women are exclusive of cohabitation. That's where the real disaster is.
I didn't see any numbers indicating any racial disparity in unwed births outside of cohabitation. I'm sure the stats are available, but for the time being I'll assume that blacks are no more or no less likely to cohabit and have offspring than whites are.
The numbers are a disaster for blacks and a growing problem for whites. And the crime numbers are a megadisaster for blacks. Slavery? WTF is being in jail or on probation if not slavery in a different form? More than half of all black men in the big cities are modern-day slaves, of their own making.
You don't want to talk about it? Fine, then don't talk about it, you goddamn fool.
"70% of black children are born to unmarried parents so there is no "family" to abandon."--uptownsteve
You are no help. You can't even think straight. A 5 year old can think better than you.
'Mistake' My Black Ass, FN.
We know what time it is with those racist clowns.
They are who we think they are.
rikyrah, i agree with you, and when you take into account all the other pictures, and the things that people say on blogs like gretawire, it's compelling evidence taht it is not a mistake.
Mr. Whitey,
As they say,"talk is cheap."
If you had read this blog long enough, you would know that FN and other commentors actually have their feet on the ground running. That is how you solve problems, not having constant intellectual masturbation about the flaws of our community.
FN and other commentors actually have their feet on the ground running. That is how you solve problems, not having constant intellectual masturbation about the flaws of our community.<>
This is a blog, and intellectual masturbation is what a blog is all about. Besides, how do you solve problems until you know what they are?
uptownsteve said...
"But I know a lot of brothers who didn't marry the mothers of their children but are paying big child support and are actively involved in the lives of the kids."
ANYONE can lay pipe, write a check, and spend a dayor two in thepark. You say this like it's someting to be impressed by. I'm not impressed by men doing what they should do. Now marrying their childre's mother? NOW I'm impressed.
Interesting Hathor. Read my post @ 4:42 you will see that I put my time and effort where my mouth is.
"Intellectual masturbation" huh? I see you are a regular poster here and even have a blog of your own. Need some batteries for the intellectual vibrator?
I assume here is where people come to talk about what they are passionate about. They come here to exchange ideas, learn from each other. If you have such distain for this "masturbation" as you call it. Why then are you here?
True enough problems get solved by hands-on action. The seeds for this action are spread by people like Mr. Field and, if I might be so bold, people like you in places like this.
I said in my first post @ 11.31 am that I saw this article last night and had an opinion. I decided not to share it, didnt want to stir things up. I read Mrs. Grannys post was moved enough to share my thoughts that life was more important than perceived slights. As always there are those that see my moniker and dont hear my words. Sad.
I believe "intellectual masturbation" like this is helpful and may even move somebody to action in their own communities. Mr. Field, myself and you contribute a tiny bit here and I hope alot in our communities. Dont bash a free forum for exchanging ideas. It wont move mountains, but might shift a shovelful here and there.
Mr. Whitey,
You know what I mean.
You too!
And for any others who don't understand what I mean.
Yes I have a blog. Yes I comment here an other blogs. Yes I am content to say what I want and not feel I have to coerce others here or on my blog to follow my train of thought.
I have found it futile to continually argue, when I get the same response each time. When I continue to do it, then it becomes what I would call masturbatory, because it is not creating a solution or stimulating thought; but only the didactic process.
bitch, weasel, fool... Make up your mind.
Grinder, you always prove yourself to be that racist infiltrator who hides behind liberalism and homosexuality.
You well know you don't care about the concerns or societal ills that plague black communities/people. Every time there's a hint of white racism it sends you into a defensive frenzy. You so love talking about black racial issues, but on the mark you predictably negate or pacify white racism on this blog. It seems you unknowingly show your stupidity pretending like you don't "get it" .
You and Mr. Whitey (his choice of tag says it all) are both angry bitter white bigots who are only drawn to this blog to chime in with your innate prejudices, and hidden disgusts for black people. You are fine up until white racism comes up, then that inbuilt denial mode kicks in to derail the subject towards "black problems" again (Steve had a point and the two of you join forces against him like the good ol mob days). Your racism is not only transparent, but it's incorrigible.
Time for me to do my Rodney King...
"Can't we all just get along???"
Aww, F it, any y'all know where I can get some good Watermelon???
