Let me start tonight's post by wiping a little egg from my face. I said that the vultures in the media would leave Tiger alone; I was wrong. This story, as they say in the business, has legs.
I also want to say for the record that I really did not want to blog about the salacious nature of this incident tonight. I believe that Tiger, in spite of all his fame and wealth, is entitled to his privacy. At least when it comes to his family. So there.
But....having said, that there are some places with this story that I have to go. First, let's acknowledge that big old elephant sitting in the middle of the room: The racial component of this story. I have been hearing it from some of you sisters at the water cooler, today: Field I sure hope you blog about Tiger and his white woman. If he had stayed with Tyra (I didn't even know he dated Tyra) this wouldn't have happened. He is going to end up like O.J. Just watch.
I will admit , this story does have some *eerie similarities to a certain Brentwood case. The star athlete of color; the blond wife; rumors of affairs; possible domestic violence; and it goes on. There is even -what one Orlando reporter described as- the "Johnny Cochran of Orlando" representing Tiger. So I guess, as A-merry-cans, we have to ask ourselves collectively; would we even care as much if Tiger was in fact married to Tyra and not Elin?
The fellows have been talking to me as well: Yo field, what was your boy thinking? Tiger knows that he is too famous to creep. Or, field, why would your boy risk everything for some outside tail? Home boy better zip it up next time.
All this, of course, while Tiger is still chilling by a river in Egypt. TMZ says otherwise, and they even have the other woman's name and her picture to back up their story. And the real culprit in all of this where Tiger is concerned, just might be The National Inquirer. (These guys have been on a roll lately.) They have been reporting this story all along. Tiger, I have a little advise for you: You have lots of loot. Get a nanny to do your grocery shopping. You don't need Elin to be standing at the check- out counter and reading about you getting your driver on with some other woman.
Oh well, let's hope that this is the end of the drama with Tiger. I still love to see the man swing a golf club, and I sure don't need to see a slow police chase in South Florida anytime soon.