For certain reasons that I cannot get into, I won't comment too much on this next story. But I need your help. Here in Philly we have what we call a "flash mob" problem, and it's getting out of hand. I will do a cut and paste job for you and let you read about it for yourselves:
" WHAT'S the answer to the city's "flash mob" phenomenon?
Beef up cops on South Street on weekends and in Center City after school?
Earlier curfews?
Conflict resolution in schools?
Get parents to control their kids?
Monitor social networking Web sites?
With nearly everyone from the mayor, elected officials, SEPTA, school officials, merchants and civic groups weighing in after Saturday's incident, Deputy Police Commissioner Richard Ross yesterday said, "We are looking for a holistic approach."
"We will be announcing something shortly in terms of future steps to be taken," said Mayor Nutter. "What I'm most concerned about here is inappropriate behavior or any kind of violence or assaults.
"I want to strongly encourage our parents and guardians to please keep better track of their children, know where they are at all times, discourage negative inappropriate behavior that's only going to result in someone getting arrested," he added.
As officials sought solutions, more victims injured in Saturday's Twitter-inspired flash mob came forward. Possibly thousands of teens stampeded in waves down South Street until nearly midnight, running on top of cars, knocking down pedestrians, fighting and urinating on neighbors' property.
As police cleared South Street, young men fled to other streets in Center City.
In addition to a woman getting punched in the face about 10:30 p.m. Saturday, her boyfriend, John Kemp, 36, was struck a few times in the head at 15th and Kater streets. Kemp said he and his girlfriend plan to give police statements today.
About 11:20 p.m., at 15th and Market streets, police said, Deion Perkins, 19, was arrested after he and a group of juveniles allegedly beat an adult male near the Clothespin sculpture.
As an officer was putting Perkins into a police vehicle, the defendant turned around and allegedly punched the cop in the face. The two wrestled to the ground and Perkins ran off, but officers caught him nearby, police said.
Perkins was charged with aggravated assault of an officer and related offenses.
About 11:30 p.m., a young man entered the Bliss restaurant on Broad Street near Spruce and punched a diner in the head three times. The youth ran off." [Rest of story] Did that article say that some of these kids are organizing around social networking sites like Facebook? Oh well, so much for the
"digital divide". Anyway, I need you all to help me with this one. You read some of the things in the article that the city is trying to do. Tell me, what would
you do? I live here, and you would be really helping a brother out. I don't want to be in the middle of a lovely dinner with Mrs. Field and get clocked on my dome from behind by some young buck. I would hate to go all
Kingston 12 on some other person's kid. Besides, I have a career to think about.
BTW, before you go thinking that it's only young bucks in urban areas who are guilty of "flash" mobbing; you might want to remember a certain group of people who just happen to be older and a little more melanin challenged. Thank you Mr. Smith.
You nailed it. But don't worry, I don't need any suggestions for how to stop
them. I know that only Obama's beige behind out of the people's house will quench their thirst for liberty.