I heard in the new "Terminator" movie John Connor sends a T-2000 back to 1619 to keep y'all in Africa...
This picture is not about black kid's being killed in CHICAGO! some of us want to over look the fact that, malia and sasha are on that picture because this is a message to the PRESIDENT, this is a warning to BARACK and MICHELLE, I knew thing's would be ugly if BARACK became PRESIDENT, but, every single day the RACIST come up with something new, and now this, this is RACISM at it's worst! they try to cover it up with TEA PARTY'S! I hope the entire world is watching and reading! RACISM is alive and well in 2009! and it took a BIRACIAL PRESIDENT to expose it!
Condolences to you and prayers. You come back when it's time. God bless.
La Macs, you stupid phony, let's agree on this: Neither of us has a single shred of respect for the other.
Damn, I'd expect that kind of lowbrow racist bullshit from Free Republic but the Washington Times?
The brain death in the conservative movements is accelerating exponentially.
Both of these things are f'd up.
Grinder, you pink inferior dog. I am a woman of my natural born environment. I was never raised to tolerate, nor grin for arrogant-condescending whites like you to survive. You are a minority to me Do not make the mistake again. To acknowledge your lack of respect, would be to acknowledge you as an equal human being. You in particular will never be equal to me, you are beneath my feet like a mangy cat in the street. You do not have authority over me, nor my decisions. It will be over when I say so, or when I'm tired of petting you.
If you think Frank is atrocious, then you don't want me to show myself on this blog. I have nothing to lose in my cyber environment.
I just wanted you to know that, YOU need to have a better idea about who you are dealing with.
"Pink inferior dog." I kind of like that. Thanks for the morning laugh!
"ANYONE can lay pipe, write a check, and spend a dayor two in thepark. You say this like it's someting to be impressed by. I'm not impressed by men doing what they should do. Now marrying their childre's mother? NOW I'm impressed."
Maybe mommy doesn't want to get married?
You're telling me this never happens?
"In most cities with black populations, a majority of the males below 30 years old are in jail or on probation. It's a tragedy of immense proportions, and when anyone who isn't black notices the facts you want to cry "racism."
This is a lie and I challenge you to prove your assertion with hard eveidence.
Again with the God damn-life is better for children when their parents are married; homelifeis better when people are married; men and women are better because of marriage, etc. That's bullshit! Marriage is an answer, but not necessarily the best answer. It doesn't force any adult to do better or be a better person in society.
This is a lie and I challenge you to prove your assertion with hard eveidence.<>
As of the early 2000s, more than half of the black populations of Washington, D.C. and Baltimore were under criminal supervision. link. That was easy to find with a Google search. I'll look for more data.
Do you think it's just kinda sorta a tragedy in D.C. and Baltimore, or is that a "lie," too?
Here's another one: The likelihood that a black man will go to prison sometime in his life -- not probation, but prison -- is 28.5%, compared with 4.4% for whites and 16% for Hispanics.
That was a 1997 study, and incarceration and supervision rates have been steadily rising.
Cinco, Im going to disagree with you on that point. I cant speak for anybody but myself, obviously. Certainly marriage isnt the great cureall for anything. Crappy people will usually be crappy spouses and crappy parents. A ring and a license wont change anything there.
As for myself, being married and in a partnership was kind of a wakeup. I knew I had to be the kind of man that the Mrs. expected me to be if I wanted to hang onto her. When we had kids and I saw how they looked at me, all trusting with no judgement, and I realized it was me who was going to make the road they would follow in life. It was me that would show them the way to happiness. Nobody else will and nobody else could do it as well as me and my kids wouldnt want anybody else to do it.
Being married with kids definitely made me a better person. It definitely made me less selfish and made me see the big picture in life rather than shortsighted self gratification.
Im doing pretty well financially yet when I look to spend I look for stuff for my wife and kids rather than myself. Believe me that WOULD NOT have been the case when I was twenty. I always lusted for big muscular 500 series benz. Now even with the wherewithall, I wouldnt even think to pull the trigger on one. The college fund can never be big enough.
Married with kids changed me bigtime. Im guessing it can melt even the hardest and selfish heart.
The study above was based on people who were born in 1991. A follow-up study, done in 2001, says that 32.2% of black males born in 2001 will go to prison sometime in their lives.
That compares to 5.9% of white men and 17.2% of Hispanic men. Remember, we're not talking about probation here. This is just for imprisonment. Most crimes are committed by men under 30 years old. And you've got a lot of black people (and whites) who don't live in big cities, and in particular not in the impoverished central districts of those cities.
I think my statement about the majority of big city black men being under criminal supervision is likely true. We know it's true for D.C. and Baltimore. To pretend that crime isn't a huge and tragic issue for black men is to outright deny the evidence.
And another one: More black men have done prison time than have served in the military or than have graduated from college. Come on, you want to stick your head in the sand, fool?
And finally, as I look on this website, there is a "Killadelphia Murder Count." So it's not as if all black people are hiding from the issue. So, why does any white person who mentions the same issue open himself up to racist slurs from angry, defensive idiots who want to deny reality, anyway?
Married with kids changed me bigtime. Im guessing it can melt even the hardest and selfish heart.HUH?Sometimes the parent and the child"s perceptions don't coincide.
BTW I am not commenting on Mr.Whitey as a person.
IMO pp many people place this 'higher meaning' to marriage. It's not necessary for all. And btw a certificate is just that it doesn't make parents better. They're better because of who and what they are. Plenty of married people are losers as are some in a relationship. That being said I respect choice. I don't respect the misconceptions out there by many that an indivital is better or more qualified because they signed on the line. Nope. They are not!
All these stats. LOL. I wonder if he's just as 'efficient' when it comes to whipping out the ones on racial equality.
And I wonder if Mr. Whitey promotes same sex marriage. (He won't touch it with a tall poll).
Cinco said: I don't respect the misconceptions out there by many that an indivital is better or more qualified because they signed on the line.
True enough. However by signing on the line one takes responsibility inside a married framework with all the constraints and legalities within that. If I cheat on my live-in girlfriend, big deal. We never "took an oath". If I cheat on my wife I risk losing half my "empire". There is certainly more responsibility with your name on the line. The sanctions to one if one fucks up might just cause someone to look to stay together and work it out rather than just picking up and leaving.
But you are right. Marriage wont turn a prick into a prince.
Perhaps the critical point is during courtship. Too many jump into the sack with no protection..BINGO.. problems follow soon thereafter.
you really make yourself look silly when you assume what others think based on your own stereotype-based thought processes.
I am strongly pro-gay marriage. I could get into long diatribes about equality and the way one was born. But I wont.
People are people they were born a certain way and that has no bearing on love, compassion, family or intelligence. I am for gay marriage, gay adoption, gay barbeque and gay people in general.
Dont let your narrow mindedness drive your judgemant.
All these stats. LOL.<>
What do you want, you racist idiot? Song lyrics?
Mr. Whitey, my name is La.
Whitey said "I am strongly pro-gay marriage. I could get into long diatribes about equality and the way one was born"
I guess you're saying that you and your 'church' are only willing to accept gay marriages based on genetics. To even imply that everyone in same sex relationships were born with a 'genetic cause' makes you sound somewhere patronizing and even more disingenuous. Then in a previous statement, you spat this at someone...
"The "family" ,you moron, is the mother, child AND, drumroll please....FATHER! "
You also used that statement as an attempt to 'morally' scorn the black community and black mothers with oow children. You said it under the guise to infer that the presence of a 'father' (which would naturally be interpreted as a male) would solve all the problems - because you are not a moron like everybody else. I am not saying I fully disagree with having the presence of a father in the household, but I find your selective pandering and hypocrisy to be overbearing. That's the only reason why I was curious about your stand on gay marriage. Don't assume to know anything about my thought process.
Your white savior arrogance and your attempt at blog dictatorship amused me. Please don't let it drive your prejudice mind when you read black oriented blogs. Please revert back to the last paragraph in my previous comment at 8:56.
La Macs, cut your ignorant and blatantly racist bullshit, will you?
Oh, and did I mention intemperate and obnoxious?
That picture of presidents on the sidebar shocked me. It is incredibly offensive. It is an insult not just to blacks but to every American, including us white folks. Damn, Field, it's a beautiful morning and I woke up happy, but that picture just pisses me off.
Guess it's a good reminder that a whole lot of the country isn't like my own liberal, open, friendly home-town bubble.
LA; you said;
Whitey said "I am strongly pro-gay marriage. I could get into long diatribes about equality and the way one was born"
I guess you're saying that you and your 'church' are only willing to accept gay marriages based on genetics.
I guess you missed the word "equality". Equality is an argument for gay rights AS IS the way you were born AS ARE many other points which I didnt bring up.
Read a little closer next time. When you start saying things like "you believe "everybody is". You purposely miss the point. I dont talk for my church nor anybody in it. I talk for me and only me. Again, you assume far too much. What I said was pretty straight forward. Obviously I cant give every aspect and thought I have on gay issues in a paragraph, especially given the topic of this article. You seem to need to have me think a certain way so you can hate me. Good luck there.
La said;
The "family" ,you moron, is the mother, child AND, drumroll please....FATHER! "
"You also used that statement as an attempt to 'morally' scorn the black community and black mothers with oow children"
Wrong again. I used it to scorn Uptownsteve who said black fathers cant abandon their families because they never had a family to begin with. The line of discussion was fathers abandoning the children they fathered. Gays dont enter into that equation. The subject of gays was started by you when you ASSUMED" i was anti-gay marriage. Your thought process isnt too tough to figure out.
Im not sure about the "white savior arrogance". I think my point of view is well thought out, as Im sure you do about yours. Ive said numerous times what I say is my OPINION. Should I come in here thinking what I have to say is wrong? Think again sweetie and lose the hostility to other points of view, it aint pretty.
A little tip; life is never "all or nothing", "everybody or nobody". Were talking about levels and percentages. I never said fathers in homes will solve all problems. Good fathers in homes will solve some problems. Good committed gay parents in the home will solve some problems. 70% single parent homes will not mean good news for that population.
Look, if you want to hate...ENJOY.. however Ive heard it adds wrinkles and sagging.
Just saying
When you look at broad statistics, you can only come to broad conclusions. To say that two-parent homes are, in general, better than one-parent homes does not say that every two-parent home is better. It's a statement about the averages.
Why are two-parent homes better? For starters, on average they are economically more secure. If one partner loses a job, the other one might keep theirs. Secondly, two parents means, on average, more adult-child interaction and supervision. Thirdly, two parents provide, on average, by example a roadmap for healthy relationships, along with emotional stability and security for the kids.
Are these things always true? Of course not. Only a moron would argue it, or interpret an argument for two-parent households as a statement that they are somehow always superior. It's about the averages. No one can know every situation.
So, what's to do? First, you have to know what you're dealing with. To me, the biggest issue is with the 60% of unwed births that occur outside of cohabitation. Those are the true "single mothers." The other 40% could be described as being involved in some level of common-law marriage, with those relationships being of varying durability.
If the rate of non-cohabiting unwed births is constant across races (something I don't know, but will assume for purposes of this discussion), then 40% of black kids and 12% of white kids are now born into true single-mother environments. They are, on average, the most at risk. These are the kids who are more likely to have serious socioeconomic problems.
Do we stigamtize the mothers? As a gay man, I am all too familiar with social stigmatization and can't imagine myself wanting to have a policy of making a class of people (single mothers and their children) feel bad about themselves.
But we can still recognize the risks. In a way, it's like the gay community's internal discussions about meth and about unprotected sex. These are constant, ongoing efforts. There are a mixture of appeals, but little stigmatization. What you do NOT see among the general gay community, though, is evasion and minimization of the issues.
I wish I had the answers, but I don't. One thing I do believe, though, is that you have to start by telling yourself the truth.
By the way, the other 40% of unwed births, those that occur in cohabiting relationships, aren't necessarily any day at the beach. How often do we hear of the boyfriend hurting or killing the kid? Now, how often to we hear of the husband hurting or killing the kid?
Applying this to gay couples with kids requires some translation. Gay marriage is new. It has existed for a short time in only a few places, so the husband/wife vs. boyfriend/girlfriend model does not (yet) really work there.
Also, because gays adopt their kids, and because adoption is a rigorous process that requires the adoptive parents to essentially establish that they are solidly married, regardless of what the relationship is legally called, I think gay parents can be treated as "married" for purposes of analyzing the two-parent characteristic of their households.
Not only that, but because of the rigor of the adoption process, I suspect (but can't really know) that the average adoptive gay household is pretty damn solid. You don't have "accidental" children in such households. Of course, there will always be mixed motives and varying outcomes, so I'm not protraying gay parents as saints here. Just making a guess as to how solid the households are.
Bottom line is that I think the children most at risk are in households headed by non-cohabiting single women; followed by those in households of cohabiting straight couples; followed by those in households where there's either a marriage or a gay couple adoptive situation.
You're backpedaling because you know you lied.
You said clearly that "in cities that had a black population, half of the blacks males under 30 were in jail or on probation."
That clearly is a lie.
As far as more blacks in prison than in college, ANOTHER LIE.
For a$$-Grinder
Last point,
Where were all the proto-fem sistahs when this racist punk "grinder" was hurling all sexual and racist invective toward "La*Macs"?
Grinder, I would love to meet you sometimes.
Cyberspace pukes like you always talk tough and end up looking and sounding like Pee Wee Herman.
Here I am, Wendy Banchero, white chick. I stand up for what I believe in. My cousin is the one who sent me that picture. I sent it to the Field because I am FOR PEOPLE. All people, all races. If you want me to email it to you, send me a note. wendybanchero@comcast.net
I live unafraid of repercussions from stupid ass morons like that jackass prejudice cousin of mine. Way back when, I would have hidden escaped Negros in my barn or whatever, because what is right is right. Period.
Prejudice comes from ignorance and failure to accept change.
All my love to the PEOPLE who fight for justice.
Where were all the proto-fem sistahs when this racist punk "grinder" was hurling all sexual and racist invective toward "La*Macs"?
Grinder, I would love to meet you sometimes.Exactlt what "sexual and racist invective," uptown shithead?
Where were all the proto-fem sistahs when this racist punk "grinder" was hurling all sexual and racist invective toward "La*Macs"?
Grinder, I would love to meet you sometimes.<>
Exactly what "sexual and racist invective," uptown shithead?
Oh, and by the way, Uptown Shithead, your "skeptic's" rebuttal to the stats about more black men in prison than in college does not contradict the link I gave on the subject. If you'd actually bother to read my link and yours, you'd see that.
You called her a black b!tch.
As for the rest of your bs, read and learn something racist.
"The numbers in question from the Justice Policy Institute report come from the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the National Center for Education Statistics. The report indicates that there were an estimated 791,600 black men in jail and prison in 2000 and a count of 603,032 in college in 1999. Mr. Morton agrees with the jail and prison number but asserts in his blog that the more reliable U.S. Census Bureau reports that there were 816,000 black men in college in 2000. In the film, he makes comparisons using the same data sources for 2005 and states this number to be 864,000. Furthermore, he argues that it is bad practice to use the entire age range of black males when making these comparisons, because the age range for college-going males is generally 18 to 24, not the 18 to 55 (and up) range of the jail and prison population. Viewed this way, the ratio of black men in college compared with jail and prison is 4-to-1.
Grinder, trying to discuss something with uptownstooge is like explaining algebra to a cow. Oh sure, hes looking right at you and you think you have his undivided attention but when he answeres with a big MOOO...you know the last hour was wasted.
Hes not going to admit anything is wrong with the black community, neighborhoods, streets or families to a white man. He is a rectionary fool. Dont sweat it. Nobody can teach a cow to balance an equation.
Uptownstooge said:
""Grinder, I would love to meet you sometimes.
Cyberspace pukes like you always talk tough and end up looking and sounding like Pee Wee Herman.
Im not sure that was a threat or a come-on. A compliment either way.
If its a threat "Oh please Mr. Chat room bully please dont hurt me..BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA. How typical, how embarassingly stereotypical. The guy cant argue his way out of a paper bag so he resorts to physical threats, always the first resort of the imcompetant.
Of course nobody ever said "only" black communities have problems. But thats the only thing militant chuckleheads like him hear. There are plenty of fair minded intelligent people on this blog who hear what we have to say in the spirit it is shared.
On the other hand, if its a come-on, well..Ill leave that one up to you.
It *is* the Washington Times, after all. They're as bad as Fake News.
RE: Granny - my thoughts and prayers go out to you.:)
Mr. Whitey
"Hes not going to admit anything is wrong with the black community, neighborhoods, streets or families to a white man."
You're nothing but a sorry ass racist whose trying to rationalize his hate.
You cast the dysfunction of a minority of black Americans onto the community as a whole in a pathetic attempt to make sense of your own failure and insignificance.
"Mr. Whitey"
The Caucasion spokeman.
Stooge, havent you embarassed yourself enough?
Your like that knight in Monty Python that gets his limbs cut off and insists its "just a flesh wound". Do you really want me to take your arguments apart again? Is it really worth it? Both you and it are not.
Go tell all those good brave black people in black neighborhoods fighting to turn their streets around to stand down because "Uptownstooge" said things are cool.
Tell Mr. Cummings (if you dont know who he is, look @ the sidebar) that his efforts arent needed because you have deemed in unnecessary.
Tell those mothers in Chicago to quit whining because black folk are OK.
Tell Father Pflegar to shut the fuck up and get busy giving communion and keep his racist nose out of black folks biz. His help is not needed.
Get on this board and tell the folks to stay home and forget about helping their community because the majority of people are decent and honest. Hell, only a minority of folk killin other folk so why the fuss? Only a minority of black folk hurting, killing and terrorizing other black folk so kick back and enjoy. Uptownstooge will tell you when 51% of kids are being killed THEN we can talk. Until then shut up about the thousands of dead black folk.
That is.....until a white guy kills one, THEN..... well, you know.
You stupid jerk. You hateful vacuous reptile. Your "racism" bullshit doesnt work on me. Im not your average cringing liberal who goes to water the first time hes called a racist. Im comfortable who I am and a toad like you doesnt phase me a bit. In fact, if youre on the opposite side, I know for a fact I reside with the truth.
Good luck with that painful series of injections.
"Your "racism" bullshit doesnt work on me. Im not your average cringing liberal who goes to water the first time hes called a racist."
You wear the label as a badge of honor.
You're going to tell us awful black folks the ugly truth about ourselves whether we like it or not, eh?
I bet your boss is black and you get some psychological satisfaction by ranting about what's "wrong" with black folks after he's given you an unsatisfactory evaluation.
You're a clown.
You called her a black b!tch.<>
Uptown Shithead, you need to learn something about the Internet. Never tell a lie that can be disproven simply by reading the thread where you tell it. She called herself that. Specifically, La Macs (aside: How do you do those little hearts where the spaces are?) wrote the following in response to an anonymous comment:
Anon, that's Ms. Black Bitch to you.I would never call someone a "black bitch," or anything similar. I think racial slurs are ignorant, depressing, and poisonous. I don't use them. However, I'm ever so happy to trade other insults.
Stooge said;
"You wear the label as a badge of honor."
Like I said pal, If your on the opposite side, Im sure Im on the right one.
""You're going to tell us awful black folks the ugly truth about ourselves whether we like it or not, eh?""
Im not telling anybody who knows sheepshit from steak anything they dont already know. Am I telling you something? You fuckin
""bet your boss is black and you get some psychological satisfaction by ranting about what's "wrong" with black folks after he's given you an unsatisfactory evaluation.""
Wrong again..whoda thunk?
I own my own biz dumbass. IM the boss. Doin pretty well too. It takes sack to go out there and risk all you have to succeed. It takes vision, hard work and just plain balls. None of which you posess. You are a sniveling little turd pounding out his frustrations to those who dont look at themselves as victims. Lashing out at those who tell the ugly truth along with the flatterring. You hate those who grab the opportunity you never did and are reaping the rewards you so covet. You are a sad, small little man. A coward too afraid to look at his own shortcomings. A silly clown who throws out weak insults rather than engaging in serious conversation.
I dont know who you are or what you do and I damn sure dont give a shit at this point. You have added nothing to this conversation other than grade school idiocy. I invite you to reread my posts, this time with your brain on, and ask yourself if these were the words of a racist. If you come to the same conclusion, so be it.
Like I said, a cow aint gonna do math no matter how many times its explained.
uptownsteve, that wasn't grinder that called La~~ a "black bitch", it was an anonymous person, and I called him/her out on it.
Wendy, thanks for commenting. I really didn't want you to have to expose yourself, but since you had the courage to do it, you are to be commended.
Grinder, on a previous post, I said to you: "bitch, weasel, fool... Make up your mind. "
You openly called me those last two names, but you didn't correct me on the first. You're so fucking tentative on everything that doesn't concern you, I didn't expect for you to let that one slide. I will never give you the benefit of the doubt. You racist coward.
UtownSteve, when it comes to the "sistahood"... I realized a long time ago in the black female blogshere that I'm better protected by cut-throat pirates.
That's some of us black folks, we lack unity. Even on this blog we allow racist trojan horses like grinding and whitey to distract us as a people from supporting each other.
La Idiot, the fact is that I never called you a "black bitch." I don't do things like that. I don't even think things like that. I was raised with an aversion to racial slurs. It is deeply rooted with me. If you don't want to believe it, tough shit -- for you.
Insofar as me and racial slurs go, the only ones here have been those directed at me by some fool who thinks they're going to rattle me by calling me a white (or pink) this-or-that.
Look, when you've had a shit kicked out of you for the crime of walking toward the entrance of a gay bar, I can assure you that someone calling me names on the Internet doesn't have the intended effect. It only shows what sort of fool the name-caller is.
"Look, when you've had a shit kicked out of you for the crime of walking toward the entrance of a gay bar,"
So what now, I'm supposed to feel sorry for you? You feel oppressed?
"Someone calling me names on the Internet doesn't have the intended effect. It only shows what sort of fool the name-caller is."
The audacity of hypocrisy.
I don't give a flyin' fuck whether you sympathize. What I'm telling you is that the small contingent of idiot racists here aren't going to rattle me, 'cause I already know what it's like to be shit on for who you are.
As for hypocrisy, I've got no problems flinging insults. I'm never the first at it, and I won't engage in racial invective, but I'm happy as a clam dishing back. If that shocks you, tough shit.
"That's some of us black folks, we lack unity. Even on this blog we allow racist trojan horses like grinding and whitey to distract us as a people from supporting each other."
Ain't that the truth.
One thing for certain though is that neither of these toothless, first cousin screwin goobers will get an ounce of respect from me.
One thing for certain though is that neither of these toothless, first cousin screwin goobers will get an ounce of respect from me.<>
Don't have any gay first cousins that I know of, although there are a couple who over the years I wouldn't have minded if they were, along with one uncle. Alas, it was not to be. Oh, and the extended family still has its teeth.
Wow. Once again a discussion has been hijacked by whites crying "reverse racism" and trying to tell "non-whites" what is wrong with their community. Thank the good Lord that "The Great White Hope" in the form of a "faggot" (I figure I can use slurs as long as they are in quotes, like you have done repeatedly in your posts with the "n-word". Just as a side note, white people don't get to use the term and still call themselves non-racist just like straight people can't say "faggot"...whoops, did it again) and "Mr. Whitey" have come to save us all from our ignorance.
News flash:
1. I think anyone with half an education knows that some black communities (ie: the underclass) are plagued with crime, fatherless children (although, are you REALLY going to harp on that grinder? Really? Cuz kids are better off with two fathers? Hmm. Interesting hypothesis.), etc. etc. Its not news to us, PLEASE stop trying to make it so. However, if you must bring it up over and over (and OVER) again, maybe you can be so kind as to remember many of the factors that got us here. How about punishing women who are poor by not allowing them to get any benefits if they have a male living in the household? (state statute in almost every state preventing women from receiving "welfare" type payments if they are not single mothers) How about segregating our schools and relegating black students to second class status, thus preventing a good education until the sixties (or the seventies, depending on the state). Most schools are still heavily segregated and LORD help you if you try to integrate schools. White parents come out with torches ready. Inner city schools are woefully underfunded and the teachers are often over worked and forced to serve as both teacher and parent to children who come home to apartments empty because their parent(s) have to work two jobs to make ends meet. Education is the key to uplifting the underclass, whatever the color. Mr. Whitey, you make it seem like whites have no problem lifting themselves out of poverty. Not so. First, you have a hand up in that your skin is white so no one is going to have preconceived notions of your inadequacy. Secondly, Irish persons (of which I am one...I'm biracial Chinese and Irish, for those you who are going to call me a racist black bitch) in the inner city were widely seen as the scourge of the earth. They, too, were plagued with teenage motherhood and fatherless children, alcoholism, and also (not like Black people) their women were often acting as prostitutes to make ends meet (they had to, very few jobs paid Irish women well in those days and their "husbands" had abandoned them). The communities had the highest rate of VD in the nation and the highest rate of imprisonment. But what helped them? You may think, Mr. Whitey, that it was their "communities" who just "wouldn't take it anymore". Nope. They weren't in a position to demand that this type of behavior stop. They were just trying to survive. Rather, it was the Catholic schools and their doctrinal teaching that began the turn around. Education. Luckily once these kids escaped poverty no one could point them out as "minorities" anymore...that's not the case with the urban underclass today. As we see with Ms. Sotomayor, no matter how far you come "They" are STILL trying to insist that you don't belong, that you are stupid.
2. Grinder, who do you think you are to tell us that the black community is messed up? A gay man? Please. Your community, my friend has been plagued with VD, multiple sexual encounters (luckily you all can't get pregnant, otherwise you'd be in teh same place as poor black women everyone loves to put down), and HIV. How DARE you cast judgment on any community other than your own? If you are looking to clean something up, try cleaning up the rampant sexuality and slutty behavior and drug use going on in your own community. And I'm all for gay rights, but you can't sit here and talk about single parenting while at the same time wanting everyone to feel sorry for you because you are gay. Kids whose parents are gay often end up in single parent households because the rate of "divorce" or separation of gay households is MUCH higher than for straight couples. It might be because of all of the pressure they receive b/c of homophobia...then again, that might also be the reason for so many of them problems with Black families...or don't you think it works both ways?
3. Mr. Whitey, "reverse racism" doesn't mean anything. Its not a sociological term. Racism, by sociological definition, can only occur from an empowered group to a minority/disempowered group. You can't disempower someone if you don't have any power. RR is just a term some bitter white person thought up to try to end thoughtful discussion.
4. Steve, and LaMac, congrats for trying to stand up to these blog crashing morons. I am actually disappointed that this blog is not monitored for toads like this so real dialogue is not stifled. Mr. Whitey and Grinder, don't act like you are an expert on the black community. Just because you are spouting off about dead children (shame on you for using this imagery -- I bet most of those mothers would absolutely despise you for the things you are saying on this blog), doesn't mean you care.
5. FN wasn't trying to downplay the death of those children, he obviously works hard to prevent these types of actions, he was commenting on a picture placement that seemed suspicious. Why is the idea of racism in the media such a threatening idea for you? Grinder, you know there is homophobia in the media, why would you think racism doesn't also exist there? And even if it was just an innocent mistake, is it so wrong to be suspicious? Or to even mention it? WHY must you white folks get so riled up about the idea of racism?
6. Last point, Grinder, your stat was off about black men in prison. Even if in two cities it is almost half that is not what you originally stated. You said: "In most cities with black populations, a majority of the males below 30 years old are in jail or on probation." 32% total is not a "majority" and two cities is not "most". You were using hyperbole to make your point, which is fine, but you were off. I could say "most gay marriages are going to end in divorce" or "most gay men are promiscuous" or "most lesbian relationships break up"...wait, that is true. It may be true that the social problems in the black community are real, but no black person needs YOU to tell them that. They know it, they just don't need you overstating the facts or making it worse than it already is.
Oh and "If that shocks you, tough shit."
I don't see how name calling and harping on the problems in the black community solve anything. What does that have to do with FN's post? There are other parts on the blog where he talks about social issues within the black community, why can't he talk about something else?
@Asia Bee, I'm glad you told it like it was. Go on girl.
How do you white folks get off trying to educate us on our own problems? Steve isn't denying there are problems (not trying to talk for you brother, just sayin') he is just saying that you are overstating..and its also not your place to tell us what to do. Mr. Whitey, you don't know what you are talking about re: what your community would do if x, y, or z happened. Your community is different. You said yourself it is a safe nice place. The areas of Chicago where these children are getting murdered are not safe, nice places. They are dangerous and really poor. If people have their own problems they don't have time to march around trying to prevent violence and whatnot. They are just trying to get by. And why is it "our" problem. Aren't we people, too? Why isn't it a city-wide (or country-wide) problem? Its a human-problem and it isn't just up to the people in those communities to fix it. Its up to the police and the politicians and the surrounding communities with resources, too. We are all responsible. So what you do mentoring "Your People" (what does that even mean?) -- maybe that's not good enough. Maybe you should be focusing on communities that really need it. Because Black people are Americans, too and our problems are the nation's problems, not JUST Black people problems.
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